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/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

Gotta go fast

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File: e2d8637ef4d2efa⋯.jpg (215.99 KB,1024x546,512:273,1419542179206.jpg)

File: 83f7d1a1334564c⋯.jpg (452.39 KB,2150x2150,1:1,EMNKQdJUwAEOB9Y.jpg)

File: 99f444369f9e5ca⋯.jpeg (362.95 KB,1536x2048,3:4,EMjwRlrVAAERpD_.jpeg)

File: 1533931fe5cb61a⋯.jpg (214.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,54281267_p2.jpg)

 No.18561 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General! Here we discuss all things Sonic!

/sthg/ #33 - Happy Holidays! Edition

>Sonic News<

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: Tokyo 2020 is out now on Nintendo Switch!

Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie set to release on February 14, 2020

IDW Sonic Issue #24 to release on Christmas Day

Chao In Space Animation Released


Sonic X Season 3 to finally air in Japan:


Sega Animation director hints at more game tie-in shorts


New IDW Sonic mini-series confirmed after Tangle & Whisper is finished.


IDW Sonic Annual 2020 Covers revealed


Mario & Sonic "Fun Takes Off" Trailer


Sonic at the Olympic Games: Tokyo 2020 Trailer


Classic Sonic is in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD


"Can You Feel the Sunshine" Remix by Tee and Mariana Lopes feat. Jun Senoue (and Richard Jacques)


"Splash Hill Zone Medley" Remix by Tee Lopes & Jun Senoue


New Sonic Movie trailer, intl. version including more footage



New Sonic Movie posters




>General Interest Links<

General link compilation


/sthg/ booru


/sthg/ cytube


IDW Comics


Previous Zone: >>17906

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File: 33dd2f67467d3ef⋯.gif (1.29 MB,344x245,344:245,79785409.gif)

Wonderful job, OP.

Happy Holidays, /sthg/!

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File: e28604374be43e3⋯.png (590.84 KB,1920x1200,8:5,wallpaper_121_shadow_09_pc.png)

Merry Christmas you fags. I hope Santa brings you lots of Sonic merch and some speed to this place

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Thanks, anon. Hopefully the next year can bring us some announcements for the next game, or a rip for the Sonic movie that I can play in the cytube

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File: 93fe9983ffb8cde⋯.jpg (74.42 KB,490x327,490:327,information_191223_01_03.jpg)

File: 74f0fb696844def⋯.jpg (91.57 KB,490x327,490:327,information_191223_01_02.jpg)

File: 568ff77eca7b16c⋯.jpg (198.1 KB,810x540,3:2,information_191223_01_01.jpg)

File: 1226dda79e37adf⋯.jpg (432.54 KB,1000x560,25:14,EMcoQhyVUAAweOs.jpg)

File: 88123b2f440e1de⋯.jpg (304.27 KB,2048x1538,1024:769,EMjImJTUwAA5CHv.jpg)

Some pictures from SegaSammy's (remodeled?) JP offices. That Sonic statue is really well done, seems Jun just couldn't avoid molesting it.

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What references did you spot? I feel dumb.

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File: dadc119b7f5b0b5⋯.jpg (97.4 KB,612x765,4:5,my heart melts for you.jpg)

Merry Christmas, anons. Enjoy yourselves!

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File: 9dd87b21abfe646⋯.jpg (119.21 KB,885x929,885:929,EMlOKN4XUAImTCs.jpg)

>tfw have to go to a meeting

I just wanted to stay home shitposting with anons.

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File: 09b715e95e165d6⋯.jpg (127.93 KB,1024x768,4:3,909569.jpg)

File: f77953f7f7f90e6⋯.gif (809.89 KB,1800x2100,6:7,Santa_icon.gif)


Oof, that sucks to hear. But look at the bright side, sooner you get the meeting done, the sooner you can come back here!


The reference is really Sonic's santa outfit, which is the same as an old Sonic Channel artpiece they did around Christmas back then.

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I always loved that xmas sonic. The Santa hat and coat looks perfect on him

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Agreed. It really compliments Sonic look & imo, the world needs more Christmas Sonic art

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File: f086f506920c3c9⋯.png (323.19 KB,901x950,901:950,1528306709575.png)

How muchd id you trink /sthg/? beh onest.

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Uhh, anon? Are you okay?

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None. I rarely if ever drink, even for special occasions

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I'm a big loser and don't drink alcohol. Either way, it was a nice night.

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File: b331879cc25f7db⋯.jpg (974.68 KB,2000x2000,1:1,comic4.jpg)

File: bda44e3f3781867⋯.jpg (985.44 KB,2000x2000,1:1,comic3.jpg)

File: cc0953164ddd5c3⋯.jpg (992 KB,2000x2000,1:1,comic2.jpg)

File: 8c7215065dec5ca⋯.png (2.11 MB,2000x2000,1:1,comic1.png)

Gee, Mighty! How come they let you have TWO dads?

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Whoops, the images were posted in the opposite order. Oh, well.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No one's going through any Hard Times

this Christmas, I hope,

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File: da66dd5fb4cb616⋯.jpg (32.03 KB,400x400,1:1,6y9GqdK2.jpg)


>That Charmy bullying

Rude, but I chuckled

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File: 18e77dd016f7e24⋯.jpg (283.46 KB,907x1250,907:1250,080-12.jpg)


Fleetway is a blessing.

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File: 39948f36ae30344⋯.jpg (49.64 KB,472x472,1:1,1509323380553.jpg)



Me neither


Absolutely rude!


>mfw trying to make sense of this before reading this post

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File: ee8f01f66385b57⋯.jpg (20.16 KB,328x212,82:53,1407893877589.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Post your christmas jams.

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File: 0cc697a583b3281⋯.jpg (46.01 KB,252x252,1:1,comfyanon.jpg)


This brings back memories.

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Yeah, I don't really know why did the images get posted like that. Hope it doesn't ruin the small story for everyone, heh.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sonic's winter levels all have amazing music, but I fee like this one is kinda underrated

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Indeed. This game's music is so good.


This one has always been odd to me because I hear it and recognize it, yet the song itself never comes to my mind when I think of SA's Icecap.

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File: e451f332aa16d16⋯.jpeg (394.18 KB,2150x2150,1:1,EMmSA-dUwAAxCHH.jpeg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The memories of when I got my first Sonic game for Christmas, 17 years ago.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Time flies…

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Fuck yeah. Funny enough, Sonic Advance always reminded me of the old Sonic Flash game that I used to play all the time on Newgrounds back in the day. Still pretty fun, tbh

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I know it's just a take on a classic Christmas song but it's nice being able to hear it in Station Square.


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Niiice. I am so glad that old Adventure DLC isn't lost anymore too

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>it's been 21 years since I first played this game on the Genesis

Where did the time go?

Oh, and Merry Christmas /fast/!

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File: ba4fd3d7f77d644⋯.gif (968.5 KB,480x320,3:2,90136E40-9669-429D-9C2E-39….gif)


So Sonic Extreme with an “E” that racing game pitch that pre dated Riders was given a second shot of sorts by a few guys, (the interviewee is a former Backbone employee) as a GBA title to complement Riders. Turned down due to wanting Riders to be as cutting edge as possible in 3D, despite aping Outrun to compensate for not being a fully 3D game.

Maybe the guys had more experience with the GBA platform because it might have made more sense to make it for the PSP or even the DS at the time, although the scheduling may have also contributed to that. They also were responsible for the Outrun GBA port, so that would have made sense for them to reuse it for such a small timeframe. (Although the PC port of Riders came out months to even a year after the console versions)

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>we could have had an Outrun / Hang On style Sonic racing game

I wonder if anyone has hacked one of those games and replaced the sprites with Sonic before

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>make it for the PSP

Now that I think about it, has the Sonic series done anymore PSP games beyond the Rivals titles?


Merry Christmas, anon!

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>Unfortunately, this is probably all there is to discover on this short-lived project

I am completely certain there are people hunting for this demo as we speak.

>although the scheduling may have also contributed to that

3 months of production sounds insane.

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File: b659336820ef36f⋯.jpg (88.67 KB,526x581,526:581,81207151_2709868735772507_….jpg)

Here's some of cards JP fans sent to Iizuka, I love stuff like this.

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File: e50d249712f9974⋯.jpg (114.56 KB,640x482,320:241,1577301489422.jpg)


>ComicBook.com: Do you think the popularity of these shorts could eventually lead to a full on show in the same style? Is the world ready for another animated Sonic TV show?

>Yukio Kusumoto: I think the world is definitely ready for another TV show, and I would love to work on it. There are several discussions and this is coming from me personally […] I would love Sonic to continue, so I'll keep trying to put more stuff out there.

it probably doesn't mean anything but it could mean something

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this part stands out to me as strange

>the part that sticks out to me the most is

>ComicBook.com spoke with Yukio Kusumoto, Sega's Director of Animation, earlier this year, and while the majority of that conversation – largely about Sonic Mania Adventures and the like – has previously been published, an unpublished-until-now answer tackles whether the time is right for another animated Sonic the Hedgehog show.

That last line. Why did they not publish this part until now? Did Sega not allow them to because of Chao in Space or something? Or maybe did comicbook.com push this out today for some easy hits on their website? A title like that is sure to bring people in.

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File: d0e0684b9f6a7bc⋯.jpg (14.58 KB,108x164,27:41,implying (2).jpg)


>and the upcoming film certainly seems to be a chance to reinvigorate the franchise once more


I swear to god if the fucking movie takes the next chance at a Sonic animated TV show I will send Sonic gore to Sega every month.

>ComicBook.com spoke with Yukio Kusumoto, Sega's Director of Animation, earlier this year

I knew this reminded me of another article, but I went ahead and tracked down the original article (http://archive.is/8IUxG) and I don't think that one was it. I remember a similar phrase being said by someone at Sega at some point, so it doesn't come out as surprising, but it's retarded that they withheld this comment from their own interview.


>Or maybe did comicbook.com push this out today for some easy hits on their website

Doesn't sound smart to withhold something like this just to publish it on Christmas (where I assume people would be paying attention to other stuff).

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File: dcf404b499eaadd⋯.png (338.81 KB,764x570,382:285,Getting tired of your shit….png)


>Another Sonic TV show

So this begs the question: 3D or 2D animated?

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I'd prefer 2D. So far all these animations were also 2D, so I imagine that has somewhat higher chances, but a whole TV show is a different beast so I imagine they would have all the options in mind. I hope if they do go ahead with this and they create something that's actually good, they learn from the Boom TV show and don't fuck it up this time.

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File: eb26d66a1a6d089⋯.jpg (336.57 KB,1292x951,1292:951,EMpfXMgX0AEcyBW.jpg)

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File: 0ce5264def87b73⋯.jpg (80.85 KB,510x501,170:167,CuteAmy.jpg)



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Hope y’all are having a nice holiday

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File: 7101d71660051ae⋯.jpg (4.17 MB,5000x3000,5:3,7101d71660051aea8c38dced15….jpg)


Same to you, anon.

And a nice happy holiday to all of the other folks in here

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File: eb53e69b8183020⋯.jpeg (161.31 KB,1181x1283,1181:1283,EMpiy6dUUAAzQeR.jpeg)

File: 46fa42e76427af1⋯.jpeg (188.54 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Du9C7QGVAAAEhHD.jpeg)

File: 28c4db718752d2b⋯.jpeg (66.85 KB,800x473,800:473,EMnorQjUYAEFWpj.jpeg)

File: 73d042aab78b7c3⋯.jpeg (157.87 KB,740x988,185:247,EMnaB4HU0AAbsDw.jpeg)

File: b859067b5ccea65⋯.jpeg (94.63 KB,759x850,759:850,EMl5bCCU8AAjEZF.jpeg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know this support to be comfy thread, but this video is alright. I disagree with like the twitter being the cause the poor writing in the game (i blame the writer themselves) and personal you still have more light-base and comedic sonic and still be good. But at least, this is a really good look on a worse-case sonario scenario.

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*of the poor writing

* in the game

*i blame the writers themselves

*you can have a more light-base and comedic sonic and still be good.

also fuk you 8kun, let me delete my post

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While I do agree with some of the points the vid mentioned, yeah, the Sonic twitter isn't really at fault for the current state of the series' writing. Especially when we've had a lot of the same writing team since 2010, before the twitter really became what it is now.

That being said, I've noticed that SEGA has been doing more & more Adventure-era pandering lately, which makes me wonder if they're gonna start leaning into that time period for the Modern games, since Mania already appeals to the Genesis-era fans.

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File: 1005024181a848f⋯.jpg (18.89 KB,200x336,25:42,1410793142080.jpg)


>half hour opinion video from some youtuber


>which makes me wonder if they're gonna start leaning into that time period for the Modern games

I wouldn't be too bothered, I don't really have much of a preference as long as they make it fun and avoid retarded things, which would be a concern with whatever they make anyway. It'd be specially sad if they think they can pull a Mania-like move only to have it fall flat on their faces.

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Honestly if I learned anything lately it's not to trust the English localization when it comes to anything plot related.

Some games are probably more accurate to the original script than others, but I swear the number of complaints from fans would be lower if they stopped changing shit for no reason. Complaints about change in tone because JP lore in the manuals for the Classic games was removed and tons of Western only content, Creating new plot holes in Adventure that weren't in the original script, adding memes to games from the last decade, and even Forces doesn't escape this. So no, I don't blame the Twitter at all even if it might have influenced how people view Sonic. But they already saw his series as a joke, so I don't care what they think anymore. It's funny seeing reviews from before 2005 praising Sonic, and yet magically these same games get worse ratings post 2006. The fans encouraged some of the anti Sonic attitude too, half of the time they were harsher than the actual reviewers. So instead of a bunch of varying quality games with Sonic and Friends we get a few titles per decade with big gaps.

I don't mind them making new content for the west, but it's frustrating seeing a series you think English would be the main source for end up being yet another case of screwed by localization and the expectations set by fans of the localization. The Japanese fan art and blog posts are so nice too, it makes me wonder how many Sonic fans are even in Japan.

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File: 5ddc48477fc075c⋯.png (7.87 KB,248x192,31:24,ClipboardImage.png)

This day, on 2008, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit) was released on the Wii Virtual Console in Europe.

I personally never played this one, but I still remember how everyone thought Infinite was going to be the Tails from the bad ending of this game.

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I've never played any of the 8bit games so far, how are they? Are the maps different from their 16bit counterparts?

>I still remember how everyone thought Infinite was going to be the Tails from the bad ending of this game.


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>Implying you can't agree with someone

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File: 690097f9d93493d⋯.jpg (458.79 KB,900x604,225:151,EMOi57fUEAE2brX.jpg)

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File: 7d2ad87a9df6c3d⋯.png (1.19 MB,1000x699,1000:699,commission__a_simple_chris….png)

Did you get anything cool for christmas?

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Some people speculated that in another dimension, Tails managed to escape but was angry at Sonic for not saving him, turning into infinite.

As stupid as it might sound, it would have been more interesting that the excuse for a backstory we recieved.

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Not really, just common clothes.

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Yes, the gift of seeing family members again after a long time. But on a less cheesy note, not really. Got a gift card and some slippers

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That is a lovely Amy.

Makes me wish we got more alternate outfits for characters like Amy, it'd make sense especially since shopping is said to be one of her habits

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File: 111a241b68ff932⋯.png (26.37 KB,256x192,4:3,shopping.png)


Dumb pink rat is too cute. Alternate outfits when done well look great.

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File: df4379177c4c276⋯.png (128.5 KB,349x623,349:623,09f455ddf400207cd9af02bfac….png)


It's a real shame TSR didn't get any dlc, it was the perfect opportunity for alternate costumes.


Hey, more clothes is always a good thing!


Sounds like you had a lovely time with your family.

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File: 095caf6caf0ce4d⋯.jpg (148.3 KB,1201x1080,1201:1080,EMwDyR7UUAEYFA6.jpg)

So apparently, this is getting posted around, but I have no idea of it's real or fake

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File: 5977611dc0791dd⋯.jpg (21.73 KB,300x300,1:1,do not want.jpg)


It looks cute on the thumbnail but when you zoom in you can see how bad it is.

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Is it bad? The only slightly creepyish part is how dilated the pupils are, but it legit just looks like a cute baby of Sonic. Nothing about it makes me terrified like I likely would have been with pre redesigned Sonic.

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Is that Emerl or a similar robot designed like him?

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File: a7f64b8618140b5⋯.jpg (196.28 KB,816x612,4:3,1408418841068.jpg)


That's Fixit!

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I see. He looks like a helper bot. Who did he primarily serve / help?

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I don't remember exactly, it was long ago. I think he stuck around with Omega and Rouge? but he wasn't even around that long. So if I'm right it sounds like he might have been with GUN. If there's an actual archiefag around they might be able to explain better.

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File: 5c16128e5bf624b⋯.mp4 (9.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,bbsonic.mp4)


The hands are tiny and creepy too, same with the eyes (not just the pupils). The way the muzzle blends with the eyes is really creepy as well. The eyes are so round… I don't want to keep staring at this man.


Here's a rip. From 00:15 to 00:23 it looks very much like Modern GHZ in Generations doesn't it?

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I misread the original post, thought he was going to end up like Tails.

>Tails managed to escape but was angry at Sonic for not saving him, turning into infinite

How did people come up with this theory, lol, that's quite far fetched.

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Been a while since I read post-reboot, but Fixit was basically a helper bot to another character named Relic, who mostly hung around Knuckles on Angel Island doing archaeology.


Apparently, you also hear some Mania music in the trailer!

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File: 01fcaea389bd6f2⋯.jpeg (1.71 MB,2100x1624,75:58,EMt3mfZXsAIuSME.jpeg)

File: 1589a484b8ba7f5⋯.jpeg (204.12 KB,675x900,3:4,EMY_m5pUcAEVX-V.jpg:orig.jpeg)

#24 storytime when

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Funny you mention that, I'll be storytiming #24 in just a few minutes in the IDW thread!

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File: 623d2028661a032⋯.png (26.45 KB,160x163,160:163,1460515695980.png)


How lucky I was totally planning on staying up and not going to bed

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File: a168ff518c5a3dc⋯.jpg (102.45 KB,1024x767,1024:767,B-Xzm80CEAAJMyQ.jpg)

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It was reaching to try to explain the initial "tails is infinite theory".

Thats all it is, since infinite had some features that made him look somewhat like Tails insane theories came about.

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Has anyone heard anything about the new Mario & Sonic Olympics game? It released recently but I haven't seen even a single comment about it.

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No one cared. I think basically is in real hate mode and only care about the next major mainline game to see the direction SEGA is commenting to take, which either means oldfans leave for good or we get some Adventurepandering game or something.

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Sorry I took so long, but here's the storytime!


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I'll probably get it when it goes on sale at some point. I haven't played one since the Wii.

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People don't seem to talk a whole lot about the Mario & Sonic titles, outside of some animations at least. The 2020 one probably flew under the radar for a lot of people

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Yuji Naka comments on he design: https://twitter.com/SonicJPNews/status/1210475790716026882

>"Baby Sonic? Is this the mystery of Sonic's birth? I wanted Hollywood to make Sonic cool, but they show lots of cute sides and it's a pity. The movie could have been the perfect opportunity. I wonder if this kind of advertisement is Japan exclusive."

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File: a437a34876b812c⋯.gif (87.27 KB,308x505,308:505,1414718571121.gif)

>finally weekend

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And to think, 2019 is nearly over! Which means we're not too far from the next game announcement.

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I wonder if there's some sort of chart showing when each game was first announced. I get the feeling they're more prone to announcing games the same year of release considering they release at the end of the year so they still have a full year to advertise it.

Also what are the chances of them pulling off a Sonic Forces move and working only the last year on the game?

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Honestly? I dunno how the game itself may turn out, but the biggest reason Forces was mostly developed in the final year before its release came down to them spending 3 years making the Hedgehog Engine 2 for the PS4/XBOX One generation of consoles.

Unless they plan on putting the new title on the PS5/XBOXSX & are gonna make a Hedgehog Engine 3, we may not get them pulling a Forces this go-around.

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File: 2d8a2c041b76faa⋯.png (155.56 KB,850x696,425:348,EGNHSAnUcAESeRU.png)

File: 7d4b4199fe7252e⋯.jpeg (79.17 KB,972x850,486:425,EH0Z0_nUEAABoTC.jpeg)

File: 7c9c7c38d4dc878⋯.jpeg (117.23 KB,1000x699,1000:699,EG64Er2VUAI2EEu.jpeg)


The Hedgehog Engine is just a lightning engine, I don't think it being in development would have blocked the rest of the team from working on the game itself. In any case, I just hope their time was actually well spent and they can capitalize on their investment on the Hedgehog Engine for the next game. I was never very impressed with the graphics on Forces, I hope they can deliver for the next game but I don't think that's going to happen if they aim to release the same game on the Switch. Speaking of this, it's crazy these days to think that for Unleashed they went through the trouble of having 2 different 3D console games made so that they could release a better version on the more powerful consoles. They can barely release one game every 4 years now.

>Unless they plan on putting the new title on the PS5/XBOXSX

God I hope they don't do one of those dumb things they do and try to change the whole game at the last minute to make it work in a system it was not designed to be played on.

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File: ca0616051899d87⋯.gif (2.5 MB,320x151,320:151,I GOT YOUR LIMIT RIGHT HER….gif)


I agree that the HE shouldn't have stopped the rest of the team from working on Forces, but IIRC, that is exactly what ended up happening.

Truth be told, I have no clue what to expect from the next title. Outside of stalwarts like Iizuka, Ohtani & Jun, there's no real telling who SEGA is gonna put together to work on the next game & with the new consoles dropping around 2020/2021, I can see SEGA wanting a Sonic title to go along with the new generation.

2021 is also gonna be the 30th anniversary, so I can imagine they're going to want some kind of big game (or maybe games?) for that year.

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File: f26b7e91ea622c0⋯.jpg (100.01 KB,518x340,259:170,comfy.jpg)

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Honestly I wouldn't mind if they did it like the Wii era where Wii got it's own titles and PS and Xbox got the more intense titles. They could try a different title using more of the Switch's features and co op in mind. Although considering the team is already smaller than it used to be it's probably not a good idea.

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Ideally, the Switch getting its own unique titles would actually be pretty cool. But unless I'm mistaken, Sonic games actually sell the best on Nintendo systems nowadays, so they probably don't wanna have that audience miss out on the big mainline games.

Although they could do what they did with Unleashed & have a different team do a version of the game on the Switch

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 6855d95ed239c94⋯.gif (305.22 KB,450x338,225:169,rocking.gif)


Mystic Ruins looking beautiful

Not saying SEGA needs to hire this guy, but I would love more vids like this

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File: f883fae42997fc9⋯.mp4 (140.47 KB,214x214,1:1,tails mini robot.mp4)

Slow. Also this looks cool.

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File: 5094efb73e72402⋯.jpg (314.78 KB,848x675,848:675,1560804928887.jpg)


Looks cool indeed, but I haven't seen much praise for the Tails games. I have yet to try them out myself, though.

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I've heard a few people like it but yeah, it gets overlooked a lot. Same with a lot of Game Gear games in that sense

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File: 78e2edf53bbd61e⋯.jpeg (165.96 KB,1215x1500,81:100,EM6-23GWwAEBzxj.jpeg)

File: 61612537d769c12⋯.png (62.99 KB,144x183,48:61,1426279899149.png)

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File: c1ab3402a5c2101⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20191225_234547.jpg)

File: 986e934d5a753ce⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,3264x2448,4:3,20191225_234209_HDR.jpg)

File: 9def7877add08b2⋯.jpg (7.26 KB,480x360,4:3,baby Sonic.jpg)


I replayed the Last Story of Sonic Heroes after doing a run of Super Hard Mode to commemorate the day I first beat the game for Christmas 15 years ago.

When i first got my PS2 in 2002, it didn't come with a memory card until after I got Heroes, so I replayed it quite a bit without saving; even beat Team Rose's story in a day that way. In hindsight, I should have asked for that memory card a lot earlier but I do not come from a well off family.



What, no CD Batman Sonic in the novie?

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Normally Unreal videos feel off to me but Mystic Ruins is probably the exception due to it already fitting that vibe.

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Was this made with the original movie Sonic design in mind? Because the chin area still looks very odd compared to what he was gonna look like

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File: 631a3aaccd14f03⋯.png (70.56 KB,251x192,251:192,1561078126553.png)


I suffered the same cardless hell with Sonic Unleashed. I would never get too far after first arriving to Spagonia.

Hope you had a good time!

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File: c2c4f046b02978e⋯.png (309.01 KB,704x580,176:145,dd8k3mx-f0b322b5-32aa-4753….png)



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File: e7ef8fc1aee52cf⋯.jpg (202.15 KB,1500x1500,1:1,81E0O3n9hXL._SL1500_.jpg)


Seems retouched now that you mention it. The "gloves" are there, but I think the shoes are not the current version and the nose is still the way it was before the redesign (it got stretched out to look more like actual Sonic's). On the other hand, the quills on the back seem to be the current model which I find weird because it seems it'd be something impossible to change once it's made a certain way.

(un?)fortunately I don't have any pictures of the first design I'm just going from memory.

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Thanks, I did too.

Never thought someone else had a similar experience in that way on the board.

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I had a similar problem but with the PS1, though I never had any Sonic games for it. I had a friend that used to come over the weekends and we would do an all nighter playing games so that we could finish them over the weekend. I miss him

Did PS3s also need memory cards? That sounds silly.

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No, ps3 has internal memory iirc

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I think the other anon was referring to the PS2 version of Unleashed.

In other news:

A certain Echidna returns to the ring, but he's…not quite himself:


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File: 333f6e611a4ee42⋯.jpg (352.81 KB,1038x540,173:90,1558492265687.jpg)


>jobs on the first round

That's our knuckles!

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Oops, apparently it will be in January

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>tfw joined and he was already lying on the ground

Rougher than the rest of them, they said.

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File: 928abc237e6d71d⋯.jpeg (259.22 KB,1400x1050,4:3,EM7ckzBUYAE7eJ7.jpeg)

File: b68a1ac79158e37⋯.jpeg (170.88 KB,955x756,955:756,EM7clImU8AAgT7o.jpeg)

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Also TIL abut the Sonic Adventure 2 fan game that released BEFORE the real SA2.

What's the first fan game you can recall playing, /sthg/?

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Ultimate Sonic if it counts

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Ultimate Flash Sonic? That's actually the same for me, I remember playing the hell out of that game around the 2000s & it still holds up pretty well.

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I have never played a Sonic fangame

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File: f9ecf84ffcdd287⋯.png (4.6 MB,3096x3948,258:329,RandomGloves_EliseSonic_Co….png)


Srb2. I didn't had internet so my first contact with it was from a cd that included 100+ "games" that I bought at a shady magazine stand.


You're honestly missing out.

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Nice. Do you recall which version of SRB2 did you play?

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which version of SRB2 you played*

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>Sonic Adventure 2 fan game that released BEFORE the real SA2

Damn, fans were really dedicated even that long ago. Is there any non-cancerous video that showcases the fangame?

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I don't know what version it was. Castle Eggman was the final level, it had the old layout and the NiGHTS special stages weren't a thing. Also I remember there was an Invader Zim level and character for multiplayer mode.

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File: 7ba4bd4ea08dea9⋯.png (305.47 KB,316x434,158:217,cyanide gas jesus.png)

>last day of the year

>in roughly one day, we'll be on the same year the movie premieres

>it's actually just about 1 month and change until it does premiere

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's only one vid I know of that shows it, but I've never sat down & watched it.

I know it was also talked about on the SFGHQ

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File: 7f9ad9cc800840a⋯.png (36.34 KB,281x331,281:331,booru2.png)

File: 65f8d087a6b8ab1⋯.jpg (178.07 KB,529x400,529:400,1439772817878.jpg)

File: dfd06839f1068af⋯.png (762.81 KB,1278x1100,639:550,1419574381095.png)

File: 290001e689935dd⋯.gif (381.61 KB,480x270,16:9,1468437403362.gif)

File: 6971c2388c5ed93⋯.jpg (129.27 KB,1347x1173,449:391,1467766862025.jpg)

This thread is lacking Bump.

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File: 7e5e85f578d4602⋯.jpg (120.33 KB,1200x675,16:9,EMyGGmvUEAA9__L.jpg)

New image from Japanese Sonic Twitter

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File: 6f212666e0c3598⋯.png (1.65 MB,1293x1048,1293:1048,f7ba33fb78539943aeeed14ae7….png)

File: 8179a6a032a63dc⋯.png (1.2 KB,151x106,151:106,8179a6a032a63dc7e7941be81f….png)




Damn, you right

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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File: 2f05e9458ecda24⋯.gif (160.23 KB,400x200,2:1,SonicGenerationsLoadingScr….gif)


Is that a new render? I like it! though if you don't look closely it looks like Sonic has lipstick

I really, really like Sonic's silhouette

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File: 605b374437d3cf8⋯.png (243.31 KB,614x574,307:287,of.png)

File: 9a803e2bdc1cb58⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,vid.mp4)


Some are saying there are clues in this video but I haven't been able to find anything.

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File: 7961717e8e0dbd6⋯.png (549.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,vlcsnap-2019-12-31-14h13m1….png)


>Here's to the next chapter

>Pic related has "This next chapter belongs to you" only at this point


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That looks very nice and smooth so I got confused and thought it was another level in Project Hero.


>hint was that clearly written

I guess I'm just blind then.


You sound disappointed, anon.

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File: de4f1a745bfda1e⋯.gif (87.07 KB,192x197,192:197,1494539945297.gif)



there's hints everywhere

>a glimmer of a flame

>growing with each success

>enduring every challenge

>with this, my last puzzle

>remember the words

>igrus aurum probas

>this next chapter belongs to you

what the fuck is going on here

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>You sound disappointed, anon.

Actually. the opposite. I was thinking for the ones that would take that at face value as a yet another "pandering" thing and whatnot. But 4/sthg/ already pointed out there's 7 of these messages. it's not just on one Mania clip. So hopefully it's just them saying thanks for all the support and we'll move forward with the content we released as a guide into the future.

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Happy new decade!

I'm looking forward to the future!

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and also

>it began in 2015

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File: 02769b56a95c03e⋯.jpg (723.29 KB,1920x1200,8:5,027.jpg)

File: 17c338a23ec68ec⋯.jpg (102.61 KB,712x1091,712:1091,ENJAzAOWoAAiA8H.jpg)


>It began in 2015

The only two big changes Sonic got in 2015 (that I remember) was Aaron returning to SEGA & development on Sonic Mania beginning. Also, in regards to the igrus aurum probas quote, pic related.

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>development on Sonic Mania beginning

Wasn't that 2016?

>pic related

Deep. Between that and the first three phrases (a glimmer of a flame, growing with each success, enduring every challenge) I get the feeling it means something good is coming despite everything we've had to endure these years, but I know better than to believe their lies. It could also mean we're going to have to endure some suffering (movie?) before things improve.

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According to wikipedia, Whitehead started work on what was gonna be Sonic Discovery in 2015 but it didn't become Mania, until Iizuka suggested remixing the old levels & it becoming a full game. And I could be wrong about this, but I think Forces started development around this time.

As for what that phrase means, I remember Webber talking about how "the Sonic series has come a long way from 2015," so I think that was the "suffering" the quote is referencing.

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File: 27553d05c466abb⋯.jpg (296.06 KB,2048x1727,2048:1727,EM_FBRkW4AEklAS.jpg)

>2020 is here

>Sonic is going to be 30 soon

>I'm going to be 30 soon

>still remember my first experiences with Sonic (Satam, Aosth, Sonic 1)

>Sonic has changed many times. Some good, some bad, some meh

>the franchise is still struggling to be consistent

>there's a lot of Sonic content I have yet to touch and enjoy

>I've been a fan of a cartoony blue hedgehog for almost 25 years

What Sonic related thoughts swirl within your mind /fast/?

I hope you all have a Happy New Year

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>Sonic is going to be 30 soon

Jesus, feels like yesterday I first got into this franchise in 2002, playing Sonic Advance 2.

What's some Sonic content you haven't experienced yet, anon?

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it could be that the next big game started development in 2015 but probably not unless it was put on hiatus to slap together Forces for 2017 so they had a 3D game to sell and started working on it again afterwards. And the latin quote could refer to dealing with such a long gap in between games or the mediocre 3D games in general after Generations. But I am doubtful since this this franchise has a history of putting out unfinished games


Satam, both of the 3DS Sonic Boom games,

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I mean, I dunno about the next game being in development since 2015 & Forces being a filler title, but it would explain why the game allegedly had a bunch of practical rookies working on it.

>both of the 3DS Boom games

They weren't anything special, but Fire & Ice was apparently fun.

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File: 0e42137f7fa7add⋯.jpeg (152.3 KB,1166x1165,1166:1165,EM8eDvlU4AAJG2J.jpeg)

Happy new year you fags! I hope you have a good one!


>tfw going to be 29 this week

I don't know how I feel.

>I've been a fan of a cartoony blue hedgehog for almost 25 years

I have in my head the idea that I became a fan relatively recently, but time flies and it's been about a decade now. I don't understand. Sonic the hedgehog sounds so stupid and childish when you think about it, how did it manage to grab my attention for a decade and at this age no less?

>What Sonic related thoughts swirl within your mind /fast/?

I hope this year I can get a friend that loves Sonic as much as I do, and I hope there are no other nasty surprised to come out of left field for the franchise. I hope the momentum the animations have gained translates into a Modern Sonic cartoon, and if it does I hope to God they don't do unnecessarily fuck it up like they always do. I hope the next game has more meat to it than what we have been getting, but I might as well play the Runners roulette. Other than that, I love you guys and I hope you have a great 2020

I've probably asked this before, but do you have close friends that love Sonic as much as you?

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File: 6a61f7f78185efb⋯.png (380.67 KB,877x449,877:449,scared pika.png)


The TV shows other than X and Boom, the Boom games, Sonic 06, the storybook games. Unleashed HD too, though I did play the Unleashed Project and the Wii version. Also Forces and Mania

N-no bully.

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File: 2be3293b3f8d9f6⋯.png (264.94 KB,824x890,412:445,6f3aeec0aff29e5664036d880a….png)


>Do you have any close friends that love Sonic as much as you?

Unfortunately no. Or rather specifically, I don't have any real close friends right now. I have a friend who loves Sonic but I don't think we're that close. Friendly and open with each other, yes, but not to the point where I could easily say I completely know them. I could see us becoming close one day though

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File: 9d0c3c72d4b0442⋯.jpg (3.3 MB,2987x1130,2987:1130,BenBatesArchieSonic.jpg)


Here's to a better 2020, folks


I actually haven't played the Boom games, or Unleashed Project myself, so no bully from me

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File: 8a8b10d31a3f0fd⋯.png (88.47 KB,474x474,1:1,oh gosh.png)


>I don't have any real close friends right now

Yeah, didn't think of it but that applies to me as well. I feel like that should bother me more but it doesn't somehow.


They're so damn cute.


Happy new year to you too anon.

>Unleashed Project

Why not? It's pretty accessible. Though if you have played the original Unleashed I don't think there would be much appeal.

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File: 849765a24c1fa73⋯.jpg (150.04 KB,1600x1200,4:3,849765a24c1fa738bddcb3994e….jpg)

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File: d34c81e8d512344⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,4096x2896,256:181,ENLpMK6UEAAiigh.jpg)

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I did play the original Unleashed, but I never got around to the Unleashed Project mostly because I never got Generations on Steam

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Do you think it means anything that Japanese Sonic focuses more on Modern Sonic while lately US Sonic has only been posting Classic Sonic related images?

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File: 380b3b229aee514⋯.jpg (123.41 KB,1351x593,1351:593,skyhog.jpg)


I was going to make a comment to that extent yesterday but then I remembered the US account posted the Christmas animation which was Modern and I decided not to in the end, but I feel the JP accounts have always been more faithful to Modern while the US has leant more on… well, not just Classic but whatever is new, as if I remember correctly they also focused a lot on Boom when that was new. Modern in JP is treated much more like a proper mascot and you see him in everything that has to do with Sega, so I guess that could also be the reason they're are reluctant to change and focus on other designs or continuities.

I don't really know how to feel about this division of sorts, I feel like it should not bother me but in the end it makes me feel Modern is not very appreciated at the US branch. Ever since Boom took over the franchise in 2014 they have for the most part focused on anything else but him, although there are good exceptions like the animations so I don't feel like I should be complaining.

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>, I feel like it should not bother me but in the end it makes me feel Modern is not very appreciated at the US branch

I mean, is there any reason they shouldn't? Most the west had a hard time coping with the 2000s era of Sonic media, either going away from the 90s era tones near completely, or due to the quality control of the games since 96. There's a big reason the west prefers the style of Sonic that was made for the west, while Modern since SA1 was clearly meant to make Japan like Sonic more, which failed of course, but created a new generation of fans that are synonymous with the general weeaboo culture we have today.

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You seem to be talking more about the fans than the company, I was doing the opposite. But regardless I can understand contempt regarding Modern because of so many fuck up, nonetheless he's carried out the franchise on his shoulders more or less successfully for some 2 decades and created a generation or two of fans and it's just not nice to see them ignore him at (almost) every turn.

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Tbh, I can understand why some weren't/aren't fans of the Modern Sonic era, but I always felt the division that happened & the way SEGA's handled the issues that caused the response to their games from the 2000s to be pretty misguided. A lot of the quality control problems that plagued Sonic around that decade hasn't exactly left & if anything, things like Classic in Forces show that regardless of era, "Sonic Team" isn't really reliable on hitting the mark with Sonic.

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On the SEGA front, I imagine most of it comes from the fact that there is nothing Modern related (besides IDW, which they promote every once in a while) to really promote. And with how much SEGA botched Forces, they can't exactly ride that like they did Mania.

I imagine this'll change with the next Modern Sonic release, of course.

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I wonder, has anyone done a Shadow model for Adventure 1?

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File: e85ed48ef1b2040⋯.png (158.18 KB,419x466,419:466,crazy gravity.png)

>taaa tada taaaaa

>tadada tadadada da da dadaaaaa

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File: 68e635f760ff2ad⋯.gif (2.97 MB,385x320,77:64,3mJMjTz.gif)



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File: 3aac29a89b33adc⋯.jpg (624.51 KB,1280x828,320:207,1500063785995.jpg)

File: c620c69e45c5c00⋯.png (659.86 KB,425x1020,5:12,nopainnogain.png)

Good morning, /fast!/

Now that we're in the 2020s, what do you think were some of the best pieces of the Sonic series in the 2010s? And what part of the franchise last decade you felt was pretty underrated?

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File: a661261cc512be9⋯.png (1.45 MB,1904x2492,68:89,howdy.png)

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>what do you think were some of the best pieces of the Sonic series in the 2010s

Mania, I guess. Maybe parts of Archie. TSR Overdrive and Chao in Space.

>what part of the franchise last decade you felt was pretty underrated?

not to be overly negative and shitposty but none of it. If anything I think most of what we got this decade was actually overrated and don't see much value in any of the bad parts like Lost World, abandoned mobile games, Forces, etc.

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File: 19f95b321e0e0ed⋯.jpg (682.81 KB,1957x1614,1957:1614,19f.jpg)

File: b91c6995d0f1d06⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,1986x3056,993:1528,archie_sonic_the_hedgehog_….jpg)


That's fair. Tbh, when it comes to Archie Sonic I was always a sucker for some of the Post-SGW stuff. Seeing characters fuck around & have little moments together was always nice

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File: d4ff8ef5be03405⋯.jpg (395.08 KB,663x1024,663:1024,15.jpg)


>what do you think were some of the best pieces of the Sonic series in the 2010s?

Generations takes the cake for me. The shorts were great too, but they were just… too small to create stronger and long-lasting memories that something like a game or TV show could. In that regard, while I don't really think the Boom cartoon was amazing or even that good it's the first cartoon we got in a decade and compared to pretty much everything else we got it was big in scale and managed to get a few scenes and characters into my mind so I guess it deserves a mention. Not sure if it counts but the 25 Anniversary Party was amazing and I'll never forget it even though Forces ended up profoundly disappointing me.

>And what part of the franchise last decade you felt was pretty underrated?

I feel the Archie comics were kind of underrated. Maybe it was because it was so long lived that it put off a lot of people, but it was a cute little comic with great moments and superb art that I feel didn't get the recognition it deserved.


I miss everything about this type of shit.

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File: 593e1bf98a8adff⋯.png (34.02 KB,586x255,586:255,kek.png)

File: a08eaa5a38fbeaf⋯.gif (439.45 KB,360x270,4:3,hahahahahahahahahahaha.gif)

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He must have lost all hope for the series once he played Forces, then.

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In all fairness, nostalgia was a big part of Sonic Mania's appeal. With that being said, I think that game was an example of using nostalgia the right way since the game drew people in with stuff they haven't seen in a long time, but was able to establish itself with new characters, new levels & being an overall fun experience.

Not to mention, the new levels was the best part of Mania, at least imo.

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File: 6eca527b215c719⋯.png (141.02 KB,329x338,329:338,1544820021601.png)


I think Mania was important because it put Sonic Team on the spotlight, calling them out for their bullshit as they were outplayed by fans. I hope the surge of new blood makes for a brighter future.

I don't know if i should call it underrated but i really liked sonic forces speed battle. The game is actually entertaining and has a lot of fanservice, even if it is just "mobileshit".

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I've also been into sonic forces speed battle lately. I hadn't seen much mention of it but I find it enjoyable for what it is.

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>put Sonic Team on the spot, calling them out for their bullshit

But will anything really change?

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>it put Sonic Team on the spotlight, calling them out for their bullshit as they were outplayed by fans.

I wonder how Iizuka feels about this, given that he's responsible for Sonic Team and was responsible for greenlighting Mania.


Ultimately I don't think they still have the talent.

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IIRC, Iizuka had some people from ST help out a bit on Mania, but truth be told, he's probably just glad the series had a hit again.

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File: 7e97366ae89393a⋯.jpg (81.91 KB,960x537,320:179,ENIwZ4iXYAAsXwn.jpg)

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Sick. We need more stylistic Sonic art like this, tbh

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File: 0b510871370f4c8⋯.png (572.22 KB,1200x900,4:3,1484011752479.png)


>We need more stylistic Sonic art

And more Sonic Channel style Sonic art

And more 3D style Sonic art

And more comic style Sonic art

And… just… give me all the Sonic art!

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File: 4dabb8e5fd7432f⋯.jpg (552.6 KB,2048x1633,2048:1633,birthdaysonic.jpg)

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File: 6a57a6a0ce70a74⋯.jpg (112.38 KB,900x600,3:2,1426576587786.jpg)

Any Sonic related plans for the weekend /sthg/? I'm thinking of trying to set up a screen recorder to record videos to sometimes post here. Some more OC would be nice I think.

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I'm currently working on my Sonic projects for this year's SAGE. If nothing happens between now and then to keep that from happening.

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Some more OC would be nice, anon.

As for me, I'm hoping to download that Archie pack in the MEGA, if we're really going through with a storytime thread for that comic.

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Don't meant to be rude but do you have a job? Reason I ask is that I don't know how fangame devs cope with a full day of work and then are still in the mood to keep working a bit more after getting home. I feel like I'm a weakling.

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At the moment, no. I lost my first job due to it closing but I quit right before it was offically annouced so I scrude myself from unemployment benifits, but besides that, I also failed to get hired twice now, one because of the location, and the latest due to "crudencials". Basically, my own form of income is commissions, which isn't 100% relable due to pacing, and the only reason I'm not on the streets is thanks to my parents. It's not a happy situation for me, so really, working on games is just a way for me to cope. When I was young, I made games for fun, but at the time, I used it as a excuse not to work. I used my parents to get by basically, so I'm really getting what I deserve for being stubborn. I wish making money from commissions didn't end up being… demoritising at times if you catch my drift, but if I don't have a job, this is my job now, and gaming is just as it will likely always be; a passtime.

Anyway, /ranting over. I didn't mean to blogpost but whatever. Just be better than me and keep making your games because you have a job to make it feel better that you aren't in constant worry that you need one in a household that needs help. I know it's hard, I can imagining not just from experience, but because as an adult the drive is just not there like it was in the kid/teen years, but just push through. Don't think about "when this is done", just break it done into "what can get done". I believe coming from a game dev here, people make too big of a scope for their games and thus, lost interest in it. Keep it sustainable and make it a passion to come home from work with a new thing to try doing instead of working on a new thing that takes, like, a week of finishing.

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I'm sorry to hear that. Hiring processes suck, I don't like my current job all that much anymore but I'll keep it if it means not going through that shit.


Sounds like fucking hell.


It's good advice, though I'm not developing any games really, I just wanted to know how people get the strength to go through their life and also do something so time consuming, because I sure have trouble doing it.

Have you ever stopped by /agdg/?

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Do you mean the one on 4chan? Because I have lurked there before but I noticed as of late the state of that place seem to have changed over hte years where most of the time it's spent not being mostly new game updates/previews and more, well, shitposting. I'd rather go to the likes of Sonic Retro at this point if I really needed feedback about Sonic fan games or something.

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File: c1c25013a497190⋯.jpeg (94.29 KB,1475x946,1475:946,EK5cpITXkAA49z0.jpeg)

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>sonic forces speed battle

Aren't all the Sonic mobile games by Hardlight essentially the same? Forces Speed Battle, Dash, that Boom one?

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Well, I'll consider looking into this one since what I've seen seems a bit more "focused" than the other one I mentioned. Thanks for letting me know about it anon.

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Will this be your first time submitting a game to SAGE?


I hope the other Archie newcomers stick around, I'm gonna feel pretty dumb if I'm the only one posting comments.

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>Will this be your first time submitting a game to SAGE?

Yeah. But not just a game, at most, 2 or even 3 based on how far I get into the one I planned to do in Unity now that I've gotten the hand of usual C#, after many years of being afraid of using it. The other 2 projects are already in the works and can very likely be finished for a beta release this SAGE. A final version is planned for next year, so I'm not spending more than 2 years of work on it.

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Well, looking forward to seeing your project on SAGE anon. Best of luck!>>18777

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What kind of fan game are you making?

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>First link, second to last storyboard




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Yeah, I kinda wasn't expecting that.

But who knows, we might not see it in the final product?

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Seems it wasn't there in the trailer, but it wouldn't surprise me if they showed them in some other scene.

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File: 28c481dd3932898⋯.png (709.57 KB,800x480,5:3,f5088bb482872e0e96c8761702….png)

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Speed Battle being brushed off as "mobile shit" is something I feel isn't deserved considering its been getting more support from both fans and the devs than both "mainline" Sonic game's we've gotten.

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File: f06720088623801⋯.png (457.12 KB,420x840,1:2,1509170085407.png)


Blame boomers being salty that gaming has changed in prefences over the years. I use to have a bias angainst it myself years ago but I've long since adapted. It's honestly that kind of behavior that games like TSR, M&S Tokyo Polemics and even Mania are getting undeserved hate. This fascination that "if it's not by Sonic Team, it doesn't count" is toxic and is harming Sonic more than helping him.

Imo, the treatment for Forces' Battle is a honest to god modern change SEGA should be considering for mainline Sonic imo. Now, I'm not enforcing micro transactions per-say, but DLC and updates for games now is really helping making them stay relevant without needed to bank on a entirely brand new game just to do that these days.

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Tired rat


>if it's not by Sonic Team, it doesn't count

I hate that mentality, but to be fair, I imagine there's so much importance placed on "ST" doing the game is because they're the main game developers for the series so what they do can have an effect on the direction of the franchise.

With that being said, "Sonic Team" games are also very hit or miss so people shouldn't be overlooking some of the fun spinoff titles & side games (mobile or console) just because they don't have the Sonic Team logo on it

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So I guess that rumor that he was going to be in Forces was true then. What is up with that man and his want for his edge oc to come back?

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File: e69184ca03efaa6⋯.jpg (63.87 KB,286x287,286:287,1471478342525.jpg)

Oh, please, this has nothing to do with boomers or any other buzzword you may want to throw up in the air. Anyone that has played games from before 2005/6 should be able to clearly see the bullshit that gaming has become and the abusive practices the industry has adopted, some being outright outlawed in certain parts of the world, and the issue is not with whatever set of people you want to single out, this is entirely on developers and publishers. No one should have to "adapt" and tolerate these kind of practices.

>It's honestly that kind of behavior that games like TSR, M&S Tokyo Polemics and even Mania are getting undeserved hate

The first two games I can understand being criticized because come on, they're not that great and they're kind of niche, but unless you're taking one or two people shitting on Mania as a generalized sentiment I don't know how you get the idea that Mania was getting hate when pretty much everything I've seen was nothing but praise, and it's gotten much more praise than pretty much most other mainline games.

>the treatment for Forces' Battle is a honest to god modern change SEGA should be considering for mainline Sonic imo

>DLC and updates for games

If you're talking about DLC then maybe, if it's justified, but I don't see many chances of that. What's probably going to happen is you're going to get a gimped game and the DLC will conveniently fix it or add the missing parts, like it usually happens (remember Super Sonic?). But the only treatment I see mobile games like Forces Speed Battle receive is getting useless content like some weird iteration of characters (like "elf Sonic", what the hell) or some barely relevant event. The business model of these games doesn't rely on creating a solid experience but instead on trying to stay relevant by incorporating cheap to make garbage content like this to make headlines. Other than that a quick search of the game gets me phrases like

>it is a competitive free-to-play auto-runner filled with loot boxes, multiple currencies, wait timers, a long grind to unlock any new heroes

I'm sorry to say this since it looks like some of you really like the game, but this looks like the very definition of mobileshit.

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File: 482b29f7a3a600e⋯.jpg (58.52 KB,540x640,27:32,Finesse-Sonic-The-Hedgehog….jpg)


>You thought you’d never see him again

You got that right, huh. No clue how they got that approved. I feel their art is hit or miss judging by their previous designs, but nonetheless some of them look good and makes me want them although I don't skate. I feel like if someone went skating with one of these boards they'd be bullied to hell and back

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Meant to quote >>18790

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Well, moreso now because of how akward it is to like Sonic. Most don't care but most that would, are likely shitty teenagers because teenagers are shitty people. It's nearly universal hormones really make them turn malious most of the time…


I'm nearing 30 years old so I should be in the right to claim it is a "boomer problem". Because no one under the age of 20 cares because, why should they? Yeah, I get it, I don't like shit like Activations advancements on CTR, or EA in general, etc, but my problem is, if its x, it bad, and that's why I generalize when that's all I see. Nintendo, e.g, is surprisingly the example that I wasn't expecting to make for Sonic's case, but they have been using the practices almost universally right since the 2010s (sans Mario Kart Tour). Smash Bros, Splatoon, Odyessy and even Luigi's Mansion are all cases that SEGA should be learning from. I never did imply this kinda of thing wasn't some dev problem, as I was just focusing purely on the mobile persective, but since I did say "mainline Sonic should learn from this" I guess I should have been more clear with that. I don't want Sonic into a microtransation game for cut content or useless shit to be made ~20+ dollars for easybucks, I want SEGA to make games that LAST longer since they cannot make sequels worth a damn anymore. Instead of waiting 4 years for shit games, gives us 1 game with 3 years of extra content instead. I want this because, if you look at what's successful since 2010, games like Minecraft, Smash, TF2, Splatoon, AHiT, etc have all been one of the best experiences I had in gaming in years, because it's a solid new practice people like instead of the dated "sequels" system.

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File: eec4bce05c37204⋯.mp4 (2.19 MB,720x720,1:1,ajmarekart-121390313529662….mp4)

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This is some funny stuff. Do you guys just trip over these searching for Sonic on Twitter or what?

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File: b825f9d2a9e4957⋯.png (48.53 KB,138x165,46:55,Shadow is amused.png)

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If Nakamura wanted Mephiles back in Forces, it was probably because he had a lot of ideas for him that he never got the chance to execute.

And Sonic having a small rogue's gallery in the games universe would give a good excuse

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I'd rather have Mephiles back than continue with Zavok.

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I must admit I do prefer console games to mobile games, but I think what Speed Battle does is fine. It's not a console game, but it's not trying to be. It takes into account what Sonic is and makes it easy for mobile users.

I don't mind non Sonic Team making Sonic games at all as some of my favorites in gaming are spinoffs, it's mostly for character reasons and Sonic Team hasn't been great at that lately either.

I feel like Runners was like that too, it's just a shame it got too greedy as I think it could have lasted for years if done right and got the word out there. I played a fan server without microtransactions and had a blast, but as soon as I was forced to grind for the powerups it lost the appeal for me, even if it wasn't real money.

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I'm not going to lie, Speed Battle has those things. It's very similar to Clash Royale's system. However, it's really not as bad as it seems. You can play the game itself as many times as you want. I've only been playing for a few weeks and already have most of the characters unlocked. The main ones that are harder to get are SR. But if you don't want to be super competitive it is possible to unlock everyone without paying, and not crazy long either. Even the event ones I thought I wouldn't be able to unlock I did. If it's just unlocking it's fine, it's more if you want to max them out that it gets worse. The red coins are kinda useless, I mostly use it for more event missions instead of opening more chests. Wait time is only for chests and missions, and some can be skipped by a quick ad.

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File: 727ed3d897112df⋯.jpg (14.5 KB,383x304,383:304,1445285427350.jpg)


You will have Zavok (and the rest of the deadly six) and you'll rike it

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In all fairness to Iizuka, I have noticed that only Zavok of the D6 has returned in mainline titles.

If anything, the Deadly Six's use is a big sign of how little recurring enemies the Sonic series has. There's the D6, Metal Sonic, Eggman & really no one else. Even Forces had to use Chaos & Shadow to increase the numbers of Eggman's Army alongside Infinite.

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File: f379709a3a4c404⋯.png (1.4 MB,700x700,1:1,ENYIinGU0AAZlvQ.png)


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>I have noticed that only Zavok of the D6 has returned in mainline titles

Thank god for that, but if they have no problem with creating pretty much a new antagonist for each game why not use the opportunity to actually do it but do it well for a change, and create something people would have less of a problem with them reusing? When they keep reusing Zavok which nobody really likes it just seems like a fixation more than a need. Then again it's not like there's been a lot of stuff from Lost World onwards to create new lore.

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The only things I didn't care for were Mario & Sonic at Sochi 2014 and the Boom games. Everything else was pretty good. Never played Lost World, but it looks fun.

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File: 7b259647c403dc3⋯.png (116.25 KB,430x324,215:162,1383332054113.png)



>pretty good

Can I have whatever you're smoking?

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I'm wearing a D.A.R.E. T-shirt.

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As someone that never played Lost World, I will admit to being kinda intrigued by the way that particular game designed levels. I remember when gameplay footage first came out & I (for some reason) got big X-Treme vibes from it.

In regards to games like Forces, if you played it what were things about the game you enjoyed? Only asking because I never played it myself & what I've seen didn't really excite me, but I'm curious to know what positives others may have found from it.

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I liked how the various gameplay styles controlled and how there were always things going on in the stage so you never felt bored with the level before it ended. Classic Sonic's levels are the weakest in these regards, but they're still all right levels to play through. I also liked the story, which gave everyone but Espio good character moments and had great stakes, story/character progression, and actual reactions to the events of each level in the overall story.

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>Only asking because I never played it myself & what I've seen didn't really excite me

That's been my case too but I've decided to give it a play in a week or two. Will post results. Isn't it a bit weird for fans to not play new games of the thing they're a fan of even for several years after they came out? I l've always thought this was at least weird.

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What character progression? Everyone stayed the exact same. Even Sonic, after six months of supposed torture, is his same cocky positive self.

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At least you get a discount that way. Even $40 felt like too much for Forces.

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Tbf, sometimes people just never get the consoles of certain games that are exclusive titles (like Lost World), or just never got around to other games (like Forces)

Also, Sonic Adventure themed event is coming: https://www.sonicstadium.org/2020/01/rumour-sonic-adventure-2020-music-event-suggests-new-port-remake-incoming/

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File: dc537d8c0b8b6ad⋯.png (81.06 KB,214x223,214:223,amy_3.png)


Exciting! Needless to say I certainly hope they do not mess this up

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Holy shit, this looks really exciting. My body is ready for more Adventure-style artwork and sounds! Just yesterday I was reading about the Sonic2020 hashtag that was sponsored by SoJ and wondering if there was actually something behind it after all or not. I'd be happy to get something to look forward to soon!

How much support would a remake actually garner though? We've been playing the adventures for decades, it feels like there are better opportunities to take these days.

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Someone back up the audio files TSSZ posted just in case, I'm not at home and I can't until later.

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> Isn't it a bit weird for fans to not play new games of the thing they're a fan

No? I'm not a corporate sheep. I'm not a child anymore where I get my parents to waste money on shit games. Time is money, and for me, Sonic games since Unleashed barely worse full price to me. Was hoping to at least attempt it on Steam during the holiday sales but I op'd for better games instead with the limited amount of money

I miss the days of easy emulation for old games that I either couldn't get the chance to buy because they're discontinued or whatever, but modern games such as this basically comes at the cost of time waiting for a cheaper option.

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I would laugh that, even if it got the remaster esque treatment, it still doesn't really sell that well due to it still being nostalgia wanking just because it isn't classic era wanking.

At this point, much like Crash, if they don't make a SA3/Adventure continuation with the knowledge spent on "relearning" it if they do remake the games, then I just don't care. I think longterm, and going back to "the good ol days" doesn't make me happy, it makes me annoyed that Sonic Team is just so inept they keep having to backpadel because they cannot move forward with the series without screwing it all up.

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First of all, he wasn't actually tortured in the original script. It's not the writers' fault that revision was made. Secondly, there is character progression even if it's unpronounced. The Avatar starts out weak, but becomes stronger with the help of Sonic, leading to him taking out the final boss with both Sonics and going on his own journey; Eggman has more backup plans than ever now that he's actually taken over; and Tails and Classic Sonic form a lasting bond over the course of the game.

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File: 96e5af6b678ee2c⋯.jpg (13.14 KB,200x271,200:271,cs.jpg)


>No? I'm not a corporate sheep. I'm not a child anymore where I get my parents to waste money on shit games

If that were your problem you could just have pirated it.

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>The Avatar starts out weak, but becomes stronger with the help of Sonic

No, he/she's fearful in a flashback, then is a competent, courageous hero as soon as the game starts.

>Eggman has more backup plans than ever now that he's actually taken over

Eggman has one backup plan: use the phantom ruby to power his big robot if Infinite fucks up. And that's not even character progression. He had more backup plans in fucking Adventure.

>Tails and Classic Sonic form a lasting bond over the course of the game.

There's barely any of this going on. You never see them get closer, you just kinda see them have a moment at the end.

That isn't subtle or unpronounced character progression. It's bare minimum to count. You see, character progression requires more than just seeing a character in two states over the course of the story. It requires actually seeing the process of them changing over time. That doesn't happen in Forces. Aside from the player avatar, who has some of the most basic progression, no one learns anything over the course of the game. They don't improve, they don't progress, they don't change. Eggman doesn't do anything different than what he usually does, which is relying on his latest macguffin to win the day for him. Tails doesn't stop being the wimpy bitch Pontac and Graff seemingly believe he should be.

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I'm fickle, I don't like priviting but I like emulation. I usally only use roms when I already own the game or the game is out of circulation to ever think of getting it authentically. If those options aren't available, I'd just bite the bullet and pay as long as it's worth the amount it deserves. Forces is no more than a 10 game, and LW maybe 15.

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>it still doesn't really sell that well due to it still being nostalgia wanking just because it isn't classic era wanking

The only point of comparison I think we have are the Taxman remakes of the classic games but I don't remember seeing sales figures for those and they were mobile games so it'd probably be a different environment.

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So many people that haven't played LW here. I can upload the copy I have like I did with Gens a few months back if there's interest.

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Well what I mean is, considering how older games like ShTH and Unleashed reached their yearly revenue of 2.5-3M sold copies, yet games since have been lower than that, the point I was making was it would be funny if an adventure remake still doesn't at most, sell as much as those games (which based on how "critically acclaimed" they are should net Sonic 2 levels of copies sold bundled or not), I'd have to make the connect that, it's either the gamestyle, or the fact remaking old things isn't going to actually make the status quo of Sonic better. Which, to me, is what I expect until SEGA can product an entirely original new entry into the Sonic series that's actually good on its own.

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File: 304bf9b6a70204e⋯.png (67.72 KB,381x340,381:340,1501027286816.png)


If that means I can play without regretting anything, that would be cool if you want to do so. I don't know how that works for the likes of steam games, but if you know, go ahead.

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I would be uploading a cracked version of course, should there be interest. It's some 7.7GB.

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Well that's a big file. Thank god I just recently got better internet so I could logically download that.

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File: 01fcc2f65335376⋯.png (18.51 KB,809x908,809:908,1539736229932.png)

Nice game you have here, Sonicbros


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File: 0e1f11aef508102⋯.png (612.21 KB,1230x887,1230:887,wut.png)


>these recordings are dated around October or November of 2019

Sounds extremely early if this is for a game or an event at the end of the year. I mean that's a whole year of practice, unless they practice now and then stop until it's time for the concert or to record, but that makes no sense.

>No professional recording equipment was used

>there were way too many sound engineers present at this practice session

Isn't this contradictory? Why would so many sound engineers be needed if they're not recording and there isn't even professional audio equipment?

I'm thinking they're going to release a CD or something, that's what makes the most sense to me. All these different musicians, the new artwork (CD cover), the schedule (seems things are already ramped up), the locations being outside of Sega.

>Fans with long memories will recall that Sakamoto also performed the ‘original’ version of Open Your Heart waaaay back at Sonic Adventure’s initial unveiling

I either didn't know that or I forgot, pretty cool. >yfw this is Eizo Sakamoto


Well, games are big usually, though I'll make several pieces and not just 1 big file. More recent games weigh several many times that much, too! I'll probably post the files tomorrow, if that's okay.

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File: 40912013e2ea3d9⋯.gif (102.87 KB,470x400,47:40,1500844442738.gif)


Ok, thanks for the heads up. Take your time though, see you then. G'night.

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File: e0c3c58dd2568cd⋯.jpg (77.91 KB,645x595,129:119,C2S3oGXUkAETyAr.jpg)


Night anon.

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File: 88b09ce0e37c748⋯.jpeg (90.01 KB,680x383,680:383,ENLqC9nUEAEAPPa.jpeg)

File: d767547ba9ed91d⋯.jpeg (840.3 KB,3200x1800,16:9,EMrwEBpUYAA2HsW.jpeg)

File: a05380a58953b9f⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB,2550x2150,51:43,ENpHIHuUEAEj81B.jpeg)

File: c81310f2a1f3b4d⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB,2150x2150,1:1,EMwPjOTUwAA28HB.jpeg)

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>Pontaff making Tails a wimpy bitch in Forces

Shouldn't that be on "Sonic Team"? Translation butchering or not, Tails still cowers before Chaos 0 in that game regardless of region

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File: 213a5f03cd028d9⋯.jpg (461.82 KB,2048x1536,4:3,ENl-2w0UYAAY1Bk.jpg)

File: dfbb924880c0da0⋯.jpg (314.75 KB,2048x1536,4:3,ENl-2zrUUAUQiFT.jpg)

File: 0d112bf1191b6d8⋯.jpg (272.01 KB,2048x1536,4:3,ENl-20jVUAMjP_8.jpg)

Seems Sonic X started airing in Japan! Hope lotsa Sonic art comes out of it!

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This almost makes me want to watch X again

>hope lotsa Sonic art comes out of it

Same. Supposedly Season 3 never aired there so we might get new Cosmo or Cosmo x Tails art and possibly some Dark Sonic art

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File: 31f0413b2dd1468⋯.png (695.64 KB,1420x848,355:212,metarex.png)


>This almost makes me want to watch X again

Same, I've been wanting to do it for so many years. I don't even have webms to post. I'm so behind in so many Sonic related things I've been wanting to do, feels bad.

>Supposedly Season 3 never aired

Oh, right, I forgot. Hope they go overboard!

>yfw bara Metarex art

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File: 09a556981a3a6a8⋯.webm (9.79 MB,1920x1080,16:9,forces cutscene.webm)

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File: 443204db0155d93⋯.png (68.09 KB,326x277,326:277,1501031323801.png)


That is a good point, yes I know Pontrac and Graff's writing is babbie shit but Forces was animated by Japs, so they are the ones that ok'd Tails cowarding in fear. It if wasn't clear that the people that wrote for Adventure era is gone for good, it's with modern Sonic. Sadly most people don't think this and likely still have that belief that "Sonic Team" has always been the same group of people since 91.

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In all fairness, Eitaro Toyoda (who was one of the writers for Forces' JP script) was part of Sonic Team during the Adventure era, just not as a head writer. He was an event scene editor for SA1, but moved on to field/level design from SA2-Shadow & was a game designer for Secret Rings. And IIRC, some old heads from Sonic Team DID come back to SEGA, but only long after Forces was out.

Anywho, Bumblekast notes:

>Rough & Tumble will return eventually and we will learn what happened to the latter's tail and maybe their basic history at some point, but they are less likely to get something like a miniseries due to not being conceived as more than in-between baddies and being less accepted compared to the others.

>SEGA is less keen about certain types of animals being made into characters, namely insects and larger beasts like elephants; when reminded that they approved Jewel, they simply replied that they did.

Jewel is therefore a special case.

One of the Diamond Cutters was originally an insect, but got rejected.

>Assumed there'd be some pushback on the Variable Wispon and Warp Topaz(which he avoided going into), but was surprised with how cool they were to them in to the point of adding ideas for the former.

>Would like to do something more with the Wisps at some point and acknowledged how odd it is that something as pivotal as the Mother Wisp is reserved for the DS version.

>Doesn't pitch overall story ideas until the previous is in their final approvals, so what comes next isn't necessarily set in stone all the time.

>Apparently went into Maw's powers in the previous episodes.

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>Rough & Tumble will return eventually and we will learn what happened to the latter's tail and maybe their basic history

This is all I ever wanted

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It makes me wish there was a seeded version instead of having to rely on Hulu for subs. Netflix got Sonic X too but dub only.

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There are no active subbed X torrents? I'll see if I can restart seeding the version I downloaded a long time ago, but I'll need to find the torrent I downloaded from.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's that Mania 3D you asked for bro

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Not at the place I usually go, but maybe it's somewhere else.

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Doesn't X have full episodes with subs on YT?


Hot damn, that's cool! Makes me glad the SA2 modding community has taken off the way it has

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File: 7ccc7662f6149d5⋯.png (42.14 KB,272x200,34:25,what.png)



I was just searching for torrents and found the files I have are actually uploaded to archive.org now, lol. You can get them from there for free.




The uploads TMS did are dubbed, not subbed. You can probably find alternative sources on youtube but I haven't tried recently and when I did try I found it annoying to find what I was looking for in between everything else.

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Oh wow, nice!

Also, I suppose I could look to see if there's some alternatives sources on YT, or maybe DM

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Nice, when will people be able to port over levels from Heros/Shadow the Hedgehog?

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So, here's some more Bumblekast notes according to another place recapping it :

>Ian was going off through ending of ShTH where Eggman says (during the final boss fight) that his robots rescued Shadow during his fall on SA2, and he is the one true Shadow.

>Note he recieved from SEGA apparently said Android life-version MIGHT still be on the table(?)

>However this also on the same line of note that said there is no money on Sonic's world, leading to some interesting revision to Chaotix-related things

>Ian working under assumption that Shadow is THE Shadow.

>If Sega were to take things in different direction, he just has to take things accordingly

>There won't be a Shadow centric story anytime soon since he likely wouldn't be able to do what he'd like to under the guidelines.

>Maw's power was essentially another dimension within his gaping jaw–it's a broken ability, but in the hands, er, mouth of someone who's more understated. They might've explored how that works and whether it's possible to escape one day, but there were no plans of the sort at the time.

>The infected citizen managed to get into the shelter because Gemerl hadn't started scanning just yet. In the event he had though, there were a lot of people to scan and he was distracted by Vector and Espio in the brief window before he turned.

>Answering one of my questions, he has no clue what Marine's power is. He assumes it could be water based, but it's simply improbable to tell given the visual quality.

>He would love to explore Blaze's world and her kingdom/empire, noting how she's apparently an imperial princess. This includes whether there are other pirates out there and how dicey the politics can be according to Team Sonic Racing

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>Android life-version MIGHT still be on the table

That sounds rather boring, honestly. Gives me flashbacks to 4/sthg/ discussing really overthought theories about small details that weren't well executed in the games and were never touched upon again.

>There won't be a Shadow centric story anytime soon since he likely wouldn't be able to do what he'd like to under the guidelines

I wonder what that is. Isn't that a bit self centered though?

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>Isn't that a bit self centered though?

It is a bit, but I think it depends on the kind of guidelines SEGA has for Shadow & the specifics of 'em.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stlll the most bangin boss theme

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Forgot to add: I'm not crazy about the Shadow Android thing, but I imagine SEGA doesn't have any real interest in opening up that can of worms again so I doubt we'll see it.

Also, with there being rumors that the Sonic film is gonna be the start of a trilogy, any chances we get another mainstay character teased at the end of the film?

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Movie Sonic looks more like 3&K Sonic then he does 2 and 1 Sonic.

Just though I'd put that out there.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Speaking of

Even if these are just repurpose voice clips, I kinda prefer these to Roger ngl

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I've always hated that tune a big deal. Not only I don't like it but it sounds really out of place for a boss tune, and on the other hand the rest of the boss tunes are great both in terms of how well the fit and how good they are so they made me even more contemptuous towards it.

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I mean most of the MJ stuff has that issue in a way.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ever since I saw that video of Jason Sonic dubbing that one scene in the Incredibles, I've been wanting someone to animate that with Sonic actually in it.

My day has been made.

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The Super Sonics was a nice touch.

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File: cd064c293951f0c⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,1597x1535,1597:1535,bump delivers.jpg)

Here's the Lost World archive I promised. Sorry for the delay but Mega has been a bitch. Hell, in the Mega folder you can still see a couple of dead files that I can't even remove and had to reupload.

I also included a mod I made to switch the voices to JP while keeping the English subtitles, but I'm not sure how accurate the instructions I wrote are because it was long ago. If you're interested in it and you can't make it work, I could reinstall the game and try to tinker with it to try to make it work again.

Have fun and record me some webms if you can!


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Can you take me under your wing please? ;-;

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File: 0be4adc4b48fa79⋯.jpg (44.56 KB,583x700,583:700,Cp072zIUAAIiCYW.jpg)

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File: 271f05e37fa2ac5⋯.png (472.9 KB,687x1164,229:388,1577393729399.png)


Thanks anon! I just got it downloaded but it requires a password for me to extract the files. I'll see if can use the JP mod as well but after I test the game out first.

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File: 3faf4de23cb9519⋯.png (242.92 KB,827x967,827:967,1568808286924.png)


You sound like a newcomer. Welcome and I hope you enjoy yourself here!

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Password is always the same anon


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I figured. Thanks anon. I'll see if I can record something when I get set up.

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I rather not derail the thread.


Thank you, anon.

I see that you guys are talking about Lost World I think? I never gave it a chance despite having a Wii U. I rather not emulate or hack my Wii U though.

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File: 40fa72ee82d192d⋯.png (57.96 KB,413x320,413:320,1427480906325.png)


Alrighty, welcome then if you're new.

>I rather not emulate or hack my Wii U though

Lost World got released for PC several years ago, the upload above is that version.

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Well it's on steam for $30 if you're willing to pay for it, but if not, a nice anon just made a mega link with a copy of the game you can download instead.

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File: 2fcbcf1faa67c66⋯.png (179.16 KB,400x493,400:493,1410793196717.png)


>7 year old game

>Lost World


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I should attempt to play more PC games, definitely not used to it. It’s sweet of anon to make it accessible to others.

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File: 75cdcb069224d23⋯.png (878.12 KB,650x1800,13:36,1412268723055.png)

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It seems like I can't open the game because Steam blocks it by going to the game's store page. Do I need to do something else to get the game to run?

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Interesting. I never experienced that since I never had Steam installed and I also blocked the game in my firewall. Do a quick test and disconnect your PC from the internet and try launching it like that and see what happens.

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>I should attempt to play more PC games

When it comes to Sonic games it's basically the same as on a console really, unless you don't have a controller you can plug into your PC and you're forced to play with a keyboard, which would suck.

>It’s sweet of anon to make it accessible to others

Even though I am the fag that uploads things, it should go without saying to always be careful with stuff you download from the internet.

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File: 4dec1d6635a1b87⋯.png (10.01 KB,256x256,1:1,1576279918790.png)


Tried it and… no dice. I think I might have fucked myself out of using it, I should have considered doing that before installing, it might now it wasn't paid for or something. Damn it… Well, I guess I'm out of luck.

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File: 8291e3fa85fde80⋯.png (117.87 KB,431x431,1:1,1453144092519.png)


Wait, you did copy the crack and overwrote the original files, didn't you?

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File: 81277fcf70e0e80⋯.jpg (157.93 KB,1904x1246,136:89,1575296146514.jpg)

Ok, false alarm. Turns out I needed to add in that codex folder's steam files so that the game registers itself, it works now. I kinda overlooked that since I didn't expect that folder to have steam content that needed to overwrite the one that gets created via installation.


I basically did now, thanks anyways anon.

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File: 9a346e13e517e32⋯.png (1.06 MB,634x900,317:450,pirate_and_mermaid_by_aoki….png)


You must be really new to pirating, you always have to do that m8.

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File: f341766df4cf84a⋯.png (280.78 KB,640x360,16:9,1408235791004.png)


>Sonic film is gonna be the start of a trilogy

>more character redesigns

pic related


I haven't watched that film but this was delightful to watch. Not a fan of some of the expression but god damn I love those models and the animation in general. To think it would have been easier to get something like this than the movie we're getting (no ridiculous redesign and associated drama, pure animation and no actors, VA changed was changed anyway for the movie so having Jason wouldn't have been issue and having Roger would probably be even easier, etc.)…

I always love me some Sonic animations

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Yes I am. But it's good now since I got to play the game now. I made a video of it as promised

Tried to compress it to just post it straight to here, but failed for about an hour trying so fuck it


And I can already say, instant hate for the game from when the game was revealed and demo'd was uncalled for. At least, as of the first level. I remember people complaining it controlled like ass and I'm not sure was it thanks to the god awful WiiU gamepad or not, but it really just feels like it was hated on because it wasn't boost gameplay. TBF, it's not my preferred style to play, there's some issues that people like ShayMay explained that I agree with, but it's far from unplayable, this is no 06 or Heroes as of right now. I think it's going to be one of those experiences where the level design really should have just been like a standard 3D level instead, but I'll play further to be sure about that.

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File: 7672c5b738fbac5⋯.png (194.38 KB,415x388,415:388,7672c5b738fbac5f51b7f33d4a….png)


>there is no money on Sonic's world

What did he mean by this? No paper currency? No government-backed fiat money? I mean, Sonic Adventure has a casino and a shopping district, and I'm pretty sure Sonic 06 has a store where you can buy powerups.

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Well in SA1 that was using rings. But as of SA2 there was "Sonic Money" bills in Rouge's Security Hall.

It's likely just SEGA being retarded. Most of the people in charge today likely wasn't even a thing when SA1/2 was made.

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File: 5de4cbcf016af7b⋯.jpg (357.52 KB,1280x1453,1280:1453,1147353_DayDreamFever_tumb….jpg)


>tfw can't download video because I hit my download limit

Anyway, glad you got it working and you're enjoying.

If I remember correctly consensus was that the game takes a pretty big dip in quality not long after the start, so you might want to hold your thoughts a bit longer. But yeah, even though it was a bit boring it wasn't offensively bad. They definitely should have taken better advantage of the parkour, though.

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That was on the note SEGA gave him, and you know how well SEGA does at keeping guidelines concerning the franchise.

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File: cf0b4701ff9cee1⋯.webm (15.06 MB,853x480,853:480,SLWFootage.webm)


Best I could do for such a long video. It's missing a few seconds at the end and it still looks like shit.

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Well you did far more with your time then I did lol. Thanks a bunch anon. I wish I didn't have that bad stuttering though, it didn't show up in game just to clarify.

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>Sonic Adventure

>Sonic Adventure 2

>Sonic 06

Those are in the human world. We're talking about Sonic's world, the setting for most of the games and currently the only setting of the IDW comic.

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For the most part I play with things on a keyboard but they’re not like console games usually, they’re PC based games. My friend tried to get me to play console games on a computer but they feel kinda weird to do. I know I need to be careful or what I download though, I can’t say I fall for super obvious stuff but I do fall for things sometimes..

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So by that logic, Shadow is from the human world then? Gerald somehow studied from ancient stuff that was just magically in the human world despite being non human? I don't think SEGA gets how stupid it sounds. SA1 maybe you could argue "Sonic and his friends got transported like in Sonic X!", but SA2 makes that fall apart easily. Not to mention Maria existed before Eggman did, and Eggman is always in "Sonic's World". Sure we don't know Eggman's age, but considering he knew nothing about the Ark shut down incident or Maria personally, I like to believe that he is younger than she would have been if still alive.

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File: 316c50aefab2326⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,cake.mp4)

File: 92aba4ed11347c0⋯.jpg (11.86 KB,328x212,82:53,1407893877588.jpg)

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I think you're confusing the games with Sonic X. In the games, the worlds are easily accessible through a dimensional gate, and have been since ancient times as indicated by the Knuckles Clan. Gerald would easily be able to study material from both worlds, since both worlds would be available for him to go through.

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Not just Sonic Adventure, but Sonic 2, 3, Forces & several other games featured Casino levels & I am pretty sure other games showed stuff being sold before & after the Adventure era.

Tbh, it's just not something I'm willing to give much thought towards given how flimsy SEGA can be with the current world of the series. Wouldn't surprise me if the "two worlds" business changes in the next decade or so.


Poor hedgehog

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File: 9afd7bbb98378ab⋯.webm (2.88 MB,400x320,5:4,Classic Vs Lost.webm)

File: e10945063e86cb0⋯.png (211.58 KB,576x325,576:325,1522450910541.png)

…God. Incoming rant

After giving it some time, I've basically given up and will just outright state Sonic Lost World is pure trash. I'm going to be "that guy" and say it's trash because doesn't play like webm related, but it's purely based only on what the game presents itself, and it fucking sucks ass. I can't defend it after the first level, like what was warned earlier in the thread. It's just intolerable to go through.

The gameplay is just all over the place. It's far too gimmicky for its own good. The controls are unclear most of the time and actively fight with itself. The game basically makes every action have its own unique "physics" which is absurd. And most of the time, it's near absolutely unplayable in the 2D parts of the game, which is MOST of the time in this "3D" game. If it wasn't mostly 2D with shit controls, it might not have caused me to ragequit as soon as I did. Needless to say, I didn't finish the game, I'm done trying. The game is a mess.

I'm not a storyfag, but the tone is just whiplashing between bad comedy and lines like what Eggman says about eating Zeti hearts or how the Emo fucker says shit not only out of place in Sonic, but outright offense to actual people with depression problems. Doesn't help the game CONSTANTLY repeats these fuckers lines every time you die before a checkpoint that's past the scripted sequence. The Zeti are among the worse villains in the series, I absolutely hate hearing them 24/7 in this game. The only one I actually have a softspot for is Zazz, I think you could honestly make him workable with his current character. Zavok does not deserve the shilling he gets from Sonic Team.

The tone is one thing, but the theme of thet game also sucks. Visually, it's not graphically half bad, looks pretty good. It's just it's so fucking SHAMELESS with how it rips off Mario Galaxy and Donkey Kong Country for the 2D sections. I thought it was all Mario based from the start but after playing it I get far more DKC vibes from the 2D sections, namely Returns era DKC. But the game handles so badly, I don't want to call this a Mario/DKC clone, that's honestly disrespectful to Mario/DKC. It's that bad.

So, yeah, Lost World fucking sucks. To others that enjoy it, whatever, but I cannot defend this game. It's honestly bewildering to me how was this game made the way it was. It's mind boggingly awful as a game. Not just as a Sonic game, as any platformer. To me, the fact the 3D parts of this game is somehow not as unplayable as the 2D parts is just mental. It honestly explains so much why C.Sonic in Forces was so shit. Sonic Team is so bad they can't even make a 2D game. Let that sink in.

tl;rd: Sonic Lost World is one of my least favorite Sonic games of all time. I've never had so much distaste from a Sonic game this bad since ShTH. It's that sever. I actually completed 06 before LW, and that's saying something. I'll likely never touch this game again unless I use mods. Something that's actually fully 3D level design, nothing else.


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Oh, and for the anon that shared the game, thanks again, you're a real pal. Glad I didn't waste $30 for that trash, I would have never been so mad if I had to do that crap. Don't know if I'm going to have to consider doing the same thing for Forces since I know how that game was developed.

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Oops, meant to say "I'm not going to be "that guy"", my bad.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Funny you mentioned mods, because I just remembered a few I saw a while back.

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You kind of were that guy, though.

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File: a17d443e605bd72⋯.webm (2.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,Lost3DWorld.webm)


I'm aware of them. I'm not too sure if that mod really helps looking at it but mostly, I need to try something with 3D levels to be sure.


I guess it my mental rage I kinda did. Just to restate, I didn't hate LW because it's not a classic game, it's just extremely polarizing as a platformer game period. If you even touched a platformer before LW I don't see how you'd like it. Mario just does it better for a game without physics.

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File: cf045c1d62661a8⋯.png (282.67 KB,428x476,107:119,1445053435877.png)


Honestly it was worth the upload if only just to get this reaction, lol. Anyway, sorry to hear it's been that bad for you. I knew your first reaction was too optimistic but I wasn't expecting this kind of shift, lol.

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File: de3f3ae5895b0bd⋯.jpg (398.36 KB,791x720,791:720,1577291832127.jpg)


I mean, I know why I was, the first level basically was only passible because there was no 2D section at all. I think the demo when it was revealed made you play the forth zone instead for god knows why. I guess SEGA was like "people keep asking for 90s Sonic, so lets make them play the 2D parts, they'll sure to like that". After that mess I just don't want SEGA to ever touch 2D Sonic ever again.

If the game was mostly 3D with level design like actual 3D levels would be, it would have just been a half good, but playable, experience, like the first level makes it out to be.

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File: 4b7609d49cdcd5d⋯.mp4 (596.52 KB,784x614,392:307,FolksyWig-1215416024687837….mp4)

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File: 9ed150151abbaec⋯.jpeg (2.09 MB,2150x2150,1:1,EN0BxjSUEAAH9j5.jpg:orig.jpeg)

File: bda45c30c9c14f8⋯.mp4 (390.36 KB,960x600,8:5,marzalah.mp4)

Sega definitely needs more paid Sonic shitposters man. Like, right now!

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File: 16b0df747d95327⋯.png (2.74 MB,2800x5776,175:361,1434685652867.png)

File: 142866a37d18787⋯.jpg (450.33 KB,600x1350,4:9,1437847273055.jpg)

File: 74ac8ebe2a4998a⋯.png (613.69 KB,939x1253,939:1253,chocolate bump.png)

File: bfc48e65c0638ce⋯.png (207.86 KB,658x850,329:425,1468221487889.png)

File: ca8a009582a3871⋯.jpg (488.13 KB,780x1170,2:3,1470537630285.jpg)

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File: de8e8668b3ea384⋯.jpg (197.41 KB,1182x2015,1182:2015,sebastien_levehog.jpg)

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would totally bully him.

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What game is the gate mentioned in?

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I really hope this decade Sonic Team keeps the 3D and 2D split between Modern and Classic Sonic, and stop this mostly 2D in a 3D game crap. If I want to play 2D I'll play 2D, but when I buy a 3D Sonic game I want it to be in 3D.

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None of them. He's making up bullshit to try and cover Sega's stupid retcons.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guess we're gonna be getting some Sonic Channel stuff soon

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A lot of people have issues with how much 2D they use in Modern Sonic, but personally I never had much of a problem when it was well executed. Not that I'm clamoring for more of it mind you, I just want to have fun and I don't mind if the gameplay has 2D elements.

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I remember some 2D sections in Unleashed being okay, tbh. That being said, yeah, I feel like it's held back some games before & if we're getting more Mania like titles, I'd like to see more 3D in the Modern games.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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Not gonna lie, I always liked the look of Hyper Sonic. I just wish the colors wouldn't change at such a frenetic pace.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now that you mention it, that reminds me of this old classic.

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Sega's official internal documents.

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Heh, that's actually what I was thinking about when making that post earlier.

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>I feel like it's held back some games before

Yeah, it does feel like one of the clutches they use to try to play it safe, won't deny it.

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All the posters of /sthg/ get transported to an open field somewhere in Soniclandia and simultaneously gain an IQ of over 300 like Eggman once it happens.

Will you seek out the Eggman Empire and join it to take over the world, look for the Mobians and join force with Sonic and Co, create your own robot empire with other anons and destroy Sonic or Eggman or both, or just live somewhere secluded as a hermit?

Personally, I would join Eggman just to see if the "Sonic is only competent because the player is controlling him" theory actually holds some truth. I'd also be nice to be on the fore front of whatever crazy world spanning event is currently taking place.>>18927

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File: 0b3e01b0d149e95⋯.jpg (18.32 KB,258x258,1:1,1576882900610.jpg)


This video singlehandledly made me realized how bad things really are and why fans feel the way they do.

>The part about Boom's development

Jesus Christ I didn't know it was this bad.

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>one of your star employee's doesn't want to be an admin, he just wants to stay working on the factory floor

>ignore his wishes


Why forcibly push someone who doesnt care about the corporate ladder UP the ladder?

How hard could of it possibly been to just go "Alright, you can keep working where your working and we'll look for someone else"

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File: ac6e3bcf9624a1b⋯.png (197.14 KB,644x644,1:1,eggmuh.png)


>IQ of over 300

>Not taking part in the MASTER PLAN

I'd join Eggy in a heartbeat, tbh


Funny enough, one of the comments about SEGA being a "Helicopter parent" perfectly sums up the current status of the series. That's not to say that SEGA wasn't justified in some of their decision making & I get why they wanna have a close eye on the series, but there's definitely more than a few moments where Sonic would've benefited from SEGA getting out of their own way, so to speak.

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Everything I've learned about Sonic history is that everything stems from two problems: scrapping content and rushing to meet deadlines. Every bomb in the series can be summed up by that, as well as some good titles like Sonic 3 getting split into two games.

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File: a14b2f31304fd8e⋯.png (352.04 KB,640x480,4:3,alone.png)

What are you fags doing on this fine Friday night??

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>rushing to meet deadlines

Sadly, they've been pushing holiday release dates since the early 90s. How they haven't learned anything for 20+ years is beyond me

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Procrastinating and hoarding 3D models from various games

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Same question I ask for Gamefreak with Pokemon. Holiday releases are retarded, kids don't need games for Christmas like they did in the past. They barely care like that anymore when games like Minecraft/Fortnite exist.

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File: 58c1a740f5222ea⋯.png (99.93 KB,417x479,417:479,1415764079457.png)


Heh, last time it was impossible to tell but this time they made it too obvious. Looks like it's gonna be a cute one!

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File: 63b86bc68b4ca3b⋯.mp4 (552.93 KB,640x274,320:137,impressive_silver.mp4)


Thought so too man

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I’s probably join Eggman first, betray/kill him the first chance I get with no hesitation (since the franchise seems to suffer from Batman/Joker syndrome), then dismantle and destroy anything of his that can be considered a “weapon”, and afterwards use the rest of his resources to start a tech empire (like Sony, or Panasonic, making TVs, Appliances, Phones and Horrible Customer Service left to right).

I’ll use the money I made to start making Bikes and Automobiles (fully electric), and start promoting some eco-friendly save-the-nature mumbo-jumbo so I can have a planet to live on in the future. Afterwards, I’ll use the rest of the money to lock up the Chaos Emeralds behind 20 layers of “you-have-to-be-a-ghost-to-get-in-here”, and I’m destroying ALL of the keys afterwards so the planet is never doomed again.

That’s at least some competence on my part, I don’t seek meaningless power, just a world we can all live on in our own peace.

It’s like a friend once said:

“The Quest for Power is like Gambling, when you reached the top, the only way is down. It will never be enough for you, and when you just about conquered everything, then what?”

But that’s my plan and opinion…


You’d be surprised what things you’d do if you’re too greedy to think…

I mean, look at Atari, they’re running on fumes with their Casino Games and Nostalgia Pandering (come to think of it, SEGA started off by making Slot Machines in the 50’s, it makes a lot of sense now).

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>destroying all the cool toys Eggman has when you could have them yourself

You're no fun.

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File: e2a09aff22a282e⋯.jpeg (69.46 KB,560x496,35:31,ENz7c9XVUAE2Rdd.jpeg)

File: 38fe601e0ac4886⋯.jpeg (154.46 KB,883x1152,883:1152,EN-Kf5PVAAM7g-v.jpeg)

File: 4de2b59937d4eeb⋯.jpeg (305.96 KB,1218x1726,609:863,EN737tPUEAEX0n5.jpeg)

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Consider it this way…

I could have them all for myself, but I don't want to.

I ain't warlord material, and that will only leave me susceptible to being a target to people who are either more ambitious than The Red Yokel, or political good guys like G.U.N. who see me as a threat, and someone that is too dangerous to exist.

Besides, I don't find joy in threatening to kill people for my own gains, Especially a planet that already lived in fear for over 10 years. If I'm going to be powerful, I want to earn it.

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You don't need a practical reason to have toys. Just keep them in a bunker somewhere, set aside a plot of land, and occasionally take them out to shoot up stacks of barrels and old cars. This is cartoon animal world where you'd just be seen as an eccentric oddity for doing that. I'm not saying to keep the whole darn Egg Fleet, just a few things like the Egg Dragoon and the walker from SA2.

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>keep the whole darn Egg Fleet

Egg Carrier is better, anyways

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Well, Eggman did have a pretty sweet room in there. Would make a nice portable fortress of a home.

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>then dismantle and destroy anything of his that can be considered a “weapon”

What would you do with Orbot and Cubot and Bokkun.

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File: 35b7d2b79c3625f⋯.png (24.96 KB,482x382,241:191,2000px-peters_principle-sv….png)

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>dangerous new villain appears on the scene and teams up with Eggman

>betrays Eggman and seizes the entire Egg Empire for himself

>claims to have destroyed the weapons and robot army, supposedly a legitimate businessman now

You'd be assassinated by GUN within a month. Within a couple days if you really did get rid of everything you could use to defend yourself.

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>villain-turned-good not getting the benefit of the doubt

>in colorful generally positive cartoon animal land

You have to remember Eggman had a whole collection of planet amusement parks sitting in high orbit, claiming to have turned around, and only Sonic & Co. questioned his intents enough to even investigate.

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I’d probably either keep the ones with the most sentience for minimalist things (making sure to implement two varieties of the three laws and the zeroth law (one for humans, one for mobians)), or just kill them all since they’re obviously nothing but clutter.

As much as watching the chemistry between Bowling-ball Head and Shell Blanc entertains me, even in death a mad scientist is not to be trusted. For all I know, they may have some fail-safe programmed in them in case Mr. Soft-Boiled’s heart stops beating or something.

You can never take your chances with misanthropic sociopaths…


Exactly my point.

If they’re not gritty/competent enough to just nuke him from day one, then how am I in much danger when I got rid of the planet’s most wanted criminal with his entire army dismantled and destroyed? If If I am going to be dead either way, I’d choose the option that will at least guarantee me a chance to survive. The most I’d probably be in danger of is some questioning (compared to being signified a new threat if I decide to keep the weapons like China).

I’ll take my chances with the option that will at least make them question their choice to kill me.

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File: 7e8c52b1794fe67⋯.jpg (17.34 KB,300x300,1:1,Professor_Gerald_Robotnik_….jpg)


>only Sonic & Co. questioned his intents enough to even investigate

That you're aware of.


>if I'm actively helpful and not really any kind of threat, why would I be in danger?

Pic related.

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You are all applying the laws of reality to a fictional cartoon world. Assuming the universe even allows you to kill its most important villainous entity, you'll either end up his replacement or have to sit and watch as someone/something else takes his place. If you kill him because you want to do the world a favor, you'll end up okay in the end, no matter what, though a significant portion of the world, including Sonic himself, will actively disdain you for going "too far".

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File: c0ec1db30444b9a⋯.mp4 (15.17 MB,640x360,16:9,low poly wip.mp4)


Sorry for such a long response time. I kept myself busy micro managing working on the project and other art related things. Needless to say, it's a retro styled Sonic game in 3D. I basically worked out all I expect for the game so if nothing goes wrong, I hope to have everything implemented in a few months, with only next year's sage to fully polish and test out everything for a finished released next year.

Here's some short footage of everything so far. Excuse the shitty video. I can't do compression to save my life.


I saw this and I got to ask, how did you get this to be so clean and higher res while keeping this under the file limit? Teach me your secrets.

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File: ae8c051e3e07077⋯.png (67.06 KB,241x216,241:216,3.png)


>Teach me your secrets.


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I already mentioned I’m probably dead either way. So I want to at least make their little escapade a costly one. Gerald made weapons while I destroyed them, that’s the difference.


1. Screw the Universe, no laws can hold me back.

2. By destroying the weapons, I’m at least assuring that it will take a long time before any replacement makes his move.

3. If they can’t accept that I did them all a favour, fuck them. Eggman had one chance of redemption, and he already blew it. So he’s too beyond that to live. If some people want to chastise me for doing something they should’ve done years ago, I’m going to always pull out the “all the people you killed by letting him live” card.

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Looking good! So you're aiming at next year's sage, but is it possible for you to get a demo of sorts done for this year's one?

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>Forgetting that your not the only /sthg/ poster with with 300 iq in Soniclandia

While you were busy dismantling Eggmans empire, Gregman, Fredman and Edman were working together and building their own with the combined power of 900 IQ and are now poised to fuck all mobians in the ass with their new patented dildonics powered robots.

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>the world becomes utter chaos as /sthg/ divides among itself and enters all out war with their 300+ iqs

You know what, fuck that, I'm just going to build my own Mother Base in the middle of fucking nowhere and hang out with my own army of sexbots.

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Is the game going to have actual levels for the release or are you aiming at releasing just an engine like most other people do?

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File: 0baa13bbae2cb28⋯.jpg (22.28 KB,480x360,4:3,pathetic.jpg)


>not building robots to capture mobians and have hot hedgehog sex

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>Gregman, Fredman and Edman

These alternate names for Eggman would actually be a much funnier way for Sonic to take the piss out of Eggman than Baldy McNosehair.

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I for one, support the rise of low-poly Sonic fangame content. Any possibility we could see a demo sometime this year, anon?

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Holy fuck the mania started early today, and so Uganda Knuckles' team was up. U. Knuckles won whilst rapping with his frost giant opponent and now won a race against his tag team partner.

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File: 20d8399fcca910d⋯.webm (14.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,low poly spoiler.webm)


How appropriate for me. Thanks anon. You saved me a butch of time and brain matter


That's what I meant, the final release is next year, I plan to have a beta version done for this year's SAGE.


See above. And I'm glad you enjoy the idea.


It's not going to be a framework. The game is planned to have completed levels before any real demo is released. I might release a test demo here after I get most of my gameplay ideas implemented with a test level (that's not just the one seen in that video I posted earlier), just so I know it actually is fun/stable to play before I release a beta build for SAGE.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gah, it won't let me delete my post, sorry.

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File: b6bc74f8e92665b⋯.png (484.96 KB,1488x970,744:485,bully.png)


I was just about to bully.

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File: 3ab4d1843d188f9⋯.jpeg (43.71 KB,600x600,1:1,Bc30l5qCIAA1Kun.jpeg)

What if Shadow was a gondola?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I dunno why, but I absolutely love watching gameplay from this

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So that's Sonic Islands? I remember people were creaming themselves over it a few… years? back. It doesn't look so impressive.

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IIRC, it came out at 2018's SAGE.

On the surface it looks like another 3D Sonic engine, but I think it really shines in terms of how Sonic controls. It's just such a breeze just moving him around & it doesn't feel like I have to fight the game to get him moving the way I want him to move.

Although if I'm being honest, I think the Sonic 06 PC project is still more impressive

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He'd still be rather quiet. Speaking of


Uganda Knuckles is still in, just beat Protoman and The Engineer with help from Luca Blight for the third round!!!

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That's the rebooted version. The original version had a more structured level and was using Modern Sonic instead of Classic. It was like a Lost World/3D Blast hybrid with physic based gameplay instead whatever Lost World was doing.

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File: 993537c30ba8377⋯.jpeg (191.11 KB,1440x810,16:9,EN6c6b4UcAAFHh_.jpeg)

I really like when they do Chao art.


>To the newly-developed adult chao, the teacher of Chao Kindergarten is giving a celebration speech. But there seems to be some naughty adults who don't listen to people's stories properly.

>Today is "Adults Day" in Japan. Adults, let's make a good child at the coming-of-age ceremony venue ★ [Channel staff]

>#Chao #BigTheCat

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File: 27a1adfcd89a461⋯.jpg (17.68 KB,300x350,6:7,sleepyrat.jpg)

File: 4a1ae46d06313d3⋯.jpg (42.97 KB,500x281,500:281,sleeps.jpg)

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What gameplay style do you have in mind for Amy? I feel like the default is using her hammer but I think it'd be cool if someone tried a set based of her interest in magic or summoning things from thin air in a cartoony way like in Sonic the Fighters.


I really want a full game like this. Up until this point most momentum fan tests were classic based, but this shows you can do it with Modern in stages well too. Also if it was added hopefully we could remove speed pads as we would have a way to increase speed without them.

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Good morning /sthg/

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Good morning, this feels better than 4chan's /sthg/ by far. It's more stable for conversations

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Is the javascript on the site kind of broken today? The site's being kinda quirky today.


>this feels better than 4chan's /sthg/ by far

Well yeah, that's why some of us stay here.

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Seriously though, every couple of months on 4chan's /sthg/, theres a shitposter on their with a gimmick

>Spring: Shounen Sonic

>Fall:Gay ShadowxSonic spammers

>Late Fall early Winter: Eggman copypasta at the beginning of every thread

>Winter: Nickelodeon's Victorious spammer, WWE Spammer, and anon's saying that the spam is good by calling anyone against them "newfags".

It got to the point that trying to hold an actual discussion ended in spam overlocking the thread reply/image limit. I'm happy that some anon suggested this board when I begged for a stable Sonic image board

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Yeah, that brings back some memories. For me it got to the point where most of the thread was shit so it wasn't worth reading any of it, and since I wasn't I just left, but if I remember correctly there weren't so many "estabilished" shitposters as now. We've been here for a while though, surprised you're only finding us now but nonetheless, welcome.

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>not building fully featured hedgehog androids and skipping the middle man

Come on, kidnapping people and taking them to your robot hq is just asking for Sonic to come knocking on your door.

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I currently don't have anything planned moveset wise. I'm going for a genesis/advance/rush approach where the main style of play is Sonic and the others are the same but with some unique abilities. It's not going to be just one or two unique movies like in the classics persay, but nothing too crowded or just thrown in just to make them complex.

I would like to explore the magic side of Amy though, just to see how that could be revised.

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Alright. I haven't seen anyone try her with a magic side so I'd be interested to see your take on it.


I could get if it was just to keep the thread alive on a faster board but as said most of the time it's more spam than discussion.

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File: 88196d217e862d0⋯.png (2.66 MB,2048x2048,1:1,EN107beX4AAJB4A.png)

Imo I just think it's 4chan period. As we get older that kind of raw unadulterated "mentally unstable" culture just gets too toxic even for someone that could be called a degenerate. Personally I just think that site's influence has really done nothing but make things far worse in the real world then it had any right to be. It's the result of a lawless, chaotic hellhole. /sthg/ being a part of that was doomed to fall to that

Sonic. He's a cool dude with an attitude and I'll always love him for that.

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File: bd5b0135bd945c9⋯.png (572.58 KB,1624x750,812:375,ENVVJFWUcAE55wp.png)


>I would like to explore the magic side of Amy though

Funny enough, that reminds me of this description of Amy in Smash.

If I'm being honest, I am pretty glad to see her love of fortune telling hasn't been completely forgotten. Let her use tarot cards next game, SEGA

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File: 759e8287d6e34e8⋯.png (207.25 KB,660x984,55:82,djlggl-746be496-b2e6-47db-….png)


>The chad hermit hippie vs the virgin neet

To be honest, places the like twitter and discord can be even more toxic then an imageboard

This site wouldn't been that bad if hotwheels did his job and ban shit like loli and /hebe/ right from the start, also if /pol/ didn't invaded most of the boards

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this was meant for >>18993

Let me deleted my post, 8kun.

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File: 92a856d66b69b81⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.23 KB,499x500,499:500,SonicBattleBoxart653609.jpg)

File: 18bba8848fd124f⋯.png (Spoiler Image,161.1 KB,480x320,3:2,d5a30d8d-029e-42de-84d8-71….png)

File: 0dabd1a49195f55⋯.png (Spoiler Image,194.79 KB,480x320,3:2,6a49420a-c782-44d1-ab3d-4e….png)

File: e149c6bf736b106⋯.png (Spoiler Image,132.64 KB,480x320,3:2,rouge.png)

File: 599177703796f59⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,8.89 MB,1076x716,269:179,rage.webm)

Quick, it was this guy's birthday yesterday, say something nice about him!

It was actually quite fun!

The banter was great!

The art was lovely!

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File: e2d87124c32ab8c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,163 KB,770x794,385:397,Sage.png)

File: ef523d8728e97bc⋯.png (Spoiler Image,189.61 KB,832x855,832:855,Bump.png)


Hot take, but IMO this is the best GBA Sonic game.

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File: 99fd46c1c2bf680⋯.jpg (10.35 KB,336x150,56:25,1405576131580.jpg)

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Any kind of character development would be fantastic to be quite honest.

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It looks really good! Am I the only one that wants more abilities and bigger movesets for Sonic? I want more complex gameplay but it's hard to come up with something that's complex but not boring or frustrating Having more abilities that you can master and use to go through the environment sounds like it could be fun, plus it would add to a feeling of progress that Sonic kind of lacks because usually you're stuck with the same abilities (that don't really require lots of mastering) throughout all the game.

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Only if it doesn't make the game a chore or isn't just there to be flashy. Mario is very intuitive and all of it plays a point to Mario's gameplay.

It also can overcrowed the game if more than Sonic is playable. It's like the Wisps, why have Sonic's friends when the wisps makes them pointless?

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File: a382968530e36fe⋯.webm (5.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,okko0.webm)

File: fe85a50bb87497b⋯.webm (4.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,okko1.webm)

File: 3c2ffa33982eddb⋯.webm (5.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,okko2.webm)

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Guess I should give it a replay soon.

Did the guy who was going through all the GBA Sonic titles finish it yet?

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dumb fun, what Sonic can be

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File: 3e5ca8567debdf8⋯.jpg (154.17 KB,1920x1080,16:9,actually.jpg)


Yeah, I finished it before 8chan died and posted pics of the ending. I want Emerl back.

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Does it hurt more or less after seeing Gemerl's ending in Sonic Advance 3?

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File: 8ecb8c241d2779e⋯.png (46.81 KB,389x386,389:386,sfu.png)


I haven't gotten to Advance 3 you fag!

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File: 4e0afbf67d227c3⋯.png (107.46 KB,456x316,114:79,all smiles.png)


Then you better start playing, anon!

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Oh, good thing I didn't go into detail about that part at least, though IDW comics make it something of a foregone conclusion.

Sort of


Remember to collect all the Chaos Emeralds, and play as Sonic and Tails when you finish Sunset Hill, Toy Kingdom, and Cyber Track for the first time to trigger the character cutscenes.

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File: f26cc1fa176654a⋯.png (65.33 KB,254x322,127:161,1409622541823.png)


I want to start playing again but I'm in the middle of playing something else right now and I'm barely making progress because there's so much other stuff going on at the moment.


>though IDW comics make it something of a foregone conclusion

Ah, I get it. Then I don't think it'll hurt less, his characterization and powers seem to still be gone. This franchise is nothing but pain!

>Remember to collect all the Chaos Emeralds

But that's painful too! this is kinda like the install gentoo of /fast/.

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Is the IDW series good?

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Well, you can take a look for yourself


Personally I don't think it's that good but it helps fill the gap between other things so it's nice to have.

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It's not perfect, but I've found the heights of the comic to be really good. The current zombot arc gave a nice spotlight to Chaotix & Cream, who has been very underused in recent series & I like Dr. Starline.

That being said, Ian is clearly writing for the trades, so there's gonna be times where things feel a bit repetitive or stretched out.

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File: 35b9579417a59ab⋯.gif (2.72 MB,576x324,16:9,1508258875939.gif)

File: 16be1f2c3f82b91⋯.gif (1.4 MB,634x445,634:445,1475362525732.gif)

File: 170797fa9bd1ffc⋯.gif (2.99 MB,720x405,16:9,1502651978376.gif)

File: 23845455b113440⋯.gif (59.31 KB,330x535,66:107,50d6c2435203e3444bff1db210….gif)

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I'm trying to avoid as many spots as I can, because I know for a fact that they can basically spoil you the whole thing through that.

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File: ec9c5e163ea2866⋯.png (404.38 KB,814x610,407:305,1473033220887.png)


I'm trying to avoid as many spots as I can because >sonic movie

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Tbf, it doesn't spoil much.

At least no more than the whole summary being posted on reddit about a year ago

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File: 5b70a6af1c3e71b⋯.jpg (159.89 KB,942x1200,157:200,EOA48iZWkAE-pe9.jpg)

File: c1d8ef662a1660d⋯.jpg (84.03 KB,600x800,3:4,EOCb8SxXsAElrwa.jpg)

File: 090319c7cc46054⋯.jpg (91.75 KB,1191x1133,1191:1133,EOQg4jJX4Ak34qf.jpg)

In other news, there's been a recent surge in costume swapped Sonic art, mostly featuring Amy & Rouge. I dig it, tbh.

Oh & IDW Sonic's been delayed to the 29th

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God damn the captcha difficulty just spiked.


Yeah, someone made a model swap of Amy in Rouge's body and it kinda went boom. Even the Sonic account retweeted it. I don't get why people find it so funny, but more power to them I guess.

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It boomed thanks to SEGA of America tweeting it. I guess because "oh noes SEGA made it official they know the fanbase is naughty/perverted" or something, just ignore it. It's basically just Bowsette 2 at this point.

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I think it mostly comes from the fact that the Sonic twitter never really acknowledges something like that in the fandom. They usually pay more attention to fangames or big pieces of fanart, rather than a model swap from SA2.

Some people look at it as waifufaggotry, but quite frankly, I find the SFW stuff to be pretty cute & I always enjoy seeing the fandom have something new to draw, especially for a character like Amy.

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>They usually pay more attention to fangames

I'm pretty sure they are completely barred from acknowledging fangames. I remember them doing gymnastics to avoid talking about them on some occasions and maybe even outright saying that they couldn't.

>I always enjoy seeing the fandom have something new to draw

Yeah, that I can agree with. I like that they're having fun drawing sanics, that's always good even if I'm not very interested in the art itself.

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File: 3321579605a183f⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB,3825x2475,17:11,EOSBMCgU0AAhYNy.jpeg)

File: a9b9271dde723ee⋯.jpeg (1.93 MB,3825x2475,17:11,EOSBMGrU8AES2xO.jpeg)

File: 4461a1475bdaea3⋯.jpeg (978.08 KB,3825x2475,17:11,EOSBMBXU0AAi2pZ.jpeg)

File: 260a3c4c1808c99⋯.jpeg (741.81 KB,2475x3825,11:17,EOSBL-iU4AA3tn5.jpeg)

These colors tho

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Oh no, IDW Sonic was delayed? I never could have imagined.

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That's some sexy coloring, tbh.


I mean at least 25 is supposed to be an extended issue, so I get this one, but still.

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I still like the bounce but I'm not sure how it would combine. I always loved the glitched super bounce.


Are those from the same artist?

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Yeah, they're all from the same person.

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File: 418d5b9d72adb93⋯.mp4 (863.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,_DaiJon_-12172302593320468….mp4)

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File: 11a851c9bc8e105⋯.jpg (286.65 KB,1024x745,1024:745,1411566611709.jpg)

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File: f27927512832a9c⋯.jpg (55.6 KB,640x480,4:3,059sonic.JPG)


We both know it would have been delayed regardless.

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File: 8d99f31f1f93ced⋯.png (1.74 MB,2400x1197,800:399,8d99f31f1f93ced13966c0032d….png)


It was delayed again to February 5th.

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File: eb7f61f3a05492c⋯.jpg (88 KB,792x461,792:461,1458349557018.jpg)


Oh fuck them, really? At some point they're going to have to start celebrating 13 months-long anniversaries because of missing issues.

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Early screenings for the movie to begin on February 8th:


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>in order to stop the evil Doctor from unleashing an ancient water god of destruction onto the world, Chaos, from flooding over civilization

I didn't know Chaos was going to be in the movie. Not looking forward to the lorerape. Also I'm surprised about those writing credits as Robichaux and Susser were removed when Paramount got the rights to the movie from Sony Pictures and I didn't even know Naka, Ohshima and Yasuhara were even involved. I can't believe the day is almost here after the years of waiting… it's going to be an awful couple of months.

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Part of me thinks that website's description may be outdated, because there's been no mentions of Chaos in the advertising, or the leaked summary of the movie that came out a year ago.

Makes me think if what was put on that site was the planned version of the movie Van wanted to do, since he did go through the Sonic series before writing the script when it was under Sony.

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Have you seen Sonic movie ads in real life /sthg/?

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Only on my city's movie theatre.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>tfw the last one in the series

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File: e5b812cf60a02ed⋯.jpg (175.73 KB,769x1200,769:1200,1578897134778.jpg)

File: 1f80fcc334920c5⋯.jpg (280.37 KB,750x830,75:83,1577758663962.jpg)

File: cbaedadbac78018⋯.png (1.33 MB,1200x769,1200:769,1577758360688.png)

File: accdb1e4a16435f⋯.png (85.94 KB,239x442,239:442,1577758321611.png)

File: de08de249b75912⋯.gif (1.07 MB,500x405,100:81,1568992092259.gif)

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New NIGHTS game when?

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I would bet Iizuka really wants to make one, but a I highly doubt SEGA will ever sign off on another one.

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Didn't the last one perform poorly?

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File: eaeedf5f92dcab9⋯.jpeg (171.55 KB,1431x2048,1431:2048,EOYpsEoUYAADYA8.jpeg)

File: 8a6dd8372611d19⋯.jpeg (743.34 KB,1400x1146,700:573,EOR64_HW4AE0PT-.jpeg)

File: c613a6aa1940e9e⋯.jpeg (378.54 KB,1500x1650,10:11,EL4HR7QU8AA-KYh.jpeg)

File: 34737a3d5cc41ec⋯.jpeg (537.8 KB,2048x1536,4:3,EK0OtZAUcAAtJzs.jpeg)


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File: db771ebc2ff0d61⋯.jpg (1.66 MB,1140x1730,114:173,1527085622281.jpg)

Has anyone here ever made Sonic content before? Comics/stories in particular? As a novice, how did you handle your work ethnics? Like, how did you structure it and make something visual/literately appealing for the audience to read?

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Can't say that I have anon, sorry. Are you thinking of starting something?

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just do it, no hestation. Trial and error. You aren't gonna be perfect in the 1st round as a noob in anything. Just run and build from there

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Well I wasn't trying for some pro strat first try attempt, just any beginner friendly advice to work from so I'm not just stumbling in the dark. I'm trying to understand story telling in a way it's paced and structured well.

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File: 8d1c35de74d59be⋯.png (335.89 KB,600x700,6:7,1562332112729.png)


I'm not so sure about that, I do know that it got mixed reviews. And that Sega trademarked the name "NiGHTS dream wheel" last year in Japan. But that sounds more like a pachinko machine name than anything.

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File: 17c8247537f8a00⋯.jpg (66.78 KB,450x600,3:4,1412004274325.jpg)



sonic are you okay buddy

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File: d71c48e96b8367e⋯.jpg (57.58 KB,680x358,340:179,D9iJOlDX4AA3gSR.jpg)


I personally haven't done a comic, though I'm thinking about doing one sometime in the near future. I'd suggest reading more examples on the medium since there's so many interesting ways to tell a story through good panelling and page design.

Most comic artists write their story down before starting to do thumbnails for pages. Depending on what you're planning to do you can either structure it by short issues, moderate chapters or a long-running story. I prefer smaller issues since it's usually more focused on getting to the point, but if you want the pace to be slow and have a longer build up to the climax then the latter two would work better.

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File: 76465cfb8b252aa⋯.jpg (55.75 KB,724x1024,181:256,1577757982022.jpg)


He's just really happy that NiGHTS is hugging him. I would be too.

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File: fb543acb2aa36b7⋯.png (157.15 KB,550x797,550:797,D5hQDXsWwAMXlQG.png)

Here's Bump, reminding you to bookmark /fast/'s backup! https://julay.world/fast/

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I love that deer so much. Nothing bad is gonna happen right?

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File: 8876e4e2b6b4d30⋯.png (3.62 MB,3291x4503,1097:1501,1577642788502.png)


It never hurts to be prepared.

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Of course. Now I hope you don't mind that my redneck buddies are staying here for a while. Don't mind their rifles and compound bows.

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File: a0f37b85441a350⋯.png (30.63 KB,248x258,124:129,t.png)

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Nicely dressed Bump

Also, when looking at this thread on the homepage there wasn't a single post from the last couple of days up. Weird.

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Same thing happened to me. At least the posts still show up when entering the thread.

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I love her.


The site was having issues earlier and when that happens the board index gets out of sync like that. Eventually it fixes itself. Seems >>19059 was actually foretelling.

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File: fc56950570ed4b0⋯.png (285.49 KB,1024x512,2:1,conspiracy.png)

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sticks pls

she dead ain't she? We'll likely never see her again

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IIRC, the studio that did Sonic Boom is kinda dead, so we're probably not seeing her for a long while, if ever again.

A shame too, since she is a Sonic Team designed character & even showed up in SoJ material like the 25th anniversary comic, Sonic Channel artwork, etc.

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File: 2e7c6a4a89dd0a0⋯.jpg (230.08 KB,1024x719,1024:719,sticks__guitar_song_by_kar….jpg)

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Who should be the Tails figure, little brother archetype, for



>Nack the Weasel



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Poor Sticks, she's with the Freedom Fighters & all the non-Knuckles echidnas now.

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I'd say he's a notch or two above the Archie characters. She was made by Sonic Team after all and was featured in a video game. Do you think she'll eventually make it into IDW too? Doesn't sound too far fetched.

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File: 12b34bb1dd999dd⋯.png (15.4 KB,573x106,573:106,watch out you're gonna cra….png)

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Why do I find it funny that it's on my birthday? It's not in NY though, thankfully.


I've seen one outside a cineplex around Flushing on y way to the DMV a couple of times, recently.


A bit of an unexpected choice for a music remix. Can't believe they didn't go for any of the Game Gear, Master System OR Advance levels in Generations 3DS. What a rushed job that was. As it was the first level in that version of Sonic 2, makes me think how much they know of the Green Hill fatigue setting in besides Aaron



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File: 7da0252706f60d7⋯.mp4 (263.25 KB,480x480,1:1,output.mp4)


The guitar melody at 00:40 and 00:52 is extremely similar to Adventure's Skydeck tune, mp4 related. The first 14 seconds also remind me of something else, but I don't know what. I want to say Sonic X but I feel I'm way off.

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File: 3560ae6f3cec22f⋯.gif (9.53 KB,116x119,116:119,1365012473942.gif)


>went through the trouble of making this

>firefox doesn't want to play it

>try to reencode with different codec

>8kun complains of codec

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File: 8757ed1bc591743⋯.webm (232.1 KB,480x480,1:1,output.webm)


Third time's the charm?

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IIRC, Ian wants to bring her into IDW but she is currently "off-limits," so to speak.

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SEGA has always been very touchy about crossing canons in Sonic.

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That was fucking rad. I liked all the different Sonic styles and the music made it sound badass.

>tfw haven't gotten my sonic today

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Yeah. Not to mention, it seems like they had no interest in using her outside of Sonic Boom.

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Well they did let Archie use her in the comics and was also in the M&S games.

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Yeah. Although I think that may have been a "promoting Sonic Boom" deal, but it definitely seemed like Sticks was gonna enter the main universe.

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Good evening, /fast/

Any plans for tomorrow? Anything Sonic related you're planning on doing?

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Hey anon. Nothing Sonic related, just lunch with family and stuff around the house probably. You?

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Not much, beyond looking to see if there's anymore Sonic music I can download.

Tbh, this franchise could use some news soon, too.

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It has been getting news… but just movie news. The thing premieres in less than a month.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Give me one reason why you aren't playing Sonic Network World

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File: 1473efa7ac20f6a⋯.png (19.89 KB,610x424,305:212,death.png)


Because I'm working on something else for you fags.

The character sprites in that game are lovely.

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File: c6e695b4c57262d⋯.png (29.8 KB,245x210,7:6,1425371557135.png)


Oh god what is that sampled music that starts at 05:10? I need to know.

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File: 61f98b2baba9fa9⋯.png (63.51 KB,512x512,1:1,dabs in low poly.png)


>Fellow gamedev


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File: 922b6ddd2d1d718⋯.jpg (79.9 KB,640x479,640:479,1426909192103.jpg)


It's not a game.

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File: 967274ebd2795f2⋯.jpeg (803.73 KB,1000x1500,2:3,EOjjoH2W4AA8veT.jpeg)

File: 11a07b650a74c3e⋯.jpeg (783.09 KB,1000x1500,2:3,EOjjoH3WoAINnpU.jpeg)

File: 102a304ecea9aef⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1000x1500,2:3,EOjjoH8W4AAi13w.jpeg)

File: 17f864dd5ff7417⋯.jpeg (134.15 KB,1000x750,4:3,EOjjoH9XsAEMSYG.jpeg)

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File: 7e28eb24b9452ff⋯.png (178.9 KB,500x376,125:94,1501036295393.png)


Hmm, looked like C# scripting to me. What is it then?

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It's shit an Android app.

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File: 40fd2f898b6bed8⋯.png (155.71 KB,792x996,66:83,dc10ddb21b25906e57313d18a6….png)



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File: 7664703d224a808⋯.jpg (311.21 KB,1800x1200,3:2,1579319725114.jpg)


Well, that's neat I guess. Good luck with it anon, hope we can see what it will be soon enough.

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Yeah, just don't expect a lot, I hate programming for this shit OS.

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Wasn’t Sticks only in the Archie Sonic Boom comics? She was in the big crossover with Mega Man, but she never crossed into main Archie Sonic after the Boom book got canned, IIRC.

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Yeah, but she was one of the few characters from Boom to show up in World's Unite.

But all the same, she was getting a lot of promotion around that period, especially compared to other exclusive characters like Cosmo, Sally post-SatAM, etc.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: bb1e3bed11bced1⋯.png (143.89 KB,411x845,411:845,20190730_172610.png)


Aww, that's cute.

I was expecting him to look like a lovecraftian abomination.

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Pretty sweet scene, tbh

Shame it won't be in the final film, but I legit love the idea.

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That guy deserves a slap or three. The figures though look very sweet! The Eggman one looks very similar to one F4F did, but the smile is different, which is kinda odd since the F4F one was actually based on official art if I remember correctly. Sonic my favorite of the four.

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Honestly doesn't make much sense to me. People will freak out about a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, either way, and the two designs don't look different enough for one to make people feel more comfortable around it than the other.

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File: 15064f7b08632c6⋯.gif (1023.88 KB,386x172,193:86,intense rage.gif)


I want an actual Sonic movie.

Motherfucker, stop tugging at my heartstrings.


Cute sloth though.

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File: ab042218c52411c⋯.png (206.25 KB,754x911,754:911,1485979131569.png)

Oh hey we're over the bump limit.

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New thread


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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]