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/cuteboys/ - Boypussy

Dicks and butts

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File: bd4868567286fa5⋯.png (283.15 KB,499x513,499:513,9C226739-67DF-4D7A-8932-0A….png)

 No.402687 [View All]

We all subconsciously yearn for our younger smooth boy bodies. We haven’t yet accepted yet that masculinity entails living with bear-like bodies. When we see a smooth male body, our envy manifest itself into attraction and we ended up taking it out in the form of sexual attraction and jerking off to it.

I reached this conclusion after thinking about it for a while. I tried to really pin down why was I attracted to smooth boys. Especially that I never was like this in my early life at all. At first I thought it was just the feminine features of some with plum butts and all, but that doesn’t explain why all men are attracted to that or at least a majority.

It must be something deeper. Something else not as simple as that or we’d be a majority.

I am not sure what makes a smooth guy turn bottom and submissive, but I mostly attribute it to lack of fatherly attention or/and early and first sexual experiences, but I can’t really relate to that since I am not a bottom fag.

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This post really depressed me; I'm 26 but I only found this board recently, and it's the one place I don't feel an uncomfortable pressure to go trans.

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tr*nnies pinkpill everything they touch

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I know I'm not supposed to say this word, but… the Reddit lgbt sub is always plastered with pics of trans folks. I'm sure they have their own sub, but it probably doesn't have the traffic or support of the larger community.

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maybe kinda sorta, OP. i genuinely wish i could have my youth back but its not from memory of what i was as much as it is regret for what i could have been. as for what makes me want that, ive honestly never cared for feminine traits much. they strike me as weak, and a desire to be weak when others need your help is something i find despicable and repulsive. in those i share my life with i look for strength of body and spirit, and i do my best to foster these things in myself while maintaining the cute aesthetic i need to satisfy my sexual desires.


i think honestly the last point you made is where the truth of the matter lies. theres always been underage posters and there always will be, but these days there are a plethora of places one can post their bodies for the attention they want that are more appealing. chanboards are old, they always were, but the days in which they were the best reprieve of the types of people who made up chanboards userbases are long gone. now discord has killed off communities like this place and honestly, the boom in appreciation for "traps" and everything vaguely femmy and male has changed the game a bit.

nowadays femboys set up accounts on blogging services when they want attention, or find a small community to show off in. the former i think is particularly damaging. the ability for young, impressionable people to accrue large followings of people attracted to them seems to warp them in pretty negative ways, they get warped impressions of how desirable they are and cant square it with the lack of attention they get where they actually want it. worse, the very worst of online porn communities combined with the communities they form to share their experiences as content creators seems to bring out the absolute worst in them as people, to the point where my experiences with them has left me wanting to kick the living shit out of several big name content creators not for shit theyve done to me, but for the shit ive seen them do to other people.

at this point, i just want the entire online porn scene to die. the slight enjoyment i get out of seeing cute guys show off is not worth the ways in which it warps people who arent prepared for it.

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This post seems the most correct. I wasn't ok this board 3 years ago when I was underage, but I was posting on other Chan's and since then I've quit whoring myself out for internet attention, now I just want a bf. Sucks this board died, but I think it will have a revival soon. Cuteboys is quite niche now that traps are very popular.

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There's definitely a lot of us. I myself am 18.

I've seen and spoke to a lot of them. Unfortunately most of them are now transitioning, even though I advised against it.

It's really unfortunate. Most of us just to nowadays I suppose.

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>our envy manifest itself into attraction

This is the interesting part. How this happens and can it happen the other way? Personally i feel th?e opposite has happened to me with women. When i see a beautiful woman, i feel envy when others feel jut attracted.

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Maybe they all found loving bfs to be happy with and settle down with

probably not but one can try to think positively

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>im a total pedophile

people like you (along with the board having BOYS) are why this board got in hot water in the first place. kill yourself pedoscum

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my theory is that we just like dicks and cuteness

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This board got in hot water?

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le ready to settle down

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Yes, when Dan Olson released his shitpiece this board was rolled in with the pedo boards thanks to him and tranny rapist Wesley "Laurelai" Bailey.

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Idk OP, I mean maybe you yearn for it, but I think that possibly most of us aren't even that old yet, most under 40 at least. I've always thought that it was because that we're just gay? Or at least bi? I'm bi but won't admit it to anyone except the guys I've been with because I am deeply embarrassed about it, but it's ok OP. We all have dark secrets that we hide from our friends and family. Sex is a sensitive issue for most people and I think that the world would be better if we just never made judgements about anyone's orientation and if we were all very private about it. Maybe we might get to an age in the future where the only way to tell what someone's orientation is is by seeing what their preferences are on Tinder, or what kind of bar they visit. Hopefully our children (or gay science babies) will be able to enjoy a time where they can sit down at a bar, wearing either a skirt or jeans depending on how they were feeling, order whatever drink they want be it whisky or an appletini, and sit down to watch sports or reality tv with their friends, while people of all persuasions make sexual advances at them. That will be the future hopefully.

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I will now describe my personal fantasy in incredible detail because I am happy.

I get home from work. It was a hard day at the office. I had gotten up early to go to the gym, but I also had a nice meal at breakfast later, consisting of a piece of toast with peanut butter (crunchy of course) and a banana. Work was also good. I work at a midsize clinical trials company and operate as a mid level manager, overseeing project management and making sure that business practices are handled smoothly and without problems. My boss, Karen, is a nice woman but she can be a bit high strung, and I know that I must handle anything she treats urgently with immense care and focus, because she will become distraught if I don't. When I get home, I loosen my tie and say hello to my pet cat. I named Simon, but pronounced in the Spanish way after a historical Venezuelan general that I had learned about in college. I turn on the TV and switch to Netflix to look for a movie to watch. I scroll around for a little bit, but often find myself more interested in looking at everything that is on it, and adding things to My List, without ever putting anything on. It is 5:45 so I'm thinking of starting to make dinner, but it is also a Friday, so I was thinking of calling some friends and seeing if they wanted to go out for drinks. I decide to make some fried rice and chicken that I had seen made in a Youtube video the night before. As I sit down to eat, I get a call. It is my friend James. He wants to go out. James is a nice person, he works in computer repairs and dated a trans man Amy for a while, but their relationship has recently been on the rocks, so he must be frustrated I think. I decide to hang out with him after I finish my dinner since I know it is a bad idea to drink on an empty stomach. I tell James this and he agrees saying he will come over in at 8:30 to pick me up and so we can head out.

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We hang up and I finish my dinner, deciding finally to instead watch the news for a bit and rest on the couch so I can digest my food properly. Afterwards I take a shower, I still have another hour and a half before James arrives but I like to have time to spare as it keeps me from feeling rushed and so I can be more relaxed when going out to the bar. I decide to wear a button down shirt and my favorite pair of khakis. The reason I like these khakis is because they are fitted very nicely to my waist and legs so I do not need to wear a belt with them. James arrives and I take one last look at myself in the mirror making sure my hair looks nice before I leave. I get into his 2015 Nissan Corrola and we head out. I ask James how his day one and he tells me a story about a client he has who dropped their laptop on the ground causing a lot of damage to the case but how it still surprisingly worked. I laughed because it was an interesting story. I then asked James how Amy was doing and he seemed less interested in talking so I changed the subject. We arrived at Gus's Bar. It was a nice place and had a casual atmosphere that was open for people of many ages to come relax. It was nicely lit but had a pool table in the back that until recently hadn't prohibited smoking but was changed in order to draw a nicer crowd. It was decently packed and while there weren't any open seats at the bar there was enough space to order a drink so we did that and took a table by the edge with booths. Booths were more comfortable to sit on then chairs but I always felt like they were probably more difficult. James and I both order beer to start. Ther beer was from a craft brewery but wasn't too expensive so it was a nice deal. We talked for a bit and after a few drinks James and I started to vent about our lives. He complained about how he couldn't understand why Amy didn't want to move out to the suburbs to buy a house and how he had suspicions that it was because she wasn't ready for real commitment. I talked about work and how Karen sometimes would get angry over very small things and how the new intern was cute. James laughed and said that I had been single for too long. I agreed with him as it had been almost a year and a half since I had broken up with my long time partner Liz. She was nice and I believed that we might have even gotten married at some point, but she felt somewhat trapped by our relationship and wanted to experience more single life. In truth I didn't understand why she would want to be single again this late in her twenties but I accepted her wishes and we broke up. I told James that in truth I was scared I wasn't going to find a new person like that again and I might be single for the rest of my life. James said to not worry and that many people going on thirty are in my situation and told to look around at the bar and see if anyone caught my eye. I looked around and saw many people. One man with a large beard and a flannel was talking with some friends near the emergency exit, while a girl dressed fairly provocatively was talking to her's. There was a fairly young looking guy with blue hair and stubble talking to a girl with similarly blue hair and I thought that they must be dating since they looked cute together. I kept turning my head until I accidentally made eye contact with someone sitting in the booth behind James. I smiled for a second since they seemed cute. James noticed my smile and asked what that was. I said that someone and I had made eye contact and he told me to go talk to them and see if they were interested. At first I thought but after another beer I decided that I might as well.

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That will end the first part of my story, I will write more when I wake up tomorrow. Good night.

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Nah, i just want to dominate a male sexually, but feel less gay about it

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i like this theory. only a gay or a women wouldn't like a cute boy with a nice wiener.

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I totally get you anon, I found this board last year and I thought it was so cool to finally find a place where feminine guys can just be themselves without being overtaken by a bunch of transgender posts because everytime I ever searched for "Fem Guy" or "Femboy", I'd be blasted with transgender places and on the LGBT-Chan, trans have overrun everything there and they say that feminine guys are just "eggs" or something and it's just annoying.

So finding a board like this was awesome but it's sad that it's no where near as active as the other ones.


Well I mean, I'm 27 but I'm still feminine. it's not a phase for me lol. But yes, I do think a good amount of feminine younger guys may be caught up in the transgender thing since it's exploded in recent years. I don't really see many other feminine guys anymore but I do see a lot of transwomen.


Yeah I noticed this which is why I stopped posting there. The sub-reddit "Feminine Boys" is also getting an influx of trans people there which makes no freaking sense since they identify as women so why the heck would they go on a place called "Feminine BOYS"? A lot of the posts there used to be about life as a feminine guy and tips on how to be more comfortable but now you get things about hormones and transitioning and it's just… Offputting.


Honestly that's good. It's already bad enough that there are legitimate pedophiles who want to become a part of the LGBT (which is sickening) and underage people shouldn't be posting nudes anyway.

But on the other half with the femboys of age, I can kinda see what your saying that the really popular ones who get net-famous in porn communities can become quite unsavory.


Such a shame indeed but I mean, weren't feminine guys always a niche anyway? Not many guys IRL are actually attracted to us.


> I've seen and spoke to a lot of them. Unfortunately most of them are now transitioning, even though I advised against it.

This. I've talked to a few feminine guys back in 2016-2018 and I've ran into this issue too where a good many of them wanted to transition and I just feel like transgenderism is the next mini fad. I say this because a lot of these guys aren't really trans and will usually de-transition in like 5-10 years.

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i know people who went as far as getting an orchi and implants and went back to wanting to be a boy. a lot of traps and cuteboys are probably agp to some extent and already have all kinds of self image issues and anxieties about aging not to mention mental issues or abuse in many cases and hrt gets pushed as this magic cure-all for everything by people who don't have your best interests in mind, it's really easy to fall into that. i even had professional therapists pushing me to transition

i feel really bad for any kids growing up now who are non-conforming to some degree, they're gonna constantly be faced with the pressure to transition and it's gonna take a lot of strength for people even in the best of situations to make a truly rational decision.

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>underage people shouldn't be posting nudes anyway.

yeah, but unfortunately they do. there are rumours that that one trans couple fucking in the banner on here were 16 in the video in question. shit sucks but hormones are what they are and young people typically dont make the wisest of decisions. best we can do is just deal with this shit as it comes, and tell the fucking nonces who want child molestation legalised to shove their shitty ideas back from whence they came.

>I can kinda see what your saying that the really popular ones who get net-famous in porn communities can become quite unsavory.

yeah. dont get me wrong, its not everyone for sure. there are a couple of big name ones i chit chat too from time to time id definitely grab a drink with just as mates if i were ever nearby, but there are also a lot of them who need taking to one side and sorting out, both for their own good and the good of those around them.

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>i know people who went as far as getting an orchi and implants and went back to wanting to be a boy

oh fuck me, those poor bastards.

>anxieties about aging

yeah, this is a real fucking problem when it comes to femboys tbh. i kinda had a "well what the fuck am i gonna do now?" moment when i noticed my hairline had receded a bit compared to the photos in my early 20s, but honestly it aint so bad and as long as i keep my hair long it isnt easily noticeable.

i know a few femboys who did exactly what you described when it hit them that they were past their twink days.

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That's actually pretty accurate for me.

I even considered HRT as an attempt to preserve my smooth body.

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I want to say you're right. Back in high school I used to envy effeminate guys like emo kids, skaters, etc. since they were attractive, had girlfriends, and were socially healthy. Meanwhile I matched that "autist whose mom picks out his clothes/hairstyle" look to a T and didn't even have any friends. I tried to grow my hair out to be similar to them, but I ended up with a hideous jewfro since I didn't have access to hair straighteners and whatnot. And so over time my envy kept on growing, and in my late teens I started coming across nude pics of these types of guys. Surprisingly I wasn't turned away by them or anything, instead I liked it.

When I first started fapping to them it was mainly dominance fantasies, just a way for me to vent the envy. Pinning them down, fucking them at full force, seeing how they like being at the bottom of the ladder, stuff like that. But after a while I started to realize something. I had never had any kind of positive experience with a guy my age. I never had any friends, and I missed out on all the fun things teenagers do together. At that point the fantasies started changing from dominating them to just having sex as equals, as I felt this was the closest I'd ever get to being friends with a guy in those days.

Now that I'm 27, I think your theory holds true for me. College is over, young adulthood is over, my body's getting older, and so it's too late to be the cute boy I wanted to be back then. The closest I got was being able to get my hair in a half-decent state, to the point where it's received a few compliments all from girls, and even then I'm sure they weren't being flirty, but that's it. Sometimes all I want is just to go back to my teenage/college years with my current knowledge, skills, and money, just so I can experience being a cute boy for once in my life.

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Any tips?

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Even if you had all that i'm sure you would still be depressed. Just saying.

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Midlife crisis much??

Not even quarter-life crisis, just straightforward middle-aged angst at 27.

Millennials really are the new Boomers.

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Being this delusional…

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Androgynous men are just superior. There's no need beyond dysgenics and internal conflict for men to be so masculine since we have all the tools we need.

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you don't need to make some big psychological theory since boys are objectively superior, anyone that can't see that is blind.

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you don't need to make some big psychological theory since boys are objectively superior, anyone that can't see that is blind.

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i like cute boys because they're cute

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this is why I'm on hrt

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>We all subconsciously

careful there boy…

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I don't see any real psychological justification for it. I just think they're attractive. Looking back, I think I might have felt that way even as a teenager and just repressed it.

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Kinda depressed I’ll never be cute

I’m tall and broad shouldered ;-;

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I feel the same way, except I'm about as tall as the average woman. My body's just not cute anymore.

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Here is my theory:

I like both femboys and no-surgery traps because they look like cute young girls. While I like growth women just like any other men, I don't like "super hot girls" or transexual girls looking like a "super hot girls".

I like cuteness not hotness.

But why? My answer is that while I had my first sex experience very early (15), I never had sex with a young girl (16 - 20), and I think I never will. Most of my sexual adventures were with 30+ women. Right now I am 28 and my gf

which I met 2 years ago is 32.

Hrt transgirls, however, looks exactly like my fetish. I am very sorry about this. I didn't choose this. And femboys look like tomboys. I got 2 tomboy gf: I know I like tomboys.

Also, I guess childish feminine behaviour, altough a facade, reflects my fetish.

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>I like both femboys and no-surgery traps because they look like cute young girls. While I like growth women just like any other men, I don't like "super hot girls" or transexual girls looking like a "super hot girls".

>I like cuteness not hotness.

I like the femininity of traps and transsexuals but could easily see myself fucking a more normal guy if he's got a nice body, good hygiene, and does something about his body hair.

To top it off, I also prefer the look of penises to vaginas and would love to bottom for a muscular guy with a hairless body, so I'm far from the heterosexual I used to consider myself.

>But why? My answer is that while I had my first sex experience very early (15), I never had sex with a young girl (16 - 20), and I think I never will. Most of my sexual adventures were with 30+ women. Right now I am 28 and my gf which I met 2 years ago is 32.

I'm the same age and still haven't had sex but am more attracted to older women more than young "super hot girls" for whatever reason. I guess that's good for me, since most guys seem to prefer women young.

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Ok this is a pattern, I admit. I don't particularly like the look of vaginas, in particular older vags with beefs…

Not that I "like" cocks, but they are less an alien thing… they are more familiar. A cute girl with a cock reinforces the idea of eternal virginity and purity?

However, well vags are functional. While I don't like at all the idea to be the bottom. I would do it only for the love and respect of my partner, but I'd never request it.

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>Not that I "like" cocks, but they are less an alien thing… they are more familiar.

Yeah, vaginas just look like some freaky H.R. Giger shit to me (while dicks somehow don't). I'd still stick my cock in one, but I haven't really found them arousing in and of themselves since I first started seeing pictures of what they actually looked like as a teenager and the mystery was gone. In fact, I think they're kind of gross.

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Fuck off Freud, go back to fucking your mom

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Kind of. For me at least I've been gay since I was a kid playing Zelda gawking over how cute Link is, haha

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Youth ≠ innocence


>I'm the same age and still haven't had sex but am more attracted to older women more than young "super hot girls" for whatever reason. I guess that's good for me, since most guys seem to prefer women young.

Female youth is overrated. Younger women are shallow, lazy and mean cunts.

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I also really do not like what modern women are turning into. It seems to me that they have become much more aggressive and impudent over the past five years. I prefer chatting with guys. Moreover, it is easy to do it online now - https://www.bromodates.com/gay-chat.html The only inconvenience is that I live in a small town. I have to travel to go on a real date.

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>past five years

If you only noticed female petulance five years ago, you havent paid enough attention.

>modern women

Why do people keep using "modern" incorrectly?

Modern means anything within the past two to five centuries.

What youre looking for is the word "current".

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I think there's something to that anon, yes. I don#t mind the thought of being more masculine but sometimes I wish I had sexually awakened earlier and really enjoyed my young, smooth body while it lasted. I mean, I'm not old yet but my prime twink years are behind me. I have a strong desire to find youthful, pretty boys and dress them up like dolls, maybe live vicariously in that way. Maybe I'll find some boy that wants a man to dress him up, be his muse- that'd be amazing.

I don't think your theory necessarily applies to all cute boy fans, however, and for me I'd be attracted even without those descibed feelings.

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I don't even like those kind of games but Link is definitely a cute boy idol, along with Pit from Kid Icarus and Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Good thing I can play as them all in Smash.

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