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File: 1469006275831-0.png (182.31 KB,1024x786,512:393,1.png)

File: 1469006275831-1.png (135.72 KB,1025x787,1025:787,2.png)

23beb4 No.27320

I was told to come here, maby you can help.

Im working on an isometric game in Gamemaker.

my problem is im stuck on depth.

my character will go under the tree the closer i am to the screen and above the tree when im farther at the top of the screen.

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23beb4 No.27326

depth = -y

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23beb4 No.27327

File: 1469013900888.png (31.46 KB,1370x509,1370:509,depth.png)


im already using this.

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23beb4 No.27328


apply the depth thing to all the trees and objects too (though if they are static, just do it in create instead of constantly updating them for no reason)

if you've already done this, either fix your sprite origins and make them consistent (for example place them at the feet point of the sprites) or compensate for that misplacement through adding a constant value to the -y depth

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23beb4 No.27331

File: 1469015001917.png (50.4 KB,1004x918,502:459,depth2.png)


I added this script to all objects i want depth.

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23beb4 No.27339


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23beb4 No.27341

try game dev thread in /v/, it's more active

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23beb4 No.27344

File: 1469074174923.jpg (5.04 KB,259x225,259:225,1383780803068.jpg)


that was the first thread I made, they just went on about how they wish they could make games. and how they started making it then quit.

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23beb4 No.27348

Are you using two sprites for the trees, one for the stump and then one for the top?

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23beb4 No.27350


At first i made it 1 sprite, but i decided to use 2 sprites later thinking i could fix it but i juts end up going under the tree. but the stump is fine.

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23beb4 No.27351


So, to clarify: the sprite interaction always works correctly with the stump, but messed up with the top part?

Are you 100% positive that you're doing the depth script for both parts of the tree?

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23beb4 No.27352

File: 1469169358356-0.png (197.03 KB,1024x783,1024:783,1.png)

File: 1469169358357-1.png (153.23 KB,1025x786,1025:786,2.png)

File: 1469169358357-2.png (152.83 KB,1025x786,1025:786,3.png)


since its the tree that i needed to be behind, i figured i would split it in two, and have depth work with the tree but i still walk under the tree.

I could make it into a single tree again but i'll get the same problem, i'll walk under the stump and tree.

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23beb4 No.27353

File: 1469170418510-0.png (195.23 KB,1023x787,1023:787,4.png)

File: 1469170418512-1.png (12.93 KB,593x343,593:343,5.png)

In this picture, i changed the tree into 1 sprite.

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23beb4 No.27354


btw thats not the sprite im going to use for player, im just stealing one temporary

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23beb4 No.27358

File: 1469177978401.gif (104.27 KB,300x136,75:34,1357806460945.gif)

after spending $1.99 on this.


all i had to do was change this code






depth= -y



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23beb4 No.27387

File: 1469550311039-0.png (13.57 KB,612x534,102:89,1.png)

File: 1469550311039-1.png (18.25 KB,622x242,311:121,2.png)

ok, so im trying to get this A* engine working, but when i try to run the code I get this.

anyone know what the hell this is.

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23beb4 No.27392


I'm not familiar with GameMaker script, but that seems pretty cut and dry.

>Variable obj_Astar.<unknown variable>(...) not set before reading it.

Either obj_Astar wasn't assigned a value before you attempted to access its fieldwidth variable, or its fieldwidth variable was never assigned when you're trying to subtract 1 from it. Not sure which, but either of those are almost definitely the issue.

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23beb4 No.27402

File: 1469625848043.png (1.01 MB,1024x695,1024:695,64496261_zps17f8baee.png)

I don't have anything to add but you should know that the camera angle you're using is called Orthogonal, not Isometric. Iso is pic related.

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23beb4 No.27403

File: 1469638446919.png (28.35 KB,1020x785,204:157,path.png)


I got it working.



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