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File: bd04b3a7afaa73e⋯.png (402.3 KB,445x437,445:437,Capture.PNG)

 No.21043 [View All]

previous thread >>20516

y u guys not keeping the Shrines erect?

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I actually am sorry, i dont dislike you, or Ruby, I dont know you. And i dont think you deserve the things that has been said about you, ive said things i wouldnt say to ur face, or if i thought u could see it. But i think you can handle it

>a potential threat to the mental and physical health of my crew

physical? wat. Mental yes, which is why i hope you havent shown this place to Ruby or Erin, I think Rubys content and the collabs are trash, but each to their own and i dont wanna make anyone feel bad. The thing is we talk like we are behind locked doors and shit escalates


I think this place has decent people, compared to the rest. It is wretched and sad and sometimes fucked. But you cant take things here literally, everything with a grain of salt and everything is not true, or everything is true.

> Long time listener, first time caller

also why even reveal that you are here? It makes no logical sense, unless u wanna stir shit up. And that is why i think ur the biggest troll here. And regarding the Angelica drama, you are itrigued, just like us. Everyone likes gossip and drama

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>let me add

if you even are Raven, and not some random anon

>as i said never trust anything here, but it is built on trust, if that makes any sense

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This is objectively wrong. I'm beggin ya to read a book on the topic.

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File: bcae3e978e38699⋯.jpg (32.27 KB,480x480,1:1,6_c3b63d74-a4fb-4090-ae30-….jpg)

I really really hope that this is the real Andre.

And I really really hope that she goes to the Federales.

I hope she gets some glowdark to read through a hundred threads because we call her Andre the Giant and not her advanced dungeons and dragons name.

Please put me in prison for hate speech. I'll crush pull-ups all day, join a gang, get a mean symbol tattood to my forehead.

We're having tons of fun.

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1.) If a mass is benign, but large enough to suppress vascular and respiratory function, it can be far more fatal than a small carcinogenic tumor.

2.) I have to be here a couple times a day, and now that I have a full.understanding of international laws pertaining to this forum, I feel comfortable that anything relevant will stay admissible even with me trashing around in here personally.

3.) I dont care about how much you hate me and think I resemble Uncle Andre. I am literally just a sentinel.

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Litigation? Go nuts. Bigger men than you have tried

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Andre, DM me and I'll give you my home address. You can come shoot me

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what happened between angelica and goodnight?

does anyone know that?

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File: bc705dc6e366db1⋯.jpg (70.68 KB,1010x654,505:327,erinugh.jpg)

Hmm, I've been debating whether I should post a serious response here or not. Ok fuck it.


What you're doing here is called black and white thinking. A granted trait in those with extreme views. Everything is either very bad or very good, with no nuance or realistic measure in between. You are comparing /asmr/, natsoc neonazi wannabe's who make it their mission to cleanse "thots" from the internet and bully asmrtists, to a bunch of dudes who think Erin is great and chat about her videos and social media doings on some tiny corner of the internet. While some anons are "obsessed" with her, no one here has ever shown any ill intent towards Erin. Most would jump in front of a car for her ffs.

>When you have cancer, the type of tumor is less relevant than the fact there are multiple masses.

This is a bad analogy. Prostate cancer is a non aggressive cancer and people with it often live for decades. Doctors often opt not to operate as it's not worth the risk or harm. On the other hand brain cancer is treated immediately and aggressively or the patient will die in months. Is prostate cancer worse if you have two tumors? What?

>I think the rape preoccupation is pretty much the same in either atmosphere.

Wut? lol. Fantasizing about being with someone is rape now. You're diluting a word that describes something pretty serious.

>you little trolls

Literally no one here is trolling anyone. Trolling by definition is going into some place and stirring shit. Everything we post stays here. Ironically the only troll in this thread is you. My mistake for feeding you the attention you are obviously seeking.

So lets be honest here. The only reason you are mad is because some of us anons don't like that you and Ruby are friends with Erin, and don't give you the same love that Erin gets. Some have outright expressed their distaste for you. Understandable that might hurt your feelings. People are allowed to have opinions though, and the way we share them between bros in the /tingles/ locker room may not be palatable to you. Sorry.

If all of these threads were about how great Ruby and you are, you'd love it. I personally gave the two of you the benefit of a doubt, but after reading your posts here and elsewhere, I'm now pretty alarmed that Erin is in your company too. You seem like the type of person who takes advantage of weak and vulnerable people who feel alone. You also thrive on conflict and hate.

At this point, I really think Erin should read this if she doesn't already lurk here, I mean who could resist reading pages and pages of people's candid thoughts about them… it's like having mind reading powers Hi Erin!. She should see these threads, and she should see your posts too.

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You're my favorite because you exemplify the virtuous attitude of the pathologically narcissistic. I do have fun here sometimes, but claiming that this little corner of hell is just cute embroidery chatter is probably the craziest shit I have seen in a few days from you all. If I thought in black and white, I would be trying to overtly nuke this place… or at the very least bitching about specifics. Truth is, none of the people actively posting are the real problem. The fact that you sit here, feeding the nazis reasons to literally kill me and my crew, is a fact that no amount of your petty acidity will change.

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File: 86ac41b6e73a4ba⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.74 KB,636x421,636:421,literally 8 years ago.jpg)


>oh em gee nazis literally trying to kill me!

Nobody here is feeding nazis. The major reason /tingles/ exists was to get away from political shit flinging on the main asmr board. The Fourth Reich isn't marching down the streets and gassing the jews because Trump became president. Do you really live in constant fear that the KKK (who are all undercover FBI agents anyway) is ready to kick down your door and burn crosses in your yard? What's wrong with you people? Are you really that delusional? Why do you always use the most sensational speech to describe every little thing? The boy that cried wolf effect is kicking in and anytime someone says nazi in current year, it's taken as an insult and not treated seriously. It's become a joke because of it's overuse. Just saying. If anything /tingles/ is a center left leaning board. Whatever though. I don't like to discuss politics, but I don't like being mislabeled as a nazi either, just because I hang out on a Japanese cartoon forum and play video games.

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Angelica and Goodnight Moon were friends. What happened?

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File: 89bbac977bd7534⋯.jpg (24.04 KB,450x450,1:1,89bbac977bd75343dd4acc3126….jpg)


<that projection

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Erin pissed in Angelica's mouth, but Angelica isn't into watersports.

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So boys, how long do you think until Erin is fully integrated into the Netherwood Spaceship Cult?

>inb4 Goodnight Moon Forest Fae Reiki Healing ASMR (Yoni Sounds).

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This is not true. By the way, I would like to see Erin and Ruby when they are taking a huge piss.

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The first time I saw an unarmed black man killed by a racist was at age 5. It was at that time I decided splattered brains look like spaghetti with meat sauce. At age 9, in a small town in Georgia, I watched the KKK kill my dog and then burn a cross in my yard. There are plenty of fun made up stories that totally didnt happen to me inspiring me to be here. You clueless eurotrash cunts enjoy yourselves. I'll be watching.

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Are you that Raven(who is supposed to be the partner of Ruby)

if yes, i have two question for you

1. Do you know and tell us what happened between goodnight and angelica? If you don't know, who should i/we turn to?

2. Is there any way for me to see (in a photo or video) Ruby's shaved pussy? I would really like to see her private parts.

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File: da2fb6064321600⋯.png (1.71 MB,960x960,1:1,RAVEN.png)


LMAO, ur actually just as degenerate as us

>ameritards btw

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You're dating a white girl who lived in Europe btw. Why the racism angle? You're not even black either. What are you? 1/8 or 1/16 of some random non-white ethnicity? The person we use to make fun of you, Andre the Giant, is a white man. This meme >>21598 makes fun of you for being a fat American. (and rightfully so)

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File: 7d1b21fa944d52b⋯.jpg (176.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


And what's with this Raven of Tarth thing anyway? If this is based of GoT, you're online persona is even a blond haired blue eyed white woman.

You calling yourself a PoC makes Shaun King look like Wesley Snipes.

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File: a9be293e4604d3e⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,4500x2994,750:499,Sansa-Stark-Podrick-Payne-….jpg)


Wait, does this mean Erin is Sansa and Ruby is Podrick? I'm confused tbh. Either way, Andre is building herself a nice harem. Who's next, Ser Tarth? May I put in a recommendation for ASMR Neko? Thx ^_^

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>Erin is Sansa and Ruby is Podrick


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Once were warri…no. friends. yes, they were friends. erin and angie.

and now? what happened?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patreon Erin

Make up less Erin is best Erin

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File: efb914669d7057e⋯.jpg (117.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,uwu.jpg)


Did she bump her head?

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burnt her head, damn

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File: 8b8858d14c1cbf2⋯.png (23.97 KB,1795x116,1795:116,ravenoflard.png)

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File: 99a3aea39943679⋯.jpg (198.86 KB,1024x1821,1024:1821,a2.jpg)


it might not be her, but considering the following Angie posts on insta I'm inclined to believe it

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Nevermind, lmao. She's namefagging in /asmr/, lmaoooo if it's actually her

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>Illinois is very dangerous place

Bullshit, no way Andre suddenly forgot all the basic rules of the english language

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She also puts 2 spaces after every period in her posts here, but there's only 1 space after the /asmr/ posts. That's not a grammatical nuance you switch in and out of. It's a fake.

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what kind of a fucked up person this is

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i doubt this is true. if yes, where is the source for the guy's being a nazi? not everyone is nazi who is against sjw-idiotism.

and yes, very nice friendship was this. LOL

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>not everyone is nazi who is against sjw-idiotism.

From a rational point of view, yes. But these arent rational people we're dealing with

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but if this is true, then we can say that both erin and ruby, unlike e.g. angie or elise, are sjw-idiots.

and i don't like sjw-idiots.

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Your little theories based around us being weak ass whiners make me laugh. - Andre

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Yes. With a curling iron.

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File: 25d588b7612b0fc⋯.jpg (34.04 KB,800x450,16:9,Duterte.jpg)

Oh shiet. lel. wuthappened here lel

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This was weird, right? Coming into the 8chan thread about somebody you know and arguing with the mouth breathers isn't really something a healthy adult does. This felt pretty weird.

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just as orbiters are insane. don't be an orbiter, don't be an erinfag.

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Pinoyboy! Sorry I missed you big fella

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lel she scared away all the Erinfags. rip

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We're only hibernating

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answer this: what if it turns out that erin is not innocent and pure?

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newsflash, shes not

>i just deleted my erin folder

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who even is innocent and pure anymore?


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File: 87cf9e6b19d9c8e⋯.jpg (396.97 KB,1907x1200,1907:1200,87cf9e6b19d9c8e04b82189848….jpg)


>when the unrealistic fantasy unravels and you find out your internet waifu crush is actually a weirdo who spends her free time cuckquean-ing an amazonian woman with a serious personality disorder and victim complex, and her mentally unstable fiance in a bizarre 3-way relationship.

It's been fun friends 👋

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mornin' all

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Стильные советы по подбору превосходных луков на каждый день.

Мнения экспертов, новости, все новинки и мероприятия.


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