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File: ae159b7cd099a3e⋯.jpg (233.95 KB,788x985,4:5,19120914_323567894741655_4….jpg)

d17976 No.30753

So I made a library that allows you to add any game mechanic to your game in few lines...

You know how sometimes you think of this cool addition to existing genre, be it a new mechanic or just doing things different, so you start coding this idea but then you realize that this game have shitloads of mechanics (especially when talking about RPG) and just left the project out of frustration?

So I made this (very) simple library, it allows you to create and share mechanics, it's still very new and

you can't persist data just yet (you can write the mechanic code but I need to write some database wrappers).

I honestly think that with some community anyone could have any mechanic they want in their game and work on the

part that motivated them in the first place.

I still have a lot to do and I also want to build generic RPG mechanics such as inventory, player stats, quests etc..

for now, it would be awesome if you could take a look around at the project, I made a page on how to create a very simple fishing mechanic and how to implement it (2 minute implementation)


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03f64d No.30772


I have added a sqlite datasource for desktop.

I plan on making a bunch of mechanics for people to use (such as inventory and quests) before publishing it to where the traffic really is.

any requests for game mechanics you think will be good to have?

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5a3a67 No.30802


So this library is aimed at RT RPG's ?

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352f56 No.30811


It's aimed for any game made with java,

but I do design it with libgdx in mind.

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4dede9 No.30824


If I understand what I'm looking at this is an interesting idea.

A similar setup would be great for a quest system, whereby quests are modules that receive messages and return a list of actions for a session/god object to deal with(As to keep the coupling between quests and core game loose).

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e9f10d No.30854

So you... made an event handler, exposed a few things and called it a framework? Does Java not have C#-like events?

>Internally managing a tick timer, instead of letting the user define their own time scale

Pretty rigid and arbitrary in general, I think. I don't see much value to this myself. It still needs a lot of work to get it to what you describe, I think.

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ad3f9f No.30871


yes absolutely, this is a very basic idea, that's why i was surprised that there isn't anything similar to java game devs..

Unity and unreal might have something similar in their shops, but I didn't really looked into it.

I tried to make the game mechanics as modular as possible, so managing the time ticker is kind of essential for it

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5d04e1 No.31268

File: 5883d4eadf204e2⋯.jpg (82.5 KB,680x680,1:1,madotsuki.jpg)



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