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/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

Gotta go fast

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File: 5bd43ed20aa4511⋯.jpeg (45.6 KB,570x608,15:16,Stealth's_Soy_Face.jpeg)

 No.4385 [Last50 Posts]

Post the news on anything Sonic, Sega, or Nintendo related. The title says it all

Previous Thread: >>2170

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File: e2a77742357fd76⋯.jpeg (64.6 KB,816x612,4:3,DmETr03U4AAvahB.jpeg)

File: 3b091aa0b6c0d48⋯.jpeg (59.06 KB,612x816,3:4,DmETsmmU8AEwxiR.jpeg)

File: 5520a68c700aa80⋯.jpeg (19.16 KB,717x209,717:209,DmETtPnUYAAdDtm.jpeg)

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Gameplay designer & physics programmer claims to be working on another project and that later this year something is going to happen w/ utopia. Possibly an update

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That’s some really neat stuff. Good for Stealth

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I hope we get to hear some more new music

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Oh hey, I didn't realize we had wrapped up another thread! It's always cool when we do that.


Does that mean he's going to host a panel or do a concert?

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The Japanese version says that he'll be on stage

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>mfw I just noticed the filename


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I can only hope it's a slip-up.

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I believe it's a new continuity entirely, right?

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File: 1d430a70e458ad1⋯.png (449.24 KB,800x428,200:107,this is fine (3).png)

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Surprised they even remember the birds.

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They need to keep updating the app to give people new things to do so that they don't get bored and ditch it, and to be able to make posts about it to make noise and reach new people. That's why these games usually involve so many characters, it's their business model.

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File: 9bc2858f97cfc0e⋯.jpg (56.77 KB,620x348,155:87,tumblr_pekcr8tj5f1rplhyso1….jpg)

File: b2a82613ba20024⋯.jpg (90.44 KB,720x960,3:4,41015340_2404089906282991_….jpg)

File: a8b6be48549ac1b⋯.jpeg (114 KB,1200x670,120:67,DmXKEXEUcAAua_A.jpg-large.jpeg)

Shelter Point Distillery's barley field will be featured in the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. In addition, the town of Ladysmith, British Columbia is slowly being transformed into the fictional Green Hills, Montana. While a big fight is slated to be filmed on First Avenue, some of the most dramatic scenes in the film are expected to be filmed from September 20-23, including a controlled car flip and a fireball.




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What does this mean?

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Either one of two things:

A) The film is a new branch of the franchise, ala Sonic Boom.

B) SEGA is retarded enough to try & reboot the whole series with the movie.

I'm leaning towards A, but I can totally see SEGA doing one or the other.

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File: a4842cae8a79911⋯.jpeg (8.26 KB,268x188,67:47,images.jpeg)


At this point their reboot attempts feel so common that we should have a "franchise reboot alert light" like planes had a "Godzilla attack" alert light in that Simpsons episode.

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Yeah because the problem with sonic is the lore and not the… ugh, they just dont get it.

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File: c49f01692bb5557⋯.jpeg (129.75 KB,1200x675,16:9,DmaV-p2W4AAORjA.jpeg)

File: e1b3cd2f012b48a⋯.jpeg (117.66 KB,1200x675,16:9,DmbYo_BVsAA241I.jpeg)

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Whoops I ment speed battle

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I'm curious, is there anyone who actively plays any of the current Sonic mobile games?

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I've tried, but they just don't entertain me

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Which ones have you tried, and which one did you like the most?

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>which ones have you tried

Runners Adventure, Speed Battle, and Dash

>which one did you like the most

Dash is the one that mainly kept my interest, but I haven't played it in months or maybe even a year.

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File: 69a80b4975a3b9e⋯.jpeg (627.99 KB,1536x2048,3:4,DmmMiwFV4AA9lI7.jpg-large.jpeg)

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File: 2f0338ec30de955⋯.jpeg (531.22 KB,1534x2048,767:1024,Dmmcx2dVAAASymW.jpg-large.jpeg)

The town of Ladysmith continues to transform into Green Hills, Montana as the Sonic the Hedgehog movie starts filming. Buildings in the film include the United States Postal Service, Jellee Donut Shop, Jack's Barber Shop, and the Green Hills Sherrif's Station; the middle two being repainted versions of a real-life fashion store.

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that donut shop name is a horrible pun

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It's crazy to think they're changing a town so much for a movie, at least for me. I never thought about someone doing that.


I don't get it.

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Jellee = Jelly

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File: 5b823a0f99ce286⋯.png (71.86 KB,184x211,184:211,1408594618823.png)


That's what I thought, but could that really be considered a pun?

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File: d7cd6e3fcd841e0⋯.jpg (165.87 KB,1200x900,4:3,Dmw1CYBUUAAAdfy.jpg)

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File: 9ffa14bf2d4ee64⋯.jpg (237.18 KB,1200x900,4:3,Dmw1CYAVsAAbr3T.jpg)

From September 10-14, Highway 19 will be closed between Horne Lake Road and Cook Creek Road as a chase scene with a pickup truck is filmed from from 6 AM to 9 PM daily.



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A listing in the South Korean Game Rating Board has revealed a new Puyo Puyo game coming for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, Puyo Puyo eSports.


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>implying it will be taken seriously by any existing eSports organization

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File: b7eb72d7bd14ee8⋯.jpg (37.83 KB,803x176,73:16,DnYpr-JW0AAB4I4.jpg)

Metal Sonic has been confirmed playable in Team Sonic Racing. In addition, Team Sonic Racing's release date is speculated to be in December 2018 based on an email sent to EGX.



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File: 21f7915839b4ef6⋯.png (3.59 MB,2934x2934,1:1,Ralph_Breaks_the_Internet_….png)

Gosh, it sure has been a while without any news. Anyway, for our first piece of information, more news has come out about Sonic's inclusion in Ralph Breaks the Internet (Wreck-It Ralph 2).

>Picking up after the end of Wreck-It Ralph, a child playing Sugar Rush, the game where Vanellope lives. somehow manages to break the game's steering wheel. While a child in the arcade finds a replacement steering wheel on eBay for $200, the wheel apparently costs more than arcade owner Stan Litwak says Sugar Rush makes in a year. Litwak decides the only option is to unplug Sugar Rush, leaving Vanellope devastated and homeless.

>Ralph attempts to cheer Vanellope up by giving her a place to live in his game, but she finds herself inconsolable. At the same time, Litwak decides to set up a Wi-Fi router in the arcade, which Ralph and Vanellope find out from Sonic leads to the Internet, where eBay is.

>Ralph and Vanellope travel through the power cables of the arcade into the router, labeled in the movie as "Wifi," and shoot themselves into the world of the Internet in pursuit of this "eBay."


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File: f3e3af0e9b7b98a⋯.jpeg (232.02 KB,807x1080,269:360,Do1tqKhXgAAgP57.jpg-large.jpeg)

As for the other piece of news for the day, it looks like Team Sonic Racing may have been delayed to 2019, according to an advertising booklet from IgroMir, a gaming convention in Russia.


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File: a07ec8e00fb1ef9⋯.png (9.35 KB,185x32,185:32,Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

In fact, it's being delayed to March 15, according to Micromania.


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If the game really is delayed, that'd make it the first time in ages that we've gone a full year without a full Sonic game being released.

If the delay is real, I hope it's Sumo Digital making the improvements TSR needs.

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2015 and 2016 were pretty bare as well, we only had Runners in 2015 and Fire & Ice in 2016. Granted, it's worse now since they haven't released anything at all, but those were two consecutive years where we only got a short lived mobile game and a handheld Sonic Boom game that people gave even less of a shit about than the mobile one.

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File: 6670540d5fb0b34⋯.jpg (793.35 KB,1800x1440,5:4,Completely_ALL_OFF_27_Grea….jpg)

Sega of Europe is moving its headquarters from London, England to Sofia, Bulgaria. The move will take two years with Sega Development Services Sofia fully opening on July 2020.

>That means it is "business as usual" for Sega's current QA team in Brentford, London. There will be no immediate redundancies, and staff will be given the opportunity to "relocate or contribute to the completion of this project in an important and meaningful capacity." Sega says the business is in 'active consultation' with the team. All QA roles within Sega Europe, with the exception of the localisation QA team, will be affected.

>The new division is motivated by Sega Europe's increased output and expansion, the company states. The firm's UK team looks over multiple Western studios, including Creative Assembly, Sports Interactive, Relic, Amplitude and Hardlight, and also supports Sega Networks, Team Sonic, Sega/Atlus and other external partners.

>Sega tells Gamesindustry.biz that Brexit, which is scheduled to take place next year, was not a factor in the move. "Bulgaria is a European leader for IT development, home to regional offices for some of the most renowned tech outfits in the world including IBM and Hewlett Packard and has a history of technological accomplishment and innovation," explained Gary Dale, president and COO of Sega Europe.

>"It's the perfect location to open what will become a best-in-class quality assurance operation with the capacity to expand. We're looking forward to the collaboration with the current UK team in London as we build this exciting operation in Sofia. Their expertise and passion for Sega and its diverse IPs will be invaluable throughout this process."


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I thought Sega's Europe operation was all but dismantled a few years ago.

>moving to Sofia, Bulgaria

>There will be no immediate redundancies


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Forgot to post it here too, but::

>Issue 10 of IDW Sonic has been delayed to October 31st

>TSR comic has been delayed to sometime in November, with no specific date given.

>Evan Stanley's gonna draw parts of issue 10

>Joe Hughes has left IDW as assistant editor & Megan Brown will be taking his place

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>contribute to the completion of this project in an important and meaningful capacity.

That's some fancy ass business talk for "get the fuck out" isn't it.

SoE seems mostly irrelevant anyway.

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Sounds like it.

>SoE seems mostly irrelevant anyway.

They are in charge of PC ports though.

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I used to work QA in that very building and leak confidential information about Sonic games.

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Oh? Like what?

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That Sonic 06 document which you can find here http://info.sonicretro.org/Game_Development:Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(2006_game) was me. There were other documents as well, detailing plans for DLC and multiplayer, but the file sizes for them were too large for me to smuggle out, thus I can't prove that point at all.

Also knicked a load of concept art for Super Monkey Ball Adventure, as if anyone gave a shit about that game.

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Oh shit, nice.

Anything else you never got to leak?

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File: d5ec952c6feb6eb⋯.png (672.19 KB,1114x635,1114:635,s.png)




What where the plans for DLC and multiplayer? How big was Sega planning 06 to be?

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>I used to work QA

My condolences. At least you got something out of it.

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File: 0ae23b40a47f553⋯.jpg (67.59 KB,640x640,1:1,43012135_293378021274176_2….jpg)

The Sonic the Hedgehog movie has finally finished filming. CGI production is likely soon to follow.


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god I hope the movie is good or at least decent

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File: e052d13d6ca71ea⋯.jpg (162.06 KB,1366x768,683:384,DqHxle3XgAA-X6_.jpg)

Storm, Halloween Shadow and Halloween Rouge are all coming to Speed Battle.

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File: af061436e84ffd1⋯.png (6.29 MB,1888x871,1888:871,New Characters Speed Battl….png)

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>rouge the only female character allowed feminine curves and thicker legs

This is so fucking annoying

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So the delay was trur after all.

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The UK and EU Sega Shops are finally open



They have a lot of Sonic merchandise. Not as much as the US Sega Shop though. It's mostly shirts and some Sonic Boom stuff.

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File: 602082d1695bd3a⋯.jpg (13.94 KB,292x315,292:315,1435516419266.jpg)


Well shit it's about god damn time.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A new course has been revealed for Team Sonic Racing: Boo's House, taking place in Sandopolis from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, featuring the titular and iconic King Boom Boo himself. Listen to the music and see a preview of the course for yourself in embed related.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka takes us behind-the-scenes at Tokyo Game Show to check out Team Sonic Racing.

>Team Sonic Racing will be the first kart racing game set in the Sonic universe on current consoles. In Team Sonic Racing, competing as a team is the most unique element of gameplay. We developed this game so that our fans could connect with friends around the world and experience victory as a team.

>I was inspired to start this project after watching my child play kart racing games with his friends. When battling friends, there would always be one that's excited and the others are unhappy. This didn't create the best experience. So, after witnessing that, I asked myself, "Why does this have to happen when playing with friends?" Based on that, I came up with a concept of everyone sharing a victory.

>We have a total of 21 tracks for fans to experience. Today, we introduced Wisp Circuit, Ice Mountain, and Market Street. We have a mix of all-new, original courses along with some fan favorites. We created many courses inspired from previous games and gave them a fresh, new look for Team Sonic Racing.

>Each character falls into three different class types. You can choose from either Speed, Technique, or Power. Each class brings something unique to the team. The most standard is to have one of each type: "Speed", "Technique", and "Power" to be on your team. Based on your playstyle, you can make any team combination. For example: Speed, Speed, Speed or even create a more aggressive team like Power, Power, Power. There are multiple ways you can set up your team.

>In Team Sonic Racing, my favorite character to play is Shadow. I really like his car. After multiple conversations with the designers and multiple variations, we were able to come up with a design that I, as a car enthusiast, thought was cool. His dialogue about discussing tactics with his team stays true to Shadow's personality.

>For a racing game, we knew we had to have some cool music that would influence the player's excitement while playing. That's when I thought of Jun Senoue, who previously worked on Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition. So that's why I asked Jun Senoue to work with us – because I really wanted to work with him again. Sonic is an action game-based character, so we released titles such as Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces, which are 2D and 3D-based action titles. But for this racing game, the concept of speed and Sonic were a perfect match. By creating games in new genres, people who don't know Sonic can experience him, too.

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>In Team Sonic Racing, my favorite character to play is Shadow.

Wouldn't have expected Iizuka to pick anyone else.

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Iizuka really loves his son

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Wouldn’t you? Arguably the most popular character second to the blue dude.

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>After multiple conversations with the designers and multiple variations, we were able to come up with a design that I, as a car enthusiast, thought was cool.

How crazy do you think he made those designers.

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That's kind of wholesome

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I absolutely would.

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I want someone to love me like iizuka loves shadow

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File: 419be84099c08c6⋯.png (69.75 KB,471x503,471:503,419be84099c08c69ad86bd3696….png)


>millions of people love some crappy cartoon character rather than you

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It's okay Sonic, people still love you.

Iizuka just loves Shadow more

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File: 28e59c1307b4f82⋯.jpg (80.61 KB,810x634,405:317,1539102943665(2).jpg)


Then why won't he make another Shadow game?

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Iizuka can't trust current Sonic Team to do his son justice.

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Yeah, I mean the first one is received so well. Can you imagine how much positive press a Shadow 2 would get?

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Yeah all those journalists really do decide how much money a video game makes, people only buy what the honest game journalists hock after all. You certainly understand how the world of video games sales works, especially when concerned with the gigantic Sonic market.

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If it's bad, then people will hate Shadow more. Iizuka doesn't want that.

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File: 7bf87d08a128dc1⋯.jpg (703.67 KB,1440x1440,1:1,20181129_165031.jpg)

Currently this product is a UK exclusive


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File: 1cd91088026b309⋯.jpg (215.25 KB,640x800,4:5,SonicMoviePoster.jpg)

New info on the Sonic the Hedgehog film has just come out:

>The production team behind the movie opted to go for a more realistic take on Sonic – down to his updated new kicks – than the more cartoony version we've seen in the past. The filmmakers consider Ted to be an appropriate analog for the upcoming Sonic movie’s integration of a CG character into a real-world setting.

>The first thing you’ll likely notice about the character is that he has fur – a bit of a no-brainer, considering what he is, but still a markedly different visual depiction of Sonic than what we’re used to. “That was always Stage 1 of adapting it to what the real world is and what a real animal would be like,” executive producer Tim Miller (director of Deadpool) said of giving Sonic fur. “It would be weird and it would feel like he was running around nude if he was some sort of otter-like thing. It was always, for us, fur, and we never considered anything different. It’s part of what integrates him into the real world and makes him a real creature.”

>Then there are the shoes. "We looked at every different variation of what shoes he's worn and we're trying to pay homage to that and also make it current and present day in what we think a Sonic of today would wear," producer Neal Moritz (producer of the Fast and the Furious franchise) told IGN.

>The most challenging part of Sonic’s updated design isn’t revealed in this teaser: his eyes. The filmmakers struggled with how best to depict Sonic’s eyes because often he’s only seen with one, and that wouldn’t translate well to the live-action movie.

>“I don’t think SEGA was entirely happy with the eye decision, but these sorts of things you go, ‘It’s going to look weird if we don’t do this.’ But everything is a discussion, and that’s kind of the goal, which is to only change what’s necessary and stay true to the rest of it,” said Miller. “He’s not going to feel like a Pixar character would because I don’t think that’s the right aesthetic to make it feel like part of our world.”

>There's also the question of how Sonic The Hedgehog will represent the title character's speed – one of his signature elements – within the movie. Post-production began about a month ago, so the special effects are still being finalized, but director Jeff Fowler – the movie’s resident Sonic superfan and internal defender of staying true to the character – knew from the start exactly how he wanted to visually represent Sonic's super-fast abilities. In fact, that was part of the original pitch to studios. Fowler, Moritz and Miller all worked on a test video for what they envisioned Sonic would be to show to their studio partners, and it revealed their early concepts for how the speed would work. (Coincidentally, they had asked Schwartz to sub in as the voice of Sonic in that test video, and he did such a great job that they ended up casting him for the role.)

>“The first thing you need to do is put limits on it. If you can do anything, nothing is special. For me, it’s always about keeping it grounded and keeping it realistic,” said Miller. “We had some time to figure out the speed: What it looks like, what it feels like for a character to do that and how it relates to our world. It took a little trial and error, but that’s animation in figuring out what the effect looks like and what it does to the rest of the world around it. The speed changes over time because he evolves, because he can’t do everything at the beginning of the movie. It’s finding the visual language and figuring out how it’s going to evolve over time.”


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I hate everything about this. Not just the design but this:

> The speed changes over time because he evolves, because he can’t do everything at the beginning of the movie.

so is this supposed to be some awful origin story? Why can't he go fast at the beginning? Tika said he was lazy. That's not Sonic. What the fuck

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That’s a really funny joke there.

A person this morning told me the exact same thing, but first he said: “Hi, I’m retarded!”

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File: 4c45e00455e7f50⋯.jpg (146.6 KB,749x987,107:141,DuLhFY6W0AA-zOh.jpg)


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File: 784f3f747678e71⋯.jpg (8.94 KB,399x388,399:388,1543561089419-b.jpg)


That's not real, it can't be…

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All that's missing is a dick & balls…

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…and San Francisco, Really Hollow Wood?!

I knew he was kind of a hippie, but this is appealing to a Happy Madison audience just by how stupid and contrived it is…

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The Sonic the Hedgehog movie now has a Twitter account at @SonicMovie. Follow it now for movie-related content and information.


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I'm still having trouble picturing Jim Carrey as Dr.Robotnik

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File: 9efa29ec64f1de9⋯.jpeg (998.44 KB,3508x1888,877:472,DxN-SGHVYAE604H.jpg-orig.jpeg)

File: ff6b67c66ee3490⋯.png (45.17 KB,526x159,526:159,Screen Shot 2019-01-18 at ….png)

Concept art for the new Frozen Junkyard stage in Team Sonic Racing, featuring an icy racetrack with Death Egg Robot sentinels from Sonic Forces. A new extended and remixed music track not from Team Sonic Racing is also set to arrive next Thursday on January 31.


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Damn, looks nice

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>next Thursday

>January 31.

are you from the future

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Guys I think I fucked up and it might come out on the 24th. Don't know for sure, though.

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SEGA doing another Sonic Mania sale is pretty cool, especially now that Denuvo's finally gone.

Out of curiosity, has Denuvo been removed from Sonic Forces yet?

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File: d7cefc9b7e777a5⋯.jpg (136.97 KB,1440x438,240:73,20190315_002522.jpg)


>Out of curiosity, has Denuvo been removed from Sonic Forces yet?



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Pfft. Disappointing, but not surprising unfortunately.

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Why would they remove it from one game but not the other?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New customization features have been revealed for Team Sonic Racing.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bingo Highway is confirmed for Team Sonic Racing, with a remix by Jun Senoue and chiptune artist TORIENA.

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Is this from the panel?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A new remix of the Theme of Knuckles from Sonic Mania Adventures by Tee Lopes and Jun Senoue has come out.

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File: 6d7d1b64d1fe7f4⋯.jpeg (75.11 KB,459x620,459:620,D1zP7H3XQAUB1lH.jpg-large.jpeg)

The B cover for IDW Sonic #16 by Jonathan Gray has been revealed.

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Sorta reminds me of some of those old Archie covers

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File: 66177479e1567fd⋯.jpg (50.36 KB,1000x1000,1:1,snchoimugbod_1024x1024@2x.jpg)

File: 9525c0f7073d410⋯.jpg (58.58 KB,1000x1000,1:1,snchoitsrfsht_1024x1024@2x.jpg)

File: d09faf630b29a05⋯.jpg (52.08 KB,1000x1000,1:1,snchoitsrsht_1024x1024@2x.jpg)

File: 3e6299cb4b9bd20⋯.jpg (39.91 KB,1000x1000,1:1,sncmkipinrc_1024x1024@2x.jpg)

File: 586a5acbaa1d73b⋯.png (2.06 MB,1224x1224,1:1,tsrpinteebundle_1224x.png)

You can purchase the Sonic Barrel of Doom Mug, Team Sonic Racing Froggy T-Shirt, Team Sonic Racing Exclusive T-Shirt, and Team Sonic Racing Enamel Pin on the Sega Shop.

NA/SA: https://shop.sega.com/collections/sonic-the-hedgehog

UK: https://segashop.co.uk/collections/sonic

Please keep in mind that the Team Sonic Racing Exclusive T-Shirt and Team Sonic Racing Enamel Pin are bundled together in the Team Sonic Racing Bundle for UK consumers.

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File: c3c2a4bd6472c3d⋯.jpeg (121.17 KB,1167x961,1167:961,D1zQkyUWkAAQ0xB.jpg-orig.jpeg)

Team Sonic Racing Original Soundtrack: Maximum Overdrive releases on Spotify day one.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The first part of the two-part Team Sonic Racing: Overdrive animation has been released.

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The tees are very nice, just wish they highlighted the characters a bit better in the TSR one since it's just too busy to tell at a glance otherwise.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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It's looking much better than before, isn't it? But with the gameplay we've seen I think it's actually not going to be very good.

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Doesn't look lie it's gonna be as good as Transformed, but at least the game does look like it's improved compared to where it was a few months ago.

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File: 2e87ade7c104c95⋯.png (22.03 KB,512x312,64:39,Official_LADbible_Logo.png)

Takashi Iizuka, head of Sonic Team and Vice President of Product Development, has taken part in an interview with LADbible, a news website. While most of the interview is standard, there are some notable quotes from Iizuka himself.

<On Team Sonic Racing's collaborative approach

>"We've had games like Overwatch and Splatoon for a while now, where it's really more of a team versus a team, more than everybody for themselves. It's that "team versus team" essence that I wanted to inject into a racing title, because really, racing games up until now have been about the individual; quite single-player focused. And by adding teamwork, you can advance what a racing title is and advance the genre."

<On Mania

>Iizuka-san feels that Mania was a vital turning point for the Sonic series, after a string of less-than-satisfactory releases that rather peaked, in terms of wretchedness, with 2014's Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric.

>"That was made for a TV show first and foremost, and a lot of the show's own animation team took the lead on the look of that game. I didn't really have a lot of control of that project. [But] post-Mania, I feel the character and the games have really turned a corner towards where we want it all to go."

<On the Sonic the Hedgehog movie

>"It's not a SEGA movie – we're not making it, or anything – and I'm only an advisor, really. But I do get shown things, and the [movie team] asks for my opinion. I'm also listening to what the fans are saying, and I'll feed that back to the director – he and the producers are very interested in receiving that feedback. At the end of the day, it's up to the team at Paramount to make something successful, but we're all looking forward to seeing the finished movie."

<On Nights

"So right now, Sonic is my main focus, but at some point, I'd love to return to Nights, as that was such a big part of my career. Sonic is very important to me, but Nights is very important to me, too. I really enjoy the game, so maybe in the future I can bring Nights back to people."


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Well I do hope mania is an actual turning point, and we start getting good games both in 2D and 3D

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Well here's hoping they actually mean it.

Sonic Mania being the turnaround where the series finally starts delivering in both 2D & 3D would be incredibly exciting, but we've heard similar statements from SEGA before.

And this interview more or less confirms the thoughts people have had that SEGA has next to no involvement with the movie.

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File: 939e0f9e3f0a666⋯.jpg (176.96 KB,1920x1080,16:9,facepalm.jpg)

File: 254c8cb3a03e5ff⋯.jpg (150.47 KB,1920x1080,16:9,facepalm2.jpg)


>Vice President of Product Development

Oh wow, is that a new title for Iizuka? Is that for all of Sega or just for Sonic?

>Team Sonic Racing comes out for the expected platforms on 21 May, and might not be the only Sonic game we see in 2019. Perhaps it's a quirk of translation - Iizuka-san speaks Japanese, I don't, so we converse through a very helpful middleman - but he makes a reference to there being Sonic titles, plural, in development right now.

I feel like he was mentioning the same thing he said at the SXSW panel, but on the other hand I can't help but wonder if there was more to the interview than that and he really did imply whatever they're developing is going to come out later this year.

>Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric.

>I didn't really have a lot of control of that project

Who did then?

>post-Mania, I feel the character and the games have really turned a corner towards where we want it all to go

What does that mean for Modern? I hope it doesn't mean more games in the direction of Forces, but then again what else could he mean?

>"It's not a SEGA movie – we're not making it, or anything – and I'm only an advisor, really

Didn't he say in a previous interview that he was supervising the movie? I'm sure I remember him making it sound like he had a lot more control over it before.

>At the end of the day, it's up to the team at Paramount to make something successful

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Some new voice actors have emerged for certain characters in Team Sonic Racing. While the game's credits don't say who is who, an anonymous source close to the game's production has thankfully notified TSSZ of the voice actors' roles.

Knuckles has went from

>Travis Willingham


>Dave Mitchell

Omochao and Blaze have went from

>Laura Bailey


>Erica Lindbeck

Omega has went from

>Vic Mignogna


>Aaron LaPlante

Silver has went from

>Quinton Flynn


>Bryce Papenbrook

Zavok has went from

>Travis Willingham


>Patrick Seitz

No word on whether these changes are permanent or exclusive to TSR.


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>Who did then?

The devs at Big Red Button, Bob Rafei and Stephen Frost?

Could go anywhere after Mania. By that I hope he means that they'll overhaul the alternate character gameplay in addition to the booster scripting, physics, and general level design philosophies,but they could just as easily double down on the 2.5D route without doing anything meaningful.


Not sure. Maybe he was referring to when Van Robichaux held the reigns during that point in production, but it's long since changed now.

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File: d0c4be06daffdcc⋯.png (691.42 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at ….png)

Phantasy Star Online 2 makes its Western debut on Xbox One and PC in Spring 2020.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 0030d3ae40c58de⋯.jpg (208.68 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Surfin'_Summer.jpg)

File: 16756d401c83a47⋯.jpg (80.94 KB,415x507,415:507,Nights.jpg)

The Sega Hardlight Twitter recently posted a 'Mural' of what seems to be a bird, my guess is toward it being new surfer costume for the Babylon Rogues.

In other News, SEGA of Japan has trademarked “Nights Dream Wheel”


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File: 110b69474a407dd⋯.jpg (13.75 KB,122x157,122:157,1410194900625.jpg)


>In other News, SEGA of Japan has trademarked “Nights Dream Wheel”

So… how would you feel if Iizuka/Sonic Team was working on a new Nights game?

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I'd be pretty okay with it, because it's something else for them to do than a boost sonic game or PuyoPuyo.

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It all depends, tbh. I think Iizuka or someone in SEGA talked about wanting to do a new NIGHTS title, so I would actually be interested in seeing how they pull it off.

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>dream wheel

inb4 it's a pachinko game

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File: ea70e640e26019e⋯.png (89.6 KB,599x461,599:461,Movie.png)

The Sonic Movie account on twitter has changed its description to reveal its new planned release, but yet the background image still tells us of its original release. Perhaps something might happen then or perhaps the person who runs the account is lazy.

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>March 2020

I thought the new release date was February 2020

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I honestly don't know at this point, but everything points toward another delay, unless the movie account says something about it.

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Everything we get lately gets delayed, the comics, TSR, the movie. It's gonna be shocking if the next game doesn't.

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File: 485d844a0d44fc8⋯.png (200.33 KB,1206x642,201:107,Wolf.png)

File: 217ed882fca9dfa⋯.png (253.37 KB,1206x642,201:107,Lemur.png)

File: be2507b21470e30⋯.jpg (111.33 KB,1128x708,94:59,BlackRobtheRuthless_On_DA.jpg)

2 new enamel pins were released of IDW original characters Tangle & Whisper quite earlier during comic con, but are now in the store for pre-order for their official release on the 30th. Another thing to note from this is that it is the first piece of merch released of Whisper.



The Sonic Crossover with the Cartoon Network show, "OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes" had a promo aired that showed some new footage, which can be elaborated on more in this article: https://www.sonicstadium.org/2019/07/check-out-more-footage-of-sonic-and-tails-in-ok-k-o/

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File: ccbe90593fbaa21⋯.webm (11.28 MB,640x360,16:9,OK KO Let's be Heroes - S….webm)


Roger's great at being cocky. So much meta humor. I hope they don't fuck over Tails in this, though, that would suck, but unfortunately that's looking somewhat likely now.

How long are the episodes in this show normally??

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File: f2aa53d0ab4e7a1⋯.jpg (68.76 KB,323x345,323:345,1428606137539.jpg)


Oh, and Colleen is fucking great in this.

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>How long are the episodes in this show normally??

I think around 15 minutes, but since its a special it'll be 30 minutes. both including commercials

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Nice, that's pretty long! Boom was only 10 (not counting commercials) if I remember correctly.

I don't think other characters will show up given that Sonic is a guest, but what do you think?

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File: 48242ecf1fbee53⋯.png (96.03 KB,500x696,125:174,tumblr_ovw62rsbXl1uruoe9o1….png)


I forgot to type that I think its 30 minutes

>I don't think other characters will show up given that Sonic is a guest, but what do you think?

My money goes toward eggman being in it, because the villain of the show is a fellow inventor. I can't think of any other characters appearing as both K.O. are adventurous fellows, and both Dendy (K.O.'s best friend) and Tails are very tech savvy. Not many characters come to mind to fit within this show unless they're in the background.

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File: e6bf5eade137856⋯.png (103.91 KB,599x461,599:461,SonicMovie.png)

File: 5f45120718815d7⋯.png (18.34 KB,630x931,90:133,Release Dates Per Region.png)


> both K.O. are adventurous fellows

meant to say both Sonic and K.O.

Also the Sonic Movie twitter account changed the description to say the February release. My guess is that the people running the account got it mixed up with some other regions release

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