>There is no such thing as a "bulk billing" dentist in Australia,
Sorry, I was incorrect. This the correct advice that there is no completely free dentistry provided by the federal government.
>dentistry isn't covered by medicare.
What? That is completely true, there are some federal government services, but they are limited in the scope you provide.
>Medicare gives you access to:
>a range of medical services for free or at a lower cost including:
>>at times, dentists and other allied health professionals
>Medicare does not cover:
>most dental examinations and treatment,
>the whole dentistry doesn't work on the basis of a set government rebate and a potential gap
I thought we do receive a benefit from Medicare. My last dental bill processed through HICAPS with a charge and benefit column. Total benefit was paid was $150 and the gap payment of $80+ that was picked up by my private health insurance provider with the total overall payment was $200+. Without private health insurance, I would need to pay the gap. So, who the hell is paying the benefit excluding the gap payment because I haven't for 5+ years?