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File: be6a8f6e7b0c796⋯.png (770.3 KB, 960x540, 16:9, gen2a.png)

003c47  No.22219[Last 50 Posts]

Q posts in /qresearch/. Q has never posted here and we don't foresee it happening. This board hosts the enigmatic Ed Anon. It's generally slower paced and civilized here. Anons are generally very respectful toward one another. Our focus evolves rapidly, even though the board may experience long periods (we've seen up to 13 hours) without posts.

Note: a line from author Stephen L. Gillette describes this board perfectly: we're coming from somewhere, we're going somewhere else. The views, assumptions, knowledge, and opinions of the anons on this board evolve quickly and steadily. We don't stay in one place for very long. It's difficult to encapsulate "the board" as a whole because every anon thinks for him or herself. Here you will encounter widely varying viewpoints on a wide variety of Storm-related subject matter. The regulars here are exceptional in any number of ways. This is not QR. We're very much our own board.

/qresearch/ catalog is at:

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html

Q posts can be found at:

http:// qanonposts.com - this site is now limited to the last 8 or so Q messages only.

http:// qntmpkts.keybase.pub

http:// qanonmap.bitbucket.io

http:// qanon.pub

Ed Anon posts are archived at:

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch2gen/res/1564.html

Usefull Stuff

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch2gen/res/2171.html'

Board Rules

First, we aren't crazy about rules. "You can say this but you can't say that." It's everything we exist to free people from. Still, to avoid total anarchy, a few guidelines have to be set.

1. Concern fagging is not shamed or attacked here. If you're feeling discouraged, down, depressed, or the like, you cannot push it down or deny it and have it go away. You must open up, discuss it, and those anons who are mature enough will help you pull yourself up and out of it. Motivation needs a foundation. It doesn't magically appear just because others demand it.

2. We have no use for enforcer fags who self-proclaim themselves to be in charge of keeping the board safe for democracy. Nobody died and made them boss. If you're having issues with somebody's posts, filter them. It's exceedingly easy to do and it keeps us from having to ban people.

3. Please do not advertise commercial products here. MENTIONING one in passing if you're actively participating is not a crime.

4. PLEASE do not act like a stoned caveman and attack somebody's theories. If you're that offended, filter the person in question. But declaring a concept to be b.s. without thorough investigation only flags you as a hard headed normie. The more an idea is pushed down, the harder it's going to push back.

5. There's a huge difference between religious discussion and outright evangelism. Declarations are evangelism and you can take it to the bank, we've all heard it all before. Believe what you will but please don't clutter this board with religious zealotry. Discussion of religious beliefs, especially as those beliefs might motivate a person or group being researched, is perfectly fine.

The goal is to have everybody feeling like they are welcome here and like they belong. Bullying other anons is a pet peeve of mine. It's inexcusable when you have the filter option always at hand. And, as mentioned, I have a super ultra special dislike for enforcer fags. When the board is littered with posts of anons attacking anons just for believing a theory they don't personally like, it doesn't do a lot to welcome people and make them feel at home.





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003c47  No.22220

Generic Dough at https:// pastebin.com/B0dYUh1N

The only thing you should have to change on this dough is the number (2nd Generation Q Research General #xx, where xx is the new bread number) and the name (i.e. [whatever the name is] Edition).

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003c47  No.22310

Another dream: hurricane strikes L.A. It was relatively small in size as hurricanes go; it moved in due east, covered about 75% of the metro area, then immediately moved out to sea again.

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3708cc  No.22311

File: 2ce3873cf4f1f3f⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 576x768, 3:4, 44563ab7a98e31e097c8e9e4b1….jpg)


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003c47  No.22312


No phone #?


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003c47  No.22313

File: 73e23accca8763b⋯.png (246.81 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1a.png)

File: a0697b18b354172⋯.png (122.26 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1b.png)

File: 81551d511ef4fb7⋯.png (34.02 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1c.png)

Since the board will be more or less dead until well after midnight EST, I will post another cheerleading session. :)

This is "modeling" in Blender. So far this is about 30 to 35 hours of work. The final ship will be around 400 to 500 hours of work. But when it's done, it will be ready for endless video generation - 100% cinema quality - indistinguishable from what a real ship in space would look like. I can make a thousand videos with it. The goal: crowdfunding for my video game. This is just the model - next comes all the materials, coloring, lighting, shadows, etc. All the finer and finer tuning that make photorealism happen.

Lotsa work, lotsa return. Patience wins the day!

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003c47  No.22314


The remaining hundreds of hours goes into completing the modeling. This is just the very beginning.

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003c47  No.22315

Board sliding complete.

We now return to our regularly scheduled digging.

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29dcae  No.22319

Since Q appears to take a break for the night, there's time to update the compilation: >>22318


That looks like real detailed & lots of work, esp. when moving parts/mechanics come into play. There's people designing for example airplanes for simulators like that. Nice set of skills to have for the coming age of 3d wonderland ….

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003c47  No.22320


I just dove in one day and started watching YT tutorials. 3 1/2 years later, still watching YT tutorials, still learning. :)

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4da4bf  No.22321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4da4bf  No.22322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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003c47  No.22323

"And so he deposited the Key, which Solomon preserved, in the Ivory Casket. But the Words of the Key are as follows, divided into two books, and shown in order."

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4da4bf  No.22324

File: 0caf1aaa32bd666⋯.jpg (190.07 KB, 800x398, 400:199, balmis006_transitus_fluvii….jpg)


>"And so he deposited the Key, which Solomon preserved, in the Ivory Casket. But the Words of the Key are as follows, divided into two books, and shown in order."

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4da4bf  No.22325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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003c47  No.22326

From a .PDF of the book "The Keys of Solomon" from 1889. 500 copies were printed. One was digitized.

https:// ia801308.us.archive.org/15/items/b24884431/b24884431.pdf

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4da4bf  No.22327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e13964  No.22331


I'm pleased to see this. After having read the other book and contemplating whether I would feel comfortable in acquiring and using the blood of a black cock should I wish to participate in such rituals, lol.

How much of this book have you gotten through, thus far? I haven't started yet, having been up all night and only get my day started, just now.


Good afternoon, anons.

I see Q is sharing their happy snaps again!

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e13964  No.22332

Hmmm. One now wonders if The Voynich Manuscript is a coded copy of Solomon's Key?

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003c47  No.22333


In the preface they specifically warn against using any kind of blood for anything. It's dark magic and it will recoil on the practitioner.

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e13964  No.22334


Yes, that was made quite clear, lol. In any case, I've read the preface for myself and have progressed much further.

I'm glad for the reply, though. It's really not a very nice feeling to have everyone suddenly go quiet after posting for the first time for the day. :/

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003c47  No.22335


Sleep patterns are in massive upheaval right now. No idea why. Taking involuntary cat naps @ keyboard.

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e13964  No.22337


You've often stated that you have difficulty with and irregularity of sleep patterns. I could make a hundred suggestions, with not one of them being of any benefit to you.

Speaking from a personal perspective, my own difficulties lie in lack of self discipline. Compromising to stay up that extra hour or 6 to read a book, or wait for something in the news that would happen with or without me, lol.

Awesome Anon, is likely to be in soon. I shall be AFK for a while. Due to my own disrupted sleep, I need to do what should have been done this morning, now.

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93996e  No.22338

morning anons…

didn't miss much i see… well.. back to digging…

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93996e  No.22339

just found this one… nice read : http:// www.shoebat.com/documents/Huma_Brotherhood_Connections_072412.pdf

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e13964  No.22340


Good morning to you anon.

When you said 'nice read' I thought we must've been in the feel good part of the news hour, then saw Huma and brotherhood, lol.

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93996e  No.22341


feeling good in the news? nah… that doesn't work together it seems….

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e13964  No.22342


There's always that obligatory story about a new baby hippo born at the local zoo. Or mothers crying while they see their children off on their first day of school type, awwwww shit that's tossed in, lmao.

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e13964  No.22343

What am I doing here?

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72ecc6  No.22344


Good morning. I have something I think you will enjoy. , sorry I can't bring good news.

This is related to things we have been looking at but slightly different and very beautiful. It's on my wish list.h

https:// www.speakingtree.in/allslides/the-mystery-and-secret-of-mount-kailash

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72ecc6  No.22345


I love the religions coming together. I also like the sky burials which you could connect to Eds vids uf they are about burials. I haven't been able to open as I keep losing connection.

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003c47  No.22346


All in good time, Mr. Bond. All in good time.

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e13964  No.22347


It has as many meanings to as many people/s as does any religion/s, lol. Majestic.


There wasn't all that much to see in the burial vid. A hooded woman watching, I assume, as another person, also hooded, opened and walked through a door.

I'm sure I have absolutely no idea how to connect any of the Ed stuff. I've spent a little time today going back through old breads. It seems it must be fun to be on the side of those who know what they're talking about and watching while everyone else tries to figure it out, with seemingly little hope, because one topic bleeds into the next or has nothing to do with, but who's to know? /sigh.

I feel as though everyday, I'm not only reminded of my ineptitude, but realize it's a lot worse than I'd thought, lmao.

Good morning/afternoon to you, anon.


Maybe in my next life. This one doesn't appear to be working out all that well.

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93996e  No.22348

so sergey skripal released from hospital… guess on his way to "disappear" just like his daughter….

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003c47  No.22349


I am part of "everyone else trying to figure it out." I wonder if Ed even knows what their stuff means sometimes. :)

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e13964  No.22350


Going back over the old breads certainly gives a different perspective of it all. Things picked up on that hadn't been before. Not by me, anyway. It changes a lot for me.

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93996e  No.22351


i had the same thing.. things get more clear

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e13964  No.22352


I'm pleased for you, anon. Though some things have become clearer and come to light for me, I've found that other things that I'd thought I had some kind of handle on, I do not, in fact.

I do believe it would possibly take a decade or 2 to come by a random bit of information or piece of knowledge that might tie some of it together.


Perhaps I should practice some of the incantations in the Solomon book.

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72ecc6  No.22353




I feel the same, jack of all trades, master of none.😊

A thought occurred to me yesterday that ed is another anon contributing to the board and that is how he/she commumicates a conversation.

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e13964  No.22354


Yes, I know that feeling; Master of none!

Meh, I've kind of moved on for the day. I've moved away from cryptic shit and am indulging in something that is explained in entirety; how to read music. Oh, and I also cleaned out the fridge. Highlight of my day! Lol, jk. ;)

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93996e  No.22355


what a coincidence, i've done the same today: cleaned out the fridge haha

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e13964  No.22356

File: 56cadb3fe88934e⋯.png (582.84 KB, 955x395, 191:79, ClipboardImage.png)


"Yeah, I know, I know, a house full of condiments and no real food."

Until tomorrow, that is, lol. I had o make room for the actual food that's coming.

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93996e  No.22357

wtf! see why i hate those f'ing zionists..

https:// www.timesofisrael.com/amid-diplomatic-spat-yair-netanyahu-posts-fuk-turkey-on-instagram/

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e13964  No.22358


Typical. Really, it's very typical of that generation of Israelis. They're just as mindfucked and brainwashed as anywhere else. Just in a different way.

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e13964  No.22359


You'd think with what we know about the cycle of empires that someone would've worked it out by now, but nope; the great generations come and go, and the inheritors of all that is built have no idea how to maintain it.

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93996e  No.22360


i know one thing, erdogan won't put this aside… somewhere he will get his revenche.. that's the person he is….

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003c47  No.22361


That's the cycle that keeps things moving. Ultimately it's the parents wanting to make their kids comfortable instead of making them capable that triggers the decay.

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e13964  No.22362


He has also called a mass demonstration in Istanbul expected to rally hundreds of thousands from 1300 GMT ahead of the summit's start at 1600 GMT.

https:// today.rtl.lu/news/world/1181791.html

Let's see what comes of it, shall we.


Like I said; you'd think someone would've worked it out by now. /shrug. Too tired today.

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93996e  No.22363

this is setting up as a war.. hopefully only one with words : https:// www.rt.com/news/427106-turkey-israel-palestine-lawsuit

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72ecc6  No.22364


That is brilliant and so true.

I've dug and planted a strawberry patch.

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72ecc6  No.22365


I hope it is just words. Turkey , Iran Lebanon, Syria and Palestine together doesn't bear thinking about.

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93996e  No.22366


iraq will chose the side of turkey… that would be a massive slaughter…

for those that luv the bible… king of the north = erdogan imo

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72ecc6  No.22367

https:// en.mehrnews.com/news/134114/Pres-Rouhani-leaves-Iran-for-Turkey-to-attend-OIC-extraordinary

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72ecc6  No.22368


I didn't think about iraq. Then of course Russia.

I do think it's a lot of posturing on all sides to keep the population on its toes.

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e13964  No.22369


I'm all envious of your Spring, again.

I've never had any luck with strawberries. I guess it's not the luck part of it, so much as I don't net them sufficiently and the birds get to them. Not to mention of the chooks get out. It's all over when that happens.

Lol, I might create a new thread tomorrow, if no one has any objection and drop some pics of the damage the girls have done to my cabbages.

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93996e  No.22370


thx! didn't knew that


posturing is when the mistakes are made and worse can happen

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003c47  No.22371


War seems to be the only constant in life. There's always one raging somewhere. What is it about killing other humans to make one's own life workable? I suppose it's the same mindset that creates governments in the first place. The people create them, then declare them to be more powerful than their creators. It happens every single time.

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72ecc6  No.22372


I'm envious you have chickens . I would like to see them. I have seen they can be affectionate in their own little way.

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93996e  No.22373


lol… if i ever have the money and a permanent place to stay, i'll take chickens…

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93996e  No.22374

seems those f'ing zionists are bombing syria again…

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e13964  No.22375

File: 1d3ffbd467a2cad⋯.jpg (468.85 KB, 1175x869, 1175:869, Chooks.jpg)


Link, anon?

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e13964  No.22376


Sry, I forgot I had the pic in the reply box, already.

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93996e  No.22377


https:// twitter.com/russia_watch

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b88daa  No.22378

File: ba6ca14349b3008⋯.png (436.89 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6240.PNG)

File: 02db9f672a399aa⋯.png (1019.59 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6249.PNG)

File: dc3eb3e2ef5ecde⋯.png (163.07 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6250.PNG)


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e13964  No.22379


Thanks. It seems that Putin telling Assad that all foreign forces will leave Syria means that they'll leave after they've finished bombing the crap out of it.

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e13964  No.22380


Sounds like a plan! All quite feasible and fitting, really. Would not surprise me in the slightest.

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3ccc55  No.22381

need a link to "the key to solomons key" pdf. i got the "key of solomon" one already.

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67a39d  No.22382

File: 6748a3990ce8307⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_3311.GIF)

File: 6d4b27ca6755615⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 480x270, 16:9, IMG_3317.GIF)

File: 287f791ceba5954⋯.jpg (18.08 KB, 236x236, 1:1, IMG_3326.JPG)


No coincidences

The owl is Minerva - Moloch

The poop worships the idol of baby sacrifice

Chris cucks will learn their religion is pretty fucked up in all reality

That's why I praise Kek and shadilay every day

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e13964  No.22383


Strangely, the link that I read it from last night is no longer working.

Here's another. Hope it works for you.

https:// ia801902.us.archive.org/5/items/LonMiloDuquette-TheKeyToSolomonsKeySecretsOfMagicAndMasonry-2006/DuquetteLonMilo-TheKeyToSolomonsKeySecretsOfMagicAndMasonry-2006.pdf

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3ccc55  No.22384


ty. the link i tried last night also was a dead link.

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93996e  No.22385

can ya imagine? bolton, haley & pompeo discussing strategy for NK-talks :o just on fox news :o

sooo… let me make a summary:

- no more nukes, rockets, weapons in NK

for that US gives as a gift:

- lots of US-troops in the country

- lots of firms (cia- & technology-spy's) to "boom" the economy…

right? :p

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e13964  No.22386


Just one of those freaky things, I guess.



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93996e  No.22387

hmm… figures.. friday.. a school shooting in texas… and what is fox news reporting? a UK wedding…

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93996e  No.22388


forgot the link : https:// www.rt.com/usa/427125-texas-school-shooting-santafe/

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67a39d  No.22389













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67a39d  No.22390


Sieg Heil here are the racial demographics of the city as per kikelpedia

The racial makeup of the city was 93.8% White, 0.4% African American, 0.5% Native American, 0.5% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 3.3% from other races, and 1.5% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 11.6% of the population.

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e13964  No.22391

An interesting theory. Much of this has crossed my mind.

http:// seawapa.org/js/central-banks.html


Must be real if the press weren't booked to be there before it happened, for best coverage.

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93996e  No.22392

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e13964  No.22393


Did you get to this bit when you were going through this one, yesterday? CTs have been watching them since 2001, at least, lol. Boy o' boy have they come a long way.



http:// citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

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93996e  No.22394

File: 7c1d459838bc007⋯.jpg (194.22 KB, 1265x673, 1265:673, Screenshot_198.jpg)

File: 1a259e47e236696⋯.jpg (189.14 KB, 1260x664, 315:166, Screenshot_199.jpg)

File: 24971588002be77⋯.jpg (241.63 KB, 1272x685, 1272:685, Screenshot_200.jpg)

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3jvzQtRGdc


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e13964  No.22395


That's a very LOUD message.

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93996e  No.22396


he is hitting israel hard… and calling people to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque

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72ecc6  No.22397


They look cuddly. Any of them being naughty.

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72ecc6  No.22398


What are Israel doing. There's a protection mission from the UN Going to gaza /israel.

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93996e  No.22399

8 killed in texas school… known at this point.. :(

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003c47  No.22400


They need attention off Israel. They tried a school shooting yesterday. It was foiled by people who were quick on their feet. So they had to try again today.

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72ecc6  No.22401



I do have downloads of these docs. But after yesterday I'm not attempting to add them unless absolutely necessary. 😔

I was looking for something about

lucent when I came across that. I have got to finish reading it.

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93996e  No.22402


yeah.. few minutes ago someone i know started posting that q predicted it…

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e13964  No.22403


That's an old pic. I only have 2 of them now, and they're both pretty naughty, all the time, lol. They can be cuddly when they feel inclined, but make no mistake, chickens are viscous, lol.


It'll work. I wonder if we'll find that one of the high ranking attending police officers had once gone to a Trump affair at the invitation of Roger Stone.


Yo don't need to upload them for our sake, anon. Anyone who wants to view them only needs to click on the links that have now already been provided.


Did they give a premise as to how Q predicted it?

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93996e  No.22404


What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?

Stay vigilant.


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93996e  No.22405


have to look up the drop… wait

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93996e  No.22406


https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/1444539.html#1444808

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e13964  No.22407


Thanks. I really don't want to go on about it, but that's kind of stating the obvious. I mean, I've been stalking CT boards for years and every time something big happens, a hundred anons will predict a FF.

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003c47  No.22408

Somebody already posted about the shooting at the Trump golf course in Miami right?

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93996e  No.22409


i know the feeling….


i thought i read that here, but could also have been on rt lol

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e13964  No.22410


Not that I saw, but I'm reading it now.


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e13964  No.22411

Argh, I can't help it. Does this have MK written all over it?

http:// www.sun-sentinel.com/local/miami-dade/fl-jonathan-oddi-trump-doral-20180518-story.html

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93996e  No.22412


luckely there were no trumps there

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e13964  No.22413

So… The Texas incident, a teacher pulled the fire alarm, even though this is something that they're instructed not to do in the case of a shooter?


Yeah, and lucky no one was deaded. At least the guy survived. All I can say is that it will be interesting to hear what his story is.

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93996e  No.22414


haven't heard that about the teacher pulling that alarm…. panic? or….

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e13964  No.22415


I would assume panic, but shit; that could've been the deciding factor between life and death for some.

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e13964  No.22416


At about 50 seconds in on the vid in this article, the kid says about the fire alarm.

https:// www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/texas-shooting-live-updates-santa-fe-high-school-fatalities-today-latest-dead-victims-a8358131.html

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93996e  No.22417





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93996e  No.22418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

don't know how long they stay live : oic meeting

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473ca9  No.22419

Looks like a lot of Cabal Chaos going on today….

1. Texas School Shooting- 8-10 dead

2. 2 Buses Collide at Entrance To Lincoln Tunnel- 32 injured

3. Gunman at Trump Doral Golfclub yelling Anti Trump Rhetoric

…And it is only lunch time!

The Cabal REALLY must not want that OIG report to come out today or there was something else that was going to drop today that they are trying to stop !!

https:// www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Two-Buses-Collide-at-Entrance-of-Lincoln-Tunnel-31-Reported-Injured-483039491.html

https:// abcnews.go.com/US/police-fire-active-shooting-suspect-trump-national-doral/story?id=55255773

http:// 6abc.com/sheriff-8-10-dead-in-santa-fe-texas-school-shooting/3491285/

https:// saraacarter.com/ig-report-on-clinton-investigation-extremely-long-and-thorough/

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e13964  No.22420


I commend what they're doing, or attempting to do, but I find it such a crying shame that it's been turned into this huge religious divide. This is an incredibly slippery slope.

And… I go type all that and now they start talking about the religious aspect, lol.

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e13964  No.22421


That dang report has been a long time coming. If it's so damning, I'm not sure that anything short of dropping a nuke could stop people from paying mind to it.

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93996e  No.22422


true.. i wanna see/hear what SA has to say…

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93996e  No.22423


let's hope it's not a dud.. what happened to the referral of mccabe?

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e13964  No.22424


Ya know that with all the hype, it's going to be a fizzer. JMO. If there hadn't been so much attention drawn to it, whatever comes out in it, might seem like a big deal, but because we're all expecting it to be explosive, it'll end up being disappointing, lmao. It's all in the psychology of it. ;)

As always, I hope I'm wrong.

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93996e  No.22425


same feeling yes

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e13964  No.22426

File: cea5d5ec1460903⋯.png (740.18 KB, 1400x840, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

I assume everyone has already seen this.

https:// www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/18/chilean-bishops-offer-their-resignation-over-sexual-abuse-cover-up

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93996e  No.22427


nope.. so thx

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93996e  No.22428

not much in it yet : https:// www.rt.com/news/427151-cuba-boeing-crash-airport

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93996e  No.22429



american flight it appears

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e13964  No.22430


fk, I just refreshed the RT page. That does not look good. What a shitty day.

Time to start praying, or sending positive vibes out to the world, and lots of them. :(

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93996e  No.22431


the world can need good & positive vibes.. what a day…. bus crash or something (2), plane crash, school shooting…. we have to be on the look out, what news will be burried

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e13964  No.22432


Great minds, anon. I was thinking the same thing.

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93996e  No.22433


scrap that… seems national flight



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003c47  No.22434

Looks like today is just over the top with problems in the world. Many disasters, many tragedies for people who did not directly sign up for military service, where that kind of result is always a possibility.

I suppose it's always a possibility for everybody just by virtue of living in the world.

Over here, our "groove" continues. Last Monday we finished the lawn across the street (roommate's parents' house). In the middle of using the riding lawn mower she said she didn't want to turn it off because it might not start up again. Curious because it was not acting up at all, at that time. So the lawn was finished; we went inside, then she got on the mower to ride it back home and voila, would not start - blown starter fuse. "Good luck?" Or laws of life playing out?

Today I ordered a new starter and solenoid for the thing. With credits we had on Amazon, the total was $31.18. The starter alone was $80 when it was taken into the repair shop. 4 bolts and 2 plugs and it's all replaced.

Then today I kept trying to work on my sci fi book after having a massively cool idea for a better plot than I had. And I just couldn't get going! For some reason I was fully motivated and ready to go and I was just facing this wall of resistance. So just to get out of the house I went to McDonald's, and passed a surprise estate sale on the way there. Immediately called my roommate - she is the crafter from Hell and sometimes they have lots of crafting stuff at those sales. They sure did this time! She came over, and probably got a couple hundred dollars' worth of stuff at least for a grand total of $33.18.

Everything just keeps on flowing. When problems do hit, they are resolved quickly and easily. We are on a roll. And I'm sticking with my core approach: take what you love the most and put it out there into the world for others to interact with, read, look at, etc. Ever since that started, we have been on a streak of positivity running through our lives.

I do wish this on everybody so I slide the board from time to time with updates in hopes of encouraging others. There is plenty of nasty stuff happening in the world. A little bit of happy news isn't going to hurt. :)

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e13964  No.22435


I'm happy for you, anon. Personally I'm currently in a stage of low serotonin production, so most of my mental energy is going into just keeping my head above water, without worrying about the flow. Peaks and valleys, peaks and valleys. Up and down, round and round….

Who knows, tomorrow I might be in love with the world again. :D

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e13964  No.22436

FFs or not. I don't see how the shootings situation is going to end in anything less than taking away gun rights, little by little, bit by bit; chipping away.

What say you, anons? Realistically, what do you see eventuating in this regard?

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7d1221  No.22437


Is it true that the prostate can give multiple orgasms? I figure you're the one to ask.

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003c47  No.22438


It's up to the people to stop it. They will try, but that's all they can do.

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003c47  No.22439


The prostate might facilitate the process but ultimately it's purely an energy thing going through the chakras. And from there, you get into all the Tantric stuff and the Ankh and the Egyptians messing with it all and a ton of other stuff I just don't have the motivation to get into.

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e13964  No.22440

File: ba7be568934bf02⋯.jpg (7 KB, 222x204, 37:34, HeadacheInducing.jpg)

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e13964  No.22441

I'm so tired that I'm not even freaked out by the freaky out thingy that happened.

/Yawn. Need some sleep.

<3 Love to all :)

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003c47  No.22442

Since you came into my life

It's the same old situation

Empty days and lonely nights

Filled with bitterness and frustration

Walking lonely in the cold

Trying to find the answer

Spend my money on crystal balls

And the charms of a gypsy dancer

Trying to break the spell you hold on me……

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003c47  No.22443


… the plight of those caught in the spell of Q Anon…

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003c47  No.22444


(It's actually the beginning of 'Miss Misery' by Nazareth, 1974…)

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93996e  No.22445

morning anons… seems like deep state & msm yesterday had a field day…. seems there were no great "revelations" against them…

normally trump would go to camp david this weekend, changed his plans apparently and stays in WH? anyone heard something about that?

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e13964  No.22446

This board has that Saturday kind of feeling.

Good evening, anons.

Hello there lurker anons. Are we in good company?


Good morning, anon.

I've not had a look-see at much yet, so don't know what's up with that.

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e13964  No.22447


amazing timing, btw. spoopy.

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72ecc6  No.22448


Good morning anon. Keep sharing the happy news. It's good to hear your positive thinking. Although I subscribe to the power of thought I have been struggling to put it into action.

I moved a couple of years ago and left a garden that had taken a long time to establish . My new garden has needed a lot of clearing before I could economic begin planting and I have been extremely despondent about it.

When I created my strawberry patch yesterday something you previously mentioned came to me. That is to work on bite size piece's and start the process, rather than thinking it's an impossible undertaking.

Thank you for your insight.

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93996e  No.22449

can't find anything immediately… not in the mood to dig deeper… just one of those days…

what i did just read was this :

https:// twitter.com/WaelAlRussi/status/997603355638882306

https:// twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/997581580087513088

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93996e  No.22450

re-started today's digging on ed.. just came onto this..


letter to manafort, that WSJ is gonna publish an article and he is in it…. signed by : Glen R. Simpson…

don't see immediately reactions on that name below the post… so could be we missed it…

Letter is from 2007

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_R._Simpson

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e13964  No.22451


Good morning anon.

BO hits the nail on the head at times, huh.


When is war going to officially declared so they can raise your taxes again?

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72ecc6  No.22452


I think you are under -estimating yourself anon. If this is you on low serotonin with low mental energy, you must be on fire when running on all 4 cylinders. Does the lack of sunshine impact as well?


what freaky thing freaked you out, are you ok?

Oh good morning everyone. Well according to uk news the only thing happening in the world is the royal wedding. Perhaps Trump has decided to have a tea party and watch it.

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72ecc6  No.22453


Thanks for the links.

Maybe Trump is staying at WH because UN are now investigating Israels war crimes. I don't believe that was expected

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93996e  No.22454


lol… even fox news is going nutz last days about that royal bs

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e13964  No.22455


You're too kind, anon. I'm not sure that I remember what it's like to run on all 4. Getting sun can help, but I'm afraid it's just the way I came out of the factory. I think the moon has a lot more to do with it than anything else, TBH.

Funny, when reading the Solomon Key books, I can understand why it's so important to do things on certain days and times according to the planets and such. Our chemistry does change, I believe, in time/rythm with them.


Lol, I'm fine. I'm far too exhausted to give it too much thought. I came across something that led me to something else and so on, and when I went back to the original something the entire contents of the page had changed and gave me extra somethings to further complicate things, but at least those further somethings made more sense, though still very confusing.

Sorry, I really am quite exhausted. Am only fighting to stay awake because I have to tend to stuff tomorrow and if I sleep too soon, I'll wake at 1-2 in the am.

Yes, I ramble quite a lot when I'm over tired, sorry again. :s

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93996e  No.22456


could be indeed, but they won't have this done in a weekend.. but maybe israel has plans this weekend and trump needs to be home to be able to react when someone reacts on the war-crimes of those f'ing zionists… trump has to protect them… zionist can do anything they want, but NO ONE has the right to react.. or else US will come to the protection of those f'ckers

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e13964  No.22457

A huge amount of info to digest in this one. HUGE. If you've already read it, oh well.

It's incredibly comprehensive and well researched. It's the Deep State Timeline.

People you trusted are now hijacking the internet

The Greatest Financial Crime in the History of the World

< https:// www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html

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93996e  No.22458


nice one… lots of info .. i only read 2017 - 2018…

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72ecc6  No.22459


Yes but I think that plan might be back firing.

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93996e  No.22460


nah… at this point i doubt we will be freed of the deep state

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72ecc6  No.22461


Yes I agree. Biodynamic agriculture is very successful.

Don't apologise for rambling.

I'm going to be in and out here today. I've got little ones coming over later to stay the night.

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93996e  No.22462



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e13964  No.22463

I came across this. Trying to see if I can find some more tidbits on it, at least. I thin we need a sponsor, anons; to shell out the quids for all this stuff, lol.

I know the Eds dropped the images of Snowden in front of a green screen, but am too tired to be bothered to look for it to link it. Sry.

> Abstract

The Edward Snowden whistleblowing event is a calculated spectacle of pseudo‐dissidence that has more in common with Hollywood‐produced propaganda than with genuine whistleblowing. This article presents evidence that Snowden has lied on a number of occasions, calling his credibility into question. Nothing that Snowden has revealed was truly a secret, since several previous whistleblowers had reported, since 2002, about illegal mass surveillance of American citizens by the National Security Agency. Snowden's most striking difference from other NSA whistleblowers is the warm embrace from mainstream media, which has made him a celebrity. The 1998 theatrical film Enemy of the State contained the same sorts of revelations offered by Snowden, and imparts a number of messages to its audience about the security state that are strikingly similar to recurring messages in the Snowden Affair. Since that movie was made with assistance from the CIA these similarities are important to considering how authentic and socially useful his whistleblowing is. It seems evident from Snowden's support for the renewal of the Patriot Act (now the Freedom Act), that he objectively serves the interests of the surveillance state, rather than the public it spies upon.

< https:// onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ajes.12179


Sounds like fun, anon. Will the moggies be hiding under the bed, or perhaps behind the couch for the night? Heheh. Indeed, enjoy :D

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003c47  No.22464

Good morning anons. My roommate is up at 6:00 a.m. EST on a day when she doesn't have to work, just to watch this Royal wedding insanity. I guess when you're a guy you have an immunity to fluff and fairy tale. :)

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190cef  No.22465



if you like geopolitic and the future of Syria and Iraq you shall see the future asking what is Ansar al shabaab and Ansar al sharia. What is their role? Why Mossad opened a centre in Sudan? https:// southfront.org/contest-for-the-horn-of-africa/ and also all that ISIS members that were moved from raqqah, al taqba exc. where did they moved to? → Kirkuk! Why exist many Isis members in Iraq kurdish region? and this summer Baghdad will be a colander for many attacks! Who are the new recruits? Muslims Brotherhood their role? prisons in Turkey, Egypt, Libya and Morocco! → Isis reborn!

Difference between Mujaheddin, Mujaheddon.

http:// Kataibdrive.com/index.php/s/MiqLxXofB9Zl7KX

isis will be defeat in Syria, but not in Iraq, enter 5 years will reconquer Iraq


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e13964  No.22466


Nuff said about that silly bloody wedding. I've managed to avoid it everywhere but here, lmao.

Good morning to you, anon. :)


Hiya Qita.

You ask some good questions, there.

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003c47  No.22467


They'll be at each other's throats before the honeymoon is over.

"What is f*ing this 'lorry' st? It's a f*ing TRUCK! And f*ing bangers? Really? How did I ever get INTO this???"

"Oh piss ooooofffffff!!!!!!!"

Yep. It's coming.

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190cef  No.22468

Q posted some days ago a post about a owl and about Rotschild as protectors of vatican treasure: here youtube link https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zeZc0_kIkY

here book: https:// www.amazon.co.uk/Secret-History-Jesuits-Edmond-Paris/dp/0937958107

vatican information service Book : https:// www.amazon.co.uk/Ratlines-Vaticans-Networks-Betrayed-Intelligence/dp/0749310022/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1526731099&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=ratlines+aarone

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93996e  No.22469


nice! thx

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190cef  No.22470


https:// www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/0434829447/ref=tmm_hrd_new_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=new&qid=1526731099&sr=1-1-spell 685£ O.O ahhaahah the most expensive book that i've ever seen!

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190cef  No.22471


Following the popularization of Cristoforo Barbato, begun in 2005, on the Vatican's involvement in the UFO-Aliens issue, thanks to the disconcerting information revealed to him in 2000-2001 by a Jesuit working within the SIV, Vatican Information Service, some ufologists and they did not express hasty and summary strictly personal judgments on the whole affair, denoting a clear polemical vein as an end in itself.

One thing that especially among insiders today emerges more than ever in the national ufological landscape is that frankly denotes a lack of basic knowledge on the subject and a basic sterility in the context of serious investigative research.

However, it should be noted that not everyone was able to fully understand certain information not being rightly involved in a certain type of discourse and not really understanding the subtle mechanisms related to the world of intelligence, especially in terms of UFO / Aliens.

In fact he can testify that apart from some ufologist including Roberto Pinotti who was already aware of the SIV numerous were also the insiders who have expressed reservations along with the considerable interest in the whole affair. Moreover, "singular coincidence", on the occasion of some events in which I participated, I was in a confidential way physically approached (or later by e-mail) by characters (with proven credentials) linked to Masonic-type environments and former members of the Intelligence Italian military who openly confirmed the existence of the SIV.

"Someone", as was to be expected, he tried by contacting him via email also to approach subtly and diligently as an insider of the Italian secret services, obviously for fun or perhaps at the suggestion of third parties, maybe who knows in turn also ufologist.

All of this has obviously been duly debunked as not being a novice in the ufological field "someone" believed to have found the naive naive of turn that goes after anything. However, beyond the personal opinions that anyone can freely make, the truthfulness of certain realities or facts should be based on a serious job of investigative research is not on mere opinions.

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190cef  No.22472


The birth of the secret service of the Holy See

After extensive research, both bibliographic and non-bibliographic, he found an important confirmation in a text of modern history that at most will say little.

The text in question dates back to the early 90s precisely in 1991 abroad and in 1993 in the version published in Italy by Newton Compton Editori. The volume in question, today a rarity as it is practically unobtainable, is called: RATLINES - The archives of the American secret services reveal the existence of a clandestine network in the Vatican to allow the escape of Nazi war criminals, destined to become agents secrets of western countries.

The authors are Mark Aarons & John Loftus, the first a journalist, the second was a prosecutor at the US Department of Justice and has access to confidential documents; from classified files of the CIA to the "top secret" information on nuclear up to the secret NATO files with COSMIC access.

Well in this volume in the first chapter at some point we talk about the activities carried out during and in the following years the Second World War by the then Monsignor Giovanni Battista Montini and we read that:

"Like Pius XII, Montini came from a well-to-do Catholic family on good terms with powerful figures in the Vatican, who had also led a brilliant career in the Secretariat of State and established close relations with Italian Catholic political leaders.

The US secret services described Montini as one of the "most authoritative people within the Vatican", who "for many years was an important personality within the Vatican Secretary of State" … ..Montini and the other Secretary of State , Monsignor Tardini, were certainly among the "most influential personalities of the Vatican".

Both were constantly and daily in personal contact with Pius XII, but above all Montini enjoyed a particular confidential relationship and presented "a certain affinity in temperament" with the pontiff. Their intimate personal relationship extended to matters of high politics. In practice, Montini was Pius XII's personal assistant; the latter entrusted him with "particularly delicate and difficult tasks to accomplish".

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190cef  No.22473


During the war, the Pope asked Montini to organize the Vatican Information Service, whose apparent task was to track down missing persons, refugees and prisoners of war. But the US secret services suspected that its role went well beyond humanitarian purposes …… Moreover, being one of the best diplomats of the Holy See, Montini controlled foreign policy "with reference to Italian politics" … .. all these delicate tasks led Montini at the center of the Pope's underground activities "

(Montini is head of the Second Division of the Vatican Secretariat in 1945, on which the Refugee Office depends, and this is the office that, together with the American secret services, completes the "convents operation" at that time. that will evacuate Nazi war criminals over the Atlantic disguised as priests and with a false passport.

Also with regard to the Vatican Information Service to its genesis whose supervision was granted to Montini by Pius XII, we learn that the American army had kept an eye on the suspicious activities of this agency for humanitarian purposes since March 1944, noting that it had been,

"organized to deal with radio welfare messages aimed at prisoners of war in North Africa or coming from them".

In this regard, it is stated later that:

"In the fight against the communism against the Communism, the Pope opted for espionage and all that it entailed." Before the end of the Second World War, the group of diplomats around the Pope had recruited the agents necessary for the subsequent battle against communism that was to be the definitive one.

(The Vatican had already registered attempts to infiltrate Soviet spies at the end of the war, a threat that would have escalated during the Cold War is that it was seriously opposed in turn by US intelligence. from the interview to the Jesuit v. article Secretum Omega, ed.).

It is possible to trace the genesis of these activities to the request that the Pope made to Montini to organize the Vatican Information Service.

The American army had kept an eye on (through the OSS and the CIC ed) the suspicious activities of this agency for humanitarian purposes since March 1944, noting that it had been,

"organized to deal with radio welfare messages aimed at prisoners of war in North Africa or coming from them".

The Americans believed that an unidentified type of illegal activity was in place and gave orders that, for security reasons, the Vatican Information Service would not expand. However, according to subsequent reports, the Vatican Information Service expanded, after the war, to become a spy force.

For some time, the American secret services were actively interested in the Vatican's reactions to the "red threat". As a matter of fact, some "high officers of the allied secret services" were, from before the collapse of Nazism, in "close relations with high Vatican dignitaries".

In October 1945, the Americans noticed,

"the preponderant influence at the curia exercised by the Jesuit fathers, who always present concrete and reasoned projects" … ..

Towards the end of 1947, the US secret services received incredible reports of the Vatican's involvement in anti-communist clandestine operations. Jack Neal, head of the Division of Foreign Activity Correlation of the State Department, a very secretive spy group linked to the US Foreign Service, sent a communication to the FBI director J.Edgard Hoover, the head of the Navy's secret service and US diplomats at the Holy See:

"… a source, considered very reliable, reported that the Vatican Information Service, which has its headquarters in the Vatican City, would constitute the Holy See's spy service …".

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190cef  No.22474


The Montini-Angleton Axis

Further revelations on the key figure of Montini emerge during the development of the following chapters and in particular when the activity carried out by the American secret services towards the Vatican is dealt with.

In fact, it is learned that Montini was engaged, among other things, as a source of secret information for the American counter-espionage leader James Jesus Angleton.

James Jesus Angleton

A link between the two that would then facilitate Angleton's career within the CIA when Montini became Pope Paul VI.

Pope Paul VI

Angleton (son of a colonel of OSS James Hugh Angleton, thanks to whom he also joined the OSS Strategic Services Office in August 1943. James Hugh Angleton, in addition to directing the Italian branch of the National Cash Register, led also the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, and had extensive contacts with the secret services of Mussolini.

Also from some documents it emerges that he was also a business partner of Allen Dulles, future director of the CIA) spent the first years of the war in London but following the surrender of the Germans in Italy, prepared by Dulles and the Vatican, was assigned to Rome with the appointment as a lieutenant of the OSS charged with managing counterintelligence activities.

After about a year he was appointed to manage the Special Counterintelligence Unit of the OSS SCI-Z better known as Unit Z formed by British and American agents, he was also a member of Section X-2 and was the only one to have the authorization access to the very secret English information of the ULTRA decryption system.

The X-2, officially known as the SSU Strategic Services Unit, has been defined by some historians and former OSS agents such as Peter Tompkins:

"the most independent, the most dangerous branch, the one that dealt with counterintelligence".

Following the dissolution of the OSS in 1945 at the behest of President Truman and his redesigning as SSU (Strategic Services Unit) Angleton remained in Rome in a short time becoming the highest ranking US intelligence officer in Italy.

Angleton commanded all secret activities, espionage and counterintelligence, in Italy for the SSU, which had just recently succeeded the OSS, which in reality would have become immediately after the CIG Central Intelligence Group, the precursor of the CIA which was established in 1947.

In virtue of the experience gained during the war in counterintelligence activities returned home in the summer of '47 contributed to the birth of Mossad, the Israeli secret service, and in December of the same year he was hired by the CIA as assistant to the Director of the OSO Special Operations Office.

In 1949 Angleton advanced in the OSO and became special assistant to the head of the CIA Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter (director from 1947 to 1950 and known among other things for being a member of the notorious secret group Majestic-12); that same year the top military intelligence decided to classify the phenomenon of the then "flying saucers" with the level of "maximum secrecy".

In February 1953 Dulles became the new Director of the CIA, Angleton (a friend of Dulles since the war) obtained a series of "advantages"; it was thus that towards the end of 1954 he promoted James to the position of Deputy Director and Head of Counterintelligence.

Angleton had direct access to information from Dulles and all foreign UFO-related information from the IAC Intelligence Advisory Board set up to deal with the implications of UFOs for national security. He held this position until 1974 when involved in the Watergate scandal he was forced to resign from the then director William Colby.

An effective confirmation of the clandestine work carried out during and after the last world war by the American intelligence in Italy and in particular by James Jesus Angleton comes from a series of secret documents declassified in the USA in the 90s.

In January 1994 in an area near Washington D.C. a National Archives office was inaugurated inside which were kept films covered up to then by the state secret, military documents of the two world wars, numerous microfilms that testify the intelligence work done after the conflicts and the greatest documentation on the Watergate scandal and the assassination of John Kennedy.

In this regard, in February 2003 some Italian newspapers published some articles on their own documents found and related to Italian secrets related to the conflict and occult activity exerted in the post-war era by US intelligence in Italy that they had to discuss.

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190cef  No.22475


A couple of these articles were published by the newspaper "La Repubblica" on February 9th and are:

• "Research in US archives: La Decima MAS" by Antonio Monda

• "When the US enlisted the Tenth Mas" a piece of inquiry concerning the papers of the secret services on 1945 signed by the journalists Attilio Bolzoni and Tano Gullo

The latter reports that:

"From the US intelligence archives comes another piece of Italian history after the war, the events of a country that in those years - reveal the acts declassified by the CIA - is the largest laboratory of illegal political manipulation.

Obsessed with the Bolshevik danger, disturbed by the apparatus and the power of the PCI, worried by the tactics of De Gasperi, reassured by the distrust of the Holy See towards Christian Democracy still allied with Togliatti (among the high Vatican balls, someone already caressed the idea of born a second and more conservative Catholic party), the US secret services had built in the Peninsula a spy network to condition the steps of the nascent Republic.

An army of men ready for everything that, already in the spring of 1945, in fact is that Gladio that "officially" will be born a few years later. The documents that tell what happened were all kept in the crystal and cement building of the National Archives of the United States of America, in the woods of College Park in Maryland, about thirty miles from Washington.

They were top secret cards up to some time ago, papers coming from the files of the OS (Office of Strategic Services), the ancestor of the Central Intelligence Agency. At the center of that "network" is the young James Jesus Angleton, head of American counter-espionage in Rome from '44 to '47, codename "Artefice" … ..

The connections between US and Vatican services have always existed and are intensifying during the war, when Allen Dulles (one of the leaders of the US in Europe), in Switzerland in 1942, was in contact with the Belgian Dominican friar Felix Morlion. But it is after the Liberation that the game becomes decisive. In an essay file without date but inserted between files,

"relations with the Vatican" - "The secret war in Italy" - the 007 of Washington write that "… since its spiritual objectives (of the Catholic Church ed) are worldwide, the Vatican is the most fully informed center of the world" .

Still on the subject of Angleton and the Vatican in the other article by A. Monda, we read that:

"James Angleton, responsible for counterintelligence in our country until 1955, followed with concern the political choices of the center that looked to the left of De Gasperi, and assured himself with letters to his signature that the immunity to the Decima Mas and the prince was guaranteed. Junio ​​Valerio Borghese.

A report of February 1946 controls the diplomatic work carried out by two prelates who will become pontiffs who respond to the name of Angelo Roncalli and Giovanni Battista Montini

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93996e  No.22476

gonna read and study later today.. time for breakfast :D

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190cef  No.22477


The CIA Vatican report

Further confirmation on the effective collaboration of US intelligence with the Holy See's secret services emerges from the text published in Italy in 1996 by Marco Tropea Editore entitled "The messianic legacy - From the early Christians to the Priory of Sion in our days the relationship between faith and power "is written by M. Baigent, R. Leigh and H.Lincoln.

In chapter 24 of the paragraph entitled "CIA Moves" it is reported that:

"The OSS, or Office of Strategic Services, was created on the model of the MI6 and the British Special Operations Executive (SOE), and with their help, and the first director was General William (Wild Billy) Donovan …. At the head of the OSS, William Donovan immediately sensed the potential significance of the Vatican for counterintelligence operations.

William (Wild Billy) Donovan

Thousands of Catholic priests were present in Europe, in every country, every city, practically every village. Thousands of Catholic priests also served as chaplains for the armed forces of every nation at war.

This network was already engaged in counterintelligence; he transmitted large amounts of information to the secret service of the Vatican itself. One of the four directors of the Vatican secret service sector was Monsignor Giovanni Montini, who later became Pope Paul VI.

So Donovan intertwined close ties with the Vatican … In the post-war period, the United States hastened to exploit the apparatus created by Donovan, especially in Italy. In 1948, in the imminent Italian elections, the newly formed CIA embarked on a complex underground operation to preclude any prospect of communist victory.

Under the leadership of James Angleton, former director of the OSS in Rome, and later CIA counterintelligence director, millions of dollars were secretly sent to the Christian Democrats, while additional funds were channeled into newspapers and other propaganda tools …

As already mentioned (the authors reiterate a point addressed a couple of pages before), Joseph Retinger's trip to the United States on behalf of the European Movement led, on March 29, 1949, to the creation of the American Committee on a United Europe, or ACUE . It was president William Donovan. The vice president was former director of the OSS in Switzerland Allen Dulles. Secretary was George S. Franklin, who was also director of the Council for Foreign Relations and later became a coordinator of the Trilateral Commission.

The ACUE executive director was an active member of the CIA, Thomas Braden, then head of the CIA's International Organization Departement. Under the leadership of these men, the ACUE decided to support the Joseph Retinger European Movement … .. partially funded by the CIA, Joseph Retinger and other members of the European Movement made an alliance with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, with the Italian Prime Minister and with Sir Gubbins, former director of the British SOE.

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190cef  No.22478


Together with the then director of the CIA, General Walter Bedell Smith, this group created an "expert commission" that met for the first time in May 1954 at the de Bilderberg hotel in the Dutch city of Oosterbeek. Thus began the Bilderberg Conferences. "

(The infamous Bilderberg Group is a sort of secret organism of the Omban Government's facade consisting of gray eminences of European and North American elites, its members, bankers, politicians, academics, publishers, journalists and international officials of the United States and the countries Western Europe meet every year to discuss the planetary political, economic and social structure.

Also in 1954 and just a month before the Bilderberg was born in the US, a secret meeting took place with alien beings at the base of Muroc Airfield (now Edwards Air Base) in California, where US President Eisenhower was present.

Taking up what is written in the volume of Baigent and Co., it also emerges that:

"Even the European Movement of Joseph Retinger, sponsored by the CIA, was active in Italy and further strengthened the links between the American secret services and the Vatican.

Retinger assured the support of Dr. Luigi Gedda, his old friend, who was Pius XII's personal physician and president of Catholic Action, Retinger succeeded in obtaining the support of the future Pope Paul VI, and the Catholic action became another important recipient of CIA funds.

Relations between the CIA and the Vatican became closer in 1963, when Pope John XXIII died and was succeeded by Paul VI, or Giovanni Montini, archbishop of Milan.

As we said, Montini was already in contact with the CIA and had received funds. Even during the war he had worked with the American secret services, passing information from the Vatican to the OSS and vice versa … Relations between the Vatican and the CIA continued over the years.

According to Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts (The first Irish journalist, with known connections with the Western secret services, known for his investigative investigations in the world of intelligence and terrorism while the other is a British television producer ed.), in November 1988 there would have been a private meeting between Pope John Paul II and the director of the CIA in Rome.

This meeting led to the agreement according to which the Pope would receive weekly information from the CIA (see "The Year of Armageddon" Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts).

In confirmation of what was written in the volume of Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, Corriere della Sera of 26 August 2003 publishes the article "Montini, an American choice for Italy XX" by journalist Ennio Caretto on a research conducted by the Italian newspaper in the archives of Washington.

"Donovan - writes Caretto - already has one of his men at the Vatican, the Dominican friar Felix Morlion, founder of the" Pro Deo ", moved by him in 1941 from Lisbon, a den of British spies destined to become illustrious, by the diplomat Kim Philby , a Soviet "mole", to the novelists Graham Greene and Ian Fleming (the father of James Bond).

But the head of the SS wants to get the collaboration of the young monsignor Giovanni Battista Montini, then secretary of state in pectore, the future Pope Paul VI. The American ambassador to the Vatican Myron Taylor, the former president of United Steel, and the deputy Harold Tittman have told him that Montini is not only the right-hand man and confidant of Pius XII, but he is also close to Italian political leaders like Alcide De Gasperi and his dolphin Giulio Andreotti ……

It is Monsignor Montini who offers the OSS a "service of confidential information" of the Church between the two Italies, the one freed in the South and the one still occupied by the Germans in the North .. ".

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190cef  No.22479

Final considerations

In light of what has been outlined above it is clear that the SIV would have been pre-existent even before the 50s even as early as the end of the Second World War.

Now all this could put in a negative light as revealed by the Jesuit within the creation of the SIV following the meeting of Muroc occurred in February 1954 (see article Secretum Omega) for which it could be concluded that, even if not in bad faith, did not say the whole truth, at least from a temporal point of view.

At this point it is likely that on the same false line of the OSS that later gave life to the CIA, the Vatican reshaped the SIV again, in order to interact interactively, structuring it in a compartmentalized manner in the same way as the intelligence structures developed after the war. CIA, Mossad, KGB etc. At this point, acquiring a new "garment" would in a certain way be sensible and not necessarily contradictory or false as asserted by the Jesuit.

Moreover I have always estimated that some of the information received may not be accurate or 100% accurate because, in the case of detectors, a feature that is always found is that they never provide a complete picture for how detailed it may be.

Moreover (and this would be linked to what has just been said) it would be appropriate to highlight how much intelligence in the United States occurred in 1954 following the meetings of Muroc and that saw the protagonist the notorious Majestic-12.

The latter, also known as MJ-12, was conceived in September 1947 by President Truman in an "ultra top secret" research and development operation by the US Intelligence.

In December 1954 the MJ-12, following the Secret Executive Order (Order Number 54-12) of President Eisenhower, was elevated to Committee within the National Security Council - NSC (National Security Council) taking the name of "Group 54/12".

So now you can also don't buy the book! ;)

With all my deference for you Anons, I wish your best!


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e13964  No.22480


I'm sure they've already gotten through all that, lol.


If you have a link to this stuff, I'd appreciate it. It mens I can leave the tab open in my browser and read it in bits and pieces to digest and do further digging if I feel I need, without having to keep going up and down the board. :/

Thanks, though. I've read most of it so far.


Mmm, food. Enjoy.


And that's me out for the night. I've managed a second, third, fourth and fifth wind. I daren't push my luck.

Good night anons. Have a magnificent day.

If you're still around, PomAnon, I do hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of the little ones' company tonight. :)

<3 Love to all :)

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190cef  No.22481


http:// web.archive.org/web/*/vatican%20information%20service

http:// visnews-en.blogspot.it/

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190cef  No.22482


https:// sites.google.com/site/thetruthere/secretum-omega-autentica-la-foto-spedita-dal-gesuita

check also this

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93996e  No.22483

what a boring day damn.. everywhere i look, read, dig, royal wedding here, royal wedding there, royal wedding everywhere… I DON'T CARE


Thx for all the info… interesting .. i'm not going to buy the book though ;-)

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29dcae  No.22484


There appears to be a second edition of the book: "Unholy Trinity" (instead of "ratlines", same authors) – not sure if the same content, but available on the web.

Also, searching for the book I came across this one, which is partially related probably:


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190cef  No.22485


If someone read the book of Stevenson "first world war" he wrote that 11 november of 1918 after the first world war, under the arch of triumph was made a strange ritual (masonic) where an unknow body was buried under the arch with a secret…

( No, i'm not joking). 11 is the number of the Red Rose, Rosicrucian, templar, the treasure of templer knights… have you seen the film of national treasure that i written time ago?

Chirac commissioned louvre, and under the pyramid there is another secret…

Where are 6000 billions dollars of Rothschild?

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93996e  No.22486

in this boring day… with all happening in Hawai (volcano)… maybe i have to go on the lookout for a tweet from Congressman Hank Johnson… isn't he worried about the island tipping over with all that molten rock, all that extra lava on one side of the island? lol

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67a39d  No.22487


Yep. Sounds like one retarded nigger

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29dcae  No.22488


Came across this over in QR for a slow start of the day: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIdmfcDM5jM

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190cef  No.22489


their secret service according G.Magaldi are me-tzu (chinese secret service) but i think that they use many members, not only a single one.

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fd8bb6  No.22490

Hello anons,

I've been a part of this since what seems like 2011. However, after being targeted I have run with anonymity and secrecy that keeps everyone who is connected safe. I explain more at my page and on YouTube.

I'm really not a technical guy. I'm learning how to use 8chan today, lol. My part of, what we considered, a peaceful revolution was very much Reality TV, "Catfish"-style work.

I ran for office to catch bad actors in the act. Recent Qanon posts made me feel like it's appropriate to come out and start providing cover as other anons have provided cover for me.

Basically, how do I get the crew back together ->Get this news out.

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67a39d  No.22491


Nice larp namefaggot

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003c47  No.22492


At least get a FEW details before you jump to "LARP." That approach is why Ed is here.

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003c47  No.22493


… and also because we're just an awesome board. :)

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003c47  No.22494

LMAO I'm listening to my roommate … has her dad on speaker on the phone … he's just rambling on and on and on about something … every 10 to 15 seconds she says "yeah." 10 to 15 more … "yeah." A hundred times. "Yeah." She is saying nothing else. :)

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67a39d  No.22495

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003c47  No.22496


LOL okay I'd better just stop posting for awhile.'



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93996e  No.22497

https:// www.rt.com/usa/427213-explosion-fire-plant-texas/

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93996e  No.22498

File: 88e97420963699c⋯.jpg (105.79 KB, 1024x618, 512:309, 15528967[1].jpg)

so weird lol

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190cef  No.22499

Just a question: if Rotschild is the trasurer of vatican. and he is considered as a jesuit member, why at first was considered as Luciferian? It does not fit! he is founder of illuminati and other stupid masonries societies like Ur lodges exc.

We know that The Church get their own private army called Templar knights, and when they went to Jerusalem they spoke with some Jews members to know some secrets, those secrets were that some jews worshiped a god, half goat and half woman with goat head. (Peter Pan is a faun, so Lucifer)

They called it baphomet! Baphomet can give them much power, like control of climate and telluric forces, but to do this they should sacrifice children.

(also my mind start to explode!)

We know also that into Crusader ranks existed spies, vatican members and others. (see knighfall series TV to semplificate your life). because of vatican and king Philipe the beauty knight templar were killed, the first to get secrets like graal, the second for economic reasons! But then that treasure return to vatican.

But in which mode jews like Rotschild get vatican treasure? This is my question that don't match.

And also who were that jews? the Kinds, or talmudics?

the only answer that I find in myself is this: know your enemy! if you can't defeat them, enter into their world and ruin them from inside. So satanists were also some false members of templars.

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93996e  No.22500


good question… but i don't have the answer :( sorry

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93996e  No.22501

https:// www.jtfmaga.com

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003c47  No.22502

File: 569ccc8cfada9da⋯.jpg (96.49 KB, 500x500, 1:1, hc.jpg)


There are similarities.

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190cef  No.22503


can I enter into intelligence? I'm very good. I prefer this instead cicada! :) <3

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29dcae  No.22504

Change of TripCode:


→ >>>/patriotsfight/89

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3708cc  No.22505

File: ac3b745de4ee609⋯.png (429.84 KB, 700x1227, 700:1227, q_posts_190518.png)

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3708cc  No.22506

File: d34ad86a2b3403e⋯.png (51.57 KB, 431x315, 431:315, 90.PNG)

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003c47  No.22508


This was the best laugh I've had all week.

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4da4bf  No.22509

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29dcae  No.22510


Good thing he had invalidated his trip by 17:06:20 (EST) already. Looks like the algorithm @ qanon.pub fell victim to the joke.

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cc25d0  No.22512


Another nightly update of the Q collection in useful tools: >>22511

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93996e  No.22513

morning anons :D

someone that loves to read : https:// www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/5F/5FC9177D115DFAE199E5204183A6F3E2_Rogue_state__By_sout_al_khilafah.pdf

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003c47  No.22514


I don't know how to read yet. I just look at the pictures.

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93996e  No.22515


lol… i've done a quick overlook, have it saved, will read it later :p

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003c47  No.22516


At 249 pages, it's not a light read. If it's any consolation, the margins are six miles wide so there really isn't THAT much text.

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003c47  No.22517

File: 5645d452a4d4d2d⋯.png (125.69 KB, 1553x865, 1553:865, draw_9904.png)

Plugging away, only 28.72491 years left! :)

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93996e  No.22518


no idea what that is lol..

watching roses have thorns part 12… forgot all the rest while watching.. back to digging now :D

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93996e  No.22519


btw.. what happened there? again his pasword broken? it's becomming a joke…

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6e014f  No.22520

Good evening, anons, and a happy Sunday to you, even though mine is almost over.

It's sure been quiet in here, but not unusual.


Reading Dick and Jane is about my speed tonight. It was a long day. I'll have a look-see when I'm more comfy and coherent. :)


Nice vacuum cleaner, lol. Is it cordless? :p


It appears I have quire a lot of catching up to do.

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93996e  No.22521


evening ;-)

it's not that bad, that catching up ;-)

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6e014f  No.22522


The more time that goes on, the less I'm able to follow what Q is getting at with their drops. It's more of the constant waiting game.

So, I guess we're now waiting for the 23rd to come and go. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll even participate in wishful thinking! Bring on the pain… Bring on that damn PAIN dammit!

I have no idea what's going on in the world today. I was too busy setting up another rig, and have been offline all day. I even watched a movie, lol. How could I not have been drawn to a movie called ANON?

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93996e  No.22523


23rd? have i misread something or missed something?

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3708cc  No.22524


Theory is 2 fold someone is an idiot OR it was left open on purpose Im on the fence right now

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003c47  No.22525


>Nice vacuum cleaner, lol. Is it cordless? :p

Yes! It only operates in space, it carries a crew of 6,000 people, and it cleans up the galaxy. :)

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3708cc  No.22526


maybe -23 there is one post that states-30

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003c47  No.22527


As long as it's never, ever today all is well.

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6e014f  No.22528


As long as it's been designed with pet hair in mind, I'm sure you'll have no problems with the defense shields. :D

Seriously though, looks like it's going to turn out pretty well. ;)

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3708cc  No.22529


Post 1355

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003c47  No.22530


TY! Pet hair: handled! This thing is state of the art. The real trick is adding all the materials (stuff that everything is made out of - i.e. chrome, blue paint, white metal, etc.) and getting all the lighting right. That's what makes it photorealistic. It will be another month, at the very least, and maybe up to 3 more. But then I'll have it done forever.



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003c47  No.22531

I just checked the Q Anon books on Amazon. They're there, if you can find them through the 150,000 t-shirts and mugs for sale. (Books - not All). Every one has 1 review. They are not moving.

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6e014f  No.22532


Why would anyone buy a book if they can participate IRL? Perhaps when it's all over (will it ever be over, or is Q set to be the never aging face of 'The Leader' :p ), there will be interest in buying a book. A novelty, maybe.

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93996e  No.22533

q will die a heroic dead and will get medals & praise… lol

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6e014f  No.22534


How long ago was it that we were told that we'd start seeing people in high places openly wearing Q pins? Has anyone seen this occurring as of yet?

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003c47  No.22535


That's my approach to the whole thing … I did a lot of back and forth, back and forth, do the book, don't do the book … I have 3 projects going on right now; the sci-fi novel, the graphic thing (which will become videos which will promote crowdfunding for the video game) and the Q book. The Q book is actually 3 books: the story, the Deep State structure, and Q / Ed traffic (unless Ed has an objection to being included, in which case their posts will not be). I don't intend to identify Ed as anything but Ed. Anyway the issue for me is keeping it high-end, high-class - heavy glossy paper, full color images, collector quality across the board. A 3-volume boxed set. I'll float the first 5 chapters for anybody to download; then I can track interest. If interest goes high enough, I'll start up a crowdfunding page for the first print run.

People have to pay their bills. Where is the line drawn between exploiting Q and truly preserving what went on during this time in history? My approach is to maximize quality at every turn - do it right, do it completely, full research on every item covered, best quality printing, etc.

I suppose there will always be those who feel it should not be monetized. And if either of the other 2 projects take off, then I can put out the Q stuff at cost. It all depends on what the interest level is. I think by now most people are burning out. Without some definitive, conclusive outcome to wrap it all up cleanly, it's going to remain an undefined, nebulous mish mash of confusion and intrigue and nobody is going to be very interested.


Out of allegiance, or because of a Nazi-style takeover?

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6e014f  No.22536


Have fun with the book, is all I can say.

As for the pins, it's anyone's guess, I guess. I'm back to sitting on the fence. I can see good and bad. I also see a lot of plot holes, and am very much over details being explained away so lightly. /shrug. I've been too tired and self-overloading with info over the past few days to care all that much at present.

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003c47  No.22537


Scenario: Ed is correct and Israel is pulling Trump's strings. In my own mind it has always been a given that incest with Ivanka was going on for many years, supporting this idea. Jared Kushner would be the key to everything. Kushner's grandfather is an honored figure with Israelis, to whatever degree, so Jared would have more or less been born into the Deep State fray. This would put him as the most likely handler for POTUS, much the way Huma Abedin was for Hillary. Trump was setting the stage for becoming POTUS since the 1980's. No other wealthy American has ever laid this kind of groundwork before becoming President. So we have another Obama - groomed from the earliest days to serve as President. He is the man who will usher in WWIII, and Israel's history says they are inordinately careful about manipulating public opinion on their favor. They do nothing without thinking it through; they are methodical, focused, and extremely patient in carrying out their plans. IMHO a nuke war screws everybody. They need a WWII-style conventional war that engulfs the world to bring the population down. To avoid mass protests against this, they need people on board; they need to inflame patriotism everywhere they can. Enter Q. It was all planned from the beginning. As Q is engaged in endless "carrot on the stick" manipulation, endless promises with endless delays, what is happening around them? The Middle East is completely restructuring. Russia and China are very strategically putting on wonderful faces at the negotiating table while continuing their anti-American activities full speed ahead behind the scenes. Everybody wants to put on the face of the three superpowers being best buddies while just beneath that, the Cold War rages. Our military is building up to unprecedented levels while immigration is being tackled (purification of the population) , the economy is being strengthened in preparation for becoming a wartime economy, etc. This scenario would point to the FEMA camps - which NOBODY from Q to Ed wants to even acknowledge exist (why is that?) - being used for roundups of the non-White population. Primarily illegal Hispanic immigrants - odds are very low that Blacks would be rounded up as they are simply too deeply embedded into our military. Asians as well although many are first generation immigrants, mostly from China. Is Ed part of the plan? The infinite resistance to discussing the FEMA camps and the militarized Walmart stores says yes. Ed's images are internet-unique; Cicada is an independent group that would not have access to the kind of military info we have seen on this board. Unless they were allied with somebody providing those images. Definitive action on the part of POTUS regarding midterms is not believable. A little bit of talk here and there but nothing is being done. This indicates that midterms either aren't going to occur at all, or their outcomes will be irrelevant to what our situation is as a nation at that time. Remember the military parade 11/11. Remember that it was planned long in advance.

Do I believe this is the case? No. Do I believe it's all false? No. Do I believe anything? No. Everything could be true; nothing IS true. We are still in a mode of deciding nothing and watching to see what unfolds.

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93996e  No.22538

trump is whining again.. somebody should tell him HE IS THE FUCKING PRESIDENT!

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190cef  No.22539


excellent! i will buy your books!


children organs traffic from Syria towards all the world: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy0bF-PFpFI&sns=fb

→@Drshajulislam @DrShajulIslam www.medicalAidSyria.com←-

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190cef  No.22540


why Ed is always posting satanic and luciferians photos and videos? Morningstarpayments.xyz has a symbol of lighting bolt that is satanic symbol like king cobra that eat another snake and surround the great eye…. pffff

For example: Forever song that he posted with that woman (luciferus into sexul appeal, asmodeo) get a diamond under her left eye, like in A. grande song break ft. Zedd) and we know that appear after you drunk children blood with Adrenochrome. I know that I'm falling into paranoic pure world, but please Ed post something of celestial things!

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6e014f  No.22541


I'm still too tired and washed out to get too much into what you've just gone through, but I'll put forward about the Eds; They've not made any secret of being ex/military. I'm sure they knew/know how to network IRL, even though can leave anons feeling like they're involved in a one sided conversation, (yes, that was a dig).

They seem to be pretty well networked and have access to enough info to be able to put dots together. Some have a hacking cough, cough.

What are you getting at with the images? I've found some of the images, but not by actually searching for them. I've come across other stuff that is on the same page as the images. Just because goole doesn't find them, doesn't mean that they're not around somewhere else. You've lost me with that. Not everything is picked up by google. Believe me, there's a shit tonne of stuff that you won't find on any google search. Stuff turns up in the strangest places.

At this point, though I'm a bit cheesed with them at present, I think the Eds are the good guys. I also think they're human and can misjudge as easily as they've been misjudged by others.

Purifying, anon? Are you serious? I'm not going there, LMAO. Write it into a fiction novel.

I've been wondering about the 11:11 parade, it's been bugging me.

If any of that doesn't make sense well too bad, lol. I'm too tired, and I know I keep saying that, but I'm just too tired, dammit. :p

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6e014f  No.22542


Qita, you don't come across to me like someone who's shy to do a bit of research. How much have you done on many of the symbols that you're speaking of? Unbiased research!

Thanks for giving the links to the other stuff yesterday, BTW. Appreciated.

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07ed93  No.22543


Been gone quite a few days, the hexagram is the clue as always has been, so picked your post to answer to so I don't accidentally get a new thread and also won't go back and read others…too much bs. Also, re the _-23 the OP suggests said event already happened, thus his 'foreknowledge confirmed'. Because Q says to "watch the news that day" does not necessitate it's a future event. I think we should look at past news events like on 04-23. Also, the fifth month in Hebrew is Menachem Av (our 7th month)…the month of Tisha B'av when the two temples were destroyed. It's the saddest day in Israel. Back to Solomon, how much cash did he rake in every year? The Bible tells you so…. god speed

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003c47  No.22544


Thank you Qita! :)

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003c47  No.22545


>They've not made any secret of being ex/military

One guy has said he's ex-Navy. It doesn't mean they all are, and it doesn't mean that's a prerequisite for being in their group, or that it's what they're centered on.

> can leave anons feeling like they're involved in a one sided conversation

I get quite frustrated at this as well, but the fact is that very early on, they stated clearly their purpose here was to drop crumbs, not to hold conversations. They have still interacted with this board far beyond what Q ever would on any board they have been on.

Most definitely, their info comes from somewhere, and we don't know what their sources are.

Not the creepy images - stuff like Queen Lizzie in the WTC basement with the gold, terrorist images that Q never posted, etc. Not all images are unique. Enough are, however.

Purifying: just following the signs. Not saying I'm pro-anything.

We all have our viewpoints and "their" plan doesn't give a shit about any of them, starting with mine.

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93996e  No.22546

elections in venezuela today… whut… so weird haha

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6e014f  No.22547


Didn't say that they're all military, though more than one has admitted being so, not that I know which is which and how many of them might be here at any given time, but there have been different codes mentioned.

We really don't know shit about them. Going back to the early breads, they were very passionate about Q and the movement… to the point of being insulting toward other (lesser regarded?) anons. Then we have the one who seemed to almost snap, turning on Q and more or less stating that we are on different sides with the 'your women' comments. There are things that once said can not be unsaid. We're only able to build a group persona of them, and it's that persona that they are judged by.

I didn't assume you were pro-anything.


I thought they had elections not long ago. As usual, I'm out of the loop and behind the times.

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93996e  No.22548


yeah me too…. but maybe because of the mess they are in… heard it on the radio 20 minutes ago….

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuelan_presidential_election,_2018

apparently it's today

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6e014f  No.22549


I see where I got the impression they had elections not long ago, I just read the backround section of that wiki article. What a mess.

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190cef  No.22550

new anon here. new to board and new to lurking/delurking here. i will sage my own posts for now to avoid confusion with Qita. it's nice to be able to post here when i cant post on the main research board. i dont have much knowledge, but happy to help to with some grunt research work if anyone needs help.


here's a "q and a" with a "rofschild" that was posted on the main q board. https:// archive.fo/qERv5

they mention benefitting from access to the vatican library.

it's not easy to dismiss as a larp, but the poster may not be who they claim to be. it's an interesting read for insight into the values, goals and principles of these people who hold themselves high enough to rule over us, and a discussion on this topic would be helpful. however, i dont want to disrupt the flow of your thread, so if you're happy to have a side conversation on this, i'm happy to stay contained on a TTDDTOT (things that dont deserve their own thread) thread. i didnt start one myself in case its a bad idea that divides the attention of the board too much. hope to be of help.

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93996e  No.22551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhrUKXyGpzY

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6e014f  No.22552


Hi anon, and welcome. We're quite a slow moving board for the most part of late, and even when it picks up a bit, going off topic of the main flow isn't an offence. The anons you see here now, along with a couple more are what you see is what you get, hehehe; as in regulars, anyway. Some of us like the kicked back pace ;)

Wow, that Rothschild thread takes me back; back to when GLP was still a half decent board, lol.

Thanks anon. Get comfy and bring a packed lunch. :p

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6e014f  No.22553


From the GLP thread. –


Hello Mr. UK!

I suggested DAS to zippy for reasons specific to his "situation"..which (likely) may not apply to you.

I would caution you that the vast majority of commercially available books contain little valuable information…that is unless you have a VATICAN LIBRARY CARD!

Laughing out loud!

The "rule of thumb" ratio, which also applies in general to the internet/media is 95% chaff to 5% wheat…so to speak. Just enough truth to make the bitter palatable.

Much sorting must be done!

What are your specific areas of inquiry? What topics elicit your NATURAL interest? Put another way, if you had unlimited resources and no distractions…what area of study (if any) would you so engage?

I can tell you with certainty that the specific topic is much less important than CHOOSING ONE and BEGINNING! Research has indicated that the average human requires 10,000 hours of study or practice in any endeavour to become an EXPERT.

I define expert as one who has come to understand the TRUTH or NATURAL LAW in a particular area.

By becoming an expert in one area, you will, without fail, begin to discern certain patterns of NATURE which will be relevant in other areas as well. It is the first step which will inevitably lead you to the path of NATURAL LAW.

I initially thought zippy understood this, as he stated he was interested in TESLA…a most worthy field of research. His resolve, sadly, faded with barely a whimper!

Laughing out Loud!

A great fallacy is that there are no great discoveries yet to be made. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Upon making any such discovery, one is then confronted with a NATURAL LAW of utmost importance! But I will keep this discussion for another time!


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6e014f  No.22554


I have to wonder how many people were actually inspired by this stuff.

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67a39d  No.22555


Praise Kek

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190cef  No.22556


thanks for the welcome, anon. i will make myself comfy and catch up on the threads. staying up to date on all the q drops and research is difficult, and i have big gaps in following. i never saw that thread before someone so helpfully drew attention to it on qresearch, so it was quite an eye-opening read (that is, if it can be trusted). the poster says s/he is answering truthfully, which makes me wonder why they have to "inform" about their plans. they believe they have to do this to avoid karma, and giving some clue, no matter how obscure and hidden the clue is, gives them permission spiritually to do whatever nefarious act they have planned. nevermind that the clue is not widely communicated or understood, or that people do not have real choice to avoid "participation", so that in no way does it constitute "informed consent". like all psychopaths, if the victim falls for the scheme, they deserve it because of their stupidity, and like narcissists, for example, lloyd blankfein of goldman sachs, they say they are "doing god's work". i certainly get the sense that they believe in the latter, by predating on people. the question i wonder about is what religious/spiritual belief their self-justification about karma and their idea of consent is based upon.

a slow moving board is good for me, sometimes it all goes by a bit fast. i shall be setting in to do some catchup homework. :)


they all seem to follow NATURAL LAW, which was complicated to understand, but was not convincing to me. i've forgotten the details mostly.

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003c47  No.22557

Most interesting …. from that GLP thread…

honey is such a pedestrian concept….but PERFECTLY relevant to our little discussion.

No adult thinks twice about letting the honeybee toil and labor all summer…collecting the pollen…and in the autumn, the hooded beekeeper comes and takes the whole fucking honeycomb. Which of you morns for the honeybee? Which of you thinks twice of the theft of labor which has occurred?

Zoom out, google earth style and look at the macro picture. You are the drone bees and you are harvested of your energy and labor at regular intervals, julst like our friend the honeybee. Is the a difference morality-wise? Is our theft greater than yours? Because you have an intermediary and buy your honey from a middleman, is there any difference? You american drones…has your life not been made easier by harvesting the sweat and tears of your chinese brothers??

and whenever there are inequities, we are there…getting our "cut"

laugh out loud

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6e014f  No.22558


It is difficult to keep up with it all. I just don't, anymore. I rarely go to QR anymore, and the Q drops are just Q drops, these days, lol. We don't really center ourselves around researching the Q stuff, but do deal in the topics.

It'd been quite a long time since I'd read the GLP thread. I'm getting a lot of value going through it again. I have an understanding of the natural law stuff that they're referring to, and in a way can figure how they come to their way of thinking and how they regard the rest of us. I can even see how they feel justified.

I don't find the natural law part of it complicated at all; Not in it's explanation, that is.

I do however find it difficult to convey my understanding of it, lol. :s

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6e014f  No.22559

Well, I've been incredibly undisciplined, yet again.

It's early hours of the morning, and I'm off to bed.

<3 Love to all :)


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190cef  No.22560


i don't find time to decrypt your photos and videos!

Instead to adopt another symbol,no?

My stupid own opinion, I hate the single EYE!

After deviation part 3 you will understand!

I'm an expert on symbolism and exoterism, but all suggestions are wellcome! :D


Golden dreams

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07ed93  No.22561

File: 415d1bbf1adfb11⋯.png (50.81 KB, 588x136, 147:34, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at ….png)


GET UP!! Trump just tweeted!!

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67a39d  No.22562



Podesta going down too

Q predicted this

Shadilay and buckle the fuck up

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f6c39d  No.22563


Yep…strap in, grab mane & let 'er buck!

https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/1481684.html#1482139

https:// 8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#94

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0cbe14  No.22564

A "given?" Incest with Ivanka? This was IT for me.

For those on the board that think it's been overtaken by a couple insane clowns filled to the brim with their own arrogance, may I suggest the filter button? It's already vastly improved my experience here. One or two filters and I'm done with much of the bullshit. I wish I had done this much earlier.

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93996e  No.22565


a given? where? who? what? is there sometehing i miss? ivanka? whut?

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0cbe14  No.22566


I've filtered him, so I cannot give you the post number. It was sometime today, I think this afternoon even. He said incest was a "given" and that Jarred was Trump's handler. Get a fucking LIFE.

In my opinion, totally unwarranted. No sauce. I have tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm done with him now. Worn out with his near constant negativity. 100% finished.

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67a39d  No.22567



Filtering is gay cause you miss vital info.

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0cbe14  No.22568


The only thing I'm missing is near constant aggravation from an ass. He's had diarrhea for weeks now.

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93996e  No.22569

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93996e  No.22570

well… seems like Trump is doing his regime-change in Iran…. arab spring done? nope, US moves on, continues the old plan…. sad

http:// www.thebaghdadpost.com/en/story/27558/Video-Iran-s-protesters-set-fire-to-police-vehicles

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003c47  No.22574


I've banned this user for 24 hours only. I made it very clear that the ban was for personal attacks against viewpoints that are not agreed with. This isn't QR. We've come a long way in here by avoiding that. Stick to the viewpoints. When it becomes personal, it becomes a ban. I didn't go crazy. 24 hours. Not permanent.

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93996e  No.22575

File: 49d9903cde15083⋯.jpg (91.92 KB, 945x562, 945:562, Screenshot_202.jpg)

hmmm… just was thinking..; we need a borderwall at mexico border… but be honest… would there be a greater border-safety than such a lava-stream along the border?

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003c47  No.22576


You never know what tomorrow might bring … there is no shortage of volcanic activity in Mexico and much of the Mojave is scarred by it.

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3708cc  No.22578

File: e55db0a6eea9f60⋯.png (166.51 KB, 912x362, 456:181, 520.PNG)

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de5acd  No.22579

File: 32ec6a7ddc460a5⋯.png (257.8 KB, 659x1061, 659:1061, IMG_6414.PNG)

Truth is coming.

Those screaming loudest have the most to lose.

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003c47  No.22580

Reposting this link:

https:// archive.fo/qERv5#selection-11559.1-11567.87

It's a VERY long conversation, presumably with an unnamed Rothschild, from 2011. It provides what I consider to be priceless insight into a world view that is radically different than what we're ever likely to encounter anywhere else. I personally find I have far more in common with this person than just about anybody else I've ever run across - on a good majority of topics.

Don't judge until you've read what's there on the link.

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003c47  No.22581


(There are differences … for example I have no known human DNA in my future diet.)

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cc25d0  No.22582


Is it that famous "I'm a Rothschild – ask me a question"-thread from GLP ?

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003c47  No.22583


Yes. I never ran across it before. Maybe I'm the only one.

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cc25d0  No.22584


Probably not, the only one … but even if unconfirmed in its content – it was an interesting read back then.

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003c47  No.22585


It may have very different meaning today, depending on how long ago it was last read.

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003c47  No.22587

"They" thrive on harvesting the energy produced by human suffering.

What if all the energy that was ever harvested could be reclaimed? They had to pay it back? Or, better stated, we could take it back?

They might fear our waking up more than they fear anything else.

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3708cc  No.22588


Astonishing statement coming from whom ?

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4da4bf  No.22589

File: 93a2be3f56ce2b7⋯.png (55.67 KB, 301x301, 1:1, download.png)

https:// cointelegraph.com/news/iran-and-russia-discuss-transacting-in-crypto-to-avoid-international-sanctions

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6e014f  No.22590


Sure…blame God. It had absolutely nothing to do with the years of childhood sexual abuse, right?

“He told me ‘Juan Carlos, that you are gay does not matter. God made you like that and he loves you like that and I do not care."

https:// www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/05/20/pope-says-ok-gay-says-chilean-clerical-abuse-victim-vatican/

Anyway, Good afternoon, anons. I see we had our weekly visit from the subversion team.

( ° ʖ °)

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93996e  No.22591


hey ed

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93996e  No.22592

morning anons… too early again .. waiting for the dawn for my walk…

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6e014f  No.22593


Good morning, anon.

I'm waiting for dusk for my walk, hehe.


I was in 2 minds as to whether that was Ed or not. There's been no twatter activity.

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93996e  No.22594

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6e014f  No.22595


Thanks for pointing it out. I guess this bread has been so slow that I didn't recall them having posted in it already. My mind is elsewhere, of late. Lol, I didn't even mouse over the ID to see that it had more than one post either. What a slacker I am, today.

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93996e  No.22596


i have their id marked the second i know they are here :D

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003c47  No.22597


Any path of no resistance is going to be found and utilized.

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ee6307  No.22598

QR is a JIDF ban party again. Repeat of the behavior that was expected to reoccur last month.

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6e014f  No.22599

Off topic and directed toward techies.

Who else do I need to block these days? So far all I could think of was Google analytics, Twatter and Fakebook.

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93996e  No.22600


happens a lot when there is something to be expected…. noticed that last time…

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003c47  No.22601


Maybe it's all just as simple as BV having stability issues. Maybe all this time I've been reading far too much into it.

Or … >>22598

Banning has always been surgically targeted at the most "capable" posters. The ones who put 2+2 together.

As I said last time, I'm not interested in the politics of it all, the unfairness, etc. IMHO that ran its course previously and we came here. What I'm interested in is pinning down the agenda.

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93996e  No.22602

by re-reading the ed-drops, i came to this anon


that is a shooting range...

https:// www.google.com/maps/place/33°18'08.0"N+115°29'56.0"W/@33.3026556,-115.5008317,984m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d33.3022222!4d-115.4988889?hl=en

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003c47  No.22603

Interesting … a little snippet from the supposedly-Rothschild thread in GLP from 2011.

PLEASE try to expand your thought processes!

OK. First, you must understand that words have MEANING.

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003c47  No.22604


As the locals here would say, well day-um. So it is.

So much for my powers of discernment. :) Guess I wouldn't make a very good spotter for a sniper.

If each of those hills is higher than the last, offering a clear path to the targets, then it could be inferred that it all makes up a sniper range.

"Okay … we finally made it to Chicago … now look for the Willis/Sears Tower…"

"Damn … I'm just not seeing it…"


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6e014f  No.22605


It appears there have been a series of social experiments with real world outcomes. How could there not be? Back then, it was all being attributed to Tavistock. GLP has a love hate relationship with Tavistock, and I'm sure that it's involvement in any of this can't and shouldn't be dismissed as a strong possibility.

The aim was to map, so well, human nature, that it could be used to manipulate and preempt every reaction and act that would and could be performed as a result of which and whatever circumstances.

Maybe they come to the chans and other boards to map the anomalies.

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93996e  No.22606


no sniper range… i gues a range about a mile max.

wait… i can find this….

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93996e  No.22607


would be so easy when i didn't missed that anons picture back then….

http:// www.mcasyuma.marines.mil/Portals/152/Docs/Range/SWAT-4-5_Public-Draft-EA_MAY2015[1]%205-27-2015.pdf

see page 181 there they say 600 m range…

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126f7e  No.22608

BV woman is PMSing again… incoming castaways

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003c47  No.22609


LOL is this a reliable 28-day cycle?

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126f7e  No.22610


Something like that :D

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003c47  No.22611


If they didn't mess with the ban log we could prove the correlation scientifically.

28 day cycles lasting for 27 days.

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003c47  No.22612


Her keyboard ran out of room for any more notches.

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003c47  No.22613

My roommate was minding her own business working on her computer when Puppy Anon marches purposefully up to her feet, sits down, stares up at her and lets out a demanding WOOF! Just one. It took some time to figure out that she couldn't get back to my room because the Pyrenees was laying down in her path, blocking the way. She tried to go around but this house is so tiny there was only one path, and he was blocking it. So she called in for extraction.

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003c47  No.22614

If you're one of millions of victims of QR banning, there is finally hope. You no longer need to suffer in silence. Ask your doctor about new Banaway. Banaway paves the road to QR2, where you can get back on your feet again and lead a normal, productive life. Banaway is not for everyone and may be habit forming. Do not take Banaway if you've suffered from Blue Screens of Death or are considered a high risk for contracting Asshole Disease.

Ask your doctor or network administrator about Banaway. Because your life is too short to dick around.

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93996e  No.22615

File: f0e0974e20f9757⋯.jpg (180.86 KB, 740x660, 37:33, Screenshot_209.jpg)


the other one with the "dunes" is this

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003c47  No.22616


Many, are there. Choose, you must. Or choose not. There is no "I guess so."

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93996e  No.22617


uas-training : Unmanned Aerial System : links to drones… talked about earlier

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deea88  No.22618

>What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?

>Stay vigilant.


… was this a warning about the school shooting?!

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67a39d  No.22619


That is the most faggotish thing I've ever read on the internet.


Try again (or don't)

This post is everything we left QR to get away from. Don't become a statistic.

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Post last edited at

93996e  No.22620


yup, my thoughts exactly

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67a39d  No.22621



Q predicted it

(( (they))) will set off a series of dirty bombs when the real damning stuff leaks out. The rape and snuff and sacrifice shit

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003c47  No.22622


This isn't QR. We are civil in here. We don't attack somebody and get aggressive/nasty for something that was so obviously "just having fun." If you don't fit here, don't come here. Be nice or be gone.

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003c47  No.22623


School shootings have become the de facto standard for "them." I think their effectiveness is only going to decrease as more and more faculty arm themselves against it. And if 50 kids can't die, it won't even make the news.

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003c47  No.22624


"Schoolyard shootings" was referenced specifically in "Behold a Pale Horse" way back in the early 90's.

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cc25d0  No.22625


Well, it's infChan after all, and there should be room even for drastically making a point, I think.

After all, someone's tendency to be upset is not my fault, and if someone doesn't have the distance to himself/herself to simply read something (on the webz!) without taking it too closely – then maybe that person shouldn't hang around specifically the chans …. not sure, but there's a fine line b/w "civil" & "pc" and also semantic freedom ….

As for "pc", I for one know what to be "pc" has been introduced for.

On another note: yesterday somehow forgot to post the link to the new Q-html, for those who use it >>22586

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003c47  No.22626


I suppose it's a valid argument, at least in concept, but every board within 8ch has its flavor and we've become well established being relatively civil to each other. It's an alternative not found in many other places. Nobody has been crying out to change it so it seems to be working pretty well and I'd like to maintain it. If somebody likes conflict, they have more than 55,000 other boards to choose from.

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003c47  No.22627

Apparently 8Chan is having issues posting images. Multiple attempts to post one here failed; tried the same thing in QR and it failed as well.

Would appreciate if somebody else could give it a try so I know it's not something local to my computer.

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93996e  No.22628

same here indeed

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003c47  No.22629

Significant, coming from "The Hill."

http:// thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/388549-stopping-robert-mueller-to-protect-us-all

(I tried attaching a screen cap of the first paragraph, which is what I was referring to; for now can't post images. Not sure if it's my system or 8Chan overall.)

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003c47  No.22630


Thank you.

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6e014f  No.22631


That's interesting. 4chan has been having trouble with it for a while. I guess it's contagious.

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93996e  No.22632


>http:// thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/388549-stopping-robert-mueller-to-protect-us-all

great article! thx!

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003c47  No.22633

I never read up on it; does anybody know if threads are auto-deleted when they reach a certain age, or when the thread count reaches a certain number on a given board? I don't want to lose anything, especially Ed's stuff, but if I archive early it will probably delete it as well and it's kind of nice to have older threads readily available.

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003c47  No.22634


VERY odd … do they use OpenIB as well? I don't think so. Strange happenings.

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93996e  No.22635


it doesn't delete itself.. pages are locked in this board.. so i don't think they will disappear

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6e014f  No.22636


I'm not a codefag, so don't really know what you're talking about. I did read something about 4chan and openIB a couple of days ago, but couldn't tell you what context it was in.

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003c47  No.22637

The last image posted in QR was at 8:55 a.m. EST. Much traffic there about experiencing the same problem. Kind of funny to see hundreds of posts there with not a single image. :)

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003c47  No.22638


Okay … I've been very lax about locking older threads; I need to get caught up.

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cc25d0  No.22639


Agreed, that no banning and being (somewhat) civil (and more complex/wider in scope) is what's better around here – still, sometimes someone might think being a bit mre drastic is appropriate; if true or not, if he/she doesn't do it all the time and the rest of the conversation is like normal, I wouldn't mind too much

(trie pic – no work, gives "cannot extract file/s" error >>22627 )

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003c47  No.22640

It goes without saying that this could be a real problem for Ed … their images are their trademark. It's the only way we know it's them most of the time. If the problem doesn't clear up soon we'll have to cross reference anything Ed might post with the Twitter page - although at least for this thread we have their ID as 4a3167. It's been 4 days and we're not even half full so I don't think it's going to be come an Ed-level problem. :)

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003c47  No.22641


I guess that's really the rule of thumb: is it a constant approach or just a flash in the pan? Flash in the pan I think we can all live with. We all get PMS. :)

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003c47  No.22642


My goal is to have people express themselves openly - just be personally respectful. I don't want people feeling like they can't disagree with BO or they'll be banned. Ed has viewpoints that go head to head with mine in some areas. That's what keeps things moving. Personal respect is still present. Issues and viewpoints can be attacked all day long. Nobody has been banned for disagreeing with anybody else. Is it done with a "f*** you" attitude, or is it "that's really a stupid idea, sir." :)

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003c47  No.22643


Just as a purely pointless mental exercise … I wonder what it would take to ban Ed? I really don't know that I could ever do it. Under any circumstances.

Ed, that's your queue! Fire at will, no consequences! :)

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6e014f  No.22644


For the record; the anon in question is a repeat offender. And I dare say he gets his money's worth out of his VPN. Not only for likely being banned from several boards, but also for sockpuppeting, at a guess.

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a042fe  No.22645

We are being attacked (8Chan). Images can't be posted so new bread can't be made. Anons are having to go into other threads that have already been made outside of General to post until it hits 750.

I can't post images here either so this affects this Board too. So- HEADS UP BO!

If Q is fake & POTUS isn't on our side….why the attacks?

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6e014f  No.22646


It could just be tech difficulties. Has an attack been confirmed? The last time that anons jumped up and down calling DDoS, oh my god, we're under attack it was nothing more than maintenance to deal with a captcha glitch.

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003c47  No.22647


VPN's are when filtering is our last line of defense.

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93996e  No.22648

so after hearing pompeo.. it's not MAGA any longer, but MIGA : make iran great again… also part of make israel great again…

after regime change in armenia, now they'll go after regime change in iran…. protests are beginning again, pompeo said that this regime isn't good for the people of iran and needs to go….

watch syria is my guess… isis is almost gone there (thx to assad & russia)… now it will be clear what the goal of trump is in syria… with israel together…

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003c47  No.22649


OMG I never even thought of that! That's absolutely right, you cannot create a new thread without an image! Holy scheisse Batman! Good thing we move at a glacial pace in here. We won't have any problems.

As for "why the attacks" … it gets so messy, getting into that argument because EVERY conceivable angle can be made to make sense logically. We can say "they just want to add realism so they're mucking up the board."

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003c47  No.22650


The entire Middle East is an ugly mess because we really can't see who is pulling whose strings and who has what agenda. It seems the only plan NOT on the table is to leave these countries the hell alone and let them govern themselves.

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cc25d0  No.22651


Hahaha, not sure if all … maybe Periodic Mood Swings (with much longer periods) ;)


Agreed, just saying that sometimes being more drastic can also be appropriate (or even funny and/or effective/helpful), so I felt like putting a bit more situational relativity into what was said in >>22622

Other than that haven't specifically checked 343126's history

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93996e  No.22652


>It seems the only plan NOT on the table is to leave these countries the hell alone and let them govern themselves.

AND THAT my friends, is the only plan that would work!

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93996e  No.22653


to make it look like they fight against them?

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003c47  No.22654


It's conceivable. Who knows how elaborate they would get?

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93996e  No.22655

https:// twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/998559460661583874

what about US stopping supporting, training, arming terrorists?

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67a39d  No.22656


Checked snowflake cupcake dubs

Wow you have thin skin

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003c47  No.22657


There are other boards where you won't have that problem.

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003c47  No.22658

Still no images.

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6e014f  No.22659


Well, that's it then. It can't be an imageboard without images!

It's all over. Time to collect our measly belongings and move on.

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93996e  No.22660


will be restored sooner or later ;.. no worries

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cc25d0  No.22661

Lol – PDF works on /test/ ? >>>/test/64105

Just posted Pepe drunk over there for a test – doesn't work here though, says: Unknown file extension.

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003c47  No.22662


Yes. We've been subdued by the Deep State. The next step for all of us is hard labor on a chain gang clearing the rock for new train track somewhere in Glenwood Canyon, CO.

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003c47  No.22663


Going to try POL

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003c47  No.22664


/pol/ fails.

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6e014f  No.22665


Sooner or later. The show must go on ;)


Make sure to go through the decontamination process twice, after going there. To be sure, to be sure.

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6e014f  No.22666


In several ways, LMAO. :P

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a12031  No.22667


/pol/ is ALWAYS right dipshit

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6e014f  No.22668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do vids work?

There's an interesting symbol among these that is proof yet again that pieces of shit take symbols of Good and attach them to something so EVIL.

Well, you'll see if the vid loads, lol.

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cc25d0  No.22669


Looks like you were lucky



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cc25d0  No.22670

File: 9ece8d7e4f23391⋯.mp4 (61.69 KB, 570x761, 570:761, pepeDrunk.mp4)


ffmpeg -r 1 -i pepeDrunk.jpg pepeDrunk.mp4

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6e014f  No.22671


I might be lucky, but you're more thorough than me, lol. I went through /sudo/ but didn't find anything. Yep, I'm a real slacker tonight. ;)


I can just picture memefags racing to convert all their shit, hahahahaha.

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cc25d0  No.22672

File: d79ea3286f48550⋯.jpg (40.38 KB, 639x576, 71:64, Session.jpg)


Works again ?

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93996e  No.22673

not for me

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6e014f  No.22674

File: 285e2e1e281cdad⋯.png (946.15 KB, 500x625, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e014f  No.22675


PNGs work! :D

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93996e  No.22676

File: d89e9124e8667ff⋯.png (783.4 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 285e2e1e281cdad8855b4bd291….png)

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93996e  No.22677

File: 7de92b57a9b8fec⋯.jpg (103.64 KB, 1024x618, 512:309, 88e97420963699c8d581277ae4….jpg)

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6e014f  No.22678

File: f0d7cc2ea5a5f3a⋯.png (270.34 KB, 320x480, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Hahahaha. We're back!


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003c47  No.22679

File: 810cca6957b4e4c⋯.png (24.5 KB, 813x141, 271:47, story_1.png)

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6e014f  No.22680


I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I'm going about doing whatever it is that I do. /Hurrumph

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93996e  No.22681


i second that… fully

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003c47  No.22682

Wow … only $5,000 to survey a 51-acre lot that is perfectly square. That's about $1,000 per hour! Such a deal!

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6e014f  No.22684

File: 996dcf95bf7db2b⋯.png (712.36 KB, 600x824, 75:103, ClipboardImage.png)

Time to curl up with my book.

Gooooooooood night, anons.

<3 Love to all :)

Have a magnificent day/night :D

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93996e  No.22685


sleep well.. see ya tomorrow

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190cef  No.22686

http:// www.rai.it/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-18f10c6d-90d2-4b49-9c78-5ff6c431f347-tg1.html

it is only 1/10 of the treasure found!

they were used to enrich their museum, or to open other museum (as I've written). Their scope was to put their hands on Kobegkli tepe zone (which include zones from turkey to north Syria!) from Sanliurfa up to Ain Issa (hidden zone never found!)

http:// www.wikistrike.com/article-gobekli-tepe-le-plus-ancien-temple-de-l-humanite-68011054.html

like you see in this link is written in french, because in turkey there are many french scholars more than others.

And where are french army positions in Syria? here you find the answer!

https:// tepetelegrams.wordpress.com/tag/t-pillars/

https:// www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/french-military-cooperating-with-ypg-pkk-terrorists/1104265

Checkmate to rosicrucian!


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93996e  No.22687


nice… gonna read tomorrow.. have to go now…. thx qita

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93996e  No.22688

oh btw…. did ya guys know the prosecutor in the epstein case now works in trump administration?

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957b1e  No.22689

Twitter is CRAZY slow

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4da4bf  No.22690

File: fa7ca7edcb8db27⋯.png (26.83 KB, 840x424, 105:53, Screenshot from 2018-05-21….png)

File: da0c43dca3f0969⋯.png (27.39 KB, 841x424, 841:424, Screenshot from 2018-05-21….png)

File: a36ae8318c3adbb⋯.png (171.89 KB, 642x617, 642:617, Screenshot from 2018-05-21….png)

ElectrumX working well so far.

Qt client upgraded to Qt5 and working well also.

Stay Tuned!!!!

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003c47  No.22691

Saw something tonight that made me nervous, even though probably nobody else would give it a second thought. A show I found on Netflix called "The New Legends of Monkey," S1 E10 … shortly into the show, a guy says "it's the only way to get you into the banquet. Trust the plan."

I've never heard that line in a show before. I'm sure I'm just being paranoid but when Q-isms start making their way into shows like this, it makes me feel like we're all being duped by this mass hypnosis effort that's permeating every nook and cranny of our lives. Subtle reinforcement of conditioning from just about everywhere.

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7325ed  No.22694



https:// www.raytheon.com/capabilities/products/asars_2

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d4d815  No.22696


Yes there is a screen shot just a couple posts below yours. The good guys were kicking the EVIL out of the kingdom which they had had control over for centuries. Monkey and some were asking questions and the guy with the map said: TRUST THE PLAN. I thought it was a good thing actually.

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cc25d0  No.22697

Updated the html file containing all the Q posts: >>22695

There's also a smaller zip (with only the html), to be exracted into the existing folder, for those who downloaded yesterday's version.

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d4d815  No.22698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meme Relief for weary Qanons


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cc25d0  No.22699


That the funny cat working in the truthfactory ?

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d4d815  No.22700

you betcha!

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d4d815  No.22701

Just like Mr. Cat says: Every single Q drop contains just enough Scientifically proven RED PILL to give proven relief for weary Patriots!


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cc25d0  No.22702

Looked familiar … lol. Thanks.

As for the weary patriots: There were enough of them who have shot themselves in the foot during the recent "weary" times … hahahaha.

God knows what stories they have to come up with to come back to (reasonably assumable) "reality".

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003c47  No.22703

[1/2] Viewing people from a certain perspective, this is why some view the “common citizen” (of any country) as sheep:

1) People twist reality. They go into often deep emotional reaction to things that simply never happened. We had one such example on this board very recently: some very confused anon went off the deep end over my negativity. Reviewing my posts for the last few breads at least, I’ve been carrying on about how well my life is going, how and why it began moving in that direction, and encouraging others to do what I did, to get the same result. The negativity he went off the deep end over simply did not exist, and worse, he himself was pouring exponentially more negativity into the board than I ever have. Some could view that as behavior that is both repeating (normal) and insane. You cannot reach people with that kind of information – simply describing “what is.” They once again go into deep emotional reaction and kill the messenger, never processing the message. From a certain viewpoint, people who live out their lives in this manner could easily be viewed as sheep.

2) People demand that somebody else run their lives. It’s a very simple formula: where do you claim to want your life to be, and what have you actually done in the past day, week, month, year, decade to make that happen? People always wait for somebody else to allow it, they wait for somebody else to do it for them, they wait for somebody else to take responsibility for it not being done yet. They wait for conditions to be right (which never happens) and they wait for the task to become comfortable enough. Again, from a certain viewpoint, this manner of running one’s life could easily be viewed as insane, and could cause more unscrupulous individuals to view people in general as worthless sheep who demand that some government do and/or allow more for them than they’ll ever do for themselves. They are entitled, because they want it.

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003c47  No.22704

[2/2] All of reality as we “know” it to be came from the teachings of other people. Once again, when these teachings are challenged, we destroy the messenger without ever processing the message.

People who routinely take a certain overview that makes these traits constantly and glaringly obvious are not likely to feel a lot of respect for the common man.

The glaring flaw with these people is that they themselves are more dependent on those they exploit than anybody they condemn will ever be. They do not create. They take, they manipulate, they deceive – all of these being the easiest things to do. Abusing somebody’s trust is the easiest thing in all of life to do. Deceiving somebody is a very close second. In short, they need us, we don’t need them. They are the ones who are dependent. They typically fall so far into egomania, thinking they are special, chosen, etc. that they eventually implode, much like inbreeding within a small family. A generator running a motor which runs the generator which runs the motor. Nothing operates at 100% efficiency so the output demand always exceeds the input and the power loss inherent in the system rapidly approaches a return of zero. These people must constantly work overtime, mentally, to continue to prop up the illusion that they are gods and to perpetuate the lie that they are not as filled with rage as they truly are. Outwardly they appear to have it all: control, power, money. Inwardly, they are already dead. They are walking shells of potential that will never be tapped; dependent leeches that will never do more than suck the life blood from those who create.

Everything has a reason. Everything has a story behind it. The way people are is not random. They lived through things that we judge easily but we understand nothing. They faced thing we never will. There is a reason why people feel, believe, and trust as they do. They are not broken. But in our infinite arrogance, we only see somebody who needs to be punished or destroyed for not being the way that we decided they should be.

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003c47  No.22705

Last off-topic post for the night; this board is so slow that it isn't going to hurt anything. This is information that could be priceless to somebody who needs it.

Bedbugs: they are everywhere. They are not the product of unhealthy living conditions. The best 5-star hotels get them. If you walk outside, you run the risk of tracking them into your living space. You see them rarely to never. They burrow into your skin and feel like tiny needles being poked into you.

There are sprays to get rid of them; these are quite expensive and ineffective. Conventional wisdom says if you get them you must burn your clothes or dry clean them, burn your mattress or steam clean it, etc. etc.

Pure bullshit. Bedbugs run on carbon dioxide (CO2). They are arguably the most sensitive detectors in existence for CO2. The breath from humans exhaling is what they are attracted to. That signifies lunch (your skin/blood). There is a method to get rid of them that is 100% effective 100% of the time and costs under $5.

Use a plastic container such as Tupperware (or similar) sandwich containers - the kind with the snap-on covers. These have smooth plastic that the bugs can't crawl up. A piece of masking tape outside the container is best so they can crawl up the tape, jump into the mixture inside and that's that. They will come out of any clothing, bedding, or furniture they're in if this method is employed.

Inside the container: 2 cups water, 1 tablespoon of regular bread yeast, and 5 tablespoons of sugar. Mix the sugar and yeast together first. Make sure the water is no more than 110 degrees; I use my finger and look for a temp just above lukewarm. Temperature is critical. Pour the water into the container that already holds the sugar/yeast. Stir very well, dissolving everything.

Set the container under a bed, under a desk, etc. Change it ideally once a week. You'll never experience another bedbug. It's exactly that complex. I've been doing it for years and it has never failed.

I realize this is off topic but again, the board is deader than dead, and this is a subject that could save select people a whole lot of money if the solution is applicable to them.

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93996e  No.22706

morning anons…


this seems bitcoin stuff … don't know a thing about it :( i understand even less about it :(


what's with the tripcode?

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88a8ca  No.22707

Good evening, anons.

I'm gonna have a bitch and a vent.

I've had an awful effing day. Nothing is going right with the patchwork rig I built yesterday, NOTHING, ugh.

To top it all off, I had a falling out with one of my closest friends over, fucking religion. Yep, religion. I've been reading a lot about Islam and have found that thre are many aspects to it that are fr more pleasant than Christianity…but that's about as far as I got before he aggressively stated that I am wrong, that IT is wrong. Not a further word was I able to speak without him speaking over the top of me, louder, louder, "You're wrong!".

My last words were "If you say that I'm wrong one more time, I'm just gonna hang up".

Guess what? I hung up. Brainwashed, ignorant, narrow minded fucking turd.

I hope everyone else is doing much better than I. I've confirmed my own weak mindedness and lack of discipline by imbibing. /Hurrumph!

Stoopid computers. Stoopid friends.

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93996e  No.22708


hope ya feel better soon! mean it

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93996e  No.22709

sooooo …. Trump acted tough…. talking with wray and rr and now the DOJ IG will investigate if the previous administration broke the law and the fbi used "spy's" on trump…..

what a scam!!!!! IG can't subpoena people that don't work for administration anymore.. there is no grand jury… nothing….. tell me trump want to clean the swamp? i don't believe it anymore

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6e014f  No.22710


Thanks anon. (I hope I found the right VPN this time). And a very good morning to you.


I'm nowhere near as well read and geopolitically savvy as you, but I gets me the same feelings, I does.

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93996e  No.22711


vpn? thihnk that was someone else? or am i missing the point?

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93996e  No.22712


ow i see now… different id from ya :D got it :D

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93996e  No.22713


watching hannity now…. gingrich said the ig-investigation in the "infiltration" of trump campaign can take a year to a year and a half…. that is just what the dems want… to take it to 2020…

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6e014f  No.22714


Meh, it's not about dem v repub. They're all playing the game; some on the same side. It all does my head in. All these labels, yet there's still the haves and the have nots. Not among them for the most part. Dammit, it's all theatrics, with this one and that one trying to win the starring role.

I saw your post about epstiens prosecutor being in the trump admin. I'd read that a couple of days ago and was disgusted, though not surprised.

The way that I see it, all the errors and misgivings of certain people are being pointed out and emphasized while those of others are being dismissed and minimalized. I really don't see that it's any different to any other administration, apart from the fact that we're so digital now and information moves so fast that it's become crazy.

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93996e  No.22715


all on the same side… at this point imo there is one goal: keeping the people divided and slushing the money to their own by all those investigations… it's all theatre

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6e014f  No.22716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Though Q started off by suggesting that it's not about democrats v republicans, they haven't exactly continued along that path huh? Quite the opposite. So, whereas at first division was being erred against; it's now being encouraged, yet still promoted under the banner of 'stay together, they want you divided', type shit.

Yes indeed, theater.


I just watched a mini doco that no one is likely interested in, lol. (see vid).

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190cef  No.22717


cyberghost or nordvpn or protonvpn. they are good.

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6e014f  No.22718


I've been jumping between different devices and IPs. I just forgot which server I was using on which device for which purpose, lol. I sure hope that makes sense. :p

Thanks for presenting options, anon :D

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6e014f  No.22719

god woman/fire. Wow, and oh how amazing it is to go back to the roots of words and meanings there of, in forming names.

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93996e  No.22720

hmmm… don't find the reason of the differences…. did clark changed some countries on purpose? or didn't they told him the whole truth? or is it not connected at all?

2000 : no central bank :







North Korea

2001 : wesley clark :








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c03bb2  No.22721


If it were me, I would take a day or two or whatever it took just to regroup and let some of the tension die down. There are times when it's good to hide out and restrict interaction with everybody so no more stuff can be piled on.

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6e014f  No.22722


The Eds made a point of this. I'm sure you saw it, so I shall say little more ;)


It'll pass, anon. And it will do so, only for the reasons that in order to continue to maintain any kind of grounding in alternate reality for one or the other, it is required.

My friend is known, to me, for his ignorance, narrow mindedness and for mostly being one who seeks safety. He's made up hs mind a long time ago and he will not be shifted. ( my dramatic interpretation).

If it doesn't pass and shit remains uncomfy, then so be it. It was my mistake, I admit, to put forward something that of which I knew he would reject.

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93996e  No.22723



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6e014f  No.22724


Yeah, that list keeps coming back. Behind schedule!

The more, the more, the more. That's the annoying thing. The more I know, the more I fucking know.

I just watched another doco on Phoneticians. Oh how deep the lies go. The more I know, the more I know that I don't know, a this in turn reminds me that what everyone else thinks they know is a crock of fucking shit.

There are things to hide and things being hidden. Most of which most are not prepared to accept.

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93996e  No.22725


i have my own mind… i think it's our given right to decide for ourselves if we accept the secrets or not.. it's not up to them to decide what we know, and don't know ;-)

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6e014f  No.22726


It's not specifically a matter of acceptance. It's having the mind to accept. This is what's taken advantage of. If the mind, be it the hive, can be kept in a certain state of mind, then what can and can be accepted is controlled.

Like my dear friend of whom seeks safety. He is of a mind that will not accept anything that delineates from that which he was instructed. Most are so. Some are exploring, others are explorers.

Knowledge and understanding isn't something that is found in books etc, or even a genetic guarantee. This is where we are truly all equal. We decide what we want to know.

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93996e  No.22727


and that, my friends, is exactly what q is doing… leading the hive, controlling the bees… so that the bees keep doing their thing without standing up, without the bees asking questions… making sure the bees don't ask the right questions…

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6e014f  No.22728


Yeah, it appears quite contrived and controlled. I read something somewhere, (darknet) where research is being directed and manipulated. It included pros and cons. It was mostly pro, but it doesn't take much to turn it into a con in the current scheme of the way people think, or don't think, more to the point.

Unfortunately, I see myself as one who is one of the 'don't think' kind. It takes quite a while for things to register. At least, (in my world) I'm working on filtering the junk, at the least.

Anon… I'm drunk.

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93996e  No.22729


being drunk sometimes is a good thing ;-)

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6e014f  No.22730

I think we should make another board!!!!

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93996e  No.22731


??? how so?

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190cef  No.22732


Enter this Autumn Jalalabad will be conquer by ISIS in Khurasan. members are early 1000, but in this summer they will increase.

Taleban in 2017 killed these precise numbers:

Large & small attacks carried out against enemy: 7503

• 48 were martyrdom attacks

• 289 invaders killed & 124 wounded in these attacks

Army/police/intelligence apparatus of Kabul regime:

14938 deaths

• 409 were commanders

9430 injuries

4196 from army, police and arbaki surrendered to Islamic Emirate over course of previous year

2976 enemy military vehicles destroyed during this period

20 enemy aircraft downed

• 13 helicopters &

fixed-wing airplanes

• 7 unmanned aerial

vehicles, or drones

if you compare these numbers with the first 6 months of 2018 (killed up to may early 8000) you can understand that they are winning the war against governments also because Islamic Emirates declared yesterday that they conquered zabul province.

And also you must know also this!

Al-Qaeda organisation was a small group in Afghanistan and now worldwide.

Al-Qaeda (AQC) in Khorassan.

- Afghanistan

The Group for Support of Islam and Muslims (JNIM) in West Africa.

- Mali

- Sahel

- Niger

- Burkina Faso

Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) North Africa.

- Algeria

- Tunisia

Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen (HSM) in East Africa.

- Somalia

- Kenya

Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS).

- India

- Pakestan

- Burma

- Bangladesh

Ansaar Al-Sharia (AQAP) in the Arabian Peninsula.

- Yemen

Tanzim Al-Qaeda al-Jihad fi Bilad Al-Sham.

- Syria

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6e014f  No.22733


Easy enough to make another board!

The how is easily explained. The why, however, is not.

Why would we make another board?

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93996e  No.22734


i don't see the need for another board… the bo here does good work and the anons here are nice folks. :D

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6e014f  No.22735


Nope, no need. I was having a lend. The last thing that is needed is another board. ANOTHER BOARD

>Dramatic music

My sarcasm foes to waste :/

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6e014f  No.22736


I admit that I crave real person/people interaction.


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93996e  No.22737


well, i understand that feeling… have that too sometimes

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6e014f  No.22738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not to be taken personally!

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93996e  No.22739


not available for me.. can't watch..

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6e014f  No.22740


That's kind of a shame, anon. But obviously not meant to be.

Hard to believe for me that it's been 20 years. :s

Most of what I thought I knew then, is near the opposite of what I know now.

I wish I could do something in order to allow you to hear it. Sry, my bad.

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93996e  No.22741


no problem..

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6e014f  No.22742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, but it is, lol.


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6e014f  No.22743

I have no one but me.

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93996e  No.22744


that's sad to hear… my mother is still alive, see her sometimes… i have a sister with two kids.. but i barely see them…

my real close friends all died…. so most of the times i'm alone… the closest things i have to a friend, are the anons here…

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c03bb2  No.22745



This video is not available.


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c03bb2  No.22746


We don't die. The board might, from time to time, but we carry on eternal.

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6e014f  No.22747


I have family still living, anon. My mother and father were so different as we ll as indifferent through my learnng to participate in human being that I've not quite been able to figure it. They've done their best at being them, and not given much thought to waht I would be. I have siblings. One of whom is entirely absorbed and the other of whom was severely brain damaged at birth. I've learned a lot from both of them.

I could read and write at the age of 3 because my older sibling was a teacher type and got a kick out of it. I learned from my other older sibling, acceptance, and that what people see is not always what they get. I learned to read more from my impaired sibling, than what I did from the one who was said to be the bright spark of the family.

Yup, I'm drunk. I'll prolly find a way to bitch about any old thing.Most my close friends are gone/dead. I never did let that many in, but still, they're gone. Getting older, lmao.

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93996e  No.22748


yup.. same feeling here… getting older and more lonely by the day

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6e014f  No.22749


Chane your ip to nz r au. that's all I can offer.

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6e014f  No.22750



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93996e  No.22751

https:// stwity.com/MorningStarPay/

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6e014f  No.22752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Random, but not.

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6e014f  No.22753


They're getting there.

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c03bb2  No.22754


I think I'll be okay thanks. :)

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c03bb2  No.22755

In May, 2018, they mysterious Ed Anon group reached prominence on the world stage with their rollout of MRNG. The Deep State thought it was nothing to be concerned with. They were caught sleeping. Within weeks MRNG had surpassed Buttcoin as the preferred medium of exchange, eventually going on to supplant all other forms of currency.

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6e014f  No.22756

Our resident cicadas have gone underground, it seams.

We hopes that they understand that we know they are not perfect; far from. And we hopes they will keep dropping stuff,

We also hopes that they would never, ever get so involved as to sway us in our research and opinion.


Ok is ok. do what ya do anon.

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6e014f  No.22757


thanks TV infomercial.

Do we have links?

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c03bb2  No.22758

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c03bb2  No.22759


NOW how much would you pay? But don't answer because if you order now, you also get…………

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6e014f  No.22760


I also get an asshole blocker?

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c03bb2  No.22761

Or my all-time favorite … if you order now you can get a second Wincing Widget! Just pay a separate fee.

Oh cool how much is the separate fee?

The same as the first fee.

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6e014f  No.22762


Please continue!

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6e014f  No.22763

I'm feeling rather disappoited. I keep hoping that I'll meet someone like me, or more sor,t someone who is aligned. It hasn't happened.

I know by way of unsupidity, how it works, but by way of ultra stupidity overwhelming the un, I'm fucked.

It's all my fault.

Life maywell be compared to blockchain (bitcoin). When the energy value appears to outweigh the gain, mining comes to an almost stand still.

Yay, go lie. You've been educed to, fucked and fucked again by an algorithm.

I'm stupido.

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136c75  No.22764

File: d20264d8de80f82⋯.jpg (6.3 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_6500.JPG)

File: fb0cb9349dd9519⋯.jpg (6.68 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_6501.JPG)

The last bread in QR was filled with Anons complaining about the banning & calling out the rogue BVs. Then 8Bit actually posts and lies! He said that the she BV has never banned anyone & the other BV has only banned 5 Anons. Why is he lying? I really think he is truly comped now. That whole board is comped now. I thought 8Bit was a /goodguy/ but either he got taken out (when he was "sick") & the Clowns took over OR he got bought out. Something definitely isn't right bc he does not sound like the same person who has come on this board to support us.

Also, I posted a very civil response to BO's post regarding his BVs not banning & asked him to stop the censorship….I got a one word response from an "Anon" that said "NO"! That spoke volumes to me because I felt in my marrow that was the BO responding to me as Anon.

It is sad to see another board go down in flames. Thank God for this Board. I don't agree with some of you on here (regarding POTUS & Q Muh comped) BUT I respect the fact that it is your opinion & you have a right to express yourself & the BO respects that as well.

There was an Anon that got banned who was threatening Q. I wondered if it could have been Lynn or another Cabal or Clown. Things like that should not get deleted or banned because that needs to be seen by Q team. A regular Anon isn't going to do that mes thinks. (See pics).

Happy Digging today & Shadilay! :)

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93996e  No.22765


weird stuff there on qr.. indeed glad this board exists… thx for keeping us op to date

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c03bb2  No.22766


What is the infinite endless resistance to being worth something rooted in? Find that. Question it. What would go wrong if you were't self-defined as a piece of shit? What threat looms? You push your self-perceived worthlessness harder than any other issue. Hang on to that concept for dear life. What goes wrong if you can no longer be worthless? What weight has to be carried? What threat of failure looms? All stuff to figure out. Nature already created you so nothing is going to change beyond basic growth. All the rest is your own protective definitions.

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c03bb2  No.22767


Many responsibilities - perceived or real - are hidden from by claiming to be a piece of shit. The threat of failure drops to near-zero as nobody is allowed to expect anything from you.

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6e014f  No.22768


I hold such immense power that in itself is enough to render the holder seeking weakness for but one reason. Balance!

My soul will win out in the end; always.

I am weak for the sake of being so.


g'night, anons.

<3 Love to all :)

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93996e  No.22769


gnight.. sleep well.. see ya tomorrow

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c03bb2  No.22770


You alone determine what has value for you. You can't get it wrong. :)

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93996e  No.22771

btw… now that the investigation of the IG will be expanded to fbi/doj mingling in the elections.. does that mean we don't see the IG-report? and have to wait till he is done with that extention?

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190cef  No.22772


what is MNRG? another criptocurrency?

ctrl+alt+stamp instead of a photo?

someone explain me this criptocurrency!

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93996e  No.22773


hope someone can explain it well enough.. i myself don't understand it at all :(

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190cef  No.22774


to Ed, i'm seeing your MNRG, but also MONERO and Dash is encrypted and impossible to decrypt! Like 1024+256bit of telegram secret chat!

i've seen your photo that prevoiusly i didn't understand and now i've understood what you are doing! Well done and also good job, with all my congratulations!

AHAHAHAHAH more time spend and more I start to understand what is passing in your mind, ahhahahaah , you are a genius! <3

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93996e  No.22775


that's great to hear… do you have the twitter & homepage?

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93996e  No.22776

https:// twitter.com/MorningStarPay

http:// www.morningstarpayments.com

https:// morningstarpayments.xyz

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190cef  No.22777


already seen! thank you


no! like FB , they can be hacked. I get Tel….. and thre…

However i was for 128bit encryption XD

I hope that there isn't mining option for ecologicals reasons (only for me, stupid opinion)

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190cef  No.22779


http:// www.morningstarpayments.com/index.html@p=30.html

OK!!!!!!! I will invest! O.O O.O WOW it was my dream!!!! It was my dream of Criptocurrency!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 YOU ARE WONDERFULL!!!!!



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93996e  No.22780


easy :D maybe first a good talk with ed… that's a lot of money… ;-)

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c03bb2  No.22781


YES. Research. Slow down and think things through.

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93996e  No.22783


Last post was simply for IDEN_reconf.

http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/05/22/fbi-doj-to-brief-lawmakers-on-handling-russia-probe-on-thursday.html📁

Who is missing from the scheduled meeting?


Who is Ed O’Callahan?





Enjoy the show.



who is E.D.?

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93996e  No.22784


damn have to wake up first.. sorry : Ed o'callahan?

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93996e  No.22785

morning anons

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6e014f  No.22786

Good afternoon, anons.

I have no idea what I was talking about last night. LMAO. I'm at least glad I didn't start, or get into a bar room brawl. Phew, no scars or bruises. Just a whole lot of senseless gibberish. :p


Morning, anon. We appear to have uncanny timing, in coming to the board at the same time.

I'm still reading through Q posts. No idea who Ed O'thinemy is. yet.

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93996e  No.22787


http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/05/22/fbi-doj-to-brief-lawmakers-on-handling-russia-probe-on-thursday.html

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93996e  No.22788


https:// www.roughlyexplained.com/2018/04/rosenstein-beefs-up-team-taps-veteran-prosecutor-ed-ocallaghan-as-his-right-hand/

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6e014f  No.22789


Fair enough, we know who he is now. So, while we're waiting for all this pain to come about, I'll just be getting on with my life, lol. It's going to happen or not, with or with out me.

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93996e  No.22790


yup :D normally i wouldn't even have posted it, but was just out of bed, taking my first coffee and saw Ed in the [ ] and didn't make the link immediately to ed o'callahan… so i posted and after my first cup of coffee i noticed immediately that i missed it lol ….

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6e014f  No.22791


I see, I see.

The Eds seem to be busy with all things crypto, it would seem. I have to admit that I had little giggle when I rad Qitas posts, this morning.

I thought it odd that BO hasn't posted for so song, and Pom has gone MIA as well.

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93996e  No.22792



yeah bo is quiet… think she decided rl is more important then being here and not moving forward…. the situation is frustrating and i have to say that i admire her for that (hope it isn't a he, thought a she lol, sorry)

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6e014f  No.22793


Lol, well, that's kind of uncomfortable. He's a he as far as we've been led to believe. He's definitely a he in his photo, as well.

Yeah, he seems to have quite a few projects to work on. Books and games and rendering this and that, as well as having taken an interest in the garden and putting up new fences etc.

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93996e  No.22794


oops lol… haven't seen a photo of him or nothing.. my bad :p

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c03bb2  No.22795

Good morning, anons!

Yes, to the best of my knowledge, BO is male; here's hoping I'm not becoming confused on these kinds of things. However >>22792 you're not out of line in your conclusions; I've been told more than once I have a distinctly feminine essence about me … not effeminate by any means; I simply come across as "harmless" (been told that more than once as well). Oddly enough (or not?) I find women to be POTENTIALLY the most desirable, magical creatures ever created for any number of reasons.

Currently I'm somewhat overwhelmed with a forward surge that has been on hold for over 5 decades. I'm not used to this kind of lifestyle, where every minute of the day sees me occupied doing something or another that needs to be done. Yesterday I installed a new starter and solenoid on our tractor (riding lawn mower), in addition to FINALLY fixing a short that was blowing fuses left and right, it runs like new and reliably so and it cost $31 in parts from Amazon. I've just discovered a simple formula that is causing a tsunami of good fortune in my life and I'm riding that wave for all it's worth. It's amazing that such a simple concept can be so deeply transformational: break through resistance. When I encounter "I REALLY don't feel like doing that right now; I'm busy, and it's about the last thing on Earth I feel like doing" … I'll jump up, defy that resistance, and go do it. That simple approach is working miracles. Money keeps falling from the sky without initiation. Yesterday a patient at my roommate's office sent her daughter in to give my roommate an extra $20 personal cash just for being so personally attentive in handling her. She's (my roommate) a medical records person and an office manager (she's the only one working at this satellite office when there are no clinics). Every day it's something. And every hour of every day we're out there pounding in fence posts, fixing things, building things, etc. "I'll do it later" has died and the results of that, in tangible terms, are overwhelming to say the least. I've never encountered anything like this. So currently most hours of most days are spent surging forward and getting things done.

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c03bb2  No.22796


The >>22793 anon knows me from Twitter. :)

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93996e  No.22797


ow you weren't quiet, you just had another id :p :D

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93996e  No.22798


morning btw

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6e014f  No.22799


Yeah, get a haircut, ya bum :p


Good to read that everything is continuing nicely. I do know what you mean about defying the resistance. It really is a simple formula. I hope all this activity is helping you to form a better sleeping pattern, as well.


He tricked us, lol.

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c03bb2  No.22800


Sleep has been much better lately, but still on a somewhat broken schedule. It isn't too problematic. My naps fill in and I get anywhere from 6 to 8 hours per day on average.


The world will never be so fortunate as to have me run out of opinions. :)

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93996e  No.22801

well.. enough coffee in my tummy.. back to ed-drops lol…. finally have a feeling i'm gaining somewhat on the drops that are posted in total :D

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190cef  No.22802


+21 https:// files-upload.info/files/v/kirkukVIDqahrulIda.mp4


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c03bb2  No.22803


Maybe 8bit isn't lying at all. Maybe Clowns, etc. … or Q … control that board and do things 8Bit and even PMS-ridden BV have no knowledge of and no control over. I could be completely wrong, of course; there is no way to verify this. But for what it's worth, 8Bit does not (to my knowledge) have a history of engaging in high drama or even having an agenda. I've posted about it more than once: that board is comped.

Ed has laughed at the concept. I wonder if they still feel that way.

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c03bb2  No.22804


That is the main FBI number. Doubtful they would post that # vs. somebody specific.

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0dfdf4  No.22805

File: 48f148aad13ba05⋯.png (565.79 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 165e68850565fe8⋯.png (524.69 KB, 624x498, 104:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ba06e8a3168fd5⋯.png (475.65 KB, 800x493, 800:493, ClipboardImage.png)


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d2fd87  No.22806


I honestly think that if Q and Qresearch were such a big issue to anyone, they/it would've been dealt with a long time ago. There are so many more than one way to skin a cat, as they say.

QR, IMO, is simply a clusterfuck of crazies all congregated in the one place. If there were interests in stopping Q from spreading their message, I do believe that it would've already been done.

There's a shit tonne of stuff that just doesn't add up, and not only where Q is concerned.

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d2fd87  No.22807


I had to change my VPN again, BTW.

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d2fd87  No.22808

File: dc7c9c8068dc1a0⋯.png (168.41 KB, 500x333, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

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67a39d  No.22809


Jesus was a stinking jew who got what he deserved for sedition and treason

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126f7e  No.22810


That is if you believe the fake books written by the cabal… expand your thinking you're letting your bias rule your mind

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126f7e  No.22811


I would LOVE to read the full page!!!

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126f7e  No.22812

There were more than one Jesus visitor… the Native Americans have many stories of a 'savior'… in vastly different regions

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d2fd87  No.22813


Lol, I love your ID. Hey babe, hahahaha.

I haven't done a search for it yet. It's on my list. It's a very long list after all I've been reading tonight.

Seven years ago, documents were found at the Vatican archives, showing that Pope Clement secretly forgave the Templars in 1314.

https:// aftermathnews.wordpress.com/2008/12/08/croatian-knights-templar-attain-international-recognition/

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126f7e  No.22814

File: 317d29c0f2f34a8⋯.png (354.42 KB, 472x502, 236:251, ClipboardImage.png)


Hahaha I had not even noticed!

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67a39d  No.22815


>fake books

>(( (cabal) ))

Yes , I've read the bible before and found it utter nonsense

The fact of the matter is jesus was a jew from judea

He was nailed to a stick and died. He CAN'T come back cause he's fucking dead

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67a39d  No.22816


Also daily reminder the jesus sacrament is ritual canibalism and literal spirit cooking



Not good folks not good at all

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126f7e  No.22817


He could also be a French man called Jacques. He is burried in the same french town as Mary Magdalena - only problem, the dates have been changed…. oh and his father was a carpenter, and he died on a mount of olive trees… oh… and he was also involved with the solomon temple.

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126f7e  No.22818


It was hijacked (like the rest)… that's their specialty… look at them now with the 'drain the swamp' bullshit. You think that's a new tactic? They are specialists. They put OUR savior on a cross, bloody, naked (THEIR VICTORY) and they told us to kneel….. think about that……. doesn't mean that Jesus was not a good man….

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c03bb2  No.22819


No kidding … everything about this is crazy and nobody can truly be verified. All we can do is pick and choose who to trust … if anybody.

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d2fd87  No.22820

File: 988f30c02c8d6ab⋯.png (914.89 KB, 850x468, 425:234, ClipboardImage.png)

Pic is kind of sort of unrelated. They're what I was digging on when I came across the parchment. Can find text of the parchment but no decent images of the drawings :/

https:// static1.squarespace.com/static/5570b2e9e4b0e9b175a9e5ee/t/562fae6ce4b001db23498b54/1445965420262/1308+AD+Chinon+Parchment+(Templar+Trials

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c03bb2  No.22821


LOL love ya babe, yer beautiful. Don't ever change.

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126f7e  No.22822


Looks like a form of arabic or a mirror image?

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c03bb2  No.22823

Ed is forsaking us.

https:// twitter.com/MorningStarPay/status/999061268966277120

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d2fd87  No.22824


It's Hebrew. The description can be easily read if expanding the image. I was reading that the line image, centre of the left image, is of Orion. That's what had me post the other parchment image when you said about Venus.


Seems to me that they're really quite busy with the blockchain stuff, anon. Few people here have taken interest in, or actually understand much of that side of things. Perhaps we failed the test, lol.

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126f7e  No.22826

In the year of Our Lord 1308, the 6th convocation, on the 17th day of August, in

the 3rd year of the Pontificate of Pope Clement V, brother Raymbaud de Caron,

Grand Prior of the Commanderies of Templar Knights in Outremer, was

brought before us, the named Cardinals, in the Town of Chinon of the Diocese

of Tours. With his hand on the Holy Gospel of the Lord he gave Oath that he

would speak the pure and complete truth about himself, and other individuals

and brothers of the Order, and about the Order itself, concerning adherence to

Catholic faith and the Rule of the Order, and also about five particular

individuals and brothers of the Order.

That should be in Old French. I can read old french… we need an original…


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cc25d0  No.22827

Made an update recently of the Q collection, which is posted in >>22825

For those who downloaded one of the previous full size packages: It should be enough to update your archive using the smaller zip containing only the html & recently posted images.

On another note: Someone is posting screencaps of this compilation on QR, and he/she is also working on the clock thing … Is that one of us regulars from around here ?

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c03bb2  No.22828


If people in here (in a general sense) felt like it was more of a solution, more anons would get more involved. I'm willing to help, just on principle; I've offered to do the logo as professionally as it's going to get done and that offer still stands. But being realistic, human nature is what it is and while most people love to hate Amazon, they run there and order from it anyway with regularity. MUCH of the solution is simply staying power. When MRNG launches (for a second time, more or less) it will probably languish out of the starting gate. If they keep it going anyway, then over time more and more people will think about it more and more. It will grow. But it's going to be a very gradual building process. We may not have that kind of time. But they're still taking action and doing something instead of sitting around screaming so if they have the patience, it has a good chance of working out as intended.

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d2fd87  No.22829

File: 3c64dafa4c0ee9d⋯.png (619.83 KB, 520x546, 20:21, ClipboardImage.png)


I've not been able to find a better rez as of yet.

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07ed93  No.22830


Didn't Q say Ed was busy doing RR's job? ..and Disinformation was necessary?

BTW, when I first came on here months ago and posted one time..ONCE.. I mentioned "Israel" and Q turned his attention to Israel for the next 4-5 days then the subject went away. I was also kicked suddenly out of a FB group for same reason….to which the next Q post said something to the effect of "we're moving too fast and need to slow down".

Course, this could all be the narcissistic part of me screaming to get out. Yeah, probably.

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126f7e  No.22831


too small :C

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c03bb2  No.22832


Remember to open the image in a new tab; it appears much bigger than if you just click the image here. You probably know this; just being thorough.

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d2fd87  No.22833

File: 5832e138f55d290⋯.png (366.9 KB, 479x375, 479:375, ClipboardImage.png)


Not I. I only go there out of desperation. O_o

Thanks, anon.


I'm all for helping/contributing, but I have no idea what to do. Heck, I even looked for how to purchase coin but it doesn't appear that I'm currently able. I don't know. If everything is going to be cryptic and turned into a puzzle, then I'm afraid it excludes quite a lot of people.


I'll see what I can do, anon. Getting late here and that = me getting tired. I found the drawings, at least, lol. Which is what I was more interested in at the time.


Thanks anon. That's as big as it gets.

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126f7e  No.22834


I did… but there is not enough resolution for me to read

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126f7e  No.22835

File: 61e00aaac4a2df3⋯.png (496.99 KB, 753x521, 753:521, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like latin? I might be wrong on this

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c03bb2  No.22836


I saw that … not much else can be done except finding a better copy.

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d2fd87  No.22837


Latin makes sense.

I'm not having any luck finding a better rez copy anyway. Perhaps deliberate. People making money off it and all.

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93996e  No.22838


thx for doing that each time!

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a12031  No.22839


That is clearly mongolian

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07ed93  No.22840


..and go back to what happened in Constantinople in the 300's. BTW, what would happen if peoples figured out that Solomon (and maybe King David) weren't so cool after all? And what would the world do if they found out the temples were really the Den of Thieves Jesus said they were and maybe even places of devil worship?? And what if the world found out everything they were taught was twisted upside down and that Jesus already came and died for us and that part is over and we can now enjoy life to the fullest before we die and THEN see Him? WHAT IF ??

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07ed93  No.22841

..wouldn't that be the BIGGEST SECRET ever?

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126f7e  No.22842

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07ed93  No.22843

imagine the $$$ not going to churches but actually helping poor people…you know, running water in 3rd world countries and everything..

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07ed93  No.22844

and that ends your 50,000 foot view for the day.

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126f7e  No.22845


Yes in part I think that is what happened. But I also think there were the Draconian Measures, and the fallen ones……. then others came to help.

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d2fd87  No.22846


I've been having a bit of a look into the Phoenicians, and I dare say that if they could've been demonized (most likely) by the penman of bibles and story tellers; then Solomon could also have been.

As said in the Solomon' Key book, the knowledge falling in to the wrong hands would be almost unimaginable. Solomon's intent with those writings, came across to me as being of good faith.

I'm currently reading this, and will know more, I guess; and likely have yet another change of opinion, lol.

http:// www.esotericarchives.com/solomon/testamen.htm

I really should go to bed. I'm tired, but something always manages to suck me in. So much to read and learn. So damn lisdexic, lol.

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d2fd87  No.22847

Well, I can keep my eyes open, no longer.

Good night from me, anons.

<3 Love to all :)

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93996e  No.22849


you're probably gone, but sleep well ;-)

ow today is the 23rd… something big will happen looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

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c03bb2  No.22850


For whatever it may or may not be worth, the supposed Rothschild thread on GLP said that Solomon found the key, so the lock had to be changed.

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c03bb2  No.22851

File: e920442756b640a⋯.jpg (18.48 KB, 400x400, 1:1, gk.jpg)

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5c817f  No.22852


mongolian… isn't that where the area is that those "kind" of jews came from? have read something about that somewhere

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190cef  No.22853

>>22556 retrosage

im anon from earlier post that delurked then disappeared for a few days, come back in here to take refuge from the mess on social media about Q, and for a bit of distraction, found a higher resolution version of this


image here. if its latin, it could say "nicolaus nicoli", "profane", "et ego … de" meaning "and i … of", and "alue" meaning garlic or comfrey, but i dont know latin and im not even quite able to follow this thread, and the meanings are what i found in from http:// www.latin-dictionary.net

http:// farm6.staticflickr.com/5128/5210413996_e27fd0c5a3_z.jpg

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07ed93  No.22854


The world and the movies and the comic books and life have always been about good and evil..good and evil..good and evil.

Like Batman and Joker.

But what if Batman already killed Joker? A long time ago?

What if all of Batman's fans are still waiting for Batman to come and kill Joker? For Batman's Good to conquer Joker's Evil?

But what if it already happened? What would these good fans be doing? They'd be sitting around waiting - doing nothing, really - because they're always "waiting" for Batman to off Joker.

This would immobilize Batman fans because they wouldn't know they now have Batman's power. This would make them not even do their good powers/jobs to the best of their abilities because they're waiting for Batman to come so why bother doing anything until they get the "real stuff"? …all the while not even knowing or refusing to hear that they already have that power?

Wouldn't that be the Ultimate Brain Freeze? The Joker would have left the best evil scheme to just keep on going and going and going, long after his death.

Meanwhile, Joker's friends and those who remained alive are using this mentality and false narrative to keep doing what they're doing which is causing world havoc because they have unlimited time and resources because Batman's fans don't challenge anything…I mean, how and why should they if they don't have the power yet?

All the while Batman's fans wait..and wait…and wait…..

Ah shucks Joker….you had such a good plan!

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5c817f  No.22855


not qita?

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190cef  No.22856


no, not qita. which is why im saging my own posts to mark myself as not qita as possibly the only other person that posts through tor. (hello!)

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5c817f  No.22857


ah thx for that :D

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c03bb2  No.22858


Well day-um! This really made me think. But there is plenty of evil in the world, deep state or no deep state. People themselves are good or evil depending on what suits them in any given moment. Where they feel weak and powerless, they are evil - assuming open license to do whatever makes them feel better, at any cost to anybody. They simply engage in endless mental masturbation and redefine the evil to be good. They will often go so far overboard that they'll paint themselves as having made a massive sacrifice for the greater good when in reality all they did was f**k the next guy and serve their own needs.

So we may personify evil in some kind of centralized public enemy #1 but in reality it lives in all of us, all the time, and comes out to play more frequently than not.

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c03bb2  No.22859


Most of the motivation for most of what happens in the world is done in the name of harvesting emotional energy from others.

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5c817f  No.22860

wtf.. that round table with trump on MS-13 is about glorifying Rosenstein…. praising him… WTF!

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c03bb2  No.22861

I've been singing with my band, across the wire, across the land, I've seen every blue-eyed floosie on the way. But their beauty and their style went kind of smooth after awhile, take me to them dirty ladies every time.

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07ed93  No.22862


My analogy is Jesus dying on the cross and ridding the world of deathly evil yet every church in the world not believing he did, and constantly preaching people have to WAIT for him to do it…to conquer that evil…so really being the biggest blasphemers of all…implying he DIDN'T do his job. Thus the outcome is people giving all their money to churches to entertain themselves every Sunday rather than giving that money directly to the poor.

Another result is no one thinks they have any power yet to defeat this evil that still abounds (even though it's conquerable now) because they've been told they don't have the full power yet…and they have to keep waiting for it. Of course this let's demonic forces have carte' blanche.

Add in another real good one that was made up in the 1800's that certain people are going to be zapped up into the air in the middle of the day (like Nicholas Cage suggests) and planes will crash. This makes people not only give their entire estates away thinking it's "any day now" but also not doing anything good around the world either because it's 'any day now' so why start a project type thing.

The side effects of all this teaching is numbing. The Dollars that flow are billions yearly. The amount of souls that are lost because the whole idea the way it's preached really does sound stupid and contrary to reality.

Add the fact that there's a church preaching it that's so big it has its own zip code. Then of course, add to that one that has its own country. Add to that it's the cause of all the wars and strife and addictions and pain just because of the very fear of it. Add to that the very problems of this world are not getting solved, especially because people think that something will happen that will whisk them away from all of it…sooonnn….any day now…..

Yeah, I would say this is all one big mess.

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07ed93  No.22863


IOW, question everybody who thinks a hexagram is a nice, powerless, cute little religious symbol.

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07ed93  No.22864


1 Kings 11:6 "Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and did not follow the LORD fully, as David his father had done. 7Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable idol of Moab, on the mountain which is east of Jerusalem, and for Molech the detestable idol of the sons of Ammon. 8Thus also he did for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and sacrificed to their gods.…"

One of Solomon's favorite of his 1,000 wives was the daughter of Pharaoh. She demanded a lot from him and he loving sex so much acquiesed. What do you guys think the "sacrifices" were? You guessed it. I should ask, WHO were the sacrifices?

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07ed93  No.22865


1 Kings 9:6"But if you or your sons indeed turn away from following Me, and do not keep My commandments and My statutes which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them, 7then I will cut off Israel from the land which I have given them, and the house which I have consecrated for My name, I will cast out of My sight. So Israel will become a proverb and a byword among all peoples. 8"And this house will become a heap of ruins; everyone who passes by will be astonished and hiss and say, 'Why has the LORD done thus to this land and to this house?'

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07ed93  No.22866

Deut 4:26

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that you will surely perish quickly from the land where you are going over the Jordan to possess it. You shall not live long on it, but will be utterly destroyed.

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07ed93  No.22867

Now, if anyone wants to tell me there is some "right" to some "land", they can go ahead and tell me right here, Biblically that is, just where the verse is. I'd love to read it.

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07ed93  No.22868


and just to be clear, I have no animosity towards any "peoples". I only have animosity towards evil. Otherwise, I believe every one has a right to live in peace. Ciao

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c03bb2  No.22869


When one's life does not reflect the knowledge one claims to have, it stands to reason that the knowledge they claim to have is either useless or imaginary.

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07ed93  No.22870


Are you implying my knowledge is useless or imaginary?

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c03bb2  No.22871


I've had you filtered forever so I'm really surprised at how bad the problem has become.

You are filling this board with rote recitals of the material of indoctrination. No matter how deeply you believe, that belief does not extend beyond you.

Everybody posts off-topic and I lead the charge. But to carry on and on and on for post after post with material that isn't even your own half the time, but simply word-for-word recitals of somebody else's material, new people coming here have to wade through that and half the time they won't even bother because it becomes so repetitive and so voluminous.

This board is not a forum for evangelism. It is not here to convert others to whatever flavor of Christianity you subscribe to.

If you are so terrified of others not believing, then your religion has failed you. But the real issue is that we just keep going in circles on this problem and I just cannot get through to you.

This board is not a forum for evangelism. I've said it a thousand times, a thousand ways, and you just keep carrying on like a broken record.

For every person you might reach, you become a problem to a hundred others.

I'm going to wait and see what some of the other regulars in here feel about how to handle the problem. My guess is that most have already filtered you but it's the new people coming in that I'm more concerned about.

There is just no reigning you in. Have your beliefs, nobody cares, but keep the hard core evangelism off this board. It seems you are either unwilling or incapable of respecting others at least to that degree.

There is nothing you can tell us that we haven't heard a thousand times before. Repeating it a thousand more only makes you a problem.

Waiting for feedback from others. I am to the point of banning but I will wait and see what others think.

You're not getting it. I'm not reaching you.

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4da4bf  No.22872

File: e80688f4ef56d81⋯.jpg (88.03 KB, 960x638, 480:319, SerpentineCross.jpg)

File: 21b2c72059e13e7⋯.png (201.94 KB, 843x353, 843:353, Screenshot from 2018-04-23….png)

File: 1ac49cded31a34f⋯.png (1.7 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 2000pxtrans.png)

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c03bb2  No.22873


Ed has voted: GodAnon remains on the island.

Waiting to see how others feel. If I'm the only one having such a problem, then GodAnon will remain filtered (for me only) and it will be business a usual here.

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c03bb2  No.22874


*business AS usual.

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07ed93  No.22875

I can't "convert" anybody. Only God can. What I am trying so very hard to get across is the reason I believe for all the world's problems. And that reason is false religions and false ideologies, starting with the [P]. I think you attack me versus trying to get at what I'm trying to say and I'm not sure why. Religious organizations ARE the problem. Why is that not getting through??

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4da4bf  No.22876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4da4bf  No.22877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3708cc  No.22878


WAS open source I make AR's and have The "G" code In many different places even handwritten I work for a weapons MFG And CNC trained

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4da4bf  No.22879



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c03bb2  No.22880

File: 7c377a98854e921⋯.png (29.09 KB, 491x664, 491:664, MRNG_in_progress.png)

In progress … working on it … this is a 2D model, stretches to 3D, ends up as polished chrome where the black lines are; rough silver where the white is … can be endlessly modified from there. Starting out by making it (more or less) a coin.

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c03bb2  No.22881


This process is about modeling a 3D physical object. That's what Blender is set up to do. So … about 4 hours into this so far. More to come. The hardest stuff is done.

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c03bb2  No.22882


I know there were cheap-o knock-offs of the AR-15 but does anybody legally license from Colt to make them nowadays?

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c03bb2  No.22883

File: c4f6e6b5d75b44a⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, MRNG_in_progress_2.png)

Moving along.

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4da4bf  No.22884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MK Silver.

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4da4bf  No.22885

File: be1db8697404de1⋯.jpg (33.42 KB, 594x474, 99:79, Ted_with_Ronald_Reagon-594….jpg)

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4da4bf  No.22886

File: 26653408610d2c7⋯.jpeg (11.36 KB, 328x154, 164:77, download.jpeg)

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d2fd87  No.22891

Good morning, anons.

Aren't I glad I jumped on early today!

Interesting. Still catching up.

Can someone tell me how to make it so as posts reflect my time? I forgot, and it's driving me nuts.

Was the last post an hour ago or 3 hours ago? Ugh.

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c03bb2  No.22892

File: 419978102dfdf67⋯.png (107.98 KB, 885x859, 885:859, MRNG_in_progress_3.png)

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c03bb2  No.22893

File: 575343cc003a87e⋯.png (760.63 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, MRNG_in_progress_3.png)

Just a stupid experiment.

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d2fd87  No.22894

Stop panicking! My date and time settings were all cocked up.


Looks pretty good when enlarged but not so good when small.

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c03bb2  No.22895


I'm just playing. Nobody would want the glow one. I'm trying to get the model cleaned up. Once it's done, then lighting, materials and color are easy.

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d2fd87  No.22896

File: 47989e7d3d581fd⋯.png (160.45 KB, 320x239, 320:239, ClipboardImage.png)

Seeing the pic of Regan prompted me to recall him having been at Bohemian Grove. It's amazing how often I end up at Aangirfan blog. These 2 are top shelf diggers, IMO.

> aanirfan.blogspot.com.au/2015/07/bohemian-grove-and-mind-control.html

I did not know that Queen Lizzy was there in 83, but I'm sure it's of no surprise, as it wasn't for me.



I look forward to seeing it, anon. Though, Eds appear to be very much otherwise engaged, lol. Very much so!

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5c817f  No.22897



ed??? what do you mean?

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c03bb2  No.22898

File: dd9d298a24c6762⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, MRNG_in_progress_4.png)

3D model complete. Now we can play around with camera angle, materials, lighting, etc. until the cows come home. Moo.

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c03bb2  No.22899


They're locked in Mortal Kombat with somebody or another. They will emerge victorious and at some point rejoin us.

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5c817f  No.22900

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c03bb2  No.22901


Motion blur is also an option as is fire, smoke, particles (dissolving or otherwise) … if you've ever seen an effect, it can be applied here. Expand your thinking. Relevant.

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d2fd87  No.22902


Is this Awesome Anon with a different IP/ID?


I was expecting a silverish chrome. What's with the band behind it?

If it were solid, it would actually look like a coin.

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5c817f  No.22903


my id has changed indeed.. see it now… :D

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d2fd87  No.22904


Are you up late for you, or earlier than usual? Should I greet you with a good evening or a good morning? Lol.

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5c817f  No.22905


fell asleep too early… so awake very early… that's the problem when not needing lots of sleep :D

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c03bb2  No.22906


Getting there. Chrome is the hardest thing to make because it has to have something to reflect. Which means it's all about the background. Right now I just have some stupid hdri, the first one I could find, as an environment background. A good background takes more time and more work. I'll probably have it Thursday. Even then I don't know if that's what they want.

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c03bb2  No.22907

File: e9ded2571b6d8e1⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, MRNG_in_progress_5.png)

Another test: red glass. The design is actually chrome but all you see is what it's reflecting. Not keeping this either. Just playing.

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d2fd87  No.22908


Good morning, anon. Hehehehe.


I guess it all depends on how it turns out.


Tacky :s

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8254cf  No.22909


Sorry, I'm a little late to the party here - what is this?

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5c817f  No.22910


that would be a nice collectable to have in real :D



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5c817f  No.22911

lol… listening to dan bongino (last episode)… talking about sheepdogs… ed once called me that haha :p

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5c817f  No.22912


the sign of morningstar payments… but in 3d i guess

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d2fd87  No.22913

< caitlinjohnstone.com/2018/05/19/the-friendly-mask-of-the-orwellian-oligarchy-has-fallen-off/

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c03bb2  No.22914


LOL sure would … but making it in real life is a LITTLE harder than doing it in a graphics app. :)

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5c817f  No.22916



nice article… wow :D thx for sharing!

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d2fd87  No.22917


I thought it would appeal to you, anon. ;)


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c03bb2  No.22918

File: 63e33189499383a⋯.png (507.38 KB, 960x540, 16:9, MRNG_in_progress_6.png)

Refine, refine, refine … might be 100 different renders (draws) before it even starts to look the way they want it. But I need feedback from them and right now they have other matters to attend to.

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5c817f  No.22919


i want one in silver, a real one :D

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c03bb2  No.22920

Was about to go to bed over an hour ago … but yet another storm is coming in (13 days in a row with rain; more in the past 36 hours than the past year). Our Pyrenees barks up a "storm" every time it thunders and my roommate's daughter just got rear ended so hard that she was slammed into the car in front of her. Her car is totaled. But she seems to be okay, all things being relative. So much for sleep.

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c03bb2  No.22921


How will you be paying for that? With MRNG? :)

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5c817f  No.22922


lol… a gift would be nice, cause i'm awesome :p

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d2fd87  No.22923

Muh head is spinning!

How the hell do we rid ourselves of all these evil, connected bastards?

Everywhere you turn there's another one, or another organization, another group, charity, private island owner, president, actor, musician, philanthropist, socialite, politician, priest, sunday school teacher, local shop owner, yada, yada, yada, all tied into the enormous web that appears to go on forever. It just goes on and on and on.

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d2fd87  No.22924


I'll happily take some of that rain off your hands :D

Glad your roommates daughter is OK. Will you be playing taxi driver again for a while?

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5c817f  No.22925

US helping isis again :( :( :( so sad to see this :(

https:// twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/999449748250624000

https:// twitter.com/ELINTNews/status/999453914587172865

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5c817f  No.22926

lol, just read a good one on YT about kilauea….

"take it easy folks, the earth is just releasing its gasses, don't we all do that? we can't help it mother nature has a big butt"

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d2fd87  No.22927


I get teary, no joke, every time I see this happening.

Some very, very interesting things in them there comments in the first link.

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5c817f  No.22928


yeah… i have her twitter in my favorites (don't have twit anymore after banned)…. always interesting things to read…. she is in syria herself… but the reactions are indeed interesting…

i see it more and more… americans saying what i say: i didn't vote for this, or i didn't vote to be the puppet of israel… and such things

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5c817f  No.22929

btw, yesterday i had some talks with a few brothers & sisters of mine…. there are two things that came forward, 3 main thoughts that each on their own had… but that were similar

- us at this point is doing rothschilds/globalists plan (foreign policy)

- brennan, comey probably will be the scapegoats and maybe some smaller ones, the real thieves & crooks will remain free….

- we can expect some arrests and clarity on some things (half truths) during summer-recess, cause that is needed for good elections…

thinking about those things (they know what they are talking about) there is something in it

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d2fd87  No.22930


How does one initiate change? How does one get the message across without telling those around them to sit down and read a thousand pages of information that is of little interest to them in their comatose brains.

I don't know anyone who would sit down to read what I have today. Some might read one or two of the articles/blogs, but soon enough struggle with cognitive dissonance.

My friend who kept telling me "You're wrong" the other day, just sent me a text to apologize, lol. He referred to himself as being obtuse! ;)


Definitely this, but I agree with all of it, anon.

> - we can expect some arrests and clarity on some things (half truths) during summer-recess, cause that is needed for good elections…

I'm reading just about everything I can get my hands on in regard to Trump and still carrying out the globalist/rothschild plan. IMO, it's undeniable when faced with so many in your face facts. Sorry I don't share much of it. I'd be dropping 100 links a day if I shared it all, and as you know, there are people who come here of whom would consider that over the top, lol. I don't want to push it on people.

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5c817f  No.22931


we are on the same page on that… if i would drop all the links i read and found good, it would be more then 100 too..

you're right… pushing it is not good… try to tell that to myself each day (even multiple times)… had to learn that the hard way ;-)

yeah.. some people i had fights with (even real fights) are now dripping back in online, no political talks or war-talks, but just saying that i may be not that wrong, no excuses, but i just notice that they are getting the feeling something doesn't add up and that what i said somewhere has an explanation for that…. at this point i keep my mouth shut.. letting them find it out on their own…

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5c817f  No.22932

https:// fitzinfo.wordpress.com/2016/10/29/trump-controlled-by-mossad/

good article, just came on it, while digging ed's drops after ed went hard about Q & blackmail.. (ed is right imo, but it's on each of you that read this to make up their own mind)

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d2fd87  No.22933

File: eb70b481b84910e⋯.png (111.99 KB, 276x183, 92:61, ClipboardImage.png)


See pic, lol.


I've read this. All 4 parts thus far. The fourth part only became available a week or 2 ago.

Indeed it is up to all to make up their own minds. Many will not want to believe what they read, though.

Thanks, anon.

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5c817f  No.22934


yeah…. the pic is what needs to be done… the previous seedlings where screwed up by the Q-thing…. the harvest is very small…. so we have to start over again…. but now with even more bad lands and dopey weather…. (censorship and a new hive that eat the seeds) … been there, done that… fought it… and will keep fighting

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5c817f  No.22935


https:// www.rt.com/news/427608-reports-us-strikes-syria-incorrect

so… who was it? israel.. i'm looking at you… or france? UK, just don't look at me when asking, that's enough.. i promise i won't tell lol

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d2fd87  No.22936


A tree with strong roots laughs at the storm. (something like that). That's you, lol.


Ya have to tell me, anon. I want to know. I'd really like to know how in this day and age, they don't know who it was. Like…you're kidding me, right? They could tell me in 20 seconds flat what I had for breakfast (exaggerating, maybe), but they don't know who flew great big aircraft over Syria? Do expect too much from today's technology, as well as the capacity to spy on and monitor everything and everyone?

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5c817f  No.22937


that is exactly what i was thinking… fact is… they all know who it was, but don't say it, because of "secret information" or protecting friends… it's all BS indeed

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5c817f  No.22938

http:// aanirfan.blogspot.be/2016/03/trump-cia-asset.html

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d2fd87  No.22939


Lol, I've read that one as well. They have a heap of good stuff to go through. I tried watching the first vid a while back. It was interesting in parts and just downright crazy in others but I managed to get a few ideas about directions to follow, before I just couldn't bare the format of it any more.

AFK for a bit. need to walk the fur baby and grab a few things.

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5c817f  No.22940


enjoy the walk

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5c817f  No.22941

https:// twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/999561008698945536

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5c817f  No.22942

File: 4f4945dea086e69⋯.jpg (832.97 KB, 3600x2400, 3:2, gettyimages-609494034-2[1].jpg)

wth.. look for eric trump :o

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d2fd87  No.22943


It was very pleasant, thank you.


Thems is strong, harsh and very true words.


If Eric is 196cm tall then Trump is nowhere near the 190cm that his medical reports claim him to be, LMAO. NO WAY! ANd Don Jr is meant to only be 185cm? He sure looks taller than his father in that pic, and looks like they're wearing the same height heal, as well.

Ivanka looks like a fembot! :p

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5c817f  No.22944


he can't be that tall (donald)… cause when looking at the picture, that would make eric the height of comey

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d2fd87  No.22945


I think we need to face facts. POTUS is obese!!!

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c03bb2  No.22946


No she is many miles north just beyond Atlanta.

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d2fd87  No.22947


Well, I hope all works out well, and that she and others have good insurance.

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d2fd87  No.22948

I'm not sure that it was appropriate for me to laugh when reading this.

< aanirfan.blogspot.com.au/2018/04/5-types-of-trump-voters.html

4. 19% are the Anti-Elites.

They believe the economic and political systems are rigged against them.

They are younger than the other groups.

Their views on immigration, race and American identity are relatively moderate.

Trump will continue to have the support of these Anti-Elites, so long as he hides the fact that he is protecting the Elite.

Trump Saudi Prince

5. 5% are the Disengaged.

They are younger and more female than male.

They tend to like Trump's views on Muslims and immigration.

Trump will continue to have the support of these Disengaged, so long as he hides his ties to Muslims and immigration.

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c03bb2  No.22949


TY. Second time this has happened at high speed. So we can expect many more. She is a target.

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c03bb2  No.22950


What a way to go through life: hating every living person who has more than I do. Like stripping them of what they have is going to help me.

History says that it's truly the predominant mindset: make everybody equally miserable. Most people across all of history seem to aim here. When a culture reaches the point of the entire society being impoverished, protests stop. There is nothing left to protest. The people have what they want.

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d2fd87  No.22951


Um, I fail to connect your comments with my post, anon. That said, I kind of get where you're coming from, though not able to place it in context.


From one of the comments in the last link I posted.

< shtfplan.com/headline-news/oceania-tis-for-thee-the-world-of-1984-forming-now_04022018

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5c817f  No.22952

so the investigation in who did the downing of MH-17 is also a joke….

let me give a simple example… a dutch person, me and you are in a room… the dutch person is killed… the dutch investigation uses me as a direct witness and my friends are used to confirm my story… this is how the dutch investigation will come to its conclusion…

(btw… i did it… get the point)

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5c817f  No.22953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d2fd87  No.22954


Point taken!


Man, wouldn't it be fantastic if that was to go viral.


I was thinking about who might be behind the latest Syrian attack. I was just reading something and I gots to thinking, I did (dangerous, I know). Perhaps we should be looking more at mercenaries. Not saying that it's likely the case with the above, but they're being utilized more and more and making more dollars, able to grow and pay more to have people killed at will.

Who's to say that they won't be much bigger, stronger and more influential than state run military agencies in short time?

Eww, I don't like where my thinking is going with this. Scary stuff. Very scary stuff. Maybe we're already there in so many ways.

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c03bb2  No.22955



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5c817f  No.22956


mercenaries? with planes?

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d2fd87  No.22957


That was a long stretch, my friend, lol.


I came up with the thought while thinking about the Syria attack. I wasn't saying, as I did state that it's not likely the case with that attack. It was just my catalyst for the thought process.

But don't immediately discount it, just the same. They do have aircraft. Just ask Erik Prince.

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5c817f  No.22958


hmm. a possible thought… they are in the area there

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c03bb2  No.22959


>That was a long stretch, my friend, lol.

How so? You mentioned them specifically as one of the list items. "4. 19% are the Anti-Elites. They believe the economic and political systems are rigged against them." To respond with a commentary about what a dismal state those 19% are in seems pretty obvious. Did you forget what you posted?

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5c817f  No.22960



me think : what we've got here is failure to communicate

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d2fd87  No.22961


I don't get it! It didn't contextually fit in my mind. I don't get it. I still don't get it. Please no….. don't hurt me…noooo…. aaaggghhhhhhh.


This, lol. :D

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d2fd87  No.22962


Now I've got Guns 'n Roses, Civil War playing in my head. Quite fitting, really.

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5c817f  No.22963


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c03bb2  No.22964

When Ed first suggested that Q is not on our side, we lacked a specific agenda that was being followed. It takes some work to post 1,436 times on an array of boards, cycling through 7 boards with two of them dedicated, deleting many posts shortly after they're posted. I seem to be the only one concerned with identifying their motive for doing all this: if they're not on our side, what is their purpose?

Looking at what's played out since that time, we've fallen into a mode of absolute chaos where a record number of promises are continually made, from the OIG report to the NK summit to all the pain that's supposed to be coming. As always, the 23rd - the day we should all be watching the news - came and went with nothing Earth shattering happening.

Drawing conclusions from actual results, the agenda is to keep us occupied running in circles. As long as people are following Q, they're too focused on what isn't happening to pay much attention to what is. Nobody is going to jail, nobody is being held accountable for anything. It's all "tomorrow." Forever, it will be "tomorrow." There will be no NK summit, there will be no OIG report. Always tomorrow. There will be no pain. Tomorrow.

The agenda - based on repeating, reliably predictable results, is to keep anons running in circles, watching the carrot on the stick. That is what's been playing out for months; that's what will still be playing out months from now. Those who question running in circles will be crucified, as they are in any cult. How dare you. Blasphemy, heresy.

What would we be tuning into if Q didn't exist?What are we being led away from? What are we not supposed to be looking at?

Every base is covered. Everything claimed that is not delivered on is covered by the "disinformation is necessary" clause.

In truth, anybody with even 10% of the potential of any Five Eyes nation could hack the FTP password for all 8Chan boards in minutes, modify all scripts that run the board as desired, and nobody would be the wiser. A Q trip code would be useless when the weak point in the chain is that FTP password giving full access to all scripts running the boards. DDOS attacks would be pointless; any board could simply be shut down with 1% of the effort required for DDOS.

The entire "the bad guys are out to get us" charade is exactly that: a charade. The CIA could and would shut down 8Chan in sixty seconds if they so desired. Worst case, send on person to where the servers are running and shut it down.

Q has no nemesis. It's all made up.

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5c817f  No.22965


>As long as people are following Q, they're too focused on what isn't happening to pay much attention to what is.

this is what i said… that's the goal… keep them busy here… keep them in line… keep them so fascinated that they don't notice what you are doing next to them….

>What are we being led away from? What are we not supposed to be looking at?

the foreign policy?

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d2fd87  No.22966


>I seem to be the only one concerned with identifying their motive for doing all this

This is constantly being contemplated. And much of what you've put forward has been discussed, just not in so many words, nor as succinctly, I guess.

I think it was only yesterday that I said that if they really felt Q was a threat and wanted to get rid of them, they would have done so by now.

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c03bb2  No.22967


Most likely it is foreign policy, as very little is being done at home beyond immigration. And that is always kept as-is by "a Federal judge" overriding POTUS. How convenient that every judge on the circuit has full veto power over POTUS. And we didn't vote for any of them. But these lowly judges only ever exercise power over national policy when it has the purpose of keeping immigration as-is. Then POTUS gets to say "look how hard I tried!"

So we can assume that the goal is to have no changes on the immigration policy.

See a pattern here? Play it out to war time. All the illegals and other immigrants are rounded up, but the Federal government gets to say "well look, we only collected the immigrants!" Meanwhile everybody is living in terror, what if I'm next. For the fear factor it doesn't matter WHY people were rounded up. People will be living in fear.

Meanwhile California continues unchallenged with nothing substantive being done to stop them.

Seems like Obama's legacy is indeed playing out to conclusion, with Trump being a noise maker to create the illusion that it's all being torn down and blocked. When in reality nothing is being blocked. We are in the final 8 years of the destruction of America. Trump is a smoke screen of noise making.

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d2fd87  No.22968

Where did I read it earlier today or some time last night, that the most valuable commodity is narrative?

I do believe they're controlling the narrative, and they've gone as far as stating such, but twisting it, perhaps, as being something that is beneficial to the cause. But to which cause?

Narrative is more valuable than gold and oil. They wouldn't have all the gold and oil, etc, without narrative.

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c03bb2  No.22969


It seems to be the perfect answer: Obama's plan is playing out and Trump, Q, etc. are one huge production to make it look like it's all being torn down when in reality it's moving full speed ahead.

Noise. It's all massive, endless noise to mask the final playing out of the Obama legacy.

There cannot be an agenda when all you have is chaos, you can't trust anything said to play out, you can't believe any date given. If noise is all there is for months, you have to assume noise is the agenda.

Noise masks the real agenda playing out. We're so consumed by trying to make sense of the noise that we don't see nothing has changed from Obama. Nothing. This is the final 8 years in full swing.

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5c817f  No.22970


i have read that somewhere too… think in here


fake news, censorship, mueler/spygate, it all fits nicely in it

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c03bb2  No.22971


Why would somebody drop only crumbs if they were truly trying to help the country? Would you give somebody "just crumbs" if they asked for directions somewhere?

You would be cryptic and confusing only if the goal was to bog somebody down with cryptic, confusing noise.

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5c817f  No.22972



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d2fd87  No.22973


I can't argue that. 1) Trump is nowhere near the perfect angel, clean as a whistle good guy that Q makes him out to be. 2) They have plenty enough on him, for means of blackmail. etc 3) It really does appear that he was groomed for this. 4) In doing as Q has asked, many with the loudest voices have lost their voice, only to be comforted by the hopes of a result coming from a lousy class action law suit (I hope I'm wrong on that). 5) If Q says Coincidence? one more time, I'm going to vomit. 6) If I sat long enough, I could probably make it to 20 or so points, lol.

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d2fd87  No.22974


I can understand the crumbs and cryptic shit to an extent. It gets people involved. If you make a game out of something, people feel included and are more likely to immerse themselves in it. This can go both ways, huh.

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5c817f  No.22975

an example…. look how they push the magnificent, high tax-cuts…. okay, people got bonusses, some have more income…. true…. BUT, look at the oil-prizes… they keep going up… i have heard people already saying that their tax-cuts go completely to the high prizes

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d2fd87  No.22976


Even someone who doesn't know shit about how the economy works knows that raising wages, and reducing taxes only causes inflation. All this to mask the tax cuts to corporations? And now the push to deregulate again, and another round of neoliberal, 'we'll do whatever we damn well like'' corporate non governance. Regan and Thatcher did the same. They were meant to be the good guys. Look at the mess they left in their wake.

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5c817f  No.22977


you see the picture well :D

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c03bb2  No.22978

Who is in on it? Very simple: who is leading you only to confusion and chasing without ever reaching a destination (because none is defined)?

I'm not even going to QR with this, much less FB or Twatter or anywhere else. Nobody wants to hear it. Nobody wants to believe it. People need to live through certain experiences before those experiences can ever have real impact.

Turn over your life to a government, this is what you get.

I say it over and over: the government is an effect. The cause is the general level of evolution of the population governed. As fast as the government could be taken down, they would simply be replaced.

99% of our "oppression" - especially by corporate America - is voluntary. We have options. Thank God. I don't see anybody putting a chain around my neck, beyond paying taxes.

That stupid tractor of ours was brought into the shop 4x at a minimum of $80 per time, with $100 being charged each time just to change the starter. They never found or fixed the short in the electrical system. 2 hours of my time and $31 (technically $41; we had a $10 credit on Amazon) plus another $14 and a brand new starting system is in place, installed by me. There are always options. There are always ways out of the supposed stranglehold. Add the acetone to my tank (claims of it damaging the engine come from who, but the oil companies?) and I've just lowered the cost of gas by 30% (increasing mileage by 30% has the same effect). Putting on our own roof saves us about $6,000. So we have to do some work, wahhh. So we have to learn things we didn't know, wahhh. Then we know how to do things and we become that much more self-sufficient. Install my own radiator and fans in the car, save $200 to $250 for 3 hours of my time - most of that coming from not having the right tools.

We live like that. Every day. Shop around for deals. We don't even skimp on quality. We're getting a new fridge soon. The first assumption is, go to Costco! I stopped to do some price shopping on the fridge we want. Costco: $1350. Everywhere else: $1199. Multiply this out by 365 days a year and it really adds up.

We are not being held prisoner by this government. Experience says that the worst oppression, the most aggressive imprisonment, comes at the local level. Not Federal.

Is the Federal government corrupt? Massively. But life can continue on and there are options for getting 2 to 4 times more mileage out of a dollar than others who won't do stuff themselves, won't become self-sufficient to any degree, etc.

Car insurance for both of us is $75 a month. It cost $22 a month to add me on to my roommate's policy. Don't speed! That simple policy has gotten me through almost 9 years in this tiny town without ever being pulled over, much less getting a ticket.

I could carry on all day with examples. Nobody is stopping us from opting out of the system to a huge degree and getting oodles more for the money we have. It could be worse - far worse.

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5c817f  No.22979

File: 74c74f1c9dbc820⋯.jpg (201.21 KB, 320x538, 160:269, roger-stone[1].jpg)

plz tell me this is faked :o

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c03bb2  No.22980

Two examples and one thought before I have to run out and start my day….

Several nights ago, I was watching the Braves baseball game. They lost that game specifically because of outright cheating calls by the umpires, upheld by the MLB instant replay review guys in NY; "misinterpreting" video that could not possibly be misinterpreted. Two guys were called out who were obviously safe. It cost them the game. A few nights later, the Braves are playing the Phillies and they are clearly in hospice mode. They are DEAD. They are GOING to lose the game. They end up winning only because Philadelphia suddenly makes a slew of errors that is so laughable as to be completely unbelievable. "Unbelievable," as in, "misinterpreting" the calls? They lose a game because of bullshit; they win a game because of bullshit. Everything balances and it has nothing to do with human beings allowing or intending it.

The other example I covered once: a neighbor was talking about how a guy walked into a Starvation Army store she worked at, donating $21,000 cash. The manager and employees split the money between themselves. Her cut was $3,000. In the same visit she then talks about how here and her husband just got ripped off for $3,000 trying to buy a car on eBay. She never did make the connection: steal $3k, get $3k stolen. It all balances out.

There is a control mechanism - fully intelligent - above all things Deep State, above POTUS, above everything and everybody. Everything balances. If the Deep State were not a perfect fit for our world, it would not be allowed to continue. It does not balance out because it IS balance.

People overall are at a very, very low evolutionary level. They use 1% of the options always available to them to better their lives. Even the supposed Rothschild pointed out: everybody complains about the bankers but who is setting up a barter system in their own community as an alternative? I push it constantly: who cares what's wrong; what are you going to do about it? Don't waste time fighting the bad guys; create the solution.

Life in this day and age has been constructed such that there are massive, gaping holes in the supposed oppression. My roommate and I take advantage of them constantly. We live better on less money than anybody I have ever known because we work at it. And it is not oppressive to do.

If you truly want an alternative to the "oppression" of the Deep State, the front door is wide open. Just walk out and go live your life. There never was any oppression. Only choices.

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d2fd87  No.22981


Oh yeah, as far as I know they're the real McCoy. No one has ever claimed that they aren't.

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d2fd87  No.22982

File: 9fa1658b15640ce⋯.png (261.28 KB, 620x372, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

There's a lot in this that I already knew, but at the same time, a lot that I'd not put together.

< theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/16/donald-trump-rupert-murdoch-friendship-fox-news

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190cef  No.22983


today kamikaze attack killed 7 people! it is started!

To ED, option for introduce money without making changes from Bitocin because I never trust in current criptomoney?

And also i'm not an economist, but if you based on Bitcoin, it means that is based on dollars, so how can defeat FReserve? can i Know your plan?

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d2fd87  No.22984

Has anyone started looking into this one yet? >>22885 It's quite a big drop. Lots and lots to read and digest, and let sink in. I even saw Ron Paul's name in there, somewhere, but haven't opened the link to see in what way he's involved, yet.



Good morning/afternoon/evening, Qita.

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d2fd87  No.22985

Monarch was designed as a side show, to distract attention from the REAL MK Ultra program, the purpose of which was to train a superior breed of intelligence agents, during the Cold War era, NOT create "sex slaves", nor any other kind of "slaves".


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5c817f  No.22986

no shame these people

https:// www.rt.com/news/427645-israel-settlements-west-bank

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d2fd87  No.22987


I just don't know what to say. :/

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5c817f  No.22988

soooo haspel was cia-head in london, at the time the "trump-dossier" thing was going on in UK, london…. and now that woman is director of cia??? whut?

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5c817f  No.22989

forgot the link : https:// www.roguemoney.net/blog/all-russiagate-roads-lead-to-london

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d2fd87  No.22990


Yeah ah, the strategy doesn't make any sense to me. But the less things make sense, the more that people remain confused and continually guessing. Much the same as why Trump rarely says what he means, then back tracks and makes out that it's all to keep the press on their toes. I call bullshit. It's to keep everyone guessing and not able to figure out what the fuck is going on. Why won't he do any interviews? I've slowly come to figure that one out in a way that makes more damn sense than it once did. Meh, me having a little rant, lol.

I'll have to save it for later. I'm in the middle of another quite long read.

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5c817f  No.22991


it only makes sense if they blackmail Trump or if the whole thing is a scam to get millions from the american people, little bit like NASA steals the money…

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d2fd87  No.22992


They'll get millions/billions by going to war.

How much longer do you think the Israel/Palestine bullshit is going to continue before something seriously snaps?

Military and artillery being built up. When has that ever happened without there being a war on the horizon? WHEN? Why does Q keep dropping vids of military in action; to show the US might? It's propaganda. Propaganda used on the native population. Why have they dropped the vid of Regan's speech about every generation having to fight for freedom? With military in action in the background, no less.

Sorry, that's got little to do with what's her face and the CIA, but it does, and scamming money from the people does. Ugh, I'm probably on overload of disgust at the moment with all I've been reading, once again :(

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5c817f  No.22993


no problem.. i get what ya mean…

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5c817f  No.22996

i deleted the two previous messages… it was a breaking news message from RT, but as fast as it came, it was gone again…

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d2fd87  No.22997


Was there any content? It came up for me as a headline and the usual Breaking News in the red banner box.

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5c817f  No.22998


they are playing with me.. okay, here it is again : https:// www.rt.com/usa/427665-trump-cancels-june-meeting-kim/

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5c817f  No.22999


so much for trusting the US i would say… they do that with their nuclear test-site and this is what ya get… i knew bolton there would be a disaster

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5c817f  No.23000


oh and don't forget he let those 3 cia-guy's go

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5c817f  No.23001


asking myself the question.. is that the boom (with a little delay) q talked about (on the 23rd something would happen)….

and now i'll stop, talking to myself

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d2fd87  No.23002


Lol, you're not talking to yourself. Well, maybe you are, but I'm here in the background, listening, hehehe.

I had to look twice at the photo of the pen and signature that Q posted to make sure it wasn't the same one. It's not, lol.

Is it really a boom? I dunno, anon. I don't see it as a boom at all. It's just the usual politics and dragging everything out. Are we going to go through another stage of instability? Will everyone now be focused back on Kim and NK?

In the words of Magenta in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. "I grow weary of this planet".

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5c817f  No.23003


read with sarcasm ;-)

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d2fd87  No.23004


Teehee, teehee. When all else fails, resort to sarcasm :p

It's an outlet, of sorts!

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a12031  No.23005


In the words of Maj Kong


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a12031  No.23006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gives me the fuckin chills every time I watch it

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d2fd87  No.23007


The end of the world in B&W. Cool.

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5c817f  No.23008

anybody heard Trump? the power went to his head… wtf man! this is NOT normal!

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d2fd87  No.23009

So many videos, so many hours of videos.

The titles are depressing enough. OMG, we live in such a fucked up and sick world.



I don't watch TV or listen to radio, anon. What am I missing? I need to be prompted.

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5c817f  No.23010


about no summit with NK.. his reaction…. we are stronger than ever, we are the best, we are ready… blablabla… blaming Un while he has to blame bolton & pence… and msm….

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d2fd87  No.23011


Honestly, I don't want to come across as laying it on too thick, but the 10th time I heard the same speech about tax reform/cuts, I just stopped paying attention to him.

I also got sick of the pep rally about being oh so mighty and powerful.

> blablabla


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5c817f  No.23012


have to agree with ya there…

btw… has anyone heard any MSM ask trump administration or trump or his administration talk about hawai volcano? i don't remember anything at all on that

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d2fd87  No.23013


Doesn't look like there's been any mention of if by Trump since the State of Emergency.


There's some interesting stuff in the publisher notes in a vid that 2 of Eds pics led to. This's the last quote of several.

“I felt a culmination of that whole episode in my life many years later, shortly after The Satanic Bible came out. I met with Assaf Dayan, actor son of Israel’s legendary Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, and he was glowing about the book, agreed with every in it. He said it was exactly the philosophy they practiced, were forced to practice, in modern Israel” (Anton LaVey).

> youtu.be/wvEbNE5kCEQ

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d2fd87  No.23014


Perhaps I should say that I came across them and that the vid may not have been the intended target that the Eds were directing us to.

Phew. We don't want another one of those episodes!

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5c817f  No.23015

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d2fd87  No.23016


It looks like it's back to just you and I again, anon. I had a shower today, so I know it's not me that smells. :P Must've been something else that we did or didn't do, huh!

We're not even shill worthy, anymore, hehehe.

I wonder how many lurkers we have left.

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5c817f  No.23017


lol same thoughts here

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c03bb2  No.23018


There are 35 UID's on this bread which is better than average … of course this bread is now 7 days old which I believe is a new record.

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d2fd87  No.23019


It's possible that at least 5 of those UIDs are mine. I use different one for each different device as well as having to drop from one of the servers for being tooooo slow. You've had at least 2. Awesome has had at least 2. I don't know how many sockpuppet has had this time round.

I hadn't realized that this bread is so old, lol. Just cruisin' along, here. I miss PomAnon, though :(

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5c817f  No.23020


and two are mine :p

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5c817f  No.23021

damn that took 2 minutes before appearing :o

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d2fd87  No.23022


What do we call you?

> Awesome has had at least 2.


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5c817f  No.23023


awesome lol :p i missed that.. :p

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5c817f  No.23024

auch that will hurt https:// www.rt.com/business-projects/427704-france-signs-contracts-with-russia/

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d2fd87  No.23025


This world makes little sense.

I have a headache.

Business as usual. They'll be siding against each other over Syria in a few days time.

My head doesn't spin anymore. It just sits on my shoulders while the world spins, now. Much of a muchness.

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5c817f  No.23026


we will see…. but probably you are right ;-)

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5c817f  No.23027

lol macron keeps talking and talking and talking… putin is getting bored :p

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d2fd87  No.23028

Argh! Thanks to that YT channel I came across I've been sucked in, yet again. It's 6am and I'm going to go to bed now. o_O

Be good and kind to each other.

Be safe and well.

<3 Love to all :)

Good morning :p

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c03bb2  No.23029


Sleep well anon! I am drawing and writing, writing and drawing. :)

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72ecc6  No.23030


Good night keyboard anon.

I'm glad your friend messaged you . When I read your disagreement I thought your friend was being very close minded.It obviously made him re- think and pride did not stop him opening his mind.

Marv the parrot enjoyed one night in Bangkok it's a new song for her to learn. Your little subtleties do not escape me.

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72ecc6  No.23031

Good evening anons. I've had a busy week .

I've tried to keep up.

I'm shocked talks with North Korea have been cancelled especially after the testing sites have been destroyed. Although I did read Kim has moved/hidden his nukes. I don't know how true that is.

I read a couple of things this morning. One on the DO investigating bit coin.and one on a us citizen getting zapped in China the same way as happened in Cuba

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72ecc6  No.23032

Here's the links:

https:// www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/23/us-employee-suffers-brain-injury-china-abnormal-sounds

https:// cointelegraph.com/news/bloomberg-us-doj-opens-criminal-investigation-into-btc-eth-price-manipulation

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07ed93  No.23033


I hope you're not the guy whose filtering me, but you mentioned Cuba and I know that the MSM is making it a side note and probs to disappear by tomorrow. Yet for some reason it remains the most threatening topic for me at the moment. BTW did you know everyone's crowns (in their mouths) contain metal unless we specifically ask for porcelain? Infiltrating our dentists offices..wouldn't that be a hoot. :/

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72ecc6  No.23034


I've been away for a few days and need to catch up. So no I haven't filtered and I'm not a guy.

Do you mean the sound affects you more if you have metal .

I linked the article in my last post.

What do you think?

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72ecc6  No.23035


I believe that or EMP will be the next big attack not nuclear.

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07ed93  No.23036


I'm not a guy either, so cool. An EMP has always been in the back of my mind so I've prepped for it. When I hear our grid is solid, I'll sleep a little better. When I heard about Cuba and our Embassy there and how they were attacked via sound it concerned me but I still thot that maybe it was a one-time weird event. Now for another in China? And now that's it been awhile and I've read more on MK Ultra and Tesla, etc.? I'd like to take a poll on here and ask people how many of their dentists have 'certain' last names… Mine did but yet he seemed cool. Always a paranoid side of me I suppose. But in our mouths? Oh yeah, it would be brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

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07ed93  No.23037


oh and since you're not a guy, here's some 'TMI'. About 7 years ago I had a need biopsy in my boom at a certain imaging center. When I was done and dressed I asked if I could have a cc of the digital x-ray however it is that I could get it. They said I didn't need one because they put a little "sand dial" in there so the next time I have one, whereever I live, they'll know my original mammography is where the sand dial belongs to. My jaw dropped. No one asked me. No papers to sign. I wouldn't have even been told had I not asked. FYI

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07ed93  No.23038

needle* boob* wow..

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72ecc6  No.23039

I've been researching SVV and Ohm coin but it seems a dead end. It's was looking onto this before that lead my to Psyops and Fort Bragg.

I think that could tie in with keyboard anons research on mk ultra.

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e1913b  No.23040


Do you mean they stored the image to your online digital file?

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07ed93  No.23041


That, AND they PUT an image inside of me…a small metal or plastic (she wasn't 'sure') sand dial. Now how they heck they got in there is a question if they were pulling something OUT. I was so pissed because the only way to get it out is to cut quite a hole if you can imagine.

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07ed93  No.23042

"Core Biopsy can be done with ultrasound, mammographic (stereotactic), or MRI guidance. A titanium-based marker (also known as a “clip”) is placed for most core biopsies to mark the area in case surgery will be needed in the future. This clip will help guide the surgeon for accurate tissue removal. These specimens will be sent to the lab for analysis and the results will be available in approximately 4 business days. The marker clip will not react with metal detectors and it is too small to feel within your breast. It will show up only on your mammogram. These marker clips are placed at most facilities around the country, and are considered a standard part of the breast biopsy procedure. Core biopsies are generally very well tolerated and are preferred by most patients to surgical biopsies. No general anesthesia is used in our procedures and patients can get back to their normal activities quickly."

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c03bb2  No.23043


Fillings aren't going to matter in the event of an EMP. With today's tech there are so many ways to kill off a population besides a nuke … if you really dig, there's pretty heavy evidence that scalar weapons were used during 9/11. Those could do the job very quickly and cleanly without hurting any property or messing up the land.

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c03bb2  No.23044


Not sure what I was thinking … I meant in the case of sonic wave attacks, not an EMP … anything that conducts electricity WILL matter when it comes to an EMP, and fillings certainly qualify.

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5c817f  No.23047

morning my friends :D

was wondering this early morning…

- trump says in his speach that he spoke to SK & Japan (even that they will pay for the war of the US)

- SK on the other hand seems to be dumbfounded and looking for "what the f'ck happened"

https:// www.alternet.org/trump-blindsided-south-korean-allies-and-his-own-staff-summit-withdrawal-report

https:// www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/article211818539.html

another lie of this president? wouldn't be the first

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d2fd87  No.23048


> www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/article211818539.html

I got all the way to the end of this one before I read anything that made any real sense. And LMAO, they're the words of a Democrat.

Good morning to you, anon. :D

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5c817f  No.23049


yeah i know, but still, the reactions from SK were not like : "oh yeah, he told us"

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c03bb2  No.23050



It seems every day it becomes easier and easier to poke holes in this entire thing. Now it's starting to look more and more like basic clinical power madness.

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5c817f  No.23051


someone i know had a good thought imo…. Trump did this, to try to make sure China wasn't in the picture in any deals… at this point NK & SK take china with them in talks, both keep close contact with china… trump wants to try to let NK & SK choose, or a deal with US without china, or no deal…


imo he can be on to something… trump wants troops & cia & only us-factories in NK… and keep troops, cia in SK… china won't agree with that, so that is a problem for Trump when Xi stays entangled in the talks…


powermadness… this is more what i lean to… the man thinks he is the king of the universe and everybody has to bow when he asks…

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d2fd87  No.23052


Yeah, I assume that it left many in an awkward situation. Including US military, over there, by the sounds of it. At the very least, it's inconsiderate; at the least.

It seems that POTUS is saying in few words that he/US hold all that cards, and as long as no one else knows WTF is going on, he'll continue to hold the cards. I hope I'm reading it wrong. If I'm not though, I really don't like where it's all going. It's messing with things that don't need to be messed with; creating ill will and disharmony where there doesn't need to be any more. But I'm not a politicsfag, so I'm not sure that I know what I'm talking about, lol.

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c03bb2  No.23053


I think the real issue is the general population - of any country, really, but primarily the U.S. since that is where Trump is presiding over. It's just chaos, no matter which angle you look at it from. When there's chaos, it becomes a thousand times easier to pull off any agenda because nobody knows what they're even looking for.

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d2fd87  No.23054


We shall see what we shall see. There's little way of us knowing the outcome if that be what the reasoning is. It would still be speculative, after the fact, not knowing who and what is involved at the time or not. If that makes sense.

I need to get into kick back and dig mode. My mind is still elsewhere, dealing with previous daily tasks, :/


Agreed, anon. Everyone is at the mercy of a mad man, it would seem. As no one, not even his administration appears to know what he's doing or what he will do next. Tell me that that can not be construed as dictatorship?

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5c817f  No.23055


hmmm… didn't want to use dictatorship.. but at this point, he acts like the dicator of the world…

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c03bb2  No.23056


The average citizen is still (so far) much better off than they were under Obama. One day at a time.

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d2fd87  No.23057


It's good to see you haven't left us, and are merely off enjoying real life things. Hope you had fun with the little ones over the weekend!

In the case of the Bitcoin investigation, it makes me feel very old and ignorant. It's like, not only do I not have a very good grasp of economics, I most certainly don't have a good grasp of the crypto side of it either. I feelz doomed. DOOMED! Hahaha.


I didn't get as far into the MK side of it as much as I was looking at the pedo rings and stuff. There's some incredibly conflicting information around. The YT channel that I happened upon has a shit tonne of vids on the pedo rings. It's oh so depressing. :(


Say it as ya see it! The worst thing that could happen is that you could be wrong. ;)

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c03bb2  No.23058

File: d88979d2d7b9a52⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1e.png)

It's like a plastic model before paint and decals are applied. One tiny detail at a time is tended to. Many months of work to get it all right. And this is just the command section of the ship - maybe 15% of its overall surface area.

And now back to relevant discussion. As for me, it's time for sleep … I shall return, in 2 or 3 or 4 hours, I never know. :)

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d2fd87  No.23059


Rest well, anon. Sweet dreams of vacuums and decals.

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c03bb2  No.23060

File: 9b4cd43fd85e12f⋯.jpeg (10.86 KB, 450x450, 1:1, shark.jpeg)



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c03bb2  No.23061

Oh just in case it's needed before I return …








And now zzzzzzzzzz this time I mean it. :)

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d2fd87  No.23062


Thanks, anon. Good night. :)

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5c817f  No.23063


thx & sleep well

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72ecc6  No.23064


That doesn't sound right.as far as I'm aware that doesn't happen in uk unless they think they will have to go in again. Was it because they found something.?

You should have been informed beforehand.

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72ecc6  No.23065


Good morning just going to research scalar weapons haven't heard off them.

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72ecc6  No.23066


I read that last night .

One of our news programmes last night re - iterated what I read year day that the weapons have been moved but no further details given.

Are you the anon that came up with MIGA that made me sniga.

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5c817f  No.23067


i used that in here at one point yes

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d2fd87  No.23068


Good morning, anon. :)

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72ecc6  No.23069


Good morning. I can't believe I missed tipsy anon. You have that rare quality when you write of being able to bring the reader into your world.

The weekend was good it goes too quick when children are here.

I have been working on the garden and I always underestimate how long certain jobs will take.

I'm also being over - run with baby birds (wild ones). I had to go out of town to bulk buy bird food.

I have a video when I can work out how to upload it.

I've missed being on here this week.

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bcd6d0  No.23070

Here it is , at around 2:10 there is an adult bird that made a hole in the feeder and is scattering suet pellets to about 20 babies below. If you zoom in

https:// www.dropbox.com/s/nwmguluvv3abbcr/20180523_153353.mp4?dl=0

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d2fd87  No.23071


Lol, entirely sober tonight, and for several more to come, I should hope. It's not good to drink when upset.

Time flies in the garden. Some times I pull some weeds on the way out when walking fur baby, and sometimes forget that we were meant to be going for a walk, hehe. He soon reminds me, don't worry about that!

It must be very noisy in your yard at present. Marv has plenty of like minded birds to talk to, I guess, hehehe. The birds around here end up poaching the seed I put out for my girls. They've become quite tame, especially the doves. Some of them sit in the hanging baskets outside my kitchen window and wait for me to scoop the cup through the barrel, and are waiting at the back door by the time I get there. Can't tell me that they don't know what's going on. I do hope that seed is nowhere near as costly there as it is here. My father can spend easily $20 a fortnight on wild bird seed.

You're probably best to upload the vid to a YT account and thn link it. Anything over a few seconds long on here will be problematic, especially being a phonefag. Even on PC, I've not been able to successfully upload vid to the chans.

I've not read much of this yet. I had a little look-see at what might come up regarding scalar tech. I skipped over most of the weird first parts in red, lol.

http:// www.tldm.org/news8/sovietelectromagneticattacksonunitedstates.htm

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5c817f  No.23072


omg "birds" lol… lots of noise

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d2fd87  No.23073



Cool as.

LMAO, that would drive me nuts after a while. I think. Are they mostly starlings? And were the others blackbirds or minors? I'm surprised to see only a couple of varieties. I end up with all sorts, big and small.

I must say, anon. Looks like a nice enough estate that you live on. Much prettier than the site I see past my front fence.

Boy o' boy, definitely spring there. Are the dafodils or john quils?, hehehehe

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d2fd87  No.23074

Are we back? Or did no one here even realize that posting was disabled for half an hour?

Such a chatty bunch we are. Hahahaha

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d2fd87  No.23075

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the

very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and

who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins— or

which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against

the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his

own kingdom —Lucifer.


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c03bb2  No.23076


How often is "evil" rooted only in a lack of compassion, respect, and concern?

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d2fd87  No.23077


I'd say quite often. If you wrote those three up as headings and gave them subheadings, you would likely find that they would encompass the whole lot.

That was a short rest, anon. :/

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c03bb2  No.23078


I said it could be two hours … I never know. I'm now at 5 hours and change. Will nap the rest away this morning. Normal day.

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5c817f  No.23079

wow…. couldn't post before…. working again it seems…

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d2fd87  No.23080


I've been immersed, so I guess I didn't realize the time had passed so quickly.


Yep, we're back. Lol, what was it that you were going to say?

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5c817f  No.23081


don't remember :(

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c03bb2  No.23082


I often wonder what is the point of having "official" people stand next to and behind somebody who is speaking? This is the normal setup when officials of any type are speaking, especially when the speech is televised. A bunch of people stand behind and next to the speaker acting all official while saying and contributing zero. They are truly placeholders, stage props, probably to make the speaker look like more of a revered leader. So much work is put into controlling our feelings and perceptions.

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5c817f  No.23083


true.. it's all about the total image… how will it be perceived

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5c817f  No.23084

btw.. i noticed that q is very quiet… no explanation for singapore? lol

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c03bb2  No.23085


I'm really not surprised. After the password outing indicated "May 23," and nothing happened, Q goes quiet. It seems to be a pattern that Q goes into the woodwork when a forewarned "event" doesn't materialize (which is 100% of the time).

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d2fd87  No.23086


Q and Eds are both quiet. Both QR as well as us are out of favor, it might seem.

I watched the vid on MSP twitter, BTW. Even though I'd seen it before. It was worth watching it again.

I date say that Q will be able to explain away Singapore. Trust the Plan. Coincidence? Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary……… Lucky dip!

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5c817f  No.23087


have a feeling ed is still monitoring here, although i could be wrong… would be a shame when they moved to another side… it almost makes me feel guilty i don't understand a thing about quantum/blockchain-stuff :s

yeah.. you're right on Q, he'll blame the clowns… that agency that shouldn't exist anymore as a single agency.. that agency that wouldn't need a director …. that agency that is so corrupt, so we took someone deep imbedded in that agency to lead it.. someone that was head of the cia-devision in london at the time cia/mi6/dems/obama tried to screw trump

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5c817f  No.23088


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d2fd87  No.23089


Well, I'm glad you said almost, coz there's no use in feeling guilty about not being adept at something that just straight up isn't your bag. You have plenty enough knowledge and skills in other things, without bringing yourself down over not being superhuman.

Yeah… that agency. :p

2nd last post. Time to move over to a fresh, hot, steaming loaf of bread!! :D

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d2fd87  No.23091


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