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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Pro Aris et Focis

File: 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, #QResearch-97.jpg)

a57fd2 No.81424









>>77777 ==KEK HAS SPOKEN==



From Wednesday night and onwards.

Q's Side by Side Memes in full force.

Hijack trending hashtags and post somewhat related images to redpill normies.

Hijack, Hijack, Hijack, anything that works to spread the message.



__Today We Made History >>81212

__Almost 400,000k tweets on #FakeNewsAwards >>81253

__Next battle we hold some troops back for the end >>81324

__Kudos to the Eurofags >>81206

__Trump Broke the Internet >>81177 , >>81190

__All Awards Listed and Memed >>81147

__Think about what just happened >>81048

__Was the Shadowbanning a Setup? >>80783

__Motivational Posts & This is Only the Beginning >>80289 , >>80647 , >>80656 , >>81270

__Q Told us What to Expect Today >>80340

__Absolutely EPIC Result!!!! >>79946

__Full Page Cap of Awards >>79957

__Awards Site Down: Winners of Fake News Awards from Archive >>79369

__Earlier Results >>74011 , >>73996 , >>74140 , >>74141 , >>78366



Main Battle Plan >>47791 & Screencap >>72344

Hashtags >>70886 & Facebook Groups to Target >>71825

Stay On Target! >>74033 Like each other's tweets >>72810

Burner Email Adds & Phone Auth >>72619

Twitterfall Web Based Ap Recommended >>72139

10 Minute Mail 10minutemail.com

KEKMAKER 5000 >>72783

Contingency Plans >>69635




MAIN IMAGE LIBRARY Over 11,800 images from Memes#1 thru Memes #10


There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.


The same images, transformed in shape for optimal display on Twitter:


If you're going to drop on Twitter, this format will be more effective.




zipped into 1 file.




718 selected images from the War Room >>47341 (OP) harvested from General #49-#63 converted to Twitter format. Topics listed in >>64154


Link to All of the Meme Threads >>73906

refingerprint your memes using this tool >>72783





a57fd2 No.81427







Q's Board


Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Latest Q Posts:

>>43766 rt >>43719

>>43627 rt >>43088

>>42981 rt >>42090

>>49343 rt >>49330







Board Rules




Quick Access Tools

--Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations


--Q archives


--POTUS-tweet archive


--QMap PDF

Updated: anonfile.com/i7l0z6d4b6/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_5.4.0.pdf

Previous: anonfile.com/5f59y5d4b8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_5.3.0.pdf



Current Tasks

>>>/greatawakening/21 Side by Side Memes (Normie digestible)

>>47341 <---- Memes War Room & /OPS/ General ----> >>47062

>>32223 Qchess Game with julian


>>7253 Irrefutable Evidence (9/11 Research)

>>5125 The Lie The Vatican Told

>>4520 Australia Connections

>>4375 How to Read the Map

>>2658 Stringer General

>>1261 Focus on Loop Capital

>>618 Find The Markers

>>5899 Follow the Wives

>>4822 Foundations

>>3280 CEO/President/Notable Resignations

>>2956 Sealed Indictments

Resources Library


>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4274 General archives

>>417 Image archive by topic (updated)

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free research resources

>>4362 Planefag tools

>>20359 Earthquake analysis and resources

>>4369 Research threads

>>4794 Redpills

>>11382 Redpills UK

>>3152 Redpill scripts

>>3301 General bread feedback

>>20262 About shills

>>16785 Prayer

Recent/Notable Posts:

>>81151 Anon made 3,545,510 impressions in battle

>>80885 POTUS Gained almost 10.5mm followers on Twatter

>>80862 This is how Twitter gets taken down

>>78839 Raw Text Q Dump - Removed for reported inaccuracy: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

>>77935 Coast Guard Search

>>77462 Banned? Try this

>>77446 Timing is everything

>>76158 Good memes

>>73810 Anon redpills his campus with 800 posters

>>69209 LV DOA

>>69730 Great images of fake H_ Rallies

>>69785 Digging on Japan Alarm Scare

>>67168 ==Every Twat Enlist!!!==

>>67284 Damn Hot Shits getting their shits on

>>64852 Reminder: Everything you need is in resources, or meme ammo below.

>>65080 Long ass report on the U1 scandal.

>>64913 Interesting False flag news & theory by Anon.

>>64397 Does BDT have a double meaning of BULK DATA TRANSFER?

>>53761 Twitter shareholders btfo-ing

>>53668 Strong efforts to produce a digestible story for the bluepilled

>>53080 "Connect the markers"

>>47045, >>46527, >>47938, >>47962 Example "Side by Side" Memes

>>37011 Captain Green [marker]

>>28902 [0] Marker Graphic Update (Past: >>18395)

>>28545 Summary of events re: FISA and “Breaking News”

>>20314 5D Chess (Q Map connection) via Chess Moves

>>19500 4-10-20 Audit -> >>19636 IRS Audit website

>>14813 IMPORTANT MAP UPDATE (Spiderweb approach to Q Map) -> >>37034 Slightly Updated Version

>>12315 Assange & Wikileaks updates and research

>>37034 Updated [Marker] Map

>>3127 PROMIS, M. Riconosciuto, Snowden feat NSA, BIG Connection (Book-keeping software of Cabal?)

>>2620 Microsoft elections. Q's map (uh oh Z namefag appears)

>>9019 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

Is [0] Marker Correct or Not? ->Proof Real >>25436, >>19465 vs Proof Fake >>19603

>>42847 1/13/18 Events

>>19718 1/11/18 Events

>>18242 1/10/18 Events

>>4142 Daily News Thread



#97 - pastebin.com/NF9pTp7T

65d5cb No.81470

Tell the concern trolls to STFU. Obviously over target.

3b7f3c No.81476

File: 27bc55468583e62⋯.png (407.36 KB, 626x497, 626:497, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at ….png)


43e470 No.81480


Sounds like nazi….. Space base in Antarctica lol

e5368d No.81482

Heading for bed. Check out Zerohedge. Saw this:

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-17/fbi-investigating-millions-mishandled-dollars-funneled-australian-govt-clinton

Q wrote about AUS. Night crew can chew on it. Going to bed for real this time.

df53d8 No.81483





Juries see it all the time, but for some reason it's only especially bad to see if it involves Hillary et al.

7b8705 No.81484


what personal info do they get when you do that?

3b7f3c No.81485

File: 236acfaeb4a3903⋯.png (451.94 KB, 597x406, 597:406, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at ….png)


Thank you, Baker.

dc5cca No.81486

how you holding up, baker?

3c6a45 No.81487

File: 9eb0fd1ca6c4367⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 236x236, 1:1, R Lee Ermey.jpg)

Guarding the new loaf from the shills in the wire.

TY baker

6fece6 No.81488


Nice troll for clicks, Ed.

Go back to twatter.

a57fd2 No.81489



afa0b1 No.81491

File: a11b70f0c704513⋯.jpeg (6.5 KB, 259x173, 259:173, th-4.jpeg)

TY Baker!

dc5cca No.81492


no. graveyard shift dedicated baker. i don't usually take over til after midnight

c6fc55 No.81493

7/10 plane crashes targeted kills

find the missing [3]

who knows where the bodies are buried?

My theory is that these are the 3 planes from 9/11 and the bodies are the people that were on those planes.

6fece6 No.81494

bf7005 No.81495


explain your panicked shilling or gtfo

3bfcc9 No.81496


Negatory. You need a tampon.

911710 No.81497


Thanks Baker.

Can we title the next bread. Everyone Gets an atta-anon Edition?

7b8705 No.81498

File: 73d1a054ea789df⋯.jpeg (41.25 KB, 149x224, 149:224, p6.jpeg)


I'm here, but probably won't last through this thread

I am good for 5-9 pm est and sporadically throughout the day. that just depends.

a57fd2 No.81499



>__Today We Made History >>81212

>__Almost 400,000k tweets on #FakeNewsAwards >>81253

>__Next battle we hold some troops back for the end >>81324

>__Kudos to the Eurofags >>81206

>__Trump Broke the Internet >>81177 , >>81190

>__All Awards Listed and Memed >>81147

>__Think about what just happened >>81048

>__Was the Shadowbanning a Setup? >>80783

>__Motivational Posts & This is Only the Beginning >>80289 , >>80647 , >>80656 , >>81270

>__Q Told us What to Expect Today >>80340

>__Absolutely EPIC Result!!!! >>79946

>__Full Page Cap of Awards >>79957

>__Awards Site Down: Winners of Fake News Awards from Archive >>79369

>__Earlier Results >>74011 , >>73996 , >>74140 , >>74141 , >>78366

3c6a45 No.81500

File: 94716632e8b697c⋯.jpg (38.92 KB, 576x432, 4:3, full-metal-jacket-3.jpg)


Concernfag. Filtered.

28d9da No.81501

File: d80f4391d4b7ffd⋯.png (97.53 KB, 698x523, 698:523, Technicaldifficulties.PNG)

051ad5 No.81503


Those 4,000 all added up, we totally overwhelmed them !!! I didn't have all that many myself….but they all add up to unstoppable !!! Where we go one we go all !!!

b464a2 No.81504

I have been here since before Halloween. Helping redpill the public from the narrative of "Fake News" to "Yes, there really is Fake News" does not feel like much progress. Especially when we need to move them from Fake News to Hey, there really are evil, satan worshipping, Cannibal, pedovores ruling the world that we have to conquer.

I'm not giving up, it's just hard to know what we know and not be able to do anything to HELP! Feel like we're running in place.

911710 No.81505


Good thinking.

6fece6 No.81506



Davey's microdick fell out of your mouth.

Grab a magnifying glass and go hunt for it.

Just GTFO.

324c12 No.81507

File: 7e1bd02a651f65e⋯.jpg (4.26 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, pixlr.jpg)

Reposting this in case anons want a small hat tip from POTUS. Yes it's a stretch but

< we ARE Mak(ing) America Great Again!

>Pic related

And if that CIA GlowFag is here, fuck you! Posting this image is not shilling retard.

749c69 No.81508

File: a3fe2fd520af2df⋯.png (501.46 KB, 549x550, 549:550, Thump Fake News.PNG)

f8e4be No.81509

I want to see Hillary, McCain, Waters, Pelosi, Schumer and that damn Obama in jail with 24/7 live cams so we can watch them any time we want.

6fece6 No.81510



Great list anon.

29f49e No.81512


I didn't think that till just now you said it....so you are spreading gossip. Gossiper

d0e2e6 No.81513

File: ac7ae40947350f7⋯.jpg (75.35 KB, 540x360, 3:2, 22vzq9.jpg)

File: 0669a76bd149620⋯.jpg (71.05 KB, 540x360, 3:2, 22vzkk.jpg)


Need to make some Media Matters ones too. The spooks aren't in here much. This is all the reeeee crowd at minimum wage in the basement telecommuters. But still just in case…

e65764 No.81516

File: bdce1ce5e15ce12⋯.jpg (89.29 KB, 652x387, 652:387, 80622.jpg)

The more I read about the "QRS 11", this sound more like a call out to "Roth". "Fly now if you have the ball", the s in balls was omitted maybe? If the plane had the QRS 11 chip in it's guidance system the plane could be brought down remotely as a threat or dare?

33c9bd No.81517

File: 4b4ac6a27855bab⋯.png (114.09 KB, 267x287, 267:287, Opera Snapshot_2018-01-17_….png)


he got called out just fine…

28344d No.81518


Agreed!! Epic.

f8e4be No.81519

This guy did a pretty good doing a The Fake News Awards 2017 show


6833d6 No.81520


BIG BROTHER: Gitmo Edition

29f49e No.81521


I like the bunny that is so cute!

Got one in white though!

Oh that would be snaptastical

bb4608 No.81522


rechecked and confirmed

fa174a No.81523


SECOND, very good work BAKER ADD

ec26ca No.81525

File: ad3403a506eadfa⋯.png (875.52 KB, 1111x825, 101:75, FNA_MAGA_IRON EAGLE.png)

File: f76d9761342980c⋯.png (970.34 KB, 800x310, 80:31, IRON EAGLE.png)

<Signatures are IMPORTANT.


>Signatures are IMPORTANT.


<Signatures are IMPORTANT.


>Jan 17, 1986: the film Iron Eagle was released in theaters. #80s ( >>80847 )












>[CLAS_GITMO_ J z9-A][89]




>Jan 13 2018 22:09:38



>Disinformation is real.

>Disinformation is necessary.

>Silent war (some gets out).

>The Great Awakening.

>Iron Eagle.

>Godfather III.

>The Hunt for Red October.


>Nov 20 2017 02:29:21



<Think social media platforms.

<Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s?

<What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control?

<Think Snowden (inside terms dropped).

<Alice & Wonderland – understood.

<Snow White – understood.

<Iron Eagle?

<Godfather III?


<Everything has meaning.

<Disney is a distraction.

<Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).





<Nov 12 2017 14:52:34



<Why is this relevant?

<What are sheep?

<Who controls the narrative?

<The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

<It must be controlled.

<Snow White.

<Iron Eagle.

<Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).


Nov 12 2017 12:16:24



<This is not easy to accept nor believe.

<Crumbs make bread.

<Operations active.

<Joint missions underway.

<The world is fighting back.

<Refer back to graphic.

<The Great Awakening.

<Snow White.

<Iron Eagle.

<Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).


<Nov 11 2017 23:33:51



<Why is a map useful?

<Think direction.

<Think full picture.

<Who controls the narrative?

<Why is this relevant?

<What is a spell?

<Who is asleep?


<Attention on deck.

<There is an active war on your mind.

<Be [p]repared.

<Ope[r]ations underway.

<Operators [a]ctive.

<Graphic is essential.

<Find the ke[y]stone.

<Moves and countermoves.

<They never thought she would lose.

<Snow white.

<Godfather III.

<Iron Eagle.


<Nov 9 2017 23:07:15

523dc7 No.81526

Potter is talking about Q post on 4 Chan. He thinks it was real

Wants communication fromB

3b7f3c No.81528

File: b7b644f9388d1c2⋯.png (581.47 KB, 888x663, 296:221, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at ….png)


Possible idea, especially effective for older generations

b89841 No.81529

File: 5322925a2605a46⋯.png (172.83 KB, 377x377, 1:1, jdhjdfh.png)

fa174a No.81530


the 404 link to the GOP site was for SOME reason

7b8705 No.81531

File: 1cb4b5ac17cd778⋯.jpeg (6.95 KB, 259x194, 259:194, scotty.jpeg)


i will raise a glass to that

a57fd2 No.81532


Hey dedicatedbaker, would you like to take over? This paste is in the op - pastebin.com/NF9pTp7T


I'll pass this on to the new baker.


Good to know. Rest well when it comes anon.

cba66f No.81533


Best explanation I've heard is that WH lawyers said that if anyone, ANYONE, other than POTUS got near this they would be in violation of ethics rules and in serious trouble. That's why it was just POTUS, and why it was dumped to the GOP site, which was in no way ready for the traffic.

1f6f14 No.81534

File: f3d501d3a5b83bc⋯.jpg (66.22 KB, 960x782, 480:391, 26731170_10215313846743788….jpg)

Stay safe anons

God speed Patriots

65d5cb No.81535


Not a damn thing. POTUS is the ultimate troll with a purpose. One that people will not always understand until FUTURE PROVES PAST.

bd8c92 No.81536

The last 36-48 hours have been relentless but empowering. This song kept going through my mind. It somehow seems to relate. Let the war rage on, my fellow anons.

"All Along The Watchtower"

https: //youtu.be/TLV4_xaYynY

6fece6 No.81537


Fuck off

3c6a45 No.81538

File: 5e6631c68839225⋯.jpg (124.53 KB, 885x1200, 59:80, george-patton-9434904-2-ra….jpg)


Well, I am fucking honored I made your list, anon. It was a great plan anons and we kicked some ass.

What's next?

aedb8d No.81539

File: e590975f8cb5f04⋯.png (487.85 KB, 590x751, 590:751, Screenshot_2018-01-17-22-3….png)

Mememaker need

Do the tide ball challenge

Democrats are cleaning the gene pool to save humanity.

d0e2e6 No.81541


"I get paid to Troll the President. I need to pay my lawyers because my brother and I were arrested for our illegal ponzi scheme."

Why would you buy a word from a guy that's been arrested for running an internet ponzi scheme?

b0a0a9 No.81542


They have to, think back to saving private ryan.

>The statue of liberty is kaput.

Its called wartime propaganda to discourage your opponents. More importantly it also shows they CAN'T ignore this anymore. First you are ignored, then you are mocked, then they fight you, then you win. Right now they are in the mocking phase. Soon this will enter into the fighting phase, and then we win, bigly.

28d9da No.81543


Was thinking that too, not much to it but the memes that went out today was huge. It makes me think either something happened or He really meant for everything to go today because of what's to occur soon. Either way we just have to wait and pray he can get them all and that the mission is quick.

bdb8c5 No.81544


What makes 8chan a force is the hive mentality. Individually we are a large group of very bright people. Collectively our force is multiplied and we are unstoppable.

I am proud and honored to join forces with all of you. You should be proud as well.

Q knows this and has asked us to redpill our fellow citizens. He also wants us to keep them calm if they fear The Storm.

523dc7 No.81545


This user has 3 accounts, that I have found

525bca No.81546


Why is there a little camera icon in the corner also??

a57fd2 No.81547


TY anon. An honor. Thanks to you.

d9d12d No.81550

AXIS OF EVIL & will return FIRE= false flag is by ISIS cache ordnance ORD Chicago airport and maybe a little sneaker-roo trying to escape justice mixed in Find the missing 3 are they at O'Hare, 747's.

dc5cca No.81552


yeah, i can take over. no problem.

10fa1e No.81553

Brian Claypool a las vegas massacre survivor and a VIP attendee to the concert just said on the Ingram Angle "we know for a fact that this was no lone wolf shooter" and that the FBI LVMPD and Casino owners are working together to push a false narrative.

6fece6 No.81554


>Why would you buy a word from a guy that's been arrested for running an internet ponzi scheme?

Lefties are fucking stupid.

PT Barnum "there's a leftard born every minute."

33c9bd No.81555


https:// www.pscp.tv/w/1MnGngpyAEBJO

OMG how can anybody listen to this fucko

the video is horrible and he is a damn idiot

total shithead

e0f27d No.81556

wikileaks is telling us where to go

and this one looks interesting

got Mika's dad "taking a package"

and some unheard of ARC project


b89841 No.81558


Someone posted six a while back.

d448c7 No.81560

UK Papers already reporting on the Fake News Awards. Calling out CNN as top winning losers.

3c7239 No.81561

STUDY: Worst-case 'global warming' scenarios NOT credible…

https:// www.afp.com/en/news/2265/worst-case-global-warming-scenarios-not-credible-study-doc-wx0de1

e65764 No.81562


I was trying to figure out how to link it from a prior thread, I still had the post selected. Sorry. New here, rookie mistake.

7b8705 No.81563


he got two scoop and all i got was this


6fece6 No.81564

a57fd2 No.81565


Did we ever anon. An epic day for us all, we can stand proud. Next? Sleep. Kek. We ride at dawn.

fa174a No.81567

count me as ignorant, but how can you just create a dozen twitter accounts and create a network of followers? don't those users need to agree to 'follow' before you get to add them? if so, how is posting anything not just posting to your small window of reality? serious question, hate all you need, I'm real

7b8705 No.81570

File: c4eef4d7d0082c3⋯.jpg (312.17 KB, 598x598, 1:1, 1496282005167a2a1.jpg)


looks like bad news to me

6fece6 No.81571


Good night

b5f837 No.81572

File: 712f4f1599b1e88⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 3582x2326, 1791:1163, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at ….jpg)

Are these the best numbers we saw?

33c9bd No.81573


you can buy followers

indian or pakistanis that agree to be bought

523dc7 No.81575


I don’t think Potter knows difference between 4Chan and 8Chan

Ppl were texting into his live stream that it was fake 8Chan is only platform

Someone said B said it was fake and now Potter is demanding communication from B He said he sent B multiple DMs

480d02 No.81577


Yea. Done with pep talking! Any solider who bitches at this point will get nothing but a filter in the head from me!

Only subjugation and defeat lay behind us.

Nothing but freedom and liberty stand before us.

I don't need encouragement. I don't care if Q comes back and gives me a comfy backrub.

I crossed over this 1 binary redline months ago!

Keep fighting or DIE bitches! That's it! There is your motivation! As you were!!

7b8705 No.81578


>you can buy followers


why ldr has >3

a57fd2 No.81579

b89841 No.81580


Their brains are so fucked that they'll fall in love with anyone who hates Trump. Just look at the favorable reactions when they dragged bush jr. carcass out on tv.

Theres no scenario where that half of the country can unfuck their own minds no matter what info people show them.

423324 No.81581




- How do you know for sure, that TWATTER didn't FAKE those numbers? With all the bullshit trickery going on - what makes you think those numbers were not artificially inflated to think this is propagating so far and wide?

Something to ponder. The places you BASH cannot be trusted. So keep hammering away in ALL venues - not just that stupid-ass "trending" category.

In other words - do NOT rest on your perceived laurels.


2ba0f4 No.81582


MSM had all their "comedians" prepared for footage and... KEK! They even PROMOTED it hahahah oh my sides

324c12 No.81583


Think about what?

a57fd2 No.81584


Great anon, take it away. Enjoy and Godspeed.

new baker confirmed

fcc9c2 No.81585

Here you go, anons, if you need a break. A short story written quite a few years ago. Here's one line that should make you smile: "If the media lies the media dies…"

https:// westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/what-i-saw-at-the-coup/

523dc7 No.81586


Prolly. I found three Brian and 2 Ed’s All from Florida

fa174a No.81587



ok, I understand that, but then knowing the followers you tweet to are fake, haven't you just verified that any twitter noise you make falls completely on deaf ears? serious still, ty for the reply

dc5cca No.81588


thank you for your service, anon. get some rest

6fece6 No.81589




Outstanding day today, anons!


db42a4 No.81590


what was planned, exactly? do tell

29f49e No.81591

File: 5975fa248c96130⋯.jpg (38.58 KB, 352x143, 32:13, perpwalk.jpg)


I've spoken with many many people in person.

Cause I believe face to face is powerful.

Recently someone used the word IMPOTENT to describe POTUS. WHY???? Because everyone knows all the "secrets" already, and it seems like nobody gets arrested. So they said he looked Impotent. NOW DON"T SHOOT THE MESSENGER HERE BOYS!…I have about 4,ooo peeps per year through my bizness and I talk wif them. I'm just giving honest feed back for Q Group. I love you. I love you DJT. I will take bullet for you. You know me. You KNOW me.

But I'm just reporting from ground zero.

DJT - you gotta show them some perps. Big fish, not these little no name fuqs.

It's all in love. Faith. Peace & Perp Walks.

I love you. Thank you for the winery breaks. I am DJT fan club. I have the board game (somewhere).

0bd6b7 No.81592


The building you are in has a roof.

Please quickly locate the quickest route of egress that allows access to that roof, then follow that route to the roof, then jump off. Thank you.

523dc7 No.81593

a57fd2 No.81594


Thank you. Rest well anons, when it comes. G'night.

a81b66 No.81595


In preparation for our next battle it might be a good idea in the next couple days to load up on new Twitter accounts.

29f49e No.81596

File: a40e8219ae2bdcd⋯.jpg (18.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, muhprofilez.jpg)


3c6a45 No.81597


Art of war. Show weakness even in strength.

f8e4be No.81598


Why do you keep using Jordan's picture? You dislike him or something?

ec26ca No.81599

File: ad3403a506eadfa⋯.png (875.52 KB, 1111x825, 101:75, FNA_MAGA_IRON EAGLE.png)

File: f52971bc7b8304f⋯.jpg (161.46 KB, 444x444, 1:1, KEK vs MOLCH.jpg)

File: e4eee07c84a9c8f⋯.jpeg (6.12 KB, 225x225, 1:1, MagikKek.jpeg)

File: f76d9761342980c⋯.png (970.34 KB, 800x310, 80:31, IRON EAGLE.png)


<Signatures are IMPORTANT.


>Jan 17, 1986: the film Iron Eagle was released in theaters. #80s ( >>80847 )

<Jan 17, 2018: the memes of truth were released in twitters. #FakeNewsAwards

so there are ==SIX MENTIONS OF IRON EAGLE==, here are good bits, see >>81525 for larger quotes

<Think social media platforms.

<Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s?

<What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control?

<Think Snowden (inside terms dropped).

<Alice & Wonderland – understood.

<Snow White – understood.

<Iron Eagle?


<Why is this relevant?

<What are sheep?

<Who controls the narrative?

<The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

<It must be controlled.

<Snow White.

<Iron Eagle.

<Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).



<This is not easy to accept nor believe.

<Crumbs make bread.

<Operations active.

<Joint missions underway.

<The world is fighting back.

<Refer back to graphic.

<The Great Awakening.

<Snow White.

<Iron Eagle.

<Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).



<Why is a map useful?

<Think direction.

<Think full picture.

<Who controls the narrative?

<Why is this relevant?

<What is a spell?

<Who is asleep?


<Attention on deck.

<There is an active war on your mind.

<Be [p]repared.

<Ope[r]ations underway.

<Operators [a]ctive.

<Graphic is essential.

<Find the ke[y]stone.

<Moves and countermoves.

<They never thought she would lose.

<Snow white.

<Godfather III.

<Iron Eagle.


Re-reading these crumbs tonight i've really been struck with

<What is a spell?

…thinking back on the spiders, the owls & Ys, all their belief & use of magick, sigils and control mechanisms, it tastes like there definitely is something to KEK MEME MAGIK too: regardless of (You)r belief, it affects THEM, because they choose to believe in that shit. Hence,

>Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

7b8705 No.81600

File: a4e640b0eb02822⋯.jpg (290.39 KB, 848x473, 848:473, 15093181726351827361251124….jpg)


thank you, anon, we need and appreciate your service

dc5cca No.81601


added to next batter

6833d6 No.81602

File: 9975f07872b2777⋯.png (1.22 MB, 936x614, 468:307, Curtains.png)

For keks, before the bread gets too serious

564c8f No.81604

File: 750716273abc593⋯.jpg (11.67 KB, 224x225, 224:225, 1472314844079.jpg)


6fece6 No.81605


They fucking hated Bush jr; called his stupid every day.

Now: "oh muh W. See how smart he is?"It's a mental disorder.

No doubt about it.

d3606e No.81606


Fucking Libtard Kiike… Mossad.

3b7f3c No.81607

File: a3d78a6e2531e13⋯.png (375.86 KB, 515x456, 515:456, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at ….png)

I thought it was White Power

db42a4 No.81608


no, YOU need to clear up just what the fuck you mean, and specify your source called "a lot of people", or stop with the fake news, you're not worth an award

b66e1d No.81609

File: 81cf9237ccab61d⋯.png (51.44 KB, 585x237, 195:79, Screenshot 2018-01-17 at 9….png)

File: e9ad8b54a085f66⋯.png (179.81 KB, 685x576, 685:576, Screenshot 2018-01-17 at 9….png)

File: 63508b5fb13d740⋯.png (235.38 KB, 673x545, 673:545, Screenshot 2018-01-17 at 1….png)

Anons….potential research project..I hope you guys know what this means.

On Dec 31, JA tweeted the code:


If you search youtube, you get this 19sec vid from 2009:


And from Jan1 2018



0bd6b7 No.81610


Who is "B"?

Sorry I have been skimming too much the past couple weeks and have managed to miss that piece of info although i see it mentioned regularly.

cf5199 No.81611

Was really expecting something to break tonight or before the "awards show"


350125 No.81612

>>There’s a mad dash for a vital radioactive isotope that’s used in about 50,000 medical procedures every day in the US

>>Currently, access to it hinges on a shaky supply chain and a handful of aging nuclear reactors in foreign countries.

>>The isotope, molybdenum-99 (Mo-99), decays to the short-lived Technetium-99m (Tc-99m) and other isotopes, which are used as radiotracers in medical imaging.

>> According to KHN, most Mo-99 in the US is made by irradiating Cold War-era uranium from America’s nuclear stockpile. The US Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration secretly ships it to aging reactors abroad. The reactors—and five subsequent processing plants—are in Australia, Canada, Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, and the Czech Republic), and South Africa, according to a 2016 report by The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Private companies then rent irradiation time at the reactors, send the resulting medley of isotopes to processing plants, book the final Mo-99 on commercial flights back to the US, and distribute it to hospitals and pharmacies.

http:// archive.is/vU2MZ

path taken:

duckduckgo, belgium wisconsin, news

7b8705 No.81613

349bb8 No.81614

DoD just tweeted

>Dragoon's weapon system unveiled! The 30 mm Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicle, named for the @2dCavalryRegt #Dragoons, was revealed at Rose Barracks, #Germany. The Strykers will be fielded across the regiment throughout the year.

18e427 No.81615

Geez, every time I posted a Clown meme, I got locked out of Twitter.

b89841 No.81616


He leveled two countries and now hes a humanitarian.

fa174a No.81617


someone pretending to be important

db42a4 No.81619


you're right, that magical overnight success shit that was never promised didn't work. just like this bullshit post of yours isn't going to work

350125 No.81620


Where oh where did that uranium go?

2899f9 No.81621


I spammed him 3 times which is what cause my shadowban

079d09 No.81622

File: e2aa223216c8568⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 441x412, 441:412, download (16).jpg)

8c65f5 No.81623


I'm right there with ya. I'm not one of your customers, but could be. Nothing researched here is not already known by the Gov. So, where is the action? No more puzzles, no more games, time is now for action.

e0f27d No.81624

File: cc63ea843a621db⋯.png (100.83 KB, 1179x491, 1179:491, wikinut.png)

7b8705 No.81625


Love it


523dc7 No.81627


Assuming B is an anon on Twatter

3c6a45 No.81629

File: 31cfc401779ea7d⋯.jpg (512.02 KB, 1440x895, 288:179, haltmotherfucker.jpg)


sauce or GTFO

bf7005 No.81630

File: 36506c4f1ebbd9e⋯.png (169.03 KB, 303x307, 303:307, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at ….png)


a22560 No.81631



I happen to know that Zbigniew Brzezinski will soon be taking a package to NSA Jones on the topic.

d3606e No.81632


I rest my case…

He is a Superkike Mossad Libtard.

With clown super powers…

480d02 No.81633


Subversion/demoralization! Filtered!

20c90d No.81634


Someone who's letting her twatter fame go to her head. She thinks she's the Q of Twatter world.

bc5101 No.81636

The MSM is like a bad 90's late-night infomercial playing on a maddening loop, hoping that some poor sap would pause while 'channel surfing' and be drawn into the repetitive message for a minute or two. They knew they had a very small window of time in which to sink their hook. Similarly, CNN runs the same theme over and over all day for the same calculated purposes– to set the hook of their daily narrative into the normies that (((happen))) by the screen. Limited time. Same tactic. It's not about news. Only a daily narrative.

Let's face it, the Nerver-Trumpers that watch CNN on the reg for confirmation bias are NEVER going to be brought over (sorry to break that to some). No more than anyone is going to convince anons that HRC is just plain good folk. So, the purpose of CNN is to, yes, keep their core fed– BUT to, more importantly, get the unexpected normie who passed by the screen at work, airport, etc to get that small serving size dose of their daily infomercial narrative and, thus, giving them some sense they know what is going on. Obamacare good. Trump racist, etc

POTUS wants, and has always wanted, since campaign inception, to discredit the mockingbird media. He has been aware of their tactics and powers since at least the 80's. He knew/knows he needs to Red the normies. The same ppl that do not PURPOSELY tune into news – and are mostly oblivious to the happens of the world other than what they see on their social media accounts; the blue-pillers that don't, much to many anon's dismay, really give much of a shit about anything. That is a tall task. To be successful, POTUS does not need to win you or me. He will not win the ppl that worship Racheal M or Cooper. He must plant a seed of doubt in those oblivious normies that can sprout into an oak of anger and distrust.

How to reach those that don't watch/ read any news other than snatches of the CNN info-mercial? Where do they spend their free time?

That, imo, was one of the main goals today's exercise achieved. People on social media that are (((Independent Operators))) dropped serious Truth– that carries credibility. It did not come from paid pundits, politicians or the mockingbird machine– but The People. We shouldn't underestimate that. The flood of social media stacked more doubt, that piles upon the doubt POTUS has been shoveling, until critical mass is finally realized and the affect-able come over to Truth's side. POTUS and his army needs to keep piling until the MSM is looked at like the at the tabloid TV it is (by normies), with the same cred as TMZ or Springer.

Until that time, all the truth that we want so desperately to come out – if it did come out – would just be spun into the bite-sized disinformation info-mercial narratives for the normies. They still give some validity to the MSM narrative– nothing is totally real unless NBC, CBS, ABC or CNN validates it. We have to – and i think are – breaking that cycle. Good job, anons

0bc8fc No.81637

File: b558561cede7dc8⋯.png (418.58 KB, 584x452, 146:113, IMG_3019.PNG)

File: 25b9b043c355d94⋯.png (378.34 KB, 584x452, 146:113, IMG_3020.PNG)

File: 9a701f282859d96⋯.png (387.19 KB, 584x452, 146:113, IMG_3021.PNG)

[CLAS_EO_ ][2]

>Missing 1

>Missing 2

>Missing 3

FIND missing [3].

Future proves past.

NOTHING is a coincidence.

The MAP is the KEY.

PLANNED for [3] years.




*Look 👀 @what I found*


Hi my fellow patriots, it's my first time in. I hope I'm doing it right LOL

God Speed

523dc7 No.81638


Pretty sure B is Anon.

fa174a No.81639


I've seen a few statements signed using that name, as well as a few prayers. I think its an anon looking to insert themselves as an authority. IMHO hate on

9951ec No.81641


very good arguments does not equate to PROOF. and who needs to shut the fuck up so that you can post what you have to say, this ain't a fucking auditorium, you sound slow

d3606e No.81642


You just need to meme that with a scooby doo pic….

eb9980 No.81644

I'm back to the front, where are we meme bombing now?

are we phase 3?

c4b249 No.81645

Word up, Anons! Running XP here and can't get a browser to run HTML5 live streams worth a shit - so I was unable to view any of the live feeds >:( How did we do?

0bd6b7 No.81646


Every single one of us is impatient for the first major arrest or indictment.

There are many, many moving pieces, though. The white hats have a complicated task.

But while we are all dying for some confirmation of what we've been told just think how it will be when they finally start to roll up the black hats. The months of waiting will not seem like such a big deal.

bf7005 No.81647

File: 96e11e05fe8ae6f⋯.jpg (117.71 KB, 952x500, 238:125, FakeNews.jpg)


did that one yesterday

564c8f No.81648

File: a33657a26769370⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1059x2697, 353:899, LV witness victims.jpg)




>SILENCE [LV witnesses]?



c4b249 No.81649


Also, if anyone can suggest to me a good browser other than FF that'll work with html5 live streams, I'd appreciate the help. My laptop is pretty old - more beat up than the Millenium Falcon, but it works - usually.

9951ec No.81650


words like believe make you sound like you never had facts.

just because people pictured an emmy or oscar like awards show inside their heads, doesn't make it FACT. nice try @ demoralization though

390954 No.81651

File: 2887bb24b5ab8f0⋯.png (739.47 KB, 862x833, 862:833, 3.png)



3b7f3c No.81652


Sorry, missed it. TY, anon!

cf5199 No.81653

3c6a45 No.81655

File: cc8a55da725c7b5⋯.jpeg (31.21 KB, 534x401, 534:401, main-qimg-253d390c02a8220….jpeg)


I think I just got wood, soldier.

9b1109 No.81656

File: 44d8c7ae36119b2⋯.png (6.94 KB, 270x305, 54:61, ClipboardImage.png)

How come it's not showing number of tweets for me?

9951ec No.81657

yo the bosses must have gotten in these shills asses hard tonightin the pre-shift meetings, they are more desperate for sinking morale than usual tonight!

0bd6b7 No.81658




Hmm ok thanks, very mysterious.

888b12 No.81659


Nope...T_D mods immediately ghosting threads regarding call to action. T_D is FUBAR'd.

7b8705 No.81660

File: 9142e440735b188⋯.jpeg (42.12 KB, 191x265, 191:265, pwh5.jpeg)


B is where I P

6fece6 No.81661


Concern troll ^^^

dc5cca No.81662



i dropped this headline before i went to sleep this morning, but it was drowned out by the communications between the twitter army. maybe with things slowing down, research can be had in the general again


eb48e5 No.81663


The donald never wasn't Fubard. They literally have mods from Israel.

536ffa No.81664

Pink Floyd - " MOTHER " The Wall 1980

7b8441 No.81666


Indeed. TD has long been comped.

29f49e No.81667

>>81643 What are you with CNN or some shit?

You know how chaos works?

We are chaos.

There is no leader

There is no pay

There is no fame

There is no story

There is no making sense

There is no final answer

There is none of that here for you

JUST RANDOM CHAOS - SO...on that note

Figure it out yourself lazy nigger!

db10f7 No.81668

Good evening Anon's.

I walk away for a couple of hours to keep tweeting and I came across a retweet of "securing democracy" that says top Hashtags "GreatAwakening and WeThePeople" is a conspiracy theory known as "the storm" was hatched by 4chan message board being pushed by "KREMLIN linked accounts"! So…now I'm Russian? I might have a friend that is Russian who is now an American citizen and I might have Russian tea cakes and Russian dressing in my pantry, maybe boots in my closet…however, ……..I am not Russian if your reading this #FakeNewsCNN! Does this mean I have heart disease????? Dr. Gupta?????

536ffa No.81669


its show me time nickle

eb48e5 No.81670


That's not what a concern troll does, a concern troll is the SB who say "Q isn't real, haha!"

This is a good faith point that no one can refute, and the fact no one even cares makes me think THOSE are the trolls.

0bd6b7 No.81671


That's a good summation, desu -- a lot of inconvenient truths came out today. They know that we know, and we just spilled a ton of it out in public.

926d43 No.81672


hope the fucker fries

350125 No.81673

File: ee039bb5b766f01⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 718x351, 718:351, Uranium - Copy.jpg)




>>Chatting with the nurse, she said the problem has become more acute in the last month

Lots of good comments too

54ab8a No.81674


You are using big words, egress.

Keep it simple. Get on the roof then jump.

Sorry, my twisted late night humor kicking in.

Great day today. This is exploding everywhere.

d3606e No.81675

What the hell is a nintendo labia or labo?

Why is it at the top of the trending lists?

And what is the final result for trends of the day?

Can twitter hide the trending hashtags too?

So many questions from one anon- not that familiar with the inside workings of a twat(ter).

2ba0f4 No.81676


"Together there is nothing we can’t overcome–even a very biased media. We ARE Making America Great Again!"

PRETTY CLEAR TO ME, thank you so much for this, anon! It's group therapy for shills here, SAD! lolz

c6fc55 No.81677



reminds me of the Obama "concrete steps" tweet right after Tx church false flag

9ff2fc No.81678


How many times were the awards delayed? Original was Monday I think. then it was supposed to be 5(4?)pm east then 7 and nothing happened for an hour and all he does is tweet a link? Idk that's pretty weird

6fece6 No.81679


Jugears blamed that douncebag Bush for 'everything' for 6+ years.

Bush didn't say a fucking word about it.

First President that Bush criticizes? Trump.

Now Jugears and Bush are besties.

Fucking swamp cunts.

0b12a8 No.81680


Interesting theory. There were no planes hitting the buildings (I can buy that) and it was controlled demolition. The real planes were landed (somewhere) and the passengers were executed. Probably Area 51.

eb48e5 No.81681



1a56ef No.81682


looking for this meme of Acosta but can't find it in a memes file? Has it been filed?

7b8441 No.81683

Wars are not won in a single battle.

We will probably be doing this for a long time….

536ffa No.81684


wow… u starve a nigga by hiding his food stamps in his work boots? u f nazi mfer

9951ec No.81685


only POTUS can tell what he had in mind originally, everyone else can fuck off with the assumptions that they "know what was planned and this wasn't it" stupid nigger shill

cba66f No.81686


With you. Nobody told us to stop thinking, just because we're enthusiastic and patriotic. I still think WH lawyers shut down the attack on the media over ethics rule violation concerns. The only one who could do it without getting in trouble was apparently POTUS, and that is what he did, and he kept it on the low-down by dropping it on the GOP site. Just a bit of a miscalculation, not a disaster at all. There was still a lot of impact.

a6a5a9 No.81687

File: fd78aa94b0eaf2d⋯.png (23.68 KB, 741x326, 741:326, 2018-01-17 21_14_19-(_) #F….png)


we can do this

0bc8fc No.81689


They Archived Presidential White House Websites. Clinton and "Barry" changed theirs several times, but they were able to get a snapshot of each site

29f49e No.81690

We gotta lot of peeps here tonight asking very "reporter" type of questions

"Are you suggesting" type of comments.

Like get the fuck up outta here you lazy faggots!

How dare you come to the slime pit of the internet looking for someone to do your job for you!

We're above that. We're above you. We are nobody. We are free men.

Get to fucking off back to your Alaweed infested lairs.

eb48e5 No.81691

File: 06299899fb9d9f7⋯.jpg (4.92 KB, 225x225, 1:1, flaming Q.jpg)


If you guys want answers, stop being fucking chumps. Name the next bread "WHAT HAPPENED TO 40/60" And then name the next one "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FAKE NEWS AWARDS"

Make it clear to Q people know somethings up and this is not good. He will come.

324c12 No.81692



eb48e5 No.81694


Could be, could also be Julian Assange imo.

3c6a45 No.81695


Retweet/Like/Reply w/ memes to high follower sites. Hijack anything libtard and trending.

Fire for effect.

#FakeNewsAwards still trending. #greatawakening and #wethepeople no longer trending.

Phase III >>81424

>Or…. just go reeeeeeeeeeek havoc, anon!

18e427 No.81696

ZH has the AUS - Clinton Foundation laundering operation investigation news!

Fits Q post, FBI investigating:

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-17/fbi-investigating-millions-mishandled-dollars-funneled-australian-govt-clinton

0bc8fc No.81697


They got robots:)

c4b249 No.81698

KEK - at a friend's place and he only has crappy broadcast, but the ticker on the weather channel here is Reuters. We're all Ruskies now LOLOLOL. I saw the Soros bots/trolls here earlier posting shit in Russian - amazing! If any new anons here doubted just how fake it all is - how the "news" is manufactured for the MSM, well you just got a look inside the machine today.

e0f27d No.81699

File: d8e3d7f7ad304f4⋯.png (21.98 KB, 947x342, 947:342, vlad.png)



and what do we have here?


Wikileaks pointing us to stuff!

d9d12d No.81700


to confirm if correct

The message on the down GOP website page for Fake News Awards was a message similar to down White House gov web page about Alabama election


cache-ordnance weapons 1 (one) 747 plane ORD Chicago O'Hare International Airport

d3606e No.81701



29f49e No.81702

File: e3db7b49f429d04⋯.jpg (7.71 KB, 181x278, 181:278, agaga.jpg)

eb48e5 No.81703


This is maybe an interesting point.

d9d12d No.81704


Possible false flag warned about

7b8705 No.81705

File: 9d888e5b6248ac7⋯.jpg (296.99 KB, 847x472, 847:472, 15093181726351827361251124….jpg)

stop the shilling or i will get involved


this hurts me more than it hurts you


0bc8fc No.81706

6fece6 No.81707


I think T_D has a different mission that us.

I see what they are up to and I know the T_D mods are team Trump.

But, they are more geared to mainstream reddit viewers … a softer audience.

Every platform has its place in MAGA.

Once confirmed perp walks start to hit the news, I'm sure T_D will be on board.

0b12a8 No.81708


Isn't he supposed to be doing a video where he thinks Hawaii was an actual missile attacj that was intercepted?

324c12 No.81709


Good it's a nice nod to us and glad it put some wind in your sails.

f40bd1 No.81710


That was not a plane that hit the pentagon on 9/11. Period.

3014ed No.81711

File: aaea4fe388f8a70⋯.png (330.89 KB, 2675x1401, 2675:1401, covfefeact.png)

Please educate. The COVFEFE Act of 2017 is not law yet. It is in committee.

Picture very related.

The issue of Tweets are covered already but not defined well by National Archives.

926d43 No.81712




https:// fearoflanding.com/accidents/remote-control-boeing/

is it possible this is being used to turn some planes around ala Chrissy Tiegen flight to Japan etc?

29f49e No.81713


Genius here! We got Genius right here! Over here!

d3606e No.81714

HRC just tweeted "what trump did is a disgrace"

Twitter warriors ought to light her twat up with explanations of what a true disgrace is?

d9d12d No.81715


There isn't anyone to pass it by, so I thought well, why not Q. Maybe Q see's, it maybe not.

f40bd1 No.81716


"A lot of people"... "Trump backed down"... "container nuke"...

Walk into a dark room and I'll bet you glow.

6a7315 No.81717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wikileaks on a FakeNews roll tonight!

9ef68c No.81718


They will be….

d178dd No.81719

File: 7384dd445a7ec0f⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, we-the-people.png)


^Anon is correct.



It's getting tiresome to continue to explain. She comes here often. She is Anon. She is B on twit. END OF STORY.

ad8b97 No.81720


I believe this would fall under Phase III of the OP.

Take aim.

eb48e5 No.81721


Do you mean Potter? That guy is a GW level disinfo agent, if he is pushing that, then it's even more confirmation. He's trying to throw people off from the truth that it was an internal false flag.

Also, the argument isn't that a missile was stopped, the argument was that a container nuke already in the area was stopped and that an alarm was set off to make it LOOK like NK to start WWIII

3c6a45 No.81722

Any planefags online? During the twat storm I was seeing 120+ mil aircraft fly by the bread. What's the sit-rep?

54909a No.81723

File: c8531a40e95e721⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 3376x3368, 422:421, Armed CovFEFE with meme.jpg)


is this right, any suggestions?

324c12 No.81724


What the Fuck?!! You think B is JA????

eb9980 No.81725


Yeah, light up HRC'c twatter with Meme Fire!

a81b66 No.81726


When Doug's father, an Air Force Pilot, is shot down by MiGs belonging to a radical Middle Eastern state, no one seems able to get him out. Doug finds Chappy, an Air Force Colonel who is intrigued by the idea of sending in two fighters piloted by himself and Doug to rescue Doug's father after bombing the MiG base. Their only problems: Borrowing two fighters, getting them from California to the Mediteranean without anyone noticing, and Doug's inability to hit anything unless he has music playing. Then come the minor problems of the state's air defenses.

2ba0f4 No.81727

File: 8bbf215fec6c4fe⋯.jpg (629.09 KB, 1862x2409, 1862:2409, lolz.jpg)



53914e No.81728


Meth is bad, mmkay?...

c4b249 No.81729


Running XP and FFox - any suggestions? Can't view HTML5 vids??

350125 No.81730


Australia has by far the largest uranium deposits in the world at 1.7 million tonnes,

d9d12d No.81731


Right, so 2 9/11 planes from false flag

and 1 747 plane for O'Hare=3???

eb48e5 No.81732


I think it's possible. Also her phone has his reflection on it if you zoom way in.

Why don't you think that could be possible?

746598 No.81733

here's what we're forgetting anons…not in the bake, should be again…unless we just wanna have fun lighting these fuckers up….

About Shills

Read >>>/cbts/226201


Often anons call each other cancers, but truly, shills are THE true cancer of the internet.

They don't care about you, or the subject at hand, or the general worsening situation of the world.

Their interests are either money or delusions of grandeur, or "divide and conquer" ideologies.

So what should you do? What sort of an action you should take? How do you combat them? *drum roll*

You don't.

Even if you read the most insulting thing said to you in your life, such that it shakes your very being,

mountains of rage and sadness gush out from the darkest and deepest pits of your heart:


Turn the other cheek. It is the only way. If you answer, they will be alerted(literally, by software)

and they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing. The only winning move with them, is to not play.

Remember, they are utterly worthless as human beings. If you truly get angry, imagine that you are talking to a bot.

7b8705 No.81734


try chrome

f40bd1 No.81735


Define "container nuke".

0b12a8 No.81736

3014ed No.81737


Yes the COVFEFE Act may eventually be enacted but many anons seem to think it is law right now and it is not.

National Archives does save the tweets but Feb 17 they could not define that well.

2c18f8 No.81738


Might not even need to worry. It probably means they already know and are giving us a subliminal heads up just like the Bangladeshi dimwit in NYC who got pink-bellied by his dud bomb.

This COULD be useful for the resident planefags though! Might be prudent to keep an eye on 747s in and around Chicago in the coming days.

29f49e No.81739

File: 2660d74489d6786⋯.jpg (566.29 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Gorille.jpg)

9ff2fc No.81740


red mercury

525bca No.81742

Tucker just said something on his show that triggered me on what anon mentioned in another bread…

He being anon might be on to something about twitbird now falling under the FCC

Didn't FB just announce they were no longer forcing news.. but more family & friends stuff

This might be to avoid falling under FCC…

Anyway just a thought…

c4b249 No.81743


Will do. Thx - always was a little skittish aboutt inviting the beast right on in :P But, I'll give anything a shot at this point.

7b8705 No.81744

File: 2bb0cefeabfd072⋯.jpeg (42.89 KB, 295x156, 295:156, 7749938472625234923492834….jpeg)


thank you, anon

and if they shill, i will kill

3c6a45 No.81745


Sauce. I don't see it. Nothing since 1/15. Still got her 11/9/16 pinned. Cobwebs….

29f49e No.81746


Well show us your sauce pedro

show us your sauce

7b8705 No.81747


chrome lets the beast in, so you gotta make that call

324c12 No.81748


Well she comes here all the time and I've had a conversation with her on Twitter. Stop trying to connect shit that makes no fucking sense.

< Plz share how the hell you concluded that B is JA….

708083 No.81749



Release Date: January 17th

Box Office: $23,066,122

You know when you get two films out in the same year that are essentially the same? Like Deep Impact (1998) and Armageddon (1998)? This might be one of those films: cool dudes flying around in jets.

Of course, the one that arrives later in the year has a lot more star power whilst Iron Eagle (1986) is much more of a bottom of the shelf movie. The main star of the cast is Lou Gosset Jr, at this point mainly known for his Oscar winning appearance in An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) and not forgetting under a ton of make up in Enemy Mine (1985). Quite how he ends up in his film is another question.

You could also level this question at the director, Sidney J Furie; his filmography stretched back to the 50s and included the classic The Ipcress File (1965) and also cult horror film The Entity (1981).

How do they end up in a film about planes and stuff? For the money, I expect is the depressing answer.

Cool 80s Dude Jason Gedrick (as you can tell my his clothes and sunglasses on the poster) plays Doug Masters, a wannabe Air Force pilot who’s father is an actual Air Force pilot who ends up being shot down over some bad fictional Middle Eastern country. There’s no hope for a rescue until Masters teams up with Col. Charles “Chappy” Sinclair, a reserve Air Force pilot and Vietnam veteran, and they come up with a plan to steal two F16s, blow up some Ruskies and save the day.

It’s clearly a film made in the 80s. This is ignoring the music and the hair styles and just looking at the antagonists. The Russians loom large, given that we’re still in the midst of The Cold War. They’re the obvious villains for this type of jingoistic film that celebrates the might of the American war machine. Not that said war machine actually helped that much with the film; given that the plot for the film revolved around the stealing of two fighter jets, the Air Force wouldn’t help with the production of the film which meant that the Israeli air force stepped in to help out.

Did that influence the other villain of the piece, personified by a Pre-Poirot David Suchet? He’s the evil Col. Akir Nakesh, a soldier in this evil Middle Eastern state. Despite Rambo III (1988) casting the Mujahideen in a favourable light, the Middle Eastern bad guy was something that was rising in the US popular culture. This would be hammered home in the 90s thanks to True Lies (1994) and thats even before we get to the War on Terror.

Saying that the film doesn’t really deal with the shades of grey that permeate the history of that region probably goes without saying. This film is more interested in the bangs and the shiny jets and the red white and blue. Gedrick as Masters does his best in a role that is flimsy at best leaving Gosset Jr to do all the heavy lifting in the film. The director always had a good visual eye which doesn’t let him down too much here despite the simple material he’s working with.

Naturally, this combination of US derring do and overseas bad people did well at the box office and with home video sales to justify three sequels. It probably didn’t hurt having a fairly radio friendly soundtrack including one of Queen’s hits of that period.

This is clearly a film of it’s time, one that has to be viewed through the world view of the period. It’s essentially a half baked lump of propaganda, although one that would be swept away by the jets of another fighter plane based film later in the year. Iron Eagle (1986) ends up then being remembered for a random song on it’s soundtrack and as a footnote in the filmography of people with much better work elsewhere.

https:// abadeducation.wordpress.com/2016/01/17/1986-in-film-iron-eagle/

http:// www.imdb.com/title/tt0091278/

888b12 No.81750


Not too sure about that. Lots of good posters there and people willing to dig…right up until they threw the pizzagaters out. Where do you think all of the v:/pizzagate folks who have done solid work came from?

My point is that if T_D is pro-Trump, why sit this battle out like Robert the Bruce? They should be really, really ashamed right about now.

eb48e5 No.81751


Container nukes. There's also been a bunch of articles abuot them recently. This thread is GREAT tho.

https:// twitter.com/1GigiSims

0bc8fc No.81752



eb9980 No.81753




Killary Twat's = Meme's take Shots

324c12 No.81754


Also a troll job by a Dem (Quigley)

cd6418 No.81755

Iron Eagle, chappies recorded speech after he is shot down.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=biUzf7sO8j8&feature=youtu.be&t=123

803247 No.81756

File: dafb10821b26d17⋯.png (84.93 KB, 1621x815, 1621:815, still_#7_WW.png)

still #7 WW!

3c6a45 No.81757



c4b249 No.81758


TY anon - yeah, I'm a bit of a computer geek but getting behind these days. I'm a bit more of a low-tek but I can keep the beast out to some degree at-will. I can mitigate, thanks for the confirmation though

3014ed No.81759


Waterfox is a 64bit version of FF that is not phoning home. Give it a try.

a81b66 No.81760



5a2d30 No.81761


Gotta disagree man, he posts good shit, often shit that gets overlooked. He seems to be good.

c4b1dc No.81762


Yes Please! :)

eb48e5 No.81763


What makes you think it's not? Or at least someone who knows him. She's one of the only one's that seems to me very credible w/o being glowing (but then again anyone could be)

Also, why would she use a user pic of her taking a pic of JA?

389937 No.81764

Barack Obama’s Birthday Message To Michelle Will Make You Sob Uncontrollably…from Buzzfeed.

Look who posted today on instagram:

barackobamaYou're not only my wife and the mother of my children, you're my best friend. I love your strength, your grace, and your determination. And I love you more each day. Happy Birthday, @MichelleObam

9951ec No.81765





>overthinking it. google or duckduckgo the phrase, it's a pretty common error, no need to speculate on a meaning not there.

6e9d68 No.81766


I've been a part of the truth movement for over 20 years, my interest was sparked after OKC.

Always lurked on many well known forums, from ATS WRH Many 9/11 related etc.

I've never seen a group of anons come together like this. Been with Q since day 1 from cuck and pretty much every day here since. Lack of sleep with all of the crumbs we've been provided, with hopes that I we will all see the day that these STUPID people are held responsible for their actions.

Cheers Anons, we made it happen!

7b8705 No.81767


I am IT consultant for 25 yrs

have your 6

c4b249 No.81768


TY anon! I guess Comodo quit updating their browser versions :(

3014ed No.81769


FFS I am team Trump. I am trying to get some info here that the COVFEFE Act is not yet law. Check it out https:// www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/2884

324c12 No.81770


Uhh…where did you get this pic?

35a289 No.81771


or find the missing 3 planes. Malaysia s one.

28d9da No.81772

File: 65d2862d9b65702⋯.png (595.05 KB, 936x530, 468:265, Semper Fi.png)

29f49e No.81773

File: 9a81cbbe0da7fa8⋯.jpg (181.99 KB, 800x606, 400:303, gk7hn7q5zkgdubvxf50j.jpg)

d3606e No.81774

File: 7651bac4811074b⋯.jpg (61.91 KB, 636x273, 212:91, hrc.jpg)


I saw it in a response to Trump, looks not from this afternoon, but I am not a twitterfag, not sure what I am looking at.

6833d6 No.81775


Damn that sounds like a meme idea now.

Who hooks up with who lol?

54909a No.81776

>>81749 could master and chappie be mcmasters and AI (Chappie, die antvoord "the answer" movie) stealing missing planes, weren't there missing planes

e958d1 No.81777


Barry and Michael… sounds like a match made in hell.

0b12a8 No.81778


Thanks. What's a GW level disinfo agnet?

eb48e5 No.81779


Whether or not they post good shit isn't what proves they are feds or not, George Webb has posted "better" stuff than anyone. It's what they have to do to make them believeable.

I don't think you understand what the goal is of all these honeypots and etc.

324c12 No.81780


No dummy I was agreeing with you. The law is a troll job from a Dem named Quigley.

2ba0f4 No.81781


just having a little fun to celebrate this glorious day, thanks anon!

926d43 No.81782


7/10 targeted kills,

maybe not missing but downed. Flight 800? missile fired from harbor.. under Bill Clintons watch

3014ed No.81783


Happy to, but as all things, check it out first and decide. I like it for all things.

7b8705 No.81784


liking your posts anon


keep it up soldier

d3606e No.81785

File: 0777b3613804e1a⋯.jpg (66.99 KB, 334x278, 167:139, !.jpg)

She might as well hail to the chief!

eb48e5 No.81786


George Webb IS a disinfo agent. Are you new? Like BRAND new?

I'm not trying to be condescending, help him out here guys.

d9d12d No.81787


Do you mean the unconfirmed Canada shipment being tracked? I heard about it, the city they were headed wasn't said. If any of it is true my guess is Chicago. Q, was very clear on non-nuclear. But what about a cache ordnance weapons?

3b7f3c No.81788

File: c0cbaaa7d6d7774⋯.png (89.66 KB, 434x261, 434:261, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at ….png)


6fece6 No.81789


Sounds like a good conspiracy.

Q told us we are safe.

I believe Q.

c4b249 No.81790

File: 5834bf879c40084⋯.gif (45.39 KB, 340x325, 68:65, Peanut-butter-jelly-time.gif)


10-4, and MUCH appreciated. I'm gonna quit sliding the bread now - TY to all other responses in advance!

Anyone notice that the Reuters caption re: muhRussia FaeNewsAwards didn't say a WORD about Q? Just 4chan, lulz - we're getting to them. They are terrified of adding fuel to ppls interest in Q! WOOT

3c6a45 No.81791


googled it. Looks like vanity fair…. why?

9951ec No.81792


20+ years in as well, and this was the best example of mass coordination i've seen. AND ALL COORDINATED IN UNDER A FUCKING WEEK!!! also kinda pissed that similar hadn't been accomplished before, so much potential wasted over the years over minutia.. today's efforts though, refreshing as fuck!

324c12 No.81793


She gets info from here and posts to Twitter. She doesn't glow because she's just an Anon. Her pic is not related to JA.

faf2d7 No.81794


Pretty genius thinking, actually no that's pretty deviant, how do ppl think of shit like this?

NK - yea rhey've kidnapped for language teachers

For a guidance chip? - as if that's even a question. Soulless bastards

3014ed No.81795


whew. ty anon. It was just a matter that many anons had been saying it was law and it is not.

35a289 No.81796


where is Hussien?

d30055 No.81797


Don't we have footage of the two planes hitting the WTC???

324c12 No.81798


Nevermind. That explained it

9ff2fc No.81799

weren't there some planes popping in and out for the past few days? could those count as missing for the 7/10? how many were there?

6fece6 No.81800


Sep 16, 2016

7b8705 No.81801


>Anyone notice that the Reuters caption re: muhRussia FaeNewsAwards didn't say a WORD about Q? Just 4chan, lulz - we're getting to them. They are terrified of adding fuel to ppls interest in Q! WOOT

give it anon

a good find if true


eb48e5 No.81802


I did too. That's what scares me because I also believed him about the Fake News Awards. And I do NOT for one second, believe that that little lame list was the Fake News Awards that was planned.

0bd6b7 No.81803


It's a tweet Hillary posted in 2016.

Probably not worth waking the boys up for battle over this one.

f8e4be No.81804

Just finished watching Potters new vid. He really does believe what he says. He is also paranoid from the sounds of it. Doesn't he understand if it wasn't the real Q Trump would have said something by now?


d9d12d No.81805


I agree, no worry, Q said we are safe. I'm wondering while the world, heh, was busy looking over at fake news awards breathlessly and with the delay that it was quitely contained :).

35c519 No.81806

File: d76142a13154439⋯.jpg (13.6 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index.jpg)

0bc8fc No.81807


That's "BARRY"

In the White House Library

324c12 No.81808


We cool. Sometimes people just believe whatever they want. If they think covfefe is a secret code for atomic COMSEC then what can we do.

e2539d No.81809

File: ef087263d383876⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hobbit.jpg)

Well done, fellow anons! I am so proud to fight for our country, our freedom, and our president alongside you all. MAGA and Godspeed. We truly made history today. A victorious battle!

6fece6 No.81810



b0a0a9 No.81811


Nothing went wrong you fucking concern clown. People waited a good hour more then anticipated on twatter expecting a livestream. What were they doing during that time? Shoving their thumb up their asses? No they were looking at the memes. What will they be doing now? Looking into what the memes were all about, like Operation Mockingbird as a starting point. Well shit if it IS real the last fucking year would have been crystal clear proof to it all. Where do they go after that? Down the rabbit hole to figure out what Uranium one was about and further on till they get sick and disgusted. Let's be clear again. The fake news awards was just a ploy for people to get an understanding as to WHAT was going to happen and for us to make it so they understand that the world they knew before is about to not exist. Everyone they knew is a traitor to this country and they will be dealt with as are all traitors.

29f49e No.81812


We did a stint on container shipments

several weeks back

Q had been alerted to that some time.

We did memes.

The containers are not check LOL! WTF!! Yep.

So yeah, most containers are not and cannot be fully checked. You'd have to unpack all that shit. Not going to happen Ever.

So yeah container shipment of boom boom is berry believable.

Now…how does anyone "KNOW" one got in?

Who knows.

bdb8c5 No.81814


I hit him twice today with the articles about the feds shutting down his websites and seizing the home he and his brother own. I doxed him before on this website.

9951ec No.81815



admittedly, I;m using them as footstools right now too, they came in hot & PISSED and it's so fucking funny, can't help myself

still, this >>81733 should be added back to the bake (NOTE TO BO >>81424 )

3c6a45 No.81816


Oorah! Carry on!

c2443f No.81817

British coverage

REVEALED: Donald Trump BLASTS 'unfair coverage' and announces FAKE NEWS award WINNERS

DONALD Trump has revealed a list of his top picks for the “fake news awards” and claims the winners show an “unrelenting bias and unfair news coverage”, in an unprecedented move.

https:// www.


0bc8fc No.81818


A lot of the things they are suppose to have done lately has been from a date way back

bd8c92 No.81819


Look at the date!! 9/16/16. Not today.

3134be No.81820


Oh really? GTFO

8ae800 No.81821

File: 4a53e22ca59936d⋯.jpg (18.8 KB, 400x263, 400:263, lonely-1.jpg)

324c12 No.81822


We aren't paying for your chemo after watching that cancer. Please don't bring back his garbage.

29f49e No.81823


Who is she, man she's a sculpture

12ed3b No.81824

Fuuuggg these boards are zipping by!

dc5cca No.81825

baker here

is the twitter storm effectively finished? i'd like to rearrange the dough back down to the sleek & trim 1 post OP, but i don't want to do that if the campaign is still raging on

350125 No.81826




Where was Trump earlier?

Belgium Wisconsin?

And if you go to DuckDuckGo and search that location?

And if you then hit the NEWS tab?

And the article was posted 6 hours ago?

What's the article about?


Is there a shortage?

What happened to the stockpile?

What the fuck anons, things are getting spoopy

93a333 No.81827


I also don't think any planes actually crashed that day. The Pentagon and PA sites were obviously not crash scenes [Flight 93 was reported to have landed at Cleveland], and there is evidence that the video was CGI or something in NY. That Army Psyops officers and soldiers worked at CNN gives this theory even more credit.


df9ee8 No.81828

Looking for the meme that tells about others calling shithole countries before Trump! Help? Need urgently

eb48e5 No.81829


Maybe it's not a total loss, maybe I'm over reacting. It sure doesn't seem like that was the plan though. I don't beleive that for one second. Also the big tell something is wrong is how it was delayed for an hour tonight, like they were negotiating in the background and ended up backing down.

3c6a45 No.81830

File: a48b54c822636be⋯.jpg (180.29 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, FishBait.jpg)


Careful anon

>pic related

de56dd No.81831

https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=X9oakm9-vjo

brothers in arms

9951ec No.81832


HA, caught in the act!!

0bc8fc No.81833


Everyone is hyped up 2day

d3606e No.81834


She's been hailing here for quite a while…

Pleasantly I might add.

b0a0a9 No.81836


Good point.

324c12 No.81837


Shit I think that is one of scrape bots. They ruined CBTS. They just repost comments until we can even post.

2ba0f4 No.81838


it really did, oh what a day!

f40bd1 No.81839

File: 6c587bd8aed3761⋯.png (396.1 KB, 412x642, 206:321, Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at ….png)


0bd6b7 No.81840


Please don't feed the stray, newfag.

If you can't bear it either filter or call the mod, but don't ever reply. He gets banned in almost every thread eventually.

926d43 No.81841


i'll bite. what could have happened to it other than Clinton selling it off to Russia….???

2c18f8 No.81842


March on with the Twitter memery, and utilize @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS in your messages to get around shadowbans (purportedly.)

There'll come a point where Twitter can't keep the lid on us and it's coming SOON.

c6fc55 No.81843


I agree but how do we know UA93 crashed. They fake a plane hitting the Pentagon then surely they could stage a plane crash in a field.

3c6a45 No.81844


Mental masterbation…

a57fd2 No.81845


The battle plan covers the next few days, Phase III. I think we should keep that part up at least.

12ed3b No.81846

File: cee618bd5d7d314⋯.jpg (99.03 KB, 600x1234, 300:617, Dildos.jpg)

By the way, some anon told me not to tweet this image but I did with the statement above it:

All fake news journalists are dildos selling their souls for peanuts.

It worked too. Had people in droves retweeting this one!!!!

3c6a45 No.81847


(((sides))) hurt

350125 No.81848


I have no fucking idea

d9d12d No.81849


Yep, there's that too. It was all the 7/10 & find the missing 3 the was luring me, thinking just maybe no coincidences. Either way, the news will eventually give up the answer were looking for.

b66e1d No.81850


There is an interesting clip of the nose of the plane coming out the other side of one of the towers…

Plane nose that is destroyed by a frozen chicken, but it made it thru steel beams intact…

29f49e No.81851

5621f8 No.81852


Oh… This guy…

The Mastermind behind Operation Cyclone and the one who made Al Qaeda possible…..

29f49e No.81853

File: 79a2cc0bca6af62⋯.jpg (27.85 KB, 209x241, 209:241, shilly.jpg)

324c12 No.81854


First why are you comparing her to pseudo journalist YT famefags? Secondly ask her yourself and realize she is just a chick posting from here to Twitter. Lastly what kind of autism do you have if you see JA in B's profile pic? She is in a bathroom?

0d6ffb No.81855


Well said. Great Job today Anons. Proud to be a part of it. A special Thanks to MemeAnons couldn't have done it without you.

7b8705 No.81856



admittedly, I;m using them as footstools right now too, they came in hot & PISSED and it's so fucking funny, can't help myself

leaving them up fory you, anon

2ba0f4 No.81857


really hard to resist, I can't stop laughing

a874b2 No.81858

File: 05ae75e9deaaafa⋯.png (25.43 KB, 339x571, 339:571, 1-18-2018 12-28-05 AM.png)

File: 37c44f29ffeb358⋯.png (25.47 KB, 1076x217, 1076:217, 1-18-2018 12-26-15 AM.png)

Nice results.

What a fresh user would see - not logged in.

0bd6b7 No.81859


>utilize @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS in your messages

Interesting - that is when my shadow ban kicked in. I started posting with those in my messages.

Perhaps not related though, I was about 35 posts into the day and may have been on my way to a shadow ban anyway.

8ae800 No.81860

File: 7c56ff90fb7cf7e⋯.png (263.3 KB, 727x546, 727:546, Screenshot 2018-01-18 at 1….png)

Anons were asking last bread if Trump ever pinned a tweet. He just pinned #FakeNewsAwards. Keep the meems coming. Today was only the beginning.

Tired anons get some rest, for tomorrow we need to continue the red pills.

3c6a45 No.81861

File: d42eacdfcae2530⋯.png (445.39 KB, 625x309, 625:309, header.army-artillery-sold….png)


>>81842 bump

>>81845 bump

Recommend continuous harassment fire.

54c4a8 No.81863


Sprint phone

Pam A..

Jus a guess.

a90fcc No.81864

That was a mighty effort anon's.

Great to see. Brain is now fried from tweeting.

It's 05:45 here so grab an hours sleep and back at it.

171690 No.81865


Try opera

d9d12d No.81866



I don't remember which, there was the one with all the Aids scientists and the one with the patent holders. Also some engineers too,I think.

c0ed36 No.81867

File: 8fc02e4ffd3ed48⋯.mp4 (15.3 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, q-drop-01-14-2018-14-18-16.mp4)


Vegas Shooting ! SILENCE (suppressor) We will no be SILENCED !

29f49e No.81868

File: 12de5da6dfdb916⋯.jpg (148.4 KB, 466x452, 233:226, BR1128161FG0010.jpg)

28d9da No.81869

File: 39bf142abe53ac3⋯.png (598.03 KB, 1035x751, 1035:751, MyWay.PNG)

0b12a8 No.81870


Thanks. Fairly new.

9ff2fc No.81871


get more than an hour. at least 6

324c12 No.81872



9790d4 No.81873

Do you TRUST your Commander in Chief and his chain of command? Our orders have not changed. It matters not if you think things should have been done differently.

Continue to tweet, and tag @potus and @realDonaldTrump.

Tweet and Retweet. Make it impossible to ignore. MAKE THE MEDIA'S SILENCE DEFFENING

dc5cca No.81874

ec26ca No.81875


What if IRON EAGLE is Donald Trump's twitter?

Yuge social media presence, counter to mockingbird etc.

-Ya but the jets and the saving of the father?

Well that was us: the jets we stole were the normie hashtags hijacked, using the social media apparatus against itself. To save our siblings lost in Fantasy Land, those taken by the spell.

Tonight we've learned that we can do it.

Tonight we've SHOWN that we can do it. Q-Team CONF. Spiders' web.

Godspeed, anons

5b5493 No.81876


Was the plan to flood this specific post too?

c4b249 No.81878


Digging hard - it's no longer on the damn ticker on TV to get the exact headline - they've rotated to new headlines. But that ticker, at least here, is all Reuters headlines… Will keep looking. Also, semi-related, this is the other muhRussiafeels headline on that ticker: https:// www .reuters.com/article/us-usa-cyber-extremism/twitter-may-notify-users-exposed-to-russian-propaganda-during-2016-election-idUSKBN1F62D0

eb48e5 No.81879


Only like 2 of those people are YouTubers, Im talking about Twitter, it's the first place to find info, 4chan used to be right up there with it. There aren't really any YouTubers I watch because there aren't really any I don't think are Feds or at least assets. Except maybe Anti-School but he never says anything I don't already know.

That's the problem I guess, anyone who is likely to actually have any juicy insider info is usually a blackhat spook of some sort or working for one. Otherwise, why do they know what they know?

3c6a45 No.81880

File: 008e651a6fb1027⋯.png (306.98 KB, 600x332, 150:83, img_804_Winters_and_Nixon_….png)


>Head to the aid station, soldier.

2c18f8 No.81881


We just need to hang in there a little longer until "Goodbye @Jack" kicks shit off.

df53d8 No.81883


They didn't even bother to stage the flight 93 crash. All they did was set a ditch on fire.

350125 No.81884

So Trump goes to the site of a meteor crash.

Less than 24 hours after the "meteor" hit.

Fake News Awards delayed

or "delayed"

we don't know.


Then we have, duckduckgo>belgium, wisconsin>news

article about Uranium

posted near the same time Trump was somewhere he shouldn't be

d3606e No.81885

File: fee6fb25b82ea1a⋯.jpg (189.21 KB, 610x417, 610:417, ltards.jpg)

Today validated (pic related)!

c4b249 No.81886

926d43 No.81887


this the images seem CG now…when reviewed

only seems to be news images not footage from random people in/visiting New York

67944d No.81888

File: fb1256484b5c991⋯.png (17.04 KB, 398x161, 398:161, Screenshot.png)

Found this in the page source on the Fake News Awards GOP page Trump tweeted. See image.


In Chrome, go to the page, hit Ctrl+U and scroll down to line 1440.

https:// gop.com/the-highly-anticipated-2017-fake-news-awards/

44c5c0 No.81889



b6c0de No.81890


What is Decision Sciences Corp?

7b8705 No.81891



stop the fake (You)s

all of you


6833d6 No.81892


Checked! Triple infinity!

324c12 No.81893


You can't find anyone on Twitter with inside info. Have you seen the news about Twitter recently? No one goes to Twitter to leak info. Anyway B posts shit from here plz go ask her.

942b24 No.81895


How do we know he was in Michigan? Or was it Wisconsin?

3c6a45 No.81897

File: f1a4bce8830ef7d⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 429x584, 429:584, muddy-soldier.jpg)


Plenty of ammo left for the night crew.

>this soldier needs some shut eye.

c4b249 No.81898


Wasn't a fake (You)! II was answering somebody who asked for sauce, tyvm…

93a333 No.81899


That was in September Clues…a total impossibility! Also there is video from behind the tower, showing the 'plane' approaching. It disappears behind the tower, and can still be seen, 'bleeding' through the building.

44c5c0 No.81900


Yeah where is the sauce?… or STFU!!!

67944d No.81901


Holy fuck, Kek wills it

0b12a8 No.81902


This deal could prove to be a disaster.

http:// thegth.com/

350125 No.81903


http:// archive.is/vU2MZ




942b24 No.81904


I wonder if the planefags saw any weird activity around there at the time.

35c519 No.81905

File: 1280688c57edc96⋯.jpg (126.88 KB, 691x500, 691:500, 22w2i3.jpg)

d9d12d No.81906




I remember seeing something about this author that was researching the missing 9/11 planes and it was believed he tracked them down to clown facility in southern Arizona. Thoughts were that they used planes from there, which means that could be why we find them?

df53d8 No.81907


But there wasn't much military aircraft activity in Wisonsin these past two days, and it's been very busy in the sky lately

7b8705 No.81908


was a fake you shithole

gtfo or i will take it up a notch

b8b9ac No.81909

File: 67a697d57e4aa0c⋯.jpg (149.35 KB, 1438x728, 719:364, Q Meme Dem Pay-Pharma-Book….JPG)

Cory Booker

Equal Pay


f40bd1 No.81910

c6fc55 No.81911


No planes hit the buildings. But my original theory isn't good because we would be looking for 4 planes, not 3. I need sleep.

db42a4 No.81912


Gotcha. I think those are moreso referring to past acts & future reveals regarding those acts. we've ben out here investigating all of those acts like 9/11, Malaysia Air 370, etc, and while we have the info available to us, classified info is not out here in the public, yet. silence cant last forever, and i'm comfy in the promise that we're safe from any major attempts. was in Chicago for a while after Q drops began , and the military copters made their presence known, frequently

29f49e No.81913


I've lost over 10k in sales because I've had customer look at my tweets and see I'm for Trump and take business elsewhere. (shebitch)

Yeah…I tweet and tag and will do so

But put some cuffs on some of these rats for all our sake.

Oh oh oh….he is not my Commander in Chief

I'm not on duh payroll.

I'm boss now.

I'm John Q. Public.


b89841 No.81914



Could that be DJTs code name?

e0f27d No.81915

File: d6dcb5ee98dd8ac⋯.png (128.44 KB, 1341x547, 1341:547, interesting.png)

3c6a45 No.81917


FUBAR: Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

That's a standard military issue status term!

foobar() {code here} - nerd anon?

0b12a8 No.81918


Worthy of a quote.

171690 No.81920


Can a planefag investigate? Do we or did we have any unusual air traffic during the awards?

9382a3 No.81921


Q returns foo

Dave Grohl Is Q


e0f27d No.81922

File: 555a8d7d2edbe3c⋯.png (29.15 KB, 625x492, 625:492, wikileakszbig.png)



faf2d7 No.81923


The 9/11 planes? and you suspect it could mean that they also know where their bodies are buried?

O mother dam………

If that's true

I mean what in the actual fuuuuug

I watched the 2nd plane hit live on tv and I remember watching them interview DJT

He was messed up during that interview having a hard time of it

Seemed like the reporter just ran across him on the street and he wanted to talk

I'm sure it didn't happen that way

Remembering that, I knew when he ran and he said 'we'll find out who knocked down those towers' I knew that man meant every word of it.

bf7005 No.81924


Fucking called it threads ago

118fe9 No.81925

Hey Trump er Q

Where's the sauce?

Just fluff so far.

29f49e No.81926


Where you get Dave Grohl out of that?

93a333 No.81927


I remember something about a small, white plane being seen circling that area. The media says 93 crashed, and some conspiracy sites hinted it was shot down by the white plane. Now I wonder if that plane somehow blasted that hole in the ground.

44c5c0 No.81928



This is not sauce I was asking about…

Sauce on POTUS at metor spot is what is needed.

2c18f8 No.81929

File: ba115fd6bc1e558⋯.jpg (66.36 KB, 412x628, 103:157, haveaTHEBEST.jpg)

b6c0de No.81930

File: 3fb42be5eea3d83⋯.png (10.92 KB, 1604x36, 401:9, q.png)



OMG q is even embedded in google! REEEE

>Standard CGI parser

<q is for query

C'mon anons… think.

df53d8 No.81932


That ditch was found to have existed on maps before 9-11-01.

8db760 No.81934

>>Well one thing that is interesting to think could have been a play is this:

POTUS directs everyone to page that is down.

Then instead of taking that as a dead end, the go and google “fake news awards” results include twitter stuff that one can get lost in.

GOP going down could have been intentional.81490

d3606e No.81935

File: 36c7f6dcf12e300⋯.jpg (23.79 KB, 460x330, 46:33, !catpunch.jpg)

File: 091d57bcc2166b1⋯.jpg (118.43 KB, 672x1000, 84:125, !catsurprised.jpg)

We need the calming kitties…

b66e1d No.81936


Rumsfeld said it was shot down.

Cheney said in 2015 interview that it was shot down.

No longer a conspiracy.

6833d6 No.81938


FOO Fighters I guess lol, the foo in the code.

c6fc55 No.81939


MH17 had the HIV scientists

makes sense, curing HIV/AIDS is not good for business

171690 No.81940



reuters.com/ article/us-russia-weapon/deadly-new-russian-weapon-hides-in-shipping-container-idUSTRE63P2XB20100426

bceac3 No.81941



Little late to notice that's not happening here.

942b24 No.81942


Did Ctrl+U search. interdasting. Looking at those lines reminds me of the stringers…

7b8705 No.81943

File: 2bb0cefeabfd072⋯.jpeg (42.89 KB, 295x156, 295:156, 7749938472625234923492834….jpeg)


anyone else you want to add to the list?

bceac3 No.81944


Sauce tomorrow.

29f49e No.81945


I dunno DSC? Government Contractor sounds like fuck if I know and I'm drinking Crown and Coke so I'm not going to go into Poindexter mode tonight.

I'm just gonna troll with my Gorilla Memes.

c6fc55 No.81947


great point!

I remember one of the videos you hear an arabic wa la la la la war cry followed by 3 suppressed shots

c4b249 No.81948

File: d8ba17237928ff4⋯.jpg (88.75 KB, 1234x540, 617:270, Image1.jpg)

File: 0051f4eb0aa6e82⋯.jpg (94.81 KB, 1210x488, 605:244, Image2.jpg)


Here are the screenshots - any other (You)s outside of this convo are NOT me, yo - so check again:

29f49e No.81949


Add that asshole over there!

df53d8 No.81950


Yea, no longer a "conspiracy" in the sense that it wasn't shot down.

0b12a8 No.81951


It will be interesting to see if it was exposed as a fake. The repercussion would be unimaginable.

fa8b7b No.81952


God Bless, ride hard Anon.

d178dd No.81953






bdb8c5 No.81955


I bombed that cunt with memes all day today. I was bombing her rapist husband and satan worshiping daughter to….

8fb881 No.81956

File: a0681da494c5c92⋯.jpg (257.01 KB, 800x800, 1:1, bzspnnhm.jpg)

d9d12d No.81957


And, we just got to be a little more patient, Q said this was planed for 3 years, so if Q be patient with the timing, as much as I'm hooked on these riddles, I will too.

afa0b1 No.81958

no doxxing >>81610

fa8b7b No.81959

be576c No.81960


Speaking of Satan, Lynns been awfully quiet these past few days

29f49e No.81961

File: 2277658693306e7⋯.jpg (20.07 KB, 285x177, 95:59, images.jpg)

eb9980 No.81962


Special Meme combat commendation for you anon!

926d43 No.81963


knowing what we know now, controlled puppets and Bushes Clintons, Obama and MSM, it could have been a complete psyops to stage a war and get rid of some people.

c4b249 No.81964


KEK Noticed that also…

df9ee8 No.81965

>>81923 those are the bodies that I believe Q was referring to!

29f49e No.81966

File: c3a5b962983931a⋯.jpg (188.02 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1200-29493710-gorillas-sca….jpg)

0bd6b7 No.81967

File: 923d35005d67c49⋯.jpg (185.94 KB, 1305x727, 1305:727, need-perpwalk-tuppence.jpg)


It's the cry of the moment.

Anons are restless after today. pic related.

e0f27d No.81968


Pakastanis running missile stuff to NK here i think

just follow it back a bit on crumbs

926d43 No.81969

cf6e99 No.81970


Whew anons! Tactics confirmed. Refine slightly for next battle.

Strategy successful on several levels. Amazing.

Years from now we can all tell of First Battle of Anon. History's first decentralized, anonymous memetic warfare engagement. The Art of War never changes, and occasionally in history individual entities act in a defensive strategic capacity, but this was history's very first strategic offensive battle waged by individual anons. Make no mistake anons, you made history today, and forever changed warfare in the process

b66e1d No.81971


Good researcher if you've never seen his name before…


20a44b No.81972

It always seems that the Q-fragments turn into a distraction without results. This has to be tackled in context and as a complete post.

d3606e No.81973


There was a crash site, but it was pieces scattered over miles. They hid it from msm.

flt93 was shot down by Major Rick Gibney.

He disobeyed orders and broke sound barrier.

(got an award for it in secret ceremony.)

Only logical destination for it was building 7, because WTC7 was pre-wired for demolition anyway. Would have sealed the story.

c6fc55 No.81974




0b12a8 No.81975


Joe Pubic couldn't handle the truth.

324c12 No.81976


You really missed the last several meme wars?


80d146 No.81977

Another HIV/AIDS connection with Clintons.

FBI investigating Clinton HIV/AIDs Initiative (CHAI) receiving $25 million in bribes.


d9d12d No.81978


They seem to always be on the look out, posting things of interest, but like us I think all eyes were on the awards. May have even looked while we were talking about it.

2e12e6 No.81979


It's a shame, so many people can't imagine what's going on in the "background".

Just did a search (DDG) for this:

"DOJ Turns Over 1.2 Million Documents" Related to 2016 Election to House Intel Committee and only Indy Online Journalists are the top hits. (They got some on Friday, the rest on Monday)

Has ANY corporate pravda even mentioned it?

Too busy talking about POTUS' weight & daca/racist.

Also talk of indictment regarding Vegas shooting.


And if anyone wants to see just how many decades it's been nothing but fake scripted propaganda, just look into its history with tCFR and watch documentaries & videos on hooktube. Top 10 staged media events & media manipulation/propaganda are just a couple.

I was just whining last night how corporate pravda has turned even POTUS supporters against each other. Can't mention anything unless the opinio-tainers on Faux have already "confirmed" it, around people.

They make Hannity look "Too Trump Biased" simply for being the ONLY one who lays out facts throughout his program!

All the rest are still "debating" if POTUS racist & "discussing" his weight. Crap entertainment, all of it.

fa8b7b No.81980

Man listening to Fox. I never thought id see the day in my life time that Fox is constantly subtle red pilling & dropping serious information. If only they would connect this to… Well, History…

3c6a45 No.81982

File: ff0c0a80ecf8218⋯.png (977.03 KB, 1214x1006, 607:503, Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at ….png)


Shiiiitttt…. No longer verified account. She's twatting a lot today though (scroll down).

Hmmm… Lynn retweets Sid (no name) who is propping up snowFlake in an empty chamber.

Fire mission….

c5e197 No.81984


You can’t break up the post like that. It’s misleading

3adb34 No.81985


Is it a litmus test?

Today we found out how effective we lads are at affecting the social narrative, and how effective Trumps command of that narrative can be.

IRON EAGLE is paired with RED_RED_, another social campaign [gibs me slush fund money], The Great Awakening itself, and Godfather III (Another big shift in the collective narrative).

Are these the chess moves of The Narrative?

7b8705 No.81986


not only reviewed your post

know who you are

implant now

fucking shill anona

can you say pwned?

c4b249 No.81987

Someone posted the following link above in the bread: reuters.com/article/us-russia-weapon/deadly-new-russian-weapon-hides-in-shipping-container-idUSTRE63P2XB20100426

J/W - I noticed it's a YEARS-old article - curious if that explains some of these mysterious container ship collisions in more recent news?

35cf32 No.81989


HRC just tweeted on 16 sept 2016

708083 No.81990


Referring to things like "what does NNN mean? here are 25 different things that NNN could stand for"

35c519 No.81991

File: d695c6b3e2b5407⋯.jpg (77.93 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 22w33x.jpg)

df9ee8 No.81992

>>81971 thank you anon

0b12a8 No.81993


Didn't he say the first thing he was going to do when he became President was to look at the secret report behind it? Then his first trip was to Saudi Arabia. Maybe he laid down the law in person.

d3606e No.81994

File: 69a80b8768c11b4⋯.jpg (283.03 KB, 1240x775, 8:5, sick.jpg)



bdb8c5 No.81996

File: 3c4933a29d62c49⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 751x500, 751:500, At Least We didn't Waste C….jpg)

File: e96041bc6c31a99⋯.jpg (128.94 KB, 695x523, 695:523, Hillary at Satanic Temple.jpg)

File: 8f0e1c985497535⋯.jpg (11.04 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Arkancide.jpg)

File: 7b41a8c18acc421⋯.jpg (64.19 KB, 600x489, 200:163, If You Think This Looks Ba….jpg)

File: c4ba7d7f3865ced⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 255x162, 85:54, Bill Clinton Shithole.jpg)


It was fun. I created a shell twatter account and put a profile picture of a homely girl on it. I was ruthless…..

3134be No.81997



Phenomenal. Let's keep it going,,,Don't lose Heart ANONS!

12ed3b No.81998

File: 59476f6e89fbcf4⋯.jpg (66.19 KB, 600x704, 75:88, Let-today.jpg)

I created this simple meme and posted it to twitter with the hashtag #FakeNewsAwards and #OperationMockingbird while also sending it to @POTUS and @realDOnaldTrump. Its already been retweeted once and someone started to follow me too. I've never had this much fun!

453a33 No.81999

File: 0760d59ada4bad6⋯.png (158.56 KB, 287x272, 287:272, KRASSSTALKER - Copy.PNG)

0bd6b7 No.82000


Saved, and cheers.

29f49e No.82001

File: fe368f884f9aaf6⋯.jpg (193.56 KB, 618x800, 309:400, gorilla-giving-the-middle-….jpg)

d3606e No.82002


Yeah. not a twitfag, but it was retweeted in potus acct by libtards. Thought it was recent.

79dcc7 No.82003



2ba0f4 No.82004



this event was so great, seeing all those amazing memes pouring in was an incredible experience, cheers!

926d43 No.82005


I know, for a long time i didn't want to see it. pizzagate is what led me back to that research

d30055 No.82007

Maybe the missing three are people. Soros? Rothschild? Obama? Clinton? Etc

fa8b7b No.82008

Its insane in here today. You boys have your work cut out for you. I know I'm being a faggot but I just wanted to thank everyone for their work.

God bless & rest well when time comes.

8db760 No.82009


I can’t watch any more of that fag. I believe he believes what he's saying too. That’s the problem, some of these liabilities need to be bluepilled until the storm passes. Dude gets his panties in such a wad on Q’s posts which prove to play themselves out over time time and again. Then he twists them more trying to dig himself out of his holes. I saw the quote that freaked his shit, not a surprise considering how wound up he is. Wish he’d just chill.

12ed3b No.82011


Also Maxthon 4.4.8 (new 5.X version is crap in comparison).

3c6a45 No.82012

File: fde051f3ac4b177⋯.png (98.19 KB, 1180x594, 590:297, Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at ….png)

Target acquired.

Fire for effect.

Tired of this pompous establishment asshole.

Needs some overnight Pepe love.

7b8705 No.82013

File: 2bb0cefeabfd072⋯.jpeg (42.89 KB, 295x156, 295:156, 7749938472625234923492834….jpeg)

c4b249 No.82014


TY anon - I have it and t doesn't work. Tried last week. I'm about to put fuggin' chrome on here in a minute and test again

ef77c8 No.82015

File: a48d2a19d8d1fdb⋯.png (209.31 KB, 1378x750, 689:375, 1c.png)



dc5cca No.82016


i don't usually do this, but ... filtered

t. baker

0d9b6c No.82017


The First Rule of B is that you don't talk about B …

eb9980 No.82018



0bd6b7 No.82019


First go jump off the roof, then come back and explain your problems. Thx.

b89841 No.82020

File: 7197a91b1f3faac⋯.png (379.81 KB, 659x566, 659:566, sports.png)


3c6a45 No.82021

d9d12d No.82022



c4b249 No.82023


re: Maxthon 4.4.8

THANK YOU - this is more like the answer I'm looking for. Sucks many have killed support for XP

a130e4 No.82024


Look up Foo Fighter wiki

3c6a45 No.82025


Misfire. Click. Sorry. Ignore.

9ba7ff No.82026

File: f04ec3d50a77040⋯.png (878.33 KB, 548x589, 548:589, church.PNG)

c6fc55 No.82027


not trying to mislead

thinking out loud, sorry

my mind races but hey there are normies lurking and if it got somebody questioning 9/11 then I'm ok with that

great awakening right?

point made and taken though

need rest but it's hard to sleep

I want my country back and I'm kind of ready to be vindicated so my family will stop thinking I'm a "muh" conspiracy theorist

453a33 No.82028


I thought it was the 4 other patent holders for some microcontroller or some shit and since the disappearance, it makes the r0thschilds the sole patent holder?

0bd6b7 No.82029


Kristol is the Westboro Baptist Church of American politics.

He lives and breathes evil and stupidity.

Because of his dad, he is rich.

There is little you can do to affect him but it would be fun to try, so maybe some anons can make a difference.

926d43 No.82030


sounds more plausible… Hillary, Obama, Huma?

54c4a8 No.82031


Sprint phone

Helpful Anon.

Anyone remember this.

2ba0f4 No.82032


TOP KEK! hahahahaha

c4b249 No.82033

File: c4771e9ecc46d27⋯.jpg (72.71 KB, 650x360, 65:36, bill-kristol.jpg)

File: c243cef1f2724ad⋯.jpg (190.95 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, bill-kristol-smiling-getty….jpg)


some fodder to get started - I'm game for this!

453a33 No.82034


They seem to be looking at the dude on the golf course as their reference a lot for this

29f49e No.82035



There seem to be a problem ossifer?

I post a meme about Lynn?

Was that outta line?

A meme about Lynn De Rothschild is outta line!

Please Explain Yourself

eb48e5 No.82037

Kristol is like, the PLATONIC FORM of why people hate Jews. And he is very, very, afraid. He has been since Trump won. You guys have to google that video of him on morning Joe where Mika and Joe were even making fun of him saying he looks like he's about to cry. He was so flustered his Jew accent started kicking in. He normally hides it like they all try to hide they're Jews.


d3606e No.82038


They keep this up, we should meme Hillary with shitstain and shaking head and other kuru shit in return. Not to mention her weight…

She is claimed by the #RESISTANCE to be the valid president, so I see no reason to hold back.

171690 No.82039


They have been planning this for years. What if they gave up along they way? IDK about you guys but I meant every single #maga #wethepeople and #greatawakening that I twatted today. If it is your will to give up now then so be it....mine is to fight on.

12ed3b No.82040


Maxthon 4.4.8 is the browser I now use for just about everything. It has excellent ad blocking capabilities.

There is only one thing I don't like about it and that it is the streaming of videos is a slightly bit choppy.

For watching streaming videos I switch over to Chromium (not Chrome) and get the two top ad blockers installed. They do an amazing job of blocking 99% of the crap ads out there.

Maxthon does that too. Its a shame that it can't play videos more smoothly. The new version is just as bad.

f40bd1 No.82041


What a fag.

0bd6b7 No.82042


Ah ok, a secret internet personality, I get it. I thought it might have been someone who's name started with B and everyone just used the initial, like calling Assange JA.

If there is some other authority out there obviously I'd be interested in hearing what they say, but I have no interest in breaking opsec, so no more questions for sure.

fa8b7b No.82043

Have they ever straight up said Hillary rigged the primary through legal action to steal it from Bernie Sanders before on MSM of any sort? I feel like I'm living in a memeworld.

b89841 No.82044


>fake news awards

Wheres that whale picture of hillary in a bikini

12ed3b No.82045


Also, version of Chromium that works with XP is 49.

d3606e No.82046


Until this moment - I refused to keep any hillary photos. Ever.

Now I must reconsider…

Someone post em, I will meme some shit.

(shit literally memes itself in that dress)

35c519 No.82047


Fox is doing a great job digging into thing like the DNC and Vegas Shooting. They ask the right questions

c4b249 No.82048


TY - I had Chromium, but it quit updating for some freaking reason. mebbe I'll try it again as well. Honestly, at this point, choppy streams would even be better than what I'm gettng now - which is static and an error msg. Oh, how I RUE the day Google bought YT!

29f49e No.82049

File: b26f0dad95b39af⋯.jpg (187.55 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1200-29493710-gorillas-sca….jpg)



If so…just let me know…I will leave cause I'm in the wrong place.

bc5101 No.82050


HRC the real:


eb48e5 No.82051


Bill Kristol almost crying about Trump winning on Morning Joe.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqdfSBYO5mo

c4b249 No.82052

File: bd021f305908dda⋯.jpg (7.18 KB, 207x320, 207:320, hillary swimsuit lol.jpg)

d3606e No.82053


Just checking- that is not shopped right?

Why the fuck does she remind me of borat?

3c6a45 No.82054

File: 9269ce28ea6ad02⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 22w3hj.jpg)

File: bf2693dbb715e8f⋯.jpg (93 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 22w3g4.jpg)

d30055 No.82055

!UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat) 21:58:34 No.15


Next Week - BIGGER.


We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60].


Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat) 21:59:16 No.16




Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat) 22:28:37 No.18

Side-by-Side Posts vs. Actual News.

Show: Future PROVES Past.

BIGGER next week.


I think Q is referring to Two different "bigger next week" situations. In the first drop, he is referring to the numbers of "woke" people getting bigger. I'm not clear about [MONDAY] since nothing happened numbers wise on Monday. But this week has definitely redpilled a bunch of sleepers.

The second BIGGER situation, I think is referring to happenings as he told us to put them side by side. So the NYC firecracker bomber, and the H scare. The next will be bigger and scarier but no one hurt. Maybe next Monday borrowing the day from the earlier post?

017f2b No.82056

File: 27cf45b28eae34a⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 246x300, 41:50, fe5dc8d7-d418-47d9-8f71-b5….jpg)

File: 593001ba0441930⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 701x418, 701:418, 4b3b992d-32ae-464a-b3a6-65….jpg)

File: 98690035412dfce⋯.jpg (70.96 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, 3eff3ed7-3287-4587-a92c-89….jpg)

7b8705 No.82057



it is an ID thing

I'm done

c4b249 No.82058


No, I think it IS shopped

81ce95 No.82059

File: d871877b29caf20⋯.png (717.62 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180117-215721.png)

Just got home, so while I catch myself up on the details it has become abundantly clear that we have a lot more work to do, fellow anons.

We are continually reminded of the following themes:

- "distractions/Disinformation is necessary

- "think big, bigger, BIGGEST

- as always, "follow the money."

Based on a quick analysis of today's events, we have gotten a bit too excited and thought too small. We are told to have patience, yet we expect monumentally conclusive events at every turn. Let us pray for clarity and focus in our purpose here. Let us not be led into temptation, for we are the vessel through which our Country will be delivered from Evil.

In all fairness, what happened today WAS monumental, and we continue our work with validation. That being said, here's what I think some of us should collaborate on, in keeping with our newfound organizational execution.

-break down the fake news awards piece by piece. Side by Side, simplified memes of each story discussed with the MSM narrative and the objective facts. For sources, wee should provide the most inarguably onjevyuve facts we can (ie court transcripts, paper trails, bank statements, emails in full, financial data, executive orders, official white house transcripts, whatever). For MSM, full video/transcript of their coverage. We need to stay as diplomatic and unbiased as possible.

Something for us to start with, because it slapped me right in the face, is the following article and related video related to CNNs coverage on 12/8/17. https:// theintercept.com/2017/12/09/the-u-s-media-yesterday-suffered-its-most-humiliating-debacle-in-ages-now-refuses-all-transparency-over-what-happened/

Amongst the many things that caught my attention was this, said by James Cagliano, regarding the so-called evidence they had obtained in relation to the wikileaks email sent to DTJ: "my investigative sources at the FBI tell me that this is, in Shakespearean terms, a TEMPEST in a teacup."

^^given Qs use and capitalization of the word TEMPEST In a previous drop, this might be a good place for us to start.

Let's start making the connections and calculating our next move and potential outcomes. Codefags and the like, any way we can create a few standard outcome generator sequences and start making our own stringers, based on variables we are presented and ongoing tasks at hand, so we have some kind of outcome generator? Boolean based Excel, maybe?

Sorry for the novel, long day and a lot I want to share. Hope this helps.

12ed3b No.82060


I think that maximum version is 49. After that it won't work. Opera is also good but is lacking in extensions. I also have it but don't use it much.

eb48e5 No.82061


Dude, he's not just obsolete, he's terrified. Now knowing what we know it makes sense why. Thousands of people knew immediately that they are neck deep in stuff that could put them away for life, they've just never had to face prosecution because the gov' has been corrupt for so many years!

cef05b No.82062


Monday was a very big day with the red cross $ crate video.

3c6a45 No.82064

File: c971b8d52f699c8⋯.jpg (92 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 22w3lh.jpg)

File: 4535dd80564a95a⋯.jpg (88 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 22w3k1.jpg)


You got me so excited, I got flood detected.

d3606e No.82065


I want to meme accurately.

Would use non shopped embarrassing Hillary moments just to piss off libtards who are "still with her".

1186b3 No.82066


c4b249 No.82067


ty anon - digging a suitable d/l link right now

d30055 No.82068


Oh? I missed that – was flying all day. Sounds interdasting?

29f49e No.82069


Good cause you don't want to see

what I just did to your avatar just now

453a33 No.82070


And a couple from before,during, and after the campaign. Also her body double. Would look like a bunch of different people

2ba0f4 No.82071

dc5cca No.82072


eh, the red cross crate video doesn't hold as solid evidence to me. it looked staged as fuck, imo

df53d8 No.82073


No. Emergency crews were all focused on the ditch. They wouldn't let the other two planes hit and then shoot the third that was supposed to hit.

Regardless, UA planes didn't hit the towers, it was a different type of aircraft.

0bd6b7 No.82074



>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqdfSBYO5mo

Well THAT was enjoyable, thank you.

57b95e No.82076

if anyone needs more ammo, here ya go.

https:// mega.nz/#F!Kxt2QSyC!0AK44ZpbsF5ASzTyhg6huw!rlkXwKha

c4b249 No.82077

File: 0b5714a6d8ff79b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 48.95 KB, 490x736, 245:368, 03-hillary-swimsuit-mural.….jpg)

Acknowledged, anon Looking for the one with her in a blue onsie in the water…


29f49e No.82078


Little more crown and coke. I'd slay it.

eb48e5 No.82079


A good one would just be a pic of Hillary getting helped up stairs and saying



12ed3b No.82080


Here you go: amazing free website with zero ads or popups:


be576c No.82081


What a waste of a good wall

b66e1d No.82082


George Webb (I know, disinfo) called in the dirty bomb scare at Charleston.

4 containers were removed from that vessel.

e0f27d No.82083

File: 98a1e3d6d9f52ad⋯.png (244.49 KB, 1334x554, 667:277, wikileaks.png)

dc5cca No.82084


anons, should i add this link to the OP?

be576c No.82085


It would slay you, buddy

d9d12d No.82086


I didn't know that! so that explains why the crash site was there. Investigators were like, dude were are the plane pieces, something. In all seriousness, it makes sense now. It could have been something high tech that zapped it/ incinerated it, but the ditch already being there, ahh.

6d4e62 No.82087


W=23 R=18 W=23 W=25

Jeremiah 25:18-23

Jeremiah 23:18-25 18But which of them has stood in the council of the LORD to see or to hear his word? Who has listened and heard his word? 19See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked. 20The anger of the LORD will not turn back until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart. In days to come you will understand it clearly. 21I did not send these prophets, yet they have run with their message; I did not speak to them, yet they have prophesied. 22But if they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds. 23"Am I only a God nearby," declares the LORD, "and not a God far away? 24Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?" declares the LORD. "Do not I fill heaven and earth?" declares the LORD. 25"I have heard what the prophets say who prophesy lies in my name. They say, 'I had a dream! I had a dream!'

Q, Confirm?

50f903 No.82088


Hillary does not have large breasts.

6833d6 No.82089

File: 297b40e073aaed2⋯.png (155.21 KB, 480x267, 160:89, WithStupid.png)

35c519 No.82090

File: 930431028cf61e7⋯.jpg (16.02 KB, 250x373, 250:373, 1380324858129-hillary_clin….jpg)

fa8b7b No.82091

"He's never going to give plane loads of cash to Iranians" holy fuck Fox is legit redpilling.

b66e1d No.82092


I brought up the theory that the Navy ships might have been trying to ram or block…

But the skippers are probably going to be charged with negligent homicide I read today…

b89841 No.82093

File: a4eadac860db6ad⋯.jpg (116.33 KB, 634x660, 317:330, ttt.jpg)

File: 871841bc063c9c8⋯.jpg (84.24 KB, 550x400, 11:8, rrr.jpg)

7b8705 No.82094


You are such a shill fag

gotta get your stuff and make it public

d3606e No.82095


The pilot that shot it down was the only pilot that broke orders about NOT flying supersonic.

It was not supposed to get shot down, he went rogue.

The wreckage would have given away that it did not hit the ground in one piece.

This is fairly common "alternative" knowledge, you can google "Maj. Rick Gibney" and reveal it all.

93a333 No.82096

From David Icke forum, citing the movie 'Ring Of Power':

"On November 30th 2000, Lord Rothschild, now in his 70s, got married in London to a wealthy Zionist business woman named Lynn Forrester. The couple then jetted to Washington and spent their wedding night in the White House. Just months before 911 they moved to New York and settled into their 18th floor luxury palace at Riverhouse where two private terraces offered them front row seats for the scheduled 911 show."


3c6a45 No.82097

File: d2ede0649396358⋯.jpg (21.93 KB, 246x300, 41:50, 22w3sa.jpg)

File: 59022e5b70f8816⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 246x300, 41:50, 22w3tf.jpg)

57b95e No.82098

File: 1bd56a3b532693a⋯.jpeg (98.97 KB, 634x660, 317:330, serveimage.jpeg)

dc5cca No.82099


disregard. adding

b66e1d No.82100


Cheney admitted in an interview he ordered it shot down.

453a33 No.82101


Maybe if it didn't have hillary's head

d3606e No.82102


How much is she supposed to weigh?

57b95e No.82103

File: 7e2ffe27054ef04⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 24.81 KB, 540x536, 135:134, serveimage.jpeg)


this one?

17e79a No.82104


Try Brave. WIth DDG

35c519 No.82105

File: 245d93786bffdf8⋯.jpg (116.25 KB, 500x668, 125:167, 22w3vp.jpg)

5739f0 No.82106

File: 9a912a476b1a575⋯.jpeg (89.1 KB, 500x418, 250:209, 06D058B4-A4AD-434C-BA9C-B….jpeg)

dc5cca No.82107


>how much does hillary weigh

that depends on how full her colostomy bag is

453a33 No.82108


Lookit bill back there. Probably using his VIP twitter status…

d30055 No.82109



POTUS personal (message): We are with you. No one left behind. For God and country.

b66e1d No.82110



c4b249 No.82111


TY anon!






Interesting! TY - was just a rough idea for a possible lead. In a minute, I have another on the topic of Obama/Hzbllh/Ukraine/Cocaine/used cars/Adam Schiff connection that I was pondering may have possible leads to dig for… But I haven't assembled the info into a neat package yet

81ce95 No.82112





Forgot to mention, focus on the last part of the video. CNN shoots themselves in the foot, because they openly mention that DJT/DTJ tweets during the campaign have often been indicative of and directly preceding big events. They said it themselves, and now we've memed this truth into the American public today. Think about that for a second. We did that. Let's keep going.


df53d8 No.82114

If non-UA planes hit the towers, a UA plane wouldn't be destined for WTC7.

2ba0f4 No.82115


God bless you too, anon!

7b8441 No.82116


foreign speaker.. feels like korean or japanese order…

c4b249 No.82117


Yeah - THAT'S the one I was looking for!

d3606e No.82118



Really I am trying to sauce it for a meme.

(probably true about the bag after the leakage!)

be576c No.82119


Real or shopped?

3c6a45 No.82120

File: 14e88a628079c18⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 246x300, 41:50, 22w3xb.jpg)

bc5101 No.82121


now that is not photoshopped. but fake news, none the less. check the Polaroid camera kek

fa8b7b No.82122

I sincerely believed when Trump got elected that Humanity has a chance. All my life i have been beyond black pilled after i fully woke up to the vastness of control and sheer power of the enemies of Humanity. I had no faith in god or religion but found bhuddism & hinduism which brought me some peace. But when Trump was elected, I felt that peace no longer.

I knew that the tides have shifted and its our duty to spread the light (truth). I felt a fire inside of me unlike any other, i had just got a new job and was on my way to work talking with a friend about how 'Just trust me, humanity's turn is soon' (we often talk about Canada's fucked state)

Now after this award the anchors are smuggly talking about rigging the primary & handing off planes of cash to Iranians… The window has shifted & we have a new outlet on ourside pushing pills for the boomer generation. We have our memes for the millennials. We are unstoppable united & invigorated with faith.

d3606e No.82123


Got it.

About the leakage one ? (just pic)

c4b249 No.82124


idk, but nice rack on that - whoever they belong to :P Back to work, you bums!

7605c0 No.82125

File: cc9458795ddf58b⋯.gif (1005.94 KB, 500x224, 125:56, invicible.gif)

bc5101 No.82126


real. Bahamas

57b95e No.82127

File: c4aaa13cee08af2⋯.jpeg (45.43 KB, 340x400, 17:20, serveimage.jpeg)

this one's better

d30055 No.82128


and especially if they are really in Hawaii. And even more in light of the SF to Hawaii flight that was turned around this morning

f67bb5 No.82129

Jason Bourne (2016)(CIA/Deep Dream)

Here’s what happens: Aaron Kalloor, a wealthy Palo Alto tech magnate modelled fairly transparently on Mark Zuckerberg, is delivering some kind of industry keynote to a room full of reporters and media types. ==He’s just announced Deep Dream, his company’s new social media platform, which he describes (vaguely) as an all-in-one recommendation engine that tracks its users’ behaviours and preferences in order to personalize their experience.==

sauce/moar nationalpost.com/entertainment/movies/about-that-one-scene-in-jason-bourne-that-is-guaranteed-to-leave-you-scratching-your-head-and-cracking-up

Note that Q has referenced this signature in these ways: https:// qcodefag.github.io/?q=Bourne

Q: "Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated?"

I think this is a way of classifying the Q post. This reference to Deep Dream - references social media action.

bc5101 No.82130


tits fake

c4b249 No.82131

File: 88e9690c6084e40⋯.jpg (56.41 KB, 600x489, 200:163, CqUdw4LUAAAB464.jpg)

File: e1ec46f90d29ec0⋯.jpeg (52.61 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 091017-hillary-clinton-ka….jpeg)

File: 5163aeb262b0fdc⋯.jpg (133.52 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, rtx1rdsx.jpg)

File: 342d4b101fa121e⋯.jpg (902.56 KB, 3122x2080, 1561:1040, hillary-clinton.jpg)

c17119 No.82132



Buddhism's the middle path ideology has kept me sane for a long time now.

f67bb5 No.82133


Or Jason Bourne 2016 / CIA/Dream Dream/CIA etc. Still not sure why this isn't consistent in the signature when used.

29f49e No.82134


I swear how many times per day do we have to see these same photos?

I've seen the wet pink pant suit photo like untold number of times.

cf5199 No.82137


Please don't. It looks like the Trump puppet at Disneyworld

d3606e No.82138


My eyes are hurting.

Trump owes my a some visene for this shit!

Is that one shopped?

453a33 No.82139


Another one? Or was this the Denver to Hawaii that got sent to San Fran because the shitter was full?

20a44b No.82140


trying to get us all to accept this shit stain is normal. We should send some depends to GITMO

7cb86c No.82141


Really makes you think …

The red pill ready people searched the hashtag after getting the clever 404, saw all the related hashtags in the search, got memed nice and hard all night from the best of the day's war instead of reading a rehashed fake news list.

Concern trolls are FAKE NEWS.

a90fcc No.82142

While everyone was concentrating on the FNA, what was DJT really up to?

2 birds one stone.

b89841 No.82143

File: 1d3cb94d17b4003⋯.png (312.06 KB, 600x453, 200:151, cankles.png)

12ed3b No.82144


By the way, if you want an excellent uninstaller here is one on the site I gave:


Use this to remove all traces of any program you want to remove (i.e. Chromium)

When installing new Chromium make sure updates are turned off.

d3606e No.82145


It makes my eyes and nose and brain burn.

But I asked for them.

Got a few meme ideas.

Sorry you had to see em.

57b95e No.82146


haha, yeah shopped, and i feel you're pain anon, looking through some of the stuff i've/we've dug is sick. i hope it's worth it…

a22560 No.82147


its amazing how fast women get ugly. she was a sexpot back then. maybe thats why she became an evil cunt.

c4b249 No.82148


I sent it for another anon who requested it - just added the others - anon asked for embarrassing photos.

3b7f3c No.82149


& Bubba (in office), Hillary, Oprah

3adb34 No.82150



29f49e No.82151




Let's make more memes that cause division

Isn't that what we are here to do really?

So let's continue with the Hillary wet stain pink dress memes. That seems to win so many over.

Let's continue to make memes that divide America more than it already is.

After all…that's our goal. Sew more division.

Think about it.

(THEY Divide. WE Conquer.)

fa8b7b No.82152


Kept me grounded through many storms.

d3606e No.82153


I am getting queezy thinking about the task ahead.

Im not SURE its worth it - but with vomit in my throat I am going to try.

35c519 No.82154

File: 7e41eab3db1e349⋯.jpg (130.11 KB, 472x726, 236:363, DTtKh84X4AEkC0j.jpg large.jpg)


JA twitter post on Jan 16

https: //twitter.com/JulianAssange

I think thats exactly what the social media giants were doing

c6fc55 No.82155


This, no planes hit the towers, no plane hit the pentagon, the 4th plane was not supposed to be shot down. I'm sticking with the missing 3 planes. Where are they now and where are the bodies buried?

bc5101 No.82156


sad, but true, anons would've hit that 80's DWS! kek. see what daily doses of evil can do to a body

d3606e No.82158


The goal (I am subjecting myself to working with those pics) was to shut up libtards about "health".

They bring a weight argument, I bring a fullblown walking death argument.

(and it makes me feel dirty just having those pics on my computer!)

69488e No.82159

File: e1d7d23c7457beb⋯.png (46.63 KB, 484x263, 484:263, abcnews.png)

File: 600957b42afc132⋯.png (58.92 KB, 489x422, 489:422, cnn.png)

File: 7350e4e484907e5⋯.png (37.99 KB, 296x197, 296:197, newsweek.png)

File: a26819b0c5410e1⋯.png (41.41 KB, 483x262, 483:262, newyorktimes.png)

File: f914df8d46af74e⋯.png (39.46 KB, 295x288, 295:288, time.png)

i dont have social media myself so if you think they are of value you have to spread them yourself

bc5101 No.82160


i'd of hit it. hate to say

be576c No.82161


Not this anon, I dont fuck with noodleheads

f40bd1 No.82162

File: cfab9cfbee7a16b⋯.png (572.7 KB, 641x641, 1:1, Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at ….png)

b89841 No.82163


Find it hilarious that shitlibs are now fat shamming.

35c519 No.82164


I heard the flew the passengers somewhere and gassed them then incinerated the bodies

a22560 No.82165

File: f70347d0a3dc800⋯.jpg (78.36 KB, 719x1111, 719:1111, amanda_waller__earth_27__c….jpg)

File: 07282fe2556bba0⋯.jpg (25.21 KB, 624x352, 39:22, Amanda_Waller_Public_Enemi….jpg)


amanda waller form batman..confirmed

c4b249 No.82166


TY Anon! I'm guessing that's revo uninstaller? Think I have a copy of it, but prob could stand an updated one. I've got a FEW progs that do that. JV16 PT works good too, but you can really screw up windoze with it if you're not careful

0ddb75 No.82167


B was kicked off this chan for being a flamfag. I was there and saw what she and the Beanz (she was kicked too) did. That is why Q and this board had to move from ctbs.

350125 No.82169



digging gets deleted.

not sure what happened.

Mod Edit: Are you really sure, you don't know what just happened? ; )

Post last edited at

79dcc7 No.82170


on Windows, get the TinyWall firewall to choke all outgoing traffic. Go through all Chrome settings and disable everything. Disable GoogleUpdate in Services. Good luck.

d3606e No.82172


Planes didhit. I was in Jersey across hudson.

Planes may not have been the ones they said to be, but it was planes. Sounds and visual confirms.

Plane debris went thru the building and came out other side.

I was outdoors for 2nd hit until #7 fell and until 6:30pm that day.

18e427 No.82173

The .nz meme caches don’t load for me.

f051dd No.82174

I believe Jeb and Bush family was at offut airforce base so when George the younger showed up on 9/11 they sacrificed the passengers there in a grand satanic ceremony. Then when it was finished Bush baby went back to dc to act all brave and act like he gave a fuck for the speech.

7cb86c No.82176



>Disinformation is real.

>Disinformation is necessary.

>Silent war (some gets out).

>The Great Awakening.

7b8441 No.82177

q is a common abbreviation for query. pay attention to your url bar more

d3606e No.82178

File: 3be9cfe63ae44f3⋯.jpg (238.6 KB, 700x897, 700:897, Hollow Towers.jpg)

It was easy for a plane to go thru…

Not many barriers..

350125 No.82180



b89841 No.82181


Can verify this. Namefags are a fuckin cancer.

If the great BO doesn't namefag, then no one should.

It also prevents famefagging and linking to fags like alex kikenstein for shekel conversion.

57b95e No.82182


>https:// mega.nz/#F!Kxt2QSyC!0AK44ZpbsF5ASzTyhg6huw!rlkXwKha

dont forget to delete the "space" after the "//"

d30055 No.82183

File: 63fc020403889a9⋯.png (676.61 KB, 1085x531, 1085:531, trump-fist-JFC-petition_15….png)

the is the image name on Trumps fake news petition.

https:// prod-cdn-static.gop.com/media/images/trump-fist-JFC-petition_1501684853_Content_Consumption_Large_1501684958.png

What is a JFC petition? (pic related)

e0f27d No.82184

File: 21f20331be04893⋯.png (127.2 KB, 803x543, 803:543, 911.png)

dc5cca No.82185


>POTUS directs everyone to page that is down.

i must have missed this. what happened?

cb6180 No.82186


suitcase nukes from ussr were never all accounted for. yield appox 5 kilo tons thats 10 city blocks (tactical) sum of all fears

69488e No.82188

File: a71baa72bd81f60⋯.png (356.61 KB, 1366x658, 683:329, empty.png)

almost no military aircraft now

c17119 No.82189



It is questions

Socratic method

cb6180 No.82191



shit poster BO? IP block please

c8024f No.82193


A JFC is an organization created to serve as a “bundler” for donations to a variety of candidates, PACs and party committees. By having a single committee receive these contributions, wealthy donors can write a single check and let the JFC disburse the funds to affiliated committees.

dc5cca No.82196


very briefly, what topic is this discussing?

65d5cb No.82197


Fo sho checked

eb9980 No.82199

File: 7cd882e2f624cdd⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 288x300, 24:25, LIBERALS APPROVE GIRTHER.jpg)

FAT- SHAMING is no longer politically incorrect

6ff38b No.82200

File: 533da07a8c0b636⋯.jpg (13.21 MB, 7500x8400, 25:28, Black_Sheep_Anon_here.jpg)

ICYMI tonight - bread #91

Black Sheep Anon had some very very very interesting posts - hope black sheep anon comes back, we welcome your knowledge and experience

fa8b7b No.82202



I seen this in a url here & a few other threads

watch your urls

6b3d68 No.82203

I'm hittin' the bed anons. Today made me a proud patriot. Love to all. Love to Q and POTUS. Tomorrow, it's back to war and dropping redpill meme bombs on the normies on twatter

d3606e No.82205


Thank you for making it. So I did not have to.

I was having a "crying game" moment.

93a333 No.82206


Knowing these people, the planes are probably in service somewhere.

e65764 No.82207


Transponders could've went incognito.

be576c No.82208


Hmmmm the Super Bowl is on Feb 4th (4 10 20)?

c4b249 No.82209

File: d5d2f5260802083⋯.jpg (80.03 KB, 600x489, 200:163, CqUdw4LUAAAB46daf89ad7f89a….jpg)

69488e No.82210

File: 6a1a2b87e1422cf⋯.png (148.3 KB, 660x402, 110:67, one.png)


yes. but why?

d30055 No.82211


Was he clear on non-nuclear? He said non-nuke FALSE.

I believe nuke or non-nuke is on the shelf until further info comes in

0ddb75 No.82213


'thestorm' is the "second board we had that was comp'd. wouldn't go there if you paid me. All the people who know what is going on, you will find all right here in this dough thred.

c4b249 No.82214



e0f27d No.82215


our government looking the other way during Bush years

Dumb as a rock Mika from MSNBC

her daddy


and US knowing exactly who was working with

Iran, Libya, North Korea

Yet… because of their location

We send foreign aid to Pakistan

even though they harbor terrorists

pass their knowledge onto our so called enemies

and get our technology

and their intelligence officers are buddy buddy with Al Qaeda (back then)

69488e No.82216


or maybe you are so clever that you outwitted yourself

1ae10a No.82217


Made me think of a meme idea…

I wanted two scoops but all I got was a Fake News Award.

07f8e1 No.82218



In the song she says " I got more records than the KGB"

1594ab No.82219

I AM SO PROUD OF YOU FAGGOTS! Still trying to gather recon data from the day after being on coms lockdown since 1600z.

Piss to the troll and shill fuckery, this is war. Wars are won battle by battle. We fired a magnificent first volly today, anons. DO NOT LET DOUBT BUGGER YOUR ASS! WE FIGHT ON! WE HAVE TAKEN GROUND!

The enemy is soft and predictable. PRESS ON! VICTORY WILL BE OURS!

d3606e No.82220


If it's worth the salt, then it's worth posting here.

a1177a No.82221


I know the family of one of the flight attendants. Her wedding ring was found at the Towers.

6ff38b No.82222

File: ff375c3a4b00c35⋯.jpg (582.34 KB, 978x1538, 489:769, WTC_Research_Twice_with_pl….jpg)

File: db465d7df30be8e⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1512x1110, 252:185, WTC_7_Freefall_Collapse_Of….png)

dc5cca No.82223


if that's a deep enough rabbit hole, it might be worth its own thread, anon

944597 No.82224

Good synopsis regarding: Kevin Halligen the Investigator who linked Podesta's to Maddy MacCann found dead:


The leaked Podesta mails start at THE DAY AFTER THE KIDNAPPING.

df53d8 No.82225


I read that also, but those scientists' heirs would inherit the patent rights. Same ratio of ownership, different owners.

c6fc55 No.82226


I bet it was next the hijackers passport…

aluminum can not and will never no matter the circumstance cut steel.

93a333 No.82227


From 'Franklin Cover-Up':

"Paul [Bonacci] has told investigators that the ring which plunged him into Satanism was centered at Offutt U.S. Air Force Base near Omaha; that he was taken to Offutt to be sexually victimized by a babysitter's boyfriend when he was about three years old, around 1970. Offutt is the headquarters for the Strategic Air Command, and has had a cadre of thousands of intelligence personnel. At Offutt, and later at other military installations, Paul says this ring "trained" him by tortures, heavy drugging, and sexual degradation, while instructing him in military arts including

assassination. In fact, his personal knowledge in these realms can scarcely be accounted for other than by crediting the indictments

he has made.

Larry King, FBI agent Gerry Wahl, Alan Baer, Harold Andersen, and former Omaha Police Chief Robert Wadman have all been reported as collaborators with this Satanic military based

ring. King reportedly told Paul's captors at Offutt, "He's young-but you trained him good." A member of Nebraska's Concerned Parents group reported hearing from two North

Omaha witnesses that "King used to send limousines down to Offutt Air Base to pick up CIA agents for parties."

0ddb75 No.82229


Really? Like the drivers license of one of the alleged hi-hackers? In all that mountainous rubble? Amazing find.

d3606e No.82231


I can believe a ring. The hijackers passport is bullshit clown tossing it on the street.

Besides, the hijackers were not on the passenger manifest. And even before 9-11, you DID NOT get on a plane without being counted. If so, the plane would not take off until you were arrested.

So I call bullshit on hijacked too.

In fact, TED OLSON (solicitor general) had a wife on one of the planes who called TED (collect, at his office) and said they got boxcutters.

They confirmed the call never happened.

Story made up.

d30055 No.82232

well crap. I was hanging around until Q stopped by, but it doesn't look like he's going to. I've been at this for 18 hours. I guess I'll hang it up.

Good job boyz and goyles!! You are among the best this nation has to offer!

c4b249 No.82234


THIS. hooktube.com/watch?v=7eCG4OsW1sY

ad8b97 No.82235

Right faggits.

This is not the 9/11 discussion board, go make your own fucking /911research/ place for that.

12ed3b No.82237


Yes. You've got it! Great program.

0ddb75 No.82239


kek anon

cefd4f No.82240


FFS, that land whale, cock smoking, cum dumpster isn't JA or have any association with him. She found an "interesting" pic to use on Twatter, Jesus… She literally copy/paste or screengrabs shit directly from here… regardless if it's vetted, legit info or not! She's a classic attention whore. Pay attention or GTFO FAGGOT!

fa8b7b No.82241

9/11 spam is the new nazi spam from cbts 4pol?

dc5cca No.82242


>9/11 discussion, make your own fucking place for that

it already exists, tbh >>7253

ceb2b9 No.82243


Yes. Some recall the Google YouTube change to "recommended playlists" and subscriptions were ignored (unless you hit the Bell icon as a new added step.) Around the same time the "news" puts out info about of "effective" extremest groups like ISIS were at social media now. Sudden wizardry. BUT - I think the new AI / Machine Learning based systems are doing this recommending and actually contributing to tribalism of sorts. This person focuses on nothing but this it seems: https:// arxiv.org/find/cs/1/au:+Ferrara_E/0/1/0/all/0/1

WTF? Yeah, they are trying to manipulate the users from their wrong think instead of just dropping terrorist content. AHH but that is because they consider anyone right of center to be extremists….

>"We believe that a key part of combating >extremism is preventing recruitment by >disrupting the underlying ideologies that drive >people to commit acts of violence."

>-Monika Bickert , Facebook's head of global >policy management

https:// www.cnbc.com/2018/01/17/facebook-google-tell-congress-how-theyre-fighting-extremist-content.html

d3606e No.82244


More likely the ring was taken from her living finger by a clown.

But I do not see a problem that they would have had killing a plane full of people.

The plane switch theory would best be served to keep certain people alive.

e65764 No.82245

>>82210 If we can follow military aircraft on these flight trackers, I'm pretty sure the "other" side can too.

c6fc55 No.82248

9/11 is relevant imo


the people have to be woken up

the spell has to be broken

this is about undoing the psy op that started on that day

7cb86c No.82251

File: fd9838ce5f63a27⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 325x321, 325:321, td4ec3sdg9.jpg)


Who was the (evil twin of) Q for 9/11?



d3606e No.82254

File: f65cbde8e061eba⋯.jpg (313.23 KB, 1166x527, 1166:527, TV Listing (conspiracy of ….jpg)


There is a video called "CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE"

Gets banned a lot.

Look for it. EXPLAINS that very well…

It never aired, but was listed in TVGUIDE.

Lots of people (snopes) says it was never going to be on tv, and was a hoax.

So I attached the TV Guide to prove it was.

0ddb75 No.82255

my understanding the Mil has been 'sky-high' in an unusually large number the last couple days. wonder if it is 'normal' drills/exor or more of a seek and destroy/def status.

c4b249 No.82256



0ddb75 No.82257


dude…snopes works for alphabet soup.

81ce95 No.82260


Wasn't there a Q post mentioning STRYKER

ad8b97 No.82261

File: 60cceb5bfa32d71⋯.png (1 MB, 1600x1066, 800:533, meddlingkids.png)


Look, I'm not here to argue with you.

9/11 shit goes here. >>82242

If people can't follow some simple guidelines, shit gets derailed, important digging gets missed.

I've sat and watched the excitement turn to total disarray, it can't go on, for the sake of the world . So do the right thing, and keep discussions to the relevant areas.

Lets get back on track, dig, meme, lurk.

bceac3 No.82262

d3606e No.82263


John O'Neil was found dead at the towers.

(had a bullet hole in him, but said to died in tower collapse)

That's a name you don't hear much at all…


But his connections and investigations are fascinating.

The autists here should look into him.

d3606e No.82266


I know! That's why kept the ammo.

e3de44 No.82267


Empty rabbit hole.

Everybody's putting up videos with that number so it's meaningless.

0ddb75 No.82268


yes it is relevant. but you cannot put the cart before the horse and still expect to get to market unless you are willing to push it yourself. On this board, that 'domino' has not been played yet.

3b7f3c No.82269


Frontline profiled him on "The Man Who Knew," saying he'd been chasing bin Laden. Of course, we know the truth. I assume they're mischaracterizing O'Neil's real investigation.

8c292d No.82271


Very interesting

18e427 No.82273

For future, it’d be great to have meme libraries searchable by topic,

be576c No.82274


Somebody has been posting lots of pictures of Bohemian Grove in the past couple days as well

b66e1d No.82275


1st published in 2009

82c278 No.82276

File: 55696d927219056⋯.png (289.4 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// i.imgflip.com/22w55m.jpg

d3606e No.82277


Did not know they profiled him.

He was investigating ISRAEL (no surprise) and a few elites that manipulated the first bombing investigation at WTC..

His first day on "new assignment" was at ground zero.

What he did not know was the FBI was his assassin. (Like with Seth R.)

In fact, you ever wonder why the billboards say call 1800 CALL FBI when you see child trafficking?

So they can kill YOU….

35c519 No.82279

File: 78a499768e2686b⋯.jpg (79.47 KB, 490x448, 35:32, cgfph.jpg)


06b698 No.82280

File: 03b895ce914a58f⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 235.92 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180118-021536.png)

It must be super exciting working for Twatter. Funny thing is, I bet this account has been active for years…

NOT SAFE FOR WORK. it's a penis

bc5101 No.82281


df53d8 No.82282


What makes me think they are likely drills is that activity dropped significantly after dark on both nights.

Activity dropping at dusk last night, followed by significantly ramping it up again today especially doesn't make sense to me if it was a real op.

0ddb75 No.82283


U1…most recent for me is the "Bundy Ranch" debacle. BLM by HRC directive was to seize that land for U1 mining. It then went to Oregon where peaceful protest happened concerning Bundy and the Feds called in by the Oregon State murdered a Utah rancher in a car with women and a young girl by a setup roadblock. The corruption is very deep within the Oregon State gov. all the way down to local Township Mayors. I was gobsmacked at who blatant they were in terrorizing the locals (even little children with guns and yanking them out of cars) that lived there. Thought I was in a communists country not my own. Gestapo all the way.

15931d No.82284


I follow a B on Twatter

dc5cca No.82285

new bread is cooked. just waiting for this to fill a little moar before linking

57b95e No.82289


ty bbaker

06b698 No.82290


<B or no B

<That is the question.

0ddb75 No.82292


no B…plz NO B

06b698 No.82293



I hateth the view. Seriously nauseating.

8c292d No.82294


What's the twtr handle?

After all this B talk I need to check it out.

81ce95 No.82296


That Sykorski is a heavy as fuck duty Marine Chopper. Good for heavy lifting. (Like, really heavy). https:// www.military.com/equipment/ch-53e-super-stallion.

Can we cross reference this with the clusterfuck of earlier activity, and see what would have to be brought in/out and from where?

7cb86c No.82297

File: 702e1fe95a9cadf⋯.jpg (32.5 KB, 325x321, 325:321, 22u0en.jpg)


I agree, and the science truther debate for instance seems to be a distraction for sure.

But the deeper meaning of the event was that it was a coup kickoff, known and signaled in advance by key players of the radical left.

Q will lead us to these questions and answers eventually, so we can hold off for now when the new bread arrives

This meme from earlier got me thinking ahead

25a70d No.82298


8c292d No.82300


Just said he is ready to serve the loaf

69488e No.82301

File: 63e72903c42cabf⋯.png (327.81 KB, 1060x1089, 1060:1089, vest.png)


79952a No.82302

File: 04a39fd35c162ef⋯.jpg (130.86 KB, 728x567, 104:81, 0117-kevin-spacey-getty-4.jpg)

eb48e5 No.82303

File: 22751e1351f9d14⋯.png (250.09 KB, 478x515, 478:515, trumphealth.png)


To do 'em like perfect, takes like an hour. I could crack these out much faster though.

69488e No.82304

File: a2f4f587a83fe7d⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1366x658, 683:329, sikorsky.png)


i dont know what he is up to. and at this hour…

dc5cca No.82305






and i'm taking a short break for food. be back in plenty of time

8c292d No.82306


Nice graphic we should decorate with it more often.

By tomorrow he will be saying his account was hacked.

7cb86c No.82311


There's also the Clintons ties to the Blind Sheikh (Benghazi op). He was supposed to be their OG bin Laden in the 90s and the swamp mafia hoped to free him.

06b698 No.82313


I read this whole fiasco was going to be looked into. The ranchers weren't in the wrong. Feds have some explaining to do…

8c292d No.82315


Training most likely right? Looks like a good training area.

06b698 No.82316


Thanks baker. Things seem slow around this time. Unless Q decides to grace us with Q presence. Until then, bon appetite!

8ae800 No.82317


The uranium is not the problem. The medical isotopes are. We don't have enough reactors to bombard uranium with neutrons. This is produced in breeder reactors which we have few of. Most of it comes from Canada.

Also, the Uranium1 deal did not ship uranium metal used in bombs. It shipped UF6 which is hexafluoride gas. It is ultra pure in uranium concentration but is not enriched normally. It serves as a precursor to enrichment.

17e79a No.82319

Much still floating around about Hawaii. Was it a missing sub(Red October) that got taken out?? And a data dump. Military was on major alert before and after the bogus alert.

8c292d No.82320


Also he was probably out a few hours ago, not so late west coast time.

They wouldn't show that aircraft in anything close to real time.

a22560 No.82322

File: af564186c96e73e⋯.gif (476.74 KB, 500x176, 125:44, de719692573ac979474ac8c53f….gif)

8c292d No.82323


Next Q dump will be especially appreciated on that topic.

79952a No.82324

File: dae6366016c4089⋯.jpg (63.17 KB, 650x366, 325:183, 98b5edb0de7b1a18501755e9c9….jpg)

a2d045 No.82325



8c292d No.82326



17e79a No.82328


Yeah no doubt. Huge boom day before major fuckery that day. Red October, Splash splash arrrrrgggggg!! Would love a tidbit.

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