Q Research General #1150 The NEW WORLD Edition Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:43:19 0d1674 No. 924956
Where We Go One We Go All
Your life here on earth has been full of luxury and pleasure. You have made yourselves fat for the day of slaughter. James 5:5
>>880021 How to Quickly Spot a Clown
Q's Tripcode: !xowAT4Z3VQ
Q's Latest Posts
(BST -05:00)
Friday 4.06.18
>>924883 rt >>924792 ------Look up Ray.Chandler.
>>924391 rt >>924357 ------Border state - coincidence?
>>924224 rt >>924151 ------Your trust & faith in us is enough.
>>924039 rt >>923567 ------That didn't take long.
>>922915 rt >>922843 ------Stand strong. Patriots together.
>>922794 rt >>922685 ------Think NK.
>>922596 rt >>922559 ------Who is Barry Aiming At?
>>922509 rt >>922343 ------8CHAN IS THE EPICENTER
>>922343 rt >>922280 ------We Don't Inform Our Enemies of Specifics
>>922237 rt >>922142 ------Fake Pics Push By MSM
>>922142 rt >>922075 ------Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.
>>922028 rt >>921715 ------Facebook Founder Says He's Hunted By C_A
>>919513 rt >>919456 ------foxnews https:// archive.fo/ixA1E Disturbing String of Crashes
>>919456 rt >>919423 ------Would You Believe...
>>919423 ------------------Here We Go NYtimes https:// archive.fo/0hQyA
Thursday 4.05.18
>>916268 rt >>916218 ----- Comms transfer castle
>>916218 ---------------------- BOOMs en route
>>914594 rt >>914582 ----- Confirmed typo
>>914569 rt >>914510 ----- Track events
>>914510 rt >>914474 ----- Accident or retaliation?
>>914461 ---------------------- We are active
>>914023 ---------------------- Pray
>>914165 rt >>914092 ----- Cross ref to >>885992
>>913746 ---------------------- Thank you for your prayers
>>902317 ---------------------- Q+ 5:5
Wednesday 4.04.18
>>899433 ---------------------- POTUS up all night. Pray.
>>899345 rt >>899237 ----- Peace through strength
>>898990 ---------------------- Means more than you know
>>898668 ---------------------- Jared Cohen
>>897229 rt >>897173 ----- The 'ultimate deterrent'
>>897116 ---------------------- Adios no-name
>>896860 ---------------------- 1832 Rothchild loan to the Holy See
>>896621 rt >>896546 ----- NG now active
>>896591 rt >>896475 ----- Follow the LOOP
>>896320 rt >>896290 ----- Watch for ‘TheMagikBOT’
>>896266 rt >>896184 ----- The Analysis Corporation (TAC)
>>896184 rt >>896069 ----- Hussein timeline
>>896069 ---------------------- The gift that keeps on giving
>>894699 rt >>894658 ----- Zuckerberg out of US
>>894658 rt >>894571 ----- TWITTER CLOWNS
>>894571 rt >>894467 ----- Their sacrifice will not be forgotten
>>894467 rt >>894401 ----- RUSSIA NEW THREAT
>>894401 rt >>894110 ----- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
>>894110 rt >>893904 ----- The fight for the Wall is so much more
>>893904 ---------------------- TRAITOR
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Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:43:31 0d1674 No. 924960
Recent Notable Posts
>>777777 WRWY
>>924382 Coincidence?
>>924470 Farenthold statement
>>924588 ICE raids meatpacking plant in rural TN
>>924928 https:// www.instagram.com/ray.chandler/
>>923567 Backpage.com and affiliates siezed.
>>923686 Myspace to make a comeback? o_O
>>923718 Dear Michelle Goldberg…
>>923849 Hannity vs. Kimmel on Twatter
>>922778 Epstein flight logs in PDF
>>922787 Obama-Farrakhan Ties
>>922851 1/18/18 was a full house day
>>922870 Plane SUI3 from Mongolia to Europe
>>922883 Hawaiian Health Director Loretta Fuddy killed in plane crash
>>922908 Obama bio-dad Mohammed Subud
>>922973 >>923020 Ann Soetoro (Hussein's mom) 1968 passport renewal application
>>923047 Navy Ship crashes
>>923051 Sessions announces Zero-Tolerance Policy for Criminal Illegal Entry
>>923088 >>923099 Obama Looks To Five Religious Leaders For Counsel
>>922085 We Can't Stop Winning!
>>922122 Overton Window Graphic
>>922442 Q Anon Truth Movement Graphic
>>921182 Operation Q-T2810C http:// archive.is/tXGKW REF >>894571
>>921509 Q-T2810c Graphic
>>921552 Madeleine Albright's NYT OpEd
>>921622 Social Media Users Treated as Test Rats
>>921639 Conspiracy Push
>>921715 Facebook Founder Running From The C_A
>>921770 Snowden Returns
>>921808 A Biden Trump Race Shaping Up for 2020
>>921826 Booms End Route Graphic
>>921032 Glad You Asked…
>>920392 DHS collecting data on journalists
>>920415 anti-Q Roseanne articles are also anti-pizzagate - all written by (((them))
>>920418 Rare: Three subs surface at once in Arctic
>>920446 POTUS Twitter hits 50 million+ followers…
>>920452 Majority of all three branches of the gov't are corrupt
>>920552 They're wearing Anon masks now
>>920590 We are AT WAR. The time is now Anon Army.
>>920762 Michelle Goldberg (NYT writer) is into witchcraft
>>920824 State Dept: Trump administration has sanctioned Russian oligarchs
>>921045 Treasury.gov List of Foreign Nationals / blocked assets
>>921066 Chemical Munitions Dump at Santa Cruz?
>>921032 Anons are Nodes…Together they Form a Giant Circuit
>>921007 AG Sessions - No Tolerance for Criminal Illegal Entry
>>920693 Some Wisdom from Anon
>>920715 Overton Window Is Wide Open
>>920911 Merkel On The Ropes
>>919646 NYT Article: Q Conspiracy Theory
>>919652 NYT article (cont'd)
>>919811 Fox News: String of Mil Aircraft Crashes
>>920175 First They Ignore You
>>919685 Directed to 4chan - Get Over There And Save Them!
>>919983 Obummer Humiliated
>>918876 Activity in the Pacific; crashes and controls
>>918917 POTUS tweet on WTO
>>918982 Ex-Romney staffer had woman sign sex slave contract
>>918986 POTUS on dishonest and corrupt media
>>919052 Brennan accused of doing Putin’s bidding
>>919092 Space notes
>>918034 Cunningham (dead CDC), US Public Health Service, Zika and Ebola
>>918093 ; >>918096 GASME Chinese Council information
>>918101 US Virgin Islands Tunnel Connections
>>918240 Omnibus, university research, and knocking around ships
>>918253 ; >>918322 Summation of China operations (commentary)
>>918267 Mueller v. Erik Prince on Russia meeting (NYT; possibly fake news)
>>918294 Tiangong space station falling out of sky (article 09/2016)
>>918403 POTUS’s schedule for today - nearly empty
>>918694 Multiple explosions at a commercial business in Fort Worth, TX
>>918710 IMAGE spacecraft retrieval
>>918732 Michelle Goldberg digging avenue
Best Of Bread >>311157
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:44:33 0d1674 No. 924980
Current Operations: SPRING CLEANING
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Learn to Bake! For God & Country!
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or read
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:44:42 0d1674 No. 924983
current dough
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:45:39 87fb8a No. 925014
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:45:49 0d1674 No. 925020
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:46:42 7269fe No. 925029
? is this related to ray/rachel chandler ?
https: //www.instagram.com/ray.chandler/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:46:43 a7db86 No. 925030
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:46:46 057ce6 No. 925031
T Paine just posted that He Who Must Not Be Named wife is taking credit for Backpage so I guess that answers my question from earlier if he was involved in it… I doubt his involvement was anything positive though…
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:46:54 3e09d5 No. 925032
And a bad month to be a pope.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:47:05 0350e9 No. 925033
>>924883 rt >>924792
Bill Clinton with Rachel Chandler, age 15, on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express plane.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:47:23 b08db0 No. 925035
Fast boards but not much shilling. Not much getting done, either.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:47:35 e8e2d9 No. 925036
To be honest, im just happy you are 10 steps ahead of everything, just that they cant figure out who, where when you are is thrilling me to pieces.
Its fun being ahead for a change, instead of wondering if these people will get away with it.
I personally dont care who you are, where you are, just want to be a part of this and hope one day we will have a Donald Trump in Canada, and hopefully an RCMP buch who will work on corruption instead of being complicit with it.
Godspeed Sir/Ma'am Q, Godspeed indeed!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:47:47 814bb5 No. 925037
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:47:57 7269fe No. 925038
She use images to sell? Humans? Some sick pics here.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:47:58 0e57da No. 925039
Chandler Ray is a Buckingham based law firm dedicated to providing high quality service and advice to both individuals and businesses. If you would like a quote, please click here to go to our contact form.
http:// chandlerray.co.uk/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:03 a7db86 No. 925041
The pic Q mentioned today about Obama holding an AK-47 that will be dropped very soon is not this one. It is MUCH BIGGER!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:08 be8e54 No. 925043
Plenty of photos of babies and young children in her art-work.
Q, please tell us, could Horst Kasner have been the son of Angela Raubal?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:36 d354b8 No. 925044
Ray.chandler is Rachel chandlers Instagram page.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:38 9467d3 No. 925045
HBAL187 continues to circle in the middle of nowhere in the ocean. Providing internet services to something.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:39 d4e8a1 No. 925046
Pic 3. Bottom left. WTF.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:43 13ed45 No. 925048
Stop posting this one and we will patiently wait for the Real one..
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:47 5808e3 No. 925049
>http:// www.icosystem.com/scale-free-networks/
I get it now. (Quick reading)
But I thought scale-free networks were fail-resistant? Wasn't that the great advantage over random networks?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:47 ae69fe No. 925050
Thank You!
God Bless you all !
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:47 6123fe No. 925051
and a bad eternity if your a devil worshiper.
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:56 207e52 No. 925052
Epstein’s plane.
Who is she?
Follow friends.
Friends lead to others.
Open source.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:48:58 54ca19 No. 925053
>>924790 (previous bread. Man, these breads are flying)
The chemtrails started as a noble project. I won't get into details (not stopping global warming)
Once wind of the program got around, the deep state wanted to use it for their evil purposes. It's unfortunately not just the deep state that's involved with the dark elements of chemtrails. The US military, DARPA, and HAARP (among others) are heavily involved.
The military isn't as pure as Q would like you to believe. I mean we have to trust Q's team, but the military is beyond massive and there are a lot of corrupt people to go with a lot of good ones.
The junk they put in the chemtrails comes from labs and is definitely part of the Cabal's plans to take over the world. It's not just in America that they're spraying. Nanobots, synthetic biology, and metals are the ingredients that are harming us. 99% of people in 1st world countries are infected.
To me, chemtrails is the biggest real world marker as to how the war is going. Q + Trump have improved the situation, but it's still bad.
It's hard to say if it will go away if the deep state is removed. The chemtrails are so tied into private companies like Monsanto. A lot of people are getting rich off our pain and misery.
Hope and Pray!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:03 15c6cc No. 925054
>But down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid.
>The streets were dark with something more than night.
>When in doubt, have a man come through the door with a gun in his hand.
>There is no trap so deadly as the trap you set for yourself.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:04 d0026e No. 925055
>>923502 (prev)
WTH are you talking about, POTUS just did Easter Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:07 5808e3 No. 925056
If they found a way to make it 'crash'… Well, that's absolutely horrifying.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:09 9e6ecb No. 925057
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Meme war is upon us - spread the word, fire memes, and enjoy the show.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:13 a7db86 No. 925058
Dont tell me what to do.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:16 e1c5bd No. 925060
Doj drop at 6PM on website??
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:25 a7db86 No. 925061
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:33 427ce0 No. 925062
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:35 edfb58 No. 925063
Not in person a phone call….jeesh it's right there!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:39 332789 No. 925065
Was just about to post these! Great work Anon. yes, my thoughts exactly.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:43 347ded No. 925067
Rachel Chandler?
There's a tangential Rothschilds connection here, by the way, because Nicky Hilton ended up marrying James Rothschild and Rachel used to party with all of them.
One thing you guys have missed is that she has a much deeper connection to the occult artist Marina Abramovic than I've seen documented so far.
Some links you might find interesting:
Rachel is the primary photographer for an artist named Terence Koh, who frequently collaborates with Abramovic. Here, he's in a death pose on a piece of hers: http:// purple.fr/diary/terence-kohon-a-work-by-marina-abramovic-at-a-collectors-house-east/ Another photo of the same set: http:// purple.fr/diary/terence-kohon-a-work-by-marina-abramovic-at-the-collectors-house-east/
A video from a MoMA party: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPPKj99ZV60YouTube List of attendees: "Those in attendance included Madonna, Mary-Kate Olsen, Yoko Ono, James Franco, Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Chloe Sevigny, Penn Badgely, Padma Lakshmi, Rose Byrne, Kim Cattrall, Lucy Liu, Marina Abramovic, Daphne Guinness, Terence Koh, Andrej Pejic, Leelee Sobieski, Cindy Sherman, Agnes Gund, Katharina Sieverding, Rachel Chandler, Michelle Harper, David Rockefeller, Jr., MoMA's Director Glenn Lowry, Volkswagen's Martin Winterkorn, and Director of MoMA PS1 and MoMA's Chief Curator at Large Klaus Biesenbach."
Rachel was a photographer/attendee at Marina Abramovic's 2010 "The Artist is Present" performance at the MoMA http:// www.patrickmcmullan.com/site/event_detail.aspx?eid=32454 (look for her name on the left-hand list of Featured People and use the filter function)
This is the one I think you might find the most interesting, and I'm surprised this hasn't been delved into before. Abramovic gave a very controversial performance at the LA MoCA that involved a kind of pseudo/ritualized cannibalism of a female body, and Rachel was present as well. https:// www.artforum.com/diary/id=29517
The prospect of this “grotesque spectacle,” the outraged Rainer wrote, reminded her not of Abramović’s The Artist Is Present, the performance empress’s three-month-long sit at the Museum of Modern Art last year, or of her Nude with Skeleton from 2002, but of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 1975 film Salò, where fascist sadists sexually abuse beautiful youths. “Subjecting her performers to public humiliation at the hands of a bunch of frolicking donors is yet another example of the Museum’s callousness and greed, and Ms Abramović’s obliviousness to differences in context and to some of the implications of transposing her own powerful performances to the bodies of others,” Rainer wrote, suggesting that MoCA rename itself “MODFR, or the Museum of Degenerate Fund Raising.”
Inside, all thought of exploitation quickly faded, as the 769 guests, who included California governor Jerry Brown and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa as well as Beecroft, took their seats before the rotating heads and nudes-with-skeletons and dug into their food unfazed. (It was delicious.) Some people did hold the gaze of the heads; others winked and elicited forbidden giggles.
John Baldessari and Meg Cranston seemed pleased to be seated ringside, where half-naked and very buff pallbearers periodically mounted the catwalk-like stage carrying a shrouded body on a bier. After her final number, two more shrouded bodies were brought onstage. Under them was dessert: two eerily lifelike cakes fashioned to look like Abramović and Harry by LA’s Rosebud Cakes and Raphael Castoriano’s Kreëmart organization. Wielding lethal-looking knives, Abramović joined Harry to cut out the hearts of each of their cakes to a shouting, astonished crowd.
Chaos followed, as guests fought over pieces cut by the bare-chested pallbearers. “I want the breast! Give me the vagina!” they screamed, hardly noticing that Tilda Swinton had arrived for photo ops, looking very much like David Bowie in his Thin White Duke phase. When it was all over, the cut-up cakes resembled mutilated bodies that made for a ghoulish sight.
A man I didn’t know accosted me. “Is it me or was this all about violence against women?” he asked. “It’s you,” I said. “Look at that cake!” he exclaimed. “It’s a horribly mutilated woman with knives in her chest. Doesn’t that bother you?” “It’s a cake,” I said. “It represents all the indignities women have suffered at the hands of men. It is women telling their own history.” Apparently, the point was lost on him. “It’s disgusting,” he replied. I asked his name, which he declined to give. “I’m in the social register!” he growled, brushing past me to let Deitch know that this violence against women would result in the withdrawal of funding from the museum.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:43 a7db86 No. 925068
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:49:52 057ce6 No. 925070
Her insta used to be public… she had some sick pictures there. Ones of kids in Satanic Circles… fucking sick shit.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:00 4b6902 No. 925071
And her husband
And sister-in-law
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:02 0350e9 No. 925072
https:// www.instagram.com/ray.chandler/?hl=en
Rachel Chandler Photography and casting midland.agency
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:09 467318 No. 925073
i remember (and have it somewhere in my notes) where i came to the conclusion of "OH, that's why they use PNC and P&C and P&G - like proctor & gamble"
this is in regard to P=C
will be going thru notes tonight
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:11 a7db86 No. 925074
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:14 814bb5 No. 925075
Tell POTUS the anons of /qresearch/ are with him ALL DAY EVERY DAY
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:16 9daa84 No. 925078
Q?!?! Pizzagate Rachel Chandler or Military Ray Chandler?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:17 cb5b3b No. 925079
didn't her background uncover all the modeling agencies involved in the pedo stuff, esp. that guy in the turban?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:21 5808e3 No. 925080
Q. How will they bring down net? Scale-Free networks are safe - usually. So how they want to kill most social media platforms. Just short small clarification without helping enemies.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:23 be8e54 No. 925082
For instance:
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:27 83a3ae No. 925083
>R. chandler
https:// www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5bbe7r/bill_clinton_with_his_underage_girlfriend_rachel/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:31 f56d5e No. 925084
kimmel tweet
etweeted Sean Hannity
Don't worry - just keep tweeting - you'll get back on top! (or does Trump prefer you on bottom?) Either way, keep your chin up big fella..XO
Jimmy Kimmel
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:31 699db1 No. 925085
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:39 279699 No. 925087
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:39 b82c6b No. 925088
sauce? where is itverified Wifey said so
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:48 467318 No. 925089
rachel chandler = rachel child-handler
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:50 1715e8 No. 925090
Dig. Pray. Meme!!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:53 3f97f9 No. 925091
"That didn't take long."
"That didn't take long."
Do I sense a countdown?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:54 414ae6 No. 925092
>3rd pic
>associated with child rape
Why am I not surprised?
Young procurer.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:56 e71e63 No. 925093
How many times are you fucks going to ask Q to have Trump do dumbs shit. He has already motioned imaginary Q's with his hand, said "The Calm Before the Storm", wrote "We Hear You" on the SOTU 3x5 card, and last, but definitely not least, said "Tip Top Tippy Top Shape" while standing next the motha fuckin easter bunny. Quit this shit. GTFOutta here.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:50:56 515d07 No. 925094
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:10 db80b4 No. 925096
Birth of a Nation is a speech by MLK . In the YT vid it has a break and announcement that the original recording has been interrupted at 12:22
. Is that what we are to pay attention to? https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1QaSFm6Hhk
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:10 22982f No. 925097
We have her with Eminem too right??
Explains a LOT.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:18 cf5f25 No. 925098
GOD bless those still alive. Bring them back to their families and into the light of GOD. Amen
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:19 192dd6 No. 925099
Yep, and we all took notice, didn't we!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:22 8450ac No. 925100
Bill #Clinton - #LolitaExpress Rachel Chandler - Waris Ahluwalia - Marina Abramovic
All Connected
https:// mobile.twitter.com/kuismasami/status/795003799232454659
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:23 ae69fe No. 925101
Loiter capabilities?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:23 427ce0 No. 925102
that's some groovy shit man
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:30 d2c72f No. 925104
We need to ask the NYTimes. If Q isn't real then how did Q know they contacted the White House! LOL
Apr 6 2018 11:46:52 (EDT) ID: 357f8c 919423
https:// www nytimes.com/2018/04/06/opinion/qanon-trump-conspiracy-theory.html
Here we go.
Apr 6 2018 11:50:01 (EDT) ID: 357f8c 919456
Would you believe they called the WH for comment prior to publishing?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:36 da2b31 No. 925105
Nuh uh.
You did not just go there!
Hold on to your hats cause the ride has BEGUN!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:40 79f13b No. 925106
Sean is part of the team. Stand with him.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:40 6a84c3 No. 925107
https:// www.instagram.com/p/7VkyMRTfxu/?taken-by=ray.chandler
the fuck??
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:45 347ded No. 925108
Chandler leads to Marina Abramović which then leads to +++
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:46 0350e9 No. 925109
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:53 605efe No. 925110
I pray you all realize I was joking when I made the MySpace quip.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:55 04c4bd No. 925111
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:51:56 aef814 No. 925112
http:// www.rachelchandler.us/
https:// www.instagram.com/ray.chandler/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:00 1715e8 No. 925113
Hard to swallow.
Important to progress.
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).
Public wealth disclosures – False.
Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).
Triangle has (3) sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:01 9cdaf7 No. 925114
CNN advertising Sunday night special at 10pm-
The Remnant 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:02 f30af8 No. 925115
Husein, Imam, photo?
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_World_Trade_Center_bombing
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:09 db37a1 No. 925117
Here's the right Ray Chandler (military, not softball guy):
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_F._Chandler
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:11 5808e3 No. 925118
Look at the newest pic. Relevant. Oh boy.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:11 427ce0 No. 925119
I saw it, that's pretty groovy
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:13 057ce6 No. 925120
She also knows Sean Puffy Combs… I've researched her before
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:14 7bac47 No. 925121
It's like you had this all ready to go….
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:16 7e6d8d No. 925122
Voat already worked on it
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/1436568
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:24 347ded No. 925123
What will happen to Marina Abramović when she electrifies herself with 1 million volts?
The artist follows in the footsteps of countless boys tasing each other on YouTube
live suicide? I hope she dies..or Q team cranks the volts to life threatening levels.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:24 15c6cc No. 925124
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:27 1ee9e8 No. 925125
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>924883
here we go….
michael jackson
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:28 04c4bd No. 925126
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:41 194009 No. 925127
Chinas main weapon they seem to have over us is their monopoly on Rare Earth Minerals.
What is one of planets biggest issues? all the waste and trash.
What drives price of electronics really high? One part is price of materials for Research and Development and Manufacturing.
If President Trump offered $1Billion bounty to invent a UNIVERSAL recycler, we would have one in less than a Year. Or whatever idea yall came up with to bring it about as fast as possible.
By universal recycler I mean something that breaks whatever you put in it, either to it's base material, (Plastic/petroleum, Wood, metal/specific metals, ect.) Or take it a step further and reduce common denominator more and break it down to base elements. Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ect.. Then you can use those in some kind of 3D Printer to print w/e you want to print.
yes this sounds far fetched. But it's 100% possible ez. Would erase need and power of Rare Earth Minerals.
Goal= Throw bag of whatever trash/Electronic device waste and it shits out Plastic, separate metals, materials ect. Or take it a step further and more quantum and have it shit out Base Elements.
Anyways. Just an idea to solve an issue ive heard some anons talking about. We could do it in less than a year if we really tried.
Thank you for everything yall are doing! We Love You All!!!!!!!!!
God Bless America!!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:41 e1c5bd No. 925128
saw on twitter… lost it. im watching site
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:42 a7db86 No. 925129
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:42 515d07 No. 925130
Ghislaine Maxwell
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:42 22982f No. 925131
I collected ALL the posts on her the other night, but I have PILES of numbers here. Eminem, Clinton, Diddy….
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:44 8ced10 No. 925133
https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/96300863/
Rachel Chandler. Alot of info here anons!
http:// rachelchandler.tumblr.com/
Her Tumblr is strange as fuck.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:48 b2f361 No. 925134
Epstein's Girl Friday 'fixer': Dead tycoon's daughter Ghislaine Maxwell and the girls she hired for paedophile's stable
Read more: http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1363444/Jeffrey-Epstein-Robert-Maxwells-daughter-Ghislaine-hired-girls-paedophile.
http: //www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1363444/Jeffrey-Epstein-Robert-Maxwells-daughter-Ghislaine-hired-girls-paedophile.html
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:50 e0dd11 No. 925135
Isnt she the same girl with Eminem and P. Diddy?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:51 4c9100 No. 925136
>>924749 (previous bread)
No Peter Strzok made BHO’s fake birth cert. Strzok is deep state/clown document guy.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:55 7eaa07 No. 925137
Thank you Q where you go we go, you have lit a fire inside that will never go out, GOD BLESS THE USA
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:55 e146fd No. 925138
POTUS doesn't need to directly attack global central bank cabal.
What if POTUS created lines of credit via Treasury coins for key sovereign FRB debtors that MIRROR the debt balances that they are held hostage under now?
Could those sovereign debt holders then just default on the FRB debt?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:52:55 4c845b No. 925139
New post (#PedoGate Victory: FBI raids Backpage founder's Sedona home; website down) has been published on SGT Report - https:// www.sgtreport.com/2018/04/pedogate-victory-fbi-raids-backpage-founders-sedona-home-website-down/ …
#PedoGate Victory: FBI raids Backpage founder’s Sedona home; website down
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:00 92c5a5 No. 925140
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/1436568
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:05 b4a66a No. 925141
Once again seeing Jerry Garcia
>Teddy Bear's Picnic
>The Pizza Tapes
>Bohemian Grove
>J.P. Barlow
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:11 c68a25 No. 925142
Monsanto + Chemtrails= Event Mss Extintion
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:15 717e6d No. 925143
http:// www.advantagesurveillance.net/contact/view/ray_chandler
C. Ray Chandler
Mgr. Recruiting, Training & Quality Assurance
Phone: (888) 696-3669 x210
Fax: (800) 238-3974
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:21 421eba No. 925145
>Look up Ray.Chandler.
>None are safe.
Is it about Michael Jackson's attorney Ray Chandler?
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1229622/Killed-curse-Michael-Jackson-What-drove-father-Jordy-Chandler-gun-head.html
https:// vindicatemj.wordpress.com/reference-materials/ray-chandlers-lies-and-subpoena-as-a-way-to-answer-for-them/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:27 b82c6b No. 925146
John and Cindy McCain applaud the arrest of Backpage.com CEO …
Oct 7, 2016 - Arizona Senator John McCain and his wife Cindy are both praising the arrest of Backstage.com CEO Carl Ferrer.
Dec 6, 2017 - John and Cindy McCain Exploit Indian Affairs Hearing with Alarmist Rants About Sex Trafficking and Backpage. by Stephen Lemonson December 6, 2017 … In his opening remarks, John McCain characterized human trafficking on reservations as “rampant.” He condemned “websites like Backpage.com,” …
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:30 841ecd No. 925147
Crucify her on an UPRIGHT cross.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:39 316cfc No. 925148
Make Pizza Great Again
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:42 1c992e No. 925149
Been lurking for months..learning all I can from you incredible Anons. I love this country and pray that Q, POTUS and all Patriots stay safe. IMO the Q drops have much disinformation to distract and send enemies in wrong direction. I remember DJT questioning Obama for telling our enemies what he was doing before he did it.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:53:49 e4c61c No. 925150
Same old shill tactic
Post a bullshit photo
Filter those who call you on your bullshit
You are filtered motherfucking faggot.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:00 1e9d80 No. 925151
>Bill Clinton photograph showing him with a girl called Rachel Chandler.
>Rachel Chandler is a photogrpaher who iseen in photos with various celebs
>She has a tumblr on which she posts various disturbing images
>pol posits that she is Rachel Child Handler for the elites
>Eyes wide open
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:03 1ee9e8 No. 925152
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:03 8557de No. 925153
It’s like fireworks! I love it!!!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:03 f3b40b No. 925154
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:05 bea0c7 No. 925156
Hi Q your people do a great job, but i want to know hope you all take down the shithols in EU Norway ect too…. like Jhonas Ghar Støre Jens Stoltenberg Børge Brende… Libya Patriot from the land of Vikings
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:07 192dd6 No. 925157
She's a modern day Rasputin…it will take a glass ashtray to the head, a knife to the gut, and a few bullets…and then thrown over a bridge into an icy river still alive and kickin!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:13 9467d3 No. 925158
Why isn't Bill smiling in this picture? Shouldn't he be happy at his daughter's wedding?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:13 9daa84 No. 925159
Damn, here we go. I was waiting on this. Had to happen. This was researched back during pizzagate. At least it’s already documented.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:17 712750 No. 925160
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:26 988c13 No. 925161
They Prolly Flipped on them, Its alright we WONT SAY HIS NAME.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:27 3c5c6e No. 925162
http:// rachelchandler.tumblr.com/page/3
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:36 814bb5 No. 925163
Its not his daughter…
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:36 02b856 No. 925164
https:// youtu.be/Z72pNL6kzsY
".. this is a CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE… harassment & discrimination AGAINST GUN OWNERS… this is oppression.. this is Bigotry.."
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:39 057ce6 No. 925165
Exactly… I asked Q if HWMNBN was involved in this… I highly doubt it was in a heroic manner… he probably got caught and gave dude up.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:46 22982f No. 925167
Is this her's for sure?? WTF??
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:47 1715e8 No. 925168
Archive everything offline!!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:49 075da5 No. 925169
Pizzagate anons know that Rachel chandler opened a ton of leads.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:54:50 699db1 No. 925170
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:06 6123fe No. 925171
kek I agree, it just isnt the same since all the pizzagate details. (((They))) ruin everyday awesome shit.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:10 983a5d No. 925172
She was a "source" for underage girls for Epstein and his other pedo friends. LONG list of people, globally. She was a BIG DEAL during the Pizzagate research.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:11 414ae6 No. 925173
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:14 347ded No. 925174
– Abramovic cutting the fake female dead body: https:// www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article07.jpgJPG –
A Black woman's head lying in front of dinner eaters: https:// www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article08.jpgJPG –
A body being eaten: https:// www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article16.jpgJPG –
Body after many parts being eaten: https:// www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article05.jpgJPG –
Rachel Chandler posing at the party with Dasha Zhukova, who is the wife of Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich: https:// www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article13.jpgJPG
There's a lot more of a connection between these two (Chandler and Abramovic) but that's all I could find with Google. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more photos of her with celebs while she was a teenager, cause she used to circulate in those celeb circles a lot. Also, I think that photo with Clinton is not from Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express but rather from Ron Burkle's private jet. You may want to look into the connections between the Chandler family and Burkle. At one point, Burkle and the Chandlers were in competition to buy out the Tribune Media Co. that owned the Times:
http:// www.editorandpublisher.com/news/burkle-and-broad-join-chandlers-in-making-tribune-bid/ http:// www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/18/AR2007011800684_pf.html
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:15 a179bf No. 925175
Not the infrastructure, just access to it. Won't be difficult. The ISPs/telecoms/social media platforms…
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:16 3229b5 No. 925176
who is the pilot?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:16 52ee96 No. 925177
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:19 699db1 No. 925178
THIS !!! Get it all
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:22 22982f No. 925179
I saw that too but didn't want to post it. Good moves anon.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:27 18470a No. 925180
holy shit.
there are clues EVERYWHERE in her insta!!!
https:// www.instagram.com/p/BaZaUM-lvy8/?hl=en&taken-by=ray.chandler
https:// www.instagram.com/p/BaVEPwLFjZ7/?hl=en&taken-by=ray.chandler
https:// www.instagram.com/p/BRFs8JIFZs6/?hl=en&taken-by=ray.chandler
WTF is this trump picture from 2016? https:// www.instagram.com/p/BGR3thPzf1o/?hl=en&taken-by=ray.chandler
wtf is this depicting? https:// www.instagram.com/p/BMpx7JGDG80/?hl=en&taken-by=ray.chandler
WTF. Images about babies…..
this is some MKUltra - Pizzagate shit.
Please help dig.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:32 9daa84 No. 925181
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:33 92e039 No. 925182
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:36 c68a25 No. 925183
4 Ballons of Project Loon in Southamerica.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:41 da2b31 No. 925184
No, this is shit some of us have been working on since before election.
No one was listening.
Until now.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:41 0d1674 No. 925185
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:43 15c6cc No. 925186
Better screen cap her instagram before it goes down
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:43 b08db0 No. 925187
https:// www.reddit.com/r/ The_Donald/comments/75nqcf/well_we_know_why_eminem_hates_trump/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:44 d5830d No. 925188
Creepy pedo shit on there. this has to be the profile
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:45 70fe65 No. 925189
>Ray (Rachel) Chandler
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:47 1ee9e8 No. 925190
https:// vindicatemj.wordpress.com/2010/08/14/ray-chandler-subpoena-happy-end-for-the-dear-old-uncle/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:52 c5545f No. 925191
http:// www.davidpbrown.co.uk/jokes/monty-python-parrot.html
" 'E's bleedin' demised!"
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:55:56 caaff3 No. 925192
Digging Anons…..
ray.chandler is rachel chandler on instagram
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:01 605efe No. 925193
Our first legit confirmation that Q is a politician.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:03 bea0c7 No. 925194
Follow the white Rabbit
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:05 e3a264 No. 925195
If Monsanto and chemtrails do not go away then we have accomplished nothing. Satan in the food and Satan in the air,
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:16 3229b5 No. 925198
flight log
https:// www.documentcloud.org/documents/1507315-epstein-flight-manifests.html
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:18 983434 No. 925200
So well done…
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:20 d4e8a1 No. 925201
This is what we're good at.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:21 d0026e No. 925202
Virginia Roberts details the whirlwind 2001 sex trip she took with Epstein, and she dishes the dirt on how her master passed her off for a night of sordid sex with the British royal.
‘He Was Caressing Every Part Of My Naked Body And Filling My Head With Endless Compliments About My Blossoming Figure’: Diary Entries Of ‘Teen Sex Slave’ Detail Sordid Hook-Up With Prince Andrew — In Her Own Handwriting https:// radaronline.com/exclusives/2015/01/jeffrey-epstein-sex-slave-virginia-roberts-writes-sex-prince-andrew/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:30 52e679 No. 925203
The Rachel Chandler research left me physically sick to my stomach when i first came across it.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:32 d5830d No. 925204
Eminem is IN THE GAME
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:35 5808e3 No. 925205
Yeah, look at her instagram profile too. Some images disturbing.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:39 4b6902 No. 925206
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:41 92b65d No. 925207
hes already said that before. gtfo newfag
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:47 467318 No. 925209
we got most of her stuff back end of 2016
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:48 f8583d No. 925210
you guys must realize that none of this will be believed by 95% of the citizens of the United States until —
HRC is actually arrested.
Even then, most will still say you are all delusional and your "proof" is not real, but a collection of conjecture and altered .jpg and mp4 files.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:51 65f66f No. 925211
And that Q is very possibly more then 1..plural (us)
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:54 8fd4c5 No. 925213
Friend of Jeff Kasky? One World adoption. PArkland.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:56:59 a33161 No. 925214
A chandler also supplies ships. Wonder what she is supplying and to what (kind of?) ships exactly?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:00 2d187c No. 925216
Baker! I posted wrong Link - Please add THIS to Bread#1143 - relates to Obummer humiliated at G20 China Video - same month that China lost control of Space Station - RETALIATION? http:// www.newsweek.com/china-tiangong-1-out-control-space-station-crash-earth-2018-666836
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:00 db8b6c No. 925217
Word to your mutha I made that over 7 years ago so people should realize this was not meant to paint Barry in a bad light or someth'n……
Well I take that back it was…
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:02 3c5c6e No. 925218
There is a lot more fucked up shit
http:// rachelchandler.tumblr.com/archive
Note the feet…
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:15 0c5b1a No. 925220
KEK … newfags smh
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:18 cf5f25 No. 925221
sick fucks.
Get em Q
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:19 db37a1 No. 925222
False lead – disregard
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:23 92b65d No. 925223
>How do you know Jefferey Epstein
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:23 467318 No. 925224
>use 11.3 as a marker for "proof"
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:24 7269fe No. 925225
Her instagram is horrible….
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:25 d4e8a1 No. 925226
Oh shit… I remember this from 2016
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:28 a40e12 No. 925228
Check this!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:31 589ed7 No. 925229
ok. so NYT put's out a Q story calling LARP. soooo. what does Q team decide to do? put's out crumbs saying Obamba Ak-47 Red, White, And Blue. Spray. Net shutdown. and all sorts of shit we waited MONTHS for.
THIS is what any newcomer see's first. LARP looking immediately. i can't stop laughing. i can't. not how I would come out the gate with but… i trust the plan 111%
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:32 9daa84 No. 925230
Knew this was coming.:(
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:33 057ce6 No. 925231
Me too… the one with the twin little girls and the Satanic Circle on the floor?!? SICK SHIT
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:33 6191ef No. 925232
Saw a bunch of these posted yesterday. That girl gets handed around. So she’s ray’s daughter?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:39 5808e3 No. 925234
Not real picture. But I am interested into the real picture. The Cabal will go insane once it is released.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:41 8ced10 No. 925236
Not 100% but in that half 4chan thread linked to it.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:41 c68a25 No. 925237
Macron in Panic Mode?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:42 d0026e No. 925238
>>925202 (cont)
Epstein and his right-hand woman, Ghislaine Maxwell, who had allegedly fooled Roberts’ parents into believing she was training with them to become a professional masseuse, helped their underage plaything get a passport for the sick vacation.
“I was heading over to my first overseas trip to Europe, 1st stop off Paris, France,” the excited teen wrote.
Once abroad, Roberts’ daily list of chores included “massages, sex, and even dressing [Epstein].”
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:50 d4e8a1 No. 925239
Follow her friends
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:57:58 2db0ee No. 925241
Hey Q,
I'll go back on duty at the border if ROE is strong enough to allow actual enforcement and success. Guarantee successful mission with PATRIOTS unleashed. Not weird over zealous want to help actors, but trained vets willing to suit up and prosecute a program of defense of the sovereignty of this nation. The OATH is ETERNAL and there are plenty willing and able!
ThanQ Gentlemen and Ladies!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:04 057ce6 No. 925242
No. That's Rachel when she was younger.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:05 8653fe No. 925243
Ok I just found a pic of a half-naked underage boy in there…not going back
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:08 18470a No. 925244
ah ya.
I just forgot how relevant this shit is.
https:// www.instagram.com/p/BMHSliuDcn_/?hl=en&taken-by=ray.chandler
Why the fuck
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:13 1ee9e8 No. 925245
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/1436568
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:14 971bd6 No. 925246
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Anons interested in the ongoing election integrity cases (including Roy Moore) should watch this interview.
Really interesting. ;-)
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:24 b4a66a No. 925248
It's always the loudest more deranged anti-Trump asshats. Always.
>that's an awfully hot covfefe pot
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:31 0350e9 No. 925250
New York-based Midland Agency has quickly established itself as one of the most vital and iconoclastic voices in the Fashion Industry. Co-founders Walter Pearce and Rachel Chandler are passionate about developing new concepts of beauty, beyond the established industry standards.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:41 02b856 No. 925252
https:// youtu.be/Z72pNL6kzsY
".. this is a CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE… harassment & discrimination AGAINST GUN OWNERS… this is oppression.. this is Bigotry.."
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:48 cf5f25 No. 925253
that is a gymnast suit
feet are dirty from gym…..
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:52 9daa84 No. 925254
Now you know why everyone involved in pizzagate was so pissed off.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:58:58 d4e8a1 No. 925257
No wonder that cocksucker went shooting his herpes infected mouth off
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:59:05 6123fe No. 925258
Then take him out Q.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:59:10 467318 No. 925259
opposite, methinks
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:59:11 a7db86 No. 925260
Shills. Filtered. Too bad you cant see anymore
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:59:14 427ce0 No. 925261
fukkin weird tumblr
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:59:21 4cd774 No. 925262
Ryan also running as Romney's VP. Conflict much?
For those unfamiliar with history, an incumbent (DJT) doesn't usually have challengers from his own party.
But then, Mitt and Pauly-boy aren't really repubs, are they?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:59:30 54ca19 No. 925265
Still can't believe they cut a deal with McCain. They hate him even more than I do.
He must have provided them with some ridiculously good testimony that locks up the cases of some VERY big fish.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:59:36 18470a No. 925267
Do we have a spreadsheet somewhere tracking all the friends?
We need to keep a database of all friends in these pictures.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:59:39 9daa84 No. 925268
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:59:39 0b7015 No. 925269
More like GAME OVER for that kike
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 21:59:51 22982f No. 925270
Powerful Anon!! Thank You!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:00 5b92bc No. 925271
Here's ore on Rachel Chandler with pictures!
http:// toplessinla.org/2018/01/07/pizzagate-illuminati-rape-of-children-exposed-with-proof-in-pictures/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:00 ed04aa No. 925272
// gawker.com/flight-logs-put-clinton-dershowitz-on-pedophile-billio-1681039971
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:03 b82c6b No. 925273
is she aka Chelsea Handler?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:20 ae69fe No. 925276
How deep does this hole go?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:22 54ca19 No. 925277
KEK. Funniest thing I've seen all day.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:27 a7db86 No. 925278
Wonder why Eminem is so triggered by POTUS?
Bye bye faggot Eminem.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:34 c5545f No. 925279
It's a Raymond Chandler evening
At the end of someone's day
And I'm standing in my pocket
And I'm slowly turning gray
I remember what I told you
But I can't remember why
And the yellow leaves are falling
In a spiral from the sky
There's a body on the railings
That I can't identify
And I'd like to reassure you but
I'm not that kind of guy
It's a Raymond Chandler evening
And the pavements are all wet
And I'm lurking in the shadows
'Cause it hasn't happened yet
https:// www.songlyrics.com/robyn-hitchcock/raymond-chandler-evening-lyrics/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:34 04c4bd No. 925280
what the fuckkkkkk
creepy ass shit
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:35 8ddeb1 No. 925281
Q’s demeanor seems different today. The posts are more blunt and direct. Not sure what that means.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:35 bac249 No. 925282
It's about time for the NY Times and other MSM to eat their words. Let's see these pedophiles brought to justice quickly. If the evidence is irrefutable, many normies will be won over.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:37 b82c6b No. 925283
https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/96284836/
Nov 5, 2016 - it's rachel chandler and she snaps photos of all the trafficked kids…not her real name. think about it. chandler…child handler…c. handler …. >c handler >Chelsea Handler OH F
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:51 35a870 No. 925284
https:// twitter.com/SSENSE/status/877964424010543104
https:// www.ssense.com/en-us/editorial/fashion/navigating-real-ness-with-rachel-chandler
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:00:52 5808e3 No. 925285
What a crazy bitch, right? I am trying to archive all pictures of her insta offline.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:02 d0a9fb No. 925286
Suffering from a brain concussion here
Cant tell you how much you have lifted my spirit Q!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:03 988c13 No. 925287
New Baker Will Bake
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:04 e62a2b No. 925288
Rachel Chandler the child handler!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:04 22982f No. 925289
There we go. Thank You.
He only says about 10 times that he "sold his soul to the devil".
(((THEY))) Always tell us.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:05 a7db86 No. 925290
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:14 6191ef No. 925291
IM LOOking at her IG now. This shit is weird. Pics with kids holding money and look at what she posts under it.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:19 0350e9 No. 925293
Rachel herself comes from a very prominent, elite family. She's one of many descendants of the Chandler family, which owned the Los Angeles Times for decades. Look up Otis Chandler on Wikipedia. The family is divested of the paper today and not as powerful/prominent in LA high society today as they used to be, but up through the 80s they were super powerful.
So, Rachel is definitely a part of the LA-based Hollywood/media elite. She's not some runaway or kidnapped kid or anything like that like some have theorized. She's probably the most powerful scion of one of the most powerful families in Southern California.
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/1436568
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:25 814bb5 No. 925295
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:32 95b9c9 No. 925297
Her and her so called fashionista friends are sick fucks!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:34 ed7882 No. 925299
It means free beer today
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:35 9daa84 No. 925300
This has all been researched. This is why they shut pizzagate down!!
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:36 207e52 No. 925301
Why is E so vocal against POTUS?
Biggest connection missing.
Focus on friends (2).
(1) F
(1) M
(1) Presidential pardon.
(1) 187 MS_13
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:42 5808e3 No. 925303
Adding; I am archiving via a simple download script.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:45 3229b5 No. 925304
SHE on the lists?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:51 6d06d7 No. 925306
Ray Chandler is Rachel Chandler, rumored Pedo handler for Epstein, Eminiem, P. Diddy???
https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/96300863
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:53 ae69fe No. 925307
I find this highly disturbing…..
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:01:57 b4a66a No. 925309
Voatfags got the dank Epstein research.
Have had it since PG migrated there.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:07 04c4bd No. 925311
look at the comments. what the fuck are we looking at here?
trafficking in plain sight?
<^ @ray.chandler on instagram
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:12 e8e2d9 No. 925312
Not sure if i can do this but asking anyway…
When all this is done, id really appreciated if members of the Q names were never divulged.
I get a sense of security out of knowing there's a Batman lurking in the shadows, it also gives a certain deterrent feeling to those who might consider going down the wrong path.
Dunno make the Q team permanent or something!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:25 8a5666 No. 925313
Hello Q…
Greetings from Brazil…
Can you say something about what's going on my Country?
God bless you all…
Self-doxxing. Leave the name/email field blank for your personal safety. -BO
Post last edited at 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:34
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:28 5808e3 No. 925315
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:29 facb3c No. 925316
Reposting from end of last bread:
BritAnon here,
what if Hussain was pointing/shooting the gun at one of the good guys, ie. one of the Founding Fathers, JFK or Reagan? How would the American normies take that? Just a thought
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:31 0d1674 No. 925317
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:37 1ee9e8 No. 925320
also a reporter in australia…
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:41 e5d018 No. 925321
I keep saying, you have to follow the WITCHES. The WIVES….
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:42 6f8c33 No. 925322
This Rachel Chandler?
https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/1436568
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:44 347ded No. 925323
1 187 MS13
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:45 1ac395 No. 925324
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:45 9daa84 No. 925325
No!! Rachel Chandler
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:48 316cfc No. 925326
Eminem is involved in child trafficking?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:49 d2c72f No. 925327
Can you build the wall around California also or sell them to Mexico
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:52 e62a2b No. 925328
Rachel Chandler the child handler!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:54 d4e8a1 No. 925329
These people are evil.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:54 54ca19 No. 925330
Getting it out of the food and air will be a challenge. Getting it out of our bodies and brains might be even more challenging.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:57 bea0c7 No. 925331
Will Mike Pence go down fore pedofila?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:03 1e9d80 No. 925332
>(1) Presidential pardon.
Marc Rich.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:05 35a870 No. 925333
Dr. Dre & Jimmy Iovine?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:06 ae8204 No. 925334
sigh… I can't belive I listened to that degenerate wigger when I was a teenager.
We all make mistakes.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:08 427ce0 No. 925335
Eminem's daughter?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:09 e1adab No. 925336
Q is busy and the breads fill fast. So i upped a new file to the folder.
1139-1149.zip MD5: 47fcea039b1488c23e59e47b4c6e9c29
The ZIPs contain .webarchive files as usual. So these files are still SAFARI ONLY
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:09 e71e63 No. 925337
It is TREASON 2Anon. Q is busy and as we TRUST THE PLAN, Q &TEAM still need to step up and clarify how GUNS ARE SAFE. He is telling Anon's to stand down, at the same time allowing 2Anon's to be stampeded by state and now town over reach.
Keep up the work Patriot.
Q; what happens when a sheepdog is backed into a corner?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:12 6123fe No. 925338
The murder last month of Eminem's closest friend, the rapper Proof, has been dismissed as just another hip-hop slaying by the Detroit press. In a special investigation, Anthony Bozza, the only journalist with access to the artist's inner circle, reveals the truth about his life and revisits the events of that fateful night
https:// www.theguardian.com/music/2006/may/21/popandrock.eminem
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:21 15ec58 No. 925340
Seth rich?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:22 9daa84 No. 925342
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:33 cf5f25 No. 925345
those that scream the loudest…..
i bet she has pictures….
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:35 ef2249 No. 925346
Here is a few of her instagram images…
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:41 8ddeb1 No. 925348
America is truly great again
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:41 053efa No. 925349
Dear deep state,
Many of us here have been following you for a long time. We have been discouraged and demoralized for years as you seemed to always avoid karma. You got away with everything and taunted us about it. You assumed we were too stupid to understand and too weak to do anything about it. Now, Q helped us understand that we are not alone. We have been quietly building into a powerful force that is about to be fully unleashed on your world. We are anons, we are the president, we are the military and enough is enough.
Patriots of the USA
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:43 45362d No. 925350
Do we have a memefag that can put this together?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:43 a7db86 No. 925351
And when the Q photo of Hussein with AK47 drops which will make everyone forget about this one…that big…holy shit. April showers for sure!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:47 db37a1 No. 925352
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:50 87fb8a No. 925353
Because Dre is a clown.
Snoop, Dre, Suge Knight all dealt crack to black communities.
That's why they killed Pac, Pac wasn't down.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:52 d5830d No. 925354
NOT Q just Anon seeing the evidence pile up. Coincidence it is on the same day that vile Eminem posted the mucic video against ourgirl Ivanka >>925258 Take Eminem and Jay z down FILTH !
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:54 4690fc No. 925355
I'm guessing E sold off his daughter more than once…
Did E approach DJT with something like that?
DJT knows and E's scared shitless?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:03:54 6e0749 No. 925356
http:// www.wutang-corp.com/forum/showthread.php?137360-Satan-s-Lair/page5
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:00 04c4bd No. 925357
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:02 b6e506 No. 925358
Q Which Vaccines are Bull shit ? At least tell us that if ya know ! Thanks & Lets Roll………..
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:05 888902 No. 925359
he sold his soul to the devil… he said it.. like bob dylan and katie perry.. just google it
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:14 3229b5 No. 925361
Could She - be the plane?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:18 347ded No. 925362
wait, wasn't EMINEM involved with Brittany Murphy? and she died..
The young star collapsed in the bathroom of her Hollywood Hills home on Dec. 20, 2009 after battling flu-like symptoms for a few days. She cried, “Mommy, I can’t catch my breath. Help me,” before passing out in the arms of her mother, Sharon, and husband, Simon Monjack, her mother recalled, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:26 3b6926 No. 925363
I started an O vs Trump timeline on StoryMapJS. Maybe a good way to communicate the story? Piecing together dates and places is a challenge. Is there a central worksheet anywhere to collaborate?
https:// uploads.knightlab.com/storymapjs/6cfbed6b582ecc829f82fa0b8222c7a2/t-vs-o/index.html
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:34 9e6ecb No. 925365
Not sure if its a fake gmail account, but dont fill in email when posting, all can see, including clowns.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:35 8067e2 No. 925366
Q, I got an email from WH saying 2A was going to be safe.
What's being done about this crap?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:38 bea0c7 No. 925367
flu shot is one polio one
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:42 95b9c9 No. 925369
Eminem blew up during the WJC years, definitely tied together.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:52 f56d5e No. 925370
could be…quick mind.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:04:56 c68a25 No. 925371
Ok.. This is insane.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:01 983a5d No. 925372
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:05 b1ece8 No. 925374
who said they cut a deal with him?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:10 a7db86 No. 925376
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:15 c2c5bd No. 925377
Finnish language?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:20 8fd4c5 No. 925378
A prize sex slave that was/is used to entrap others for blackmail. Worships Satan. MKUltra. Just my thoughts.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:21 814bb5 No. 925379
can planefags stake out Little St. James Island (Epstein island)????
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:24 988c13 No. 925380
Confirmed New Baker
Thank you for your service
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:28 22982f No. 925381
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:40 1e142a No. 925383
Didn't they kill his friend Proof to make him play ball?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:49 581224 No. 925384
Backpage had its start in the Phoenix new times. Phoenix new times was one of sheriff joe’s loudest enemies.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:50 9daa84 No. 925385
We Tried to tell everyone but….
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:59 eb0460 No. 925387
A whole neeeeeeew de waaaaae!
A new spit-tastic point of view!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:05:59 22982f No. 925388
Thank You Bakers!! Great Work in here today. It's an Honor.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:03 d4e8a1 No. 925389
Well well well what do we have here…
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:03 37fd5e No. 925390
Insta. This is her yeah???
https:// www.instagram.com/ray.chandler/?hl=en
Easy to track who she talks to alot. We can dig Crackbook too.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:08 4e3787 No. 925391
Here is a searchable list of passengers on the "Lolita express" to Epstein's island: https:// www.scribd.com/document/261420719/Jeffrey-Epstein-Flight-Logs-in-PDF-format
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:12 e62a2b No. 925392
^^^BINGO^^^ and it was the CIA Clowns that killed Brittany and her husband
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:15 a179bf No. 925393
The male and female friends are Jay-Z and Beyonce.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:19 04c4bd No. 925394
>Disgusting pedophile Rachel chandler just like podesta
>Disgusting pedophile Rachel chandler just like podesta
>Disgusting pedophile Rachel chandler just like podesta
>Disgusting pedophile Rachel chandler just like podesta
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:20 db37a1 No. 925395
You're right thanks
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:22 6d06d7 No. 925396
Rachel Chandler - Clinton Girlfriend, Eminem – here's her pic at 17
https:// www.neonrevolt.com/2018/04/05/epsteins-island-digs-pizzagate-pedogate-qanon-greatawakening/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:26 421eba No. 925397
I see. Was busy digging. Relax.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:30 8fd4c5 No. 925398
Following her friends can lead to satanic pedophilia cult network. (maybe?)
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:34 6123fe No. 925400
Eminem sat between his manager, Paul Rosenberg , ……
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:36 ae69fe No. 925401
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:45 a7db86 No. 925403
Hussein is pure EVIL!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:48 d4e8a1 No. 925404
What fake news outlet do you work for?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:49 4c845b No. 925405
Refers to Trump and his teams.
Since we elected Trump, we elected people who are helping Trump and fighting with Trump.
As Dr. Pieczenik says Military Intel insiders ASKED Trump to run for precidency.
They have known about the treason for years, and they NEEDED a president who is patriot and can win and rally people on his side. That enabled Q team = military intel highest officers to restore the country.
That's why he says 'You elected us'
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:51 a40e12 No. 925406
Good Theory
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:55 4690fc No. 925407
Is she friends with Alefantis?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:58 c934bb No. 925408
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:06:59 4042f3 No. 925409
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:04 888902 No. 925410
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https:// www.youtube.com/embed/yDM7D1teDco" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:12 768c86 No. 925411
I think there was videos of this posted in previous breads with Gwen Stefani there
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:15 4b6902 No. 925412
Looks like the back of Raniere’s head
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:18 562a19 No. 925413
>(1) F
>(1) M
>(1) Presidential pardon.
>(1) 187 MS_13
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:26 4042f3 No. 925415
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:33 db37a1 No. 925416
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:37 22982f No. 925417
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall. No coincidences.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:37 67cd5c No. 925418
Is this her?
https:// pagesix.com/2016/03/17/alleged-epstein-madam-forced-to-hand-over-17-years-of-documents/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:42 562a19 No. 925419
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:44 e62a2b No. 925421
Eminem is a satanic scumbag pedophile!!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:46 5b92bc No. 925422
I remember once watching a youtube video talking about Epstein's blackmailing of those who went on the plane. Supposedly Trump went once, but knew it was a setup and they got nothing on him.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:46 467318 No. 925423
rachel child handler
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:49 27262c No. 925424
I knew E was a BIG link in this! Goinn to dig more
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:07:54 2da63e No. 925425
"Your trust & faith in us is enough. You elected us to do the heavy lifting. Enjoy the show. BIRTH of a NEW NATION. NEW WORLD. Q"
I been waitin' for this all my life. Y'all had me fired up enough to dig through granite with a teaspoon and storm the Gates of Hell with a cardboard shield and a butter knife. However, since y'all are going to do the heavy lifting I'll just make some popcorn and enjoy the show. I pray for Q, POTUS, our troops, fellow anons, our people and our nation everyday. God Bless you all. We are the Host that serves the Lord of Hosts. We are Infinite, We are Eternal, We can never be defeated for even in death we are Victorious. WWG1WGA
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:00 207e52 No. 925426
Report to FBI / DOJ.
Watch what happens.
Subject deviation.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:02 5808e3 No. 925427
I just archived all pictures of her (evidence) Instagram in case she might make her account private like Podesta and the other people of that sick cult.
Link (Instagram ray.chandler, all pictures): http:// anonfile.com/Re88b1ecbb/all_from_1_to_1072_-_ray.chandler.zip
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:03 ce585d No. 925429
Phone Survey HRC campaign was using during 2008 election. Email has a WORD document - two of the quesitons asked…these are not heresay - these are fact - yet he was elected - (((TRAITOR))) .
https:// wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/25258
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:06 a7db86 No. 925430
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:08 d33d70 No. 925431
D12. MS13 I recently saw a new "14" Trend. Is this some kind of mission code? A Progression they go through?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:14 e389da No. 925432
Think NK.
Think Nuke stranglehold.
Think logically.
Are you awake?
ThankQ and God bless you Mr. President, Amazing to be awake and witnessing a Big Beautiful World with lots of light specially in the WH.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:16 22982f No. 925433
We're learning to Play!!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:22 b1ece8 No. 925434
Please be careful with pictures posted!!! Also be careful with pictures opened. It is just as illegal for you to look at these poor children as it is for the pedos.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:28 83a3ae No. 925436
>Presidential pardon
Howard Gutman
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:29 a7db86 No. 925437
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:35 0350e9 No. 925438
https:// www.justice.gov/pardon/obama-pardons
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:35 3e09d5 No. 925439
> Presidential pardon.
BC pardoned David Ronald Chandler – federal death row inmate
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:35 595dc0 No. 925440
Pedos protecting pedos HRC, WJC. POTUS wouldn’t play ball with Epstein.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:38 1715e8 No. 925441
https:// twitter.com/DrDavidDuke/status/788804579290820609
Eminem is a puppet of (((Paul Rosenberg))) and (((Jimmy Iovine))) - For years Eminem has been poisoning the minds of our youth.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:47 cb5b3b No. 925442
what was found out about RH's hubby and sister in law?????
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:49 6123fe No. 925443
Paul Rosenberg
On August 1, 2017, he was appointed the new CEO/President of Def Jam Recordings
Amid Sexual Misconduct Scandal, Russell Simmons Steps Down From Def Jam
https:// www.iloveoldschoolmusic.com/amid-sexual-misconduct-scandal-russell-simmons-steps-down-from-def-jam/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:50 c68a25 No. 925444
planned parenthood. Although is VP. and he mentioned in the Last president and Baron Trump (Books)
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:55 a33161 No. 925446
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:08:59 5808e3 No. 925447
Pictures (+ videos) of her Instagram as evidence. I archived them.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:04 3c5c6e No. 925449
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:05 d4e8a1 No. 925450
You are beautiful
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:06 090538 No. 925451
187 MSM
Lori Klausutis?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:11 9daa84 No. 925452
They will when they see this!! No one would listen before. Now Q brought it up!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:11 ff0a56 No. 925453
If Subud is the religious leader connected to Husein that Q referred to in drop #1048 then it must be true that Subud is his father. But was Subud a crypto Muslim?
How would SUbud be connected to terrorist type groups where a young adult Hussein could point a weapon at an American?
However, if Ali-Khameini is the leader then there are possibilities connected with Hussein's trip to Pakistan. And remember, Valerie Jarrett is so close to Obama that she lives in his house, and she has Iran connections.
Also, Q has to use disinfo and double meanings and vagueness in his drops to keep the clowns guessing.
I think it is still worthwhile getting Iranian Farsi speakers to help track down whether Ali Khameini was in Pakistan in 1981 when Hussein was there.
Also, think about cleaning the web and public records. We know this has been done to some extent. But what if they only cleaned up English language sources? Do you know anyone who speaks Urdu who could investigate Pakistan and find out when was Hussein actually there?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:23 4690fc No. 925454
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:24 22982f No. 925455
I'm an expert on Eminem. AMA.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:38 0b7015 No. 925456
Jay Z was being bashed on talk radio today for a recent interview he had where he bitched and moaned about white privelege and racism like the faggotnigger he is
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:38 27262c No. 925457
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:49 cb318c No. 925458
Q, I doubt you're going to be hearing many complaints about "nothing is happening" for awhile. Tidal wave? That's putting it mildly. Rock on!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:50 585224 No. 925459
he had gang connections in detroit
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:09:55 50b545 No. 925460
Q, Anons & POTUS Did I say I love you???
God bless you all!
https: //youtu.be/wEcHcSlsVyw
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:01 4a7f42 No. 925461
Can we report James Alefantis too?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:11 a179bf No. 925462
Rap/producer John Forte….pardoned by George W. Bush.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:11 70fe65 No. 925463
D12 reference for Eminem was "dirty dozen", which I believe is actually 6 people, each with alter-ego's (ie Eminem = Slim Shady)
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:13 04c4bd No. 925464
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:13 2aa05c No. 925465
Who is behind Em tho?
Look for the handlers
Money that pulls the strings
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:15 300225 No. 925466
I’m worried about riots. Do I need to go pick up my son from college? He’s a sweet boy. Conservative. And I want him home if things are going to get bad.
Nobody 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:16 afe8ca No. 925467
I love all of you who love justice and are praying for peace. My heart is so heavy for the victims of this cabal. I thank the Lord I have not been on the front lines of this fight - my anger has tainted me enough. Q - thank you for giving us hope. I've been following you since Oct/17 and I feel with all of my heart that you are sincere. Please - if you are close to DJT - extend my hope and prayer that he will set wrongs right and hunger for righteousness - for then will he be sated by Yahshua Jesus Christ. Godspeed, Q and everyone of you white hats on here. Black hats - I am praying for you too. Please repent. May God take what worth is left in me and impart to you all. Love -
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:18 4690fc No. 925468
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:21 c68a25 No. 925469
Good Digits. JCVD was a few Red-pilled. He mentioned to the Roths and the Rockefellers.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:25 5808e3 No. 925470
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:25 83a3ae No. 925471
Howard Gutman
https:// www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/243397/clintons-pardons-pedophiles-daniel-greenfield
HereSince1634 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:27 ac8ccf No. 925472
We pray for you Q-team. Me, my wife, my son, and even my daughter with Down Syndrome, she prays for you as well.
I hope we are winning.
Jer 29:11
04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:28 e1eefe No. 925473
Numbers 6:24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:32 cb5b3b No. 925474
RChandler was a victim and then victimized others → she went to the dark side.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:42 217424 No. 925475
Thought this was noteworthy. May be nothing, but interesting.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:44 ae8204 No. 925476
look at this.
Who the fuck refers to a baby (Wally is the baby) as delicious???
Instagram lkchadwik
Pictures are VERY SIMILAR to Rachel's
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:47 7d30fb No. 925477
What's up with her weird pic on her story?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:48 22982f No. 925478
his best friend was Proof. Killed on 8 mile in a bar.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:48 f26858 No. 925479
Don't forget to look for the helpers. And thank them.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:53 0c1176 No. 925480
Q I always had a strange feeling about the Hip Hop community and the cabal. How could their message be so blatantly to corrupt the youth and no one noticed. In light of this how significant was Kanye West's meeting with POTUS? Was Kanye giving him inside information on the inner workings of the hip hop cult?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:10:54 18470a No. 925481
We need to make sure to archive the comments as well!
Also, we need to archive the pages of creeps that are linked! I've found 3 or 4 other pages of fucked up baby pictures
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:03 15c6cc No. 925482
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:17 8e6845 No. 925485
I found the real pic
"you have more than you know"
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:20 a7db86 No. 925486
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:21 427ce0 No. 925487
Is this the first time Q has called us to do something specific other than dig and meme?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:29 712466 No. 925488
Rachael "Ray" Chandler as a teen w/WJC
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:30 e70713 No. 925489
Yeah lets give sector chiefs more agents for their dumb details, since they are going to have the influx of free agents. Less is more man. Quality over quantity.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:32 b82c6b No. 925490
Jan 29, 2018 - Along with Hailie, Kim has a 15-year-old daughter named Whitney with ex Eric Hartter. Eminem gained full custody of the teen amid Kim's legal troubles. He also has custody of Dawn's daughter, Alaina, which was granted before her mother's death in January 2016. Eminem recently spoke to Vulture about …
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:34 ce8d29 No. 925491
Hiphop head anon here….
Back early 90's conscious hip hop got eclipses by gangsta rap…
Lotta of that got pushed via Bronfmans and seagrams association…
Iovine came up thru bronfman seagrams if i member correct…
Look at iovine and bronfman….
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:42 54ca19 No. 925492
We don’t say his name.
The protected flow into AZ is no more.
Under the cover of his health, he will not be seeking another term.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:43 04c4bd No. 925493
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:43 20e195 No. 925494
Proof the rapper 2006 murdered for not going along with the industry plan. connect the Ray
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:47 16f532 No. 925495
Hopefully, this ^^^^ means MCSALLY has released the Davis-Oliver bill….which has been in her committee for almost a YEAR!!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:11:50 df18da No. 925496
My god how insane would that be if Obama was actually OBL
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:03 73b06d No. 925498
Keep an air gap. Make a second.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:07 e4c61c No. 925499
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:07 4c845b No. 925500
Rachel Chandler - Waris Ahluvalia - Marina Abramovic :
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:12 562a19 No. 925501
https:// imgur.com/a/4XipY
do have anything about the ayys Q anon
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:12 a36f63 No. 925502
BAKER FROM 1143-1145. Can you finish this bread? Just getting home and need to fire up the machine.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:17 8a5666 No. 925503
Sorry… i still don't get the hang of posting in this Chans… thank you for the advice…
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:18 70fe65 No. 925504
Welcome to the show, you're a little late, but have a seat (and scroll up to review what has already been posted and confirmed by Q).
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:19 90b0c2 No. 925505
Epstein Island Temple Birds
The birds appear to be mythical Phoenix's and has many meanings. Below find an interesting meaning.
The Phoenix Bird is a symbol of Lucifer:
The Phoenix … is believed to be a divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who they think will one day rise triumphant. This, of course, also relates to the rising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic 'christ'." [Bill Schnoebelen, quoted by Dr. C. Burns, "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 123]
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:22 f83f3d No. 925506
https:// news.sky.com/story/miracle-recovery-how-sergei-and-yulia-skripal-survived-the-novichok-attack-11318984?dcmp=snt-sf-twitter
Are they going to experience an 'accident' in the hospital now that both of their health is getting better?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:24 3241eb No. 925507
Proof's 187?
https:// www.theguardian.com/music/2006/may/21/popandrock.eminem
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:24 35c8ef No. 925508
Watch drudge.
It'll hit there before riots.
have the ride fueled at all times, go bag in the trunk. otherwise, let it slide.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:27 585224 No. 925509
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:30 43f251 No. 925510
nope, plenty others
read & learn
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:32 467318 No. 925511
M & M
M&M's (MARS)
Moloch & Minerva
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:33 6d06d7 No. 925513
Finally, the Eminem connection!!! When do we learn about Chelsea Handler???
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:36 5808e3 No. 925514
I am not familiar with the Instagram API. But someone might write a quick script for that to archive the comments too.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:38 8be09a No. 925515
Lolita express?
Stanley Kubrick made a movie called Lolita about a guy have sex with an underage girl
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:42 c2c5bd No. 925516
>Why is E so vocal against POTUS?
>Biggest connection missing.
>Focus on friends (2).
>(1) F
One female friend
>(1) M
One male friend
>(1) Presidential pardon.
One got a presidential pardon (from Obama?)
>(1) 187 MS_13
One was killed by MS_13
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:48 3c5c6e No. 925517
http:// rachelchandler.tumblr.com/archive
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:52 f56d5e No. 925518
uhh…trying to save them.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:12:54 4690fc No. 925519
Presidential pardon?
http:// www.mtv.com/news/1600193/fugees-producer-and-rapper-john-forte-granted-pardon-by-president-bush/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:01 0cedee No. 925520
Some links you might find interesting:
Rachel is the primary photographer for an artist named Terence Koh, who frequently collaborates with Abramovic. Here, he's in a death pose on a piece of hers: http:// purple.fr/diary/terence-kohon-a-work-by-marina-abramovic-at-a-collectors-house-east/ Another photo of the same set: http:// purple.fr/diary/terence-kohon-a-work-by-marina-abramovic-at-the-collectors-house-east/
A video from a MoMA party: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPPKj99ZV60YouTube List of attendees: "Those in attendance included Madonna, Mary-Kate Olsen, Yoko Ono, James Franco, Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Chloe Sevigny, Penn Badgely, Padma Lakshmi, Rose Byrne, Kim Cattrall, Lucy Liu, Marina Abramovic, Daphne Guinness, Terence Koh, Andrej Pejic, Leelee Sobieski, Cindy Sherman, Agnes Gund, Katharina Sieverding, Rachel Chandler, Michelle Harper, David Rockefeller, Jr., MoMA's Director Glenn Lowry, Volkswagen's Martin Winterkorn, and Director of MoMA PS1 and MoMA's Chief Curator at Large Klaus Biesenbach."
Rachel was a photographer/attendee at Marina Abramovic's 2010 "The Artist is Present" performance at the MoMA http:// www.patrickmcmullan.com/site/event_detail.aspx?eid=32454 (look for her name on the left-hand list of Featured People and use the filter function)
This is the one I think you might find the most interesting, and I'm surprised this hasn't been delved into before. Abramovic gave a very controversial performance at the LA MoCA that involved a kind of pseudo/ritualized cannibalism of a female body, and Rachel was present as well. https:// www.artforum.com/diary/id=29517
The prospect of this “grotesque spectacle,” the outraged Rainer wrote, reminded her not of Abramović’s The Artist Is Present, the performance empress’s three-month-long sit at the Museum of Modern Art last year, or of her Nude with Skeleton from 2002, but of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 1975 film Salò, where fascist sadists sexually abuse beautiful youths. “Subjecting her performers to public humiliation at the hands of a bunch of frolicking donors is yet another example of the Museum’s callousness and greed, and Ms Abramović’s obliviousness to differences in context and to some of the implications of transposing her own powerful performances to the bodies of others,” Rainer wrote, suggesting that MoCA rename itself “MODFR, or the Museum of Degenerate Fund Raising.”
Inside, all thought of exploitation quickly faded, as the 769 guests, who included California governor Jerry Brown and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa as well as Beecroft, took their seats before the rotating heads and nudes-with-skeletons and dug into their food unfazed. (It was delicious.) Some people did hold the gaze of the heads; others winked and elicited forbidden giggles.
John Baldessari and Meg Cranston seemed pleased to be seated ringside, where half-naked and very buff pallbearers periodically mounted the catwalk-like stage carrying a shrouded body on a bier. After her final number, two more shrouded bodies were brought onstage. Under them was dessert: two eerily lifelike cakes fashioned to look like Abramović and Harry by LA’s Rosebud Cakes and Raphael Castoriano’s Kreëmart organization. Wielding lethal-looking knives, Abramović joined Harry to cut out the hearts of each of their cakes to a shouting, astonished crowd.
Chaos followed, as guests fought over pieces cut by the bare-chested pallbearers. “I want the breast! Give me the vagina!” they screamed, hardly noticing that Tilda Swinton had arrived for photo ops, looking very much like David Bowie in his Thin White Duke phase. When it was all over, the cut-up cakes resembled mutilated bodies that made for a ghoulish sight.
A man I didn’t know accosted me. “Is it me or was this all about violence against women?” he asked. “It’s you,” I said. “Look at that cake!” he exclaimed. “It’s a horribly mutilated woman with knives in her chest. Doesn’t that bother you?” “It’s a cake,” I said. “It represents all the indignities women have suffered at the hands of men. It is women telling their own history.” Apparently, the point was lost on him. “It’s disgusting,” he replied. I asked his name, which he declined to give. “I’m in the social register!” he growled, brushing past me to let Deitch know that this violence against women would result in the withdrawal of funding from the museum..
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:04 2aa05c No. 925521
Very warm
Follow Iovine connections
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:06 c934bb No. 925522
Hip-Hop in there somewhere?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:07 0350e9 No. 925523
Some 200 heirs with at least 20 different surnames are benefiting from clerk Harry Chandler's fortuitous marriage more than a century ago. In 1894, he wed the daughter of Los Angeles Times owner Harrison Gray Otis and proceeded to build a media empire. He also developed real estate and erected the famous Hollywood sign (which originally read "Hollywoodland") for one of his projects. In 1944, he handed the reins of the publishing empire to son Norman, who in turn passed it on to his son Otis in 1960. In 2000, Tribune Co. acquired L.A. Times parent Times Mirror Co., which by then also owned six other daily newspapers. The Chandlers, who controlled 24% of Times Mirror and majority voting rights, ended up with about 20% of Tribune Co.'s stock. Jeffrey Chandler and cousin Roger Goodan, along with family trust chairman Walter Williamson, were the last family members on the Tribune board. They backed selling the company to real estate investor Sam Zell, who took it private via a leveraged buyout in 2007, ending more than 100 years of the Chandler clan's involvement with the business. Today, the family's fortune is held in multiple trusts worth an estimated $4.2 billion.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:09 b82c6b No. 925524
Is "M" possibly aka We Dont Say His Name? Pardon = Joe Arpaio?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:18 8e6845 No. 925525
Nothing would surprise me at this point
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:19 1ee9e8 No. 925526
https:// www.theguardian.com/music/2006/may/21/popandrock.eminem
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:22 e52ffb No. 925527
Finally another hiphop head. Look up KRS-One.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:28 a179bf No. 925528
A lot more stuff will vanish from the internet as soon as it is referenced here. Archive stuff before you post.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:30 988c13 No. 925529
I Am confirmed Baker for 1151
New Baker On Duty
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:32 c68a25 No. 925530
You don't use Email. We're Anons.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:32 43f251 No. 925531
both CIA creations, so even if not the same person… they're pretty much the same thing
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:34 a36f63 No. 925532
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:38 585224 No. 925533
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:42 9e6ecb No. 925534
Can hide the post, with the triangle button besides the post
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:46 cbd416 No. 925535
CYA much?
https:// truepundit.com/john-mccains-wife-takes-credit-for-fbi-raids-on-backpage-founders-homes-in-arizona-seized-website/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:55 27262c No. 925536
Thinking that before we unload our digging efforts here we should hold off, otherwise these people are all going to just shut their accounts down and well have nothing to research!!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:56 cb5b3b No. 925537
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:13:57 0cedee No. 925538
Rachel graduated in June 2005 from Brentwood School, a pretty elite prep school on the Westside of LA. I attended the school with her. There were/are a lot of kids from prominent Hollywood/media families in attendance there. Jordan McGraw, Dr. Phil's son, was also Class of '05. Jimmy Iovine's son was Class of '06 (Jimmy is the founder of Interscope Records, hebrought Eminem and 50 Cent to prominence and is the brains behind the Beats headphones empire that Dr. Dre is the public face of). Arnold Schwarzenegger's kids were there too (can't remember which year, they were several years younger than Rachel). Andrew Breitbart, the now-deceased founder of the Breitbart news site, was a graduate (not sure when … 80s? 90s? way before my time).
Rachel herself comes from a very prominent, elite family. She's one of many descendants of the Chandler family, which owned the Los Angeles Times for decades. Look up Otis Chandler on Wikipedia. The family is divested of the paper today and not as powerful/prominent in LA high society today as they used to be, but up through the 80s they were super powerful.
So, Rachel is definitely a part of the LA-based Hollywood/media elite. She's not some runaway or kidnapped kid or anything like that like some have theorized. She's probably the most powerful scion of one of the most powerful families in Southern California.
Let me start off by saying that I know absolutely nothing about the photo with Bill Clinton. It seems like Gawker posted that photo way back in 2006 (http:// gawker.com/166540/air-burkle-something-special-in-the-air)) but I saw it for the first time yesterday.
However, some of you have found photos of her with P. Diddy and Paris Hilton. I know more about those. Rachel has been a friend of Paris Hilton for a LONG time. I think they've been friends since Rachel was about 13 or 14. When we were all high-school aged, Rachel was known for frequently going clubbing with Paris, hitting up movie/TV "industry parties", going to fashion events, and presented herself as an aspiring model. I have no idea what was going on during those events, but people alternatively admired/resented her for frequently partying with famous celebrities and rolling everywhere with Paris and Nicky Hilton. She was rumored to be a big drinker/drug user and struggled academically. During high school (2001-2005), there was an incident where Paris Hilton's phone was hacked and her contacts were posted online. It was one of the first major "celebrity hackings" that I remember ever becoming a big news story. Rachel was, I dunno, 15 or 16 at the time (?), and her phone number was one of the ones that was leaked because she was in Paris's contacts list. I have no idea if all the crazy stuff you guys are pegging her (being a "child handler") with has any validity, but I can tell you that during her teenage years she knew A LOT of celebrities, media industry insiders, and was going to a lot of parties that most kids at her school and in our social circles (who were pretty well-connected and very wealthy themselves) could never gain access to. She's definitely someone who "matured quickly", if you will. I know that at age 18 she had a boyfriend who was considerably older than her (late 20s or early 30s, I believe) but, to be fair, she was 18 by then.
There's a tangential Rothschilds connection here, by the way, because Nicky Hilton ended up marrying James Rothschild and Rachel used to party with all of them.
One thing you guys have missed is that she has a much deeper connection to the occult artist Marina Abramovic than I've seen documented so far.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:01 971bd6 No. 925539
Epstein's "party" plane.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:07 0b7015 No. 925540
"Conscious" Hip Hop
Look at Common today
Hip Hop has always been stupid garbage
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:09 8067e2 No. 925541
Was just doing a side by side of Haily Scott and this Rachel Chandler.
No luck.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:11 316cfc No. 925542
Fire up those ovens, Patriot Baker.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:16 a36f63 No. 925544
Thank God…KEK.
Was freaking out for a second
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:22 22982f No. 925546
For Em it's got to be…
1. Rosenburg
2. Dre
3. Proof
His gang are Runyan Ave Soldiers of Detroit best I know.
As far as female friends, I didn't know he has any. His daughter and Hillary are my honest to god best guesses.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:24 8ced10 No. 925548
https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/kansas-man-pleads-guilty-charges-related-sexual-exploitation-children-southeast-asia
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:26 4690fc No. 925549
Why the fuck would a senator from Utah petition to have a rapper pardoned?
What the fuck?
Anons, thoughts?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:31 595dc0 No. 925550
That’s Epstein’s jet. WJC took that ride 26 times. The Secret Service was not allowed past a certain point. HRC rose the express as did Kevin Spacey and Prince Andrew, among many others.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:37 0d1674 No. 925551
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:40 814bb5 No. 925554
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:43 d89b2b No. 925555
Anons I posted a video of things going on in Venuzualia the video isn't important here but the author was.
https:// www.youtube.com/channel/UCDow765I-QrmVp9Kfz0HqGA
He surmised the Navy ships was hit with a new EMP weapon. Left the ships DEAD in the water so they couldn't move was sitting ducks…
Now the even more wild idea,
What if these jets was hit with the same type weapon?
Lastly, your not going to like this one…
Can lambaste me doesn't matter…
https:// www.handofhelp.com/visions_dumitru.php
https:// www.handofhelp.com/vision_33.php
"This flock of birds suddenly turned into airplanes that did not make any noise. American airplanes would go up, trying to attack. But as they would draw close, they would fall to the earth in a blaze of fire."
Are we seeing the advant of a new weapon from Russia?
Several years back was discovered lightning could be made to follow a laser beam, possible they have it perfected and be used at the time of this battle and we're seeing practice?
or could it be Haarp being used by Deep State?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:55 cf5726 No. 925556
Rachel and E look like brother and sister
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:14:56 49ec78 No. 925557
The Child Handler
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:00 9c8fbc No. 925558
Archive EVERYTHING before posting here!
Golden rule.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:01 dfb8e0 No. 925559
Is National Guard being deployed to keep foreigners out or keep dark hats in to face justice?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:03 20e195 No. 925560
bingo, E is tied in, the whole industry is in bed w/ these freaks. STranger then fiction YT and you will see the connections. "the industry" controls the airplay and owns these people by forcing into reprehensible acts
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:05 f83f3d No. 925561
It's also interesting how the narrative is changing from outright hostile and blaming Russians for it to getting somewhat unclear who did it.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:18 1ac395 No. 925562
An informed public is a secure public..
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:20 a7db86 No. 925563
Told you they are monitoring this 24/7.
She now knows.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:20 43f251 No. 925564
it's not just
>a rapper
… clowns/spies/agents everywhere.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:22 cb5b3b No. 925565
callouses → gymnast
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:26 27262c No. 925566
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:40 7269fe No. 925569
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:42 b4a66a No. 925570
Q what about these demons from Comet PP?
N Korean torture.
Pizza CP.
These people are sick.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:47 347ded No. 925571
Latest ray.chandler post on IG..dying Rose?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:55 90b0c2 No. 925572
> Presidential pardon.
not prez
no pardon
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:56 56a986 No. 925573
ARCHIVE OFFLINE !!! More than 1 person!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:57 706ac8 No. 925574
You and POTUS have done a FANTASTIC job preparing us for whatever comes next.
We are READY
We are United
We are praying AND
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:57 4a7f42 No. 925575
Brittany Murphy, Proof, Bugz,
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:57 427ce0 No. 925576
no prob on my end
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:15:58 d4e8a1 No. 925577
One of the commenters
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:04 27262c No. 925579
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:04 6e65bf No. 925580
Thank you for everything!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:07 35a870 No. 925582
Jimmy Iovine
Robin Antin
Pussycat Dolls
Interscope Records
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:12 c3b2c2 No. 925583
Eminem and YeloWolf - Grew up on Indian Reservation. Access to Sex Trafic.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:13 e4c61c No. 925584
playing cards
Spades - trump card
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:23 0350e9 No. 925586
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:27 f8b510 No. 925587
[Q]uestions answered
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:30 090538 No. 925588
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:32 c2c5bd No. 925589
And what was the purpose? Any idea?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:33 95b9c9 No. 925590
USSS isn't stupid, they knew exactly what he was doing.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:39 22982f No. 925591
Even though the shit is a cult. And I knew it. Ugh…I listed to a lot of TERRIBLE rap shit growing up. We all make mistakes.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:47 347ded No. 925592
still up for me anon.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:50 1e142a No. 925593
Kimmel needs to be aware we are coming for him. Lets help out /ourguy/ Hannity.
https:// twitter.com/jimmykimmel
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:16:51 04c4bd No. 925594
i only got this.
anons, please add on
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:03 92e039 No. 925595
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:11 db8b6c No. 925596
Don't the NSA already have this?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:12 02b856 No. 925597
Hi Q, isnt the FBI & lots in DOJ corrupt as fuk??? wont we be killed/targeted like the ppl who posted on fcbk & witnessed the LV shooting?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:13 cb5b3b No. 925598
So why is Q leading us to the Guinness connection → bec. it leads to "Maria" Ab?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:14 43f251 No. 925599
hehe love Top Secret, nice memes
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:19 3c5c6e No. 925601
Definitely possible but..
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:19 22982f No. 925602
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:20 9daa84 No. 925603
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:38 65f66f No. 925605
Joe Arpaio quoted Eminem in his latest fundraiser email,hit song “Lose Yourself” ….to quote and paraphrase the singer…,
“You only get one shot,do not miss your chance ….this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.”
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:39 841ecd No. 925606
>Kimmel needs to be aware we are coming for him.
Without mercy.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:44 f6427c No. 925607
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:44 988c13 No. 925608
Baker Update at 500
Friday 4.06.18
>>925426 rt >>925311 ——Watch what happens.
>>925301 rt >>925189 ——Why was Slim Sooo Shady?
>>925052 rt >>925052 ——Epstein’s plane. Who is she?
>>925067 Nicky Hilton ended up marrying James Rothschild
>>925134 Epstein's Girl Friday 'fixer'
fast mover
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:46 699db1 No. 925609
here is the middle persons account, weird
https:// www.instagram.com/guycartier/?hl=en
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:58 cf5f25 No. 925611
we must save these babies!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:17:59 1bc8af No. 925612
it's this. Look at the comments on the pics. These people are sick. It's unreal
https:// www.instagram.com/ray.chandler/?hl=en
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:07 a40ad5 No. 925613
https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/96301227/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:10 c9b846 No. 925614
Add more anons.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:16 bea0c7 No. 925616
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:16 16f532 No. 925617
Hopefully, this ^^^^ means MCSALLY has released the Davis-Oliver bill….which has been in her committee for almost a YEAR!!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:21 20e195 No. 925618
Quick tip anons, when searching GOOG via images, set the time settings to custom, previous to Trump being elected. It will filter out the BS and give you stratight dope. Can hone in on specific timelines and incidents as well.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:23 814bb5 No. 925619
Anons, keep digging but I think when Q said "subject deviation, risk, end" Q means his might be done on this subject
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:28 0b7015 No. 925620
Bingo. You think correctly.
The wrong way to think is the following way…
"So they killed E's friend to get E to play ball"
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:33 5808e3 No. 925621
Archive (Videos + pictures; Not comments yet):
http:// anonfile.com/Re88b1ecbb/all_from_1_to_1072_-_ray.chandler.zip
http:// anonfile.com/h797bee1b5/rachelchandler-tumblr.zip
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:40 f07d6d No. 925624
http:// www.crazydaysandnights.net/search?q=Brittany+Murphy&max-results=50&by-date=true
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:44 43f251 No. 925626
"casting" agent.
these people are sick
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:48 a179bf No. 925627
Its bigger than just E. There is a HUGE network of pedos in Hollywood in the music, movie, and TV business. Been going on for decades.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:51 04c4bd No. 925628
he is from midland agency. wasn't ray not also from midlandagency?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:54 192dd6 No. 925630
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:57 cb5b3b No. 925631
what's w/ the puncture mark in the left arm of the "gymnast"?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:58 1e142a No. 925632
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:18:59 7269fe No. 925633
Not on my end.. still up
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:02 e52ffb No. 925634
I feel like Jay-Z might be on the right side of this - maybe used as an insider to gain intel. Just my opinion. I am a big fan of his lyrics and craft.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:03 b1ece8 No. 925635
You think I don't know this? Q said this is the center for (((them))) as well as (((us))) . You think they wouldn't love to take you down with them? Just be cautious is all I'm saying.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:06 4d36d4 No. 925636
Thank You for posting about something that matters. Something that could give WE the people our power back! Oddly enough AIM did vids on this ages ago. Q don't think it's important though.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:09 7e6d8d No. 925638
You die within an hour after exposure to this nerve agent. They may never be poisoned, maybe just smth else was injected
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:10 52e040 No. 925639
I remember looking hard into her 2 years ago…..it led to a million people.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:17 448810 No. 925640
Correction- crank up the amperage!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:18 65f66f No. 925641
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:20 35c8ef No. 925642
Q can report it to fbi/doj
If we do, they'll pin us with the problem and off to jail we go.
NO way i'm talking to fbi/doj until i'm certain the blackhats are out of there, and that ain't today
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:23 04c4bd No. 925643
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:36 82f724 No. 925645
LOL Mctrufflebutters wife taking credit for the backpage take down.
https:// truepundit.com/john-mccains-wife-takes-credit-for-fbi-raids-on-backpage-founders-homes-in-arizona-seized-website/
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:39 0350e9 No. 925646
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:40 a83ed2 No. 925647
NG sending Public Affairs officals to GITMO…wonder if they need people to speak to the media….
http:// dma.wi.gov/DMA/news/2018news/18040
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:49 79ed18 No. 925648
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:19:53 52e679 No. 925649
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:01 b82c6b No. 925651
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:02 c68a25 No. 925652
hmmm.., Hyperdimensional Being?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:06 95b9c9 No. 925653
Seems like Rachel Chandler is one of those demons that pretends to be a victim but is really just another source of evil.
925311 anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:09 773dd0 No. 925654
Are those hickies on that poor baby?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:08 5613bd No. 925655
I hate looking through instagram
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:11 cf5f25 No. 925656
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:14 a33161 No. 925657
That's so fucked up
Praying for these kids
Will foster here if called upon
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:14 27262c No. 925658
We should just figure they are ALL complicit in HW at this point
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:18 814bb5 No. 925659
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:18 7919f3 No. 925660
Presidential pardon for Kanye West
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:21 192dd6 No. 925661
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:24 414ae6 No. 925662
Shut the fuck up nigger, noone's posting cp. It's all evidence of crimes, perfectly lawful to look at and possess.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:30 983434 No. 925663
As you always say Q…those that are the loudest (biggest mouths) are the ones with the most to hide.
BTW, E's BET "Trump" rap so bad, I actually felt embarrassed for him. That's bad.
Where we go one we go all.
Just read the NYT's article on "Qanon."
The stench of the NYT's article from the utter desperation that broiled up from the putrid cauldron of words was horrible, but beautiful.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:31 2b465e No. 925664
archive offline concernguy. arnt you listenin?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:32 5808e3 No. 925665
Already mentioned:
Western Balkan Summit 2018 in London (July 9 - July 10) → possible trigger for WWIII. No coincidences here folks.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:44 768c86 No. 925667
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:44 108464 No. 925668
wtf who would post a pic like that on social media
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:45 92b65d No. 925669
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:49 83a3ae No. 925670
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:49 84acd2 No. 925671
Hey Q team, greetings from germany! since there is a count down for germany——— i hope u guys know, there is since 1990 no such thing like "merkel-Germany" they cheated the german people! instead of installing a constitutional assambly they used the euphoric feelings of the population to install a wired company that took over our country: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLaen_KwoPw this vid is in german, sry for that! point is merkel germany is not germans peoples germany! one day we realiced we got cheated.since than many thousend people have signed the constitutional assambly, and all institiuions have been informed, but there is no longer such thing like commen law in germany! we are victim of a ugly situation! we set up a constitutional assambly. since 2014 we try to get back to a peaceful relation to our naighbors and the world! https:// www.verfassunggebende-versammlung.com/ i hope, you know what that means! i know you take the right steps https:// www.verfassunggebende-versammlung.com/
we are not part of the game! we want peace! merkel and co do there own game!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:54 c1d6d5 No. 925672
Reported that R. Chandler Instagram to DOJ
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:56 6a84c3 No. 925674
That is a fake exterior. Only the window is real!!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:55 c2c5bd No. 925675
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:20:59 65f66f No. 925676
I looked it up it’s online
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:01 04c4bd No. 925677
midland…. north pole? shot in the dark
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:13 e5d182 No. 925678
Fuk all would happen if reported to FBI/DOJ
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:16 0b7015 No. 925679
we really need to get niggers off this board
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:22 f8b510 No. 925680
No. I'm just glad to see you!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:25 20e195 No. 925681
"I am 14 here" w/ P diddy Rachel Chandler Guiness
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:26 1e142a No. 925682
People not worried about being caught.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:27 22982f No. 925683
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Been my jam since the day it dropped. Check it Anons. It's a classic and MADE for THIS moment. Johnny knee about (((them)))
He left a message as he was dying. For ALL of us.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:28 af20e2 No. 925684
nailed the :00 again
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:31 e42569 No. 925685
Thank you, anon :) One of my all time favorite movies.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:35 14988a No. 925686
Wasn't a long meeting at all (15 minutes?)
Kanye: Mr Trump I wanted to tell you about…
POTUS: We already know, just stay off the radar, don't say anything, and we're going to take care of it Take some time off, get your next album ready, here's a list of what I want you to talk about! And don't worry about those guys, no one's going to touch you, we've got that covered! Enjoy the show, it's gonna be HUGE!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:36 ef52b2 No. 925687
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5587555/Historians-trace-Queens-heritage-Prophet-Muhammad.html
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:40 92b65d No. 925688
Damn you beat me to it! Wel done
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:41 c68a25 No. 925689
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:49 300225 No. 925690
Thank you. He’s only an hour away but he’s my baby. God bless and stay safe anon.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:53 712466 No. 925691
Awan cooperating witness? Lolita Express
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:21:57 5808e3 No. 925692
No worries. Archived most of it, except comments. Look at my last posts. >>925621
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:03 6f1b6d No. 925694
Was E tight with Aaron Hernandez?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:04 0350e9 No. 925695
still active! Archive while you can boys!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:10 92b65d No. 925696
still another 100 posts, take it easy moron
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:14 27262c No. 925697
I am, making sure thats all
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:17 347ded No. 925699
Ronald Polkinghorn
Eminems closest friend
committed suicide
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:25 73b06d No. 925700
>https:// www.instagram.com/p/BaZaUM-lvy8/?hl=en&taken-by=ray.chandler
"She'd better not be missing, Rachel."
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:27 35c8ef No. 925701
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:27 46a085 No. 925702
It's finally happening. I trust in the plan, but it is glorious to see the fruits. ThankQ and God Bless.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:36 a179bf No. 925704
JayZ and Beyonce are two of the biggest Luciferians in Hollywood. They are darker than night. Big Hillary/Obama bundlers. Evil through and through.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:38 54ca19 No. 925705
Good thinking out of the box, Anon. It didn't say "American" presidential pardon. I don't see any connection to Rachel though.
I think Trump's only pardon is Arpaio. I don't think any of E's friends were killed in Arizona though, so …..hard to link.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:38 247c57 No. 925706
Ties to JP Barlow
Grateful Dead
Walnut sauce?
Creepy shit man
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:39 585224 No. 925707
second one looks like one of they spells
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:22:47 c5545f No. 925708
Hey, that pic of the F-16 with the Fort in the background that Anons are trying to locate.
Around Phoenix, AZ by any chance?
Terrain looks similar
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:07 acee70 No. 925710
Ray Chandler’s lies and subpoena as a way to answer for them
May 4, 2010
After having a look at the SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT between the Chandlers and Michael Jackson it is interesting to see how well it was observed by both parties.
(for the text of it please go
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:08 db80b4 No. 925711
all focus is on Rachel Chandler right now so I should probably wait but I will post again if it gets overlooked. the Q posts before Chandler drop were about BHO and a picture along with NK , nuke strangle hold, and connect via past religious leader. Then came BIRTH of a NEW NATION post. That was MLK speech and he is the past religious leader and his speech is important as it as an announcement come on to say the original recording is being interrupted. That happens at 12:22. Looking at Q posts of 12/22 and they are all about BHO, NK, nuke . Our answer to the Q post before Chandler is in 12/22 Q drops
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:15 22982f No. 925713
I hate to say this, but I think so. Maybe. Fuck dear god no. I hope I'm wrong.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:27 c718e5 No. 925714
Eminem and the connection to MS 13:
Shady, we're back….
Some of the homies feel opposition can't kill me
I'm a walking obituary, death live in me
I take life through the pen, by the way I'mma see
Or have you raped in the pen, like American meat
I'm connected gettin' weight from MS 13
With S.K's, A.R's and Mini fourteens
I'm Cashis, the last of the real, with a strap
On Prozac, D's and E-Pills, it's a wrap
Get the block on tip, two for tens of crack
I'm in a lifetime contract, Shady's back nigga
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:30 d4e8a1 No. 925715
One of the replies is from some chicks account that is full of naked pics of her kids. Not even gonna screenshot them to post here.
Also strong bio
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:33 5970d2 No. 925716
After reading todays Q posts, it occurred to me that this MeToo movement may (may) have been organized by the Q team. Makes all these snakes have to squirm just that much more with the public pressure. Kinda brilliant if that is the case.>>924956
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:34 5808e3 No. 925717
No, it is still up. Just checked it again. But archived all pics + vids of her. Someone needs to write a quick script (instagram API) to export all comments or someone just make pictures of them.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:45 983434 No. 925719
The EU is on the list.
Keep up the efforts over there until the focus comes your way from Trump.
I would bet that there are indeed many efforts going towards the EU (especially Germany and Merkel) right now, just not very public.
Where we go one we go all.
Good luck Germany, get'em!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:48 841ecd No. 925720
It's Phoenix all right.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:50 f56d5e No. 925721
Credo Mutwa knows.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:23:55 02b856 No. 925722
Hi Q, see above post… isn't there another entity we can turn to for this stuff?? I'm scared to say things to the police (& especially NOT the fbi) in my neck of the woods cause i don't know if they are a part of child trking/etc
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:04 263fdb No. 925723
Rachel Chandler
Some more odd kid pics from the Tumbler page:
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:13 4042f3 No. 925725
That kid’s been crying
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:17 1c992e No. 925727
>>924906 . For a long time lurker….today is wild! Just praying for patriot safety.
Been redpilling everyone i know….most think I’m slightly nuts although I am a very convincing speaker….now their mouths will hang open. MAGA
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:20 8067e2 No. 925728
Eminem real name = Marshall Bruce Mathers III
For more info:
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:21 aae9a5 No. 925729
Lots of Jerry Garcia and Grateful Dead references in her instagram. John Perry Barlow was a lyricist for The Grateful Dead. Could be a link here.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:21 35a870 No. 925730
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:28 20e195 No. 925731
Rachel Chandler and me at Le Bain, Standard Hotel. Photo Olivier Zahm
HOLY SHIT SHE is photog'd @ the Standard
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:31 7ff12b No. 925732
Posting playing card references while someones comment is about goods being in a place is suspicious as fuck
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:34 1a52ae No. 925733
From: https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/1436568
"The Rachel Chandler Connection (pizzagate)
Rachel graduated in June 2005 from Brentwood School, a pretty elite prep school on the Westside of LA. I attended the school with her. There were/are a lot of kids from prominent Hollywood/media families in attendance there. Jordan McGraw, Dr. Phil's son, was also Class of '05. Jimmy Iovine's son was Class of '06 (Jimmy is the founder of Interscope Records, hebrought Eminem and 50 Cent to prominence and is the brains behind the Beats headphones empire that Dr. Dre is the public face of). Arnold Schwarzenegger's kids were there too (can't remember which year, they were several years younger than Rachel). Andrew Breitbart, the now-deceased founder of the Breitbart news site, was a graduate (not sure when … 80s? 90s? way before my time).
Rachel herself comes from a very prominent, elite family. She's one of many descendants of the Chandler family, which owned the Los Angeles Times for decades. Look up Otis Chandler on Wikipedia. The family is divested of the paper today and not as powerful/prominent in LA high society today as they used to be, but up through the 80s they were super powerful.
However, some of you have found photos of her with P. Diddy and Paris Hilton. I know more about those. Rachel has been a friend of Paris Hilton for a LONG time. I think they've been friends since Rachel was about 13 or 14. When we were all high-school aged, Rachel was known for frequently going clubbing with Paris, hitting up movie/TV "industry parties" <SNIP>
There's a tangential Rothschilds connection here, by the way, because Nicky Hilton ended up marrying James Rothschild and Rachel used to party with all of them.
One thing you guys have missed is that she has a much deeper connection to the occult artist Marina Abramovic than I've seen documented so far.
Some links you might find interesting:
Rachel is the primary photographer for an artist named Terence Koh, who frequently collaborates with Abramovic. Here, he's in a death pose on a piece of hers: http:// purple.fr/diary/terence-kohon-a-work-by-marina-abramovic-at-a-collectors-house-east/ Another photo of the same set: http:// purple.fr/diary/terence-kohon-a-work-by-marina-abramovic-at-the-collectors-house-east/
A video from a MoMA party: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPPKj99ZV60YouTube List of attendees: "Those in attendance included Madonna, Mary-Kate Olsen, Yoko Ono, James Franco, Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Chloe Sevigny, Penn Badgely, Padma Lakshmi, Rose Byrne, Kim Cattrall, Lucy Liu, Marina Abramovic, Daphne Guinness, Terence Koh, Andrej Pejic, Leelee Sobieski, Cindy Sherman, Agnes Gund, Katharina Sieverding, Rachel Chandler, Michelle Harper, David Rockefeller, Jr., MoMA's Director Glenn Lowry, Volkswagen's Martin Winterkorn, and Director of MoMA PS1 and MoMA's Chief Curator at Large Klaus Biesenbach."
Rachel was a photographer/attendee at Marina Abramovic's 2010 "The Artist is Present" performance at the MoMA http:// www.patrickmcmullan.com/site/event_detail.aspx?eid=32454 (look for her name on the left-hand list of Featured People and use the filter function)
This is the one I think you might find the most interesting, and I'm surprised this hasn't been delved into before. Abramovic gave a very controversial performance at the LA MoCA that involved a kind of pseudo/ritualized cannibalism of a female body, and Rachel was present as well. <SNIP>
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:35 5808e3 No. 925734
And again: That rabbit does that SAME pose like in those podesta pics etc. Symbolism will be their downfall.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:42 13ed45 No. 925735
Panda comment on 3rd pic
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:53 eb0460 No. 925736
From Marina Abrovamic's site….
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:24:59 cf5f25 No. 925737
can't find her twitter either
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:00 22982f No. 925738
No, keep bringing it up. We're all flying. Share.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:00 414ae6 No. 925739
>Back early 90's conscious hip hop got eclipses by gangsta rap
Can confirm. A nigger that calls kikes "small hats" has a vid on Jewtube discussing it with clips.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:04 8e69e3 No. 925740
>www. serenitystreetnews.com/HERSTORY%20CRAMNOTES/5dterra%20NOTES%20AUDIO%20VIDEO/2012%20files/chiarini%20dec%205%202012/wellaware1/obama.htm
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:09 775e15 No. 925741
BIG indictments better be made soon or the house of reps will be overtaken. We’re losing the propaganda war…..too much secrecy. Shine a light or the movement is going to be dead in the water. Show people how deep the rabbit hole goes. Right now all they have is cabal talking heads.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:09 3e09d5 No. 925742
It's funny that HRC was out trying to take credit for it.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:17 1cdad1 No. 925743
>>924039 I'm typically late to the party, but God Bless you Q and anons. Keep the prayers up…good energy and victories happening today. Thank you whitehats for your sacrifices in your individual missions.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:24 49ec78 No. 925744
Ffs, why is it so hard to use your phone on this.
Sorry, may have gotten ahead of myself and mixed up the wrong child handler.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:32 92b65d No. 925745
Yeah tahts his point. FBI and DOJ would just clear up the evidence and claim nothing
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:34 347ded No. 925746
Gowdy back in the news saying his time in congress was a “waste” and he didn’t get anything done.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:37 7269fe No. 925747
I did as well.. We should all be doing it. Not leaving it one persons hands to do it. In MASS!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:38 712750 No. 925748
E over her shoulder in background
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:41 4c9100 No. 925750
Does midland agency have an office at 666 park ave by chance?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:42 427ce0 No. 925751
If you lightly dox yourself (just the state that you're in or what not) maybe some anons can help you out by calling it in outside of your jurisdiction
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:25:58 6f1b6d No. 925752
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:26:08 e5d182 No. 925753
Is that Prince Harry?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:26:10 f56d5e No. 925754
Kanye was bringing it when they shut him down!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:26:21 22982f No. 925757
Isn't one of the pussy cat dolls (KAYA??) a very vocal whistleblower on this shit??
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:26:28 73b06d No. 925758
This one isn't looking so good, either.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:26:29 090538 No. 925759
Future researcher.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:26:47 52e040 No. 925761
Isn't she the one that said Andrew raped her?
And then they pretty much called her a liar and made the case disappear?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:26:51 2dabc1 No. 925762
West Coast FBI/DOJ's still open.
Anyone called yet?
I'll do it.
What info? Just the instagram account?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:26:55 d70efa No. 925764
Once again Voat/Pizzagaters have been way ahead on the research:
https:// searchvoat.co/?t=rachel+chandler&s=&u=&d=&nsfw=off
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:27:06 6af236 No. 925765
This person is definitely leader of something of a Pedo ring.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:27:22 30d97b No. 925769
The murder last month of Eminem's closest friend, the rapper Proof, has been dismissed as just another hip-hop slaying by the Detroit press. May 2006
https:// www.theguardian.com/music/2006/may/21/popandrock.eminem
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:27:35 8fd4c5 No. 925772
They acquire child sex slaves. E is one of the heads of it. Ray was brought up in it. Raised in it . trained in it. The other Hollywood people involved too and its a clown gig as well. Former president (Hussien) involved. Obama. Not sure how MS-13 involved. Ray is an assain?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:27:38 c68a25 No. 925773
Capablanca vs Marshall? (Chess Game)
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:27:40 43f251 No. 925775
phew, so awestruck by the insane momentum right now… and it's only picking up speed, still….
Q Patriot 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:27:41 2c8cdd No. 925776
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:27:42 1e9d80 No. 925777
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:28:10 e62a2b No. 925778
Dig a little deeper than CDAN there was an entire OP conducted in broad daylight on the Murphy's then they were poisoned….
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:28:29 841ecd No. 925779
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:28:31 d70efa No. 925780
https:// searchvoat.co/?t=rachel+chandler&s=&u=&d=&nsfw=off
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:28:42 238c75 No. 925781
the guy at 0:11 is jan teigen.. chrissy teigen's dad.. a lot of info in this vidya for sure
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:28:51 43f251 No. 925783
all CASTING agencies = very suspect
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:29:14 814bb5 No. 925786
does F and M mean
Father and Mother???
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:29:18 7269fe No. 925787
Disgusting what exactly is that person saying who had to use the infant choking method for under cooked broccoli? WTF… this is exactly not comet ping pongs instagram…. why the hell hasn't this been dealt with before?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:29:23 421eba No. 925788
Connection Rachel Chandler → Alex Israel
(see pic with Pelosi and Pizza)
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:29:24 d4e8a1 No. 925789
When we found her tumblr during the first pizzagate digs that was the freakiest thing I'd ever stumbled on.
Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents–fast trial, death penalty.
A 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:29:43 265fba No. 925791
when 2pac & biggie learned of BHO & HRC biggest secret they refused to play along in the sick evil shit.
So snoop, jay z, s puffy, Suge Knight, working with BHO, HRC, MW, NP, CS,RE, & others to take out 2pac & biggie
Now you know why So snoop, jay z, s puffy, Suge Knight are so rich
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:29:44 facb3c No. 925792
14 - podesta hand with the fish?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:29:50 1f153a No. 925793
Greetings to Q team from Germany !
We can't wait to see AM going down.
This month ?
AM → PY ?
Godspeed. WRWY.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:29:52 8e69e3 No. 925794
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:29:54 6f1b6d No. 925795
Marketing for pedos
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:29:59 7269fe No. 925796
Exactly like… not not..
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:30:02 43f251 No. 925797
or Male/Female (JayZ/Beyonce)
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:30:06 e9ef61 No. 925798
This guy supposedly worked SS for clinton…I wonder if bongino knows who he is. Did he get drug into this by wjc or was he planted there to turn a blind eye?
Dan, i know you lurk here, who is this prick?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:30:06 5b92bc No. 925799
Is Jay Z Eminem's handler?
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:30:08 3e09d5 No. 925800
Bloodlines. Could well be.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:30:11 7919f3 No. 925801
Peace love and blessings from the Netherlands!
Semper Fidelis!
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:30:14 15ec58 No. 925802
fucking perverts…..we are so lucky Trump overcame the election fraud………..take the fuckers down Q
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:30:24 49ec78 No. 925804
Okay, so I did have the right one. Wasn't she the one pictured with Bill Clinton? Younger and older? Or am I thinking of a different girl?
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:30:31 207e52 No. 925805
Operators on standby.
Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:30:40 e62a2b No. 925806
Revealed: (((Brittany Murphy))) 'was (((poisoned))) by government (((spooks))) in revenge for star's support of whistleblower', claims her grief-striken father
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2509626/Brittany-Murphys-father-believes-husband-poisoned-death-government-spooks.html