/ara/ is a board for all things “MILFs” ('''M'''others '''I''''d '''L'''ike to '''F'''uck) and similar archetypes of older women. ''Mature women'' are the name of the game. Mothers, Wives, Teachers, Bosses, and Christmas Cakes are just a few examples of what is cherished around here!
♥ Follow the 8chan Global Rule to the letter. Nothing considered Illegal in the United States of America!
♥ Threads and content posted must be related to mature women.
♥ No real women or real pornstars. They are offtopic, and better suited for other boards like >>>/milf/ or any of the more general porn boards like >>>/wx/. 3D animation is of course allowed though.
♥ Please check the catalog before creating a new thread, as duplicates and topics deemed too similar may likely be moderated.
♥ Onee-san (Older Sister) types are okay too, but they should really give off that older woman vibe and perceived aged should be more significant then the average older sister.
♥ Fanart of Futanari, Furries and Western Cartoons milfs are also okay, but majority of them are best kept in their respective pre-existing threads.
Ara Ara~