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Proposed 28th Amendment - We The People Amendment (Updated)

Workers Rights:

The federal minimum wage will start at $14.50 per hour and $7.25 per hour for tipped employees.

Equal pay for women.

Replace the 40 hour work week with a 32 hour work week (Four day work week).

Over four days in a week is automatically overtime regardless of hours.

Replace time and a half with double time for any overtime.

Every company must offer a two week paid vacation after each year of employment and also a week of paid maternity or paternity leave.

Ride share and other transportation workers must be paid a living wage or at least have the ability to set their own rates.

The right to work at home if it can be proven that your job can be performed at home.

The Right To Affordable Housing:

A guarantee of the right to affordable housing. The county government a worker resides in has a duty to ensure affordable housing exists with the following criteria: Efficiency apartments of no less than 600 square feet shall not exceed more than one third of a workers pay. One or two bedroom apartments of no less than 800 square feet shall not exceed more than one half of a workers pay. Residents who have resided at least four years of any county in any state will have the right to sue the county they reside in for the difference in total cost they pay versus the total cost they should be paying if such housing is not available (plus attorney fees). The affordable housing cannot have additional costs attached to it that would make the total costs more than one third for efficiencies or one half for one or two bedroom apartments. If such county or local government does not exist then this responsibility passes on to the state to guarantee the right to affordable housing.

Stable Dollar

The dollar shall have a 5 bps burn rate on every electronic transaction including ACH, Fedwire, and SWIFT until the purchasing power of the dollar doubles in value. The Federal Reserve will then keep the dollar stable at this value and immediately implement the burn rate whenever inflation appears. The Federal Reserve will have the ability to meter this burn rate as needed but to not ever exceed 5 bps. The Federal Reserve policy should be that no inflation is acceptable.

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