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File: 4169b53c90d6e27⋯.jpg (1,34 MB, 2730x4096, 1365:2048, 1597100065664_846823797.jpg)

 No.367807 [Ostatnie 50 postów]

Jak tam kurwa anony czujecie się że już wrzesień? Za miesiąc wchodzimy w ostatni kwartał 2022 roku

Pomyślcie sobie że jesteśmy już prawie w 1/3 lat 20. Życie zapierdala co nie? Koledzy robią dzieci, mieszkania na kredyt, drugie dziecko już w drodze, itd.

A jakie są twoje osiągnięcia

Czas zapierdala

Nim się obejrzałem właśnie dotarło do mnie że mam 24 lata i nie sralem

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a ty dalej jesteś neetem i nie wiesz co ze sobą zrobić ehhhhhhh

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>Nim się obejrzałem właśnie dotarło do mnie że mam 24 lata i nie sralem

seks to dziadek i jest przereklamowany no ale to pierwsze zamoczenie jakos zmienia zycie, nie wiem jak to opisac, po prostu wtedy ci puszczaja jakies bariery mentalne i nie palisz juz pomidora jak ktos gada o ruchaniu, rodzina tez traktuje cie inaczej bo jak masz 25lv i nigdy nie miałes lochy to maja cie za niedojebanego mimo ze ci nie powiedzą to i tak swoje mysla ze sunny ułomek, a jak chociaz raz cie z locha zobacza a potem bedziesz sam to tbw, sunny woli samotnosc mimo ze moze miec panny, nie jest gaayem.

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also chemsex to inna para kaloszy i to akurat jest najlepsze co moze sie przytrafic człowiekowi, trapiarz moze potwierdzic.

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Miliony kurwa ukrainek w morde jebanych w polsce a anony narzekaja ze nie ruchaja. No ja pierdole XD Ostatnio mi sie trafila jedna 22 letnia ukrainka z tindera i stwierdzilem ze ja strolluje. Ustawilem hymn rosji na dzwonek i napisalem do kumpla zeby do mnie zadzwonil jak tamta robila mi laske. Cos pieknego kurwa mowie wam, tej miny nie zapomne nigdy XD ale gale zrobila do konca

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lodzik, odstaw te narkotyki.

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Nie zazdrosc

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>Nim się obejrzałem właśnie dotarło do mnie że mam 24 lata i nie sralem

jesteś mną

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jezeli w tym wieku nie srałeś to albo dopiszesz sobie wymysloną przeszlość albo juz nie zasrasz bo kazdej loszce wypierdoli errory jak sie dowie, ewentualnie unikanie tematu a pierwszy raz wiadomo ze po pijaku i powiedziec ze dawno nie miales lochy i wyszedles z wprawy, to jest juz troche beznadziejna sytuacja ale i tacy zawodnicy dawali rade wreszcie zasrac, wazne zeby próbować.

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Fun fact: mam znajomego na tym samym lvlu co ja 29 i rozstał się z loszką, bo ona nie chciała czekać na tzw. stosunki seksualne do ślubu. Gość jest absolutnym chłodem, otwarcie mówi, że jest prawiczkiem i tbw.

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kolega jest pewnie księdzem

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podobno lochy na polibudach są wyjątkowo niedostępne bo jest ich mało i mają tabuny orbiterów do wyboru a ja zasrałem na 27 lvlu ładną panią inżynier 25 lvl na której to nie zrobiło wrażenia że byłem prawiсzkiem bo mówiła że na uczelni było od zajebania prawiсzków no ale z drugiej strony ja nie tryhardowałem i sama stwierdziła że pewnie miałem inne priorytety jak ktoś tryharduje bez rezultatu do 25+ lvla to cienko to widzę

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Nie wiem jak tinderze ale na rakpatii jakoś nie widać tego mitycznego napływu Ukrainek. Jedna Ukrainka wśród użytkowniczek logujących się w ciągu ostatnich dwóch tygodni. Duże miasto wojewódzkie, here.

>Ustawilem hymn rosji na dzwonek i napisalem do kumpla zeby do mnie zadzwonil jak tamta robila mi laske.

A skąd kumpel wiedział, w którym momencie robi ci laskę?

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M4A1 bodajże, odlewany pancerz, szerokie jarzmo uzbrojenia głównego.

Kurwa, czołgi są fajne. Kapcza mówi ONR. Oni nie uprawiają seksu.

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eh wrzesień pizgawica i loszki już nie będą w sandałkach chodzić ale to i tak był dobry rok bo przez bite 3 miesiące był non stop świeży materiał do walenia gruchy

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M4A2 lub późniejszy. Zwróć uwagę że masz tu kąt między daszkiem kadłuba a górną płytą z przodu. W M1A1 było to zaoblone

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Faktycznie, choć gniazdo km to odlew. Nie wyznaję się za dobrze na wszystkich wariantach szermańców, ale wydaje mi się że ten tu jest odlewany, nie spawany.

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Ano, jest kąt. Więc nie odlew, a spaw.

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po czym taki chemseks się robi, mdma? amfa?

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mdma, 2cb, lsd, beta-ketony

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Po lsd miałem silny bodyload, nie chciało mi się ruszać. Fajnie jest wtedy się przytulać, ale na seks nie miałem siły.

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File: c6f373ff30132e9⋯.jpg (27,31 KB, 1078x697, 1078:697, 737QTqm.jpg)



fine, you got it, anon


oof so close

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File: aa397f698b2cdba⋯.jpg (21,75 KB, 1049x631, 1049:631, aabtkNdj.jpg)


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File: 6ca84c1fb2fb055⋯.jpg (29,78 KB, 535x540, 107:108, IrRHzX7msa2Za.jpg)


And by the way, for those that don't remember the backstory of this picture: I found this on my front lawn one day, that day had no breeze so someone must have planted and wedged it there. When I showed my wife, she thought it meant "I will never get up" as English is her second language; so she tore it.

There are no coincidences.

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File: 88fdec5da504bef⋯.jpg (72,64 KB, 810x1351, 810:1351, 0TuvXCf.jpg)


And the dude asked the question using 17 words.

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File: 93deee4377b751c⋯.jpg (28,95 KB, 1211x683, 1211:683, hENIo8.jpg)


126 leaks in Trump first 125 days.







The final one I want to talk about is what we uncovered in

our July 2017 report on leaks, and the overall summary of that

is that report showed 125 leaks in the first 126 days of the

Trump administration; 62 of them would have been defined as

``harming national security,'' according to the Obama

Administration's definition of that. And that 62 compares with,

I think, eight or nine during both the Bush and the Obama

Administrations. Just an explosion of leaks. By the way, those

leaks are what drove and sustained the false narrative of

Russian collusion with the Trump campaign that was proven

totally false but was the center of the Crossfire Hurricane

investigation and then a Special Counsel, and, quite honestly,

morphed into an impeachment trial here in the Senate.

Now, a common element of each of these scandals is the

abuse of executive branch power. If this misconduct remains

hidden or goes unpunished, it represents a serious threat to

our individual freedoms and our democratic republic. I do not

make that statement lightly.


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File: 35f1d0b5ae49720⋯.jpg (30,4 KB, 994x1094, 497:547, auUqyyxb2s.jpg)


>not negate

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File: 8a8a84e8b8be6d2⋯.jpg (22,02 KB, 1201x573, 1201:573, cvC6xFzQx5maJ5.jpg)


oom papa mow mow

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File: b19ad02f0a5b1e5⋯.jpg (27,74 KB, 979x1008, 979:1008, LuK7LEKu.jpg)



You seem to think they are trying to help the world instead of destroying us all.

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File: 4d97ea9789266fd⋯.jpg (23,85 KB, 1036x720, 259:180, oV4HHRD.jpg)


That's like, your opinion man

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File: 61c1ef5ce9fe393⋯.jpg (24,88 KB, 1133x595, 1133:595, iCHLY1aSVSNp.jpg)

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File: 6cd1f347db70c2c⋯.jpg (30,72 KB, 1170x758, 585:379, tRcZjXDNRa.jpg)

ow's His Face?

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File: 32c729ff483584c⋯.jpg (27,33 KB, 1084x897, 1084:897, AaORuFyZV.jpg)


>Several people were arrested, then released under their diplomatic immunity.

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File: d47bdbf68c5d943⋯.jpg (68,06 KB, 839x1200, 839:1200, T5YHTPKm.jpg)


Come on man, Run this photo, . What's the matter can't do it? Too many friends? Throw us a Bone

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File: c760093e59d8bcc⋯.jpg (29,56 KB, 1080x1003, 1080:1003, haBhH1.jpg)


>I vaguely remember it being pointed out that this was the capture of the wuhan BAD virus to which Trump then replaced it with a vax given out by the military.

It wasn't 'pointed out', Anon. Someone speculated on a possible scenario.

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File: ab80f47f21c35d9⋯.jpg (131,31 KB, 1249x1322, 1249:1322, fge0rVUQsYU.jpg)


The original is here → >>367828

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File: 2bf967723c40dad⋯.jpg (26,18 KB, 1051x677, 1051:677, gxOEFS5KpOwGBO.jpg)

really don't dig the hand gesture.

Wu Qian, the spokesperson of the Information Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China, quoted defense minister Wei Fenghe saying "If anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will definitely not hesitate to start a war no matter the cost," during a meeting with Lloyd Austin.


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File: ef57466c85dac35⋯.jpg (30,22 KB, 1087x795, 1087:795, lUaGSW5t7x.jpg)


It helps to read the story above before commenting on the story above.

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File: d8dc272102948fb⋯.jpg (21,3 KB, 1018x625, 1018:625, 3cVseadYgzJ.jpg)


Some of UK's asylum claimants to be electronically tagged – BBC News

Seems like another angle to normalize chipping people

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File: 9915229e952251b⋯.jpg (32,98 KB, 1091x1124, 1091:1124, JvgW33zaTx75.jpg)


he ain't lying

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File: 984f266f409dad1⋯.jpg (32,83 KB, 585x556, 585:556, qK459hl4SFAGH.jpg)


Am trying to find where I can snag just the rally now. Anyone?

Beuller.. Beuller..

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File: f3f1491b1308a21⋯.jpg (30,92 KB, 1209x956, 1209:956, OKyCxVpf7IX.jpg)

or everyone cautious about Q's latest posts actually being Q, here is something to consider:

Q confirms posts by Trip Codes. The content of the posts are validated by either 'Future proves past' in news articles or Q will update and confirm a Trip Code (ID of poster) by handing off validation from one ID to the next through replying with prior code to new code.

Q's current Trip code is: !!Hs1Jq13jV6

This code was confirmed on Dec. 2, 2019 on posts 3639, 3640, 3641, and 3642.

Q has been using this same code since that date and this is the same Trip code used in the new posts yesterday!

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File: 4bd6228e872913e⋯.jpg (116,19 KB, 1126x1263, 1126:1263, 6ms54NjP6Pd.jpg)


even if WORDS are the only weapon (you) have

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File: f78fa23685020dc⋯.jpg (26,68 KB, 1059x893, 1059:893, gpHB4r0Wzs.jpg)




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File: 7a09f31aa45fab7⋯.jpg (28,47 KB, 1082x950, 541:475, tBLyKZpojYIr.jpg)


don't give an inch kek

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File: 51900018dc6ff23⋯.jpg (21,66 KB, 1046x638, 523:319, 3exvGbFayL.jpg)

mmune system

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File: f308a397c8d6748⋯.jpg (29,43 KB, 587x489, 587:489, D5GSO58Wdw7n.jpg)

he image is Q.

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File: ddf8817ff99138d⋯.jpg (32,86 KB, 1184x1061, 1184:1061, b2OlbA0s.jpg)



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File: 13d4eb4cb4d5abf⋯.jpg (26,76 KB, 1206x620, 603:310, PTpmoWfGbuI.jpg)


obvious AF shill, pretending to be a retard

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File: 422b722656b5de6⋯.jpg (24,05 KB, 1013x731, 1013:731, DDBwndfPXRYrh.jpg)


Someone answered last bread. See pic.

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File: 44ddaf70f861ce3⋯.jpg (64,24 KB, 791x1174, 791:1174, I5kt1sIzla.jpg)


are those the same blue shoes from the bike accident?

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File: d65c9e07c294fc9⋯.jpg (79,32 KB, 1002x1223, 1002:1223, FKDIHjpQ0jZU.jpg)



Whatever Hunter Biden married he got the short end of the deal….fake blonde and more.

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File: aed7ab4e147748a⋯.jpg (31,54 KB, 1062x1092, 177:182, xwJnzOwYGuez3X.jpg)


doesn't Clock-up

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File: f2130fb52946787⋯.jpg (28,27 KB, 533x506, 533:506, GpgbZ2RmLpRg.jpg)

You have to go home now," the president said. "Go home in peace."

The statement was an expansion of his earlier request for protesters to "remain peaceful."

Trump told everyone to go home and Twitter Banned him for it


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File: cf11f4f408f2163⋯.jpg (23,38 KB, 983x725, 983:725, KwbV0MmNy6tk.jpg)


It is never too early!

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File: 2568f6ef83961bc⋯.jpg (45,76 KB, 689x720, 689:720, J697k3.jpg)




Kemmerer, Wyoming, a small, soon-to-be-former coal-mining and power plant town in the southwest corner of the state, is a long way from Ukraine and the Russian invasion of the former Soviet republic. But Kemmerer’s future is inextricably entwined with what happens in Ukraine — and with how the Biden administration responds to it.

That’s because Bill Gates-backed TerraPower hopes to construct its first advanced nuclear reactor in Kemmerer. The new reactor will run on only one type of fuel: high-assay, low-enriched uranium — HALEU — which has higher levels of uranium-235 than conventional reactor fuel. Russian company Tenex, a division of state-owned Rosatom, is currently the world’s primary commercial-scale producer of the fuel.


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File: edaed8780665e1e⋯.jpg (31,96 KB, 507x621, 169:207, 0Vndw2jsFmY4Nl.jpg)

O, do you think I may be ONTO SOMETHING when I say Jim is dishonest now, or are you WILLING TO GO DOWN WITH THE SHIP. Jim applied a salt rotation WITH NO WARNING.

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File: 68f97680bc60da0⋯.jpg (20,04 KB, 1028x582, 514:291, qwLzreX9M.jpg)


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File: 7eaf8152c3e6518⋯.jpg (26,1 KB, 979x931, 979:931, 3VUdLzK.jpg)

egarding Maxwell sentencing…

Was it really 20 years or did it all add up to 20 years? Is she serving her sentence concurrently???

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File: b04b8132e98e0c8⋯.jpg (33,03 KB, 1271x769, 1271:769, TpWjEbgCYY.jpg)

=Kinzinger: Trump is "guilty of knowing what he did" in lead-up to Jan. 6 attack==


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File: 2410da9943bf1b0⋯.jpg (126,36 KB, 1115x1448, 1115:1448, vZoWZizeexq.jpg)


not notable without details, kek

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File: 4bc13f55fd95241⋯.jpg (37,44 KB, 620x621, 620:621, 55xRvoL.jpg)

eed to tidy the ship!

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File: d8851216b59a8ff⋯.jpg (77,27 KB, 971x1230, 971:1230, w0YQXt.jpg)


>water fast

this is also how wild animals do it and then they get better.

wild animals also never catch a cold or get diabetes aso

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File: 204fa9707e046e6⋯.jpg (30,33 KB, 564x529, 564:529, unjWnA0WjlCYUE.jpg)


there were some excellent reruns and cameos yesterday


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File: 449b0d539579865⋯.jpg (126,58 KB, 1188x1336, 297:334, n42VrYIpcg.jpg)

Kathy Barnette


Tomorrow is Mehmet Oz's last day playing his role as a Republican.

Beginning May 18, he will go back to being the liberal that he has been his entire career.

Thank God the people of Pennsylvania see through this charade.

7:15 AM · May 16, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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File: e7b5915779507b4⋯.jpg (27 KB, 985x960, 197:192, AaQsOncV5.jpg)

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File: 35587c649fcb0dc⋯.jpg (21,81 KB, 1057x630, 151:90, 0Ju7v48nh3MJuw.jpg)


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