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File: 3702baa4bd06b25⋯.png (1014.01 KB,652x567,652:567,dogo saving a hoe.PNG)

44e089 No.32778

I've been trying to finish a game(s) for 5 years now, but often abandon projects once it comes to the asset/art development phase. I can program, but my art skills are very poor. So here's my question, should I:

1. Focus on Blender, make 3D games and use those skills to make stuff on my 3D printer. Maybe start selling models on the side once I'm talented enough.

2. Focus on pixel art and digital art in general and make 2D games. Would allow for my projects like >>32466 to go a lot faster.

I'm already trying self-improvement, working, and studying programming, so I can't learn both. So I'd like some external input and to hear what some of you would/have done when in this situation.

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8469b7 No.32780


Nigger what the fuck are you doing?

You're shit at art but are asking if you should re-specialize in making 3D models and sell 3D prints of them? It doesn't even sound like you have any idea whether to make 3D games or 2D games.

Before you do anything else, figure out what you actually want to be doing, and then learn whatever you're lacking to get it done.

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8a0e6b No.32781


I know how to make games, as I said, I'm a programmer. I'm asking whether it'd be more advantageous to go 2D or 2D and listed some benefits I can see, including being able to 3D print my models and potentially sell 3D models if I get good enough.

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fbe18d No.32782


3D modelling would give you way more options, definitely. Not just because you could use it to make your own models to print or sell, but you could also become a 3D animator, which is a pretty big market. In comparison, learning how to make pixel art is only useful for making games. Also pixel art is insanely boring unless you happen to really like it. It's a very time-consuming process that involves staring at the screen for entire afternoons moving single pixels around.

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a291de No.32783

Use all the free 3D models and props that are floating around the internet to get your game off the ground, then just buy the models you need. There are plenty of 3D artists that will take commissions.

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4f4671 No.32868

If you learn 3d you can throw your models on the unity store and make money from retards making shit games.

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