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Welcome to AGDG, keep working on your game anon!
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File: 1434326658663.webm (4.5 MB,1072x632,134:79,puzz.webm)

ca172d No.18485 [View All]


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ca172d No.20906


I'd rather work on this myself, but thanks for offering. It's too early to work on the story, anyways.

Also, I'm doing this for free, and no one should work on other peoples' projects for free. You should find someone who's willing to pay you.

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ca172d No.21085

Looking really good. What's the biggest challenge you've faced so far when making a 3d platformer in Unity?I'm thinking of making one myself

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ca172d No.21105

File: 1440118414046.jpg (64.39 KB,600x380,30:19,island.jpg)


Unity fag here, may i ask what reflection technique you use for the water? Is it a shader? Is it done with reflection probes or maybe some kind of Screen Space Reflection? In the moment i use the open source SSR from kode80 for reflections on materials, but i always like to test out new shit.

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ca172d No.21283


Holy fuck this looks amazing, I never thought plok could ever translate to the 3d format, but you proved me wrong. I'll be lurking this thread for awhile, until the game takes off to its own site or whatever.

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ca172d No.21285

File: 1440662847939.gif (2.07 MB,742x422,371:211,gw.gif)

Been working on a Game & Watch style minigame. It's important that I keep the gameplay responsive and easy to understand, because that is the difference between a Game & Watch game and a POPstation.

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ca172d No.21563

File: 1441264894975.gif (755.21 KB,753x421,753:421,gameandwatch.gif)

Pretty much finished with the G&W minigame, so now it's back to work on the real game.

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ca172d No.21575


Looking good! Is that going to be integrated into the actual game itself, or is it more like an extra you can unlock from the menu?

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ca172d No.21578


Probably both, in that it'll be on the menu after you find it in-game.

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ca172d No.21677



Looks inauthentic, like doing retro pixel graphics with rotation. Old LCD games had one plane with fixed shapes that were either on or off. You want to make it look like the real thing? If a shape already occupies some spot, whether it's on or off, you can't ever have some other shape in there. You can't do stuff like the animated sun (?) and flag.

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ca172d No.21685


this is pretty awesome but this guy >>21677 is right they didnt have that much graphical function

also I think the bg is a bit to colourful

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ca172d No.21705


> If a shape already occupies some spot, whether it's on or off, you can't ever have some other shape in there. You can't do stuff like the animated sun (?) and flag.

Trust me, I know. I've been having a very difficult time keeping that restriction, and it shows.

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ca172d No.21819

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ca172d No.21824


Trying it out now.

By the way if you want a brilliant and simple example of adding controller support, check out that Super Mario HD demo made in Unity.

The guys full project for it is floating around on the net (you can just email him and ask for the files if you can't find it). This includes all of his implementation for controller support too (it works very well).

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ca172d No.21825


Really enjoyed this! It's shaping into quite a fun game dude.

Only feedback I have currently:

Those moving platforms high up in the air are going way too fast. It's really difficult to get on them. Maybe slow them down just a tad?

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ca172d No.21854


3D movement is harder to grasp for players than 2D. It matters whether one can see the whole structure directly, and if not, whether one gets good cues by shadows or reflection or sound. Whether the movement/disappearing pattern of platforms is too hard or not also depends on what the penalty for goofing up is. It makes a difference whether you fall on something that damages you a bit or makes you lose a life.

An easy-mode analogy to disappearing blocks would be cloud blocks you can jump through and stand on as long as you want, and these have some intervals where they change color. If you do a series of jumps while they are the right color, each landing is accompanied by a jingle, and when you complete the whole series in a row, you get the bonus item/the magic door opens/whatever.

You could put some specifically textured parts in the game that would be mechanically different by a very simple rule change based on whether you play easy mode or not (cloud blocks actually disappearing instead of losing color, some block type getting spiky). If the game is going to be mission-based, you might even give players the opportunity to switch easy on or off per mission, or maybe make easy-mode something you temporarily activate by collecting enough currency which is as piss-easy as in Zelda or Mario, but not something players would do to score well as that should be heavily based on speed.

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ca172d No.21862

File: 1442261679803.gif (89.79 KB,750x224,375:112,clouds study.gif)


>plok guy moved over here now

>cuckchan is actively banning their OC producers due to the fact that 4cuck admins still see them as disposable

I'm so glad I made the switch last year, I'm so glad.

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ca172d No.21902

File: 1442356945943.jpg (53.47 KB,469x461,469:461,makoto.jpg)

Your game looks awesome anon !

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ca172d No.21903

File: 1442357449975.png (150.48 KB,370x264,185:132,1412206559507.png)

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ca172d No.22138



Looking damn good. The sand cliff texture doesn't quite fit in though, bit too realistic compared to the rest. Need something a little more cartoonish with a yellow tinge.

Putting the tornadoes on a separate layer/camera and giving that camera motion blur could possibly be a nice effect.

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ca172d No.22144

You know what would be fun? If one of the tornado things actually started following the player, and you could hide from it or bait it into destroying some stuff.

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ca172d No.22152

Could I just ask one question: I wanted to know if you planned on having your game be the flea eradication where you have to carefully explore the level for, or the basic platforming you get at the beginning, or a hybrid of the two (by alternation). I know you said you haven't gone too far into story yet, but those were two major components I know were prevalent. Both had their charms, I just wish the original game focused on one or the other.

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ca172d No.22166


Main levels will all have flea eradication, bonus levels/minigames will probably not.

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ca172d No.22242


What did they ban you for?

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ca172d No.22254


It was only for 3 days. I asked /v/ what the worst fanbase on /v/ was.

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ca172d No.22393

File: 1443295305319.jpg (14.73 KB,163x185,163:185,where did it all go so sla….jpg)


>demo is down

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ca172d No.24839

File: 1452938000543.jpg (56.18 KB,389x365,389:365,1451275200625.jpg)

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ca172d No.25065

File: 1454039185056.webm (487.5 KB,496x326,248:163,limbs.webm)

Not dead

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ca172d No.25088


Glad to see more progress on this

I think that rank will mean nothing to the player 90% of the time, because I imagine almost nobody has a good sense of where each letter is in the alphabet.

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ca172d No.25125



Most gamers hate ranking systems. The biggest issue I've seen gamers have with it is that's "Ranking my fun" and people don't like that

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ca172d No.25154


Ditch the ranking system.

Unless you're making a combat game like MGS, CoD or CS:GO, or you're making a fighting game, a ranking system is not needed.

The ranking displayed in that hud doesn't read well at all. From that video I have no idea what its even measuring in order to give the player a rank.

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ca172d No.25160




Disagree :P

I understand that some players don't like rank stuff. When you are in the mood to just screw around and see what you can do, it can be a bit offputting to have this displayed the whole time. It's like somebody is right behind you, breathing down your neck, whispering that you aren't playing it the correct way. Maybe it's better to display rank once in a while, whenever a section is finished. If it shows up in a result screen, all that space can be used to make clear to the player what information goes into rank and what sort of improvement would be needed to get a better rank.

However, if you want that current rank directly and immediately has an effect on what happens in the game world, like enemies playing smarter if you play better (not a fan of that sort of mechanism as that leads to all sort of nonsense like in some shmups tactical suiciding), rank should be displayed the whole time.

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ca172d No.25166




I've planned to get rid of it for a while, but I just haven't done it yet.

The idea was that certain minigames and alternate levels would only be accessible if your rank was high enough. Then I remembered how much I hated the rankings in Yoshi's Island.

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ca172d No.25167


I think it could be fun, it reminds me of Banjo&Kazooie note doors in a way; requiring you to get enough notes to be able to pass. I guess it depends on what the rest of the game is like and how easy/hard it is to get stuff. There needs to be a reason to collect stuff after all, I think people don't really care about a "score" in a non-arcade game.

But if the rank says "L" and something requires a "K", I personally would have absolutely no idea how far I am from the target or if I've passed it already.

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ca172d No.25235

File: 1455140284667.webm (2.31 MB,1016x660,254:165,fleaegg.webm)


Ranking system is kill. Instead of unlocking the Game & Watch minigame, you'll be able to play it on the loading screen.

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ca172d No.25262

The game is looking awesome

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ca172d No.25281

File: 1455353355494.webm (2.26 MB,1056x652,264:163,options.webm)

>mfw 8ch is the only place I post where I can keep track of feedback I've gotten

>mfw I would have forgotten to fix the Game & Watch sprites if it wasn't for this thread being up

Why is this place dead, again?

Any more juice I can add to this, besides flashing lights and animating the rope?

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ca172d No.25286

File: 1455366030538.webm (1.21 MB,1280x508,320:127,timing.webm)


Adjust the timing/tweening of the animation movement. Also the bell or whatever could tilt a bit when it's moving

>Why is this place dead, again?

Not enough people because not enough people.

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ca172d No.25289


It's not that I don't like rank, I don't mind it at result screens like you said.

It's that having a rank value on the hud at ALL times that is constantly in your face, changing its displayed value for EVERY split-second action you do just doesn't read well.

It's pointless if it's changing that often because in order to figure out what it's ranking you'd literally have to take focus away from the action and sit there staring at the rank instead.


Why not just have a more simplified one, like completing the level vs completing it with all things collected vs completing it with all things collected as well as all enemies killed?

A basic bronze/silver/gold rank at the end of the level. Simple, straight-forward and easy to interpret as a player.


That looks brilliant, great work!


- Cubic ease in/out on the vertical movement of the bell.

- Make the flags bigger, the "Childs Play" text is far too small. Alternatively, the font could be better, the lowercase letters are a bit hard to read.

- The contrast of the texture behind the "Difficulty" and "Graphics" text is a bit too strong, either make it more dim or consider adding a subtle shadow/outline around the text to make it stand out more.

Eg. the text on the "Exit" sign is perfect, text stands out nicely and grabs attention very well.

- Maybe rotate the camera to the right a bit, and move it slightly closer? It seems like the Exit sign is only just in view, while there is lots of space on the left without any interactive components positioned there.

- Background seems very bright and washed out?

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ca172d No.25428

Have you considered buying the plok ip, op? I think Ste and John Pickford own it, since they created it.

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ca172d No.25440


OP could probably quite easily convince them with this current prototype to make an agreement for releasing a licensed game under their IP, rather than trying to own the IP entirely.

I mean, if OP feels like this IP could be revived into multiple successful titles, yeah buying it might be a good acquisition. For one single game though? Not so sure.

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ca172d No.25445

File: 1455873540371.webm (2.17 MB,1920x946,960:473,goo.webm)

Flea gunge.



I don't have the cash to do that, and I feel that the Pickfords would rather develop the game themselves. I even made this 3D partly because I figured that the real Plok sequel would be a 2D comic book style game. Also, if anyone other than me looked at my game code, their faces would melt.

I could change the character around and make this a "spiritual successor", but it would take too much work and I'm not comfortable charing for this. But most of all, people don't want to play spiritual successors, they want to play sequels.

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ca172d No.25982


new demo. I'm not happy with it, but it does feel a lot better compared to the last one.

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ca172d No.25993


tried out the demo for a few minutes, looks pretty good so far.

first thing I did was fall into the water and get trapped under the map, had to restart the game from that.

the controls are a little frustrating, having direction control connected to both wasd and mouse pointer while needing the pointer to aim is confusing.

jumping feels nice, but I can't figure out when I'm supposed to be allowed to do the helicopter fall.

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ca172d No.25996


>the controls are a little frustrating, having direction control connected to both wasd and mouse pointer while needing the pointer to aim is confusing.

You can right click to switch to a different camera mode. it makes things easier to aim, but locks the camera. i'll try to come up with a better solution.

>jumping feels nice, but I can't figure out when I'm supposed to be allowed to do the helicopter fall.

Everywhere, but a bug prevents you from doing it when pressed up against some surfaces. I need to fix this.

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ca172d No.25998


does it work out if you just copy other PC games with third person perspective? all the 3D platformers I can think of are on console so I'm not sure what a good example is without a controller.

found that you can lose your limbs permanently if shoot them out before jumping into that purple pot.

spawned inside the level once and wasn't able to move. haven't been able to replicate it.

and I'm probably done play testing until your next demo.

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ca172d No.26012


>does it work out if you just copy other PC games with third person perspective? all the 3D platformers I can think of are on console so I'm not sure what a good example is without a controller.

I'm stuck on that too. I'm thinking of copying Assassin's Creed since that game is the closest you can get to a modern platformer + third person shooter on a PC. Too bad I hate Assassin's Creed.

Thanks for playtesting, I'll probably take down the demo tomorrow so I can implement everything you mentioned.

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ca172d No.26108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


apparently there are developers who specialize in dynamic camera movement.

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ca172d No.28530

File: 241ef855ac095f3⋯.jpg (41.69 KB,421x421,1:1,241ef855ac095f3f8944e5b7cb….jpg)

Is the project dead? Did most /agdg/ anons go back to 4chan?

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ca172d No.28533

File: 5d7aeb37342a1c5⋯.jpg (12.02 KB,296x289,296:289,[autistic screeching]2.jpg)


>mentioning cuckchan by its name

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ca172d No.28534

File: 764f0beb8d3cf65⋯.png (49 KB,1462x1174,731:587,5f.png)


why not just make an invisible sphere around the player and have the camera an invisible sphere following the perimeter of the larger sphere, it can dynamically get smaller or larger depending on what direction the camera is facing and how close or far it is to a wall.

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