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File: 0f6e5208c78652d⋯.jpg (480,58 KB, 1224x1294, 612:647, 1v1is71l_vichan_0.JPG)

 No.369979 [Ostatnie 50 postów]

itt postujemy zapisane oc ze starego viszona

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chyba z karaczana bo na vichuju to się tylko oskarki po fiutkach miziali

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ale folia

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>bomba atomova

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File: 4fdc2eedd3644ee⋯.png (1,23 MB, 554x739, 554:739, 1656971086442.png)

Niby co w tym jest starego świeżaku

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File: 08edfe707b0389e⋯.jpg (43,57 KB, 718x636, 359:318, y3yeSKKteuW2Wj.jpg)


What if… it is WE who are out of sync?

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File: efd632a78ebed49⋯.jpg (133,22 KB, 1298x1293, 1298:1293, 09BRdCljd.jpg)

The movies. She's fucking delusional. no confidence.

How many people did the protestors SHOOT?

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File: 50c565ca7035068⋯.jpg (130,02 KB, 1312x1254, 656:627, WdSaFq9.jpg)


Ah geez. That's glorious.

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File: 5beda2a8aaf333d⋯.jpg (20,08 KB, 1005x595, 201:119, zGB1W5.jpg)


From Cryptome we got the ISP spy series which expanded into social media platform spy series.

So we knew they were spying and had prices for DATA.

But what I didn't suspect back then is these FBI, CIA, and NATO actually hired inside the company.

Then along comes the Smith Mundt Modernization Act, and it makes sense.

MSNBC is a mouthpiece for Transnational terrorist BLM and Antifa thru the State department, and funded by soros from NAZI money in Ukraine coming back plus ten percent for the big guy.

NOTE: when i go here https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/know-thy-enemy-how-to-beat-the-deep

they don't call me retard, They don't post Jerry fucking Signfield memes directed at me or their audience.

Q larp and cult following will cleanse Qresearch of Research if allowed to continue.

if that's your desired goal then great–open your wrists.

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File: be55067a3426742⋯.jpg (69,23 KB, 875x1182, 875:1182, ChFWfubMiQB.jpg)


I used to think like you. They figured out they only need about 500 Million. They prefer the docile unarmed versions of us. Too dangerous to let some of us stick around. The masses are killing their vibe, so they have to go too.

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File: f33931a16beb69c⋯.jpg (135,36 KB, 1210x1468, 605:734, zgWsTQ.jpg)


>why are there 20 pallets of bricks

kek……………..I wonder.

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File: d8e0f80ab572486⋯.jpg (29,48 KB, 1023x1028, 1023:1028, mWadWJHJg9MtD.jpg)


WRONG! Q said "use logic" 17 times.

17 times.


It makes sense that he would say it 17 times and now, after two years, we have learned how to think logically. So as we enter into the next phase the phrase is now:

use YOUR logic

In other words, you have now been trained. You no longer need to learn logic. We can now deploy it. Like this.

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File: 4ceee17c4b8842d⋯.jpg (30,4 KB, 1057x1052, 1057:1052, QhyaxyOyQO.jpg)


Pritzker crime family.

Wonder if JB will be selected Gov. of Illinois again in November?

Many Conservatives in Illinois don't even bother to vote anymore, because they know that their vote won't count anyways.

Illinois has been sooo corrupt for sooo long.

It is a lost cause.

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File: 74d3aa8e14b857b⋯.jpg (33,27 KB, 1244x798, 622:399, zVntXoO893.jpg)

eme masters can you make a meme

its a womans choice

you chose to have sex no condom you chose to let him cum inside you

you chose not to take the day after pill

choices have consequences

oh my bad forgot consequences for your actions are only for people you dissagree with

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File: 44172ded6ab893e⋯.jpg (30,77 KB, 1197x747, 133:83, PJjlCS2SI.jpg)


*kvetching intensifies*

"the goyim know!!"

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File: ee147c329c65cdf⋯.jpg (121,83 KB, 1232x1233, 1232:1233, y2ImBMYw.jpg)



Shills really didn't think this one through

All the bot posts have reddit spacing and no pics. Which are the types of posts THIS Baker doesn't normally acknowledge or read anyway, KEK

And the timing makes me wonder if CERN isn't just an oversized bot farm..

Anyways, I'm still experiencing a crippling tension headache, though have improved after doing several hours of yoga.

Hoping to help out tonight after work if I can

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File: a7694bd166eb32a⋯.jpg (75,99 KB, 889x1303, 889:1303, W8j9mKyEv.jpg)


Extra never there

Probably comms

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File: 2335a1807a9f9c4⋯.jpg (22,75 KB, 1085x648, 1085:648, n2HMIaHwXDT.jpg)


Anon is not very bright, please enlighten me.

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File: 252bd224b15a293⋯.jpg (124,58 KB, 1226x1267, 1226:1267, N6sPl9HoVI.jpg)


>Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

as you know that stuff is not 100% accurate, but rather amazingly well fits to me and what I do, let me be very clear. also bc I know you cunts twist my words and lie using minor things like typos or me aswering any word to any random question.

even when scripture says

>but whoever loses their life for me will find it

this is not true. bc when you are a mason (you all are "masons" for me, no matter the name) that knows me and you loose your life today or tomorrow, when you lose your life before I specifically said "ok, you proved it, now I offer you this for one week", you lost both your life and your soul. fact.

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File: 470554711dfe746⋯.jpg (65,93 KB, 799x1212, 799:1212, Uo4ZMmL4uYexD.jpg)

hoto 1

There it is. Rothschildren are setting up Q Larp 2.0 to lable anons domestic terrorisms and cray cray

photo 2

They swapped out Kolomoisky the Terrorist and NAZIs with Rothschild as vicitm of QAnon.

None of these matter what the fuck you believe, they're selling books to retards who will judge you later on.

Read for yourself. I know it's not a Q drop. and you'll need to use your BRAIN to see the shit QAnon is getting setup for.


Meanwhile the fuckin Q Larp

will be solved in just two more weeks

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File: 648a174c3eeab3b⋯.jpg (20,25 KB, 1092x559, 84:43, 7Q7qdjc64zAO.jpg)


why is no one asking why Q is posting with TOR and what is Q trying to tell us by doing so?

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File: 02081eb95e9282d⋯.jpg (30,74 KB, 1006x1107, 1006:1107, YCImtL62rw9TZ.jpg)

ook at Alice Merton - No Roots - Total cabal song, pushed heavily

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File: 0a8b77874ad50cf⋯.jpg (70,67 KB, 870x1216, 435:608, AQq2R5nhU.jpg)


nigga how many more of my posts are you gonna screenshot kek

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File: dfeac0fc3bb574d⋯.jpg (68,63 KB, 874x1171, 874:1171, Qi4F97XTjOX8.jpg)


Cool as a cumcumber

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File: f1e481dcff754f4⋯.jpg (30,38 KB, 509x590, 509:590, OeS2fpMz4F.jpg)

uma the fixer.

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File: df430765961f76e⋯.jpg (137,99 KB, 1277x1391, 1277:1391, oTL0ySC0l.jpg)


CONFIRMED I fucked up that George drop's photo. Sorry.

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File: 1e7fdb29c5483d6⋯.jpg (25,29 KB, 1135x707, 1135:707, LcmQM1GYnHJ.jpg)


I'm sure they are going to find a way to keep the abortion by pill way of doing it

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File: da1fa75575c5e5d⋯.jpg (36,9 KB, 723x515, 723:515, sK4oj1.jpg)


Maybe not you specifically, but there's always one. You just validated the axiom.

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File: 9b392ec0bf74bfb⋯.jpg (28,15 KB, 1046x962, 523:481, mR3IlxnfB.jpg)

=The South African wildlife trophy hunter regularly posted photos of himself with the bodies of giraffes, lions and elephants that he had killed.==


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File: dfdfad9f3cbf80b⋯.jpg (28,13 KB, 1082x933, 1082:933, l4kmuTb.jpg)


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File: 6f765446774390b⋯.jpg (146,63 KB, 1320x1462, 660:731, NQ8MdrA9.jpg)


does this make every state a "shall issue" state for CC permit or does it obviate the need for any kind of so-called permit?

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File: 480e7f4917d5c88⋯.jpg (21,44 KB, 1133x583, 103:53, vmx71dstP1eKQO.jpg)


>Wow MSNBC now calling Bidan Admin out

They must be on Putin's pay roll or maybe they are Assad toadies?

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File: a66d1680b42bd50⋯.jpg (29,01 KB, 1160x922, 580:461, 2vzBaxuC.jpg)

estimony is worse than listening to brandon speak

wtf - innuendo, hearsay, assumptions

what the fuck is illegal about voting to certify the vote by judiciary review

bunch of crap - violating the oath

how is that a violation - commie

how democrats steal elections

this guy is shaking in fear of schitt peckerhead

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File: 084c2451dfba3c7⋯.jpg (77,46 KB, 893x1331, 893:1331, XxpveL.jpg)


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File: 87b0ad237dc9ca2⋯.jpg (131,97 KB, 1312x1279, 1312:1279, pTC08VYzBgx.jpg)

he official summer treat of QResearch.

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File: 06da00c16f6fe44⋯.jpg (29,29 KB, 1065x774, 355:258, kacqL8EOFgZ.jpg)

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File: 7fb18e2f8843f0c⋯.jpg (26,67 KB, 1158x637, 1158:637, 5xS7RDkQyM.jpg)

up, they're not very bright. I bet The Lawnmower Man movie and Flowers For Algernon book are their favorite stories.

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File: bf96a4d7c1948fc⋯.jpg (32,31 KB, 1290x742, 645:371, 8KzzkFikeoZGvu.jpg)


>Top-classified PLA meeting audio

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File: 1db04f959d3b45c⋯.jpg (30,22 KB, 1288x685, 1288:685, EdlZ996n.jpg)


>featuring nihilist de-FANG?


reconcile this

Jim has a global volunteer


CivAnon is also known as patchfag/ Laughing_Man/ the BO of /abcu/ and "babyfist"

babyfist says he is "buddies" with Thomas Schoenberger

Jim Watkins does livestreams with Thomas Schoenberger

the more you know anon

the more you know

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File: 36ea008c6a44687⋯.jpg (29,38 KB, 1278x668, 639:334, Q9hkUvYS.jpg)


ty, NB

good job!


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File: 419db636b0430fe⋯.jpg (127,51 KB, 1155x1403, 1155:1403, WNpwVpa7.jpg)



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File: 403e8f03902b633⋯.jpg (69,72 KB, 859x1208, 859:1208, Z4eGSA1bHhAE3a.jpg)



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File: 6b6b184aa56f268⋯.jpg (33,64 KB, 541x612, 541:612, QJybSlLKcWZTp.jpg)

anon departs after successfully pacifying whites into inaction while the 2022 midterm elections are rigged, circa 2022 (colorized)

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File: 95a0f77462f9020⋯.jpg (34,02 KB, 1173x1109, 1173:1109, fReQgjFzoeQ.jpg)


Melania is one of my 3 that I think is Q.

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File: 224a3355df52844⋯.jpg (32,11 KB, 1273x739, 1273:739, w2p4kg2lN2Co.jpg)









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File: d34154bec18e5bf⋯.jpg (34,22 KB, 1218x1086, 203:181, 5y8FHL8eDaT.jpg)



1-second delta.

Comms established.


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File: 64a5fa51a0c5bb7⋯.jpg (19,12 KB, 1103x514, 1103:514, RSVWZfR7DrQzJy.jpg)


On the fly

scoring a hole in one

or not looking like Kramer when the shower heads were swapped out.

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File: a97f11d96d794bc⋯.jpg (86,25 KB, 1007x1368, 53:72, jY6biHHMxf.jpg)


Hurry up, little bee fren! The bear is coming!

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File: d00942256ac30b1⋯.jpg (25,32 KB, 988x890, 494:445, fCoC28B.jpg)


>just a jfkLESBIAN serial killer tho

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File: 919fe1871e0f6c2⋯.jpg (120,14 KB, 1137x1311, 379:437, 9Xn1vJE.jpg)


Witness come in many Forms

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File: 8ccc0e4ac75f991⋯.jpg (75,78 KB, 917x1262, 917:1262, 7ASMGTB.jpg)



I never said Jews always lie. So go harder with the strawman arguments while I keep posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion :)

https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.



"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012


"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018



"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



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File: 527b5baa8c6948d⋯.jpg (40,32 KB, 577x721, 577:721, cD93cTpxR.jpg)


Check 'em.

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File: 34e2ae9371f8264⋯.jpg (31,21 KB, 1129x1036, 1129:1036, T4V2E4K.jpg)



>Turkey runs the ISIS oil operation with Israel

Israel runs Turkey

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File: 39fda0ea765b996⋯.jpg (24,98 KB, 1169x673, 1169:673, kh7TOH1.jpg)

o sad, but could have been worse.

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File: 79c74017b2f8070⋯.jpg (30,04 KB, 556x532, 139:133, UdyjrY.jpg)


interesting, veddy

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File: f0dfc645dd9b1c2⋯.jpg (22,92 KB, 1059x665, 1059:665, z8BGUOJb5XvFKb.jpg)


This is good. But Homeschoolers need to be careful who they follow. Sometimes the Private schools just try to carbon copy the Public Schools. It's like Public School lite.

Everyone's situation is different. But people need to be careful.

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File: 01481e2c6dbd5fb⋯.jpg (24,08 KB, 1053x717, 351:239, dO5F9P.jpg)



Ukraine is the keystone…

Russia put the DEEP STATE in checkmate when it invaded Ukraine…

No longer can the DS hide behind world governments…

Do the people of the USA really want to be spending billions on Ukraine when we are about to starve and have no gas? DOUBTFUL

Do the people of the EU really want to be spending billions on Ukraine when we are about to starve and have no gas? DOUBTFUL

The disconnect between #wethepeople and THEM is ever widening. This brings physiological PRESSURE…

COIN games baby! Make'emGLOW

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File: af63dd022b53e4f⋯.jpg (32,78 KB, 1124x1096, 281:274, 2DJLMi5Aq.jpg)


> the masses will be pissed off enough to openly revolt against everything

It is never going to happen.

They locked everyone down, closed business, killed people in nursing homes, got rich off the back of it.

Do you see the peasants revolting?

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File: a16a0df6afc6a13⋯.jpg (27,64 KB, 1088x706, 544:353, bAJrfS.jpg)


> 8bit crying

is that true though - if salt is rotated, then all trips change?

I don't know enough about board innards

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File: 92d6cb49487664b⋯.jpg (36,6 KB, 527x711, 527:711, 5yF6frvW.jpg)


>the best lies money can buy

they need to ask for a refund. if that's the best they can do, someone's been grossly overcharged.

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File: 0a065532c38525f⋯.jpg (29,25 KB, 1004x1025, 1004:1025, Lb0blqbL.jpg)








>ready to burn mofo

>vote now

are you tired of greek choir dino farts larps swampgasses gaslighting your wage cucke lube rpices ?

vote ebot

burn mofo

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File: 07a1401236ee591⋯.jpg (30,71 KB, 1256x708, 314:177, 8Z9z2z.jpg)


Have you ever passed gas then lit a match by your ass crack?

That is real gas lighting.

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