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minmax wishfufillment

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File: 8f1f371dfa56e41⋯.jpg (3.38 MB,1200x6332,300:1583,Space Marine GF D.jpg)

 No.12369 [View All]

have yourself a GF who is also an Astartes. FOR THE EMPRAH.

9 posts omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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why would you choose anything other than the emperors child gf? she has every fetish that the others have and more.

unless of course she's such sex crazed degenerate that she cheats on you with other men.

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For those who didn't read beyond "kinks" line: it's not "shape her fetishes" everything, it's "be pestered into rimming defecating gorillas or being assraped together on a daily basis" everything.

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To me, it reads more like "She's willing to try anything you're interested in." It doesn't really sound like she'd try to force stuff on you.

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not likely. it says she's a degenerate hedonist who's a slave to pleasure. worded like she'll try and drag you into things.

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>"She's willing to try anything you're interested in."

Read more carefully


>[she] wants to try new things in the bedroom

>nothing is too extreme for her

Such definition does include stuff too extreme for me, you (very likely) and just about anyone else. And while there's no guarantee she'll outright force you into it, she'd definitely keep making demands (and that's not considering how women tend to be naturally good at manipulating men when they need to)

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Dark Angels, id do things to her that would make a dark eldar couple blush

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Dark angles with ultra marines as a close second.

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Let me tell you about Slaanesh, the chaos god of drugs, rock & roll, and every fetish under the sun.

Your gf is a very devout worshipper. You can only pray that you have a day where she decides to indulge in the vanilla side of the prince of pleasure’s fetishes. The vanilla side is the gorilla salad tossing, the weird shit is real hellraiser stuff like being flayed alive and having your skin regrown without anesthesia.

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imperial fists should get masochism and dark angels should get sodomy instead

Night lords

>tfw big titty goth gf

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anon she cheats on you with other men, animals, plants and not living matter

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space wolves, for when you want vanilla but want to pretend like you dont want vanilla

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File: f0549faf48b06f2⋯.jpg (23.94 KB,400x400,1:1,FusoGntC_400x400.jpg)

>tfw no humble, generous pyromaniac salamander gf

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>racemixing with niggers

literal shit taste

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>he wouldn't an astartes girl

don't project so hard

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File: c576ab4bacac46c⋯.png (321.14 KB,321x416,321:416,tfw your squatmate dies as….PNG)




I don't know where you're from faggot, but last I check niggers aren't literal coal tar black with red eyes. Besides Vulcan and his sons are too intelligent to be niggers.


>tfw no pre-heresy Word Bearer waifu to help in war by praising the God Emperor and pass the ammunition.

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Some niggers are literally coal tar black, and some have red sclera.

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Fun fact: all spess muhreens have an implant that allows them to change their skin color, depending on the sun levels on a planet. Ultramarine, Imperial Fist, White Scar, doesn't matter. They are pale on snow planets and black on desert planets. It doesn't make them niggers, it's literally skin-deep.

Salamanders just have their skin implant bugged out by their geneseed mutations, and they are stuck in pitch-black mode.

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Do we have a source for these images?

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holy fuck it was just a poor bait

their homeworld is still pretty much africa with niggers but salamander blackness is unrelated to that

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>No Raven Guard

>No Salamanders

>No Iron Warriors

>No Death Guard

>No Word Bearers

>No Alpha Legion

>No Thousand Sons (daughters)

>No Luna Wolves

Why would so many have been left out?

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bother tok about it, I didn't make this.

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The artist behind the images of the CYOA hasn't drawn anymore.

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Just as the Raven Guard are stuck on white.

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>Iron Warriors gf

>Inferiority complex that causes her to be cold and domineering, but really all she wants is someone to accept her for who she really is.

>Who she really is is a shy artist who spends most of her days making models of cities, or vehicles, or the house the two of you could live in

>Immense hatred of Imperial Fist gf, as she thinks that stuck up skank doesn’t deserve all the praise she gets from the Empress.

>Prone to destroying things in a fit of rage, but will always show remorse afterwards.

>Hates being confused with Iron Hands gf.

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>Raven Guard gf

>likes to be sneaky and surprise you

>somewhat socially awkward and prone to staring at you quietly

>extremely polite

>doesn't get along with Night Lords Ladies? gf

>distrusts White Scars gf because of how aggressively friendly they are, but can become friends

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>Salamanders gf

>extremely friendly

>to the point of accidently killing people with hugs

>pyromaniac but pyrophiliac

>hope you like setting shit on fire as well as being set on fire

>incredibly upbeat and energetic

>loves making and repairing things, you'll always have your hands full

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>will mercilessly assault Marines Malevolent gf

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File: f7287ec5b7e3426⋯.png (589.4 KB,799x595,47:35,Chaos_Decimator_Tank.PNG)


>kink: none, but will do everything you ask of her. EVERYTHING, NO MATTER THE COST


>is a bit slow

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File: b79b42f513b1cf6⋯.jpg (2.31 MB,1200x7382,600:3691,Space Marine GF D.jpg)

Updated version here!

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again, Blood angels. nice additon tho.

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nice get

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File: 13bdb26163d534e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.9 KB,858x1200,143:200,PIVX-ME1.jpg)


Hard to decide between Ultramarine, Space Wolf, or Blood Angel GF. Anyway I'll chose to stay in the present and conquer Earth with my superpowered GF.

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Probably still Ultrasmurfs, Fisters or Spess Woofs, I'm torn between vanilla, vanilla with skinship, and vanilla with headpats. Needy Iron Hands gf would be good too. White Scars fetishes I can take or leave, but at least she likes anime and good food. Bloodplay and masochism are dealbreakers for me for Blood Angels and Dark Angels. World Eaters fetishes aren't that bad, but not into them and I prefer my arguing and bantz online. If I had to go against the Empress' light, I'd probably go with Night Lords, can do a lot worse than big tiddy goth gf. Emperor's Children would be nice if her fetish wasn't everything/was less extreme, especially if she's as haughty as they were in some of the Pre-Heresy lore. Thousand Daughters would be top-tier, but feet aren't my fetish and I don't want anybody to see the mess in my head. Death Guard is nice minus the inflation fetish.

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>Death Guard

>Fetish: Inflation

Nani the fuck?

Is this supposed to be a reference to the plague Marine models that all have pot bellies?

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I figured OP meant cum inflation

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File: 2c59b54a541ac1e⋯.jpg (115 KB,774x1032,3:4,luna_wolf_by_themaestronoo….jpg)


They were made by TheMaestroNoob, he has a deviantart account but only shares the nude version with his patreon supporters.

Wonder how a Luna Wolf gf would be like.

https://www. deviantart.com/themaestronoob/gallery/50849028/Warhammer-40k

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Are we taking traits more from Horus or the legion itself?

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I think it's describing the legion more than the primarch. I'd make one myself but I really don't know enough of the fluff to do so.

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File: ef0da647b1b88fd⋯.jpg (1.84 MB,4500x6000,3:4,1549304402609.jpg)

Updated version when?

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File: 4df36c3250fd6a3⋯.png (5.32 MB,1200x8378,600:4189,Space Marine GF Futa.png)

File: e9aa4b47284a3ef⋯.png (5.35 MB,1200x8378,600:4189,Space Marine GF.png)


Updated version when?

NOW! + Alternative futa version!

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File: 1d44fdebe3e4922⋯.jpg (54.99 KB,750x548,375:274,snusnu.jpg)


Aren't space marines like 8-12 feet tall? I'm assuming these girls are scaled down to normal otherwise its only gonna be fun for about 2 minutes.


>wanting a degenerate hedonist slutfu instead of pure wholesome waifu

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Space Marines are 7-8 feet tall, Primarchs are the ones who can get to 12 feet

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File: d1d5fc2bc63a959⋯.jpg (3.14 MB,1200x9896,150:1237,Space Marine GF D.jpg)

File: 1637676bd959ef3⋯.png (1.47 MB,1200x2095,240:419,Space Marine GF Mystery Bo….png)

UPDATE! 2 new girls and 1 new mystery box!

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Now all we need are Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion and we'll have all Crusade Era legions.

If Alpha Legion GF isn't twins, i'll be very disappointed

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Maybe one day, but not anytime soon.

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>warp her arms around you

I wonder if this was intentional or just a typo…

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File: be36a786f3c5439⋯.png (6.05 MB,1200x9331,1200:9331,Space Marine GF CYOA 1.png)

File: 15f77472039f051⋯.png (4.8 MB,1200x8242,600:4121,Space Marine GF CYOA 2.png)


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World Eaters GF

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File: 90dbd425f55a8a4⋯.jpg (59.21 KB,676x960,169:240,e5a95086ff33d176bbe577672d….jpg)

Can we get an Empress of mankind gf as well ?

we could use a mommy gf

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that is an amazing idea.

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