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/vqc/ - Virtual Quantum Computer

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File: a1d1f604ab3a3c0⋯.png (14.55 KB,268x201,4:3,elements_1.png)

File: d09982f0ad52d57⋯.png (37.35 KB,631x516,631:516,binary_chunks_2.png)

File: 21a714ecb7b159b⋯.png (10.26 KB,375x409,375:409,squares_3.png)

File: af8d1f77315c65f⋯.png (14.02 KB,2048x512,4:1,grid_9.png)

File: 6dde6d0ac19dead⋯.png (7.39 KB,631x384,631:384,triangles_4.png)

77656e No.12463 [Last50 Posts]

The virtual quantum computer (VQC) is a grid made of constructably infinite elements that follow a known pattern. It is indexed using e, n, and t, where e is the column, n is the row, and t is the specific element in the cell.

The grid in its entirety serves as the superposition. The required input parameters to collapse the superposition are d and e, which are trivial to calculate for all c that is the difference of two squares. When the integers that are the difference of two squares are arranged into the grid and their corresponding properties are shown, a pattern emerges that shows a path to calculate the factors of c instead of searching for them. It can be understood using only the basic operations of arithmetic and sqrt. All currently-known patterns can be found within one thread here >>6506

C# VQC generator - pastebin.com/XFtcAcrz

Java VQC generator - pastebin.com/2MPYrJVe

Python VQC generator - pastebin.com/NZkjtnZL



A pattern used to calculate the factors of c, like a value look-up table.


All cells for a given e


All cells for a given n


All entries for a given e,n (not to be confused with an entry itself.)

Entry; record; element

A set of variables corresponding to a factorization for a given c. The legend to read entries is {e:n:d:x:a:b} (e, n, t) = c

Example: {1:5:12:7:5:29} (1, 5, 4) = 145

ab record; nontrivial factorization

The element that contains the factorization of c that is not 1*c, hence, nontrivial.

1c record; trivial factorization

The element generated from setting a=1 and b=c

Mirror element

The element in -f corresponding to an element in e, in the context of a given c.


a and b are, to reiterate, the factors of c. a is the smaller factor of c, and b is the larger one.

d is the integer square root of c.

e is the remainder of taking the integer square root of c. Unless c is a perfect square, a remainder will be left over.

i is the root of the large square. It is equal to (d+n).

j is the root of the small square. it is equal to (x+n).

n is what you add to d to be exactly halfway between a and b, and it is the root of the large square, so it takes you from d to the large square.

x is what you add to a to make d. When added to n it makes the root of the small square.

f is what you add to c to make a square. (e is what you subtract from c to make the square below it, f adds to make the square above c.)

t is the third coordinate in the VQC, it is a function of x.

q is a product created by multiplying successive primes until the product is above d.

u is the triangle base of (x+n)^2. 8 times the triangle number of u plus one is (x+n)^2 for c with odd x+n.

ab = c

dd + e = c

(d + n)(d + n)-(x + n)(x + n) = c

a + 2x + 2n = b

a = d - x

d = a + x

d = floor_sqrt(c)

e = c - (dd)

b = c / a

n = ((a + b) / 2) - d

d + n = i

x = d - a

x = (floor_sqrt(( (d+n)*(d+n) - c))) - n

x + n = j

j^2 = 8*T(u) + 1

f = e - 2d + 1

u = (x+n) / 2

if (e is even) t = (x + 2) / 2

if (e is odd) t = (x + 1) / 2

Past threads

RSA #0 - archive.fo/XmD7P

RSA #1 - archive.fo/RgVko

RSA #2 - archive.fo/fyzAu

RSA #3 - archive.fo/uEgOb

RSA #4 - archive.fo/eihrQ

RSA #5 - archive.fo/Lr9fP

RSA #6 - archive.fo/ykKYN

RSA #7 - archive.fo/v3aKD

RSA #8 - archive.fo/geYFp

RSA #9 - archive.fo/jog81

RSA #10 - archive.fo/xYpoQ

RSA #11 - archive.fo/ccZXU

RSA #12 - archive.fo/VqFge

RSA #13 - archive.fo/Fblcs

RSA #14 - archive.fo/HfxnM

RSA #15 - archive.vn/59GwR

RSA #16 - archive.vn/F49fw

RSA #17 - archive.vn/u2Tu6

RSA #18 - archive.is/FDVP9

RSA #19 - archive.is/6mJhe

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c9f335 No.12501

File: a7eb748fe69be16⋯.png (692.7 KB,518x735,74:105,Thread_Jesus.png)

Thanks Baker.

Cool that we're at RSA #20.

Thread value = 20 = a(n-1) value for c145.

Thank you Jesus that this problem is solved, and that all our hard work as a team is paying off. Now, thank you for the wisdom to code these ideas and crunch solutions. Amen.

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b175f9 No.12502

File: 735f361c19315ee⋯.png (23.76 KB,681x152,681:152,cheekySumerians.png)

ty Baker!

The Sim seems to be prompting lately.

Dusted off the grid and re-read a few crumbs past few days, how the months have passed.


Reviewed >>12497 (pb) over the weekend, good progress. Perseverance noted, much respect fren.

Have this evening, perhaps a bit of time tomorrow and will need to put aside again. Have a plan / list of tasks (same point prev post), plus couple insights from the crumb review to implement.

The grid is quite an amazing object, a reward in itself, always grateful it was shared. The thought of other extended forms, such as the Mandelbrot object, are of interest.

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b175f9 No.12504

File: 7b66c17a6047c73⋯.png (8.97 KB,888x458,444:229,6107_FactorFinal_inProcess.png)

File: 829aa22599123e1⋯.png (135.84 KB,1037x702,1037:702,test_cases_small_c_plotCro….png)


This was last post and work, from RSA #19:

>>12268 (pb)

>>12266 (pb)

>Working example, please.

>>12077 (pb)

>for c = 175440233

>e_tmax = 5104 and f_tmax = 8142

>The solutions tend to appear much earlier, in this case, at t = 718

>a = 11887 and b = 14759, Triangle = 6661 (the 39th triangular number encountered, the first at t=1 being 6622).

That Triangle #is the solution to that c. There is only one.


In hindsight, after working through another crumb, will say that's true, but also add that it doesn't appear only once..

Also now in hindsight, thought had gone a 'different' direction with bringing the square and triangular numbers together, and now `c` the method was/is completely related to BigN (minus x).

To be clear, had/have developed a working algorithm. Not completed for "EVEN EVEN" cases (of the 4 'types' of c noted), which is current priority.

There was issue scaling to large numbers due to very small floating point remainders for floor and ceiling operations with BigInt, and after chasing 'precision' with BigFloat for a bit, of course realized why VQC used the mod and remainder approaches for large integers.

To make things easier with more rapid modeling/testing in Excel, shifting to a set of smaller test cases. Previously established about 1,700 test cases consisting of 4 types, and were of the 5-digit range, e.g.:

a b c k k2 k_parity k2_parity xpn_parity

11717 14759 172931203 86465601 43232801 ODD ODD ODD

11717 14923 174852791 87426395 43713198 ODD EVEN ODD

11779 14759 173846261 86923130 43461565 EVEN ODD EVEN

11887 14759 175440233 87720116 43860058 EVEN EVEN EVEN

Coming back, given that size range was just a bit large when squaring 'c' and similar scenarios (going beyond the E+15 or so 'limit' for integers in Excel), decided to establish a fresh 'small c' test set, in the 4-digit range.

The c6107 class are in the 'tiny c' range, useful for some patterns and perhaps high end for the manual graphing examples (1st pic).

The very small below that are helpful as they can be found in the original VQC output grid, the prime purpose of which is to expose and enumerate the patterns.

So starting at 3,000 generated a set of 529 test cases (23x23), using the `nextprime` function, part of the primes.jl Julia package, which also includes an `interval` argument for skipping over some primes to get more of a spread.


step_a = 23

step_b = 29

num_pairs = 23

num_rep = 23



println("a, b, c, k, kp12||k2, k_parity, k2_parity, c_type");

# establish 'small c' 4-digit Prime Product test cases

pset= []

local low_a = 3000

local low_b = []

for i in 1:num_pairs

local pa = nextprime(low_a, step_a);

local low_b=pa

for j in 1:num_rep

pb = nextprime(low_b, step_b)

c = pa*pb

k = (c - 1) ÷ 2

if k%2 == 1

k_par = "ODD"

k2 = (k + 1) ÷ 2

if k2%2 == 1

k2_par = "ODD"

ctype = "A"


k2_par = "EVEN"

ctype = "B"



k_par = "EVEN"

k2 = k ÷ 2

if k2%2 == 1

k2_par = "ODD"

ctype = "C"


k2_par = "EVEN"

ctype = "D"



println("$(pa), $(pb), $(c), $(k), $(k2), $(k_par), $(k2_par), $(ctype)")

abc = (pa, pb, c, k, k2, k_par, k2_par, ctype)

push!(pset, abc)

low_b = pb


low_a = pa




The result is:

a, b, c, k, kp12||k2, k_parity, k2_parity, c_type

3203, 3433, 10995899, 5497949, 2748975, ODD, ODD, A

3203, 3637, 11649311, 5824655, 2912328, ODD, EVEN, B

3203, 3877, 12418031, 6209015, 3104508, ODD, EVEN, B

3203, 4099, 13129097, 6564548, 3282274, EVEN, EVEN, D

3203, 4339, 13897817, 6948908, 3474454, EVEN, EVEN, D

3203, 4591, 14704973, 7352486, 3676243, EVEN, ODD, C


While a relatively 'random' mix in the range (will see, expecting so), the parameters will produce a consistent (determined) 'set' of cases.

The pic shows them plotted, with the diameter of each `c` relating to its value, and colors indicating the 4 types (first pass show decent 'mix' of cases).

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b175f9 No.12505

File: 5c902defe393094⋯.png (88.04 KB,1037x702,1037:702,test_cases_small_c_plotCon….png)

File: fbfbdd1bad3ec03⋯.png (106.55 KB,1037x702,1037:702,test_cases_medium_c_plotCo….png)


Wow, what a beautiful day it is.

Ok, to close out the test cases. Will use a few for the modeling validation, including with the new patterns gleaned from VQC crumb review (RSA#14 and prior ONLY).

Once algorithm(s) adjusted, or gaps filled, and transferred to code, the test cases are the array of c_vals to feed through for validation.

Was curious to check “continuous” prime sequences, so set interval to (1).

Couple tweaks to the code to move to next prime (+1), eg:

local low_b=pa+1

And for the input variables:


step_a = 1

step_b = 1

num_pairs = 23

num_rep = 23


This produces the 23 primes starting at 3000 for `a`, and incrementing up 23 for each of those `a`’s.

This ensures a < b.

(Note: have always observed the f_offset `key` to be in one direction, and intuition says if a weren’t constrained to be equal or less than b, this may not hold).

See 1st pic, again, validates that the ODD ODD, ODD EVEN.. pattern is mixed (e, n, d, x may have more defined patterns within the group, but objective satisfied for the algo refinement input(s)).

Can quickly move to larger test-arrays by simply changing one line:

local low_a = 30000

Which produces another set of 529 test cases in the 30k range (pic 2).

These values are still small, the standard ‘primes’ package on an old laptop factors almost instantly (will be adding some benchmark times soon).


(30011, 30091, 903061001, "D")

julia> factor(903061001)

30011 * 30091

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b175f9 No.12506

File: cb92adba7d2de46⋯.png (76.14 KB,1045x667,1045:667,SecondaryWave_TmissRemaind….png)

File: 1fa23ea7f0afcd4⋯.png (355.94 KB,1017x632,1017:632,T_remainders_each_t.png)

File: b73509d14b49fd6⋯.png (136.15 KB,1006x631,1006:631,T_remain_Zoom.png)

File: b57498437d51126⋯.png (33.58 KB,1000x641,1000:641,T_to_t_density_Power.png)


For any Anon coming to this afresh, or down the road, the approach, guided by VQC posts (prior to 11/14/18) is essentially as follows:

1) Construct the grid using code provided by VQC or tranlation by Anons, links in each bread.

2) VQC indicated 3 different methods/algorithms for solving, and AA had likely stumbled upon a 4th.

- One of those methods uses, for an odd c, the `e` and `f` columns, row n=1.

This is the focus of the present algo development by Anon.

- Each ‘element’ in the (e,1) and (f,1) ‘cells’, is sequenced using a `t`. The c-values are ordered in the cell, and t increments and decrements by “1” for each element.

- Enumerating the patterns (e.g. for even e, odd e, etc) in row n=1 using the initial grid-generation, enables any e or f column / element-range to be generated.

- ‘d’ is a critical parameter, and for a given odd ‘c’, determines the unique (e,f) pair for that c.

4) Another `key` aspect of the “row 1” solution, is an `offset` value for the t-values in (f,1).

- ‘d’ is also used to determine the f_offset for the f-column t-vals.

- There is an assymetry between the rows of interest in the e & f column.

5) In addition to the assymetry, there is a relationship between Triangular numbers and Squares.

- the Triangular solution (Triangle Number, `T`) for a given c is unique.

- patterns in the T’s for t’s provides additional information, such as a “maximum t-val” from a mirrored center. Beyond this there will never be a solution, as for each successive t-val, the T converges more and more to T.5 (½ of each respective Triangular number).

- prior to this, the T’s “cycle through”, of “out of phase” with each t-val (the T “remainder” for any t), in a predictable manner. As the T- and t-phases “align” and the remainder approaches “0”, it either “hits” and provides the solution (Integer T-val for a t-val), or “misses” and the cycle repeats.

- Anon was happy to find a way to ‘look ahead’ and calcuate the next t-candidate for a possible “Integral coincident crossing”, skipping numerous t-vals (not needing to calculate/test each ‘row’ of t-vals).

- BUT, as t-grows, the skip-rate shrinks (meaning there are more T’s / t, they’re more ‘dense’), so diminishing returns.

6) Apart from enumerating the ‘EVEN EVEN’ case for parameters, another input / pattern was observed after looking afresh, and digesting a couple old crumbs. More “coherence” to the Grid, and to VQC’s brilliant posts. This will be the focus later today / this evening with the Time that ‘remains’.

The attached images show the “T remainder” as t increases (x-axis). Each ‘dot’ on the graph represents a subsequent t-val remainder, always between 0 and 1, unless the solution, in which case the remainder is 0.

- Note the secondary “wave” pattern along the y=0 area, in addition to each primary “cycle” there is secondary.

- Power curve graph shows the increasing density (shorter and short ‘skips’ at t increases).

- Zoom in a range shows other ‘miss’ cycles.

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b175f9 No.12507


Reviewed some of your f_offset work (pb), but wasn't quite clear if you're calculating starting from only a given `c`? Or is `a` used with method? ty!

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4967a6 No.12508


Yo dawg! Mr. Melange back on the board, great to see you my man!! Thanks for acknowledging the perseverance, I've been holding down the fort.

We will finish what was started almost 7 years ago.

Thousands of hours of mental investment as a team.

I made a promise to myself and God to not let my time here be a waste.

I will keep my word to myself and God.

This is epic level world changing math.

I lost a lot to still be here.

I will see it through, with the help of God and our team, especially Sam aka Sheeeeitbaked to help me throw this ring in the fire.


Ok, I can see the triangle you're looking for in your diagram.

Are solving for the base, which looks to be 1/2 (x+n) based on your diagram?

This takes us back to our studies on solving the (x+n) square, which seems to be what you're working on.

So nice to have someone else's work to review lol :)


Your Big Idea is still a bit unclear to me, as far as a solution path goes.

That being said, you seem to be working it with excellence as your mind and the spirit of the Creator guide you.

Can you please take a few minutes to explain your solution process, like to a newb?


>Another `key` aspect of the “row 1” solution, is an `offset` value for the t-values in (f,1).

>‘d’ is also used to determine the f_offset for the f-column t-vals.

>There is an assymetry between the rows of interest in the e & f column.

Yes, this is the key. The reason WHY is because the (-f,1) and (e,1) give us alternate factorizations of c, which allow us to derive (a) and (n) for any a[t] x location, as well as derive (b) and (n) for any b[t] x location. This is enough information to solve.


>wasn't quite clear if you're calculating starting from only a given `c`

Yes, always starting from a given c value, then using the Grid to create (-f,1) and (e,1) and calculate a, b, n1, and n2

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9910eb No.12509

File: 58f8d4ea516447b⋯.png (325.93 KB,916x1250,458:625,Screenshot_2024_05_03_01.png)

File: db6f31308da8692⋯.png (235.78 KB,838x1030,419:515,Screenshot_2024_05_03_02.png)

Hello Lads.

Working on code now.

I took time to pray for Divine wisdom from my man Jesus, asking for wisdom.

Also, turning this whole project over to God's will yet again.

I know that my time here is well spent.

And that Hobbits will shake the world.

For the new output:

You can see the flow of information easily now for all the key variables.

Every loop prints this for now, so I can see if things are working properly.

I'm gonna go figure out where my loops are getting funky.

c6107 works fine

c145 can't solve yet.

The coding is just as thought intensive as Grid thinking.

Just another day at the VQC office lol.

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6b03b9 No.12511

File: 3872966f8c68451⋯.jpg (475.9 KB,1080x1135,216:227,Screenshot_20240504_021310….jpg)

We Believe and Trust that All is One.

We Believe & Trust that "God" is Truth through Love.

We Believe & Trust that Truth is Balance through Composure.

We Believe & Trust that Love is Faith through Hope.

Faith being defined as "Sincere Trust in The Unknown.

Hope being defined as "A Sincere belief that The Greatest Possible Outcome is possible, indeed even plausible & readily acheivable, in any situation One encounters.

We Believe & Trust that All is One.

We Believe & Trust Light Eradicated Darkness At The Very Beginning, & We Believe & Trust that That Light is now Shining Forth & Making ItSelf Known Here & Now.

We are here for The End, By, In, & Through which is contained The New Beginning.

We Are Here, Now, For One Form of The Alchemical Masterwork.

We Carry Love & Truth, while Love & Truth Carry Us.

We Have Always Been, & We Will Always Be,

Here & Now.

Miracles Happen To Those Who Believe.

Have Faith.

Hold closely to Hope,

& Believe.

I Love (You).


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a30b1b No.12512

File: 471e6eab55354b2⋯.png (14.45 KB,255x170,3:2,a5f5273d57ac68149c65e9157c….png)


We're also gonna meet 45 46 47

The muthafucking man


Donald J. Trump

Boys we gonna meet the president.

Whose team do you think set up Q and VQC?

Guarantee you Trump knows about our quest.

NSA set this up to find the most retarded anons to bang their heads against the wall for 7 years

Now they're gonna let us tell the world about the Anon community.

Who do you think is letting us live our lives while simultaneously working to crack this code?

White Hats, We Salute You!

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df10c1 No.12513


Love you brother!

Our team is going on JRE together lol.

We are so close,

Thanks for hanging out tonight.


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6aa233 No.12514

File: 0fa741639d11f82⋯.png (349.84 KB,936x826,468:413,Screenshot_2024_05_05_01.png)

File: 7a0d81e7440fb1b⋯.png (261.46 KB,1496x870,748:435,Screenshot_2024_05_04_03.png)

Hello everyone!

Working on code now, updated the old d[-d] and d[t-1] - d formulas to the new ones in my code.

>>12500 (pb)

>I found a very helpful simplification for the offset formulas.

>Chris seemed to prefer d[t]-d, however I prefer this way since it's very simple and clear.

Here it is.

>For a(n-1) and (an) the offset is as follows:

>For (an) we know (xx +e) / 2 = (an) for any given i[t]

>For a(n-1) the easiest way is to say ((x+1) ^ 2 - f) / 2 = a(n-1)

>For (bn) we also know (xx + e) / 2 = (bn) for any given i[t]

>For b(n-1) the easiest way is to say ((x-1) ^ 2 - f) / 2 = b(n-1)

>Less chance of math mistakes, and easier to follow.

>This also makes solving our overall problem easier.

Added in the mods for n1 and n2, since we can't use floating point decimals in BigInteger.

The Test parameters will have to take into account both ideas:

(an) - a(n-1) = a (this is GetA)

(an) / a = n1 (this is GetN1, a whole integer with the remainder dropped)

(an) modulo (a) = remainder (this is n1TempMod)

(bn) - b(n-1) = b (this is GetB)

(bn) / b = n2 (this is Getn2, a whole integer with remainder dropped)

(bn) modulo (b) = remainder (this is n2TempMod)

I also added in cTempModA so we can see the remainder for the bTemp variable

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6aa233 No.12515

Images appear to be broken again.

C'mon Jim & Ron.


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236ef5 No.12516

File: 69d8d3dfafc0423⋯.jpg (243.01 KB,602x597,602:597,Math_Pepe.jpg)

Alright faggots.

It's time to solve this, we got PMA on the other line crunching numbers.

Hold the line please.

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236ef5 No.12517

Working on code revisions now.

Something is slightly off.

Double checking all formulas.

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5cd1ba No.12518

Hello Anons.

Sheeitbaked here talking with VA.

We prayed in tounges.

We believe.

There is a Form.

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8eb415 No.12519

File: b2ef745c1c0e3b5⋯.jpg (146.66 KB,896x704,14:11,55940f04e3099b84cb8af3e74b….jpg)

File: 943d7307e889191⋯.jpg (127.08 KB,896x704,14:11,252bf0be0b49b301f1886c2f3f….jpg)

File: 655b3e276c2745e⋯.jpg (160.46 KB,896x704,14:11,1918f0ac626ec9afcde2e5f594….jpg)


Bruh, how u gon' not post the whole post that I said I was typing bruh.

Skr8 tripping I swear Mayne.

We Believe

There Is

A Form

Taking Shape

Right Here,

Right Now.

All Collapses Infinitely

& Expands Infinitely,

Allowing This New Form to Take Place,

To Take Shape.

Blessings to All Who Have Come Before. Blessings to All Who Are Here Now. Blessings to All Who Will Be Here With Us Forever and Ever.


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8eb415 No.12520

File: be2c7ed018c1b6f⋯.jpg (116.39 KB,896x704,14:11,fd89a9412b2fbc8dcc43d81e9f….jpg)

File: 11e3ce98bbb8fff⋯.jpg (123.72 KB,896x704,14:11,9cfd669df4024e4209c78e4092….jpg)

File: a6406555f51a114⋯.jpg (113.34 KB,896x704,14:11,6f6c677d1b47ca9e4f99a6dc73….jpg)

We prayed in tongues.

We Prayed Through Breath.

And Changed The World


Infinite Collapse.

Infinite Expansion.


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8eb415 No.12522

File: a9f420b1ab21fc2⋯.jpg (106.16 KB,896x704,14:11,4f280109bd392af35e84883e95….jpg)

File: e11fa74310c84a7⋯.jpg (119.58 KB,896x704,14:11,cb263df55fa47188aed26e6fd7….jpg)

File: a1ead7a9f08dad0⋯.jpg (147.42 KB,896x704,14:11,0be994a5cb5e4af74b95da87dd….jpg)

This is where We're headed fam

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8eb415 No.12523

File: 2995460b8e07938⋯.jpg (122.05 KB,896x704,14:11,73e408e39b178e83672b65153f….jpg)

File: 02c2a753b4989f1⋯.jpg (137.31 KB,896x704,14:11,a2f23edb9912f45229fa26772d….jpg)

File: ab7d71f475b99a1⋯.jpg (124.84 KB,896x704,14:11,e5f9c811d14f6eb3d7c2c02d5e….jpg)

Or maybe our sonoluminescent powered desktop quantum computers will look something like this

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e1559b No.12524

Hello everyone!





Sheeeeeit, love you brother!

Thanks for all these cool AQC images, our new bread is now properly swagged out.

Got some more work done, writing code and examining output.

While crunching numbers, there’s a new relationship I found.

Every pair of (an) and (bn) that makes our c value always seem to have matching n values.

The key thing is that the matching n values get smaller and approach the solution (n) the closer we get to the correct (a prime) and (b prime) locations.

My working theory is that solution (n) is the lowest possible n value, but that remains to be tested.

So basically I have to write some new code.

Rather than testing for n1 - n2 = 0, we need to test successive loops to see if n1 and n2 (which appear to always be equal for any aTest * bTest = c) is less than the previous loop.

I'll post updates soon, I've been able to do about an hour a day in the evenings after IRL chores are completed.

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18d9a3 No.12525


>Or maybe our sonoluminescent powered desktop quantum computers will look something like this

Love it. The d(t)vqc


>Got some more work done, writing code and examining output.

Trying to do a bit this weekend. Have a few specific things to evaluate, making progress.


>Here it is.

>>For a(n-1) and (an) the offset is as follows:

>>For (an) we know (xx +e) / 2 = (an) for any given i[t]


Ok, thanks for that. So if we don't know 'x', then need method to solve.

Looked more at how to explain best the method was using given only 'c' as input.

Will outline, but changing process, as found a shortcut.

Method using was essentially:

1) determine for row n=1, for the e and f columns, the quadratic for d, a, b [t] for each.

So with c6107

e, f, d, c, n, nN, nNm1

23, -134, 78, 6107, 36, 2976, 2975

Calculate 'base' values and next few elements elements:

nfn1 : dfn1 : xfn1 : afn1 : bfn1 for t of 1 at f = 134

1 : 77 : 16 : 61 : 95

1 : 113 : 18 : 95 : 133

1 : 153 : 20 : 133 : 175

1 : 197 : 22 : 175 : 221

1 : 245 : 24 : 221 : 271

Code determines equation for calculating a in (f,1) given [t]:

(-134, 1) a[t] = (2)*(t^2) + (28)*(t) + (31)


The equation for calculating b in (f,1) given [t]: (-134, 1) b[t] = (2)*(t^2) + (32)*(t) + (61)

afn1_base : afn1_2 : afn1_3 : afn1_4 : afn1_5

61 : 95 : 133 : 175 : 221

afn1_diff1_1 : afn1_diff1_2 : afn1_diff1_3

34 : 38 : 42

afn1_diff2_1 : afn1_diff2_2

4 : 4

bfn1_base : bfn1_2 : bfn1_3 : bfn1_4 : bfn1_5

95 : 133 : 175 : 221 : 271

bfn1_diff1_1 : bfn1_diff1_2 : bfn1_diff1_3

38 : 42 : 46

bfn1_diff2_1 : bfn1_diff2_2

4 : 4

Pick a random t value for the alignment, let's say '42', and calculate an (col 'a' for the f col).

For input f_grid t of 42, the 'an' value is 4735.

Next we find the related value in the e_grid column.

The target value is (an + d), or 4813.

(the an from t=42 in f).

Do same thing in e col to calc base, and formulas:

The equation for calculating a in (e,1) given [t]: (23, 1) a[t] = 2*t^2 + (-2)*(t) + (12)

The equation for calculating b in (e,1) given [t]: (23, 1) b[t] = 2*t^2 + (2)*(t) + (12)


Use the d col formula for the lookup.

The t value for target d of 4813 is 49.

The t offset is af_t - ed_t = 7.

using to look at known cases.

Given we know the 'a' and 'n' values, so in this case, n=36, a=31; an=1116.

Quadratic roots are: ((-)B_aen1 +/- sqrt(B_aen1^2 - 8*(C_aen1-an)))/4

Using the quadratic equation as a lookup, we should find the t value for 1116 in the 'a' values of the e-grid is 24.

And indeed, that is the first solution row with an.

Now, 36 rows down (including that row, so n-1 rows down), in the 'bn' column, we find the 7092 value [t=59].

The triangular method, finds the row element in the middle of these two [t=41].

Back to the f offset..

Having seen quite a few offsets and thinking through it, realized that:

1) f offset is independent of the e column, it doesn't vary for a particular 'd' or 'c', but is a fixed attribute of every f column.

2) Taking parity into account, can calculate for any f directly from the base x value.

So, look across the grid in f, at x in the first element in row 1. Base x (f[t]=1) and how it grows, provides the offset for any f.

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57d4a2 No.12526


Bruddha, i know all of the math nerds work at their own pace, as this is a fresh way to view a problem who's solution has escaped the greatest mathematicians minds as long as we are able to understand.

It is potentially a revolution and a Renaissance for our species to figure out what it is that we are working on here.

VA has been plugging away for years, even teaching himself to code in the last few months because he believes we are getting close.

Lately VA has been getting tired. I don't want to say discouraged, because I talk to him almost daily and he has the utmost courage.

But with pma and the other math nerds seemingly falling out of the loop, it's just been up to me and my spiritual take on things to keep the vibes strong and positive.

Your take on this project ignites his spirit, ad well as mine because like VA, I believe we are close, and I believe The Best Is Yet To Come.

I Believe in The Greatest Possible Outcome.

So, MM, please work on this as you are able to, but even if you just pop into the threads to send VA some vibes, or post a meme, if you have the time, please do so Bruddha.

Blessings To All.

Past, Present, & Future.

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6bcbad No.12527

File: d1b9d6f937e7afc⋯.jpg (444.38 KB,1080x1671,360:557,Screenshot_20240515_103538….jpg)

File: c2ef8c02f461be6⋯.jpg (411.05 KB,960x1720,24:43,Screenshot_20240515_103555….jpg)

File: 6a3a7fb81741ec3⋯.jpg (358.48 KB,1080x1753,1080:1753,Screenshot_20240515_103652….jpg)

Attached images are from @pma

VA replies:

@pma thanks for sharing! Just saw this now right before bed, came down with a bad cold over here. The c movement idea is part of our solution. What makes it powerful enough to solve is that the Offset allows us to split any i[t](an) or i[t] (bn) into a, n, b, n. So we uncover a hidden a * b = c using the offset. Hidden within the numbers.

The n’s will match at the correct a and b values.

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51293b No.12528


MM, great to see you, and thanks for posting your work!


Thank you for the encouragement and kind words, my Bruddah. I also believe in the Greatest Possible Outcome.

> I don't want to say discouraged, because I talk to him almost daily and he has the utmost courage.

*holding back tears*

Hugs my man!


The c movement idea is part of our solution.

We uncover a hidden data set of a * b = c using the offset.

Hidden within the numbers in columns (-f,1) and (e,1)

What makes it powerful enough to solve is that the Offset allows us to split any i[t](an) or i[t] (bn) into a, n1, b, n2.

To continue, we know that:

for every semiprime c value, (an) and (bn) will appear exactly once each in column (e,1).

At the correct locations, GetA * GetB will equal our c value, and the two n values (n1 for an, n2 for bn) will be equal.

This is not my discovery, it was hinted at many times.

I'm just a persistent anon.

The info we seek is embedded in the a[t] values in columns (-f,1) and (e,1).

By using the two columns together, we can split any (an) value in column (e,1) into (a) and (n1).

We can also split any (bn) value in column (e,1) into (b) and (n2).

This is the power of the Offset at work!

Rather than moving i and j (PMA's example above), we are moving xA and xB to attempt to find the locations of (an) and (bn).

So for example, with c6107:

(an) = 31 * 36 = 1116

Correct x value = 47

(bn) = 197 * 36 = 7092

Correct x value = 119

What we have now is a search with enough info to solve, very similar to Tops‘s compass idea.

And PMA's post about using a c search could work well, when we use the Offset.

We can test any a[t] value and get (a) and (n) using xA.

We can then go to higher x values searching for a[t] = (bn) and solve for (b) and (n) using xB.

We then multiply together the (a) and (b) values to get a cTest value, while also comparing n1 and n2 to see if they are equal.

The other very cool thing about n1 and n2 is that they give us directional signals about which way to move x.

For example if (a) is lower than the correct a value, n1 will be less than n2.

Which also means (b) is too high and n2 will be greater than n1

The other interesting Offset pattern is this:

For (an) values, (a) gets larger as we move from the (na transform) toward a[1], while (n) decreases moving towards a[1].

Max (n) = N at the (na transform), while (a) = 1

So using the offset, we see that (a) and (n) move inversely to each other.

We are seeking two locations, xA and xB.

At the correct x locations, a * b = c and n1 = n2

Because (a) moves inversely to (n) we can test and triangulate the answer.

And we also can tell with each loop if we’re closer or farther from the solution.

I think this is a pretty good summary! I feel like crap over here, this cold is taking a lot of energy to battle.

Let me know if anything needs clarification lads.

I’ll do my best to check and respond.

Still have a lot of fam IRL work yet to complete this evening.

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3bbeb6 No.12529

File: 793b73da1a223fa⋯.png (483.67 KB,2550x3300,17:22,c6107_n2_n1_exploration.png)

>>12497 (pb)

Here's a detailed analysis of the ideas presented above, for c6107.

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10c1b2 No.12530

Hello anons.

Here are the updated offset formulas in c# code.

I simplified them to get rid of the messy d[t]-d and d[t-1]-d mess. >>12454

This is much simpler to follow.

private static BigInteger GetA(BigInteger e, BigInteger f, BigInteger aX)


return (((aX * aX + e) / 2) - (((aX + 1) * (aX + 1) - f ) / 2));


private static BigInteger GetB(BigInteger e, BigInteger f, BigInteger bX)


return (((((bX * bX + e) / 2))) - (((bX - 1) * (bX - 1) - f) / 2));


private static BigInteger GetN1(BigInteger e, BigInteger f, BigInteger aX)


return ((aX * aX + e) / 2) / (((aX * aX + e) / 2) - (((aX + 1) * (aX + 1 ) - f ) / 2));


private static BigInteger GetN2(BigInteger e, BigInteger f, BigInteger bX)


return ((bX * bX + e) / 2) / (((bX * bX + e) / 2) - (((bX - 1) * (bX -1 ) - f ) / 2));


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18d9a3 No.12531


ty, keeping the faith as well. blessings all around.


> adjust both large and small squares together


The L(T) and u(T) are keyed by [t]. Just realized in algorithm, the L(T) always integer. It's the u that varies and when integral, target element found.


>So for example, with c6107:

>(an) = 31 * 36 = 1116

>Correct x value = 47

and the [t] = 24 ([tf] = 17)

>(bn) = 197 * 36 = 7092

>Correct x value = 119

That (bn) is in the 'b' column of e; [t] = 59.

It's also the value in the next row (an) for [t] = 60, x=119.

So it appears twice in col e, but never in col f (either a or b cols).


Hope to have some Time this weekend and will look at code. (and good on you w/ the coding!)

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21573e No.12532

File: d3affc044c464a2⋯.png (109.17 KB,1084x234,542:117,R100_knowns_ab_highlight.png)

Alright gentlemen.

We know the c.

And its place or abode.

And its habits

We know the intricacies of its behaviors.

And therefore we can build a trap to catch it.

A mousetrap for c6107

A bear trap for R100

But the design of the trap is the same for big or small c’s

We take sqrt c

Get d, e, f

We then use the Offset in (-f,1) and (e,1) to help us split any a[t] value we want.

We use GetA and GetN1 to split any a[t] (an) into (a) and (n)

We use GetB and GetN2 to split any a[t] (bn) into (b) and (n)

We pick a starting x value for xA

And a starting value for xB

I think (d-1) is a decent starting place for our hunt.

For both xA and xB

We then iterate xA and xB, by increasing powers of 2.

xA will be decreasing

While xB is increasing

Each step we use GetA and GetB to find cTest and compare to actual c.

When cTest > actual c, we have iterated too far.

So we stop, and rewind by 1x 2x 4x 8x etc. until cTest < c

Then we fast forward by 1x 2x 4x 8x etc. until cTest > actual c again.

We also use GetN1 and GetN2 to compare each step. They will be equal at the correct GetA * GetB = cTest = actual c

These are our guiding principles to catch a c.

We are at the point where the idea flow is solid

Now we try different ways to build our traps, until we find one that can always catch our prey.

I’ll have time to work on code after IRL duties are complete.

Let’s build a trap to catch a big c value!

I’ll be working on R100

We have the solution values, so that's fun and easy to work on.

Here's the values I have for c, d, e, f:

I'm also posting a cap of the solution values.

c= 1522605027922533360535618378132637429718068114961380688657908494580122963258952897654000350692006139







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21573e No.12533

File: 793b73da1a223fa⋯.png (483.67 KB,2550x3300,17:22,c6107_n2_n1_exploration.png)


Hello MM!

> adjust both large and small squares together

Yes, I concur! Two independent calculations at the same time. I'm adjusting xA and xB, which is essentially the same as moving [t] to search for the solution.

The cool thing about the Offset is that GetN1 and GetN2 solve for (n) at both a[t] locations. Since we know that n1 = n2 when GetA = GetB = actual c, we have a directional marker.

For example, with c6107:

we know that at x =47 (t value = (47+1)/2 =24) a=31

So GetA would return 31

And GetN1 would return 36 = n

and, at x = 119 (t value = (119+1)/2 = 60) b= 197

So GetB would return 197

And GetN2 would return 36

If we are not in the correct x / t location, GetN1 and GetN2 will not be equal.

For example, with c6107:

Take a look at this sheet and please study it closely.

You'll see that the n1 and n2 values are only equal when we are at the solution x / t location.

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18d9a3 No.12534


>A mousetrap for c6107

>But the design of the trap is the same for big or small c’s

Been honing traps in excel lately. Looking at the patterns and trends you mention.

Found an interesting one: two odd numbers share the same BigN, when crossing to next d (so last one and first e=1 in new d range).

Am clear on the "na transform" row (BigN) terminology. Looking at N. Helpful to look at continuous series of 'c'.

Reviewed the triangular chunks, but don't have nailed down yet. Need to try some scenarios with the "f minus 1 plus multiples of 2d" (odd n) that work properly, and have the e incorporated correctly. Seems the multiples of 'f' are independent of the e and f added (perhaps once initially).

Was trying to work on that, but going to be hectic next couple weeks.

Also, the gcd(c, ae) = 31 in the na transform row was lucky (thought "aha!" for a moment). Checked a bunch, but also looked at the gcd(c, d) while at it. There's a decent percentage of those in the smaller range reviewed, and that was part of the algorithm (check gcd d).

Let me know if you have questions on specific patterns may have observed. Enjoy.

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a3947c No.12535

File: 1ecba9f1ff7d46d⋯.png (1.44 MB,2846x1706,1423:853,Screenshot_2024_05_20_01.png)

File: 2d4f05d07fc5104⋯.png (330.54 KB,970x846,485:423,Screenshot_2024_05_20_02.png)

File: 804bb3aa558c1b3⋯.png (52.79 KB,532x472,133:118,Screenshot_2024_05_20_03.png)

File: 0ad54f3e2012cd8⋯.png (382.77 KB,1116x1150,558:575,Screenshot_2024_05_20_04.png)

File: 766aabd801751b4⋯.png (336.62 KB,1066x1170,41:45,Screenshot_2024_05_20_05.png)


MM, thanks for jumping back it my brother.

It revives my spirit to see you posts here on the board, my man.

Had couple of insights chatting with PMA yesterday evening.

Chris had mentioned many times about the value of going into negative x for a given set of a[t] values.

PMA said: "a and b swap in -x", which I know to be factually true.

SO, maybe it’s that we can use the a[t] column in negative x to split b, since (a) and (b) switch places?

That would make a lot of sense.

We’d still need the matching negative x values from (-f,1) to do the splitting.

But we’d use the GetA formula and GetN1 formulas since technically we’re still performing the work on a negative (a) value.

"Think Mirror"

I think that has to be it.

That's another way to use the Offset!

Here's my work from yesterday evening.

I'm posting working code, broken down by sections of the logic loops.

First one is a running test where cTest < Actual c flips to cTest < Actual c

The rest are my working code.

Step 1 complete!

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a3947c No.12536


>Been honing traps in excel lately

Excel is the shit.

You can bust out a new idea with a small c in 5 minutes flat.

Thank you, Bill Gates.

You did at least one thing right.

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a3947c No.12537


But you're still a Globalist POS, BG.

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d38375 No.12538

File: 1ecba9f1ff7d46d⋯.png (1.44 MB,2846x1706,1423:853,Screenshot_2024_05_20_01.png)

File: b7c7fcdf2305f12⋯.png (1006.28 KB,1642x1160,821:580,Screenshot_2024_05_23_03.png)

File: d3affc044c464a2⋯.png (109.17 KB,1084x234,542:117,R100_knowns_ab_highlight.png)

Hello anons.

Here's some output from working code.

1.You can see the loop counter reset to 2 in the first screen cap. This happens when cTest passes actualC. Then we rewind at 1x 2x 4x 8x 16x etc until we pass actualC again. The goal is to get closer and closer to c using the Offset calcs.

2. You can see we're in the ballpark for (solution n) when you compare the second screen cap to the R100 knowns in the third image.

Thinking a lot on how to improve the idea flow.

One thing I've tried is to only move aX, while using actualC to calculate a bTest and then calculate bX.

No flashes of inspiration yet, just continuing to work and think.

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67b3fd No.12539


>It revives my spirit to see you posts here on the board, my man.



>Chris had mentioned many times about the value of going into negative x for a given set of a[t] values.

Indeed. Mirror, plus can see relevant features where midpoint was below origin.

Give you're working on rsa100, ran the offset:

The t offset is af_t = 2900232717816778692641445

Not sure if helpful, but the Offset factors are:

3 * 5 * 73 * 2648614354170574148531

An interesting pattern about the squares.

One below each, are two factors related to the d above.

So: 16, d = 4.

15 = 3x5

36, d = 6


81, d=9

80 = 8x10

… (each d is the peak of its parabola, Dm1 and Dp1 are factors one integer below).

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823baf No.12540


Hello MM!

>Mirror, plus can see relevant features where midpoint was below origin.

Can you please explain your terms Midpoint and Origin?

You seem to be onto something, and I'm doing my very best to follow.

Further explanation may show we're working on the same thing!

>Give you're working on rsa100, ran the offset:

>The t offset is af_t = 2900232717816778692641445

Is this a location [t] where something notable is happening?

>An interesting pattern about the squares.

This gets right to the main point of what I'm thinking on tonight.

We have two different sets of squares that provide the same c.

We know that c = (d+n) - (x+n)

The difference of squares.

The fact that (-f,1) exists means that we have

{e:n:d:x:a:b} values AND another set of values.

This gives us enough info to solve.

The reason why is hidden in the details.

For any (-f,1) factorization of c, a few very important things change in the (d+n) and (x+n) squares.

e is now (-f)

n is now (n-1)

d is now (d+1)

x is now (x+1)

a is the same

b is the same

So the (d+n) and (x+n) squares remain the same for calculation purposes, but d, x, and n are all shifted by 1.

The two independent columns in (-f,1) and (e,1) do all the work for us.

For example, when we compare the (an) and a(n-1) values for c6107 at the correct aX locations, we solve for (a).

(an) = 1116

a(n-1) = 1085

1116 -1085 = 31 = (solution a)

Now, with this knowledge, we can examine any [t] location, and solve for a OR b.

If we use the formula to solve for (a), we get the a value for that [t] location.

If we use the formula to solve for (b), we get the b value for that [t] location.

We are looking to triangulate or corner the [t] location where all the squares match up and we get a pretty pattern with a 1x1 hole in the middle.


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823baf No.12541

File: b4448b0faea9fd5⋯.png (5.33 MB,7777x7777,1:1,VQC_Map_05.png)

Lots of tasty ideas here.

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823baf No.12542


The only thing we were missing was using the Offset between (-f,1) and (e,1) to solve for a, b, n, and (n-1)

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823baf No.12543

Very interesting crumbs….




>If we define properly the equality operator, i.e. when two objects are identical, AND WHEN THEY ARE NOT, and we do it properly, we classify numbers like integers differently and also other things, and then a whole bunch of things happen. In fact a whole bunch or category of problems *become trivial to solve* once we figure out what we were not seeing in terms of patterns.

>That's where we'll be going next with elliptic curve encryption and then further using the Mandelbrot Set as a computer.

Integers can be calculated in more than one way.

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823baf No.12544

Especially with our problem regarding the difference of (d+n) - (x+n) and the two factorizations in (-f,1) and (e,1).

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67b3fd No.12545


prime map…

That's actually helpful r/n.


>The only thing we were missing was using the Offset between (-f,1) and (e,1) to solve for a, b, n, and (n-1)

So the "offset" posted is the f-offset. The amount to shift the f column t-values so the rows line up correctly (e.g. the "7" value for c6107).

RE 6107, the 1116 an also happens in e_a col at t(-23), and in the e_b column at t(-24).

and the 7092 (e)an is t(-59) and in b col of t(-60)


>Can you please explain your terms Midpoint and Origin?

Midpoint of any d, e, f etc as it goes from negative to positive t, so e will go to zero (around the origin meaning t=0 axis) and back up in positive space.

f does the same thing, but the transition as number get larger happens in minus x. Also as f gets larger, there's a "bump", a hill in the valley (so end up with two minimums, haven't explored those patterns systematically).


>This gets right to the main point of what I'm thinking on tonight.

Well, thought had found a new overlooked asymmetry and looped back to play with it this evening. Basically noted two different convergences to Triangle solutions using c1007 (not present in c6107, those columns match identically, also it's a different parity family).

The parity is critical.

Presently using f and d+n, odd/even for each, as the classification.

Even though little 'n' isn't known, bigN can be calculated, and shares the same parity with 'n'.

Therefore, d+n parity is known (even if the 'n' isn't known), from only a 'c' input.

Will have to get some images posted, the spreadsheet are fun (and v. interesting new patterns discovered).

ps - learned to count in binary recently..

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67b3fd No.12546

File: fd6134330229aaa⋯.png (213.38 KB,1723x735,1723:735,cpatterns_eveneven_notrian….png)

File: 1a86e7926b06a27⋯.png (60.4 KB,558x768,93:128,cpatterns_triangles.png)


>Integers can be calculated in more than one way.

Frankly, am not sure I can count to One properly anymore, and getting to Two is a stretch. Between 0 and 1 (well -1 and 0 for the "other side", 0 and 1) lies everything, continuous, inverse. Just Imagine.


>Very interesting crumbs….

Agreed, most excellent.

So to the patterns, here are couple images. Parity forming the 'families'.

So look at rsa1c.

nN and n both even:


nN: "761302513961266680267809189066318714859034057480651323757098846024549192056137083034387261037740032"

An "even even" family pattern.

(odd xX and x, so x + n odd).

Triangles scarce in that town at the start..

Parity pics. Some notable patterns (such as between a and b guaranteed to be in different families for a factor pairing for even d+n, ..).

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f29725 No.12547



if Every Prime Number = 1.

And all other whole numbers were in fact fractions at best.

Would that change anything?

Referring to the last bits of


What if our language has it, confused.

We say that "Prime Numbers" are a class of positive integer.

What if the only "Integers" are Prime Numbers, and all other whole numbers, since they have factors and are divisible, are really only a form of a fraction, at best.

And also, Every Prime is equivalent to 1.



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49ab56 No.12548


Hello MM and anons!

>RE 6107, the 1116 an also happens in e_a col at t(-23), and in the e_b column at t(-24). And the 7092 (e)an is t(-59) and in b col of t(-60)


For cell (e,1) the [t] distance between t(60) and t(24) = 36 = n.

For cell (-f,1) the [t] values would be t(24) and t(59) = 35 = (n-1)


Thanks for explaining your terms and posting diagrams, I've studied them closely. I understand your big idea that parities of d, e, f, N are a clue to when we can find working triangles for a given c value.

>An "even even" family pattern.

>(odd xX and x, so x + n odd).

>Triangles scarce in that town at the start.

>Just Imagine.

>Between 0 and 1 (well -1 and 0 for the "other side", 0 and 1) lies everything, continuous, inverse.

Just Imagine. That's a great mission statement. This quest has restored the joy of numbers and math I had as a kid. A simple childlike Faith that the divine patterns of the universe can be discovered because they have been left there like easter eggs for us to find.

In regards to building our mousetraps, do you have any ideas on how to catch the triangle(s) you're hunting for?


>The "heart" of the problem is that breaking the problem down involves two sets of triangle solving (otherwise it is prime), with one set of triangles working on a triangular problem that is one unit longer than the other set. This is one reason why no current approach I have seen works


>Integers are not a line continuum

>There are families based on geometry




The same c value can be "built" using (-f,1) and (e,1).

The fact that two constructions are available to analyze means that with some simple formulas we can force the "DNA helix" of any given c to unwind for us.

We can extract (a) and (n1) from any [t] location using the GetA formula.

We can extract (b) and (n2) from any [t] location using the GetB formula.

We can then search intelligently for a* b = c, while also keeping in mind that at the correct xA and xB locations, n1 = n2

There is also another important relationship I remembered this week as I was turning the problem over in my brain.

We have a third calculation of n, which is (a + b) / 2 - d = n3

So at the correct aX and bX locations, n1 = n2 = n3

That's a nice triangle of n values lol.

I'm going to work on a new spreadsheet to see how n3 could help us solve.

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49ab56 No.12549

File: 7781870fa452662⋯.png (302.29 KB,500x282,250:141,All_Your_Base_Triangles.png)

See diagram lol.

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f1a97d No.12550

File: 24f8702f28bc92e⋯.png (656.61 KB,1080x2400,9:20,ChatGPTPrimes0.png)

File: 9fddff3c1806245⋯.png (632.65 KB,1080x2400,9:20,ChatGPTPrimes1.png)

File: 89278770df7e909⋯.png (181.81 KB,1125x466,1125:466,ChatGPTPrimes2.png)

File: febcf51e9415846⋯.png (64.92 KB,562x200,281:100,ChatGPTPrimes3.png)


What's up Sheeeeit my bruddah! Reposting your dig regarding Prime Numbers. Thanks for keeping the encouragement and idea flow going my man!

>What if the only "Integers" are Prime Numbers, and all other whole numbers, since they have factors and are divisible, are really only a form of a fraction, at best.

From your dig:

>Prime-Centric Operations: Developing new operations and mathematical structures tha focus on primes could reveal patterns and relationships obscured by traditional arithmetic.

>New Framework: Developing a prime-centric mathematical framework might lead to algorithms that more directly and efficiently identify primes by leveraging the unique properties of primes.

This is our Grid! A "Prime-Centric Framework" that Chris dropped in our laps.

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2a688a No.12551

File: 61d44e73c1a58a5⋯.png (758.79 KB,3052x2140,763:535,Screenshot_2024_06_08_01.png)

Here's the c6107 exploration, updated to show the calculations for n1, n2, n3 for given selected pairs of a and b highlighted in orange.

You'll notice that only certain aX values are valid for n1. The value for n1 flips negative below the (na transform).

When aX and bX are in the correct locations (green) then we get n1 = n2 = n3 and a * b = c

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d5914d No.12552

File: ee83aca043d2c42⋯.jpg (842.45 KB,2304x1792,9:7,ddg_8920471.jpg)


>Between 0 and 1 (well -1 and 0 for the "other side", 0 and 1) lies everything, continuous, inverse. Just Imagine.

Bruh, I just want it to be known, if we could go back through all the baked shit I've said over the last 7yrs, I swear I've talked about and toyed with the idea that literally Everything exists between 0 & 1, and all other "numbers" are just perceived in relation to our humanity, but aren't "real" in their essence.

If I knew how to be a math nerd for real I would start so small and do some sort of n-1 formula type shit with small prime numbers, some formula that generated one of those decimal remainders yall talked about, and I'd start drawing triangles between the floating decimals and solve world hunger and out sonoluminescent powered quantum desktop computers and void energy power generators on the side of every house/home/shelter/dwelling place on Planet Earth.

Anyways, sheeeeeeit.


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994ecb No.12553

Lost last post, let's try again..

Queue up Beatle's One is the Loneliest #


>if Every Prime Number = 1.

..passes through..

So 1 actually most popular, least lonely #, everything passes through.

Link to >>5763 a good one..

Looking at the 'evens', and thinking best to classify similarly to treating any 'input c'.

Algorithm has couple steps that handle: the remove powers 2 and check if Perfect Square.



>For cell (e,1)

+ the 'negative-t' which give the full curve. Was just saying to look at full parabola, quadratic, ..


>parities of d, e, f, N are a clue to when we can find working triangles for a given c value.

Here's where had written quite a bit. Basically, just:

1) f (or 'minus e') parity

2) d+n parity

Those two combos give the 4 types/classes/families to start.

These are all calculated / known from any input c.


>A "Prime-Centric Framework"

Love it!


>Everything exists between 0 & 1,


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1cae9e No.12554


Like the scissoring approach.

Cleaned up and tested some functions, in better place to move forward with parameters and classifications mapped.

Have been exploring the "Max" zones (not just Big N and it's pattern over all integers, but Big X (xN) as well).

The Triangular patterns:

New observations was that for either the Trivial (Tu associated with BigN) or the Solution Tu:

For every triangle u associated with odd integers, the height is one more than the base, u. 1/2(b*h) normal normal approach for area.

But noted that (x+n) = (T base+ht).

So, for c427 (7*61):

same "EVEN EVEN" type as RSA100.

The range 403:4:439 has Even f, Even d+n (and therefore, ODD x+n), and we know n is even, therefore x is ODD for these (and they're also ALL 4km1 type, so NONE are the sum of two squares, only difference, the trivial and the factor(s) if not prime c).


xN = 19, nN = 194, xN+nN = 213

Tu = 106, ht=107, sum=213

Solution value:

xpn = 13+14 = 27

Tu base = 13, ht=14, sum = 27

The xpn don't necessarily have diff of 1, for example in same class for c416, x+n = 24+15=39.

Tu(base)+ht = 19 + 20 = 39

The Tu base and ht are always n, (n+1)

These 4km1 all give integral values for the Tu. for all 4kp1 it ends in .5 (1/2 Triangular num).

Another relationship:

For any even c:

2*(T(c) - dpnN^2 - xNpnN^2 +1)/3 = c

and for any odd c:

2*(T(c) - dpnN^2 - xNpnN^2) +1 = c

Not sure implications, but interesting to have a Triangular number relationship, that includes the two trivial Squares for nN.

Wishing you all a good rest of week.

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1cae9e No.12555


Something that would be helpful to add to your excel diagram: the 'd' subcolumns.

for the 'b' column, not sure how that is calc'd, but the 155 is a key value (it's 2d-1)

It's also 2*j-1

x+e + x_f for the na row (you have those columns) = 155.

That's a key # in the solution.

If you don't have 'd' handy, here are the quadratics that will generate any t, minus to positive:

Coefficients for e = 23.0:

d: A_de = 2.0, B_de = 0.0, C_de = 11.0

a: A_ae = 2.0, B_ae = -2.0, C_ae = 12.0

b: A_be = 2.0, B_be = 2.0, C_be = 12.0

Coefficients for f = -134.0:

d: A_df = 2.0, B_df = 30.0, C_df = 45.0

a: A_af = 2.0, B_af = 28.0, C_af = 31.0

b: A_bf = 2.0, B_bf = 32.0, C_bf = 61.0

f_offset for ef Row Shift: 7.0

nN Big n is: 2976.0

Target value: 3053.0

Root 1: 39.0 + 0.0im

Root 2: -39.0 - 0.0im

Target value: 2976.0

Root 1: 39.0 + 0.0im

Root 2: -38.0 - 0.0im

The 'd' value matches for both e and f subcols 'd'.

Calc d for t=39, you'll find it's 3053.

and in that row, i=3054, j=78.

What is 3053?



>In hindsight, after working through another crumb, will say that's true, but also add that it doesn't appear only once..

>Also now in hindsight, thought had gone a 'different' direction with bringing the square and triangular numbers together, and now `c` the method was/is completely related to BigN (minus x).

>To be clear, had/have developed a working algorithm. Not completed for "EVEN EVEN" cases (of the 4 'types' of c noted), which is current priority

Ok, the ODD ODD, EVEN EVEN naming is all sorted. Ha, was on the same track all along (clear in hindsight).

And the 'k' and 'k2' embedded in algorithm? All related.

This is encouraging.

>a b c k k2 k_parity k2_parity xpn_parity

all the same methods.

Only diff is this algorithm "Slides along the Envelope Curve", versus starting and space and heading to it, watching the remainders.

After some power series (interesting pattern to codify), will be going that direction.

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d82066 No.12556

Hello all, I am GAnon from way back I have been working on this stuff too still.

I've discovered in N=1 and N=-1 each X value is a polynomial such that

E,N are fixed

For N=1:

D values are the polynomial 2*i^2 + 2*i*(1-e%2) + (e // 2)

A values are the polynomial 2*i^2 - 2*i*(e%2) + ((e+1)//2)

B values are the same polynomial as A, but instead of A(i) you use A(i+1)

X values are the polynomial 2*i - (e 2)

For N=-1:

D values are the polynomial -2*i^2 + 2*i*(1-e%2) - (e//2)

A values are the polynomial -2*i^2 - 2*i*(e%2) - (e+1)//2

B values are the same polynomial as A, but instead of A(i) you use A(i-1)

X values are the polynomial 2*i + (e % 2)

So for abs(N) == 1:

D values are the polynomial sign(N) * 2*i^2 + 2*i*(1-e%2) + sign(N)*(e//2)

A values are the polynomial sign(N) * 2*i^2 - 2*i*(e%2) + sign(N) *( (e+1)//2)

B values are the same polynomial as A, but instead of A(i) you use A(i-1)

X values are the polynomial 2*i - sign(N) * (e % 2)

Not sure if this has been touched on but it's kind of neat

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d82066 No.12557


I have tried to check if the Sign(N) can be replaced with N (as it works for abs(N) = 1) but it looks like it only works for the N=1 or N=-1 row

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d82066 No.12558

File: 34aed47a5816c14⋯.png (481.1 KB,2784x1678,1392:839,Screenshot_2024_06_23_at_7….png)



If you want to explore more you can use my tool:


In python run it in the console and don't resize the window. pic related.

For help type '!help' and then '!help [name]' for a name of a section

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e4f3ce No.12559

Hey there GA! Great to read you hope all is well..

And good to see you're still exploring The Grid. Have enjoyed and learned much each time coming back to it.


>I've discovered in N=1 and N=-1

still trying to understand/replicate how this works:

>E,N are fixed

>For N=1:

>D values are the polynomial 2*i^2 + 2*i*(1-e%2) + (e // 2)


Good you mentioned using 'i' (or 'j'), one thing on list was to add those coefficients for root-finding / lookups in i, j. Did that and good validation of grid calc using different methods.

Can you help understand what "N" is?

If it's row 'n' in The Grid, I don't believe there are any N=-1 if e>=0.

Adjusted settings in the grid generator using the python code:

def createTheEnd(path, theend, i_max=4096, x_min=-64, y_min=-5, x_max=64+1, y_max=64):

Need to match the parameters for the output of TheEnd:

def outputTheEnd(path, theend, i_max=4096, x_min=-64, y_min=-5, set_size=25, x_max=64, y_max=64):

So the y_min=-5, should take into the minus n..

Observed valid cells as f>=3 and f%2==1 (ODD only).

These are unique cells, in that they only contain one element, t=1 (not infinite elements). x=1 for any element in this n=-1 row for f.

These are the squares, transformed (projected) from the Origin cell (0,0), so for every element in (0,0) x=0, and transform to f: x+1.

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e4f3ce No.12560

With t as the index used.

Need to be careful with f-side when the t-offset (f_offset) is applied.

Generate with no offset the initial rows for obtaining general quadratic. Then use that with the shifted t to calculate an "aligned row".

For e>0, here's how I generate starting elements using t as an index (diff lang, should be clear) in n=1:

x = 2 * (t - 1) + e % 2

a = BigInt((2 * ((t - 1)^2)) + ((e % 2 + e) / 2) + (t * (2 * (e % 2))) - (2 * (e % 2)))


carry on to finish off:

d = x + a

b = a + 2 * x + 2 * n

i = d + n

j = x + n

Also, just to close out the f in n=-1:

If you'd like to generate them:

simple function to start from 1 and go up to desired d (dlim):


def generate_values_for_negative_n(n, dlim):

if n < -1:

return "No valid cells."

if n == -1:

results = []

f = -3 # Starting point for valid cells at n = -1

d, x = 2, 1 # Initial values for d and x

while True:

a = d - x

b = a # enumerated pattern + 2 * x

cell = {'f': f, 'n': n, 'd': d, 'x': x, 'a': a, 'b': b}


# Print or store the cell data

print(f"Cell for f = {f}, n = {n}: {cell}")

# Update for next iteration

f -= 2 # Move to the next odd integer in the negative direction

d += 1 # Increment d as per the pattern

# stop the loop

if d > dlim:


return results


# example call

generate_values_for_negative_n(-1, 10)

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e4f3ce No.12561

If you want to just generate a specific range, can do:

If specific range, have function:


def lookup_cell_f_n_minus_1(f, t, output_mode=None):

if abs(f) < 3 or t != 1:

if output_mode in ("all", "export"):

return "Invalid cell; for n = -1, f must be <= -3 and t must be 1."


return None

elif f % 2 == 0 or t != 1:

if output_mode in ("all", "export"):

return "Invalid cell; for n = -1, f must be ODD and t must be 1."


return None

n = -1

x = 1 # x is consistently 1 for all cases based on the definition

# Determine the value of d based on f

if abs(f) == 3:

d = 2 # Special case for f = -3


d = (abs(f) + 1) // 2 # Use integer division for odd f values greater than 3

a = d - x

b = a # Adjusted based on requirements

c = a * b # Calculate c based on a and b

i = d + n

j = x

# Construct the cell as a dictionary

cell = {'f': -(abs(f)), 'n': n, 't': t, 'd': d, 'x': x, 'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c, 'i': i, 'j': j}

return cell if output_mode is None else (cell, "Output as per requested mode.")

def cell_f_n_minus_1_range(fnm1_range):

results = []

for f in fnm1_range:

result = lookup_cell_f_n_minus_1((f), 1)

print(result) # Should print the cell without any invalid message

results.append(result) # Collect results

return results


fnm1_range = range(-3, -12, -2) # start at -3, stop before -12, step -2


{'f': -3, 'n': -1, 't': 1, 'd': 2, 'x': 1, 'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c': 1, 'i': 1, 'j': 1}

{'f': -5, 'n': -1, 't': 1, 'd': 3, 'x': 1, 'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 4, 'i': 2, 'j': 1}

{'f': -7, 'n': -1, 't': 1, 'd': 4, 'x': 1, 'a': 3, 'b': 3, 'c': 9, 'i': 3, 'j': 1}

{'f': -9, 'n': -1, 't': 1, 'd': 5, 'x': 1, 'a': 4, 'b': 4, 'c': 16, 'i': 4, 'j': 1}

{'f': -11, 'n': -1, 't': 1, 'd': 6, 'x': 1, 'a': 5, 'b': 5, 'c': 25, 'i': 5, 'j': 1}

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d82066 No.12562

File: b0af7958bfe4adf⋯.png (241.59 KB,1076x1338,538:669,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)


If it's row 'n' in The Grid, I don't believe there are any N=-1 if e>=0.

It is row n=1 in the grid. I've got several values and they all check out to me.

And all I do to generate these is iterate through X's and validate them with the equalities we know from generated the cells

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e4f3ce No.12563


>It is row n=1 in the grid. I've got several values and they all check out to me.

Ok will take a closer look, would be good to have generating functions based on 'i'.

From the image, except for some signs, the values align with e=4 column.

Now trying to understand "f" subcolumn?

Starting with your t=1 row (from image), with all rows e=4, and associated 'c' value for each (e,f) (as c can be calculated given e,f)

t = 1, f=-7, c=29

t = 2, f=-15, c=85

t = 3, f=-31, c=293

t = 4, f=-55, c=845

t = 5, f=-87, c=2029

t = 6, f=-127, c=4229

t = 7, f=-175, c=7925

t = 8, f=-231, c=13693

Regarding polynomials, the f series for t=1:8 is quadratic, while the resulting c series is polynomial (4th power as 4th diffs = 96), so likely associated with product two quadratics.

Always interesting patterns…!

Are you able to do a "t lookup"?

So in >>12558

you have t=24 highlighted (a solution row).

Just as a lookup in subcol a in 'e' for 1116 gives t=24 (row you highlighted), are you able to lookup 2976 and get t=39? Able to target any value across the subcolumns (d, a, b, c, i, j) to obtain the t-val?

Have a good one!

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406881 No.12564

File: be0926bcc64c7c1⋯.png (106.53 KB,866x1656,433:828,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)

File: 959fffcdedc7e73⋯.png (135.34 KB,780x1044,65:87,Screenshot_2024_06_24_at_1….png)


Also sorry for the typo its the n=-1 row in the picture.

>Are you able to do a "t lookup"?

Yeah do you mean find the value for T in (e,1) N=1 row?

I've run tests to verify these and I'm pretty certain all are correct for D,X,A,B. My record code doesn't check the T values but if X is correct the T's are all integers in n=1 so the T value must be correct as well. Pic related.

First is the equations and the second is the implementations of getting the D,X,A values.

For the polynomial (f(x) = Ax^2 + Bx + C) the key in the dict is the power of X and the value is the corresponding A, B, or C in the term.

So D(i) is:

>2*n*i^2 + 2*(1-e%2)i + n*(e//2)

A(i) is

>2*n*i^2 - (e%2)*2 + n*((e+1)//2)

X(i) is

>2*i - n*(e%2)

Note that my functions for T are here:


def t_from_x(x):

if x%2 == 1:

return x//2 + 1


return (x+1) // 2


def x_from_t(t, e):

if e%2 == 0:

x = t * 2


x = (t+1)*2 - 1

return x

A little different from defining for even E x=2*i, odd E x=2*i+1. I found that this seems to get the right calculations for these equations

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406881 No.12565



A(i) is

>2*n*i^2 - (e%2)*2 + n*((e+1)//2)

>2*n*i^2 - (e%2)*2*i + n*((e+1)//2)

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d82066 No.12566


> are you able to lookup 2976 and get t=39?

Since we have the formulas here:


We can just use the pythagorean theorem to solve for D,A or X.

So if we wanted to solve for i for D(i) = M

The equation would be (suppose M even)

M = 2*n*i^2 + 2*i + n*(e//2)

quadratic A = 2*n

quadratic B = 2

quadratic C = n*(e//2)

M = (-2 +/- (sqrt(b*b - 4*(2*n)*(n*e/2))) / (2*(2*n))

M = (-2 +/- sqrt(b*b - 4*n*n*e)) / (4*n)

Then M would be the i input to the D function. Could do the same for the others


The f subcolumn is just 2*d + e - 1. I it's the -E value for a cell that shares a C value in (n-1) I believe.

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d82066 No.12567


I meant "suppose E even" sorry about that, not M

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d82066 No.12568



I mean quadratic equation lol

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cfb3fe No.12569


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f91370 No.12570


>I'd start drawing triangles between the floating decimals and solve world hunger and out sonoluminescent powered quantum desktop computers and void energy power generators on the side of every house/home/shelter/dwelling place on Planet Earth.

Well said, bruddah!


>The Triangular patterns

>Only diff is this algorithm "Slides along the Envelope Curve", versus starting and space and heading to it, watching the remainders.

Pretty sure we're working towards being able to sort the triangle patterns by their remainders.

The remainders should decrease as we approach a working (an) * (bn) pairing.

Kinda like, "look I made a triangle, but there's some extra left over!"

When there's none left over, we reach our solution triangle(s).


GAnon, good to see you!

I'll study your output now.


Yes. The team is working again. Many thanks to Sheeeeeit for getting the vibe right once again.

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d82066 No.12571


Good to be back! I have been plugging in outputs for the vars endxab for a given (e,n) sequence into OEIS and have found several polynomials in each of them. I wonder if this also is a map for polynomials and I'm curious if we can find other patterns there. And since polynomials can be multiplied I am wondering if we can somehow say that a given D*D + E is of the form f(x) = x^2 + E and then somehow use the knowledge of polynomials to find another form of it somewhere else.

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01c4ac No.12572

File: e2d03aaa15c810a⋯.png (787.65 KB,1064x810,532:405,Screenshot_2024_07_05_at_8….png)


Hello GA!

>I am wondering if we can somehow say that a given D*D + E is of the form f(x) = x^2 + E and then somehow use the knowledge of polynomials to find another form of it somewhere else.

Yes, I agree.

I think the answer is in row 1, as Chris hinted at!

In row 1, every a[t] value represents an unknown (an).

The power of the offset is that when we use (-f,1) a[t] values combined with the correct (e,1) a[t] values, we can split ANY a[t] value into its (a) and (n) values.

For example with c6107:

in (e,1) at xA = 47, (an) = 1116

the formula is (47 ^ 2 + e) / 2 = 1116

in (-f,1) at xA = 48, a(n-1) = 1085

formula is (48 ^ 2 - f ) / 2 = 1085

Then, we do (an) - a(n-1) = 1116 - 1085 = 31

Next, we do (an) / a = n, which is 1116 / 31 = 36

We can run these formulas on ANY a[t] value (which represents (a * n) value that is unknown) and break it down into its components of (a) and (n).

Here's the idea I've been slow cooking for couple weeks.

A simple and more elegant approach to the offset would simply be that there is only one (an), and that at that xA location there is no remainder for (an) / a = n1.

Do the remainders decrease as we approach the solution xA?

Could a simple pattern of decreasing remainders guide us to the correct xA location?

The underlying structure of a given e column makes it so that there is only one correct (an) for a given semiprime c.

Chris told us that it was a new type of modular math.

Remainders and mods are the same thing!

At the trivial solution {e:N:d:x:1:c} we know that a=1 and n=N and aN /1 = N. This value occurs at the (na transform) for all given c values.

The values for (a) and (n) move inversely to each other from a[1] to a[N].

And are unique to each c value and related e column .

The key is that we need the offset between (-f,1) and (e,1) to view this hidden information.

So instead of focusing on (an) / a = n1

We would focus on (an) mod (a) = mod remainder

Needs some investigation

I’ll build a new sheet and run examples.

PMA correctly pointed out that we only need one location to solve, either xA or xB.

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01c4ac No.12573

File: 81f147180df57d6⋯.png (651.39 KB,2854x1934,1427:967,Screenshot_2024_07_03_at_1….png)

Here's what I have so far for an exploration, with a few minor updates from this week.

Take a look at how the offset lets us break down the (an) values into the (a) and (n) components.

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01c4ac No.12574

Also notice that when broken down, (a) and (n) move inversely to each other from a[1] to a[na transform].

This sheet uses decimal remainders, which don't show the actual modulo. Next sheet will have the actual mods.

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04900b No.12575

Was reading a description of the Fermat Factoring algorithm and it made me realize how useful the letters in VQC are. I rewrote it in terms of the letters a,b,c,d,e,f i,j,n,x and I instantly realized what was going on.

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04900b No.12576

So, what's known as the Fermat's factoring method is a brute search for (x+n) using f as the starting number and adding (2d + l) (where l is the iteration number starting from 1, and incrementing by two each time) until the f variable becomes a perfect square. It's a bit slow and can be optimized using VQC patterns but no solution.

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eebd04 No.12577


> for a given (e,n) sequence into OEIS

Very useful, a prime source for tying sequences/patterns in grid with known maths.


>Yeah do you mean find the value for T in (e,1) N=1 row?

(e,n,t) value for a "target" lookup in a subcolumn (either 'e' or 'f' parameters).

If you've got the an, a(n-1), bn, b(n-1) as 'target_val' lookups working, may try:


where m is a multiple of the target_val, and p the target_val raised to a power p. Found interesting results at Higher Powers and plan to return to these patterns.


>The remainders should decrease as we approach a working (an) * (bn) pairing.

How are you using bn and b(n-1) in your algorithm? You'd label as the "bn transform".

The 'one different' in the t difference for the an and bn vs a(n-1) and b(n-1) is a key asymmetry.

The difference of the t values for an and bn (in ae) is n (60-24), and the sum of the t values is (x+n +1) (60+24).

The difference of the t values for a(n-1) and b(n-1) is (n-1) (59-24) and (x+n) (59+24).

The difference in the target values is a and b.

1116 - 1085 = 31

7092 - 6895 = 197

The diff of the an and bn:

7092 - 1116 = 5976

The diff for the a(n-1) and b(n-1):

6895 - 1085 = 5810

(5976 - 5810)/2 = 83 = (x+n)

The sum of the an and bn:

7092 + 1116 = 8208

The sum for the a(n-1) and b(n-1):

6895 + 1085 = 7980

(8208 - 7980)/2 = 114 = (d+n)

This is the case for Big N values for respective t's as well.

The lookup value for BigN quickly grow (as it's 'c' multiplied by BigN or BigN -1).

So while the first lookups are for 2976 (t=39) and 2975 (t=39),

the lookups for the b records are:

18174432 (t=3015) and 18168325 (t=3014).

The same Difference and Sum calculations shown above also provide the Big N outputs (the Big X + Big N, and Big D + Big N).

- Note: for any "Prime" solution (where 'c' is Prime), where a=1, this is the same as the solution value (the Big N solution is the only solution).

Recent work was to generate the respective 'f' records for each e row. This will be in n=0, because e -> f the nf = ne -1.

Determined the t-values for the f elements, which are the same for all rows.

Currently using the Big N t-values and the factor jumping, the "a[p+1-t]"

See in the "Grid Patterns" thread:

>>6561and >>6579

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eebd04 No.12578


>Currently using the Big N t-values and the factor jumping, the "a[p+1-t]"

Some additional context..

>>6858 (VQC RSA#13)

>Then we want to show that if p is a factor of a[t], p is also a factor of a[p+1-t] for some column e.

This is also part of the "a[p+1-t]" am exploring, which is an extension of the Grid Patterns post.

Validated for jumping elements in the same (e, n1) column given a factor p at an element.

AA, if you're still interested, relates to:

>>8328 (RSA#14)

>It's basically the same wording as

>>If an integer p is a factor of a[t], then p will be a factor of a[p+1-t] for ALL cells in row n=1

>(which was VQC at the start of Grid Patterns)

>>8330 (RSA#14)

>I'm trying to verify if it's me or the crumb.

Can provide an example.

Will update with any learning for current work, which includes a twist on this..

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eebd04 No.12579



>> for a given (e,n) sequence into OEIS

>Very useful, a prime source for tying sequences/patterns in grid with known maths.

An example:

Column e=1.

Valid n rows (using grid output) are:

1, 5, 13, 17, 25, 29, 37, 41, 53, 61, 65, 73, …

OEIS: https://oeis.org/A004613

Numbers that are divisible only by primes congruent to 1 mod 4.

Another example:

Column e=2

Valid n rows (using grid output) are:

1, 3, 9, 11, 17, 19, 27, 33, 41, 43, 51, 57, 67, ..


Odd numbers n such that the Lucas number L(n) can be written in the form a^2 + 3*b^2.

These Lucas numbers L(n) have no prime factor congruent to 2 (mod 3) to an odd power.

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9720e0 No.12580


>if you're still interested

I don't think any of the ideas anyone is currently talking about are going to lead to the solution, but I wish you all the best of luck. I'm still here every day even if I don't post.

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9ecbc2 No.12581

File: 24b34977bd911d7⋯.png (542.79 KB,2770x1470,277:147,Screenshot_2024_07_17_01.png)



Thanks anon!


>How are you using bn and b(n-1) in your algorithm? You'd label as the "bn transform".

>The 'one different' in the t difference for the an and bn vs a(n-1) and b(n-1) is a key asymmetry.

Hello MM!

To answer your question, (bn) and b(n-1) are used to GetB and GetN2.


in (e,1) at xB = 119, (bn) = 7092

the formula is (119 ^ 2 + e) / 2 = 7092

in (-f,1) at xB = 118, b(n-1) = 6895

formula is (118 ^ 2 - f ) / 2 = 6895

Then, we do (bn) - b(n-1) = 7092 - 6895 = 197


Next, we do (bn) / b = n, which is 7092 / 197 = 36

This is how (bn) and b(n-1) would be used in our algorithm.

The key problem I've run into is that any a * b pairing that approximates a * b = c has n1 and n2 parings that are equal, except for their mods.

So the perfect pairing we're looking for would have a * b = exactly c, along with (an) mod a = 0 and (bn) mod b = 0.

Here's my updated exploration, take a look at the highlighted grey column on the right. This is (an) mod (a). It seems to show a wavelike decreasing pattern of mods that could lead to solving.

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9ecbc2 No.12582

File: 69bcba006ae4a07⋯.png (409.46 KB,2932x976,733:244,Screenshot_2024_07_17_02.png)

Here's the lower half of the sheet with (bn) and a(n-1) highlighted in green.

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7c87e4 No.12583

File: 4f057ca63540f60⋯.png (460.68 KB,2910x1224,485:204,Screenshot_2024_07_17_03.png)

Well that's interesting.

I realized I forgot to do the offset for (bn) and b(n-1) on the sheet.

Check out the cell in red, it's (bn) mod b at the (na transform) location.

at t =39 (na transform) calc for (bn) mod b = 31

which is our (a prime) value.

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7c87e4 No.12584

File: 042c4a730f4b33d⋯.png (671.61 KB,3036x1938,506:323,Screenshot_2024_07_17_04.png)

Here's the whole sheet for easier study.

Obviously if this pattern holds for all c values, the problem is solved.

No big deal lol.

I'll write some new code as IRL allows and run tests.

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7c87e4 No.12585

To summarize, for c6107:

at t =39 (na transform), our calc for (bn) mod b = 31

Which is our solution (a prime).

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485400 No.12586

File: f5650c489a6197b⋯.jpeg (168.56 KB,923x871,71:67,IMG_9274.jpeg)


>I wish you all the best of luck.

Thanks AA.

Appreciate you keeping the board up and running.

Glad you're still checking in daily.

We will finish and solve what we started.

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e58f46 No.12587

File: 047a7e776f80eaf⋯.png (558.52 KB,3036x1938,506:323,Screenshot_2024_07_17_04_c….png)

Hello lads.

A quick helpful idea:

The mods exploration is another way to show the binary patterns that AA and I worked on.

“A new type of modular math” - per Chris

Needs more work and exploration, and it’s another level of “hidden in plain sight”.

Very interesting.

We could have a limited number of values to search to find a solution.

Highly interesting is that (a prime) = 31 also shows up in (bn) mod (n), which was surprising to me.

Check out all the 31 repeats.

Obviously a feature of (-f,1) and (e,1) working together.

They seem to be of a wavelike or repeating nature.

If they loop (which it seems likely) then we can search and find a solution.


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e58f46 No.12588

Why do we get (bn) mod (b) values that equal (a prime)?

Especially, why do we get (a prime) values when using GetB and GetN2?

(a) and (b) must be more closely related than expected.

Concept is valid.

Now needs code and testing for large c values.

Step 1: get a wavelength list of (an) mod (a) values for a given c

Step 2: Look for repeating values.

Step 3: get a wavelength list of (bn) mod (b) values for the same given c

Step 4: Look for repeating values

Step 5: Test all values for a * b = c

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d82066 No.12589

What’s the deal with needing to identify an A in the N 1 row? What would that help us do

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e22e9f No.12590


What do you mean? It would allow us to factor c.

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d82066 No.12591


Suppose I can do that already how would I factor C? I’m just trying to get caught up

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121535 No.12592


If you've forgotten any of the patterns, most of them are covered in the grid patterns thread.





There are several elements in (e,1) you can use to solve (if you can find them). Where a[t]=an (and in (f,1) where a[t]=a(n-1)), the GCD of that a value and c is the a we're looking for (you could do the same thing with a[t]=bn or b(n-1)), and the time complexity of GCD is O(log n) where n is the bigger of the two numbers (and two O(log n) algorithms run one after the other is effectively still O(log n)). You can find the n from the (0,n) element where a[t]=aa and b[t]=bb by getting the a value from the (0,1) element where x equals the (x+n) we're looking for (or the d value in (1,1) where x is (x+n)-1). If you had either of those elements you would also obviously have x+n already. There are a bunch of examples of stuff like that. There are a ton of things that would solve if we could get to them but if anyone had figured out how we wouldn't be having this conversation. I don't remember when you were last here regularly but not a whole lot has happened since around when Covid started, if that helps. Chris has been here like three times in the last four years and has presented a couple new concepts but obviously nothing that led to a solution.

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d82066 No.12593


I’ll take a look at the thread but o guess what I’m saying is we can’t jump to a[t]=an because those are both unknowns, and we can’t jump to (0,n) aa or bb because those are also unknowns, but I’ll refresh my memory. Thank you

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55be5a No.12594


>we can’t jump to a[t]=an because those are both unknowns, and we can’t jump to (0,n) aa or bb because those are also unknowns

The entire point of this board is figuring out how to get from knowns to unknowns

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d13969 No.12595

File: fff30f593f3fabd⋯.jpeg (137.11 KB,923x1012,923:1012,IMG_9318.jpeg)


GA What's up my man!

The key idea we're working on is the Offset between (-f,1) and (e,1)

For a very clear breakdown, please see MM's post >>12577

Here's my breakdown from previous posts:

for c6107

To GetA:

in (e,1) at xA = 47, (an) = 1116

the formula is (47 ^ 2 + e) / 2 = 1116

in (-f,1) at xA = 48, a(n-1) = 1085

formula is (48 ^ 2 - f ) / 2 = 1085

Then, we do (an) - a(n-1) = 1116 - 1085 = 31 = a

To GetN1

Next, we do (an) / a = n, which is 1116 / 31 = 36

To GetB

in (e,1) at xB = 119, (bn) = 7092

the formula is (119 ^ 2 + e) / 2 = 7092

in (-f,1) at xB = 118, b(n-1) = 6895

formula is (118 ^ 2 - f ) / 2 = 6895

Then, we do (bn) - b(n-1) = 7092 - 6895 = 197 = b


Next, we do (bn) / b = n, which is 7092 / 197 = 36

The key idea is that the Offset allows us to calculate (a) (b) (N1) (N2) for any starting location in (e,1).

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d13969 No.12596

File: 763751b81f430dd⋯.jpeg (94.45 KB,1071x792,119:88,IMG_9298.jpeg)


AA, thanks for posting the facts, and good to see you as well!

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d13969 No.12597

Hello everyone!

Ok, I think I’ve finally found the key to making some sense of the aan(n-1) crumbs. Follow my train of thought if you will….

So we know that in (-f,1) any given a[t] value represents a(n-1).

In (e,1) we know that any given a[t] value at the same [t] value as above represents (an).

When multiplied together, we get aan(n-1).

Same for b(n-1) and (bn), with the difference that b(n-1) occurs at [t-1] relative to (bn).

What the aan(n-1) and bbn(n-1) values represent is a perfect square ( a * a ) or ( b * b ) multiplied by an almost perfect square, which is n * (n-1).

With no additional information, it would be impossible to split the perfect square and imperfect square.

However, with the Offset GetA and GetB formulas, we can solve for (a) and (b).

This now allows us to calculate for the perfect square of (a * a) and/or (b * b), leaving enough info to solve for the imperfect square of n * (n-1)

Alternatively, we can also use the formulas for GetN1 and GetN2 to also solve for n at any [t] location. This now allows us to construct (a * n)^2 or (b * n)^2.

We then use (an)^2 - aan(n-1) to find the missing piece.

Same for (bn)^2 - bbn(n-1).

To be more clear, we are analyzing the potential n * (n-1) square for both.

There should be a very useful remainder of taking sqrt(n * (n-1))

This remainder (a recursive e value, I suppose) should decrease as we approach the solution [t] value.

I’ll get a new sheet going to check, just needed to get this out of my brain and into writing.

PMA commented here, saying "you can think of n * (n-1) as twice a triangular number"

Good point, bringing us back to our (x+n)^2 explorations.

So the way we’d use this info could be this:

aan(n-1) / a^2 = n * (n-1)

Sqrt( n * (n-1)) = dan

(d + 1)^2 = n^2


bbn(n-1) / b^2. = n * (n-1)

Sqrt( n * (n-1)) = dbn

(d + 1)^2 = n^2

“Some patterns are easier to see in binary” means the remainders or mods of aan(n-1) or bbn(n-1) that are not squares or powers of 2.

Why would Chris take so much trouble to point out that “some patterns are easier to see in binary” ?

It doesn’t mean the pattern can’t be seen in other ways.

After all, our organization for the grid revolves around (e), which is the remainder of sqrt c.

The key thing is that we can organize our search around remainders.

Which can often (but not always) be seen easily seen in binary.

The whole aan(n-1) idea makes little sense to me, until you remove a^2

What we have left then is n(n-1)

The Offset provides (a)

Ok, so to summarize, aan(n-1) is comprised of a^2 * n * (n-1)

A perfect square multiplied by an almost perfect square.

The Offset allows us to easily calculate (a) for any pairing of (e,1) a[t] and (-f,1) a[t].

The xA value changes by +1 when we calculate in (-f,1)

Same formula as always, (x^2 + e) / 2 for (e,1)

And for (-f,1) it’s ((x + 1)^2 - f) / 2

For (b) it’s almost the same. Chris presented it to us as [t-1]

For practical use, xB in is (e,1) (xx + e) / 2

And in (-f,1) xB is ((x - 1)^2 - f) / 2

So, the key idea is this.

When we multiply the a[t] or b[t] values, we get aan(n-1) or bbn(n-1)

We then divide the larger product by a^2

Or by b^2

With the intention of isolating n * (n-1)

Since n * (n-1) is almost a perfect square, we can use recursive methods here, as Chris recommended.

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c7d62c No.12598

If this wall of text is hard to follow, please re-examine the worksheet here >>12587

Look to the far left columns, and see the a[t] values above in green, and the b[t] values below them also in green.

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c7d62c No.12599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MM, did you see Dune 2?

I loved it, although not quite exactly like the second half of Dune by the book.

Paul's sandworm ride was fkn epic.

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d82066 No.12600

GA here. Found a new pattern. For any cell E,N, the X values are all numbers such that X*X mod (2N) == 2N - E

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d82066 No.12601


And I thought this might be useful because if we have an even D (or odd d we just increment using the F formula) we can find another related cell. For example 145 we’d get 12*12+1 which is 1 mod 12 so there are existing records at EN =11, 6.

Haven’t found much to do with this but interesting nonetheless

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6a7600 No.12602

File: 36f4f80ab2483ca⋯.png (123.51 KB,640x436,160:109,thumper.png)


ty VA, enjoyed the clip, and need to see if can still get to film in theatre, understand sound epic as well.

Had a little setback refactoring, problem with even f calcs, but found and all sorted, and learned a few things in the end - will try an share highlights.

Was going to put aside for a bit after sorting the model (excel is humming again now, put in all the things..) but saw a new pattern and now working out details.

Prime Thumper Mod 'c' pulled another pattern from the sands of time, so out come the grappling hooks, will ride this Grid to the end!

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6a7600 No.12603


Have pondered the nomenclature as well. Even the shift from both e and f to a 'negative e'. Make room to use f for another dimension?

x and n and their relationship interesting, have begun to see more. How they increment or remain constant across d thresholds (each behaving differently, combined unique).


Intended to follow up on this some time ago, ty for post anon.

Read presentation by R. C. Daileda of Trinity University titled "The Fermat Factorization Method" as part of number theory intro.

A key part of the algorithm is that divisor/complementary divisor pair that a and b are relatively close together, quoting "If n is the product of two distinct odd numbers that are

close together, then

n = t^2 − s^2

where t is slightly larger than sqrt(n) and s is relatively small."

So had looked at how close a and b are for rsa, compared to some of the trivial c values being used to work out relationships and algorithms.

rat_ef = RSA100e/RSA100f = 3.6390380500216226

rat_e2d = RSA100e/(2*RSA100d) = 0.7844380690097295

rat_abdiff_c = (RSA100b - RSA100a)/RSA100c = 1.3919979082618925e-51

rat_abdiff_a = (RSA100b - RSA100a)/RSA100a = 0.0558117259360889

rat_n_c = RSA100n/RSA100c = 9.449324195811057e-54

rat_n_d = RSA100n/RSA100d = 0.0003687180337676271

rat_n_x = RSA100n/RSA100x = 0.013763497617359174

rat_n_a = RSA100n/RSA100a = 0.0003788677333261033

rat_a_n = RSA100a/RSA100n = 2639.4435631161778

rat_n_nN = RSA100n/RSA100nN = 1.8898648391622115e-53

rat_n_xpn = RSA100n/(RSA100n+RSA100x) = 0.013576635625278895

compare to 6701:

31 = a

197 = b

6107 = c = a*b

78 = d = floor(sqrt(c))

23 = e = c - D

-134 = f = e-2d-1

36 = n = ((a+b)/2)-d

47 = x = d - a

2976 = nN = ((1+c)/2)-d

rat_ef = e/f = 0.17164179104477612

rat_e2d = e/(2*d) = 0.14743589743589744

rat_abdiff_c = (b - a)/c = 0.027181922384149338

rat_abdiff_a = (b - a)/a = 5.354838709677419

rat_n_c = n/c = 0.005894874733911904

rat_n_d = n/d = 0.46153846153846156

rat_n_x = n/x = 0.7659574468085106

rat_n_a = n/a = 1.1612903225806452

rat_a_n = a/n = 0.8611111111111112

rat_n_nN = n/nN = 0.012096774193548387

rat_n_xpn = n/(n+x) = 0.43373493975903615


".. but no solution."

Indeed, a relatively direct calculation is objective.

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6a7600 No.12604


>E,N, the X values are all numbers such that X*X mod (2N) == 2N - E

Can you clarify nomenclature, and does this work in row n=1 ?

is "N" the "Big N", or part of a grid address e.g. (ef, n, t) for a record element?

Same question with "E" and "X". Thanks.

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6a7600 No.12605


>The key idea we're working on is the Offset between (-f,1) and (e,1)

Starting to wonder if we're both being clear on term "offset" for f column, aligned to respective 'e' column in Grid for a given d.

Versus an "offset" between 'an' and 'bn' as rows in a Grid Column in n=1, pertaining to those t values?

To define the "f Offset" as am using, it is the "shift in t" required to "align" the e and f side of grid, the two columns holding their respective set of elements. Of note, the "f Offset" is independent of the 'e' column, and is a constant for other c combinations having a different 'd and e' but with the same f, the offset is the same.

A shortcut to the f-offset is to use the x_base (x where t=1) for that f (simple calc using parity of x_base), where x_base comes from enumeration of f in n=1.

There are likely other methods given the alignments of j, x and so on.

And that makes sense, given the simplicity of the e side (linear vs quadratic) for its x_base.

- -


>in (-f,1) at xA = 48, a(n-1) = 1085

>formula is (48 ^ 2 - f ) / 2 = 1085


>in (-f,1) at xB = 118, b(n-1) = 6895

>formula is (118 ^ 2 - f ) / 2 = 6895

ty VA, this was helpful. With the "even f" issue in grid, wasn't actually finding values, and instead of investigating/debugging, created a helper column using a VQC crumb:

d[t] - d

If we take the d in e col (de) for given t and subtract 'd' for that c from every value, we yield the same results as the f-side, which is the a col in f (a_f or af is nomenclature used).

SO, with that crumb, it's even possible the f column and f Offset aren't required, just calculate de[t]-d for that t, and they're already "aligned" for that t.

Happy accidents gifted by the bugs..

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6a7600 No.12606


>If you've forgotten any of the patterns, …

Always good reminders, ty..



See some unexplored paths that may bear fruit, and even still effort w/ The Grid is invariably rewarded.

As for ".. the solution", fully expect in The End that multiple paths (solutions) will be revealed as landscape more fully illuminated.

The Grid has its own marvelous properties, layers of patterns. As a mathematical object, in The End (or already) could serve as a Rosetta Stone for mathematics.

Until then… We Ride!

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6a7600 No.12607

File: 26021ed577c7d09⋯.png (141.93 KB,1213x747,1213:747,c_6107_f_gcdmods_fn_gcd.png)

File: 6210484d8c31fc3⋯.png (143.22 KB,1213x747,1213:747,c_6119_f_gcdmods_fn_gcd.png)

File: f889bcb772ca4a4⋯.png (142.47 KB,1172x747,1172:747,c_6119_e_gcdmods_en_gcd.png)


>Highly interesting is that (a prime) = 31 also shows up in (bn) mod (n), which was surprising to me.

Think this is likely a fluke for this c value, but didn't investigate "bn mod n" specifically, as tend to minimize use of knowns, using them more as reference for where to arrive if traversal correct.

Noted that similarly, gcd resulted in hit at the Big N value. Looked at other c values and doesn't hold, just happens to coincide with cycle for 6107.

Here is a cap for gcd's and mods for f-side of 6107, and two for 6119 (common tester), showing f and e portions.

>They seem to be of a wavelike or repeating nature.

Indeed, very predictable..

>If they loop (which it seems likely) then we can search and find a solution.

imo, the solution lies _within_ each loop/group. There are many 'sets' of them, the 1c, 2c 3c 4c .. a way to see one related group.

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dfcbd1 No.12608

File: 7fe2a5a5a6f24a2⋯.png (421.61 KB,2832x1286,1416:643,Screenshot_2024_08_11_01.png)


Hello MM!

>just calculate de[t]-d for that t, and they're already "aligned" for that t

Yes, correct.

And for (bn) - b(n-1) the formula is d[t-1] - d

Chris gave us those shortcuts.

Here's what I have on the aan(n-1) exploration. see the right side for new data. Left side is for context.

Far right column is aan(n-1) mod a^2

It declines in a wave pattern

So, no easy linear solution.

A worthy attempt, nonetheless.

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d82066 No.12609


For n=1, 2n is 2, odds are 1 mod 2 and evens are 0 mod 2, and every odd square is odd and even squares are even, so yes this is true for n=1.

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d82066 No.12610

File: 782bf9bd09349fd⋯.jpeg (262.53 KB,1170x1426,585:713,IMG_5484.jpeg)


Maybe this pic will help

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877f6b No.12611


>>E,N, the X values are all numbers such that X*X mod (2N) == 2N - E

>Can you clarify nomenclature, and does this work in row n=1 ?



ty GA for clarification and example.

Perhaps better question would have been:

Does this work when e>2n?

There is a 2n line of cells from origin cell, could apply below this bound..

Will take another look at the bound.

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877f6b No.12612


>And for (bn) - b(n-1) the formula is d[t-1] - d

>Chris gave us those shortcuts.

Regarding this [t-1] for the a and b elements, have been designating as the 'ab_shift'.

When enumerating col e=0 for n>1, this proved to be a significant challenge. The ab_shift is determined by factorization and square-free properties of n, and therefore it seemed n would require some level of factorization to properly index the t values for a cell for an n row.

Looking at some patterns that generalize in a more trivial way:

The ab_shift is 1 for n=1, and 2 for n=2.

In row n=0:

ab_shift = 2*(sqrt(abs(f)))

e>0 is an empty set of cells for n=0

at e=f=0, result is 0; a=b for every element, generating the perfect squares in (0,0) .

and so on, for f = -1, -4, -16, ..

Have a bit of time this evening and thought to work in couple directions:

1) enumeration methods for a generating function (e.g. grid output)

2) looking further into the mods and associated coefficients for the various quadratics (and 4th order polynomial for c), the cyclic sets of factor pairs, ..

3) the asymmetry in the an, a(n-1) and bn, b(n-1) t values where t<0.

4) Improved set of test cases for c, for various different parity combination families (ODD_ODD, ODD_EVEN), at different scales.


>SO, with that crumb, it's even possible the f column and f Offset aren't required, just calculate de[t]-d for that t, and they're already "aligned" for that t.

Validated the corresponding f element can be created using an e element as input, except for the t[f] value (at least in row n=1).

The difference between t[e] and t[f] for a row element is the f_offset, and so the f_offset must still be calculated if the f[t] is needed (using x_base calc or other methods).


>So, no easy linear solution.

Probably not, but would continue to look at the various mod properties for the t and de, xe, ae, be.. or df, xf, af, .. values for key element rows, have found a number of patterns to explore.

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d82066 No.12613


Yes it does, and for negatives.

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c62abe No.12614

File: a02d888200575cc⋯.png (448.97 KB,4028x426,2014:213,Screenshot_2024_08_22_at_8….png)

File: 9a4a05dc873bcbd⋯.png (10.53 KB,242x148,121:74,Screen_Shot_2023_09_18_01.png)

Hello everyone. Reading all the old VQC maps tonight to look for things to work on. Love this crumb…

"The end result is that you learn how to design virtual quantum computers so the limits of what you can achieve recede."


Hello MM!

>If we take the d in e col (de) for given t and subtract 'd' for that c from every value, we yield the same results as the f-side, which is the a col in f (a_f or af is nomenclature used).


Now what do we do with this info?

Using this info, we can split ANY (e,1)(an) and (-f,1)a(n-1) into (a) and (n).

The Offset allows us to split (an) or (bn) into its component parts, with a remainder EXCEPT at the correct xA and xB locations for (an) and (bn) where there is NO remainder.

This should help us analyze remainders and look for a linear pattern that can help us solve.


Hello GA!


>For any cell E,N, the X values are all numbers such that X*X mod (2N) == 2N - E

Yes, correct.

For all a[t] values in (e,1) we have the formula (x ^ 2 + e) / 2 = (an)

For all a[t] values in (-f,1) we have the formula ((x + 1) ^ 2 - f) / 2 = a(n-1)

For all b[t] values in (e,1) we have the formula (x ^ 2 + e) / 2 = (bn)

For all b[t] values in (-f,1) we have the formula ((x - 1) ^ 2 - f ) / 2 = b(n-1)

There is also Chris' shortcut! MM mentioned it at the end here >>12612

>just calculate de[t]-d for that t, and they're already "aligned" for that t

the shortcut(s) to use the Offset are as follows:

d[t] - d starting in (e,1) to find a(n-1)

d[t-1] - d starting in (e,1) to find b(n-1)

The amount of solid gold info that was given to us up front is astonishing.

Who figured all this shit out lol?

The KEY idea is this:

any (e,1) a[t] value is simultaneously (an) and (bn).

Think about that for a minute.

You choose which formula to use to split the components.

Once you do that, you get (a) (n) (b) (n)

Maybe multiply (a) and (b) to approximate our starting (c)?

Maybe look for matching (n) values?

Maybe analyze remainders to see if we can get a linear descent towards xA and xB where (an) and (bn) exist?

Plenty of work to be done, lads.

Plenty of new avenues to explore.

New layers unfold with the Offset data.

When you start to analyze (a) and (b) pairs that approximate (c) using the Offset, you will find a couple very interesting things.

Each pair has matching n1 and n2 values.

They do not equal (c) but get very close to it.

Those values have remainders unless they're at the correct xA and xB locations.

How could we move (a) and (b) so that n1 and n2 move to their optimal configuration with no reminders?

A new hidden layer of the grid has been unlocked with the Offset.

Let's see if we can make the solution pop out.

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c62abe No.12615

MM's post I was referencing is >>12605

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c62abe No.12616

>Each pair has matching n1 and n2 values.

To clarify:

Every (a) and (b) pair derived from the Offset formulas has a matching n1 and n2, but they have reminders unless they are at the correct location(s) xA and xB.

We can work backwards to find xA to xB given one of them.


>We are seeking two locations, xA and xB.

>At the correct x locations, a * b = c and n1 = n2

>Because (a) moves inversely to (n) we can test and triangulate the answer.

>And we also can tell with each loop if we’re closer or farther from the solution.

>We can test any a[t] value and get (a) and (n) using xA.

>We can then go to higher x values searching for a[t] = (bn) and solve for (b) and (n) using xB.

>We then multiply together the (a) and (b) values to get a cTest value, while also comparing n1 and n2 to see if they are equal.

>The other very cool thing about n1 and n2 is that they give us directional signals about which way to move x.

>For example if (a) is lower than the correct a value, n1 will be less than n2.

>Which also means (b) is too high and n2 will be greater than n1

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c62abe No.12617

File: 5f06e26aaa37a7f⋯.png (37.17 KB,452x219,452:219,Screen_Shot_2017_12_13_at_….png)

Where I'm currently thinking is on this part of the Offset analysis:

How do we slide/adjust the Offset (a) and (b) values that approximate (c) until we find the optimal value(s) that give us a * b = c and n1 = n2?

n1 and n2 must have a pattern of behavior related to their reminders.

Possibly binary analysis could help, since we've learned that powers of 2 leave remainders (tags) as well.

Chris said "Some patterns are easier to see in binary"

That doesn't mean we can't see them in other ways.

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d82066 No.12618

So I think I have a basic strategy to calculate the solution but it might take a little time before I create the algorithm.

We need a few assumptions that I'm pretty sure confident are true,

1) Every X values for EN satisfies X^2 == 2N-E (Mod N) (also known as a quadratic reside)

2) Every N for a given E exists as an A value in a cell above it. For example, E,N=1,1 has 1, 5, 13, 25, 41, 61, 85, …. There are cells, for E=1, at N=1, N=5, N=13, etc. But there are also cells at N=17, 29, … Notice that these are NOT in N=1, but if we look at N=5, we can see that there is a record (1 5 30 13 17 53), which has 17 as an A value. The next record in the N=5 row has 29 as an A value. I believe this is true for all A and N's in a column

Given an N value, we can test it with END values to validate whether or not it exists, since the correct value has the same D value as our solution.

The plan is this. Start at N=1, and go up through the N values and check whether or not we have the value. Since we know that N is less than our starting record's N, we can set the top limit to that, so we don't need to go beyond N=61 for the 5*19 = 145 record.

A problem with this is that generating records for an EN where N =/= 1 is not trivial, because we'd need to calculate quadratic residues for 2*N to find X values. A simple way to do this is to just iterate from 0 to N+1, squaring that value and doing modulo 2N. Another idea could be using the Euler Criterion (https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/5424/how-can-i-find-out-whether-a-number-is-a-quadratic-residue-in-a-large-modulo) which is a way to check if a number is a residue or not. Given that we plan to solve the factoring, factoring these 2N's to calculate the residues would be trivial and could lead to a recursive solution. Not sure which would be faster. Another idea is that since we know the A values in these records must be a value that is an N value for the column (the same is that they are other A values in the column) we could iterate these, and once you have a match you can easily generate these values by running ENA(e, n, b) with a B value from an existing record. This always generates another record in the cell, however this skips cells. (Example: In cell EN=40, 38, there are 4 residues so it's a little harder). Otherwise for the most part if X is a value in EN, then EN - X (mod 2N) is also a residue, and that is for the most part going to handle a bunch of solutions. This is true because X*X == (-X*-X). So in theory given E,N=1, we can generate every N value in the chart.

We can generate A values using this formula for N=1:

# Keys are just the power of x for f(x) = this polylnomial

def get_a_1_poly(e):

n = 1

return Polynomial({

0: n * ((e+1)//2),

1: -(e%2)*2,

2: 2*n


Since we have a max N, we wouldn't need to generate arbitrarily large N values for any cell, and since the A values increase at a faster rate the higher our N is, the higher the N is the fewer A values we would need to generate. So basically

1. Generate A values for E,N=1

2. Use these A values as N values for E,N=A

- Generate Records in these cells to find new A values and add them to our list

3. For each new N value we test, run the END algorithm to check if we have a valid solution.

It's still an iterative solution, so we aren't directly calculating the answer, but I think it's pretty promising.

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d82066 No.12619


Typo: 5*29=145, not 5*19

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d82066 No.12620

File: 532ceb047d9e416⋯.png (69.19 KB,274x988,137:494,Screenshot_2024_08_26_at_1….png)

An example of the pattern. The left column is the values for N, and the right column is the N for the first occurrence of the N value as an A value in the E column.

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d82066 No.12621


Looks like there are some cases where this is not true, the A values are still in the column, they just aren't necessarily always in a higher N

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ef29dd No.12622

Apologies for the delay.

Timing is everything.

For the polynomial time (sub second) algorithm the loop variable is the floor function of 2d/n. The Integer part.

For RSA100 this stops at loop=5424 making big oh about the same as the square root function.

This works for all integers that are products of two primes close together but not too close. Loop variable under a few thousand for all RSA numbers factored and unfactored

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ef29dd No.12623


The key is the method using the proportion of f to 2d to determine the area in n^2 units of the smallest piece of x+n squared.

That smallest pieces as a fraction is the square of the fraction that makes up the second biggest chunks, then finally the t squared minus 1 chunks of n squared

For RSA100 we know roughly 0.43 n squared plus 0.65595 (root of 0.43) x 2 x73 n squared, plus 72 x 74 n squared. Because t is 73.

More to come

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ef29dd No.12624


What we will eventually demonstrate is that for that there are VERY limited options for x+n squared for a given 2d (without knowing e and f!!!!!!!) AND A GIVEN 2d/n integer. This makes it EASIER at-scale when these two are both given, so we make 2d/n the loop variable.

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d82066 No.12625




So I take it this >>12618 is not the right direction?

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ef29dd No.12626


Yes insomuch as you're studying the properties of the grid and every insight will become useful. This is so much more than integer factorisation. This is about the leaking away of information in a poorly constructed grammar. Keep exploring is my suggestion.

I'll be adding diagrams this week.

In order to complete this, I need to stay anonymous, whomever wishes the credit or just to have the beginning of the mathematical revolution begin, is welcome to it.

Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of the 12 steps of recovery, I carry the Message and help others and practice these steps in all my affairs.

The grid. Features that will help you teach others and explain how it works, will help you once this all goes public.

Row n=1. In each cell you have all the possible "an" that exist for that remainder. Odd x for odd remainders, even x for even remainders. c = aa + 2ax + 2an = aa + 2ax + xx + e, so an equals (xx)+e, therefore every single factor for any c exists in n=1 for that e. When a factor is found at x for e in n=1 cell, the next value of this factor in n=1, will be at x + 2n. Also there will be another dual set of the same factor for the value (2n - x) for x. Remember that is x isn't divisible by n, then there are always two lots of that factor in that cell at n=1. Showing this through geometry allows a very simple proof by induction. Try it? This 2n feature and pattern of the grid is THE PATTERN.

First, I will break down RSA100, then I will show the exact same breakdown (a simple to follow graphic which shows a rectangle n by 2d and how it is sliced) for a larger factored RSA number that also ends in 9 for a and 1 for b that ALSO has an odd t (rsa100 is 73) so will have even values for t-1, and t+1. This is important. Then we will factor an unfactored RSA number ending in 9 for a and 1 for b which has an odd value of t.

Then we will repeat for the remaining RSA numbers until you get the diagram enough to complete the algorithm with my help.

You will need to consider showing this to the world in a way that does no harm, i.e. give the world the space to at least consider having a replacement privacy mechanism in place, though what we do next with the Mandelbrot Set on the back of this hint that P = NP.

If you can, have quick squiz at amplituhedrons, essentially hyperdimensional triangles who simple volumes replace almost incalculable Feynman Diagrams. We'll be doing something similar.

With the awakening behind me and underway, you'll find me here over the next while. What I can't do is become famous. In order to help newcomers and other alcoholics recover, I must stay anonymous and not benefit financially from this undertaking. What you have each earned from the time and patience on top of any love of maths, is to take from this what you would like, and I would like to hand over everything I have without any expectation of anything in return.

We live forever. I would suggest if you haven't had a spiritual awakening, even if you have no belief, if you are WILLING to believe in a power greater than yourself, pray for guidance each morning how to help others for seven days in a row. Each day be willing to receive any message that comes. If you can do just this, exactly as described, you will not be agnostic or atheist by day 4. If this is not your path, I hope you find something.

Diagrams will be simple MSPaint, we will show some new mathematics to this world, fill in some of those blanks.

Then we will apply the design approach for this process to the Mandelbrot Set and also show the obvious and clear reason why the Riemann Hypothesis is true, and it's related to the square root of two. A lot. Remember that 0.5, the critical line in the critical strip is the square (second power) of the reciprocal of root two.

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ef29dd No.12627


Correction: an = (xx + e)/2

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ef29dd No.12628

The glossary is brilliant. We will be basically formalising and building that.

I cannot give financial advice. What I would expect is some volatility in the crypto market once the implications for hashing proof of work algorithms are realised. E.g. this work can be extended very easily to break pretty much ANY one-way function, in fact there may not be any 'real' one-way functions. Absolutely this will break AES. No doubt about that. The first coders to short-cut the double hash for BTC hash result zeros will immediately break BTC as proof-of-work will rocket to all zeros for every hash, since if it is used to blatantly take the block very early in the hashing period to scoop the mining reward, the number of zeros to hash will increase.

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8cc017 No.12629

File: 6980e1fd84482a1⋯.png (349.13 KB,1260x1624,45:58,Screenshot_2024_08_26_03.png)

File: 86ce11f6bda33c6⋯.png (684.66 KB,1262x1540,631:770,Screenshot_2024_08_26_04.png)







Lots to think on here, and thanks for the mind expanding ideas!

I love this math(s) game.

I do hate waiting for you to show up, and it's been challenging to keep spirits up.

Thanks to Sheeeeit for getting us working again.

I made a vow to myself and God to see this project completed.

Let's work and explore.

>Showing this through geometry allows a very simple proof by induction. Try it? This 2n feature and pattern of the grid is THE PATTERN.

We know f changes by 2(n-1) every time we move 2n left or right in the grid.

Are you saying it also applies to up and down within the e column for a given c?

>you'll find me here over the next while

Hopefully so.

>if you are WILLING to believe in a power greater than yourself, pray for guidance each morning

>Each day be willing to receive any message that comes

Amen. "Father let your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven"

>an = (xx + e)/2

Yes, we've been busy trying to crack that nut.

The Offset allows us to split any a[t] value into its respective (a) (n) OR (b) (n) values depending on the formula used.

Can you please give a few pointers or how to solve it in a more elegant way using the Grid?

Found this excellent explanation of the Aramaic version of the Lord's Prayer.

Much more inspiring directly from the source language, rather than Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English.

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c5f320 No.12630

File: ec9d2228b7b3223⋯.png (420.72 KB,2856x1292,42:19,Screenshot_2024_08_11_at_1….png)


>Diagrams will be simple MSPaint, we will show some new mathematics to this world, fill in some of those blanks.

Sounds good.

To us few still remaining you're the deadbeat Dad who doesn't show up for his custody visits.

Like a true Alcoholic.

Maybe there's a legitimate timing reason, but we don't really put any faith in your promises.

Glad you're back.

We've learned a lot, and we're still here.

You can still deliver on your promises.

Regarding the solution:

The binary patterns showed us that every (e) column related to a specific (c) value leaves repeating remainders in the a[t] values.

This is a very beautiful solution path.

Very attuned to Nature and Fibonacci sequences

To my mind this is the sexiest way to solve it.

Any hints?



These patterns can also be seen in another way when we use the Offset to split a[t] values

From (an) into (a) and (n1)

From (bn) into (b) and (n2)

There is a pattern of remainders when we use n2/n1

Not sure how to use this info.

Any hints?

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4c8ea5 No.12631


And of course we will explore the ideas you've posted above.

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c4a12d No.12632

File: 3b430595446d2ef⋯.jpg (330.05 KB,1014x1134,169:189,Screenshot_20240827_024241….jpg)

File: a71fc958669b259⋯.jpg (349.2 KB,739x1032,739:1032,Screenshot_20240827_024214….jpg)


VA, I know you've suffered loss over the years working on this, and I also take your deadbeat Dad (at least you capitalized Dad? lol) with a bit of playful jest.

But, who knows what anyone else is going through in their lives. Like I said months ago with you bickering at pma, let us just all be thankful for one another, and the fact We Are Here, Now. Breathing, Thinking, Experiencing, Loving.

Just Beings, Just Being.

And even though we have suffered loss, think of how what we lost, has been returned to us 10x fold. There has been no loss, only gain.

I Love You All.

As I said in the chat before this thread would load for me:

"We will complete our mission on the right day. No Doubt. Perfect Timing. All Things 🙏"

All Love.

All Time.

Is Yours.

Is Mine.


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622e15 No.12633


I think the 2N thing can be described by the pattern I wrote a little bit ago. X^2 -E (mod 2n) for all EN, meaning it cycles every shift of E by 2N since E 2N + E (mod 2N)

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622e15 No.12634


Idk what that formatting is>>12633, both where the red starts and ends there should be ==

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2fcd4b No.12635

Hello everyone!

I went back to the archives and found the posts about Chris' current idea.

Here there are for our team to review.

These are all from RSA #18, and should give a good overview to anyone who wants to refresh or catch up.

>>11394 Introduction

>>11556 Further explanation (key idea to my mind: how many lengths of f fit inside 2d)

>"its the same for all the RSA numbers, you just need to understand how to order d,e, and f depending on their relative lengths. Thats why sometime n is crucial, sometime n-1, same for f, same for d."


>The pyramid, the triangle with the missing top. The KEY of math. The eye of the beholder. It is showing the solution to the integer factorisation. "Complete the pyramid (triangle) and all these worlds are yours"


>Why is 2d and x completely self similar to x+2n and n-1 and what do the extra significant digits from 2d and x tell you wrt to the golden ratio and construction of large integers?


>If (2d-74x)x = (x+2n)-74n/n-1 holds for RSA100,

>Then what is missing from the language of equations and general mathetics that gives rise to this?

>>11672 More explanation and details


>So how do we unlock the Key of Hades and of def?

>This is understanding f-1 and how e and two d combine to give the ratio.





>>11702 VQC responds to MM's work

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2fcd4b No.12636


Good new crumb here.

Unclear if related to the current idea or Riemann.

>Remember that 0.5, the critical line in the critical strip is the square (second power) of the reciprocal of root two.

Sqrt(2) = 1.414213562373095

1 / Sqrt(2) = 0.707106781186548

(1 / Sqrt(2)) ^ 2 = 0.5

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2fcd4b No.12637


Hello GA! Yes, we have yet to unlock the pattern Chris has been trying to help us understand. I have expended some mental energy trying to figure out this clue today.

>When a factor is found at x for e in n=1 cell, the next value of this factor in n=1, will be at x + 2n. Also there will be another dual set of the same factor for the value (2n - x) for x. Remember that is x isn't divisible by n, then there are always two lots of that factor in that cell at n=1. Showing this through geometry allows a very simple proof by induction. Try it? This 2n feature and pattern of the grid is THE PATTERN.

Please keep exploring and post your results. You mentioned that you thought it could be powerful enough to be a solution algorithm?

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a495aa No.12638

File: a919368c9bd473b⋯.jpeg (135.38 KB,923x916,923:916,IMG_9364.jpeg)


Sheeeeit, love you brother! Thanks for all your encouragement.

"We will complete our mission on the right day. No Doubt. Perfect Timing. All Things. "

Amen. Let it be so.

>I also take your deadbeat Dad (at least you capitalized Dad? lol) with a bit of playful jest.

Of course lol. Just gotta talk some shit to Senpai. What a faggot.

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bcc85e No.12639


Maybe he's hinting at a general pattern we can use.

Off the top of my head, here's c6107.

I understand Chris' point is that it works better with larger c values.

I'm simply brainstorming out loud on how we could use this transformation process/idea with f, (f-1), 2d knowns for a given (c).

The ratio works both ways to change x to n and vice versa.

Step 1. Get the ratio

(f-1) / 2d = 0.85256410

Step 2. Get the Sqrt

Sqrt((f-1) / 2d) = 0.9233439

Step 3. Get the reciprocal

1 / Sqrt((f-1) / 2d) = 1.08302000

Step 4. Square the reciprocal

(1 / Sqrt((f-1) / 2d)) ^ 2 = 1.172932330

Step 5. Since this is 0.5, multiply by 2


Step 6. Separate the integer and mantissa.

Integer is 2, Mantissa is 0.345864661

Once we can find this elusive fraction, we then iterate/loop the integer portion while holding the fraction constant.

Actual 2d / n = 156 / 36 = 4.333333

Integer is 4, mantissa is 0.33333

(x + 2n) / n = 3.305555

Integer is 3, mantissa is 0.3055555

>>11736 Another good crumb, starting at the top of RSA #19

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ee8f78 No.12640

RSA #19 Crumbs







>Then we discovered the self similarity of 2d to x and x+2n and nm1. This was MASSIVE because we had gain of function where we could a set of x and make it n with f or vice versa AND we could take a different set of x and make it n with x and vice versa.

>What is it? It is not as complicated as it sounds and it looks a bit like a Lorentz transformation from physics.

>>11814 Symmetry in number theory


>>11839 2 Billion for this tech?



>>12178 AA's dig(s) on all this stuff

>>12187. AA's summary on his dig





>>12384. "Set the knob to d + e/2d"

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fc6244 No.12641

File: e11fa74310c84a7⋯.jpg (119.58 KB,896x704,14:11,cb263df55fa47188aed26e6fd7….jpg)


plz come thru and provide the MSPaint diagrams and more crumbs. And walk the math nerds through this.

We Are Ready. (For the sonoluminescent desktop quantum computers.)

Bring that shit bruddha.



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3896bf No.12642


Okay cool, see you when you come back in 2026 and tell us the same thing again

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d82066 No.12643

File: 067162c721e1a64⋯.png (148.89 KB,644x794,322:397,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_8….png)


>When a factor is found at x for e in n=1 cell, the next value of this factor in n=1, will be at x + 2n

Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but for the factor 5 in E=1, N=1, we do see this happening, so for X=7 our N value is 5 and A is 5 and we do see X+2N would be 7 + 2*5 = 17, and we see it at 17, but we also see it at 13 so not sure what this means

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d82066 No.12644


Fuerthermore if we look at 29, we see it at X 17 and X 41, but in the 17 row the N is 5, so we would expect to see it at X 27 but we aren’t. We are seeing it 24 away and if we use that equation it would imply that N is 12, and it is not

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8367ae No.12645



I think he's talking about this >>7388 (except he's talking about x instead of t)

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2d322d No.12647


New post in Sono. Seems there is some work happening on it on X related to the MH370 event that is happening there. I have kept an eye out for anything even remotely related to VQC stuff for yall but have not seen much until all of a sudden come talk about Sonolum… Worth a look anyway. https://nitter.poast.org/JustXAshton/status/1829536643600068658#m

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2975a1 No.12648


Interdasting, thx.

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0ff6f9 No.12649


>The glossary is brilliant. We will be basically formalising and building that.


>f = e - 2d + 1

f = e - (2d + 1)

f = e - 2d - 1


>RSA number that also ends in 9 for a and 1 for b …

Seems a bit Off-Base …

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be75be No.12650


Hello MM! You here for a bit this evening?

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0ff6f9 No.12651


>Aramaic version of the Lord's Prayer.



>I went back to the archives ..


Lot of work, good 'theta filter'.


Would be unfortunate if a fiction held such sway in perceptions.


All wings check in. Standing by.

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be75be No.12652


>All wings check in. Standing by.

Red 5 Standing by.

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0ff6f9 No.12653


>For any cell E,N, the X values are all numbers such that X*X mod (2N) == 2N - E

Explored this further, as:

(2n-e) is congruent to (x*x) Modulo (2*n)

and included view of:


>There is a 2n line of cells from origin cell, could apply below this bound..

>Will take another look at the bound.

Better description would be "half_ef" boundaries. There are two in e and two in f, parallel and one ef apart.

The Origin Cells are:

{'half_ef_odd_e_odd_n': (1, 1),

'half_ef_odd_e_even_n': (3, 2),

'half_ef_even_e_odd_n': (2, 1),

'half_ef_even_e_even_n': (4, 2),

'half_ef_odd_f_odd_n': (-3, 1),

'half_ef_odd_f_even_n': (-1, 0),

'half_ef_even_f_odd_n': (-2, 1),

'half_ef_even_f_even_n': (0, 0)}

Those 8 sub-series, consisting of 4 lines each with the 1/2 slope.

The 'n' is broken out Odd and Even, as found each parity subset has a predictable growth along the series.

The 'e' side first, appears as if everything on and to the left/down of the boundaries works.

So far in 'f', have only found portion of the half_ef boundaries (odd) match, but may be how "2n-e" defined when using f.


>Haven’t found much to do with this but interesting nonetheless

Same, just a humble farmer of The Grid, tending the rows and columns. Certainly notable and will include in things to check/watch.

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0ff6f9 No.12654


>Red 5



>The amount of solid gold info that was given to us up front is astonishing.



>Have a bit of time this evening and thought to work in couple directions:

>1) enumeration methods for a generating function (e.g. grid output)

>2) looking further into the mods and associated coefficients for the various quadratics (and 4th order polynomial for c), the cyclic sets of factor pairs, ..

Did quite a fair bit with 1) patterns and enumeration, will be shifting back to 2) the mods.

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be75be No.12655


>Aramaic version of the Lord's Prayer.

Glad you found joy in it.

I'm playing with the BigInteger calculator, trying combos of 2d / f, f / 2d, sqrt(2), etc. Not sure how this relates to the Grid, but working anyways.

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be75be No.12656

Here's what I have so far:

Ratio Study for R100:

2d / f = 4.63903805002162256178

(2d / f) / Sqrt(2) = 3.28029526335270757389

(2d / f) * Sqrt(2) = 6.56059052670541514777

f / 2d = 0.21556193099027049343

(f / 2d) / sqrt(2) = 0.15242530316888685551

(f / 2d) * Sqrt(2) = 0.30485060633777371101

Sqrt( 2d / f) = 2.15384262424663296516

Sqrt( f / 2d ) = 0.46428647513175579625

2d / (f-1) = 4.63903805002162256178

Key Values per Chris' recent crumb:

Sqrt(2) = 1.4142135623730950488

1 / Sqrt(2) = 0.7071067811865475244

(1/ Sqrt(2)) ^ 2 = 0.5

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be75be No.12657


>you have one knob. You set it to d + e/2d. This is the input.

Following the crumb:

d = 39020571855401265512289573339484371018905006900194

e / 2d =


d + (e / 2d) = 39020571855401265512289573339484371018905006900194.78443806900972950656

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0ff6f9 No.12658


>N value is 5

Think that's n=1 with the x 1, 3, 5, 7 (n=5: 3, 7, 13, 17, 23..)

Using grid input, have a function to factor each parameter (d, x, a, ..) for the t values of each cell. Can run using valid cells in column, for example using this e=1:

Valid 'n' values for ef=1:

[1, 5, 13, 17, 25, 29, 37, 41, 53, 61, 65, 73, 85, 89, 97, 101, 109, 113, 125]


(1, 1) [5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 41, 53, 61, 73, 109, 113, …

(1, 5) [5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 41, 53, 73, 89, 109, 137, …

(1, 13) [5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 41, 53, 61, 73, 241, 269, …

(1, 17) [5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 41, 73, 89, 101, 109, 193,…

(1, 25) [5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 101, 149, 173, 181, 229, 4…

(1, 29) [5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 53, 61, 97, 257, 617, 797,…

and do unique sort:

Unique 'a' factors for ef=1:

[5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 41, 53, 61, 73, 89, 97, 101, 109, 113, 137, 149, 157, 173, 181, 193, 197, 229, 233, 241, 257, 269, 277, 281, 293, 313, 317, 337, 349, 373, 389, 397, 409, 421, 433, 449, 457, 461, 509, 521, 541, 569, 577, 593, 601, 613, 617, 641, 653, 701, 733, 757, 761, 773, 797, 821, 853, 857, 877, 881, 941, 997, 1009, 1013, 1033, 1061, 1069, 1097, 1181, 1201, 1213, 1277, 1289, 1321, 1453, 1481, 1489, 1553, 1609, 1721, 1889, 1949, 1973, 2017, 2141, 2297, 2357, 2389, 2473, 2549, 2557, 2609, 2617, 2797, 3037, 3049, 3061, 3089, 3109, 3257, 3313]

Which are:


A002144 Pythagorean primes: primes of the form 4*k + 1.

Do recall this mentioned by Chris back in the day, and

>>11999 (PB)

>Col e=1 has ONLY the Pythagorean primes (believe it was Col e=2 that will have the Odd Gaussian).

The valid 'n' has additional, for example 85, as it's 5*17.

Ahh, thought had posted on this specific topic.


and e=23:


(23, n_all) [2, 3, 13, 23, 29, 31, 41, 47, 59, 71, 73, 101…

These are interesting w/ OEIS, as have been taking note of Legendre (⌘) values more.


A296932 Primes p such that Legendre(-23,p) = 0 or 1.

2, 3, 13, 23, 29, 31, 41, 47, 59, 71, 73, 101, 127, 131, 139, 151, 163, 167, 173, 179, 193, 197, ..

>Chris' recent crumb:

>>11855 (pb)

>Am only using crumbs prior to 11/14/18 >>8176 in RSA14.


>new patterns gleaned from VQC crumb review (RSA#14 and prior ONLY).

Still plenty of homework to get caught up on, the list seems to grow, but helping to see what is coherent, and not..

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7a950e No.12659

Red Leader checking in sending the blessings To/From The Most High.


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0ff6f9 No.12660


12659 prime <+> Check



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0ff6f9 No.12661

File: 23c47798b39d9a9⋯.png (199.66 KB,1155x616,15:8,gridmap_interleaved.png)


>Still plenty of homework..

Will try and post some of the general insights from recent grid explorations as relevant.

A pic of grid from csv, with some enrichment by type of cell.

>>7680 (Grid Patterns)

>Even squares are equal to four times a triangle number plus four times the previous triangle number (4(T(u)+T(u-1)).


>This means we always know whether (x+n)(x+n) and (d+n)(d+n) are 8T(u)+1 or 4(T(u)+T(u-1)). That means we know what configuration of triangles they are.

ty AA, looked through a few posts and that caught my eye, wasn't in current method. Have been handling Odd squares ok, but the Even Even is going to take both (at same time, one for i other for j, as you say). Will look at how that fits.

>>4343 (RSA10)

>We have a method to calculate what n would be if we used our blue base of ((f-2) div 40). This n will call n0, to make it different from the value of n that will be our solution.

>We will add a method to calculate what would be missing from the triangles if we could only fill them with n0 squared and multiples of 2d.


>doubling the width of the chunks of (f-2)

This "chunks of (f-2)" has been confusing, and Would like to get a working Odd xpn case to work it out.

Understand the 40 instead of div8 came as 5 was an obvious factor of f once the the two '1's' donated removed (f-2):

RSA100_n0_8 = (RSA100f-2)//8 # ends in a '5'

Need to go through the steps from there, with the chunks of 2d.

So given 'chunks' means a mod value (noting the remainder, '4' for the RSA100 example) and how that fits.

Limited Time, so when able to do a bit, will be looking further into the mods and these triangle geometry connections.

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d82066 No.12662

File: ed5e2fbfa79d578⋯.png (3.72 MB,1274x1718,637:859,Screenshot_2024_09_02_at_9….png)


Showing this through geometry allows a very simple proof by induction. Try it?

Here's the proof for even E for one of the divisibility rules

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d82066 No.12663

probably messy and could be better done, but it's proven nonetheless. Not sure where this puts us but just following the steps


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a495aa No.12664

File: 343d522b60d7374⋯.png (65.18 KB,2443x830,2443:830,343d522b60d73741b0f8481f0a….png)

File: ac06802cb6173ef⋯.png (60.44 KB,1100x768,275:192,ac06802cb6173efc2f8605a94a….png)

File: e93ff246605ce55⋯.png (33.49 KB,509x524,509:524,Screen_Shot_2024_01_04_at_….png)

File: d3e9c721f1d61bf⋯.png (76.63 KB,1246x674,623:337,Screenshot_2024_01_24_at_6….png)

What's up lads! Checking in for the evening, hope everyone is well.

>>12659. Blessings to all on this fine evening, and may the Most High illuminate our thoughts as we humbly labor on the VQC Farm, tending our rows and columns.

>>12661 This color coded heat map is fkn lit, MM! Great work.

>>12662 Dafuq ?! This look like my kind of handwritten work lol. Love it, will review anon.

Ok, so this ratio thing is frustrating to me, but I’m doing my best to mentally aggregate all our crumbs and think creatively with an open mind.

The whole idea revolves around a more detailed analysis of the (x+n)^2 area.

Specifically, 2d / n and (x + 2n) / n

We know the (x+n)^2 area has two formulas.

n^2 + 2d(n-1) + f - 1


n^2 + 2xn + x^2

So the interesting part is that if we eliminate n^2, then:

2d(n-1) + f -1

Is the same as

2xn + x^2

2d(n-1) + f -1 = 2xn + x^2

So if there’s a relationship where a ratio between x and n exists, it’s there in the 2xn part of the second formula.

We could also play with it and move things around algebraically.

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a495aa No.12665


Hey GA, good to see you! Had to check the post ID's.

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a495aa No.12666

Playing with algebra…

2d(n-1) + f -1 = 2xn + x^2

2d(n-1) + f -1 - x^2 = 2xn

( 2d(n-1) + f -1 - x^2 ) / 2 = xn

There's our (xn) relationship isolated.

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a495aa No.12667


>This is the important one. The change in ratios. You can have all the theories you want or need and without having examples of rates of change, you cannot test.

>We know the ratio is almost unchanged if two is added to a.

>First reaction is look at what has changed much and what hasn't much.

>f and e have changed by multiples of x+2n, and in an environment where that's one of moduli, the fact that f and e are changing the most, well, treat every new piece of interest with caution.

>There is a ratio of things we know.

>At first I thought it might be one of those ones that bounce round values (orbit) until they settle on the right value (hint).

>I started with something like…

>Next = This - (d-this)/2 (in my first example it was fm1 for "this"). Something like Lorentz would have done later.


He's trying to show us how to find the formula to predict the next valid c value which would give us the valid 2n movement.


>Remember the clever steps.

>Then we discovered the self similarity of 2d to x and x+2n and nm1. This was MASSIVE because we had gain of function where we could a set of x and make it n with f or vice versa AND we could take a different set of x and make it n with x and vice versa.

>What is it? It is not as complicated as it sounds and it looks a bit like a Lorentz transformation from physics.

Dafuq if I know at the moment, but I am locked for an attack run if anyone wants to bullseye womprats with me using the force.

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0ff6f9 No.12668

File: 039fa3294d64023⋯.png (29.58 KB,1485x172,1485:172,c_6107_multi_c.png)


>may the Most High illuminate our thoughts as we humbly labor on the VQC Farm, tending our rows and columns.

ty, plowing away. Was going to step away, but will hang in seeing you active. Hope all is well.

>>>12661 (You) This color coded heat map is fkn lit, MM! Great work.

A start. GA's image from his code shows some of the same features/patterns.

The point of that one was to especially show the "half_ef" line 22.5 degrees on ef side (it's highlighted orange on 'e' side).

Also, the dark blue cells, are those that don't have the complicated Interleaved Series (regular quadratics).

Now many of them are "variants", meaning special cases due to factors (similar to e0 column), but at least normal quadratics.

Some of simpler interleaving have been able to tease out, but for another day.


>Dafuq if I know at the moment, but I am locked for an attack run if anyone wants to bullseye womprats with me using the force.

So, recall the "what happens when c is multiplied" by 2 or 4 (don't have crumb handy).

Had thought about that some recently, realizing that if c*4, dpn and xpn would only need to double (double area of rectangle).

Earlier, thought about that again, and realized if again multiplied by 4 (so 16*c), dpn and xpn would only double again, and so 4 times their orig, so according to square root, which makes sense. Then wondered how d, x, and n would change.

This is rough notes from spreadsheet, but Interdasting! Can change the sign of xpn.

c_orig mult c_mult d_mult e_mult f_mult dpn_m n_mult xpn_m x_mult diff_c d_mult dpnN_m n_mult xNpnN_m x_mult diff_c

6107 4 24428 156 92 -221 228 72 166 94 24428 156 6108 5952 6106 154 24428 2

6107 9 54963 234 207 -262 342 108 249 141 54963 234 9162 8928 9159 231 54963 3

6107 16 97712 312 368 -257 456 144 332 188 97712 312 12216 11904 12212 308 97712 4

6107 25 152675 390 575 -206 570 180 415 235 152675 390 15270 14880 15265 385 152675 5

6107 36 219852 468 828 -109 684 216 498 282 219852 468 18324 17856 18318 462 219852 6

Pic of sheet in case that doesn't format at all..

and given (ef,n) of (92,72) for the 4 multiple is in grid, took a look, and there's the record (t=4):




{92:72:156:94:62:394:24428:228:166} # match


Here's what was interesting, is looking at another value, c=8207 (d=90):

c_orig mult c_mult d_mult

8207 4 32828 181

For that case, the d increases by one more than double, and the n changes accordingly.

Couldn't validate in grid or find similar case quickly, but that's unexpected so need to check..

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26b1c0 No.12669


Thanks, MM!

Thanks for sticking around tonight!

Yes, all is well here!

The Most High has seen fit to bless me with even higher levels of responsibility lol.

Once you learn to ask for help all day every day, life becomes a flow rather than a series of blockages.

"Father let your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."


"Let your will be done in my life right now today."

>So, recall the "what happens when c is multiplied" by 2 or 4 (don't have crumb handy).

Yes, great crumb.

Unsolved for the moment.

If we can predict/calc even one of the variables on your sheet, we can solve.

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26b1c0 No.12670

Thinking out loud here.

With the 2n movement, our goal is to find the next c value where we have d+1, a+1, and b+1.

Maybe the ratio between 2d, e, and f is a clue to finding the next (e) value where we have a valid (c).

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26b1c0 No.12671

For example, with c6107




For the next (c) in the series, we know that:

a+1 = 32

b+1 = 198

d+1 = 79

c = 6336



e= 95

f= (2d+1)-e = 64

fc6107 - fc6336 = 70 = 2(n-1)

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c91186 No.12672


Hunting for patterns.

Could be nothing, just hunting for a simple idea we've missed.

For the c6107 example:

moving to c6336

new (e) is 4(e)+ (4 -1)

(23 * 4) + (4 -1) = 95

So multiply e by 4, and add (4-1) = 95

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c91186 No.12673

Chris is probably SMH at this entry level shit.

Sorry dude, it has to make sense to me from the Grid.

If we can calc the next (e) or (c) we win.

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0ff6f9 No.12674


>Hunting for patterns



>For that case, the d increases by one more than double, and the n changes accordingly.

>Couldn't validate in grid or find similar case quickly, but that's unexpected so need to check

Ok, looked a bit more, preliminary results is half of numbers impacted with asymmetric scaling of variables. Think am seeing drivers as relates to crossing d thresholds.

Looked for examples on grid with and without the scaling delta:

2041 (*4=8164): scales smoothly

2183 (*4=8732): ratios change.





Mult 4, scales to:



and c=2183:



scales (mult 4 = 8732)



So d orig = 46, scales to 93 (vs 92)

Will be busy irl for a fair bit, good to end this recent sesh with a new pattern to mull over.

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2975a1 No.12675

Random thought after watching some cool geometry visual videos.

Again, I'm not the math nerd, but. What if like the whole __+1, what if that +1 was an additional side?

Like, yall talk about triangles a lot, and squares a different rectangles alot.

But what about a pentagon? It'd be like 4+1 additional side.

Idk, that gummy hit right earlier tho.


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50c46e No.12676


I have a heat map thing I can share I I’m you’re comfortable with the terminal. It’s a single python file so it should be easy to run. A little messy but it gets the job done

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33c964 No.12677

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adbc25 No.12678

File: 3250b4795584de0⋯.jpeg (518.44 KB,1563x894,521:298,IMG_5507.jpeg)


So for this your terminal has to be pretty big, but it can do a lot. !help<enter> should give you a basic gist of other help messages, like !help <subcommand><enter> but for starters here late the basics

- navigate map using WASD

- go up and down right list with j/k

- highlight entries for matching values. So !hl a 25 would show all cells with 25 as an A value. If you want to remove the highlight press “-“

- “i” adds that record to the bottom view and “I” removes the most recent record

I’ve found some pretty decent patterns with this across all grids and I have them typed up somewhere but I’m working on a V2 that will allow you to change grids, search on OEIS, and allow window resizing but it’s going to take a little while. I still use this one because it’s more featureful. Using it looks like this (this is the D=7 grid)

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d82066 No.12679

File: 3495d39b55181cd⋯.png (399.24 KB,878x1488,439:744,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_7….png)

File: 9873b8c8994bed3⋯.png (545.04 KB,1194x1576,597:788,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_7….png)

File: 9873b8c8994bed3⋯.png (545.04 KB,1194x1576,597:788,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_7….png)


And here are those grid notes

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d82066 No.12680

File: 14f58f34c3faf17⋯.png (621.98 KB,1324x1686,662:843,Screenshot_2024_09_04_at_7….png)


Didn't put X

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c88271 No.12681


Nice, saw your post ln. Had run prev version when you shared >>12558


>And here are those grid notes

Interesting, especially observation of equivalency in movement of the 'ray' and 'diagonal' functions.


>working on a V2 that will allow you to change grids, search on OEIS, and allow window resizing

Would be good for resizing to include 1:1 aspect ratio in xy display of a grid. Can imagine challenges in terminal style display though.

Regarding OEIS, While ago used oeis.jl to make calls, but coming back to it, wanted something local as option. The following is a most basic capability for grid enrichment that's super simple without matching rules, stats, and so. Don't have time to do more atm, but a working start, so perhaps useful. Have function(s) to 'generate_grid_sequence' that produce the input seqeunces to match (a param value for cell, along defined paths, factors, and so on).

Two input files:

Compressed Versions: You can download the sequences and their A-numbers in a gzipped file, and the two files are updated daily.

There is a gzipped file containing just the sequences and their A-numbers (a few tens of megabytes)

There is also a gzipped file containing just the names of the sequences and their A-numbers (a few megabytes)


The method starts with local match to an ID using sequence input, and enrichment of that ID match with the associated Text Description.

For additional details of an ID record, still call using to OIEIS API using requests. The metadata is parsed and simple output of record. If you want that as well, let me know. Also, there's a github download of the full dbase, and plan to incorporate as would enable full record locally.

Start by downloading the files:



and setting path variable:

file_path = "/path/to/oeis/files/"

def load_names_file(file_path):

"""Load the OEIS sequence names from the 'names' file."""

names_dict = {}

with open(file_path, 'r') as f:

for line in f:

if line.startswith('A'):

parts = line.strip().split(' ', 1)

sequence_id = parts[0]

sequence_name = parts[1]

names_dict[sequence_id] = sequence_name

return names_dict

def load_names_file(file_path):

"""Load the OEIS sequence names from the 'names' file."""

names_dict = {}

with open(file_path, 'r') as f:

for line in f:

if line.startswith('A'):

parts = line.strip().split(' ', 1)

sequence_id = parts[0]

sequence_name = parts[1]

names_dict[sequence_id] = sequence_name

return names_dict

Build the two dicts:

names_dict = load_names_file(file_path+'names')

sequences_dict = load_stripped_file(file_path + 'stripped')

Here are examples for each dict:

A000001: Number of groups of order n.

A000002: Kolakoski sequence: a(n) is length of n-th run; a(1) = 1; sequence consists just of 1's and 2's.

A000003: Number of classes of primitive positive definite binary quadratic forms of discriminant D = -4n; or equivalently the class number of the quadratic order of discriminant D = -4n.

A000004: The zero sequence.

A000005: d(n) (also called tau(n) or sigma_0(n)), the number of divisors of n.

A000001: [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 5, 1, 2, 1, 14, 1, 5, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 15, 2, 2, 5, 4, 1, 4, 1, 51, 1, 2, 1, 14, 1, 2, 2, 14, 1, 6, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 52, 2, 5, 1, 5, 1, 15, 2, 13, 2, 2, 1, 13, 1, 2, 4, 267, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 4, 1, 50, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 1, 52, 15, 2, 1, 15, 1, 2, 1, 12, 1, 10, 1, 4, 2]

A000002: [1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2]

Using the dics, a matching function. This needs significant enhancement.

def find_matching_sequence(sequence, sequences_dict, names_dict):

"""Find a matching sequence in the stripped file."""

for seq_id, seq_data in sequences_dict.items():

if sequence == seq_data[:len(sequence)]:

return seq_id, names_dict.get(seq_id, "Unknown Sequence")

return None, "No match found"


input_sequence = [5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 41] # recent example highlighting pythagorean primes

seq_id, seq_name = find_matching_sequence(input_sequence, sequences_dict, names_dict)

if seq_id:

print(f"Sequence input: {input_sequence}")

print(f"Matched OEIS Sequence: {seq_id} - {seq_name}")


print("No match found in the OEIS database.")

Displayed result:

Sequence input: [5, 13, 17, 29, 37, 41]

Matched OEIS Sequence: A002144 - Pythagorean primes: primes of the form 4*k + 1.

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1b230e No.12683

Hello everyone!

Writing down a couple thoughts after a busy day IRL.

One thing we didn't yet explore (I think) regarding the binary path is to use the Offset to generate a list of the (a) and (b) values we can create using the offset formulas

In (e,1) every a[t] represents (an), and in (-f,1) every a[t] represents a(n-1) when we use the correct formula of d[t] - d

(an) - a(n-1) = a

In (e,1) every a[t] value ALSO represents (bn), when we use the correct formula of d[t] - d[t-1] = (bn)

(bn) - b(n-1) = b

These two lists should be generated and then examined for the binary tags pattern that AA and I worked on.

Leaving this here to come back and work on it as time permits.

Anyone else is welcome to take a look.

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b8a218 No.12685

Huh, on another topic, I finally thought of a good way to use negative x.

Remember Chris' hint "where is the first appearance of c?"

There are many ways to approach that question, but what if we found the x/t location closest to x = 0 ?

That would certainly be one correct way to answer his question.

So at a[t] = cN, we have for example N=61 and c=145, which occurs at a[c-d], (a) value = 8845

Since the factor chain allows us to skip by known factors (p) * (multiplier), the first location ( closest x value to 0 ) would be a[c - d - c ] which would be a negative t/x value.

a[cN] occurs at t[c-d], t location = 133

133 - 145 = [t] location -12 = -d

E,N,D lol.

Also worth noting that since a[cN] is always found at t = (c-d), then t = (c - d - c) will always be found at t = -d, and so there will be something interesting for every (c) value at the location x = -d

I'll go fire up PMA's program now and go explore.

I'm learning that my brain works better when I write out ideas so I can find them again.

Ideas first, exploration next.

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72bb3b No.12689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hello everyone! I'll be exploring and working for a bit tonight if anyone would like to join.

In honor of Candace Owens and Ye's interview getting censored from YouTube today, here's my fav Kanye song.

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72bb3b No.12690

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And here's the full video that was deleted.

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35d8c8 No.12691

File: 6841d5efe646d1b⋯.jpeg (209.98 KB,923x644,923:644,IMG_9504.jpeg)

There is a record in negative x that is easy to find and should have factors of (n) or (a)

IF!! the factor chain extends to -x in a logical way.

It should be -d OR (-d-1)

depending on our calcs of how the [t] values are aligned.

The values of (a) and (b) flip in negative x

So we can get a factor chain record from a[N] and a[cN] in negative x.

By moving (p).

"Think Mirror"

The factor chain of (p) and (multiplier) should extend into -x space.

The idea of going into negative x to follow the factor chain is pretty sexy.

Going through the mirror, like Alice.

I'm beat. Gotta head to bed.

I'll be thinking on this during work tomorrow.

Goodnight all.

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9abf11 No.12692


Song holds true on so many levels.


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8e1973 No.12694


Always working on this one. Starting to make more sense, but not quite there.

>>6298 (pb)

a[t+n] = nb

This is true for all c.

For the value of c, at the same t but in cell (-f,1), the value at a[t] = a(n-1) and a[t+n-1] = b(n-1)

This is the key.

The value of a[t] at -f and e in the first row have the same factor.

The values in each cell that have b as a factor are DIFFERENT, not aligned. They are one element apart in the two cells. In the positive side of the grid, they are n elements apart. In the negative side of the grid, the elements one less elements apart.

One cell has n as a factor at those positions at positive e column, one cells has n-1 as a factor in the negative f column.

Having done a little digging as part of common factors work, starting to understand how this relates with the horizontal 2n jumps in the same row.

The 2n for e row, and 2(n-1) jumps for the sibling f row that is adjacent. Started with just valid Cell jumps. More to do looking at adjacent rows together, and linking specific records.

There is also the substitution mentioned for the n(n-1), where 'n-1' is taken as 'k+1', and so the formula can be viewed as k(k+1) relationship, which opens some doors. One being the base and base +1 for triangles.

For the sibling records: Leftward, e to f direction, moving down one n (to n-1). Or moving from the f to e direction (Right), n+1.

Started looking at all the nN, Big N records on the standard Reference Grid, trusty old grid file. There are 143 nN records on the e side, the Odd 'c' from 1 to 285 (using a grid w/ bounds 126 n and +/- 126 ef). Each has its matching f sister record.

Now, for either the e or f Big N, take a 2n jump in respective row (using n for that row, n for e and its n-1 relative to that for the f row).

Lands on the "zero" record for 'a', a=0.

These are both in 'f' side, land on a perfect square column, and these are one perfect square apart.

Moving to Right in a row, a and b increase, but also the difference between a and b (dpn - xpn) increases by one each time as 'a' increases by one, as expected. Always amazing how everything just fits from every direction and angle..


e n d x a b c i j

8 36 9 8 1 89 89 45 44

2n jump Left:

-64 36 8 8 0 88 0 44 44

f=-64 (8)

the sister nN record for c=89

-11 35 10 9 1 89 89 45 44

2n jump L:

-81 35 9 9 0 88 0 44 44

f = -81 = 9sq

Jumps to align…

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732609 No.12695

File: 7984c7709de6e4a⋯.jpeg (102.61 KB,1080x1098,60:61,IMG_9509.jpeg)


This was an excellent summary post, thanks AA. You got me looking for GCD's everywhere now.

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732609 No.12696


Hello MM!

>Starting to make more sense, but not quite there.

This one is hard to wrap the mind around, but a simple way to think of it is this:

Any a[t] could be our desired value of (an) or (bn), since both values show up in the a[t] values.

The Offset formulas let us examine any a[t] and split it apart.

We can use one of two formulas on any a[t] value.

The formula for (an) splits a given a[t] (an) into (a) and (n)

The formula for (bn) spilts a given a[t] (bn) into (b) and (n)

a[t] can be both (an) and (bn) simultaneously, although for a given (c) they will never be at the same x or t value.

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5e137a No.12698


Hello everyone!

Ok, so here's the key values we need to calculate a[-(d-1)] and a[cN] in R100.

d = 39020571855401265512289573339484371018905006900194

e = 61218444075812733697456051513875809617598014768503

N = 761302513961266680267809189066318714859034057480651323757098846024549192056136964455981270339102876

c = 1522605027922533360535618378132637429718068114961380688657908494580122963258952897654000350692006139

to get the a[t] value at location a[-(d-1)] we need to use (x ^ 2 + e) / 2

(d-1) ^ 2 = 1522605027922533360535618378132637429718068114961241429070121879315400928060760053102344942663437249

(d-1) ^ 2 + e = 1522605027922533360535618378132637429718068114961302647514197692049098384112273928911962540678205752

((d-1)^2 + e) / 2 = 761302513961266680267809189066318714859034057480651323757098846024549192056136964455981270339102876

so this ^^ is our a[-(d-1)] value for (a).

a[cN] = 1159163035527489297252269855748911245456985761764844452273019692547376719952718746900975791334864896860941730129573747284683693577098289638054481691680548132250078131478572544813505933684401944555764

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5e137a No.12699

File: 1b24513459f80e8⋯.png (149.49 KB,1490x792,745:396,Screenshot_2024_09_12_01.png)

Ok, so making progress!

It didn't return GCD 1 lol.

Here's the two a[t] values if anyone would like to verify the GCD themselves.

a[-(d-1)] =


a[cN] =


a[cN] is divisible by a[-(d-1)]

The GCD is the (a) value a[-(d-1)] = 761302513961266680267809189066318714859034057480651323757098846024549192056136964455981270339102876

We can now use this factor ^^ to skip [t] values and search the factor chain.

Also, a[cN] / a[-(d-1)] = c

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5e137a No.12700

File: 2ab1a6751d4ce76⋯.png (156.45 KB,1514x900,757:450,Screenshot_2024_09_12_02.png)

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5e137a No.12701


This ^ is a[cN] / a[-(d-1)] = (c)

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5e137a No.12702

Hang on. It looks like I simply found the mirrored value of a[N].

I'll double check, and if it's a bust, I'll get back to brainstorming.

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8e1973 No.12703


>N = 761..

Value doesn't check out? Can ping from your programming thread for tools/checks and will take a look.

nN = (1+c)/2 - d = ((d-1)^2 + e) / 2

That's seems useful form.

And a Grid Property:

For all Odd 'c', 'dm1sqpe' is Even.


nN = 2976

dm1 = 77

dm1sq = 5929

dm1sqpe = 5952

dm1sqpediv2 = 2976

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82c42d No.12704


>Remember Chris' hint "where is the first appearance of c?"

Had read and noted that crumb with recent enumeration, and seeing your post wanted to come back to it and dig more.

Believe understand the meaning though not 100% how to use it as/in a Step. Will get back with example.

An observation though, as am reminded VA of your post some time ago of an Indiana Jones moment, taking a Step of faith.

While Time has passed, it seems with each crumb worked deeply, put in its place on a broadening map, that less faith is needed.

The grid and its rules, once enumerated and generalized, has yet to disappoint.

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306a6c No.12705

File: a125b880260fcef⋯.png (30.86 KB,822x690,137:115,Screenshot_2024_09_18_01.png)

File: 72768d946bd1e45⋯.png (93.66 KB,771x729,257:243,Screen_Shot_2021_11_11_02.png)

File: e81e0ab4cdeee1d⋯.png (50.52 KB,988x822,494:411,Screenshot_2024_09_18_02.png)

File: fbbdd568a774350⋯.png (311.58 KB,2830x1638,1415:819,Screenshot_2024_09_18_03.png)


Hello MM!

>taking a Step of faith

>The grid and its rules, once enumerated and generalized, has yet to disappoint.

For me, the step of faith is the daily spoken choice to turn my life, will, and affairs over to God, including this Quest of ours.

So, I've been cooking up a new idea. Chris recently hinted here >>12624 that this solution be done with only 2d, e, and f.

So I went back to the original diagrams and realized we missed something lying in plain sight.

Btw, thanks Sheeeeeit for the reminder to think on geometry.

Ok, visualize the old MS Paint that Chris gave us.

d ^ 2 , with e and f around the sides.

e and f are both divided into two parts, which line the top and left of the d ^ 2 area.

So on the top we have two line segments, (e+1)/ 2 because e is odd. And f/2 because f is even.

On the left side of d ^ 2 we also have two line segments, (e+1)/ 2 because e is odd. And f/2 because f is even.

So, here’s the idea.

Make two squares:

((e+1)/2) ^ 2


(f / 2) ^ 2

The remaining parts are two rectangles

2 * ((e + 1)/2) * (f /2)

For c6107

((e+1)/2) ^ 2 = (24/2) ^ 2 = 144


(f / 2) ^ 2 = (134/2) ^ 2 = 4489

What made me chuckle is that 4489 / 144 = 31.1736111 = (a)

lol, solved c6107 on the first try.

Interesting detail:

Same layout as our alternate formula for the (x+n)^2 area:

xx + 2xn + nn

New formula to explore:

((e+1)/2) ^ 2 +

(2 * ((e + 1)/2) * (f /2) )+ ((f-2) ^ 2)

Anyways, c6107 is likely a fluke. However, we can explore these new geometric areas, lines, and shapes based on only e, f, and d.

The other interesting thing would be to draw a diagonal line from top left to bottom right.

And calculate the hypotenuse(s)

For c145, that hypotenuse would be 1^2 + 1^2 = sqrt(2)

So there’s an example of sqrt(2), which Chris has been hinting at lately.

See the new diagram to clarify.

I've also included AA's diagram about Theta x, it seems relevant. Perhaps the 0.1736111 mantissa above is somehow related to theta x.

I've also included the old diagrams Chris gave us for clarity and further exploration.

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306a6c No.12706


>Interesting detail:

>Same layout as our alternate formula for the (x+n)^2 area:

>xx + 2xn + nn

>New formula to explore:

>((e+1)/2) ^ 2 +(2 * ((e + 1)/2) * (f /2) )+ ((f-2) ^ 2)

= (d+1) ^ 2

Same type of formula, but this one describes (d+1)^2 instead of (x+n)^2

Just wanted to clarify to avoid being confusing.

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306a6c No.12707

>For c145, that hypotenuse would be 1^2 + 1^2 = sqrt(2)

To clarify, this was a quick calc for c145, e=1

So the small square would be ((e+1)/2) ^ 2

And the larger square would be (f/2) ^2 = 144

To find the hypotenuse of the small square would be sqrt(1^2 + 1^2) = sqrt(2)

Chris' recent posts about sqrt(2) brought this to mind.

Not sure how important this is, but writing it down anyways.

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729512 No.12708


>Ok, visualize the old MS Paint that Chris gave us.

Definitely! Noting 'case' classification: "d square plus e where e is odd and d is even"

>(e+1)/ 2 because e is odd. And f/2 because f is even.

Did you double-count the corner "ONE"?

Intend to do a bit of work later, perhaps the case classifications (types, sub-types based on parities). Import for, and brilliant reminder to:

>.. Sheeeeeit … think on geometry.

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f36d9b No.12709

File: 205c6d88d5bdfdd⋯.png (103.52 KB,1346x758,673:379,Screenshot_2024_09_20_01.png)


Hello MM!

>Definitely! Noting 'case' classification: "d square plus e where e is odd and d is even"

Checked, this example is for odd e. Related answer below.

>Did you double-count the corner "ONE"?

Yes, for odd e cases, we have to make a choice to +1 or -1 in order to make it divisible by 2.

I chose +1 so that it would help make the bigger square of (d+1)^2

Interesting that the corner "ONE" is also shared with n squared - 1.

See Chris' attached diagram.

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f36d9b No.12710

File: 5373966342b7d16⋯.png (88.96 KB,1346x758,673:379,Screenshot_2024_09_20_01.png)

For clarity, here's the old diagram with my notes overlaid.

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019301 No.12711


>See Chris' attached diagram.

Yes, the 'one' (or two, with f-2 example, as it had to give another..).


>Intend to do a bit of work later, perhaps the case classifications (types, sub-types based on parities).

Started but need to revamp to make sure right. Pulling parities from reference grid file, then subgroups.

Then can return to the test cases, s.t. 'c' properly classified by type.


>with my notes overlaid.

Haha, no new formulas until those given fully worked (an no, 'theta' era doesn't count).

Debugged and got working improved generator for f elements.

Also, the 'f from e' works well.

In excel, comparing the "one row" offset, have it just look at a value in previous row. Harder to do in a loop, so wanted for the same [t] iterator the value for one-t different.

Found that the b_f value can be calculated as"

b_f[t] - ((be-ae)+2)

And, to your earlier formulas:


Each gives the same result, check.

And: (an)=(x^2+e)/2

As a form also matches a_e[t] calcs

If you'd like to continue with f=-134, here are the quadratics for the f-side:

Extracted values for d: [77, 113, 153, 197, 245]

D Coefficients -> A: 2.0, B: 30.0, C: 45.0

Extracted values for x: [16, 18, 20, 22, 24]

X Coefficients -> A: 0.0, B: 2.0, C: 14.0

Extracted values for a: [61, 95, 133, 175, 221]

A Coefficients -> A: 2.0, B: 28.0, C: 31.0

Extracted values for b: [95, 133, 175, 221, 271]

B Coefficients -> A: 2.0, B: 32.0, C: 61.0

Extracted values for i: [78, 114, 154, 198, 246]

I Coefficients -> A: 2.0, B: 30.0, C: 46.0

Extracted values for j: [17, 19, 21, 23, 25]

J Coefficients -> A: 0.0, B: 2.0, C: 15.0

(f:n:t) {f:n:d:x:a:c:b:i:j}

(-134,1,-2) {-134:1:-7:10:-17:-85:5:-6:11}

(-134,1,-1) {-134:1:17:12:5:155:31:18:13}

(-134,1,0) {-134:1:45:14:31:1891:61:46:15}

(-134,1,1) {-134:1:77:16:61:5795:95:78:17}

(-134,1,2) {-134:1:113:18:95:12635:133:114:19}

(-134,1,3) {-134:1:153:20:133:23275:175:154:21}

(-134,1,4) {-134:1:197:22:175:38675:221:198:23}

(-134,1,5) {-134:1:245:24:221:59891:271:246:25}

(-134,1,6) {-134:1:297:26:271:88075:325:298:27}

(-134,1,7) {-134:1:353:28:325:124475:383:354:29}

cnN = 6107*2976 = 18174432

(-134, cnN, t)

(f:n:t) {f:n:d:x:a:c:b:i:j}

(-134,1,18174432) {-134:1:660620502278253:36348878:660620465929375:436419448030371243517592731648:660620538627133:660620502278254:36348879}

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d7b06a No.12712

It's all in the geometrical shapes my duuuuuudes

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48b55d No.12713



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d9e47f No.12714

File: 3e06cec4d265829⋯.png (843.52 KB,880x592,55:37,Screenshot_2024_09_25_01.png)

File: fd8c1d52ccfc80c⋯.png (53.85 KB,1547x203,221:29,Screen_Shot_2018_05_07_at_….png)

File: 2fb203a8d794bf5⋯.png (22.71 KB,779x774,779:774,Screen_Shot_2018_05_06_03.png)


>It's all in the geometrical shapes my duuuuuudes


I'm back to all the old diagrams we've created and worked on.

Thanks Sheeeeeit.





>Haha, no new formulas until those given fully worked (an no, 'theta' era doesn't count).

Lol, the formulas will continue until morale improves

Hello everyone!

I calc'd R100 with the formulas here >>12705

No solution.

I checked GCD, LCM, and looked for anything close to our mantissa.

Oh well.

A lot of the ideas make no sense to me, and the amount of information we've studied is frankly overwhelming.

That is, they make no sense because the crumbs have been deliberately broken apart so we can find the answer on our own.

Edison tried 10,000 times with the light bulb, so gotta keep working.

He needed only two ideas to finally succeed.

Turned out he needed a tungsten filament encased in a vacuum to keep it from combustion.

I'll keep aggregating ideas and following my intuition.

Ok, got some new ideas.

Looking for symmetry matches.

There has to be a hidden pattern we missed in that (x + n) ^ 2 exploration.

Playing with c6107, (x + n) ^ 2 = 6889

we know 8Tu + 1 = 6889

Found a match.

(f - 2) * 51 + 2d + 1 = 6889

So, new idea is to iterate (f-2) * g + 2d + 1 = (x + n) ^ 2

Who knows if this pattern will hold,

But I will continue thinking and working,

Knowing that we are one combination of ideas away from the solution.

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e3b8c9 No.12715

File: 37690f7a67f767c⋯.png (106.51 KB,1842x560,921:280,Screenshot_2024_09_25_02.png)

File: c5d905a8597f712⋯.png (102.95 KB,1838x520,919:260,Screenshot_2024_09_25_03.png)

(f - 2) / 2 = 66 = t[11]

d = 78 = t[12]

Working out loud here, writing it all down.

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1da24b No.12716

File: c4766fb2b222af9⋯.png (85.88 KB,1210x767,1210:767,c_6107_appear_party_zero.png)

File: f295827545007de⋯.png (56.74 KB,1392x275,1392:275,c_6107_appear_party_c.png)

File: 1aa63106161ae9f⋯.png (100.98 KB,1388x510,694:255,c_6107_appear_party_aa.png)


>back to all the old diagrams we've created and worked on.


> the formulas will continue until morale improves



>Will get back with example.

Context with rest of crumb made sense:

▶ VQC!!/aJpLe9Pdk 07/03/18 (Tue) 16:25:40 269209 No.6654>>6659 >>6667 >>6668 >>6697

When does c first appear at a[t]?

When is the second time it appears?

When is the first time a squared appears?

What is the factor it is multiplied by?

What is the first time b squared appears?

The second?

When a appears as "an" it appears another time.

When does n first appear?

What are the rules?

In column -f too?

Any one of these patterns well understood between -f and e is the step you are looking for.

Godspeed anons.

Happy Independence Day.

>What is the factor it is multiplied by?

Indicates they come to the party with a fren.

Added cols to spreadsheet & filtered. (pic)

Aligns with crumb, ran a few numbers. Also, that '31' not associated w/ 'a' popped up again.

btw, some thoughts on that '31'

Think it's likely associated as a factor of '155' (5*31), which is 157-2.

157 is the ef_gap = 2d+1.

So, it's 2d-1.

If had Time would find other cases with higher primes in the 'e - f - 2' factors to compare.

Also, that '31' anomaly with c6107 could be useful, as it's a 'marker' an indicator of where something pops up, and would be easier to see in related elements.

..and found you another test number VA:

4379 = 29*51

Address Grid Record

(23,2124,1) {23:2124:66:65:1:4379:4379:2190:2189}

(-110,2123,1) {-110:2123:67:66:1:4379:4379:2190:2189}

(23,24,0) {23:24:66:37:29:151:4379:90:61}

(-110,23,0) {-110:23:67:38:29:151:4379:90:61}

Also in e=23 col, maybe a cousin..

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a1f790 No.12717


Hello MM! Happy Friday brother.

>What is the factor it is multiplied by?

>Indicates they come to the party with a fren.


>Also, that '31' anomaly with c6107 could be useful, as it's a 'marker' an indicator of where something pops up, and would be easier to see in related elements.


>Think it's likely associated as a factor of '155' (5*31), which is 157-2.

>So, it's 2d-1.

Yes, interesting that it's 31 * 5 = (2d-1).

We should explore more c values.

5 seems to be popping up in our research quite a bit the last few days.

>and found you another test number VA

Thanks my man.

Waiting for Divine intuition to flow.

Ran a bunch of calcs, nothing popped out.

Thanks for being engaged in the quest.

This is my long term hobby, so I just keep working.

I finally have enough mental bandwidth to understand this crumb more fully.

This is a really great hint.


When does c first appear at a[t]?

When is the second time it appears?

When is the first time a squared appears?

What is the factor it is multiplied by?

What is the first time b squared appears?

The second?

When a appears as "an" it appears another time.

When does n first appear?

What are the rules?

In column -f too?

Any one of these patterns well understood between -f and e is the step you are looking for.

Godspeed anons.

Happy Independence Day.

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10806b No.12718

File: 0b7cba1cc0b19d2⋯.png (220.17 KB,1890x320,189:32,Screenshot_2024_09_28_02.png)

File: 34b8655910b316c⋯.png (105.37 KB,1132x750,566:375,Screenshot_2024_09_28_01.png)

Hello everyone!

I'm about halfway through a complete review of the VQC Maps.

Just found something noteworthy.

Sheeeeit, I think your blessings worked lol.

I started at the first crumb (above)

Thinking back of the column 0 clues, which revolve around c^2

They are tied to the column 1 clues, but the solution has eluded us to this point.

In row 1 we have the (an transform) value where a=N at location x = (d-1)

We also have the row 1 clues to move e+2c, which would mean the (a) value increases by a + c, since in row a grows by 1 every 2n.

The only a value(s) we know for sure in (e,1) are the a[na transform] and a[cN]

In column 0, we have c * c appearing at n = (c + c) / 2 - c = 0, which is obviously no help.

However, i found a working GCD example using c^2 and (na transform) + c

the a[ (na transform) + c ] value is obtained by moving 2c to the right in column e, knowing that it will be increased by c

so, 2976 + 6107 = 9083

and 6017 ^ 2 = 37295449

Their GCD is 31

which is (solution a)

simple and elegant

GCD calc is above.

Of course I'll test on other c values.

If it does hold for other c values, it would certainly be a solution path.

I'll run some more examples as time permits, just fun to find such an elegant and simple path.

Thanks AA for the reminder that all we need is a solid GCD.

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10806b No.12719

File: ab574707d1fe334⋯.png (102.39 KB,1124x736,281:184,Screenshot_2024_09_28_03.png)

Here's our other small classic that works as well.


c^2 = 21025

in this case (N-1) = 60 does the trick, with 60 + 145 = 205

21025 GCD 205 = 5 = (a prime)

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10806b No.12720

Here's R100 for anyone who wants to help test.





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10806b No.12721

File: d3201d63480aaa5⋯.png (195.63 KB,1534x1304,767:652,Screenshot_2024_09_28_04.png)

here's c^2


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10806b No.12722

File: d00b48ce1f7ec3d⋯.png (188.08 KB,1562x998,781:499,Screenshot_2024_09_28_06.png)

here's c + N


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10806b No.12723

File: d96764b2d45035a⋯.png (172.46 KB,1490x960,149:96,Screenshot_2024_09_28_07.png)

Ugh, Bust.

GCD = 1

Oh well, back to finishing reading crumbs.

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ef882e No.12724

File: dfb5cc54eeb7192⋯.png (189.77 KB,2504x278,1252:139,Screenshot_2024_09_28_07.png)

Back to reading crumbs

It's really cool that I can actually follow the earlier crumbs in detail!

They used to confuse me to the point that my brain hurt.

So much info to learn all at once.

Now I'm like "Yes, I can follow and test"

This is a good one too.

When we use the offset to solve for e[an] and -f[a(n-1)] simulatneously, we can solve for n and (n-1) at the same time.

When they are exactly 1 unit apart, we are at e[an] and -f[a(n-1)]

meaning, lock the two locations and solve for n and (n-1) at the same time.

when they are exatly different by 1.0 with no remainder we are at the correct location.

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0bc00d No.12725

File: 777f87b22daba73⋯.jpeg (231.99 KB,1125x1072,1125:1072,IMG_2818.jpeg)

File: 28bf6fb00575159⋯.jpeg (161.7 KB,1044x1280,261:320,IMG_9530.jpeg)

File: 4ca7bae7e8958f3⋯.jpeg (266.57 KB,923x1501,923:1501,IMG_9522.jpeg)

File: 7e53e6569266905⋯.jpeg (206.6 KB,923x933,923:933,IMG_9521.jpeg)


I was solving for a using (an) - a(n-1) = a

and then using (an) / a = n

that works great for column e

We should also do a(n-1) / a = (n-1)

for column (-f)

I have to go check my code.

I need to check the formula for N2

Maybe a simple formula error.

When the two meet, the correct values should be (N1 - 1) = N2

This could also be the formula error.

The values are Offset by exactly 1.0

This would be at the Offset location(s) where e[ (an) ] minus -f[ a(n-1) ] = a

and (N1 - 1 ) = N2,

I'm pretty sure I missed this in my code.

I have commitments early tomorrow to play music, so I'll check my code tomorrow after IRL duties are completed.

Here's some fun memes I've gathered over the last couple weeks.

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0bc00d No.12726

Simple example:


(an) = 25

a(n-1) = 20

(an) - a(n-1) = n = 5 in (e,1)

a(n-1) / a = 20

20 / 5 = 4 = (n-1) in (-f,1)

So the point where the two locked locations meet is different by exactly 1.0 with no remainder in any of the division equations.

This is the Offset solution.

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0bc00d No.12727



(an) - a(n-1) = a = 5 in (e,1)

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0bc00d No.12728

Quick correction summary:

in (e,1):

(an) - a(n-1) = a

(an) / a = n

In (-f,1):

a(n-1) / a = (n-1)

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5f5c43 No.12729

N1 is not equal to N2

(N1 - 1) is equal to (N2)

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5f5c43 No.12730

I gotta double check all my formulas and code, comparing them to the sheets.

a(n-1) / a = (n-1) for column (-f,1)

That's what I need to double check.

It may be correct, but I have an intuition that it's not correct.

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f96a07 No.12731

Hello everyone!

Continuing the crumb review this evening.

Also, double checking my code to make see if there's a simple error.

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f96a07 No.12732

Ok, so did a quick code review.

My formulas are focused on xA and xB, which would solve for (an) and (bn).

N1 solves for the (n) value at a given xA location

N2 solves for the (n) value at a given xB location.

I have not yet written code to handle splitting a(n-1) vs (an) into a, a, n, and (n-1)

When we split the (-f,1) and (e,1) values at a given location, we are looking for the place where (n)-1 = (n-1)

As pma correctly pointed out, we only need one pair to solve, and that pair could be a(n-1) and (an).

It could work just as well with b(n-1) and (bn)

The key idea with splitting a(n-1) and (an) is this:

For any pair of Offset related locations, (an) - a(n-1) = a

Next, (an) / a = n

Then, a(n-1) / a = (n-1)

Again, at the xA location where we extract (a) and use it to find (n) -1 = (n-1) we have our solution

The Offset comes into play just with the formulas.

And, so we should have two lines of (n) vs. (n-1) numbers that meet at the correct xA location

This has yet to be studied by our team.

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f96a07 No.12733

Easy example to help visualize:

for c6107

in (e,1) we know (an) = 1116

In (-f,1) we know a(n-1) = 1085

So, 1116 - 1085 = (a) = 31

Next, (an) / a = 1116 / 31 = 36 = (n)

Then, a(n-1) / a = 1085 / 31 = 35 = (n-1)

At the location where the offset formulas give us (n) vs (n-1) exactly 1.0000 apart, we have our solution.

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f96a07 No.12734

I'll have to map this out on a new sheet.

My intuition tells me there will be a descending approach to the correct xA location.

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a3555d No.12735

File: 178524f5d837c24⋯.png (47.92 KB,472x616,59:77,Screenshot_2024_10_02_01.png)

File: 6816f5ede5b3740⋯.png (346.58 KB,1930x1514,965:757,Screenshot_2024_10_02_02.png)

Hello everyone!

Got my code copied and pasted to a new C# project in Visual Studio, deleted everything except the bare essentials.

Here's some working output with a check for accuracy.

Updated the sheet as well, nothing pops out as a solution path yet.

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cd0f36 No.12736


>We should explore more c values.



>Working out loud here, writing it all down.

Same, just had a LONG post and wiped with ctrl-r. Damn. About the Even field 'skipped' (can see those t gaps easily in GA's viewer), non-integral n, i, j, …


>I'm about halfway through a complete review of the VQC Maps.

Great. A "Crumb Collection" thread would be nice, especially some of the earliest ones. It you spin up a thread will seed it with what have.


>Thinking back of the column 0 clues, which revolve around c^2

>They are tied to the column 1 clues, but the solution has eluded us to this point.

Have been looking at e0, and especially e1 lately, will look at this.


>It's really cool that I can actually follow the earlier crumbs in detail!



>Now I'm like "Yes, I can follow and test"

You can do this.


>When they are exactly 1 unit apart, we are at e[an] and -f[a(n-1)]

>meaning, lock the two locations and solve for n and (n-1) at the same time.


>The 'one different' in the t difference for the an and bn vs a(n-1) and b(n-1) is a key asymmetry.

And why wanted to calculate prior or next [t] value using values from same row:

Also related to the k(k+1) substitution Chris shared. Have been working on this, and Pronic numbers..


Pronic numbers are figurate numbers of the form P_n=2T_n=n(n+1), where T_n is the nth triangular number. The first few are 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56, 72, 90, …


The number of distinct prime factors of a pronic number is the sum of the number of distinct prime factors of n and n + 1.

- Pronic numbers are also called oblong numbers, rectangular numbers or heteromecic numbers. The sum of the reciprocals of pronic numbers is 1

-A pronic number is a number that can be expressed as the product of two consecutive positive integers.

To what got wiped, it was all about the nN and how they fill (e,1) starting at a minimum value (smallest possible 'c' for e=23 is 167, a Prime, with nN = 72, with a[t] = a[6].

Also about the 'even' 'c' that don't show up (such as 192, with d=13) because they have remainders of 0.5 for n, i, j.

So the a[t] values for at[1..39] are:

a[t] values: [12, 16, 24, 36, 52, 72, 96, 124, 156, 192, 232, 276, 324, 376, 432, 492, 556, 624, 696, 772, 852, 936, 1024, 1116, 1212, 1312, 1416, 1524, 1636, 1752, 1872, 1996, 2124, 2256, 2392, 2532, 2676, 2824, 2976]

Aggregated Prime factors up to the point are:

Aggregated prime factors of a[t]: [2, 3, 13, 23, 29, 31, 41, 47, 59, 71, 73, 101, 127, 139, 193, 211, 223, 353, 409, 499]

'31' appears first time at ae[8]:

(23,1,8) {23:1:139:15:124:156:19344:140:16

a = 124, prime factors: [2, 31]

Then again at solution ae[24]:

a = 1116, prime factors: [2, 3, 31]

and in ae[39]:

a = 2976, prime factors: [2, 3, 31]

Now if we look all the way up to t=59, just before the 7092 values appears in ae at t=60:

Still no 197:

Aggregated prime factors of a[t]: [2, 3, 13, 23, 29, 31, 41, 47, 59, 71, 73, 101, 127, 131, 139, 151, 173, 193, 211, 223, 239, 271, 307, 331, 353, 409, 443, 499, 823, 857, 1381, 1543]

It's a factor here for the first time, the other solutions row:

a = 7092, prime factors: [2, 3, 197]

So the aggregated list gets 197 added to it at this point.




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cd0f36 No.12737


>We also have the row 1 clues to move e+2c, which would mean the (a) value increases by a + c, since in row a grows by 1 every 2n.

23+2*6107 = 12237






So minimum is just above 6107, at 6119.

>which would mean the (a) value increases by a + c, since in row a grows by 1 every 2n.

Nice. a[0] and a[1] in (23,1) =12.

12+6107 = 6119.


Looking at t=39 (trivial case):

(12237,1,39) {12237:1:9160:77:9083:9239:83917837:9161:78}

a = 9083, prime factors: [31, 293]

And also at (NonTrivial solution t=[24]):

(12237,1,24) {12237:1:7270:47:7223:7319:52865137:7271:48}

a = 7223, prime factors: [31, 233]

and t=60, NonTrivial solution for the a(n-1):

(12237,1,60) {12237:1:13318:119:13199:13439:177381361:13319:120}

a = 13199, prime factors: [67, 197]

Again, t=60 is the first time 197 is a factor for the a[t] values.

Also note, 67 = 36+31 = n+a

and Trivial (n-1):

(12237,1,3015) {12237:1:18186568:6029:18180539:18192599:330751255630861:18186569:6030}

a = 18180539, prime factors: [13, 31, 197, 229]

So let's consider ANOTHER test case, same parities, Cousin '4379=29*151', n=24, x=37

(ef,n,t) {ef:n:d:x:a:b:c:i:j}

nN: (23,2124,1) {23:2124:66:65:1:4379:4379:2190:2189}

nN: (-110,2123,1) {-110:2123:67:66:1:4379:4379:2190:2189}

n: (23,24,0) {23:24:66:37:29:151:4379:90:61}

n: (-110,23,0) {-110:23:67:38:29:151:4379:90:61}

solution (23,1) an[t]:

(23,1,19) {23:1:733:37:696:772:537312:734:38}

a = 696, prime factors: [2, 3, 29]

and nontrivial a(n-1)[t]:

(23,1,43) {23:1:3709:85:3624:3796:13756704:3710:86}

a = 3624, prime factors: [2, 3, 151]

and Trivial:


(23,1,33) {23:1:2189:65:2124:2256:4791744:2190:66}

a = 2124, prime factors: [2, 3, 59]

BUT, Trivial (n-1) does have the 151:

(23,1,2157) {23:1:9305309:4313:9300996:9309624:86588775585504:9305310:4314}

a = 9300996, prime factors: [2, 3, 29, 59, 151]

It has both factors, meaning c*2*3*59.

The 2 & 3 are trivial to factor out. The '59' would be a challenge with very large numbers (composite with 3 primes, so 6 roots or 2 non-trivial pairs plus the trivial pair of factors).

e+2c = 23 + 2*4379 = 8781

Same [t] for (cnN):

(8781,1,2157) {8781:1:9309688:4313:9305375:9314003:86670290666125:9309689:4314}

a = 9305375, prime factors: [5, 17, 29, 151]

and [t] for a(nN):

(8781,1,33) {8781:1:6568:65:6503:6635:43147405:6569:66}

a = 6503, prime factors: [7, 929]

No solutions factors one either side of t=33 either, here with its neighbors +/-3 elements:









a[t] values: [6131, 6251, 6375, 6503, 6635, 6771, 6911]

a = 6131, prime factors: [6131]

a = 6251, prime factors: [7, 19, 47]

a = 6375, prime factors: [3, 5, 17]

a = 6503, prime factors: [7, 929]

a = 6635, prime factors: [5, 1327]

a = 6771, prime factors: [3, 37, 61]

a = 6911, prime factors: [6911]

Hopefully this clears things up a bit regarding the pitfalls of using only ONE test case, and especially how easy it is to trigger a false 'lead' with c6107 in particular.

That case appears to be more of a detriment than a help at this point?

>We also have the row 1 clues to move e+2c, which would mean the (a) value increases by a + c, since in row a grows by 1 every 2n.

Checks out! Interesting crumb can't recall seeing prior, will keep on radar. Thanks!

Next thought is to look on 'f' side, or another 2c over, or in those larger e at the larger [t] for the FakeNews values..

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cd0f36 No.12738


>>>12711 (You)


Ah, ty anon, while true, made think and see some confusion. Nomenclature for "Big N"!

While back for BigN, would just put the parameter in front of an 'N', so 'nN' was "Big N" representing Trivial 'n', xN, dN, etc. variable names for the BigN record.


>>11832 (RSA 19)

>Grid records (e,n) [e:n:d | x:a:b | c], (f,n) [f:nf:df | xf:a:b | c]

>[ 23 : 36 : 78 | 47 : 31 : 197 | 6107 ]

>[ -134 : 35 : 79 | 48 : 31 : 197 | 6107 ]

>and BigN

>Grid records (e,nN) [e:nN:dN | xN:aN:bN | c], (f,nN) [f:nfN:df | xf:a:b | c]

>[ 23 : 2976 : 78 | 77 : 1 : 6107 | 6107 ]

>[ -134 : 2975 : 79 | 78 : 1 : 6107 | 6107 ]

But had used "cN" as unique variable name to represent trivial case for a 'c':


>## Grid values for cN_145


> a = big(1)

> b = big(145)

So, "bN" == "cN" as used previously.

But more recently in models, used "cnN" to indicate c*nN (the BigN associated with trivial b) and differentiate from old stuff.

VA, will note your use of "cN" to be the Trivial 'b' BigN value (b=c), Multiplied by BigN, and by (BigN-1) for the 'f' calcs.

So to the FAKE part..



>cnN = 6107*2976 = 18174432


But no idea what was thinking here:

>(f:n:t) {f:n:d:x:a:c:b:i:j}

>(-134,1,18174432) {-134:1:660620502278253:36348878:660620465929375:436419448030371243517592731648:660620538627133:660620502278254:36348879}

"cnN" isn't the [t] value, it's the "an" value in n=1 to LOOKUP to GET the [t] value:

a[t] for 18174432 = 3015.

(23,1,3015) {23:1:18180461:6029:18174432:18186492:330529162172544:18180462:6030}

factors of 'a' being [2, 3, 31, 197]

and c*(nN-1) the [t-1] on 'f' side:

(-134,1,3014) {-134:1:18174353:6028:18168325:18180383:330307106968475:18174354:6029}


>a[cN] occurs at t[c-d], t location = 133

We don't want a[c-d], but a[(c+1)/2-d]

This is t=67. Interesting the pattern though with "c-d":, (133+1)/2=67

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d5914d No.12739


Sheeeeeeit Mayne, looks like mah jokes got yer noggin all jogging bruddha.

What would bigD be?

Would just be funny if all we needed the whole time was bigD

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d5914d No.12740


And oh Lawd, h9w much deontay wilder would it be if for some strange reason on this omnivores, the answer to The END.

Was bigE

Who is/was a


Probably had a bigD

Ultimate Divine Comedy type shi cuh

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d5914d No.12741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








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d5914d No.12742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Damn, in my delirium, I typed Omnivores instead of Omniverse.

I meant Omniverse.

Oh shit, wattup Greydon!

I can see a whole universe inside of a crayon.

Then spit a whole You’ll Be First Verse

While sitting alone in a Living Room,

Listening to Jay’s Song.

Because I actually listened,

& I’m Better InTune With The Infinite

Than the static the TV stays on.

We’re all just melted wax,

A dripping, game of galactic Jacks.

And yeah, black is a favorite color

When I look to the sky for the moon because I love her.

That full spectrum reflection

Brought straight to you by another,

Damn, I swear the dark night sky could be my blanket and my cover.

What the fuck…

This must really be what it feels like to have finally found your soul's true lover.


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91d5a1 No.12743

File: 93f6133808e0042⋯.png (1016.97 KB,735x730,147:146,gridlowrider.png)

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141a70 No.12744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


sweet ride.

>where we’re going, we don’t need roads.

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f430c5 No.12745


How u did this? This p fkn cool fam

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432c08 No.12746

File: 3d0713e28a0b878⋯.png (1.09 MB,977x733,977:733,endbus.png)


sweet rhythmz.

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fc3f32 No.12747

Is a triangle made with bigE bigN and bigD even possible?

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b1c08f No.12748



These are fkn awesome!

Thanks Anon.

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551ce7 No.12749

Hello Anons!

Checking in, thinking and working here tonight.

Anyone is welcome to join.

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5b139b No.12750


Working on a couple crumbs, specifically the 2n jumps in n1, and related grid moves.

Also want to come back to the factor trees with d and e (PMA had nice view for this, adapted that, ty anon). Specifically with some larger 'c' values that will show the smooth portions.


>Is a triangle made with bigE bigN and bigD even possible?

Noodled on that for a minute..

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5741a1 No.12751


Hello MM!

>Also want to come back to the factor trees with d and e

Yes. I'm back to old crumbs too.

Interesting to find so much useful info I missed.

Checking in for the evening, got some free time to work and bantz.

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5741a1 No.12752


It's me niggaz

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5b139b No.12753

File: e556e4f7d189492⋯.gif (799.58 KB,720x720,1:1,tablecrawl.gif)


>Hello MM!

Hallo! Faded before you popped on but did get a bit done.

Some new patterns of interest related to the 2n jumps.

Added more of the "a[p+1-t]" plus for other parameters (nN, ..) to a model. Realized with this that for trivial elements with earlier algorithm was using incorrect pairing for the a=1, b=c "sets".


>Also want to come back to the factor trees with d and e

Added 'f' to the trees. With 'f' had to handle infinite recursion with f=2 exception, and also f=4 and 5 bounce back and forth, so antoher exception there. Could hit more so max tree depth a variable. Still need to add factors for each inline.

What am hoping / expecting to see is a relation to the movements for [p+1-t].


>Yes. I'm back to old crumbs too.

Same, gleaned couple new things hadn't noted.

One nice thing, was another confirmation of the interpretation of:

>>6395 (VQC)

From (-f,n-1) = c, the value of a,b and d increase by ONE every 2(n-1) cells, as you move from left to right in the grid.

From (e,n) = c, the value of a,b and d decrease by ONE every 2n cells, as you move from right to left in the grid.

These two rows are next to each other.

Any product of 2 primes will be divisible by 3 if you add either 2 or 4, or if you subtract 2 or 4.

Any product of 2 primes will be divisible by 5 if you…





So based on interpretation of this:

Any product of 2 primes will be divisible by 5 if you… either add 2, 4, 6, 8 or subtract 2, 4, 6, 8.


Can't find it again, but read a very early crumb to this effect (beyond the 2,4 for '3' case). To increase each by 2 units, means 2 2n jumps in n=1. Such clever use of the grid properties to achieve mod result, VQC and the grid, again holds after further digs…

Have some pics from model that will show, but stumbled upon attached .gif that illustrates pattern for '3'. This illustrates full spectrum vs only integral points.

Explored with products of two primes, which have interesting properties, especially when grouped by 1 and 3 mod(4), with the 4k+1 being Pythagorean primes. Looked at products of odd, evens, natural numbers, etc.

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d1e10d No.12754


Hello MM!

>Any product of 2 primes will be divisible by 5 if you… either add 2, 4, 6, 8 or subtract 2, 4, 6, 8.

So, to my mind the main problem with this whole movement in (e,1) idea is that we don't know the next c value.

When we can find the next c value, we win.

When we find the next (c) value, we can calculate 2(n-1) and solve for (n)

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70f0ce No.12755

So, for clarity with our easy examples:

c145 = 5 * 29 = 145

e = 1

f = 24

next c would be (a+1) * (b+1) = 6 * 30 = car180

e = 11

f = 16

e delta = 10

f delta = 8

Since movement in e = 2n, delta 10 / 2 = n = 5

Since movement in f = 2(n-1), delta 8 / 2 = (n-1) = 4

c6107 = 31 * 197 = 6107

e = 23

f = 134

next c would be (a+1) * (b+1) = 32 * 198 = c6336

e = 95

f = 64

e delta = (96-23) = 72

f delta = (134-64) = 70

Since movement in e = 2n, delta 72 / 2 = 36

Since movement in f = 2(n-1), delta 70 / 2 = 35

I'm wondering if an estimate can get us a lock on the position?

Interestingly, the deltas for both c145 to c180 AND c6107 to c6336 are roughly 3d apart.

180 - 145 = 35

d = 12

12 * 3 = 36

6336 - 6107 = 229

78 * 3 = 234

May be nothing, but we need a way to estimate or calculate the next c.

This is a new idea for sure, take a look and let me know what you think.

Sorry I don't have more time this evening to check with a larger (c) value.

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52d3ca No.12756



>next c would be (a+1) * (b+1) = 6 * 30 = c180

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52d3ca No.12757

The interesting thing about an estimated value for the next (c) value in the series is that if we're reasonably close, the values will lock for (n) and (n-1).

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52d3ca No.12758

So my working hypothesis for this evening is that we take c + 3d to estimate the next (c) value in the series.

We then calculate (e) and (f), dividing both by 2 to get our estimated (n) and (n-1) values.

When they are exactly 1 apart, we have our solution.

It could also be (d-1) * 3 or something close to that.

When we can calc or estimate the next (c) value, we can win.

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52d3ca No.12759

Also interesting to me that we're at the "D" part of the END.

Very punny indeed if we just need to add c + 3d to find the next (c) and solve

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52d3ca No.12760

Goodnight all, busy day IRL tomorrow.

Hope you all are well.

As Sheeeeit would say,

Blessings To You All From The Most High.

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5b139b No.12761


Hello VA!

Ha, on similar wavelengths. Did some work in the afternoon, good progress, and directly to your posts (even looking back at 145). Was going close shop, but seeing your posts, will share some insights exactly to the growth patterns observed.

But, we need to be careful between 145 and 6107, as they are DIFFERENT TYPES, and thus different algorithms (though related!).

The Parity and Types are VERY important, so must be clear with any test cases or scenarios.

Stepping away for a few, will brew some covfefe, and share some pics and such related.

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5b139b No.12762


>Goodnight all, busy day IRL tomorrow.


Will post a few things you can review and perhaps noodle on when fresh, then let it stew a bit.

And no "winging things", we'll build from solid foundations/theory/equations, can't sssshhwaag at it!

Blessings for a great day tomorrow!

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42e205 No.12763


Hello MM!

Turning in for bed here, just saw your reply.

Yes, different cases.

However, the Grid allows us to solve if we can calc or estimate the next (c).

There may be slight changes for the 4 cases Chris mentioned, but those are minor compared to the idea of finding the next (c) in the series.

I’ll check in tomorrow AM, and thanks for being here to work.

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5b139b No.12764

File: 5f06e26aaa37a7f⋯.png (37.17 KB,452x219,452:219,vqc_087414_171213_Enumerat….png)


Sry, wrapped up and unfortunately out of Time atm..

>Yes, different cases.

>However, the Grid allows us to solve if we can calc or estimate the next (c).

Yeah, NO.

No 'however' and especially NO 'estimate'.

estimate ==> ENUMERATE!

Once on same page about Types, can proceed to the growth patterns. Linked, related.

Like a surfer chasing different waves, better to pick a SET!

For any and every algorithm variation, it must terminate at the trivial BigN case for an associated odd 'c'.

The SET of algorithm(s) must handle every SET of 'c', for all 'c' of each Type.

If the the associated 'c' is semiprime or composite, it will terminate at a solution for 'n' less than 'nN'.

If composite, one of the factors in pair will be prime, divide and repeat.

If semiprime, that is the only solution (factor pair) apart from the trivial nN.

If prime, nN is the only solution:: Terminus Primus.

nN, and (nN-1), are important.

Let's start there, solid foundation.

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5b139b No.12765

File: 1f3735720d5d4f6⋯.png (143 KB,1453x710,1453:710,001_nN_ODD_d01range_ef.png)

File: 620bf1a62323526⋯.png (264.19 KB,1453x710,1453:710,002_nN_ODD_d78range_ef.png)

File: 014234e2c76c20a⋯.png (137.53 KB,1250x710,125:71,003_nN_ODD_d01range_mod4.png)

File: fd949f3a5a32f8a⋯.png (232.35 KB,1250x710,125:71,004_nN_ODD_d78range_mod4.png)


Enumerating 'nN'

We could / should probably spend a good amount of time on these images.

The model acts as a "generator" for all nN, taking one 'Seed' input ("1" in this case).

The step_increment ("2") moves to next value (Odds for start at 1, Evens for 2).

All values are calculated for every row element, using established formulas.

This generates the full set of nN (integers for all Odd 'c', half-integers for Even 'c').

Enriched with properties such as congruence mod(4) and so on, provides the basis for Type classification.

The arithmetic progression patterns in the set of nN, especially when classified by Types, can be used to enumerate additional generators.

Other properties can be calculated, such as the minimum 'd' (d_min) for any given 'e' value.

For e=23, the d_min is '12', associated with the prime 167 at 'n' (and 'an' in n=1) of '72'.

The sequences of nN are associated with the parallel lines with half_ef slope in >>12661 going from bottom-right to upper left, with Orange line the half_ef boundary. 'd' important part of patterns (growing separation, etc).

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5b139b No.12766

File: 8627338e5c1f842⋯.png (168.87 KB,1130x719,1130:719,005_nN_EVEN_d01range_ef.png)

File: 6803eb38c926237⋯.png (278.57 KB,1135x719,1135:719,006_nN_EVEN_d78range_ef.png)

File: 3873bdec92d29e5⋯.png (196.38 KB,1248x719,1248:719,007_nN_EVEN_d01range_mod4.png)

File: f150d87636eb6f1⋯.png (263.25 KB,1278x719,1278:719,008_nN_EVEN_d78range_mod4.png)


>The model acts as a "generator" for all nN, taking one 'Seed' input ("1" in this case).

>The step_increment ("2") moves to next value (Odds for start at 1, Evens for 2).

For completeness, here are the Even 'c'.

Uses "2" as the One Input to the model.

If The End was generated with half-integer 'i' & 'j' vs standard integers, these would be constructed.

Have spent some time with the Evens, and include in some sequence scenarios as a test. They pop up with even 'd', 'e', 'f', 'nN', where if we were to factor, first step would be divide by two (or trim trailing zeros in binary).

In code try to handle half-integer 'n' gracefully in scenarios where it occurs.

NOTE the values of 'n' as they cross each 'd' threshold to the next 'd', here and for Odd 'c' in >>12765

What is the pattern?

How does it relate to the "minus d" in the 'n' calculation?

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5b139b No.12767

File: d42b80c41940a96⋯.png (84.46 KB,1103x685,1103:685,018_nN_mod4_types_01_16.png)


Have a minute to get to the actual types related part.

Picking the grid up again this year, first thing was the classifications and test cases for those Sets.

Started with earlier Types based on the Triangular Step Algorithm. >>12504 and >>12505

Reflecting on the approach, instead of just building out the EVEN EVEN and using mod instead of decimal checks,still not a "calculation", the "lookup" we're after. The remainders of the misses (and solution) for a larger 'c' for the algorithm are plotted in >>12506

Was working through basic enumeration, parity and mod combination for grid params, which are images in >>12546

Realized how the different types "alternate in a d" as pairs.

Those patterns basically the same as current, but there were only Four Types. Didn't seem to cover all cases, so more recently picked that up again.

For Odd 'c' in >>12765 simply created string using the mod(4) parameter values. A 'fingerprint' of the parity combinations.

There were 16 UNIQUE combinations as shown in pic.

While fewer than 16 variations of an algorithm may cover all Bases, this seemed safe approach for segmenting test cases. Once figured out, can rolled together those not required.

So far has been quite fruitful, should have done sooner.

The Order of the parameters is the Sort Order, resulting in the 00..16 Type Class assignment for each mod(4) 'fingerprint'.

The right column, with the "Sum", shows the count of each type for Odd 'c' 1..10,000

The different ave counts, 300 vs around 325, makes perfect sense, as they are "bounding around" in d's sized at 100 at the end, and 1/4 of 100 is 25, showing how the types change for each 'd'. The next 'd' cycle above 10k would would counts to the next "type pair" associated with that 'd'.

c6107 is a type_14.

As is 4379 = 29*51 (the proposed 'cousin' to use as another similar case).

Can label however, as long as there's a crosswalk to the fingerprints.

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5b139b No.12768


Here's the table if anyone would like to use this fingerprint class set.

TYPE e n d x a b c i j f n endxabcijfn

1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 3 00101111013

2 0 0 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 00321113213

3 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 02101113211

4 0 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 02321111011

5 1 1 0 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 11031111000

6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 0 0 11211113200

7 1 3 0 3 1 1 1 3 2 0 2 13031113202

8 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 13211111002

9 2 1 1 0 1 3 3 2 1 3 0 21101332130

10 2 1 3 2 1 3 3 0 3 3 0 21321330330

11 2 3 1 0 1 3 3 0 3 3 2 23101330332

12 2 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 23321332132

13 3 0 0 3 1 3 3 0 3 2 3 30031330323

14 3 0 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 3 30211332123

15 3 2 0 3 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 32031332121

16 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 0 3 2 1 32211330321

14_6107 3 0 2 3 3 1 3 2 1 2 3 30233132123

Note that for c=6107 using non-trivial a&b vs 1&c (last row), the x, a, b, c all shift by '2' for the mod(4) value.

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5b139b No.12769

File: 17347125673177d⋯.png (169 KB,1155x674,1155:674,017_nN_mod4_type14.png)

File: cea038a5badfb95⋯.png (199.19 KB,1155x674,1155:674,016_nN_e23_mod4_type14.png)

File: fcf6cf097ea675d⋯.png (195.25 KB,1568x536,196:67,015_nN_e23_mod4_types1314.png)

File: b4863533b170693⋯.png (163.13 KB,1465x452,1465:452,014_nN_f134_mod4_types1415.png)


With the Odd 'c' up to 10k, can now use the Type 00..16 as filters, or see how these Pop Up given other filters such as a 'd', 'e' or 'f' value for example.

The patterns become even more clear.

First pic, '017_nN_mod4_type14' show type 14 at lower values using this as a filter, for any 'e'.

NOTE the patterns in 'n', 'd', 'f' and others. Arithmetic Progressions that can be enumerated, generalized and then used for constructions, lookups, jumps, etc.

Next pic '016_nN_e23_mod4_type14' shows only the Type 14 for e=23.

Again, continuous and predicable Delta's across the board..

Next '015_nN_e23_mod4_types1314' shows the "Type Pair" operating in this 'e', Types 13 and 14.

(and a good confirmation of the Sort Order for variables)

Last pic '014_nN_f134_mod4_types1415'

Filtered for f=134.

Note, these alternate between Types 14 and 15 (vs 13 and 14).

Likely cuts set in half when combined with 'e' column intersection (meaning Type 14 only related SET in both cols).

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a330c2 No.12770


Hello MM!

>NOTE the patterns in 'n', 'd', 'f' and others. Arithmetic Progressions that can be enumerated, generalized and then used for constructions, lookups, jumps, etc.

Great work, my man.

I love seeing so many color coded spreadsheets in one place!

I love spreadsheets lol :D

Can the 16 unique combinations be used to calculate our next (c) value in the (a+1) * (b+1) progression?

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a330c2 No.12771

(c) series exploration for RSA100 c.

a =


b =


c =


Big Idea:

(a+1) * (b+1) = cNew

delta (e) = 2n

delta (f) = 2(n-1)

In order to take advantage of the fact that (e) changes by 2n while (f) changes by 2(n-1), we need the next (c) value in the series.

This is working backward from our R100 knowns.







cNew - cOriginal =


minus (-)




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a330c2 No.12772

Next, we find the new (e) and (f) values for cNew.

cNew =


dNew =


dNew ^ 2 =


eNew = cNew - (dNew * dNew)


fNew = 2d + 1 - e

2dNew =


2dNew + 1


minus e

= fNew


To summarize up to this point, these are the new (e) and (f) values for cNew = (a+1) * (b+1)

eNew =


fNew =


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a330c2 No.12773

Next we find the deltas.

(eNew - eOriginal) / 2 = n

(fNew - fOriginal) / 2 = (n-1)

eNew =


minus (-)

eOriginal =


delta e =


div 2 = n


CHECK. (n) for RSA100 =


Next, delta (f)

fOriginal =


minus (-)

fNew =


delta (f) =


div 2 = (n-1)

CHECK. (n-1) for RSA100 =


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a330c2 No.12774

So, there's a proof of calculation for RSA100.

Next question is how do we skip c values to the correct cNew value?

First step is to calculate delta (c).

delta (c) = cNew - cOriginal

cNew =


minus (-)

cOriginal =


delta (c) =


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a330c2 No.12775

Very strange indeed that:

(delta c) / dOriginal = 2.00073743606753525425

delta (c) =


div ( / )

dOriginal =


So that would mean that for RSA100, the following formula is roughly true:

cNew = cOriginal + (2 * dOriginal)

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a330c2 No.12776

cNew = c + 2d (approximate)

For RSA100

c =


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a330c2 No.12777

File: 155426df164fbf8⋯.png (150.48 KB,1548x928,387:232,Screenshot_2024_10_21_01.png)

This is delta (c) / dOriginal

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a330c2 No.12778

To summarize:

If we can find the next (c) value in the series, we can solve for (n) and (n-1), using the following method.

eNew - eOriginal = delta (e)

delta (e) / 2 = n

fOriginal - fNew = delta (f)

delta (f) / 2 = (n-1)

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a330c2 No.12779

It seems that the next (c) value in the series is roughly a multiple of dOriginal, which is our normal d value for the starting (c).

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a330c2 No.12780


My point above is that if are are close enough to the correct cNew value, then we could possibly get a lock on (n) and (n-1), even if it's not an exact calculation.

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775280 No.12781

A secondary point is that a small change to the formula may give a direct calculation.

My Intuition says something like this:

cOriginal + 2dOriginal + Sqrt(eOriginal) = cNew

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5b139b No.12782


>My point above is that if are are close enough to the correct cNew value, then we could possibly get a lock on (n) and (n-1), even if it's not an exact calculation.


Why change a, b by only '1'?

Why not follow guideline given by VQC (2, 4, ..)?






These and 'c' are now Even, and therefore 'n' will be a half-integer, as explained above. That won't provide a "lock" using The End.

Fren, you should really be using a Jupyter Notebook.

Quick to calc (will leave out numbers, they check, just to show calcs):

ap1 = RSA100a+1

bp1 = RSA100b+1

r100_c_jump_1 = ap1*bp1

jump_1_diff = r100_c_jump_1-RSA100c

But, if FIRST ENUMERATED, the pattern will already be known. You'd know what to expect in the room before even turning the light on..

jump_1_growth = (RSA100a+RSA100b)+1


Same result, but ONE STEP!

HOMEWORK: adding "2"…

Populate variables (given RSA100a, RSA100b, RSA100c):

ap2 = RSA100a+2

bp2 = RSA100b+2

r100_c_jump_2 = ap2*bp2

jump_2_diff = r100_c_jump_2-RSA100c


jump_2_growth = P*(RSA100a+RSA100b)+Q

QUESTION: What are P, Q for the +2 a,b additions that yield growth in 'c'?

Bonus: Enumerate the pattern and provide function for ANY a,b, addition (and subtraction, goes both ways).


>It seems that the next (c) value in the series is roughly a multiple of dOriginal, which is our normal d value for the starting (c).

Good observation. Can you enumerate to find the EXACT relationship?

That would probably be worth the Time..

The .0007373 mantissa in the 2.0007373 ratio may seem small.

approx_growth_add1 = 2*(RSA100d)+1 # using 2dp1

The DIFF between Actual and "Approximate" is:


It's DEF notable to be close. Would look at patterns in smaller numbers, find the relationships, then scale to see if holds.

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edd0a3 No.12783

File: f08d196d7c3318f⋯.png (111.29 KB,1816x336,227:42,Screenshot_2024_10_21_02.png)


MM, this was a clue given to us by Chris.

Check it out!


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edd0a3 No.12784

I also just proved by calculation that this relationship exists for RSA100.


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edd0a3 No.12785

I get it MM.

This whole quest has been extremely frustrating.

Dead end after dead end.

Frustration afer frustration.

Most have given up.

We're still here working.

So, let's work together my man!

I think in ideas, all day at IRL work.

And then I come and write them down here.

Some are good, some are bad.

I will work till we solve this.

Please don't tell me how to work after all this time.

I am the Anon that has never given up.

I am here working and checking in day after day.

I am writing my own code now, thanks to the help of PMA and AA, and my own work to learn and study.

I am able to check my own ideas.

We collaborate as a team.

I just proved the crumb for RSA100 using calcs.

The idea is valid.

We need to find a way to jump (c) values, and c + 2d was the approximate value for RSA100.

I reported the findings accurately, with all details included for anons to double check.

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12bb9e No.12786


How can we improve on this?

A slight change may give us a direct calc.

For this evening's work, I'll take

c delta / d =


as a sign that I'm on the right pathway.

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12bb9e No.12787

Goodnight all.

Busy day IRL tomorrow.

If we can find the cNew value, the problem is solved.

Love you faggots.

Blessings From The Most High To You All.

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5b139b No.12788


>>>6395 (VQC)

>From (-f,n-1) = c, the value of a,b and d increase by ONE every 2(n-1) cells, as you move from left to right in the grid.

>From (e,n) = c, the value of a,b and d decrease by ONE every 2n cells, as you move from right to left in the grid.

>These two rows are next to each other.

>Any product of 2 primes will be divisible by 3 if you add either 2 or 4, or if you subtract 2 or 4.

>Any product of 2 primes will be divisible by 5 if you…






>MM, this was a clue given to us by Chris.

>Check it out!


Are you reading the posts? That VQC post was the Basis.

And there was another, quite early, about 2, 4, 6, .. Don't have handy atm.


>I also just proved by calculation that this relationship exists for RSA100.

The calculation validates the property of The End regarding 'e' and 'n' and the "jump_2n" relationship for this case using the given non-trivial a,b pair. Sry, it's not a proof.

Useful work though!

Also, FYI, have found that it holds (without proof) for n=1 (so far). Still early for others. Need to come back to a set of instances where the jumps cause a shift in 'x' (and others). Made a diffs table to compare a whole group of 'c' for various 2n jumps. There's a pattern, needs more work to say more.

BTW, have started reading / collecting proofs. Haven't done one proper (yet!).

Here's a good one that's likely related:



Let n be a positive integer.

Then n is the sum of 3 triangular numbers.


From Integer as Sum of Three Odd Squares, 8n+3 is the sum of 3 odd squares.




= (2x+1)2+(2y+1)2+(2z+1)2

for some x,y,z∈Z≥0

= 4x2+4x+4y2+4y+4z2+4z+3

= 4(x(x+1)+y(y+1)+z(z+1))+3

subtracting 3 and dividing both sides by 8

⇝ n = x(x+1)2+y(y+1)2+z(z+1)2

By Closed Form for Triangular Numbers, each of x(x+1)2, y(y+1)2 and z(z+1)2 are triangular numbers. ■

This theorem is often referred to as Gauss's Eureka Theorem, from Carl Friedrich Gauss's famous diary entry.

Eureka ???


>Enumerating the patterns will be the process that leads to the Eureka.

Always expect the Crumbs to hold. Why think likely in The End only (4) variations of algorithm needed, but finer breakdown of the types has been very useful, to see patterns and separate 'sub-groups' sharing a cell, etc.

>> 5761 (VQC)

I would like to start a thread in parallel to this as we're reaching the point where an anon or group of anons is going to have a Eureka moment and solve this for one of the four types of solution (odd x+n with either even or odd e), then quickly for another and then the other two.

There is this one regarding proofs:


▶ VQC!!/aJpLe9Pdk 07/07/18 (Sat) 03:11:47 cf67c1 No.6736>>6737

If a cell contains an element c, another element in the cell can be constructed from it.

Call it c'

e' = e

n' = n

x' = x + 2n

a' = b

d' = a' + x'

b' = a' + 2x' + 2n

Once c' is constructed, c' becomes c and the process is repeated ad infinitum. e and n don't change, which make sense since these are the coordinates of the cell.

Any questions on that?

It holds for all cells.

We can do a proof by induction, if anyone would like that?

I'm phone fagging as my computer won't start so I'm picking my spare up later when I watch the football.

Don't need many resources to walk through, just something with BigInteger library when we get to the RSA numbers.

We'll do all of them when we finish the biggest, as we'll build the algorithm as we go.

Let me know if we want the proof by induction for cells being zero or infinite in count of elements or if the construction above is enough. Also, if anyone wants to take a stab at the proof by induction, that would be a good practice.


>Love you faggots.

>Blessings From The Most High To You All.

Love and blessings to you too VA!

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a92a66 No.12789

Hello Everyone!

Sitting down to think and work.

Please join if you are able!

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d756e2 No.12790

Thinking through the process of locating the next (c) value.

For the next (c) value in the series, we know the following:

d + 1

a + 1

b + 1

e changes by (2n)

f changes by 2(n-1)

So we have a searchable area, albeit very large when we get to RSA sized numbers.

The value of cNew falls somewhere in-between (d+1) ^ 2 and (d + 2) ^2

So there are a finite number of (e) values associated with (d+1) ^ 2, before the series moves to (d+2) ^ 2.

We can set up a search area.

For example, we could divide the possible c values into 10 search zones, and find the zone where eDelta and f Delta are the closest to n -1 = (n-1)

Just thinking on the meta ideas here.

I'll build a new sheet to explore.

Our bounds would be cOriginal as the min value, and (d+2)^2 as the max value.

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d756e2 No.12791


Min value would be (d+1)^2

Max value would be (d+2) ^ 2

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deba09 No.12792

>So there are a finite number of (e) values associated with (d+1) ^ 2, before the series moves to (d+2) ^ 2.

To be more accurate, we'd be searching the index of increasing (e) values, moving towards the e+2n location of our next (c) in the series.

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deba09 No.12793

Goodnight all.

I'll get a new sheet going tomorrow!

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c00ae2 No.12794

Hello everyone!

Working here, no Eureka moments to show for the evening's work.

Got the new sheet halfway done, nothing helpful popping out.

Reviewing crumbs now.

Just another day farming the Grid.

Hope you all are well!

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996f43 No.12795

File: c762584a8dbb9fd⋯.jpg (65.1 KB,600x579,200:193,2_hGMvxrX.jpg)

Hello everyone.

I've been working on the sheet to calculate the multiples of (c).

I had an intuitive thought, just jotting it down here for us.

Ok, so here’s the idea.

When we skip left by 2n, we have d+1, a+1 , b+1

N = (1+c) / 2 - d

So as we skip left by 2n, N increases.

What happens when we skip to the place where N or (N-1) = c in the grid?

Logically, one of these should be a location where we can measure the change in (e) and (f), which could provide a solution.

I'll run some calcs and see if anything pops.

"When you (c) it"

So for example, for c145

if N = 145, we know that N = (1 + c) / 2 - d

N has grown from 61 to 145, delta is 84

so d + 84 = 12 + 84 = 96

a + 84 = 5 + 84 = 89

b + 84 = 29 + 84 = 113

c = 89 * 113 = 10057


It would work better with (N-1) = 60

Thinking out loud here.

When we skip by 2n, big N seems to increase by 1 each step?

I guess my current question is:

What happens if there is a valid location where N or (N-1) = c ?

It would be easy to use the formulas to find c, d, e, and f.

Would this be a valid location to calculate the change in (e) and (f) such that (n-1) could be calculated?

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996f43 No.12796

File: fbcd3496d9dcbec⋯.png (110.95 KB,1348x358,674:179,Screenshot_2024_10_29_at_1….png)

"How does row 1 (n=1) relate and determine the patterns?"

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996f43 No.12797

The point of the (x+n)^2 explorations was to help us understand the movement of (c) in the Grid.

When we move 2n left, we know that we get d+1, a+1, b+1

The main point we learned was:

(e) changes by 2n

(f) changes by 2(n-1)

The only problem is that we don't know what the series of (c) values is.

So what if we set N or (N-1) = c ?

Can we get a valid (c) working backwards with our formulas?

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5b139b No.12798


>"How does row 1 (n=1) relate and determine the patterns?"

Many thanks for that crumb (the Cap), helpful.

This has been focus: movement. With that focus has come much clarity. Still enumerating..


>Can we get a valid (c) working backwards with our formulas?

Have reviewed your posts. A question would be how would you know a 'valid c'? Is there a criteria you have in mind? Something Mod..?


>If a cell contains an element c, another element in the cell can be constructed from it.

>Call it c'


Have done the construction(s).

Working to enumerate, generalize and thus generate for any 'k' in a sequence (so not a recursive construction). Have nN cells for all odd 'c', but bit of work left with 'd' in other record types (construction is fine, just the enumeration for calculating the A, B, C quadratic coefficients directly).

Not only does 'x' grow by 2n, but d, a, b, i, have quadratic form in same manner as elsewhere.

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a14312 No.12799

File: 011a7e65e99a48c⋯.png (207.78 KB,964x771,964:771,80_h6sLhmJ.png)


Hello MM!

>how would you know a 'valid c'? Is there a criteria you have in mind?

Yes, great question!

The next (c) values we need are the series of (c) values that are created with the 2n movement in (e) and (f).

They make a continuing chain of growing (c) values.

So for example, (c) 145, just for ease of explanation with a small value.


d = 12

a = 5

b = 29

e = 1

f = 24

Next (c) in the series would be:

d +1 = 13

a + 1 = 6

b + 1 = 30

c = 180

f = 16


delta e = 11 - 1 = 10 = 2n

delta f = 24 - (26 + 1 - 11) = 8 = 2(n-1)

Next (c) in the series would be:

d + 1 = 14

a + 1 = 7

b + 1 = 31

c = 217

f = 8


delta e = 21 - 11 = 10 = 2n

delta f = 16 - (28 + 1 - 21) = 16 -8 = 8 = 2(n-1)

So, if we can use the Grid rules to find c217 (or another c in the series), we could solve, by finding (delta e) and (delta f).

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6f8116 No.12800

File: d3a9c09ef523c91⋯.png (478.11 KB,2452x1446,1226:723,Screenshot_2024_11_09_01.png)

Hello everyone.

Digging through old breads for hints.

Found a good one.

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6f8116 No.12801

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6efed2 No.12802

File: 0a159c9dd96360b⋯.gif (534.82 KB,640x636,160:159,4_u84RYtV.gif)


>Every column that c appears in has what in common?

factors of (a) and (n)

>How many columns do you need to create a lookup?

Not that many. Just the right one.

>What specific information does that set of columns build up?

factors of c, multiplied in a new way that could allow for a simple GCD calc.

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6efed2 No.12803


>factors of (a) and (n)


factors of (a), (b), and (n) in each of these new e column locations.

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6efed2 No.12804

File: 43b64d8000b2cff⋯.png (310.27 KB,333x500,333:500,Space_Jesus.png)


>One of the most important prayers that exist is when two or more gather in His name.


Thank you Jesus is Faith that this problem is solved.

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6efed2 No.12805

So, once we c i[t] all those factors are there.

>factors of (a), (b), and (n) in each of these new e column locations.

With e=290, a[1] = 145

We can then skip by [t + c * m.] to find a whole list of values with factors of a, b, n based on original (c).

These new a[t] values should be compared against original (c) using GCD.

So, the big idea is that moving to a related (e) column gives us the opportunity to explore a bunch of new a[t] values that have the factors of a, b, n, and c that we are looking to factorize.

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6efed2 No.12806

File: 9d1c4b36674c198⋯.png (428.53 KB,1148x434,82:31,Screenshot_2024_11_11_01.png)

here's the [t + c * 1] value

a[146] = 42195

factors are 5 * 29 * 3 * 97

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83012a No.12807


>With e=290, a[1] = 145

>We can then skip by [t + c * m.] to find a whole list of values with factors of a, b, n based on original (c).


>here's the [t + c * 1] value

Great connection VA!

Will take a look at that scenario, including how the Big N's in the column relate.


> bit of work left with 'd' in other record types

Completed enumeration and have working. It was related to 'a' values of '1' for enumeration representing n=1, and generalizing now works for any 'n'.

Interesting relation for t[c^2]: d=c.

Exploring Mods, Exponent, factor relationships.

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37b79d No.12808

File: ae9539a708bd0b3⋯.gif (1.44 MB,720x720,1:1,66_rdLjHCs.gif)


Hello MM! Thank man, just tending the rows and columns over here at VQC Farm.


>It's a single key difference between cells in (-f,1) and (e,1)

Intuition is kicking in.

It's gotta be the actual construction method for a[t] values.

In (e,1) we know that (x ^ 2 + e) / 2 = a[t] = some value of an, with factors in all other n rows within that given (e) column.

In (-f,1) we know that (x ^ 2 - f) / 2 = a[t] = some value of a(n-1) with factors in all other n rows within that given (-f) column.

Given this hint >>8433

It seems fun and logical to find what (e) columns contain the following (c) values in different x locations…

(e,1) a[1] = 145

(e,1) a[3] = 145

(e,1) a[5] = 145

(e,1) a[7] = 145

So we hold c constant, and change x to solve for (e).

Same thing in column (-f)

We can generate a list of the (an) and a(n-1) pairings

We can also generate a list of (bn) and b(n-1) pairings

My intuition says that this will unlock so many factor combinations of a,b, and n that a simple GCD or direct calc may be possible.

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c18096 No.12809

File: f68e4496d100b64⋯.png (109.83 KB,2686x412,1343:206,Screenshot_2024_11_14_01.png)

Hello everyone!

Here's my first sheet exploring the idea hinted at here in >>8433

The (e) columns at the top are newly discovered locations where we can find c = 145

Notice that now we have a lot more known e columns to explore where c = 145 appears.

Next step will be to calculate the (-f,1) a(n-1) values.

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c18096 No.12810

File: a61b47095f4f848⋯.png (112.49 KB,2682x414,149:23,Screenshot_2024_11_14_02.png)

Some of my labels were a bit confusing.

Here's a better update.

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d3ea2f No.12811


>Hello MM! Thank man, just tending the rows and columns over here at VQC Farm.



>Intuition is kicking in.



> .. construction method ..

The construction is elemental.. ha.

Ok, will take a look at your sheet, seems plenty clear enough first look.

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c18096 No.12812

File: fca5203d99193d7⋯.png (111.12 KB,2058x292,1029:146,Screenshot_2024_11_14_03.png)

"AA anon is getting very close"


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c18096 No.12813

File: 26504d574215a87⋯.png (78.14 KB,2334x230,1167:115,Screenshot_2024_11_14_04.png)

Here's AA's post before Chris commented.

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c18096 No.12814

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c18096 No.12815

To clarify, here's AA's two posts before that comment from Chris….



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c18096 No.12816

AA's comment here >>6465

(As I work to follow the main ideas)

Was essentially that between the column value of (1,c) and the row one value of (1,c), the (a) and (n) values swap places.

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c18096 No.12817

He also brought up xx + e = 2na again

We have not used that formula to hold (c) constant while changing x values to solve for new e values.

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894ec0 No.12818


Hello MM!

Agreed, seems pretty clear at first look.

Until we realize we can utilize the formula to hold (c) constant, change x, and generate a new list of (e) values where c appears.

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894ec0 No.12819

Which would then unlock a new level of understanding regarding (a) and (n) values and how they swap based on (x^2 + e) / 2 = an and (x ^ 2 - f) / 2 = a(n-1).

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d3ea2f No.12820


(1,1,t,9) {1:1:162:17:145:181:26245:163:18}

(-324,0,t,9) {-324:0:163:18:145:181:26245:163:18}

Getting to e=34.. Go first to e=36 (6^2), hop back 2n (1 jump):

(34,1,t,11) {34:1:161:16:145:179:25955:162:17}

(-289,0,t,11) {-289:0:162:17:145:179:25955:162:17}

Getting to e=65.. Go first to e=49 (7^2), take 8 2n jumps right:

(65,1,t,12) {65:1:160:15:145:177:25665:161:16}

(-256,0,t,11) {-256:0:161:16:145:177:25665:161:16}

94: 100-6 (3 jumps L):

(94,1,t,12) {94:1:159:14:145:175:25375:160:15}

(-225,0,t,12) {-225:0:160:15:145:175:25375:160:15}

121 just 11^2 no jumps:

(121,1,t,12) {121:1:158:13:145:173:25085:159:14}

(-196,0,t,12) {-196:0:159:14:145:173:25085:159:14}

146: 12^2 + 1 2n jump R:

(146,1,t,12) {146:1:157:12:145:171:24795:158:13}

(-169,0,t,12) {-169:0:158:13:145:171:24795:158:13}

(169,1,t,12) {169:1:156:11:145:169:24505:157:12}

(-144,0,t,12) {-144:0:157:12:145:169:24505:157:12}


289 is interesting. 3 constructed rows on 'e' side:

(289,1,t,7) {289:1:146:-3:149:145:21605:147:-2}

(0,0,t,8) {0:0:145:0:145:145:21025:145:0}

(289,1,t,9) {289:1:146:1:145:149:21605:147:2}


f side, same 3 rows:

(-4,0,t,7) {-4:0:147:-2:149:145:21605:147:-2}

(-291,-1,t,8) {-291:-1:146:1:145:145:21025:145:0}

(-4,0,t,9) {-4:0:147:2:145:149:21605:147:2}

at 290, getting there with 16^2 = 256, + 17 2n jumps R:

The negative x row as well:

(290,1,t,7) {290:1:145:-2:147:145:21315:146:-1}

(290,1,t,8) {290:1:145:0:145:147:21315:146:1}

and f:

(-1,0,t,7) {-1:0:146:-1:147:145:21315:146:-1}

(-1,0,t,8) {-1:0:146:1:145:147:21315:146:1}

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894ec0 No.12821


Dang brother!

Good job on the fast calcs.

So, confirmed that c=145 exists at all those locations.

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d3ea2f No.12822


>Good job on the fast calcs.

Ha, just semi-auto.

Here's the construction:

For the First movement (using the Square value):


Where 'k' acts as the 't' value, and 'm' is the squared.

m=1 puts in (1,1)

m=0 in (0,1).

Actually, given 0 and 1 cover all 2n jumps to Even or Odd 'e' values, could just use 0 or 1 for 'm', and jump 2n accordingly (1/2 distance).

So let's do e=190 and 209

m=0 and 95 2n jump R lands on e=190.

(190,1,t,5) {190:1:155:10:145:167:24215:156:11}

Now that element in e=190, is the same row in e=1 (and over by the 95 2n jumps):

(0,1,t,5) {0:1:60:10:50:72:3600:61:11}

'i' is the nN for 145

Ok, 209, we can start at e=1, 104 2n jumps right:

(209,1,t,5) {209:1:154:9:145:165:23925:155:10}

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d3ea2f No.12823


>So, confirmed that c=145 exists at all those locations.

And where else would 145 exist in the 'a' position?

▶ VQC!!/aJpLe9Pdk 07/07/18 (Sat) 03:11:47 cf67c1 No.6736>>6737

If a cell contains an element c, another element in the cell can be constructed from it.

Call it c'

e' = e

n' = n

x' = x + 2n

a' = b


a' = b

What is 'b' for nN?

b = c

For the Second constructed Element in the nN cell, a'=c.

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9d5b01 No.12824

One thing to clarify:

Not sure if this new method allows us to jump by 2n.

Maybe Chris sent us down this path to look right towards e = 2c.

When we jump by 2n right, we get a+1, b+1, d+1, which would mean we're no longer at a[t] = 145

This new method uses the powers of x^2 to highlight all possible values of (e) between e= 2c and the origin.

My intuition says that this is the place for the (-f,1) a[t] values, which you've already provided!

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9d5b01 No.12825

However, we do have e = 121, which is 10 * 2n away from e=1 ??

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9d5b01 No.12826


12 * 2n away from e=1

delta is 120, = 10 * 12

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d3ea2f No.12827


>For the Second constructed Element in the nN cell, a'=c.

Note it's the second Element for that series in the cell, not necessarily 2nd element. This is reason for the 'k' index for the SubSeries associated with a starting 'c' and then 2n growth in x for each element.

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c646ec No.12828



Can you please elaborate on your notation for k?

My intuition is guiding me toward the matching values in (-f,1).

So we would end up with a chart or Grid of valid e and n values for the positive (e) side of the Grid that represent valid e and n pairings.

And we would also end up with a chart or Grid of valid e and (n-1) values for the (-f) side of the Grid that represent valid e and (n-1) pairings.

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c646ec No.12829

>And we would also end up with a chart or Grid of valid e and (n-1) values for the (-f) side of the Grid that represent valid e and (n-1) pairings.


And we would also end up with a chart or Grid of valid e and (n-1) values for the (-f) side of the Grid that represent valid (-f) and (n-1) pairings.

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c646ec No.12830

The real question is, does that list exceed O(log n)?


Excellent crumb, ctrl F works wonders.

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d3ea2f No.12831


>Can you please elaborate on your notation for k?

'k' is the Index of the Construction.

Start from initial element, k=0.

1st Element k=1, 2nd k=2, ..

The Elements in a cell that are related, grow in 'x' by 2n. The 'k' index is this sequence.

The "ab_shift" have mentioned before directly relates to this. For n=1, the ab_shift is always '1' (meaning the 'b' value in t, is the 'a' value in t+1). All row elements captured in single sequence (e.g. k=t).

Consider (23,24), using handy grid output you can quickly see it has an ab_shift of '8'.

And (23,26) has ab_shift of '4'.

So in (23,24), each incremental 'k' element is 8 Grid 't' values apart, and similarly there are 4 sub-sequences for (23,26).

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1ed774 No.12832


Thank you MM!

Very clear explanation.

Nice job on figuring out the construction of new elements!

Ok, so this whole swapping e and n thing has me fascinated.

For example, with c145 for ease of understanding…

if we swap bigN = 61 up to the e column, we actually have a match for where one of the e+2n locations would be.

e = 1 ===>>> e = 61

delta is 60, which is 6 * 2(5) = 60

so, 6 steps forward.

new a should be 5 + 6 = 11

new b should be 29+ 6 = 35

new d should be 12 + 6 = 18

new c = 385


e = 61

n = 5

d = 18

x = 17

a = 11

b = 35

(x+n) remains 12 = 7 + 5

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1ed774 No.12833

File: 42d5dcae7271d60⋯.png (566.54 KB,906x712,453:356,Screenshot_2024_11_16_01.png)


Here's 35 right at the top of e=61


Obviously need to test moar.

However, there is the correct value of b + 6 = 35

Which would allow us to solve…

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87c39e No.12834

So quick recap.

We swap bigN up to the e column

and it appears that the value of b + 6 = 35 is right at the top at both t[1] and t[2].

This is the value of b that we need to solve the 2n jump idea (i believe)

also, a GCD could be a possible solution.

(61, 1, 1) is 31 * 35 = 1085

GCD 1085 and 145 is 5, which is solution (a) and (n)

Bottom line: the number we need (35) is right there.

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87c39e No.12835

File: 1cf6a1ce5731673⋯.png (514.68 KB,888x686,444:343,Screenshot_2024_11_16_02.png)

Another note of interest.

Here's (e,1)

notice the 5.

it's in (b) position in t[1] and t[2] position as a[t].

same as 35 in (61, 1)

35 / 5 = 7 = x = solution x

Just found some cool new shit boys.

May or may not work for larger c values, but here I am finding new avenues to explore

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87c39e No.12836

File: ed43151d9e934d7⋯.png (547.27 KB,938x664,469:332,Screenshot_2024_11_16_03.png)

Another interesting find.

e = N - d = 49

e = 61 - 12 = 49


There's our solution (b) value of 29 right at the top

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87c39e No.12837

File: 0f98e68cbe4f149⋯.png (1.11 MB,1226x1032,613:516,Screenshot_2024_10_25_at_1….png)

Will the helicopters be flying over my house in the countryside again this evening?

Hello White Hats! :)

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87c39e No.12838

Flipping N and e seems pretty cool to me.

Very intuitive and yet, very counter intuitive.


I like simple explanations for complex ideas.

What a long, strange journey we've been on, Anons.

Hopefully this new idea can finally bear fruit.

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5df49d No.12839

Reviewing old breads this evening, found this gem that PMA wrote. Unfortunately a lot of the images aren't loading, but oh well.


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5df49d No.12840

>(n-1) balances out the f center square.

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a308ea No.12841

Mannnnnn, I just want to say.

I fucking love all of you so much.

It's ridiculous how much I love and appreciate you all. But you're, we are, some of the most amazing human beings to ever Be Here Now.

Make sure all of your loved ones know you love and appreciate them today.


Deus Vult

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070895 No.12842

File: 6812f39f1e7b146⋯.png (452.51 KB,2732x1094,1366:547,Screenshot_2024_11_18_01.png)


Deus Vult

God Wills It.

Love you too Bruddah!

Here's the conversation surrounding PMA's excellent post >>5851

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070895 No.12843

Just realized that (n-1) itself could be a construction of two polite triangle numbers.

Visualize with me…

At the center of the (x+n)^2 area…

We leave an open space for (n-1) in the middle

f (or f-1) surrounds the (n-1) space.

4 * T(3) + 4 * T(2) - 1 = (n-1)

4 * 6 + 4 * 3 - 1 = 35

Total inner portion is a perfect square,

134 + 35 = 169

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a308ea No.12844

Feels like the bookshelf in Interstellar. Something about Love (which is also Truth, who together with Truth is G-d) is the only thing that transcends both time & space (simultaneously).

Something about a trip, and a vision, and a crystal globe, and a rose bush named Love in the midst of a Fallen Pine.

All while a good friend stepped on a peace of glass.


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53bd65 No.12845

Today is the day.

Multiply c by 4.

Take the new e',1 at 4 x c.

That cell at new e',1 will have a value that is double a value at e,1.

The value at e,1 is na or (x^2+e)/2 and the value in e',1 is 2na.

If we have two cells at e,1 and e',1 how do we find values that are twice the other?

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53bd65 No.12846



Have fun.

If you need any help with finding the double value between cells, I'll be back later.

Let's do the biggest RSA number together?

End of an era, beginning of a new one.

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2dc828 No.12847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As my brother from another mother once said, and still says…

When you gon' drop that verse? Nigga, you taking long"


So now I'm back spittin' that heat, could pass a polygraph

That Reverend Run rockin' Adidas out on Hollis Ave

That FOI, Marcus Garvey, Nikky Tesla

I shock you like an eel, electric feel, Jay Electra…

[Verse 3: Jay Electronica & Just Blaze]

They call me Jay Electronica—fuck that

Call me Jay Elec-Hanukkah, Jay Elec-Yarmulke

Jay Elect-Ramadan, Muhammad as-salaam-alaikum

RasoulAllah Subhanahu wa ta'ala through your monitor (Ooh!)

My Uzi still weigh a ton; check the barometer

I'm hotter than the motherfucking sun; check the thermometer

I'm bringing ancient mathematics back to modern man


My mama told me, "Never throw a stone and hide your hand"

I got a lot of family, you got a lot of fans

That's why the people got my back like the Verizon man

I play the back and fade to black, and then devise a plan

Out in London, smoking, vibing while I ride the tram

Giving out that raw food to lions disguised as lambs

And—by the time they get they seats hot

And deploy all they henchmen to come at me from the treetops

I'm chillin' out at Tweetstock, building by the millions

My light is brilliant..


Outro: Just Blaze]


I rest my case

'09, Act 3

First chapter of the end

The last chapter of a new beginning

If it's so

The things we do without even trying…


First Chapter of The E.N.D.

Last Chapter of a New Beginning.

Just Blaze.

Sheeeeeeit, baked.

Blessssss 🙏

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d756e2 No.12848

File: f386030c9c23924⋯.png (1.13 MB,1146x1068,191:178,_f_1_4_x_c6107_.png)

File: 47019992b43b529⋯.png (1.09 MB,1078x1076,539:538,_e_1_4_x_c6107.png)



>Today is the day.


>Multiply c by 4.


>Take the new e',1 at 4 x c.

>That cell at new e',1 will have a value that is double a value at e,1.

Not sure which "a value that is double a value in e,1" value you mean, but a quick exploration turned up the value of 2c as an a[t] value at the locations x = 2d (e',1) and x = 2d +1 (-f',1) for our two small classic values. Please see the attached work.

>The value at e,1 is na or (x^2+e)/2 and the value in e',1 is 2na.

>If we have two cells at e,1 and e',1 how do we find values that are twice the other?

Hmmm. OK. Going back to the original (-f,1) (e,1) to reference the new (-f',1) (e',1)

We need some kind of concrete reference point to begin, and so finding 2c at a[t] in (-f',1) (e',1) is a helpful discovery. It's 2 * a * b (of course) so perhaps that could be useful.

Gotta keep investigating the patterns. I'll be back when I have something useful to report.

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d756e2 No.12849

File: bc9a262a8176611⋯.png (3.51 MB,1560x1208,195:151,Screenshot_2024_11_25_02.png)

File: 32f9924b62d48e6⋯.png (2.77 MB,1512x1144,189:143,Screenshot_2024_11_25_03.png)

File: da27aefe226169a⋯.png (5.45 MB,2224x1264,139:79,Screenshot_2024_11_25_01.png)



Boom. What's up my bruddah!

No doubt this idea was known to previous thinkers.

Been watching/reading too much Graham Hancock over here.

Definitely several advanced civilizations have been wiped out.

"We are a species with Amnesia"


>Have fun.

Aye aye, Senpai!

>If you need any help with finding the double value between cells, I'll be back later.

Is the double value 2c?

>Let's do the biggest RSA number together?

>End of an era, beginning of a new one.

Sure, sounds good. Let's have fun and get some work done!

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2dc828 No.12850


Blessings to you & your mind, and your family. Let us take care of those we love and make sure they know that we cherish them and hold them near to our hearts.

Blessings to All. Past, Present, & Future.

And now, as our savior taught us, we are bold to say:

Our Father, who art in Heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Name…

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bca452 No.12851

File: e7209f2e41b6d5f⋯.png (104.64 KB,708x674,354:337,Screenshot_from_2024_11_27….png)


>That cell at new e',1 will have a value that is double a value at e,1.

>The value at e,1 is na or (x^2+e)/2 and the value in e',1 is 2na.

For a=13, b=43, na=65. This implies there should be a value of 130 somewhere in (e',1), which pic related shows there isn't. The only way would be to make t equal 130, but then you would have just said to do that. t=130 for this (e',1) is (27,1,130) = {27:1:33813:259:33554:34074}, f=-67600, c=1143318996, u=130, i=33814, j=260 and I don't see anything useful in this element.

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bca452 No.12852


I only thought to check variables, now I'm checking gaps between variables within elements and between adjacent elements. It does exist as a gap between adjacent d values here:

(27,1,32) = {27:1:2061:63:1998:2126}, f=-4096, c=4247748, u=32, i=2062, j=64

(27,1,33) = {27:1:2191:65:2126:2258}, f=-4356, c=4800508, u=33, i=2192, j=66

2191-2061=130, which is 2na. The higher of the two x values is na. I don't know if that actually matters though because for every element in (e,1) the gap between two adjacent d values is two times the higher element's x value, so that's implied algebraically. I still don't see anything useful about these elements that would help us find them, and all the patterns that involve gaps between d values in (e,1) either involves taking away our original d value from d[t] or d fitting between the two d values, so I don't know if any of this is useful. Also you would need to know unknowns to find these elements regardless of anything else.

The only way I can make sense of this post is if the 2na he's talking about in (e',1) is the gap between d values. Can't find any use for this or patterns that could be used to find these elements though.

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bca452 No.12853


By the way, pretty sure today is the 7th anniversary of the "my hand is forced" post, what better time to finally post the fucking solution already

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10ec0b No.12854

File: df60adfb0197e50⋯.png (1.46 MB,2286x870,381:145,Screenshot_2024_11_27_01.png)


Happy 7 Year Anniversary Faggots! Love you all, and Happy Thanksgiving.

Found another double value, printed out the (e,1) and (e' ,1) columns to do some old school pencil and calculator work.

Please see attached work.

I found a double(d) value.

d = 29 in (e,1)

d = 58 in (e' , 1)

b = n = 36

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bca452 No.12855

File: 9dd082c3881f11e⋯.png (133.25 KB,787x526,787:526,Screenshot_from_2024_11_28….png)


Multiplying c by four is the same as multiplying a by 2 and b by 2, which doubles x+n and doubles d+n (n' is 2n-1, d' is 2d+1 and x' is 2x+1). That also means you can use variables from one element to create the squares for the other element. Given (x+n)(x+n) = nn + 2d(n-1) + f - 1, and given xx+e=2na, I would assume there's a way to rearrange the variables that make up the square so that you have xx in the corner with e divided into two equal parts (depending on parity of x) surrounding it so that when you divide it by two you end up with two right-angled triangles with na at the tip of both (since na = (xx+e)/2). That would mean if you had these (unknown) elements you could use one square to find the other's square with geometry. None of this is useful information right now though, and if you just keep multiplying c by 4 nothing useful seems to happen, as far as I can tell (pic related).

Some grid patterns posts relevant to what he said too



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bca452 No.12856


Should clarify, in that first linked post he specifically mentions "gaps between the square remainders" (i.e. square remainders are e so maybe relevant to gaps between d values, which is the only place 2na exists in (e',1) that I could find other than forcing it as a t value or something) and the fractal thing is relevant given the fractal nature of one element's squares being made up of double another's variables and so on upwards as you multiply by 4. I think these latest two posts are related to the n0 triangles.

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Post last edited at

c29784 No.12857

File: 6e2d94bc14ea909⋯.png (279.33 KB,1049x1219,1049:1219,Screenshot_from_2024_11_30….png)

File: 1dee5e640421196⋯.png (183.35 KB,1084x965,1084:965,Screenshot_from_2024_11_30….png)


Assuming this has anything to do with >>7423 solely because the only way I've found that makes this post make sense is a gap between d values in (e,1) that equals 2na, I put together these tables showing where n-1 is a factor of d[t]-d vs where n is a factor of a[t]. I know we looked into this a little bit years ago and didn't find anything but I don't think anyone ever applied it to multiples of c. Still doesn't really seem like anything is obviously relevant.

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c00ae2 No.12858


Thanks AA, reviewed your output in detail.

{30:5:23:10:13:43} c=559

I think the only advantage of multiplying c x 4 is that we get more n locations?

>Still doesn't really seem like anything is obviously relevant.

Yeah, not sure exactly how this helps.

Doing work here is a welcome daily break when IRL duties are done, so I'll just keep thinking and working. Nice to have a hobby I enjoy, and friends to work on it with.

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723dd6 No.12859


I don't know what to make of the new crumb.

At face value, it doesn't take any advantage of the Offset between (-f,1) and (e,1).

That's fine, since I love being here and this is my happy place lol.

Also, a couple finds…

I found 4(an) but not 2(an)

For 4 x c(6107), the 4(an) element is located at (92,1,48) with 4(an) being 4464 = 1116 * 4

I also found 1/2 * (an) = 558 at the location (92, ,1, 17)

Not sure what this means.

Just another day tending the rows and columns at the VQC farm.

"In all labor, there is profit. But idle chatter leads only to poverty."

Proverbs 14:23

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6c8ff0 No.12860

AA you lurking?

Did we actually find solutions for every semiprime c up to 1M?

I recall that you said we did, using the binary idea.

For example, if the a[t] values in (e,1) are even, we moved to (-f,1) to use the odd a[t] values to look for the binary tag.

Same with this multiply c x 4, 9, 16 idea.

We need a column where a[t] is odd.

For example, in c6107 the (e,1) column is even a[t] values

But when we move to (-f,1) then we have odd a[t] values to examine.

So we need movement to the place where a[t] values are odd.


> gap between squares and remainders

xx+e / 2 = an

(square + remainder) / 2 = an

This is why there is a flow, or repeating pattern of remainders in the a[t] column for any (c) value.

The squares cycle, but the remainder is fixed based on (e).

A wave pattern.

That is embedded in the data.

Perhaps by moving to 4c we can observe this wave pattern more easily.

I haven't tried a binary analysis on 4c yet.

There should be 4x as many binary tags for (a)

There should also be 4x as many (n) locations

The key is that we need a multiple that delivers odd a{t] values, as that is where our prime value for (a) will be found.

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6c8ff0 No.12862

Whoops. Copied part of my last post, here's the new part.

The wave pattern is (x squared + e) / 2

It's the part that doesn't fit that's left over.

For example, 2975

101110000000 = 2944

011111 = 35

101110011111 = 2975

So what happens with this binary stuff when we multiply to a column that has MORE of the (a) value we need?

It just has to be a (c) multiple that gives us odd a[t] values I think.

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cc88ed No.12863


>Did we actually find solutions for every semiprime c up to 1M?

>I recall that you said we did, using the binary idea.

I don't remember where it stopped (the fact that it stopped alone shows that it's not the solution) but it was inconsistent and it would be unpredictable which variable appeared where. A year or two later (I've lost track of time in this context) I wrote an entirely new program that checked the same thing except I tried to see if every possible combination of parities among the variables and other types of groupings brought out any patterns and there weren't any. If the solution is based on finding an unknown in the binary of a known, I've exhausted every possible way of doing that that I could and I didn't find a way to do it that wouldn't require waiting thousands of years for bigger numbers (since it would be O(n) where n is the length of each variable in bits, rather than O(log n) (and even then it wouldn't find a solution in all cases)).

>For example, if the a[t] values in (e,1) are even, we moved to (-f,1) to use the odd a[t] values to look for the binary tag.

I was already just generating every known and every unknown and checking all the unknowns (including recursively through the factors of d, e and f) to see if they existed in the binary of the knowns, so I already did that.

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62dc3c No.12864

File: 3e69e37b0221c71⋯.jpeg (77.84 KB,424x391,424:391,IMG_9666.jpeg)


Hello AA. I appreciate all the effort you've put into our quest. Thank you.

Thanks for answering my question, and confirming that this path has already been explored.

>I've exhausted every possible way of doing that that I could and I didn't find a way to do it that wouldn't require waiting thousands of years.


Yeah, so many dead ends.

My archives are full of paths that didn't work.

Since this is my favorite hobby, I'll just keep thinking and working.

Edison tried 10,000 times to achieve the electric bulb.

Worst case I get to hang out with you excellent faggots some more.

It hurts my sense of personal self-confidence the most:

>"Maybe I'm just not smart enough. I've failed so many times."

Maybe I just won't give up.

>"Maybe I need a higher IQ to solve this."

I took an IQ test online 2 months ago because I had never done it. 135 is fine.

>"WTF is wrong with me?"

Uhhh. Nothing.

>"Why can't I find the pattern underlying the crumbs?"

Not sure, but that's no reason to be ashamed or mad at myself

>"Look how much time you've wasted on this."

Made some great friends, and continue having fun every evening. Learned a ton.

>"Now you're definitely on every Fed list."

Fuck the FedBois, hopefully the White Hats have us on their nice list.

>"What a fkn joke this whole thing is."

The only joke would have been not to accept the Mission, and persevere until it's solved.

All my personal angels & demons come into play when working on this.

Which makes me more sure that I should continue working on it.

This is the Quest I was born to be a part of.

Let's keep going.

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62dc3c No.12865

File: 66460a5cce04201⋯.jpeg (185.94 KB,1439x1439,1:1,4BC9FF47_046A_4136_8359_9….jpeg)

>"WTF is wrong with me?"

Uhhh. Nothing.


(upon retrospection)

Just another normal human being in need of forgiveness and Divine blessings.

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75cb83 No.12866

File: d023b4575cf9f9f⋯.png (545.54 KB,1900x568,475:142,Screenshot_2024_12_04_01.png)

File: 954fe9206cac8f6⋯.png (2.17 MB,1568x908,392:227,Screenshot_2024_12_04_02.png)

Hello everyone! Reviewing crumbs and relaxing,

IRL duties are complete.

Glad to be here with you all.


Back To The Future.

Set the computer to 11/30/2017….

Back when we all responded to the craziest faggot on CBTS.


It doesn't seem like that long ago to me.

My life has changed dramatically since this quest started.

I lost a woman and a family unit due partly to Cue and VQC.

Gained a better woman 3 years ago.

I don't even go into detail with her about us, I just tell her "I'm working with my Math boys."

She just chuckles and says, "Ok, whatever."

On the upcoming solution and forward progress:

Some good hints would be very welcome, Chris!

You have a tried and tested team who have worked hard to follow your bread crumbs.

We've learned a ton.

It's gotta be something simple we've overlooked.

Senpai, teach your disciples something new pls.

It should be obvious by now that we will persist until we succeed.

Drop us a good crumb to work on.

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362d91 No.12867


>Glad to be here with you all.

Just checked in - guess will work a bit this eve.


>7th anniversary of the "my hand is forced" post, ..

and just over 6 yrs:

>>8176 (VQC in #14)

>Last post.

ALL indications are that was the last post by Chris.


>Hello AA. I appreciate all the effort you've put into our quest. Thank you.



>(upon retrospection)

Same same.

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362d91 No.12868


>I found 4(an) but not 2(an)

>For 4 x c(6107), the 4(an) element is located at (92,1,48) with 4(an) being 4464 = 1116 * 4

>I also found 1/2 * (an) = 558 at the location (92, ,1, 17)

Confirmed those. Interesting relationship.


>Multiplying c by four is the same as multiplying a by 2 and b by 2

Right, and for 9c, a, b * by 3 and 3.

So the "trivial" "Big N" (as '1' will produce half-integer n with 0.5 remainders for 4c, ..) for c9 would use a=2, ..

One thing will be reviewing more, is the difference in n=1 between the "d_min" rows, above and below.

To review "d_min" is the minimum 'd' value for a given 'e' column. As e grows, so does d_min.

Consider e=23. The minimum d=12.

d^2+e = c = 144+23 = 167

Record (23,1,6) {23:1:83:11:72:96:6912:84:12}

Here starts perhaps a unique set of BigN, where each an relates to an N where a=1.

For t=1:5, the 'c' are valid, but the a,b are not of simplest form.

So t=5:

(23,1,5) {23:1:61:9:52:72:3744:62:10}

a=52, b=72

=2^2*26*36 = 2^4 * 13 * 18

In 'f', 'c' and 'i' again positive at t=6.

We look at the "related" 'c' values in the 'e' column at d_min and above.

d increases by 2 for each successive row. For e=23, d is even.

Also noted that the 'd' for the related c = 2*t.

Consider trivial case for c=6107.

t=39: *2=78 = d.

for the 6107 solution row, related c=2327:

t=24, related c is 2327 with d=48.

It has a BigN: (2327+1)/2-48 = 1116

BigX "happens" to be 47 (solution x for 6107).

(23,1,24) {23:1:1163:47:1116:1212:1352592:1164:48}

(23,1116,0) {23:1116:48:47:1:2327:2327:1164:1163}

And using that element as the BASE for the sub-series Generator, and looking at gcd patterns for 6107 (instead of 2327 as would typ do), 31 and 197 emerge:

b for:

(23,1116,-2) {23:1116:4324:-4417:8741:2139:18696999:5440:-3301}

= 2139 = a for:

(23,1116,-1) {23:1116:-46:-2185:2139:1:2139:1070:-1069}

gcd = 31.

at t=14, d and i have gcd = 31

(23,1116,14) {23:1116:470084:31295:438789:503611:220978967079:471200:32411}

Which is right in middle of repeated t=-2 and t=-1 pattern:

(23,1116,29) {23:1116:1944614:64775:1879839:2011621:3781523609019:1945730:65891}

(23,1116,30) {23:1116:2078628:67007:2011621:2147867:4320694362407:2079744:68123}

gcd(2011621, 6107) = 31

the 197 first appears at t=51 (b) and t=52 (a):

(23,1116,51) {23:1116:5924106:113879:5810227:6040217:35095031899259:5925222:114995}

(23,1116,52) {23:1116:6156328:116111:6040217:6274671:37900374443607:6157444:117227}

where gcd(6040217, 6107) = 197

also at 52, mod 'x':

mod(116111, 6107) = 78

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362d91 No.12869

File: 1a47f845e6e9e27⋯.png (49.72 KB,587x621,587:621,cnN_4c_9c.png)


A comment on this "related c" and "d min" with the 4*c and 9*c.

ALL of the "related c", if large enough, move to the same 'e' column.

You noted for 6107*4, e' = 92. and 6107*9, e''=207.

The related 'c' all jump to the same (see pic).

What was interesting, is the 4*c is another way to quickly ID the d_min (had another way), as that's when the e values are then equal (see pic).

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362d91 No.12870


>What was interesting, is the 4*c is another way to quickly ID the d_min

Incorrect statement. Meant to simply show with the base calcs (c*1) that e=23 starting with t=6 (d_min = 12, c=167)

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362d91 No.12871


>So the "trivial" "Big N" (as '1' will produce half-integer n with 0.5 remainders for 4c, ..) for c9 would use a=2, ..

just read that, which states the a for c0 a=2, should state 3, as a=2 is for c*4

In case c*9 a=3, c*16 a = 4, …

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a3a3b7 No.12872

File: c1077c4c18bfb12⋯.jpeg (102.83 KB,1091x994,1091:994,IMG_9653.jpeg)


Hello MM and everyone!

Checking In for some banta and work.

I'm gonna review crumbs for the moment to look for a good place to dig.

If anyone wants to hang out, I'll be here for about 2 hours before I gotta get some rest.

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a3a3b7 No.12873

*bantz lol.

Too tired from all full day of work in the field.

Autocorrect obviously couldn't help.

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a3a3b7 No.12874

*a full day

Pretty beat over here.

Glad to check in with you my bruddahs.

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a3a3b7 No.12875

Going to read some crumbs.

I'll check the board while I work if anyone wants to hang out.

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420f67 No.12877

File: f5810d1b372d326⋯.png (814.42 KB,3496x2022,1748:1011,Screenshot_2024_12_22_01.png)

Hello everyone!

Hope you are all well.

Reading crumbs and relaxing this evening.

Also reviewing diagrams and spreadsheets to look for somewhere to dig.

The Offset is still stuck in my mind.

Every time I review crumbs, I am drawn to think and strategize to make it work to our advantage.

We have two pairings in the (-f,1) and (e,1) columns.

a(n-1) and (an) (at the same [t] value)

b(n-1) and (bn) (offset by [t-1] value)

Somehow being able to split these is our key.

At any given [t] location, we can perform these simple operations to split the (an) and (bn) apart.

(an) - a(n-1) = a

(bn) - b(n-1) = b

(an) / a = n

a(n-1) / a = (n-1)

(bn) / b = n

b(n-1) / b = (n-1)

So at the correct [t] location for (an), we should find equal (a) values, along with (n) and (n-1).

There's gotta be a way to use this to calculate or intelligently search.

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260571 No.12878

File: e414e4b48d14742⋯.png (608.03 KB,2688x644,96:23,Screenshot_2024_12_22_03.png)

File: d14b0d1f684b7bf⋯.png (174.87 KB,1576x494,788:247,Screenshot_2024_12_22_02.png)

Here's some highlights from this evening's crumb review.

"We are using f-2 as a guide to how to construct the square."

Having fun playing with my calculator, wondering if a clue exists using (f-2) / 2

For our classic,

f = 134

(f-2) / 2 = 66

Using the pythagorean theorem, if this is c, then c^2 = 66 ^ 2 = 4356

4356 = a ^ 2 + b ^ 2

4356 / 2 = 2178

sqrt(2178) = 46.667 = 47 = x


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d219c7 No.12879

For c145 it works also

24 - 2 =22 = (f-2)

22 / 2 =11

11 ^ 2 =121

121 / 2 =60.5

Sqrt(60.5) =7.778 = x = 7

So the idea is using (f-2)/2 as the hypotenuse (C) in the Pythagorean theorem calc.

And solving for A or B

“We are building a method that uses (f-2) as a guide to constructing the square”

8:20 PM


Well it’s a new idea at least.

Sqrt(((f-2) / 2 ) ^ 2 / 2) = x

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d82066 No.12880

File: f241ac3e2a00931⋯.png (1.12 MB,2584x1086,1292:543,Screenshot_2024_12_31_at_2….png)

Hello been a while but I've gotten back into the problem and I've found a couple patterns worth looking into.

First off, if we look at the A grids, we can parabolically jump to another record in the E column with the same A value, for any A in an E,N cell, and I theorize there is a way to jump to the desired record, but I haven't found a solid way to do so yet. You can do it for 145 with A=101, then you jump to 41, shift to A=65, jump to 25, shift A to 37, jump to 17, then shift A to 17 and then jump to 5 and you get the correct N, but this is not consistent for other starting points so TBD. pic related is the 17 to 5 jump visualized

Secondly, for any E,N, if you go to the cell E*i*i, N*i*i, for any i, they will contain the exact same A values. Not sure how this will help us yet though. What would be interesting is if you have an E,N that are both divisible by a square, you could jump in to E/(square), N/(square) and I'm not sure how that would help us. Would be worth it to inspect some more of these patterns though. Just found this out so still trying to figure out how to use it

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d82066 No.12881


Also another, and I'm not sure how helpful this is since just calculating massive factorials is intensive, if you shift E + 2N you know that you'll get another cell, since the valid -Es have to be quadratic residues mod 2N (or something like that), if you shift over by N! you will have the same exact cell layout relative to your starting cell, but again this is probably not worthwhile

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c197ce No.12882

File: 57edc52a39ae23e⋯.png (3.97 MB,2152x1440,269:180,Screenshot_2024_12_31_01.png)


Hello GA! Good to see you, and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.

How's the post college life going so far, my brother?

I hope you've found work that you find enjoyable and fulfilling!

I'm studying your post closely and working to understand your ideas.

First, Is this output specifically for c145?

I can see the parabolic patterns on the left side of your output, so I'm following you there!

With no headers or column notation for the right side, it's a little tough to follow

Also, there's some notation I don't yet know.

Can you please explain your idea of A Grids?

> I theorize there is a way to jump to the desired record, but I haven't found a solid way to do so yet.

Glad to see you here my man.

There is a simple and elegant way to solve this that we are about to discover.

Also love that our faggot Elon is making Pepe famous today.

But fuck his hiring of a bunch of subtard India residents.

America First, Elon.

We know you're lurking here anyhow.

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c197ce No.12883


To be fair, Elon is probably hiring only the best.

But the H1-B thing needs reform.

Too many jobs given to non-citizens.

And too many of our American Industries outsourced to cheap ass countries.

For who?

Global Corporations to make moar profit?

Fuck that.

Tariffs on all that, and on foreign workers.

We protect our own.

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d82066 No.12884

File: ac92c0d41785dcb⋯.png (1.16 MB,2772x1716,21:13,A7_Grid.png)


Family is well and I'm working in DevOps now very happy with where I'm at in life. Thanks for asking! And here's a little write up about the A grid.

For a given A, there is a grid for which there is a line, for a given i, with an origin at (e=0, n=0) and continuing at (e=2Ai, n=i).

Then on this line there are parabolas aimed to the left, with origins at (e=2Ai + A^2, n=i+A). There are more parabolas with a larger vertical gaps below.

The way it is set up, is that the Ath value going towards -N is the rightmost value on another ray going to the left.

For any given cell, (e,n) and A, and i, there exists cells at (e+2Ai, n+i)

These cells are also on infinitely many parabolas facing the left with increasing vertical gaps as you go down.

To idenfity which position on the parabola we are on, say we want the parabola with vertical gap sizes of R, then for a given cell, X - R*A is the vertical difference from the origin cell for the parabola.


Moving down the A grid to the right, move_a_diagonal the E value will increase by 2*A, the N value will increase by 1, the D, X and A values will remain the same, and the B value will increase by 2.

Switching to a new A grid, switch_a_grid, the E value will increase by 2*N, the X and N values will remain the same, the D, A, and B values will increment by 1.

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d82066 No.12885


Run this python code in your terminal (you may need to pip install something) but then type "!hl a 7" to higlight the A 7 grid. Then WASD will move around the view and J/K will scroll up and down in the panel on the right. Still working on a better tool but stil isn't as featureful as this one (and its not in one easy to run file)


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d82066 No.12886

Line 240 and on shows the help messages which contain all the controls

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d82066 No.12887

Another pattern found.

For any cell (e, n), you can calculate any other cell with ALL the same D values which is located at

E = (n*n)*i^4 + (e - n*n)*i^2

N = n*i^2

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d82066 No.12888

I think I found it

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d82066 No.12889

I tried factoring random primes from a list of primes less than 100, did 1000 tests among all of them and all of them passed

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d82066 No.12890

I think its a false alarm I'm looking further into it

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c92e58 No.12891

File: efde82d88a7c55a⋯.png (1.16 MB,1094x982,547:491,Screenshot_2025_01_10_at_8….png)

File: 908eef7182f4dfd⋯.png (784.2 KB,822x958,411:479,Screenshot_2025_01_06_at_1….png)

File: d8ec2232a178012⋯.png (1.52 MB,1100x1098,550:549,Screenshot_2024_05_16_at_1….png)

File: ff794565b2ef19d⋯.jpg (82.37 KB,463x720,463:720,Art_Of_No_Deal.jpg)



Thanks GA!

I appreciate the explanation, and I'll see if I can run your code this evening.

Still need to check that calc for R100 for the idea above >>12878

>For our classic,

>f = 134

>(f-2) / 2 = 66

>Using the pythagorean theorem, if this is c, then c^2 = 66 ^ 2 = 4356

>4356 = a ^ 2 + b ^ 2

>4356 / 2 = 2178

>sqrt(2178) = 46.667 = 47 = x

Trying now for R100:

f =


(f - 2) / 2 =


((f - 2) / 2) ^ 2 = a ^ 2 + b ^ 2


(((f - 2) / 2) ^ 2) / 2 =


Sqrt(((f-2) / 2 ) ^ 2 / 2) = x


actual x =


Eh, bust!

What's new lol.

That's fine, I'll go read some crumbs and look for a new path.

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d82066 No.12892

So when we solve this what's the plan? Claim RSA money? Sell it to the US government? Release it for free?

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bba8ed No.12893


Let's sell it to the Laotian government instead

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71f7e7 No.12894

File: 1f816f3a5cf46d1⋯.png (1.61 MB,2348x1060,587:265,Screenshot_2025_01_22_01.png)


Hello everyone!

Circling back to a couple months ago, there were some good ideas we were working on.

"once you c i[t]"

Every new location of c contains the factors we need to solve.

Maybe at these new a[t] values, we need to do simple operations to help reveal the factors.

For example,

If a[t] is even, divide by 2 until odd.

If a[t] ends in 5, divide by 5.


For this example, I was able to simplify a=42195 and get a prime factor to pop out.

42195 / 5 = 8439

8439 GCD 145 = 29 = solution(b)

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71f7e7 No.12895


>the big idea is that moving to a related (e) column gives us the opportunity to explore a bunch of new a[t] values that have the factors of a, b, n, and c that we are looking to factorize

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a29984 No.12896



I love the idea of giving it to We The People.

It’s like Heath Ledger’s Joker lighting the pile of money on fire and watching it burn, but in a good dark to light way.

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47f3cb No.12899

File: f84b90680e11dac⋯.png (62.94 KB,1080x1350,4:5,IMG_9972.png)

Hello everyone!

I hope you are are well on this fine Friday evening.

Reflecting on our quest, I see a few things more clearly now.

"Ready Player One"

Great movie, and great explanation of this mission.

How was it that Chris showed up to post our breadcrumbs?

Could be Govt, Higher Celestial Beings, etc.

No doubt, the fish were caught. That's us.

The Matrix is breaking in real time all around us.

This forum is just one place where this miracle is occurring.

Our wildest dreams are coming true, and yet….

We could be the crowning achievement of excellence for this new era of existence.

We could earn fame and glory, not for ourselves, but for our cause.

We will change the future of maths.

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d82066 No.12900

I was thinking what would the reason for the F value be? If we do ABD(1, c, d+1), the new E value is the negative f value and N is N-1. From these two records, we know that

one N will be even.

Then I found that for each factor of N, (call it J), there exists a cell ENX(E, J, (start X)). This means if we factor N we can hope directly up the E column. Since we have two N values for C, one positive and one negative, we can assuredly find one which N/2 is a valid record. Then we can continue that pattern and go down into the N=1 row.

I haven't found anything definitive here yet, but for my testing of products of primes (factors<1000) we get roughly 80% of the records using GCD with each value.

Also in terms of instant solutions, if F is square, we have a solution, and if ENX(e, 1, x).C is our start C we have a solution. I've tried this algorithm with RSA100 and it didn't generate a solution, but it's another pattern

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d82066 No.12901


>one positive and one negative

I mean odd and even

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