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File: db776987f4c214f⋯.png (293.2 KB,537x491,537:491,hear_hear.png)

cc62c5 No.18

I'm posting a collection of webms I've found informative

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cc62c5 No.19

File: 2222f0f71151eb2⋯.webm (9.99 MB,320x240,4:3,JFK - The Speech That Kil….webm)

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cc62c5 No.20

File: b216e0d2c6e279b⋯.webm (3.68 MB,320x240,4:3,zappaEducation.webm)

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cc62c5 No.21

File: 4d31fd94c92f30f⋯.webm (7.04 MB,320x240,4:3,fiveDancingIsraelis.webm)

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cc62c5 No.22

File: 5ca61e3a8e41455⋯.webm (5.61 MB,480x360,4:3,Joe Lieberman - WTC 7 Col….webm)

remember this is nearly two years after and Joe sat on the committee that issued the report, that didn't mention WTC7

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cc62c5 No.24

File: 08bd7962117b3a4⋯.webm (2.21 MB,320x240,4:3,ZappaCNN.webm)

CNN switched sides but the tactics are still the same

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df3705 No.122

File: 355cfcc3ca622a0⋯.mp4 (460.03 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ROTHSCHILDGENES.mp4)

File: f164fe40fa07490⋯.webm (554.92 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ROTHSCHILDGENES.webm)

some oc

mp4 and webm for easier distribuition

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c13b16 No.1195

File: 18c3f338715e467⋯.webm (4.04 MB,320x240,4:3,MockingBirdMedia.webm)

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c99137 No.1196

My new favorite place to hang. Nice and calm. Thanks for all the awesome info here and the super powerful info you have . I see what you do amazing guy. I know who the real bad guys are now its THEM . Thanks for showing me the truth . It took me awhile to see the truth but now i do its all crystal. Op kicks em in the Jimmy !! Great vids . I had a great time working the board with Q and the team. I hope Q can find someone he trusts to run the main boards. I had to quit because I cannot not attack the evil when I see it and back up my Anon crew. I don't want to mess up the board with my counter trolling /attack dog impulses . I think the warfare programmed into me via my family history in war and my life of being attacked by those I was suppose to trust most lead me to be so vicious to what I percieve is evil. THEM. So as not to shit up the breads calling out weak chess playing clowns I decided to step out of the main board in hopes Q ditches the admin on the main as they are obviously having issues internally. I hope to see you on a safe board that has good admin that can shut these clowns down instead of Anons speech. I know everyone is tired of listening to me go on about it so like I said i will consider my own little chapter in the story complete or now. I am massively red pilling hardcore and softening up my fb feed and friends for the truth to come out. Anyway I will always think you were /are awesome Op and I hope to see you at the victory parade so i can give you your KOTH shirt brother. Thanks again for pointing me to the truth with every ounce of effort you have. I see what you did there . It took me a few weeks to see what I was suppose to see I am not that smart it takes awhile. i could see alot of the picture after learning how to bake but then I learned more and all the sudden it popped out at me . I saw THEM and adjusted to fight the real baddies. You showed me the way without showing me the way 5D amaze. So Incred-bro-incred. Great and powerful indeed. Thanks for the vids in this thread they were great . I like comms its calm. People should learn how they work KEK Stay frikin amazing .

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c99137 No.1197

You got any more cool info vids op ? These were good .

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695c11 No.1198


Funny Pepe head overlay KEK

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695c11 No.1199


I think about those people who got exploded in the towers. Unreal the mindset of evil .I never thought I would see the day someone like President Trump a clear savior of the entire World. I was down at the protest as ground zero one year . Powerful vibe happening . I thought this time would never come. So awesome to see the bad guys on the run. I hope we know the whole truth about that day sometime in the future. I think of those brave firemen and policemen who were up in there . Our brothers and sisters that day left and we are what is left to fight for them .We walk and talk and breathe and can bring justice. Q can bring justice. What a noble path what a time to be alive. I am praying for this board BIGTIME. And President TRUMP 24 hours a day I send him ALL my angels . Q team give em the kekmate . They never had to try the chess is so weak. Good Luck and thank Q again for the great info .

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695c11 No.1200

Q's chess is SUPERSTRONG !! MOAR !! Ok enough out of me .Sending my best wishes always team comms.

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c13b16 No.1210

File: fda01b6532f39cc⋯.webm (5.58 MB,320x240,4:3,John Cleese vs Extremism.webm)


>any more cool info vids op

I've collected a few over the past few years

Here's another

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9d1583 No.1246


Thank Q Rusty for taking you're very important time to post that. Eye opening and for sure makes me think.I am a paranoid person it's true. Really made me look in the mirror . It's a shame we have to be paranoid and confused in this World. I hope after the GA and we can trust those watching over us again. I think that mindset on both sides of the aisle will be different. I think both sides of the march right and left foot will be marching at a different pace. I have not been on the board since Q posted on the 22nd. I know the time is now or never to work and support with seeing BC17 post, 45 did 8 tweets this morning then a long break..I can just tell, im seeing the signs, its happening. My only question is how is the board and the trolling ? is it worse or better than before Q's 10 days of darkness. I know you are busy so I don't expect an answer. I just know to ask here if I have a question and maybe sometimes I get an answer. Thanks again for all you do R.I may be confused sometimes but I am just learning the real truth from this site. it's been murky the whole road to here. Learning here is very difficult because there is no help or instructions just from Anon's and we know its so difficult to know who is good and who is evil. I hope the clowning is less. If you have any more cool vids that describe who the real bad guys are I am interested. I come back to the empty hall back here because I know what's here. TQ again so much for the chance to help . 45forever.

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9d1583 No.1247


How did they get in control of the Holy roman empire/vat control? is my Q? I always figured that the vat controls everything and I sqaw how Pres Trump was in the holy land . Thats why this place blows my mind. I know you are probably too busy to deal with me . Just wondering if there is anything to study or watch that can help me /us understand how they got control of it all including us hollywood politics etc. Anyway I don't expect an answer just was wondering thank Q mega R.

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9d1583 No.1248


So my guess is that when he was over in Jerus kissing the wall that was 5Dchess .Is it because we want control of the site for the 3rd temple ? Is it to keep the pope or antichrist figure from rebuilding it and trying to create prophecy? So if they are the controllers of IHS from israel (Im so conditioned to even mention the ZJ for fear of being called anti s.What about the /ourguys that are jews like JK and many I am guessing. Its just the leadership I am guessing. Just trying to figure out how they got control of the men in black ihs . Maybe they were jews to begin with because they overthrown the papacy in 500 yrs with white/black pope evil we got now. I see BN in israel looks nervous on Tv, I bet he is scared of Q. is it just the evil leaders we are after?Are any of them good ? I don't expect answers I am just trying to piece it all together to be as effective as possible . 45s 5D chess is mind boggling complex . Trying to figure it out so I can be my best for G+C and see things in advance .I am more calm and focused now on the end goal and see things from a more learned perspective. i want to come back in and help i am just worried the banning and clowning is ramped up more. I ended up becoming a decent baker at the end though before i left .I felt I was effective and helping when i was not aggravated and stressed. i am better now back to normal. Also if there is anything else i could do with my video skills to help and not be a paytriot or a famefag I will be here to listen. Like I said before I am blind in a room trying to solve the puzzle and I appreciate every single time you have taken to guide me so far . If I don't get any responses that's fine I understand .

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c13b16 No.1249


>describe who the real bad guys are


>how they got control of it all including us hollywood politics etc


>I am blind in a room trying to solve the puzzle

I wish I knew the answers, or ever which direction was the correct direction to look.

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9d1583 No.1250


Well in the most respected way i can present this .I have to say I was not expecting a response especially like that because I know that you know everything. Had to sleep on that response and think about it. Your 5D chess is even stronger than I thought. Spending about 500 hours on the board showed me that R is the head of comms and that means you built all this so I know that you know everything in the entire World . That's why I was asking . I think I learned the comms but that doesn't mean I get answers is all I can deduce kek. I wont bother you with it and will just try to find out the info on the board if I go back in. There are Anon's who know everything too (u) there I found before and are my friends there. I did not get the Question answered about the clowns on the board and the banning that was happening and all the rest of the chaos so I will just guess that nothing has changed and everyone is just dealing with it for the cause. Il leave it all at that and just know no matter what mistakes I made trying to learn and work here with you guys. I meant nothing wrong and thought I was doing the right thing for President T and Q. I made my effort for my amazing country and people who gave me so much including Donald Jesus Trump the real 44th President and my Uncle Quey the Protector of the World. 7 tweets this morning from Biggy .Time will tell . Im here for you guys if you ever need me don't forget that ever ever ever. Il take a bullet to save Q and The Big Guy . Hopefully all our work here will have helped this. I hope you have a great day KOTH thank Q for all you did here for us all.

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9d1583 No.1251


https:// www.hooktube.com/watch?v=fP0o1phfpsw&t=8477s

On the 9 1 1 ritual numbers and symbolism (there downfall)

1 hr 40 min mark this gets interdasting . I know Q loves the numbers and probably knows all this.

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c13b16 No.1252


> I know that you know everything.

Magical thinking will get you nowhere fast.

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9770ed No.1632


Yep you are so right as usual . I try to do my best it's a super complicated puzzle here. No one knows what it is really. I just see it as a challenge to help Q win and ultimatly God whatever that may be for each of usI want it to win. Goodness. So here I am new as you mentioned in bake post. I am trying to see with no vision . It's funny how the eyes see the words and colors /pictures on the screen but are still blind. Could it be a trap ? Or is it real? It could be like Mao's wall where the people posted there grievances and then it all turned around on them by design. I do not think that in my gut. I learned to just Trust Q, trust the plan and try to learn the comms and help as best as possible. It's all in our minds to solve and sometimes my imagination gets the best of me. I do try to use it often .Thanks again for all your help along the way. Hope the Baker situation works out and Il be watching and as always to assist know with confidence I will be doing my very best for the mission.

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0f5b9a No.1729

File: f78934637a9ec08⋯.webm (501.8 KB,640x360,16:9,as-a-bundle-we-form-a-mig….webm)

Here's a scene from the Simpsons that should be recognizable to all here.

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0f5b9a No.1730

File: f6c77deae99f30d⋯.mp4 (11.05 MB,320x240,4:3,George Carlin on the Ameri….mp4)

George Carlin on the 'American Dream'


Planned obsolescence

parts of the money machine

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0f5b9a No.1731

File: 23a7886d22e853d⋯.webm (7.17 MB,540x360,3:2,madManExplainsMemeMagic.webm)

meme magic explained by Dr. Steel

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9d1583 No.1733

File: 4c11de98ea6b7ed⋯.mp4 (6.13 MB,320x240,4:3,A Time For Q II_.MP4)

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9d1583 No.1738

File: 381a98bc5263666⋯.jpg (10.74 KB,300x168,25:14,images (9).jpg)

>>1729 Priceless !


I could spend weeks commenting on this video but Il keep it short. When you want something from the World , it wants something from you . I like to keep a simple life and just enjoy my time here in life as is .We can't take any of it with us and most of the time it weighs us down . What we all really want here is peace and peace for others .Lifeless "things" cannot fill the void . There is only 1 way to fill that void and thats finding the communication with the Master Artist of the Universe who we have a direct connection simply forgotten or misread the communication . Q is teaching us as well what the ego wants gives us the opposite of what we really want. This board and the whole Anon thing is really an evolution beyond Q and as mentioned by an Anon yesterday we are to take it after Q leaves . This is the format. It's so awesome we get to live in this time to help correct this dark force over the World. It's my only function now to help Q and President Trump win. When that happens and the GA habbens Il go back to being that kid I left a long time ago on 91101. Until then I am here to help this movement , I will never let anyone down. I would rather die . Great vid too bad George got whacked and was not able to be here to see President Trump and Uncle Q kick bad guy's ass. Great work as usual hope to hear from you again soon King of the Hill….


This guy is crazy but he is right on and yes I see what you mean by meme magic in his speech. Interdesting .TQ vm

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9d1583 No.2044

File: cb0f5df745b9f32⋯.mp4 (9.03 MB,320x240,4:3,WhoAreQ_(converted).MP4)

I mentioned Q during my livestream show 2 weekends ago. Just had time to edit this clipout I did some editing of this clip to take all the doxxing info out but ,I mentioned Qanon. I have a pretty big show (relative minor compared to huge shows) this should get a few thousand views pretty quick on youtube and roku amazon as well. DOITQ! Trying to do my little part !

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9d1583 No.2045

I meant for this talk to be inspirational to the billiard industry ( pro tiddly winks and curling Trump pool and billiards x10 ) financially . I should have editied out only the segment I was talking about Q but I wanted to give a context to the placement of the section I spoke about it. Anyway I am trying in my own miniature way.

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9d1583 No.2046

Hope your doing good Rusty

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0f5b9a No.2048



have you ever seen this scene from the old movie "The Music Man" ?


I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. I hope you are too.

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9d1583 No.2062

File: 840e5a2f6f4e44c⋯.mp4 (8.46 MB,320x240,4:3,WhoAreQ.MP4)


Wow I watched that yesterday and it took a whole day to digest. For sure pool and billiards has a huge bump to get over before it is accepted mainstream. I have done all I can and am really working my way out of that sport unfortunatly. Whats nice is it gives me a [platform to talk about MAGA and Q /the work we are doing here.

I am cool with the no name bakerfagging we are doing now with no pictures and names. I understand all the reasons its elimination of the ego and all its destructive factors I totally get it. I think on the other hand its nice when I know a solid baker has the wheel .I usually have been going to the start of the bread to see who is the baker . It's a double edge sword really . We want leadership of sort's when Q is gone but it turns into ego boosting and clown handoffs . I think also people want to know one day when they say I fought in the meme war , where is your proof ? Uh youll just have to take my word for it . That is not inspiring to get new bakers which the board needs . I don't know what the solution is because as much as we don't want egos involved we are all humans struggling to make a name in this world to not dissapear and to help our friends and family see us in a different light. Doing it all Anon there is no incentive to bake besides the moral reasons and to support 45 . It's crazy but I want and will only do what Q says. No more naming or bread handoff photos. I never did much anyway the only time I namefagged is when confirmations were sketchy. I said hey Im am a good baker here is my proof. Double edge sword for sure.

Side note I am continuing to edit the video for Q . I seen you posted it the other day when Q was posting I supported it and told baker to put into notes . Here is the latest version for Q. Thanks alot and it's a honor to help really.

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9d1583 No.2063


I like that actor, he was in that housecleaner lady that was magic , dang I can't remeber the name . Mary Poppins . I like that guy but that was a cheap trick to use and really makes pool look bad when it is as hard as golf. One of the greatest players in history lives in his car. Hollywood does not like pool and billiards because it is an individual sport not a team sport . I think they want us in hive mind . Individuality is a no no to commies. Thanks again for that clip I am going to post that to faceberg my friends might be eye opened like I was . Glad life's going good for you . It's a real honor to serve in the memewar with you .

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9d1583 No.2207

Hey Rusty! Hope life is going great man !

I been baking and helping on the board a bit (I had to take a few days off after seeing some gore pics posted on twitter of the killings happening in South Africa. My lord above.) I am going to still gather the links and breads the dictionary thing we were talking about in the other section. The more we have archived the better and I will get back to work on that and post in the appropriate thread. I didn't want to dilute it too much from it's purpose. I did another commentary on a match yesterday and mentioned Q again . The last video is up to about 700 views and this video is already climbing and people are liking it and giving good comments on the talk. I'm just letting you know I am doing my little part with the little power I have ! That's what we can do and combined we are a mighty faggot ! KEK!

This can be deleted after you watch it . Its just for you really. Il probably get whacked eventually for my support of Q but ,its my function and I intend to keep raising the alarm and waking the normies ! I could not make a mp4 out of this because it's 8 min long. When you get some time check it out. I think if we ALL mention Q everywhere we go we will eventually see better things result. Just expect to see maximum effort from me in all areas .Thanks again.

Here's video link to my talk about Q this week to the masses (relatively) kek. broken link .

I mentioned that music man clip too later in the match I didn't say your name just said a friend showed me and I also mentioned my support for 45. Just didn't edit that in this clip. Thanks again for your amazing hard work and WRWY here and have your back !

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=PzAZfKK3s3w

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c9ee88 No.2246

File: 48d5e9b99739ef8⋯.webm (7.15 MB,568x320,71:40,Archer Does 30 Years Of C….webm)

Archer does 30 years of covert C_A history in 90 seconds

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9d1583 No.2254


ThanQ for sharing that. Yea I have felt powerless to stop any of this insanity knowing about it for many years now. It gets more and more horrible the more we learn. Been waiting for a chance like this for so long to do my little bit to help save the planet from evil. Crazy how they just put this info out there and then when I dare challenge the msm version my "friends " call me a conspiracy theorist and giv me the happy merchant smile. Your getting pretty good at those webmd's man. Glad to see you back. Thanks for helping us understand the truth .

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9d1583 No.2777

File: 4cf336d55b2212a⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,259x195,259:195,images (19).jpg)

Miss you Rusty !!!! It's your number 1 fan Qtard! ThanQ for teaching me so much man .I have not been on the board in a long time just been kickin the ball around on tweeter . I wanted to stop in to say hi and tell you how awesome you are brother and thanks for all you do !!! WRWY!! Q will win !

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c9ee88 No.2778

>>2777 (cheKEKed)

I'm still here

good to see you

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c9ee88 No.2779

File: f0738bcb05bbfdf⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,240x240,1:1,TrumpColbert.mp4)

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c4bb3d No.3976

File: 1595022fc51f042⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB,480x360,4:3,Heart attack gun.mp4)

congressional testimony re:

Heart attack gun

nitrogen powered airgun using frozen (kept in liquid nitrogen until use) dart shaped projectile that is pure non-traceable poison delivered at 800fps

enters body, melts… leaves very small wound

probably feels like a bee sting for a few seconds…

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ba3c9a No.9276

File: ce79f158054ca1f⋯.mp4 (9.3 MB,320x240,4:3,howardBealNetworkMSMspeech.mp4)

a must watch scene from the movie 'Network' (1976)

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ba3c9a No.14794

File: 97a0793c8354522⋯.jpg (35.02 KB,804x402,2:1,zappaPoliticsIsEntertainme….jpg)

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f7ce61 No.15353

File: ea55f3a712a9f3b⋯.jpg (13.98 KB,189x255,63:85,045053e51ba3672bcf9bad8182….jpg)

Dis Da hAus of Da Wiz !!!!!!!!

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f7ce61 No.18735

The final level is insane crazy wizards wow ! Been doing my best to make everyone proud. Great webm in here love that format makes great anon posts . Been an amazing trip thanks for ALL you guys teaching me it's incred. god is with us for sure Ok later

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1dbbd4 No.22981



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ed14f8 No.58340

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,_bakermeme.png)

I like this place

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ed14f8 No.58341

File: 4d49ec83d78a01f⋯.jpg (145.31 KB,1652x925,1652:925,_Midnite_Riders.jpg)

Super heroes here on the kun.I know this is the back hallway

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ed14f8 No.58342

File: 853e4a04656173d⋯.png (1.23 MB,900x675,4:3,TYB2.png)


DIS! ^^

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ed14f8 No.58343

File: 2d5a38e57e41d2d⋯.jpg (23.81 KB,255x156,85:52,2d5a38e57e41d2d88819ec309c….jpg)

God bless the board

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