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File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, de36960c04495bd843cd005a70….jpg)

5d97ad  No.7022104

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 07.12.2019

>>7012074 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming.

>>7012019 ————————————–——– "FIND OUT THE PEOPLE THAT WENT TO THAT ISLAND."

>>7011640 ————————————–——– [MUELLER] hearing delayed?

>>7011267 ————————————–——– [Wheels Up] flight logs [CLAS 1-99] under investigation by FBI/DOJ?

>>7011225 ————————————–——– [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>7011097 ————————————–——– Sec Acosta Plans To Resign (Cap:>>7011200 )

>>7005334 ————————————–——– Now what are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>7005357 )

>>7004514 ————————————–——– R Kelly arrested on Federal Sex Crime ( Cap: >>7004625 )

Thursday 07.11.2019

>>7004029 ————————————–——– How does LDR (Rothschild's) con nect to the Bronfman's? ( Cap: >>7004070)

>>7004081 rt >>7004029 ————————— What city was Epstein arrested in? NYC? 5:5 Watch CA

>>7003300 rt >>7003276 ————————— Q Prefers Proofs and Tools added back

>>7003151 ————————————–——– [PP] news. More coming.

>>6990956 ————————————–——– [Wheels up]

>>6990701 ————————————–——– Well done, Anons

Wednesday 07.10.2019

>>6990140 ————————————–——– (Cap: >>6990186 vid) B-2 Stealth Bomber Takeoff

>>6989727 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched

>>6985423 ————————————–——– Date of 1st flight?

>>6985182 ————————————–——– Smoke & Mirrors

>>6983107 ————————————–——– [PP] news coming (Cap: >>6983183)

>>6982404 ————————————–——– Re: Border Fight Worth remembering.

>>6982112 ————————————–——– Unchallenged allegations (Cap: >>6982124)

>>6982028 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Real World. (Cap: >>6983414)

Tuesday 07.09.2019

>>6976657 ————————————–——– Follow the date [One Example]No coincidences.

>>6976233 rt >>6976189 ————————— The flight log!

>>6976212 rt >>6976175 ————————— 3 Staircases: Degree of incline?

>>6976179 rt >>6976144 ————————— 16 Channels [4x4] (Note "2013" on the bottom).

>>6976069 rt >>6976025 ————————— DO YOU BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCE?

>>6975974 ————————————–——– Welcome to Epstein Island.

>>6973290 rt >>6973189 ————————— Not so funny now….

>>6973189 ————————————–——– No joke and/or reference re: Epstein? (Cap: >>6973274)

>>6972669 ————————————–——– Untouchable mindset by all involved?

>>6972283 ————————————–——– Worth remembering. (Cap: >>6972651)

>>6970952 ————————————–——– What an amazing coincidence (think yesterday's drop).

>>6969889 ————————————–——– Trumps fed pick Judy Shelton gold standard explained (Cap: >>6970084)

>>6969527 ————————————–——– The HUNTERS become the HUNTED (Cap: >>6969567)

>>6969027 ————————————–——– When the FAKE NEWS can't attack you directly using FACTS….

>>6968890 ————————————–——– So much Flynn news today! (Cap: >>6969043)

>>6968462 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS move his transition command center (base of ops) from TT the VERY NEXT DAY?

>>6968183 ————————————–——– There is a big [direct] reason why FLYNN's new attorney is seeking security clearance (cap: >>6968207)

>>6967368 ————————————–——– You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face.

>>6967289 rt >>6967208 ————————— Simple.

>>6967208 ————————————–——– You didn't think the Epstein investigation began a few months ago did you?

Monday 07.08.2019

Consolidated here: >>6976868

Thursday 06.27.2019

Consolidated here: >>6973411

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

5d97ad  No.7022116

Notables Thread

>>7003045 Q Research Notables Open for all anons to submit buns

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

QPosts Archives

* MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

* MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

* SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://''postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Q Proofs

* Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

* QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

* QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

* Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

* Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

* Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

* Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

* Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

* Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

* Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


* Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

* All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

* Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6135754 The JQ (Jewish Question) Research Thread #4

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2565756.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>7012538

all older Qmaps archived at >>>/comms/283,

Q Graphics all in EST


c6b853  No.7022117

Global Board Anon Announcements:




are not endorsements


>>7021395, >>7021977 anon digs List of people arrested/charged for child sex trafficking

>>7021469 New PDJT retweets Border Crisis

>>7021420 Virginia Governor Northam Supports Illegal Immigrants Over ICE On Official Facebook Page. Comments Don't Go The Way He Hopes

>>7021501 Casey Wasserman dig

>>7021451 effrey-epsteins-cell-is-three-doors-down-from-el-chapo

>>7021573 Planefag update

>>7021599 Rachel Chandler - Rothschild - Spirit Cooking

>>7021624, >>7021617 anon dig Bronfman tied to Mort Zuckerman

>>7021695 anon dig Epstein flight manifest-LDR is Lynn Forrester

>>7021739 Kellogg Family Trust sold $5.49m in shares-July 10

>>7021796 Former priest admits to fathering prostitute's child-El Paso, Tx-yea not gonna go over well

>>7021797 Stephen Hawkin visited St. James island

>>7021827 U.S. Airforce Tweet and Q drop#2603 "history books"

>>7021891 Hilary Clinton wheels up for Haiti

>>7021903 Rachel Chandler, John "Pumkin Spice" Brennan And Barry Obama AT the White House ON THE SAME DAY

>>7022030 JPMorgan’s Hersch succeeds colorful money manager( Epstein) February 11th, 2008

>>7022042 POTUS says U.S. envoy to Japan will run to be Tennessee senator

>>7022068 #8984


>>7020652 New DJT and vid - leaving great state of OHio

>>7020980 DJT timestamp 18:13 (pacific time) and Q post 1813 is reddit mods (reddit typye notable)

>>7021098 DJT timestamp 21:13 Q 2113 We will remain here. (chanded)

>>7021258 Epstein also accused of witness tampering

>>7021323 #8983

#8982 shill bake

>>7019892, >>7019900 WHEELS UP DIG

>>7019927, >>7020139 WHO IS ARNOLD PAUL PROSPERI? continued

>>7020343 [PP] in the news ? (PAUL PROSPERI)

>>7019980 Bill/Hillary booed at Billy Joel Concert after song dedication

>>7020005 another article on "Tracy Twyman pedogate researcher dies"

>>7020190 STANDARD HOTEL CONNECTED TO [New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]

>>7020198 CEMEX location refresher

>>7020202 Revealed: Palantir’s Top-Secret User Manual for Cops

>>7020157 Chelsea Clinton self doxxes (podesta emails)

>>7020151 Epstein himself DID NOT come into federal jurisdiction! His plane did. Port Authority boarded his plane and arrested him. (theory)

>>7020271, >>7020284 Terramar / Ghislaine Maxwell dig continued

>>7020377 Intercontinental Exchange Execs sold $4.10m in shares-July 2-10

>>7020536 #8982

#8981 shill bake

>>7019489, >>7019547, >>7019530, >>7019558 Who is Arnold Paul Prosperi. Re: Jeffrey Epstein visitors

>>7019300, >>7019177 “Your Comments Are DISGUSTING!” – Former Border Patrol Chief Tom Homan EXPLODES at Hearing — Goes Off on Unhinged Democrat

>>7019501 Airport List for Lolita Express

>>7019522 Julia Cuomo tied to Epstein?

>>7019177 Former Border Patrol Chief Tom Homan EXPLODES at Hearing — Goes Off on Unhinged Democrat.

>>7019159 Clinton/Obama Economist Larry Summers was also on the Lolita Express

>>7019087 Tommy Robinson going to Belmarsh prison

>>7019089 Was Lewis Carroll a Pedo?

>>7019231, >>7019429, >>7019512, >>7019273 Terramar / Ghislaine Maxwell dig.

>>7019485 Jeffery Epstein V. Bradley J. Edwards (2009)

>>7019381 Fred Fleitz to replace Dan Coats?

>>7019148, >>7019303 U.S. lawmakers expected to delay Mueller testimony by a week.

>>7019164 Dalai Lama tied to NXIVM?

>>7019104 Fed agents say that they have searched the home of fmr. Chicago Alderman Michael Zalewski.

>>7019070 Coast Guardsman jumps on submarine, bangs it open with bare fists until drug runners surrender

>>7019104 BNL tweet:Federal agents say that they have searched the home of former Chicago Alderman Michael Zalewski

>>7019303 Hannity Tweet:Mueller’s testimony before Congress is up in the air

>>7019381 Paul Sperry Tweet: Dan Coats NID out

>>7019623 ICE Tweet.

>>7019708 Sidney Powell remarks in a lecture on Thursday on Capitol Hill that “unfettered prosecutorial power,”

>>7019781 #8981

Previously Collected Notables

>>7017356 #8978, >>7018166 #8979, >>7019034 #8980

>>7015055 #8975, >>7015848 #8976, >>7016590 #8977

>>7013067 #8972, >>7013535 #8973, >>7014283 #8974

>>7010366 #8969, >>7011138 #8970, >>7012028 #8971

>>7008103 #8966, >>7008948 #8967, >>7009738 #8968

>>7005766 #8963, >>7006563 #8964, >>7007325 #8965

Notables Archive by ShillBV's (updated never because they're lazy): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

real pastebin


5d97ad  No.7022130

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

'''* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 07.11.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

6448ae  No.7022150

File: c6d8e1a870e10b0⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Cuomo_Epsteins_Friends.mp4)

Don't get caught up in the intrigue, anons.

174b95  No.7022151

File: c0ddd2ec543d891⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C71E5A70-3108-4D4E-90F1-56….png)

That’s AOC’s CoS bro this kid getting fired

0b4047  No.7022162

I heard on the news that the 9/11 Victims Compensation bill that passed the house today has a rider that says the President can't have a Military parade for political purposes.

I've been looking to see if I can find an article that discusses this.

Sorry it this has already been discussed.

11916a  No.7022165




11225d  No.7022166


Way to be a division fag.

0b4047  No.7022167


Crap, I shit the bread!

b4b9b5  No.7022168

File: e85afeae43c6ba0⋯.jpg (792.45 KB, 1079x1667, 1079:1667, Screenshot_20190712-221812….jpg)

File: b9692e6ab223b6d⋯.jpg (901.84 KB, 1079x1697, 1079:1697, Screenshot_20190712-221826….jpg)

File: d96bbdbf9034a4d⋯.jpg (897.25 KB, 1079x1684, 1079:1684, Screenshot_20190712-221837….jpg)


e8fe12  No.7022169

File: 51ea17713a5f743⋯.png (132.73 KB, 444x374, 222:187, vi-f.png)

File: 37bf269bdcf41b0⋯.png (380.59 KB, 999x974, 999:974, FIGHT.png)

File: 2afa3515c3893ad⋯.png (1.04 MB, 999x666, 3:2, ghhoulz.png)

File: a845f068922af10⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipic.jpg)

I made a



THINK: what if Q is waiting for US to wake up to the FAKENESS that rules the internet?

Look around at what is happening here.

Look at “all the raging controversy”.

Is it real?

Or is it fake?

Are people starting to wake up to the reality of internet FAKENESS?

I made this board hoping we could possibly start to get HUMAN patriots organized.

If the bots implode here, maybe there is an opportunity.


I realize that almost all humans that come here are primarily passive, and that therefore, there may not be any “active voices” to transfer to a new board.

But come and say hello. We can make a start.

See what a board without swarms of bots can be like.

We could have discussions!

If patriots get organized on a new board, perhaps Q will post on it.


737bd6  No.7022170

>>7022129 - past bread

The Epstein temple dome was taken off by a hurricane I think

no doubt the demons are thrilled their little loosh funnel isn't working any more

829f21  No.7022171

>>7021408 lb

Havn’t re-downloaded the flight log. Long story. But has anyone started a list of the passengers’ initials to share with anons to start matching names and dates to those initials?

d20d77  No.7022172

notables thread

dont post there yet

pb links




i want to add these viedos

29842c  No.7022173

File: a182693cfff3043⋯.jpg (519.93 KB, 1334x1230, 667:615, CMS_Higgs-event.jpg)


Opps I may not have laid the ground work that all perception is local and that from within our 4D that would warp any perception of any higher multi D reality.


34da5b  No.7022174

File: cddce35f1374257⋯.png (570.21 KB, 640x477, 640:477, ng grave.png)

he tried to warn us

>we didn't listen

2a9099  No.7022175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

abd2f7  No.7022176

File: bd0e1582042d3f1⋯.png (560.23 KB, 1456x1313, 112:101, ClipboardImage.png)

d8dece  No.7022177

File: f11926283b8ff21⋯.png (457.33 KB, 1106x667, 1106:667, ClipboardImage.png)




f1610b  No.7022178

File: 89bbe468bce135b⋯.png (121.7 KB, 641x481, 641:481, BA72CB45-5570-4E38-A5ED-79….png)

c8cf60  No.7022179

File: e6f0bb59d320a68⋯.jpg (59.34 KB, 960x500, 48:25, B-2-Spirit-Stealth-Bomber.jpg)


o7 ty patriot baker

0769c6  No.7022180










970619  No.7022181

>>7022089 (pb)

How that JAP can thnk she is a beauty is a great example of someone who is totally delusional. Lest you think I am a shallow anon, she's even uglier on the inside. The "R nigger," is even more disgusting.

5d2c34  No.7022182

>>7022000 You make zero sense. Notables are still posted. No fiat rule.

>>7022006 Good for you. Free speech board. Have at it. I’m free to call it out.

>>7022019 I see where you are. I do trust myself. I can monitor multiple boards just like I can monitor multiple threads on this board. I’ll see what Q does. I’m comfy.

>>7022023 I would agree that things are close. 10x speed in the wheels of Justice Mayo still be slow, but they are still 10x faster than normal.

>>7022086 Door, ass. Figure it out.

80ebc8  No.7022183

This is the most disgusting and blatant MSM narrative insertion that I have ever witnessed! What a time to be alive! God Bless us all and Welcome to the TRUTH.

Stay strong, stay true and research the shit out of EVERYTHING! WE ARE THE NEWS NOW

6c062c  No.7022184


Me likee!

a44eeb  No.7022185

File: fd83236c8210e86⋯.jpeg (91.84 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 602F6E3E-F1AE-4B4E-8581-3….jpeg)

“I’ve been here since the beginning”

“I’ve been here since before Q”

“I’ve been at this for 20 years”

ab4fd1  No.7022186

File: ff67cca2e3a8e73⋯.jpg (76.13 KB, 594x400, 297:200, YafXsrKPD9El.jpg)

Anons seen this?

b3f985  No.7022187


Still divisive. Reconcile.

dafabb  No.7022188

File: 4258aa517859be0⋯.png (462.06 KB, 515x403, 515:403, DB agrees.PNG)



got an updated version that has a few moar, drop in a few. Only lb.

bf6f13  No.7022189

Repost from end of last bread:

3 new recent drone videos of Epstein's Island. Does anyone know when and who has control of the island?





cffa6f  No.7022190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

67e7b9  No.7022191

File: 1ebe08045f705ca⋯.jpg (132.05 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 7580a08d5405ec73d45605b703….jpg)

File: 1b589141a75a01c⋯.png (3.42 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Baker_Badge_Bread_Q_Alpha.png)

File: 178acfd423bc728⋯.png (829.71 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, POW_MIA_Q_Alt_Alpha.png)

File: 2a4b04fbb97f6d7⋯.png (570.88 KB, 1944x1780, 486:445, ThanQ With Pepe Alpha.png)


OORah and Semper Fi Baker !

f1a98f  No.7022192

Pence says conditions bad


Pence: The Conditions in One of the Detention Facilities I Visited Weren’t Acceptable – Congress Needs to Act

bf6f13  No.7022193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video 1 of 2

56e498  No.7022194


Bread titles just get gayer and gayer

2616cd  No.7022195


THATS how you do it… MAKE IT YOUR OWN!



5a43da  No.7022196

File: ecb6386d16fcfe6⋯.jpeg (225.33 KB, 1169x344, 1169:344, 4D98B013-90A7-42DE-BB13-1….jpeg)

File: 089eba163e9b5f6⋯.jpeg (303.73 KB, 1242x1059, 414:353, 084C8C06-0D9B-4FD8-8994-B….jpeg)

>>7018313 pb


d20d77  No.7022197


>>7021395, >>7021977 anon digs List of people arrested/charged for child sex trafficking

>>7021469 New PDJT retweets Border Crisis

>>7021420 Virginia Governor Northam Supports Illegal Immigrants Over ICE On Official Facebook Page. Comments Don't Go The Way He Hopes

>>7021501 Casey Wasserman dig

>>7021451 effrey-epsteins-cell-is-three-doors-down-from-el-chapo

>>7021573 Planefag update

>>7021599 Rachel Chandler - Rothschild - Spirit Cooking

>>7021624, >>7021617 anon dig Bronfman tied to Mort Zuckerman

>>7021695 anon dig Epstein flight manifest-LDR is Lynn Forrester

>>7021739 Kellogg Family Trust sold $5.49m in shares-July 10

>>7021796 Former priest admits to fathering prostitute's child-El Paso, Tx-yea not gonna go over well

>>7021797 Stephen Hawkin visited St. James island

>>7021827 U.S. Airforce Tweet and Q drop#2603 "history books"

>>7021891 Hilary Clinton wheels up for Haiti

>>7021903 Rachel Chandler, John "Pumkin Spice" Brennan And Barry Obama AT the White House ON THE SAME DAY

>>7022030 JPMorgan’s Hersch succeeds colorful money manager( Epstein) February 11th, 2008

>>7022042 POTUS says U.S. envoy to Japan will run to be Tennessee senator

>>7022044, >>7022051, >>7022061 epstein island drone videos

cccac5  No.7022198

I support restoration of the notables.

29842c  No.7022199

File: 6f8c5bf85787818⋯.jpg (7.29 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 0da45feb3a36a1ed4d1dd5e1c1….jpg)



80ebc8  No.7022200


Is it possible to be 'gayer'? asking for a friend

bf6f13  No.7022201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video 2 of 2

b6dd00  No.7022202

I have made notables with way less important information.


"Breakthrough Energy Ventures was spearheaded by Bill Gates, with a group of “founders”: Jeff Bezos, March Benioff, Richard Branson, Reid Hoffman, Jack Ma, George Soros, Tom Steyer, Meg Whitman, Mark Zuckerberg, University of California, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, Michael Bloomberg, and MORE"

This is a good summary. Diggers, good info in here!

cffa6f  No.7022203


Can we go away and never turn around again?

On an escapade and always keep the vision

Can we open out and spread ourselves around the sand?

Captivate the sun, keep the light till the world ends

Runaway, runaway

Runaway, runaway

Take away the wall and break away my defense

Candle by our side and never let the rain begin

Runaway, runaway

Runaway, runaway

We're a part of a plan and it's already written

There is no other way, it's inside our every sense

Earth is our island

(Earth is our island)

Earth is our island

(Earth is our island)

Runaway, runaway

Runaway, runaway

Karma, am I yours is that your intuition

If that is your word, I'm the definition

Earth is our island

(Earth is our island)

Earth is our island

(Earth is our island)

Runaway, runaway

Runaway, runaway

In our destinies, this is what was missing

Echo in my mind, even through my distance

Runaway, runaway

Runaway, runaway

Runaway, runaway

Runaway, runaway

Runaway, runaway

Runaway, runaway

We're a part of a plan and it's already written

Candle by our side and never let the rain begin

5d2c34  No.7022204

Deliver the Pain

a44eeb  No.7022205

File: bd4a31e3c8592d7⋯.jpeg (101.77 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 1FE5F6CF-E035-45C3-A878-A….jpeg)

f1610b  No.7022206

File: bfe8d29d4a98e88⋯.jpeg (563.73 KB, 750x1004, 375:502, 210683A2-0F31-4CFA-8AC8-7….jpeg)


bf6f13  No.7022208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video 3

f1a98f  No.7022209

U.S. Virgin Islands Senator on Epstein: ‘Widespread Corruption’ in Territory, ‘He Has People on His Payroll’


Sen. Oakland Benta, a St. Croix Democrat who previously served as the island’s chief of police, is speaking out in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News about billionaire Democrat donor Jeffrey Epstein and demanding wide-ranging investigations in the territory into Epstein’s and others’ alleged “widespread corruption.”

d2c225  No.7022211


This takes you to all 5 of his videos.


c6b853  No.7022212

File: 78995b1ccbf5264⋯.png (141.89 KB, 829x568, 829:568, swamp-fox-then-and-now.png)


Comfy, c'mon down.

First meme I ever made.


41ff75  No.7022213

File: 53dd2a2b57e33f5⋯.jpeg (587.1 KB, 1233x1361, 1233:1361, D5102603-A676-4079-A160-9….jpeg)

File: b35322718d237f4⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 986x2208, 493:1104, 7B2DA914-1667-4133-AFB2-9….jpeg)


Rearrange the letters


All letters used.

Who was also getting ready to expose child killing vampires?

8dbb6a  No.7022214

File: 870a98310d515bd⋯.png (98.6 KB, 442x495, 442:495, abannonbreitbartnaews.png)

bc072f  No.7022215

File: a475404dc360000⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1900x995, 380:199, ClipboardImage.png)

AF2 arriving at Andrews

225fde  No.7022217

File: 94b829952ca7fbc⋯.png (149.31 KB, 1718x663, 1718:663, 890890754861298034789054.png)

87db9d  No.7022218


Epstein Island Drone footage videos




2616cd  No.7022220


seriously, we could have JR bakers copy notables INTO the separate thread, why NOT have two!

7cbdcb  No.7022221

partridge family?


a44eeb  No.7022222

File: 2c3362ecc8445ce⋯.jpeg (101.99 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 56D29959-23CB-4D01-9702-C….jpeg)

Anon out.

See you on the flip side.

6022a7  No.7022223


Thank you, notable baker!

abd2f7  No.7022224

File: c9dace3e18c0133⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

618563  No.7022225

2be9dd  No.7022226

>>7022041 (PB)

He commissioned a mural of himself behind jail bars with barbed wire for his NY mansion. Said that could be me again one day.

4ac99c  No.7022227

File: 603fdee292c835c⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 603fdee292c835c7b3fc5310a7….jpg)

b8d6c8  No.7022228

File: 43a510232eb2699⋯.jpg (14.34 KB, 305x200, 61:40, America-Silver-Eagle-front….jpg)

Trump tweet re: cryptocurrencies, Libra, US Dollar

Paper currency we use is Federal Reserve Note, a Note being a debt.

US Dollar is a Silver Eagle, and represents money, not currency.

c6b853  No.7022229


Like the Swamp Fox. Mostly just led the Brits around in circles in the backcountry southern swamps. Even had dinner with the Brit commander one night. Back when warfare was more civilized in some respects, kek.

29842c  No.7022230


Ok you MF asshole post the fucking notables or get the fuck out


1542d9  No.7022231

File: 2e47d24863f514e⋯.png (60.27 KB, 256x161, 256:161, Screen Shot 2019-04-28 at ….png)

>>7022083 (p/b)

This was heavily discussed, and NOT our first plan of action. We want to be in a place where info can run freely and Q can drop crumbs. nothin moar. nothing less.

At this point it is NOT about petty differences/squabbles among BO/bakers/BV's etc. This is about our BO ignoring/refuting a response from Q, and then immediately started letting this place go up in flames due to either arrogance or compromise. Either way is unacceptable.

The fact we are in numbers on 8Bits backup board should tell you something.

I will gladly return here to fight, but we have NO time to waste, so I helped the fight continue. Q will post where he pleases, and us real anons will of course follow. But with all these disappearing notables and spilt/locked bread fuckery we must keep fighting somewhere. I refused/refuse to sit around waiting for flaptits to be usurped here.

We have migrated before, and if you have checked out what we have going on you would say ked willed it fren

c8cf60  No.7022232

File: 466ec443f98cae7⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 556x303, 556:303, 466ec443f98cae788d4fc033f3….jpg)


careful who u hand off to Patriot Baker, shills ebeware.

d9df4b  No.7022233

Since Pence now said we should do something let's just see if the Dems turn their dirty backs and vote against it.


b29108  No.7022234

File: a8166a94fcb1778⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 474x350, 237:175, fuckyou.jpg)

>>7021785 lb

Да! Да! I's there 2! no moar board odor

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

d20d77  No.7022235


added to last bread notables


and here

>>7022219 off bread

c6b853  No.7022236


Not my job, did not bake. Someone else can do it, where's the baker??

29842c  No.7022237

Bakers and BO TOGTFO

2a9099  No.7022238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

abd2f7  No.7022239

File: 5102275beb9a618⋯.png (623.78 KB, 632x416, 79:52, ClipboardImage.png)

bf6f13  No.7022240


If people were screaming at ll on a no wind day it seems the sound would easily travel and be heard by boaters and close islands alike.. I read a comment where 1 girl tried to escape by swimming and they caught her and held her passport.

dc2e93  No.7022241

File: 96279b6bbc36457⋯.png (3.73 MB, 1916x821, 1916:821, Screenshot_112.png)

>>7022129 lb

heard that Hurricane Irma blew it off and destroyed it.

Also, here is the area with some type of rusty red "waste" being dissolved into the ocean?

80ebc8  No.7022242


You that fucking stupid

56e498  No.7022243


When it comes to BO's Flunky Baker Bread Titles…


105aa0  No.7022244


Nice word salad you've got there

55f481  No.7022245

File: 2e6882141c3b4c8⋯.jpg (237.01 KB, 658x469, 94:67, forced-into-submission.jpg)

They can't ignore us now!!

[DS/C_A]: "We're not worried, DRUDGE is one of us."

e9e8db  No.7022246

File: 32fb3c0954de3f1⋯.jpeg (18.45 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 0298352B-1F21-490C-A10D-4….jpeg)

11dd34  No.7022247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden is melting out of his own suit

d9df4b  No.7022248

File: 44f4c555c00d7b0⋯.png (1.13 MB, 897x591, 299:197, digits.PNG)

3fedf2  No.7022249

File: 073ca75ef0689d0⋯.png (361.66 KB, 721x528, 721:528, templegoesmainstream.png)

File: 08049d731d99771⋯.jpg (171.1 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, epstein-temple.jpg)

We Are The News

What’s the Deal with the Bizarre Temple-Like Structure on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Island?

The latest buzz about the Jeffrey Epstein child sex-trafficking case regards a temple-like structure on his private island — an island he calls “Little St. Jeff’s,” but one St. Thomas locals called “Pedophile Island” or “Orgy Island.” It is on this 72-acre island that Epstein allegedly ferried in young women on a boat named the “Lady Ghislaine.” Epstein’s friend and former partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, is a British socialite who has been accused of acting as Epstein’s madam.

There have been varying explanations for the blue-striped “temple.” While the Associated Press account of it was benign, INSIDER’s story about it turned up something that is potentially nefarious.


e5cc65  No.7022250

File: c9cc6a3a8858123⋯.jpg (177.42 KB, 1134x934, 567:467, rc2a.jpg)

abd2f7  No.7022251

File: d3214821e8f4142⋯.png (22.39 KB, 632x208, 79:26, ClipboardImage.png)

f1a98f  No.7022252


Well, we still get Zero Hedge, Big League Politics and an occasional "True" Pundit.

Just like outing Pence, is all.

80ebc8  No.7022253


My friend is rolling on the floor laughing his ass off 'cause your so 'that stupid'

cffa6f  No.7022254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aaacdc  No.7022255

File: 38eff64946a1297⋯.png (8.3 KB, 432x100, 108:25, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at ….png)


Sua Sponte.


d9cf3d  No.7022256

File: a8f6c9bf1482b73⋯.png (375.45 KB, 480x360, 4:3, F9597152-69C5-4DF5-9CFA-21….png)

4ac99c  No.7022257

File: 19a4ad2fb37be06⋯.jpg (16.27 KB, 250x203, 250:203, 19a4ad2fb37be06defe3754ca2….jpg)


…Dissolved remains?

9c3415  No.7022259

File: 8e407536fef47c8⋯.png (563.23 KB, 700x1265, 140:253, Screenshot_2019-07-12 Bann….png)

I had to look at Tiresias board for keks, but he banned me for a post. Seems so unfair.

d20d77  No.7022260


its been posted retard


by an anon

like its supposed to be

(except all this anon does is copy the other anon aka baker last bread, doesnt do anything on his own - also missed the drone videos)

105aa0  No.7022261


Bakers can't shill anymoar since the change. Are you daft?

abd2f7  No.7022262

File: 375bb93455112dc⋯.png (27.16 KB, 642x391, 642:391, ClipboardImage.png)

b3f985  No.7022263


Less talking. More walking. Bye!

9aa662  No.7022264

File: 851a100804f6548⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 255x248, 255:248, pepe8f21d8d0f9af9825cc14ee….jpg)


>Anon out.

dafabb  No.7022265


excellent anon…welcome to memefagdom

29842c  No.7022266

BO notables are Tits


e94df2  No.7022267

File: b2bdffe94fa5560⋯.jpg (12.99 KB, 234x254, 117:127, pepecopters.jpg)

Welcome one and all to the NEW, IMPROVED /qresearch/!!!

Shills can bake, step right up! Easier than ever before!

Pic related! It's you, BO.

ab4fd1  No.7022268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


b4c146  No.7022269

>>7022123 **LB

Lets not forget he spent 29 million destroying stuff last year when this first broke and Anon's went snooping

c69718  No.7022270

File: df170724d55fae5⋯.png (440.78 KB, 1191x1016, 1191:1016, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at ….png)

File: f88563dd8b051ca⋯.png (183.15 KB, 1181x571, 1181:571, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at ….png)

U.S. Virgin Islands Senator on Epstein: ‘Widespread Corruption’ in Territory, ‘He Has People on His Payroll’


d29a30  No.7022271

Ask yourself.

Who are THEY Hitlery was talking about?

"They were never going to let me win…"

Hitlery never met Satan?

No, the lucky bastard.

BUT there are those in CLOSE PHYSICAL contact.

THIS is what you fight, and you believe, or, not believe.

God is the ONLY explanation WHEN you consider free will.

Mankind can SAVE Mankind.

or God takes over and teaches US ALL… SIMPLE.





P.S. Will Satan WIN?

dc2e93  No.7022272


Would need samples taken to find out exactly what that reddish "debris" is.

1b9d5f  No.7022273


Hey wait they were scandal-free

8ce349  No.7022274


Glad to see notables where they belong. Keep it up!

d20d77  No.7022275


i dont like how you just copy the other anon buns and get all the thank yous

do something productive this bread


105aa0  No.7022276


>Drudge: Temple of Sex

Since when is child rape and murder "sex?"

e5bd7c  No.7022277

File: a0ab868f2f209c8⋯.jpeg (193.23 KB, 719x719, 1:1, 5CE7AC99-26E5-490F-8932-C….jpeg)

File: a10bdef720c90bf⋯.jpeg (946.63 KB, 1125x1606, 1125:1606, 39DF287D-D022-411C-A1D9-3….jpeg)


Last profile tweet pic is interdasting.

dac776  No.7022278


Thank you Patriot. Fuck these faggot mods. Since 8bit was forced out, us anons have figured out how deep the mossad roots go.

Thank u for keeping this going.

ab4fd1  No.7022279

File: 5a1e69dbf4c2598⋯.jpeg (707.42 KB, 703x679, 703:679, IMG_20190712_092414.jpeg)

File: 0740a73c2386a27⋯.jpeg (647.5 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, IMG_20190712_071325.jpeg)

File: cb0aef29adaf483⋯.png (70.3 KB, 300x449, 300:449, IMG_20190712_105222.png)

File: 12aa275ccb59197⋯.jpeg (373.16 KB, 525x545, 105:109, IMG_20190712_183941.jpeg)

File: d8f5180898c7bfb⋯.jpeg (165.46 KB, 575x615, 115:123, IMG_20190712_161104.jpeg)

29842c  No.7022280

BO is being a girl


dafabb  No.7022281

#8984 update and cleaned up a little

>>7021395, >>7021977 anon digs List of people arrested/charged for child sex trafficking

>>7021469 New PDJT retweets Border Crisis

>>7021420 Virginia Governor Northam Supports Illegal Immigrants Over ICE On Official Facebook Page. Comments Don't Go The Way He Hopes

>>7021501 Casey Wasserman dig

>>7021451 Jeffrey Epsteins cell is three doors down from el chapo

>>7021573 Planefag update

>>7021599 Rachel Chandler - Rothschild - Spirit Cooking

>>7021624, >>7021617 anon dig Bronfman tied to Mort Zuckerman

>>7021695 anon dig Epstein flight manifest-LDR is Lynn Forrester

>>7021720 Ivanka dated Nat Rothschild

>>7021739 Kellogg Family Trust sold $5.49m in shares-July 10

>>7021796 Former priest admits to fathering prostitute's child-El Paso, Tx-yea not gonna go over well

>>7021797 Stephen Hawkin visited St. James island

>>7021827 U.S. Airforce Tweet and Q drop#2603 "history books"

>>7021891 Hilary Clinton wheels up for Haiti

>>7021903 Rachel Chandler, John "Pumkin Spice" Brennan And Barry Obama AT the White House ON THE SAME DAY

>>7021977 Mind Map of Fed Gov officials convicted of sex crimes feb 27 2015

>>7022030 JPMorgan’s Hersch succeeds colorful money manager( Epstein) February 11th, 2008

>>7022042 POTUS says U.S. envoy to Japan will run to be Tennessee senator

>>7022060 What is the Temple on JE's private island

>>7022079 anon dig on JE-Southern Trust Co. Inc

>>7022095 Drone anon footage-bundaroo

756f7f  No.7022282

heads up! Trump victory about sanctuary City funding from Government Court ruling. POTUS WINS!!!!! With holding funds is legal

Sauce is Fox news channel TV

084620  No.7022283


Thank you for posting notables. Notables are critically important for anons who want to see what's going on while at work. There's too great a chance someone will walk by and see images from shills shitting up the bread if I have to scroll through the whole thing to find anything useful.

bc072f  No.7022284


meth fixins? phosphorous?

75cde2  No.7022285

we've broke the surface.

Epstein is almost a household name and the truth spreading.

#Armalite is trending on twitter, the opportunity to correct the media 'assault rifle' agenda

Nathan Bedford Forrest is trending on twitter, an overlooked long-time commemoration, suddenly thrust forward. The opportunity to correct the lying media agenda that GOP are racist…the truth being that the Democrats are the party of the KKK and the party of slavery. Twitter is flourishing with corrections atm.

They are being played with, aren't they? they are being played. And its too late for them to get out, they have jumped in with both feet, doubled down until there is no way out of keeping them dancing.

And I hear we have control of the board at the moment after the attacks. hey, shills gonna shill, things are going to change, we are in a RAPIDLY EVOLVING SITUATION. just keep doing what we do because its working and we're winning

ed3dfe  No.7022286

File: 151bc499068b85e⋯.jpeg (418.35 KB, 768x1278, 128:213, 6D264887-541D-468E-92C2-9….jpeg)

5daf75  No.7022287



CC is Elvis, derp.

a3b3df  No.7022288


you dont want to see those hose tits from Flapjack man boobs.

4ac99c  No.7022289


If Drone Anon sees that happening on his trips, he should attach a scooper to the bottom of the drone. Some wire and a plastic cup would do.

f196dc  No.7022290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ricky Dearlove Ebay company Wonderful slime whats he mixing into this shit all red stuff on his hands at the end ?

3fedf2  No.7022291




Don't fuck with the Autist. We see right through you shilly fuckers.

2b48e1  No.7022292

File: d09ffd2ffa54650⋯.png (1.11 MB, 864x696, 36:29, herecomesbarry.png)

Here comes Barry!

551bee  No.7022293

File: 0d6c03e52a01a3a⋯.jpeg (31.89 KB, 474x316, 3:2, image.jpeg)

Third bread in a row that isn't screwed up!

29842c  No.7022294


no i want the reason or just get the fuck out.

d20d77  No.7022295

File: 087f21ba6d888b8⋯.png (1.06 MB, 640x663, 640:663, shills.png)


dont post any notables this bread


this guy just copies and gets the credit

let anons do it this bread

372eed  No.7022296

File: 56cde6a7e7eca1e⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB, 960x540, 16:9, moving to new board_Small.mp4)


5a4737  No.7022297

this is what happens when you let jews take over your forum

a complete reversal of reason

7a4f08  No.7022298

File: 1f1f81dfae91602⋯.jpg (91.49 KB, 704x830, 352:415, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

File: cd44862801f997d⋯.jpg (89.56 KB, 646x461, 646:461, 1a.JPG)

South Korean Actor Arrested on Rape and Sexual Molestation Allegations


80ebc8  No.7022299

File: f05c66d5f4fcc38⋯.png (47.4 KB, 713x496, 23:16, Screenshot_2019-07-12 Q Re….png)

This fuckers post is important, not true but important to remember this how THEY feel about US

970619  No.7022300

>>7021826 (pb)

Hopefully he's on the list to get the rope. If not, life in GITMO, where they don't even allow fudge packing between prisoners. He's really going to miss it!

8a6f1b  No.7022301

Anons: Notables suck now. Place is dying. Autists are gone. Notables has just become recycled news. Faggot bakers are comped.

BO: Going to change notables so anyone can make a bun, that way anything being left behind by shill bakers can be included by anons. Notables will have their own bread now.


Meanwhile majority of shills “disappear” and an influx of concerned “anons” keep sitting bread to call out BO and ignore why we are here in the first place. You stubborn fucks are still posting notables every bread here, BO isn’t deleting them. So essentially you’ve forced them to stay. What exactly are you bitching about if you get to have your cake and eat it too? Notables still at top of research bread, and have their own bread. Still bitching. After weeks of bitching about how shitty notable have become.

Calm your tits and keep moving along. Q is still here, you’ve forced notables to stay, fuck is everyone still complaining for other than shills trying to make it seem legit? Stop falling for it. I was pissed last night. Now I see I was wrong. BO has offered more freedom and flexibility for notables.

Now stop crying and make something notable. Love you guys. No homo.

492a09  No.7022302

File: 2d7a276df97533f⋯.png (32.07 KB, 637x210, 91:30, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at ….png)

File: df35bd52e7c1c92⋯.png (67.42 KB, 890x156, 445:78, Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at ….png)

Walter Pearce's grandmother on his fathers side is a Chandler. I dug deep to figure this out - check the obituary below for proof.


Posted this a bunch on here….

134398  No.7022303

4c8400  No.7022304

File: 337aa3b78190f4d⋯.png (13.73 KB, 300x229, 300:229, logo_8chan.png)

Epstein's Signature >> Infinity Loop

Additional documents showed that Epstein is the sole member of L.S.J., with __his signature reminiscent of an infinity loop–.


eedc51  No.7022305

File: 08fa59a82ee6a30⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, Gold.gif)


Yep, the United States Dollar is completely different than a Federal Reserve Note. The Constitution says only silver & gold can be money minted by the govt (Fed is a loophole since a private corporation). A dollar is exactly 371.25 grains of silver. HR5404 would redefine the definition of a dollar back to gold (or silver…essentially the same because the gold:silver ratio will come to equilibrium).

Now we need to win back Congress in 2020 and pass the gold standard bills that have been introduced, which also includes The Gold Reserve Transparency Act (H.R. 2559). This would audit the Fed's gold holdings and continue to audit every 5 years.

105aa0  No.7022306


It makes absolutely no difference who bakes now. Patriot, Shill, even Alyssa Milano. You seem to have a problem with that. Why ever would that be?

c6b853  No.7022307

>>7022189 in dough for #8984

added for now to pastebin DOUGH from lb

will take em out if baker adds em to present notable list….although not clear to me that there IS a baker, may have gotten lost along the way…..

is there a baker in the house?

from last bred:

>>7022193, >>7022201, >>7022189 New Epstein island pics


8dbb6a  No.7022308

File: 8653e8b5f9dcca8⋯.png (479.43 KB, 634x433, 634:433, parasite.png)


>Just like outing Pence


At this stage, it's hard pressed to find any faggot who isn't completely sold out to Israhell/CIA/MOS.

41ff75  No.7022309


Notice 7/20 covers both Chris Cornell & Chester Bennington.


7/16/1999, day 197 of the year + Exactly 17(Q) years -30 days, 6/16/2015, DJT announces run for POTUS.

6/16 is day 167, a difference of 30 days = 720 hours

Q = Alice

“To the moon Alice!” -The Honeymooners

One person does not a parade make.

2f77a1  No.7022310


Manufacturers' stickers still on the windows of the structure. Appears to be drone footage from when the temple dome structure was first being built. Possibly suggesting that EVIDENCE has been collected from the Island for YEARS. What else do we have? Well, we have it all.

ed3dfe  No.7022311

File: 69fda808ca351cb⋯.jpeg (176.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, CC414082-5FB4-4A75-A4F9-0….jpeg)

b3f985  No.7022312

d8dece  No.7022313

File: ab48df6ab78da36⋯.png (399.04 KB, 1100x609, 1100:609, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e89c24e74dec15⋯.png (362.31 KB, 1097x591, 1097:591, ClipboardImage.png)

just digging

no idea what this is

Hotel QT, 2005

May 18, 2005

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Photo - Neil Rasmus. /PMC


29842c  No.7022314

BO cannot talk reasonably thus a democrat.

a3b3df  No.7022315


The reason he is a pussy nerd faggot that never has gotten ass in his life. Now he is taking it out on us.

c69718  No.7022316


It's funny but reading that article was like old news for me.

c8cf60  No.7022317

File: ff9d5078e77befc⋯.jpg (16.23 KB, 491x359, 491:359, on-top-of-world.jpg)

i like both inline and its own bread

inline for quick reference and its own bread archive, so i can re-submit shill removals

>*cough mosad/cia comparison on google notable earlier today… and still missing ;)

whos with me o/

38b81a  No.7022318

File: 56ef6a49ec17ff9⋯.jpeg (315.27 KB, 718x1090, 359:545, E4E30F9F-E9C4-4625-925F-F….jpeg)

Things happening fast. MSM will be reporting truth. Who would have guessed? The Mayans?

99738c  No.7022319


>It makes absolutely no difference who bakes now.

Even if they add notables to the pastebin dough, and top of bread?

I doubt it.

e94df2  No.7022321


Post capcode bruh

ca8ca3  No.7022322

File: eb9e601110acd7c⋯.png (453.32 KB, 600x655, 120:131, ClipboardImage.png)


o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7

Thank you to the righteous bakers and NOTABLE collectors! You rock!

5d97ad  No.7022323

File: 65bfee98d50e492⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 65bfee98d50e492870779ae308….jpg)

Got it.


d8dece  No.7022326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rush lays it out here

29842c  No.7022327


migrate fuck him or her

c6b853  No.7022328


what are you planning on doing with this, anon? posting in dough? posting in thread?

970619  No.7022330


Note: Riding a bitch bike, because he is a faggot bitch!

6b9900  No.7022332

File: 8094fc6dfed4953⋯.png (993.71 KB, 1919x936, 1919:936, n1f.PNG)

File: 6053e1a9398521a⋯.png (514 KB, 1425x976, 1425:976, n1f(1).PNG)

N1F 2Reg incoming eyes on

bdcba1  No.7022333



a8404b  No.7022334

>>7021270 (pb)

BO .. this is the first time I am posting about this but we really do need the notables back at the top. Please don't just get stubborn just to be stubborn.. I count on them each day to keep up with what is going on. I am disabled and it takes me a bit longer to do things but hunting around each day to figure out what is going on now is just too much work each morning. Please put the notables back.

aa1153  No.7022335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hampstead Christ Church Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Cover-up - Police testimony of Child 1 (reupload)

105aa0  No.7022336


No stopping it now, Anon. The tears are delicious.


b2ab24  No.7022337


even your name glows, clown baker.

gtfo <fastjack shill team.

5b4ec4  No.7022338

File: d8a570b399a4b69⋯.jpg (74.18 KB, 562x743, 562:743, ZomboMeme 12072019223402.jpg)

3fedf2  No.7022339


I can hear your breathing

961ba9  No.7022340

File: 0b57a800d6642b2⋯.jpg (309.51 KB, 1536x1762, 768:881, 14c1767fd5553cf9bb1965c1f4….jpg)

c98707  No.7022341

File: d7a575cacd989bc⋯.jpeg (341.62 KB, 1420x355, 4:1, 935987CC-7783-482E-AB66-7….jpeg)

File: 6e079af5856af11⋯.png (48.83 KB, 1852x507, 1852:507, BCCE57B1-7FE2-4D98-935A-5F….png)

Desperate much?



b2ab24  No.7022342


Your move was shilly AF.

Anons told you it´s a bad idea and that anons and lurkers rely on the NOTABLES AS IS.

If you want to do something to improve the board, do your job in checking the kitchen and don´t let bakers bake who are irgnoring relevant info that is called by anons.

Q made it pretty clear what he likes you to do to support anons work.

You doing the opposite will not be working.

Do what anons long asked you for and do what Q told you:

Get rid of all-time-captcha, leave notables as is, clean up your kitchen by checking bakers again.

Also the boss told you, so do your job and help anons the best way you can.

>>7004225 lb, POTUS tweet

>He had the majority & blew it away with his poor leadership and bad timing

Now the shills become visible

<BO is fine

<I love captcha!

<yes, let´s have notables off bread instead of just checking the bakers again

<please leave QR, migrate, please!

See the ones that are obviously not here to help anons and Q.


2a27bb  No.7022343

File: 355d99f506e9d7e⋯.jpg (5.66 KB, 266x190, 7:5, Barr.jpg)

87db9d  No.7022344


There have been disagreements, squabbles, tripfag drama, personality clashes and BO fuckery before. Through all the migrations.

You and others can go to another board. I will go wherever Q+ says, and will stay here unless they instruct us to migrate.

Q is what is important. The mission from POTUS is what is important.

Those are the only things that matter.

It is about to hit the fan. We can all go off into different directions, scatter our energies, dissipate our forces or we can put our noses to the grindstone and hold the line.

Again, if Q+ wants us to migrate again, then we go.


Polite request for change of title -

>>7021977 is in there twice, once at the top

>anon digs List of people arrested/charged for child sex trafficking

>anon digs List of people arrested/charged for child sex trafficking

and also near the bottom:

Map of gov employees arrested/charged for cp or trafficking + Map of in'tl sex traffic ring

No objection to it being listed with the first, since that's what I replied to, and...

I also repeat to all - if anyone wants an updated map of convictions under POTUS, let me know. Provide the info (organized) and I'll make one.

2a9099  No.7022345




41ff75  No.7022346


Math gaff

16 years -30 days

096472  No.7022347





dafabb  No.7022348

File: c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Pepe Au Ag.jpg)

File: b515f49c8c9bc68⋯.png (6.33 KB, 149x98, 149:98, fuk.PNG)




> The Gold Reserve Transparency Act (H.R. 2559). This would audit the Fed's gold holdings and continue to audit every 5 years.

aa1153  No.7022349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hampstead Christ Church Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Cover-up - Police testimony of Child 2

d20d77  No.7022350


digits confirm

thanks fam

ill lurk them in case they dont

b2ab24  No.7022351


BO is a clown and everybody backing him up too.

a3b3df  No.7022352


I agree. Hopefully big dog q solves this quick. I am all about migrating. But oganons will be sent to an echo chamber. Snackflap will pay.

d8dece  No.7022353



hell on earth

eyes on CA

d20d77  No.7022354

#8984 updated in 8985

consolidated the 2 buns and added the drones

>>7021395, >>7021977 anon digs List of people arrested/charged for child sex trafficking

>>7021469 New PDJT retweets Border Crisis

>>7021420 Virginia Governor Northam Supports Illegal Immigrants Over ICE On Official Facebook Page. Comments Don't Go The Way He Hopes

>>7021501 Casey Wasserman dig

>>7021451 effrey-epsteins-cell-is-three-doors-down-from-el-chapo

>>7021573 Planefag update

>>7021599 Rachel Chandler - Rothschild - Spirit Cooking

>>7021624, >>7021617 anon dig Bronfman tied to Mort Zuckerman

>>7021695 anon dig Epstein flight manifest-LDR is Lynn Forrester

>>7021739 Kellogg Family Trust sold $5.49m in shares-July 10

>>7021796 Former priest admits to fathering prostitute's child-El Paso, Tx-yea not gonna go over well

>>7021797 Stephen Hawkin visited St. James island

>>7021827 U.S. Airforce Tweet and Q drop#2603 "history books"

>>7021891 Hilary Clinton wheels up for Haiti

>>7021903 Rachel Chandler, John "Pumkin Spice" Brennan And Barry Obama AT the White House ON THE SAME DAY

>>7022030 JPMorgan’s Hersch succeeds colorful money manager( Epstein) February 11th, 2008

>>7022042 POTUS says U.S. envoy to Japan will run to be Tennessee senator

>>7022044, >>7022051, >>7022061 epstein island drone videos

>>7021703 More Than a Dozen Jeffrey Epstein Accusers Have Come Forward Since His Indictment

>>7021718 Abramovic's table stunt, March of 2010

>>7021720 Ivanka dated Nat Rothschild

>>7021977 Mind Map of Fed Gov officials convicted of sex crimes feb 27 2015

>>7022060 Law and Crime article: whats the deal with the bizarre temple like structure on jeffrey epsteins private island

29842c  No.7022355

let us think about this logically this new BO

1. Unilaterally enacted capchta

2. Unilaterally enacted no notables.

the first was to make it hard to post

the second was to stop flow of real information.



105aa0  No.7022356


>Red text


>No sauce, not even an argument

Just a whimper

80ebc8  No.7022357


WHY can you still hear the breathing? Why are WE still listening and not doing? Why are WE still watching these EVIL entities walk amongst us?

c98707  No.7022358

File: 757601e12459eca⋯.jpeg (41.76 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 02320622-3712-4184-AE8C-4….jpeg)



eedc51  No.7022359

File: 9d5529dfed7f7ee⋯.png (23.21 KB, 300x250, 6:5, FancyAF.png)

Collecting gold/silver notables to whip up a gold notables bun for the notable bread. Just add " ==Gold Notable== " to your post and i'll collect for the next few breads at least & post a bun.

(please remember to add sauce)

a3b3df  No.7022360


This faggot fapsnack has been through no migration. He is cuntage.

0c9516  No.7022361

>>7022134 pb

the billionaires are dead, but they have kids.

Soros isn't dead. At some point one of the older Rothschilds said "most of the next generation doesn't have the pure evil smarts of Soros" and they gave him a shit ton of money, and Soros has a bunch of operational control.

Who knows how evil Nikki Hilton-Rothschild is, or how smart.

The Rothschilds are at the top, in terms of longevity, going back 200+ years. Presumably they hire or fire those who

Someone like Zuckerberg is the next generation of rich evil Jew, perhaps, and we could study which rich evil Jew is more powerful than the rest. But they seem to be in competition with each other, but all seem to be focused on destroying Christians and Christian values.

aa1153  No.7022362



paying attention anons?

961ba9  No.7022363



Dammit ignore caption

bf6f13  No.7022364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am sure this has been discussed but look at "what's not" on Epstein's Island? The list's floating around of who has been to the island is interesting. Where did they stay and sleep and where is the big tropical pool or pools to lounge in. Where are the multiple tennis courts and yachts? Where are all the water toys? If Epstein is a billionaire why is Epstein's Island so unappealing. It just does not ring "Celebrity" and "Wealthy" private hideout. Check out this caribbean private island. Now this place looks appealing..

8c01ad  No.7022365


nice job benefits of letting more than one anon control the notable per bread

e21de8  No.7022366


Why do you have to be here? Shill

bdcba1  No.7022367


One of the worst things I've found.

It's all in the way the kids talk, you know?

Heart breaking.

These people are sick.

ba4e85  No.7022368


Only notables worth looking at. Thank you

3c0822  No.7022369


Yup, attacks have definitely intensified.

f196dc  No.7022370


Ricky Dearlove Ebay company

Wonderful Slime

Location: Brighton

Sells: Handmade toys

Gab and his children run an eBay Shop selling handmade slime toys. They have already exported to 15 countries, and have hosted slime parties for 70+ children suffering from cancer and other debilitating diseases.


c6b853  No.7022371


added entries from this bundle to #8984 in dough, kek. not added to other thread. Baker??

8cb07f  No.7022372

I LOVE all you Anons and I know we will get through the recent rough waters. In battle, commanders can change and bring new procedures that soldiers MUST adjust to and continue to fight! Stay together. We NEED you here digging.

I'm adjusting to the new notable bread and that is how it is. If anyone can get wearethene.ws back up and working with the new notable bread, that is what some of us need right now. It was a HUGE help on QRV to link to the notables on wearethene.ws. I am a coding fag and would love to help if I can.

Stay together anons! We all LOVE you and we couldn't fight this war without you!


618563  No.7022373

New PDJT tweet!

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


38s38 seconds ago


Just returned to the beautiful @WhiteHouse after a great day in Wisconsin and Ohio!

13 replies 10 retweets 40 likes

Reply 13 Retweet 10 Like 40

134398  No.7022374

File: 44d78a88705b211⋯.jpeg (308.04 KB, 1201x1302, 1201:1302, 9BC6F5DD-0B28-4A43-BBE1-B….jpeg)

Love ya all


Insane asylum

c98707  No.7022375




d20d77  No.7022376


updated notables pastebin



any note collectors this bread?

aa1153  No.7022377

Could not sleep last night… sure it's why all the shilling past few days >>7022367

29842c  No.7022378


hell NO there is no way any one following that is not a zealot would do that and the board will die.

Remember you are the news that will be the death of that.

like planned.

a3b3df  No.7022379


Did not see the attack coming from within. Although Captcha should have been a warning. Oh it was…FUCK YOU SLAPFAP

8ce349  No.7022380



dafabb  No.7022381

File: 5cb032a735e6a0e⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 664x376, 83:47, 5x5 bm.jpg)


got one going

4ac99c  No.7022382


His island doesn't look exceptionally lavish because everything that the 'celebrities' and 'wealthy' go there for is UNDERFUCKINGGROUND

2c4fff  No.7022383


Brother, we don't have to adjust if Q doesn't support the change. The BO is the one who must adjust himself and his attitude toward the anons, down here digging. The problem is not anons.

87db9d  No.7022384


Thank you for this, I wanted to add this to the spreadsheet, even though it may get Memory Holed off youtube.

Watched the one with the brother last night, part way. Hit me in the feels.


I do the spreadsheet you actual faggot, I've been through them all.

2a9099  No.7022385

ab82ef  No.7022386

File: b899abdbb9b93ca⋯.png (303.23 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2019-07-06_0120….png)

File: f771f7d2c845407⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 3163x2448, 3163:2448, IMG_20190711_203801_251.jpg)

Trumpo needs to rember that immigration is not just about the economy, but more importantly, it's about American language and culture.

5d97ad  No.7022387


Baker not posting doesn't mean not keeping them

sneaky kek

thanks for back up

no one has it all

except mofo with ducati pics

ty fren


d20d77  No.7022388

File: 6387065dc22c535⋯.png (582.97 KB, 1200x716, 300:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed7c6acee486fa1⋯.png (211.44 KB, 621x505, 621:505, ClipboardImage.png)


dank photo

689e97  No.7022389


you've called me a bot too many times

go back to your board and play with yourself

real eyes


real lies

af786e  No.7022390

File: ce32b61be01d0a8⋯.png (233.71 KB, 603x520, 603:520, POTUS 7-12-19 8 39 pm PDT.PNG)

File: fee2476bb91e3cd⋯.png (585.75 KB, 1186x711, 1186:711, POTUS 7-12-19 8 39 pm PDT….PNG)

New POTUS tweet

Just returned to the beautiful @WhiteHouse after a great day in Wisconsin and Ohio!


3fedf2  No.7022391


You must be watching the wrong channel.

29842c  No.7022392



bdcba1  No.7022393


Nice find!

8a9589  No.7022394


THIS. Gawd, these people are slow.

d09124  No.7022395

File: 99924d3de47c03e⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1530x1798, 765:899, 8E96467D-ED6C-475C-B346-E….jpeg)

File: 14bf3f9c0cbdf72⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1535x1810, 307:362, B5115F0D-BEA6-41AC-8725-E….jpeg)

File: bfec616bdf36f00⋯.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 6B835783-03E3-4E41-9488-0….jpeg)

File: 65cb60fc30749ac⋯.jpeg (464.99 KB, 1512x1779, 504:593, F319CF5C-EAB8-4304-86CD-3….jpeg)

A lot of people on Lolita Express

bc072f  No.7022396

File: 38d4a5e9ebadc60⋯.png (262.58 KB, 453x691, 453:691, ClipboardImage.png)

Does anyone know if this douchebag is a U.S. Citizen? He was born in Mexico. His dad was a farm laborer under the U.S. government's World War II-era bracero program. Came here with permanent residency in 1965 but that does NOT grant you citizenship. He would've had to go through the naturalization process and I can't find anything saying he ever did that or that he's a citizen.

1fbf8f  No.7022397

File: 42d586bc7fa1248⋯.png (665.69 KB, 798x600, 133:100, ends the fed2.png)


I seen the Tweet, while many crypto kids are upset they fail to realize that 90% of population has never heard of Bitcoin with less than 1% knowing how it fully works.

POTUS just trolled Facebook while at the same time opening up millions of unknowing users to bitcoin. Our gov has failed to regulate the dollar so how can we the people put trust into a regulated Crypto. The answer is we can't only We the people can regulate it and that's what Bitcoin and Litecoin are all about. giving power back into the hands of the people

Regardless of any currency it is we the people that put value into any currency, preciousness metals, Cash, digital, or otherwise. It's "WE THE PEOPLE" that define value in any currency. Free thinking high I.Q. USERs all know that #Crypto and #LTC is best for fast long distance and low cost transactions.

Nice post Anon….respect

30a287  No.7022398

In the spirit of "question everything", It's been gnawing at me lately thinking about the "suicide" of Marilyn Monroe. Knowing what I know now, and applying this logic to the death of Marilyn, I have questions.

1. Was she "suicided"

2. If yes, then why?

Was she a honey pot intended to control JFK?

If so, why did she become a liability to be disposed of?

What did she know?

maybe the DS tried to use her and she said no.

I suppose we will never know.

such a loss.

fa6d7a  No.7022399

File: eca79f8a6b61e61⋯.jpg (117.07 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, DECLAS - all.jpg)

b6f39f  No.7022400

Breaking News

‘’’ICE Raids appear to be underway’’’

Keep ICE agents in prayer!!!

Law enforcement source confirms ICE agents are in Immokalee, FL right now preparing for immigration raid.


c6b853  No.7022401


Using this newer version of #8984 below for my version of dough, looks clean & thorough, good for consistency


618563  No.7022402


Sure is.

f1610b  No.7022403

File: f74816945bf3a8a⋯.jpeg (51.24 KB, 373x521, 373:521, 27328842-4D70-45CE-9461-5….jpeg)



Need to nuke the Fed with DUMB bombs until Jesus Christ comes back from the dead but seriously I am up for the gold back u.s. dollar.

8a6f1b  No.7022404


I’d like to know the real reason behind the Cuban missile crisis. Was the cabal sending a warning to JFK?

8c1983  No.7022405




0c9516  No.7022406


Epstein really seems to me like Jizz Maxwell's Mossad flunky, providing dark undiscovered stains for the Mossad to use for blackmail purposes. He doesn't really have that kind of "rich guy" resume. But when the US gives Israel $38 Billion dollars, you know they have enough money to get operation pedo island off the ground.

d20d77  No.7022407

File: 7c4cada7acfc163⋯.png (322.73 KB, 460x724, 115:181, ClipboardImage.png)




80ebc8  No.7022408



Extremely telling, yes

bf6f13  No.7022409

File: 31a8620a6db7127⋯.png (469.86 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, D_Sc0N3X4AAzGi_ (1).png)

File: 9e9c8f277a4b5a2⋯.png (841.87 KB, 1903x928, 1903:928, D_Sc0N3X4AAzGi_.png)

d09124  No.7022410




Flight log:


7c7b94  No.7022411




I had to watch several testimonies like this over the course of my time on a grand jury. Heartbreaking, but certainly eye opening to the evils that exist.

343ffa  No.7022412



Please save Tommy from Belmarsh...he won't survive.

2a9099  No.7022413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Our DNA has telomeres.


Each time your DNA replicates it loses a pice of the telomere shortening your life. ;)

People with acne have longer telomeres.

aa1153  No.7022414


kek but yeah

3fedf2  No.7022415


Agreed Thank you.

4888ab  No.7022416


you guise are balls to the walls!

b4c146  No.7022417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


096472  No.7022418

File: b2a04714292fe42⋯.jpg (14.84 KB, 480x320, 3:2, IMG_0196.JPG)

af786e  No.7022419




It's all good

POTUS want info spread by his Social Media team and 'his guy' and QAnon haters

Didn't you watch the Summit yesterday?

POTUS is going with the people he deems social acceptable

Not anons

Red Pill

75cde2  No.7022420

File: 3978c26161b0719⋯.gif (1.56 MB, 245x245, 1:1, 1461633085676.gif)


it really doesn't matter anon

they might sidetrack us a little from time to time, but they are powerless to stop us

2a27bb  No.7022421


Where is the (pb) faggot?

970619  No.7022422


Almost as clever as a bleeding hemorrhoid, but not as interesting.

a3b3df  No.7022423


This BO has not migrated. What are you talking about. And you I have sucked way more dick me. By at least 100-1. Once in college but I digress.(was a slightly large clit) kek

29842c  No.7022424

No notables in general

means that what Q pushed

'You are the news'

is dead

eedc51  No.7022426

File: 0bafccf29fc8928⋯.png (39.4 KB, 506x286, 23:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a3baf82cd05afc⋯.png (44.75 KB, 499x298, 499:298, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90c82b18a7cf37e⋯.png (39.49 KB, 503x272, 503:272, ClipboardImage.png)


Gold Notable

Jay Powell calls both Bitcoin and gold speculative safe havens at his Senate testimony, however POTUS puts the nix on Bitcoin in his tweet yesterday. This leaves the one and only true money, gold and silver and the path to the gold standard (hence gold standard Fed nominations like Dr. Judy Shelton)



4c0134  No.7022428

>>7019679 pb

maybe because it doesn't belong to you.

ab82ef  No.7022429

Q has 1 arrest on the board.

Who's next? I can't even guess. Epstein could rat out dozens at some point, but that may take months.

7f3176  No.7022430


How is he not utterly exhausted? Love our POTUS

096472  No.7022431

File: 314b956c3ab07f5⋯.jpg (210.71 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_8234.JPG)

b29108  No.7022432

File: 3913342172bafe2⋯.jpg (23.97 KB, 600x337, 600:337, 3249jsadfonasdf.jpg)


Yes, I discussed your complaint with my manager.

He told me to tell you, 'Don't let the doorknob hit you in the asshole on the way out of here.' Being a modern woman, I'm going to leave out the part about him calling you pussy.

Would you be willing to remain on the line to take a brief survey of my performance resolving your problem this evening?

efd353  No.7022433


Thank you … best beat down on a shill BO ever. Classic Pirate moves that will go down in infamy. Love ya!

e5bd7c  No.7022434

File: 9df2e89cfcd3c1e⋯.jpeg (95.02 KB, 1200x716, 300:179, 2B888732-DD4A-4BBE-89D3-0….jpeg)

File: f58458c7dff4e98⋯.jpeg (717.74 KB, 1085x1494, 1085:1494, BEE279A1-7383-4747-9178-A….jpeg)

File: edbf19969533726⋯.jpeg (144.54 KB, 1125x553, 1125:553, E1082CBF-9E02-4A87-A035-F….jpeg)

New POTUS tweet

Green = [GO]?


80ebc8  No.7022435


If Tommy is the asset he is purported to be then, all is well. Tommy is being protected.

8a9589  No.7022436


Way cool. Makes me want my own drone.

2ebdf2  No.7022437

File: 6697617ed39d4c9⋯.png (775.63 KB, 1174x920, 587:460, LeavingOhio.png)



Leaving the Great State of Ohio!

9c3415  No.7022438


R. Kelly was arrested

096472  No.7022439


105aa0  No.7022441


Old copy-pasta is old.

People are talking about Epstein at the grocery store. Normies won't stand for kid fucking.

This morning in Philadelphia a mob dragged a kidnapper out of the car and beat him to death. No charges filed.

Your attempt at this slide has failed.

You have failed.

You'll be lucky if that's the worst that happens to you.

abd2f7  No.7022442

File: 4341ba17514a494⋯.png (310.18 KB, 456x313, 456:313, ClipboardImage.png)

15bc5e  No.7022443


Looks like division fagging to me. This is a non issue. We have a place for notables. Why does it fucking matter if we can find them when we need them.

51c153  No.7022444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bdcba1  No.7022445


Not coming up with much on the delta.

23d7db  No.7022446


>>7022165, >>7022179, >>7022188, >>7022191, >>7022195, >>7022223, >>7022232, >>7022255, >>7022260, >>7022274, >>7022275, >>7022278, >>7022283, >>7022295, >>7022322, >>7022368, >>7022416

Fantastic fucking work anons. Love this so much. Thank you baker for being a fucking baker!

As for handoffs: Anons determine who the handoffs go to. Anons nominate bakers by replying to their buns. Yes baker should nominate, but anons feel free to start baking if you see shilly shit and other anons back the humans up.

Bots have been baking here for too long. Time for patriots to reassert control.

o7 Patriots! Love you all! Together we fight! Together we'll win! WWG1WGA!

551bee  No.7022447

File: cb8ca9a28906dd1⋯.jpeg (49.74 KB, 474x296, 237:148, image.jpeg)


Visit the bunker.

It's comfy!

And no capycha!

7506d3  No.7022448

File: 394a5a16e66aed2⋯.jpg (500.35 KB, 1370x1080, 137:108, 1370px-Benjamin_Franklin_n….jpg)


>The Constitution says only silver & gold can be money minted by the govt (Fed is a loophole since a private corporation).

That's not why. That section of The Constitution refers to prohibition on what states can do. It doesn't limit the federal government. The first fiat paper money in the US (which it promptly failed) was printed by the people who wrote The Constitution.

d1ec81  No.7022449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

R Kelly's court footage leaked, KEK.

737bd6  No.7022450


that video has been out for ages

why did it take so long for it to really begin to get 'eyes on'?

1ef57e  No.7022451


Was at a motel a few weeks ago, before the roundup got delayed. Latino guest workers staying there were in turmoil, having vigorous debates deep into the morning hours…

Movie or reality, there is a noticeable effect.

8dbb6a  No.7022452



Gotta speak like a MSMnigger, have the pearly white smile, a bank acct with over 6 figures minimum, 4-year indoctrination degree and then you'll be good to go.

08a709  No.7022453

File: 2fea1a419a97272⋯.jpg (131.02 KB, 800x500, 8:5, TRIPS.jpg)

File: 5131a6f3bddcd2e⋯.jpg (134.48 KB, 800x500, 8:5, TRIPS2.jpg)

File: b7d7180a62e3422⋯.jpg (126.26 KB, 800x500, 8:5, TRIPS3.jpg)

File: 388b601b48c5001⋯.jpg (137.84 KB, 800x500, 8:5, TRIPS4.jpg)

good evening ladies and gents

hope all is well with you and yours

what a time to be alive :)

Godspeed Patriots

b6dd00  No.7022454

File: 0670ba5ebbc27ad⋯.jpg (60.08 KB, 474x632, 3:4, galen hiltbrand.jpg)

File: aa8699423216053⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1208x787, 1208:787, momafaye.PNG)

File: 372866f25b1de7d⋯.jpg (45.07 KB, 571x451, 571:451, MaggieGalen.jpg)


Maggie Nixon's grandparent's lived in St. Croix and family still have properties there. Galen's Cove.

Galen Hiltbrand = Agnes Nixon granddaughter.

Faye Foley = Agnes Nixon great-granddaughter

c77144  No.7022455



This article incorrectly links WEXNER’s obnoxious OHIO MANSION as having been owned by Epstein.

096472  No.7022456



b9fe67  No.7022457

File: e4ca0ffede8b6bb⋯.png (413.89 KB, 500x549, 500:549, ClipboardImage.png)

9c3415  No.7022458


Thats our famefag baker gyb. Called out as a shill baker. No wonder he is fighting the change the hardest.

bdcba1  No.7022459


Nobody wants to talk about it.

We've gotten apathetic. It's sad, and disgusting.

7b4782  No.7022460


Does the new notable format capture the (you)s???

This is how we caught the division posting twatter fag (forgot the name)

This is also how we proved the FBI was posting fake shit they used to get a warrant!

Without that safeguard, anyone can post false info (terror plots, etc.) to discredit the movement / bring legal heat on 8ch.

Something to consider.

d1ec81  No.7022461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Meant to post this one instead.

4c0134  No.7022462



dad got a hold of them too

UK Court system

Judges are pedo; just as in Holland

d9df4b  No.7022463


I said that last night, first thing you look at are the notables, check em and get informed at the latest news then off to the glorious bread. Part that pisses me off worse is the fact of not honoring Q's request, that's what burns me, someone who was here for this plan would not be doing that and if you're not with us…

1b9d5f  No.7022464


I think they thought JE would be arrested again even less likely than HRC losing They had NY Judiciary nailed down, they thought. Then stealth Sessions and Durham, etc

bf6f13  No.7022465


What is the consensus of this board? Are these kids for real? Watching them with Dad on ebay commercial leads me to believe these were fake interviews practiced by the mother…

I actually listen to these videos months ago. I could go both ways on this. It is hard to tell. I wonder why Q pointed anons to them if they are fake?

096472  No.7022466


c6b853  No.7022467


There is no "fake dough" posted for this bred as far as I know, kek.

There may be no baker, either

If you want notables, please collect them

I will look for them around 600.

If no notes by 700, will try to bake or e-bake, unless some other baker shows up.

Prefer to defer, because my FULL bake will almost certainly be deleted. Will NOT do a fake (partial) bake.

Go for it, anons, collect away!

b24e9c  No.7022468


You can lengthen your telomeres. I'm going to live to 140. WITHOUT ACNE! Cheers.

9ab15e  No.7022469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The hell

dac776  No.7022470



Didnt Q call out BO for this bullshit earlier? Why is thjs still going on?

5544ae  No.7022471



096472  No.7022472

File: 43a7ea9bf592bc0⋯.jpg (115.69 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_3155.JPG)


e94df2  No.7022473

File: 6eda4f02d3df238⋯.png (131.88 KB, 1559x493, 1559:493, shitables.png)


aa1153  No.7022474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Hampstead Satanic cult! Former Detective Sergeant Speaks Out On SRA Christ Church

ba4e85  No.7022475


Which is why the post says we are the news now. Duh

5cb99e  No.7022476


That's why you see all the bogus memes- the current occupants of the dough are Anons enemy.

Find your QArmy, frens. This cesspool has been infiltrated and we're moving FORWARD.

(find us, Anon)


af786e  No.7022477


>Thats our famefag baker gyb. Called out as a shill baker. No wonder he is fighting the change the hardest.

The fact that they started identifying themselves by nicknames , initials, pics, etc

Was telling

They are up to NO GOOD

It was obvious when they ignored anons request for notables and were dictating what could be a notable

80ebc8  No.7022478


let us see YOURS

2c4fff  No.7022479


Because as Q looks more and more reputable with arrests on the board and POTUS retweeting pro-Q users, normals will flock here. And we shouldn't be hiding the REAL NEWS that MSM WILL NOT COVER in the dark dusty corner of the board. It needs to be at the TOP of ever bread, so oldfags and newfags can find it easily.

1fbf8f  No.7022480

File: 9502fd367c14567⋯.png (308.53 KB, 533x526, 533:526, erfverve.png)


096472  No.7022481



3fedf2  No.7022482


Indeed but when you fuck with the autistic….we will never stop until we get our system back! OCD ADD call our wiring what you want. We never forget we never quit. Thats why this group was chosen for this task. Nothing can stop whats coming for them because we are autist. They have no idea how relentless we can be.

2be9dd  No.7022483



We have always assumed that temple building was the house but recent articles have said it is a sound proof acoustic music room housing a grand piano.. so where is the house? Did no one sleep there ever? Was everything underground? All workers have signed confidentiality agreements but those are worthless now that he’s in jail. Why haven’t the FEDS already searched his TWO island properties and his NM compound? Reallly, all SIX of them should have been searched again! What are they waiting on?!

dac776  No.7022484

>>7022117 Real Notables


9c3415  No.7022485


You have been called out before baker. Because of you and some others we are in this mess.

9af89b  No.7022486


Human Trafficking Arrests Surge Under Trump https://thepoliticalinsider.com/human-trafficking-arrests-surge/

How about these arrests?

096472  No.7022487

>>5680333 SOY DUES

5544ae  No.7022488


I didn't get one from the BO, sorry anon!

I don't have one!

abd2f7  No.7022489

File: a16a9ecc65cd349⋯.png (171.54 KB, 550x464, 275:232, ClipboardImage.png)

bc072f  No.7022490

File: 1aa9d1fef19530b⋯.png (293.24 KB, 474x634, 237:317, ClipboardImage.png)

my thoughts on setting up thousands of immigration courts in a hurry.

d880f5  No.7022491

File: 02a9b375b983f04⋯.png (41.87 KB, 583x138, 583:138, ButtheysaidRhymingwasPASSE.png)

56e498  No.7022492


And just who was it that removed the Baker Check process???

096472  No.7022493

File: 8bb995aa9c0336d⋯.png (57.16 KB, 255x173, 255:173, IMG_6312.PNG)


80ebc8  No.7022494

e3e640  No.7022495




87db9d  No.7022496

File: 064aacace6683f5⋯.jpg (53.68 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 1472512555312.jpg)


I love you

dd61cc  No.7022497



this dudes total cancer he's like antifa throwing there fucking AIDS urine on people

dafabb  No.7022498

File: 8711666bbcaf59a⋯.png (721.28 KB, 550x802, 275:401, winston wolfe on it.PNG)

>If you want notables, please collect them

aa1153  No.7022499

File: 05d788cd23d4c7f⋯.png (287.17 KB, 567x320, 567:320, image.png)

d1ec81  No.7022500


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.446 📁

Nov 10 2018 13:56:59 (EST)


We knew then.

We know now.

This time - we have Gov't control.

Boomerang Suicide.



Will recent [expected] voter fraud actions by the D party provide support for a VOTER ID LAW?


Boomerang Suicide?



618563  No.7022501

New PDJT tweet!

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


4m4 minutes ago




354 replies 691 retweets 1,872 likes

Reply 354 Retweet 691 Like 1.9K

1ef57e  No.7022502


Do you eat other quantum processors, or are you Vegan?

e5bd7c  No.7022503

File: ac9140020d34bf3⋯.jpeg (270.58 KB, 1098x564, 183:94, F7BA8442-DDA2-4ADB-871C-C….jpeg)

File: 632492fa82941ff⋯.jpeg (909.15 KB, 1125x1312, 1125:1312, D39D71D8-36B7-41A1-A318-7….jpeg)

File: 4a5a93b57bbccbd⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1125x1865, 225:373, 6F78654F-5D31-45C9-920B-8….jpeg)

File: 045a641b6e77a66⋯.jpeg (790.84 KB, 1125x1575, 5:7, C8C4DBC5-CB22-4EDB-8690-2….jpeg)


2a27bb  No.7022504


Move to the new bread, they are waiting for you.

096472  No.7022505







fake jew devils

(212) 490-0666

call now

fake jew devils

dc2e93  No.7022506

File: 2ae15658ac8819d⋯.png (21.6 KB, 850x446, 425:223, Screenshot_79.png)

File: da5733b9f676893⋯.png (357.36 KB, 951x532, 951:532, Screenshot_74.png)

File: 2b8031fdff63f82⋯.png (268.95 KB, 1054x480, 527:240, Screenshot_99.png)

File: b4737c35b50fd3c⋯.png (593.09 KB, 611x378, 611:378, Screenshot_98.png)

b4c146  No.7022508


Very good point indeed Anon. Nice catch

4888ab  No.7022509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

80ebc8  No.7022510


so your opinion doesn't matter

e8fe12  No.7022511


Do you think that we should exercise no vigilance in regards to ai? Do you think it is a smart thing for you to argue? Are you sure you meant to make this post?

eeb557  No.7022512

File: 05c73aa51f24dd3⋯.jpg (178.07 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D8P0b_WX4AAoZFG.jpg)

File: 206a58afe359298⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1675x4984, 1675:4984, Screenshot_2019-07-10 Q Re….png)

File: 68b633f87ef05c7⋯.png (49.4 KB, 809x170, 809:170, Screenshot_2019-07-10 Narc….png)

File: 98a1768805c9572⋯.png (21.52 KB, 772x245, 772:245, Screenshot_2019-07-10 The ….png)

File: beb14e2903727a0⋯.jpg (49.22 KB, 390x500, 39:50, mary-carter-paint.jpg)

b06fe9  No.7022513

File: c9c5d64d49eb8fa⋯.jpeg (305.65 KB, 1242x1498, 621:749, 29248633-2F83-4197-8C27-9….jpeg)

Damn good idea. Patriots plan on flopping the help lines for pro-illegal orgs


d91e4a  No.7022514


We don’t. This asshat got money from cabal not wallstreet and donates 100% to dems. He was mossad/cia blackmailer at best, child trafficker/human rights abuser at best. No worst for this fucker and dems no it. Thry have distanced themselves as best they can while trying to use trump as scapegoat.

af786e  No.7022515

File: d910ad308b27152⋯.png (482.51 KB, 597x517, 597:517, POTUS 7-12-19 8 51 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 2d6c07bb31b7d5d⋯.mp4 (13.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video POTUS 7-12-19 8 51 ….mp4)

New POTUS Tweet and Video



c6b853  No.7022516


Well, we still get "you's when we post, right? You mean, will they show up in notable board?


Found a dig I did with a YOU.

d9d2ec  No.7022517

I knew there was something more to the Q post about “wheels up”! Anons didn’t catch on in the bread though. It has dual meaning being either in the literal sense or could mean a flight taking off.

Also another thing I wonder is whenever Q posts does he also have a message in another post either immediately before or after he posts? I bet he does that and makes it look like just an anon but then the right folks get the message.


“Think logically”

“Expand your thinking”



Saw a Jeep with double punisher skulls on the tire skin while driving home. They were the ‘ee’ letters in Jeep. Pretty cool anon road fren

3d7123  No.7022518

File: bd7a27019b83e14⋯.jpg (99.93 KB, 1200x716, 300:179, backtonightshift.jpg)

3bb8fa  No.7022519


Watch/Share this before YouTube takes it down.

096472  No.7022520



2189e9  No.7022521

File: 9ad70949bfbd0d6⋯.jpeg (140.33 KB, 998x500, 499:250, 8AC4C4C0-5310-4E5A-8180-9….jpeg)

You guys are Messiah’s!

Your memes, bickering, and nudity will save mankind.

Anybody who doesn’t believe that is paid to disagree.

No anonymous paid government agent would ever lie to you.

Q isn’t laughing at you at all.

11225d  No.7022522


anon, I am not BO, but it seems you misunderstand something that as a disabled anon you might appreciate. The notables are in their own inline thread and anyone can add a bun. It is very easy to just scroll through and see all the links.

If you have ever had to go to multiple past breads to get the notables this make life so much easier the new way. It also makes a bakers job easier.

I am not a disabledanon, but find this so much easier and cannot understand the bandwagon of protest.

abd2f7  No.7022523

File: 2c59f1a35fbe1f4⋯.png (151.22 KB, 250x361, 250:361, ClipboardImage.png)

b3f985  No.7022524


>they started identifying themselves by nicknames , initials, pics, etc

They were hubristic an arrogant when confronted by anyone. Nothing has changed with them. Nothing goes well for subversive paytriots.

b6f39f  No.7022525


Apparently, these raids are to target known bad hombres, approx 1 millions of them, either felons and/or linked to gangs/organized crime. They’ll be too busy running to do DS’s dirty work.

eedb40  No.7022526

File: 744e45645f47498⋯.png (348.01 KB, 631x700, 631:700, 1AD_CAB 07122019-2055.PNG)

File: 60f7d438d93ef17⋯.mp4 (988.18 KB, 720x406, 360:203, SAky1DNEwcjtzoeB.mp4)


Ready to takeoff for the #weekend in 3, 2…⁣

ed3dfe  No.7022527

File: c4ce526376bf880⋯.jpeg (968.8 KB, 1546x2034, 773:1017, 6979537E-1F19-4C36-8821-7….jpeg)

File: 8cb344a0bfa5f81⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1546x2034, 773:1017, 31976DEB-ED8A-47E7-8BF2-5….jpeg)

d9df4b  No.7022528


What is it?

ad1c0d  No.7022529


ignore this pos

he wants attention and points

don't give him any (you)s if he posts here again

kinda glad he puts his name - easier to filter

b29108  No.7022530


and the pathetic failed fake patriot operatives continue…

(laughing) the punishment for failure must be pretty severe for you chumps, huh?


bdcba1  No.7022531


Heard about it.

Did you see the interview with the mom saying that they were on a Super Bowl commercial?


2c4fff  No.7022532

>>7022503 "Boomerang" in POTUS Tweet with "Boomerang" in Q crumbs

Baker Notable

32f13d  No.7022533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this feels truthful to me…

aa1153  No.7022534


QAnon = We are the news now!

2b9928  No.7022535

File: 222761989f61dbc⋯.png (682.5 KB, 1069x400, 1069:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aee9208491063e2⋯.png (489.58 KB, 377x658, 377:658, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f32f40f79fd854e⋯.png (125.67 KB, 573x112, 573:112, ClipboardImage.png)

7c93bc  No.7022536

File: fba877f206f0e41⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 1166x776, 583:388, QanonWeAewTheNewsShip.jpg)

We Are On A Ship

Have no doubts; this is a Spiritual battle.


A battle of TRUTH against Lies;


78916e  No.7022537


why would temple door lock be on the outside?

4e1e01  No.7022538


Well, if the kids are faking, whoever fed them this evil is one sick drepraved individual. Kids, normal kids, don't think like that. Innocent kids don't imagine this shit. Or make it up.

I lean more toward real myself, but still, real or not, whoever taught this shit to these kids is in for a world of hurt.

5b4ec4  No.7022539

I love you POTUS.


b3f985  No.7022540


Prayers for all operators serving Americans.

ba4e85  No.7022541

File: e1a2d9dad992423⋯.jpeg (457.78 KB, 1125x1832, 1125:1832, 0621CA9C-721C-47D0-9E07-E….jpeg)


More from the Article pic related

Reads like the author has been lurking qresearch. Only other article I’ve seen close to representing anything discussed here was Tyler Durden on zerohedge speculating that merkel’s shaking is caused by many things including kuru. That was the kekkiest!

5544ae  No.7022542

File: 21655ce5b60042d⋯.png (115.28 KB, 750x757, 750:757, 1558223391548.png)


Well shit.

f7b470  No.7022543


Always the best! Need help in a few hours?

b2ab24  No.7022544


Shill, many anons are calling out shilly and censoring BO bc anons want to see important digs in the notables again to take out the evil cult.

BO is not here to help Q or anons, he needs to go.

5a4737  No.7022545


Well I am a black, jewish disabled anon with a missing toe, so my story and opinion overrides yours- I think fastjack is a mossad cuck and everything he does is poisoned.

ab4fd1  No.7022546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



b4c146  No.7022547


Yep just seen on Fox where they took down the American flag and replaced it with a Mexican flag at Ice headquarters in Colorado just hrs ago

d9d2ec  No.7022548


Good eye

eeb557  No.7022549

File: 2ec43d856a0ce4a⋯.jpg (159.76 KB, 1000x648, 125:81, fb6729079c8e3af78c1a974716….jpg)


high *e*n*e*rgy there anon

096472  No.7022550

File: f0a38972cbe7e0b⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_4504.JPG)




dd0b77  No.7022551

File: 42897080de87c61⋯.png (480.62 KB, 540x636, 45:53, united we stand.png)

File: 8613bf5267a036c⋯.jpg (40.07 KB, 494x446, 247:223, whatbreadru.jpg)

ANONS! Each and every one of you doing God's work here. I am so inspired by the amazing work being done on this board. Evil forces do their thing but Anons do anon things and it's just soooo good.

God Bless each and every one of you. I'm honoured just to be able to be here in real time with you all.


551bee  No.7022552


I always thought that those two lights at the top of the Washington Monument were spoopy!

They look like creepy orange eyes at night!

3d7123  No.7022553

File: 701538aac637404⋯.jpg (118.46 KB, 640x792, 80:99, nightship.jpg)




f7ec23  No.7022555


I'll keep that one.

69a242  No.7022556

File: 2f6bb2f45180ca0⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 147x315, 7:15, infinity aware.jpg)


wait wut

um, yeah


b2ab24  No.7022557

File: 780c3551c236baa⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1154x626, 577:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 709e19fc0c2b99d⋯.png (1.3 MB, 931x621, 931:621, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck clown BO.

GTFO and let anons work.

fa6d7a  No.7022558


Why can't they shoot them in the dick with a bean bag?

c7e958  No.7022559


There is an enormous difference between the front men, bag men, and cutouts and the reclusive power in the shadows. I’m not at all sure that the Jewish Billionaire “Family” occupies top spot, Roths included. Soros is ruthless and effective, but even he is a servant.

I found the Frank Report’s article on the origins of the Bronfman fortune particularly suggestive: the argument that the British (aristocracy and bankers) both funded and profited from Bronfman and were responsible for legitimating the thug through intermarriage of his offspring with the Hofjuden families rang true. So much of the aristocracy’s wealth has been historically derived from drug running (opium and China, HSBC, Sassoon’s, anyone?) with Jews as front men, that it seems plausible that Bronfman was a valuable operator in the same business in the Americas in the early 20th century.

9ab15e  No.7022560


Iron Eagle reference to Chinooks?

Extortion 17 maybe gets Justice finally?

d0aa89  No.7022561



10 Nov 2018 - 10:56:59 AM


We knew then.

We know now.

This time - we have Gov't control.

Boomerang Suicide.



9 Nov 2018 - 3:50:16 PM

Will recent [expected] voter fraud actions by the D party provide support for a VOTER ID LAW?


Boomerang Suicide?


105aa0  No.7022562


Interesting choice of ((Red Coats)) here.

It won't end any differently this time.

48c672  No.7022563


why I say close the eye to see

3 or 4d is where the controllers of reality want you, as to not fully see IMHO

If you travel inward to the atom that is thee,

their in lies all to see, from their infinite possibility



If 4d then, I see 8 X more possibility

think 3,6,9

emanate from the center out all directions and see you always land on 12 of thee

018f72  No.7022564



Try harder faggots.


Thx fren. Fuck the homossads. Hope u bake next bread. Even Q callwd these faggots out today. Im just finding out. Glad other anons are carrying the flag.

4cddd2  No.7022565

File: 1cfc9aaf9fa5e3d⋯.png (364.88 KB, 1049x925, 1049:925, screenshot-www.hellomagazi….png)

File: 8ab29d6e32cb79d⋯.png (97.47 KB, 1101x334, 1101:334, screenshot-8ch.net-2019.07….png)

Iris Goldsmith, 15, dead in accident.

The teenager was the heiress to two of Britain's most powerful dynasties – the Goldsmith and the Rothschild families. She was the first-born child of millionaire financier Ben and his ex-wife Kate Emma Rothschild, who are believed to have a combined fortune of more than £300million.


bc072f  No.7022566

File: 4a8e17d1cdb741f⋯.png (40.33 KB, 907x509, 907:509, ClipboardImage.png)



80ebc8  No.7022567


Well SHIT, ya! Let's just talk about everything else but WHAT IS REALLY happening!

e3e640  No.7022568




7c93bc  No.7022569

File: 4413f5ea688c6a0⋯.jpg (16.95 KB, 356x218, 178:109, evenTheQteamSaysArrrrrr.jpg)

Arrrrr Mi Hearties!

b2ab24  No.7022570

File: f0007f1651d3a9c⋯.png (272.9 KB, 1228x410, 614:205, ClipboardImage.png)

digits confirm.

553489  No.7022571

File: ef79cb6ef347b7a⋯.png (595.34 KB, 713x406, 713:406, ClipboardImage.png)

af786e  No.7022572


>They were hubristic an arrogant when confronted by anyone. Nothing has changed with them. Nothing goes well for subversive paytriots.

They REFUSED to note an anons VERY notable comments regarding ANTIFA, despite MANY anons requests

Then Q had to post almost the exact same thing they refused to note and made comments about not noting

They also refused to include info on the [PP] case and links , again with MULTIPLE anon requests to note, and this after Q said [PP] was going to be in the news again

Just who are they working for

It sure the hell is not on the side of POTUS or Patriots

664b40  No.7022573

The Lord saved me from my iniquity and inspired me onto a new journey.

I am a story of his grace.

He who is not served by human hands.

t stands for triangle

93a6cf  No.7022574


Some thoughts on the Hempstead Case. There is a reason why this was presented to us again, immediately following the arrest of Epstein. The connections are British with these children, we know that Prince Andrew frequently was with Epstein, the other commonality that is shared here is Epstein Island, which is quite close to other British owned Virgin Islands. Suspicion here is that these British children are shared between the lslands for the worlds elite.

7c7b94  No.7022575


Walking out like a boss with quint deuces.

172468  No.7022576

it is time to re-locate.

national security.

judgment creditor.

87db9d  No.7022577



>I wonder why Q pointed anons to them if they are fake?

I there's your answer. Someone tweeted it, and POTUS RT'd it. Q posted a tweet where someone noticed that POTUS RT'd it.

They seem legit to me. Children CAN act, and they can act wild shit, but not for that long at one span. Not so consistently.

I don't know what the board consensus is, but this anon believes them. Partly because I've done a lot of research on this topic, including coached allegations, and partly due to research on many, many cases WW of this nature.

The fact that these kids are involved in the same activity, and the same type of cover up, and this was posted NOW and in the context of 1) Epstein, 2) NXIVM, and 3) house of cards tumbling down, BY Q says a lot. It seems to me that POTUS wouldn't RT this if it was some fake shit , nor would Q call our attention to it.


5544ae  No.7022578



And can I see you baking license?

c6b853  No.7022579


hey, shill. I'm not your buddy--not a shill. I'm not "fighting the change the hardest"; just looks at the breds last night. HUNDREDS fighting. I just happen to bake. Other should learn, then they can do moar.

Damn--looks like some baker once again DROPPED OFF THE BAKING INSTRUCTIONS.

Somebody doesn't want anons to learn how to bake the "old fashioned" way


But it's all in the REAL PASTEBIN from the notable page above:

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>7015023

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043


current BO stopped vetting bakers--much to our dismay. We liked it and asked for it to be put back in last winter, before 8bit left.

eedc51  No.7022580

File: 91d093ddb3236ad⋯.png (159.07 KB, 470x354, 235:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58393e6b682c05d⋯.png (21.68 KB, 470x185, 94:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f71b607638d2fd4⋯.png (206.48 KB, 470x418, 235:209, ClipboardImage.png)

Gold Notable

(Fed nomination) Dr. Judy Shelton's recent tweets on the gold standard, sound money/level playing field, and the debate over the Fed.




fa6d7a  No.7022581


Thanks for the laugh!

a8404b  No.7022582


I like the notables at the top. I can mouse over any of the breads there and read a bit and if I want to see comments on it I can click the link and go to that bread. It's far easier.

5544ae  No.7022583


Checked and BO btfo by kek again

d29a30  No.7022584

Do you EVEN understand the Mustard seed?

Not only positive, but negative?

YOU have free will, after all.

Move a mountain or it stays in place.

Are we talking about a fucking mountain?


17ebe3  No.7022585

File: 909236fd27b03e1⋯.png (369.96 KB, 1107x810, 41:30, jacinda.png)

File: 842cc883538ec9b⋯.png (344.01 KB, 1044x616, 261:154, NZh.png)

Since this is the beta test for other countries, should there not be a campaign to help our fellow 5eyed brother in NZ, similar to /pol's IT'S OK TO BE WHittite campaign which forces a paradox upon the people against the statement? What if manifesto is in Arabic? Legal ? Illegal? Hebrew? Farsi?

This is not just about firearms, this is about up to 14 years in prison for possesion of the TEXT or WORDS in his retarded clowntown manifesto. what text is next?



==Jacinda Ardern: I didn't want to work for Tony Blair== Adam Dudding

05:00, Aug 27 2017

In her Union of Socialist Youth (USY) days, Ardern used to say comrade a lot, and celebrate internationalism. But there's no clash, she says, between that ethos and the imperative to put New Zealand's interests first. Consider the debate around refugees.

"That's where I hear it the most. How can you double the quota and still look after people in poverty in New Zealand? But these are not mutually exclusive. I'd say the same around international environmental issues – we can do our part and also make sure we secure our economic future."

Also, says Ardern, the great thing about being active in USY was that a decade on, some of my friends are ministers around the world. I've got friends in Italy, in Denmark, in South Africa, who are now in office

The job in Blair's Cabinet Office was in 2006, shortly before he handed over the UK prime-ministership to Gordon Brown.

So is Blair one of Ardern's chums too? Because as activist John Minto has pointed out, Blair took Britain into George W Bush's catastrophic Iraq war on a lie, and many consider him a war criminal. How did working for Blair jibe with Ardern's enthusiasm for peace and justice and so on?

Actually, says Ardern, she never met Blair in person at that time – " the Cabinet Office is massive". But the issue of whether she was bothered about working for a war criminal? "That's a fair question".The answer though, is complicated.

In early 2006 she was living in New Yorkvolunteering at a soup kitchen and for a workers' rights campaign because she didn't have a work visa. Six Months in…(SHE WAS LIVING IN NYC WITHOUT A VISA IN 2006?)

She had very low expectations, so when the job offer came, "I was absolutely gutted. I felt this real dilemma, which was absolutely about Blair."

She still took the job though. It was totally pragmatic. I wanted to live overseas. I wanted to have that time and experience abroad. I was doing amazing voluntary work that I loved, but I needed to live so I took the job


The problem with Jacinda

I was one of the protest organisers for Blair’s visit and while we had a good crowd outside calling for Blair to be arrested and charged with war crimes, Jacinda Ardern was inside with a bunch of big noters helping give credibility to him and his visit


Chief Censor discusses banning of the manifesto: https://youtu.be/kkvLwXV5UUM

People arrested/convicted on charges of sharing the video:

Jacinda Ardern announces gun ban and buyback: https://youtu.be/IV4jr7J4cPE

New Zealand struggles to enforce gun-control law:

Details of gun buyback scheme revealed:

New Zealand police expect tens of thousands of firearms in guns buy-back scheme:

Gun owners 'angry and frustrated' and some say they won't hand in their now-illegal firearms:

Cory Booker on gun registration: Only 'gun runners and criminals' should fear the idea:

New Zealand Arms Code guide:

lifted this list from

Matt Christiansen

New Zealand’s Gun Confiscation Setting Up For Massive Failure | Next Time, Even More Control


48c672  No.7022587


now ask why space and not sea

that would reveal our history

it's exactly what they don't want you to see

7506d3  No.7022588

File: 643ad43f48b2a8a⋯.png (54.63 KB, 749x519, 749:519, Screenshot from 2019-07-13….png)


>Apparently, these raids are to target known bad hombres, approx 1 millions of them,

I wish. They have approx 1M final deportation orders that they could enforce. But this raid is for a "minimum of 2,000". I don't expect them to over-deliver dramatically. But it will have a much more significant psychological impact.


3bb8fa  No.7022589


Google whistleblower exposes war on Patriots.

9c0cb4  No.7022590

File: a6fec3d0d79d2bc⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1009x4183, 1009:4183, Epstein Island 2009 A Bill….png)

Is this a photo of construction beneath the temple?

'''APRIL 4, 2009 BY JEFF

A Billionaire’s Cow'''

This is as close as On-StJohn.com has ever gotten to, and likely ever will get to, Little St. James island, a privately-owned cay whose owner we always affectionately referred to as Ritchie Rich (until the billionaire financier got himself in the news last year.) We still prefer to call it Ritchie Rich’s island.

But that is old news and it’s not what this post is about. It’s about that cow.

It’s fake.

It’s a fake lawn ornament cow. And captains will tell you the cow isn’t always in the same place. It gets moved around.

I love rich people.

Ritchie Rich is also spending lots of his money on this island. We’ve watched through binoculars for years as the nonstop construction continuously remakes his fiefdom.

And it’s always comforting to see the American flag flying. A reminder that this is still America. We like that. Fake cows and all.


23d7db  No.7022591



b2ab24  No.7022592


do your job.

Check the kitchen.

Get rid of all-time-captcha that seems rather annoying than helpful.

Leave notables as they were, this works best for anons and lurkers.

It´s that simple.

Do it or be gone.


put max pressure on BO, he won´t stand that long.

This is the most important fight ever and BO won´t stop anons and Q.

BO is either helping or gone.

>>7015981 lb


Now you can just post away! Easy! Be loud!


f196dc  No.7022593

File: caf769d2993b1a9⋯.png (43.41 KB, 511x449, 511:449, Screenshot_2019-07-13 UK C….png)

Ricky Dearloves Twitter ?

08a709  No.7022594


i feel this one


and also the shills are really confirmation

if they werent worried at all, they would not be here

(hoping to gain some insight but they will never get it cuz they lack Heart)

2576b3  No.7022595

File: df7b2b4467a2dc6⋯.jpeg (969 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, C20E7EB2-B7A2-4873-816B-D….jpeg)

File: 8dbc8fda78a5f97⋯.jpeg (186.57 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, A39DA162-406A-4BAA-8D32-E….jpeg)

56e498  No.7022596


>current BO stopped vetting bakers–much to our dismay

Oh, so the person solving the problem is the same person that caused it???

553489  No.7022597

File: ffcca52fedd820c⋯.png (389.45 KB, 493x463, 493:463, ClipboardImage.png)



as demonstrated, with a good marksman

69a242  No.7022598



Dig Meme Pray shill

is the shill that taught me how to filter

dd61cc  No.7022599


> YES.

>Found a dig I did with a YOU.

oh thank god for a second there I thought the Muh (You)s whores would have to go elsewhere for there cheap dopamine hits

c6b853  No.7022600


If I do, BO will likely delete, as before. But it's always good to try.

5d97ad  No.7022601



really noice


d1ec81  No.7022602


Not like this faggot was ever going to procreate in the first place, kek. Nothing of value was lost here.

3fedf2  No.7022603


They were telling the truth. They were in sync with conversation, eye movement etc… it happened to them no doubt in my mind.

3d1fcb  No.7022604


What does v stand for?

bc072f  No.7022605


the seed needs good ground, light, and water to grow, be beautiful and useful, and to propagate itself. without all 3, it can't be what it wants, or is supposed to be.

8cb07f  No.7022606


I hear you bro, but in the meantime, we've lost a valuable weapon (wearethene.ws) on QRV.

Much LOVE to all the Anons!

d8dece  No.7022607



dafabb  No.7022608

#8985- Notables, for anons by anons

>>7022298 South Korean Actor Arrested on Rape and Sexual Molestation Allegations

>>7022332 pf report N1F 2 Reg incoming

>>7022388, >>7022390, >>7022434 POTUS tweet- with the dankest of photos-returning from WI and OH-third one has a proof Q 452

>>7022400 Breaking News ‘’’ICE Raids appear to be underway’’’

>>7022313, >>7022313 Al Sharpton w/ Maer Roshan dig

>>7022395, >>7022410 Who was blocking the Epstein unsealing-anon dig

>>7022480, >>7022500, >>7022503 >>7022515, >>7022561 POTUS retweet and Q posts that are relevant

>>7022490 anon on setting up immigration courts in a hurry (kek!)

>>7022526 US Army Tweet "Ready to take off for the #weekend in 3,2,…

>>7022565 Iris Goldsmith, 15, dead in accident. Goldsmith and Rothschild family

>>7022585 anon dig on Jacinda Arden


can stay until end of this bread, someone else pick it up

cb72db  No.7022609



I'll keep calling I also just sent the number to several….

42edb9  No.7022610

File: e0ce82f246b7161⋯.png (638.66 KB, 1322x9336, 661:4668, Screenshot_2019-07-12 The ….png)

>>7021903 PB Notable

Rachel Chandler, John "Pumkin Spice" Brennan And Barry Obama AT the White House ON THE SAME DAY

Libya wiki stuff that day...


f56aa4  No.7022611

File: db319679ddefd74⋯.png (63.71 KB, 622x683, 622:683, BoardLog.png)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Vote of no confidence. BO, prove you are not comped: relent.

Sadly, in retrospect, anons should have been posting screenshots of board log regularly. Bitterly earned skepticism. The more you know…

For those who stay, recommend you monitor this. Difficult to evaluate quality of board interventions, but anons can assess quantity of interventions.



abd2f7  No.7022612

File: 9395bf6cf686286⋯.png (5.57 MB, 1812x1248, 151:104, ClipboardImage.png)

105aa0  No.7022614


If that's an argument, you may want to try again after the Xanax wears off. I'll still be here.

In the meantime, nobody's stopping you from making an incoherent bun.

48c672  No.7022615


think as the plates dive further under one, one over another, more true history, is lost to the sea.

7f243f  No.7022616

File: 81533369ea2b9f4⋯.jpeg (88.59 KB, 750x504, 125:84, 365271C3-2302-4235-97BC-E….jpeg)

3d7123  No.7022617

File: 932a686ba9e293e⋯.jpg (501.22 KB, 1917x1245, 639:415, tyb_window.jpg)


thanks baker, sir! o7

9c3415  No.7022618


Not a shill, I have baked, and I have handed off to you, and I have picked up your ghost bakes in the am. You have been called out before, and now you are fighting strongest against the change. You glow.

124e64  No.7022619

File: 7ee66caa8b8eaee⋯.png (94.28 KB, 268x255, 268:255, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this the same faggot?

1b9d5f  No.7022620

OK, Q, Boomerang, there's your go. Come in, team

7519d8  No.7022621


Why can't we do both???

I like notes in the bread. Unless I'm behind on developments (limited webz today), Q likes the notes in the bread.

But I like the pinned notes thread too. Its like an archive, carefully groomed, to have multiple notes buns for diversity that are all full and meaningful. Good for condensed research!


Cheers, bake. Thanks for keeping the old ways. o7

f98399  No.7022622

File: 43a1267a22e5a7e⋯.png (260.03 KB, 588x429, 196:143, ClipboardImage.png)

Boo MUH rang

80ebc8  No.7022623

I came here for something beautiful, I got it and I thank you. Goodnight everyanon, everywhere. God Loves you.

17ebe3  No.7022624

File: 934f4b65427378f⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1660x662, 830:331, stellech.png)

File: af1fee0adbb2f9a⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1673x807, 1673:807, stelle3h.png)

Im pretty sure these 2 might now or have at some time in the past had the same barber

970619  No.7022625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The history of Sicilians, from the movie "True Romance." Rings true, and funny as fuck!

d29a30  No.7022626



Think Free Will…

BASE of that post.


5fad18  No.7022627


Rothschild/Bronfman own 11k+ shares?

CEMEX $7 million deal with Clinton Global Initiative? Haiti?

The more we know.

dafabb  No.7022628


will fix that mistake on next drop on POTUS tweet line

b6f39f  No.7022629


Activate Postmaster General


c6b853  No.7022630


Current BO posted a global notable saying bakers were "complacent" (made it sound like we were lazy). No–we wanted baker checks. BO did not. He could have just said it's too time-consuming or whatever but instead tried to make us look bad. Always tried to make bakers look bad, shills loved it. About half the bakers have now left. Can you blame them? That was the intention. Saying that 80% are shills doesn't make someone felt appreciated, kek.

664b40  No.7022631


You do not have free will.

From birth you are confined to sin.

11225d  No.7022632


They were locked faggot. No bake was deleted.

f98399  No.7022633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7c93bc  No.7022634

File: 6e7d4c740d0df4f⋯.jpg (97.67 KB, 749x590, 749:590, anon_pirate_image_ (1).jpg)


12 Mar 2019 - 6:55:14 PM


The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a back-channel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (A SHIP) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).

This has really begun to happen.

A great awakening indeed!

48c672  No.7022635


not true

can mostly be

but not fully thee

a1873f  No.7022637

File: 615271638cfad52⋯.jpeg (801.75 KB, 1372x1718, 686:859, AE745AD8-0F7E-4A32-BD9D-7….jpeg)


If you're gonna notable Hawkins, notable this scumbag Lawrence Krauss. Sauce included.



11225d  No.7022638

c6b853  No.7022639


I have no special problem with having a notables thread. I have a big problem with BO decreeing we should have that thread and forbidding us from posting notables here, as well. And without even talking to us, taking feedback–even Q's feedback, kek.

8c01ad  No.7022640


you wanted to be approved by BO he has called you a shill for months. Bakers checks would mean he wouldn't clear you to bake.


096472  No.7022641

File: 73ac71f8178e19e⋯.jpg (407.66 KB, 1504x810, 752:405, IMG_5044.JPG)

7c93bc  No.7022642


Arrr I has a ship ye cud borrow!

c6b853  No.7022643


And what exactly is the difference? If anons can't post, then the thread is dead.

9ab15e  No.7022644


Haitian limestone mining for Cemex….needed a deep water port. Who else owns stock? Who else do they donate money to

bf6f13  No.7022645


There is very little doubt in my opinion that Obama opened up our borders wide and clear as well as provided the financial backing and transportation for the 30 to 50 million illegal immigrants 8 years under his administration. If I were a betting man/women I would bet nobody but Trump administration knows how many millions were actually let into our country.

Pretty much everywhere I go and do business it seems 50% of the people use broken english. Whether it is renting a car or grocery shopping and I am in a northern midwest town fairly far from any big city.

I often wonder how companies like Blackstone Hedge Fund was so confident in 2009 that the housing market would recover and why Deutsche Bank was so confident in loaning Blackstone Billion's of dollars to buy up America's residential housing stock for literally pennies. (Neither you or I qualified in 2009 for millions of dollars from DB to buy up all the foreclosed homes.. right?)

Of course Schwarzman the Skull and Bones CEO of Blackstone needed some reassurance from Obama that he would flood America with illegal immigrants with the support of Soros in order to increase demand for Housing.

Who here like me was in the heart of the financial crisis both personally and professionally and watch what went down in real time.

It was so obvious to me then this was a pre-planned event to take out America white middle class folks

How does the Cabal justify it ?

Probably by the 2009 articles by both Obama and Bernanke telling everyone to buy stocks. If not privy to the flooding of America back then with the millions of immigrants both legal and illegal the financial prudent person would not have reinvested any cash they had taken out of the market earlier.

Most of us were wiped out. If we were smart enough to see the housing crisis and stock market crash and got out early enough none of us in our wildest dreams would dare get back in. Like I said we were all wiped out. There was no winning or losing for America's middle class.

56e498  No.7022646



BO exposed of deletions of anons material on a massive scale.

096472  No.7022647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c28bc1  No.7022648

File: 75336514144c637⋯.png (60.44 KB, 500x282, 250:141, ClipboardImage.png)

Drone Footage

>>7022044 (lb)

>>7022124 (lb)

Anon yesterday, bread 8972 is responsible for all this goodness

>>7012207 (pb)

>>7012255 (pb)

>>7012571 (pb)

>yes sir, shot yesterday

>drive with 900+ pics live now as well


Blessed be to that Anon

48c672  No.7022649


mountains move all through history

af786e  No.7022650

File: a9f8eecf8aabf53⋯.png (618.58 KB, 586x786, 293:393, Army 7-12-19 9 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 1ea1a56f48f0f63⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1308x932, 327:233, Army 7-12-19 9 pm PDT pic.PNG)

File: 1c940de171c5529⋯.png (3.38 KB, 401x92, 401:92, Q 838 Boom.PNG)

Soldiers with 838th MP Co., Youngstown, #Ohio partnered with Serbian forces during #PlatinumWolf 2019 at South Base, Serbia. PW is a peacekeeping exercise designed to strengthen ties and skill-sets between partner and allied nations. #Allied2Win


Q 838



7c7b94  No.7022651


And CEMEX was brought up here months and months ago. Things always come back and find their spot in the puzzle, don't they?

5cb99e  No.7022652

File: 7cae4dc922a1d9f⋯.png (240.25 KB, 977x813, 977:813, BRD.png)


Have you seen the mess?

And who's FastJack anyway? ANONS KNOW

Right flank has moved, Anons. STAY TOGETHER!

(find us)


f98399  No.7022653


there's the bob i love


go get 'im, you fucking zulu

1ef57e  No.7022654

File: 5e1bf6df0292786⋯.png (3.47 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, A5AE50AA-83A6-4BBB-81DF-2F….png)

096472  No.7022655

File: 63dde0d9c14219a⋯.jpg (114.22 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_6429.JPG)

File: 4bfe0a6a27e5235⋯.jpg (126.27 KB, 640x960, 2:3, IMG_6430.JPG)

File: 9dc6ea691c58e81⋯.jpg (50.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_6438.JPG)

File: 8cc88492782daf3⋯.jpg (66.98 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_6439.JPG)

File: a72056264041de4⋯.jpg (139.65 KB, 900x717, 300:239, IMG_6448.JPG)

c6b853  No.7022656

File: 22b7d81e4f16811⋯.png (432.57 KB, 1159x892, 1159:892, breds locked by BO on july….png)


locked threads from last night.

124e64  No.7022657

File: 786234d28aca2de⋯.png (4.39 MB, 2200x1650, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

48c672  No.7022658


todays mountain is far off tomorrows sea

bdd860  No.7022659

File: a9be519bd17fb5e⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 1538856095140.gif)



579c66  No.7022660




Boomerang International Corp.

Mentioned in the Bahamas Leaks


We help you start your business in the U.S. You do not need to be a “green card” holder or a U.S. Citizen.

Forming an LLC, S-Corporation or C-Corporation.

Opening a U.S. Bank Account.

Obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) without an SSN to open your bank account.

Obtaining a Tax Identification Number (ITIN) to file taxes and comply with the IRS

Referral to our Network of service providers (i.e., Attorneys, Accountants, Real Estate Agents, Financial Planner and others).

Referral to Healthcare Providers/Doctors and area Hospitals

We provide an array of services geared toward assisting foreign national entrepreneurs establish a business in the U.S., or simply guide you and assist you in doing business in and with the U.S.

This is a company that helps illegals get the paperwork to look like citizens.

dd0b77  No.7022661

File: 1cc8490b06c2d3b⋯.png (27.66 KB, 139x160, 139:160, whatsthat.png)

Really like what Mr Homan said, but anons, who is that blonde woman in the dark blue dress sitting off to the side behind him? She looks like she's holding that thing for the cameras.

Looks like a butterfly but with pedo swirls. Sorry if this has been mentioned. Didn't see it in notables.

5544ae  No.7022662


What do you think about all this, ebot?

737bd6  No.7022663


better yet, why doesn't every just ditch their cell phone

those who have done it would never go back

105aa0  No.7022664

File: 6fa2614f1921eb0⋯.png (238.44 KB, 595x472, 595:472, NotablesShill.png)


This one seems confused whether to go full muh captcha or full muh notables.

5fad18  No.7022665

File: b030efbc1eb1538⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1440x3040, 9:19, Screenshot_20190712-094248….jpg)

Bunker found underground near Southern border? Septic tank? Property owned by CEMEX. Baby crib. Stroller. Toys.

c77739  No.7022666


The scat porn, midget porn, trap porn, and gay porn and jew shilling is just an added bonus I guess.

c6b853  No.7022667


I've seen this but don't know what's in those threads that were deleted. Would make a VERY GOOD DIG, don't you think?

c28bc1  No.7022668



bookmark it faggots

d29a30  No.7022669


Good AND Evil.

C'mon anon…

Sin is relative to Good.



Think a second.


b4c146  No.7022670

File: d262e03ce590118⋯.mp4 (118.26 KB, 320x240, 4:3, o6fJYye.mp4)

096472  No.7022671

File: 279bcbf26fe15a0⋯.jpg (238.15 KB, 749x749, 1:1, IMG_5318.JPG)





bf6f13  No.7022672



Rusty you da man!!!

6a4f12  No.7022673

File: eee0016fd53018f⋯.jpg (90.83 KB, 663x821, 663:821, Sheriff-Jenkins.jpg)

Maryland is in bad shape, but at least one sheriff is doing his job:

BALTIMORE — "A Maryland sheriff’s office racially discriminates against Latinos and engages in localized immigration enforcement, an immigrants’ rights group and an immigrant say in a federal lawsuit.

The lawsuit filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Baltimore alleges the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office has engaged in a pattern of discriminatory policing motivated by racial animus toward Latino immigrants and has targeted specific communities within the county. Sheriff Charles Jenkins, his office, two deputy sheriffs and the county are named defendants.

“Specifically, these actions consist of unlawful detentions during traffic stops, violations of the Fourth Amendment, harassment of immigrants based on their race and ethnicity, and unequal treatment of people suspected to have immigration issues,” the plaintiffs’ attorneys wrote.

The immigrant plaintiff, Sara Haidee Aleman Medrano, is in the U.S. illegally and has lived in Frederick for more than 13 years. She alleges she was profiled and illegally detained in July 2018 when she was pulled over because of an alleged broken taillight. Her daughter and two grandchildren were in the vehicle."


8c1983  No.7022674


Woah! wait stop!

Some anon posted about two other daughters dying from dynasty families a few days ago?

Can anyone remember?

I don't think they are dying I think they are taking their families out of sight

11225d  No.7022675


Locked threads happen and they are recreated. Happens with duplicates often. Don't be daft.

17b289  No.7022676


Don’t forget the coal burner porn.

5d97ad  No.7022677


Ouija in the Cabbage

c6b853  No.7022678


Don't have time to find you, I'm here preserving threads. Can you just say??

4c0134  No.7022679


not the same guy.

b3f985  No.7022680


Boomerang and ICE raids in FL might be probable.

298c33  No.7022681

Dismayed to find none of my co-workers had even heard of Epstein. Still.

What % of Americans are completely detached from reality/ following alternate realities? No political opinion or awareness of current events. Seems to be about 50%.

096472  No.7022682

File: 25acf363a05d18d⋯.jpg (10.99 KB, 194x259, 194:259, IMG_5583.JPG)

File: 6ee86b600149360⋯.jpg (103.1 KB, 700x700, 1:1, IMG_5601.JPG)

File: bf1e8b6dc4f8fc4⋯.jpg (16.87 KB, 225x225, 1:1, IMG_5631.JPG)


cb72db  No.7022683


Phone lines are flooded all I get is the busy single….FYI

d24f5b  No.7022684


WAY TO GO BAKER!!!! NOTABLES NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9ab15e  No.7022685


Was that the chopper crash into the water on its way to Florida?

618563  No.7022686

New PDJT tweet!

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


5m5 minutes ago






18 replies 54 retweets 21 likes

Reply 18 Retweet 54 Like 21

42edb9  No.7022687

File: e2210fcfac1dc9a⋯.png (156.5 KB, 1322x2833, 1322:2833, Screenshot_2019-07-12 Fwd ….png)


>>7021903 PB Notable

Rachel Chandler, John "Pumkin Spice" Brennan And Barry Obama AT the White House ON THE SAME DAY

wiki that day...



To: slatham@hillaryclinton.com

Date: 2015-11-05 19:26

Subject: Fwd: Agenda for Thursday Meeting - Sanders Research

5a3dae  No.7022688


What % of Americans are liberals?

bc072f  No.7022689


love, is the base…the foundation.

5cb99e  No.7022690

File: 1a157460992b045⋯.gif (10.58 MB, 720x405, 16:9, WWG1sail.gif)


ShipAnon- we've had to shuttle to a fasterer vessel, don't wanna leave you behind (I like ya).

Find us, Anon.


6b9900  No.7022691

File: b80556f80fd79fc⋯.png (628.52 KB, 1919x977, 1919:977, n12f.PNG)

File: 0d98586c92dd351⋯.png (972.22 KB, 1919x978, 1919:978, n11f.PNG)

N1F Two digit registration gulfstream tracking over Kentucky/Tennessee

096472  No.7022692

File: 818a5710458761b⋯.jpg (39.58 KB, 300x413, 300:413, IMG_4463.JPG)

File: 66ae47759d36315⋯.jpg (115.12 KB, 761x722, 761:722, IMG_4469.JPG)

File: b15e7006a754938⋯.jpg (118.05 KB, 669x761, 669:761, IMG_4470.JPG)

File: 55e9f7b5db7cbe3⋯.jpg (126.03 KB, 642x855, 214:285, IMG_4471.JPG)

File: 5bcf86812323f92⋯.png (11.91 KB, 422x387, 422:387, IMG_4472.PNG)

9c3415  No.7022693


Your posting leads me to believe that the BO is right in this new policy.

664b40  No.7022694


When we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

No man chooses God, God chooses man.

343a9a  No.7022695

>>7021941 (LB)

And Justice Kavanughh was Star's lead prosecutor during the ad-infinitum Clinton non investigations.

551bee  No.7022696

File: b60a2dc4776f486⋯.jpeg (27.19 KB, 255x247, 255:247, image.jpeg)



Hang all of 'em!

48c672  No.7022697


to live

is not to be saved

as saved can only be

realized in eternity

c6b853  No.7022698


yes, recreated in a new form. not one acceptable to those of us who were baking regular breads.

I can bake again tonight, but if the thread is deleted, someone else will have to bake. I will not do it, not when the order comes from BO. NOT EVER. Must come from a legitimate and honorable source. IF BO is lurking, he knows why. No respect.

b3f985  No.7022699


Gene pool preservation still going strong. DS trembling.

f56aa4  No.7022700


>BO exposed of deletions of anons material on a massive scale.

"massive scale" is much exaggeration.

just keep an eye on it.

taking my ball and going home now. if i stay right now, i will become the kind of shill i have detested.

God bless you, anons.

1ef57e  No.7022701

9 seconds.

I thought quantum processors were way faster than that.

d880f5  No.7022702

File: 71f31bad0969671⋯.png (229.53 KB, 571x500, 571:500, 4518f9dee09bb8351b36657766….png)


Kinda clever shill…

Prolly your best…

Alas, Satan doesn't give participation trophies…

56e498  No.7022703



Anons posts recently declas doc showing the carnage left behind after a BO raid.

c6b853  No.7022704


Great, then learn to bake and you can follow through. Always your choice. I have made mine.

42edb9  No.7022705

File: ac0eb1e1c84a1af⋯.jpg (99.42 KB, 938x686, 67:49, waht.JPG)


oops please disregard….wrong wiki

f7b470  No.7022706


That could have been do e you being disabled is bullshit and keep it to yourself shill. Fucking notable bun could have been made and bread left alone. There are many of you here working in concert to subvert this board. Gofuck yourself.

Time to take the gloves off

d29a30  No.7022707


No Man CHOSE God, God CHOSE Man… big fucking difference.


2c4fff  No.7022708


Anons have been whining about "when will the arrests happen" since the beginning. This is why! It has to be a slooooooow drip for the people who aren't scouring the news for the details like us.

They need to be exposed to it, repeatedly and consistently, for the reality of deep state crimes to set in and be understood. We're here to guide them.

3ae06b  No.7022709

File: c0d2c43cd8d2460⋯.jpg (214.24 KB, 1200x524, 300:131, 1562973306490.jpg)

I'm sure this was an honest mistake

664b40  No.7022710



298c33  No.7022711


Not even liberal. I doubt they know who Pence is. Just wondering how we get to the ones that aren't paying attention at all. I guess they will simply follow.

105aa0  No.7022712

File: 4fb43aaf57f282a⋯.jpg (102.38 KB, 742x556, 371:278, Projection.jpg)

c6b853  No.7022713


Good think I CAPPED all the times he screwed with me: WHOLE BUFFALO, eh??

e44056  No.7022714

File: cd7625ff21226dd⋯.png (32.09 KB, 720x160, 9:2, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

File: 01d1bed9727bb1f⋯.png (171.75 KB, 1958x1046, 979:523, Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at ….png)

any anons catch this re: [wheels up]


8c01ad  No.7022715


d21c01  No.7022716

File: b65d1c3ec106039⋯.png (418.68 KB, 480x525, 32:35, b65d1c3ec106039f1e4c23f594….png)


Long live the notables!!!!!

give em hell Baker!!!!!

e9e8db  No.7022717

File: e99af6e411baa28⋯.jpeg (23.43 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 44424806-BE92-41FD-9DA7-4….jpeg)

File: 10b08a5c907d920⋯.jpeg (431.89 KB, 646x636, 323:318, BA39D5B7-1263-40BC-9AEA-4….jpeg)


Over that shit… blah blah blah for two fuckin years. Declas or GTFO already.

c6b853  No.7022718


Sounds like a nice bun, anon.

9c3415  No.7022719


Sure baker, I can bake, even picked up your ghost bakes before. You have glowed since the BO called out your thread you inserted into the copypasta.

1b9d5f  No.7022720


Soros' electoral file-swappin?

e590dc  No.7022721

File: 45043def0ed34b3⋯.png (302.61 KB, 1216x417, 1216:417, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd2d6e6def587c3⋯.png (68.47 KB, 564x520, 141:130, ClipboardImage.png)

>>7021797 (PB)

>https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6nvoij (Start around 16m:28s)

Family Guy Episode 8-19

Episode name: "The Splendid Source"

819 (Strongs Concordance) - Guiltiness, Wrong doing.

Peter and gang fly to remote island.

Crying baby on board heading to the island as well.

Enter a temple

Peter Hawking is there.

Bill Gates is there.

Jokes about dead babies.

Egyptian Sacrifice reference.


664b40  No.7022722

Horizontal families

eeb557  No.7022723

File: fa3f251d02bc89f⋯.jpg (125.79 KB, 1050x549, 350:183, 00sandyhook3-facebookJumbo….jpg)

File: 7c22cd3b37794bd⋯.jpg (114.75 KB, 600x469, 600:469, 7c22cd3b37794bdf7367e28a52….jpg)


boomer ang-er (of) justice

the boomer-rang ice

17 letters

three "O"s, say "O" = 15, that's 45.

20th anniversary of JFK juniors death is the 16th, he died shortly after a Y=head Yankees game. There's a full=moon on the 16th, couple of days.

551bee  No.7022724


Once their Hollywood heroes start getting arrested, they will sit up and pay attention!

1252c6  No.7022725

File: cfd8b35d93481b8⋯.jpg (55.55 KB, 500x656, 125:164, dollar.jpg)

b3f985  No.7022726


Shill calling a shill, we’ve seen this. We see you. Subversive. Rogers wouldn’t approve.

67cb11  No.7022727


True… but we still need notables in bread.

f7b470  No.7022728


Was coherent but you only comprehend shill.

bf6f13  No.7022729

File: e36ffa2591ce4b1⋯.png (586.42 KB, 1887x919, 1887:919, DRUDGE-REPORT-2020-2019-07….png)

File: d2a42fe3b1abdcd⋯.png (358.91 KB, 1562x810, 781:405, Zero-Hedge-On-a-long-enoug….png)

>>7012571 PB


Will you marry me??

If Epstein's island is part of the plan I wonder who when and what they plan on doing with the island. Can we get tours underground?

Rustys' videos are holding top spot on Zerohedge and the temple is front page Drudge.



48c672  No.7022730


sin is to evil is to dark

good is to divinity is to light

their is light and dark in all things

when saved, did you not move from dark to light

let not words over simplify the complex

free will is in the path of your choosing

circumstances are your obstacles or blinders

70efc6  No.7022731


Such a relief to come on here and see NOTABLES! ThanQ!

03e6ad  No.7022732


"Place Holder"

56e498  No.7022733

File: f2b7e1739384d09⋯.jpg (21.38 KB, 519x78, 173:26, BO-Busted.JPG)



BO's Iron Fist Behind the Curtain behavior rages on out of control.

f98399  No.7022734

File: 9332663e32c8801⋯.png (331.78 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

b3f985  No.7022735


You don’t say…? Hmmmmmm

618563  No.7022736

New PDJT tweet!

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


36s36 seconds ago






11 replies 8 retweets 21 likes

Reply 11 Retweet 8 Like 21

2189e9  No.7022737


And the primary scrivener of the patriot act, for which he was awarded his 1st Circuit seat. After which, he proceeded to decimate the 5th amendment, publishing ludicrous opinions like the one in which the FBI tapped an author’s line who was calling Florida from NY without a warrant. The FBI said he was speaking French, so they thought he was a terrorist. Kavanaugh said, well, no harm no foul because muh police state. The only thing more absurd than anybody claiming this man is a constitutionalist is Kavanaugh claiming that Roe v Wade precedent is binding on the SCOTUS. If that were the case, we’d still have slavery, blacks still couldn’t vote yada yada.

Honestly, Anons should’ve been onto Trump when he nominated this deep state favorite of both Bushes.

But, hey, Q said to like him, and the Dems pretended to hate him, so he must be awesome and Anons aren’t stupid at all…

4c0134  No.7022738


Starr did the same thing as Mueller; and it did go on for several years. He stated "contempt of Court" when a witness would refuse to answer [fear of perjury, since there were two other lying witnesses willing to give false testimony]. Since the witness he persecuted wouldn't lie; didn't want to, and exercised the right to remain silent, she was punished with many months [years? I can't remember now; maybe a year or more] solitary confinement, refused even a comb for her hair. As soon as she got comfortable she was moved to another jailhouse.

Yes, I believe he's very dirty.

Especially since the blow-job "perjury" doesn't amount to a "High Crime"

And the real "High Crimes" were never looked at.

Starr is a super-dirty Prosecutor. So he knows what he's talking of when he criticizes Mueller.

eedc51  No.7022739

File: 63093fa67caeea7⋯.jpg (35.41 KB, 373x521, 373:521, LimitedEdition.jpg)


Noice anon

3d1fcb  No.7022740


Is that what h stands for?

f7b470  No.7022741


Change is no good anon. How can it be? This place becomes just a board. We move, you lose baker card faggot.

de0b38  No.7022742

File: 52c76db8fe970b4⋯.jpeg (263.3 KB, 799x974, 799:974, Screenshot_2019-07-13-00-….jpeg)

eeb557  No.7022743

File: 86a1af77d0dd653⋯.png (65.24 KB, 782x439, 782:439, 5fa4d6de9d04b5f756bf4fb1cf….png)


they are relentless

5a3dae  No.7022744


Don't forget, the Declaration of Independence was signed by only 56 people. Sheep are sheep. There is only a small percentage of people who forge societies. The rest might as well be meat bags. But we fight for those meat bags anyway because we owe it to every single person who has given their life for this country.

c6b853  No.7022745


Fine, you bake.

Ok, don't mind the insult but you'll have to give me the details if you want a cogent reply. That's the problem with you guys–you give just enough info to arouse suspicion but not quite enough for a person to defend himself.

If you mean the recent threads from last night, I was one of several anons trying to do a normal bake. Alas, we haven't the power to overcome the tech magic of BO/BVs.

1b9d5f  No.7022746

af786e  No.7022747

File: c6c98da6f975841⋯.png (721.04 KB, 1117x784, 1117:784, Graphic Q 838 Boom.PNG)


Q 838



096472  No.7022748

File: e6f11266226a0e3⋯.jpg (174.42 KB, 800x1038, 400:519, IMG_4669.JPG)

b3f985  No.7022749



1fbf8f  No.7022751

File: 4939a89adbb9f0d⋯.png (219.66 KB, 476x382, 238:191, Trump tweet 7-12-2019.png)

5cb99e  No.7022752



WRWY just not here.

(find us)


5fad18  No.7022753



"Puente La Unidad"

Is this the bridge Q is referring to?

c6b853  No.7022754


But today's meatbag may become tomorrow's hero. People grow, develop.

67cb11  No.7022755


Deletion without representation!

dd0b77  No.7022756


^^^^^^^^^ wisdom happening

56e498  No.7022757


That's not the Baker.

That's Rebel Notable Anon.

Keeping the dream alive and sticking it to BO.

553489  No.7022758

File: 1d54c5d5213a8f7⋯.png (195.47 KB, 402x391, 402:391, ClipboardImage.png)

d23023  No.7022759


(You) = heroanon

eeb557  No.7022760

File: 903c4bfb61dbf6f⋯.jpeg (15.49 KB, 300x220, 15:11, 96203ffd21a6816819f209361….jpeg)


fuck off rabbi

1ef57e  No.7022761


Space Force.

Asteroid mining protection.

US Old West analogy.

dafabb  No.7022762


got it

f98399  No.7022763

File: 6c7daa846bd62b6⋯.png (331.21 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Messages Image(3860236975).png)

90c753  No.7022764

Nothing can stop me from cumming in the notables thread….nothing!

abd2f7  No.7022765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5a3dae  No.7022766


Won't argue against that. Didn't mean to imply the opposite. Everyone starts somewhere.

eedc51  No.7022767

File: 975aa8d6683881c⋯.png (260.16 KB, 500x387, 500:387, ClipboardImage.png)


You move….no 1 gives a shit.

We stay with Q….not (you)

eedb40  No.7022768

Q+ appears to be watching the Hannity replay

54cd47  No.7022769

File: f0bcb0bd74dce04⋯.jpeg (96.68 KB, 1125x375, 3:1, 4D75149C-8D2B-4643-8864-9….jpeg)

File: 38d1fdf50837f99⋯.jpeg (362.68 KB, 1125x1719, 125:191, 6AD9E129-0B7A-47D4-B244-E….jpeg)

This is the most disturbing family portrait I’ve ever seen. Who are these people and do they own a shipping company?

e58b62  No.7022770


Where is that?

c28bc1  No.7022771

File: 786a5ee2e811b98⋯.png (1.16 MB, 932x5000, 233:1250, ClipboardImage.png)


Have a look at how many deletions in the last 24 hours compared to 2 days ago, 3 days ago etc.

There goes your free speech.

c6b853  No.7022772




but someone will have to collect notables, prolly going back from NB. I can't do it, sore hands. Been here a lot in the last 24.>>7022719


e3e640  No.7022773




8dbb6a  No.7022774

File: 49619659a3b5fb9⋯.png (489.99 KB, 803x688, 803:688, kekfukit.png)


kek, ded.

internal civil war is underway.

bc072f  No.7022775

File: c689275388353a2⋯.png (181.26 KB, 985x827, 985:827, ClipboardImage.png)


c7e958  No.7022776


2008 and its aftermath was eerily similar to what happened during the Great Depression: millions of Americans’ principal asset(s) foreclosed upon, equity wiped out, assets acquired by investment bankers at steep discounts even to replacement cost, while mortgage lenders were bailed out, and the net impact of all the fiat currency shenanigans was loaded on to the national debt to be serviced by the same schmucks that just lost everything.

But whereas the Depression era theft allowed the consolidation of farming land in family ownership, 2008 onwards allowed the concentration of residential home ownership. The evil genius to the plan being, of course, that when you throw Americans out of their homes, eventually they need somewhere to live (when existence in one’s car becomes impracticable, because that too has been looted). The scam didn’t even need immigrants - a net transfer between owner occupiers and renters is all that was required. But a wave of immigrants is good for increasing demand for housing and pushing up rents. And would you know it: isn’t that just what happened?

Anyone that doubts predetermined re-engineering of the American public through periodic, managed financial crises needs to go to school on Wayne Jetts’ “The Fruits of Graft.”

e590dc  No.7022777


<Peter Hawking is there.

*Stephen Hawking

7dc5d4  No.7022778


Very interdasting

f7b470  No.7022779


Christopher Cline yes

737bd6  No.7022780

>>7021695 - past bread

LDR = Lynn Forrester

Gives new meaning to the Roths' Black Forest estate in Europe don't it?

That family sure has a unique concept of 'forestry'

b6753f  No.7022781

File: 8b02a215e1c21fc⋯.png (442.06 KB, 678x501, 226:167, jogma1.png)

File: 6b2d6c5e518fb83⋯.png (426.76 KB, 870x484, 435:242, jogma2.png)

File: d7c6ef1b00f3432⋯.png (383.49 KB, 997x555, 997:555, controlmsm1.png)


No shock that "Spirit cooker" was also chummy with the John of God devil in Brazil who was arrested back in December —yet another story being suppressed by Communist MSM.

The freaks did a “documentary” : Marina Abramovic In Brazil: The Space In Between



nyrag from last year (didn’t read it, just scanned for “Brazil” as it came up in a search hit):

Meanwhile, investigators have begun to uncover evidence that the suspect was involved in bringing 13-year-old girls from BRAZIL and Ecuador to the United States to work as prostitutes at his sex parties. https://archive.fo/Zr14y

For new eyes: Faith healer with millions of followers ran a "sex slave farm and sold babies to highest bidder"

More than 600 women around the world have already accused John of God of sexually abusing them…

The 77-year-old was arrested a week later in what prosecutors say could be the worst serial crimes case in the country’s history. He was Brazil’s most famous faith healer…

Joao Teixeira de Faria - known as John of God - achieved international fame after being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey… Bill Clinton, singer Paul Simon and supermodel Naomi Campbell are among the other celebrities rumoured to have visited him.

Faria’s own daughter, Dalva Teixeira, has also spoken out, called him a “monster” and claiming he molested her as a child.


7d4840  No.7022782




7d89d7  No.7022783

File: 58c4d627a3a6b5e⋯.jpg (555.67 KB, 852x634, 426:317, global playbook.jpg)

It's the same playbook all over the world.




08a709  No.7022784

File: 1ebef0313d7ff8f⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 600x763, 600:763, 10-21-LOL IS GOOD.jpg)

(enjoying the show)

bdcba1  No.7022785



How would you dig on a deleted post?

56e498  No.7022786


Let it all see the LIGHT Rebel Patriot Anon

8c01ad  No.7022787


I can't do it, sore hands

Does that mean you will shut the fuck up soon?

c6b853  No.7022788


I was just thinking about how, when I was younger, I did (or didn't do) a lot of stuff…..sometimes you have to fail many times before becoming motivated enough to succeed

80e278  No.7022789

File: 20ebb4fb92d054f⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1357x3969, 1357:3969, www_washingtonpost_com_nat….png)

Epstein’s New Mexico ranch linked to investigation


5dab9a  No.7022790



Pics are not a match. Similar but not a match

Different trees.

dafabb  No.7022791


being done anon, relax..the wolfe is one it.

b6753f  No.7022792


damn Previous Bread! >>7021599

664b40  No.7022793

The integers have an order to them that isn’t a number line.

62e32f  No.7022794


how is this a free speech board and posts are being deleted.? This is some Twatter/Fakebook type shit. Watch out Q…you'll be next…

e44056  No.7022795


[wheels up]


93a6cf  No.7022796

File: 397d99bb64918a2⋯.png (671.09 KB, 636x529, 636:529, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d305e89be361d4c⋯.png (638.07 KB, 636x547, 636:547, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43696b3ea13077c⋯.png (779.65 KB, 636x591, 212:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Silence of the Epstein women: Former top model among several female employees of billionaire who refuse to answer questions on Prince Andrew 'sex slave' allegations

A former top model is among several women who have refused to answer questions about their dealings with Jeffrey Epstein under oath, including whether Prince Andrew was involved with under-age girls. Adriana Ross, who moved to Florida from her native Poland in 2002, was hired to work at billionaire Epstein’s Florida mansion and helped to organise his diary. Miss Ross was asked: ‘Has Prince Andrew ever been involved with under-age minor females to your knowledge?’ She replied: ‘I refuse to answer.’

Two of the others – Epstein’s personal assistant Sarah Kellen and his Yugoslav model girlfriend Nadia Marcinkovaalso refused to answer questions. Miss Kellen has been accused in US legal documents of bringing Epstein a succession of under-age girls for sex. During the civil proceedings, she was asked by a lawyer: ‘Would you agree with me that Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein used to share under-aged girls for sexual relations?’ She replied: ‘On the instruction of my lawyer, I must invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege.’

Miss Marcinkova was asked: ‘Have you ever been made to perform sexually on Prince Andrew?’ She answered simply: ‘Fifth.’


This is an older article, but felt the images and information were important.

336a06  No.7022797

9491de  No.7022798

File: c586fec23ee6094⋯.png (980.25 KB, 1183x866, 1183:866, ClipboardImage.png)

Outside for a smoke - with my friend - Pepe in the clouds.

d29a30  No.7022799

Will you please discontinue I Daniel :)

I NEED a break

DEBUNK I Daniel.


P.S. not going to happen… *sigh (AOL)

bdcba1  No.7022800


thumbs way up!

2f9b9e  No.7022801

File: 23b327de74031e7⋯.png (524.43 KB, 757x892, 757:892, Screenshot_2019-07-12 Secr….png)

Here's a Village Voice article from 2007 that literally mentions Mossad, NXIVM, Spielberg, Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Scientology, Caribbean islands, the CIA.

Mind blowing


17ebe3  No.7022802


good catch

c6b853  No.7022803


Nope, unfortunately for you, I will recover.

Besides, this board is filled with anons.

Others can retrieve notables pb, right?

Don't even have to bake.

Don't have shills bugging you.

Good place to start stepping up.

269c79  No.7022804

This place still a shitshow?

e9e8db  No.7022805

File: cdb2d8d74504d5e⋯.jpeg (373.92 KB, 663x507, 17:13, 0266928D-328B-4AA0-BF73-9….jpeg)

e58b62  No.7022806


Yeah they look very similar but not the same.

5544ae  No.7022807



Probably the asshole of it.

56e498  No.7022808


Air all the grievances out.

What did BO call him out about?

Rebel Anons are stating facts about BO actions.

But, are not opposed to seeing facts about other compd nigger actions by others, either.

507ae0  No.7022809

BOW motherfuckers. The god of chaos is fucking here. The eater of corrupt souls. Pray to your bitch ass gods if you know what good for yourselves. Change has COME.

The only thing that even the universe bow to. Change has come.

In short. The court case is at the end……. Go time.

a0d733  No.7022810

Hidey-Ho, faggots!

Someone at reddit said I should post this here, so hit those like buttons and give me some of that sweer-sweet karma!

Edmond Safra:


In 1956, Edmond Safra settled in Geneva to set up a private bank, the Trade Development Bank, which grew from an original US$1 million to US$5 billion during the 1980s. He extended his financial empire to satisfy his wealthy clients from around the world. He also founded the Republic National Bank in 1966, and, later, Republic National Bank of New York (Suisse) in Geneva. Republic bank operated 80 branches in the New York area, making it the number three branch network in the metropolitan region behind Citigroup and Chase Manhattan.

The sale of Trade Development Bank to American Express for more than US$450 million in 1983, turned into a legal battle between the two parties. The financier came out on top, winning a public apology from American Express for starting a smear campaign against him[8] and US$8 million in damages, all of which he donated to charities.

By the early 1990s, Safra's fortune was an estimated at US$2.5 billion. He was a major philothranpic during his lifetime, and he left his wealth to the Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation[10] which supports hundreds of projects in fifty countries around the world in the areas of education, science and medicine, religion, culture and humanitarian assistance.

Vendetta: American Express and the Smearing of Edmond Safra by Bryan Burrough

Magnitsky Affair & the Murder of Edmond Safra in Monaco:


“Yeltsin then turned to Putin realizing that he had been set up. This is how Putin became the First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia on August 9th, 1999 until August 16th, 1999 when he became the 33rd Prime Minister and heir apparent of Yeltsin.”

“Interestingly enough, Bill Browder actually got his start under the patronage of Robert Maxwell who mysteriously died falling off his yacht on November 5th, 1991. The pension funds of his company were being used in schemes it was alleged to manipulate markets and Russia. I believe that Maxwell was killed to protect the “club” which was involved in manipulating a lot of markets.”

Billionaire who blew whistle on Russian cash scandal is killed in Monte Carlo:


3d1fcb  No.7022811


What specific things should we be looking at in column 0?

48c672  No.7022812


It was digesting Ross Perot and his talking points against NAFTA and the treatment of MSM that lead me to see

2189e9  No.7022813


So bad it’s hilarious.

80e278  No.7022814

File: 65bd814c4cf315b⋯.png (8.82 KB, 676x78, 26:3, 8ch_net_qrb_res_1_html.png)

a09c88  No.7022815

File: 4ba23e2e7990b92⋯.jpg (8.24 KB, 153x255, 3:5, 46f182f759c063096335633e76….jpg)

File: 0ad9e7d919b697f⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 668x1068, 167:267, 20190712_213305.jpg)


Take the test.

4c0134  No.7022816

So Ken Starr also covered-up for the killing of Vince Foster




Susan McDougal

"From the beginning, Susan McDougal charged that Starr offered her "global immunity" from other charges if she would cooperate with the Whitewater investigation. McDougal told the jury that refusing to answer questions about the Clintons and Whitewater wasn't easy for her, or her family. "It's been a long road, a very long road…and it was not an easy decision to make", McDougal told the court. McDougal refused to answer any questions while under oath, leading to her being imprisoned by the judge for civil contempt of court for the maximum 18 months, including eight months in isolation. Starr's subsequent indictment of McDougal for criminal contempt of court charges resulted in a jury hung 7-5, in favor of acquittal. President Clinton later pardoned her, shortly before leaving office (see list of people pardoned by Bill Clinton)."


According to Susan McDougal in her book on her experience. Ken Starr made a deal with Jim McDougal - that if he would lie for him, he would be able to have medical care while in jail.

According to Susan, Ken Starr did not keep up his side of the bargain and Jim died in jail, on a cement floor having his medicine withheld from him.

"Never make a deal with the Devil.

The Devil will not keep his side"

Almost makes me want to give up watching Fox News. Disgusting, they use him as a commentator. And he pretends to be so civilized. Reminds me of sick RR, who fools so many too.

5d2c34  No.7022817


Been a shitshow from the beginning depending on how you view things.

c98707  No.7022818

File: 310b114e39e45ab⋯.gif (477.15 KB, 498x387, 166:129, 36DCBD84-F2B7-4C1F-9EF4-AE….gif)


FastJack is BREADBOX!

No fucking wonder this board is comped!

d20d77  No.7022819



hrc email wheels up

579c66  No.7022820

e9e8db  No.7022821

File: a372a787a19fc91⋯.jpeg (20.87 KB, 241x255, 241:255, 14D52BE1-5B57-4836-A5E9-7….jpeg)

d20d77  No.7022822


whoa dude where you been?


7c93bc  No.7022823

File: 7c54acb5f7df280⋯.jpg (104.01 KB, 1127x777, 161:111, anon_pirate_image_ (4).jpg)



According to Channel 13, top Israeli sources revealed that the IAEA is sitting on the information and has avoided making it public to date.

The IAEA has found signs of radioactive material which would violate the 2015 nuclear deal at an Iranian nuclear site identified to the agency by Israeli intelligence, Channel 13 reported late Thursday.

According to Channel 13, top Israeli sources revealed to it that the IAEA is sitting on the information and has avoided making it public to date.In April, Reuters reported that the IAEA had finally visited the secret Iranian nuclear site at Turquzabad revealed in a September 2018 UN speech by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Since then, all parties to the US-Iran nuclear standoff have been waiting for the IAEA’s June announcement of its findings from that visit.

During that visit, the IAEA took samples from the site and it had been expected to announce the results of the samples in June, but then did not mention the issue.

Rather, the IAEA and other parties more recently have been distracted by Iran's open violations of uranium enrichment limits.

Some expectations had been that the IAEA had waited so long to review the site noted by Netanyahu that, by the time it came, Iran had likely already “cleaned” the site of any evidence of nuclear activity which would violate the 2015 nuclear deal.

But there have been instances in the past where the Islamic republic’s cleaning crew was not careful enough and left behind traces which inspectors picked up on.

If the IAEA found evidence of a violation, some believed the whole game could change, with the US gaining a huge advantage to get global pressure for Iran to make more concessions on the nuclear issue.

However, in the current environment of escalations by both sides and open violations from Iran, it is unclear whether the IAEA will reveal the results of its visit and what impact those results would even have under the dynamic circumstances.

Netanyahu revealed the Turquzabad site following a prior revelation in April 2018 of a Mossad operation which appropriated massive amounts of Iran's secret nuclear file from a site at Shirobad.

On Wednesday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump discussed the Iranian nuclear threat.

“The two leaders discussed cooperation between the United States and Israel in advancing shared national security interests, including efforts to prevent Iran’s malign actions in the region,” Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere told reporters on Thursday.

Netanyahu tweeted, “We discussed regional developments and security issues. Foremost among them was Iran. I thanked President Trump for his intention to increase sanctions against Iran.”

On Wednesday Trump tweeted that he planned to substantively increase sanctions. The two spoke as Iran has taken steps to break the nuclear restrictions imposed upon it by the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan fo Action.

On Monday Iran threatened to restart deactivated centrifuges and ramp up its enrichment of uranium to 20 percent purity as its next potential big moves away from the agreement. Iran has exceeded the stockpile of enriched uranium permitted under the 2015 deal.

On Thursday Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said, “America's role in world politics has ended. America feels that it has been defeated in the campaign theatre of Middle East. Of course, one of the reasons for America's defeat is the people's resistance and the Islamic Republic's resistance.”

The IAEA did not comment at this time.

Watch this space…


c6b853  No.7022824


At least they are obvious. Not all the ones who are baking are shills tho, people have different opinions. Some might like the new format. Look at the bred titles, there is a difference between what shills and anons say.

d1ec81  No.7022825

File: 136c26016266688⋯.png (151.6 KB, 616x725, 616:725, 007 - gXyCMdx.png)


I've stopped trying to talk to these people about current events that implicate Dems/Cabal.

They'll always make up excuses in their head because their hatred of POTUS outweighs any logical thinking and prevents them from absorbing any factual data.

It's absolutely insane just how brainwashed some of my friends are.

Hey FISA declas should be coming soon, it'll prove that Obama and friends were spying on POTUS during his campaign to try to prevent him from becoming POTUS

>Yah, both sides have always spied on each other

That's it, that's all I was able to get out of him from this discussion. No talks or questions about declas, just straight up deflection to save their loving views of the same people who have done nothing for them. Brainless zombies is how I would describe them now.

269c79  No.7022826


>BOW motherfuckers. The god of chaos is fucking here.

Wait what, who the fuck is the God of Chaos?

5d2c34  No.7022827


Does the red text help you cope?

eedb40  No.7022828

File: 9b6b5eaa4253cbb⋯.png (232.67 KB, 1558x617, 1558:617, HC-130J 125769 07122019-21….PNG)

Look what just popped up on ADSB for a sec

b2ab24  No.7022829


you won´t be able to save clown BO, shill.

62e32f  No.7022830


no matter what changes made…THIS is beyond the pale. Against everything board supposed to stand for….. Fuck this

664b40  No.7022831


The cell(s) that make a superposition out of X and Y

b322ee  No.7022832


No Anonymous, only Namefags!

f0eb18  No.7022833

Q, know you and the team have a lot going on but…

I am requested to implore you

"ask qanon to halt ALL nonconsensual torture of fbi’s noninvestigative subjects TRAFFICKED into darpa, harvard, columbia, Dept of Defense & academia’s TORTUROUS brain studies for profit & acclaim. Ghouls are DESTROYING PEOPLE’s LIVES & BRAiNS for profit."

TY Q for all you do fren

269c79  No.7022834


If they make it another $10, Facebook will have to dip into their secret stash that they are saving away for their "special" projects.

6e82b8  No.7022835

2189e9  No.7022836


And guess who his star attorney on his team was … Brett Kavanaugh.

d20d77  No.7022837


top kek

same time he loses his job at Chotchski’s too

80e278  No.7022838

File: 0953571d5bdd8be⋯.png (30.78 KB, 298x198, 149:99, 8ch_net_qrb_catalog_html.png)

8c1983  No.7022839

File: 5c2bd883922cd96⋯.png (1.22 MB, 930x738, 155:123, cockadoodledo.png)

File: 281e70b58d00cdd⋯.png (513.37 KB, 928x457, 928:457, draincleaner.png)

File: 8d57db12d14535c⋯.png (737.34 KB, 928x688, 58:43, pantastic.png)

File: a261aba4f6f3044⋯.png (597.37 KB, 928x456, 116:57, prising.png)


3d1fcb  No.7022840


And what are X and Y? You've only ever named them, not explained them.

dafabb  No.7022841

File: 6292a4245211ba5⋯.png (859.62 KB, 446x608, 223:304, potus samurai dd.PNG)

#8985- Notables

>>7022298 South Korean Actor Arrested on Rape and Sexual Molestation Allegations

>>7022332, >>7022691, >>7022828 pf reports

>>7022388, >>7022390, >>7022434

POTUS tweet- with the dankest of photos-returning from WI and OH-third one has a proof Q 452

>>7022400 Breaking News ‘’’ICE Raids appear to be underway’’’

>>7022313, >>7022313 Al Sharpton w/ Maer Roshan dig

>>7022395, >>7022410 Who was blocking the Epstein unsealing-anon dig

>>7022480, >>7022500, >>7022503, >>7022515, >>7022561, >>7022660 POTUS retweet and Q posts/digs that are relevant

>>7022490 anon on setting up immigration courts in a hurry (kek!)

>>7022526 US Army Tweet "Ready to take off for the #weekend in 3,2,…

>>7022565 Iris Goldsmith, 15, dead in accident. Goldsmith and Rothschild family

>>7022585 anon dig on Jacinda Arden

>>7022650, >>7022747 US Army Tweet-Soldiers with 838th MP Co., Youngstown, #Ohio partnered with Serbian forces and Qdrop #838-BOOM

>>7022714 any anons catch this re: [wheels up]

>>7022733, >>7022771 BO BUSTED DELETING CRITICISMS IN THIS VERY BREAD and in last 24 hrs-second one

>>7022781 Spirit Cooker chummy with the John of God devil in brazil-arrested back in december

>>7022789 Epstein’s New Mexico ranch linked to investigation


All yours based baker, out……

Anon doing the front end of the real notables add this upon request from anon to the #8984 bun if you have a chance

>>7022637 Lawrence Krauss.

579c66  No.7022842


Ammit. Egyptian. Eats the souls of those found unworthy after death.

6e82b8  No.7022843

553489  No.7022844


little R&R in Cabo Wabo

c98707  No.7022845



Maybe newish Anons will actually ask why Breadbox changed his name to FastJack.

Any Anons for grabs of the fuckery from these namefaggers from the good old days?

56ba21  No.7022846


so BO gonna buttfuck board out of existence one bit at a time or what?

ab82ef  No.7022847

A "Q arrest on the board" is an arrest of person such as J Epstein #1 Q arrest, whom Q has previously mentioned as a bad actor.

dafabb  No.7022848

File: f7ca85124ec3480⋯.png (338.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, pepe dream ride.png)

2a27bb  No.7022849


I'm waiting for Q to chime in on this

a09c88  No.7022850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

God save us.

56e498  No.7022851

File: b3350c0776b180b⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 526x38, 263:19, BO-CantSayThat.JPG)



Even while being spotlighted he keeps at it

f98399  No.7022852


buryin' the lead there a little, anon:

According to a 1990 letter from Yigal Carmon, then the Israeli prime minister’s counterterrorism adviser, Aviv was never an assassin, let alone the person chosen by Golda Meir to avenge the Munich massacre. “Aviv does not work and has never worked for the Intelligence Community of the State of Israel,” Carmon wrote in response to an inquiry from the U.S. government. In fact, Carmon added, the closest that Aviv ever came to intelligence work was as a security official for an El Al office in New York. “His work in that capacity was terminated at the initiative of the employer because of unsuitability resulting from negative character traits,” Carmon wrote. “During the course of his work Yuval [sic] Aviv was found to be unreliable and dishonest.”

Yigal Carmon: Yigal Carmon (born 1946) is the president and cofounder of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), an organization which monitors and translates Arabic and Persian publications; radio and TV broadcasts; and religious sermons into many languages and circulates them over the Internet.

MEMRI states that its goal is to "bridge the language gap between the Middle East and the West." It has been praised as an "invaluable" resource and for helping to "shine a spotlight on hate speech wherever it appears". Critics charge that despite portraying itself as neutral, it aims to portray the Arab and Muslim world in a negative light through the production and dissemination of incomplete or inaccurate translations and by selectively translating views of extremists while deemphasizing or ignoring mainstream opinions.


7c93bc  No.7022853



4793f8  No.7022854


Oh this sick fuck??

He also covered up rapes by football players at BAYLOR.

He's a complete POS.

d20d77  No.7022855


got it

eedc51  No.7022856

File: fa8484e10f02ae6⋯.png (534.67 KB, 739x549, 739:549, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 275b7bf3df63fa1⋯.png (454.64 KB, 484x794, 242:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 249dde062828968⋯.png (176.31 KB, 493x549, 493:549, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f845afd3111b0ea⋯.png (663.27 KB, 663x824, 663:824, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b80f489818cc75⋯.png (490.18 KB, 566x866, 283:433, ClipboardImage.png)


That [Wheels Up] Wikileak is about Laura Silsby who was caught (twice) trafficking children form Haiti to the Dominican. She claimed she was bringing them to an orphanage, but it didn't exist. Also, some families were told the children were going to a school.

Some of these kids were taken from Max Maccoby's orphanage, Friends of the Orphans in Port Au Prince. He was also the lawyer for David Brock & James Alefantis (also helped Comet Ping Pong get their liquor and events license). His sister is friends with James Alefantis.


c6b853  No.7022857


Is there an archive somewhere?


737bd6  No.7022859


When satanists dedicate a sacrificed child to Satan - whether through abortion or ordinary murder - they offer its soul to the Mother of Chaos, i.e. Lilith.

79ea22  No.7022860

File: 0ee12c400935962⋯.jpg (129.62 KB, 754x442, 29:17, Air_Q_on_Fake_Stephen_Time….jpg)


>If you're gonna notable Hawkins, notable this scumbag Lawrence Krauss.

I don't think enough people have yet to realize how badly corrupted the "science" industry was/is. Especially when it comes to the celebrity "scientists". Give 'em hell!!!

f98399  No.7022861

File: df7e3608afd7447⋯.png (1.49 MB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

5544ae  No.7022863


Being a discord tranny must be weird. >>7022827

With the death of the board?

No not at all.

cd5b06  No.7022864


I heard someone on the radio today .. think it was Rush .. who said Kavanaugh will be the next Roberts. Really?

dafabb  No.7022865

File: 772c5d58ad310c7⋯.jpg (136.12 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, pepe soldier on.jpg)


I'll be posting pics to them to alert you so no confusion, used to do that on ghost bakes, most of the old fags know too. Not saying you aren't one of 'em either.

back in the morning around 6am PST.

c6b853  No.7022867


tx much.

e590dc  No.7022868


there are literally dozens of emails referencing that.

Context of the statement in the all of them seem to be a regularly used term. Tho Im sure it means more.

3ae06b  No.7022869


Go to bed, Bill

5d2c34  No.7022870


wikipedia as a source, kek. Shills are lazy.

bdd860  No.7022871

File: da0237dc5f96363⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 579x723, 193:241, 1538856273917.jpg)

Q is Coming…

>can you feel it

df8898  No.7022872


I've been following the global warming scam for nearly 20 years.

What some of those "scientists" did is appalling. And that's only

the public stuff.

860d58  No.7022873


maybe this is like that "blood river" in Antarctica…

The deep red coloring is due to oxidized iron in brine saltwater, the same process that gives iron a dark red color when it rusts. When the iron bearing saltwater comes into contact with oxygen the iron oxidizes and takes on a red coloring, in effect dying the water to a deep red color.

bc072f  No.7022874


Lots of good stuff in that article.

af786e  No.7022875


>There goes your free speech.

Who do you think you are fooling

No one


Shills attempting to ruin the new notables thread are being deleted

We all KNOW that

7df168  No.7022876

The boat that transported persons to pedo island. Not sure if this is relevant, but its info I can get my hands on.

> LADY GHISLAINE (1986-1992) = Robert Maxwell

> LADY MONA K (1992-2017) = Emad Khashoggi > related to Jamal Khashoggi



Moonstone Enterprises LLC

Kk Superyachts

Hailing port - Bikini, Marshall Islands

df2677  No.7022877


Another Swiss bank.

Another anon found IRS 990's for Ghislaine's TerraMax Projects, Inc. had "loaned" her about $500k

She was using a UBS premium credit card account as an operating account

UBS is a HUGE int'l bank player

d20d77  No.7022878


>>7022298 South Korean Actor Arrested on Rape and Sexual Molestation Allegations

>>7022332, >>7022691, >>7022828 pf reports

>>7022388 (You), >>7022390, >>7022434

POTUS tweet- with the dankest of photos-returning from WI and OH-third one has a proof Q 452

>>7022400 Breaking News ‘’’ICE Raids appear to be underway’’’

>>7022313, >>7022313 Al Sharpton w/ Maer Roshan dig

>>7022395, >>7022410 Who was blocking the Epstein unsealing-anon dig

>>7022480, >>7022500, >>7022503, >>7022515, >>7022561, >>7022660 POTUS retweet and Q posts/digs that are relevant

>>7022490 anon on setting up immigration courts in a hurry (kek!)

>>7022526 US Army Tweet "Ready to take off for the #weekend in 3,2,…

>>7022565 Iris Goldsmith, 15, dead in accident. Goldsmith and Rothschild family

>>7022585 anon dig on Jacinda Arden

>>7022650, >>7022747 US Army Tweet-Soldiers with 838th MP Co., Youngstown, #Ohio partnered with Serbian forces and Qdrop #838-BOOM

>>7022714 any anons catch this re: [wheels up]

>>7022733, >>7022771 BO BUSTED DELETING CRITICISMS IN THIS VERY BREAD and in last 24 hrs-second one

>>7022781 Spirit Cooker chummy with the John of God devil in brazil-arrested back in december

>>7022789 Epstein’s New Mexico ranch linked to investigation


>>7022637 Lawrence Krauss. (re Hawins notable)

>>7022733 BO deletions

cccac5  No.7022879


Pretty sure that's where most of us are.

eedb40  No.7022880

File: 494317b6b5d64fb⋯.png (403.93 KB, 1561x836, 1561:836, ADSB 07122019-2142.PNG)

Military is unusually quiet out West

dafabb  No.7022882


we old fags must look out for each other.

ty anon appreciate it. Doit all again tomorrow. Enjoy it


7506d3  No.7022883


Wikipedia is perfectly fine for facts that are not in dispute.

2189e9  No.7022884


Anybody who’s been paying attention to who that guy is has Brenner screaming that since his name appeared on Trump’s list. He’s as deep state as Bush 41. But nobody listens, because the Dems put on a good show of fake hatred.

ac0e1c  No.7022885

5d2c34  No.7022887


If it’s dead, why are you here?

1b9d5f  No.7022888


CJ? Comped? What rush mean?

5de0a6  No.7022889

File: 792c85531a321d6⋯.png (576.84 KB, 1200x716, 300:179, ClipboardImage.png)


8c01ad  No.7022890



2189e9  No.7022892


*been screaming

5544ae  No.7022895

File: ca55579b58152b5⋯.png (329.79 KB, 650x650, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Shitposting while it dies.


359df6  No.7022896


Anons, Q post regarding the "keystone" is the complete mirror/mirror of a play on words. THE Keystone actually is.Epstein's private Island, Little Saint James.

A keystone is also know as a "cay", pronounced "key". A Cay is an island in the Bahamas, Cayes are sandy, low-elevation islands that form on top of coral reefs/sea fossils. Coral reefs are the stone of the ocean. THE KEYSTONE IS Jeffrey Epstein and his Bahamian Island.

WITHOUT Jeffrey Epstein and his island, HRC, and Bill C. would not be prosecuted. Everything goes back to Epstein. All evidence goes back to Epstein.


124e64  No.7022897

File: 9aefeb9b91681ba⋯.png (491.29 KB, 700x527, 700:527, ClipboardImage.png)

c7e958  No.7022899


As in: Chief Justice of SCOTUS, or turncoat traitor to the Republic? If there’s a difference…

25e90c  No.7022900

File: 1c436caf8e30297⋯.jpeg (104.6 KB, 828x629, 828:629, 50E945E2-3DDF-4E2D-BF7B-1….jpeg)

aa1153  No.7022901

File: 93a2824a12851eb⋯.jpg (132.3 KB, 1006x1200, 503:600, 93a2824a12851ebd74e703376d….jpg)

5a3dae  No.7022902


What an actual fucking nigger kek. Free speech? What's that even mean?

e9e8db  No.7022903


What we witnessed was the DS inserting and buying a SC justice who if unconfirmed would have been sent back to his old seat with the very real possibility of not only being removed as a judge, but possibly prosecuted for sexual assault. Whether he did it or not. So the next Roberts is not wrong.

5d2c34  No.7022905


wikipedia is comp’d. Nope. Everything is debatable.

2189e9  No.7022906


Scroll up to my other posts. Been talking about him the whole bread.

Anons don’t want to know, because it black pills them on Trump.

7c7b94  No.7022910

File: 89a760f8bfc9782⋯.jpg (173.69 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 2019-07-11-puente-la-unida….jpg)

File: a87c1b3527f120b⋯.jpg (82.88 KB, 700x690, 70:69, QCrumb_3417.jpg)


Did Q mean a literal bridge though? The following is from the 11th.

CEMEX technology will give long life to the new "Puente La Unidad" bridge

CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V. (“CEMEX”) (NYSE: CX) announced its participation in the construction of the new “Puente La Unidad” bridge, supplying reinforced concrete with the technical characteristics that will enable it to have a useful life of approximately 50 years.

CEMEX supplied 34 thousand cubic meters of concrete for the project built on the Gulf of Mexico. Spanning a length of 3.2 km, it is considered the second longest bridge in Mexico and the fifth longest in Latin America, providing the new connection between the Mexican state of Campeche and the Yucatan Peninsula.

This infrastructure project will transport around 5 thousand vehicles per day and benefit the region’s tourism, industrial, and commercial sectors.

The bridge is built to withstand the heavy vehicular loads and the extreme weather conditions of this coastal area of Mexico. For example, due to the bridge’s direct exposure to the sea, various concretes were used to provide high mechanical resistance for the project.

Overall, various innovative concrete technologies were used to overcome the project’s challenges. To protect the structure from corrosion and avoid expansion from the penetration of sulfates, CEMEX Duramax concrete was used for its durability, since it provides a useful life of approximately 50 years. CEMEX high-strength Fortis concrete was also used to achieve high resistance, and Ingenia, to improve the concrete’s workability and enable an efficient project management.

“For this important project, we contributed all of our experience to create an engineering design that would facilitate the durability and resistance objectives of our client Consorcio Puente La Unidad,” said Alejandro Varés, Vice President of Infrastructure and Government of CEMEX Mexico. “We also suggested the use of our Promptis accelerated-strength concrete for more efficient time management and stripping and our evolution self-compacting concrete to improve the finish of the beams and facilitate the placement of piles and footings, as well as the installation of a concrete plant dedicated to the project,” he added.

CEMEX’s concrete and cement technology centers are part of the research and development collaboration network headed by CEMEX Research Group AG, headquartered in Switzerland.

CEMEX is a global building materials company that provides high quality products and reliable services. CEMEX has a rich history of improving the wellbeing of those it serves through innovative building solutions, efficiency advancements, and efforts to promote a sustainable future. For more information on CEMEX, please visit: www.cemex.com


cccac5  No.7022911

File: d722e4c068cb6e0⋯.png (30.68 KB, 935x166, 935:166, ClipboardImage.png)


56ba21  No.7022913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c_LIE_a trying to make law making naming and shameing illegal


The panic is real

b4c146  No.7022915


Wheels Up is a private airline used only by the elite just a FYI X22 reported it today WJC used them a lot

dd61cc  No.7022916

d9df4b  No.7022918


He needs to go NOW!!

5d2c34  No.7022920


Sure you are. Q is a larp, remember. Proves you’re stoopid for being here this long.

6a4f12  No.7022921


You could try to bait them with 'Conspiracy of Silence', since it implicated republicans. Maybe they would be more likely to watch it, then you expand on the use of children for blackmail. It might be possible to convince them that the reason Trump is attacked 24/7 is because he is the good cop, leading a massive operation to get rid of these people.

cd5b06  No.7022922


I took it to be the latter. Maybe not tho .. many anons appear to not like him. I thought the way he fought for his confirmation was admirable.

cccac5  No.7022923

df2677  No.7022924


The USPS has arrest powers!

Plenty more power that might surprise some anons

They could swing a very big stick if they wanted.

All these people with their "charities"

Clintons with P.O. boxes all over the place

Accepting checks mailed to those boxes

Soliciting (that word is HUGE) donations with those P.O. boxes

Welcome to Felonyville

c29c80  No.7022926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reflections are important.

Watch the water.

Watch the Hurricanes?

What is their “New” purpose?

Clean-up in Louisana next?

Maxwell singing?

(The Temple) …

it previously featured a gold dome that flew off in 2017 when the hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated the region.

From “ The Cut" link in Zero Hedge article…

Both also pointed out the temple’s questionable wooden door, which features a reinforcing lock bar.

“What makes it peculiar is that if you wanted to keep people out, the bar would be placed inside the building, [but the] locking bar appears to be placed on the outside … as if it were intended to lock people in,” he said.



7506d3  No.7022927


>wikipedia is comp’d.

No more so than everything else.

a0d733  No.7022929




I read that book a long time ago, but forgot about him. I will have to refresh my memory.

Now I know why they hate Putin so much. He blocked their corruption from Russia. They were using Russia to launder money and probably trafficking children, too.

952b24  No.7022930

File: 944149c299274e0⋯.png (837.91 KB, 1022x679, 146:97, storm coming. trust.png)

4793f8  No.7022931

So Epstein owned a ferry and would transport 200 workers to island for construction. So there's another way he got large groups over. Clearly can't use the Heli for transport when there are bigger parties.

The people who would be fun to talk to would be boat owners/dock workers in St Thomas who witnessed the boats.

5d2c34  No.7022932



1ef57e  No.7022933

File: aa4a8ba2507986b⋯.png (772.08 KB, 813x498, 271:166, A7D32492-80A9-4FCF-989B-7A….png)

bf6f13  No.7022934

File: fea909de1921830⋯.png (4.04 MB, 1920x13520, 24:169, Interlochen-s-Prestigious-….png)

Right in my backyard and literally in front of my eyes. I never saw it…… How many of my past weird northern michigan wealthy friends are connected to all of this? Could they be?

Epstein Had His Own Lodge at Interlochen’s (Michigan) Prestigious Arts Camp for Kids

"But during the 1990s, Epstein apparently had another getaway, at a Michigan cabin. There, the 66-year-old financier was a donor to the revered Interlochen Center for the Arts, a fine-arts boarding school and camp, and had bankrolled the “Jeffrey Epstein Scholarship Lodge” on its campus.

Indeed, The Daily Beast has discovered that Epstein listed this rental lodge in his infamous Little Black Book—a veritable rolodex of famous faces, from President Donald Trump and his lawyer Alan Dershowitz, to Harvey Weinstein’s brother Bob and even Courtney Love. The address book also contained the names of a pair of students who had attended Interlochen.

Beside the words “Michigan Home” and “Epstein Lodge” in the Little Black Book were the P.O. Box and address for Interlochen, along with three area phone numbers. "

"And in August 1998, Epstein and his alleged madam, British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, took a five-day jaunt to Traverse City, Michigan, which is a short drive from the school, along with two other passengers, according to flight records.

The academy and summer camp, a gem in the quiet woods of northern Michigan, is known for churning out world-famous talent. Interlochen’s star-studded alumni include musicians like Jewel, Josh Groban, and Norah Jones, comedian Maria Bamford, Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan, and actors Terry Crews and Felicity Huffman."


93a6cf  No.7022935



df2677  No.7022937


That door is trompe l'oeil, all day long and in spades.

d23023  No.7022938

File: b21eb3709c4d84e⋯.jpg (3.11 MB, 4006x2491, 4006:2491, 20190708_182543 - Copy.jpg)


Damn son good idea!!! Shovels out!

664b40  No.7022939


They don’t exist for prime numbers (nontrivial cells in column zero)

847910  No.7022940

File: 25f46697110cab0⋯.jpg (467.15 KB, 975x1219, 975:1219, IMG_20190712_212019_670.jpg)

Mañana cabrones.



4793f8  No.7022941


ALWAYS "arts" involved.

af786e  No.7022942




The person who forced fungus upon us

Yeah, I think NOT

dafabb  No.7022943

File: 07942bd69ef7fad⋯.png (224.97 KB, 544x317, 544:317, Nightshift POTUS exits mar….PNG)

Goodnight Patriots

c7e958  No.7022948


“Wikipedia” and “perfectly fine” should not appear in the same sentence. I presume you’ve never attempted to author or edit a WP entry…

cd5b06  No.7022949


Please .. not there! I went to camp there on scholarship as a teen.

1ef57e  No.7022952

File: 986ac321d2e655c⋯.jpeg (26.61 KB, 255x248, 255:248, A46DA070-73C3-4ED2-ADA7-6….jpeg)

5d2c34  No.7022955


Thank you.

553489  No.7022956

File: 837cbd2bcee70ca⋯.png (1.03 MB, 769x514, 769:514, ClipboardImage.png)

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