AFTER THE 16 YEAR PLAN (refer to Q post 2018-01-21, 14:06)
Understanding the Hierarchy of Control
1. OVERSEERs - beings of oneness and unconditional love. Arbiters of free-will and divine intervention. Have great influence on 2 to make change.
One arbiter having extraordinary love for humanity -- Ramtha
2. OVERLORDS - beings of duality, Lords of Karma, reapers of loosh (energy for sustenance), masters of time. Handlers of 3. To them, all is loosh: white shirts,
black shirts, normies, fauna, flora.
4/5/6 - superior loosh alive, exquisite when dead - - Far Journeys, Chapter 12.
3. DRACOs + Alien Alliance - the OLD EMPIRE. Reptilian races. Loosh sniffers. Handlers of 4. Service-to-Self. Wolves in crowns and gowns. Delight in the Prime
grade cuts of 4/5/6. Alien Interview - Chapter 7.
4. ELITE GLOBALISTS - Rothschilds, Royal Blood Lines - but not all, Vatican -- but not all. Billionaires/trillionaires. Handlers of 5 - absolute. Wolves in silk skirts and
stockings. Will never turn down Prime grade cuts of 5/6 (6 is essential - unlimited supply of babies/children).
5. BANKSTERS, (eg. Heads of central banks), POLITICIANS, (eg. HRC, AS, No Name), BANK & CORPORATE CEOs, (eg ES), YOUR HEROES AT TOP OF
ENTERTAINMENT - but not all. Millionaires/billionaires. Handlers of 6. Wolves in teflon suits.
6. HUMANITY - peons (pee-on) of 4/5, cannon fodder. Why? Base DNA code of humanity is servitude by Anunnaki manipulation. Genetically predisposed to never
having enough. The silver lining, humanity cultivates service-to-others thru millennia of reincarnation… but taken advantage of by those who are service-to-self.
Compare to reptilian DNA (many of 4/5), service-to-self, despise humans but are addicted to human adulation. We are highly charged emotional candy for 2/3.
Little Red Riding Hood - deliberately kept stupid … and also, by our own doing.
Beautiful 3rd rock from the sun is a prison plant of the old empire.
After the 16 year Plan
World population - quarter billion.
For 6, certain death after 33 - too old for servitude, and through personality and societal attitudes, this blood supply is too tainted for 4/5. In their quest for longevity and youthfulness, as it is now, 4/5 have access to a pristine blood supply - babies … not ingested but injected.
For 4/5, children are their sex play toys, as they are now, and both babies and children provide the best sanguine cuts.
As for 2, continue to harvest loosh of 4/5/6 after death … just when you thought you were dead, wtf ???
Past, present, future: After death, memory erasure and then, all are recycled/reincarnated, as it is now. Reincarnation is also a second chance at redemption, eg. Buddha. Thrown into a new body and new brain, and with no memory, reprogramming begins. Program/knowledge is gleaned from parents, schooling, religion, etc, creating new neurology, a new mind … but controlled … again.
The trap set by 2 is impossible to detect. Savants paid a steep price to PULL out of trap … stopping the egregious act of deception, theft, and repeated cycles of reincarnation.
We’re such emotional creatures … on a perilous path to finding a saviour, when all is within.
Remember, Ground Hog Day (movie) - a forever state for 4/5/6 after the fulfillment of the 16 year plan.
In the grander scheme of things, we are all brothers and sisters.
They say that forgiveness is a godly act … wise advice. Forgiveness, knowledge, expressing self like Jesus/Buddha, stop reincarnation.
Is there forgiveness for transgressors? Or a raging fire of anger and hate, slaked only by the blood of 3/4/5? When DJT et al, move forward with the grand reveal, what will play out … the French Revolution, or the golden rule - Do unto others …?
All is choice … always has been.