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File: 9aaa5a7f0929840⋯.jpg (24.26 KB,319x443,319:443,What_The_Fuck_Is_This_Shit….jpg)

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The bug food meme will never take off. No one wants to eat bugs just because they are supposedly more sustainable.

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File: f25280b5e8bdc13⋯.jpg (39.03 KB,419x416,419:416,HRM.jpg)


>Japanese phrase

>picture of Korean food (Beondegi)

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Eh, it's better than nothing.

Plus, la cum merge acu economia … :))

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>eating bugs

>eating cockroaches among all bugs

For fuck's sake, at least eat something relatively half-decent, like a grasshopper or something.

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Those aren't roaches, they're boiled/steamed silkworm pupae.

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I've eaten one on a dare

If i could compare wat they tasted like, then the closest i could come up with is that they tasted like shriveled-up, old, crunchy meat and left a sour / salty aftertaste in your mouth, bear in mind that the thing that i ate was just crudely boiled and it was 'prepared' or sorts in a textile facility. it was a field trip

So, they tasted pretty horrible, and i hate eating bugs. On another note, chicken / bovine innards are delicious if you could prepare them well. The chicken's intestines are quite long (around 60 inches) but not all of it is good eats.

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It seems like a super cultural thing. I've eaten those meal worms, and candied crickets before. I feel like too many people are trying to push it too hard. It would take a large scale scare before normal people would start to actually take it seriously. Even then, I think it's ganna be a hard sell on the whole bug rather then the ground versions.

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