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 No.28852 [Last50 Posts]

She's a bit too stacy for my taste, but she does strike a cord.

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She has body hair, so if you don't like unshaved girls then she's not the waifu for you. I don't care if a girl shaves but it can also be a sign of progressivism.

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Personally I think women look better all natural as long as they have good hygiene.

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apparently she used to be a camwhore under the name berry_babe

not so stacy, i guess

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Her video has some issues:


Those two small half transparent squares on the bottom and on the left, looks like an image mask that has two holes…?

1080p resolution but the quality looks like 720p or below.

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https://www.camwhores.tv/videos/2096137/berrybabe-2-af5cd0a2-fd27daa3e105480d/ it does look like her but the cam whore doesn't sound like a native english speaker and the asmr girl does

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i don't think that one is her, but there are other videos where you can see the tattoos on her arm and they match


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I stand corrected, arm tattoo at 0:56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c01rTAeTy9o and 2:21 in your vid

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https://gofile.io/d/NCymGA ass to mouth at 14:30 lel

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I'd be more surprised if a new ASMRtist wasn't an ex or future carmwhore. She played the "pure" girl part pretty well though, apparently she has a "husband".

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Another female/ASMRtist ruined by porn. And as usual she has a guy off camera while she cucks her male audience. Thankfully I don't listen to ASMR much these days.

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I knew those tattoos were a red flag. Tattoos are a sign of body issues from girls. About every girl I ever met with tattoos had some bad ex, or some guy who pumped and dumped them, and had mental issues. A lot of girls in porn have tattoos or the guy banging them has tattoos. Whenever you see tattoos, and I'm not talking about a cute little Care Bear, it should immediately raise an alarm.

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I hate her, she is way too in love with herself

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I think she's attractive but a 304 like most women today. Now if these women became Christian and became role models for young girls so they don't make the same (porn) mistakes. But women turn to feminism instead.

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yeah but imagine her in a nazi uniform and short skirt baking in whispery asmr. Would watch/10. (Even if she is aids infected gigahoe.)

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I doubt any of these ASMRtists would dress as a Nazi even jokingly. They are all too politically correct and afraid of getting cancelled.

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It does violate Jewtube's Terms of Service.

I found it easy to mentally filter Coricat wearing the Hugo Boss. But alas, she's moved on, hopefully whipping Subs in real life.

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In her latest video she mentions there's something in her past that she'd like to talk about but is afraid she'd get judged for. Do you think she's talking about porn and do you think she lurks here?

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Well fuck. I should have known. I found it odd that her profile didn't have links to onlyfans or an instagram full of sexualized pictures.

I thought she might be running her asmr channel as advertisement for her jewel crafting work as opposed to coomer or simp bait but nope, of course she's a camwhore. Oh well.


>you think she's talking about porn


>do you think she lurks here

Very unlikely. Almost nobody lurks here, the only board that was somewhat known outside of the *chan sphere was /asmr/.

Just in case she does though: just say it and be done with it. If there is one thing I respect less than e-whores, is e-whores who try playing the "pure girl" part. You showed your holes on camera for dudes to jerk off to, whatever, everybody's got to make ends meet, but don't try and larp as trad waifu material.

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All women who do porn eventually want to settle down, have kids, and "put the past" behind them. It's mostly because of sex drive slowing down as people get older, and in women's case produce less eggs and reach the menopause phase. Back when society was a lot more conservative we told teenagers to get married and get the raging hormones out of their systems. We didn't allow porn to be normalized, it was a shameful taboo thing. Some countries are smartly blocking porn access from the internet to increase productivity and encourage reproduction.

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there's always some evangelical Christian ready to wife up even the nastiest of skanks

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confident girls like this are always fucking broken in my experience. Big red flag.

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Aight, I spent some time looking for more stuff, here is all I found.

She seems to be trying really hard to get these things removed from the internet.



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theres a bunch of her stuff on simpcity

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Simpcity is like the old /asmr/ except it's just coomers, none of the mockery that made /asmr/ entertaining. It does help expose the ASMRtists who we know never cared about ASMR as an art but only do it for the money, and because they don't make enough doing ASMR they turn to spicy content.

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From some internet sleuthing she had a kid underage/at 18. She also did porn at 18.

While unfortunate, I give her a pass for trying to feed a kid while getting education. Hopefully she managed to hustle enough cash from her ASMR stuff to settle.

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>I give her a pass for trying to feed a kid

Where was the father? Why was he not in the picture to help provide so she didn't have to do porn?

See this is why you don't have sex before finding the right person and getting married. It can lead to unplanned pregnancies, children feeling unwanted, daddy issues, learning about the porn, getting teased by other kids, developing mental issues.

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Sex feels good and people want to fuck before they marry. Teenagers are also known to lack proper judgement (arguably young adults too until 24-25). Proper education, support network and access to prevention is absolutely essential to prevent teenage pregnancies. Stuff 'murica is terrible at.

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When I was a teenager I knew that sex = kids. If you're horny beyond rational thought then you can use your hand. Or we can go back to arranged marriages once children hit puberty. The left hates the nuclear family and would rather abort babies or have the state pay for all these kids without dads.

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Not an excuse

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This bitch gets slutty around other women, enjoy

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Didn't she quit porn to be a mom? Now she's teasing lesbianism in bikinis and she has a child off camera somewhere.

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Found this onlyfans leack on twitter is it really her?


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Stop with the obvious spam links faggot. Dont click it

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We should report their Youtube channel for spam.

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video was removed OP. Quit wasting our time you dumb nigger

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sounds like a you problem you stupid faggot

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No need to worry. I backed up the video. Ill post it here in a day or two.

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Post it now you fucking jew. I need the video now not in a day or 2. You probably don’t even have it dumb nigger jew. Go suck nigger dix u fgt.

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Youre a pusse bigch u dont even know who ur talking too budde so leave me alone no video for u now fagg

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Dont talk about me that way fgt ill smoke ur cock and eat ur ass with a long anteater tongue cleaning ur ass from the inside

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ur both a bunch of niggs. Its the rope for you both.

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I voted for that dumb nigger obama i hate my life it was the biggest mistake of my life. Voting for a trans fucking nigger to be in the one and only WHITE house. Get that nigger out of america and deport him back to uganda

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shut ur fucking mouth u coooooon nigger monkey. you voting for a nigger makes u one by proxy!!!! niggers are raping our women, stealing from our stores, taking our healthcare, taking our housing, and breathing our fresh ocean air with those gorilla nostrils. Everyone knows niggers are ugly poor filth that blame all their misforunes on racism when instead theyre just a lesser man. Niggers are worse than the jews hence why they force these monkeys down our throats

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u love the productive discussion we have here, I'm so proud of this community

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don't bother… let these homos kill each other first, then post it. besides, I already have a copy saved to my hard drive. lulz

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f u bitch

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Watch ur mouth nigga ill make u magickly

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Her asmr sucks and she looks mid. Move on

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Yeah I watched her earlier cam girl vids and she defo does ass to mouth, tries to fit 4 fingers jn her pussy, and enjoys taking requests. Never imagined this girl is such a sexy lil slut!

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She's also a single mom according to something another anon posted.

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Find it hard to belive she doesn't have a bf, i mean look at her shes a 10/10 she could have any guy she wants

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Any man she wants must put her kids first.

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The smart ones don't talk about bfs. It's easier to milk money and views from the simps that way.

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Is there any evidence she even has a kid?

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You can tell by the kund of videos she makes that shes 100% simp farming

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No fucking shit faggot. Stating the obvious you must be one of her simps. Dumb niggers always simping for the flakes of white society aka women like this ugly hoe. Has a half black baby and no father around. Typical white scum!

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>Has a half black baby


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Someone said they did some sleuthing and discovered that she has a kid. I don't know how they found out. Her official site mentioned that she has grew up with two parents and two sisters. Doesn't mention having a child but then it doesn't mention her porn career either. We know she did "sex work" before ASMR. I always thought only girls who grew up in broken home did porn. Another myth busted I guess.

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No proof detected

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If anon was telling the truth she could be trying to hide it. Why is she trying to hide her porn from the internet? Some of the old links in this thread no longer work.

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These links no longer work. Content is blocked or deleted. You can still find on other sites. Women can't hide their porn past. Once it's uploaded it's online forever. If you don't want people to know you did porn then don't do it.

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They can't delete everything. I have saved most of it in case they try to take it down. You can find a lot of spicy stuff on SimpCity. ASMRtists are dirty hoes.

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shes streaming on youtube right now

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I watched some of this and it is indeed her. She already bares the scarlet letter, so we should try to push her back into being what she truly is. If Cherie went full NSFW ASMR roleplay on OF, I'd subscribe. If she sought to compete with Florescent Asmr, I'd toss some money at Cherie. She has to embrace it and own it though. "If you want an X rated girlfriend sim, I'm your whore. Pay me for more." Then I would pay her for her services. Provide it and I will buy.

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If it's true what the anon said about Cherie having a child she never talks about, then I wouldn't be cool with her doing OF. That's like Karuna levels of degeneracy. I'm just not attracted to women who've had kids. Unless the child is mine but that's a different story.

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don't give money to whores

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Silly rabbit, that's what whores are for. Whores sell me sex at a discount with no strings. The sexual market value of other roasties plummet. Only trad and virgin wives retain value or gain value, causing women to return to being premium waifu material, to beat other whores in the market place.

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Prostitution encourages women to forsake trad values and creates a shortage of waifus. Why be a wife when simps will pay your rent? Why retain your virginity when you can sleep with Chads now then become a born again virgin later?

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Shes a whore. Did porn and can never come back from that. Camgirl = Whore = Scum of the earth. So many dicks have probably been inside her filthy holes that anyone that fucks her will be fucking 10000bbcs by proxy. A true disgrace and waste of air to the master race and should be shunned by society. Fuck this whore not literally but figuratively

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She also has a cat. Cats are like furry 304 magnets. Any time you see one with a girl you just know.

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If you give money to whores they multiply, please do not mess with the delicate ecosystem

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You poor poor nigger. I gave money to ur mom does that shit count? Dumb cracker nigger spic. Jews are the real leaders of this world and u dumb fucks are gonna be sucking our Jewish cocks for food.

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This attitude among pro-Israelis will only enrage more rational people and bring about the Fourth Reich. History repeats for those who fail to learn.

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thoughts on her sister?

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I hope she doesn't go down the same career path as her sister, sticking a finger up her butt on camera. Does Cherie's sister even know about the camwhore days before ASMR? Every ASMRtist who doesn't get enough views goes into selling lewds eventually. Now as cute as the sister is I don't want to see her do OF content. She has that wholesome Ozley look which is rare in this community. Even if she's not trad virgin she looks like one. That should be her niche if she decides to do more ASMR.

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What does it matter to you what path she goes down u fucking jew. White women were made to be corrupted by our superior big black cocks hence why we now have more rights than white men in your country. Your women worship our cocks and know our cock is superior. America will quickly turn into Africa 2.0 as we breed with all your white women while white men standby being cucks letting it happen. Black man is superior aesthetically and quite honestly that's all we need to be superior in. Women don't care about small cocks they care about whatever is gonna make them squeal as we pound their pink walls. So accept it and move to UK where you will be converted to Islam white jew boy. America is now the land of BBC stop worrying about your white women they are all ours now. :) CUCK

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BBC is a myth.

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yeah i dunoo i mean like he might be right Im a heckaaa femboi and like every black cock ive had the pleasure of sucking was big as fuck! stretched my boi pussy so good that I can say from experience the average black cock i encounter is wayyyy bigger than any white cock ive fucked or sucked sweets

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I dunno sweets, it sounds like you're larpin for rizzles my nizzles. The world record for biggest penis belongs to a white guy. You can cry about it into a Lebron James jersey. Big white cock meat is the best. You wish you had one or had one up your bum but you have to settle for black because the white boys don't want you back.

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It's true. People don't realize it but blacks on average are shorter than whites. Shorter = smaller dick.

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Stfu stupid white faggot. We all know Jews have the biggest cocks hence why we are still taking over all your white countries behind the scenes. Bow down to your real master u white cucks. You’re no different to us than niggers and animals. We are Gods chosen people you are not.

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