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File: 73fd128bd79123e⋯.gif (1003,32 KB, 404x347, 404:347, 166515202634837609.gif)

 No.370899 [Ostatnie 50 postów]

ja już wszystko rozumiem jaka jest geneza mojej niedoli, spierdolenia, depresji, poczucia nieszczęścia i samotności przed 30 lvlem to już zrozumiałem i to jest bardzo proste

na siłę starałem się zawsze być krawędziowy i myśleć inaczej, chodzić swoimi drogami i zgrywać jakiegoś pierdolonego indywidualiste

kiedy normictwo w bazach wymienialo się kartami z 22 chłopa jak biegają za dmuchanym balonem to ja miałem na to wyjebane, albo na dragon ball dla ułomków gdzie darli ryje i się turlali jak przygłupy ale oni się spotykali i zawiązywały się relacje między nimi

gdzie normiki słuchały jakiejś muzyki, socjalizowali się czy cokolwiek innego to kurwa ja musiałem to robić na odwrót inaczej i kurwa jak ostatni debil się zastanawiam dlaczego nie umiałem się wkupić w społeczeństwo

na defekach alienacja chuj wie czemu, w dorosłym życiu alienacja i wegetacja pierdolona

zrozumiałem to w tym momencie jak normictwo zaczęło wrzucać wszyscy takie same zdjęcia z jakichś miejsc bo latają last minute na jakieś pustynie i na jakieś plaże a mi się nie chce tego robić bo po chuj ja mam tam lecieć, ale znowu kurwa zgrywanie wielkiego indywidualisty a normictwo wymienia się fotkami i mają o czym rozmawiać

>z oliwką ostatnio byłem tam

>no fajnie z oskarkiem też byliśmy a teraz lecimy tam

>ooo to może polecimy razem

>no okej hehe to lecimy a i domówke robi bonawentura wpadnijcie za tydzień

i tak się kręci normicki świat i będzie się kręcił a ja będę siedział do końca swojego zapchlonego i psiego życia w nieszczęściu bo jestem zbyt dumny żeby zacząć robić to co robią wszyscy inni i żyją sobie normalnie i są zadowoleni

kiedyś myślałem, że myślenie inaczej mnie zaprowadzi do szczęścia, doprowadziło mnie do degradacji mojej psychiki

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spieprzaj hipsterku pierdolony

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File: fa8e4a5b31978d9⋯.jpg (21,24 KB, 387x456, 129:152, 2ecbf698e8eb00f6eb8cd02383….jpg)


jestes mną a ja tobą, polecam benzo i prege, mi pomogło w sensie nie mysle o niczym negatywnym odkąd wale prochy nie miałem nawet mysli s jedynie mam ptsd na kiju bo widziałem cala noc jak moj pies kona na padaczkę bo miał raka mózgu i wtedy mimo ojebania paczki benzo dostałem załamania nerwowego a potem musialem jego truchło nieść do utylizacji, nic nikomu nie zrobiłem złego czemu mnie los tak kara wolalbym sam zdechnąc w konwulsjach niz stracic psa, boze ty kurwo niebieska, do dzis mam koszmary w nocy budze sie zapłakany, benzo w ogole nie pomaga na takie traumy jak widze podobnego psa gdzies na ulicy to mi sie chce płakać, pół roku mineło dalej psycha rozkurwiona to juz mi zostanie chyba do konca zycia, ja po benzo mam wyjebane i teraz z normikami tam przytakne powiem ze maja racje ze weekend to pewnie wódeczka bedzie pita hehe fiesta italiana a po trzezwemu bym słowa nie wykrztusił, w robocie paranoja w głowie ze oni wiedza ze jestem zjebany, kazdy smieszkuje wszyscy zadowoleni usmiechnieci jebią na magazynie smrodu a ja chodze jak ułomek, pracuje tylko po to zeby miec tabletki, do pracy biore xana a po pracy wale duze ilosci pregi zeby sie najebac jak meserszmit i wtedy wszystko mi jedno i mam dobry humor i maja mnie za normika bo rzuce jakims zartem sie usmiechne ale to jest system obronny bo wiem dobrze ze jak nic nie powiem to mnie wyjebia za bycie zjebem, socjalizacja i takie gadanie głupot to podstawa a anon jako zjeb w ogole sie nie nadaje do zycia, najlepiej rozbiłby obóz na srodku pustkowia i polował na króliki, nie odzywał sie do nikogo, ty bedziesz zjebany cale zycie ja 10 lat cierpiałem dzien w dzien i co wieczór myslalem o tym na chuj ja w ogole istnieje, benzo to jedyna droga a potem wiadomo, nie znam twojej sytuacji, mi staruszkowie spadna z rowerka i zostane sam to pewnie bedzie duze elo bo wtedy to juz totalnie brak sensu zycia, spierdolenia nie da sie uleczyc masz dwie opcje, walisz leki i funkcjonujesz jako tako a w czasie wolnym mixy i faza jak chuj wszystko jest kolorowe albo kalita mode opiaty i morfina w kabel a potem sie stoczysz na samo dno, chociaz i tak kazdy spierdolon nie dozyje starosci bo przyjdzie ten moment kiedys tam ze powiesz dosc, spierdolenie idzie po genach stary tak samo nie jest zbyt rozmowny matka ma ataki paniki i nadcisnienie, boi sie isc do urzędu, to co moglo wyjsc z takiego związku to jakby anon zaruchał loche z borderem i wyszło by jakies małe adhd na kiju co bije dzieci w szkole, nie ma ratunku, leki to jedyne co ci pomoze, ale bedziesz musial na to zdobywac szekle z drugiej strony na xanie to masz wyjebane idziesz do roboty czas ci szybko mija nie dajesz o nic jebania, jeden dzien i juz masz na pake klona, jakos to bedzie byczku, nie jestes sam który podąża tą drogą i życie go zdziadkowało kapitalizmem i tym ze wszyscy wymagaja umiejetnosci miekkich których anon nie posiada i ewidentnie jest brany od razu za autyste jakiegos pojeba, co mu w ogole jest ze sie nie odzywa, kogo oni przyjeli, wez mirek go wyslij do domu ja jebe.

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also lekarze psychiatrzy to banda chuja, nie ufaj tym kurwom, kłam, potulnie sie zgadzaj na te ich terapie z gówna na ssri ale zaznaczaj ze benzo tez by sie przydało no i pregabalinka bo to pisza w kilogramach kazdemu, potem w aptece nie wykupujesz ssri bo szkoda hajsu tylko benzo prege i u lekarza najlepiej mowisz ze juz masz ustalone leczenie jak chcesz to ci wypisze kilka opcji i przychodzisz po przedłużenie recept to za 150 szekli dostaniesz zapas na 4 miesiace bo wiecej nie mozna, spierdolenia nie da sie wyleczyc, mozna jedynie tłumic je i polepszyc sobie komfort zycia wpierdalajac kolorowe pigułki które w przeciwienstwie do tego gówna ssri działają i dają ulgę od zycia, nie ma ratunku na spierdolenie gdzie juz jako 10 latek byles błaznem klasowym bo to nie jest choroba to po prostu taki juz jestes, oni uznaja to za chorobe bo co maja ci powiedziec ze jestes zjebanym cwelem który nie umie zyc w społeczenstwie? bedzie dobrze, przyjacielu.

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File: 771a89d96d7fa8a⋯.jpg (29,91 KB, 980x1099, 140:157, Y3mv4lQCZ.jpg)


EXCLUSIVE: FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling FBI, DOJ, Leftist Activist and Election Official Coordination

By J. Christian Adams Jun 30, 2022 6:44 PM ET

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File: 38c318b2adb3fd0⋯.jpg (29,8 KB, 1082x784, 541:392, DIGKdVI.jpg)

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File: 50e51af6c4553f9⋯.jpg (116,79 KB, 1155x1251, 385:417, n87fbOXO37qm.jpg)



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File: c6a86e65044d817⋯.jpg (29,93 KB, 1132x758, 566:379, nlnQZpGSDXT9.jpg)


>16604027, >>370914

The second one is me not Q. I did get both of those from an earlier thread and plane fag.

he said "He had help" in response to my speculation about his escape. i thought he would have a car nearby to leave from and if they didn't put up check points he could have made it to an airport.

The tranny antifa retard could be a patsy and the real shooter was an enemy glowie who took that helo back to the airport. and left on a C130 mil aircraft.

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File: 7d433b89f451001⋯.jpg (24,39 KB, 1168x670, 584:335, 3o02hQdY7G7IW.jpg)

orontsova, an endocrinologist who specializes in pediatric growth disorders, has been reported to be involved in Russia’s development of genetic technology, including its development of controversial gene-editing technology.

The BBC cited three unnamed sources as saying that the new genetic center will focus on carrying out a full genetic analysis and sequencing of Russia’s inhabitants.

"This is absolutely no secret — this is a big project," BBC Russia quoted Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontyev as saying about the center's establishment. Leontyev didn’t confirm or deny Vorontsova’s involvement in the project.


BBC Russia Faces Lawsuit Over Story on Rosneft’s Genetic Research With Putin’s Daughter

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File: d265306f06f13f0⋯.jpg (17,83 KB, 1046x503, 1046:503, tkMfQR0lEBriJ.jpg)


The thirdt speaker had didfficutly being heard and was skipped until later.

fourth speaker claims to work for God

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File: 031b7a2f49362f1⋯.jpg (29,2 KB, 1199x897, 1199:897, Y5uNYqjWn4pw6m.jpg)


age 33

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File: c37e1d630d09622⋯.jpg (77,14 KB, 918x1294, 459:647, Dchyi1YsG0K.jpg)


>Freedoms lost are rarely regained.

Peoper are so fkn dumb. Holy shit. The loss of freedom is an illusion.

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File: ec17e7707f79de3⋯.jpg (33,75 KB, 1222x1063, 1222:1063, xQ5G5D.jpg)


>We all know the CIA has been running the show in Ukraine since they overthrew their government in 2014

…..and also that fat pig DoS undersecretary of state Victoria Neuland, her remaining O'Bunghole Ukraine team and Hillary puppet Jake Sullivan, potato's national security advisor. Top Ukraine Clown Eric Ciaramella and Khunt Alexandra Chalupa most likely still part of DS Ukraine team.

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File: f4780652f2b8430⋯.jpg (144,24 KB, 1326x1439, 1326:1439, brIakglp02.jpg)



yea it is, as soon as the other anon in here responds to my other points, i'm going back to trolling as Q. going to try to get a zero delta with Trump - which has happened to me probably over a dozen times the past few years, so shouldn't be that hard if he's on a shitposting streak. it's all fake, imo. might as well have fun with it now.


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File: 8eaa143b4f3fd20⋯.jpg (26,31 KB, 506x490, 253:245, 3xfxIxz.jpg)



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File: 74921a11e6f533f⋯.jpg (78,09 KB, 1016x1187, 1016:1187, ekwBmFfgA.jpg)


Like these?

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File: 6a62e82f199eefc⋯.jpg (19,79 KB, 1067x558, 1067:558, 208sQlF.jpg)


I posted about this last year, 45 changed the census rules… now there's no way red gets 270. Florida only has 30 now.

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File: 1110b757ae889e9⋯.jpg (25,57 KB, 506x488, 253:244, E0iNtTLt.jpg)


It is true. He supports

Red flag laws

15% ethanol in fuel (destroying small engines, equipment, and older cars)

Covid agenda and vaccines that kill humanity, to the point of taking pride in it.

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File: 9ee31e2e6cd35c4⋯.jpg (133,35 KB, 1307x1282, 1307:1282, pKqLt2Et9PCmj1.jpg)

) USCP: The USCP is continuing to investigate a Suspicious Package at the trolley stop on the Northeast Drive. Staff and other personnel are directed to AVOID THIS AREA until further notice.


sounds like they are finally investigating Michelle Obama

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File: 254286b9f083864⋯.jpg (78,44 KB, 932x1296, 233:324, u3vJ1BvHhI9lD.jpg)


lol imagine this. Are the cops arresting peeps at random? That's just 1 guy. And how did the cops know he was Antifa and not some RVW protester? Geo locating using the same system Greg Phillips had? Did they recognize an IP/IMEI that they knew was a head honcho or something?

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File: 85895c53adc7ca7⋯.jpg (33,06 KB, 1091x1138, 1091:1138, QJhwjGvZiZ.jpg)

a know I'm actually kinda surprised that the lefties never came on the board full force to take over.

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File: 8bd8926bb5e3923⋯.jpg (37,12 KB, 571x673, 571:673, EPKTvCKdpqCLED.jpg)


Says the unstable, emotional, negative, broken record retard.

Unfortunately, we're not the miserable, pathetic ones whining and complaining in red caps all fucking day and night.

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File: 7bfc2cabf8b02a3⋯.jpg (29,61 KB, 503x582, 503:582, s6fMqzWeBe.jpg)


What was in the envelopes

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File: 4d0d893279ea473⋯.jpg (25,03 KB, 1043x645, 1043:645, jq5sgASs.jpg)


Hey flaming faggot, stop posting this shooped horse shit.

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File: 278c013a3f75e78⋯.jpg (124,88 KB, 1182x1324, 591:662, qdDbPviP.jpg)


STONEY Westmoreland, known for his performances in Disney Channel's Andi Mack, has pleaded guilty following an arrest on a child sex charge.

The actor who played a grandfather on the Disney show was sentenced to two years in federal prison after responding to an undercover cop posing as a 13-year-old boy on a dating app.

STONEY Westmoreland, known for his performances in Disney Channel's Andi Mack, has pleaded guilty following an arrest on a child sex charge.

The actor who played a grandfather on the Disney show was sentenced to two years in federal prison after responding to an undercover cop posing as a 13-year-old boy on a dating app.

disney groomer pedo

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File: d782e11a2db03fc⋯.jpg (30,47 KB, 1276x689, 1276:689, DhqY9xsobYV.jpg)


How so? I have one ID that says (25) and another that says (3)…

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File: 8de19368c49fb29⋯.jpg (64,71 KB, 772x1207, 772:1207, OcE4GejZ4K1unx.jpg)


>Speak Truth to Power

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File: 1c88ffcf731876c⋯.jpg (28,98 KB, 1090x743, 1090:743, LdKZZm.jpg)


So disturbing.

Fake news creates fake news for ratings

Pharma creates sickness for profit

Gov’t creates programs for friends/family for campaign contributions

Men who can’t beat men become women to cheat to win

It’s sick!

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File: cc823e161517e2c⋯.jpg (25,77 KB, 1142x726, 571:363, 2T8uo0V3I1.jpg)


In June of 2021, Griffin co-authored an editorial with Johanna Maska, who served as President Obama's Director of Press Advance. In the editorial, which was published by USA Today, the two discuss the need to overcome political divide in the U.S.[29] – Wikipedia

Griffin coincidentally ALSO worked for MARK MEADOWS as his communications director.

Griffin claims to be friends with Hutchinson, and they both worked for Mark Meadows, and both became clear plants/democrat operatives.

Is Mark Meadows actually the plant?

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File: 0ce0dcd096e2057⋯.jpg (48,69 KB, 730x730, 1:1, AUASQY.jpg)




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File: ee71ef5d9e13ce3⋯.jpg (22,39 KB, 973x701, 973:701, aXLReg7wGqOu.jpg)

hy does my short human life span have to occur during this time? Niggers everywhere. Fags everywhere. I wish my life was during the early 1900s, and my life concluded in the 90s, before all this happened.

Just want to live in a white culture, in a white neighborhood.

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File: 4e95faac17c311f⋯.jpg (27,38 KB, 1071x711, 119:79, jTWECWBBmct.jpg)


Posting because you should care about your pets.

Be prepared and think about them fucktard.

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File: 9d67ca9bb42d187⋯.jpg (32,82 KB, 482x674, 241:337, TOtNMqtyls.jpg)


its out of context

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File: cff9fd9a148fa8a⋯.jpg (77,93 KB, 869x1378, 869:1378, ercxLPlzHilx.jpg)


you are an idiot

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File: 6b19b35802bd116⋯.jpg (23,73 KB, 1107x573, 369:191, Lprlvntok6.jpg)



I must compliment you on your Glory Hole series

did you do one with Barry and Moochelle?

Barry had a special glory hole reserved for him in Chicago/ Man's Country Bath House..it was well used

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File: 4465443073af346⋯.jpg (23,35 KB, 1096x669, 1096:669, iONWfCCtw.jpg)


So ummm 2 in the P!nk?

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File: c69885d6b2b8ace⋯.jpg (140,57 KB, 1290x1412, 645:706, WB6p50zsv.jpg)



Just goes to show how much you don’t know Breb and Lin hate Pence and FlynnStone Group

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File: f9b48d4377b9a57⋯.jpg (21 KB, 1023x616, 93:56, HmGoN7qUFHtla.jpg)



This happened Monday, but all over the news today? Just in time for holiday weekend celebrating USA?

Family of Black man fatally shot by Akron police - allegedly 60 times - demands accountability


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File: b42d682e4850f01⋯.jpg (24,03 KB, 1127x668, 1127:668, LkoTa7g6.jpg)



Does this world need another vague ass Q post? Or actual change?

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File: 1d8f6325f24c206⋯.jpg (21,89 KB, 1209x554, 1209:554, 4TyVQRgj0JVBR.jpg)


>Then the Liberals got pissed when he used the money, THEY gave him

Using their own weapons against them.

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File: 3356a158f6935f9⋯.jpg (62,73 KB, 772x1165, 772:1165, 97ijOqkKf.jpg)


You keep living your fantasy.

VP Pence definitely instrumental in overturning RoeVWade and defunding planned parenthood. Main reason President T picked him.

Bonus Round, VP Pence fought to restore the Capital to Jerusalem for years!

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File: fd20d8c632cc1f4⋯.jpg (78,29 KB, 908x1330, 454:665, jWtpit1RXuabi.jpg)


Ridiculously similar

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File: dd4c103b0cbaf78⋯.jpg (39,19 KB, 557x730, 557:730, 3YwMTmzVqkmt84.jpg)


Grifter and Gayboi

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File: 3752a2cc3da71bd⋯.jpg (124,84 KB, 1143x1368, 127:152, aNiUIG19E8CmSM.jpg)


Anon you do know you need to post the sauce with your posts right?

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File: 4650fbacb314937⋯.jpg (124,41 KB, 1226x1271, 1226:1271, rfsHrxyK.jpg)


Dubs check'd

Holy Kek! I watch this guy on documentaries.

Brings history to life, moar interested in 'average folks experiences' than muh Kings & Queens.

Now he's here, doing this.

+ 1 Kudos.

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File: 657636ba841b707⋯.jpg (129,45 KB, 1199x1381, 1199:1381, qzAngzLLK.jpg)


Don’t worry, the slow burn will do it. Unless, of course, muh plan.

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File: 4ed3d7ee8b2d4bc⋯.jpg (29,88 KB, 982x1092, 491:546, 2lX4hfUbDOR.jpg)


kek… took a screen cap

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File: eb25f801adc7981⋯.jpg (82,99 KB, 965x1350, 193:270, mF8GPRAEtK.jpg)

989. Joe Biden - “If we were only willing to get tough and hang these people.”


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File: cc16abeee8d4ae2⋯.jpg (24,87 KB, 1070x627, 1070:627, DUeF8WC4.jpg)

=Jan 6 Committee Video Shows President Trump was in an SUV after the rally, not the Beast==


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File: ab648cefff3c891⋯.jpg (75,91 KB, 932x1237, 932:1237, bqKCuRRQsS.jpg)

heesh the suspense

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File: 705fad3c47b454d⋯.jpg (43,7 KB, 678x691, 678:691, VXXg7BYzMcc.jpg)

rop Circles activations

Intelligence is beyond speech and writing, for these frequencies come to us in geometric shapes. Pythagoras had an early understanding of this, but his geometry was not understood by others. Geometry is an evolved intelligence, a collection of experience that can communicate enormous amounts of information.

In fact, circles in crops all over the planet are placed there by sounds above the human frequency to configure these forms of language. Often, in the beginning, these shapes are circles. They evolve into triangles, lines, and many other things.

The circles and shapes that are placed on Earth are there to help you maintain and manage your frequency and have the courage to live your light. They make the frequency information available in a very subtle way, and no one can understand them yet. These forms are all connected to each other, and if they were all written simultaneously in a farmer’s field, something would happen immediately. They are spaced from continent to continent, and create a band of frequencies around the planet that helps activate the work of the Earth. They allow you to not feel awkward with what you know, and to feel more comfortable with frequency shifts when they occur.

As we said, geometric shapes carry intelligence. These are waves of frequency that can be modulated and changed.

The shapes that come to Earth are like energy gates or energy glyphs. They hold intelligence and are being configured to eventually connect and create an intelligent network around the planet. This network will have a frequency that humanity can use to evolve.

Remember who you are. You are all expressions of Source who are striving in a very glorious way to become even more evolved. By remembering that, and remembering that there are those who will help you as your guardians, your guides, your advisors, by learning to recognize who you are and what path you are on, you will be able to take that into the greatest expression of joy. You will be amazed at what will begin to happen to you.

Remember that you are this being of light, this entity of light, and you will carry an unshakable force of power and beauty wherever you go, and you will not have to feel affected by the vibrations of others. When you buy into any version of fear, it can become your experience because your molecules are intelligent and your energy reacts to the predominant feeling in your being. The center of your mind is exactly what gives the orders to create what you experience. You must learn to end the wars in your world by ending them in your mind.

There are many people on your planet who were highly evolved beings, and it was a state of grace to be in their presence. This is what you have to recognize. It is useless to try to change others. Recognize what you really are and live it! It is this state that uplifts.

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File: f3b8b8b8b6ed59d⋯.jpg (31,41 KB, 1191x1005, 397:335, zA9Fj8FbO7q5o.jpg)

All the death and civil war about to happen is 100% BIDEN and the commies marxists globalist fascists nazis in the US government

The state department is 100% shit.

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