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File: 1e730c1a12d4557⋯.jpeg (247.47 KB,996x2047,996:2047,110B35ED-A649-4DD6-9CAE-D….jpeg)

adcebf No.709792 [View All]

Last thread almost at the limit.

Chris is in fact getting worse.

His dimensional merge didn’t happen.

Shortly after the new year he admitted flat out on Twitter that he has anger issues that sometimes lead to violence.

In essence by not denying it, he admitted to beating and humping a body pillow as Barb watched as punishment for throwing away the Classic Chris polo.

He’s got some brony retard on twitter taking troll bait and accusing Chris of being a pedophile when he’s actually a hebephile.

Lukas has alleged that Chris was handsy with the TTS when they were all still minors.

Chris has another judgement against him after being sued by another credit company, this time for $2500.

With tax season around the corner it’s now only a matter of time before another faggot shells out hundreds of dollars to get Chris’ attention and the saga will continue?

What’s 2019 looking like for Ricardo Chandler?

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dd53c9 No.736906

File: 2e4c9ce73a9868e⋯.jpg (143.86 KB,819x800,819:800,4YvQh7Y.jpg)


People who made horrible decisions in their 20s. Bad musicians, HuffPo bloggers, they all have some moment of clarity when they hit 30 or 35 and decide to go back to school to become a "teacher," absorbing even more unmanageable debt for the closest thing to "working welfare" there is.


>it’s certainly possible that he’s going through all 31,000 followers manually

Remember he answered like 800 questions on his OK Cupid profile. Autism is powerful.

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f324cc No.736996



In my part of euroland there's a recent trend for people in their late 20s and 30s to go to college, but here doing that won't indebt you for life. Hell I went to college later than usual and not for anything that useful in particular, I would have never done that if I lived in America.

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dd53c9 No.737069


During Occupy Wall Street there was this thing where people would take photos of themselves holding a piece of paper with their life story on it. You wouldn't believe how many claimed to have spent $80k on an out-of-state private university so they could have a degree in art history, plus more so they wouldn't have to work and could "focus on studying" and an off-campus apartment. One of my friends even used student loans to pay for renting a sports car on spring break. Just bad decisions piled on top of bad decisions with these people. And they all become teachers.

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8fe794 No.737541


That was the majority, which is why everyone with sense mocked the occcupy movement

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27764c No.738432


>you wouldn't believe how many commies

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35bb75 No.738526


>that one single retard that blows his money

>therefore everyone is the same

Go Back To Pol

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f42705 No.738618


Are you gender studies or arts major?

We have campuses filled with leftist NPC that end up with lifetime of debt, useless degree and end up voting people like Jill Stein or Bernie Sanders.

Basically useless parasites to the society.

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dd53c9 No.738752

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6eb58c No.738760

File: 81a3dd744fa495c⋯.png (21.93 KB,275x200,11:8,shrug.png)


>tfw went to college just to have an excuse to keep drinking and slacking off for a few more years

>tfw ended up in the top 20% of earners

I mean I'm not complaining, but this isn't what I was told would happen if I couldn't put a cork in the bottle.

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174284 No.738807

File: 7027762265b886c⋯.png (20.26 KB,520x450,52:45,chris doxing.png)

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83ffea No.738860


Fuck off, Chris. No one likes you.

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adcebf No.738959

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e8a671 No.738996


Someone screencap this.

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adcebf No.739055


Chris stopped romanticizing his high school years back when that foxdickfag chick pretended to be his gal pals and told him in emails that they were only his friends because bob paid them.

Which just goes to show that the foxdicks are just as responsible for breaking Chris’s brain as the trolls they hate so much.

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d7bde5 No.739667

File: 88b0d31f710d463⋯.gif (3.04 MB,444x250,222:125,88b0d31f710d463a3271254f36….gif)


foxdicks were always far worse and far darker than any of the 'old school' trolls. Ideas Guy twisting chris's fragile perception of reality really bothered me. I want to watch chris suffer as much as the next guy here but i dont want to see the hands of teen trannies doing it. It should be natural and a product of chris's own stupidity.


Yes, thank you. Getting sick of CWC threads being shitposted by that one fucktard (I think he was the one broken record a few threads back too). Chris is obviously very deep into his delusions, I suspect he hasnt played TF2 but instead watched a few vids. or something. took a nap and dreamt this shit up.

Wait does CWC even play FPS? He always played RPGs and games like Animal Crossing.

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f42705 No.739685

File: dc0a197b82e94ff⋯.png (85.46 KB,614x344,307:172,Sperg rage.png)


Speaking of psychotic

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27764c No.739695


Oh shit!

Hard punches

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83ffea No.739700


Chris is a violent person.

He has hit the same person with his car twice and convinced his elderly mother to hit him with a car a third time.

Chris is a known liar and a confirmed pedophile.

He must not be allowed around children.

He is a terrible person and should be ignored and left off the Internet.

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f42705 No.739704



You have to cut the loon off the government gibs and throw him in the nuthouse.

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f324cc No.739709


>convinced his elderly mother

She wanted to do that herself. They're both responsible for it equally.

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57b2d7 No.739764

File: 989637563b96766⋯.jpg (34.37 KB,388x443,388:443,989637563b967666c4af9f5f6d….jpg)


Oh damn, maybe the final showdown won't be Chris vs Megan, but a fight to the death between Chris and Tara Strong

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cc3b1a No.739816



Whats the backstory here?

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83ffea No.739853


She wouldn't meet with him at some convention.

She banned him from her twitter.

Chris is a piece of shit who demands everyone to give him everything.

That's all you need to know.

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ff3b1a No.739979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Chris "no one in particular" Chan

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ada14f No.739982


Welp I guess he's not coming to Br­onycon now. Did anyone tell them about this yet? I think he'd get banned outright.

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8fe794 No.740106


This is going to be the last Bronycon though. I think we should try to Julay him into trying to go on that merit, telling him that it will be the last one forever. Lulz will insue, I am sure.

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adcebf No.740140


This is fake and gay and retarded. If this actually got tweeted by Chris the fallout would be immense and swift.

The first giveaway is that it took nine fucking days for someone to post it here, second giveaway is that the foxdickfags didn’t lose their shit over this tweet, and the third giveaway is that Chris wouldn’t pray to god and jesus for guidance he denounced them years ago for his CPU goddess faggotry.

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83ffea No.740148


That's bullshit.

Chris has made his twitter private. Most people collecting his shitty covered cocks likely weren't followers of his, so they have to go through the bullshit of signing up for twitter and then getting approved by Chris to follow him.

Chris is hiding the evidence of how big a piece of shit he is.

He has attacked the same person on multiple occassions, and he also coereced his mother into hitting the same person with her car.

Chris is a known liar and a confirmed pedophile.

He must not be allowed around children.

He is a terrible person and should be ignored and left off the Internet.

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0af647 No.740153

File: 0d59d1c4ea71899⋯.jpg (13.03 KB,240x240,1:1,Selphie Has Autism.jpg)


>Chris must be ignored!

>48 fucking posts saying so

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83ffea No.740169


Chris is a terrible person and should be ignored and left off the Internet.

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adcebf No.740195


You sure pay a lot of attention to someone who needs to be ignored. If Tara was legit being threatened by Chris over twitter bronies would have lost their shit over it and Chris would’ve been blocked and in turn that would have made him go full chimp mode.

Hirtes, I know you want to get Chris banned pre emptively from the last bronycon but you’re getting sloppy.

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ada14f No.740223


Boots on the ground here, I want to see him but I want to see the fallout of not seeing him, too.

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83ffea No.740226


>chris would've been blocked

He already is blocked, kid.

That's why he is so pissy like the bitch he is.

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adcebf No.740332

File: 5e85f86ff92800e⋯.jpeg (455.54 KB,1125x2014,1125:2014,602B13AA-2497-40AC-ACDC-C….jpeg)


6 days ago he retweeted Tara Strong right before bitching a bout some nobody blocking him. This was 3-4 days after your fake tweet. Why would Tara Strong let him stay on her followers list for that long after threatening to beat her? And why isn’t there a single person anywhere talking about this on twitter? Get fucked Hirtes.

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83ffea No.740397


>I don't think I've seen anyone put an ugly spin on something this outrageously for their own attention. Anyone who follows me know that I'm on a huge anti-bullying platform, and even wrote and produced a song about it.

>All my "twolling" as we on Twitter call it is completely adorable and makes people smile. Christian's article makes me angry & disappointed. Hope I never meet the guy.

She doesn't like Chris because she realized how much of a user and piece of shit he is.

It makes complete sense.

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4f8864 No.740525

File: 479c4a74d92ec59⋯.png (240.07 KB,890x833,890:833,chris twitter.png)



It's fake or deleted, but I'm leaning towards fake because like the other anon pointed out he has stopped using phrases such as 'pray to god'. Also if it were real someone would have archived it.

>Chris has made his twitter private. Most people collecting his shitty covered cocks likely weren't followers of his, so they have to go through the bullshit of signing up for twitter and then getting approved by Chris to follow him.

<Not following Chris on Twitter

Why? It's an endless goldmine.

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83ffea No.740531


>Why? It's an endless goldmine.

Because it's an endless colon.

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4f8864 No.740532


An endless colon of joy and hidden treasures.

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83ffea No.740535


If you are some coprophiliac, that's your problem, but Chris is a piece of shit.

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4f8864 No.740555


>If you find the bullshit of Chris entertaining you must like/support him

Is this why you've been so repetitive? For the sake of transparency, no one in this thread thinks that Chris is not a piece of shit. People approach the subject with different mindsets, personally I just want to watch this trash fire and laugh about it with fellow anons.

If you want to feel really vindictive and see him in jail, that's up to you. Personally I wouldn't mind since that could lead to some hilarious cocks (hope he'd be allowed internet) but you seem to be in it as some personal vendetta. I mean who really cares what some autist on the internet does if he hasn't even raped some puppies or kids?

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d3686d No.740557


Chris Chan is worse than hitler

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8fe794 No.740560


Is he talking about James "Kibo" Perry? I didn't know Kibo had a twitter. Wow, that's a blast from the past if it's that Kibo.

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adcebf No.740570

File: fe0223e70ec999f⋯.jpeg (407.42 KB,1125x1075,45:43,F29BDCA7-4932-4200-833E-7….jpeg)

File: e3f52b1a6889c19⋯.jpeg (387.7 KB,1124x1973,1124:1973,593C129F-3545-4BB4-A8BA-6….jpeg)


I don’t think we’re talking about the same person.

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83ffea No.740572

File: 7b3d49a35e3f25f⋯.png (22.98 KB,400x400,1:1,feels-good-man.png)

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8fe794 No.740573



Yeah, James Perry was a blast from the past. Not a lolcow, just a fun person.


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8fe794 No.740574



Yeah, James Perry was a blast from the past. Not a lolcow, just a fun person.



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27764c No.740575


Please repost.

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f42705 No.741532


Chris set his private at end of January. you daft bastard

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83ffea No.742001


So what, dip shit.

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4f4730 No.743580

get chris ban from bronycon to complete break him

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