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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Pro Aris et Focis

File: 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, #QResearch-96.jpg)

2485ad No.80614









>>77777 ==KEK HAS SPOKEN==



From Wednesday night and onwards.

Q's Side by Side Memes in full force.

Hijack trending hashtags and post somewhat related images to redpill normies.

Hijack, Hijack, Hijack, anything that works to spread the message.



Follow all Q accounts. Follow back all Q accounts.

This is a volatile environment. Keep checking The War Room for tactics and updates.



Main Battle Plan >>47791 & Screencap >>72344

Hashtags >>70886 & Facebook Groups to Target >>71825

Stay On Target! >>74033 Like each other's tweets >>72810

Burner Email Adds & Phone Auth >>72619

Twitterfall Web Based Ap Recommended >>72139

10 Minute Mail 10minutemail.com

KEKMAKER 5000 >>72783

Contingency Plans >>69635

RESULTS! >>74011 , >>73996 , >>74140 , >>74141 , >>78366



__ABSOLUTELY EPIC!!!! >>79946






MAIN IMAGE LIBRARY Over 11,800 images from Memes#1 thru Memes #10


There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.


The same images, transformed in shape for optimal display on Twitter:


If you're going to drop on Twitter, this format will be more effective.




zipped into 1 file.




718 selected images from the War Room >>47341 (OP) harvested from General #49-#63 converted to Twitter format. Topics listed in >>64154


Link to All of the Meme Threads >>73906

refingerprint your memes using this tool >>72783





2485ad No.80621







Q's Board


Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Latest Q Posts:

>>43766 rt >>43719

>>43627 rt >>43088

>>42981 rt >>42090

>>49343 rt >>49330







Board Rules




Quick Access Tools

--Searchable, interactive Q-post archive w/ user-explanations


--Q archives


--POTUS-tweet archive


--QMap PDF

Updated: anonfile.com/i7l0z6d4b6/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_5.4.0.pdf

Previous: anonfile.com/5f59y5d4b8/Q_s_posts_-_CBTS_-_5.3.0.pdf



Current Tasks

>>>/greatawakening/21 Side by Side Memes (Normie digestible)

>>47341 <---- Memes War Room & /OPS/ General ----> >>47062

>>32223 Qchess Game with julian


>>7253 Irrefutable Evidence (9/11 Research)

>>5125 The Lie The Vatican Told

>>4520 Australia Connections

>>4375 How to Read the Map

>>2658 Stringer General

>>1261 Focus on Loop Capital

>>618 Find The Markers

>>5899 Follow the Wives

>>4822 Foundations

>>3280 CEO/President/Notable Resignations

>>2956 Sealed Indictments

Resources Library


>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4274 General archives

>>417 Image archive by topic (updated)

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free research resources

>>4362 Planefag tools

>>20359 Earthquake analysis and resources

>>4369 Research threads

>>4794 Redpills

>>11382 Redpills UK

>>3152 Redpill scripts

>>3301 General bread feedback

>>20262 About shills

>>16785 Prayer

Recent/Notable Posts:

>>78839 Raw Text Q Dump - Removed for reported inaccuracy: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

>>77935 Coast Guard Search

>>77462 Banned? Try this

>>77446 Timing is everything

>>76158 Good memes

>>73810 Anon redpills his campus with 800 posters

>>69209 LV DOA

>>69730 Great images of fake H_ Rallies

>>69785 Digging on Japan Alarm Scare

>>67168 ==Every Twat Enlist!!!==

>>67284 Damn Hot Shits getting their shits on

>>64852 Reminder: Everything you need is in resources, or meme ammo below.

>>65080 Long ass report on the U1 scandal.

>>64913 Interesting False flag news & theory by Anon.

>>64397 Does BDT have a double meaning of BULK DATA TRANSFER?

>>53761 Twitter shareholders btfo-ing

>>53668 Strong efforts to produce a digestible story for the bluepilled

>>53080 "Connect the markers"

>>47045, >>46527, >>47938, >>47962 Example "Side by Side" Memes

>>37011 Captain Green [marker]

>>28902 [0] Marker Graphic Update (Past: >>18395)

>>28545 Summary of events re: FISA and “Breaking News”

>>20314 5D Chess (Q Map connection) via Chess Moves

>>19500 4-10-20 Audit -> >>19636 IRS Audit website

>>14813 IMPORTANT MAP UPDATE (Spiderweb approach to Q Map) -> >>37034 Slightly Updated Version

>>12315 Assange & Wikileaks updates and research

>>37034 Updated [Marker] Map

>>3127 PROMIS, M. Riconosciuto, Snowden feat NSA, BIG Connection (Book-keeping software of Cabal?)

>>2620 Microsoft elections. Q's map (uh oh Z namefag appears)

>>9019 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

Is [0] Marker Correct or Not? ->Proof Real >>25436, >>19465 vs Proof Fake >>19603

>>42847 1/13/18 Events

>>19718 1/11/18 Events

>>18242 1/10/18 Events

>>4142 Daily News Thread



#94 - pastebin.com/71CBsiYR

9a2993 No.80657


There will be a BIGGER NEXT WEEK for a while to come.

Do you know why? Because there is so much that the public needs to be redpilled on and that takes time.


There will be more to come. Keep on winning, anons!

bbb400 No.80664

File: 9a84e7cc6ffedfd⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 586x586, 1:1, 151543679315275672.jpg)

3be8fe No.80681

Interesting tweet at 7:00PM PST from US DoD:

Ammo coming through! A @USMC #Marine recruit passes ammo cans to fellow recruits during the final challenge of training, known as the Crucible, in #SouthCarolina.

3dd25f No.80682

File: 350623403ab877f⋯.jpg (15.55 KB, 189x267, 63:89, images-4.jpg)

600982 No.80683

78e9a8 No.80690

File: 7beb78933549ef9⋯.png (957.2 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, world_nomination_by_savvyb….png)

101b43 No.80699

This is the 1st day of the 3rd…or is this the 4th? Meme war.

50546d No.80701

Fucking twitter, I just went to look again at Trump's twitter, looks like our memes have been deleted, while enemy memes are flooding the comments

609b92 No.80706

File: 29bcae3e745f261⋯.png (4.21 MB, 1430x1894, 715:947, Capture _2018-01-17-22-02-….png)

File: f361f8401d235b2⋯.png (400.63 KB, 1267x835, 1267:835, Capture _2018-01-17-21-33-….png)

File: 2b1635cb561b979⋯.png (935.59 KB, 1117x991, 1117:991, Capture _2018-01-17-22-02-….png)

878e53 No.80708

Ingram angle - all about Vegas and the lies of the police and FBI about the worst mass shooting ever.

She is in Vegas.

7415bc No.80710


twitter will be fixed

just like everything else

04804e No.80713

File: ae09d47f0774703⋯.png (21.08 KB, 607x435, 607:435, mybadgeofhonor.png)

to the noble fighters who fought today

we have shown that we are able to turn the tides

of false narratives


609b92 No.80716

File: 02ef449f71b8f25⋯.png (952.33 KB, 1428x978, 238:163, Capture _2018-01-17-22-01-….png)

f550ff No.80718

Just in case anyone thinks the page 404'd

Fake News Awards page

https:// archive.is/xbPys



What a day.

ddedb6 No.80719

File: 0e1b3d7aef3e7b8⋯.png (64.62 KB, 697x367, 697:367, ClipboardImage.png)

Did you guys catch the ARE as well as the ing at the end of Making?

995a58 No.80720

Thank you baker 👨‍🍳

995a58 No.80721

Hahaha Chrissy losing it

https:/ /www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/chrissy-teigen-live-snaps-from-fake-media-awards-watch/

8ad1a6 No.80722

File: 9f06a0e321568ad⋯.png (692.72 KB, 1111x825, 101:75, FNA_MAGA.png)

repost just in case there are humans/not shills in the whole "disillusionned" crew: as other anons have much pointed out, this is bigly yuge. But the way that it's not yuge as you'd hope is precisely the finesse of Trump's trolling in action: he announced it, then postponed - didn't hype much or spend much time on it, so much less vulnerable to attacks on that side. The media hyped it. We hyped it. As planned.

And then, it was just a simple, classy post on a website listing perfect, simple, easily digestible and absolutely undeniable examples of Fake News, demonstrating that it's not just a catchphrase, it's very real, and there are loads of facts that the media lied about (which incidentally makes them the media's own "alternate facts", which was never properly understood as the diplomatic but savage burn at the media that it was).

Nothing "clownish", nothing "unpresidential" here. Just a tasteful serving of solid truth.



c86050 No.80723


Brilliant!! we need memes suggesting alternate media such as Brietbart, Drudge Report, WND, etc. Help the normies find real news.

c7ad1f No.80724


The day isn’t over.

Tomorrow is still to be.

d2c1fb No.80725

Anyone see this?

Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Alleged Al Qaeda Associate Charged With Conspiring to Kill Americans and Other Terrorism Offenses



08bdc7 No.80726


The problem with the current federal illegality is the money laundering. And not just MS-13. Washington Dems have a huge illegal slush fund through their liquor board.

They will synch federal legalization with the leafs and it will go into the new NAFTA or whatever they will call it.

e051a9 No.80727

I'm gonna get some well deserved and well earned sleep, anons.

My dreams shall be full of hashtags, memes and shadowbans.

Godspeed, whoever you are and where ever you are.

3bda80 No.80728


NOw thats def some fake news/shit I hate them, been battling with them all frikin day!

3dd25f No.80729



7e1409 No.80730

What a day! It has been an honor and a pleasure fighting this meme war with you, my fellow anons. God Bless you all! And God Bless POTUS & Q!

f32914 No.80731


How about a nice game of chess?

9e7d17 No.80732

File: 7c11623f478b0a7⋯.png (378.95 KB, 774x588, 129:98, Screenshot 2018-01-17 at 1….png)

Re: Wikileaks stating Trump administration is also a source of fake news… They gave no examples. Probably designed to not look like Trump Cheering Squad. Then they tweet this:

3ebbc7 No.80733


Consider it the Revolutionary Meme War, then you don't have to worry about correctness.

d69273 No.80734

So a battle was won tonight. the war is a long one. It is easy to get discouraged, Don't go there. Have patience Anons. 10K indictments @ 100 per day is 3 month minimum. The big fish will fry last. It will be worth it. Stay sane and "trust in the lord in all that you do and your plan will succeed" … AAF

f38e62 No.80735

File: ef2541244fc2c47⋯.png (18.46 KB, 468x213, 156:71, Kras.png)

File: e4dcf44f001041c⋯.png (14.52 KB, 473x136, 473:136, Pres.png)

One of these tweets are the top.

Guess which one.

Look at likes/rts.

5ca9e1 No.80736


did you do it for GET, or for GIVE?

9abdaa No.80737


Just the facts: This guy and his brother were arrested from ponzi fraud meme. Every single time he replies. Every single time.

Ask Twitter how these guys rank so high, every single time? What is an adjusted algorithm Jeopardy Meme? Who is helping these guys out?

04804e No.80738


dont expect participation trophies

we controlled the narrative

we beat their algorithms

and we have THEIR information

(((they))) now fear us

609b92 No.80739

File: 5ba9fafb911fc89⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1440x2392, 180:299, Capture _2018-01-17-22-09-….png)

c86050 No.80740


But everyone spent all their energy early and now when Trump needs us like Q said he would, we are letting him get beat by the bots and the shills.

6225a9 No.80741



Good find. Hadnt seen it before

90ba04 No.80742

Question: How do we know if we accomplished the mission?

08bdc7 No.80743



Thanks, e-cig aliens. Nuclear was always a bad idea.

f38e62 No.80744


Damn. rekt'd

3bda80 No.80745


dont get the "ing" part

a9994c No.80746

File: 858b1d013e8134c⋯.png (560.59 KB, 646x617, 646:617, DoD 1-17-18 7 pm PST.PNG)

File: 4ed87559e07fc73⋯.png (621.95 KB, 832x784, 52:49, Crucible.PNG)

The DoD tweeted at 7pm. Here is what I have found thus far. Does anyone else think this may be relevant?


b11755 No.80747



At this point I say no quarter to these wannabe Mossads. Everyone should bombard the Krassensteins with memes the moment they post any of their dreck. Make it known that their biased dreck will be drowned out under undisputed truth.

ebf015 No.80748


3dd25f No.80749


Do a barrel roll.

93eb7f No.80750


Had the honor of watching the Crucible once. Over 3 days.

f38e62 No.80751


#1 trend in USA.

#2 in world.

Awards completed.

22c5b2 No.80752

Phase III sounds great for those not shadowbanned but my tweets have been showing up exactly nowhere except my own feed for the past 2 hours.

Let's see if the ban eventually lifts.

9abdaa No.80753


Can you imagine a conservative pro-Trump push on twitter of all places? Holy shit.

7e1409 No.80755


They did say False stories, which is technically true. The administration has had to use disinformation to keep ahead of the leakers and clowns.

7415bc No.80756

File: 9235225d04ae65a⋯.jpeg (5.43 KB, 203x248, 203:248, 1505089283729382.jpeg)


it is temporal

2485ad No.80757


Tweet moaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr

b81b6c No.80758

So we looking forward to truth bombs at the State of the Union address?

902244 No.80759


Has this been confirmed by anyone, or just wild speculation?

323a0a No.80760

File: 7e1bd02a651f65e⋯.jpg (4.26 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, pixlr.jpg)


Yes we ARE MAKING America Great Again.

312f8f No.80761

File: b548912f1eec75a⋯.jpg (61.72 KB, 511x328, 511:328, Newsweek.jpg)

Here's one for Newsweek's Award

b8bfc0 No.80762


no confirmation yet.

7415bc No.80763


good one, anon

d2c1fb No.80764


Came across it on twatter

both unsealed indictment and 9/11 related

363cff No.80765

File: d3583c38993f2d9⋯.jpeg (99.82 KB, 504x500, 126:125, 37510ED4-E0DF-4D36-902C-1….jpeg)

File: edc3654844522d2⋯.jpeg (70.48 KB, 500x405, 100:81, DEC91CD4-7D78-4135-96CF-A….jpeg)

8fe2a7 No.80766


Relax Anon. All is well…

08bdc7 No.80767


>Mendax: Trump bullshits too

Every good poker player and deal maker does.

f38e62 No.80768


Memes for all the 11 posts POTUS made!!

323a0a No.80769

File: 7da7ce897031814⋯.png (371.16 KB, 1419x881, 1419:881, Capture _2018-01-17-17-17-….png)


It's KEK Anon…he hath spoken.

432d79 No.80770

As The World Turns is a soap

JA posts hour glass and beach pic

The Days of Our Lives is also a soap that has an hour glass at the beginning. & the announcer says,

"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.". For over one-third of a century, those words have introduced and underscored one of daytime drama's rare mainstays. Days of our Lives first premiered as a half-hour drama in 1965 and expanded to an hour 10 years later.

JA Sweden in August 2010. During his visit, he became the subject of sexual assault allegations

JA officially revoked his arrest warrant, but said the investigation could still be resumed if Assange visited Sweden before August 2020.

10 years

There is one more 10 with JA dates, but ehh.

90ba04 No.80771


Paid for a blowjob...would have settled for a handjob.

All i got was a kiss on the cheek.

c7ad1f No.80772


Was just thinking. These need to be the memes for next year. Keep It Simple.

9abdaa No.80773


It might be time to trend #Krassenstein #wtftwitter… Memes with your examples , their news articles. Do they run a Demo-bot factory or something?

363cff No.80774

Friday anons!

POTUS will address March for Life on WH lawn.


995a58 No.80775

If you have the $$$$ this ones for you… min deposit $200,000

To bid

https: //www.usmarshals.gov/assets/2018/bitcoinauction/

7415bc No.80776

File: 28c94ca3be7d089⋯.jpg (36.31 KB, 249x165, 83:55, 1496439593029s1.jpg)


it is difficult to blame him for that

b4431e No.80777

File: 888ef93415fcd4f⋯.png (571.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_1050.PNG)

File: ef7d2bdaa084c6c⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_1051.PNG)

Checking in, great job today.

Came across some interesting twats and learned the power of a graphic

I know most don't want to hear about MegaAnon but she admitted she was wrong, Q exists. Sauce in pic

I digress, I am stuck on 4,10,20

We all figured it was DJT, but I have always felt it was more and too easy to figure out

Nothing Q gave was simple

I posted on 4ch the 4,10,20 could be the following

Centuries, Amendments, Chapters in Books

Read everything I could because I just felt it was just too easy, learned a few things along the way, maybe that was the point, preparation or getting back to fundamentals


https:// www .cert.pl/en/news/single/a-deeper-look-at-tofsee-modules/

How we have been hijacked and privacy has been violated

I also posted I felt like this was a chess game long before it was posted by Q and got some responses

As well as this was RISK

So I brought it back to the board for analysis and thoughts because I know we are from done, the real stinkers/shockers are yet to happen.

Damn this is worse than As the World Turns soap opera I watched in HS. Friday was the cliffhanger, Monday was a new kink in plot with little resolution leading to a new Friday cliffhanger but at least we knew who the bad guy was BUT like present day, we know the bad guys are working overtime but like ATWT good always wins. But what happens when all is done, will we be better to each other, will we be able to forgive those just believed MannerlessShitskitMedia, I, for one will because up until 6 years ago I believed them too. Traitors, it is simple answer. People suffered and died for their greed and are living in squalor today because of them.

To all who have worked so hard, I applaud you. You are pure artists, genius

God bless and thank you

03d722 No.80778


If that wasn't a direct message to us then I don't know what else will convince the doubters.

a9994c No.80779

File: 908c7fb89877597⋯.png (189.93 KB, 401x300, 401:300, Peatross Parade Deck Marke….PNG)


My apologies, I forgot to include the Historic Marker at Peatross Parade Deck.

5b323d No.80780


Yes, seems to say ammo is on the way.

I gotta believe with the crossing Delaware pic, all are dual meaning.

f154e2 No.80781


wisfag here I live very close to Belgium, WI and I saw the green thing last night. Meteor estimated trajectory was within a good 20 miles or so from Belgium.

http:// fox6now.com/2017/02/06/meteor-spotted-over-wisconsin-early-monday-morning/

Heres some cameras and stuff and a good video of where it splashed down, also mentions more sonic booms and such.

3dd25f No.80782

File: ec7ab964d0802e7⋯.png (468.66 KB, 580x788, 145:197, 1516244220780.png)


Super crazy wild quantum space speculation

8ad1a6 No.80783

File: 47eff2c7f0bd9f8⋯.png (7.23 KB, 400x400, 1:1, twittericonsplat.png)


Remember that missle thing, about how maybe they need to trigger an attack to get the goods?

Remember that fire at one of Clinton's nests, that maybe they needed to get the goods?

Remember that election that Moore lost, that maybe they let be stolen, so that they could get the goods?

…see where i'm going here? If Trump/TeamQ/Wizards&Warlocks needed a good, fresh situation/example of Twitter shadowbanning, censorship etc, #'s that could be tracked and analyzed, SPECIFIC hashtags that were particularly active today… well golly gee, wouldn't today be a perfect setup for that?

e7a5a5 No.80784


That was a bit inevitable. Twitter will get theirs in time. They had better pray they strike a deal. I would execute them on the spot. I can't stand social engineers. If law and order collapses… Well… We are here to prevent that from happening. Our base instincts don't need to rule the mind.

What is important is the likes section. We know that most of those are organic likes, whereas the bot likes on the shills can be up to 80%.

835b9b No.80785



We are getting our country back. We would all love Trump to come out guns blazing and take down the Cabal and the corrupt media.

I think today is deeper than that. Q said 4-6% percent are lost forever. That is 12 million plus people. I am willing to bet that the majority are all together in our major cities. If Trump came on and called everyone out, charged the disgusting creeps for their crimes, and had them publicly executed, we would cheer. The 12 million will see it as Saddam's Baath Party Purge. We have to wake up as many of our non 4-6% Anti-Trump friends to help us deal with the potential freakout of the lost ones. We have to be the loudest voices on social media and in our communities. We have to stop the fake news so the brainwashing stops. We need every day to be like today and show our country that we are with our President and we want our country back.

22c5b2 No.80786


That is partially true, my dude. If someone started posting this morning on Twitter, that is a long day. (and some of us got the shadow ban so are out of the fight).

It would take a herculean effort to dive into POTUS' tweet comments and try to outpost all the shills in there, even if it were not 10:30 at night, though. There are tens of thousands of comments. Seems like trying to throw sand back into the ocean.

fccc01 No.80787


In your tiny feeble mind, is a GET all that matters to you?

Go play in shit.

3dd25f No.80788


No it isn't. Glad you're happy though.

312f8f No.80789


Sorry, I'm not a mememaker anon, but I was posting for each of the Awards and didn't have anything in the war chest for this one so I gave it a go. Thanks for the compliment, though.

902244 No.80790


Lose the "we" knucklehead faggot! We had no expectations beyond assisting the POTUS in MAGA! Now go jack off to granny porn!

7ba437 No.80791


Watched the Q Feel video feeling really old now thanks for that…

gave me vuja dé

The feeling I didn't want to be here again

cc67df No.80792

Has this been posted yet?

Inspector General: Awans Used "Unauthorized Access" To Transfer Congress' Data To Stolen Server


>Intentional spy ring DWS allowed


"The Awans' behavior appeared to be a "classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization.""

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-17/inspector-general-awans-used-unauthorized-access-transfer-congress-data-later-0

f550ff No.80793


We fight with truth as our weapon.

(((they))) stamp their feet and find their weapons have been confiscated!

What a bunch of losers.

We're winning bigly.

7415bc No.80794

File: ae51590df64037b⋯.png (6.38 KB, 264x191, 264:191, 38234953u4534524553245235.png)


>Twitter will get theirs in time.

you can take that to the bank

3bda80 No.80795


Anything we can do to subdue him, he's in your face, always there.

I am sure there are ways to discourage his behavior

d1a8ae No.80796



b11755 No.80797


There's plenty of evidence afoot of Twitter's shitty seditious practices between what Project Veritas/O'keefe reported upon as well as the shadowbans/trending tag manipulation we witnessed throughout the day.

The week is still young. Hoping by Friday, @Jack will be out of the picture and Twitter will be forced to nut up and comply with rule of law.

90ba04 No.80798


Theres free beer tomorrow?

995a58 No.80799



f38e62 No.80800

Does everyone know what happened today?

There is worldwide support for POTUS!!

The storm is HUGE, cabal must be terrified!!

8fe2a7 No.80801


Just what worries you? Everything is going as planned You seem off script?

995a58 No.80802



1eab3b No.80803

File: c7493cd096319a5⋯.jpg (294.39 KB, 1024x521, 1024:521, Fake_News_Awards______ABC_….jpg)

ABC News #2

3dd25f No.80804

File: 082098f970d1a4f⋯.png (618.45 KB, 666x819, 74:91, 1516244540237.png)



392542 No.80805


idk but history of attacks on POTUS and family. Out of control

b81b6c No.80806


Trips of truth, awesome!

Will look into Tofsee.

4bb7e8 No.80807

WE THE PEOPLE were the show! The memes were beautiful, so inspiring and FULL of information, I've seen lots of people asking if the Laura Silsby story is true and just this one red pill alone can make HUGE waves. I still have lots and lots of memes to work on and a lot of digging to do, very exciting HIGH ENERGY!!! Congratulations everyone!!! Plus, it was so. much. FUN!

b88e74 No.80808


>but dat gets brah

3dd25f No.80809


I dont want to list the reasons, please legalize suicide, thanks.

363cff No.80810

File: d74e820d833f5b9⋯.jpeg (64 KB, 640x614, 320:307, 7EAF7ECB-5302-4EC6-88BF-F….jpeg)

90ba04 No.80811


Hell, this is better than nothing. Cheers, anon! Next rounds on me.

7e35fd No.80812

10 minutes

17a80d No.80815

For anyone that hasn't understood this yet..

The COVFEFE Act protects ALL social media from POTUS. It acts as a presidential library.

Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement act

A bill introduced into the United States House of Representatives in 2017.

Why did POTUS surround with security during the period in which a 'rogue twitter employee' disabled his account?

Was it because what happened was taken as a federal offense in violation of the act?


101b43 No.80816


I like that a lot. The Revolutionary Meme War. One day I will un-ironically and without laughing tell my children I fought in the Meme Wars.

ddedb6 No.80817


It used to be Make America Great Again now it is Making

7415bc No.80818

File: fe3dab93c38a7eb⋯.jpeg (12.41 KB, 290x174, 5:3, 3987987948794875948795849….jpeg)


an historical first

you were part of it, anon

0de84d No.80819



No coincidences no coincidences


You're OUT

03d722 No.80820

Here's my idea Anons

Set up an Anon Fund and start pooling our financial resources from all across the world.

One giant Anon Hedge Fund type apparatus.

We use it to pick targets to buy out majority interest in the stock ownership.

I would start with the largest of the Big 6 media conglomerates.

Buy out a Comcast and then tear it down.

b81b6c No.80821


Trump will play himself

5c4bd7 No.80822


The generals will tell us, if they think we need to know.

Keep slogging

9abdaa No.80823


Mine came by Fex Ex. You didn't get yours? Perhaps because you play for the wrong team.

ebf015 No.80824

Thought: Were all the memes and hashtags to show that conservatives and Trump supporters are 'discriminated' against on social media?

363cff No.80825


Nahhh… BS TV show. Libs will flock!

Good actors.

90ba04 No.80826

File: 5b1a5f3f901e83f⋯.jpg (81.51 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, DTypMysVAAAKrf5.jpg)

File: 5f4756eaba67c54⋯.jpg (51.8 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, DTysF6GVQAEH0r_.jpg)

File: 4af17404ca3c486⋯.jpg (43.03 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, DTypcwRVwAAc4Vd.jpg)

File: 80893515f8f6b54⋯.jpg (22.59 KB, 620x465, 4:3, DTys0PBVoAAns62.jpg)

POTUS is being destroyed by all the negative comments. I dont see any of our posts. Fucking twatter.

f38e62 No.80827


Dude no. Take a break. Don't think like that, we're winning!!

ea1584 No.80829


Does this mean Twitter manipulation is violation of the Act? …a crime?

5934ee No.80833

File: f8700fc4afac6bc⋯.png (732.89 KB, 1251x833, 1251:833, tei.png)


(((S)))he looks disgusting.

22c5b2 No.80835


It should have demonstrated that, anon! Good theory. Maybe POTUS had peopled doing the same things we were.

17a80d No.80836


Only in regards to POTUS Twitter.

363cff No.80837



They keep dick pics from 15 year olds. Child porn.

See ya @jack

3f1f2d No.80838


Ya i noticed they were deleting all our posts also.

323a0a No.80839


It means they are passing ammo to each other during training. What the hell?

3bda80 No.80840


Twitter is Trumps vehicle for speech, and its YUGE and he really controls it.

Its the best way for him, we have to support him

and do whatever works best, even if we don t like it.

His post was classy, i think there was some pressure from WH officials to NOT do it in person, plus he got a gazillion people to visit the GOP website.

Who knows, maybe there were even donations that came in inf some people liked what they saw there.

His strategy took it to another level with posting it rather than just an announcement - he had everything CLEARLY documented for the world to see to prove he was right.

We were very fortunate to be a part of it.

9bc55e No.80841


It's a BDT rerun. Many were expecting dynamite, but we got a firecracker. I'm still hopeful there is more to come over the next few days, but it's not unreasonable for anons to feel that our sails were not exactly filled with wind by the fake news awards.

a42657 No.80842


Drudge…not so much

3dd25f No.80843


Doctors cant fix whats wrong with me. I dont want to blow my face off and not die. Just want death with dignity. Everyone says no. I hate you so much for saying no.

7ba437 No.80845


TY for that observation

Wikileaks said Trump admin also responsible for fake news then proceeded to give no examples.


306367 No.80846


A sad attempt to poke fun at himself. These idiots are a fuckin embarrassment to humanity and now realize there are 7 years left.

2da272 No.80847

>Jan 17, 1986: the film Iron Eagle was released in theaters. #80s

ea1584 No.80849


But isn't that what is being manipulated today? POTUS twitter feed and it's replies and timeline. Does deleting/manipulating those feeds somehow reach a federal crime now?

Or am I just grasping?

d4aafc No.80850


I did expect *some* participation from Q. He did tell us:


...or did I not catch the meaning?

78e9a8 No.80851


Eh… take the blue pill, Be comfy.

7415bc No.80852


why is this no 1 Blast from the past even


f550ff No.80853


You have more reason than EVER to stay alive!

You are loved.

You are NOT alone.

Future SHALL be bright.

This journey is not for nothing.

Rest. Nourish. Re-hydrate.

We care.

90ba04 No.80854


Difference between soldiers and warriors:

Soldiers fight when given orders.

Warriors fight for what they believe in.

Getting tired of believing the big day is right around the corner. Still have a life to manage.

de4fcd No.80855

Well as far as I am concerned…

If @Jack was dealt with like he should have been Monday!

It would be a lot easier to redpill the masses

I lay money on that + 75% of Trump supporters are shadow banned on twitbird

I was during the election for dumping on Killary and it has never returned…

If Trump really wants to reach the people he needs to deal with Twitbird first! Most people just give up and walk way from Twitbird not knowing the work arounds you crafty Anons are aware of…

I really don't understand not dealing with @Jack He is obviously a very sick individual

b81b6c No.80856


Good catch, anon!

6301d9 No.80857


We OWNED prime time, they're too late

04705d No.80858



Expose planned parenthood

d1a8ae No.80860



17a80d No.80861


All is here. Broken up link.

https:// en.wikipe dia.org/wiki/Communications_Over_Various_Feeds_Electronically_for_Engagement_Act

05c875 No.80862

File: 53ece71a238ddd7⋯.jpg (301.3 KB, 1015x917, 145:131, Screenshot_20180117-213114.jpg)

This is how Twitter gets taken down. Thanks to the anon who connected the dots.

cbaa31 No.80863

I am getting very annoyed at all the twats that keep asking, "when is it going to happen?" Don't they realize that this is part of what is wrong in America? Fucking, me-gimmie-mine mofos can suck my dick. How do they think corruption starts? Maybe because someone wants something NOW and doesn't have the commitment or fortitude to work for anything. We are uncovering decades of lies and corruption. It's not going to happen overnight.

9abdaa No.80864


This is what i was saying, They are trying to cover this up. I follow a guy in twitter that is on this like a pit bull. And not wrong. it is coming out. They found ridiculous spying, and then the server disappeared.

6a4e5d No.80865


I liquidated all of my memes today. Literally all of them.

8ad1a6 No.80866

File: 8b0e476357dc8a8⋯.png (477.68 KB, 1142x642, 571:321, kekchosen.png)

90ba04 No.80867


Maybe it will come…tomorrow.

f38e62 No.80868


I love you!!!! Stay. You are needed patriot :)

e7a5a5 No.80869


I noticed this very early on.

It would seem to me that Twitter's algo tries to use followers to place/rank tweets. The more followers you have, the higher your tweets in the mix… Then the number of likes/retweets.

These liberal groups are heavily entrenched, have thousands of bot followers, follow each other like lemmingfags, and the algo makes it easy for them to lead discussions.

Conservatives are more independent and don't follow often.

Counter to this is to follow each other under the hashtag. Throw away our squeamishness for a bit and just follow every soccer mom and working guy out there posting under these hashes with some sense. We can bury their postings, next time.

36b02f No.80870

Since now we see we control the narrative

the floor IS the anons.

Anons…this shouldn't be an isolated experience for the non red pilled

We can do this


f38e62 No.80871

I love you guys!!! Great job today :)

3bda80 No.80872

In addition to whistleblowers, Hussein also locked away numerous reporters during his admin. I gotta look that up.

Guess when you get rid of th e ones that know the TRUTH, you got nothing left but the FAKE NEWS.

840958 No.80874


@jack (ass) is CIA Clown.

You can only expect top level clowning when you know that…

7ba437 No.80875


Reduced to copying Hannity's success with his open call in line for complaints.

Rek't um

363cff No.80876


Yep! Friday. March for Life. POTUS speaking on it.

Future proves past.

Meme it hard.

771952 No.80877

File: e47214a4a5ef7d0⋯.jpg (342.14 KB, 1437x1151, 1437:1151, Screenshot_20180117-222718.jpg)

Keep an eye out for the new Shillas tactic. Good ol concernfagging.

90ba04 No.80878


No. We didnt. Nobody is talking about it. At all.

c16c9c No.80879

Meme fags. Laura Ingrahm had a good one: "Snowflake, the one act drama". If you make a Jeff Flake meme with this, send to laura on twitter.

f550ff No.80880


Sadly, it's the consumerism they've been brainwashed into.

Remember Q asked something about what it will be like when the poison is removed.

Patience, though I know it's difficult. Demands are painful.

dec258 No.80881


lets do it every damn day


9abdaa No.80882


twitter.com/lukerosiak/status/953752719512174594 This is the guy. Go read his stuff. Worth the follow. He's been talking about this when no one else was. Not a sheep.

860ac5 No.80883

i believe i know whats up.

out of the 13 families that control, 1 major player died of old age.

that left a power struggle or vacuum.

there is a war but its a control war on who gets main control over this cooperation.

c65a55 No.80884

What if the Matlock Q wasn't fake. Matlock was the ambassador to Russia, right? Jan. 17, 1945 was an important day for the soviets in capturing Warsaw. Why did POTUS change day to 1/17 just to post a generic GOP article?

Hawaii has false a!art, Japan has false alert (Pearl Harbor [2])


What did General Kelly say in the news today?

8fe2a7 No.80885

POTUS Gained almost 10.5mm followers on Twatter.

840958 No.80886


AT LEAST stick around long enough to see how this shit turns out… We need you too.

7415bc No.80887


they were playing dumb a trhead or two ago

seems that tactic has waned

dea537 No.80888


Follow The Money.

Laura Ingraham.

Information Flow.

7ba437 No.80889


Would love it if chan destroyed those hate filled nazis

363cff No.80890


You ARE the narrative.

Be proud

08bdc7 No.80891

File: 82c2528defa4731⋯.jpg (4.37 KB, 200x200, 1:1, the power of q.jpg)



Takes much less power to send data through time than matter.

Yes. This is a time machine, and you're soaking in it.

306367 No.80892


Security surrounded Potus or that loser who disabled his account?

b11755 No.80893

File: 535fc64336424bc⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 604x403, 604:403, JENGA!.jpg)


It does help to put into perspective the infamous Tweet.

>Despite the negative press coverage… COVFEFE (just kicked in, yo.) Get rekt, Dorsey boy.

d1a8ae No.80894

File: 00624adb28a8dd7⋯.png (77.95 KB, 469x287, 67:41, screenshot_150.png)

File: 738e80b7d232ed4⋯.png (414.34 KB, 1499x825, 1499:825, screenshot_151.png)


Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act

en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Communications_Over_Various_Feeds_Electronically_for_Engagement_Act

7ba437 No.80895


Situational awareness anon

840958 No.80896


to them, we are the hate filled nazis.

but i agree

323a0a No.80897

File: 0ff4c9ad1cf2ab5⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1435x1593, 1435:1593, Capture _2018-01-17-20-50-….png)


Q/DJG never said it was going to be a show. So we did what we were asked. We memed and hashfagged all day on twatter and now we get to eat a basically nothing burger and wait for Q to guide us.




>Twitter Storm

>Fake News Day



< Thought the "Making" was a good sign but apparently Trump just tweeted "Making" 1/10. So meh.

f550ff No.80898


Well spotted! His ratings are up.

1f4ca8 No.80899


Side_by_Side (graphic form):

BDT/False Flag posts vs actual news of bomb attempt (NYC)_

DEFCON 1 posts vs H scare_

[2] above represent PRIMARY indicators.

SEC indicators = Posts:Tweets:Time





Q said "Start Here" "Will Guide" I take that as a long term project and not just one day for the Fake News Awards

5c4bd7 No.80900


Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/13/18 (Sat) 22:48:01 No.13


Targeted Kills.

Power Out.

Flight re-routes.

Flight returns.


Public awakening.

Message spreading wide & far.

Goodbye @Jack.


I understand 3d chess, but wouldn't fare well against POTUS.

dfd7e9 No.80902


Yes, lots of effort and goodwill from good guys expended today. Hopefully it was worth it, but it's hard to see on the surface.

130de0 No.80903


That and twitter has the propensity to delete conservative accounts after they reach a magical threshold of followers.

7de3b4 No.80904


How else do you spell Making?

cc67df No.80905



Do you remember the interview with the Marine (black guy) who rented the house from Awan? Do you remember what he found in the garage?

>remote servers

To wirelessly transmit info from one place to that server.

There were several the Marine guy found, they were still in original boxes, but there were multiple. Those were new & unused. Where are the ones that Awan actually used?

When I listened tot hat interview that just really jumped out at me and I mentioned it at the time but it didn't seem to be such a huge red flag to other anons in the thread at the time. But obviously if the IG is reporting on it, it's known.

DWS & a lot of others are going to go down big time over this.

I'll check his twitter out, thank you.

860ac5 No.80906


a real life got

maybe thats why they canceled show til 2019?

04804e No.80907


you are insinuating Rockefeller right?

Well what about the Reynold's tobacco heir that died in 2010.. his wife is a cult bishop

Hillary's real handler

and lives at 29th and Q in Washington

323a0a No.80908


DJT* fuck I'm fried from the great meme war. Made over 200k impressions by 5pm central while working. So fuck.

b88e74 No.80909


>with all the rds of 18’s uncle Donnie has to have a lil tan going

Just sayin’

056f78 No.80910


been there, MULTIPLE times, and the thought is still there, just more fleeting. i'm still here though, changed diet and lifestyle to up serotonin/dopamine levels, it literally changes your thoughts & feelings. Yeah, life still has it's shitty parts, and we're trained to focus on that shit (negatives)…takes those darkrooms though, to develop the negatives in to the full color fucking BEAUTIFUL picture that life TRULY is. had i gone 20 years ago, thats 20 years of wonderful awesomeness i would have missed.

40f69d No.80911


Holy cow that's a good catch

It's all about getting more people interested in the real news.

9080ce No.80912


I have been wondering all day how a meteor causes a 2.0 earthquake without an impact. I was guessing maybe sound waves, but idk. Havent really looked into it. MEMEing like a mofo today

55f8a2 No.80914


They're implying a transition from future tense to present tense Make / Making past tense would be Made.

fccc01 No.80915


>There is worldwide support for POTUS!!

>The storm is HUGE

These Fake News Awards were the first salvo.

POTUS now knows he can garner the world's attention at the drop of a dime.

POTUS is a fucking genius at promotion … we forgot how he got to where he is.

He has also successfully planted the FUD about the clown-run "news".

When Trump is ready, the world will be waiting with baited breath and hanging on his every word.

The stage is now set for the Great Awakening

d69273 No.80916

Gotta believe NSA captured twitter shadow bans in response to POTUS - Covfefe violations x 100000000?

6a4e5d No.80917


I hope so. Would rather they be dead than just scared.

840958 No.80918


And ALL ANONS HERE know POTUS will sic the wrath of COVFEFE on them to be poetic.

and genius…

This is why we need to defend @potus

because THAT IS WHERE if you get deleted, it's a crime.

130de0 No.80919


It’s not a law yet is it?

7415bc No.80920



860ac5 No.80921


ill watch how it playes out.

im a firm believer in the bible.

fcfe5e No.80922





If we tweet @realDonaldTrump or @POTUS, in our tweetstorm;

(B) includes any personal and official social media account;

The records must be preserved.

AND, No Shadowbanning:

(f) The President shall remain exclusively responsible for custody, control, and access to such Presidential records.

(b) Documentary materials produced or received by the President, the President’s staff, or units or individuals in the Executive Office of the President the function of which is to advise or assist the President, shall, to the extent practicable, be categorized as Presidential records or personal records upon their creation or receipt and be filed separately.

(1)The term “documentary material” means all books, correspondence, memoranda, documents, papers, pamphlets, works of art, models, pictures, photographs, plats, maps, films, and motion pictures, including, but not limited to, audio and visual records, or other electronic or mechanical recordations, whether in analog, digital, or any other form.

3be8fe No.80923


From New York Post article today about General Kelly:

>Instead of “a concrete wall from sea to shining >sea,” Kelly said that “a physical barrier in many >places” is what the administration wants.


323a0a No.80924


Half of those are my fake Twitter accounts. All shadow banned now.


03d722 No.80925

File: 0cea0caaf5ea8a9⋯.png (381.77 KB, 858x649, 78:59, taylor.png)

Last bread follow up to

Death Ray in

Taylor, Michigan

6a4e5d No.80926

8ad1a6 No.80927

File: f76d9761342980c⋯.png (970.34 KB, 800x310, 80:31, IRON EAGLE.png)

056f78 No.80928


i'd never lie & say it's all great, but i'd be lying if i said it's all bad. happy medium is, well, literal

dc6cfe No.80929


Exactly. Egos will be checked at the door.

534615 No.80930

New, may have gone up while the Fake News Awards GOP page was down.


>A New Mexico man pleaded guilty today in St. Paul, Minnesota, to engaging in and directing distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against the websites of his prior employers, business competitors and public services, as well as felon-in-possession charges. Acting Assistant Attorney General John P. Cronan of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney Gregory G. Brooker of the District of Minnesota and Special Agent in Charge Richard T. Thornton of the FBI’s Minneapolis Field Office made the announcement.

>John Kelsey Gammell pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit intentional damage to a protected computer and two counts of being a felon-in-possession of a firearm before District Judge Wilhelmina M. Wright of the District of Minnesota. He will be sentenced at a later date.

771952 No.80931


Looks like WL is team Q! Keeping the hashtag trending!

30c682 No.80932

IMPORTANT: If you go to places that are discussing the fake news awards, they AREN'T talking about Q or our hashtags at all. Just a heads up, you may want to branch out to spread the message.

323a0a No.80933


Wasn't the act made by a Democrat to troll DJT?

40f69d No.80934


Idk myself but maybe a Rod from God

d1a8ae No.80935


That's why it's good to tag @realDonaldTrump in all your posts

7415bc No.80936

File: bda114ce9d6d534⋯.jpg (1.96 KB, 125x70, 25:14, 1495758540206s.jpg)

e7a5a5 No.80937

I have a theory on how Twitter's algo works.

Twitter uses follows and age of account to determine placement in the postings section so that "big" names get seen more readily. This is why these idiots with 400 likes will be placed above our guys with 4000 likes.

My account was just created. It probably will not work for such a strategy. However, Roger up in the great awakening hash if you have an older account and want to try it out. I will follow and others will hopefully join in. Don't post your ID here unless you just give no fucks.

b11755 No.80938


Between COVFEFE violations, suppression of free speech via shadowbanning, and housing untold amounts of underaged nudes that they've likely failed to disclose/inform the proper authorities about, Twitter is on sub-atomic thin ice.

d4aafc No.80939


>Q/DJG never said it was going to be a show.

I think many of us assumed there be a show because it's Trump. He's a showman. Ah well.

6a4e5d No.80940


I wasn't even born yet. What is the significance?

835b9b No.80941

File: e7b67f014c107d5⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 1900x1336, 475:334, 44ed9e0b8672efcdb67831a046….jpg)


We have all that we need and we have our orders. This isn't for the "Thank yous". This is for our country and the people putting their lives on the line to take down the sick fucks that took over.

639732 No.80942

File: 273c0c06d780a89⋯.jpg (282.55 KB, 1760x1324, 440:331, NSB confirmed.jpg)


Is thi right?

90ba04 No.80943


Drop the Hillary/Huma pedo vid.

Expose 911/JFK

These are much easier ways to redpill the masses than /pol/

b46f91 No.80944


>Doctors cant fix whats wrong with me

Christ will fix everything. This life is a test. Your issue is your test. If you fail..well you know. If you endure, you will be rewarded many times over.

ae06b0 No.80945

File: 173581824f5dd83⋯.png (284.79 KB, 414x640, 207:320, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at ….png)

Perfect demonstration of misleading the public

27465f No.80946


lou gossett chappy sinclair

a total bad ass

i bought a walkman after seeing that movie in a theater

30c682 No.80947


You are an asshole, fuck off.

d69273 No.80948


Does anything matter in the court of public opinion? Twitter is fucked

ef8d5e No.80949

File: ef7b5cda1524de1⋯.jpg (71.75 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 22vx81.jpg)


>twatfag wanna send this to Laura?

7415bc No.80950


>These are much easier ways to redpill the masses than /pol/

i believe this is coming, anon

04804e No.80951



The Great Awakening.

Iron Eagle.

Godfather III.

The Hunt for Red October.


today is Jan 17th

a42657 No.80952


Brilliant thought process

f550ff No.80953


No, Q specifically asked which one fell post-inauguration.

That would be Rockefeller.

b88e74 No.80954


>implying POTUS needs twat follows

Come on newfag Trump will soon be able to message literally EVERY cellphone which can’t be turned off. And you think he gives a fuck about 10 mill?

ef8d5e No.80955

7415bc No.80956



dc6cfe No.80957

In war; when there is an attack there is usually a retaliation. You have just finished attacking. If you become confident and let down your guard now you will be conquered by the incoming retaliation. It's not time to chill. On a hunt for example, the real job starts once the kill is made. Be ready.

14bded No.80958

This is probably wrong, but what is up with all of these "meteors" falling out of the sky all of a sudden, after the Zuma launch?

Is it possible these are offensive weapons aimed at us that are being disabled and dropped?

There is definitely something weird here, but I have no idea what it is or how to figure it out.

Anyone have any thoughts? (Including, 'you should lay off the meds, anon.')

6a4e5d No.80959

Despite all the shadow bans and deleted posts did we adjust Twitter's algo's? Will this help in someway when BIGGEST news comes out?

Hel me out here anons, I'm on hour 14 of this today.

323a0a No.80960


He should have periscoped it.

840958 No.80961


Careful what you wish for…

Can't UNSEE that sort of thing…

90ba04 No.80962


Or Bush.

Clintons/Obama were Bush's puppets

860ac5 No.80963

ive had hope in this because revelations means revels all. still hopefull but damn.

b88e74 No.80964

File: dc8615e6d173d80⋯.jpeg (24.06 KB, 209x255, 209:255, 94FB7418-C353-49DD-9941-5….jpeg)

5b323d No.80965


>Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement act


You have my attention… why does it seem you have more behind this crumb?

30c682 No.80966


This is not Revelations.

b46f91 No.80967


>Doctors cant fix whats wrong with me

Christ will fix everything. This life is a test. Your issue is your test. If you fail..well you know. If you endure, you will be rewarded many times over.

c1efe2 No.80968


I've noticed that too. No one else seems to notice. We are in the final stages of the Crucible aka the Storm. Hannity promised bigger news next week. @Jack is definitely going down.

92a5cb No.80969

File: d05187102872553⋯.png (155.33 KB, 574x548, 287:274, ed.PNG)

File: 951bc0a06fa72b8⋯.png (4.1 KB, 193x100, 193:100, my q.PNG)

These people are sick!

66a08e No.80970


That may be the case.

Just because the loonies have been fantasizing about space battles, doesn't mean some things haven't happened in space.

7415bc No.80971


a necessary evil if one is to know the truth

>Can't UNSEE that sort of thing

they need to know

7ba437 No.80972


"Oh well, sorry we didn't know"

Oh well sorry, ignorance of the law is not a defense.


This ain't a game bitch this is the California f*in wine mixer!

f550ff No.80973


No. Bush isn't that high up the chain.

Plus, Bush had already fallen… to a wheelchair!

But, no, it's defo Rockefeller.

Confirmed way back.

4bb7e8 No.80974



860ac5 No.80975


i was hoping it was revealing all the bs. a man can hope

f38e62 No.80976


Not or. Just POTUS.

2d8450 No.80977


Just my thought but…Maybe we should consider going after twatter 'heavy' for the crimes we already know of: data storage, shadow banning, disregarding 1st amendment. rights to those 'other' than their shills and homies. If we take out one of the big dogs in the yard…it's easier to get into the house.

ef8d5e No.80978



And WL has another 5.5M followers.

d75c02 No.80979

c65a55 No.80980


Postponing for over a week implies a show, no? Not some little article on the GOP website!

Definitely seems to me to be a hidden message/something for us to figure out.

Just doesn't add up otherwise.

fcfe5e No.80981


Don't matter who made it or why. Now POTUS has exclusive control of any communications made directly to him through social media – as long as they are tweeted to POTUS.

90ba04 No.80982


I dont want to see it. Just wondering why the NSA cant drop a redpill nuke that nobody can dispute.

If you are a manager and have videotape or proof of an employeee committing a crime, you dont have to ask your other employees to make memes about them. You fire them and press charges, showing tyhe evidence in a court of law.

Done deal.

c16c9c No.80983


Yep. Test run to see our capabilities. 2 barbed. Also was a good shot at the MSM. Expect things to get more serious. Q will guide. Q came here for internet warfare. That's what got Trump elected. Think Trump didn't learn a valuable lesson?

fccc01 No.80984


If you twat a meme and include @realdonaldtrump, then twatter can't shadow ban or delete your twat without violating the law.

Each time twatter does so equals one count of an offense.

I think mayebe Trump has just tolled twatter into some serious law breaking …

a9994c No.80985


I was thinking they might have BC in custody now.

130de0 No.80986


It’s my take that court of public opinion is where we come in. The red pills dropped today, do not get distributed in any other medium. People always tell people to fuck off on here when they express an interest in DOTR, because the country isn’t ready for something like that and there’d be riots. We’re there to seed the public conscious, and drop truth bombs. They can’t move forward with their plan until we succeed in moving the needle. The intent is not to have us sit on 8ch or any other message board, and sit on a pile of truth, but instead to distribute and pave the way for them to be able to do their jobs.

In that today was a great success.

306367 No.80987


Kek. Really jew

f349d9 No.80988

SC: MISINFO everywhere.

SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].

SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].



http:// www. foxnews.com/us/2018/01/17/south-carolina-officers-ambushed-in-shooting-1-deputy-hanging-on-to-life.html


04804e No.80989


sauce that

words are important

and Reynolds are a major player

OLD MONEY = slave owners

7ba437 No.80990


Erectile dysfunction. Passhhht

Have they seen his wife?

I bet his kek enters the room a full minute before he does.

9bc55e No.80991


"Enjoy the show"

- Q

ae06b0 No.80992


JDIF here

741481 No.80993




f3facc No.80994


There are tunnels all over the area. Having a hard time locking a map down. Any anons want to help dig? I believe there might be something to this.

ef8d5e No.80995


Oh shit. That's funny. Sometimes, (((they're))) actually funny.

323a0a No.80996

File: 71cd5a0fc94d59e⋯.jpg (114.02 KB, 512x512, 1:1, IMG_20180111_104618.jpg)


Checked and cheers to mission accomplished.

Feels like when I was in the Army and we finished an FTX. Tired and happy to be home. No pat on the back or medals because it's a fucking exercise.

We have shown Q/Qteam what we can do. Now when/if needed they can expect a storm to help others when the next phase begins.

Dry your weary eyes and get some rest anons we did the damn thing.

ce1b66 No.80997


>literally posting on nazi chan

1eab3b No.80998

File: 08b32cb030c7a05⋯.jpg (402.91 KB, 1024x521, 1024:521, Fake_News_Awards_Washingto….jpg)

#11 Washington Post

840958 No.80999


Q said for US to keep 40000ft view, but that does not mean things aren't happening in space.

They are just top secret…

Intuition (gut feeling) of an educated (not indoctrinated) mind is usually right…

78e9a8 No.81000


The Great Awakening - Sept 10, 1941 (???)

Iron Eagle - Jan 17, 1986 (Meme War)

Godfather III - Dec 25th, 1990 (Tax Gift from POTUS)

Hunt For Red October - March 2, 1990 (???)

Something? Nothing? Corrections?

10e935 No.81001


A big goal of tonight is to open people up to the idea they've been lied to. The end game is to get the public zeitgeist in a position where if mass arrests come out, the public doesn't scream "DICTATOR!" and riot.

4301fe No.81002




for the lawfags

cocfefe act:


ddedb6 No.81003

File: ec46a0ff99dec72⋯.png (639 KB, 590x672, 295:336, ClipboardImage.png)

323a0a No.81004

d4aafc No.81005


Yes, I thought there would have at least been some pre-recorded video, like his multi-camera angle weekly address. Did the article-writer really need an additional week+ to write a blog entry? Weird.

3b35c1 No.81006


nah, not MHTI

wait, where's he go anyway?

cc67df No.81007

File: f855e69632d3b0c⋯.png (624.77 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, research.png)

Now that we've trended #FAKENEWS - it's time to move it the next level


(by special request, hope you're still awake Mom)

6a4e5d No.81008


His doctor already said he is NO medication except baby aspirin. FAKE NEWS>

not that he needs me to defend his penis

f550ff No.81009


Go back and re-read the crumbs… from the beginning.

ae06b0 No.81010


Source pls

7415bc No.81011


we verified that way way back


don't even know where to tell you to start

my recall is %100 on that one

i located the proof - do some duck duck if you doubt

62ab2c No.81012


lol ok they got me, impeach!

6a4e5d No.81013


Thanks anon! That actually helps.

14bded No.81014

Another random thought… The fake news awards could be a distraction. All of the anti-Trump media and populace were sitting at their computers waiting for the awards…

While what was going on elsewhere? Arrests? Raids? Who knows, because those who were supposed to be watching and reporting weren't watching. They were waiting for a chance to attack potus.

d1a8ae No.81015

File: 1ea1da290c868e7⋯.png (34.93 KB, 570x218, 285:109, screenshot_152.png)

File: facc09245cd094d⋯.png (365.81 KB, 569x534, 569:534, .png)

Top KEk don't tell me we haven't taken over Twatter this post was labeled *sensative material* I had to click to open it LOLOLOLOLOL

fccc01 No.81016


Great job anon!

04804e No.81017


i have plenty of times

Rockefellers were Rothchild henchmen

so are the Schiffs

Reynold's are nobody's bitch

5c4bd7 No.81018


Warriors are part of your stupid video games.

Be a soldier. Be real.

b4431e No.81019


Good catch. What does a man in exile do with so much time on his hands especially since he can't leave. Read everything in sight watch tv and do a little publishing.

And defend himself

9abdaa No.81020


Yes and Awan flipped out because he wanted them all back. Like they had forgotten they left them in the garage. I follow this story very closely, because I feel that this above even the CF stuff is more easily provable, if they can actually get around all the democrat obstruction of the truth.

Speaking of truth: I see they are pulling out the porn star gun hard and heavy. Here is Wapo trying to add credence, and claim their "truth in news" ideals all at the same time. I wouldn't normally link them, but this is one of the smoothest examples of subversive reporting I have seen in a while. They really brought out the psyops crew.


It just never ends with this bunch. And I can throw a Clinton back in their face for a change.

You didn't care that Clinton had a proven affaire. We didn't either. In fact we completely understood it. And future definitely proves past (to steal from Q) because Hillary is a bitch.

We have elevated Melania and now they want us to get mad. Or they are shaming her at the same time. Something is very wrong with this whole thing.

Dems are all free love, no marriage, fuck who and when you want, blah blah. so why do they even care? oh yeah, hypocrisy at it's finest. And mostly to make the bible loving, gun toting, moral conservatives hate the President and push for one more thing to discredit him.

Truth. I don't care. I don't. I care about how he runs a country and has the guts to stand in the face of so many headwinds, resisting the NWO. Period.

dc6cfe No.81021


40 000 ft is the altitude at which you are supposed to start seeing the curvature of the earth. Go up there and let us know what you see. Pro tip: there's no curve.

90ba04 No.81022


No. We arent even in the storm yet.

f550ff No.81023



7415bc No.81024


he was here the other day

does stay anon as well

is in and out recently

27465f No.81025


oh yes it is my friend

go read Revelations 3:9

if the jewish cabal isnt being exposed now you are crazy

f38e62 No.81026


Nice memefag!!

e6f384 No.81027

I need sum splain'n Q!

04804e No.81028




when i was figuring out the chess thing.. it was the Reynolds that got me there

think wikileaks think Diane Reynolds

think bishop taken in Atlanta

it was Elizabeth Bagley

6a4e5d No.81029


Effen twitter!

f349d9 No.81030

Add this to your tweet text:

"I always add @realDonaldTrump to my posts for legal reasons."

90ba04 No.81031


Sorry. See, theres this thing I like to do called thinking for myself…

I take orders from no one.

0d85ad No.81032


Not true he takes a low dose cholesterol med and med for male pattern baldness and aspirin according to doctor he was also up to date on his vaccines

92a5cb No.81033


They're terrified of the Alpha!

3c7ba1 No.81034

Are we still doing the twitter thing? they killed #bettywhite, have they no decency? should high jack #NintendoLabo which has been trending all day

9abdaa No.81035


This is nothing. This is about making people wake up and make better decisions based on facts and not just emotionalism. The guilt we've been fed. The bill of goods, as we were sold off one piece at a time.

27465f No.81036


take your flat earth bull shit somewhere else

fcfe5e No.81037



Correction. Tweets @POUTS will be under exclusive control of the president. We need to make note of this for future storms. @Jack can't fuck with presidential records.

7ba437 No.81038



muh gender!!



Been wanting to type that

Every time I see that a little bit of pee comes out

840958 No.81039


But to mention when Killary is ill (be it Kuru or pneumonia) then you are a bastard hater Nazi.

9bb5dd No.81041

Real serious question…

Just seen a twatt from Sweden that parliament is preparing for war.

I read, a while back, about Norway getting more US troops.

Does anyone know anything about this?

Just got home from grocery store.

4d3738 No.81042

File: 9d962d06e19f7fd⋯.jpeg (146.83 KB, 1195x543, 1195:543, DD7DF694-AD78-42FC-8795-8….jpeg)






What about Bold & Direct

f38e62 No.81043

383,000 posts from Fake News Awards!!

MSM and libs don't know that this is HELPING us!

f349d9 No.81044

Warriors, come out and play!!!!!!

d1a8ae No.81045


They labeled Jim Acosta as *sensative material*

90ba04 No.81046



They wont do that if you give them hard core proof.

741481 No.81047



e7a5a5 No.81048


Think about what just happened.

The media went batshit bonkers over this award show… Which was really just a slide show as they boosted our hashtag and memes into the public eye.

Remember that the Dems were threatening legal action against anyone who was not Trump who gave preference to one media outlet over another. No WH staff were involved… Not even a SS security detail or a single cameraman. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Meanwhile, the message still gets out, the media is shown as being slobbering fools, and our memes blast out solid questions rational people should be asking. They see that there are others out there not going with the flow.

Sure… Twitter bans and deletes, because that is what social engineers do… But what has been seen cannot be unseen. The power of a meme is its ability to jump from the corner of the mind to the forefront with the right trigger, in even the most obstinate of minds.

1015ec No.81050


I saw the curve at 14,000 ft, I see in sometimes in jets at over 30K so you be smoking something.

dc6cfe No.81051


The truth is the truth.

27465f No.81052


thats my point

what did the fake news talk about all day

fake news

its like through us they admitted they are fake news

we the people

fccc01 No.81053


"Oh, anons. I'm so sad that the lefties memes are beating ours. I really thought Q would give us some help. I so tired of this whole thing."

This is a concern troll and it's been on these boards, in one form or another, all night.

The presence of this concern troll tells us that We are winning!

ef8d5e No.81054


Good shit. Need source.

de441c No.81055

Still haven't drank my own pee.

f38e62 No.81056



Yes exactly!

1d2661 No.81057


You Asshole! Don't make me laugh.. it fucking hurts!

7415bc No.81058


die of thirst

38fb86 No.81059


a fellow TI along with MHTI so i can relate, i'm just blah about it at this point in life. fuck em, can't make me feel like a victim

won't lie though, this Q journey = a 2nd (or 222nd) wind for me

c65a55 No.81060


POTUS changing the awards date to 1/17 just to post a little GOP article doesn't add up. So, what did he do it?

"Fake Q" with Matlock trip mentions 1945.

January 17, 1945

January 17, 1945

Advancing from the East, Soviet troops capture Warsaw.

http:// worldwar2history.info/1945.html

False alarm in Hawaii and false alarm in Japan….WW2 ….Pearl Harbor

0f9595 No.81061


We have all we need, we must learn to carry on, with or without guidance !!! We are in this together !!! I like crumbs too, I hate waiting, especially the last stretch.

7e1409 No.81062


i posted footage last night on Twitter of a "meteor" that was most def not a meteor. It lit up the entire night sky like it was day. looked like a missile.

98a258 No.81063

Hi Guys,

Been lurking for a while since the early days on 8ch and have been following the "Storm". The work today by everyone has been awe inspiring and I can tell that troops are getting tired. I found this song just recently and it gives me a bit of a boost when I'm feeling low. I think the lyrics are very appropriate as well. Your are the "Wolfpack"

https:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=YcOBAaNAP3U

3bda80 No.81064

Hi did anyone find anything about this post?

Just the next to last line

Jan 13 2018 22:33:44






















Jeremiah 29:11


[N1LB] flightaware.com/resources/registration/N1LB

[FG&C] books.google.com/books?id=PATIBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA503&lpg=PA503&dq=FG%26C&source=bl&ots=cV–GBov_n&sig=fl9Wlva_c3GOwWfXIfA0H6NuaUY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8q-WxzeDYAhUHLmMKHaKfADEQ6AEIUzAJ#v=onepage&q=FG%26C&f=false

Was there any confirmation of this or any other confirmation of something else?

fccc01 No.81065


Not bad for a night's work …

Not tired of WINNING

7ba437 No.81066


No and that marine general in Norway better BTFO

POTUS said he didn't know anything about that.

323a0a No.81067


He is on Creator and Proscar according to record release.

Proscar is a treatment for BPH but is often used to prevent further hair loss. I take it and I'm 36. Sex drive is lower but it's a trade off.

c16c9c No.81068


Thanks Anon. Other anons, please send to Laura Ingraham if you haven't already. I'm a FaceFag. Been working with a crew on Facebook all day.

ae06b0 No.81069



d4aafc No.81070


IMO we aren't in the storm until a major arrest is announced and the MSM is in full panic mode crying for a violent uprising in the streets.

0f3173 No.81071

Q on the twat says 8ch is comprimised. Probably BS but there you go. Usually seems pretty legit. Maybe someone created it to try to throw off their scent

https ://twitter.com/I_AM__Q

3bda80 No.81072




dc6cfe No.81073


Good for you. I suggest you see an optometrist. This is not the time or place. Have a good evening.

ef8d5e No.81074


Yea - he's porn. Naked Mangina.

fccc01 No.81075



9abdaa No.81076

File: 347daa97bf43945⋯.png (1.95 MB, 2491x1288, 2491:1288, Chemadjust.png)


B, and crew if you are here. He is small time

I can't tweet. but perhaps you would be willing to sling this in as a reply, including hashes?

a290ce No.81077


Everyone has Shit anon. I have tax liens, credit card debt all kinds of shit looming down upon my broke ass, a failing business. this place and Q give me hope. I feel you're let down but hope is small like a tiny light and you need to focus on that light. Life is a roller coaster sometimes its up sometimes it is down but the little things, like children, grand children, a significant other, pets, parents something non material is the key to life… look at what you HAVE. Not what you don't have. this is something to focus on and if it is bringing you down, get away from it and find the happiness you deserve. then come back. its okay to feel down but not okay to want death, we sometimes feel that way but death is up to God, not you…

8fe2a7 No.81078

Anons We won this one!

1eab3b No.81079

File: d48a6d6a782f3f0⋯.png (423.72 KB, 1024x521, 1024:521, Fake_News_Awards_The_New_Y….png)

#1 NY Times

aa73ff No.81080



POTUS Personal WeAreWithYou ForGod&Country

d1a8ae No.81081


then you haven not read one word in this thread alone. Plenty of bombs being dropped in here by special individuals visiting us….

0f9595 No.81082


Look up the one that went over Russia a few years back ! That was a meteor !!!

432d79 No.81083

ORDNANCE. noun. Military materiel, such as weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and equipment. The branch of an armed force that procures, maintains, and issues weapons, ammunition, and combat vehicles. Cannon; artillery.

ORD Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD)


6a4e5d No.81084

What will the news do tomorrow? Will they carry on with their tails between their legs?


He clearly still has balls of steel though.


Q is not on twitter. Here/his own board only.

4b0940 No.81085


Q is using only using one platform. /greatawakening/

27465f No.81086

File: 3d0f5f46d91eeac⋯.png (25.63 KB, 626x176, 313:88, Opera Snapshot_2018-01-17_….png)


got it

snopes is full of shit

they are run by chris richmond - shares office space with NBC San Diego - same news outlet who put out bullshit about Assange

whatever snopes says - the opposite is true

every single time

there is your sauce

c83ba6 No.81087


You get to have your country back.

Look at it from this perspective.

We lost this country because we did NOTHING for so long.

We are only going to get it back if we do SOMETHING for a long time!

How much is your country worth to you?

Be glad we are fighting a info/culture war.

If things go tits up we will be fighting a real one and that hellfest will be REALLY discouraging!

5b6277 No.81088


Allow me to explain this one line:


Personal Message from the President:

We Are With You

No One Left Behind

For God & Country

323a0a No.81089

File: ff405197721dd09⋯.jpg (407.08 KB, 1010x505, 2:1, meme_q3_20180116224346029.jpg)


It takes teamwork to make the meme work anon.

fccc01 No.81090


Sums up today perfectly!

Great catch, anon!

b4431e No.81091


Can't dispute you on that, common sense but really, do you think the answer is that simple.

I gave the hint by leaving browser up and not editing pic, so go research, decide for yourself.

We are anon for a reason, just the way it should be.

7415bc No.81092


> i'm just blah about it at this point in life

>fuck em, can't make me feel like a victim

not ti

been through more than most including soldiers

damn near did not make it - will never be the same

gotta shake that blah which is damn near impossible

im not a victim, just packing heat so it don't happen again

840958 No.81093


Anons will typically leave the "WO" off of the word WOmen, unless proof of tits have been aptly submitted. (I didn't make the rules)…


90ba04 No.81094

Where in the MSM or anywhere is anyone taliking about the unprecedented support that came out of nowhere for President Trump during the Fake News Awards? Where is anyone talking about the sleeping giant of Q supporters who changed the world? Where is q/potus telling us "mission accomplished"?

9abdaa No.81095


you up near Michigan? heard it was pretty cool. You know how much that fucker would be worth, any of the pieces. Insane.

3bda80 No.81096


I should have specified - I meant whats in the brackets after that and put links - but thanks for reminding me about WRWY

2da272 No.81097

>Tomorrow @POTUS goes to @DeptofDefense to meet with senior military leaders.

aa73ff No.81098


Oops, I forgot the bit about N1LB


64df18 No.81099

File: 8f842106af7ae67⋯.jpg (113.05 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 22vxdp.jpg)

File: 0cdd08b18ed7963⋯.jpg (56.59 KB, 640x425, 128:85, 22vxwg.jpg)

90ba04 No.81100


Agreed 1000%

fccc01 No.81101


Goodbye @Jack

cc67df No.81102


>. If you become confident and let down your guard now you will be conquered by the incoming retaliation. It's not time to chill. On a hunt for example, the real job starts once the kill is made. Be ready.

Very true. No time to rest on laurels, but time to regroup, ready and press on.

840958 No.81103


EASY = sauce proven if Snopes debunked it…

c65a55 No.81104


http:/ /jackmatlock.com/2017/01/open-message-for-presidents-trump-and-putin-your-telephone-call/

323a0a No.81105


That account is owned by a leftist faggot who I can doxx anytime but choose not to because karma.

< Stay away from that account

42ad92 No.81106

File: da17e48343118e9⋯.png (308.99 KB, 494x491, 494:491, Michigan January 17, 2018.PNG)


Not sure what happened either but something shot down from space. This has not been the first time I have seen pics like this on the net.

8bc28f No.81107


I work for the cause, not the adulation. We are anon.

fcfe5e No.81108


god damn typo.

tweet @POTUS

not @POUTS


14bded No.81109



f349d9 No.81110


and waiting for their awards!!! we gave it to them


aa73ff No.81111

306367 No.81112


>Q said "Start Here" "Will Guide" I take that as a long term project and not just one day for the Fake News Awards


Yes and get us all locked up in the process.

This is a give and take anon. They do their part and anons do theirs. Anons will need a SHIT TON more than this before people move to that stage. I don't think ONE real reveal is too much to ask now is it? Something that shifts the narrative and sows the seed of doubt in shitlibs mind throughout the country.

1eab3b No.81113

File: 6bc4b7448d205a3⋯.png (410.01 KB, 1024x521, 1024:521, Fake_News_Awards_CNN_9.png)

#9 CNN

6a4e5d No.81114


This is where it is difficult. The MSM isn't bout to report on it. Other media already has been talking about it. So we are in no man's land. We have to just trust….I guess.

d1a8ae No.81115


After learning about the Covfefe Act it truly is GOODBYE @Jack

90ba04 No.81116

056f78 No.81117



42af4d No.81118


Well could've been worse, could've been a government healthcare web site.

ef8d5e No.81119


Did I miss something? Did covfefe actually pass both houses and get signed into law?

6a4e5d No.81121


"For being too fucking stupid." kek!

530cf8 No.81122


there is a Q map on 4ch with direct 8ch symbols and three of our board links directly there. it's safe to say it's compromised in that manner since now 4chan knows if they didn't already before

432d79 No.81123




Cache weapons- ordnance nouse military material, weapons ORD at O'Hare Chicago airport

ae06b0 No.81124


I was referring to "roasted on line," but I get your point.

e6f384 No.81125

>>81003 fuk ur face faggot!

>>80614 he's a flat out homo, delete that sissy

7e260d No.81126

File: 4f21efb53c81201⋯.png (242.27 KB, 661x535, 661:535, AwardWinners.PNG)

d4aafc No.81127


Fine by me to still be in the calm before the storm. Storms are not subtle. When the storm is finally upon us, everyone will know.

4301fe No.81128


i couldn't even find a number for the bill, but if you want to dig, see here:


f349d9 No.81129






1eab3b No.81131

File: f63c544246a5ced⋯.png (404.95 KB, 1024x521, 1024:521, Fake_News_Awards_THENEWYOR….png)

NY Times #10

306367 No.81132



ef8d5e No.81134


Yea - it didn't pass (yet). So don't slide on it anons.

90ba04 No.81135


He tweets every day...

4bb7e8 No.81136


Plus, MSM must be so pissed, they were probably counting on footage to provide material for days and days of mockery hahahah Trump is a master troll. Thank you anons, twitter warriors and Q/team for this amazing day!

f550ff No.81137


Interdasting. You able to show your findings in a dedicated thread, for further digging?

It's getting late for me.

9bb5dd No.81138

d1a8ae No.81139

File: 197909d71be5f9a⋯.png (178.33 KB, 1006x905, 1006:905, screenshot_154.png)


Still Introduced status….

www.congress. gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/2884/text

4aad3e No.81140


NDE near death experiences may comfort you. Spend the time you have left being kind to others…even if they don't deserve it. We all will be in your situation eventually. None of us are spared. It is not cliche to say that love is the only important thing. Love others and let them love you. Its all going to be ok. I prey you find peace <

9abdaa No.81141


Because not even your viewers believed you…

27465f No.81142

https:// twitter.com/randomgirlx107

go have fun

dc6cfe No.81143


Cheers. AOW101

4301fe No.81144


>H.R. 2884


ef8d5e No.81145

File: 181b49da2ae7d1b⋯.jpg (66.47 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 22vy5y.jpg)



0f3173 No.81146

Just noticed this tonight and didn't put it together until now

Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/14/18 (Sun) 00:10:46 No.19

MSM Fake News Awards.

Are you prepared?


Organized and coordinated?

POTUS may reTWEET one or more.

*READY FOR LAUNCH?* – Interesting choice of words, here






MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! –Trump ended his tweet tonight the same way


Donald J. Trump 3h

ISIS is in retreat, our economy is booming, investments and jobs are pouring back into the country, and so much more! Together there is nothing we can’t overcome–even a very biased media.

We ARE Making America Great Again!

– Good job today, everybody. This is just the beginning. God is with us

1eab3b No.81147

All of the Awards

>>81079 #1 New York Times

>>80803 #2 ABC News

>>80110 #3 CNN

>>80443 #4 TIME

>>79927 #5 Washington Post

>>79729 #6 CNN

>>79754 #7 CNN

>>79796 #8 Newsweek

>>81113 #9 CNN

>>81131 #10 NY Times

>>80998 #11 Washington Post

6b9762 No.81148


I have heard the UN is in Chicago but dressed in plain clothing till they are needed.

c16c9c No.81149

>>81106 I posted before. Ice pillar. Similar to a sun dog. I worked in a very cold place and oil field flares caused these all the time. Flares are much smaller than that explosion. Notice "beam" is brighter at the bottom. Beam should be brighter at the top (1/r^2). Cloudy sky gives it away. Those clouds are ice particles in Michigan this time of year.

432d79 No.81150


A 10 year aniversary, a marker, but not marker marker

6a4e5d No.81151

I am way burnt out after today you guys but hopefully this will help yo feel proud.

I liquidated all of the memes I had from here today during the W@R. This number is 1M impressions higher than any other day I have had on twitter EVER.

"Your Tweet activity

Your Tweets earned 3,545,510 impressions over the last 24 hours"

de4fcd No.81152


BS everyone that pays attention knows who is now… it doesn't even matter who he is…

I was hoping for some disclosure…

31f2dd No.81153

Today proved to us, through direct personal participation, that Twitter and other media are propaganda tools programmed to make Trump and his followers, true patriots, look bad and be deleted.

The depth of in-your-face rigging is frankly horrifying. Blatant manipulation and raging bias.

What will it take to smash pervasive lies and make way for the Truth to shine?

cc67df No.81154




>Cache weapons- ordnance nouse military material, weapons ORD at O'Hare Chicago airport

um… guys?

0f3173 No.81155


* "READY FOR LAUNCH" in regards to Hawaii

8d78c6 No.81156


meme Margaret Sanger and her intention of genocide

323a0a No.81157


Right it's a troll job from a Dem like I said above. We need to stop using that as evidence of Trump's genious. CIA Director MP saying his tweets help them gather Intel is a positive thing…. right?

dc6cfe No.81158


Holy fuck!!!

90ba04 No.81159


What is difficult is continuing to do this with no clear results or goal. Many of us have families, work, school and bills. Im not saying I dont believe in Q/POTUS, but life goes on and I have mouths to feed. The time I take on here could be spent with family or sleep. My life hasnt been the same since Nov 1st. Not complaining, but would like to see a major arrest soon.

ea832a No.81160



d1a8ae No.81161

5c4bd7 No.81163


So what are you doing here. Hillary needs you.

ef8d5e No.81164


Call that Battle Damage Assessment.

Well done Anon.

dd3576 No.81165


> For God & Country

6a4e5d No.81166

b46f91 No.81168


Top stuff!

9abdaa No.81169


this guy pulled the same shill stunt like… three weeks ago verbatim. You do know this is a tactic all, right?

It's a harsh world because they seek to derail your conversation by squeezing your compassion. It sucks. Don't be mad at me for saying so. Be mad at being used. We are waking up to being emotionally manipulated. They do it here, they do it in the media, they do it in government. It doesn't mean we are not compassionate. It means they have zero and will do anything for their goals.

7de3b4 No.81170


Were they really false alarms? Maybe there were real missiles intercepted.

7ba437 No.81171


Damn right

Alphas cause cucks to bitch straight out

f349d9 No.81172

Good [win] Anons!

We scared them.

dc6cfe No.81173

It would be extremely foolish to let your guard down now. A massive retaliation is bound to be incoming soon. Stay awake!

e6fb24 No.81175


You're right - even Carl Sagan said that there is NO WAY "alien life" can ever engage us. It's all PsyOp to distract people. We're fucking alone. Get used to it.

c16c9c No.81176

File: d95593f3b1fdde1⋯.jpg (6.09 KB, 339x226, 3:2, light pillar.jpg)

Wrong term. Not ice pillar, light pillar. Here is one example generated from lights. A big explosion generates a huge explosion. image search: light pillar for more examples.

50a3a3 No.81177

I know you guys might not see it, but Trump broke the internet! I have no idea how many tweets there are with #fakenewsawards. Almost all of the tweets are positive, I just realized how many people support POTUS.

dec258 No.81178


Here I am thinking my 4k impressions were helping out. god bless anon.

fccc01 No.81179

File: 46d52340123b822⋯.png (733.76 KB, 760x1139, 760:1139, ClipboardImage.png)


Donald Trump's wife

f38e62 No.81180


I'll tell you this, based on the facts/evidence.

The "sleeping giant of Q" was awoken today.

We know that because of:

- the massive turn out (continuing) on Twitter ALONE (We have not taken into account the many other platforms people posted on)

- the GOP link crashing. not that just it crashed, but that it crashed in MINUTES.

MANY people are/were watching. Good and bad. This was IMPORTANT. Why would they be so concerned with it if it did nothing? If it COULD do nothing?

L came here because she's scared. As do the others.

If that doesn't make you know you were just a part of a huge DENT to the MSM and "power/control" play, idk what will.

9abdaa No.81182


You get a gold star and pat on the back from us (or at least me) And as someone unable to tweet, but has been slinging memes all week, I appreciate your battle front position. Thanks bud!

27465f No.81183


notice he made a freudian slip and said prey not pray

392542 No.81184


Message spreading wide & Far

Normally the phrase is “far and wide”

42ad92 No.81185


So normal when a beam hits the ground that sets off a small earthquake along with the sound of a explosion right there and the whole place lights up from night to day?

f550ff No.81186


How does one find out about impressions?

Great job btw.

6a4e5d No.81187


>A massive retaliation is bound to be incoming soon.

So true! Roll in the "conspiracy" theory.

432d79 No.81188


THEY need a wide body if they want to fly accross an ocean 747

7415bc No.81189


makes ed an impossibility

50a3a3 No.81190

His awards had so much traffic it 404d, he literally broke the internet. Trump has no bypassed the media completely every time he says something everybody tunes in.

90ba04 No.81191


Im trying to fight to make the future better for my children. Problem is, I have to go to work in 5 hours and im tired. I was hoping Q would stop by before bed.

Fuck Hillary.

97ce4a No.81192


>"Enjoy the show"

Yeah.. It's been a hell of a show so far.. that a hell of a figure of speech, too. All the world's a stage, and all that shit.. This isn't done yet by a long shot kek

b3d8d2 No.81193


Mostly bots. Don't worry. Only 4-6% attempting to appear larger. Fail. Patriots' day.

6ee041 No.81194


That looks much bigger than an ice pillar

f550ff No.81195


Possibly "wide" means homeland US and "far" means overseas.

7ba437 No.81197


They killed Betty white. Have they no decency?

How do ppl think of this shit

dc6cfe No.81198


Well said.

ae06b0 No.81199


These are great

c86050 No.81200


I was just looking on Trump's Twitter and I think we have a good representation.

c5bb22 No.81202

File: c61b916414ead7e⋯.jpg (191.17 KB, 1495x1097, 1495:1097, cnn.jpg)

bf1d68 No.81203

File: 94bfd05c3e4968d⋯.jpg (228.69 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, 1024px-Sirius_refueling_Ju….jpg)

12 Twitter and 12 Yandex email accounts blown away after 1,000 memes posted. Where's the oiler at yo?

2485ad No.81204


Superb anon. Added to the top.

dc6cfe No.81205


They don't think. They are told.

306367 No.81206


>This number is 1M impressions higher than any other day I have had on twitter EVER.

Kudos to the eurofags who kicked it all off this morning.

9abdaa No.81207


Also indicating they are mocking us at the same time. We are illiterate? And we are prey… Please.

4301fe No.81208


that's 4k more impressions than i got, anon. you did good

6a4e5d No.81209


You have to go under your profile and set up analytics.

7e260d No.81210


I know you had fun making these,nice

ef8d5e No.81212

File: e2db14857c8adc0⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 300x440, 15:22, Patton.JPG)


Suck it up you fucking snowflake Buttercups. They'll be analyzing this battle for fucking decades. Do you fucking realize what this was? Proof of the silent majority no more.

Fucking GENIUS at work.

Be proud you were part of it and let some other fucking snowflake whine like a pussy for his cause.

4bb7e8 No.81213



WOW totally missed that! This is HUGE, thanks anon!

c16c9c No.81214


Image search: light pillar. While you check it out, search for sun dogs. Those were real cool. Saw those too. An explosion that size will generate one heck of a light pillar. Cloudy night is key. Clouds are ice particles.

90ba04 No.81215


Thanks anon. I hope youre right.

432d79 No.81216


*bugle call*

Sleep is for pussies

c088fc No.81217


Tiegen already started with her fake fake news bit

6a4e5d No.81218


Yes! They started off hours before me!

f38e62 No.81219

Today, we showed ourselves.

We should who REALLY is in control.

We should who we REALLY take orders from.

We are in HISTORIC times lads!!

2485ad No.81220


Whoaa. TopKudos.

dc6cfe No.81221


I'm gonna go ahead and say you did go too. Fuck the fame though right? Peace

c86050 No.81222


And that should have been memed for the sake of the normies that were browsing through the comments and memes on Trump's page. Bots, Shareblue employees make up the majority of the vile comments.

cc67df No.81223


It seems like you were inferring that there is a lot of ordnance at Chicago O'Hare airport, what does that have to do with flying across an ocean in a 747? I'm not getting the connection.

f38e62 No.81224


That's just based on the facts (so far).

Let's see what Q has to say.

392542 No.81226


Could wide be “wide body aircraft)

Far (long range capability)

7415bc No.81227

File: 7516a2ab398a596⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 253x227, 253:227, 1510274583509sa1a.jpg)


this ^^^^^

ef8d5e No.81228


Winchester brother. RTB.

Targets destroyed. Beers at the O-club.

07f7f2 No.81229


That is the First Lady of the United States and the Presidents wife.

Have Respect.

42ad92 No.81230


I got Tweet impressions 89.5K . Pretty good for me since I don't send memes until today.

306367 No.81231


and a new father at 60. Those cuck journalists dont have a quarter of the T levels.

f38e62 No.81232


showed* dang flabbit

383b06 No.81233

What did you do? I don't have twitter

f38e62 No.81234


this is what happens when you don't sleep for 24+ hours, MAGA!

90ba04 No.81235


I am proud…but im tired and have to go to work in 5 hours or so..you know…to actually get paid.

I have mouths to feed and as much as I support Q/POTUS, they arent buying my groceries.

4301fe No.81236


we all help in our own way

t. baker

c86050 No.81237


We need some who will agree not to get into the battle until later (next time) so that they'll be fresh when everyone else is crashing.

97ce4a No.81238

So now we know for a fact that when Sarah was smirking up at the podium, she really was laughing directly at the concernfagging going on in front of her about the Fake News Awards and trying to hold it back.. And it's on the internet now, Forever.

b81b6c No.81239

File: f6b9316df58a939⋯.png (149.32 KB, 1112x600, 139:75, PROOFS.png)


c65a55 No.81240



When has he EVER pinned a tweet?!?!

f38e62 No.81241


Congrats!!!! Now rest, patriot.

9fd415 No.81242


Wonderful insights anon.

d1a8ae No.81244


That's some Rambo stuff there anon!!! Great Job!!!

e6fb24 No.81245


Did those 3M impressions earn you any money? That is a question you should ask. Exposure like that should net some return for your work. Otherwise, you're… what? A "useful idiot?"

And before you trash me - at least think about it.

A lot of us are here with the belief that we're helping the country, or something along those lines. I have hope that is true.

But the age-old phrase "cui bono?" always creeps back into my mind. Look at history for countless examples of people being turned into patriots or soldiers for the benefit of others.

Just hope it's different this time.

Simply food for thought - which is beneficial for all.

9e7d17 No.81246

File: 56e4464209588a7⋯.png (50.72 KB, 372x608, 93:152, Screenshot 2018-01-17 at 1….png)


#1 in the world by far but #2 on the list.

323a0a No.81247

File: 7e1bd02a651f65e⋯.jpg (4.26 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, pixlr.jpg)


Posted this last bread and tweeted it. Not enough to convince anyone but nice coincidence.

306367 No.81248


>Proof of the silent majority no more.

2016 covered that.

3975a7 No.81249

File: bdce1ce5e15ce12⋯.jpg (89.29 KB, 652x387, 652:387, 80622.jpg)

Anybody catch this in the last thread? "QRS 11" is a microchip embedded with a gyro. Comment directed toward "Roth". Legit or fuck off?

b4431e No.81250


A job worth doing is worth doing well.

We can't have instant results,

Patience and faith

We didn't get to this shithole environment overnight and we are not going to have it fixed overnight

In 12 months Trump did more than the last person and the person before him, each having 8 years to realize their agendas

Guess how he got it done, through anon faith and support

If you can't take this and run with it, then take some r and r then come back

It's easy to get down after working so hard without a ty, but I thank you for all you have done, I've been watching and counting.

4301fe No.81251


>When has he EVER pinned a tweet?!?!

a few days ago, something about DACA, if i remember right

9abdaa No.81252


Wow! Do you feel like a Russian bot? Dude, you are way more efficient!

That article was garbage. You sir, are supreme.

f38e62 No.81253

Almost 400,000 tweets on Fake News Awards!!!

Amazing stuff. Imagine the # of people reading/watching! Millions!

6ee041 No.81254


"We defeated the wrong enemy"

42281d No.81255

File: 26b26a7d4bd731d⋯.jpg (37.87 KB, 590x350, 59:35, murray1-556257[1].jpg)


Right here.

392542 No.81256


It was John Roberts from FOX who asked Sarah about the awards

432d79 No.81257


I am, but what if cache ordnance ORD Chicago airport is a diversion to sneak out on a cargo plane.

5c4bd7 No.81258


So sleep. Start in again tomorrow.

dc6cfe No.81259


I can't disagree with that. Have a great evening.

f38e62 No.81260


Technically, it's listed all wrong. FakeNewsAwards has THE highest amount of tweets out of ALL of those. Second should be Nintendo Labo.

7415bc No.81261

File: d34b592a6ef8f62⋯.jpeg (8.91 KB, 245x206, 245:206, lcg5.jpeg)


just gtfo

d180c4 No.81263


I remember reading this!!! Was it on conservativetreehouse.com??

1015ec No.81264


Ok filter time, so the fk what, they both said MAGA who doesn't, damn shill

ef8d5e No.81265


lmfao. I'll bet 100% of the Special Olympics team could kick his ass.

42ad92 No.81267


That cant be right for me. That is more then one day. How to I find impressions just for today?

f349d9 No.81268

File: f2ec293a764b7a6⋯.png (438.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, marker 15a.png)


Future roves past…..

b1bc87 No.81269


There's something not right about that guy - understatement I know. But just something bat shit crazy about him

89482f No.81270

I'm reading about disappointment, and as an anon that believes in our President and in Q, I want to weigh in. We all want to see results - I get that, but this is not about what each of us individually views success to be. This really is a war of winning the hearts and minds of the American people, many of whom have been abandoned by our media and our government. They are hardworking people, just like us, with loved ones and jobs that may not be the American dream, but they still have hope. What we did today is a direct response to them, a call to hope that we can effect real change in our corrupt media and our government. You cannot know tonight the impact we had. Think of the people we have reached. Anyone who read a meme that made them dig a little deeper benefited from what we did tonight. Btw, Fox News just covered the awards on their show. That's yuge. When President Trump tweeted the announcement for tonight, the response on the GOP website was so overwhelming that it crashed the site. Take heart anons - this was a great success. God bless all of you and our great country. Let us forever remember this fight with pride and double down in our determination to awaken the people.

b81b6c No.81271


Any anons want to randomly hijack the int'l trends too? LET'S REDPILL THE WORLD!

860ac5 No.81272

pink floyd - dark side

e6fb24 No.81273


FYI, 3M impressions on my blog used to net at least $20k per month. Back when ad-blockers were not used, and Fakebook wasn't yet a force. Something to think about.

97ce4a No.81274


heh. the rents had NBC on when I visited them earlier and it was being grieved about… NBC is just as bad as CNN..

f32914 No.81275

File: 404ca6e9098b1a6⋯.png (97.03 KB, 617x685, 617:685, wiki mika control.png)

Just posted a few minutes ago

7ba437 No.81276



damn, feels like I just fell asleep

a290ce No.81277


yes but what is QRS_11

intersting post.

8e1e3b No.81278

Tweet impressions


This January alone for me. Insane.

Been dropping memes all month

ea7f46 No.81280

File: c5d412fbf90e402⋯.png (436.52 KB, 1010x527, 1010:527, jbfnyt.png)


I bet he does everything himself, too. All the writing, and for his speeches. Of course, a "normal" POTUS (puppet) would have his handlers doing all that.

If only people could realize even 1/10th of POTUS45's history, and the reasons he ran. They have NO idea what they're missing out on.


860ac5 No.81281


they had cern and antartica in vid

f550ff No.81282


Got it, ty anon.

6ee041 No.81283

File: 9c90f4072a7cb44⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 515x450, 103:90, horyShet.jpg)


>A big explosion generates a huge explosion.


29a817 No.81284


Ah yes, Suicide Anon. He's playing a dangerous game even if he is fucking with us. Having that idea rattle around in the mind is not good.

But bringing it up in public and then not wanting to discuss it is silly. So probably just fucking with us.

323a0a No.81285

We could hit 1m tweets in 24 hours if we get back to work.

< Million Tweet March

fccc01 No.81286



This is only our first twatter storm day.

First salvo. More to come!

615369 No.81287


> they admitted they are fake news

isn't there a Trump quote about being so smart he makes his enemies ruin themselves?

8e1e3b No.81288


Your Tweets earned 5,102 impressions over the last 24 hours

This is today alone. I want to reach more!!!!

42ad92 No.81289


I found my real Twitter impressions just for today. About 6K. That sounds more like it.

7e1409 No.81290


Here's the twitter post I saw:

https:// twitter.com/LivingSurvival/status/953451243971776512

whatever it was looked like it made the jump to hyperspace with that last flash.

2ccf31 No.81291

Bad actors mentioned on FN

70d47d No.81293


Well stated…we are in a War

it isn't just a singlr battle

It took a decade for the corruopt socialists to ruin this country….it will be a long drawn out series of battles to win it all back! Take heart, be proud of today….a tide has turned. Prepare for a siege….WE ARE WINNING

ef8d5e No.81294



323a0a No.81295


Perfect meme WL.

64df18 No.81296

While we were having war games there was a few interesting releases


Scientist Believes Uncovered Chamber in Giza Pyramid Contains Throne Carved from Meteorite

Citizen scientists discovered an unusual new solar system not even NASA could find

NASA captures rare image of a distant galaxy nearly as old as the Universe itself

3975a7 No.81297


Several articles about Boeing using it in guidance for aircraft. Maybe it's why so many planes are "crashing". Hijack the plane through the electronics?

cc67df No.81298


Oh like HVT fleeing the country via a cargo plane out of Chicago, after/during an explosion there?

I see where you are going with this.

fccc01 No.81299


Holy Kek!

Great job, anon!

f38e62 No.81300



Be proud anon, good job!!

7de3b4 No.81301

Were Hawaii and Japan real targeted missile launches that were intercepted? Two mistakes in such a short time seems a little bit odd.

6ee041 No.81303


You disagree with Patton's assessment then?

d13665 No.81304

Shadow bans and censorship by twitter during fake news award gives hard evidence that social media companies are restricting free speech in an unamwrican way.

It can be argued that social media is an important source for news and public discussion. Jack is using it the alter the narrative, again. Cell carriers do not limit or monitor your calls, texts. Why should the social media platform?

Today was an exercise that proves it is a platform of communication. If you can’t depend on emergency text alerts facilitated by your government, where does a person turn to find out what’s happening, in light of this, plus “ex-employee” taking down POTUS twitter, and stories of insiders changing, deleting or posting using your credentials, who knows what’s real or fake?

Does potus issue EO naming social media as communication platform and therefore, goes under FCC?

ef8d5e No.81305


ReTweet/Like/meme. 5.5M followers!

323a0a No.81306


How is that shilling?

2ccf31 No.81307

Anon facts slipped out on FN

04804e No.81308

What makes a great movie?

Great Actors? - not always

Great Writers?

Greatest playwright of all time perhaps is:


Play within a Play

You have two stories unfolding at once

a game within a game?

Mueller investigating Trump

Trump - DoJ IG investigating all of the above

Sessions basically on the bench on that..

but taking names given to him to go after the

low hanging trafficking fruit

which we all have noticed..

Paint the picture Anons

b46f91 No.81309


That is huge! Keep going!

c16c9c No.81310


Fucking lack of sleep. Big explosion generates a big light pillar.

8e1e3b No.81311


Proud to be a member of this community and journey! That is for certain.

f38e62 No.81312

4bb7e8 No.81313


Good job anon, this is so great! Thank you POTUS for this amazing event, it was beautiful!

5b323d No.81314




I'm clear with what your linking, not clear on the potential conclusion aside from the history.

Particularly interesting about the Hawaii and Japan link, as it was "blown off" in 1945 (notwithstanding the OSS NWO truth).

f8e838 No.81315

Q stated,


>MSM coming - BIG WAY.

Looks like the MSM next attack is on POTUS character with this bullsh*t garbage. Buzzfeed scumbags.

Good thing no one gives a crap and only makes him stronger.

Get the MEMES going to counterattack.


ef8d5e No.81316

File: 74ae53faee7e446⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 140.18 KB, 1077x964, 1077:964, AnonBait.png)

860ac5 No.81317

comfortably numb mfers

d1a8ae No.81318

File: 8ba05166f47b0c9⋯.gif (4.01 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 8ba05166f47b0c9f2c093a0b55….gif)

840958 No.81319


Auto memed damn self!

860ac5 No.81320

ill believe when i see

f38e62 No.81321

Put the meme guns to rest anons, on Friday we're fighting for lives! Literally!

432d79 No.81322


Just a call to focus. You get your sleep, people gotta earn a living too.

2ccf31 No.81323


Fox News

c86050 No.81324

Sorry it was meant as a criticism. It was an amazing battle. More of an observation for planning strategy next time. We might do well to hold some troops back for a final surge at the end next time. >>80786

47ed01 No.81325


We have seen a lot of connections and stuff that seems to be criminal

But who takes all this great information and actually do something with it.

We have discovery, how do we move to next step. Is there a next step ?

dc6cfe No.81326


You're probably blind.

ac0cbb No.81327

File: f613169a0096869⋯.jpg (6.48 MB, 5344x4008, 4:3, IMG_20180117_232244410.jpg)

File: 7d54391495c60a3⋯.jpg (4.3 MB, 5344x4008, 4:3, IMG_20180117_232311012.jpg)


323a0a No.81328

File: d70470229036cf2⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1424x542, 712:271, d70470229036cf264f25b2a8fa….jpg)

Just so we are clear this guy >>81264 is a fucking faggot glowing clown

< You left your car running faggot

9abdaa No.81329


That is very huge. And the follow up reminder from Wiki after all of this is like another prying open the door…Though most people that follow wiki know the press is full of shit and manipulated information.

39a8c2 No.81330


Agreed. A thanks from Q/POTUS would be very much appreciated. An arrest would be even better.

f349d9 No.81331

File: 292052dec063ec9⋯.png (46.56 KB, 1534x684, 767:342, tweetstats.png)

Are these good stats for my virgin voyage on Twatter?

2da272 No.81333

Why is everyone flying ot Tokyo right now

b46f91 No.81334



6c2886 No.81335


hundreds more tweets and drops for you to check. I Guess everyone else just missed it from the beginning

b11755 No.81336

File: c1bddcebe0da06e⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 470x262, 235:131, warriors-luther.JPG)


Might pertain to Jacob's "acquisition" of the semiconductor patent went MH370 went into the drink with the other patent-holders. Could be a good line of investigation for the Rothschild thread.

860ac5 No.81337


son, im prolly most woke here fool

b3d8d2 No.81338


Been away for a few hours. 'Splain, please.

7415bc No.81339


no sauce

i recall

closest thing is snopes says no

but i cannot locate a valid sauce

does not matter

more than that would give their lives for potus and flotus

8e1e3b No.81340



I'm a twitterfag so I've been dropping memes since 7am. Still going anons! All for the greater good!

29a817 No.81341


>redpill the world

Count me as another shadowban victim. It would be fun to do more of this but it was a looong day, and a pain in the ass to set up the burner Twitter account, and then getting banned despite being very careful to follow the rules and not be tasteless

I am also not convinced that setting up the doxx-proof account is successful when one has to go through g–gle to do it… On the one hand you have to endanger your family or on the other get banned for no reason.

I'm meh on Twitter but glad to see others still able to use it.

6ee041 No.81342


Are you schizophrenic or something? Answer the question regarding Patton.

0f3173 No.81343



The device for launching nuclear weapons is referred to as the ball

https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_football

a188d9 No.81344

FF @ Stupid Bowl

7de3b4 No.81345


Define everyone.

f38e62 No.81346


Damn…amazing work!

306367 No.81347


>A lot of us are here with the belief that we're helping the country, or something along those lines. I have hope that is true.

If you read through my posts >>81112 you'll realize we're on the same side of this.

I know Q team is real since I (along with many in here I'm sure) know a "conspiracy theory" going nowhere from someone on the inside leading us to research that normies shouldn't be seeing. Question is are we following a glowfag or someone leading us down the correct path. The "tomorrow" and "next week" feels more ufofag than legit happening.

2485ad No.81348


Was thinking the same. Next time we have a fresh evening platoon.

3d1486 No.81349

File: de233268165644b⋯.jpg (81 KB, 960x854, 480:427, 26993269_10215313760061621….jpg)

Congrats anons on a brilliant evening

Semper Fi anons

8e1e3b No.81351


Great reach anon! More, more, more! Fight, Fight, Fight! I've been dropping four memes at a time. All with the hashtags




0f9595 No.81352


No Left coast, but yeah worth a small fortune !!!

f38e62 No.81353


Yes. Reaching people, no matter the number, is still good.

1=2, 2=4, 4=8 remember?

2da272 No.81354


twitter.com /flightradar24/status/953845861355749376

f349d9 No.81355



6c2886 No.81356


not without the right time. He says that every chance he gets

3975a7 No.81357


Check this out. Interesting.

http:// www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/04/08/AR2006040801450.html

f32914 No.81358

File: 404ca6e9098b1a6⋯.png (97.03 KB, 617x685, 617:685, wiki mika control.png)

File: 4bd3726954f6343⋯.jpg (67.24 KB, 600x488, 75:61, mika.jpg)



Side by side with this.

2ccf31 No.81359


Semper Fi

840958 No.81360


Ya know- his tweet carries even more weight with libtards after he implied Trump admin spreads disinfo…. bet libtards rode that last tweet until this one emerged.

f550ff No.81361

29,216 organic impressions today.

Collectively, I wonder if we've gone into the billions!

f38e62 No.81362


POTUS doing March of Lives on Friday, first ever in presidential history. Research it.

2485ad No.81363


Go Go!

29a817 No.81364


The flight trackers are not in real time, you realize. It is a security thing.

You are looking at flights that took place at different times in the past. Some may be behind by an hour and others by longer or shorter delays.

f38e62 No.81365



f349d9 No.81366


bbuuutttt hoooowwww?

u must be famous!

I got 4.2K and thought I was hot shit!

b1bc87 No.81367


Yeah, jack offs at twitter are fixing them as fast as we put them up.

I mean shit. How you going to beat that? I go down the tweets and the bots are just non stop.

The vitriol is just over the top anymore. Really on both sides.

Illuminati 101 - First we divide you - then we give you money to kill yourselves off - then you pay us back with interest.

The Division and Vitriol in this country is getting unbearable. It's eating people up. Ruining basic social structures.

Media (both sides) is demoralizing / dividing / destroying what's left of the fabric of our society.

And by fabric…I do not mean WALL STREET!

Fuck wall street!

I don't know ANYONE making huge money off wall street.

But I do know so many lonely, frustrated, isolated people…by the thousands.

How do we undo the divisions?

How do we bridge the gaps

Disarm the masses ready to create civil war

Sometimes it seems like both Cons&Libs are being played against one another by the same gangsters.

How do we heal and not hurt?

Our mission is make America Great again.

Is a meme with Hillary walking up steps with wet pants going to make America Great? Will it change minds? Or will it only cause more division?

I think we out to get out of this division game.

We are playing right into Lynn's trap.

323a0a No.81368


Meh it's a little nod but we can't put much stock into it. I got excited made a meme and then realized it's not that BIG of a deal.

b3d8d2 No.81369


Thank you.

dc2463 No.81370

File: 463bccd61c7fbb3⋯.jpg (265.15 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Silver Shield Crucible.jpg)


Silver Shield Crucible 1oz proof. One of my favorite coins….

b46f91 No.81372

File: 5c4c9f2ef68ac87⋯.jpg (98.81 KB, 556x470, 278:235, The_Big_Gun.jpg)


You're a big gun.

fccc01 No.81373


Shove it up your shithole.

f550ff No.81374


THIS! So true!

2ccf31 No.81375

Getting delirious, must sleep…carry on anons. Fag out

6a4e5d No.81376

The new Project Veritas Video dropped today is being retweeted on Iranian protestor's twitter accounts!

323a0a No.81377


It's over 28 days

cc67df No.81378

File: 6520463e46620ef⋯.png (307.47 KB, 571x580, 571:580, 1471057479601.png)

ef8d5e No.81379


Exponential growth. Keep it up!

f38e62 No.81380

Would the picture POTUS used on the FNA GOP article be crumb-y?

Anyone know where it's taken from?

2d8450 No.81381


Consider everything is subject to change. If it was due to 'us'…were we ready last week, to do what we did today?…no

If for Potus, was their a change at his end or ops that need a little more time to pull off?

03d722 No.81382




Taylor, MI

Obama, Clinton and Bush have all visited the town named after Zachary Taylor, the 12th President

f349d9 No.81383


Americans Loving and caring for GOD & COUNTRY

Like after 9/11.

Time to pull at the heartstrings.

dc6cfe No.81384


That's amazing. Thanks for sharing.

fccc01 No.81385


The two or three heterosexual ones couldn't even dream of getting a woman like Melania.

f38e62 No.81386


Rest well.

639732 No.81387

File: 62e242b88528ebf⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1572x3052, 393:763, rkbH8.jpg)

File: a5481fcc0b4e445⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1572x3052, 393:763, Stormy Daniels 2.jpg)

File: d1903a73a521cac⋯.jpg (452.67 KB, 1578x1572, 263:262, Stormy Daniels.jpg)


Here's some ammo

2d8450 No.81388


Maybe they are "soul sucking"…kek

f550ff No.81389



Dangerous move by whoever, if true.

Wonder if it's another Soros-backed chaos.

e694c1 No.81390


Thank you! Targeted individuals and EMF weapons are indeed real!

f38e62 No.81391


lol that latter is so whack

it's like a 14 year old typed it on his school computer

3be8fe No.81393

A lot of Wikileaks tweets with "3" tonight…

8ad1a6 No.81394





<Signatures are IMPORTANT.


>Signatures are IMPORTANT.


<Signatures are IMPORTANT.


f38e62 No.81395



7415bc No.81396


not even close to bait

ty anon

nice meme

89482f No.81397

kek, truth.

f349d9 No.81398

File: 9cf0e7c3177c30e⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2209x2921, 2209:2921, 9cf0e7c3177c30e568f3a1d524….jpg)


I salute you!

de098b No.81399

File: f6be0d243c8630a⋯.png (144.18 KB, 529x388, 529:388, trump.png)

this is how swedish news are spinning the fake award story

"Trump was going to give award - then everything went wrong

was to announce winners of fake news awards - then the site crashed"

4bb7e8 No.81401

File: 8bbf215fec6c4fe⋯.jpg (629.09 KB, 1862x2409, 1862:2409, lolz.jpg)



hahahahaha TRIGGERED

ea7f46 No.81402


Hace to disagree with having to be (personally) congratulated immediately, anon. We are too, TOO accustomed to the instant gratification thing, instant "likes", and the movies.

We have no idea of what's really going on in the background, but that's what so great about POTUS - never showing his hand.

We're done with the stupid people. Have to get used to Old School Smarts now.

306367 No.81403


Hotness aside, I really do love the way she dresses.

639732 No.81404


is it effective? if a students at school can break this down would it trigger liberal teachers to read it?

6a4e5d No.81405



2485ad No.81407

baker bakin'

de0096 No.81408

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].

SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].


Have we come to an agreement on what this means?

Is he calling ISIS the axis of evil?


Are we going to militarily fire on NK, Russia, China? Or Iran maybe? And they will fire back?

What is "seek immediate"? Almost sounds like shelter if the above "fire" is accurate.

What is SC? Secure comm doesn't reallyt make sense with the context.

[F9-Sx_VB8239]. ??

7415bc No.81409

File: 73d1a054ea789df⋯.jpeg (41.25 KB, 149x224, 149:224, p6.jpeg)



dc2463 No.81410

File: fe527f4c025f8d9⋯.jpg (115.06 KB, 885x861, 295:287, Silver Shield Merica 1oz P….jpg)


Here's another one. The guy that designed these is Chris Duane. He's redpilled to the max. He has a series on youtube call Truth Never Told. If you haven't listened to them. You will probably enjoy them. It wouldn't surprise me if Chris were lurking here…..

b23726 No.81411

Attn flight flags:

2 planes heading NE over NJ

1 - no call sign - took off from W Palm Beach

Another - BLOCKED - took off from IAD to meet the other plane, has been following it ever since

Both descending

Over Westfield, NJ now

b11755 No.81412


OF COURSE!!! If Twitter is beng told by the Chinese government to drown out dissidents, IRAN's swamp must be doing the same thing to keep the revolution completely quiet from the rest of the world.

…motherfucker, Twitter. You're hiding information that could very well help Iran break free of its fundamentalist scumbag leadership!

f349d9 No.81413


Fire up the memes.

must be something to bring America together.

fccc01 No.81414


The world is talking about it, aren't they?

Art of persuasion and marketing/promotion.

Expand your thinking.

The concern in here is unwarranted.

Today was an amazing success!

3ebbc7 No.81415


Here you go

http:// www .ufppc.org/us-a-world-news-mainmenu-35/3061-news-the-qrs-11-gyrochip-affair.html

b81b6c No.81416


Those on the front lines today will rest, regroup, and hopefully come back with even stronger resolve tomorrow. And if not, a new group will step up, emboldened by the others before them. War is hell, but it's all good, anon. Family keeps you grounded and out of total trouble. Bans are no biggie in the grand scheme. We're fighting for life. :)

3c6623 No.81417


Sleep well, Patriot.

2485ad No.81418


It is FrodoAnon, it's good to see you. Shout me up next bread.

b23726 No.81419


Damn it, I meant flightfags.

c16c9c No.81420



f38e62 No.81421


We have reached 400,000 tweets on Fake News Awards.

8ce886 No.81422

File: e046b376140aab2⋯.jpg (7.76 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ffff.jpg)

7ba437 No.81423


"They don't know they're helping us"

(MSM talking fake news)

Lmao. They can't help it anyway

–These ppl are stupid

d1a8ae No.81426



9dedfa No.81428

http:// archive.is/vU2MZ

https:// arstechnica.com/science/2018/01/looming-shortage-of-critical-isotopes-sparks-pricy-nuclear-medicine-race/?comments=1&post=34648141

64df18 No.81429


I forgot about that dude! His coin designs are fucking awesome

de098b No.81430


>The world is talking about it, aren't they?

yes, but they are calling it a failure

a53619 No.81431


Who knows. Hell it could be Space Corp they talked about last year. What the heck do we need space military for anyway?

76bdce No.81432


Bingo somedody else get it too

de4fcd No.81433


I disagree it's FRUSTRATING!!!

6a4e5d No.81434


>We're fighting for life.


f38e62 No.81435


Making up stuff on a President's sex life is not effective, at all.

7415bc No.81437


i learned to bake today

spoke with previous baker to verify

pretty easy stuff

will be ready for emergency bakes

ty, anon

3ebbc7 No.81439


Also https ://fearoflanding.com/accidents/remote-control-boeing/

f38e62 No.81440


Stupid indeed!

89482f No.81441


Great words, anon. We all need to keep the faith.

8e1e3b No.81442




fccc01 No.81443



Low T lefty journos wouldn't even be able to speak if Melania walked up to them and said hello.

ef8d5e No.81445

File: 89cb648071fc72d⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 1152x864, 4:3, r_lee_ermey_61429-1152x864.jpg)


Time for some R&R soldier! You're coming across garbled and spellchecked. Sempre Fi! Well done!

f349d9 No.81446


meme the truth about these fucks selling baby parts!

639732 No.81447

File: b0cd63aae4acc71⋯.jpg (100.02 KB, 700x350, 2:1, infinite Pepe.jpg)


They are making this BIGGER!!!! It's All In The Timing, Trump is Building and audience like a rocknroll band gets people to riot. is there something we can do to make a chant like at a rock concert meme? #WheresFakeNewsAwards #Trump something I don't know

f38e62 No.81448


loooool exhausted.

e7a5a5 No.81449


Some are. Some aren't.

Go watch Naruto. Er… Read the manga, actually. Less filler.

3ebbc7 No.81451


I pose the possibility that the Malaysian airline jets were simply stolen to obtain their guidance technology for north korea. Has anyone viewed north korea from satellite to see if they have any large aircraft lying around….

f550ff No.81452


Golden age. Space elevator. Re-read the crumbs.

2485ad No.81453

Victorious Celebratory Bread




Reviewing The Battle Edition

Tired and /comfy/

89482f No.81454


a28b43 No.81455


As a human, you make the choices that make sense. I see no light on the other side, no chance at making this world better. I can't leave till we win, but if you're going to go, please remove some trash with you. It's not my job to tell another human how to live, or how to die. I prefer you to live. I think you'll be amazed with what comes next.

615369 No.81456

File: 42488ce08ab0501⋯.jpg (238.75 KB, 843x482, 843:482, mika.jpg)

7415bc No.81457


rothchild patent if my sauce is correct

323a0a No.81458


Could hit a million in 24 hours if we get back on the job

8e1afb No.81459


The concern trolling tells me we are doing EXACTLY wtf we are supposed to. Fuck off faggot.

9fd415 No.81460







What else do we know about IRON EAGLE?

0f9595 No.81462


Wow …We did it !!! BIGLY !!! Nice work Anons !!! So freekin proud to be a Patriot !!!

d180c4 No.81463


Wow! Funny, I never thought of that. Of course, Barron is only 11. Trump fathered a son at the age of 60!!!!

dd778f No.81464


Do you really need to be patted on the head and be told that you are a good boy? Look at the results yourself. We did well, you don't need to be re-affirmed to know we did well today for the fields are ripe with results. Go have a drink, well deserved.

ef8d5e No.81465

File: cc056c0f587acaf⋯.jpg (44.84 KB, 647x414, 647:414, ShillsInTheWire.jpg)

<You know what we do when it gets shilly in here, don't ya?

c86050 No.81466

I think Q was guiding but not as Q, while anons were sharing memes they'd made, I had a suspicion that Q was one of those directing us to make sure the memes were not divisive but red pilling. Of course I could be wrong. >>80850

3975a7 No.81467


Read that somewhere before too.

7ba437 No.81468


Probably causing ppls deaths too

d1a8ae No.81469

The name of the next bread :)

We should who REALLY is in control

7415bc No.81471


here, you did

fccc01 No.81472


>yes, but they are calling it a failure

What did you think the "news" media was going to say about an attack on the "news" profession?

If the world is talking about it, it is NOT a failure, no matter what the butthurt lefty media says about it.

835b9b No.81473


https:// twitter.com/EdKrassen/status/953840370378420224

This guy and his brother just look like scumbags. No one is calling this guy out. Amazing how lost his followers are.

dc2463 No.81474

File: 8976b1b40d8114f⋯.jpg (100.66 KB, 900x883, 900:883, Silver Shield Just Us 1oz ….jpg)



And Chris Duane hates Hillary, as you can see….

306367 No.81475


He linked to the wrong post. Its this one with MAKING >>19

ea7f46 No.81477

File: 9203a286cc32e91⋯.png (370.09 KB, 544x517, 544:517, historic45.png)


God Bless You, thank You. (intentional caps).

0f65e5 No.81478

I have been here since before Halloween. Helping to Red pill the public from the narrative of "Fake News" to "Yes, there really is Fake News" does not feel like much progress. Especially when we have to move them from Fake News to "Hey, there really are Evil, Satan Worshipping, Cannibal, pedovores ruling the world" that we have to conquer.

I'm not giving up, it's just hard to know what we know and not be able to do anything to HELP! Feel like we're running in place.

d180c4 No.81479


I opened a twitter account today, first time ever, to do my part and help out.

I'm looking for a picture of a penguin with a MAGA hat on. Can't find one! :(

62ab2c No.81549

Wikileaks just posted this:

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=XEu6kHRHYhU

7e35fd No.81551


sure are, wonder why?

29a817 No.81557



For the uninitiated: this guy writes a post and replies to himself 15 times trying to get people to his site, where they claim THIS site is run by the CIA.

There is no Q here, just an anon looking for traffic.

Carry on.

7211f7 No.81566


We own space.

62ab2c No.81568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f38e62 No.81569


kys i'm exhausted

7de3b4 No.81574


>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=XEu6kHRHYhU

Published on Apr 26, 2017

c86050 No.81576


And in order for Assange to not alienate those 5.5mm followers he probably added that little bit about the Trump admin. engaging in disinfo. while giving no examples. He needs to red pill slowly.

5f24ca No.81894


maybe that's why when I replied to the haters on Potus twitter wall I never got one reply, after shooting off one after the other for at least an hour.

733605 No.81896


damn thats a sexy ass meme u got there

a40449 No.81931

The beam didn't hit down. It's the optical light pillar phenomenon caused by the light of the explosion is what he's saying

5f24ca No.81933

File: e04ae297b18228f⋯.jpg (135.84 KB, 960x468, 80:39, 11894.jpg)


Seems like all the negative ones are cut-outs, no passion. Wouldn't be surprised if they were all paid for. That's what they mean when they say the Dems don't know how to Meme?

a40449 No.81937

27dfd6 No.82135


"THIS site run by the CIA"

Um. I think they have bigger fish to fry. There's such a ton of internet full of weirdos for them to babysit. Those weirdos are foaming at the mouth to do unspeakably evil things, and somebody's gotta put a foot up their ass before they do. They and the other alphabets ARE that foot.

4ceb6d No.82194

File: 00e2f7b3e136718⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 275x183, 275:183, IMG_3443.JPG)

a22527 No.82477

Don't think this clown fag could glow any brighter! Sold his soul for $14.50 an hour. Pathetic!-

Anonymous 01/17/18 (Wed) 20:18:09 e6fb24 No.81245>>81273 >>81347


Did those 3M impressions earn you any money? That is a question you should ask. Exposure like that should net some return for your work. Otherwise, you're… what? A "useful idiot?"

And before you trash me - at least think about it.

A lot of us are here with the belief that we're helping the country, or something along those lines. I have hope that is true.

But the age-old phrase "cui bono?" always creeps back into my mind. Look at history for countless examples of people being turned into patriots or soldiers for the benefit of others.

Just hope it's different this time.

Simply food for thought - which is beneficial for all.

98ed31 No.82481

I posted earlier about a gut feeling I had to dig into the Bob Dole connection. This is the first time since Nixon that "(something)Gate was used to describe a major political/criminal scandal. It just so happens that Senator Robert Dole of Kansas was one of the tenants that night at the Watergate hotel in 1972.

It is not a coincidence that he received the Congressional Gold Medal today, just hours prior to today's main event. I'm re-reading All The Presidents Men to see if anything else jumps out at me. So far, it's been these connections:

-use of "SomethingGate" scandal reference

-Bob Dole


- Washington post (carl Bernstein & Bobwoodward)

I'll keep reading. Mod please assist if you'd prefer this had its own thread so as not to clutter.

98ed31 No.82490

We should start a #raiseyourhandifyouvebeenpersonallyvictimizedbytwitter

Normie af reference. Clever. And, everyone will raise their fucking hand. At least, they'll look around and see who raised theirs first. I know it's worst, but it has potential.

d83049 No.82506

Yesterday was amazing. I felt we truly pulled something off as a collective. I was buzzing. Esp when it felt like twitter gave up trying to suppress our #. Everyone deserves a round of applause, esp all the meme makers. Thank u. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

38fb86 No.82510


Fame is a prison for the mind… so fuck the fame

98ed31 No.82623

File: ee7246abe822133⋯.jpg (145.76 KB, 746x746, 1:1, Snapmeme_1516267080202.jpg)

Still steady flooding Twitter everyone something pops into my head. Just posted this: feeling Patriotic AF🇺🇸

As a passionate student of Criminal Justice and citizen of these United States, I believe not in the Talking Heads, but in the objective facts, the Principles of Liberty, and the United States Constitution. #GreatAwakening #TheStormHasArrived #WeThePeople

https:// youtu.be/Ytx6pt3XkSM

d9e0ba No.82817

File: dd5e260aa4ab59b⋯.jpg (57.65 KB, 384x247, 384:247, Q.jpg)

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