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File: 1411071979842.png (227.65 KB,1739x1774,1739:1774,gmslogo1.png)

06a6bf No.29 [Last50 Posts]

So this is going to be a new general in here I guess, suggest links.

>GameMaker:Studio Homepage

>GameMaker:Studio Marketplace

Who master collection here?
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06a6bf No.420

Pro version here. Don't forget to go in beta channel, 1.4 is certified stable.
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06a6bf No.454

Do you know any books that walk you through how to make intermediate-advanced games with just gml?

I'm really tired of learning game maker through drag and drop and gml. And I can't find a lot of good gml tutorials.

What I need is the most used gml functions, and making games just with that.
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06a6bf No.457

Press F1. Read the fucking manual. Everything is in the manual.
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06a6bf No.461

Here's one the help file doesn't list: clamp()

Basically, clamp(arg0,arg1,arg2) will return arg0 but clamped to no less than arg1 and no greater than arg2. Good for HP totals where you can clamp(hp,0,hpmax) to keep it between 0 and hpmax.

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06a6bf No.462

Oh come on you hard ass. There are about 1000 functions in there, I need to start with the most used ones and not just read up 100 pages.

It's not that I'm lazy but there's a reason why you must learn the basics of a programming language first, it teaches you the most used functions.
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06a6bf No.489

If my learning ratio wrong if I want to make a game? 75% game maker language, 25% an actual programming language

I fear that I will learn all this and my skills won't transfer in like 5 years from gml if I want to make my own engine then.

But I really want to make a game maker game now…
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06a6bf No.665

How well does 3D work in GM?
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06a6bf No.668

GML uses the same basic structure as most scripting languages, the only thing that changes really is the syntax.
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06a6bf No.677

I've got a tip I've learned from my game making experience:

You can create an instance and set variables at the same time by doing shit like this

 ii = instance_create(x,y,object)
ii.speed = 420

This will make an object and set its speed at its creation.

This is super fucking useful
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06a6bf No.700

Not that well.
The only decent 3D examples I've seen use plugins out the ass, you'd be learning like 3 different systems at least.
The built in system doesn't let you use more than somthing like 8 lights. those lights suck.
Importing models are a bitch and highly inefficient. Game maker only uses .d3d

If you are making a 3D game, just unity.
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06a6bf No.1161

Does this work for switch cases in the object's creation event? I could've sworn I've tried this a doze times to no avail. In the end I had to move the "creation event" to a user event that gets called right after making the object.
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06a6bf No.1172

Yep you can set everything with that because ii gets the id of the instance.
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06a6bf No.1188


Yep, I use this for projectiles and item drops mostly.

Usually said item drops and projectiles are the same objects that just checks for the sprite assigned through that method and behaves according to that.

Love it.
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06a6bf No.1195


I'm making a 3d game in gm, I have now transcended space and time itself
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06a6bf No.1325

Alright. Here's what you'll probably use most often:

-for loops, easy
-arrays, easy with quirks (can only be 32k elements in a 1D OR 2D array, can't do more than 2D)
-Scripts, easy with quirks (essentially global functions, can only return one value but can modify existing instance variables if called from the same instance, NO RECURSION)
-ds_grid, somewhat easy (GM-specific implementation of A* pathfinding, works pretty well once you figure it out and is about as fast as you can expect, can also be used for grid-based tile collisions if you don't want to use the hacky sprite collision stuff or are limited by array sizes)
-Macros, basically constants you can define per configuration. Extremely useful and trivial to pick up.
-Timelines, very useful for irregular timing, such as frame data for attacks (change sprite index at certain frames, generate hitboxes at certain frames, etc.), can be sped up or slowed down by changing timeline_speed, or jump to another point in the timeline by changing timeline_index. Make sure timeline_running is true or it will do nothing!

Things I generally do not recommend using:
-Paths, because they are pretty slow and inaccurate. Editor for them is nice but the implementation has never really been all that great.
-Precise collision masks, because they're slow as shit.
-image_blend, because shaders exist and are better in every way.
-The YYC, because it's a buggy piece of shit meant for phone games only. The speed increase is substantial only if you're shit at scripting in the first place. Optimize your code and you will NEVER have speed issues.
-HTML5, because it's by far the worst platform and the conversion almost never comes out bug-free.
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06a6bf No.1328

>ds_grid, somewhat easy (GM-specific implementation of A* pathfinding

Wow, I didn't understood the A* and it's nice to hear gamemaker has implemented it automatically.
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06a6bf No.1361

What's recommended on the marketplace?
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06a6bf No.1366

Yeah, I've used it for AI pathfinding for an isostrat and FE clone, both worked with ds_grid without any issues. Setting up the cells can be hard at first but once you've scripted it out it's gravy.
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06a6bf No.1367

Did game maker implement any other algorithms that are useful?
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06a6bf No.1377

Most of their under-the-hood stuff actually uses alot of freely available tech similar to A*. Their collision system uses ABBA hitboxes for rectangular / full-image collisions, for instance. The implementation is hit or miss with alot of it but most of the suite uses the most typical algorithmic solution per problem.
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06a6bf No.2665

If you remember nothing else about developing in GML, remember to free your data structures after you don't need them any more.
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06a6bf No.2751

I tried like fucking 4 hours to understand how array_height_2d works, in my mind it's impossible to understand it.

I know what arrays are, how they work but this defies any normal fucking thought:

Here's the explanation.
>With this function you can get the height (number of entries) of a the first dimension of a 2D array. You supply the array to check and the output from the function tells you how many initial entries it contains. You can get the number of entries for the second dimension of the array using the function array_length_2d.

Here's what works:


array[0, 0] = "first in first"
array[0, 1] = "second in first"
array[0, 2] == "third in first"

If I use array_length_1d(array) it works as expected and returns me two, because there are two first dimension arrays, 0 and 1.

If I use array_length_2d(array, 1) it works as expected because it returns me how many elements exist in the second first dimension element. The base 1, contains three elements so it returns me 3, ok all good.

But this motherfucker, array_height_2d I cannot understand at all, it goes against all logic for me and I am so tired of trying to understand it. Why isn't this shit simple as it should be?

One normal person would think that array_height_2d would work like this:

array[0, 0, 0] = "The first element, of the 2nd dimension first element, of the 1st dimension first element."

array[0, 0, 1] = "The second element, of the 2nd dimension first element, of the 1st dimension first element."

If I use array_height_2d how am I supposed to specify the location of the third dimension, in this case [0, 0, 1]? This doesn't have any arguments.

What does array_height_2d(array) return in this case? Why doesn't it return how many items a specific 2nd dimension element has? In python I could put a list inside of a list, inside of a list, inside of a list and to know how many items the last one has I would just use something like list[0][4][2][4] if I remember correctly, until I get to it.

Please someone explain the array lengths to me, they made it unnecessarily complicated.
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06a6bf No.2756

GM only supports 1D and 2D arrays. If you try and make anything larger it will throw an error.
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06a6bf No.2758

I imagine it's because GM can't do 3+ dimensional matrices, so it obviously wouldn't have any functions that facilitate that. I generally just store the size of the array in a variable and update it when I add or remove elements. This is easily done with a couple of scripts.
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06a6bf No.2763

What are you saying is, that I can't do this? array[0, 2, 1] (first element contains two more elements)

Is that above a 3d array in GM?

If I understand correctly, I can have as many base elements as possible, and for each base element, again I can have as many values as possible, but no 3rd element. Right?

Also, can I use array_length_1d[0, 1] to get the length of the second element in the first dimension?

Does it work the same way as array_length_2d(array, 1) ?

This is kinda confusing and I would greatly appreciate if you could answer these questions.
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06a6bf No.2771

You can do array[0] or array[0,0], or up to two dimensions. A 3D array like array[0,0,0] will throw an error.

An element is a single value stored in the array, not a "column" so to speak. array[0] is a different element from array[1] or array[20], for instance. Also, an array with more than one dimension is also referred to as a matrix.

array_length_1d() will not return the right value or may even throw an error if you use it with a 2D array. For instance, if you declare butts[0] = "lol" and then call array_length_1d(butts) it'll return 1 as it only has 1 element. If you declare penis[1,2] = "Poor variable naming scheme" you need to use array_length_2d(penis) to get the number of elements in the first dimension (marked 1 here) and array_height_2d(penis) for the second (2).
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06a6bf No.2788

File: 1412048030821.jpg (283.8 KB,1440x647,1440:647,gml array.jpg)

Apparently, if I use like in (pic related) it works. I can call array_length_1d to get how many base elements or first dimension elements my array has.

And array_length_2d has two arguments, the array and the element to open and check it's elements, and I guess it works now.

But what's array_height_2d for? So with array_length_1d and array_length_2d I can get the lengths of the first and second dimension items. If game maker can only support 2d arrays, what can I use array_height_2d?

Also, I am assuming that since the code in my image works I understand how array_2d_length and 1d_length works, but tell me if it's wrong somewhere.

Can you give me an example of array_height_2d? I don't understand when or how to use that, or why.
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06a6bf No.3185

File: 1412136810865.jpg (15.59 KB,499x326,499:326,1412015831678.jpg)

Hey This is a puzzler for me.
I have an object that's part of another object. Basically a hat that is semi independant.

How do i make it so when i spawn this object again the hat doesn't swish over to the first version of the head?
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06a6bf No.3212

Something like this maybe? It should basically assign each person their own unique hat.
(dunno how to do code tags here so I won't even bother)

//Guy Creation Event
hat = instance_create(x, y-hat_offset, oHat)
hat.parent = id

//Hat Step Event
if instance_exists(parent) {
x = parent.x
y = parent.y - parent.hat_offset
} else instance_destroy()
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06a6bf No.3217

many thank
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06a6bf No.3222

probably because thats a basic math function that pretty much every coding language has
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06a6bf No.3224

Alright, I've figured it out finally.

array_height_2d didn't work before because I had mixed elements, apparently you need every base array to be 2d for it to report how many 2d arrays you have, no 1d arrays allowed.

After that you use array_length_2d(arrayname, arrayindex) to find out a 2d array length, and only ever use array_length_1d if your arrays have simple values, nothing more.
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06a6bf No.3326

Do you guys write your own shaders ? I have no idea about how these things work.
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06a6bf No.3361

No, it first runs the create event, and then does whatever you do after the instance create call.
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06a6bf No.3418

Protip: array[0, array2[0,0]] in game maker studio works, it's basically what you'd expect array[0, 0, 0] to do.
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06a6bf No.3430

What can GameMaker do that UE4 can't? I'm serious I don't know shit about engines and I would like to learn one but I don't know which.
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06a6bf No.3441

Is it possible to make a 2D game with EU4 ?
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06a6bf No.3443

I've seen people do platformers using only planes a la paper mario
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06a6bf No.3446

So a 2.5D but what about real 2D ?
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06a6bf No.3448


I'm trying to figure out shaders myself. It's like the only thing I can't utilize in the engine
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06a6bf No.3449

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06a6bf No.3450


I've read it, but unfortunately I'm retarded and it hasn't really stuck yet.
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06a6bf No.3512

after i install GM it doesnt start. and when i click on the exe it pops up an error message with "a device is not attached to the system".

what the actual fuck do i do?
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06a6bf No.3514

attach the device to the system
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06a6bf No.3517


what device? i dont own a game maker device
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06a6bf No.3697

How do I change the position or angle of a single instance instead of all the instances of that object?

I'm just making a simple space shooter and I want one of the triple shots to go into 3 different directions: \|/.

Whenever I change the x value or hspeed/vspeed value all the bullets will go into that direction.

if(global.angle == -45){
horizontal = -5;
vertical = -5;
x = x + horizontal;
y = y + vertical;
image_angle = -45;

if(global.angle == 0){
horizontal = 0;
vertical = -5;
x = x + horizontal;
y = y + vertical;
image_angle = 0;

Some code I use right now, I've got a global variable that knows which angle the bullet is supposed to go. The X and Y should only change for this instance, not the entire object.
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06a6bf No.3698

id.image_angle = -45
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06a6bf No.3897

File: 1412583925988.gif (1.62 MB,407x272,407:272,wip-12.gif)

I agree with everything except
>HTML5, because it's by far the worst platform and the conversion almost never comes out bug-free.

Why?? It's really just a matter of trial and error. Test and optimize. HTML5 has different aspects and capabilities and you just need to learn to work with it, it's really not that bad.

For example, here's a game I made for the recent Ludum Dare, and it's HTML5 based:


I would really like to input to why you guys are against HTML5.
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06a6bf No.3898

I would really like some* input
And I'll be using this handle from now on in AGDG
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06a6bf No.3915

Someone please explain to me why are event_perform used.

If you want to simulate a click, and perform the left click event of some object, I read that it doesn't actually mean that left click is indeed clicked, just "performed".

So then what's the fucking point?
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06a6bf No.3919

>I would really like some* input
Tell the player what the fucking keybindings are.
The game is shit because it doesn't have any attack button.
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06a6bf No.3924

I'm sorry you think my game is shit. I should've linked to the game page which has the instructions.

Anyway, I wasn't asking for input on my game, I was asking why you think HTML5 is bad.

Here are the instructions, I hope you can read.
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06a6bf No.3959


You know that the word input exited before computers right ?
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06a6bf No.3965

File: 1412627250023.jpg (15.94 KB,512x384,4:3,arghpicardsc0.jpg)

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06a6bf No.4014

I meant that in terms of GM:S specifically. The fact that you have to pretty much rewrite parts of your framework just to get it to work on a platform with worse performance than any other (Even Android runs better!) is not a very good port option in a suite built for porting.
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06a6bf No.4558

Do you consolidate your wall/floor/platform objects, or do you leave each instance as-is?
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06a6bf No.4562

did the new version fuck up anyone elses shit?
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06a6bf No.4563

Yeah. I returned to 1.3

They absolutely fucked up the networking.
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06a6bf No.4564


They also touched something in data queues, I got some errors because it returned 0 instead of noone or whatever.
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06a6bf No.4635

Where are some good UI and textbox tutorials out there? Been wanting to implement some things including options menus and sprite fonts into my game.
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06a6bf No.4642

Text box is easier to make than you think. Draw a rectangle (or a textbox sprite) to the GUI draw layer. Then use the draw_text_ext function for your text. It automatically inserts new lines once your string has reached a width limit. Also read this over: https://csanyk.com/2013/05/gamemaker-tutorial-string-handling-and-drawing-text/

GUI stuff can be tricky I think and isn't generally fun to program. So my advice is get the most vital barebones stuff working first. Make sure all the important options are adjustable and work correctly. When that's done, you can jazz up the way your GUI looks.
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06a6bf No.4643

Use the Draw GUI event. All draws in this event are drawn relative to the top-left corner of the view, so you don't have to draw relative to view_xview, etc. Also, draw things relative to the view width/height (view_wview, view_hview) for the opposite corners instead of relative to 0,0. This way, if you change the resolution later on, it'll be painless for the UI since they'll just move with the corners.
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06a6bf No.4716

Hello gamemaker friends, I'm having an issue at the moment trying to figure out how to do a jump where you have a tap for a small jump and hold for a high jump. Both need to be a locked height though.

I know the solution is probably obvious but Im just missing it.

Currently my jump is

if jump_key_pressed
hsp = hsp;
vsp = -jumpHeight;
djump = 1;

I dont want the jump to be on button release cause it makes it feel less responsive.
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06a6bf No.4732

if not colliding and key pressed and cooldown is false theb y-=1 ?
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06a6bf No.4762

You should use the release event, but instead of setting the vsp to 0 you should simply multiply it by a decimal and clamp it to a minimum that feels right. Thus:

if key_check_released(jump_key){
vsp = clamp(vsp*.2,-1,vsp)

This will maintain some upward momentum so it doesn't seem like you hit an invisible ceiling since you're notj ust flatlining it to 0. I used -2 but you should adjust it according to your game.
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06a6bf No.4833

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06a6bf No.4834

File: 1413133554601.png (14.54 KB,427x270,427:270,ss (2014-10-12 at 07.05.00….png)

>adding one line of code
>compiler crash
>removing that line of code
>compiler crash again

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06a6bf No.4835

Restart your computer.
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06a6bf No.4901

This will technically work, but the size of array2 would still be restricted to 32k. You should might as well do array[x,(y*z)] rather than array[x,array2[y,z]] just to save memory as they both have the same size restrictions.
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06a6bf No.5037

So I thought I'd give GM a try, and it closes every time my internet disconnects/reconnects. Should I just block it with my firewall or do I need it connected for something?
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06a6bf No.5038

"Software as a service"
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06a6bf No.5045

Does anyone have any advice or articles on how to structure the code for a GM game? I don't want it turning into a hard to follow mess of spaghetti, but I have no experience in larger projects.
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06a6bf No.5048


I know how to write a shader that draws the next thing as a flat color, so you can silhouette a sprite or change the color of text. Nothing more complicated than that, but I can give the code for that sort of thing if you'd like.
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06a6bf No.5536

Nodev here, this shit is killing me. Here is the code:
//collision with obj_player
with (obj_player)
{if (place_meeting (x, y+1, obj_mine) && counter > 0) {speed = 0; sprite_index = spr_text_test; counter -= 1;}
else {game_restart();}}

When player steps on mine, this code should set speed for player to 0, replace player sprite with explosion sprite, and start counter which restarts game when it hits 0… However, it works even without stepping on mine, so game keeps restarting every 200 steps (variable counter set to 200 in obj_player create event).

What am I missing?
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06a6bf No.5538

You're doing this in a weird way. Avoid using the with() function whenever possible. Move the whole code over to obj_player and make it a collision event with obj_mine instead, just to avoid using with().

Then change the if statement to if(counter > 0). We already know the player is going to be place_meeting(x,y,obj_mine) because the collision event has been triggered so there's no need to check for it again.
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06a6bf No.5542

Power went off, so I couldn't reply earlier. Variable counter not working now for whatever reason, but my whole code is mess, so I'm probably missing something.

Thanks for reply.
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06a6bf No.5663

Here I put it in psuedocode

if(the player is touching a mine AND counter = 0)
player speed = 0
player's sprite = spr_text_test
counter -= 1

if(the player is NOT touching a mine OR counter is not 0)
restart the game
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06a6bf No.8093

Guys, please help me with this, I'm at the end of my sanity with this.

I tried for 20 hours to make simple 8 directional movement work in the way I want in game maker studio and I'm too frustrated to think clearly anymore.

Nothing works, no matter what I do, I think I tried 10 different methods and completely fucking rewrote everything in these 20 hours, I can't take it anymore and I need some help.

Here's what I basically want, the player to move in 8 directions, left, right, left up, right down, you get the deal.

This is very simple, I did it easily. Now I also want the built in variable friction to make it slide inbetween left and up if you release them both at the same time. The problem is that no matter what I did and how many checks and variables I made the friction was only set to the last key released.

If you happen to know GML pretty good please help me with this, if you just write the theory it probably won't work, I tried, but if you test it yourself with a circle and make it work I'll suck your dick.
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06a6bf No.8096

What result are you trying to achieve?

Got no clue how Gay Maker handles it but never expect what the player perceives to be "at the same time" to match the game's perception. This is especially true of keyboard input, which can be interrupt-based rather than using polling.

So there's that, also, tying friction to input (digital input no less) already sounds janky. Friction is a physical property. So again, forget the way you're trying to achieve it b/c it's prolly BS, what is the actual thing you want?
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06a6bf No.8098

One of those odious newb questions, feel free to call me a faget for asking:

For something with gameplay like Legend of Mana, will GameMaker be enough? Learning code is no trouble, but I'm wondering if working with GM would be faster than LÖVE2D, as a one-man show.

I can code decently, but the thought of focusing on art (which I also do) is really tempting.

Or should I stop being a lazy ass and roll up my sleeves and get LÖVE to do what I want exactly how I want it?
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06a6bf No.8100

Alright, I'll describe it in detail and tell you what I managed to do already:

If you press up, down, left, right depending on what you press you move in that direction and slow down with friction.

If your press, up-left, up-right, down-left, down-right you move in that direction and slow down with friction BUT at a direction between the two keys pressed.

For example, if you press up-right, when you release them quickly you should have a direction of 45.

But what happens is that if you are trying to release two keys at once you obviously aren't going to release them at the exact same time. You are releasing them in order most of the time, but quickly.

So when you do that, the game sets the direction to the key that was released the last, instead of the direction that was between both directions.

I tried to make various shit to prevent this from happening, I tried checks to see what combinations were pressed before if only pressing a key, I tried adding a timer so you are not being after to move half a second after your release the keys, I tried adding a timer (alarm) to count if the player is still pressing the keys after some time and if not then release at inbeween angles. And I tried a lot and I'm kinda out of ideas at this point with this supposedly simple movement.

No matter what I do, instead of setting the in-between angle it sets it to the last key pressed. And this causes friction to be left/up/down/right only if you release any two key combinations.

If anyone still wants to help I'll post some gameplay to show you how it acts, but I think you get the point now. This is why I said that maybe in theory it works, that's what I also thought, but apparently it's a pain in the ass to do this movement with friction in the right direction at key release. I could really really use some help with this.

The problem is making a good game, it doesn't matter if game maker helps you do it or love 2d, unless you carry about the performance. And in this case you need to search and benchmark which you prefer.

I also tried love 2d but if you ask me I'll tell you game maker is better because this is what I'm comfortable with. Just use what you like because neither is easy if you want to make something good.
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06a6bf No.8108

I am working on a prototype of my game in gamemaker but the font for it's own ui is too small. Does anyone have any suggestions to fix this or other tools that allow the user to change the size of the ui fonts?
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06a6bf No.8131


Always apply friction against the real velocity vector, not the input vector. This is physically and perceptually accurate, even in arcadey games, and far more robust than any way of getting an exact diagonal key combo release (which necessitates thresholding).

Inasmuch as the velocity & input vectors always point in the exact same direction, i.e. you have zero inertia and instantaneous acceleration in the input direction, then you need to track key releases. Simplest way I can think of to implement it is to track the time since the last diagonal move, and which direction the diagonal move was in. Then, on any frame with 0 directional keys down, if the time is below a threshold, decelerate in the corresponding diagonal direction.

One inescapable fact of such a control scheme is that the player can quickly switch from diagonal input to cardinal input to diagonal deceleration. It's a matter of tweaking the threshold so diagonal releases are still caught yet the player doesn't notice the shifts. The only other solution would introduce latency as high as the threshold (the latency could be contingent upon the possibility of diagonal release, but such inconsistent latency is very unpleasant in practice).
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06a6bf No.8132

File: 1416969484206.jpg (689.78 KB,850x3800,17:76,8directionCorrectFriction.jpg)

>Always apply friction against the real velocity vector, not the input vector.
Wouldn't that require physics to alter the original friction function? I'm not good with that, so this is why I didn't choose the physics method, so instead I just choose the default friction variable.

>Simplest way I can think of to implement it is to track the time since the last diagonal move, and which direction the diagonal move was in. Then, on any frame with 0 directional keys down, if the time is below a threshold, decelerate in the corresponding diagonal direction.

This is exactly what I've been trying all these days, but I guess my code was just fucked up.

>It's a matter of tweaking the threshold so diagonal releases are still caught yet the player doesn't notice the shifts.

Yeah, true. In a 60 steps room, it gets noticed that it switched the direction when the threshold is 5 steps if you really pay attention. I keep it under 5 steps and apparently it's not noticeable.

I somehow got it working today by myself after constantly tweaking and rethinking how it should work, and you just can't guess the feeling that I have right now. I feel liberated and happy as fuck. This was so damn stressful for me in the last 4-5 days or so that I want to avoid doing such things in the future, damn, I really need to get better at this.

But man, thank you so much anyway for your response, if by accident I wouldn't had figured out how to make it work your post would had helped me either way, so don't think you wrote that in vain. Thanks for taking an interest in helping, really.

Just in case you are curious, here are some parts of my code that show the current working code, it work exactly as I wanted too in my first post, but the code is a mess to my eyes. Maybe this will help someone. Well, I'm happy anyway now, thanks for the help.

And, for those who don't know, there's a new version of game maker studio out today, so try searching for updates.
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06a6bf No.8265

will using gamemaker give me experience that i can use when moving on to programming languages? because i don't want to make a game in game maker if it won't help me with anything.
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06a6bf No.8272

It will make you think like a programmer, but won't give you knowledge of programming software for different operating systems in different programming languages.

But if you will pick up a programming language to learn it I believe the game maker coding will come in handy because you know what to expect.

So, short answer, using game maker will make you better at game maker. Using C++ will make you better at C++
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06a6bf No.8274

This is absolutely terrible. Looks like my first scripts when I started gm.
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06a6bf No.8277

Maybe because I also just started using GM? I modified it and added more stuff to it but it's still a mess.

I only have 1 month of game maker usage, I'll improve later.
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06a6bf No.8457

Would it be possible to make a chill and relaxed action platformer? Gameplay similar to Cave Story or Broforce, but with the chill/comfy vibes of Fez?
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06a6bf No.8460


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06a6bf No.10151

Does anyone have the 5 minute platformer infograph?
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06a6bf No.10168

File: 1420319491436.jpg (145.58 KB,1100x864,275:216,FOOD-PHOTOGRAPHY-ZACK-BURR….jpg)


//8-directional movement (no friction)

//8-directional movement (with friction)
if keyboard_check(vk_right) hspeed+=1
if keyboard_check(vk_left) hspeed-=1
if keyboard_check(vk_down) vspeed+=1
if keyboard_check(vk_up) vspeed-=1
if speed>MovSpd speed=MovSpd
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06a6bf No.10184

>that second code block

Jesus man, that completely demolished my my code. I can't believe how easy and fast you did it, and I wrote all that shit and frustrated myself for like 2 or 3 days.

I can't believe it, I tested your second code and it works pretty much the same as mine, but it's 10 times shorter and it's even smoother. Now I just feel disappointed with myself...
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06a6bf No.10198

File: 1420343515330.jpg (154.13 KB,1000x1500,2:3,PaulaDeen20121.jpg)

If you like buttery movement, you might also like buttery collision.

//non-solid collision script
if place_meeting(x+hspeed,y-vspeed,other) x=xprevious
if place_meeting(x-hspeed,y+vspeed,other) y=yprevious
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06a6bf No.10468

I think that you can find it if you search for the infograph thread in the catalog.
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06a6bf No.11197

[for(var i = 0; i <= amount; i++)
inst = instance_create(irandom_range(32, 400), irandom_range(32, 96), Flint);
with (inst)
self.value = irandom(3) + 1;


The self. is probably superfluous, but this is an example of how to create a series of objects and set a value in them. If you want, you can even go
[for(var i = 0; i <= amount; i++)
inst = instance_create(irandom_range(32, 400), irandom_range(32, 96), Flint);
with (inst)
self.value = irandom(3) + 1;

ArrayOfObjects[numberOfObjects] = inst;


Where ArrayOfObjects is declared as global so you can access an array of whatever objects you have in a room. Just remember, GM handles arrays a bit weird. It's best to build the array backwards, otherwise it will waste time and memory.
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06a6bf No.11198

fuckin [code] tags. I'll never get them.
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06a6bf No.11221

File: 1422184942707.png (63.06 KB,1062x640,531:320,6565454.png)

I'm currently working on a metroidvania right now. I've recently switched to 2D arrays for my inventory screen because the last system was obtuse. Thanks to a major oversight though, I spent days alienated because not even the Q&A programming forum could answer my question about the constant slowdown. It turns out performance issues were caused by another problem.

I condensed the room controller that creates the pause menu to the main character, causing the same event to be called endlessly instead of just once like every other object.

It is fixed now, but goddamn. I thought it was because I needed a ds_grid instead of an ordinary 2D array. I got rather lazy because my problem couldn't be related to others.

I just needed to get that off my chest. It has been a frustrating ordeal, but at least now I can get back to work.
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06a6bf No.11299

What is the theory behind programming combos, like in the old street fighter games?
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06a6bf No.11325

So, can anyone show me how to do a curved line (bezier curve) that can bend at different points?

I don't see any function for that in GM:S, there's only a straight line drawing function and that's about it.

Also, how the hell would you draw that curved line and also make it look fancy? Like, add effects around it?

You don't have to type out the entire code, just how it should work, the idea of it. I'm new to programming and I can't figure out how to draw curved lines.
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06a6bf No.11327

Are you referring to the path functions in the resource tree?
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06a6bf No.11328


The player receiving damage also receives a small stun time from each attack. This small amount of time will allow the second attack to connect and count towards the combo counter if they don't break out of the stun due to time passage. This would otherwise end with the opponent blocking.

As an attack is connected it will be referred to some kind of list of attacks it can connect into. If the player inputs one of these attacks around the time the first of the combo connects, the cool down time of the first attack will be cancelled and the second attack of the combo will immediately commence in the next frame. The same principle applies to all subsequent hits in the combo. Just make your code versatile to compensate for all this.
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06a6bf No.11334

File: 1422365007392.png (4.03 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

let's assume I want the black line to have the shape of interrupted lines, useful for showing off a path for example, and you can click somewhere and the line will bend towards that point

how the hell do I do this? I don't know math well so I just can't figure out a way to program it
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06a6bf No.11337

File: 1422368370594.png (13.26 KB,542x442,271:221,576533654.png)

First off, it needs to have 3 points. One for the start, one for the middle, and one for the end. Make sure that closed is not checked or it will resemble a circle or oval. Be sure to check between straight line or smooth curve to suit your preference. That said, closed will keep the path in a loop. Try referring to this guide regarding how more variations of paths are put together.

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06a6bf No.11343

Thanks for answering. So, I see that I can make smooth curved paths, but I never thought about using them in this way. I had a fixed mindset that paths should be used for object movement.

But since GMS can make curved smooth paths by itself with the path system then that would be an awesome way of making this happen without math. Just one question though, can I change the thickness of the path?

If I can't change the thickness of the visible path then that would greatly limit visual possibilities. I think I can change the color from what I remember, but not the path thickness, do you know how to do that?

Also, your link is unavailable, it happens with a lot of yoyogames tutorials for some reason, I think they removed a lot of documentation from their website.
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06a6bf No.11351

Unfortunately no, the thickness can't be changed. At least not from what I know of. The paths I use have always been invisible and for specific moments such as knockbacks and floating enemies.
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06a6bf No.11386


I'm sorry I can't help you with your problem, but maybe this will show you how much math is involved in making curved lines.
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06a6bf No.11397

I never thought making curved lines and controlling them was this hard
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06a6bf No.11630

File: 1423060552501.png (4.09 KB,816x66,136:11,timelines.png)

Oh man, gotta get another thing off my chest. I'm using status buffs and debuffs with timelines. Apparently when I try suspending timeline with the pause menu, I was using timeline_running=false;

When I tried reactivating it the thing wouldn't turn back on. Turns out I had to set timeline_speed=0;

I don't understand why the timers couldn't do the job or why timeline_running=false; couldn't be set back to true.
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06a6bf No.11673

I never used timelines and don't use studio, but assuming that that code's correct let me jig it up a tiny bit

if (Surge) {
timeline_index = Surge_Buff;
timeline_running = true;
timeline_speed = 2 * (Pause == false);
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06a6bf No.11912

Crossboarder here.

Have they made it not shit yet? I used GM back before yoyogames and 7.0, and GML was absolutely atrocious. Is it still? And I know at some point they also fucked up the entire error system so most error messages are cryptic garbage about "VM Error !!!"'s or some shit. Have they fixed that?

> only types are double and string

> arrays are not types
> all variables are arrays
> arrays cannot be passed as arguments
> conditional expressions are _rounded_ and compared with >= 1
> DLL's can only take double or string arguments
> DLL's can only return double or string values, not even void
> if your double-returning external function returns without anything on the x87 stack, GM will actually call your function again until there is something
> fucking doubles, man
> ``compiled'' games are just encrypted and attached to an interpreter binary

How horrifying.
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06a6bf No.12005

GML is still pseudo code incarnate
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06a6bf No.12225

*raises hand* I have a theory question regarding movement!

Suppose you are making a top-down game where you have an object moving in an arbitrary direction. This object has a certain dy and dx, but you want it to slow down to a stop, as through it were moving across slippery ice. How do you make the object slow down in both the horizontal and vertical directions so that it comes to a smooth stop?
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06a6bf No.12229

you can just use the built in variable called "friction", it works in top down, platformer, whatever.
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06a6bf No.12374

What I want to know is how to do it without using the built in friction
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06a6bf No.12423

>Acceleration, velocity, position variables
>modify acc from external sources (items, gravity, wind, etc)

>Quick and dirty way: vel*=0.98 every step until you stop
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06a6bf No.12436

Master collection here.
I've submitted 5 bugs to them regarding their game engine, some of which are cross-platform and some are specifically HTML5.

YoYo Games refuse to fix them, and just close the tickets.

Fuck them and their shitty customer support, for the amount of money being paid to them they are fucking terrible at communication and being professional. Every single bug I've shown them they just have some random dev respond with a tacky hack/work-around because they can't be bothered fixing it.
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06a6bf No.12472

I feel reatarded now
I was doing this stupid mathematical square-dance with integrals and shit, but it was really just so simple
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06a6bf No.12486

File: 1423993364804.png (2.84 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

If I have two points, how would I check where a line drawn between them enters and exits bounding boxes of other (solid) objects?
Oekaki for clarification.
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06a6bf No.12494

If you don't already have one, you should create a script so that you can tell if a point lies within a rectangle (simply by checking if left <= x <= right and that top <= y <=bottom)

You can also create a bounding box around the two points, using one point as the top left, and another as the bottom right. Since you know two points, you also know the slope of the line. You have your list of entities, so simply compare to see if the XY coordinate of each object's bounding box falls within your line's bounding box. If it is, great, its a potential intersection. This is AABB collision detection (axis-aligned boundingbox)

Sadly, I don't know the best way to proceed from here, but the rough approach is to simply do a for loop over the length over your line, and poll each box and see if it collides. This is very slow but is guaranteed to work.

Another approach could be to take the X coordinate of the box, then substitute this value into the slope of your line to get a Y value. You now have a point on the line that is possibly inside a square, so check it with the intersection script above. If it returns true, there's a collision!
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06a6bf No.12495

Non-GM user here, haven't used it since GM7 or so. I'll try to help though, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

In general programming, if you have a point you know for certain is outside of everything, then the first collision between the line and a box would be entering it, the second one exiting, repeat for every box. Only exception you need to keep in mind is hitting the corner. Problem is, GM's collision_line only returns the object you hit. So you'll have to do vector math yourself to get the information you want. Google line segment collision detection and be prepared to be confused, probably.

An alternative, GM specific, probably slower way of doing it for boxes at least would be (in pseudocode) where I only write out the left side option:
>see what you hit first
>figure out which side you hit based on line start and direction compared to object's position, width and height
>for left side, the point you hit it is {box position, normalised_vector_y * (box position - line_start_x)}
>if you hit the left side, exit point is entry point + normalised_vector * width
>do another collision_line from that point and repeat for next boxes
Top would be x where this says y and vice-versa, height where it says width etc., and for the right and bottom you use negative width or height instead of positive.

Here's GM's documentation on vectors, in case you don't know what a normalised vector is:
In case you hadn't noticed, this is a pretty hard problem for new programmers. Now let's hope I didn't fuck any of that up during my 20 minutes of writing all of that.

>but the rough approach is to simply do a for loop over the length over your line, and poll each box and see if it collides
Jesus christ no, that'd lag up supercomputers.
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06a6bf No.12536

>Google line segment collision detection and be prepared to be confused, probably.
I'll have a look at that.
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06a6bf No.12544

Implemented, thanks for the tip. My new schedule has been time consuming.
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06a6bf No.12553

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06a6bf No.12564

I have a geometry question!

How do you draw an ellipse with the smallest area possible around a rectangle?
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06a6bf No.12580

File: 1424164577228.png (68.72 KB,662x634,331:317,game maker studio aqquired.png)

shit, just saw this, dunno if good or bad but I sure hope it doesn't interfere with me creating games for very small prices, I don't want to be jewed
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06a6bf No.12583


Would you happen to have an archive of the page?

I used to visit Gamasutra a lot before Alexander gave me a reason not to frequent it any more.
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06a6bf No.12584

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06a6bf No.12585

Find the url and paste it in the search bar on archive.today. If it's been archived it'll show up, if not you archive it yourself.

Did it for you this time: https://archive.today/CQwAJ

That's the RPS article. But oh well, multiple sources.
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06a6bf No.12588

LOL abandon ship
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06a6bf No.12596

I screencapped it from some random news site, not rps or gamasutra. I really don't remember where I saw it, but hey, I don't think anyone can fuck up an article on GMS being sold.

I mean what else could you include in the news? It's just game maker S being bought by another company. I'm just scared because it's a fucking gambling firm, and I know they are gonna try and milk us now and take every penny we got. It would make sense wouldn't it?

I'm also worried about future patches, and limitations of features till you pay more money. OR, since it's a gambling company, they might want to take half of the profits for the game, I'm scared guys ;_;, I started learning this half an year ago and I don't want it to be for nothing.
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06a6bf No.12603

It's not a gambling firm, it's a company that makes and sells gambling software to gambling firms. More Lawful Neutral than Lawful Evil.
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06a6bf No.12607

>inb4 update that adds 20 functions to randomizing numbers
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06a6bf No.12642

I need help with some code, I just don't get it why it doesn't work.

Let me explain first what I am trying to do. I made a path using GML that has 3 points, I added points with path_add_point so points add after the previous one, it's an open path that is smooth. The path is just drawn currently, it's not in use or started.

The problem that I have is that I can change for example the last point of the path, to go up or down, it works, if I press up or down the last point moves up or down.

My problem is at the second part, I am trying to change two points. For example if I press right, the second x should increase with the speed of 1, and the third x with the speed of 2. I am doing this because I don't want the middle X to stay behind, the first X can stay but I wanted the second X to slowly follow the third X. But it just doesn't work, the path fucks up itself and makes itself straight for I don't know what reason, it just doesn't increase the X points as I wanted too.

BUT, if I try not to change the second X and only the third X it works. The last point increases it's X position, ONLY if I don't change the second one too. I just don't get why this happens, tried again and again to figure out what the hell I'm doing wrong. I really want the middle X to follow the last X but slower, but the path straightens out if I try to change two points at the same time.

Please help me if you have any idea on how to fix this, thanks.
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06a6bf No.12643

File: 1424233005996.png (15.92 KB,800x600,4:3,paths.png)

here's an image with a bit of code that I wrote, it doesn't work when I try to change two points, the second X and third X, or even if I try to change two Y points.

It only works if I change on point at a time, is this normal?
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06a6bf No.12644


Do you think a petition should be started up? Or would the company just ignore it?
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06a6bf No.12645

I don't think it's a good idea to start any petition right now, unless the new company does anything shit to game maker, people would create a petition with no objective.

A petition should be made when massive changes are made to the program.
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06a6bf No.12650

I wonder if PlayTech will try and make the HTML5 games from GameMaker have some sort of anti-cheat?

I mean they make gambling software after all.
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06a6bf No.12662

File: 1424260995602.png (80.04 KB,1366x728,683:364,isuck.png)

Recently I've been toying with GM's 3D. I've never worked with 3D Before.

Pic related: I've got no idea what I'm doing.

Would I be better using Blender? Model Maker 5 is really basic and GM oriented, and I still have problems using it. It took me a hour to make this, after 3 tries.

On an unrelated note, is there anywhere where I can learn how to write shaders? The manual is vague af.
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06a6bf No.12669

you bet your ass they will
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06a6bf No.12680

anyone ;_; ?
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06a6bf No.12682

I just installed gamemaker for you, tried to recreate your problem, and the piece of shit keeps crashing on me after 3 minutes or so. So you'll have to test this yourself:

from some documentation:
>path_get_point_x(ind,n) Returns the x-coordinate of the n'th defining point for the path. 0 is the first point.
>path_get_x(ind,pos) Returns the x-coordinate at position pos for the path. pos must lie between 0 and 1.
You seem to be using the wrong funtion to get your positions. Not sure why the single options work, looks to me like they should be fucked up too.
anyhow change your path_get_x to path_get_point_x and see if that works.
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06a6bf No.12686

File: 1424284026359-0.jpg (Spoiler Image,274.82 KB,301x960,301:960,comic con 2.jpg)

File: 1424284026359-1.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.34 KB,405x720,9:16,comic con 3.jpg)

File: 1424284026359-2.jpg (Spoiler Image,561.75 KB,1280x1707,1280:1707,comic con.jpg)

>I just installed gamemaker for you
that makes me blush, thanks anon

>path_get_x(ind,pos) Returns the x-coordinate at position pos for the path. pos must lie between 0 and 1.

This caught my attention, the whole time I've been avoiding path_get_point_x because I thought that was for getting the X coordinate in the room, I was very wrong.

Now I used path_get_point_x instead of just path_get_x and it works as I wanted too, thanks a million for the help. Take this for the efforts.
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06a6bf No.12702

File: 1424296696737.png (124.9 KB,1366x728,683:364,isuckless.png)

I finished the model, working on a texture. This one is 512x512 and it's small as fuck, considering I use less than half of it.
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06a6bf No.12705

Looks pretty cool, so I see that there are 3D modeling programs specifically for game maker, are there 3D animating programs for it also? Or can that program also animate? I never used it.
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06a6bf No.12707

For something made with that program it's not even all that bad. But I'm going to advise you to drop GM's 3D as soon as possible, it's really really crap.

Pretty sure GM can only "animate" by having different objects move parented to other objects. IE you have a body and two arms, and the arms are just straight and rotate to signify movement. Actually I think someone created a keyframes with vertex-interpolation implementation too now, but you just use Blender for that. Still, if you're going to use 3D please just move to Unity. You're pretty much scooping your eyes out with a rusty spoon if you don't.
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06a6bf No.12708

File: 1424298954681-0.png (92.37 KB,1281x768,427:256,I know it's not efficient ….png)

File: 1424298954681-1.gif (48 KB,210x310,21:31,the plot thickens.gif)

File: 1424298954681-2.png (14.33 KB,487x419,487:419,to be yet more specific.png)

I'm trying to make Tetris, and I chose to do it in a really inefficient way, I know, but basically I have each Tetrimino as a separate object, and each of the four squares is being turned into an obj_mino once the block hits either the floor or another obj_mino. It worked swimmingly for the I and O blocks, which use bounding boxes more or less for collision. You can see the gist of my code in the first picture. I know it isn't great.

But then I started working on the more irregular blocks and the system started failing bizarrely. Check out the second pic. It works fine for some of its orientations and just doesn't for others. It's like it uses a bounding box half the time for no reason at all. The worst part is how inconsistent it is. The third pic illustrates what works and what doesn't. What the fuck is this?

And it isn't even just the L block, all of the irregular ones fail in weird and seemingly unpredictable ways. Is this some bizarre quirk of GM or what? What can I do to fix this? Aside from starting over and using DS_grid like I probably should have from the beginning.
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06a6bf No.12710

Kind of looks like the precise collision mask has some rounding errors when rotated. If that's the case, having sprite frames for rotation instead might fix your problem. That's just me pulling an idea out of my ass, though.
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06a6bf No.12713

That's an interesting thought. I'd tried forcing it to round its location at the end of every frame to no effect, but I hadn't tried just making different sprites. I'll give it a shot.
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06a6bf No.12719

Kek, that was super easy to implement and completely fixed it. I didn't even consider that. Thanks so much, anon!
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06a6bf No.12724

Nice work!
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06a6bf No.12739

I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I've heard for doing basic, non-drawing tasks like arithmetic, assignment, conditionals, etc. is really inefficient if done in the Draw event. If you aren't already, you should do the logic in the Create/Step events, store important values to variables, and move them to the Draw event to do all the drawing functions.
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06a6bf No.12740

Man I didn't even think of that.
Any object that doesn't have a perfectly round collision mask seems to have some odd collision issues if they are rotated.
If you are going to rely on pixel-perfect collision, definitely stick to separate sprites for each possible orientation of any given object, if possible.
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06a6bf No.12747

Rather, the step event is called a specific amount of times per second (if possible) like 30, whatever you set the room speed to. The draw event is called as often as possible. That's why you don't want to do logic in there (it will be different based on how good someone's computer is) and especially not heavy calculations (slow down the game a lot).
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06a6bf No.12748

That's such a weird issue. Is there any particular reason that it doesn't work quite right? All I can figure is that it must not be aliasing the new mask very well. I might experiment with that some more later on.

Still makes no sense that it was acting like it was using a bounding box on some of the rotations. Shit was whack.
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06a6bf No.12764


I'm quite sure you can't make animations in GMS, but I'm planning on making some sort of skeletal animation system, where each body part is a different model.
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06a6bf No.12914

YoYo Games is Acquired by Playtech plc
A personal note from the founding team
Dear All,

We are excited to announce that YoYo Games has been acquired by Playtech, and we wanted to write to you personally and tell you more.

YoYo was founded by myself and a group of games industry friends and has never had any external investors aside from our own funds. This means we’ve relied heavily on generating revenue, mainly from GameMaker sales. While everything has gone well and we’ve grown to 30 people it means that we have had to sell more products before we could invest in new features, yet it’s the new features that generate more sales.

Most companies in this position seek external investment to break the cycle and create new products to sell. We tried to raise funds several times in order to further develop GameMaker, but the offers we were given meant giving up on a lot of what we wanted to keep doing, i.e. developing a tool that would continue to be accessible to both beginners and professionals. Our vision has always been to maintain GameMaker: Studio as affordable and great value. This is why we made the Standard Edition free last year as well as package the technology together as Master Collection.

We looked for the right company with sufficient funds, knowledge and supporting technology that matches our developer’s needs.

The reason we accepted the offer from Playtech was they were the first investor who didn’t want to alter our vision. They haven’t just bought the company, they’re committed to investing in YoYo Games in a way that we have never been able to previously. With their help we can now push ahead and hire more people and make GameMaker: Studio an even better platform for casual games developers everywhere. If there are any changes they will be additions to our plans. In fact, we’re already working on a number of these and some of you will get a very pleasant surprise this summer.

They’ve also made us commit to launching GameMaker: Studio 2.0 later this year. In our efforts to generate sales we’ve not been getting our resources packed into Studio 2.0 as we would have liked. But now it’s all hands on deck and we’re really excited that Playtech’s investment will help us get this done at twice the speed.

Playtech’s purchase of YoYo Games means that GameMaker: Studio will get even better and we’re now even more committed to making GameMaker: Studio the best platform to learn how to make games, as well as a leading technology for professional developers.

The proof will come in the next few months and we can’t wait to get going and show you what’s in store.

Sandy, Mike, Russell and the rest of the team.

A note from Playtech
Playtech takes pride in being the biggest and most successful software supplier in the real-money gaming industry. We have, however, equally been very active in the social and casual games sector for several years and seeking new ways in which to grow this area of the business. Playtech’s acquisition of YoYo Games is part of a bigger plan to further diversify our strong and growing segment in casual gaming, a segment whereby we feel we can add considerable value via a combination of many years of expertise, cutting-edge technology and market value.

Prior to acquiring YoYo Games we‘ve made significant investments in our own in-house casual games studio entitled Plamee which currently employs more than 120 developers. You can enjoy our first launched game, Cake Story, on Facebook today. Please stay tuned for many more games to come in the coming weeks and months.

YoYo, alongside Plamee, will play a vital role in the future of Playtech’s casual games strategy and, on a wider level, a vital role in the overall growth of the Playtech group.

Following the acquisition we want to reassure you all that we have no plans to change the existing operation or business focus; we plan to re-inforce, bolster and grow YoYo in order for it to become the platform of choice for all types of game developers.

We plan to continue to support the loyal community of developers and grow GameMaker: Studio. We plan to invest more resources into improving GameMaker so it will appeal to a wider developer demographic, including the advanced developer segment. We believe that the continued development of GameMaker will enable us to extend our casual games offering, and fits well with our in-house casual team at Plamee.

If you have any more thoughts, please feel free to share those with us at ContactUs@plamee.com

Looking forward to a bright future,

Nadav Goshen, Plamee Advisor; Mor Weizer CEO Playtech
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06a6bf No.12915

Further questions

Who are Playtech and what do they do?
Playtech (www.playtech.com) is the world’s leading multi-channel gaming software and services supplier with more than 120 licensees in more than 20 countries.
Playtech develops unified software platforms and content for the online, land-based, retail and lottery industries, together with providing a range of ancillary services such as marketing, CRM services and hosting to its customer base which includes: retail and online brands as well as government sponsored entities, such as lotteries, focusing only on regulated markets.
Founded in 1999, Playtech is listed on the London Stock Exchange and has more than 3,900 employees located in 14 countries.

Why is Playtech looking for game development tools?
Playtech provides hundreds of in-house and third-party games and premium content. Playtech has a portfolio of more than 500 multi-channel games available across retail, online and mobile. Therefore, it’s obvious that great technology such as GameMaker: Studio can and will be used by Playtech to make more games for our customers. If anyone is in any doubt about the size of this business, Unity has an entire group focused on serving the real-money gaming industry. However, the focus of GameMaker will always be casual and mid-core gaming!

Will you continue to support development issues for GameMaker developers’ community?
Nothing will change on that front or any for that matter. We will continue to cater for and build on the loyal community GameMaker and YoYo have developed, as well as investing more resources into improving and making the system faster, more efficient, user-friendly and appeal to a wider professional games developer audience.

Will licensing options of the engine change at all?
At this stage NO, we plan to keep the licensing model as is. Like any company YoYo is constantly exploring new licensing models but it is unlikely to make large-scale changes at the near future. We are looking at ways in which we can extend the GameMaker reach within the developers’ community and it is more likely that we will look for ways to introduce other options to the free Standard Edition in the medium to long-term.

Will the development roadmap of GameMaker change at all in the short and long-term?
Playtech will add more resource and we’re working closely with the existing team to add several new features that will extend GM’s capabilities. The wider plan is GameMaker 2.0. This is under development and will be completed later this year. GameMaker 2.0. will be a major release that is based on a long time roadmap that YoYo founders have shared with us based on the developers’ community requests, this was one of the reasons we decided to invest and acquire YoYo in the first place.

In summary, what can we expect?
We hope that by investing the needed money and expertise Playtech has into YoYo you will get a better and more complete GameMaker.
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06a6bf No.13329

Really curious about something. I want to make a game where you change your armor, weapons, etc.

Is buying Spine the only way to do this kind of animation for game maker?

I can think of two other ways. 1 would be to hardcode each bodypart and weapon position myself but take would take enormous time and testing to see if it looks right. 2 would be to redraw each sprite with the changed bodypart, but this again would take really a lot of time because of all the possibilities.

So I ask again, is Spine the only option? Is it easy to use? Is there an alternative, preferably free?
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06a6bf No.13335

What's the best way to move all instances of an object that are above a certain y height by a uniform amount? Like, for instance, move every instance of an object at <= 20 downward by += 10.
I've considered just iterating through all of them and comparing each one, but that strikes me as inefficient and kind of obtuse. Is there a more elegant way, or do I need to just bite the bullet? Feels like there should be a simple solution.
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06a6bf No.13336

If you don't want to iterate through all of them, I guess another thing you can do is make a huge rectangle, and each object colliding with it will move down by 10 pixels. After 10 steps destroy the rectangle.
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06a6bf No.13338

I'm showing how much of a scrub I am now, but how do I get every instance ID within a rectangle? collision_rectangle() returns only the first ID it finds and then quits.
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06a6bf No.13342

Well I wanted to say that you could just iterate through each object and compare them to see if they should or not be moved, but you said you don't want this way.

So then what I would do is make a script scr_move_self and put that script in each object that you want to be moved. That script should check if you are above or bellow an X or Y and if so it should move the object + 10 pixels down, then it should set a variable, let's say Moved to true so it doesn't do it again. You don't even need a collision rectangle for this, just XY boundaries.

I know it doesn't sound efficient, but other than iterating through them or making objects themselves move if necessary I don't know other ways. Maybe some other anon can help you out.
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06a6bf No.13346

Eh, that's going to be essentially the same thing. I was hoping for some super simple thing I was just missing.

I'm going to go with iteration. Thanks!
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06a6bf No.13356

If you want to guarantee that it moves every valid object, it's going to be an O(n) operation at best, unless you have advance knowledge that a specific set of objects will be operated on (in which case it's still O(n), but just a smaller subset of n).
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06a6bf No.13406

I'm haveing a weird problem.
So, I have this object that is supposed to draw a grid in the room by drawing a bunch of rectangles next to eachother, but, depending on the width and height of the view, some of the lines don't appear. I believe they're still being "drawn" because zooming in or out will make those lines appear, but some others will disappear. The lines that disappear are always evenly spaced so I'm pretty sure it's a problem with the size of the view.

Do any of you know how to fix this? Is there a way to draw grids that avoids this?
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06a6bf No.13477

I can't tell you much based on your description. Any chance you could post some code and better describe how you are currently using views (e.g. how do they change such that it might affect sprite drawing)?
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06a6bf No.13705

File: 1425557938530.jpeg (26.13 KB,175x274,175:274,hrPufnstuf.jpeg)

Converting all of the drag-and-drop in my main project to GML code right now. It's a pain in the ass to convert, but damn am I surprised at just how much more efficient and organized the code is compared to drag-n-drop. This is going to make everything from here on so much quicker and easier.
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06a6bf No.13758

I don't know how anyone could rely on the drag n drop system. I'd kill myself if I had to write 200+ line scripts that way.
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06a6bf No.13770


Unfortunately patience is my greatest strength, and also my greatest weakness.

Good chance, though, that from now on I'll never need to touch drag-n-drop again. I thought switching over would feel like a hassle, but it's actually extremely liberating.
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06a6bf No.13808

>started with GML because DnD felt scrubby
>trying to add a rudimentary test feature, don't want to bother writing it out in code
>figure slapping it up in DnD would be easier
>it doesn't work
>just straight doesn't do anything
>write it out in code
>works perfectly
>both took the same amount of time

It's actually more difficult than code. Why and how does anyone use this shit ever? Fuck.
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06a6bf No.13815

If you'd bothered to read the fucking manual, you'd see they've covered that too by categorizing things into the more simple stuff to read and the more advanced stuff.

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06a6bf No.13817

"Worst performance" can be solved by writing better code.
There's nothing wrong with the HTML5 platform target in GM:S.

If you think that GM:S is meant to be some magical thing where you don't have to make sure your code is optimized for each platform, you're mistaken.

It takes the difficulty of building for those platforms away, it DOES NOT take the differences of making good code for those platforms away.

GM:S is not some magic wand to just spit out a game that works perfectly on all platforms.
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06a6bf No.13818

That's a pretty old post of mine, and I did make use of some tutorials at first to easy me in with how GM works. Now I just use the manual.
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06a6bf No.13833

I have the weirdest problem that I can't figure out, it's driving me nuts.

I have a path1, then a path2. When path1 is finished, the object makes path2, copies path1 and rescales it by 0.5 XY. So basically path1 is unchanged and path2 is path1 rescaled by 0.5

When I use this function path_get_x(path1, 1) and let's say the last Y point is 0 it correctly shows me that if the path would end the Y would be at 0.

But when path2 is made without making changes to path1 suddenly when using the same path_get_x(path1, 1) function now the Y from path1 is not 0, it's some other number. I mean what the fuck? Why did path1 change when I didn't do anything to change it? This is ruining my code because when I try to add these two paths together to get where the end of both paths combined would be, it's all incorrect.
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06a6bf No.14694

Okay, AGDG. I need help with detecting movement and direction in an npc object.

if speed != 0 or spd != 0
moving = true
moving = false

Isn't working for some reason. Is it because I move npcs around with paths and mp_potential_step function?
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06a6bf No.14696

Why do you have two different speed variables?
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06a6bf No.14697


I have only one speed variable in the actual code, but it doesn't work with either one of them.
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06a6bf No.14699

I assume it reports moving as false?
GM treats uninitialized variables as 0, so it's probably picking up on that.
Haven't touched it for many years but I thought it was hspeed and vspeed as the variables?

>moving = (hspeed == 0 && vspeed == 0);
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06a6bf No.14700

One possible solution, if a bit stupid to have to do, is save your position at the end of the frame and see if it changed in the next frame.
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06a6bf No.14701

>moving = (hspeed == 0 && vspeed == 0);

Tried checking for hspeed and vspeed, instead of just speed and it doesn't work.

A tad messy, but a good idea, thanks.
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06a6bf No.14740

I have a question. Can you make the mouse move with code, something like

if mouse_button_pressed (mb_left)
mouse_x += 3

but since mouse_x is "read-only" you can't change. so is this possible?
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06a6bf No.14741

Unable to find it in Studio's online documentation, but GM8 had a function window_mouse_set(x,y);. If they removed it from Studio, one alternate solution would be to have a global variable for X and Y displacement, then you draw a cursor in-game at (mouse_x + displacement_x, mouse_y + displacement_y) and also use that formula when checking if the player clicks things.

Only downside to that is that the player can move out of the game-window thinking they should be well within bounds. Then again most people won't be happy with you moving their cursor in the first place.
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06a6bf No.14859

Does anyone have any idea how the "bouncing" effect is achieved in a top down perspective?


Video related, around the 0:40 second mark and onwards, you can see rubble from crates and enemy corpses sort of bounce up and down on the ground, but still move in a certain direction.

Any pseudo-code or even insight into this is highly appreciated.
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06a6bf No.14868

File: 1427277182329.png (69.44 KB,390x427,390:427,1390638313479.png)

In top-down perspective it just moves in that direction and nothing else happening. If you have shadow system you may impose there a height variable which is tied to conventional bounce function. Something like give it vertical jolt at the start and subtract gravity from it every step, when it through the floor divide and reverse it's vertical speed.
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06a6bf No.14882

That's not top-down, that's 3/4th perspective. In top-down you'd just scale the object to make it appear closer or further away.

You give objects a z value. When drawing the object you add a little bit to the y value you draw at per z value. >>14868 explained the rest. Those shadows he spoke of are highly recommended btw, it's hard to properly see depth without them
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06a6bf No.14910

Here's a question for all you GM:S devs out there.

How the fuck is it that after such a long time, they still haven't sorted accessors in GML?
Switching between GML and other scripting languages has been a nightmare for me.

Compount accessors? Nope.
Multi-array accessors? Nope.
What's that, you want to use a single line of code to select a named value inside a DS map, in a DS list of DS maps?

For example, having to do this:
var _blah = someList[| blahIndex];
show_message( _blah[? "someKey"] );

When in something such as JS, you just do this:
alert( someList[blahIndex]["someKey"] );

How the heck do people not go insane with this?
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06a6bf No.14920

>muh syntactical sugar
Bitch, GML doesn't tries to be a scripting language. It tries to be bytecode-C.
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06a6bf No.14923

File: 1427324050209.webm (3.21 MB,960x600,8:5,small thing.webm)

do what I did, I also (sort of) have that perspective, and here is what I did:

When you hit an object depending on the angle and power that you used, you make a path that would be where the object will land. To bounce, the path would rescale to 0.5 when finished and started again. Or my old method if you don't like using paths is that I made a variable named ground, and when the object hits the ground after it descended, you move the ground a but more until you stop moving it and the object doesn't bounce anymore.
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06a6bf No.14931


Thanks niggas, I appreciate it.
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06a6bf No.14940

It's not syntactical sugar though, it's literally having to re-define something just to access it.

Learn the difference.
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06a6bf No.14945

That is exactly syntactical sugar. You just never tried language that really does lacking it so you don't know what you're saying.

GML is often a bitch, no shit bro, but for whatever fucking reason they stick to it. Lua would've been outstanding option, it's a pinnacle of game engine scripting language, but for what I know it doesn't makes good friends compilers - which is why there's still no stable Lua compiler in existence despite all efforts.

Anyhow, GameMaker is largely just a framework. You can switch over to LÖVE any day.
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06a6bf No.14970

>You just never tried language that really does lacking it so you don't know what you're saying.

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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06a6bf No.14971

I have tried more languages than needed to know it's not syntactical sugar.

Pushing a pointer into memory and having to assign that separately on a different line of code is NOT just a different syntax.
It's an actual operation the computer has to do.
It's literally more code to execute.

Fucking hell, learn to understand the basics of how code works. Go learn ASM or something.
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06a6bf No.14997

Now say that in human.
As if stacking pointers in some other language wasn't making more operations under the hood just the same fucking way. Programming is not some magic you uneducated nigger retard.
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06a6bf No.15005

File: 1427474929172.png (58.59 KB,1134x959,162:137,435543.png)

How do I make the background transparent? I tried erasing the colour, but it just stays the same.
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06a6bf No.15006

Did you set the transparency to black on accident? Hit CTRL + T in the image editor, it'll show you what the current transparency color looks like. It should be a grey/light grey checker board by default.
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06a6bf No.15007

Sorted it thanks
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06a6bf No.15023

File: 1427498048154-0.gif (104.33 KB,492x205,12:5,punch.gif)

File: 1427498048154-1.png (39.2 KB,889x535,889:535,342342.png)

What do I need to do to make it so that the punch sprite just shows up once and won't stay around even if the player holds down the button for it?

Space press and Space release are just sprite_index changes.
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06a6bf No.15026

I don't know how you have it set up, but I highly recommend putting all of that in a step event instead of events for each one. Some pseudo-code to help you out:

if(sprite_index==punchingSprite && image_index==//last sprite in punching sprite animation){
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06a6bf No.15028

File: 1427516291570.png (104.99 KB,872x560,109:70,Untitled.png)

Or you can just use a sophisticated editor.
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06a6bf No.15032

I never said it was magic. This is an extra step of execution ON TOP OF what you just mentioned.

Fucking hell.
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06a6bf No.15033

>Now say that in human

Protip: That was a joke pointing out that the previous post already had shitty english.
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06a6bf No.15035

Sorry if this question is dumb I'm a bit new to coding. Anyway I have an obj_spawner that spawns obj_zombie and when the bullet touches it I do zombiehealth-=damage ehich works fine BUT it doesn't always damage the zombie I'm shooting and just does damage to a different zombie. So is there any way of making sure zombiehealth-= 30 applies to the thing the bullet actually hits.
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06a6bf No.15037

In the code window at the top there's a bit where you can choose self, other or object:.

Which object is the collision on? If it's the bullet, select other, if it's the zombie select self.

I'm new myself so I don't know if that's what will fix it but it's worth a try.
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06a6bf No.15044

Yay for more problems. So when there's a bunch of zombies in 1 big pile and the bullet hits that pile they all take damage. Any advice?
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06a6bf No.15049

File: 1427577500991.png (168.85 KB,480x640,3:4,face of the devil WIP.png)


Well I'm a retard. At least I know instance_place is a thing now...
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06a6bf No.15072

Man, add the collision check for the zombie itself and not the bullet, if you do thi each instance should independently check and reduce damage
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06a6bf No.15140

File: 1427727602240.png (83.81 KB,1534x974,767:487,435534543.png)

Can walk left and right. Animation for both plays fine.

Problem is with spr_punch. It changes sprite, but only to the first image_index of that sprite. Don't know why. Help.
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06a6bf No.15167

File: 1427778877769.gif (100.37 KB,654x748,327:374,punch.gif)

I copied only the punching bit of the code and played around with it. This is how it works for me.
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06a6bf No.17753

Oh man I was hoping this general wasn't this dead

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06a6bf No.17766


It's just people in this thread are absolute retards and nobody even wants to help them.

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06a6bf No.17963

File: 1433168703884.webm (2.13 MB,640x433,640:433,alt_universe.webm)

Guys, can please help me with aspect ratio. I have an 1024x768 room, the view is 1008*756, and the port on screen still 1008*756. I disabled color interpolation and enabled keep aspect ratio in global game options.

So when players go into fullscreen I just do something like this maybe I got a word wrong since it's from my memory:

window_set_size(1280, 720);


draw_maximize_gui(view_view[0]), view_hview[0]) //or what is draw_set_gui? something like that

And you know, it's working but I have black bars around the game, and I have no idea how to fix this. How do I let players go into fullscreen, into different resolutions without huge black bars around the screen? Is this normal to happen?

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06a6bf No.17964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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06a6bf No.17965

Anyone know where the graphics scale settings are? there's this pixel art game blown up at 2x or something


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06a6bf No.17966



I remember having a problem with getting jump to work, not sure how I solved it. sprite_index might be what you need to change for an animated sprite

If the two types of images have different frame counts then you might have to update the image_index (sprite index = sprite) to basically increment each frame depending on which sprite. (It's not automatic?)

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06a6bf No.17967

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06a6bf No.17991


I don't know how to solve your problem, but I'm bumping the thread so hopefully someone who does will see it and help you.

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06a6bf No.17992


Thanks for the bump. I kept searching all day on how to make it fullscreen without losing any quality but it's all in vain. So I have the black bars, which I think that maybe I don't know how to fix them. But the other thing that is really really bugging me is the fact that when I switch the game to fullscreen in game maker, even when I disable interpolation and stretching, the game loses quality. For example if there was a line that had a width of 4 pixels, when I move it to another position in fullscreen it randomly changes it width, from 3 to 5 pixels even.

I don't know how to explain it but the game mistakes sprites by a few pixels accuracy in full screen, and depending on where you move pixels it changes again. It's only noticeable if you pay attention.

I really hope someone could explain me why this happens, if they encountered this problem, and how to fix it.

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06a6bf No.18017

File: 1433254429502-0.png (20.19 KB,626x517,626:517,Rounded.PNG)

File: 1433254429502-1.png (25.9 KB,609x455,87:65,NotRounded.PNG)


Is this what you're talking about? It sounds a lot like the problem I was struggling with for a while before finally finding an answer to it.

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06a6bf No.18026

File: 1433276428532.png (22.33 KB,250x110,25:11,graphic.png)


I'm not exactly sure, but it looks similar to what I was describing.

Here is the image that shows my problem. In the first section you see the lines of the box has the same width. But when I go into full screen the second section, which is the same box, has lines of different widths. You can see that the left side is thinner than the right side, and this is not usual. I expected it to be just like the first image but double in size, because I enabled the game to keep the aspect ratio.

This also makes all the other sprites have for example different outlines depending on where they move when in fullscreen. I have no idea how to fix this and it's super annoying.

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06a6bf No.18091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

posted it in other thread too but just so it's here.

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06a6bf No.18156

I want to make a platformer in game maker where you can customize your character's weapons, pieces of armor, etc. With hundreds of items and complex movement for attacking and other shit.

Is using spine the only way to do it? Is there really no other way to do it? I can't afford it and I maybe intend to sell it.

Manually coding all the items positions an rotations by myself is not an option.

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06a6bf No.18166

File: 1433471291140.png (312.54 KB,466x410,233:205,1432625835473.png)


I thought I already explained why this text engine was shit in the text-only-game thread. Are you Nachochicken or something?


Have you tried making your view/viewport a multiple of your room's width and height?

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06a6bf No.18167


>Have you tried making your view/viewport a multiple of your room's width and height?

I tried making the view port a multiple of the room width, I multiplied 1024x768 * 1.25 for the view port, it didn't fix it. Then, since my view is 1008x756, I tried to multiply that times 1.25 both height and width and set that to the view port, still didn't fix it.

I have no idea how to make pixels (mostly outlines) stay at their set width. The surface resizing to the same multiples above also didn't work.

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06a6bf No.18183


I cross posted at the time, sorry. For anyone who didn't see it turns out it's shit to use.

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06a6bf No.18184


I just figured out there's this thing called Views in the room editor and I can effectively change the zoom by scaling the viewport stuff. If the 'zoom' is not exact, you will get inaccuracies like added pixels and missing ones there, it's the same when you zoom in on Paint and text looks really shit. It's the zoom factor too much or too little.

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06a6bf No.18188


I know you can change the zoom by modifying the views, and you can also use views to make the camera follow the object, and other things.

What I don't know is how to scale the game properly, you know the scale options in risk of rain? You can scale the graphics with factor of 2, 3 or whatever you want, and the graphics look crisp. I want to know how to do that, but everything I searched for involved too much complicated stuff.

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06a6bf No.21136

File: 1440194098777-0.png (6.47 KB,174x328,87:164,view_to_scale_graphics.png)

File: 1440194098777-1.png (12.24 KB,429x397,429:397,view_manual_position.png)


>Room is 1024x768

>View is 1008x756

>Window size is 1280x720

I don't know if you fixed your problem or not, but the issue sounds like your view_wview[0] and view_hview[0] need to be set.

You are changing the size of the window, but not the size of the view on the screen.

I assume you fixed it since this was two months ago, but if anyone else is having this problem, try adding this to your code snippet you listed:

view_wview[0] = window_get_width();

view_hview[0] = window_get_height();

That should automatically set the size of the view to fit the window no matter what resolution you change it to.


If you want to blow up your pixel games to x2 or whatever size you want, the best way is to set your view to have double the size on the screen in comparison to size in the room.

Pic related is a simple way to do this. If you want to scale to x2 the size, keep the view in room values exactly half of the port on screen values. Use exactly a quarter of the values for x4. Other values may give undesirable results.

If you do this, make sure you round the value where your view will be, otherwise you will get columns and rows of pixels that sometimes get drawn larger than they should be. Having a code like the second picture would help alleviate that some. The first portion just rounds off the view location. The second part just ensures that the view doesn't move outside of the room, which can be ignored if you for some reason want the black area outside of the room to be drawn.

If you want to use the room settings to make the view follow the player instead of just using a script like that, just add something in the step event similar to:

view_xview[0] = round(view_xview[0]);

view_yview[0] = round(view_yview[0]);

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06a6bf No.21137


In the second picture, take out the second else. I assumed I missed it and stuck it in, but I originally omitted it because you want both the xview and yview to be checked, not just one.

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06a6bf No.21157


>two sprites for both directions

what is image_xscale

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06a6bf No.21175


>in case of collisions

what is draw_sprite_ext()

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06a6bf No.21181


Same guy from 2 months ago, I remember trying back then to also set the view_hview to the window height but it looked kinda weird. I will try again though, maybe I did something wrong. In any case, thanks for the reply.

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06a6bf No.21195


>I remember trying back then to also set the view_hview to the window height but it looked kinda weird.

Did it look like the view didn't resize properly, stretching itself too wide/thin? If so, you might have forgotten to use surface_resize in your code.

Here's the command if you left it out. You'll want to size it to the same size as your window, and you'll want to modify the application_surface.


If you remove the if statement from the example in the documentation, it should be exactly what you need.

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06a6bf No.21197

File: 1440392562280.png (8.33 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

I'm going crazy, it's more than one month, trying every single day to make something simple to work, in all sorts of ways, more than 30 days without a single bit of progress. And it's all because of fucking slopes, I just don't know what to do anymore, I feel like I hit a wall and it's seriously depressing. I asked for help regarding my code before but nothing worked.

The issue is this, the code does not work if the player is falling down, and there are objects stacked on top of each other like in this oetaki. If you try to move towards them in air, the player will always instantly get stuck, and fuck everything because the code says CLEARLY that it should NEVER move into objects, it should stop the hsp before moving into the object. Other than this code there's a single separate script that just increases/decreases the hsp if you press left or right, and afterwards this collision code is ran, so it can stop or let the speed affect the player. Please guys, just please, someone help me fix this shit, I am just tired of so many weeks without progress on something simple, I never had so much frustration before.

///H-V collision and gravity, obj_oraru_feet updates it's XY to this object every step, obj_oraru_feet is used for collisions.
//The image_xscale and yscale doesn't affect the hitbox as everything is centered correctly.

//If there is a fucking horizontal collision in the next step
if (place_meeting(obj_oraru_feet.x + hsp, obj_oraru_feet.y, obj_solid))
//then fucking try to move above it IF it's gonna be free there
if (!place_meeting(obj_oraru_feet.x + hsp, obj_oraru_feet.y - MaxSlope, obj_solid))
obj_oraru_feet.y -= MaxSlope;
y -= MaxSlope;
//else the slope is too fucking high, JUST stop
hsp = 0;
//after we (probably) moved vertically now we have to move horizontally, if the slope wasn't too high
obj_oraru_feet.x += hsp;
x += hsp;

//Now if are gonna meet something bellow our feet + DwnSlope, it's a slope so we should move above it
if (place_meeting(obj_oraru_feet.x, obj_oraru_feet.y + DwnSlope, obj_solid))
while (!place_meeting(obj_oraru_feet.x, obj_oraru_feet.y + 1, obj_solid))
obj_oraru_feet.y += 1;
y += 1;
//and then we must stop the VSP so we don't keep going down
vsp = 0;
//If we don't meet anything we have to fall by gravity
vsp = clamp(vsp + PlayerGravity, -MaxVspeed, MaxVspeed);

//after we (probably) moved vertically now we have to move horizontally, if the slope wasn't too high
obj_oraru_feet.y += vsp;
y += vsp;

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06a6bf No.21198

Also, max slope is about 8 pixels, it will check above 8 pixels, and DwnSlope is about 12 pixels, it will check bellow 10 pixels. The spaces between the crates is lower than the feet hitbox, so the feet cannot fit in that space between the crates.

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06a6bf No.21199

File: 1440394392033.png (4.14 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)


I tried.

I only changed a few things. The first is that in a horizontal collision, before setting hsp to 0, I inserted a while command to move one pixel at a time towards the collision, until adjacent to the solid. The second thing is, I added another conditional to your downward slope, to execute that code if either your original conditions, or if it detects something at vsp.

///H-V collision and gravity, obj_oraru_feet updates it's XY to this object every step, obj_oraru_feet is used for collisions. 
//The image_xscale and yscale doesn't affect the hitbox as everything is centered correctly.

//If there is a fucking horizontal collision in the next step
if (place_meeting(obj_oraru_feet.x + hsp, obj_oraru_feet.y, obj_solid))
//then fucking try to move above it IF it's gonna be free there
if (!place_meeting(obj_oraru_feet.x + hsp, obj_oraru_feet.y - MaxSlope, obj_solid))
obj_oraru_feet.y -= MaxSlope;
y -= MaxSlope;
//else the slope is too fucking high, JUST stop
while(!place_meeting(obj_oraru_feet.x+sign(hsp),y,obj_solid)) // While the collision is not adjacent
obj_oraru_feet.x += sign(hsp); // Move to collision by one pixel at a time
x += sign(hsp);
hsp = 0; // No more horizontal speed
//after we (probably) moved vertically now we have to move horizontally, if the slope wasn't too high
obj_oraru_feet.x += hsp;
x += hsp;

//Now if are gonna meet something bellow our feet + DwnSlope, it's a slope so we should move above it
if (place_meeting(obj_oraru_feet.x, obj_oraru_feet.y + DwnSlope, obj_solid) || place_meeting(obj_oraru_feet.x, obj_oraru_feet.y + vsp, obj_solid))
while (!place_meeting(obj_oraru_feet.x, obj_oraru_feet.y + 1, obj_solid))
obj_oraru_feet.y += 1;
y += 1;
//and then we must stop the VSP so we don't keep going down
vsp = 0;
//If we don't meet anything we have to fall by gravity
vsp = clamp(vsp + PlayerGravity, -MaxVspeed, MaxVspeed);

//after we (probably) moved vertically now we have to move horizontally, if the slope wasn't too high
obj_oraru_feet.y += vsp;
y += vsp;

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06a6bf No.21200


Accidently posted the Oekaki. I was going to ask if your solids you were stuck in looked like the left or the right image, but I figured it didn't matter at the moment.

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06a6bf No.21203



Thanks so much for at least trying to help man, I tried it though and it's still exactly the same. The objects were stacked like in the left image, with spaces between their heights. They are aligned on the X axis though so the player shouldn't stop on top of one.

And the space between the boxes is less that the size of the collision box of the feet. The box hitbox is about 23 pixels in height, and 32 in width. The feet collision box is 24 in width and 16 in height.

When I press left or right the following scripts are activated:

For increasing the walk speed, this doesn't run after the collision script so it shouldn't move if there is a very high slope or something.

///Move Oraru at half speed

//modify walking speed
if (left && !run)
//face left
image_xscale = -1;
hsp = clamp(hsp - acceleration, -MaxWalkSpeed, MaxWalkSpeed);
else if (right && !run)
image_xscale = 1;
hsp = clamp(hsp + acceleration, -MaxWalkSpeed, MaxWalkSpeed);
else if ((left || right) && run)
LastState = StateId; //set our previous state to our current one
StateId = state_run;
LastState = StateId; //set our previous state to our current one
StateId = state_idle;

And there's another code which decreases the hsp, this is for friction. But it's only ran when you don't press any key (in idle), and after the friction code is run to increase of decrease hsp, only after that the code for actually moving the X and Y of the object is ran. So basically it doesn't move the object, just the hsp. And if necessary the collision script moves the object afterwards.

Do you think that it would be easier for me to just post the .gmx? I can't make these slopes work man.

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06a6bf No.21248


Alright, I tried AGAIN. It's just impossible for me to figure this out. When there's any space between stacked objects, the player will get stuck.

If they are stacked with no space between, it will work fine as it should. Why, why and why would it get stuck? The place_meeting moves the hitbox where you say, tells you if you have a collision or not. It should have a collision since the space between the boxes should be less that the space of the player hitbox. This shit doesn't make sense.

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06a6bf No.21250

File: 1440472186035.webm (6.25 MB,960x600,8:5,teeeest.webm)

Here's a webm explaining my situation, I slowed down the video to show you where it gets stuck. If anyone could help me with this I'd greatly appreciate, my code is here:


>>21199 (even with your modification it doesn't work)


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06a6bf No.21251

And please excuse the shitty placeholder art, I'm just trying to set up basic stuff in the first place. The white lines are the hitboxes, and the blue rectangle is the hitbox of obj_player_feet

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06a6bf No.21256


1 damn month, and it was so simple, so damn simple. I fucking got the slope working as it should, no more sticking between small places while falling. The code that I posted so far was fine apparently. Something else was fucking things up majorly, in the obj_oraru_feet which is the hitbox, there are two lines that keeps the feet attached to the player X and Y.

However that code interfered with the collision code which also moves the player and the feet. Basically, I shouldn't had moved the X and Y of obj_oraru_feet from two places, I should had only modified it once per step.

I'm incredibly retarded, but also you don't know how happy this makes me, been fucked up all this time for this shit. Now it's time to add all the other crap my game needs. Thank you even if you took time to read my code, even if you didn't reply to it, and thank you if you replied.

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06a6bf No.21262


Can you set instance x and y values in a physics world with Physics objects?

Whenever I try to do it the object moves to the position specified and then disappears.

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06a6bf No.21263


Okay, I figured out Phy_Position exists and put the event case in the step event instead of the "Outside Room" one.

Seems that was causing some problems.

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06a6bf No.21656

Can someone help me out set up an inventory system? I've spent severl days trying to figure something out by myself but so far I haven't been able to. So far I've tried using 2d arrays and this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s0X9hvR9rw

I'd like it to be a lot like Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask inventory system (one screen for items, one for equipment, one for the map, etc)

I'd be very grateful if someone here could help me out.

Thanks in advance.

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06a6bf No.21666

File: 1441428943352.jpg (59.67 KB,474x460,237:230,1440210521660.jpg)


inb4 one room for each menu.

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06a6bf No.21679



This tutorial is pretty straight forward. What exactly are you finding trouble with?

Understanding arrays?

Reading arrays and putting them as objects on the menu sprite?

Getting those objects and equipping the player with them?


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06a6bf No.21977


Letting you know there is a gamemaker studio related weekly bundle over at humble bundle!

>6$ Tier contains Pro license (ovp 80 €)

>12$ Tier additionally contains Android export module (ovp 240 €) don't know the prices and USD and don't care to look em up

>Also has steam keys and source codes for a couple of indie games

>(and a couple of them have a drm free version too)

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06a6bf No.21989

Is there any way to do timing without fucking annoying alarms?

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06a6bf No.21990


Really damn nice, only $6 for Pro is great. It's just such a big BIG annoyance that vlambeer will receive money if I want to buy the game maker license. Fuck this shit so much, I have no choice but to give those retards money just to get game make pro.


Make a countdown variable, decrease it by one every step. If it reaches 0 you know that alarm was activated and so the code you want too run can run. When that code runs set the countdown variable to -1 so it's off.

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06a6bf No.21991


Just give all the money to doctors without borders like I did!

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06a6bf No.21993


>$6 for something more locked in, limited and proprietary than free alternatives

No thanks.

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06a6bf No.22012


>more locked in, limited and proprietary than free alternatives


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06a6bf No.22015


Yes, you can alternatively do

ID = instance_create(x,y,obj);
speed = 0;
radius = 0;
spdDecay = 0;
variableN = 0;

and it'll generally look cleaner.

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06a6bf No.22016


is this guys "first game" tutorial series decent for learning the program?

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06a6bf No.22142


I like it a lot. Your art and animation skills are off the charts, though at the moment it does a poor job of explaining... well, anything.

I figured it out after a couple minutes but you should at least have a "how to play" button on the menu.

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06a6bf No.22146


I found them very helpful. The videos I watched he went over every line of code and explained it.

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06a6bf No.22295

Is GameMaker at able to make a large open world? Or do I need to use a different program is I want to make something like that?

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06a6bf No.22298


Define both "large" and "open world".

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06a6bf No.22302


Long term goal for my game is to have an AI-run RTS/City-sim game that the player fucks with as an individual. Multiple towns all competing with each other and shit like that.

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06a6bf No.22841


You could simulate it, but it would probably be hacky.

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06a6bf No.22843


GameMaker is a pretty horrible choice for anything that has serious systematized elements. It's because GML a shit.

You'll really benefit from an object-oriented approach if you have some kind of complex interworking system. You could do it in GML, but it would be really painful.

It might also have serious performance issues.

Unity's not that tough, and the 2D side has come a long way lately. Why not check that out? (It's also free to release on all platforms, as opposed to fucking $800)

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06a6bf No.22889


>Lua would've been outstanding option, it's a pinnacle of game engine scripting language

It really isn't. It wasn't designed for games and it shows.

There is a reason every major and even minor engine brings its own language.

Except for Crygine, which is crap.

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06a6bf No.22902


>>There is a reason every major and even minor engine brings its own language.

Many engines and games use Lua.

Sometimes the original Lua, sometimes a variant of it that allows extra syntax sugar. But I do believe you forgot to do your research on this one.

Relevant links from a quick Google:





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06a6bf No.23142

File: 1445125695175.webm (1.25 MB,1920x1200,8:5,shiiiiit.webm)

I did Shaun Spalding's asteroids and platformer tutorial, really thorough I thought. Gonna try to make some simple games now.

I don't have any experience coding or anything, but this is all really fun. I guess I should learn a programming language if I want to get serious about games though... but I'll get there eventually.

Anyway every so often GM:S does this, so I've been saving like a paranoid schizo. Always happens when I hit the checkmark to close a window. Anyone know what's up? I googled the errors I could see but they don't seem to be related to anything going on.

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06a6bf No.23162


Protip: It's their poorly implemented DRM.

It happens everywhere in the software.

Not to long ago, their DRM was even worse, and would replace the sprites of legitimate customers with a picture of skull and cross-bones.

They've tried multiple times to fix their shitty software now, but ever since YoYo Games took over GameMaker has been a mess.

I stopped using it for this exact reason btw, it kept screwing up my workflow when it would have these errors. Shit becomes unusable.

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06a6bf No.24689

Hello, i'll expose my problem the best way i can.

I have a couple of lights, and i want to turn the closest to the mouse red when i press the Q key (colors are managed by iTurnRed and iAmGreen variabes).

Should the code be something like this?

with (instance_nearest(mouse.x,mouse.y,obj_light)) {

iTurnRed = 1;

iAmGreen = 0;


It's implemented on a "Q-key" event on an object that is created when the match (not the game) starts.

it gives me an error so there's obviously something wrong, but i don't know if it's because it's the code or it should be written within another object

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06a6bf No.24690


Can you post the error? The code looks fine. instance_nearest can return noone which could raise an error. However, it should only does this if there isn't any instance of obj_light.

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06a6bf No.24692

File: 1451930687125.png (17.69 KB,597x190,597:190,light.PNG)

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06a6bf No.24699

How do I have a sprite change when pressing a key, but then change it again into a 3rd sprite?

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06a6bf No.24700


never mind

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06a6bf No.24701


Change mouse.x and mouse.y to mouse_x and mouse_y

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06a6bf No.24703


nevermind about that nevermind i still don't know how to do it

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06a6bf No.24705


Something like this:

Creation code:

sprite_num = 0;


switch(sprite_num) {

case 0: sprite_num += 1; sprite_index = foo; break;

case 1: sprite_num += 1; sprite_index = bar; break;

case 2: sprite_index = baz; break;

default: break;


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06a6bf No.24707


many thanks, it works now

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06a6bf No.24709


Thanks, this worked.

But can you also help me with making the player go to a new room when my the sprite is sprite #5, and a key is pressed?

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06a6bf No.24710


nevermind, I just changed the key that needed to be pressed and it worked. But if anyone would help me make it to where its the same key as the others then please do

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06a6bf No.24720



You can add it as an another case if depends on the others. Otherwise just add an if to your keypress code which checks for the sprite_index

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06a6bf No.24734

I'm trying to randomly generate houses but all seem to find are dungeon generators with no way to designate .outside/inside the house let alone an upstairs or so

what would you nigs suggest?

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06a6bf No.24735


I was thinking of pre making just a shitload of houses and randomly selecting them ala old xcom

they are loading as a seperate level

without giving away too much about my game think hitman

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06a6bf No.24832

File: 1452894149194.png (124.95 KB,256x256,1:1,1452168808990.png)

Does anyone have tutorials or resources that would help me learn how to make a Paper Mario/Superstar Saga style battle system?

Seems like it shouldn't be too hard but I'd like to see how more experienced people do this sort of thing

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06a6bf No.24843

Any of you used Enigma-Dev? It looked a bit iffy to me but I've had shit like >>23142 happening to me more and more frequently and I want to try something familiar instead of getting away from GM altogether.

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06a6bf No.24876

I have 3 questions.

1. Why does the SWF sprite I imported have one of the flat coloured segments replaced with transparency? I've tried tweaking the swf file a lot but not difference.

2. How can I make a character that is like the player character but with inputs already recorded for making racing characters/ ghost trials?

3. How do you guys come up with good level designs? I've only got like 15 levels and run out of ideas despite having lots of elements, maybe if I could have a randomiser make basic level layouts I could make something good from them?

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06a6bf No.24966


1. GameMaker has a color that you can set that it uses as the transparency key. Simply change that color in GameMaker after importing the sprite to remove the conflict, or disable the transparency key entirely.

2. Record player input into a DS list. Play it back over a timeline as a non-interactive object that simply tweens between each point where the input effects the objects XYZ and angles.

Also make sure you record physical collisions and any other actions that would effect the vehicle, as those will need to be played back as well via tweening and a simple distance-over-time formula.

3. I don't know shit about level design. Probably look at random dungeon generators I guess, and go off to study other levels from existing games.

Find out the basic rules that the developers of those games established in order for them to judge what made a "good" or "bad" map.

Study usage of basic geometric shapes and light to portray to a player which path might be preferable, and to ensure they can easily distinguish important details even at a quick glance.

Make a table-top paper-based version of your level and actually use turn-based mechanics to play it out. Get others to play the paper-based one as well. Ask them for critique. When you get to certain parts of your level, are there too many things you would have to choose between in one turn just to pick a pathway? If so, maybe your level is too complex and needs adjustments. Remember that people can only keep track of so many things at one time. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple silly.

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06a6bf No.25038

How hard would it be to implement shit like this:


or like this:



I'm mostly interested in the pseudo-3D in the first vid but if anyone has any idea about how to do the crazy stuff in the second two that'd be pretty neat.

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06a6bf No.26227


Next thing you know they'll tell us there's a modulo divide operator

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06a6bf No.26232

File: 1459191082099.png (120.91 KB,512x477,512:477,CU0PgjtUcAAssZu.png)

How hard would it be to make an isometric srpg in GMS?

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06a6bf No.26340

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06a6bf No.26350


TRPG aren't that difficult to begin with. I have no experience with GML but you can really implement them in any language, so I don't know why is this even a question in the first place.

Look at RoR or HM. They are infinitely more complex games than, let's say, Final Fantasy Tactics, and they are made with GameMaker.

The real difficulty in SRPG is everything art related. Enjoy the pain of 45º sprites.


>Also make sure you record physical collisions and any other actions that would effect the vehicle, as those will need to be played back as well via tweening and a simple distance-over-time formula.

Not necessary. As long as the game already implements some AI/NPC/multiplayer system, all you need is to feed the recorded input at the same exact moment in which it was recorded into the "player 2". Collisions should work as in the first playthrough.

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06a6bf No.26674


hard if you want to do it with anything but sprites

however, if you're willing to sprite, it's more than possible.

Just enjoy the pain of 45 degree sprites like


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06a6bf No.26677

File: 1462723183366.gif (83.49 KB,550x400,11:8,test.gif)

Is GM good enough for android?

Pic unrelated

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06a6bf No.26678

Anyone getting the "The following modules could not be downloaded:



I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but it just keeps giving me this error.

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06a6bf No.26960


I gave it a chance and it's got it's problems, at least as far as GMS games go. You have to really play with settings for a lot of games to compile at all, and it seems like the dev wants to drop support and go his own way with things.

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06a6bf No.27332


Game maker pro is free now.

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06a6bf No.27379

For someone who's coding experience doesn't go beyond a high school java course, is GM a solid engine to start with? Willing to learn the language, just want to start with the best tools for my level.

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06a6bf No.27381


Game Maker is the best 2D game engine period, it's a good choice unless you want to use some shitty drag and drop engine. Unity and Unreal add a level of complexity that isn't necessarily worth it unless you also want to make 3D games.

There's always the option of using a library or something with less UI, but that requires you to rely on your programming skills a lot more.

Also, it's worth noting that since you're just beginning, you want something that has a large community because that allows you to find help for all kinds of little questions a lot easier.

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06a6bf No.27735

Torn between being a cheap fuck and getting Game Maker Pro for $1 or whatever the minimum is, or just buying the larger bundle to get access to Android stuff.

Is GM good for Android games?

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06a6bf No.27737


I thought the same thing when I've heard about the bundle, ended up buying the full packet, just because I never know when I have an idea for some silly viral android game since he android export is expensive usually.

And even if I fail, since game maker was the first thing that let me made an actual working game that I enjoyed making, it's worth the $15.

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06a6bf No.27738


Yeah I did the same. Hard to leave it at that price since I'll more than likely want to have a play around with it if nothing more.

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06a6bf No.27786

So i've done this

if type = network_type_disconnect{
playerleaving = ds_list_find_index(listedsockets, sockinlist);
global.playerout = playerleaving;
with obj_player{
if controlledby = global.playerout{

and my problem is that, since every socket is called sockinlist, it always returns 1 no matter which socket i access because, according to GM help "Note that if there are more than one entries in the list with the same value, the position of any one of them may be returned"

So, how do i get the sockets to have different names? because i need the position which is gonna be parsed into the ID of the player disconnected.

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / cyber / fit / fol / inbouron / jewess / kpop / pen / wtp ]