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/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventure

minmax wishfufillment
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 No.7405 >>7419 >>13300 >>13301 >>13319 >>13336 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Another Tok CYOA

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That's actually the name of one of my oc donut steel characters.I don't want her to kill herself so i'm probably going to get shanked by a couple of shits. My other choice is Nariko because I think her story is adorable

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>>7405 (OP)

I can't imagine anyone liking an anime about my life… let alone creating it… so that rules out Luna. I also can't understand why someone would just accept that kind of physical bullying. I've endured a lot of mental abuse but I didn't accept the physical kind. I ended up hurting myself worse, but that's not the same as someone physically beating and cutting you…

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>>7405 (OP)

damn i want to help everyone. penelope and lily have the saddest stories. i will take penelope cause i want to protect her from physical arm it could be to dangerous at this rate

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>>7405 (OP)


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 No.13307>>13310 >>13313 >>13335 >>13340

This just makes me angry. At least it isn't gay, though. Dude makes way too much gay shit. There's also no reason Zynthia would be unfamiliar with being picked in a CYOA considering how many she's in. I don't think I could pick any of them but Zynthia, since anything else would just reinforce delusions.

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Go home, Tok, you're drunk.

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Zynthia is crazy. Her emotes in the introduction were probably spoken by her exactly as you see them. This might be a clone of her who doesn't remember, and if she does she'd probably compulsively lie about it.

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>>7405 (OP)

While I don't want anything bad to happen to Penelope, I also feel like I hardly know enough of what she's like as a person for the whole compatibility thing. So, going off actually choosing someone I think would be a better match than anyone else I'd have to pick Luna. All of the girls love me sure, but Luna literally imagined me up as a perfect husbando. Besides the fact that implies she imagined me to have a taste in women that would fit her own description, I also enjoy creative women so that's another huge plus above the other girls here.

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It's less about "delusions" and more about them going through very bad stuff (as in, their lives are fucked up) and seeking escapism in a made up "husbando". And apparently you're the only one who can really do anything about it. Which makes having to choose one a dick move at best cuz the other five will be "left for dead"

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>>7405 (OP)

>Not being able to choose all of them and make a happiness harem of joy

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Holy shit, sick burn dude. That'l teach me to have opinions on CYOAS and post my comments about them on the CYOA board. What the hell was I thinking? Truly I have been blind, but now I see.

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I feel you hard, Lily. I want to turn down the offers for romance, pat her head, and say to arrange a group hang-out instead. I dunno if it's possible, but maybe we can all help each other a little.

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