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/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventure

minmax wishfufillment
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 No.13455 [Last50 Posts]>>13468 >>13486 >>13488 >>13491 >>13495 >>13510 >>13564 >>13951 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

First attempt at a CYOA. It's a waifu CYOA. Hope you enjoy.

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I like it OP, simple but has charm to it.

>Mary, Alex, Susie

No particularly bothersome personality traits, I feel like I can deal with their downsides without much trouble at all. Plus I find them endearing.

>Power-Up, Gateway to Adventure, Pocket Dimension, Choose Your Afterlife, Sleep Sync, Gifted Waifus

Life will be awesome 24/7. And I have a buddy that could really use something like this, too.

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>>13455 (OP)

>Wish scope limited to home

What does that entail? Can I wish for piles of cash or will it disappear as soon as I try to take it out of my home?

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It would disappear, but you could probably work around that by online shopping if that helps.

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What if you wished yourself into a chick and got knocked up. Would fetus deletus?

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It would only exist within the home, whenever you returned home the magic/inthiscaseIguessafetus would continue as it did when you left the house.

>Genie girl was biggest headache making this CYOA and it still hasn't stopped

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Plain Girl, Genie, Sibling


Power-Up, Gateway to Adventure, Multiverse Moving Company, Choose Your Afterlife, Pocket Dimension, Gifted Waifus

Move to some other world, based on the real one but somewhere in the past and more interesting. The Plain Girl can be a house servant (eliminating the need of risk in asking the Genie to magic household chores), while the Genie provides high quality of life within the pocket dimension. I'd ignore the Sibling best I could (maybe have the Genie trap the Sibling in an illusionary part of the pocket dimension, where the Sibling can fuck a simulacrum of her onii-chan), unless I found a way of making her not an actual sibling, in which case she'd turn into a pretty decent waifu.

The Power-Up propably won't do much for the Plain Girl or the Sibling (maybe the former gets an ability to become invisible, while latter can change her appearance to better imitate her love's preferences), but the Genie would become noticeably more useful, if not in any way other than by granting the ability of learning wish-based sorcery.

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Mary, Holly, and Susie

Powerup, gateway to adventure, choose your own afterlife, pocket dimension, pet,

Gift a waifu

Mary will be my public wife as I cant be married to my sister. Holly will bully her into being a proper wife for her brother. Susie gets served up as dessert every night much to her pleasure. We have a pet dragon.

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Check out this faggot he doesn't even want to fuck his sister. Why'd you even choose her then.

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Andrea, Susie, Holly

Power, dimension, afterlife, AI, perfume, pet

Might have gone with the demon or the monkeys paw genie if I didn't have to worry about karma. As it is, we'll live like pharaohs in an ever shifting city sized hogwarts and feed the world with dehydrated slime girl.

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>>13455 (OP)

First thing, text boxes and formatting. Dark text on dark red background makes me strain my eyes for it. You also don't need to block your with that much space.

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Because I got to choose three and the Sibling was least unpleasant out of the leftovers.

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>>13455 (OP)

I was reading this until I saw you put in NTR futa, then I promptly stopped reading it. I believe I may have even said "AAH!". NTR is horrible regardless of context and futanari is disgusting. I vaguely remember seeing some kind of slob geek girl, I think she was the highest in my running before that episode.

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>i got to choose 3

yea you got the chance to choose 3 but you didn't have to choose 3 you fucking retard

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>>13455 (OP)

god dammit, why did the futa have to be NTR?

if it was just simply a futa or 2 for 1 with one of them being a futa and not a sex crazed cucker i would have picked them.

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Now that I think about it, taking the Sibling out of the waifu pool just to deprive her from some bona fide raging incestuous fuck is a boon in itself.

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 No.13494>>13499 >>13517

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I get you. Wish granting boons can get pretty broken if you don't define the limits well enough.

For instance, what if you multiverse moved to a fictional world you created, but in defining the parameters of said world, you made it so that the entire world could be considered your home?

Furthermore, while you cannot wish for eternal life, what if you merely wished that your life be extended by a finite number, say a few quadrillion years? Sure that's a long time but it's by no means "eternal life".

Suffice to say, Jade's scope is effectively bypassed and the only real downside would then be the random pranks.

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 No.13495>>13497 >>13499

>>13455 (OP)

I'm sorry, but I just can't help come up with ways to abuse Jade's wishes.

>Wish for knowledge on how to create superpowered potions using mundane materials. Knowledge disappears outside the house, but the potions don't

>Wish for existence and beyond to become my "home"

>Wish for the ability to word wishes such that even as a prank or with liberal interpretation they do what I want

>Wish for a pocket universe inside my home

>Wish for a temporally-connected clone for me that stays in the house and relays my wishes to her. Any abilities they gain are also mine since they're still at home

>Wish for the ability to instantly and effortlessly help people obtain what I consider their perfection, and persuade them out of unwanted behaviors. Basically have Jade make pranks WITH me, not AT me


How many of those are actually tenable, and how many will get shut down or ruined just for the fun of it?

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>how many will get shut down or ruined just for the fun of it

Considering that it's kinda the point, the most likely answer is "all of them"

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For all the talk about how wrong incest is supposed to be, I get the feeling you fit the definition of being sick in the head much better than some joe who just wants to bang his sister.

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>how many will get shut down

hold my beer

>Wish for knowledge on how to create superpowered potions using mundane materials.

Probably wouldn't work considering "superpowered potions" cannot naturally exist and would therefore be an extension of the wish itself. Hence they'd disappear when you try to take them out of your house.

>Wish for existence and beyond to become my "home"

>Wish for the ability to word wishes such that even as a prank or with liberal interpretation they do what I want

Won't work - Wishes can not be used to lessen of get rid of any details listed about the girls. especially Drawbacks.

While one cannot simply wish away the scope, there is a loophole with Multiverse Moving >>13494

>Wish for a pocket universe inside my home

Won't work - Wishes can not be used to give any of the boons

There's already a pocket dimension boon which you can place in your home if you so choose.

>Wish for a temporally-connected clone for me that stays in the house and relays my wishes to her

You won't be able to use any abilities outside of the home because of the scope issue. At the most the clone could probably act as a you which you can sync with when you get home.. however you may loosing the knowledge/memories gained from the sync on leaving the house again (assuming you didn't wish for a purely scientific based method of memory transfer).

>Wish for the ability to instantly and effortlessly help people obtain what I consider their perfection…

Not even sure what you meant by this one so imma just ignore it.

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 No.13500>>13502 >>13503 >>13518




>"superpowered potions" cannot naturally exist

They don't? We live in a world where gods are confirmed real, as are people that get waifus on a regular basis. Odds are we have at least a few lucky people on this Earth that can use such magic.

Besides, there's a difference between something being impossible to make (a perfect waifu) and something being impossible to merely exist (demons, genies, sentient slimes… wait a minute!).

The only stated deus ex machinas involve having them being accepted into society, not into reality's set of laws.

>get rid of any details listed about the girls

I'm not wishing their drawback to be removed, I'm wishing to be such a savvy silver-tongued bastard that I can get what I want even from people that actively want to screw me over.

>one cannot simply wish away the scope

Except I didn't wish for the scope to change (from home to existence), just for what is defined as my home to change. Yeah, it's not that clever to rely on wording, so I'm not really keen on it.

>Wishes can not be used to give any of the boons

Oh, yeah, forgot.

>won't be able to use any abilities outside of the home because of the scope issue

Except the abilities apply to my clone, not me. The only special thing about us is the link, which I'll admit would disappear as soon as I leave the house.

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 No.13502>>13503 >>13504 >>13506 >>13518


>They don't?

Such a thing is never stated to be possible, nor is our realm is ever stated to be intrinsically magical, thus you cannot just assume they do. You are not told what logic our realm runs on. The boons & Waifus may have completely scientific origins, or magic only intrinsic to them.

>I'm wishing to be such a savvy silver-tongued bastard that I can get what I want

That still counts as lessening the drawback

>Except I didn't wish for the scope to change (from home to existence), just for what is defined as my home to change

But you can't redefine the boundaries of your home from the inside. The nature of such a wish breaks the

scope rule as things outside your scope would then enter your scope, i.e. you have just effected things outside your scope. It also counts as trying to lessen a drawback since you're actively trying to counter the scope rule.

All this aside the Multiverse Moving loophole is the safest bet if you want to break the scope rule. Just save a point and pick it. You can even redesign reality to your liking while you're at it.

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 No.13503>>13506 >>13518



>They don't?

My guess would be he relies on the old trope of magic not being widespread on Earth because this particular dimension doesn't have inherent support for it (and any magic relies on outside energy source to exist) -- as opposed to, say, magic users staying the hell away from main populace because preferred mode of interaction with them always appeared to be fire and pitchforks (and thus they get nothing but annoyance from revealing themselves).

Or maybe he relies on the idea that current knowledge of natural sciences is complete and accurate, and anything outside of it is automatically unnatural.

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 No.13504>>13505 >>13518


>may have completely scientific origins, or magic only intrinsic to them

I'm not quite sure what "completely scientific origins" is supposed to mean, as I'm fairly confident that you've got no proper way of telling what's "scientific" or "magical". (I'm assuming you're referring to natural/supernatural aspect; as "science" is just a discipline of analyzing reality, and "unscientific" merely means an approach incompatible with said discipline or a statement that such discipline cannot be applied to, thus being unable to analyze it.)

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 No.13505>>13508 >>13514 >>13518



Something that obeys the laws of physics.


Something that doesn't obey the laws of physics.

Its not that complicated m8. Magic portrayed in fiction typically breaks all kinds of laws, like energy conservation and entropy. Sufficient advanced technology could appear to be magic to a less advanced being hence the statement that this scenario could have scientific origins.

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 No.13506>>13515 >>13518


>you cannot just assume they do

On what do you base the assumption that magic doesn't work? Just because we haven't seen it occur in the world doesn't mean that it's impossible for it to occur on THIS world. You're reaching.

>That still counts as lessening the drawback

Would me asking for titanic patience to be able to deal with my waifus' foibles be "lessening the drawback"? If we don't draw the line at the direct wishes, where DO we draw it?

>things outside your scope would then enter your scope

Yeah, you're right. I should just wish for infinite bitcoins or something, then use that to build myself a bigger home. Maybe even wish for an infinite energy reactor and use the revenue to build a ring around earth, and call it home?


Both of his assumptions are proven false merely by the premise of the cyoa itself.

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If something doesn't obey the laws of physics it indicates that what we are incorrect in ascertaining what the laws of physics are.

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>>13455 (OP)



I'm probably going to wish up some self improvement books and film movies with celebrities for extra shekels.




power up

gateway to adventure

pocket dimension

ai helper

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Mary would cameo in every movie like Stan Lee

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Then explain the existence of gods in our world?

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 No.13515>>13516 >>13518


> being this anal just to ignore the core argument


>On what do you base the assumption that magic doesn't work?

Listen here fucko. You can't assume one way or the other. You're free to try but just because you don't know whether someone is impossible, doesn't mean you can assume that it is possible.

>Just because we haven't seen it occur in the world doesn't mean that it's impossible for it to occur on THIS world.

Christ on a stick. The point was that you can't just act like a nigger and make things up which aren't present in the CYOA. In other words, just because you get a wish granting waifu doesn't mean the entirety of the world was secretly some magical realm this whole time, and that super power potions were always a thing which could plausibly exist. Different magic systems rely on different rules (some not even having potions), and from the context of the CYOA there is no indication given as to whether or not our world even has one or under what rules it would function if it did. The anomalous properties of the boons and girls may be localized to them and dependant on an external source. You just don't know because its not stated, and because it's not stated you cannot assume.

>You're reaching

Fucking kek. Well if that isn't pot calling kettle black.

>Would me asking for titanic patience to be able to deal with my waifus' foibles be "lessening the drawback"?

Yes, in fact it also breaks another rule - Wishes cannot change the personality of anyone or the way they act.

> If we don't draw the line at the direct wishes, where DO we draw it?

A wish that breaks a rule through proxy is still a wish that breaks a rule, hence you draw the line at wishes which break the rules. Pretty clear cut if you ask me.

>I should just wish for infinite bitcoins or something, then use that to build myself a bigger home

Sounds more likely to work, but still sits in a bit of a gray area. Just multiverse move. It makes more sense.

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 No.13516>>13517 >>13518


>just because you don't know whether someone is impossible, doesn't mean you can assume that it is possible

I'm given a lot of evidence that it IS possible (see: gods, isekai, magic, genies, waifus…etc), and literally no evidence that it isn't. Your only argument boils down to "we never saw magic, so it can't exist in this reality, and any counter-example is an exception, not a rule", which is handwavy as hell.

>just because you get a wish granting waifu doesn't mean the entirety of the world was secretly some magical realm this whole time

I did state I'd get the ability to make supernatural potions using mundane ingredients. If I'm using mundane ingredients, there's nothing magical going on. The effects are real as any though.

>pot calling kettle black

Looks more like the pot calling the mirror black.

>A wish that breaks a rule through proxy

So if I wished to become the greatest coder in existence and beyond, I still won't be able to make an AI because AI Helper is one of the boons?

>Multiverse it

"You and your waifus do not gain new powers from these worlds" implies that you won't be able to extend your powers reach, dunnit?

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 No.13517>>13518 >>13519



>gods, isekai, magic, genies, waifus

There's nothing saying the gods exist in our world. At the start it says you were summoned. In that moment you may very well have been isekai'd to the land of the gods where magic and shit is commonplace, and our universe is merely seen as a closed system with it's own laws and principals. What's more, sufficiently advanced technology can in some cases create the illusion of magic. The Gods and goddesses may just be hyper-advance lifeforms dancing at the boundaries of what the governing laws of the universe deem physically possible.

Unfortunately it's not possible to assume one way or the other because it was never specified. The CYOA could probably do with some more world building to rectify this lack of certainty we find in the world in which we reside.

> Your only argument boils down to "we never saw magic, so it can't exist in this reality

Incorrect. My argument boils down to, "You cannot assume the scope of magic in our world, nor how it functions as it's never stated. Thus it's better to accept what is stated to exist and assume that all other properties of our world stay the same."

>I did state I'd get the ability to make supernatural potions using mundane ingredients.

You're assuming the creation of "supernatural potions using mundane ingredients" is possible in the first place without magical intervention. And even if our world did have a magic system, you don't know it's limitations or how it functions. Different magic systems run on different rules, some not even having potions be a possible thing.

> If I'm using mundane ingredients, there's nothing magical going on. The effects are real as any though.

Sounds like a bit of an oxymoron to say you're creating a supernatural potion with mundane ingredients, but nothing magical going on. Calling it a supernatural potion gives some implication of magical properties. I can buy it if these "potions" are just sufficiently advanced scientific concoctions.

The potions questionable functionality aside, you're still going to break the scope rule through proxy when you try to take them beyond the boundaries of your home.

> I still won't be able to make an AI because AI Helper is one of the boons?

You could make an AI, just not AI Helper as described in the boon.

>"You and your waifus do not gain new powers from these worlds"

Go back and read what was said here >>13494

The loophole is in defining your homes scope in the creation of this new world. Considering "any fictional world you want is up for grabs", just pick a world where the entire world was considered to be your home. No new powers are gained, and no rules are broken. You're lessening the scope drawback through the boon itself instead of a wish.

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 No.13518>>13520 >>13521










Oh my god why is there this much of an argument over this dumb broken waifu? I thought I was doing too much with her rules but apparently I needed to word it stricter. If I ever use genies in any CYOA again I'm going to be way more careful.

No expanding 'home' with wishes, as that goes agianst the boon. Any effects of anything from the wishes can not be carried outside of your home, regardless of magic being real or not (Magic is fucking real btw). Assume the strictest possible version of the rules since this genie is basically a monkey's paw one. Not to mention even if you try to trick her she'll just use that to prank the shit out of you in retaliation. If you want to ignore any of that for your build story, go ahead, but as far as my intentions go she's a prankster that won't let you get away with trying to break the rules even if she wasn't cosmically bound to not break them anyway.

Fucking genies…

Also more clear worldbuilding does sound fun. I do love that sort of thing but I wanted to try to allow a bit of variety/personal headcanons for this one, maybe I'll make a more clear canon if I do a sequel to this or anything similar.

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 No.13519>>13520 >>13549 >>13555


>What's more, sufficiently advanced technology can in some cases create the illusion of magic

You just answered your own argument. In such a case, why do you define my proposed "supernatural potions" as being against the laws of reality, when said laws have been redefined many times before, and will continue to be redefined several times in the future?

>it's better to accept what is stated to exist and assume that all other properties of our world stay the same

Fine: Jade can grant me literally any wish that doesn't violate the stated laws. I wished for the ability to craft mundane potions with supernatural-giving abilities. Nothing in the current properties of the world says that such a potion cannot exist.

>You're assuming the creation of "supernatural potions using mundane ingredients" is possible in the first place without magical intervention

Wrong. I'm assuming that the result of such a process is possible. If I wished for the ability to transmute lead to gold, would the gold turn back to lead as soon as I leave my home? The process is impossible, but the result itself isn't.

>>even if our world did have a magic system, you don't know it's limitations or how it functions

Where do you get off the assumption that worlds follow "laws" instead of "technology trees"?

>Calling it a supernatural potion gives some implication of magical properties

Nope, only "I can't believe it's not magic"-results.

>you're still going to break the scope rule through proxy when you try to take them beyond the boundaries of your home

If I had Jade as my primary cook at home, and stayed there for like a week or two, would I die of starvation as soon as I leave? I AM taking out her magically created food's effects via proxy.

>You could make an AI, just not AI Helper as described in the boon

Oh, in that case I'll use some wish-abusing to gain perfect immortality, which is different from eternal life as it is described.

>just pick a world where the entire world was considered to be your home

If that "creative interpretation" was allowed (how does it make sense for a whole world to be your home?), why can't I declare the whole of existence my home? I live there, I breathe the air, I eat at it, etc.

And please don't use the "infinite realities == lol any bullshit that suits me exists". Otherwise, what's to stop someone from going to a reality that's full of better versions of their waifus that have been waiting for them to come so they can be together forever?

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There's your answer >>13518

Listen to the creator and fuck off.

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Her description is absolutely not a monkey's paw. She has set limits and a 10% chance of pranking you. If you want her to be a monkey's paw, change it so she has a 100% chance of pranking you. Probably want to remove the restrictions, since the wishes themselves are the punishment. As is, you just have to be creative in how you work around her limitations.

Though if 'any effects of anything from wishes' cannot be carried outside, and you, for example, ate food that was exclusively wished for over a period of years, does that mean you just die instantly if you leave the house?

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Nah, you fuck off cunt. The creator said that physical objects cannot exist outside the house if they're wished for. Knowledge and skills you wish for that can be applied to raw materials brought into the house works perfectly fine.

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Dis Genie gonna fuck you up.

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>I wished for the ability to craft mundane potions with supernatural-giving abilities.

They would grant you supernatural abilities… in your home, as soon as you step out the abilities go away.

>If I wished for the ability to transmute lead to gold, would the gold turn back to lead as soon as I leave my home?


Wishes can NOT be used to LESSEN OR GET RID OF any details listed about the girls, ESPECIALLY DRAWBACKS.

Anything you get even tangentially from a wish only works inside you home. Hell you could hand the genie a notebook and pen and say "I wish for you to write the letter A" and if you took that piece of paper out of your house sure enough there would be nothing on it.

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 No.13550>>13552 >>13553 >>13554


Then there should be a warning to not eat the food she makes, since we'll shrivel up and die as soon as we leave the house if we sustain ourselves on enough of it.

I guess that also means that memories I gain from the wishes I ask of her are negated outside of the house. That sounds sad. I might even forget that I love her.

I guess that also means that if I wished for money to buy clothes online then left home with those clothes, I'd find myself naked with no idea how I got to be that way.

Tell me, if I live in the house and pocket dimension for years, then leave them for whatever reason, would I die a memory death?

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>would I die


Wishes cannot be used to kill, thus the genie would never let you reach that point.

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 No.13553>>13554 >>13568


>since we'll shrivel up and die as soon as we leave the house

No because you are using the energy from the food you eat so if you ate a meal then left right away then you might instantly feel hungry again but if you spent a week eating her meals you'd be fine.

>I guess that also means that if I wished for money to buy clothes online then left home with those clothes

I would argue that you wouldn't be able to use magic money to buy clothes in the first place.


Memories are not affected. However if you wished for the knowledge of say how to create a medicine that cures cancer you could create that medicine and it would work… in your home. If you tired to use that medicine in the outside or if you create that exact same medicine outside it would just do nothing.

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Actually now that I reread it the specific wording of the drawback is:

Wish scope limited to home

That means she can not even grant wishes that don't have a scope of home so all these hypotheticals of "what happens if I leave" are irrelevant because if you asked for a wish that didn't have a scope of home she would just say nope can't do it.

So in my previous example if you asked for how to create a cure for cancer she would either say no or do something silly like hand you the blueprints to this gun.

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>"creative interpretation"

It literally says "any fictional world you could want is up for grabs"

>how does it make sense for a whole world to be your home?

Write a story about a fictional world you want to live in. When defining the logic of the world, make it so that everyone and everything recognizes the world as your home. Move to that fictional world. Simple.

>why can't I declare the whole of existence my home?

You can. The boon lacks restrictions.

>what's to stop someone from going to a reality that's full of better versions of their waifus that have been waiting for them to come so they can be together forever?

Nothing. The boon is broken. Go to the hentaiverse and drown in monster girls for all I care.

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>>13455 (OP)




claire and danni

dream wedding, power-up, normalify, Pocket dimension, sleep sync, Gateway to adventure, choose your afterlife, personalized perfume

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>No because you are using the energy from the food you eat

Food isn't energy only, anon. It's building blocks too. Ship of Theseus and all that.

>you wouldn't be able to use magic money to buy clothes in the first place

Bitcoins or credit cards.

>Memories are not affected

Why? Are they not a tangential result of the wishes? In fact, who's to say we'd remember anything about what happens at home if literally everything that happens there after we make a wish is tangentially related to said wish?

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> Xarma

Not only is she the hottest girl on the list, but she also has almost literally no downsides. How can the other girls even compete?

> Clair and Danni

Normally I'm violently opposed to NTR, but given that they're practically already in a relationship, I just can't consider it NTR. It's more like having another couple living in my house, who are open to letting me fuck the girl. Clair does chores, Dani is fun to hang out with, sloppy seconds can be avoided with titfucking and blowjobs.

> Susie

I like slimegirls, and don't have much problem with her vore fetish, given it doesn't harm her to be partially eaten. The stickyness is a pain, but Clair can help clean; I can also buy Susie rubber gloves to wear for interacting with things.

> Power-Up

This should upgrade Xarma's magic and possesion, Clair's housewifery, and Susie's shapeshifting/range of flavors. It also gets me cool powers.

> Normalify

It's probably best not to take chances with Xarma's torture dungeon, and it lowers the impact of Power-Up. Plus, lewd potential.

> Gateway to Adventure

Gives me a place to use the powers, and potentially endless entertainment.

> Pocket Dimension

Pocket dimension is almost always a good pick.

> Choose Your Afterlife

Eternity is a very long time; this helps ensure mine is a good one. Hopefully Xarma's actions aren't counted against me, given that I can't actually stop her.

> AI Helper

It's just plain handy.

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Everyone's arguing over the rape demon, the fat fuck genie and the literal ntr choice when there's a perfectly good quirky robot girl with no actual negatives.

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My problem with the sex bot is the smell, long term exposure to gasoline isn't be good for your health.

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>>13455 (OP)


First choice without hesitation. No idea why she's been rejected up until now.

>Claire & Danni

An unconventional setup, but no complaints from me.


I occasionally need a voice of reason and I'm certain she could use the excitement.


For obvious reasons plus it'll help me keep up with Xarma's side projects.


While mostly for Xarma, this will indirectly help Mary in the event both of them need to go anywhere together.

>Gateway to Adventure

I mean, why wouldn't you pick this?

>Pocket Dimension

Everyone needs quiet time once in a while.

>Choose Your Afterlife

It'll be nice to have an edge after each reincarnation.

>Gifted Waifus

Since the moving company doesn't include magic, I'll go the charity route.


I really like the premise, but the black text-dark background combo almost made me skip it. Also, don't be afraid to crop images down to a uniform height.

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Plain Girl

Multiverse Moving Company

Choose Your Afterlife

Plain Girl is completely inoffensive. Sounds like she'd be fun to chill with, at least. I don't mind taking charge in most situations that require decisiveness, either.

Multiverse Moving Company because ALWAYS pick the planeswalking options.

Choose Your Afterlife because I know this baby's going to hell or an atheist void, and if I die I'd rather reincarnate so I can planeswalk a bit more.

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