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File: e0c6e834ebdbd36⋯.jpeg (271.13 KB,841x1308,841:1308,Chris 1.jpeg)

File: d890c15f2c217a1⋯.jpeg (353.65 KB,833x1612,833:1612,Chris 2.jpeg)

File: 5084bfc3d1174e0⋯.mp4 (4.18 MB,608x1080,76:135,Batshit.mp4)

49f262 No.687691 [View All]


Last thread is in it's death throes, so here we go. 2 more days till the merge deadline.

Chris is institution tier material, once barb dies he'll end up in the place where nuts hunt the squirrels

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8b2a13 No.703683

File: f7195db9a700615⋯.png (74.92 KB,598x474,299:237,Screenshot from 2019-01-14….png)

File: 1fbcaa2979d47f2⋯.png (59.25 KB,577x368,577:368,Screenshot from 2019-01-14….png)

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919dca No.703712

What's the consensus on the people who are making twitters pasted with all the CPU Goddess shit trying to encourage Chris' delusions? We cool with that or no?

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8b2a13 No.704193


I don't think he even reads it

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e1c2af No.704200

File: 0c35eeceea50362⋯.jpg (46.25 KB,341x445,341:445,ddc22d.jpg)

File: 10a9c15e05c7ccb⋯.jpg (105.68 KB,460x596,115:149,Charles-Manson.jpg)


>We cool with that

I've never been okay with any of this hell-in-a-hand-basket bullshit.

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7f0c12 No.704232


> We cool with that or no

I'm just here to laugh, not to moralfag over what some retard on Twitter decides to do with his time

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dfa8cf No.704264


I don't think butting in is necessary, this saga has been pretty fun so far.

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6a0c7e No.704272


Just watch and maybe just maybe there will be a cult of chris-chan.

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0e6b40 No.704314

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>cult of chris-chan

Um hey, What do you think LOLLLcowfarms is?!

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6a0c7e No.704360


Never went there tbqh fam. But I kinda have a suspicion that foxdickfarms is a minor cult of chris-chan. Since where they not the ones that disturbed the natural state of things and Chris went complete into a delusional imagination.

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0e6b40 No.704373

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>I kinda have a suspicion that foxdickfarms is a minor cult of chris-chan.

This is the cult of chris-chan.

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854ec3 No.704426

File: 0a9f73e4937664b⋯.png (286.5 KB,756x535,756:535,8202B577-5A1A-4692-9944-43….png)


Kinda irrelevant what we the lurkers of the /cow/ cwc thread thinks. There's so many factions involved here, cwc is an institution now.

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cf6305 No.704639

God damn, Chris has inspired entire groups repeatedly over time to fuck with him. How do these people form, and then meet the legend himself? The latest is the Teen Troon Squad. Why can't I make a troll group to physically meet Chris Chan and say a bunch of gibberish to him he'd believe ;_;

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3cd51c No.704667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well if you have lots of confidence and don't mind being deemed a schizo then you could find out which town he lives in and become soapbox doomsayers for the dimensional merge. That'd probably get you noticed pretty quick

Something like vid related

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bb5586 No.705051


> you could find out what town Chris Chan lives in

Are you for real? More people know Chris Chan's address than know the address of the White House.

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3cd51c No.705212


Well then get a band together and go. You have right to peaceful assembly

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6a0c7e No.705260


Oh that cult of Chris-chan.


first you need like a team, call it bravo team. then you need to figure out which topic that he likes where you can manipulate it, so go in friendly then a slow build up until you can manipulate the situation at hand.

Then you can meet Chris-chan and then you need to be super friendly he is kinda like a lost animal, you go in slow and friendly don't talk gibberish with the first meet up with Chris-chan because he will panic like a lost animal.

Then later you can be like an SS officer and he would not care because he thinks you are real fwends. Also you kinda need a girl on the team, if you cannot get a girl on the team it can take a little bit longer for that initial breaking point.

Hope this helps.

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d60449 No.705328


Enjoy getting doxed and laughed at for being a sperg

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efe09f No.706161


I think it's mostly been established that Chris' ego will keep him from taking his own life. I just dont see it happening.

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efe09f No.706192


Who cares if foxdicks doxxxxxxx you? I don't have any dirt on me and it would just prove how much of a losers they are trying to "protect" their pet retard.

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139041 No.706249



Chris confirmed /ourguy/

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e9603d No.706554


Shit, I've been doxed and have dirt on me and they didn't do shit.

Fuck me, I once actually doxed an actual criminal implicated in one of their threads for them, address and phone, and they didn't do shit, which pretty much erased all nervousness I had about being doxxxxxxxxxxxxed.

foxdickfarms is a fucking joke, I think cows dox themselves more regularly.

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de180f No.706860

File: 6cbfa6a43cbd7ab⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,720x480,3:2,Nice ass.mp4)

File: 3f6aa8b2f9c69c6⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB,720x480,3:2,Getting hot.mp4)

File: fe9a49fce26f819⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,720x480,3:2,Karaoke.mp4)

More cocks for fapping

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1a6132 No.707342


One has to wonder if Barb has ever been like “what the fuck is all that noise” and barged in on him cranking it.

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d35e81 No.707592


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b0a95e No.707657


It's always worse than it can possibly get.


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85ff16 No.707758


Did you literally just download those files from earlier in the thread, renamed them, then reuploaded them? Congrats, that's some top-tier tism

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671ca9 No.708012

File: 0c0316b45f721d9⋯.gif (7.52 KB,212x194,106:97,170666e94dfb4070aa1aa07a44….gif)


You actually fap to that? Pretty fucked up, anon. Its one thing to watch like a few seconds of it and cringe/lol at it but it takes a true autistic to get a stiffie from an autistic tranny…

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8b2a13 No.708821

File: cdb5949e3fd6151⋯.png (25.72 KB,578x141,578:141,Screenshot from 2019-01-16….png)

File: 54aa3d535bf53e9⋯.png (219.46 KB,604x643,604:643,Screenshot from 2019-01-16….png)

File: 5c15046ff2e0495⋯.png (138.61 KB,599x578,599:578,Screenshot from 2019-01-16….png)

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0c20ca No.708846


>Chris-Chan has a bigger dick than the amazing atheist

How embarrassing.

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854ec3 No.710057


jesus the lack of self-reflection CWC will always amaze me. He truly cries out in pain as he strikes you.

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854ec3 No.711836

File: 8e1bf5039573c27⋯.png (382.97 KB,619x699,619:699,2009-2019 challenge cwc.PNG)

a recent twitter post

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656ea6 No.711868

File: f2f2dc1e7ca4cd1⋯.png (71.12 KB,1024x768,4:3,hirtes.png)

Mike Hirtes really needs to get a fucking job and to stop a-loggingly trollshielding

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5c89ad No.711887

An interesting theory on the merge.



>he is lying for attention and neetbucks

>the merge is real, get ready fags

>lack of nutrition and human contact, plus trolling gas put him over the edge and he has created tulpas and delusios

>his anxiety meds are causing him to have insane dreams, his already loose grasp on reality makes him belive in the merge (new theory, very interesting)

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2e24cd No.711992

File: 5d13621400583a8⋯.jpg (40.18 KB,528x720,11:15,fatass (2).jpg)

File: eb359f55882441e⋯.jpg (27.13 KB,290x485,58:97,fatass (1).jpg)


<lack of nutrition

(x) Doubt

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9ed3e6 No.712028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brandon Rogers keeps getting better every day.

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3494c3 No.712419


None of the above. It was all Idea Guys and the Troons feeding him ideas.

For proof that it was a troll scheme, the merge began on November 18th… that's the anniversary of the Jonestown mass suicide. Putting in dates of infamous historical events like that is an Idea Guy move.

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1959dc No.712479

File: b0241db35951352⋯.jpg (159.85 KB,780x500,39:25,1359009372398.jpg)





>gotta get this outta mys system

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b0a95e No.712492


Are they those rollin and trollin shades from ages ago?

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0fff3a No.712796


Eating chicken mcnuggets every day will make you fat, but they don't have a lot of nutrients

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854ec3 No.713037



this. he doesnt eat vegetables at all. hes peak low health fatso american

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5d2d00 No.713413

When rope

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5c89ad No.713565



>Food intake

You fool

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099507 No.715126

Chris getting blocked left and right and he's mad at the trolls. Also outed as a creep pedofork does not help either

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0574b7 No.715129


The man that gives out his password to people he believes are cartoon characters is threatening to make his twitter private. What's the timeline of events if that happens?

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01b7b0 No.715548


>make his twitter private

The fucking fat retard should do it.

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bb023b No.715710



But never going to. He has never backed down from trolls before. Why would he do so now?

Also if he goes private how can he preach the good word of Sonichu and mergers?

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c93e13 No.715823

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9db6dd No.737746

i bet you could convince chris about the strangest shit at this point. Like 'things only exist while they are observed so if hes alone long enough he will fade away and begin to vibrate through walls/the floor' or something equally ridiculous.

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9d2a0a No.737930

File: 857788af38a5413⋯.gif (1.56 MB,400x303,400:303,image.gif)


You and your gang of losers want to kill your source of entertainment?!

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394dc5 No.737984



Congrats on bumping an old thread and adding nothing of value

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