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/cyoa/ - Choose Your Own Adventure

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File: 735ffdebf73936d⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,1248x6320,78:395,Spire CYOA 1.jpg)

File: ece23666b799ad8⋯.jpg (2.51 MB,1250x8267,1250:8267,Spire CYOA 2.jpg)

File: a3e2de35c972c32⋯.jpg (1.89 MB,1248x6328,156:791,Spire CYOA 3.jpg)

File: 61d8a93a9455753⋯.jpg (2.55 MB,1250x8976,625:4488,Spire CYOA 4.jpg)

File: fcdc91a78148404⋯.jpg (1.6 MB,1248x5784,52:241,Spire CYOA 5.jpg)


Become a mage, a techno warrior or a party leader.

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File: 2c6660a8b91209a⋯.jpg (1.71 MB,1248x6496,39:203,Spire CYOA 6.jpg)

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Male: (+2Per)

Origin: Saint Orlindce (+4Per)

Craft: Phantom Master

Final Count: (8Per, 12Pha, 4Occ)


Endurance lvl 3 (-4Per)

Strength lvl 1 (-1Per)

Intelligence lvl 1 (-1Per)

Martial Artist lvl 1 (-2Per)

Occult Abilities:

Healer lvl 1 (-2Occ)

Arcane Understanding: (-2Occ)


Bahamut (-2Pha)

Ghost Trick (-1Pha)

Hadis (-1Pha)

Kyab Wunder (-2Pha)

Kyur Wunder (-2Pha)

Ryuu (-2Pha)

Token (-2Pha)


Executioner Id



Defense of the Sakura Tree

Puppet of Bordicca

Live together with my waifus to help protect the tree and puppet. Kinda want to make another phantom build where you have 12 Mini-Knights and do mercenary work, or 12 Bahamuts and start a dairy farm.

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fuck i wanted to be the first to post

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File: 7120b0fdbdee15e⋯.png (152.76 KB,500x279,500:279,egg.png)

Name: Sug Madic


Yu Vona


I need more training before I can cast magic.

>Strength level 2

>Speed level 2

>Endurance level 3

>Intellegence level 2

>Polearm level 3

>Arcane Understanding level 1


Tea Time and Ghost Trick can be pretty annoying but I prefer them over the others.

>2 Mini Knights

I love my pokemon mini knights

>Tea Time

>Ghost Trick

>Black Knight

My training partner


Ossel and Steven are friends


For more power, mini knights, and immortality

>The Infinite Regalia

To make sure the Holy Order wins.

>Dusk City Trouble

Monster hunting crew report!

>Defense of Sakura Tree

I'm going to defend the tree

>Witch Hunts

I'm going to help the witches for spme nice rewards Striego's magic eyes are pretty interesting, maybe i'll get one?

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File: d176fa78189fa54⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,803.32 KB,3840x2160,16:9,d176fa78189fa54296aa685f38….jpg)


Female +2O

Although I think the picture is inappropriate given that Reinhard is more beautiful…

Arcideal +4O

Actor +2P +6Ph +12O

Intelligence Level 2 -2P

Water Level 3 -6O

Ice Level 3 -6O

Appearance Level 3 -6O

Ghost Trick -1

Kya Wunder -2Ph

Kyur Wunder -2Ph

Tea Time -1

Lana Arcideal



(The Truth) Hell's Falling

>release her

Rise of the Twilight Tribes

>ascertain the truth about eden, bring Lucifer to Justice and take over the Eden Tribe rather than destroy it.

Dusk City Trouble

>Exterminate and then leak the information anonymously

Defend the Sakura Tree

>Defend my kitsune oyakyodon' homelan

Puppet of Bordicca

>Add another cutie to my collection

Witch Hunts

>Assist Marisa er, the witch, until I gain true understanding of the witchy ways, then I'll decide what to do.

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Arcideal Female Technologist

Personal: Strength 1, Intelligence 3, Hacking 3, Techno Magic 2

Occult: Arcane Understanding, Appearance 2

Phantoms: Kya Wunder, Kyab Wunder, Kyur Wunder

Characters: Streigo Dracul, Id

I left Arcideal to study technology out of a desire for all knowledge. Because of the dedication technology requires and my valuing of magic for knowledge rather than power, I never developed many talents as an actor. My family disowned me and neither technologists nor actors trust me, but I am seen as useful. The elimination of any major faction (actor, technologist, phantom) goes against my interests, but I still believe in the natural superiority of actors. In combat I use machines and have gained much of my strength from working on them.

Upon reuniting the Wunders we made a deal that they would continue to assist me and I would use my knowledge to protect the Sakura Tree. They've been my only real friends in this place and I hope I can continue to trust them. Baron Streigo Dracul and I knew of each other through mutual ties in Arcideal. He sees me as a misguided, but useful child who ruined her life. Id the Executioner of Arcadia and I have occasional mutual interests.

Dusk City Trouble (Keep the Secret)

It is likely to my advantage to keep the secret and I can probably come up with a solution. I don't want others spilling my secrets either. Snitches get stitches.

Defense of the Sakura Tree (Defend)

We found lost technology in Abxrai that I was able to incorporate into new designs. Much of it was obviously forgotten because countermeasures were too effective, but no one remembers how to combat these things anymore. I intend to use this to kill as many invaders as I can because I don't know when we will have another advantage like this. I don't want them coming back any time soon.

Puppet of Bordica (Assist)

I don't get many chances to study these.

Witch Hunts (Assist the Witch)

I don't get many chances to study these either. I may or may not use this information against them in the future.

The Church now sees me as an enemy and tried to slander me for witchcraft, but I already learned what I needed from them. The witches are far more useful at this point, but I've turned down their offer to convert. Maybe someday, depending on what I learn.

Main Quest: (The Truth) Hell's Falling

From the witches I was able to get a key that had been taken to another world. Following the society of free phantoms, I have decided to help the cult. I am honor-bound to serve the interests of the Yu Vona free society of phantoms and am willing to follow a powerful seed. From now on my life will be full of responsibilities to those I have sworn allegiance to.

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