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File: 44e91ae6dea0a8f⋯.jpg (91,41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, subversive.jpg)


żydo-marksistowski wielki brat przy pomocy Google i koszernych ngo planuje w Polsce kampanię uodporniania na prawdziwe informacje o negatywnym wpływie imigracji z ukierunkowaniem na tą z ukrainy. NPC będą trenowani do rozpoznawania prawdziwych informacji jako fejków i szczepieni na przyszłość przeciwko wiadomościom szkodliwym dla żydów. Kampania została opracowana jak zwykle przez ✡ekspertów✡ i wszelkiej maści goldbergów jak podaje nbc news



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spierdalaj cwelu

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ale żeby tak szybko się zesrać?

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wypierdalaj powiedzialem

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File: faf50f341bf5bff⋯.jpg (387,09 KB, 1989x1092, 51:28, ukraina_its_over.jpg)

File: 7349fc1637fab01⋯.jpg (299,68 KB, 2048x1639, 2048:1639, zdycha_zdycha_zdycha_kurwa….jpg)

Captured in 3 months: 612 km2

Left to capture: 481063 km2

Time at current speed: 786 months or 196.5 years

Out of what they had left to capture at 2022.06.02 they have now captured 0.127%.

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File: 75b25a1cee2be68⋯.jpg (334,88 KB, 2000x1250, 8:5, Rosja_Kazachstan.jpg)

File: a233b988875e29d⋯.jpg (16,45 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Biden_to_zrobi_.jpg)



2358 miesiące xD

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NPC widzi zbrodniomyśl i wypierdala się mu niebieski ekran, nic nowego

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>npc w sensie nie ssający ruskiej pały

>niebieski ekran w sensie wysłanie rusocwela tam gdzie jego miejsce czyli w chuj stąd

też nic nowego z twojej strony polkopski ścierwie

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co tam pierdzisz? wypierdalaj ty tez

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File: af3096c375478d2⋯.gif (Schowaj obrazek, 818,37 KB, 593x689, 593:689, 1662224689781696.gif)

>inflancja 16.6%


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No wlasnie, bo npc ssie żydowską pałę, duh

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File: e5187bfa7e9f9f3⋯.png (32,15 KB, 596x334, 298:167, 1662223067305667.png)

Nigdy się nie wypłacicie, goyim

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pasożyt przygotowuje się do wypuszczenia neurotoksyn paraliżujących gospodarza

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File: e7b618518129d7f⋯.jpg (134,32 KB, 1204x1451, 1204:1451, OAs4UC36JvlTM.jpg)


He's here, just rigged for red.

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File: 0f6f0477434eeec⋯.jpg (126,72 KB, 1206x1332, 67:74, ePdUxQI7e3fuQ.jpg)



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File: e1bd47baad1e520⋯.jpg (22,79 KB, 1120x640, 7:4, 7OI3zldUzgD9XT.jpg)


$3.99 lb polish ham here.

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File: b010527ba4e580b⋯.jpg (135,55 KB, 1326x1315, 1326:1315, PWE4gWUq6o1lu.jpg)


One wife

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery

Thou Shalt Not Covet They Neighbor's Wife

Marriage between a man and a woman

All these put in place to prevent homosexuality and the spreading of disease in society and civilization.

When those laws are not adhered to, society and civilization could possibly collapse from the right pandemic.

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File: abd6f5d7de721b2⋯.jpg (28,95 KB, 1290x645, 2:1, zuVxGMIvbAn.jpg)


It'll be on Pacer, won't it? Most court judgments are posted there.

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File: 7aef6d25b6f0152⋯.jpg (20,89 KB, 995x638, 995:638, 1zwvsxHKevvyc.jpg)


Nihlism sells a lot better than cute these days, bub.

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File: 684981e777bb2f6⋯.jpg (32,77 KB, 1082x1121, 1082:1121, fB2rLRAZ6ob5dL.jpg)



not in the least.

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File: af36d533903bf57⋯.jpg (36,45 KB, 508x730, 254:365, QnyMOn5.jpg)


yah thats the only shit i could find too

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File: 77d1463d8c68f22⋯.jpg (30,21 KB, 1058x804, 529:402, Yikgm6sAFHBfJ.jpg)


cray cray ip hopper

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File: 818a4a5b190b4aa⋯.jpg (28,26 KB, 1079x948, 1079:948, t6PUbn7CbzwXQS.jpg)


>Senstor Kennedy

His downhome performance is second to none

Central casting.

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File: fcc8d25366931a2⋯.jpg (28,1 KB, 1006x987, 1006:987, MbZA0ruIy7.jpg)


I've been having odd thoughts in that direction as well. To clean it all up, we definitely will have to have a collapse, complete with an internet shutdown.

What are your thoughts on the impending food shortages and how we make it through that? Not personally; I'm sure anons are stocked up. But as a country

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File: 55bb74e537ed5c0⋯.jpg (33,92 KB, 488x711, 488:711, bgI0LhaCgR.jpg)


When a politician has all that money, its no longer about money but power. The power to controllthe masses is an aphrodisiac to them. These people will go to hell, they compromised with the devil for power.

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File: f4e0b6a05197f3c⋯.jpg (29,09 KB, 1157x707, 1157:707, 5su97Mc16.jpg)

an’s been active suddenly on Truth today after a relatively dark period too.

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File: ec08e86b467132d⋯.jpg (27,05 KB, 1073x893, 1073:893, rzJsQyLpSGs2I.jpg)


That is right

Sorry for that

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File: e045785c929db8a⋯.jpg (24,88 KB, 1111x705, 1111:705, 427PB1RnNJaT.jpg)



Nessun dorma

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File: b0849752a9c95bb⋯.jpg (26,55 KB, 1209x690, 403:230, OPQ6WoU.jpg)


Separation of Church and State doesn't apply to Jews:






Zionist political privilege:


"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"


Democrats can get away with everything, except anti-Semitism:



"A January 6th defendant was found guilty on all counts today.

The prosecution used comical pictures to point out that he was an anti semite. They also had his fellow military servicemen testify that he was critical of jewish power in government.

These pictures and statements would normally not be allowed in a criminal trial because it's irrelevant to the crimes he was charged with. But are we surprised that the system punishes people who are critical of jewish power?

Just to clarify: This man was not charged with ANY anti semitic hate crime, so his views on Hitler or funny pictures in 2020 should've never been allowed to be presented as evidence against him.

When jewish anti fascists go to trial for similar riot charges, their anti White views are never used as evidence.

Our judicial system and ESPECIALLY the DOJ is occupied. Our nation is occupied by a foreign enemy."


This dude names the Jew, got fucked with massively and still got shit loads of votes (+22%), and I didn't even heard about him on /pol/:


Jewish control of the MSM:


Conservative Jews:


If Jews are White, then why come the anti-Semitism bills don't protect White people too?

Tennessee makes criticism of Jews and Israel illegal:


Consolidated Appropriations Bill Includes Nearly $5 Billion for Israel - June 2022



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File: 7f9268656d2e86d⋯.jpg (26,96 KB, 1184x739, 1184:739, Lid3V6zMumS.jpg)


usually i'd say yes but there are some sketchy dudes around these parts

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File: 589b5115ae6421f⋯.jpg (30,66 KB, 1071x1050, 51:50, 5txTLzXq.jpg)



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File: e17984822661122⋯.jpg (78,53 KB, 1007x1203, 1007:1203, B2utwLet.jpg)


>Well at least the are not screaming Russia, Russia, Russia!

Give it time, they'll find away.

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File: 56a53fcdd1d5fca⋯.jpg (35,14 KB, 493x727, 493:727, j0stHtujn.jpg)


Long con service 🐕‍🦺

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File: b865331c9f091d7⋯.jpg (37,97 KB, 667x584, 667:584, UZ703NaX.jpg)


New Baker Self Confirm

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File: b6dd54fbecefae8⋯.jpg (25,67 KB, 1055x664, 1055:664, rOCm7nQwkngFw.jpg)



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File: a6fe11d9a402b64⋯.jpg (27,15 KB, 995x964, 995:964, 8ScbAcOg.jpg)


Any of you kikes want to explain this to me?

How the fuck does some chick from fucking GAZA know the shooters father her whole life?

She described the Highland Park neighborhood as "pretty Jewish." Deborah added: "Something happens like this in an upper to middle class, half Jewish area you have to wonder."

==The shooter was arrested later that evening — To her shock, the son of a man that Deborah had known her whole life.



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File: 5e555b197906412⋯.jpg (27,89 KB, 1082x920, 541:460, zhlDroWCTRkGF.jpg)


Saw an idiot earlier today

"Pastor for Pro Choice" sign

While wearing an, "Its a Wonderful Life" shirt.

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Hell Yeah !!

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