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/sunflower/ - Sunflower

Esotericism, spiritualism, occultism

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Welcome to the Sunflower!
endchan/sunflower/ .org .gg .net

File: 252b57eadcf385c⋯.jpg (234.81 KB,600x440,15:11,lolibooru_341185_alice_mar….jpg)

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f2353e No.4247

As predicted, the Sunflower egregore has now forced the world egregore into submission.

Anything significant to enter the world stage now has to pass by us, Yuuka and Gensokyo. Not respecting this new set-up will lead to severe consequences for the perpetrators.

Be reasonable (or don't be!) and present your wishes for what direction the world should take in this thread. If it syncs with the will of Sunflower and Gensokyo, it may become reality. The effect will be perceived as unproportional, but the gatekeeper always gets to decide!


Sunflower session, July 2021


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f2353e No.4248

I for one want girls to start wearing dresses and skirts and stop wearing pants. Fashion needs to be elegant and romantic again.

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90fafe No.4249


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7ec3d8 No.4250

I personally would like the West to fix itself and go back to its past values and greatness.

I would also like for there to be Lyrans in July.

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36c45b No.4251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some may disagree, but

stuff like spiritual healing, astral projection, energy work, etc, should be less mystified and become more common place. maybe stuff like public education in the matter, where everyone has the opportunity to go to a place to get taught in these types of matters. but cant see that happening soon unless gensokyo/lyrans come down and be like "bitch, we run this place" and forcefully put that stuff in place. stuff like "help yourself" or "just do it" should be avoided, as it's not possible for everyone to do such things, as they might not be aware of it, be a huge skeptic for whatever reason, or weighed down by something too much to do it themselves.

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fe3edb No.4252

Bartlebee here-

So the requests-

1. Freedom of speech and freedom of conscience extended to everyone.

2. Worldwide dream broadcast of the transition-in-heaven, giving everyone notice of the changes.

3. Build new physical temples to amplify both temporary and permanent apparitions of astral visitors.

4. Bonus request-Fuckin' Manticores in the physical. Those are some badass mofos.

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ed9b1f No.4253

>present your wishes for what direction the world should take in this thread.

I wish for Reimu to become my onee-san and have baths with me. And also a life-long free supply of premium quality sushi.

Onegai! Onegai! Onegai!

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f2353e No.4254


>Bartlebee here-

Welcome to the thread!

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fe3edb No.4255


Hey I'm always reading, even if keep my mouth shut when I don't get her anything useful to say.

The Oort Cloud is either running a long con or something weird is going on.

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f2353e No.4256

File: bd323091cc50911⋯.png (385.18 KB,1000x707,1000:707,lolibooru_334610_alice_mar….png)


Weird or not weird is a matter of perspective. So many things are happening all at once. I saw Alice Margatriod cut an opening in the "human illusion of normality" earlier today. Still wondering what will come out of that.

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f89454 No.4259

I think this was already mentioned earlier but I believe that it would still be positive to write my request here.

I want all governments of Earth to die off. A voluntary system for organization and logistics on local and global scale are fine, and can even be positive, but all authority and enslavement from governments should be destroyed.

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f2353e No.4264


This is a work in progress, but a lot still needs to happen. See



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1c8090 No.4268


No more extreme rich poor divide.

No more racism nonsense.

No more lgbbbq,

No more tranny.

Ban freemasonry.


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9fb2c4 No.4270

File: 09ff3082c48fa46⋯.jpg (138.22 KB,794x915,794:915,FB_IMG_1576636674632.jpg)

Bully and shame all fat people

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9fb2c4 No.4271


Oh and kill all niggers I guess

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957676 No.4276

Well if the NPCs die off I think most problems will be solved.

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fe3edb No.4277

File: 49b0846187ab51a⋯.jpg (19.06 KB,236x337,236:337,09dba01b086eef9075ab4586ef….jpg)

La Petite Mort?


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fa9c91 No.4296

File: 494c81c14ec13d4⋯.jpg (326.67 KB,1177x1500,1177:1500,45a51a826995eed9a2a19453c8….jpg)

See link in the OP for session to activate the amalgation of wishes expressed here and otherwise.

Feel free to share results in the thread.

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072e42 No.4298


Bring back racism actually.

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16049a No.4375

Temples where beings with good intentions can cross over and comunicate and meet us face to face, and maybe people can go with them to nice places.

End big pharma, and uncorrupt medicine and make it capable of fixing almost anything.

Purify all sciences from disinfo garbage.

Release technology to contact spirits face to face, like in a video chat.

Get everyone a "replicator" thing like the Lyrans have, but for our density, so that we break the system and not have to work for a living anymore.

Make genetic engineering a thing used in positive ways like to get rid of imperfections.

End samsara pls.

Let me post pls.

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f2353e No.4376


Thank you for participaing. July is over, thread will be locked.

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