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/yellowvests/ - The Yellow Vests


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Workers Rights:

The federal minimum wage will start at $14.50 per hour and $7.25 per hour for tipped employees.

Equal pay for women.

Replace the 40 hour work week with a 32 hour work week (Four day work week).

Over four days in a week is automatically overtime regardless of hours.

Replace time and a half with double time for any overtime.

Every company must offer a two week paid vacation after each year of employment and also a week of paid maternity or paternity leave.

Ride share and other transportation workers must be paid a living wage or at least have the ability to set their own rates.

The right to work at home if it can be proven that your job can be performed at home.

The Right To Affordable Housing:

A guarantee of the right to affordable housing. The county government a worker resides in has a duty to ensure affordable housing exists with the following criteria: Efficiency apartments of no less than 600 square feet shall not exceed more than one third of a workers pay. One or two bedroom apartments of no less than 800 square feet shall not exceed more than one half of a workers pay. Residents who have resided at least four years of any county in any state will have the right to sue the county they reside in for the difference in total cost they pay versus the total cost they should be paying if such housing is not available (plus attorney fees). The affordable housing cannot have additional costs attached to it that would make the total costs more than one third for efficiencies or one half for one or two bedroom apartments. If such county or local government does not exist then this responsibility passes on to the state to guarantee the right to affordable housing.

Stable Dollar

The dollar shall have a 5 bps burn rate on every electronic transaction including ACH, Fedwire, and SWIFT until the purchasing power of the dollar doubles in value. The Federal Reserve will then keep the dollar stable at this value and immediately implement the burn rate whenever inflation appears. The Federal Reserve will have the ability to meter this burn rate as needed but to not ever exceed 5 bps. The Federal Reserve policy should be that no inflation is acceptable.

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New Mining Projects and Oil Drilling:

25% of all new mining and oil or natural gas revenue from federal lands or coastal areas shall be given to the American people each year, or divided into monthly or quarterly payments, and this payment shall be completely inalienable and not counted as income. Only American citizens can receive this payout.

Space Mining:

25% of all space mining revenue shall be given to the American people each year, or divided into monthly or quarterly payments, and this payment shall be completely inalienable and not counted as income. Only American citizens can receive this payout.

Ending Wage Stagnation:

If a company needs non citizen labor then they shall pay these workers at least 25% more than the average pay in that industry than they do for Americans, the only exception being farm labor. The Department of Labor shall publicly post the national average pay for Americans in each industry and the required minimum pay for the non citizen workers for each industry.

End the 1099 contractor loophole for both citizens and non citizen workers.

Non citizen workers shall receive the same worker rights and employment benefits as citizens.

Non citizen workers should only be used during periods of severe labor shortages to protect the fair market value of labor for Americans.

Social Security:

Lower the retirement age to 60.

Increase the social security payout by 50%.

Government Shutdowns:

Once a year if congress fails to pass the national budget bill within the funding deadline then each United States representative and senator will pay a fine of $20,000.

Student Loan Debt:

Federal student loans will have 0% interest.

Any interest ever paid by borrowers will be deducted from the current principal they owe.

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Term Limits and Stock Reform:

Representatives – 10 Terms

Senators – 5 Terms

Age Limit – 76 Years Old (Representative, Senatorial, or Presidential candidates)

Complete ban on congress members and their immediate family and their partners from owning or trading stocks.

Lobbying and Campaign Finance Reform:

No more lobbying.

No more revolving door.

No more dark money.

No more PACs.

Purging The System of Corruption:

If any corrupt government officials or representatives whether in state, local, or national offices, or judges, or military or intelligence officers, or federal employees retire or resign within 6 months of this amendment being signed into law, they shall receive complete and total amnesty for all crimes (before September 9th 2024) as long as they never seek public office again, or participate in politics, or work for the government.

All previous presidents and their immediate families, cabinet members, and staff shall receive complete and total amnesty for all crimes (before September 9th 2024) as long as they never seek public office, or participate in politics, or work for the government.

Preventing Future Corruption:

Anyone who attempts to bribe, coerce, or blackmail an elected or government official shall be charged with treason and the elected or government official shall be given immunity for reporting the bribery, coercion, or blackmailing attempt.


All American citizens who are descendants of American slaves pay no income tax.

All Native Americans pay no income tax.

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Election Reform:

Election day will be a national holiday.

Ballot harvesting illegal.

No mail in voting.

90 days of early voting prior to election day for all elections.

ID required to vote.

Must be a US citizen to vote in any election.

If any illegal votes are found to have been counted in any election in the official tally then each registered voter of the affected precinct shall receive $1 for each illegal vote and it shall be payed to them by the state they reside in. This $1 per vote amount should be adjusted higher for inflation as time goes on.

National Debt:

A $5 fee on every stock trade will generate enough revenue to completely pay off the national debt within the next 10 years. This fee goes directly to paying off the debt and prohibited from being used on anything else. Once the national debt is completely paid off this fee goes away.


No more than 50,000 refugees or asylum seekers permitted per year.

For the next ten years, 80% of immigration should consist of women aged 18-24 who are willing to marry American men and have their children. If they do not marry an American man and have a child within a five year period then they are sent back to their country. The remaining 20% of immigrants allowed in should be those who are truly exceptional and bring value or family members of legal immigrants wanting to immigrate.


Income Tax – 10%

Corporate – 10%

Capital Gains – 10%

Property Taxes – 0%

The 10% corporate tax rate is only for businesses who have a workforce within the United States all others pay the current corporate tax rate of 21%. The government must bring industry back to America.

If the federal government needs more revenue it must gather it through tariffs or other means.

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Free Speech:

The right to free speech. On all major social media, internet forums, and video apps or sites you have the right to free speech and cannot be deleted from the site or app, de-monetized, de-platformed, shadow banned, or have your reach limited because of what you say.

AI Transparency:

Any AI generated media, including video, audio, image, or text must have a visible disclaimer that says it was generated by AI or contains AI generated media.

The Right To Self Defense:

The right of both Stand Your Ground and The Castle Doctrine.

Internet Bill of Rights

(An internet bill of rights is necessary this entry will serve as a placeholder for this future addition. There must be protections for free speech, preventing deplatforming because of political or religious views, and to protect against AI being used to manipulate or harm humans.)

Keeping Unemployment Low:

Give the President and the Governors the power to force industry wide roll backs of the use of AI and automation so that companies will hire human workers. Companies must have legacy systems on standby in case of these rollbacks. The government will not pay for these

roll backs when they become necessary. The President would also have the power to implement tariffs to prevent jobs from going overseas. The President and Governors would have a duty to do everything they can to keep unemployment below 5%.

Protecting Jobs:

All transportation jobs including rail operation, truck driving, package and mail delivery, food delivery, taxi, rideshare, gig work that involves use of vehicle, etc shall be 100% operated by human drivers who are present in the driving seat and not remotely. (Aside from protecting the workforce it is important to note that anything that connects to the internet can be hacked and it is profoundly dangerous to allow the automation of transportation jobs.)

For customer service jobs, retail, restaurant and hospitality, bars, fast food etc there will be a 50% cap on the use of automation or AI for these jobs so that at least half the workforce at any given location is human.

All call center jobs must return to America. If a product or service is sold in America and has a customer service line or online chat then they must employ workers within the United States for the American customers. There will be a 50% cap on the use of automation or AI for these jobs so that at least half the workforce at any given call center or office for customer support is human.

Ending NGO Hegemony:

Billionaires can no longer use their money as tax free working capital against the population of America like a parasite destroying its host.

Non profits must stay out of politics and be purely charitable or religious based.

If a company or corporation, bank, hedge fund etc is so lush with money that it can freely use millions or billions of dollars or its board membership on publicly traded companies (whether by proxy or directly) as leverage to shape public opinion, create division, erode social trust, or push socially destabilizing narratives then it must fall under anti trust action and be broken up.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.



Here's what's new:

+ Added Deflationary requirements

+ Increased social security from 33% raise to 50% raise

+ Made lower corporate tax rate conditional on hiring Americans

+ Protections against rogue NGOs

+ Protecting jobs from automation and complete ban on automation in transportation

+ Added requirement of minimum four year residency in county for right to affordable housing

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