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File: 61b3be003709cfa⋯.jpg (24.11 KB,620x450,62:45,61b3be003709cfa510f6f2d48b….jpg)

File: d68905337e7e5fe⋯.jpg (47.06 KB,620x450,62:45,putinsky.jpg)

File: 397c4ea6cae647a⋯.jpg (28.95 KB,415x300,83:60,putinsky2.jpg)

File: 374cced9c855aec⋯.jpg (33.52 KB,320x320,1:1,putinsky desu.jpg)

9ed70b No.33224

I begin with lowres image of irl person. In Gimp

>I scale him down to 10% with cubic interpolation.

>I scale him back up to 1000% with no interpolation

Now I have glorious pixel image of Comrade Putinsky to use as art asset in shitty pixel game, no artistic ability required. I provide two additional Putinskys created by the same method, with variations in the scaling percentages.

So I have a question about this, but I'm not quite sure how to word it. Basically are there any ratios or formulas that would achieve the optimal result for this effect? Like to accurately imitate an 8bit or 16bit art style.

I want to be more helpful to anons, so here's a FOSS tool (Apache2 license) for making sprite sheets and animations. They don't really mention it, but there's an offline version of the app under downloads.


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d9f97d No.33225

Why are you scaling it back up? Just render the game view to a low resolution target texture then scale that texture up to window/renderer size. You also have way too many colors. Clamp to a fixed number and range to mimic an indexed palette. Also you'd get better results with some slight sharpening post processing to better define features that are lost during downscaling.

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6c9d95 No.33226


I would tell you that you can then use posterize or one of the other color tools to limit the palette, but they don't apply dithering so it's still shit. Perhaps you could convert it to 256 colors with dithering in Kolourpaint, then open it in Gimp and posterize it, then open it in Aseprite to tweak the palette however you want. Or maybe Krita does all of this, I've not used it extensively yet. Just in the short time I have used it though, it is way better than Gimp so it wouldn't surprise me.


>Why are you scaling it back up? Just render the game view to a low resolution target texture then scale that texture up to window/renderer size.

>Also you'd get better results with some slight sharpening post processing to better define features that are lost during downscaling.

Also this.

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9a20f3 No.33227

File: f140140d2393d4c⋯.png (44.12 KB,620x450,62:45,vlademon0000.png)

Most actual pixel art™ uses 1x1 pixels and not 10x10 pixels like in your examples. Don't make blocky pixelshit anon.

You can manage to make shitty C64 looking stuff by converting to a low color depth with dithering, then apply a sharpening filter and a blurring filter. Pic related is a demon version I made quickly using that technique + a bit of manual editing in GraphicsGale.

>accurately imitate an 8bit or 16bit art style.

With today's technology this can't be automated. You'll still need to adjust it and manually place pixels and use the various pixel art techniques to do it justice. Read the pixel logic PDFs if haven't already, they should be on the wiki.

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69ca5c No.33238

File: 39229bbb68dfc2d⋯.webm (273.46 KB,640x360,16:9,CYKA BLYAD_.webm)


>/agdg/ summons abdulov

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