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 No.397573 [View All]

What's it like to have a boyfriend, anons?

>asking for a friend ._.

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No idea, I am too old, plain and nothing in value for a bf.

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the opposite of this is absolutely true and is corroborated by world history, if you find the bonds you form with other men to be WEAKER than those with women you’ve done something wrong, regardless of sexual orientation

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Not that anon, but if you're used to being alone and having a lot of personal time/mostly controlling when you socialize that obligation can get grating. Especially if you're not very lovey dovey or your bf is clingy. Made even worse now since they can basically try to get attention whenever online or via phone so it can get choking to people who don't like to talk a lot.

Alternatively you might be the clingy person and feel burned whenever they ignore you or don't show enough affection. Of course usually either neither side will say their problem with it or when they do it just goes pear shaped fast as neither compromises. Sadly this seems common, the relationship just gets tiring to maintain. Most guys aren't content to just like, be together or talk comfortably like a normal relationship and upkeeping something requiring that much effort sucks.

Throw in it's a lot harder to actually go out with a boyfriend and things ain't looking too great. I can speak firsthand for how bad this is after my ex finally talked me into going on a shopping spree with him. I couldn't relax because he kept clinging and I saw people staring, he was angry because I didn't let him do it or get into the shopping, we got a few snide remarks from people, just generally a bad time.

Also maybe it's just been my bad experiences but a lot of tops/dominant guys, least from here, only seem to really want sex. Might feel good being valued as something for a little while but ultimately you'll start feeling like an object. Like every single day the conversation always devolved to talk of sex. I guess expected considering two dudes but still it can hurt.

Still I think it might be because a lot of guys get into a relationship for the wrong reasons. If anyone's got a bf they just click with well and treat more like a boy friend and not a sex buddy they might have it better. I'd guess those born out of a relatively long lasting friendship where both get each other to a good extent probably feel fine to be in long as neither shakes up the dynamic too much.

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It's good.

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>I couldn't relax because he kept clinging and I saw people staring

I'm also concerned about this scenario IF I someone manage to find a qt boi, can't imagine my friends or even family seeing me with my arms around another dude, let alone kiss. It certainly doesn't help if family or your community still get fazed over anything remotely gay.

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Yeah, it's best to follow the 'Get a room' philosophy. Even straight couples shouldn't be getting touchy or kissing in public but for some reason the guys I've dated didn't want to acknowledge this.

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I don't really know to be honest, but I think it would be a nice feeling to be with the person I love. Currently live in a quite far city, but we still get to see each other from time to time.

I have no idea how my family would react if they knew though. My brother once told me that "if you ever have a BF I'll beat him up and then you", but my parents, especially my father, always said he wouldn't mind if I had one("You love who you love, don't let anybody take that from you")…it's so confusing as the family is kinda suspecting me to be gay anyways since I very rarely brought home any girls when I still lived with them. Luckily, my close friends know I am gay and are pretty supportive, and I live in a very tolerant country (I see same-sex couples holding hands and displaying affection from time to time here, so it cannot be to bad).


I find love more important to sex tbh. Although sex is important too. Balancing quality time and sex and when to leave your bf alone all seems quite intimidating. Though I think, if there is true mutual affection, there is a strong chance that one would figure it out. Too bad I never had any real relationships until now, but there's a boy I really like, and there is a chance it'll work out.


That quite a sad thing to hear. Boys are there to be loved, to be held tightly in your arms, to be kissed. To be talked to, about whatever hobbies they have, no matter how different they are. To be cheered up when they feel down, to be supported if needed, and to give back that support when you need it.

To be left alone for a while if necessary. And of course, to have hot, steamy sex with, but the relationship should not be built around that alone I think.

That's the relationship I want anyways, even if it might be hard from time to time, or it might even hurt, but I think if you truly love somebody you will do your best to make it work, and if they love you back, then they will do the same.

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Out of 33 women I have had and one beautiful boy, I can say that there is no difference. Women are conceited and so are trap bois…to the point where they overextend one's nature. I've always wanted a QT boy that would basically be like my "girlfriend" and even dress up for me. I don't mind kissing or holding somebody in public because somebody who I want to love is worthy of my affection in the bedroom or in public. Besides, anyone who fucks with me in public is basically giving me their consent to knock them unconscious. I've only had 3 relationships in my entire life and I was deeply hurt and betrayed by all 3 girls to the point where I only see women as things to be used. I'm probably too old and violent to cherish a young boy…but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take a chance if the opportunity came my way.

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It feels good then it hurts then you regret it

Then you do it all over again

Word of advice, don't get with a trap, someone who likes girls or a mtf.

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What about twinks?

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Gee its almost like you shouldn't date the mentally ill or straight.

If you're going after traps for the 'male' personality go after normal dudes. If you're going for the feminine body get a girl.

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What if you want something inbetween?

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I'm not looking for a "bf" but more like "monogamous relationship with cute friend in order to avoid std's and enjoy butt stuff with eachother from time to time"

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Typically worse if they're the ones that flaunt it and know they're cute, basically just a sluttier version of girls, so that only usually ends one way :(

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So moral of the story is, date a manly bear/musclehead huh? Yeah, that's fucking gay…

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Date people without a giant ego. If someone looks good because they take care of themselves and they do it because it's healthy you're gonna have a good time. If someone does it just for the looks so they can brag, odds are they have a shit personality.

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Makes sense

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It's awesome. My life has improved a lot thanks to my boyfriend. I didn't know I could feel so loved. He welcomes me home every day after work, holds me tight every night and cuddles me every morning. We cook for each other and play games together and go places together. My personality is such that I hated living alone. I do much better with someone around and when that someone is the love of my life then life is pretty good. It's awesome to build a life together.

There are tough times too, of course, for multiple reasons. But those are dwarfed by the good moments we have every day and the companionship we have. I wish to spend a lifetime with him.

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That is so wholesome. And totally the relationship I'd love to strive for.

So there is hope, isn't there?


Sadly, there are many people who simply do not know humility.

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I have to agree with this anon.

I dont/cant imagine me in a long relationship with a femboy or sissy. Its about the great sex we can have that is much much hotter than with a girl.

I can still hang out with them and support them if they need it, but its more about them being great for sex

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Think this kind of mindset also doesn't help. When you think on some level it's all for sex things are bound to go south with anyone you get into a relationship with. And if you're not enjoying talking with the guy, maybe change the subject yourself or bring up how you don't like talking about it like a fucking man instead of a passive aggressive bitch.


Those guys you really can't. Odds are their looks is the only thing keeping you interested and thats just asking for a bad time. But again: Don't date people with mental illnesses or a giant ego.


Be like this guy who seems to be dating a normal dude. Granted you both sound like the clingy type but that'll work out better than anything else long as you don't get sick of each other.

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this is MtF, get out

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People help me please, is so hard to find someone attracted to "twinks" It’s just that I look so damn young for my age, even my friends make fun of me saying I’m the replica of pic related, Where can i find someone? Or I will be alone until I’m fucking 40 and look like I’m in my 20s, this shit is even humorous :(

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>don't get with a trap

It all depends. If said trap is a tranny (like you implied here), avoid that person at all costs. If he's doing it only in the bedroom and just for fetish purposes, he's in all likelihood not an insuffurable dramaqueen and not mentally ill. Even if you could find someone who is a tranny that somehow wasn't a drama whore, it wouldn't matter as said person is fucked up in the head and plans to chop his own dick off and implant silicone into their chests.

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do you look like a shota?

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yup, I'ts fucked up

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I bet secretly they all want a piece of you, but are afraid to look like a pedo if they're with you in public.

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prove it

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I hope you are right, just look at this guy >>397900

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More than likely, something along the lines of this: >>397894

Plenty of people are into that, but there can be social stigmas attached to being with someone that looks "too young", regardless of the reality (or actual interest).

Not really any solid advice to give for a problem like that, unfortunately. Sorry.

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You can always pretend he is your brother.


Hope? That guy just proved it.

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bump ._.

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How time flys. I think I can remember originally posting in this thread on the long dead 8chan.

I can say that after 4 years of being in a relationship with a cuteboy I actually met from the original zeemap thread, that it's one of the best and long lasting I've had in my life.

I feel like I got real lucky compared to most, meeting someone who fulfils my needs while being cute, caring and compassionate (to the point where hes more feminine then most women I've been with).

Being the older one and the dom in the relationship I tend to coddle him often to show my affection, and he'll reciprocate by attending to me emotionally and sexually.

I have no problems going out in public together… never have, I consider him such a trophy on my arm, that there certinaly isnt embarrassment for an old troll like me.

I find myself caring alot more for his emotional wellbeing then previous partners, I dont see him playing power games with me or trying to pull a fast one over petty things.

I wish all of you anons good luck with finding any partner they truly feel security and bonding with and the main thing is to not give up, or resign yourself to it being "just about the sex" since that never lasts or makes ground for mutual respect for one another.

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I guess. I will never get to know the feeling, I'm too damaged in the head. I can't disappoint my mom doing gay stuff in front of her.

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How would be living with a lot bigger and stronger plus dominant and lustful boyfriend?

I'm a fucking midget and puberty barely changed me.

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You would have to accept being a cute fucktoy.

Yo te trataria bien, a mi no me gusta humillar, pero si me gusta ser dominante.

Todos los dias te follaria hasta cansarme.

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OP here, how do you deal with the stares and coming out to family? Is your bf trap-like or just cute? I still haven't gotten one since I made this thread and can already feel my body aging. Cute boys don't like old dudes like me, but even if they did, my family would crucify me if they found out I was with another guy. It is killing me

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>Cute boys don't like old dudes

I'm 34 and my partner is 23, if you are a dom, 28-40 is the sweet point.

I'm too old for my family to give a toss and they don't have a problem with homosexuality anyway.

Partners family on the other hand was kinda awkward, but they accepted him and eventually me.

People staring in public? hah, most avoid eye contact with me and we've never gotten harassed over it, i'm abit too intimidating for that. My partner on the other hand gets more nervous going out alone and knows he gets stared at for his girly stature and longhair.

One time he went to the gym alone because I had a bad flu and he got approached by 2 guys there, he's been pretty traumatized since, won't go without me anymore lol.

He's super cute, but when he puts in the effort with alittle makeup, he's passing.

I'm assuming you are living with parents if you are so concerned with their views on your sexuality.

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Perdón por matar tus pasiones, pero soy muy feo, peludo y masculino para que te guste.

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wait isnt that axelheats bf

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Yup that's "Roxi"

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It's like a dog u have to clean up after.

But a-also sometimes when we're watching a movie I can pretend to be scared and he'll hold me & protect me '—'

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I do not know whether this counts because we only interact online (yet ;^)) but i will tell you this story anyways.

I met my femboy bf a Natsoc Discord server, asked him if he would be my "Tradwife" because i was getting tired Women being brainwashed NPC´s.

Fortunately, he accepted.

After some chatting and ERP´ing, i can say so much as it is wonderful to be with a femboy.

While i´m at it i must also say that we have made concrete plans on spending our lives together, me also becoming, since i still have all my life to live, more and more of a femboy too

(i must admit it, shaved legs feel very good).

In a nutshell, it feels like winning the lottery.

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I wanna be the perfect trapwife how do I find someone like you? :c

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Still me , just with a name;

It is relatively easy, you firstly have to believe in yourself. Wonders only happen if you believe.

I found my Trapwife on Discord (kek), in a Natsoc Server.

There was a NSFW channel, and when the Discussion came to Traps/Femboys i stated my points, which led to my trapwife revealing himself as a femboy. Then i Just asked him out.

I don´t know how many people like me are out there;

but what i can tell you is that if you are willing to be someones housewife, which is the kind of wholesome most modern women lack,

then you have relatively good chances to find someone who will take you as their "wife",

given you put in the effort required for looking beautiful.

Another thing i personally find important is being able to cook for your husband, cooking also improves your health and thus your looks too.

What is also greatly recommended is being sexually flexible; e.g also being able to top or being ok with other things ;^)

The most important thing is still the mindset.

You will not wonder if you finf him, but WHEN.

I hope i have given you some tips

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It's fucking amazing.

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When you're looking for a dating site, you really want to find the perfect one. Such that you feel comfortable on it and pass the time productively. I searched for such a site for a long time and the list from the site https://www.datingadvicehelp.com helped me very well. Thanks to this list, I found what I was looking for and now I find dating very often.

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