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File: b3f28cecb1b7292⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,720x1264,45:79,Watn_beta.mp4)

e9b985 No.58557

We Are The News

If this isn't the appropriate place to post this, please move it.

Wearethene.ws left a void, this doesn't fill it but it tries to. This is a beta run, with very limited memory and CPU on Glitch.me. if anons are interested in a news feed style method of viewing and sharing notables, id love feedback.


>click on notables to expand and see full post

>boomarking to save favorite notables

>access bookmarks in the menu bar on top left

>search bar to search through notables

>to share a notables, just send the website URL with the #POSTID in it

>for example, https://watn.glitch.me/#21679640

>clicking on a news item's title automatically puts the share URL in your address bar.

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e9b985 No.58558

Being a glitch app, it may have to load on startup, if you see it Starting up, hold on a second it will load

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87b1af No.58561


Scratch that, https://watn.glitch.me/ is now up 24/7

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87b1af No.58562


>Notables thread gets updated every ~4 hours

>WATN scrapes every 2 hours (for redundancy.)

>Bookmarks are saved in local storage. Not currently transferable between browsers


>Sharing links works, and the search bar is functional.


>Implement fuzzy search (match close search results, not just exact)

>Scrape multiple media files if a notable has multiple files

>Scrape multiple replies per notable if a notable has multiple replies in it

>Implement Dynamic meta tags for sharing links

>Expand PWA functionality

>Add commenting functionality?

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87b1af No.58563

>Added support for rendering pdf attachments.

>Using an iframe as it's most compatible with edge cases, but it's not perfect especially for mobile support.

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ce2867 No.58564

File: 451fa101a2d9269⋯.jpg (367.26 KB,1080x1617,360:539,Pcf_test.jpg)


>working on pdf embedder

Difficult considering edge cases

May incorporate this with A/B testing

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87b1af No.58565

File: c890c386f956b96⋯.jpg (481.84 KB,1080x2039,1080:2039,Pdf_embed.jpg)


pdf embedding implemented in a not-so efficient route

>but it works

>need to evaluate edge cases

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bc7a34 No.58566


You're welcome to start a WATN thread on this board.

are you the same anon who started the original WATN?

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87b1af No.58567


ty BO. No, unaffiliated with wearethene.ws, but it was a shame when it went under as it did a lot of good in spreading the work of anons outside of the board.

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87b1af No.58572

File: ea849e8ea5501fd⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,688x1330,344:665,filter_watn.mp4)


>Filtering notables by media content implemented


PDF filter acts up sometimes when using the progressive web app

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87b1af No.58573

File: fd1175c8a50bed8⋯.jpg (420.72 KB,1080x1691,1080:1691,Watn_dmt1.jpg)

File: bc5ce53324a12cb⋯.jpg (478.73 KB,1080x1844,270:461,Watn_dmt2.jpg)


dynamic meta tags & sharing

Implemented dynamic share links.

>Click the share button on the bottom right of a notable and its share link will be copied to your clipboard

>these links carry dynamically generated meta tags when posted to social media or other services that utilize meta tags

Good for sharing notables online

>share links work, but there are some hitches in WATN scrolling down to the linked notable here and there. Will work on that soon.

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87b1af No.58574

File: fc5a91f37fcf31e⋯.jpg (537 KB,1080x2039,1080:2039,maga_lion.jpg)


Attempting to rewrite the front-end codebase to work with modules rather than one large spaghetti app.js. After that, on to modularizing the backend, and then finally redoing scraping logic and the json structure to incorporate multiple attachments.

until then

>maga lion in header now

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87b1af No.58575


├── public/

│ ├── index.html

│ ├── manifest.json

│ ├── modules/

│ │ ├── bookmarkManager.js

│ │ ├── main.js

│ │ ├── newsLoader.js

│ │ ├── newsRenderer.js

│ │ ├── pdfViewer.js

│ │ ├── searchManager.js

│ │ ├── uiManager.js

│ │ ├── utils.js

│ │ └── videoPlayer.js

│ ├── service-worker.js

│ └── styles.css

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87b1af No.58580

File: 7be82458fd2bc89⋯.mp4 (472.3 KB,720x896,45:56,Bloat.mp4)

Perhaps this is bloat, but after noticing lots of screenshots of Twitter Videos in notables, I put in a tool to extract the MP4 from the link to the Tweet.

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bc7a34 No.58581


totally agree about WATN. I know the anon who started it (or did), wanted to know if he was back in action.



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bc7a34 No.58582


Dasting….been using ssstwitter.com for posting twit vids.

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49e2bb No.58583


Yeah and it works well, it's just something I've noticed with anons posting Screencaps so why not have a little tool on watn. It's more procrastination, I have to revamp the entire scraping system to incorporate multiple attachments and update the archive.


Wearethene.ws ran into some unwanted publicity, no? I remember the site being featured on mainstream media after the 2020 election, and it rapidly declined from there.

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49e2bb No.58584

File: a13ec6f0006e2b5⋯.jpg (222.62 KB,1080x1347,360:449,Screenshot_20241008_191304.jpg)


>For example, WeAreTheNe.ws, a website dedicated to the QAnon conspiracy theory, posted the following image under the caption: "CLINTON FOUNDATION HAS TIES TO THE DOMINION PROGRAM":



Maybe "mainstream media' was a stretch, but still I remember hearing about more and more issues

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87b1af No.58585

File: ae429fadbef9ac6⋯.mp4 (7.12 MB,1080x1840,27:46,watn_alternate.mp4)


Made a scraper that catalogs a bit more of the data from each post, and am testing with a renderer that more closely mimics the imageboard look. Unsure if it will translate well to audiences who aren't used to imageboards.

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87b1af No.58586

File: 066c668cdc5cb7d⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB,1036x1824,259:456,Watn_altermate_demo.mp4)


Streamlined the multiple attachment rendering into a more mobile friendly approach.


<The new system is still in dev, but looking to push to production soon.

Theoretically this front end could be used as a wrapper for displaying all 8kun threads, which is an interesting idea I may tackle at another point in time.

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87b1af No.58587

File: ee1f5ec1dae759f⋯.jpg (103.29 KB,1002x1604,501:802,json.jpg)


Scraper works with a cache manager. It scans for all breads, then processes each bread for notables. If a bread is already processed it moved on to the next bread.

>pic rel

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87b1af No.58588

File: 42448a9fc6a089c⋯.mp4 (8.87 MB,1072x1860,268:465,Watn_1_2.mp4)


restructured WATN is still in offline dev, but it's progressing. Swipe navigation really pulls it together.

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cc8681 No.58589

File: 74f1b258cff2388⋯.gif (9.14 MB,600x600,1:1,YATN.gif)




Still in early stages.

>no dynamic sharing

But I find this framework to be much more responsive and intuitive.

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87b1af No.58599


Launched at:


Will keep up for a bit. Doesn't necessarily matter if anons use it, as I find it to be the easiest way to keep up with the work going on at /qresearch/.

>the code base is nothing revolutionary, but will probably put it up on github/gitlab eventually.

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87b1af No.58600

File: 91dfb97027988d0⋯.jpg (377.3 KB,1080x1857,360:619,Roomble.jpg)

>completely ripped off 8kun method of youtube/rumble/twitter embeds

>no sense in reinventing the wheel, albeit I still would like to backup the twitter video attachments for posterity's sake.

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87b1af No.58601

watn has been suspended by server host

>sorting it out

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87b1af No.58602


https://youarethe.news/ back online

>but working on migrating to better infrastructure

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87b1af No.58603


A disclaimer that seems to have worked:


The content, materials, and subject matter contained herein, including but not limited to text, media, or other forms of expression, do not necessarily represent or reflect the views, opinions, or positions of YATN. Any statements, perspectives, or content presented on this platform are solely attributable to their respective authors, creators, or contributors and should not be construed as endorsed by or representative of YouAreTheNews ("YATN.")

>Legal Protections Under Section 230

YATN operates within the framework of protections afforded by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, 47 U.S.C. § 230. This federal statute provides significant legal safeguards for providers of interactive computer services in the United States, as outlined below:

<1. Statutory Immunity:

Pursuant to Section 230(c)(1), providers and users of an "interactive computer service" are granted immunity from liability for content published by third parties. Specifically, the statute states that "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider."

<2. Scope of Immunity:

The aforementioned immunity extends broadly, encompassing protection against civil liability, state criminal laws, and certain federal civil statutes. This statutory shield effectively insulates YATN, as an interactive computer service provider, from legal responsibility for content generated and posted by users or other third parties on its platform.

<3. Constitutional Considerations:

The immunity provided by Section 230 serves to promote and preserve First Amendment principles by fostering an environment conducive to free speech and innovation in the digital sphere. This statutory protection enables platforms such as YATN to host diverse user-generated content without incurring the risk of legal liability for each individual post.

<4. Abrogation of Common Law Distinctions:

Section 230 effectively nullifies the common law distinction between "publishers" and "distributors" in the context of interactive computer services. Consequently, YATN does not assume automatic liability for potentially unlawful content merely by virtue of its awareness of such content.

<5. Statutory Limitations:

Notwithstanding the broad protections conferred by Section 230, it is imperative to note that said immunity does not extend to violations of federal criminal statutes, intellectual property laws, or communications privacy laws. Users remain legally accountable for their own conduct and content, and may be subject to liability for any unlawful activities or infringements committed through their use of the platform.

<6. Legislative Intent and Impact:

The legislative intent behind Section 230 was to facilitate the growth and development of interactive online services while simultaneously encouraging responsible content moderation practices. This statutory framework has been instrumental in shaping the contemporary digital landscape, enabling the proliferation of social media platforms, online marketplaces, and various interactive online services.

YATN avails itself of these statutory protections, which enable the provision of a platform for user-generated content while maintaining equilibrium between the principles of free expression and responsible service management. The protections afforded by Section 230 are fundamental to YATN's operations and its ability to offer an open platform for user interaction and content sharing.

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b051df No.58604

new and improved!


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ef3ec8 No.58615

File: 682ba4757bcbae9⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB,1080x1842,180:307,ZoomUodate.mp4)


Ty anon, and always trying to improve

>always open to suggestions

Quick ui update to panning and zooming. Clicking image or pdf opens it up in a modal.

>touch controls to pan

>slider to zoom

>swipe down / click X button to close modal

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87b1af No.58617

File: bb05d42e405b608⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB,1074x1886,537:943,Pinch_to_zoom.mp4)


>Pinch-to-zoom functionality

>kept in the zoom slider as well, I like it

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87b1af No.58618

File: 3c2524c4892de03⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB,1080x1826,540:913,Ui.mp4)


More intuitive file viewing

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