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/builders/ - Hero and Nation Builders!

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The King Is Dead; Long Live The King!

File: 1451111557898.png (1.13 KB,283x178,283:178,Undertale.png)

276524 No.20403 [Last50 Posts]

Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.

One day, war broke out between the two races.

After a long battle, the humans were victorious.

They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.

Many years later…

Legends say that one day, when seven human souls are gathered, King Asgore will break the spell, and free everymonster.

Until that day, all monsters are trapped below the surface. And you are one of them. You have lived in the underground for a very long time, just like every other Monster. But that is soon to change. There are rumors that a new human is entering the underground. And with that, comes the possibilities. A Human soul is a useful thing for any monster to have. Not only does it ensure great power and the ability to leave the underground, but with the right use, almost any height is reachable.


-Characters can not be any from the original game

-All Major characters in game, aside from Toriel and Asgore, are no longer present

Please, Fill this out:


Monster Kind:

Home(Snowdin, Waterfall, Hotlands, Newhome):


Fighting Style (How your character fights):

Quirks (What makes your character unique?):

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?):

Based on these answers, this is how you'll earn your stats.

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276524 No.20405

Name: Sydine

Monster Kind: Turtle

Home: Waterfall

Fluff: Sydine grew up on stories of Gerson, the Hammer of Justice and all her life she has tried to mimic his deeds. From rescuing lost puppies in nearby Snowdin to helping those who didn't have the capability to cross the waters of Waterfall she has done her best to be the Hero she wants to be.

Fighting Style : Hammer swings and shell bashes are her common magic attack. They are all very slow but quite powerful and cover large portions of the box.

Quirks: Sydine is quite clumsy, and will wreck things with her hammer after tripping over her own feet. Much of her time is spent repairing the damage she does.

Dreams : Be as great a hero as Gerson

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276524 No.20414

File: 1451123622074.png (2.52 KB,300x200,3:2,Tetro.png)


Name: Tetro

Monster Kind: Living Blocks

Home: Hotlands.


Tetro life could be summed up in a single word: Construction.

Assisting in the building of New Home in the past, he now spends most of his time contracted to build and refit puzzles across the Underground, setting up shop within the Hotlands to allow relatively equal distance between New Home and Snowdin for travel purposes.

Fighting Style:

Varies between typical construction-themed attacks and purple SOUL'd tetris-themed attacks.


Tetro, as the name suggest, is made out of four blocks, and can survive without the non-eye blocks, at the cost of becoming weaker.

As well, he has a preference for cubist architecture, and crate puzzle.


To become the Royal Architect, even if that role doesn't actually exist yet.

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276524 No.20415

File: 1451151771992.png (2.53 KB,400x400,1:1,Reggie.png)

Name: "REGGIE"

Monster Kind: Being of Light

Home: Hotlands, Lab

Fluff: REGGIE is in this place for no good reason. He can't remember why he's here, where he's going, or anything else in that vein. He knows he doesn't like it very much, though, and is constantly trying to kill himself. What's the problem? Well, he cant for some reason – he can't leave, and he can't die. The end result is that he's just gotten increasingly bored and moody now that he can't really escape (even by suicide). He just sort of stumbles around complaining to everyone and getting into fights – this has made him both disagreeable and angry while also being roundly hated by pretty much everyone.

Fighting Style: Whining/constriction. Reggie attacks by whining at length and attempting to strangle opponents. Did I mention he whines alot? Well, he does. He doesn't really stop. At all. God, I wish he would shut up!

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): REGGIE doesn't actually like other monsters very much. Or himself, really. The end result is MASSIVE amounts of angst. Did I say massive? I meant massive. He literally complains all the time about everything and doesn't shut up. Did I mention that? Well, he does. This results in near constant suicide attempts that never seem to work. This is problematic, as it's possible REGGIE is invincible. Maybe you could soften his heart with something?

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): REGGIE hopes to eventually find something good in his life. Alternatively, he is trying to destroy his own through increasingly improbable means. Maybe he will find REGINA again…

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276524 No.20424

Dibs on Royal Scientist

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276524 No.20429

File: 1451193355575.png (170.1 KB,800x1002,400:501,Gothic.png)

Name: Professor Gothic

Monster Kind: Skeletal

Home: (Hotlands, Lab)

Fluff: Not the first royal scientist, and possibly not the last, but where others were focused on the more famous DETERMINATION or SOUL in a continuing effort to break the barrier, Professor Gothic wished to focus on another aspect of life.

That of EXP and LOVE.

When a monster is killed in an act of violence or hostility, their bodies release EXP, which is absorbed by the killer. Those beings who gain enough EXP, gain LOVE as well, which results in massive increases in ATK, DEF, and HP. Thus, those beings with enough LOVE can achieve near invincibility.

Professor Gothic seeks to able to harness this ability, and use it to boost the powers of a monster enough to shatter the barrier through sheer force. Asgore would do, for now. But perhaps, there is another suitable candidate.


>If red is willing, would like to start near REGGIE

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276524 No.20430


Fighting Style: Professor Gothic avoids fights on principle, being well versed in them from his experiments with EXP and not wishing to become another victim.

He experiments "Projectile Slashes", noting how some knife equipped persons don't actually physically hit someone but "slash in their direction, creating an energy blow".

He also focuses on dodging. A lot. "Those who are capable of dodging enemy attacks, and increasing their [miss] chances are statistically more likely to earn EXP and avoid being destroyed themselves."

Quirks: Has some minor metaphysical knowledge. He creates safe zones via "Shop Exemption Areas", noting that those who own or operate shops seem to have a latent immunity to hostile attack.

Dreams: To fully understand the nature of EXP and harness it.

As it stands, the system is highly scrutinized towards "Last Man Standing", and thus impractical. Five creatures with 50 EXP could be killed in successive single combats being a human with 100 EXP, and that human would gain 250 EXP just like that. Useless.

He hopes to develop a new system, one that favors monsters, or at least a single monster, and to see the birth of a creature with enough LOVE to defeat any foe and shatter the barrier itself.

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276524 No.20431


Forgot to mention:

Quirk:*He also always carries a shovel, to collect dust.

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276524 No.20432


Name: Rorik

Monster Kind: Slime

Home: Snowdin

Fluff: Rorik is a creation of Professor Gothic. He was created by injecting EXP into a primordial mix of plant matter and slime from the Waterfall. The result was experiment R-15, or Rorik as he called himself. Rorik doesn't know what Gothic's thoughts of him were, but soon after his creation Rorik gained a personality. He grew to fear, to wonder, to be happy. But as he learned from Professor Gothic, either by intention or not, he learned how he was created. He was disgusted and afraid. Did he have a soul? He did not think so. He was a freak, an abomination. Would he crave the EXP that created him? He feared he may some day. Soon enough Rorik was given a job, as a guard protecting the way from the ruins into Snowdin, and to watch for any humans. Rorik did not want to, he did not want to hurt others, but he wanted to distance himself from others in case he ever felt the hunger for EXP so he took the job. Why does Rorik refer to himself as a he when he is a slime? Rorik doesn't know, it just feels right.

Fighting Style (How your character fights): Rorik shifts his body to avoid his enemies attacks and creates tentacles to ensnare and slap his enemies around. When truly angered he will launch his entire body at high speed around and harden his body to form projected spikes.

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): Rorik can't speak, so he shifts his body to form words. Rorik really doesn't like fighting, and will usually try to scare away his enemies, purposefully avoiding harming them. He will only fight someone when they are going to harm someone else, or have harmed someone else, where he will fight with all his might. Rorik sees himself as a freak of nature, and believes everyone else sees him like that as well, leading him to somewhat distance himself from other monsters.

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): Rorik just wants to be seen as anything besides what he was created to be. He wants to be a caretaker, and not someone that harms others.

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276524 No.20433

File: 1451200318743.png (598.31 KB,1024x1200,64:75,Nacarat Jester.png)

Name: Lavender Jester

Monster Kind: Jester

Home: Snowdin

Fluff: Lavender Jester is a jester who can't help but laugh at everything. He's a coward that simply doesn't want to die, but would rather stand and fight to save everyone than let them all die. To be honest, he'd rather be far from the ruins and living in New Home, where the human surely would never reach. It's pretty funny though, right? A coward fighting the unstoppable? That we can't stop a human? Hahaha. Haha. Ha… Ha.

Fighting Style: Expansion Bullethell. Horizontal rows of bullets drop down from the top of the box before stopping center box and shooting in 6 directions from source bullet, then shrinking back into the original bullet. Number of rows and speed of bullets increases as battle continues.

Quirks: Is colorblind. Speaks in rhymes. Laughs at everything. What's under his cloak?

Dream: Move to New Home and become Royal Jester.

Pic Related Except Lavender

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276524 No.20434

File: 1451202392477.jpg (12.49 KB,236x300,59:75,ghostly.jpg)


Name: Ergetz

Monster Kind: Ghost

Home: Waterfall

Fluff: Ergetz has been a ghost for so long he doesn't remember his previous life even a little. Instead, he experiences traces and whispers of it when he sees things that remind him of it. He's spent most of his ghost-state existence haunting lonely, out of the way places that seldom get visitors. At one point he forgot how to talk and it made other monsters think he had lost his mind. He's since recovered speech. His emotional range seems to be a bland nonchalant default alternating over to a high-intensity but very brief rush of strong emotion, usually no more than a few minutes long. At some point he came up with the idea that the emotions must be leaking out of a hole somewhere in his body.

Fighting Style: Ergetz is capable of traditional combat, but seldom enters combat. He's almost 100% likely to simply relentlessly spook, haunt, creep-scare & jump-scare a target until they either die of fright or exit, following them around until they escape or die.

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): Ergets is actually not depressed and melancholy like other ghosts usually are. He's more stoic, and since he doesn't remember ever being alive, he doesn't desire to end his ghost-state existence. A jovial person in life, Ergetz has a tendency to suddenly laugh for no reason if he encounters something his old self would have found funny.

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): Be a real "scare master". Master the art of inflicting terror on humans and other intruders. Learn how to make a good cream cheese won-ton. Possibly remember who he was in life.

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276524 No.20651


Name: Dog

Monster Kind: Dog


Fluff: Dog is big dog. Other dogs look up to Dog. Dog is called best Dog. Dog is called greatest Dog. Dog just wants to be Good Dog. Dog works hard to be Good Dog, and other dog want to be Good Dog like Dog is. Dog know he not Good Dog, but was told how to be Good Dog, so he does it! if Dog is Good Dog, Dog might get a bone - or belly rubs!

Fighting Style (How your character fights): Dog is Big Dog. Has big Dog Paws he uses to thwack, and big slobbery dog tongue he uses to lick.

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): Dog is a big dog. Dog likes bones and pets, and belly rubs.

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): Dog has simple dreams. Dog wants bone, belly rubs, and pets. …but most of all, Dog want to be Good Dog.

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276524 No.20652


Name: Dog

Monster Kind: Dog


Fluff: Dog is big dog. Other dogs look up to Dog. Dog is called best Dog. Dog is called greatest Dog. Dog just wants to be Good Dog. Dog works hard to be Good Dog, and other dog want to be Good Dog like Dog is. Dog know he not Good Dog, but was told how to be Good Dog, so he does it! if Dog is Good Dog, Dog might get a bone - or belly rubs!

Fighting Style (How your character fights): Dog is Big Dog. Has big Dog Paws he uses to thwack, and big slobbery dog tongue he uses to lick.

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): Dog is a big dog. Dog likes bones and pets, and belly rubs.

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): Dog has simple dreams. Dog wants bone, belly rubs, and pets. …but most of all, Dog want to be Good Dog.


Dog try posting again

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276524 No.20660

File: 1451517420006.gif (104.15 KB,1336x1116,334:279,Evergreen2.gif)

Name: Evergreen

Monster Kind: Dragon

Home: Snowdin


Evergreen is the last dragon and unless something spectacular happens he will remain a baby dragon forever. During the war with the humans the Dragons were hunted down with great DETERMINATION. Entire organizations dedicated o hunting dragons were formed and by the time the barrier was put up all but one had been turned to dust. Although this happened hundreds of years ago the young dragon remind just that, young. It has been theorized that because he has no parents or any family that can pass on their age like other monsters that he will remain as a baby dragon forever.

Evergreen does not like that one bit and so he dreams of one day finding a way to grow up into a fearsome dragon! But for now he entertains himself by turning things green with his magic breath or making plants grow in the winter wonderland that is Snowdin.

Fighting Style (How your character fights): Turn enemies GREEN and ensnares them with plants all while looking absolutely adorable. At first he’ll try to get his opponent to surrender by being incredible cute and playful thus taking away their DETERMINATION to continue but if scared or forced into action he will strangle them with plants.

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): Can make trees and plants grow with his GREEN breath attack that also turns people GREEN. Also, scared of humans because he remembers what they did.

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): Grow up and fly in the endless open skies of the world above.

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276524 No.21073


HP: (How much health you have. Lowers via physical attacks)

WILL: 100% (Your monsters will to fight. If it drops below 50%, you attack rolls are divided by two, rounded up.)

GOLD: (This is what you buy items/use as money)

LV: (This is your DAMAGE MODIFIER.The higher your LOVE, the stronger your attacks are)

AIM: (You need to match this, or go higher on a d100 to actually HIT your opponent.)

ATTACKS: (How many attacks you get. Roll a d10 in combat for each ATTACK you have)

DE:(How much Damage you prevent. The Higher your DEF, the less damage you take!)

BONUS: (These help your character in and out of combat!)

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)



HP: 350

Shell HP: 200

WILL: 100%

GOLD: 125 gp

LV: 5

AIM: 75


DEF: 30

Shell DEF: 50


HARD SHELL-As a Turtle, Sydine has a tough exterior with a mushy inside! Your Shell will have a separate HP Bar. When attacked, you can instead hide in your shell, and have it instead absorb damage for you. Also, your shell has a much higher Def. However, if your shell loses all its HP, your Shell becomes CRACKED, and this ability can no longer be used.

HEAVY HITTER- Thanks your incredible strength, and your hammer, you can destroy entire sections of the Terrain! You can even utilize your hammer outside of combat to attack Enemies without fear of retaliation, although you suffer a -20 to your aim roll.

AQUATIC- You gain a bonus 5 to all AIM rolls when submerged in water!

A TRUE HERO- If your HP reaches zero, yet your will is at 100%, something Interesting may occur…


CRACKED- When ever your Shell's HP reaches zero, you can no longer use your HARD SHELL ability. Also, as long as your shell is CRACKED, you will take 10 more damage than usual.

SOFT-HEARTED- When you see your enemy act as a hero, or do generally good things, you lose WILL power. Roll a d20 to see how much is lost.

COLD-BLOODED- You gain a penalty of -10 to all ATTACK ROLLS when you are in HOTLANDS or SNOWDIN

REPAIR- If you do destroy some part of the terrain, be expected to be forced to fix it.







WILL: 100%

GOLD: 3000

LV: 2

AIM: 65

ATTACKS: 2(Per Block)

DE: 10 (Perblock)


BLOCK MONSTER- You are composed out of four Cubical blocks! Together, you act as one monster, but you can function with out all but one. Each block acts in condemn and makes attacks together, but must be targeted individually in combat. For each Block you loose, you loose any ATTACKS or powers that is has. If you loose all your blocks you DIE. However, you regain a block each TURN when out of combat and away from OTHERS.

BLOCK PRIME- As long as you have your Primary block, you can choose which BLOCK is attacked by your opponent.

BLOCK A- For each BLOCK under your control, add one LV to your LV stat

BLOCK B- As long as BLOCK B is under your control, you gain a additional ATTACK stat for each BLOCK

BLOCK C- As long as BLOCK C is under your control, you can RE-ROLL your AIM roll.

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)

ALOOF- While you yourself think your quite a genius, it is hard for others to understand you and your /brilliant/ work. Due to your outstanding nature, enemies get +10 to their AIM rolls.



HP: 5

WILL: 70%


LV: 2

AIM: 60


DEF: (Infinite)


AMALGAMATE- You are the result of twisted works of science. As thus, you are unable to be harmed normally.

SHAPE-SHIFTER- Thanks to your UNSTABLE form, you can shapeshift into a variety of objects, even things that may be physically impossible.

LONG LOST SOME ONE- Reggie has faint memories of another…Regina. Being reminded of her will give him back 10% of his willpower.


UNSTABLE-As a amalgamate, you are UNSTABLE due to your over dose of DETERMINATION. Although you are indestructible by normal means, there may be other ways to dispel you. Also, due to your sloppy form, those not already in your grasp can easily get away. You also might have trouble controlling your form.

ANNOYING- Almost nobody likes you. Your constant whining, and the fact that you are just as likely to attack other monsters makes you a person to avoid. Don't expect any helps in fights.

AVOIDABLE- When not shapeshifted, you are pretty easy to notice. Other creatures will try to avoid you, and gain a +10 plus to any action to avoid you in your normal form

PATHETIC- For such a invulnerable and unstoppable monster, you really aren't all that motivated. If you don't get a reaction out of your enemy, your likely to lose the WILL to fight, and bugger off. You also lose the WILL to fight when people are nice to you. Roll a d15 for each time somebody is nice to you to see how much will you loose!

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276524 No.21074





HP: 120

WILL: 100%

GOLD: 3500

LV: 7

AIM: 85


DEF: 10


SCIENCE- You are the ROYAL SCIENTIST, master of research and progress in the underground. Entrusted by KING ASGORE himself, you have access to almost every technological aspect of the underground, from the laser defense grid and CORE to even the elevators and TV network.

LOVE- You already know as much about LV as you can possibly research with the scraps you gather. Thus, you understand the nature of DETERMINATION and LOVE. However, procuring these crucial ingredients will not be easy.

SKELETON- You are one of the rare inhabitants of the underground who were once part of the living. As such, you have the ability to use BLUE ATTACKS. These slow down your opponent and make them easier to hit! To utilize a BLUE Attack,instead of normally attacking, roll a d100. If the result is OVER 50, next turn, add 20+ to your AIM Roll.

FOR THE LV OF ALL THAT IS GOOD- For each PLAYER CONTROLLED MONSTER that is killed in the underground, add another point of LV to your stat. This ability also allows you to transfer LV from one MONSTER to another, including yourself. You may also extract it in a raw state of LV.

DODGE- After your experiments with LV, you have found that by moving at the precise time, one can avoid damage. When ever a opponent rolls for AIM, roll a d50. Subtract that result from your opponents AIM result.

SHOP-KEEPER- You don't exactly have much to sell aside from some beakers, some excess determination and a few other trinkets, but so long as you stay in your lab, and don't fight back, the human can not engage you.

WEAKNESS: (These hinder your character in and out of combat!)

UNETHICAL-Although KING ASGORE allows your… questionable activities for the sake of his people, he does have his limits. If he catches you actively hurting the population, or taking part in other /gruesome/ activities, prepare yourself to become very acquainted with his trident.

OLD BONES- For a skeleton, you are considerably old and fragile. When ever you take damage, add 10 to the enemies result.

DARKER, DARKER, AND YET DARKER- Due to the vast, unknown and dark powers of LV, you have no certain control over what it may do in its raw state. When preforming a experiment involving raw LV, roll a d100 to determine the result.

SHIFTY- There are many rumors surrounding the Royal scientist, along with many names. The CryptKeeper, the Undertaker, the Royal mortician. Many of the rumors are quite true, and the names suit you well. As such, the general population of the underground rightfully fears you, and will occasionally try to hinder your work, and in general avoid you when possible.

NYEHHH- Unlike those who simply don't understand, you are incredibly prideful in your hard work! Getting complements and receiving praise for your efforts are likely to make you lose the WILL TO FIGHT. roll a d10 to see how much WILL you lose for receiving praise!



HP: 150

WILL: 100%

GOLD: 50

LV: 2

AIM: 45


DEF: 20


SLIME- You could be considered one of Gothic's finest creations, in that you are fairly stable. You change your shape, and form rather reliably, going from one to another rapidly. This lets you get the drop on a people fairly easy, and allows for some rather creative attacks. Every time you hit your opponent, add 10 damage to your ATTACK total.

REGENERATE-As a slime, Physical attacks at best, only make you smaller. And unlike other monsters, instead of fading to dust when your HP reaches zero, you simply fall apart into your smallest possible pieces. By consuming plant matter and EXP, you will be able to grow back to your original size, and possibly even further.

HARDENING- As a slime, you can harden yourself against attacks at the penalty of loosing mobility, and vice versa. Each turn, before you AIM and ATTACK, you can either remove one ATTACK and add 10 DEF or Add one ATTACK and remove 10 DEF.


ABOMINATION- Unlike amalgamates, you are a purposely made, unique creation and are entirely stable. However, you do take penalties when it comes to your form. For every 30 life you loose, you loose a ATTACK stat.

SELF IMPOSED ISOLATION- Due to your self imposed isolation, and lack of self-confidence, you lose willpower when you are called out on your unnatural nature. However, you also lose WILL power when another creature comforts you or tries to cheer you up. roll d15 to see how much of your will power you loose for every Compliment/insult.

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276524 No.21075



(Lavender Jester)

HP: 210

WILL: 100%

GOLD: 210

LV: 3

AIM: 40


DEF: 10


UNNERVING- You are a very, very creepy JESTER. Laughing at everything, even your opponent, you are simply off putting. Enemies loose a ATTACK when ever they fight you.

BULLETHELL- Once per COMBAT, you can unleash a dizzying array of attacks, enough to overwhelm even the surliest opponent. before you commence your attack, you must sacrifice your prior turn of attacks to prepare. When you do ATTACK, multiply your ATTACK stat by your LV stat. This attack also automatically passes any AIM check.

NOW YOU SEE ME- You are quick to run at the first sign of danger! Before yo roll your attack dice, you may force your opponent to make a AIM check. If they do not pass, you are allowed to flee from combat and escape from the area.

TRICKY- You are a JESTER after all. What good is a Jester that knows no tricks? Before you attack, you may roll 1d3 dice to determine what TRICK you are using:

1. POCKET SAND- You just so happen to have some CONVENIENT POCKET SAND ATTACK. Enemies get -10 to their AIM Roll for the next two attacks

2. LETS TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN- Through a strange bit of curious and exotic luck, you are able to switch your opponents LV and ATTACK around.

3. THAT'S NOT FUNNY- What ever happened, it was NOT comedic. You are so horrified by the act, you gain one stat of LV for the turn

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)

COWARD- You are, simply put, a runner and not a fighter. You'd rather be any where else than here, fighting and risking your life. Because of this, if you are below 50% of your health, you must make a NOW YOU SEE ME roll when ever possible. You are also super awkward when not onstage.

FIGHTING THE UNSTOPPABLE- You don't believe in yourself, nor your cause as much as you should. Not only that, but your yellow bellied nature means that you are most certainly not going to be trying your hardest to kill your opponent. When you roll attack die, you do NOT MULTIPLY THEM BY YOUR LV STAT.

LIME LIGHT-You are a celebrity in the Underground! Expect a lot of people to look up at you for your hilarious jokes! But, do be aware, if some one threatens you, roll a d10. Thats how much WILL You lose!



HP: 50

WILL: 100%


LV: 1

AIM: 35


DE: -40(GHOST)

BONUS: (These help your character in and out of combat!)

GHOSTLY- As a ghost of the underground, you are able to possess items, summon MAGICAL ATTACKS, and are invulnerable unless in a perfect host, or if the attack is MAGICAL in Nature. Thus, you are able to attack with little to no fear of reprisal.

JUMPSCARE- You a a very spooky individual. Probably one of /the/ spookiest monsters around. Couple this with your innate ability to phase through walls and floors, there is no place you can't spook! Thanks to this, you can even spook people mid-fight! to spook a combatant, preform a AIM check. If you pass, the target of your choice gets a -20 to all AIM rolls, and all rolls against the target get a +30 bonus.

THRILL JUNKIE- You can regain will power, by scaring or spooking outside and inside combat. For every person you spook, you get a bonus 15+ to your WILL power!

HEARTATTACK-If you land THREE JUMPSCARE ATTACKS in row, your victim must use only ONE attack dice every attack roll instead of their full number.

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)

EMOTIONAL- For a ghost, you are rather obsessed with emotions of all kinds. However, for however spooky you are, you can't help but sometimes be over come with particularly strong emotions. Fear, Happiness, Saddness, etc. Because of how rare it is for somebody else to make /you/ feel that way instead of making yourself feel that way, when ever somebody makes you feel something, lose 1d15 WILL.

LEAKING- You feel as if all the emotion in your body is some how leaking out of you through a hole…Until you figure out how to plug up this "hole", you lose 10 WILL every turn. (Not Combat Turn)

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276524 No.21076



HP: 300

WILL: 100%

BONES: You are best dog. Best dog get many bones.

LV: 2

AIM: 55


DE: 50

BONUS: (These help your character in and out of combat!)

GREATEST DOGE: You are the greatest dog! All other dogs look up to you! Even greater dog! Wowzer! You can bring with you the full force of the DOG! Under command by KING ASGORE, you are to stop any humans that come through! All other DOGS listen to you!

BIG STICK- You carry a big stick! It fills your DOGS with DETERMINATION. And you speak loudly! When in your majestic presence, all allies get 5 WILL power back each turn they fight with you! If they are DOGS, they get 10 WILL back.

GOOD BOY- WHOSE A GOOD BOY? YOUR A GOOD BOY. GOOD BOY! GOOOOD BOY! Everybody knows your a good boy, yes they do! They'd all die to protect you! If your health goes below 50%, all other allies get a extra ATTACK and LV stat point.

ANCIENT ARTIFACT OF MYSTICAL POWER-It seems you've misplaced your favorite ball… Just imagine how much you'd have if you found it!

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)

PET? PET PET PET PETPETPETPETPET- Too much fun and you get out of control! Lose 20 WILL for each time your PETPETPETPETPETPETTED

PLAY- You are easily distracted by play, such as fetch and Frisbee! You might wanna be careful! If A opponent throws something, you will be forced to move out of combat and pick it up!



HP: 150 (Vine HP: 100)

WILL: 100%

GOLD: 50gp

LV: 1

AIM: 65


DE: 20

BONUS: (These help your character in and out of combat!)

DRAGON-As a dragon, you are a rare and one of a kind creature. Much like BOSS MONSTERS, you do not grow unless your parents bestow age upon you. However, there are rumors that the more LV or GOLD a dragon has, the bigger it gets…

GREEN- With your power over plants, you can make almost anything grow to ridiculous sizes. Not only that, most plants bend to your will, and the most useful of these are the vines. To make a GREEN ATTACK, make a AIM check instead of attacking normally. If it succeeds, your target is CONSTRICTED. If it fails, nothing happens. Once a Target is CONSTRICTED, they will be unable to attack you directly. Also, for every turn the are constricted, you gain ONE ATTACK stat. You keep gaining until Attack Stat points until the Enemy is free. The Enemy is only allowed to attack the VINE when constricted. The Enemy may only escape when either the vine is dead, or when you attack them. Once you have attacked the constricted enemy, remove all ATTACK points gained from GREEN.

ADORABLE- You a very cute dragon! Super cute even! Expect discounts! OH, and when damaged, all opponents lose 10 WILL power.

BABY WINGs- Once per battle, you can avoid a single attack from a opponent.

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)

BABY- You are still just a little one, after all. Expect to be pushed out of combat for your own good if somebody big and brave shows up. You also lose 20 WILL every-time your scared or spooked.

COMBAT: COMBAT has priority over all else. So long as combat is going on, the turn will not be updated until it is resolved. the HUMAN may flee combat at any time, but no MONSTER can, unless they are fighting against another MONSTER or if another MONSTER takes their place.

Physical: To fight physically, first you must aim your attack! IF yo do Roll a d100, and if it matches or is above your AIM, you hit your target! If you did not roll your AIM stat, or above, your opponent dodged the attack! Once you have successfully hit your opponent, roll a d10 for each point in your ATTACK stat. Once you have done that, multiply each ATTACK roll by your LV stat. Then, subtract from that number your opponents DEF stat. Apply what ever number is left to your opponents HP. When ever a monster's HP reaches zero, they will fade to dust.

Willpower: Occasionally, another monster may try to weaken your WILL to fight. Depending on your weakness, you may be especially vulnerable to such attacks. Remember, if your will power reaches below 50%, your attacks do half damage, rounding up! If your will power reaches 0, you automatically lose the fight. However, you may be SPARED by your opponent.

ACTIONS: Actions can be anything from buying food, earning money, talking to people, Training your skills, or doing anything thats not combat related.

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276524 No.21078

The Underground. As it always has, and most likely be. From the frosty forests of Snowdin to the bustle of HOME, it seems that a nervous, yet energetic mood has taken the land by force. The news spreads quickly. A HUMAN had once again entered the Underground. A eternity, it seemed, had passed since the last one had fallen into Mt. Ebott.

It seemed that no matter where you were, from the lonely outpost of Rorik to the bottom of Gothic's malevolent lab, none could escape the constant whispers. As you embark upon this new day, a cautious sense of optimism seems to be the mood of the day

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276524 No.21079

Dice rollRolled 83, 85 = 168 (2d100)

1. Be a HERO! They are many creatures in Waterfall that need help. From the temmies that fall into the water to the poor fish that need cheering up. It is time to be their hero!

2. Be a HERO. Sometimes to be a hero you must do things that are distasteful. Most monsters are quite good people. There are a few that are not. They deserve the full weight of the Hammer of Justice! Seek them out and put an end to them.


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276524 No.21081

File: 1451906371517.png (788 B,100x100,1:1,ACrate.png)

Dice rollRolled 45, 41 = 86 (2d100)





1: PUZZLES! The backbone of Monster culture and Monster civilization. Able to serve as stalwart defence against potential threats, and a means to occupy a wasteful lunch break.

If the rumour of a new human within the Underworld is true, then all Bloconstruck warehouses within the Hotland are to restore their access puzzles. We can not have a unknown Human running about, or worse, /dancing/ about…

2: The are still some construction projects that has to be fulfilled, like the expansion of the New Home aquarium and caveside homes over in Waterfall, so see to it that the new homes are made for them.

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276524 No.21082

File: 1451926856664.png (2.53 KB,400x400,1:1,Reggie.png)

Dice rollRolled 11, 89 = 100 (2d100)


HP: 5

WILL: 70%


LV: 2

AIM: 60


DEF: (Infinite)


AMALGAMATE- You are the result of twisted works of science. As thus, you are unable to be harmed normally.

SHAPE-SHIFTER- Thanks to your UNSTABLE form, you can shapeshift into a variety of objects, even things that may be physically impossible.

LONG LOST SOME ONE- Reggie has faint memories of another…Regina. Being reminded of her will give him back 10% of his willpower.


UNSTABLE-As a amalgamate, you are UNSTABLE due to your over dose of DETERMINATION. Although you are indestructible by normal means, there may be other ways to dispel you. Also, due to your sloppy form, those not already in your grasp can easily get away. You also might have trouble controlling your form.

ANNOYING- Almost nobody likes you. Your constant whining, and the fact that you are just as likely to attack other monsters makes you a person to avoid. Don't expect any helps in fights.

AVOIDABLE- When not shapeshifted, you are pretty easy to notice. Other creatures will try to avoid you, and gain a +10 plus to any action to avoid you in your normal form

PATHETIC- For such a invulnerable and unstoppable monster, you really aren't all that motivated. If you don't get a reaction out of your enemy, your likely to lose the WILL to fight, and bugger off. You also lose the WILL to fight when people are nice to you. Roll a d15 for each time somebody is nice to you to see how much will you loose!


1.REGGIE wanders around the hotlands looking for gems and other items that reminds him of Regina. He seems to recall getting her a ring at some point, so he just stumbles moaning to himself. How pathetic. [WILLPOWER]

2. After that, REGGIE decides change form into a rock. He waits in ambush for any monsters to come by. After that, he just scares them and tries to take their money. If he can't scare them, he doesn't really attack and instead commences begging. How pathetic. [GOLD]

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276524 No.21223


Name: Rorik

Monster Kind: Slime

Home: Snowdin

Fluff: Rorik is a creation of Professor Gothic. He was created by injecting EXP into a primordial mix of plant matter and slime from the Waterfall. The result was experiment R-15, or Rorik as he called himself. Rorik doesn't know what Gothic's thoughts of him were, but soon after his creation Rorik gained a personality. He grew to fear, to wonder, to be happy. But as he learned from Professor Gothic, either by intention or not, he learned how he was created. He was disgusted and afraid. Did he have a soul? He did not think so. He was a freak, an abomination. Would he crave the EXP that created him? He feared he may some day. Soon enough Rorik was given a job, as a guard protecting the way from the ruins into Snowdin, and to watch for any humans. Rorik did not want to, he did not want to hurt others, but he wanted to distance himself from others in case he ever felt the hunger for EXP so he took the job. Why does Rorik refer to himself as a he when he is a slime? Rorik doesn't know, it just feels right.

Fighting Style (How your character fights): Rorik shifts his body to avoid his enemies attacks and creates tentacles to ensnare and slap his enemies around. When truly angered he will launch his entire body at high speed around and harden his body to form projected spikes.

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): Rorik can't speak, so he shifts his body to form words. Rorik really doesn't like fighting, and will usually try to scare away his enemies, purposefully avoiding harming them. He will only fight someone when they are going to harm someone else, or have harmed someone else, where he will fight with all his might. Rorik sees himself as a freak of nature, and believes everyone else sees him like that as well, leading him to somewhat distance himself from other monsters.

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): Rorik just wants to be seen as anything besides what he was created to be. He wants to be a caretaker, and not someone that harms others.

HP: 150

WILL: 100%

GOLD: 50

LV: 2

AIM: 45


DEF: 20


SLIME- You could be considered one of Gothic's finest creations, in that you are fairly stable. You change your shape, and form rather reliably, going from one to another rapidly. This lets you get the drop on a people fairly easy, and allows for some rather creative attacks. Every time you hit your opponent, add 10 damage to your ATTACK total.

REGENERATE-As a slime, Physical attacks at best, only make you smaller. And unlike other monsters, instead of fading to dust when your HP reaches zero, you simply fall apart into your smallest possible pieces. By consuming plant matter and EXP, you will be able to grow back to your original size, and possibly even further.

HARDENING- As a slime, you can harden yourself against attacks at the penalty of loosing mobility, and vice versa. Each turn, before you AIM and ATTACK, you can either remove one ATTACK and add 10 DEF or Add one ATTACK and remove 10 DEF.


ABOMINATION- Unlike amalgamates, you are a purposely made, unique creation and are entirely stable. However, you do take penalties when it comes to your form. For every 30 life you loose, you loose a ATTACK stat.

SELF IMPOSED ISOLATION- Due to your self imposed isolation, and lack of self-confidence, you lose willpower when you are called out on your unnatural nature. However, you also lose WILL power when another creature comforts you or tries to cheer you up. roll d15 to see how much of your will power you loose for every Compliment/insult.

1. Go find some place to call home, hopefully a bit isolated. Maybe there is something near the ruins.

2. On the way pick up some seeds of anything that could grow here. I could make a garden.

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276524 No.21224

Dice rollRolled 6, 32 = 38 (2d100)


forgot to roll

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276524 No.21225

Dice rollRolled 63, 33 = 96 (2d100)



HP: 50

WILL: 90%


LV: 1

AIM: 35


DE: -40(GHOST)

BONUS: (These help your character in and out of combat!)

GHOSTLY- As a ghost of the underground, you are able to possess items, summon MAGICAL ATTACKS, and are invulnerable unless in a perfect host, or if the attack is MAGICAL in Nature. Thus, you are able to attack with little to no fear of reprisal.

JUMPSCARE- You a a very spooky individual. Probably one of /the/ spookiest monsters around. Couple this with your innate ability to phase through walls and floors, there is no place you can't spook! Thanks to this, you can even spook people mid-fight! to spook a combatant, preform a AIM check. If you pass, the target of your choice gets a -20 to all AIM rolls, and all rolls against the target get a +30 bonus.

THRILL JUNKIE- You can regain will power, by scaring or spooking outside and inside combat. For every person you spook, you get a bonus 15+ to your WILL power!

HEARTATTACK-If you land THREE JUMPSCARE ATTACKS in row, your victim must use only ONE attack dice every attack roll instead of their full number.

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)

EMOTIONAL- For a ghost, you are rather obsessed with emotions of all kinds. However, for however spooky you are, you can't help but sometimes be over come with particularly strong emotions. Fear, Happiness, Saddness, etc. Because of how rare it is for somebody else to make /you/ feel that way instead of making yourself feel that way, when ever somebody makes you feel something, lose 1d15 WILL.

LEAKING- You feel as if all the emotion in your body is some how leaking out of you through a hole…Until you figure out how to plug up this "hole", you lose 10 WILL every turn. (Not Combat Turn)


1-2: Get a feel for where I'm presently located. Explore a bit.

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276524 No.21234

Dice rollRolled 76, 40 = 116 (2d100)

Name: Lavender Jester

Monster Kind: Jester

Home: Snowdin

Fluff: Lavender Jester is a jester who can't help but laugh at everything. He's a coward that simply doesn't want to die, but would rather stand and fight to save everyone than let them all die. To be honest, he'd rather be far from the ruins and living in New Home, where the human surely would never reach. It's pretty funny though, right? A coward fighting the unstoppable? That we can't stop a human? Hahaha. Haha. Ha… Ha.

Fighting Style: Expansion Bullethell. Horizontal rows of bullets drop down from the top of the box before stopping center box and shooting in 6 directions from source bullet, then shrinking back into the original bullet. Number of rows and speed of bullets increases as battle continues.

Quirks: Is colorblind. Speaks in rhymes. Laughs at everything. What's under his cloak?

Dream: Move to New Home and become Royal Jester.


HP: 210

WILL: 100%

GOLD: 210

LV: 3

AIM: 40


DEF: 10


-UNNERVING- You are a very, very creepy JESTER. Laughing at everything, even your opponent, you are simply off putting. Enemies loose a ATTACK when ever they fight you.

-BULLETHELL- Once per COMBAT, you can unleash a dizzying array of attacks, enough to overwhelm even the surliest opponent. before you commence your attack, you must sacrifice your prior turn of attacks to prepare. When you do ATTACK, multiply your ATTACK stat by your LV stat. This attack also automatically passes any AIM check.

-NOW YOU SEE ME- You are quick to run at the first sign of danger! Before yo roll your attack dice, you may force your opponent to make a AIM check. If they do not pass, you are allowed to flee from combat and escape from the area.

-TRICKY- You are a JESTER after all. What good is a Jester that knows no tricks? Before you attack, you may roll 1d3 dice to determine what TRICK you are using:

1. POCKET SAND- You just so happen to have some CONVENIENT POCKET SAND ATTACK. Enemies get -10 to their AIM Roll for the next two attacks

2. LETS TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN- Through a strange bit of curious and exotic luck, you are able to switch your opponents LV and ATTACK around.

3. THAT'S NOT FUNNY- What ever happened, it was NOT comedic. You are so horrified by the act, you gain one stat of LV for the turn


-COWARD- You are, simply put, a runner and not a fighter. You'd rather be any where else than here, fighting and risking your life. Because of this, if you are below 50% of your health, you must make a NOW YOU SEE ME roll when ever possible. You are also super awkward when not onstage.

-FIGHTING THE UNSTOPPABLE- You don't believe in yourself, nor your cause as much as you should. Not only that, but your yellow bellied nature means that you are most certainly not going to be trying your hardest to kill your opponent. When you roll attack die, you do NOT MULTIPLY THEM BY YOUR LV STAT.

-LIME LIGHT-You are a celebrity in the Underground! Expect a lot of people to look up at you for your hilarious jokes! But, do be aware, if some one threatens you, roll a d10. Thats how much WILL You lose!

1. Go for a walk in western Snowdin, where the human patrols are. It's a nice day.

2. Tell some funny jokes to locals.

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276524 No.21346

File: 1452106473319.png (85.9 KB,540x265,108:53,586900192_preview_theor2.png)

Dice rollRolled 64, 29 = 93 (2d100)



1. Make sure the secure laboratory is. . .secured!

This "True Lab" unlike that sparkling tourist showcase up above will be where I conduct real scientific experiments, and will be absolutely off limits to none by I.

…for now, even the King. I shall require the utmost secrecy.

>SCIENCE- You are the ROYAL SCIENTIST, master of research and progress in the underground. Entrusted by KING ASGORE himself, you have access to almost every technological aspect of the underground, from the laser defense grid and CORE to even the elevators and TV network.

2. My LOVE extraction machine!

My greatest scientific creation. Whenever a boss monster, or a mini-boss monster, dies it draws in some of the LV, giving it to me.

I am unable however to tell whether all of the LV comes to me, or even know which mini-boss monster has been slain. . .as it stands I have yet to even catalog them all.

Furthermore it does not work on normal monsters. At least, I haven't checked.

But before I begin /those/ types of experiments, I'll need to work on the theory a bit more. I need to develop something more effective at monitoring the EXP of normal monsters, and lead the way to ensuring not a single point is transferred to a human interloper. I just. . .feel that for some reason one might be coming.

Perhaps a collar would work. Yes Something I could mass produce and issue out on the guise of it being a protection device against humans.

>Develop a mechanical collar or wristband that can be worn by monsters, which can give me information in my computers to track them for location, vitals, EXP, time of death, type of death (hostile or non-hostile), and LV transfer

>LOVE- You already know as much about LV as you can possibly research with the scraps you gather. Thus, you understand the nature of DETERMINATION and LOVE. However, procuring these crucial ingredients will not be easy.

>SCIENCE- You are the ROYAL SCIENTIST, master of research and progress in the underground. Entrusted by KING ASGORE himself, you have access to almost every technological aspect of the underground, from the laser defense grid and CORE to even the elevators and TV network.

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276524 No.21378

Dice rollRolled 4, 66 = 70 (2d100)


Name: Evergreen

Monster Kind: Dragon

Home: Snowdin



Fighting Style (How your character fights): Turn enemies GREEN and ensnares them with plants all while looking absolutely adorable. At first he’ll try to get his opponent to surrender by being incredible cute and playful thus taking away their DETERMINATION to continue but if scared or forced into action he will strangle them with plants.

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): Can make trees and plants grow with his GREEN breath attack that also turns people GREEN. Also, scared of humans because he remembers what they did.

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): Grow up and fly in the endless open skies of the world above.

BONUS: (These help your character in and out of combat!)

DRAGON-As a dragon, you are a rare and one of a kind creature. Much like BOSS MONSTERS, you do not grow unless your parents bestow age upon you. However, there are rumors that the more LV or GOLD a dragon has, the bigger it gets…

GREEN- With your power over plants, you can make almost anything grow to ridiculous sizes. Not only that, most plants bend to your will, and the most useful of these are the vines. To make a GREEN ATTACK, make a AIM check instead of attacking normally. If it succeeds, your target is CONSTRICTED. If it fails, nothing happens. Once a Target is CONSTRICTED, they will be unable to attack you directly. Also, for every turn the are constricted, you gain ONE ATTACK stat. You keep gaining until Attack Stat points until the Enemy is free. The Enemy is only allowed to attack the VINE when constricted. The Enemy may only escape when either the vine is dead, or when you attack them. Once you have attacked the constricted enemy, remove all ATTACK points gained from GREEN.

ADORABLE- You a very cute dragon! Super cute even! Expect discounts! OH, and when damaged, all opponents lose 10 WILL power.

BABY WINGs- Once per battle, you can avoid a single attack from a opponent.

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)

BABY- You are still just a little one, after all. Expect to be pushed out of combat for your own good if somebody big and brave shows up. You also lose 20 WILL every-time your scared or spooked.

Evergreen is, to be blunt, frightened. A human, here. The last few times he’d managed to hide from them when they showed up, but what if the human finds him this time? What if they want to slay a dragon? Evergreen shudders at the thought and instead focuses on more positive rumors. Gold and LV, these will make him grow up, or so the rumor says. Evergreen considers LV and discards the idea, he couldn’t possibly bring himself to hurt others. It’s irresponsible and just wrong to attack people! Instead he focuses on getting gold, a dragon’s horde! How could he have not thought of that before! Everybody had one back in the day, there must be a connection between that and a dragon’s power!

1-2. Evergreen decides to grow Everblooms in Snowden to sell to people. These flowers bloom all throughout the year and shrug off the cold, surely people would love to buy some of these from him! Maybe he can even make biiiiiiiiiig ones for more money!

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276524 No.21456

Dice rollRolled 23, 12 = 35 (2d100)


Name: Dog

Monster Kind: Dog


Fluff: Dog is big dog. Other dogs look up to Dog. Dog is called best Dog. Dog is called greatest Dog. Dog just wants to be Good Dog. Dog works hard to be Good Dog, and other dog want to be Good Dog like Dog is. Dog know he not Good Dog, but was told how to be Good Dog, so he does it! if Dog is Good Dog, Dog might get a bone - or belly rubs!

Fighting Style (How your character fights): Dog is Big Dog. Has big Dog Paws he uses to thwack, and big slobbery dog tongue he uses to lick.

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): Dog is a big dog. Dog likes bones and pets, and belly rubs.

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): Dog has simple dreams. Dog wants bone, belly rubs, and pets. …but most of all, Dog want to be Good Dog.


HP: 300

WILL: 100%

BONES: You are best dog. Best dog get many bones.

LV: 2

AIM: 55


DE: 50

BONUS: (These help your character in and out of combat!)

GREATEST DOGE: You are the greatest dog! All other dogs look up to you! Even greater dog! Wowzer! You can bring with you the full force of the DOG! Under command by KING ASGORE, you are to stop any humans that come through! All other DOGS listen to you!

BIG STICK- You carry a big stick! It fills your DOGS with DETERMINATION. And you speak loudly! When in your majestic presence, all allies get 5 WILL power back each turn they fight with you! If they are DOGS, they get 10 WILL back.

GOOD BOY- WHOSE A GOOD BOY? YOUR A GOOD BOY. GOOD BOY! GOOOOD BOY! Everybody knows your a good boy, yes they do! They'd all die to protect you! If your health goes below 50%, all other allies get a extra ATTACK and LV stat point.

ANCIENT ARTIFACT OF MYSTICAL POWER-It seems you've misplaced your favorite ball… Just imagine how much you'd have if you found it!

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)

PET? PET PET PET PETPETPETPETPET- Too much fun and you get out of control! Lose 20 WILL for each time your PETPETPETPETPETPETTED

PLAY- You are easily distracted by play, such as fetch and Frisbee! You might wanna be careful! If A opponent throws something, you will be forced to move out of combat and pick it up!

Action 1: What's that? SOMETHING MOVED! I NEED TO CHASE IT! [Chasing Tail]

Action 2: Dog think he need more Dog to help! Help for what? …Dog only knows! [Recruit Dogs!]

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276524 No.21832

File: 1452654459946.png (2.17 KB,213x219,71:73,Jerry.png)

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d6)


All round waterfall, your heroic deeds are well heard! Even the Temmie's are really great full, and even though you only work for free, they still give you a small sum of gold!

[+50 plus GOLD]

Albeit, try as you might, there aren't too many monsters misbehaving, especially when you are around. You help stop Woshua and Aaron from scaring the cute little Temmies, help talk down a Moldbygg and a Moldsmal from having a argument, and even help Shyren calm down from a particular case of stage fright from staring into a puddle while singing. ALL IN THE DAY OF YOUR AVERAGE HERO. [POWER FROM THE PEOPLE 1/4]


Ah! Finally, some worthy challenge! You can only begin to imagine all the fun puzzles you can throw at the HUMAN. You quickly set about re-organizing all the puzzles, but it'll take some time…


Oh, and of course, more practical work! You return to the task of building more and more onto the existing town and city. As you are busy over seeing a especially big project with intense scrutiny, you feel a slight poke on your back. HOW DARE THEY INTERUPT TER- ohnoits Asgore.

"Howdy there!" he says as you jump back, or more accurately, hover back. "Just checking in, and telling you to keep up the good work." He says happily. However, it isn't long before a more worried demeanor takes over. "Uh, so… I suppose I must prepare myself" he says saddily. "Try your best…To slow them down, will you?" He says, before turning towards MTT resort and continuing on his way home.


Ugh. You knew REGINA was never a big fan of those fancy gems…Though you don't ever recall talking to her about it. What ever. You ditch the rocks and go onto your plan, pretending to be one of those stupid rocks.

Suddenly, you spring up! You quickly engulf the Monster, wrapping them in your long, sticky…arm things. Wow, this thing is so pathetic, your feeble attempt to scare them evolved into a attack! Soon, you've got them right where you want them! Shifting your face around, you prepare to look your…Oh..ITS HIM. "Hey, thanks from saving me from tripping, buddy" says Jerry. NOT HIM. "Here, let me just wipe my hands on your…uh, body" He says, whipping his cheeto dust covered tentacles all over your body, leaving awful orange marks. "Man, your way cooler than all those other monsters. Lets hang out. Oh, and here; Sorry about scaring you with my amazing jogging speeds." He says, handing you a little bit of GOLD. [+50 GOLD][JERRY FRIENDSHIP 1/3].


Slumping through the snow covered forest, you get lost a for a moment, before returning to basically a small crack in the while. Slinking through it, you return to your meager little sleeping den. Heading through another door, you reach your Outpost, built into the cliff. It gives you a good little view into the area, and lets you spot anybody that might come through. You quietly flip through your MONSTER LANGUAGE dictionary, shifting into a few words your still working on.

[LOOK OUT]-As long as you are in your look out, you know where everybody in Snow-din forest is! However, aside from the dogs there really isn't anybody here..

Unfortunately, the few seeds you brought with you have already been digested in your Slimey body. For a moment, you feel like your being watched, but that feeling quickly disappears.


Drifting around the soggy and cold Waterfall, you feel a little melancholy. As you drift through the endless channels, waterfalls and other water features, you see a few things. A trash dump, filled with human garbage, a turtle shaped house, what seems to be a big, empty space, just the right size for a snail farm. Along the way, you also notice a really, REALLY annoying sounding village, which you try to keep away from. But most of all, you notice a lone turtle girl wandering about, helping the monsters living here…


Walking around Snowdin forest is a dangerous prospect for the unprepared. However, your nimble dances and jumps let you traverse the frozen landscape with ease. Not much to do around here, besides make puzzles…Along the way, you think you feel something watching you from afar. Deciding enough was enough, you head back to the relative safety of Snowdin.

There, you put on a impromtu show to calm your nerves. They can tell your a bit off your game, but they laugh anyways. Maybe you just had a over cooked burger from Grillbys?

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276524 No.21833

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d3)



Skulking around, you begin to install a set of HIGHLY ADVANCED, PHILOSOPHICAL PUZZLES, that no sane monster would ever solve, for fear of coming off as Jerks or psychos! Ha! You are careful, though, to make sure they look simply like console screens, or experiment bars. When explaining this to Asgore as he checks in, you tell him you have "Sucessfully digitizalized the LV observation statystical anaylaze interface." He nods along, not understanding a bit of it, before worryingly running back to the castle.

Now, time to get to work! You set about drawing up the schematics for the Collar, carefully calculating each detail. Getting it to absorb love from monsters is one thing, but getting it from the human? And then transmitting it back? This will take a while.. [LV COLLAR: 1/9]


Finding a few seeds. Evergreen quickly scampers about back to Snowdin. Growing them was easy! Finding a place to plant them was hard! Thankfully, the bartender lets you have a few empty cups to put them. After a deep breath, and a little magic, you have a variety of Everblooms! Sitting around your little makeshift stand, you are able to snag a few customers with the flowers and your ADORABLENESS

[+100 GOLD]


You bark the calling bark! After a few minutes, the Royal, loyal, Royal guard of Snowdin are front and Center!



[Lesser Dog]!


[Dogaressa], and of course

[Greater Dog]!

You all proceed to chase your tails for a bit. They all agree this was the best choice of action!

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276524 No.21837

Dice rollRolled 33, 16 = 49 (2d100)

1. Be a HERO. Being a Hero means stretching my limits, and going places I do not function well in. Visit SNOWDIN. Help those in need. Show that I care about others outside my home.

Maybe I should get in touch with GREATEST DOG and coordinate some HERO ADVENTURES.

2. Be a Hero. Ughhhhhhhh. I don't want to go to HOTLAND. I hate HOTLAND. Where did I put my water bottles? I guess I need to go there too. I've been hearing rumors of EVIL from that place, so I must seek those perfidious ones out and show them the HAMMER OF JUSTICE!


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276524 No.21843

Dice rollRolled 30, 42, 55 = 127 (3d100)



HP: 50

WILL: 80%


LV: 1

AIM: 35


DE: -40(GHOST)

BONUS: (These help your character in and out of combat!)

GHOSTLY- As a ghost of the underground, you are able to possess items, summon MAGICAL ATTACKS, and are invulnerable unless in a perfect host, or if the attack is MAGICAL in Nature. Thus, you are able to attack with little to no fear of reprisal.

JUMPSCARE- You a a very spooky individual. Probably one of /the/ spookiest monsters around. Couple this with your innate ability to phase through walls and floors, there is no place you can't spook! Thanks to this, you can even spook people mid-fight! to spook a combatant, preform a AIM check. If you pass, the target of your choice gets a -20 to all AIM rolls, and all rolls against the target get a +30 bonus.

THRILL JUNKIE- You can regain will power, by scaring or spooking outside and inside combat. For every person you spook, you get a bonus 15+ to your WILL power!

HEARTATTACK-If you land THREE JUMPSCARE ATTACKS in row, your victim must use only ONE attack dice every attack roll instead of their full number.

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)

EMOTIONAL- For a ghost, you are rather obsessed with emotions of all kinds. However, for however spooky you are, you can't help but sometimes be over come with particularly strong emotions. Fear, Happiness, Saddness, etc. Because of how rare it is for somebody else to make /you/ feel that way instead of making yourself feel that way, when ever somebody makes you feel something, lose 1d15 WILL.

LEAKING- You feel as if all the emotion in your body is some how leaking out of you through a hole…Until you figure out how to plug up this "hole", you lose 10 WILL every turn. (Not Combat Turn)


1-3: Fly to the turtle girl. Ergetz clears his 'throat' as it were by making a sound that sounds sort of like a throat-clearing cough, so that his approach to the turtle girl is not a surprise.

Despite his scary-sheet-ghost appearance and his 2 sorta-arms-sheetmass limbs, he doesn't try to scare her. Instead, he asks her a question.

"Are you lost?"

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276524 No.21844


I forgot I was only supposed to take two actions. I suppose then only 2 of those rolls count. Crossing fingers its the sorta-good-ish 2.

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276524 No.21851


Sydine pauses in her dithering over going to Hotland and Snowdin. Happy for the distraction of least a few moments She answers heartily and with great fervor and swings her hammer around for emphasis.

You note she isn't very careful about the surrounding scenery though she never once even comes close to hitting anything living, or in your case dead.

"Nay sir spectre. I wander for good reasons, The BEST of reasons! To aid those who need it! For I am Sydine the HERO! And that is what heroes do. "

She pauses. "I also like beating up bad guys, but there are very few of those around. Monsters are not known for their evil dispositions"

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276524 No.21855

Dice rollRolled 89, 80 = 169 (2d100)


HP: 5

WILL: 70%

GOLD: 50

LV: 2

AIM: 60


DEF: (Infinite)


AMALGAMATE- You are the result of twisted works of science. As thus, you are unable to be harmed normally.

SHAPE-SHIFTER- Thanks to your UNSTABLE form, you can shapeshift into a variety of objects, even things that may be physically impossible.

LONG LOST SOME ONE- Reggie has faint memories of another…Regina. Being reminded of her will give him back 10% of his willpower.


UNSTABLE-As a amalgamate, you are UNSTABLE due to your over dose of DETERMINATION. Although you are indestructible by normal means, there may be other ways to dispel you. Also, due to your sloppy form, those not already in your grasp can easily get away. You also might have trouble controlling your form.

ANNOYING- Almost nobody likes you. Your constant whining, and the fact that you are just as likely to attack other monsters makes you a person to avoid. Don't expect any helps in fights.

AVOIDABLE- When not shapeshifted, you are pretty easy to notice. Other creatures will try to avoid you, and gain a +10 plus to any action to avoid you in your normal form

PATHETIC- For such a invulnerable and unstoppable monster, you really aren't all that motivated. If you don't get a reaction out of your enemy, your likely to lose the WILL to fight, and bugger off. You also lose the WILL to fight when people are nice to you. Roll a d15 for each time somebody is nice to you to see how much will you loose!


1.REGGIE gets annoyed at being unable to find any gems. Instead, he launches into a full-scale rampage and starts trying to tear up the labs. During the assault he begins demanding VIDEO or AUDIO of REGINA. He's possibly nuts, but it's happening. [Attack the Lab: +WILL]



2. REGGIE continues to ignore Jerry, and doesn't even say anything. REGGIE was a misanthrope, but this…JERRY…was..just..annoying. WHAT DID HE KNOW ABOUT LOVE? HE DIDN'T KNOW SHIT. SOO annoying. REGGIE practices beating up on Jerry to get rid of him. [AIM]

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276524 No.21859

File: 1452672458420.png (22.61 KB,958x791,958:791,TetCoOffices.png)

Dice rollRolled 75, 33 = 108 (2d100)




…MTT? When was the TetCo Offices reffered to as MTT, or even a resort for that matter? There're flats for dedicated workers, sure, but they aren't for renting by the general public.

1: That shouldn't matter, for Asgore requested for the Human be slowed on their path. Surely, the best way for that to be done is to construct additional puzzles! As well, ensure that the Access Puzzles for the warehouses are activated, else he or she could slip right through.

2: As well, it is best to check up on the housing project over in Snowdin… Or rather, a house project. Just one house, singular, two floors with two bedrooms and a kitchen. Compared to other nearby homes, it's a mansion, but that shouldn't scare the workers away from constructing it…

Just, who was it for, again?

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276524 No.21871

Dice rollRolled 98, 92 = 190 (2d100)


Name: Rorik

Monster Kind: Slime

Home: Snowdin

Fluff: Rorik is a creation of Professor Gothic. He was created by injecting EXP into a primordial mix of plant matter and slime from the Waterfall. The result was experiment R-15, or Rorik as he called himself. Rorik doesn't know what Gothic's thoughts of him were, but soon after his creation Rorik gained a personality. He grew to fear, to wonder, to be happy. But as he learned from Professor Gothic, either by intention or not, he learned how he was created. He was disgusted and afraid. Did he have a soul? He did not think so. He was a freak, an abomination. Would he crave the EXP that created him? He feared he may some day. Soon enough Rorik was given a job, as a guard protecting the way from the ruins into Snowdin, and to watch for any humans. Rorik did not want to, he did not want to hurt others, but he wanted to distance himself from others in case he ever felt the hunger for EXP so he took the job. Why does Rorik refer to himself as a he when he is a slime? Rorik doesn't know, it just feels right.

Fighting Style (How your character fights): Rorik shifts his body to avoid his enemies attacks and creates tentacles to ensnare and slap his enemies around. When truly angered he will launch his entire body at high speed around and harden his body to form projected spikes.

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): Rorik can't speak, so he shifts his body to form words. Rorik really doesn't like fighting, and will usually try to scare away his enemies, purposefully avoiding harming them. He will only fight someone when they are going to harm someone else, or have harmed someone else, where he will fight with all his might. Rorik sees himself as a freak of nature, and believes everyone else sees him like that as well, leading him to somewhat distance himself from other monsters.

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): Rorik just wants to be seen as anything besides what he was created to be. He wants to be a caretaker, and not someone that harms others.

HP: 150

WILL: 100%

GOLD: 50

LV: 2

AIM: 45


DEF: 20


SLIME- You could be considered one of Gothic's finest creations, in that you are fairly stable. You change your shape, and form rather reliably, going from one to another rapidly. This lets you get the drop on a people fairly easy, and allows for some rather creative attacks. Every time you hit your opponent, add 10 damage to your ATTACK total.

REGENERATE-As a slime, Physical attacks at best, only make you smaller. And unlike other monsters, instead of fading to dust when your HP reaches zero, you simply fall apart into your smallest possible pieces. By consuming plant matter and EXP, you will be able to grow back to your original size, and possibly even further.

HARDENING- As a slime, you can harden yourself against attacks at the penalty of loosing mobility, and vice versa. Each turn, before you AIM and ATTACK, you can either remove one ATTACK and add 10 DEF or Add one ATTACK and remove 10 DEF.

[LOOK OUT]-As long as you are in your look out, you know where everybody in Snow-din forest is! However, aside from the dogs there really isn't anybody here..


ABOMINATION- Unlike amalgamates, you are a purposely made, unique creation and are entirely stable. However, you do take penalties when it comes to your form. For every 30 life you loose, you loose a ATTACK stat.

SELF IMPOSED ISOLATION- Due to your self imposed isolation, and lack of self-confidence, you lose willpower when you are called out on your unnatural nature. However, you also lose WILL power when another creature comforts you or tries to cheer you up. roll d15 to see how much of your will power you loose for every Compliment/insult.

1&2. I should clean up the place, and redecorate too.

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276524 No.21880


The specter's motion-set is float a little bit up, float a little bit down, sheety-ghosty-bits flow and drape around some. Hard to tell if he's breathing or exercising any functions besides floating a few inches up then floating a few inches down again while the edges wibbly-wobble.

"There is a certain piece of music that I like to sit in trap-riddled rooms and play so that human intruders come to their death. If you hear it on my accordian, stay as far from the source as you can, as its usually me sitting in a room filled with traps."

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276524 No.21902

Dice rollRolled 20, 36 = 56 (2d100)



"Dear Asgore what is this a HOSTILE monster? Towards another monster?"

Gothic observes his camera feed watching this creature scream about a "Regina" ("that name sounds familiar. . .but where? Probably any number of my test subjects."). The monster simultaneously tears up the lab and, oh my, he's attacking that other monster.

Where most monsters would panic and call the guard, Gothic watches from the safety of his secure lab as the altercation takes place.

"Hmmm, the underground's first- . . .one of the first murderers a monster? Not a human? The irony is palpable. wait. . .this JUST might be the type of person I need! That rage, that anger, that inmonster viole- god not the floor I just cleaned that!"


1. I can't just let that thing go after wrecking all my stuff. He seems to be a major anomaly. Isn't there something, anything here I can use to keep tabs on him? A tracking device, a dart, or something! Gah, if I could only just keep tabs on him.

2. Gothic waits patiently in his lab shop, behind a door, tinkering on his collars. He would frown or grimace at the destruction of his lab where he not stuck in that perpetual skull face expression. There is no combat whilst in a shop. He'll just have to clean up this mess later.

If the thing stops by, he'll open up some dialogue options. See if he can't promise to find more about this "Regina" person. And leave a few shop items, some beakers, some syringes, some bandages. Definitely not the unfinished collars though. Nobody will buy that for anything short of 9999 gold until they are ready. I'll sell them for free once they are.

>Keep tinkering on them collars 1/9


*You're the one whose tearing up my laboratory

*What do you want?





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276524 No.21991

Dice rollRolled 35, 15 = 50 (2d100)

Name: Lavender Jester

Monster Kind: Jester

Home: Snowdin

Fluff: Lavender Jester is a jester who can't help but laugh at everything. He's a coward that simply doesn't want to die, but would rather stand and fight to save everyone than let them all die. To be honest, he'd rather be far from the ruins and living in New Home, where the human surely would never reach. It's pretty funny though, right? A coward fighting the unstoppable? That we can't stop a human? Hahaha. Haha. Ha… Ha.

Fighting Style: Expansion Bullethell. Horizontal rows of bullets drop down from the top of the box before stopping center box and shooting in 6 directions from source bullet, then shrinking back into the original bullet. Number of rows and speed of bullets increases as battle continues.

Quirks: Is colorblind. Speaks in rhymes. Laughs at everything. What's under his cloak?

Dream: Move to New Home and become Royal Jester.


HP: 210

WILL: 100%

GOLD: 210

LV: 3

AIM: 40


DEF: 10


-UNNERVING- You are a very, very creepy JESTER. Laughing at everything, even your opponent, you are simply off putting. Enemies loose a ATTACK when ever they fight you.

-BULLETHELL- Once per COMBAT, you can unleash a dizzying array of attacks, enough to overwhelm even the surliest opponent. before you commence your attack, you must sacrifice your prior turn of attacks to prepare. When you do ATTACK, multiply your ATTACK stat by your LV stat. This attack also automatically passes any AIM check.

-NOW YOU SEE ME- You are quick to run at the first sign of danger! Before yo roll your attack dice, you may force your opponent to make a AIM check. If they do not pass, you are allowed to flee from combat and escape from the area.

-TRICKY- You are a JESTER after all. What good is a Jester that knows no tricks? Before you attack, you may roll 1d3 dice to determine what TRICK you are using:

1. POCKET SAND- You just so happen to have some CONVENIENT POCKET SAND ATTACK. Enemies get -10 to their AIM Roll for the next two attacks

2. LETS TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN- Through a strange bit of curious and exotic luck, you are able to switch your opponents LV and ATTACK around.

3. THAT'S NOT FUNNY- What ever happened, it was NOT comedic. You are so horrified by the act, you gain one stat of LV for the turn


-COWARD- You are, simply put, a runner and not a fighter. You'd rather be any where else than here, fighting and risking your life. Because of this, if you are below 50% of your health, you must make a NOW YOU SEE ME roll when ever possible. You are also super awkward when not onstage.

-FIGHTING THE UNSTOPPABLE- You don't believe in yourself, nor your cause as much as you should. Not only that, but your yellow bellied nature means that you are most certainly not going to be trying your hardest to kill your opponent. When you roll attack die, you do NOT MULTIPLY THEM BY YOUR LV STAT.

-LIME LIGHT-You are a celebrity in the Underground! Expect a lot of people to look up at you for your hilarious jokes! But, do be aware, if some one threatens you, roll a d10. Thats how much WILL You lose!

1. Go look around western Snowdin again for whatever was watching me. It's probably some kids running around or something. Don't they know it's sort of dangerous over there?

2. Go to the library and read something interesting. Not much else to do.

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276524 No.21993



Reggie ignores the prompt and frantically smashes at everything he can get his hands on. He's really very mad. "LESS TALK MORE VIDEOTAPES OF MY GIRLFRIEND ASSHOLEEEEEE! AHHHHHHHHHHH!! AAANNGGRYY!"

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276524 No.22018

Dice rollRolled 3, 8 = 11 (2d100)


1. Wonderful! I need to thank the bartender! He's a really nice guy, just like his grandfather was! I should offer to grow some decorations for his bar, to attract more customers and make the place prettier!

2. Oh yeah! I'll also sell more flowers! People love them!

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276524 No.22108

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d2)


Triumphantly, you march towards Snowdin, Hammer in hand as you prepare to brave the freezing cold! You scaled foot into the cold winter air and slowly plod towards Snowdin. You barely make it half way through town before turning back, shivering in your shell. Everything looked alright, and the fact that the Famous Lavender Jester was there, made every one calm. You need a little bit of time to prepare for a longer visit. Maybe also a change of clothes. And some warm rocks in your shell. That'd be nice. Besides, the Dog Guard and that…Slime thing should be able to handle the situation, hopefully.

Meanwhile in the hotlands, you barely manage to cross the bridge before nearly passing out from the heat. Draining the nearby water cool, you quickly shamble back to Waterfall, but not before hearing some moaning and whining.

Afterwards, a rather spooky looking ghost approaches you. He may look grim, but he seems nice enough and warns you of a particular trap he likes to play, and tells you to keep the other monsters from falling for it


You quickly fly towards the Heroic turtle girl, trying not to scare her too badly. After talking for a bit, she happily thanks you for the warning about the music before continuing on her way. You feel a little relief, knowing nobody will get hurt.

+5 Will


More puzzles is what you want, and Tetco is eager to provide! You quickly begin setting up another one of the fiendish devices as you work hard at organizing the layout of Hotlands


Meanwhile in snowdin, your workers are telling you that despite the house being nearing completion, the worker crew still wonders who exactly is paying for this thing…


Figuring that your sparse little cave could go for some reinnovations, you set about gathering a good deal of nice looking rocks and plants. However, that doesn't really seem up to snuff. Making a daring move, you travel to snowdin, and buy a few pieces of furniture, carpets and a variety of other rather SNAZZY looking things to spruce up your home. You even get a cute little flower from that dragon! How delightful! Heading home, you quickly set to work, making your hole in the wall a rather pleasant place to stay…


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276524 No.22109


You approach the monster, your files in hand and ready for display…

Afterwards, you continue on the task of the collar. You have already figured out the absorption of LV mechanic, thankfully enough, but the process of transmitting the LV still boggles you. So far, all the collar can do is contain the LV in a easily breakable container attached to the device.

[LV COLLAR: 1/9]


You look around, trying your hardest to find whats going on, but there isn't much to be found. Eventually, after asking the locals, they give the plausible answer it was that mysterious blob thing that Gothic had made. Usually, it stays up in the moutains, but today it had apparently come down not too long ago to get some furniture. Whatever the case, it probably wasn't worth worrying over, right?

At the library, there isn't much to see. Nothing you don't already know, but you do get pulled over by a few people for a joke book signing.


Grillby takes one look at you before shaking his head. "Grillby doesn't do plants well" he says, before cleaning out another glass.

However, do to the small population of Monsters that actually live in Snowdin, it seems you've gotten all the customers you can today.

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276524 No.22110


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276524 No.22111

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d2)


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276524 No.22112

Dice rollRolled 2 (1d2)

Across the underground, time seems to pause as a creaking, sliding noise is heard from deep within Snowdin forest…The Door to ruin opens. And outcomes a single human child.

Their sleeves covered In dust, a toy dagger in hand. It looks around, the cold enveloping it. Than, slowly, it sets on its laborious march. It knew how to get out. And it would.

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276524 No.22113

Dice rollRolled 44, 32 = 76 (2d100)

1. Be a Hero. Patrol WATERFALL. Seek out wrongdoings to put right and wrongdoers to beat up. (1/4)

2. Prepare better for a trip to Snowdin. Warm up some rocks by laying them next to the Hotland bridge, order some clothes from NEW HOME using the local delivery service.


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276524 No.22129


You approach the ominous building, standing stark in the Hotlands, and are approached by Gothic…

However, before that, you mess around with Jerry, trying to get him to leave you. But, like stink on a skunk, you can't shake him. Infact, all he does is simply take it like a champ. Or a loser, depending on your point of view.

[AIM: 1/4]


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276524 No.22138

Dice rollRolled 41, 15 = 56 (2d100)



HP: 50

WILL: 80%


LV: 1

AIM: 35


DE: -40(GHOST)

BONUS: (These help your character in and out of combat!)

GHOSTLY- As a ghost of the underground, you are able to possess items, summon MAGICAL ATTACKS, and are invulnerable unless in a perfect host, or if the attack is MAGICAL in Nature. Thus, you are able to attack with little to no fear of reprisal.

JUMPSCARE- You a a very spooky individual. Probably one of /the/ spookiest monsters around. Couple this with your innate ability to phase through walls and floors, there is no place you can't spook! Thanks to this, you can even spook people mid-fight! to spook a combatant, preform a AIM check. If you pass, the target of your choice gets a -20 to all AIM rolls, and all rolls against the target get a +30 bonus.

THRILL JUNKIE- You can regain will power, by scaring or spooking outside and inside combat. For every person you spook, you get a bonus 15+ to your WILL power!

HEARTATTACK-If you land THREE JUMPSCARE ATTACKS in row, your victim must use only ONE attack dice every attack roll instead of their full number.

WEAKNESS: (These hinder you character in and out of combat!)

EMOTIONAL- For a ghost, you are rather obsessed with emotions of all kinds. However, for however spooky you are, you can't help but sometimes be over come with particularly strong emotions. Fear, Happiness, Saddness, etc. Because of how rare it is for somebody else to make /you/ feel that way instead of making yourself feel that way, when ever somebody makes you feel something, lose 1d15 WILL.

LEAKING- You feel as if all the emotion in your body is some how leaking out of you through a hole…Until you figure out how to plug up this "hole", you lose 10 WILL every turn. (Not Combat Turn)


1-2: search for an intruder, whether it be human or monster, to scare.

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276524 No.22151


**Actually yes, I do have information on Regina,

Mr. Reggie.

But if you want me to divulge this information, you're going to have to work for it.**

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276524 No.22153



Reggie stops his thrashing for a few moments and turns. Reggie then pauses for a few seconds and retracts his snakelike ethereal arms slowly.

"You should give it to me or I can destroy the lab. You realize I can just open this place like a beercan, right?"

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276524 No.22155


*That is actually a good question.

*As far as I can tell, the background isn't changeable.

*though, the destruction of my equipment


*Even where you to destroy the lab, or me,

*which I assure you won't be happening right now

*you would also be destroying your only hope of finding out what became of Regina

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276524 No.22156


[Reggie pauses. He wasn't expecting that. His arm-like tendrils flutter a little bit as he considers what to say.]


*What do I do.

*I want all of it.

*Or I open the lab and I open your head.

*It will be somewhere.

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276524 No.22158


*You want all of it?

*Then all of it is what you're going to get. Allow me to explain

*I'm working on a security device. A collar if you will, meant to. . .ensure all fights end the way I deem they should. And I need a willing test subject to wear the very first model.

*He has to be a very specific test subject with a certain. . .disposition. I believe you to be that one, your attitude, your anger, your /determination/. Perfect for what I need

*All I need you to do is simple. Let me finish this collar and put it on you, then you can be on your merry way. After such a time, I will contact you and fully reveal what happened to your beloved Regina.

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276524 No.22159




After this Reggie moves where directed to allow a collar.

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276524 No.22160

Dice rollRolled 22, 94 = 116 (2d100)



As Reggie sits impatiently awaiting for the work by Gothic, thankfully not destroying the lab, a far FAR more pressing matter comes to Gothic's attention.

He watches seemingly spellbound at his monitor, replaying the same recordings over and over again, his red eyes searching and scanning.

His skeletal grin betrays his true emotions, as he looks upon what he's on his computer and is not at all pleased. This was too quick, and this was terrible. His plan had fallen behind schedule, and the worst of his fears had become realized.

It was too late for too many already. He needed to work faster.

1-2. Reggie will make a good test subject. His violent nature means I can use him for certain. . .contingencies. But I MUST get my collar designs done immediately. 1/9

When not needed, Reggie will be free to do whatever it is he does in his spare time. I believe he was meeting with that one monster, a Jerry something. The one he confronted.

Hopefully he does't do anything rash /before/ I finish the collar work. Though, once they are ready. . .

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276524 No.22170

Dice rollRolled 83, 73 = 156 (2d100)


Name: Rorik

Monster Kind: Slime

Home: Snowdin

Fluff: Rorik is a creation of Professor Gothic. He was created by injecting EXP into a primordial mix of plant matter and slime from the Waterfall. The result was experiment R-15, or Rorik as he called himself. Rorik doesn't know what Gothic's thoughts of him were, but soon after his creation Rorik gained a personality. He grew to fear, to wonder, to be happy. But as he learned from Professor Gothic, either by intention or not, he learned how he was created. He was disgusted and afraid. Did he have a soul? He did not think so. He was a freak, an abomination. Would he crave the EXP that created him? He feared he may some day. Soon enough Rorik was given a job, as a guard protecting the way from the ruins into Snowdin, and to watch for any humans. Rorik did not want to, he did not want to hurt others, but he wanted to distance himself from others in case he ever felt the hunger for EXP so he took the job. Why does Rorik refer to himself as a he when he is a slime? Rorik doesn't know, it just feels right.

Fighting Style (How your character fights): Rorik shifts his body to avoid his enemies attacks and creates tentacles to ensnare and slap his enemies around. When truly angered he will launch his entire body at high speed around and harden his body to form projected spikes.

Quirks (What makes your character unique?): Rorik can't speak, so he shifts his body to form words. Rorik really doesn't like fighting, and will usually try to scare away his enemies, purposefully avoiding harming them. He will only fight someone when they are going to harm someone else, or have harmed someone else, where he will fight with all his might. Rorik sees himself as a freak of nature, and believes everyone else sees him like that as well, leading him to somewhat distance himself from other monsters.

Dreams (What does your character aspire to do?): Rorik just wants to be seen as anything besides what he was created to be. He wants to be a caretaker, and not someone that harms others.

HP: 150

WILL: 100%

GOLD: 50

LV: 2

AIM: 45


DEF: 20


SLIME- You could be considered one of Gothic's finest creations, in that you are fairly stable. You change your shape, and form rather reliably, going from one to another rapidly. This lets you get the drop on a people fairly easy, and allows for some rather creative attacks. Every time you hit your opponent, add 10 damage to your ATTACK total.

REGENERATE-As a slime, Physical attacks at best, only make you smaller. And unlike other monsters, instead of fading to dust when your HP reaches zero, you simply fall apart into your smallest possible pieces. By consuming plant matter and EXP, you will be able to grow back to your original size, and possibly even further.

HARDENING- As a slime, you can harden yourself against attacks at the penalty of loosing mobility, and vice versa. Each turn, before you AIM and ATTACK, you can either remove one ATTACK and add 10 DEF or Add one ATTACK and remove 10 DEF.

[LOOK OUT]-As long as you are in your look out, you know where everybody in Snow-din forest is! However, aside from the dogs there really isn't anybody here..


ABOMINATION- Unlike amalgamates, you are a purposely made, unique creation and are entirely stable. However, you do take penalties when it comes to your form. For every 30 life you loose, you loose a ATTACK stat.

SELF IMPOSED ISOLATION- Due to your self imposed isolation, and lack of self-confidence, you lose willpower when you are called out on your unnatural nature. However, you also lose WILL power when another creature comforts you or tries to cheer you up. roll d15 to see how much of your will power you loose for every Compliment/insult.

1&2. Continue prettying up my home. Arranging furniture and all that.

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276524 No.22174

Dice rollRolled 12, 48 = 60 (2d100)


HP: 5

WILL: 70%

GOLD: 50

LV: 2

AIM: 60


DEF: (Infinite)


AMALGAMATE- You are the result of twisted works of science. As thus, you are unable to be harmed normally.

SHAPE-SHIFTER- Thanks to your UNSTABLE form, you can shapeshift into a variety of objects, even things that may be physically impossible.

LONG LOST SOME ONE- Reggie has faint memories of another…Regina. Being reminded of her will give him back 10% of his willpower.


UNSTABLE-As a amalgamate, you are UNSTABLE due to your over dose of DETERMINATION. Although you are indestructible by normal means, there may be other ways to dispel you. Also, due to your sloppy form, those not already in your grasp can easily get away. You also might have trouble controlling your form.

ANNOYING- Almost nobody likes you. Your constant whining, and the fact that you are just as likely to attack other monsters makes you a person to avoid. Don't expect any helps in fights.

AVOIDABLE- When not shapeshifted, you are pretty easy to notice. Other creatures will try to avoid you, and gain a +10 plus to any action to avoid you in your normal form

PATHETIC- For such a invulnerable and unstoppable monster, you really aren't all that motivated. If you don't get a reaction out of your enemy, your likely to lose the WILL to fight, and bugger off. You also lose the WILL to fight when people are nice to you. Roll a d15 for each time somebody is nice to you to see how much will you loose!

[In Progress]

[AIM: 1/4]



1. Reggie sits patiently as the collar is applied.

2. …However he begins to think about possible ways he could kill Gothic if he is betrayed. Reggie always suspects the worst. [Aim]

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276524 No.22179

Dice rollRolled 2, 24 = 26 (2d100)


Well, as long as they damn pay for the other half of the construction fee, they can keep their anonymous appearance from us…

1: Return back to Tetco HQ, over in the Hotland in front of the CORE, for the inspection of stuff in Snowdin is already complete.

2: More puzzles! Two may work for the weaker willed HUMANs, but just in case, we should have more of them.

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276524 No.22252

Dice rollRolled 78, 7 = 85 (2d100)


Evergreen nods sagely at Grillby's words, he is right, it was insensitive of Evergreen to offer that, so! In stead, he will do something else!

"Grillsby! Everyone should get to enjoy plants in their life! So, I will make you a fireproof plant! Then I'll bring it to you so you can buy it from me!"

Evergreen sounds childish but his resolve is real, this sounds like just the kind of interesting adventure that usually ends up with gold, isn't that what the King always used to tell him? Adventure stories always ended with finding treasure.

1. Evergreen declares his intent to sell a plant to Grillsby and awaits his response.

2. No matter what his response is Evergreen will say. "Don't worry, Grillsby. I'll find you a fireproof plant for sure!" before running off to start his quest.

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276524 No.23534

Dice rollRolled 19, 41 = 60 (2d100)

1,2. Start on my way to New Home. I think I've made up my mind about traveling to become a royal jester.

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276524 No.23535


Hm…Not too many wrong doings around here…Weird. Oh well! Lets look harder!

It seems that the delivery man is a little late, yet some how, you get a post card apologizing for the lateness.


Doesn't seem like it…Oh wait! Finally, some one to- Darn it, just another Temie. The dumb things keep sneaking into your den as if to get spooked! Oh well, better luck next time you think, as the white….dog…cat thing? slinks out of the grotto.


Hm. Things were only getting trickier the more you looked into the collar's technology. The last royal scientist, despite her ineptitude, had conjured up some basic schematics… and while they give you some IDEA on what to do, it's still a long way away.



You get some nice little furniture for your home, and some plants! How quaint! And you even got one from that little dragon! how adorable! All your friends will say how nic- oh thats right. You don't have any friends.


you sit quietly, something you hate to do. However, just as you start to move, it sinks into your body, and falls out from your under belly! It seems that its a tad bit too heavy for your…jelly like form to hold up without focus.

However, this annoyance also distracts you from thinking up ways to hurt gothic.


Oh boy, oh boy… oh…boy. A quick glance at the preparations in Snowdin tells you of a massive delay! Oh dear! This will take some time to amend…time that could have gone to making more puzzles!


Grillby looks at the silly dragon for a bit, before briskly nodding. "Grillby would like that. Good luck."

However, your still a bit clueless on HOW to do that



You start on your way to NEW HOME


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276524 No.23536

Dice rollRolled 49, 35 = 84 (2d100)

1. Be a Hero. Help the people of WATERFALL with anything they might need help with. T (1/4)

2. Prepare better for a trip to Snowdin. Warm up some rocks by laying them next to the Hotland bridge, order some clothes from NEW HOME using the local delivery service.


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276524 No.24627

File: 1457089095196.png (1.25 KB,120x120,1:1,Whimineer.png)

Dice rollRolled 1, 86 = 87 (2d100)




1: What do you mean there's a delay? Must be a lack of good workers. Maybe some recruitment could help that problem out.

>Recruit alt-universe versions of the Core monsters to guard the Snowdin Town's construction site, like Whimineer and Foreman Froggit.

2: As well, I don't want to come over here for every minor incident, the Riverperson's fees aren't cheap, you know? Hell, get some buisness cards made with my number on them, so that if anything get buggered up, they can just phone me for advice instead of getting me to get over here again. Besides, it would help to promote the Tetco brand, because they're BUSINESS CARDS!

>Produce business cards.

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276524 No.24706

Dice rollRolled 65, 82 = 147 (2d100)


1-2. Continue to work on the collars, I am at a race against time and that. . .human. 2/9

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