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R:12 / I:1 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Rules and Notices

Welcome to the Alleycat BBS

Read this first before posting on this board.

Threads or replies which break the rules will be deleted.

R:11 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

My Software Projects

Alleycat Player and Kraker Local Proxy Server plus other cool stuff.

R:157 / I:29 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

CatPaws #3

Who would have thought that Cats and Mushrooms could be a thing? This thread is dedicated to the memory of my old Toadstools threads on the defunct 8chan.

News & Mews and miscellaneous catnip are here for your depravement. Come for the belly scratches. Stay because you have nothing better to do with your nine miserable lives.

Just Kill Me

R:38 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Firefox Chrome

Millions of users are pissed off about the new Firefox user interface and for good reason. Version 89 introduced a change in the appearance of the tool bars and the popup menus. The main controversy is about the extreme amount of wasted vertical space. Other than that, there seems to be little difference from what went before.

This thread is dedicated to my attempt to re-engineer the Firefox UI (referred to as chrome) via the "userChrome.css" method. The word "chrome" itself refers to the usage of the metal to prettify cars back in the good old days when you could tell the difference between a Ford and a Toyota. I will also be looking at the "userContent.css" method of tuning various aspects of web page rendering to counter bad design decisions there as well. The recent snafu in that regard is the decision to emphasize inputs and buttons with a heavy blue border. This parallels Google's earlier decision to do the same but with an uglier black border. Who is copying whom? Google stole the "Chrome" moniker from Firefox. Now they are stealing the worst design ideas in a battle to see who can piss off their users more.

R:6 / I:4 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Films that must be seen

Groundbreaking documentaries seem to be coming out at an accelerating rate but maybe that's just my impression. The world (meaning the "western democracies" as represented by the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and Europe), is teetering on the brink of a totalitarian takeover by a new form of communism. Spurred on by the compliance of a submissive population cowed by the fake Covid pandemic, the powers-that-be are gearing up for the final "jabberwocky thrust" against us.

This thread is a collection that should have been started long ago but it's better late than never. Great videos tend to get lost in the clutter of the thousands and millions of videos already out there. Here you will find those most worthy of being remembered, rewatched and shared widely.

I do not present these videos as representative of the truth because The Truth is elusive and is easily overlooked even by those who try the hardest to be truthful. You should remember that you are not immune to the lies that have been told to you for all of your life. In particular, be wary of propaganda about what is happening in countries that you know nothing about. You do not know what is happening in China (a country of over a billion people) or in North Korea (a reclusive country that is mostly out of touch with the rest of the world). These two examples irk me the most because people have a tendency to believe the worst about foreign lands. It is an ancient tribal instinct.

That said, enjoy these documentaries and learn what you can from them. Above all, share them.

R:14 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Movie & TV Reviews

The video links provided with these reviews may or may not work but I will try to keep them up to date. I don't post here often as I am not a reviewer but sometimes I love or hate something enough to want to talk about it.

Updated on July 11, 2024, to rename the thread and remove irrelevant posts.

R:27 / I:5 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

DNS Fuckery

Trap has been set

Who is doing this? When will the trap be sprung? I don't know. All I can do is document the fact that someone has been seeding invalid IP addresses into the Domain Name System (DNS) for this site.

I am reposting my observations since this problem began and I will continue to report on the situation at least once a week or whenever something changes.

R:98 / I:8 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Tucker Carlson Tonight

Full episode links

Phase 2 - January 2021

Welcome to the New Year. This thread features direct links to the acclaimed nightly show Tucker Carlson Tonight on the Fox News network. The show airs every weeknight at 8:00PM (Eastern Time) and again at 12:00AM.

The latest episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight will be posted each morning (usually by 7:00AM) from Tuesday to Saturday. Episodes of select weekend shows will be posted every Monday morning.

This thread is mirrored here: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13007042.html

The previous thread is here: https://8kun.top/alleycat/res/635.html

R:136 / I:12 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Tucker Carlson Tonight

Full episode links

This thread features direct links to the acclaimed nightly show Tucker Carlson Tonight on the Fox News network. The show airs every weeknight at 8:00PM (Eastern Time) and again at 12:00AM. Tucker has been killing the ratings with over 4 million viewers tuning in.

The latest episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight will be posted each morning (usually by 7:00AM) from Tuesday to Saturday. I have been collecting show links since June 1. All of those links are here.

Also available on the Q Research board: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/10796984.html

R:5 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Bookmarks Dump

A slapdash selection of articles and videos that I've bookmarked and just want to dump somewhere.

I'm not posting junk. I just don't need these in my CatPaws threads. Browse through them when you're bored or even if you're not. You never know when you might find something worth sharing.

R:197 / I:72 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

CatPaws #2

Just voicing my views and opinions with a healthy smattering of news and mews that you should be thinking about (if only you had a brain).

Normally, I would be inviting comments but there's no point in that anymore since there are only lurkers here. So lurk, you creep, and may the cold whiskers of the night stalker brush up against you and scare you half to death (or totally to death as the case might be).

R:190 / I:48 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

CatPaws #1

Just voicing my views and opinions with a healthy smattering of news and mews that you should be thinking about.

Comments welcome. Meow!