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/ara/ - 2D MILFs & Mature Women

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File: 1432016897567-0.jpeg (460.08 KB,800x1131,800:1131,8cbcdf6cf287f1970b80ec56b….jpeg)


Are there any english-translated Visual Novels with /ara/ content?

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Starless' got some /ara/-/ara/ esque material around. It got a release a few days ago, but it could be considered "too extreme" (rightfully so, in a sense).

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File: 1432180934381.png (908.31 KB,1024x512,2:1,starless.png)

I want to know too if there's anything.


Yeah, I've seen this around. The art itself looks good but I'm not aware of what scenes it will have.

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Scat, pegging, beastality and needles getting rammed into balls to name some stuff thats in Starless

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That's the stuff that got removed in the JAST release. But there is a semi-official patch that restores it (and uncensored from what I've heard) if there's anyone into that sort of thing.

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Ah, I see. yeah I'm into that stuff so it probably won't interest me.

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Kawakaburi No Cherry

>An elementary schooler Kazuki visits a friend one summer day. Sadly his friend is away, but his mother Reiko is home.

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There's a mother route in this game.

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>You're boy, so act like one

Engrish aside, I would like to see if there are more scenes for this game.

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Oh fuck yes, my pregnancy fetish loves you like a brother anon!

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File: 1454837376587.jpg (1.17 MB,1278x958,639:479,shounen1.jpg)

EN: The Happy Ecchi Roommate Life of a Shonen and Pervy Onesans

JP: Shonen to chijo onesan tachi no shiawase H na apato kurashi

>Sekitani Jun is a timid and docile sixteen year old schoolboy who intends to eventually follow in his grandfather's footsteps and become a Buddhist priest. After his parents have to temporarily relocate, Jun's friend's mother Miyuki agrees to accommodate the boy in the apartment complex, where she is a landlady. To Jun's great misfortune, all the other apartments in the building are populated by perverted nymphomaniac sluts, who immediately set their sights on him.

TL;DR: a straight shotacon RPG eroge involving 4 "older sister" types and a mother

vndb: https://vndb.org/v18568

torrent: https://sukebei.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=630872

translation files: https://mega.nz/#F!u08QVRYQ!8JfI73YXfzlCHqnCpoX1iQ!2pN0RCDS

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File: 1455917857494.png (719.44 KB,803x604,803:604,error.png)


I did all the steps for the english patch but I keep getting errors:

Whenever there should be one or many characters in their "standing pose" appearing on-screen, during dialogues/narration, I keep getting this error message and said images don't appear at all. This error always appear whenever a character enters a new "pose"/"expression", if you know what I mean.

They do appear without the english patch though.

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Euphoria has a really cute teacher, but I find her H scenes, along with most of the H scenes in the game too plain and vanilla for a supposedly very /d/-oriented game. It has its moments, though, but mostly happen further into each path.

If only In'en no Yu can get a translation. Your wife's mom and especially her mom look genuinely look like older women and they look drop-dead gorgeous that way even more so for your wife's mom's mom. The sister-in-law looks okay too, but not /ara/ enough.

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It's because of one or more filenames in the zip file contain Japanese characters and extracting them corrupts the characters. I can see there's one file in \MapData that's guaranteed to be problematic.

A permanent solution is to install Microsoft hotfix KB2704299 for your OS:

Windows 7 64-bit


Windows 7 32-bit


After you have restarted, Windows Explorer should now natively support Unicode characters in zip archives. Extract and replace the translation files again, but this time right-click Data.zip and open with Windows Explorer. You cannot use 7-Zip because it does not support Unicode characters and will fail again.

If all else fails, a short term solution is to change system locale to Japanese and extract with any file archiver.

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I tried the hotfix solution AND extracting by japanese locale and it still gave me the same errors.

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These guys had the same problem, check their solutions:



My guess is arc_conv.exe either didn't fully extract or it corrupted some characters (if it wasn't run under japanese locale). Check your data\tatie folder.

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File: 1456011019714-1.png (20.54 KB,470x183,470:183,japanese locale.png)


I took a look but the filenames look just fine...

Again, this only happen when I use the english patch.

Also, the game opens when I use my comp's locale (base game still gives gibberish), but I get an error message when I try to open it with Japanese locale.

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File: 1456039502929.png (58.56 KB,770x467,770:467,directory.png)

Now I know why.

Rename your folders from:



C:\Games\MILF\RJ138261\Perverted Oneesans Happy H Apartment Life\

See my screenshot for an example.

This error ( >>3733 ) comes up when you don't have system locale set to Japanese. You have to do this because it's unfortunately not a full-blown game patch/hack, but just a simple translation patch. The translator's clearly not a programmer.

This error ( >>3742 ) comes up if your game folder is still in Japanese characters. It needs to be renamed to Latin characters because the patched Game.dat cannot handle non-Latin characters (ex. Japanese) in directory paths.

Here are my tested and working instructions for anyone else who wants to play this game:

>Game extract

• Open RJ138261.rar (with any archiver, 7-Zip is fine)

• Open RJ138261.zip (inside the rar)

• Open first folder

• Extract second folder somewhere (âQü[âÇé═é▒é┐éτé╠Game.exeé┼é╖)

• Rename that folder to Perverted Oneesans Happy H Apartment Life

>Translation patch

• Open arc_conv.exe, select Game.exe in your game folder

• Rename folder Data.wolf~ to Data

• Delete file Data.wolf

• Open Data.zip with Windows Explorer (not 7-Zip)

• Extract and replace all files in Data folder

>Play game

• Change system locale to Japanese, restart Windows

• Game should now run without errors

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File: 1456099665457.gif (2.42 MB,292x266,146:133,time to fap 3.gif)



Thanks a lot fam. You have no idea how grateful I am.

Well now...

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...Well in the end, this shit was way 2femdom4mytastes, even though the art was great. I prefer my onee-sans to be sluts "just for me", not disgusting selfish excuses of human beings.

Also, shit like making your own fucking little brother comatose through sex and enjoying recalling it is so fucking off-putting.

Oh well. At least I discovered >>2492 ITT.

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