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/femdom/ - Femdom

Those special girls and the guys who love them

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3f8d85 No.9307

Do you know the Stars of Antrana trilogy? It's a series of erotic fantasy novels very similar to John Norman's Gor but femdom. I would like to put my hands on these so much, but unfortunately they're paid.

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ebcee4 No.9308

File: 89b7940fefdbd86⋯.jpg (344.42 KB,800x527,800:527,the-new-barmaid.jpg)


> erotic fantasy novels very similar to John Norman's Gor but femdom

This sounds very interesting to me. I would love to read abut proper femdom worldbuilding and it being treated very seriously.

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3f8d85 No.9309


I love the idea of femdom worldbuilding too. It's very appealing to me.

This may be interesting too:


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