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/ylint/ - international

Lieblingsfuck / Doomsday bunker

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File: bc4668a60dcff35⋯.jpg (172.02 KB,954x1272,3:4,bc4668a60dcff35c516cfe6751….jpg)

b5adcb No.83

Now that ebinlauta is dead, is anyone making a new board? I guess not, so the next choice would be a discord until something better comes along. Anyone reading still? Have a suspicion that yli thing is just dead now.

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b5adcb No.84

File: 7735a9b00a1e46a⋯.png (850.39 KB,640x561,640:561,17224100047657735.png)

Guess we just say no to fun times then

Thx sopsy and mopsy

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6ac345 No.85

File: 2e72c1dcc41bf5d⋯.gif (973.3 KB,500x500,1:1,ezgif_7_01483f7080.gif)

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dc8d68 No.89

File: 9e1b6f47e0f28ed⋯.webm (293.36 KB,500x500,1:1,ezgif_2_84be5c6f6c.webm)



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6ea0d2 No.90

Ah its not dead, it only smells funny!

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e7e864 No.91

Now it might be.

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61ac50 No.93

File: 8f63f09b62027f8⋯.png (91.73 KB,239x342,239:342,kimautism.png)

Seems like soypee or kimtism is ddosing it.

Imagine being so fragile you can't handle competition from a site that's so new it doesn't even appear on search engines.

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