What will happen with this board now?
Waiting around for curious people to show up and post some comments on this board would be a tragically bad policy. A sobering fact is this: there are 100 times more people who are lurkers than there are people willing to post. Yeah, I'm picking that number out of a hat but it is probably somewhere close to the truth. It is not hard to see how that is. If the ratio of posters to lurkers were any higher than about 1%, every web site on the Internet would collapse from the sheer weight of the traffic. It makes perfect sense that only 100 people may post a comment versus 10,000 who just lurk and move on. Thank God for that since I, for one, would not want to live in a world where EVERYBODY expresses their opinions. We are far better off when most people stay quiet.
I can't begin to guess how many people have already visited this board, consumed what little is here and then moved on, possibly never to return. The assumption, right or wrong, is that little will change in the forseeable future. I can't blame anyone for thinking that since there is so much competition for our attention. There is only so much time to devote to pursuing whatever it is that people are pursuing.
The only reasonable course of action on my part is to continue my policy from the time that I was doing the Toadstools threads. I don't have the exact count (you are welcome to check it out yourself) but I've linked perhaps 2000 or more videos and articles on various subjects over the course of about 10 months. That works out to about 7 links a day. That is perhaps an average of 2 to 3 links per post. I'm just guessing but this seems about right. I read dozens of articles and view perhaps as many videos per day while lurking the Internet so it isn't particularly hard for me to find content worth posting. In fact, I like to do this because it serves like sort of a private library of information worth preserving. If it is useful to others as well then that is just icing on the cake.
So what I'm saying is that I will continue to post material on this board regardless of whether I'm getting any feedback. Over time, an audience will eventually find its way to my door and that would be cool. In the meantime, I'm not going to feel sorry for myself. Fuck that. Life is too short and I've already consumed a big portion of it.