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File: 7a1343b2578611e⋯.jpg (113,97 KB, 1200x768, 25:16, 71775969.jpg)

 No.370424 [Ostatnie 50 postów]

nk psychiatra sie wypowie bo ja sam nie wiem na chuj mi te leki (ssri/snri) tak to sie normalnie czuje ale z 3 miesiace temu rozstałem sie z dupą i dostałem depresji, głownie te fizyczne objawy mnie tyrają (mdłości, kołatanie serca, rozbicie, brak sił na cokolwiek) wiec brałem te leki pomogły oczywiscie ale teraz nasuwa sie jedno bardzo konstruktywne pytanie, ogarnąłem i przeczekałem trudny moment w zyciu, nawrotów nie bedzie chyba ze znowu ja cos odpierdole, raczej nie, te leki nie dosc ze upierdoliły mi libido praktycznie do zera, wale konia raz na 3 tygodnie, to straciłem jakiekolwiek zainteresowanie lochami i rozrywkami które wczesniej sprawiały mi dużo radości, psychiatra powiedział że mam to brac 9msc!!! co o tym sądzicie medanoni? nie wyobrażam sobie w tym wieku byc impotentem inb4 złe leki, brałem juz wiekszosc ssri i te leki tak działają same w sobie ze niszcza libido, jedne mniej drugie bardziej ale zawsze sie totalnie nie chce ruchac, myslalem zeby po prostu brac je jak ma depresje a pozniej odstawiac i tak w kółko, mam tych leków 3 kartony.

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i obecnie 3 miesiac idzie jak codziennie łykam goypillsy.

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opie tylko dziurawiec lub różeniec górski

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Nie lekarz hir ale bylem w twoich butach anon. Po 4 latach hardej depresji zglosilem sie do koniowala, po smieszne pigulki xD.

Pierdol to gowno. Zacznij powoli schodzic z dawek a koniowala nawet nie sluchaj, bo bedzie tylko gorzej(permanentnie sobie rozpierdolisz mozg i ci tak zostanie). Najpierw codziennie coraz mniej, a potem tabletka co drugi, trzeci dzien.

Przezywalem to samo anon, minus problemy z libido, bo i tak walilem/ruchalem codziennie, po prostu nie sprawialo mi to zadnej przyjemnosci i stalo sie koniecznym obowiazkiem.

To co opisujesz to jest anhedonia. Niektorzy ludzi po SSRI przez lata z tego wychodza.

Ja to postanowilem popierdolic, przez 2 tygodnie czulem sie jak wygryw i myslalem ze znalazlem panaceum na spierdolenie to potem anhedonia i apatia byly mi dane. "Lekarz" mi to samo pierdolil co tobie

>"hehe, leki sie dopiero laduja hehe, niech sie pan nie przejmuje, to dziala dopiero po paru miesiacach hehe"

A ja juz pare godzin po pierwszej tabletce 5mg czulem roznice, przestalem sie przejmowac porazkami i czulem dobrze czuowiek dalej robiac swoje.

Po 2 tygodniach sie zaczelo jebac. Jak cos mi sie w zyciu udalo, to sie czulem tak samo jakbym odniosl porazke, czyli nijako. Wiec po chuj sie meczyc? I sie opierdalalem, mialem jeszcze mniejsza motywacje niz przy hardej depresji, bez brania lekow.

Jak przy depresji nie chcialo mi sie wstawac z lozka, bo moje zycie bylo chujowe, tak na SSRI nie wstawalem z lozka, bo po chuj. Skoro wyjscie ze znajomymi, wyrwanie jakiejs loszki, sprawialo ze czulem sie dokladnie tak samo, gdy lezalem caly dzien w lozku i nie robilem nic. Balem sie czasami ze tak mi juz zostanie na dobre.

Po zazyciu ostatniej tabletki SSRI, dochodzilem do siebie jakies 3-4 miesiace. I dopiero niedawno zaczalem znowu odczuwac przyjemnosc, A bralem je tylko przez 3 msc i bylem na ekstremalnie niskiej dawce(5mg/ dzien).

>Głownie te fizyczne objawy mnie tyrają (mdłości, kołatanie serca, rozbicie, brak sił na cokolwiek) wiec brałem te leki pomogły oczywiscie ale teraz nasuwa sie jedno bardzo konstruktywne pytanie, ogarnąłem i przeczekałem trudny moment w zyciu,

Nigdy nie bralem ale obstawiam ze powinien ci na to przepisac doraznie jakas Pregabaline, Xana, czy innego benzosa. Zebys sobie zarzucal przy ataku paniki, zamiast ci calkowicie rozpierdalac mozg. Ale oczywiscie takie rzeczy sa zarezerwowane dla Julek i dynamicznych oskarkow a anonka sie kastruje chemicznie, robi sie z niego warzywko i niech wypierdala. A ladne rzeczy ci koniowal przepisze dopiero, jak juz bedzie tak rozjebany psyczhinie i chemicznie po SSRI, ze sie wpierdolisz w benzosy na pelnej pizdzie.

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z tym ze ja nie mam takiej ogolnej długotrwałej depresji, u mnie jest tak ze jak cos sie spierdoli np. rozstanie z dupą to jest epizod i on mija za np. miesiac i znowu jest wszystko dobrze, nie miałem nigdy stanów depresyjnych ciągnących sie miesiacami czy latami, u mnie to sa 3-4 tygodnie i nawet bez leków mija ale jak masz robote to sie nie da funkcjonowac na permanentnej bezsennosci i zmęczeniu caly ten czas chyba ze łykasz benzo bo wtedy jak ręką odjął ale to z deszczu pod rynne.

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>z tym ze ja nie mam takiej ogolnej długotrwałej depresji, u mnie jest tak ze jak cos sie spierdoli np. rozstanie z dupą to jest epizod i on mija za np. miesiac i znowu jest wszystko dobrze

To to nie jest depresja anon xD. Jak ci sie cos spierdoli w zyciu, to normalne ze ci jest smutno. Zydzi wam juz totalnie sprali mozg.

Branie SSRI przy takich objawach, to jak przy skaleczeniu palca, upierdolic cala dlon maczeta, zeby sie nie wdalo zakazenie xD.

> jak masz robote to sie nie da funkcjonowac na permanentnej bezsennosci i zmęczeniu caly ten czas chyba

da sie ale to funkcjonowanie jest mega chujowe, nie polecam takiego stylu zycia xD.

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jest i on, kołcz dziura w dupie, chyba ja lepiej wiem co mi jest, depresja sie dzieli na dwa rodzaje jedna jest nagła ale rozpierdala cie na łopatki jak zawodowy bokser a druga dziągnie sie latami ale o mniejszym natężeniu i na tej drugiej mozesz funkcjonowac, czesto nawet nie wiesz ze ją masz, myslisz ze po prostu jestes zjebany, u mnie sie nie da funkcjonowac, moze ty dawałes rade, mnie budziło kołatanie serca i zapierdalałem galopem do kibla oddac pawia na tle nerwowym, nic nie jadłem całymi dniami, pociłem sie jak swinia, przez caly dzien czułem sie jakby zaraz miała wybuchnąc wojna swiatowa, miałem zaparcia i nawet wysrac sie nie mogłem, absolutnie w takim stanie nie ma jebanej mowy na skupieniu sie na obowiązkach kiedy nawet wykąpać sie nie mozesz bo tylko leżysz zakopany w kocu i nie masz siły ręką ruszyc.

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dobra odstawiam to gówno, tylko jak żeby mnie nie przetelepało podobno nagła odstawka ssri tez potrafi przeorac nie to ze padaki ale brain zapsy i inne gówna, jestem na 300mg wenlafaksyny rozbitej na dwie dawki rano i w południe, mam tez jeden blister 75mg co mi został.

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no a wiadomo ze głównie to zaburzenia lękowe here to pregabalina bedzie i to mi zawsze pomagało nawet w dawkach terapeutycznych i benzo mam duzo inb4 uzaleznienie, jebac to, na tym ssri nawet jak dadza znowu loche to nie porucham bo mi sie nie bedzie chcialo a jak nie wyrucham lochy to ona mnie zostawi, takie sa fakty, lochy potrzebuja brutalnego jebania albo aliwederczi, a gdzie na tym ruchac jak tu kutas aldente.

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File: 101e5f81eb67666⋯.jpg (130,03 KB, 1228x1347, 1228:1347, SRdDM28.jpg)



Elon went dark right after twit announced they accepted his offer

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File: a3b8898baa96174⋯.jpg (30,36 KB, 1226x719, 1226:719, jPC80QLJi.jpg)


>Second, 2016 install Trump as president. Yes, INSTALL, the military rigged the 2016 election, just like they have been rigging elections for decades

retarded demoralization bullshit

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File: cb876eb7bc55788⋯.jpg (68,71 KB, 802x1268, 401:634, u0IXMjCFjEwU0.jpg)


Just a shill shilling.

You're guaranteed not to be missing out on anything worthwhile.

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File: 9fb438369b00c17⋯.jpg (26,24 KB, 1165x736, 1165:736, ZytL7JeTZutK.jpg)


over and out



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File: 77a28ab7d99c054⋯.jpg (30,4 KB, 1077x1026, 359:342, SKAMRuvZgX0.jpg)

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File: befd5b2b3a811b8⋯.jpg (28,62 KB, 1187x682, 1187:682, sysqiB4uVB32UQ.jpg)


3 words


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File: 7d26922dc3e61b1⋯.jpg (29,9 KB, 1075x1010, 215:202, HaTgtV48Ak.jpg)



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File: 987fc42f53a4f5d⋯.jpg (20,8 KB, 1180x541, 1180:541, FmlckK25M.jpg)



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File: a25bbc8a2681238⋯.jpg (23,72 KB, 992x733, 992:733, CgIt1cXq5u.jpg)


>You're overthinking it.


Did you like how I put my strap on?

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File: 9e030556fb7686f⋯.jpg (29,48 KB, 1118x972, 559:486, ah9VUPoU.jpg)


>Links and text



>1975 April 29, 01:35 (Tuesday)









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File: f95c6f30808427c⋯.jpg (33,82 KB, 496x709, 496:709, PA1s1kM8E0jQQ.jpg)


Thank you for all the work you’ve done.

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File: 709e35edec63fac⋯.jpg (21,25 KB, 1019x627, 1019:627, VXjtQiI.jpg)


Thats such an intentional misnomer “reproductive rights”, meaning vicious abortions anytime they hook up too much, which is all the time

I wonder if the word “horny” really means demonic infestation

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File: d95a0b888f52c6d⋯.jpg (129,21 KB, 1138x1435, 1138:1435, QAytpoY.jpg)





we are free of the insane?

Have you been around the last couple weeks/months?

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File: 4b0cb9b23193479⋯.jpg (32,53 KB, 1128x1095, 376:365, HmqXH0MucwnK0.jpg)


When are they going to tell us about the Twinkie?

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File: cd76f1fab9a6d4d⋯.jpg (132,24 KB, 1224x1389, 408:463, iqz453.jpg)



These areNOTABLE

We know the patterns…

We know what to look for…

Like shipping containers to an empty lot…

PLUSwhat is happening in UT…

Same thing…sociologist/psychiatrist/child therapist at the core…



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File: b32737f6b2123a7⋯.jpg (80,04 KB, 918x1359, 102:151, ndLk7AAha6Twap.jpg)

ayle King is asked to LEAVE the CBS studios after testing positive for COVID - but continues chatting with her UNMASKED colleagues having already presented the morning show alongside her co-hosts

Gayle King had to be 'asked to leave' the CBS studios on Monday morning after she tested positive for COVID - but continued to chat with her unmasked colleagues, having already presented the morning show alongside her co-hosts.

The talk show host, 68, shared the news of her positive test result in an Instagram video, which was taken in the lobby of the CBS building.


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File: 73d50c75850ebf6⋯.jpg (28,54 KB, 1127x715, 1127:715, 0IDAux4yBq9AkP.jpg)



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File: 078478fc86f71dc⋯.jpg (77,71 KB, 1009x1186, 1009:1186, cWvdJuG.jpg)


Testify then drop?

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File: 3edb36af959b0ac⋯.jpg (85,62 KB, 1012x1342, 46:61, UVgoSz8ESvrQF.jpg)

nti War protesters in France hate bloodshedding, so go bathing in pretended blood

And they want the bloodshedding to stop by sending more weapons


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File: 097af69860d5c09⋯.jpg (26,57 KB, 1026x908, 513:454, U0LtEduuFj98v.jpg)


no, but you can bet your bottom dollar if it is given by biden there is fuckery involved.

strawmam arguments should be taken to twatter

carry on

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File: ab801e4363ca1df⋯.jpg (121,13 KB, 1152x1288, 144:161, pHHOhomyT.jpg)

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File: 933844d8c678963⋯.jpg (124 KB, 1126x1394, 563:697, wytG5NIFs6.jpg)


Gay AF

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File: ec13ee7580f1c19⋯.jpg (34,01 KB, 508x675, 508:675, K8vv3AT.jpg)




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File: 4eac7862f6397ec⋯.jpg (133,33 KB, 1242x1386, 69:77, RdvmAolL.jpg)

bsolutely no substance in the last hour, just jibberish.

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File: e15804b357b70fb⋯.jpg (24,86 KB, 1128x595, 1128:595, u9bmSWL99L.jpg)


Knowing what we know now, I would love to know how many of these lyrics just came to these writers in the creative process, and how many times were they directed to include specific word combos in songs. Same with film scripts.

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File: 814e34bb6c34fdf⋯.jpg (23,76 KB, 1128x672, 47:28, iRSM1ig.jpg)


i'm only allowed to say kek? i'm not allowed to say lol? lol, k.

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File: f9090831c764f94⋯.jpg (20,92 KB, 996x625, 996:625, YxOObUitr2.jpg)

simple law of the Universe is that every being must experience that which they’ve created. So if you bring light, love, kindness to people, that is what you will attract more of. The same applies when one brings lower frequency experiences to others. You will experience that, in this lifetime, or choose to go through that experience in another lifetime.

One more thing invented by the dark ones is that you only live once. Then after ‘death’ it is the end. It is either eternal hell or heaven. Another attempt to minimize the magnificence of the human life and existence. You only live once, so go ahead and do harmful things to your own being, because the parasites feed off of your lower energies. Party like a rock star, and drink yourself to death. For the dark needs your energies of misery in order to sustain itself.

In truth there is no death. You are the Soul. Your physical vessel is a vehicle which You the Soul use to operate on a planetary body. The Soul chooses when it will transition to the next life cycle, and incarnate in a different body, after spending many lifetimes on one planet, dimension, you will incarnate on other planets and dimensions.

These are simple truths. All that is required is letting go of fear, and being open to new truths, and seeing things from a different perspective. Allowing the light of the Soul to shine through, and collapsing the illusory walls of the Artificial Matrix, which has convinced you that you are separate from the Divine Creator, that you need a middle man if you desire to communicate with the Divine Creator. That is like saying a child needs a nanny to communicate with its own mother or father, when he/she is present with them at all times.

No sacrifice is ever needed on anyone’s part to ‘please’ the Divine Creator.

The true Divine Creator does not need blood sacrifice or sacrifice of any kind. Only a weak and fragile entity pretending to be God needs to feed off of the energies of others, and demands worship and sacrifice in their name. This is why the dark elites create wars. For malevolent entities feed on the energies of fear and suffering emitted by humans. This is why the dark elites want to legalize world wide the sacrificing of children. Though things have not been going their way.

They call it abortion. Which more than anything, it is a Satanic ritual. They consume the child’s flesh and blood. They also use the cells of the aborted child to create clones of themselves and their top of the list members of their secret ‘clubs.’ This occurs particularly in the different rooms of the Vatican, Hollywood buildings, among many other places.

The Vatican, the birth place of Christianity, and of Islam, which were invented by the darkest group of entities. Who also composed the bloodiest books ever written, the Bible and Quran. Jeshua and Mohammed did not give you Christianity and Islam. Their teachings were manipulated. They were human, as you and I. Only that through unyielding commitment, they achieved enlightenment, connecting with their Soul Self, therefore, the Universe or God. They shared their experiences, and messages of love. You can do this too. Many on Earth at this time are on the same path as the ancient masters.

While the parasitic entities have been doing all they can to prevent people from achieving what a few ancient masters achieved. Creating distractions on the world stage, so people do not spend time in solitude, and allow the whispers of the Soul to come through. Simply understanding that love is the way. The same bloodline that gave you the evolution theory, and says Earth is the only habitable planet, also gave you precisely the Abrahamic religions(the church, mosque, synagogue). The same ones have been sacrificing human children for over five thousand years on Earth.

This is why around eight million children a year are kidnapped and trafficked world wide. The vast majority of these children ending up in the hands of the dark elites, politicians, celebrities.

One of the main reasons why they demonized Donald Trump 24/7 is because he was shutting down their food supply, again, children/child trafficking.

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File: 275b301ff2a251a⋯.jpg (30,49 KB, 1270x689, 1270:689, oXYsHhEQ.jpg)


Mythinformed MKE


Christina Aguilera’s family friendly LA Pride Show.

2:42 PM · Jun 13, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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File: 75d9f8f530c0bcd⋯.jpg (39,55 KB, 564x722, 282:361, x9NmPTb.jpg)

=We have to pick the one thats going to win!==

JD Vance did a good job!

Tim Ryan ran for President, he got 0! He got zero!

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File: ef04ab53836aba2⋯.jpg (20,41 KB, 1054x588, 527:294, jIVMyNb5.jpg)

huckGrassley / @ChuckGrassley

07/01/2022 17:29:06

Twitter: 1542983658344259586

This is where the tassel will soon begin & pollinate the ear #cornwatch


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File: 67d69678a1f6e23⋯.jpg (25,31 KB, 1136x719, 1136:719, 9sdeQJEb.jpg)

omeone make a meme illustrating the Democrats taking our guns and giving us a caravan of illegal immigrants in return.

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File: cbb2d666b427789⋯.jpg (30,55 KB, 1211x731, 1211:731, NuXTH6kQ.jpg)

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File: 26cba84a2fe6a6b⋯.jpg (38,04 KB, 554x702, 277:351, TAZ7lFVF.jpg)


What a faggot.

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File: 55311d97e1ed235⋯.jpg (27,91 KB, 1060x734, 530:367, b5e2uZpyLuVZi1.jpg)


God wins, not mankind… Only those who believe and repent and believe in God's Son Jesus Christ will be saved

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File: e2a4b6d10a12678⋯.jpg (65,57 KB, 819x1165, 819:1165, CYkxVx4MOKK9JY.jpg)


But she never named names did she? I mean she never said who it was that paid her and asked her to do this for them? Who was it?

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File: f98d0631b7d149d⋯.jpg (30,23 KB, 1252x701, 1252:701, pWcJ54SenCji.jpg)



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File: 6c71b90bb6487f1⋯.jpg (83,61 KB, 976x1362, 488:681, cm0yDThwS0C6.jpg)

ow many breads?

Just saw one at 265°

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File: c15e2d90475395a⋯.jpg (31,31 KB, 1291x698, 1291:698, PKt9EzbTEr5F.jpg)


>G7 leaders joke about stripping to outdo bare-chested Putin

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File: e9fd5e7fb011bbe⋯.jpg (18,52 KB, 1048x528, 131:66, af3elZ.jpg)


>I didn't hear the baker get upset.

With <100 posts in the first hour, Baker prolly figured why bother if few are around to see it.

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File: 57c56b8f265e2f7⋯.jpg (29,66 KB, 1035x1026, 115:114, Ewr1qAGh3e7rf.jpg)


G I Jane 2

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File: 9b146b78b00e407⋯.jpg (31,53 KB, 1102x1057, 1102:1057, zVyDIR.jpg)


>I am in Southern California and do not have access to SSH into the machines to do anything any deeper than that.

Plausible deniability. The SALT was rotated, but Jim doesn't have a laptop? Try harder you grifting faggot.

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File: 1dfd5eb735ce2c9⋯.jpg (26,42 KB, 1040x895, 208:179, dAJwmjHwnk9GZ.jpg)


Toxic masculinity.

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File: 833f313719caf1f⋯.jpg (29,91 KB, 1173x733, 1173:733, zom51lJ.jpg)

=Iraqi Parliament Speaker Outspoken on Anyone Who Recognizes Israel – “I’ll Cut Off Their Manhood” ==

Iraqi Parliament Speaker Halbousi says he’ll never recognize Israel as a nation. He goes so far as to say that he will “cutoff the manhood” of any man who does support Israel.

In the video below of excerpts from the Speaker’s talks, Halbousi says that Iraqis will never even extend their hands to Israelis.

In another speech, Halbousi shared that Israel is a usurping Zionist entity. This is after he degrades any peace deals with Israel while using hate as the rationale. He then threatens the manhood of any man who backs Israel.

The Speaker has also talked of Israel not as a nation and Palestine as the true owners of the land that Israel now rests.



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File: e9dff44195117c6⋯.jpg (25,32 KB, 1193x582, 1193:582, RfG6xge0l.jpg)



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File: b69228d248cf8df⋯.jpg (32,11 KB, 1221x1008, 407:336, P6wMzj0EM.jpg)

=prayers time, bit early but

Please let trump rally note taker be here tonight.

he is so much better then anon,

anon will aggregate all his notes in one drop after the rally so anons can find the new different thinks trump says rather then his usual speeches about how shit biden is and his achievements for too long.

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File: f867493917449ac⋯.jpg (122,35 KB, 1230x1242, 205:207, pofCW9eTtu.jpg)

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File: 4116522ad3a3363⋯.jpg (34,07 KB, 1096x1139, 1096:1139, vq12N1EJDA.jpg)


IP hops happen at random to many users. First they would need to fix that.

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