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File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, de36960c04495bd843cd005a70….jpg)

fdd8cb  No.6933561

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and don't need the use of force in our work.




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Thursday 06.27.2019

>>>/patriotsfight/471 ——————————— FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. (Cap >>6857127)

>>>/patriotsfight/470 ——————————— [OnReady] (Cap >>6857111)

>>>/patriotsfight/469 ——————————— Be ready. (Cap >>6856997)

Sunday 05.26.2019

>>6593544 ————————————–——– YOU ATTACK THOSE WHO THREATEN YOU THE MOST (Cap >>6889292)

>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (Cap >>6889269)

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

fdd8cb  No.6933582

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6799992 Index has been reduced to 15 pages from 25.

>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup

>>6925557 Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6933239, >>6933302 Boatfag update

>>6933259, >>6933307 Planefag update

>>6933471 Warmbier Family - Claim - 7.3.2019

>>6933453 WH twit

>>6933444 Trump: Immigration Raids Coming 'Fairly Soon'

>>6933400 The 2000 US Census Asked Citizenship Question — Obama Deleted it in 2010 — Trump Wants It Back in 2020

>>6933333, >>6933360 Everything around Ridgecrest and China Lake is strange

>>6933262, >>6933433 chart from USGS of earthquakes of greater than magnitude 4.5 in the past seven days

>>6933242, >>6933272, >>6933499 CODE BLUE CAFE MANAGED BY ARMENIAN/Schiff pic/Q

>>6933124, >>6933212 Shallow earthquakes at 4.5 to 7 Richter are consistent with Project Gnome numbers.

>>6933099 These are the rules for members of the press in order to go inside the #AllOutDC rally, which is the antifa side

>>6932939 Is This The Huawei & Chinese Intelligence Smoking Gun?

>>6932892 Carnival crew member overboard 30 miles northwest of Cuba; Coast Guard search underway

>>6932882, >>6933043 before pic Plantation Fla

>>6933549 #8869


>>6932643 Breaking:Westminster Bridge closed

d/t ship crashing into pillar

>>6932591 BREAKING: Ex-police officer Dionne Miller - SHOCKING revelations today outside The Old Bailey, during Tommy Robinson retrial. "The British Government wilfully allowed British children to become prey to Pakistani rape gangs. They issued a blanket ban on investigations."

>>6932527, >>6932561 caesar sayoc and PLANTATION FLORIDA

>>6932468 JUST IN: ICE has deported 37 Cambodian nationals, of which 35 were convicted criminals, back to their country. They were charged with 3 counts of murder, 2 counts of rape, 3 counts of child abuse & lewd acts with a minor

>>6932460 Wolf of Wall Street producer arrested on money-laundering charges

>>6932451 Gardisil dig

>>6932392, >>6932417, >>6932431, >>6932438, >>6932448, >>6932471, >>6932472, >>6932517 Plantation Fla explosion Breaking, vid

>>6932334 POTUS offers Kim ‘appropriate measures

>>6932299, >>6932318, Stanislav Lunev On Russian Earthquake Weapon

>>6932246 Trump says favored nations clause on drug prices is on its way

>>6932167, >>6932193, >>6932213, >>6932231, >>6932314, >>6932499 Adam Schiff/Monte Verde Pic, Sunland

>>6932131, >>6932139, >>6932178 EQ basics

>>6932112, >>6932323, Q post 1550 Amanda Renteria.Bridge between LL / HRC. Q CALL TO DIG!!

>>6932774 #8868

Previously Collected Notables

>>6931280 #8866, >>6932054 #8867

>>6928995 #8863, >>6929751 #8864, >>6930323 #8865

>>6926656 #8860, >>6927423 #8861, >>6928200 #8862

>>6924765 #8857, >>6925167 #8858, >>6925900 #8859

>>6922101 #8854, >>6924707 #8855, >>6924745 #8856

>>6919812 #8851, >>6920542 #8852, >>6921348 #8853

>>6917505 #8848, >>6918285 #8849, >>6919024 #8850

>>6915272 #8845, >>6916073 #8846, >>6916787 #8847

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

fdd8cb  No.6933587

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

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Letters of Gratitude


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Q Graphics all in EST


fdd8cb  No.6933591

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* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>xxx Side by Side Archive (Update needed)

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Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6895764, >>6895766

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

fdd8cb  No.6933601

File: 8d3ea5e5dac97bd⋯.jpg (12.89 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 8d3ea5e5dac97bdb70afa85536….jpg)




e39703  No.6933626

File: 67f198466746f72⋯.png (1.04 MB, 859x583, 859:583, ClipboardImage.png)

Dem rep accused of coaching asylum seekers to exploit loophole in 'remain in Mexico' policy: report

'They're…manufacturing a lot of these issues'

Customs and Border Protection officials believe Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar of Texas has sent aides to Mexico to coach asylum seekers on how to exploit loopholes that would allow them to wait out their cases in the United States, according to the Washington Examiner.

Escobar is the congresswoman who took over for Beto O'Rourke in El Paso after O'Rourke pursued a Senate seat in 2018. Her staff has been interviewing thousands of asylum seekers who have been sent back to Mexico to wait for their asylum cases to be heard, and some say those staff members are fraudulently tampering with the process.

"What we're hearing from management is that they're attempting to return people, and the story was changed in Mexico, where a person who understood Spanish before now doesn't understand — where a person who didn't have any health issues before now has health issues," said a National Border Patrol Council representative.

One stipulation in the "remain in Mexico" policy for asylum seekers is that they cannot be forced to wait out their asylum cases in Mexico unless they're fluent in Spanish, because they may be waiting there for years.

Some Border Patrol officials have said Escobar aides are bringing some people back from Mexico and claiming that they can't understand Spanish, even though they communicated in Spanish days or weeks before.

The fear among Border Patrol officials, the Washington Examiner reports, is that Escobar and her staff will use these cases as a way to accuse Border Patrol of wrongly sending many immigrants back to Mexico.

"We had finally found a happy medium 'cause we always get crapped on when it comes to immigration laws, and then they're finding loopholes to bring them back," a Border Patrol official told the Examiner.


4f6a23  No.6933627

File: b62cd8d30c53314⋯.jpeg (24.93 KB, 664x630, 332:315, 021E1D2E-CBC7-43B1-96B2-B….jpeg)

c0caa0  No.6933628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2e234e  No.6933629

>>6933557 lb

Not familiar with the topic of alters. If you would like to explain or provide some links to info. (Alternates? "Altered Carbon"?)

a42932  No.6933630

File: 7f191f84d6cb1f4⋯.jpg (171.16 KB, 446x640, 223:320, ghost based baker.jpg)


Gods speed fren

82295e  No.6933631

File: 75944a48991a8fd⋯.png (1.55 MB, 982x692, 491:346, Screenshot_59.png)

File: d678de6bda8fb78⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1053x741, 27:19, Screenshot_60.png)

>>6933569 lb

>>6933596 lb

found Venus and Gemini

acad32  No.6933632

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Cali getting active again

CaSeismograph Live Earthquake Stream

e39703  No.6933633

Farage: Britain Will ‘Shut Down Paris, Frankfurt’ if EU Plays Bully

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has said that if the European Union tries to force the City of London into regulatory alignment for financial services, the British can take the recent example of the Swiss, “undercut” the bloc, and, within a year, Paris and Frankfurt would be closed down as financial centres.

The European Commission froze Swiss stock exchanges out of the EU’s market this month; however, rather than forcing the non-EU nation into submitting to a new partnership treaty, Switzerland banned EU stock exchanges from trading its shares. As a result, EU traders were forced to use intermediaries, making trading with the country more expensive and slower.

The EU may attempt similar tactics if the United Kingdom finally leaves the bloc on October 31st in a clean, no-deal break, with the bloc insisting it will maintain its Single Market rules. Mr Farage believes Brussels will not be too aggressive, due to the strength of the City of London, the world’s second-most preeminent financial centre after New York City, and that the British could simply cut EU firms out of its markets like the Swiss.

Mr Farage, a former trader himself, told The Telegraph: “They can try these things all they like. Actually this mob are minnows. In global financial markets they are minnows… They can try and flex their muscles on clearing, whatever it is, but it will not work. Ultimately if you want to raise short term capital in Europe, you need to go to London.”

“If they try and threaten us in terms of capital markets and financial markets, all we have to do is break free, undercut them in terms of regulation and we will close down Paris and Frankfurt within a year,” the London Metal Exchange veteran added.

A report by the Centre for Banking Research at Cass Business School published in April said that the City of London would remain an international centre for finance after Brexit, and that there are clear competitive advantages to operating out of London rather than Paris or Frankfurt.

Such factors include the time zone, which allows for trade with the United States, the Middle East, and Asia; the global reputation of British business schools and universities; the high degree of capital market integration; and its laws and regulations.

Nasdaq.com also published an article in May explaining how Frankfurt “will not overtake London as the finance capital after Brexit”, citing the English language, culture, financial expertise, a long financial history dating back to Roman times, and the fact that the United Kingdom remains a relatively desirable place to live and work.


1b0e43  No.6933634


Alter ego’s mebbe

b324b8  No.6933635

File: 788a4d37e6af454⋯.jpeg (14.61 KB, 222x255, 74:85, pepecalc.jpeg)

Top 10 Logical Fallacies = Arguments Fake and Gay, We See Here Every Day

Ad Hominem

Instead of advancing good sound reasoning, ad hominems replace logical argumentation with attack-language unrelated to the truth of the matter

Straw Man

In the straw man fallacy, someone attacks a position the opponent doesn’t really hold. Instead of contending with the actual argument

Appeal to Ignorance/Unknown/Unproven

Ignorance isn’t proof of anything except that one doesn’t know something.

False Dilemma

This line of reasoning fails by limiting the options to two when there are in fact more options to choose from.

Slippery Slope

The slippery slope fallacy suggests that unlikely or ridiculous outcomes are likely based on a series of events

Circular Argument

When a person’s argument is just repeating what they already assumed beforehand

Hasty Generalization

General claims that commit some sort of illicit assumption, stereotyping, unwarranted conclusion, overstatement, or exaggeration

Red Herring

A distraction from the argument typically with some sentiment that seems to be relevant but isn’t really on-topic

Tu Quoque

Latin for “you too,” is also called the “appeal to hypocrisy” because it distracts from the argument by pointing out hypocrisy in the opponent

Causal Fallacy

Conclusions that are not logically supported by the premise

Fallacy of Sunk Costs

The idea that we should continue with a task or project because of all that we’ve put into it, without considering the future costs we’re likely to incur by doing so

Appeal to Authority

We can cite only authorities — steering conveniently away from other testable and concrete evidence


When a word, phrase, or sentence is used deliberately to confuse, deceive, or mislead by sounding like it’s saying one thing but actually saying something else

Bandwagon Fallacy

Assumes something is true (or right, or good) because other people agree with it

Stolen/edited from:


See this like for extended discussion and examples

c0caa0  No.6933636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


93e6e0  No.6933637

File: 43d2f6f5220cc18⋯.png (501.81 KB, 540x720, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8284c16883c428⋯.png (328.43 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6933605 (lb)

did anyone notice anything odd about the fireworks show?

b324b8  No.6933638

File: bc32be05712a8bf⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 255x247, 255:247, pepechaircigar.jpg)

re this notable

>>6931559 Planned Parenthood Activist Refuted (10 min vid)

sorry prolifeanons but you are wrong - the arguments to prohibit abortions extreme and misguided - killing babies? fetus is not a baby

a baby is a person - ie born by nature of otherwise

where do you get your moral high ground virtue signalling about life? from the Bible? nope the Bible tells us when life starts - when God breathes life into the baby and a sould enters

you know what these so called failed abortions really are? prolly not - but you are right to say it is ugly - but not cuz muhbaby killing - no cuz muhbaby DEFECTIVE and sick and unable to survive

so pro lifers want the GOVT to spend million dollars per defective infant? forever? come on answer this question - should the GOVT pay for this? for every illegal immigrant that shows up at a hospital too?


OR better yet - just THINK - cuz you been lied to about abortion to make a divisionfag issue which is ALL this is

ok cue the hyperbole in 3,2,1…

never seen any real argument

b3503b  No.6933639

>>6933557 lb

>>6933622 lb

>MayDay, which is our distress call.

>>6933603 lb

>does the truth contains triggers to alters installed for self harm?



All Cleared.

Not the current danger.

efdd94  No.6933640

Who is the sleeper cell in BOWARD FLORIDA

e39703  No.6933641

File: 47e3b8c05d88ab8⋯.png (41.91 KB, 608x723, 608:723, ClipboardImage.png)

Court Docs: Feds Look to Seize El Chapo’s $12.6 Billion

Federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York are seeking to seize $12,666,191,704 in assets, cash, and property that they claim famed kingpin “El Chapo” accumulated during his criminal career.

In a letter filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, prosecutors are moving to seize $12.6 billion from convicted kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. A federal court convicted the former Sinaloa Cartel leader during a lengthy trial in February on multiple charges related to his role as the supreme leader of the Sinaloa Cartel. Currently, the drug lord awaits his sentencing hearing later this month where he faces a life sentence.

As Breitbart News reported, during El Chapo’s trial, witnesses revealed that the drug lord had bribed top Mexican officials including military generals and allegedly paid $100 million to former president Enrique Pena Nieto. Testimony also pointed to El Chapo having sent money to current Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) for his unsuccessful 2006 presidential bid.

The amount that prosecutors look to seize is based on a calculation from the quantities of drugs that the Sinaloa Cartel smuggled as per witness testimony. According to court records, witnesses revealed that the cartel had smuggled 528,276 kilograms of cocaine worth $11.8 billion, 423,000 kilograms of marijuana worth $846 million, and 202 kilograms of heroin worth $11 million.

El Chapo’s Assets Forfeiture by ildefonso ortiz on Scribd


In their pleading, prosecutors estimate that El Chapo’s criminal empire, “obtained for distribution, conservatively over $12,666,191,704, worth of illegal drugs.” The drugs were sold in the U.S. and the proceeds laundered to pay expenses and sent back to Mexico to cover El Chapo’s lavish lifestyle.

While most of the money may not be readily available, “the government need not prove that the defendant can pay the forfeiture money judgment; it need only prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the amount it seeks is forfeitable,” the document obtained by Breitbart News revealed. “Mandatory forfeiture is concerned not with how much an individual has, but with how much he received during the commission of the crime.” Prosecutors claim that they are entitled to forfeit any property that was derived from the criminal empire.


a9f254  No.6933642

>>6933381 (pb)

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.

H.P. Lovecraft

"99% to hospital"

681ca8  No.6933643


I can! I am a diagnosed DID. I have 7 different alters that (We) know of. All were created through the abuses (We) experienced in our childhood. (3) were created to contain the anger and rage i felt at being so helpless, and THEY are actually useless to us as their only purpose is to take the pain and not talk back so the abuses don't get worse. I HATE those alters.

3742be  No.6933644

>>6933622 lb

>>6933606 lb

>…told you, French pilots in distress were heard by our pilots screaming Merde! Merde! (Shit! Shit!) which sounds very much like MayDay, which is our distress call.


M'aidez = help me, in French.

Mayday = 1st of May

6cdd47  No.6933645

File: 103f97be9d6319c⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1231x1967, 1231:1967, 1454Proof.png)

Reposting from late in last bread

>>6933606 (lb)

Q Proof #1454


Iran Deal About Cash Flow for EU Leaders



11 Jun 2018 - 11:56:26 AM

EU sanctions (IRAN).

Leaders of EU only care about protecting flow of MONEY - NOT the safety and security of their people/world.

IRAN deal orchestrated for the sole purpose of lifting sanctions (blockade) to allow access of foreign businesses for individual & co-wide enrichment. SCAM!!!

Nothing to do w/ NUKES (cover_)

Hussein pallets of cash.

Hussein secret auth to convert USD.

More coming.

No MSM coverage.

Got Popcorn?



World News

July 6, 2019 / 12:54 PM / Updated 11 minutes ago

Iran to lift uranium enrichment to 5%, above level in 2015 deal: official


c0caa0  No.6933646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



3f56eb  No.6933647


No clue.

Are they bigger than a bread box?

4d24a0  No.6933648

File: f7724fb88c5bd67⋯.jpg (86.23 KB, 828x638, 414:319, bette weinstien.jpg)

pic currently flooding midlers twitter acc

a42932  No.6933649


Judging by the effect on the urban centers far from the source of the quake, makes me wonder if any of that shit next to the epicentre of the quake is even left standing.

0c89bc  No.6933650


The whole admin and police department it appears

33af63  No.6933651


what did you notice? it was a great show from where I was.

168cf2  No.6933652

File: 100b8aca648c6df⋯.jpeg (459.13 KB, 1125x1787, 1125:1787, 652EC0DB-CE1B-445F-9E7A-4….jpeg)

Best Q proof ever. Share everywhere.

e39703  No.6933653

File: 7f630d7fb65fed4⋯.png (466.08 KB, 632x902, 316:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Putin blames NATO for destruction of Libya, warns about flow of terrorists from Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin says the US-led NATO military alliance is to blame for the destruction of Libya, warning that the situation there was deteriorating as more and more militants are moving from Syria into the North African country.

Speaking at a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in Rome, Putin said it is important to recall how the chaos unfolded in Libya.

“Do you remember who destroyed Libya? It was a NATO decision. It was European aircraft that bombed Libya,” he said.

The North African country has plunged into a civil war since longtime ruler Muammar Gaddafi was toppled and killed after an uprising and a NATO military intervention in 2011.

Putin said that “it is necessary to stop the bloodshed as soon as possible. It is necessary to start dialogue as soon as possible.”

“I do not think that Russia needs to be the main contributor to a resolution of the conflict. Let's ask those who created the problem," he added.


a3a144  No.6933654

Antifa just threatened joey salads live on camera.

these people are idiots.


fatboyfresh on instragram

81c49b  No.6933655

>>6933432 lb

>we’ll probably know in 2-1/2 weeks

So what is on the schedule in 2.5 wks from, what was it 7/2 or 7/3??

What's on the Q-clock for that day??

779edf  No.6933656



SoCal here. Literally sitting outside watching the water in my pool. It’s calm right now but last night it was splashing out bigly.

4c452c  No.6933657


As in split personality/dissociative identitydisorder

fdd8cb  No.6933659

File: 484622110213668⋯.png (21.06 KB, 373x475, 373:475, ClipboardImage.png)

ty fren

will decompress and be back



101eb4  No.6933660

File: f743ae7e8172576⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fhgN7j1.jpg)

Thank You Baker

acad32  No.6933661


Stay safe Anon.


b38bbe  No.6933662

File: 605ab04d8388f22⋯.png (354.21 KB, 532x503, 532:503, ClipboardImage.png)

Newly elected Labor chief says ‘demon’ of racism to end after elections


7:05 AM - 6 Jul 2019

e971ef  No.6933663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A tolerant leftist curses Latino Trump supporters and calls them ignorant, illiterate and idiots.

de32ff  No.6933664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dude is nuts or paid.

d477fd  No.6933665

>>6933611 (LB)

DIG help..

jar2 seems to be down.

Anyone have an archive?

There was a hit on Howard Hughes, he wasn't supposed to live.

There was a story about how he was touring some mines in NV, when he was found bleeding in the NV desert.

He was rescued by someone and taken to Vegas. HH, didn't want to go to the cops, or the hospital.

There is also a movie about this called:

Melvin and Howard

2a1193  No.6933666


also mkultra persona fragmentation

e4f0c9  No.6933667

File: 01a0ed62b43457b⋯.png (118.35 KB, 1208x571, 1208:571, boring tweets.png)

File: 1d9abcb6a718523⋯.png (5.64 MB, 1864x1558, 932:779, Screen Shot 4.png)

File: 8de5d72e3b8f2b0⋯.png (438.45 KB, 972x1498, 486:749, mars tweets.png)

File: 7bc7a6f309bc00d⋯.png (3.4 MB, 1886x1424, 943:712, Screen Shot 5.png)

4a1c65  No.6933668


> I HATE those alters.

Yeah, but they love you. I have a friend with DID and 14 personalities. I always kid her that we get a deal when we go to the movies…buy 2 tickets, take 15 people in. Hang in there. I know it can be hell.

f7548c  No.6933669


I've heard that, too, and that Merde! M'aidez! got conflated and combined in the cockpit.

b159f1  No.6933670

can someone share a graphics of the average sealed indictments before GEOTUS? or some other graphic giving them legitimacy

b435ac  No.6933671


Isn't that when HRC 'fell' up the stairs, broke her foot, and had to cancel two interviews that day?

1ea9a8  No.6933672

File: 7e65ef51829307e⋯.png (26.47 KB, 529x245, 529:245, ClipboardImage.png)

The guy tracking all the EQ's on Twitter


d477fd  No.6933673

File: ed997aaaa383b02⋯.png (155.41 KB, 1770x478, 885:239, ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot the image …

168cf2  No.6933674


She must’ve learned that tactic from Qtifa when Anons present arguments that question Trump or Qushner.

They’re identical. Isn’t that curious?

c0caa0  No.6933675

File: 312785adb0e7248⋯.jpg (119.38 KB, 600x899, 600:899, IMG_4135.JPG)

File: 8ad6e56dc89ddbd⋯.jpeg (13.46 KB, 255x188, 255:188, IMG_4148.JPEG)

File: b4c832c8ff9ab5e⋯.png (3.29 MB, 1174x2105, 1174:2105, IMG_4160.PNG)

File: 085b06f253b7ce5⋯.jpg (279.82 KB, 1422x800, 711:400, IMG_4168.JPG)

fb3071  No.6933676

File: 51678fbb9a19596⋯.jpg (384.69 KB, 1915x945, 383:189, EC85712 6 Jul 19 1940.jpg)


Spoopy C-130 seen taking off from Prison farm Airport, Witchita. I lost the target shortly after takeoff as it headed North at angels 4.

e4f0c9  No.6933677

File: 4de93c546fb17bc⋯.png (2.29 MB, 2518x941, 2518:941, Kamchatka Habbenings.png)

681ca8  No.6933678


you actually made me cry. Salute, Patriot

a3a144  No.6933679


He's a "NoName Republican"…

holy shit, he can't stop sucking him off…

34518b  No.6933680

Broward County, Florida is a Deep State stronghold. The explosion today is pay back for Trump and Q Team blowing up the underground Deep State components at the China Lake Naval Weapons Station on July 4th and July 5th.

fe0ed2  No.6933682

File: 34d15f9d34b27ba⋯.png (837.31 KB, 1056x565, 1056:565, ClipboardImage.png)

saw this on zhedge…


475af1  No.6933683


drudge article about 'Snowden II' towards the end:

Booz Allen scrambled to respond to Martin’s arrest, hiring ex-FBI director Robert Mueller to investigate. Since Martin’s arrest, the company said it has added policies to improve its review process of employees at hiring and to ensure managers are more in touch with their subordinates.

… MUELLER?!!?!

4f6a23  No.6933684


Erm no, what?

0ba870  No.6933685

File: fb7384aa228c435⋯.jpg (195.31 KB, 1300x866, 650:433, abha airport_0.jpg)

Yemen's Houthis attack Saudi Abha Airport: Al-Masirah TV

CAIRO (Reuters) - Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement said on Saturday that it carried out drone attacks on military sites at Abha airport in southern Saudi Arabia, the group’s Al-Masirah TV reported.

There was no Saudi confirmation of the attacks.

Earlier, the Houthis said they targeted warplane hangars and other military sites in Saudi Jizan airport as well.


8e50f8  No.6933686

File: 70893347fd7cb7e⋯.jpg (124.74 KB, 775x848, 775:848, Hillary turns herself in t….JPG)

b38bbe  No.6933687

File: f9550bfd6530f56⋯.png (5.54 KB, 357x198, 119:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a840e4e305354b⋯.png (6.19 KB, 359x198, 359:198, ClipboardImage.png)

What is history? An echo of the past in the future; a reflex from the future on the past.

Son, brother, father, lover, friend. There is room in the heart for all the affections, as there is room in heaven for all the stars.


168cf2  No.6933688


I think it’s right before Q abducted her, cloned her from clay, and sent the clone out to continue to assist in destroying this country.

Trust the plan!

a3a144  No.6933689


"If I was jesus I'd bring back NoName and put him in the oval office…"

Is he straight up Media Matters or what's up with this guy?

b3503b  No.6933690

Q = Snow White

Q = Jason Bourne

a42932  No.6933691


That lady said, "I'm a socialist," in what I assuming is Florida.

What happened to America?

b3503b  No.6933692

Q = Alice

8Chan = Wonderland

9e219c  No.6933693

Serious Question…

Why are there no fires immediately after any of these "gas" explosions?

e39703  No.6933695


>Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement


779edf  No.6933696


Thanq you anon.

c0caa0  No.6933697

File: ad8844ead6455ac⋯.jpg (344.05 KB, 992x1281, 992:1281, IMG_4737.JPG)

File: b1a687430652fc7⋯.jpg (105.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_4755.JPG)

File: f80f51b3e835582⋯.jpg (378.33 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_4803.JPG)

File: 1b62276ccc70e58⋯.png (167.59 KB, 475x310, 95:62, IMG_4811.PNG)

File: 6b76f5af3a18115⋯.jpg (416.1 KB, 1504x810, 752:405, IMG_5046.JPG)




7ad9c2  No.6933698

File: ac4ef18d40c94d5⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 571x300, 571:300, SherlockInteresting.jpg)


He's got his sticky little fingers in all the pies.

168cf2  No.6933699

a41315  No.6933700


Explosions kill fires

2f7655  No.6933701


Anons 4-6%?

2a1193  No.6933702


and "we" are Q…

e39703  No.6933703

File: 023cda4bef5a407⋯.png (507.43 KB, 660x385, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04f57b3edc7f04a⋯.png (90.86 KB, 632x717, 632:717, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli government minister takes credit for 27 U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws

A leading Israeli government minister takes credit for 27 U.S. states passing laws aimed at curbing citizens’ advocacy for BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign targeting Israel.

Gilad Erdan, minister for strategic affairs and information under Benjamin Netanyahu, addressed the Jerusalem Post conference in New York two weeks ago, and bragged that the Israeli government had taken its fights “to the enemy,” and that includes BDS.

When I was charged with leading this fight, BDS leaders operated freely and were largely successful in disguising themselves as human rights organizations… We tore off their masks. We exposed their ties to terror, we exposed their deeprooted antisemitism, we exposed their opposition to peace, and we exposed of course their hypocrisy. They couldn’t care less about the real human rights violations, for example in Syria and Iran. All they care about is demonizing and delegitimizing the world’s only Jewish and democratic state.

Erdan then took credit for American laws:

Our efforts are producing results. 27 US states now have counter-BDS legislation. Let’s give a hand to all the governors and state legislators who supported this law. They deserve it.

The minister cited a report he produced called “Terrorist in Suits” that aims to show that supporters of BDS include some Palestinians convicted of being members of terrorist organizations– ergo BDS is a haven for terrorists. Now “BDS is on the defensive,” Erdan said.

But Israel and its “friends” in the audience must push for even harsher laws in the U.S.

We need to take the fight against BDS to the next level. We must encourage investigations of terror-linked BDS groups and promote legislation that counters all forms of anti-Semitism including of course the anti-Semitic delegitimization of Israel.

So it is a huge scandal that Russia interfered in the 2016 election but Israel is messing in our politics all the time, and that’s standard operating procedure.

Remember those Facebook ads from Russia? Part of Erdan’s effort is establishing and leading “a global community of advocates,” more than 100 bloggers around the world who counter efforts to delegitimize Israel on the internet. These advocates explain the ancient Jewish connection to the land, etc.


b38bbe  No.6933704

File: 951a4ea169842a4⋯.png (272.71 KB, 532x523, 532:523, ClipboardImage.png)

In a sign of evangelical voters’ importance to his campaign, the U.S. president is sending five senior advisers to a Christian pro-Israel gathering


11:25 AM - 6 Jul 2019

More than you know…

4d4254  No.6933705

File: e859f4e70f92917⋯.png (375.35 KB, 1200x831, 400:277, Img-1562437954166.png)

File: 5271bbaa9238c8d⋯.png (330.7 KB, 720x916, 180:229, Img-1562254439096.png)

File: f28b95db40764e9⋯.png (76.13 KB, 417x585, 139:195, Img-1562255080044.png)

File: fb2f969137a834f⋯.png (116.72 KB, 720x451, 720:451, Img-1562437849802.png)

File: 3a9ca4e10fe0328⋯.png (315.63 KB, 720x874, 360:437, Img-1562254236232.png)

Pan the treeman. Osiris the skinny green bitch.

All the same stupid shit. Osiris never existed. These are all made up stories based on shit that happens in the sky when the "elites" secret sun comes around.

These people are gross and obviously fucking stupid.

Tin hinan - tin man

Osiris - the wizzer

4a1c65  No.6933706


Much love, anon (no homo) Glad you're here.

1b0e43  No.6933707

File: 24be0f650b919f1⋯.jpeg (43.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 82147B09-77B8-46BC-965D-1….jpeg)

File: bf0a00279d6bbd0⋯.jpeg (12.47 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 90005A3E-ACCB-4CD9-8415-5….jpeg)

b38bbe  No.6933708

File: fd7e02679c91d10⋯.png (268.55 KB, 532x462, 38:33, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump rolls out the big guns for pro-Israel evangelicals' confab ahead of 2020


11:38 AM - 6 Jul 2019


9ab81b  No.6933709

File: 866506ac6ea4e85⋯.png (58.57 KB, 918x869, 918:869, Screenshot_2019-07-06 Good….png)

File: dca97de045d099c⋯.png (915.42 KB, 995x6386, 995:6386, Screenshot_2019-07-06 EPN ….png)


Veronica wants to keep those drugs pouring into El Paso.

first pic sauce - https://signofzorro.wordpress.com/2017/12/18/good-read-veronica-escobar-corruption-and-election-meddling/

second pic sauce -


b435ac  No.6933710


I thought we were talking about facts.

7eac14  No.6933711


I’m having trouble understanding what you’re asking and find your lack of proper punctuation aggravating. I need to pick raspberries. Come back in an hour and I will answer your question.

03eccf  No.6933712

I am the real Q


4b330b  No.6933713


Highly flammable gas explosions extuinguish most of the oxygen in the proximity very quickly, so they go out almost instantly. When you see a big firey explosion, that's usually a liquid that is burning relatively slowly as it vaporizes, with lots of oxygen nearby (because the explosion isn't nearly as violent as a gas explosion.)

38a3dc  No.6933714


Code Blue. Be on the lookout for an unexpected Heart Attack

93e6e0  No.6933715

File: 2340e55a1a8819c⋯.png (488.74 KB, 900x675, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



it seemed like all the live feeds cut off early. even rsbn and the youtubers that were there, like something was going on.

And all the smoke! it looked like DC was burning!

c0caa0  No.6933716

File: 40950319ca0e792⋯.jpg (116.94 KB, 612x612, 1:1, IMG_6569.JPG)

File: d3584a86f46236f⋯.jpg (41.71 KB, 600x503, 600:503, IMG_6576.JPG)

File: 77991a121ff47df⋯.jpg (339.17 KB, 1248x1010, 624:505, IMG_6579.JPG)

File: 1f01a4bfad91ec3⋯.jpg (256.73 KB, 896x1387, 896:1387, IMG_6606.JPG)





9e219c  No.6933717


Thanks! In some of the house fires, the wood was not charred. The house looked like toothpicks that had not been burned. Same explanation?

4b330b  No.6933718


>I am the real Q

No, I am the real Q

b38bbe  No.6933719

File: 883e4d0a5e1a9c1⋯.png (182.5 KB, 532x548, 133:137, ClipboardImage.png)

“Unlike an aerial bombardment, which is seen as a declaration of war, a cyberattack can cause substantial damage without being the immediate pretext for the outbreak of an actual physical war.”


10:49 AM - 6 Jul 2019


4f6a23  No.6933720

File: 2a21fe6de74ff23⋯.jpeg (96.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 16EF8DD0-ABA0-45EA-93B3-D….jpeg)

b3503b  No.6933721


Q. What is a sleeper agent?

Q. What is Project Monarch?


Think Mirror.

Think White Hat sleeper.

Bigger than you think.

c0caa0  No.6933722

File: c714a944010b659⋯.jpg (63.9 KB, 548x720, 137:180, IMG_3645.JPG)


4b330b  No.6933723


>The house looked like toothpicks that had not been burned. Same explanation?

Yes. Gas explosions - super fast and violent and then they go out.

6e6fbe  No.6933724

File: 6cbff15a44bdc3d⋯.jpg (745.3 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Snapchat-1945481825.jpg)

File: a7d52907654432f⋯.jpg (2.85 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, Snapchat-584549020.jpg)


For those who missed this...

4d4254  No.6933725

File: eabd9e3b2406a5e⋯.jpg (171.79 KB, 1131x1600, 1131:1600, osiris.jpg)

File: dd2a882aabeb1bb⋯.jpg (70.74 KB, 540x720, 3:4, trumposiris.jpg)

File: daebdbce72a79f5⋯.jpg (113.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, John Podesta - 14 Fish.jpg)

File: 4311400091a23e3⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2015-1026-NBCU-The-Wiz-Abo….jpg)

File: 6e49fc50d5e464b⋯.jpg (232.03 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, the-wiz.jpg)

681ca8  No.6933726


Q told me Ima STAR…do I win the cookie?

4f6a23  No.6933727


Classic smoke screen.

d477fd  No.6933728

File: fcc849e6dbbf6b4⋯.png (252.25 KB, 449x989, 449:989, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c7d341593206d0⋯.png (89.79 KB, 441x500, 441:500, ClipboardImage.png)


Digging on Hughes Glomar Explorer

c0caa0  No.6933729

File: dedce747998808d⋯.jpg (400.57 KB, 1216x1017, 1216:1017, IMG_4883.JPG)




e39703  No.6933730

Spain Says Iranian Oil Tanker Was Seized by Britain at US Request

In a move that threatens to hugely escalate tensions between Iran and the US, British Royal Marines raided and seized an Iranian oil tanker at Gibraltar on Thursday. The tanker was accused by British officials of heading to Syria in violation of EU sanctions.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry confirmed summoning the British Ambassador to express “very strong objection to the illegal and unacceptable seizure” of the ship. Analysts expressed surprise at the unusually aggressive move against a commercial oil tanker.

British Premier Theresa May presented the raid as “firm action to enforce EU sanctions,” though Spain indicated that it was actually done because the Trump Administration asked Britain to do so. Spain said they’re looking into it, since the tanker was captured in Spanish territorial waters.

While the US hasn’t taken credit for the seizure yet, John Bolton was cheering the move, saying it would keep Iran from “profiting off the illicit trade,” which, to be clear, is Iran shipping Iranian oil to Syria to sell it when the US insists Iran isn’t allowed to sell any oil, and the EU says Syria isn’t allowed to buy any.


10e7d7  No.6933731


Fire or not depends on lots of factors. Not true that Nat Gas explosions don't have consequent fires. Some do, some don't. Search engine natural gas explosion, you'll find many with fires after.

900335  No.6933732

File: 2527a38d7f6e905⋯.png (552.38 KB, 802x745, 802:745, a thousand faggots.png)

b3503b  No.6933733


Starting to look like it, isn't it?

How much more obvious do we have to make it?

1b0e43  No.6933734

File: e620e64f9933d59⋯.jpeg (25.47 KB, 393x386, 393:386, F6E49737-8E21-408E-B1BA-4….jpeg)



Im the real Q.

d477fd  No.6933735



26830f  No.6933736


follow the gold DIGGING

The Paradise Spring Gold is near Fort Irwin, California. Historically the site has been part of the Grapevine Mining District. The Paradise Spring Gold is a surface and underground mining operation. The ore mined is composed of gold with waste material consisting primarily of quartz. The host rock in this area is diorite. The Sonoran Desert of the Intermontane Plateaus characterize the geomorphology of the surrounding area.


3742be  No.6933737

>>6933633 Blunt & Direct from Mr. Farage, who is always a pleasure to watch in action.

4f6a23  No.6933738

File: b717ca5766fff2d⋯.jpeg (215.14 KB, 750x489, 250:163, 6D9F223A-93F8-41CC-A361-C….jpeg)

c0caa0  No.6933739

File: 38dd9aac52211d6⋯.gif (355.14 KB, 400x225, 16:9, IMG_5979.GIF)


d79543  No.6933740


I've never seen so much smoke from a fireworks display. At the end, it looked almost like some were going off early- very low to the ground.

168cf2  No.6933741


Why would you think that? I posted a Q drop…. about HRC extradition …

1d2e64  No.6933742

File: 175ac32f56e5b46⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 309x230, 309:230, he's got a point.jpg)

b3503b  No.6933743


Cookies for all.

Zero Sum Game no moar.

a3d9c3  No.6933744

File: b87c8916b8d6319⋯.jpg (24.57 KB, 248x255, 248:255, 3f95c4b89956249d9e41c50c27….jpg)


Love Nigel (no homo)

3742be  No.6933745

File: 243ae4d3449a5ef⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1756x957, 1756:957, 2019-07-06-15:04:02-edt.png)


Any idea,


why this 5-hour refuelling loop is over NY City?

The refuelling loop by a tanker is quite unremarkable.

However the location is unusual.

Usually they do this offshore or over New Jersey military bases.


38a3dc  No.6933746

Strange Coincidences - Death of .Baseball Player Tyler Skaggs

Last Sunday Night, LA Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs dies in hotel room near Dallas TX. Skaggs was 27 and suicide has been ruled out.

Hours before Skaggs death, James Comey tweeted about the death of a former US Attorney. This attorney, a Yale Law graduate was from a prominent NY family with ties to politics and the Council on Foreign Relations. The attorney was a member of an elite NYC social club founded by Edwin Booth, brother of John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's assassin.

Skaggs was in town to play against the Texas Rangers, a team once owned by President George W. Bush,a Yale grad and member of Skull and Bones.

The county where Skaggs died is Tarrant county. The last name of the Christchurch mosque killer is Tarrant (Brenton Tarrant).

The number worn by Skaggs is "45". The color of his baseball cap is red. After Skaggs death, the phrase "RIP45" was trending on Twitter. Fans left memorials for Skaggs at Angels stadium with "RIP 45" written on red baseball caps.

Skaggs died at the Southlake Hilton. The majority owner of Hilton hotels is Blackrock Group. The founders of Blackrock are prominent members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Also interesting is that Blackrock acquired the mortgage for World Trade Center Bldg 7, a year before the 9/11 attacks. The government payout for building 7? $5 Billion.

So are these events related? Just prior to the Independence Day festivities? Is it a mere coincidence that Skaggs wore number "45" and a red baseball cap?

Let's hope the good guys at the FBI are looking into Skaggs untimely death

33af63  No.6933747


the fireworks launched from the river and the wind was blowing at the crowds so the smoke blocked most of the footage. downtown was covered in smoke for an hour after. It did kinda look like a warzone with all the cops and national guard around.

51ea7e  No.6933748

File: e709d3f809d4a97⋯.jpg (260.4 KB, 800x600, 4:3, pain8.jpg)

ecadf7  No.6933749

File: 3c9fd7be59cf978⋯.png (52.95 KB, 683x798, 683:798, federalist1a.PNG)

File: 38f02a20117727d⋯.png (42.09 KB, 696x652, 174:163, federalist1b.PNG)

File: 584dcd9eaf71cda⋯.png (10.65 KB, 598x199, 598:199, federalist1c.PNG)


b619d2  No.6933750


The evolution of toilet boy.

4e92cf  No.6933751

File: 605c960815d2496⋯.jpg (139.73 KB, 500x760, 25:38, Visitation.jpg)


"When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why am I so honored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For as soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord’s word to her will be fulfilled.”

- Luke 1:41-45

So besides Mary (and perhaps Joseph), an unborn baby (John the Baptist) was the first one to recognize the Christ Child, and Elizabeth spoke about this as a witness.

Thank you for inspiring me to post.

5a5741  No.6933752

File: d1751b30f2b6fd9⋯.png (630.58 KB, 603x767, 603:767, Sec Pompeo 7-6-19 9 03 am ….PNG)

File: 03fe62e8ea116aa⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1304x867, 1304:867, Sec Pompeo 7-6-19 9 03 am ….PNG)

File: 057f77db2fdc864⋯.png (14.81 KB, 814x156, 407:78, Q 1801and 1800 Threats Rec….PNG)

File: 12e004765a6f6d1⋯.png (904.88 KB, 1015x788, 1015:788, Graphic Sec Pompeo 1801.PNG)

Thank you, @CMC_MarineCorps and @MBWDC, for your hospitality at last night’s Evening Parade – such a wonderful tradition!

I am honored by your service and commitment to America and thankful for the @USMC’s dedication to protecting our diplomatic posts around the world.



8e50f8  No.6933753

What i don't understand is both sides know each other exists.

We know there is a Deep State..obvious by now…

Deep State know that we know!!!

Deep State still trying to get one last lick in before they go down for the count…


c61605  No.6933754

File: 723b2ec97f204d0⋯.png (3.32 MB, 2425x2323, 2425:2323, graphic airports airplanes….png)

Coincidence that ALL July 4th, 2018 Q-drops were Airplane/Airport related?

Delta between final 7/3 Qdrop and 1st 7/4 Qdrop was 1:11:09 (reverse "911" +1)

POTUS made the "army… took over the airports" comment at 19:17EDT. Q-1917 is a direct match to a pic on July 4th, 2018.

There's more, I'm sure. Convinced some of the connotations in these drops are FE and even clone/ai-related, but didn't choose to go there for now.

b38bbe  No.6933755

File: 0aaa95b7a52b4a3⋯.png (349.57 KB, 532x572, 133:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30df7527dcc6cde⋯.png (903.92 KB, 760x428, 190:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Enjoy the celebrations🎉🍾

5:15 PM - 4 Jul 2019


20b31c  No.6933756

Q Q Q were are you they don't love us no more let's join Antifa hahaha no I'll wait watch the water for Q they will be back President TRUMP SAFETY is first

f1968a  No.6933757

File: 2f81185d4bf422c⋯.png (51.82 KB, 939x470, 939:470, vpn-1.png)

File: 535da486fde2207⋯.png (4.06 KB, 638x58, 11:1, vpn-2.png)

File: c6d80fd441cdd9d⋯.png (272.21 KB, 937x2278, 937:2278, vpn-3.png)

From computerweekly.com:

Top VPNs secretly owned by Chinese firms

Nearly a third of top VPNs are secretly owned by Chinese companies, while other owners are based in countries with weak or no privacy laws, potentially putting users at risk, security researchers warn

Warwick Ashford

Security Editor

03 Jul 2019 12:15

Almost a third (30%) of the world’s top virtual private network (VPN) providers are secretly owned by six Chinese companies, according to a study by privacy and security research firm VPNpro.

The study shows that the top 97 VPNs are run by just 23 parent companies, many of which are based in countries with lax privacy laws.

Six of these companies are based in China and collectively offer 29 VPN services, but in many cases, information on the parent company is hidden to consumers.

Researchers at VPNpro have pieced together ownership information through company listings, geolocation data, the CVs of employees and other documentation.

In some instances, ownership of different VPNs is split amongst a number of subsidiaries. For example, Chinese company Innovative Connecting owns three separate businesses that produce VPN apps: Autumn Breeze 2018, Lemon Cove and All Connected. In total, Innovative Connecting produces 10 seemingly unconnected VPN products, the study shows.


Significance: Some anons use VPNs for increased security. This has always been the case, but the beneficial purpose of VPNs got extra attention after the semi-recent FBI attempt to gain info about some chan posters. And of course privacy conscious anons often use VPNs for other research outside the chans. Personally I've always been suspicious of VPN services (while also acknowledging their beneficial function) because if cabal wants intelligence on people who want to uncover secrets, then a VPN could be a honeypot where a lot of these people tend to route their traffic. So trust in VPNs is especially important for them to actually do what we want (let us research and communicate anonymously). Therefore any information about how VPNs might be compromised is a vital security issue. In that light, the ownership of VPN services by CHINESE companies seems especially odd – after all, China imposes extraordinary internet controls, and in China VPNs are a political issue because they can be used to subvert offical control and censorship. Combine that with the way Cabal has been shifting many operations to China, and the idea of a Chinese company operating VPNs starts to look a little risky from a user standpoint.

The article doesn't point to any specific VPN as having any specific security flaw. But it's a good heads-up about risks, and may give a place to dig for those who are more familiar with the subject.

Hat tip to Anonymous Conservative, which linked the article with this description and interpretation: "Many VPN services are owned by Chinese companies. Cabal was moving everything to China."

2be1c1  No.6933758



Like blowing out a candle.

81c49b  No.6933759


> I have 7 different alters that (We) know of.

You can cast them out in the name of Jesus Christ!!

4d4254  No.6933760

File: 677138ea8a3efcc⋯.png (497.32 KB, 889x960, 889:960, Img-1562371243611.png)

File: f9fa467ce42ae16⋯.png (292.74 KB, 720x1185, 48:79, Img-1562371519386.png)

File: feeec16ed5cc466⋯.png (405.92 KB, 720x952, 90:119, Img-1562437823884.png)

b435ac  No.6933761


I know you are just a paid shill, and I am wasting my time.

05e71b  No.6933762

File: 72b80aca92a95c4⋯.png (108.68 KB, 1280x983, 1280:983, Champfleury_letter_Q_illus….png)

c0caa0  No.6933763

File: abd7dbc11c0caa6⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 460x280, 23:14, IMG_1276.JPG)


7a42f2  No.6933764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In our faces all the time…

‘Funny because it’s true’ is the linear the end

e971ef  No.6933765

Soros: Online Trump Supporters Will Be Entirely ‘Silenced’ By 2020


af4f26  No.6933766


KEK. Looks like Pepe used common core math to cut those holes out.

03eccf  No.6933768





ff92f0  No.6933769


miniaturization of electronics has made it possible to pack a humble tanker full of elint gathering toys.

b3503b  No.6933770

Red Red

Red Sparrow


4f6a23  No.6933771


I don't really give a fuck about it at all

Cause the same people that tried to black ball me

Forgot about two things, my black balls

e39703  No.6933772

File: 22d61cb04f55d25⋯.png (226.88 KB, 1483x922, 1483:922, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca8be95c3019c4f⋯.png (200.54 KB, 1479x922, 1479:922, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfa1706d089f7c3⋯.png (154.05 KB, 1485x912, 495:304, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 047f6b084aebb11⋯.png (162.12 KB, 1517x889, 1517:889, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5829a3434823159⋯.png (167.64 KB, 1495x837, 1495:837, ClipboardImage.png)

Burying the Nakba: How Israel systematically hides evidence of 1948 expulsion of Arabs

Since early last decade, Defense Ministry teams have scoured local archives and removed troves of historic documents to conceal proof of the Nakba

July 05, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - Four years ago, historian Tamar Novick was jolted by a document she found in the file of Yosef Vashitz, from the Arab Department of the left-wing Mapam Party, in the Yad Yaari archive at Givat Haviva. The document, which seemed to describe events that took place during the 1948 war, began:

“Safsaf [former Palestinian village near Safed] – 52 men were caught, tied them to one another, dug a pit and shot them. 10 were still twitching. Women came, begged for mercy. Found bodies of 6 elderly men. There were 61 bodies. 3 cases of rape, one east of from Safed, girl of 14, 4 men shot and killed. From one they cut off his fingers with a knife to take the ring.”

The writer goes on to describe additional massacres, looting and abuse perpetrated by Israeli forces in Israel’s War of Independence. “There’s no name on the document and it’s not clear who’s behind it,” Dr. Novick tells Haaretz. “It also breaks off in the middle. I found it very disturbing. I knew that finding a document like this made me responsible for clarifying what happened.”

The Upper Galilee village of Safsaf was captured by the Israel Defense Forces in Operation Hiram toward the end of 1948. Moshav Safsufa was established on its ruins. Allegations were made over the years that the Seventh Brigade committed war crimes in the village. Those charges are supported by the document Novick found, which was not previously known to scholars. It could also constitute additional evidence that the Israeli top brass knew about what was going on in real time.

Novick decided to consult with other historians about the document. Benny Morris, whose books are basic texts in the study of the Nakba – the “calamity,” as the Palestinians refer to the mass emigration of Arabs from the country during the 1948 war – told her that he, too, had come across similar documentation in the past. He was referring to notes made by Mapam Central Committee member Aharon Cohen on the basis of a briefing given in November 1948 by Israel Galili, the former chief of staff of the Haganah militia, which became the IDF. Cohen’s notes in this instance, which Morris published, stated: “Safsaf 52 men tied with a rope. Dropped into a pit and shot. 10 were killed. Women pleaded for mercy. [There were] 3 cases of rape. Caught and released. A girl of 14 was raped. Another 4 were killed. Rings of knives.”



f7548c  No.6933773


…when was that written?

655acd  No.6933774

File: 4bf52ff60b7356d⋯.png (214.05 KB, 855x578, 855:578, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 782d88c2759123b⋯.png (247.49 KB, 862x850, 431:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c51e13d469b838⋯.png (393.88 KB, 983x574, 983:574, ClipboardImage.png)

This is what Q and anons are fighting.

A child torturing and sacrificing cult.


7265be  No.6933775

File: fd1984967def431⋯.jpeg (991.31 KB, 1202x1518, 601:759, D72C4BAC-4087-472F-A440-9….jpeg)

U.S. Army tweets:

Iraq's largest dam is now safe.

That’s a BIG Red Castle in the pic.


3742be  No.6933776


So ignore the Red and White also displayed on the sunglass rims?

b38bbe  No.6933777

File: 696b84c4ccf5e22⋯.png (423.17 KB, 532x591, 532:591, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a35b2a4016586c⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1342x913, 122:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96484b0d5b7621d⋯.png (546.55 KB, 600x371, 600:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb7bf81db48a211⋯.png (354.25 KB, 480x250, 48:25, ClipboardImage.png)

The central Israeli city of @PtMuni, dedicated a square ⛲in honor of US @POTUS Donald J. Trump! The sign at the square calls Trump the first to acknowledge Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel!

@Israel_katz , @elicoh1 @ramigrinberg


7:28 AM - 5 Jul 2019


c0caa0  No.6933778

File: 71bfe7ea81344c1⋯.jpg (285.18 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_5639.JPG)


603b06  No.6933779


Thank you for this.

I had not seen it.

Much love to you, anon.

And all of you.

(Revelation of a lifetime on the 5th. Ironic a turn after such an event as the 4th)

(I'm not even American)

e971ef  No.6933780

The American bridge plan


2e234e  No.6933781


>>6933557 lb

>>6933575 lb

>>6933606 lb

Mayday: emergency distress signal, need assistance

Coincidence that I have been sending up a mayday in the spiritual dimension for the last few years?

So I'm a white hat sleeper agent waking up after a lifetime undercover, while my alter was creating a worldwide movement?

Does this also relate to autism?

It would fit with "The truth is mind blowing..." and "This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)"

e39703  No.6933782

File: f66cc78279a243d⋯.png (306.95 KB, 556x482, 278:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7366cb2c0fba4f1⋯.png (143.7 KB, 588x575, 588:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee8102a8fc80fcf⋯.png (499.89 KB, 573x705, 191:235, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump’s Fed Nominee Dr. Judy Shelton discusses her support of a return to the gold standard and her critical take on central bank activity


900335  No.6933783

File: dda0e104f898907⋯.png (594.62 KB, 1303x731, 1303:731, ff30c1579c074ab46b6366029e….png)

05e71b  No.6933784

File: 73cf1270df8348d⋯.jpg (128.29 KB, 665x706, 665:706, Screenshot 2019-07-06_15-1….jpg)


c0caa0  No.6933785

File: 064ab5976186605⋯.jpg (209.26 KB, 800x1232, 50:77, IMG_5933.JPG)

File: b3e8670e4c2e76f⋯.jpg (291.13 KB, 1066x800, 533:400, IMG_5935.JPG)

File: 222fba1db71084f⋯.jpg (178.78 KB, 831x880, 831:880, IMG_5938.JPG)

File: 59ecdd706b6eff8⋯.jpg (113.15 KB, 800x1019, 800:1019, IMG_5939.JPG)

9240a7  No.6933786


Wow. Never paid any attention to her, and will not after this.

Trump has built a rent free City inside her head and every progressive San Francisco Street Squatter (as in mad shitter) has moved in Rent Free.

Kek at her TDS

655acd  No.6933787

File: 106a5377ff2eb23⋯.png (192.41 KB, 320x233, 320:233, MaltaKnights1.png)

File: 807830eba2989f5⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1841x1227, 1841:1227, MaltaKnights2.png)

File: 3bfd13bcb68f0e9⋯.png (530.04 KB, 500x375, 4:3, MaltaKnights9.png)

File: f546bdcb636c940⋯.png (712.87 KB, 604x604, 1:1, MaltaKnights10.png)

Masonic pizza knights:

This is the world’s most exclusive passport and only 500 people have it

Despite having diplomatic relations with more than 100 states, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta doesn’t control any territory of its own. There are over 13,500 knights, dames and chaplains in the Order, along with 80,000 volunteers and 25,000 medical employees.


1b0e43  No.6933788

File: 8ea01e362097a6f⋯.jpeg (479.93 KB, 750x589, 750:589, 6A9AF70E-B827-4B7F-A7D3-5….jpeg)

b155e1  No.6933789

File: 4d79574de5bce9b⋯.png (409.84 KB, 785x771, 785:771, art1.PNG)

File: fb2c92e490528bd⋯.png (83.4 KB, 774x679, 774:679, art2.PNG)

File: e73b368665bb0b9⋯.png (197.7 KB, 816x540, 68:45, art3.PNG)

New York City Backs Off Gun Restrictions To Avoid Supreme Court Defeat

The Supreme Court as seen on March 26, 2012 (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images



July 05, 2019

4:51 PM ET

The Supreme Court should dismiss a challenge to New York City’s gun transportation ban because a new ordinance will moot the case, city lawyers told the justices Wednesday.

The ordinance and a newly enacted state law will give the plaintiffs who challenged the transportation ban everything they have sought in court, making dismissal the appropriate course, city lawyers wrote in a letter to the high court.

“The new city regulation gives petitioners everything they have sought in this lawsuit,” assistant corporation counsel Richard Dearing wrote. “The new state law, upon signature by the governor, will make the case doubly moot.”

If the case is not dismissed, the city will continue arguing the dispute is moot in a legal brief due Aug. 5. They will not address the merits of the controversy, Dearing wrote.

“If, however, this Court prefers to allow briefing (and potentially oral argument) to play out, respondents will file a brief on the designated due date maintaining in greater detail that the case is moot,” the letter reads.

“Respondents do not intend to address whether the Constitution entitles petitioners (or any other residents of New York City with premises licenses) to transport their handguns from their homes in the city to second homes, or to firing ranges or shooting competitions beyond municipal borders, where they have a legal right to possess them. Respondents no longer have any stake in that legal question,” it adds.

The city seemed to acknowledge that the high court’s decision to review its gun regulations drove its decision to adopt new rules. Defending its transportation restrictions before the Court’s newly entrenched conservative majority seems a forbidding task for city lawyers.

“It does not matter whether the defendant previously defended the now-defunct law,” the letter reads. “Nor does it matter whether this Court’s grant of review contributed to the government’s decision to take a fresh look at its legal regime.”


4d4254  No.6933790

File: 506874dc89865fc⋯.png (137.08 KB, 500x536, 125:134, the-obelisk-symbolized-the….png)

File: deb582d2083fd7c⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 876x493, 876:493, washington-dc-fireworks.jpg)

File: b8fcd71a9ccb5a8⋯.jpg (66.44 KB, 650x437, 650:437, JULY-4-2019.jpg)

File: 605d5764245f462⋯.jpg (178.81 KB, 800x524, 200:131, ecn_072013_white_house_fir….jpg)

File: b3a6517211bb6da⋯.jpg (110.36 KB, 800x570, 80:57, Washington-DC-is-a-spectac….jpg)

No declas. No justice. No truth. No transparency.

Rallies tweets and fireworks.

What a fucking joke.

681ca8  No.6933791


oh ya think I haven't tired that?! Idiot

Knowledge is power,

ya can't fix what isn't broke,

those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones

….bla bla bla

don't speak of that which YOU know nothing


b3503b  No.6933792


>Revelation of a lifetime on the 5th.


d477fd  No.6933793


The Hughes Glomar Explorer was more than just a giant ship — it was a giant secret, possibly the biggest and strangest covert operation the CIA pulled off during the Cold War. But now, 40 years after its original mission, it’s finally headed to the scrapyard.

The ship, now called GSF Explorer, had been retrofitted for oil drilling and exploration since it left US Navy service in 1997. But with the price of oil falling worldwide, its owner Transocean has decided to scrap it, along with several other vessels.

The ship’s origin story began in March 1968, when a Soviet Golf II class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, the K-129, sank in the Pacific Ocean. This was at the height of a high-risk cat-and-mouse game between the USA and the USSR. After the Soviet Navy failed to pinpoint the location of the wreckage, the US Navy found it. So the CIA decided to raise it off the seabed. They called this mission “Project Azorian,” and its details have been an official secret for decades. It took three years for retired CIA employee David Sharp to get permission to publish in 2012 his account of the mission and his role.

Sharp was at the engineering meetings where they tried to come up with a way to do what was at the time considered impossible, to pull up a huge object from an ocean depth of nearly 17,000 feet, or three miles.

“I think given a better background in marine engineering, we likely would not have tried” what they did, Sharp says. Luckily, the CIA also brought in skilled contractors like the deepwater drilling experts Global Marine (whose truncated name “Glomar” adorns the vessel).

What they designed may never be seen again: The Hughes Glomar Explorer itself was massive — too wide to fit in the Panama Canal — and it was built to heave up and down on waves while its center held steady, lifting an enormous claw with the K-129 wreckage inside. Every piece of this hydraulic lifting apparatus was its own engineering nightmare, from the gymbals with bowling-ball-sized ball bearings, to the heave compensators and derrick that had to handle 14 million pounds of submarine, claw, and heavy pipe string. Lockheed engineers designed the “claw” itself, more accurately called a “capture vehicle,” and got it into the HGE via an elaborate submersible barge (echoes of which a few people detected during the 2013’s not-as-awesome Google Barge mystery).

It would be impossible for the US military to build such a huge and complicated ship, or to bring it out on the high seas, without getting the attention of the Soviets. Hence the true wonder of Project Azorian: its commercial cover story, one that puts the movie “Argo” to shame. From about 1970-74, the CIA managed to convince the world that billionaire inventor Howard Hughes had decided to invest millions to mine “manganese nodules,” balls of heavy metals that lie on the ocean floor. Via fake press releases, events, technical specs and front companies, the CIA convinced the world that Hughes was leading a new ocean-mining rush.

In the end, the expensive mission was only a partial success: the ship’s lifting apparatus broke apart about 9000 feet below the surface, and the majority of the K-129 fell back to the floor of the ocean. It was impossible to retrieve without building a new claw, and before that could happen, details of the mission broke in the press. That didn’t stop the CIA from trying to keep it under wraps for as long as possible, leading to its notorious “Glomar Response” to Freedom of Information Act requests: the non-answer “we can neither confirm nor deny the existence of the materials requested.” That answer has held up in court over the decades and proliferated among federal and even local government agencies.

It was also the inspiration for the extra-dry humor of the CIA’s first tweet.

We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet.

— CIA (@CIA) June 6, 2014

Hughes Glomar Explorer entered popular culture in other ways, as conspiracy theories have swirled around the K-129 and the mission to retrieve it. One of them is promulgated in the 2005 book “Red Star Rogue” by Kenneth Sewell and Clint Richmond. The book became the basis of the 2013 drama "Phantom," which features Ed Harris and David Duchovny as Soviet military officers who sip vodka in a very un-Russian way.

d477fd  No.6933794


In 2006, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers declared Hughes Glomar Explorer an historic landmark. “Grasping and raising a 2,000-ton object in 17,000 feet of water in the central Pacific Ocean was a truly historic challenge, requiring a recovery system of unprecedented size and scope,” ASME wrote.

Americans can remember the whole affair for its daring, hubris, disappointment and secrecy. But for the loved ones of the Soviet sailors who died on the K-129, the words “Hughes Glomar Explorer” are more bitter. The Soviet government tried for 30 years to keep the fate of the submarine a secret from the families. After the USSR fell apart, both the Russian and US governments decided to make a clean slate of it, and then-US Defense Secretary Robert Gates delivered some of the intelligence on Project Azorian to the Russian government, along with artifacts from the chunk of the submarine the CIA managed to retrieve.

Gates also released a secret video of a funeral at sea for the remains of six Soviet sailors that were pulled up from the ocean floor. It remains one of the strangest artifacts of the entire Cold War — the other being ship itself, but it appears that one will not be with us for much longer.

655acd  No.6933795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Inside look into a Masonic Bible


c0caa0  No.6933796

File: 3aba2ee305061b0⋯.jpg (56.98 KB, 400x611, 400:611, IMG_1158.JPG)

655acd  No.6933797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Masonic Holy Bible Found and EXPOSED!( A MUST SEE!)


b38bbe  No.6933798

File: 4a3498a89e04465⋯.png (275.02 KB, 399x548, 399:548, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e68f2c24386808f⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Wishing all our followers a wonderful and peaceful Shabbat.

To those in the #USA, have a safe holiday weekend!

#ShabbatShalom ! 🙏

10:50 AM - 5 Jul 2019


Future prove the past…

""Watch the Water""

Eyes on anons

b3503b  No.6933799


>So I'm a white hat sleeper agent waking up after a lifetime undercover, while my alter was creating a worldwide movement?

Are you? You would have definitely noticed by now.

Someone is.

Maybe more than one.

b324b8  No.6933800


ok its a nice story but it doesnt over rule express scriptures

After God formed man in Genesis 2:7, He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”. Although the man was fully formed by God in all respects, he was not a living being until after taking his first breath.

In Job 33:4, it states: “The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”

Again, to quote Ezekiel 37:5&6, “Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord.”

7cdbba  No.6933801


You don't have DID, you're just a fucking liar.

655acd  No.6933802

File: 3970e82fb514bde⋯.png (999.33 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65b31f9419d6109⋯.png (885.17 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, ClipboardImage.png)

MASONRY = pure evil.

2e234e  No.6933803


A sleeper agent is a spy who is placed in a target country or organization not to undertake an immediate mission but to act as a potential asset if activated. Even if unactivated, the "sleeper agent" is still an asset and is still playing an active role by virtue of agreeing to act if activated.

The Monarch Project is a mind control program, developed by the CIA, under Project MKULTRA, an important pillar of the New World Order. After the Illuminati saw some of their puppets slipping and expose some truth, all important authorities and celebrities have been replaced by Monarch slaves. Those are being mercilessly misused for the Illuminati agenda, to exemplify the human a wrong way of life and condition them on the satanic age.

c0caa0  No.6933804

File: 2e70914f66cf2e4⋯.jpg (242.55 KB, 1239x800, 1239:800, IMG_5776.JPG)

File: d9a9f457430905c⋯.jpg (270.66 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, IMG_5787.JPG)

File: 7528ccc55124eb5⋯.jpg (201.25 KB, 1280x964, 320:241, IMG_5796.JPG)

File: 758f4f9cb59a40b⋯.jpg (406.65 KB, 555x721, 555:721, IMG_5804.JPG)

File: 457e13e27f48207⋯.jpg (13.67 KB, 183x275, 183:275, IMG_5820.JPG)

e39703  No.6933806

File: 34bf7fa1c001cfc⋯.png (137.13 KB, 1024x926, 512:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: afedb548e9a337b⋯.png (133.24 KB, 1026x858, 171:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b76bf5f2f99d05⋯.png (101.92 KB, 1008x671, 1008:671, ClipboardImage.png)

Communist China was created by Jewish infiltrators working for the International Banking Cartel

Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests.

Communist China was created by Rothschilds and their agents.

October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).

Mao would murder sixty million innocent Chinese people under his rule mainly to destroy traditional Chinese culture in order to gain total control. As with Christianity, any practitioners of spiritual systems where outlawed, killed, and thrown into gulags, to die a slow death through slave labor, starvation and torture. The Communistic systems became the new culture of control. With China under their flag, Tibet was next on the list as being the last bastion of spiritual and historical knowledge. All the Jewish systems seek to remove spiritual knowledge from Gentiles and keep it in the hands of the Jewish elite. This is a major part of their indoctrination program. There has been a major Jewish population in China for over a thousand years such as the Jews of Kaifeng.

China has been built up into the biggest global superpower by the Jewish financial elite and every valuable Western technology has been shipped there. This was identical to what the Jews did with their USSR, turning it into a massive super state of military superpower, to wage conquest upon the rest of the earth, which they did. The only reason they were halted was the second war monkey wrenched their plans globally and led to the stagnation and fall of the USSR. There are reports that the America tactical silos are contracted to Israeli firms for certain electronics’ functions, they also have their agents all over the Pentagon and other key Western military and government networks.

The covert Jewish control of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) explains why convicted Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, found guilty of stealing thousands of classified documents from the Defense Department where he worked, gave these materials to his masters, the Israeli Mossad operating in the U.S.A. The Israelis, in turn, transferred these valuable military secrets straight to Red Chinese dictators in Beijing. Pollard, a Jew born in Galveston, Texas, sits in a federal prison today. Recently, when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to America, he visited Pollard in prison and assured the despicable turncoat Israeli spy that the Israeli government was working behind-the-scenes with Obama’s White House to pardon the convicted spy. Meanwhile, Pollard is a national hero in Israel—honored for stealing America’s most precious military secrets which Israel gave to Communist China.

Even now according to official statistics Communist China again carried out more executions than the rest of the world put together. Amnesty International believes thousands are executed and sentenced to death there every year, but with numbers kept a state secret the true figure is impossible to determine.

‘Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history’.– David Rockefeller.


5a5741  No.6933807

File: d901237480ab4b9⋯.png (479.93 KB, 615x784, 615:784, Army 7-6-19 12 05 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 6ceb8861df3f468⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1306x868, 653:434, Army 7-6-19 12 05 pm PDT p….PNG)

Iraq's largest dam is now safe.


c0caa0  No.6933808

File: 6b4f7787afe832b⋯.jpg (136.56 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_6109.JPG)

610107  No.6933809


Missing the “Q Research General” in the title.

d6ec21  No.6933810

Reply to this message as to your choice of:

1. Declassification of documents relating to the "Mueller" investigation; or

2. The "Obama picture".

655acd  No.6933811

File: 1ca485516fe0e9a⋯.png (933.36 KB, 908x572, 227:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3591244f0be4956⋯.png (750.52 KB, 919x578, 919:578, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27daeed54fdbedb⋯.png (730.43 KB, 869x547, 869:547, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 725436de73c5348⋯.png (925.6 KB, 780x579, 260:193, ClipboardImage.png)

This is one of the shills being here every day.

He is mason and templar.

d86353  No.6933812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do you see the cup.

Does he talk about "when the birds sing"

c0caa0  No.6933813

File: 056df2f530e96e1⋯.png (307.3 KB, 405x578, 405:578, IMG_7573.PNG)

681ca8  No.6933814


Because YOU said so, it must be true!!!

I'll go tell my counselors right now!

I'm CURED on 8chan of all places!

I'll spread the word to all my alts, um the others so they can get cured too!

Thanks so MUCH and stick around so you can share your insight with EVERYONE

655acd  No.6933815

File: 6ef15f52260ef3f⋯.png (766.45 KB, 912x578, 456:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90fb4ef1f3006ad⋯.png (726.18 KB, 793x559, 61:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bdca3b681e3ee6⋯.png (750.98 KB, 806x536, 403:268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68e4449dfb9cfe4⋯.png (695.92 KB, 816x570, 136:95, ClipboardImage.png)

2a1193  No.6933816

baby youll be famous

9ab81b  No.6933817

File: 37b2edf33c69bb8⋯.png (543.28 KB, 722x467, 722:467, gloom.png)

File: e862b3e402cb67d⋯.png (546.64 KB, 722x467, 722:467, gloom2.png)

File: e822abed7d0f072⋯.png (570.97 KB, 722x467, 722:467, gloomblank.png)

d86353  No.6933818

File: fa8b4ca31c2b39b⋯.png (88.63 KB, 1325x1145, 265:229, Screenshot_2019-07-06 30 1….png)

File: 984e073b1e4ca59⋯.png (46.35 KB, 386x545, 386:545, Screenshot_2019-07-06 QMAP….png)

81c49b  No.6933819


you assume too much!

Peace brother/sister!

655acd  No.6933820

File: b8400f7c49007cd⋯.png (646.26 KB, 824x574, 412:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3dadb53236e6c0⋯.png (735.88 KB, 830x532, 415:266, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0623c0359b78419⋯.png (557.52 KB, 855x582, 285:194, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab18c2eeec87bf5⋯.png (811.67 KB, 898x598, 449:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f272c38993f5ab8⋯.png (866.88 KB, 965x595, 193:119, ClipboardImage.png)

a42932  No.6933821


Building a dam for the Iraqi's is all good and all, but the Army should kill and fuck shit up. Not play bob the builder. Still, good work fellas. Hope you get back home soon.

8e1074  No.6933822

File: 44ebee356d79717⋯.png (371.74 KB, 1222x680, 611:340, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

Where are AOC and other liberal democrats when it comes to the separation of American families?


e70c79  No.6933823


Today I found out why those aboard planes and ships use the word “Mayday” to indicate they are in extreme distress.

In 1923, a senior radio officer, Frederick Stanley Mockford, in Croydon Airport in London, England was asked to think of one word that would be easy to understand for all pilots and ground staff in the event of an emergency.

The problem had arisen as voice radio communication slowly became more common, so an equivalent to the Morse code SOS distress signal was needed. Obviously a word like “help” wasn’t a good choice for English speakers because it could be used in normal conversations where no one was in distress.

At the time Mockford was considering the request, much of the traffic he was dealing with was between Croydon and Le Bourget Airport in Paris, France. With both the French and English languages in mind, he came up with the somewhat unique word “Mayday”, the anglicized spelling of the French pronunciation of the word “m’aider” which means “help me”.

Four years later, in 1927, the International Radiotelegraph Convention of Washington made “Mayday” the official voice distress call used only to communicate the most serious level of distress, such as with life-threatening emergencies.

When using Mayday in a distress call, it is traditional to repeat it three times in a row, “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”. This is to make sure it is easily distinguishable from a message about a Mayday call and from any similar sounding phrases in noisy conditions.

In situations where a vessel requires assistance, not from grave and imminent danger, a distress call of “pan-pan” can be used instead. Essentially, it means you need aid, but you don’t need support personnel to necessarily drop what they’re doing right that instant and come help you, as with a Mayday.

Like Mayday, pan-pan is the anglicized spelling of a French word, in this case “panne”, which means “broken/failure/breakdown”. Also, as with Mayday, one should state it three consecutive times: “pan-pan pan-pan pan-pan”, followed by which station(s) you are addressing and your last known location, nature of your emergency, etc.

If there is no reply to a Mayday or pan-pan call by the Coast Guard or other emergency agency, and a couple minutes have passed since the last one, some other radio source, such as another ship or plane that received the call, should transmit their own Mayday call, but on behalf of the ship or plane that first made the call, repeating the pertinent information they heard when they received the Mayday message.

If you liked this article, you might also enjoy our new popular podcast, The BrainFood Show (iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, Feed), as well as:

Why Do People Stick Out and Bite Their Tongues When Concentrating?

How Did “911” Become The Emergency Call Number in North America?

Why We Break A Bottle of Champagne Against New Ships

Why Port and Starboard Indicate the Left and Right Side of a Ship

Why Do Radio Signals Travel Farther at Night than in the Day?

Bonus Facts:

Making false declaration of “Mayday” in the United States can get you up to six years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

Contrary to popular vernacular, you would never actually say “over and out” in an official radio communication. Why? Because “over” means you’re done talking and are expecting a reply. “Out” means you are both done talking and are finished with the communication, not expecting a reply from anyone.

During the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, even though four planes crashed, only one was able to make a Mayday call. Flight 93 crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, and made two Mayday calls to Air Traffic Control in Cleveland. The first call was at 09:28:17. Captain Jason Dahl can be heard shouting, “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday” over sounds of violence. The second Mayday call came at 09:28:50 when someone in the cockpit shouted, “Mayday! Get out of here! Get out of here!”. No one knows exactly when Flight 93 came under the control of the highjackers but by 09:31:57, highjacker Ziad Jarrah was making announcements to the plane’s passengers and inadvertently to Air Traffic Control in Cleveland.


681ca8  No.6933824


Presumption is the asshole of ASSumption. Peace also be with you

c0caa0  No.6933825

File: ef8d55604e971fe⋯.jpg (20.72 KB, 236x171, 236:171, IMG_2849.JPG)


655acd  No.6933826

File: bc97425de531354⋯.png (210.21 KB, 380x285, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 446de8d6ade53c7⋯.png (263.73 KB, 380x285, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Who Are The Royal Order of Jesters?

Uncovering a Police-Driven, International Sex Trafficking Ring that Actually Happened

What I’m going to present to you in this article will be bizarre, troubling, and very hard to digest. It involves multiple branches of government, law enforcement, and tax-exempt groups soliciting, transporting, and sexually assaulting underaged illegal sex workers and undocumented immigrants.


114c4d  No.6933827



Mars? and Goldstone Deep Space? KeK

e6a747  No.6933828


ATL's called The Emerald City.. HW movie production is huge there & is a human trafficking hub…

5a5741  No.6933829

File: 6902ddea5fbb5f5⋯.png (498.12 KB, 652x640, 163:160, Piggy Bank.PNG)


>Building a dam for the Iraqi's is all good and all, but the Army should kill and fuck shit up. Not play bob the builder

b38bbe  No.6933830

File: 5e641e908e7afc7⋯.png (117.76 KB, 399x458, 399:458, ClipboardImage.png)

You want a boy? Want a girl? Researchers at the Tel Aviv University School of Medicine have developed an innovative genetic method to regulate the sex of an embryo with an accuracy of 100 percent:


10:15 PM - 3 Jul 2019


655acd  No.6933831

File: 91ec2c39b95adbb⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1520x1024, 95:64, ClipboardImage.png)

File: affb9d989543d0c⋯.png (91.07 KB, 205x246, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74a9a6dccbf635e⋯.png (386.93 KB, 1207x1038, 1207:1038, ClipboardImage.png)

c0caa0  No.6933832

File: 8111a49de66fc11⋯.jpg (64.72 KB, 440x599, 440:599, IMG_5755.JPG)

acad32  No.6933833


Oh shit, now that song is in my head, Kek!

Deep dark depression excessive misery …

3f9359  No.6933834




e39703  No.6933835

File: e4d035c2c21e2aa⋯.png (935.93 KB, 437x925, 437:925, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c59ba6a136cbae⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1419x920, 1419:920, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e9ecacbecf4236⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1423x925, 1423:925, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e97c1da0abfa91e⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1417x704, 1417:704, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6981e287b9dfc44⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1414x485, 1414:485, ClipboardImage.png)

Is there a HUGE undersea war going on ‘under the radar’?

2f5209  No.6933836


I've suspected very similar depth to it all.

655acd  No.6933837

File: d87193f07d0dabc⋯.png (617.57 KB, 543x569, 543:569, ClipboardImage.png)

c0caa0  No.6933838

File: 7c23d12a69fa044⋯.gif (747.13 KB, 500x271, 500:271, IMG_5976.GIF)

1b0e43  No.6933839

File: a372a787a19fc91⋯.jpeg (20.87 KB, 241x255, 241:255, E8ADE88A-CEAD-4160-87C0-A….jpeg)

4e92cf  No.6933840

File: 30e99a577cf4b94⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 275x428, 275:428, 275px-Virgen_de_guadalupe1.jpg)


And your scripture quotes don't overrule mine.

Thank you for inspiring me to say an extra prayer today for the protection of all human life, from conception through natural death.

655acd  No.6933841

File: be4f63bf76cddda⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 002b210db231ec4⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

412a51  No.6933842



(To see if it's still there.)

c0caa0  No.6933843

File: b2466aede2bf980⋯.jpg (270.96 KB, 1022x1024, 511:512, IMG_4948.JPG)

655acd  No.6933844

File: 866e57decdc0340⋯.png (187.15 KB, 711x520, 711:520, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b16a2196343d1a7⋯.png (419.9 KB, 907x558, 907:558, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45bfd1f53871446⋯.png (474.95 KB, 1002x552, 167:92, ClipboardImage.png)

d477fd  No.6933845


Project Azorian

The CIA's Declassified History of the Glomar Explorer

By Matthew Aid

For the first time, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has declassified substantive information on one of its most secret and sensitive schemes, "Project Azorian," the Agency codename for its ambitious plan to raise a sunken Soviet submarine from the floor of the Pacific Ocean in order to retrieve its secrets. Today the National Security Archive publishes "Project Azorian: The Story of the Hughes Glomar Explorer," a "Secret" 50-page article from the fall 1985 edition of the Agency's in-house journal Studies in Intelligence. Written by a participant in the operation whose identity remains classified, the article discusses the conception and planning of the retrieval effort and the creation of a special ship Glomar Explorer, which raised portions of the submarine in August 1974. The National Security Archive submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the CIA for the document on December 12, 2007.

Also published today for the first time are recently-declassified White House memoranda of conversations from 1975 recounting the reactions of President Ford and cabinet members to ongoing news of press leaks about the Glomar Explorer, including Seymour Hersh's exposé in The New York Times on March 19, 1975.

The first sketchy details of the program were published by the Los Angeles Times in February 1975 and by columnist Jack Anderson in a March 18 radio program, and were further developed in Hersh's March 19 article in the New York Times. Since then the CIA has been so adamant in its refusal to declassify any material related to "Project Azorian" that it will neither confirm nor deny that the operation ever existed. This doctrine changed slightly in the 1990s, when the Agency declassified a videotape given previously to Russian president Boris Yeltsin showing the burial at sea of the Russian crewmen who were found in the portion of the submarine that the CIA raised to the surface. But other than this videotape, for the past 35 years the public has had to rely for everything that it knew about the project on a very small number of books and articles written without access to the classified records. (Note 1)

This newly-released CIA document vastly expands what we know about this poorly-understood operation. Despite significant redactions made by the CIA, the article contains a detailed chronological history of the program from its inception until Jack Anderson published the first hard details about the program in April 1975. Internal evidence suggests that the article was written in 1978, but it was prepared at such a high level of classification that it was apparently unpublishable until the Agency made decisions in 1985 to downgrade it to "Secret."

The story of "Project Azorian" began on March 1, 1968, when a Soviet Golf-II submarine, the K-129 (the CIA history refers to the submarine by its pendant number - 722), carrying three SS-N-4 Sark nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, sailed from the naval base at Petropavlovsk on the Kamchatka Peninsula to take up its peacetime patrol station northeast of Hawaii. If war had broken out, the K-129 would have launched its three ballistic missiles, each carrying a one megaton nuclear warhead, at targets along the west coast of the United States. But something went terribly wrong, for in mid-March 1968 the submarine suffered a catastrophic accident and sank 1,560 miles northwest of Hawaii with the loss of its entire crew. Interestingly, the CIA history is silent on the cause of the accident, mentioning neither how the agency came to learn of the sub's demise nor the exact location of its resting place 16,500 feet below the surface of Pacific. It is quite likely that this information was Top Secret, and could not be included in the article at the Secret classification level, despite the fact that books and articles about the project back in the 1970s mention that the U.S. Navy's SOSUS underwater sonar system detected the location of the sunken submarine.

The article traces in detail the trials and tribulations of "Project Azorian" over the next six years, culminating on August 8, 1974, when the commercial vessel specially modified to perform the secret mission, the Hughes Glomar Explorer, raised a portion of the K-129 to the surface and took it to Hawaii for detailed examination.

4f6a23  No.6933846


…when was that written?


I can’t see dates on it.

Thanks for sharing.

These guys are assholes.

c0caa0  No.6933847

File: 9c633df10272788⋯.jpg (190.44 KB, 1197x800, 1197:800, IMG_5704.JPG)

File: 3d2e4d2a60d289f⋯.jpg (655.21 KB, 1508x1624, 13:14, IMG_5707.JPG)

File: a9a4ed7110f0d85⋯.jpg (190.09 KB, 998x800, 499:400, IMG_5709.JPG)

603b06  No.6933848


Thank you for everything, if I'm talking to the right entity.

My soul is ready, if the vision was true.

I just pray I've done enough.

6cdd47  No.6933849

File: 627e5cfcde6f314⋯.png (936.78 KB, 1041x756, 347:252, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ec8b7f1164bd83⋯.png (116.63 KB, 337x692, 337:692, ClipboardImage.png)


That tweet aligns, using the 55:25 offset mirror for today (6 Jul 19), with Q Post 2712 from 14 Feb 19.


Reminder: Q's Cryptic Communication Style Necessary to Comply with National Security Laws



14 Feb 2019 - 5:26:29 PM


14 Feb 2019 - 5:20:18 PM




and how


Credit to Anons who deciphered Red/Green Castle.

Why must we communicate this way?

Think NAT SEC laws.


2be1c1  No.6933850


Are you suggesting that a propose of all this was to attract the attention of certain Monarch-programmed white-hat sleeper agents so that they could be sent a wake-up signal?

c0caa0  No.6933851

File: 65a868a8ff2abb5⋯.jpg (47.3 KB, 480x601, 480:601, IMG_0713.JPG)

a42932  No.6933852


This shit was spook demoralization trash when it was first posted and it still is.

b38bbe  No.6933853

I´m waiting for Patriots researchers…

Hello, is there anybody out there?

655acd  No.6933854

File: d0695411eeb4d13⋯.png (555.24 KB, 821x590, 821:590, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0521df4ee00efc⋯.png (340.03 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb41573b472e680⋯.png (102.35 KB, 236x309, 236:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3eafafa6c0fdd81⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1294x920, 647:460, ClipboardImage.png)

81c49b  No.6933855

File: 13c7d7eecafd334⋯.jpg (9.91 KB, 240x232, 30:29, df9b4e7fad9439d1f95dd26ffc….jpg)


What's the significance anon?

21c6e9  No.6933856


You fucked up the title, didn't post a pastebin, and then you ghost.

lmfao, this board in a nutshell.

d477fd  No.6933857


The declassified article is replete with information that has never been made public before now:

On July 1, 1969, the CIA established the Special Projects Staff within its Directorate of Science and Technology to manage "Project Azorian." The head of the unit was John Parangosky, a senior official in the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology who had previously managed the development and operation of a number of highly-classified CIA aerial reconnaissance systems. His deputy, and the man who ran the day-to-day operations of Project Azorian for the next six years, was a U.S. Naval Academy graduate and World War II submarine officer named Ernest "Zeke" Zellmer. President Richard Nixon personally approved the creation of the special task force in August 1969. (pp. 4-5)

With President Nixon's approval in hand, on August 19, 1969, CIA director Richard Helms placed all information concerning the work being done by Parangosky and Zellmer's staff in a special security compartment called "Jennifer," thus restricting all knowledge of what these men were doing to a very small and select group of people inside the White House and the U.S. intelligence community, including President Richard Nixon and his national security advisor, Henry Kissinger. It should be noted that in the 1970s, a number of books and articles claimed incorrectly that "Jennifer" was the name of the operation. (p. 5)

It was not until October 1970 that a team of CIA engineers and specially-cleared contractors determined that the only technically-feasible way to lift the huge 1,750-ton Soviet submarine off the sea floor was to slip a specially-made sling made out of pipe-strings around the submarine, then slowly raise the sub to the surface using heavy-duty winches mounted on a specially-modified ship built for this purpose. (p. 9, 15)

Initially, senior intelligence officials were not particularly optimistic about the chances of success for the operation, believing that there was only a 10 percent chance that the operation would succeed. (p. 11)

In August 1971, during the early research and development stage of the program, "Project Azorian" came within inches of being cancelled because of huge cost overruns. According to the article, the only thing that saved the program from being terminated was the potential intelligence bonanza that would accrue if the project succeeded. Despite deep concerns about rising costs on the part of the officials overseeing "Project Azorian," on October 4, 1971 the CIA was authorized to proceed with the program. (pp. 13, 15)

Work began immediately building a ship specifically designed to conduct the operation. On November 16, 1971, the keel was laid at the Sun Shipbuilders yard in Chester, Pennsylvania of what would become the Hughes Glomar Explorer. The initial schedule called for the ship to be launched on October 5, 1972, and delivered to the CIA on April 20, 1973. (p. 15)

655acd  No.6933858

File: 9c6b64e8bfa2491⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1312x875, 1312:875, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 038795615b13b05⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1312x875, 1312:875, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf5abecf5d0ba48⋯.png (925.75 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, ClipboardImage.png)

555490  No.6933859


How did she get a butt as a nose? Nasty!

552e60  No.6933860

File: 3a388c852d003c5⋯.png (149.59 KB, 1018x1126, 509:563, ClipboardImage.png)


20221d  No.6933861

File: 78511fcf38ef4e6⋯.jpg (256.06 KB, 1139x817, 1139:817, fc594e3d8fdbc9783ef3f6c7e1….jpg)

d477fd  No.6933862


The developing U.S.-Soviet détente, symbolized by the cordial meetings between President Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev at the May 1972 Moscow summit, threatened to derail Azorian. In July 1972, the special Executive Committee, which oversaw the project, asked the high-level and top secret 40 Committee, which oversaw all sensitive intelligence operations, to review the project due to the possibility that, by the time it was ready for deployment in 1974, "the developing political climate might prohibit mission approval." The views of other senior government officials cleared for access to "Project Azorian" were also solicited. The response was far from positive. The Deputy Secretary of Defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Intelligence), and the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) all recommended that "Project Azorian" be terminated because, in addition to the rapidly rising costs of the program and the political risks involved, the value of the anticipated intelligence gain from the operation was probably less than what the CIA believed. Despite the impressive heft of these negative assessments of "Project Azorian," on December 11, 1972, President Richard Nixon ordered that the program be continued. This proved to be the last major bureaucratic obstacle that "Project Azorian" had to clear. (pp. 16-19)

While docked at the port of Long Beach, California between October 1973 and January 1974, 24 vans containing the classified equipment needed to perform the mission were loaded aboard the Hughes Glomar Explorer. (p. 25)

In November 1973, a strike by union members belonging to the Marine Engineers Benevolent Association (MEBA) disrupted the completion of the fitting out of the Hughes Glomar Explorer for its mission at Long Beach. Because the mission could only be accomplished during a ten week "weather window" between July and mid-September, CIA officials were concerned that the delay could cause the ship to miss its deployment date. If that had happened, the mission would have been delayed for an entire year until the next period of favorable weather conditions occurred. (pp. 27-28)

On June 7, 1974, President Nixon personally approved launching the "Project Azorian" mission, with the stipulation that the Hughes Glomar Explorer not begin its work until after he had returned from a summit meeting in Moscow scheduled to last from June 27, 1974, to July 3, 1974. The Glomar Explorer arrived at the recovery site 1,560 miles northwest of Hawaii on July 4, 1974, the day after Nixon left Moscow. Recovery operations commenced immediately to attach the pipe-string collars around the Soviet submarine. (pp. 36-37)

The Hughes Glomar Explorer's recovery operations were greatly complicated by almost 14 days of near-continuous surveillance of the ship's work by two Soviet naval vessels. Despite the presence of the Soviet surveillance vessels, recovery work did not stop. But fearing that the Soviets might try to land personnel on his ship by helicopter, on July 18, 1974, the CIA mission director on the Glomar Explorer ordered crates stacked on his ship's helicopter deck to prevent the Soviets from landing on it. According to the article, orders were given to "be prepared to order emergency destruction of sensitive material which could compromise the mission if the Soviets attempted to board the ship. The team designated to defend the control room long enough to destroy the material… was alerted, but guns were not issued." (p. 39)

The Hughes Glomar Explorer began lifting the K-129 off the sea floor on August 1, 1974, more than three weeks after the ship arrived at the recovery site. It took eight days to slowly winch the remains of the Soviet submarine into the massive hold of the Glomar Explorer, with the sub finally being secured inside the ship on August 8, 1974. The next day, recovery operations were completed and the ship sailed for Hawaii to offload its haul. (pp. 43-46)

Unfortunately, the CIA made significant deletions from the text of the article, which makes it extremely difficult to accurately gauge just how successful "Project Azorian" was. For example, the CIA refused to declassify any information concerning the massive cost overruns, which threatened to shut down the program during its early stages. Subsequent reports estimate that as much as $500 million (in 1974 dollars) were spent. Nor did the declassified portions of the CIA article answer the critically important questions of how much of the submarine the Hughes Glomar Explorer managed to bring to the surface, or what intelligence information was derived from the exploitation of the portions of the sub that were recovered. Unfortunately, this material apparently was either redacted from the text or not included because of the high classification assigned to this material.

c0caa0  No.6933863

File: 6860c4e4e9ce95c⋯.jpg (312.25 KB, 1594x800, 797:400, IMG_5942.JPG)

File: e1b37dfc0b94d25⋯.jpg (625.71 KB, 1500x2250, 2:3, IMG_5943.JPG)

File: fbe78a80ac766ce⋯.jpg (165.77 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_5946.JPG)

File: e84842091ccc1d0⋯.jpg (150.74 KB, 1360x800, 17:10, IMG_5947.JPG)

File: acef23ae69d8634⋯.jpg (221.76 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, IMG_5948.JPG)

a8dc68  No.6933864


Yes. There was no singular i.e. patterns displayed in the show except at the beginning. It was unrelenting explosions.

Compare the past DC fireworks displays to this year.

Found it very curious.

655acd  No.6933865

File: b62494354d61f7e⋯.png (222.15 KB, 500x546, 250:273, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56ee6679f716a91⋯.png (239.94 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ClipboardImage.png)

d477fd  No.6933866


So what can we surmise about what "Project Azorian" accomplished? Because the CIA article provides no answers to this critical question, the prevailing school of thought maintains that the project failed to accomplish its primary goals. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh's March 1975 New York Times article reported that the mission was, in the opinion of senior U.S. Navy officials, a failure, because the CIA did not recover any of the K-129's SS-N-4 nuclear-armed ballistic missiles. Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew's 1998 book Blind Man's Bluff reported that only a 38-foot long forward section of the K-129 was recovered, including the sub's torpedo compartment and its store of Russian nuclear torpedoes. Ninety percent of the highly-fragile submarine, including the conning tower, missile compartment, control room, radio shack and engine room, broke free and fell back to the ocean floor, disintegrating on contact. "Back to the ocean floor went the intact [SS-N-4] nuclear missile, the codebooks, decoding machines, the burst transmitters. Everything the CIA most wanted to reclaim." And because only small fragments survived the disintegration of the submarine when it hit bottom, the CIA decided not to make a second attempt to retrieve what was left. Sontag and Drew argue that a Navy proposal to use a deep-sea submersible to probe the sunken vessel was never properly vetted, although it may have produced better results. (Note 2)

There apparently were some tangential benefits that accrued from the project. In June 1993, a panel of Russian experts prepared a report for President Boris Yeltsin, using only information made available to them by the Russian intelligence services, which concluded that the CIA recovered at least two nuclear-armed torpedoes from the portion of the K-129 that it managed to bring to the surface. According to the report, the level of plutonium radiation the CIA team on the Hughes Glomar Explorer encountered was consistent with two nuclear warheads. (Note 3) This conclusion is partially confirmed in the surviving text of the CIA article, which reported that Glomar Explorer's recovery crew had to deal with plutonium contamination once the sub was raised to the surface caused by the one-point detonation of the high explosive components of one or more of the K-129's nuclear torpedoes. (p. 46)

So was "Project Azorian" a waste of time and taxpayer money? We will not know for sure until the CIA declassifies the remainder of this article and other documents relating to this operation.


655acd  No.6933867

File: 9235879d9d17507⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1342x6385, 1342:6385, ClipboardImage.png)

Freemasonry and the British Monarchy

Why the Queen of England Pretends to be a Christian


1b0e43  No.6933868

File: 216c933ba44f2bd⋯.jpeg (318.49 KB, 750x828, 125:138, D6AD5421-F591-4507-A710-9….jpeg)

File: 9aa6915a3bfc3b2⋯.jpeg (279.88 KB, 760x948, 190:237, A25B5476-71C9-4197-AE3C-2….jpeg)

5e1b83  No.6933869

File: 923761e4578e3a4⋯.jpg (12.56 KB, 281x180, 281:180, egg zachary.jpg)

655acd  No.6933870

File: b9144d55947164b⋯.png (1.35 MB, 696x4653, 232:1551, ClipboardImage.png)

It’s Not Just Westminster Where Freemasons Still Have Influence

For half a century, police forces in Britain have been accused of being swayed by the secret society.


acad32  No.6933871

File: 2e0775fe0985e6c⋯.png (391.42 KB, 621x518, 621:518, pictaker3.png)

File: d5d6eb11b7f5d7d⋯.png (131.29 KB, 253x321, 253:321, picture2.png)

File: d0f26aff64122a4⋯.png (218.57 KB, 383x399, 383:399, Possiblepictureman.png)

d36009  No.6933872

File: b0a78ec7368544c⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 5000x5000, 1:1, sdhfdhvbvvvv.jpg)

51ea7e  No.6933873

File: af794dcaad9c5ce⋯.jpg (529.96 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Water1.jpg)



5abd1c  No.6933874


he's a li'l fighter that shill

f5bf60  No.6933875


Possible threat to break the internet? Like trump says “we’ll have to what happens”.

655acd  No.6933876

File: 730ef910dac38c4⋯.png (4.18 MB, 685x3256, 685:3256, ClipboardImage.png)


655acd  No.6933877

The So-Called 'Chief' of LA's Weird Fake Masonic Police Died Suddenly on Monday


Illuminati Grandmaster Henry X of the Masonic Fraternal Police Department was 47.

David Henry, who led a Los Angeles County–based organization that styled itself after police and freemasons—despite probably being neither—died aged 47 on Monday.

According to The Los Angeles Times, his death all but closes the investigation into whether teaming up with his friends and family members, dressing in his police costume—or even his "Illuminati Grandmaster Henry X" costume—and going around to local businesses claiming to be some kind of law enforcement officer, constituted a crime.

According to the Times report, Henry appeared in a courtroom on Monday morning in the city of San Fernando to see charges of impersonating a police officer and improper use of a government-issued ID card against his son-in-law Brandon Kiel, dropped. That was just hours before Henry died from a pulmonary embolism at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, his lawyer Gary Casselman told the Times.

One defendant, Henry's associate Tonette Hayes, who is in her late forties, still apparently faces charges on four counts of misdemeanor police impersonation. According to The Guardian, David Henry was being charged with impersonating a police officer, and perjury.

Henry's legal trouble began in May of last year when he, Hayes, and Kiel were all arrested for impersonating police officers as a result of their membership in Henry's group, known as the Masonic Fraternal Police Department. The story attracted even more attention with the revelation that Kiel worked for California Attorney General Kamala Harris at the time of his alleged impersonations. According to a YouTube video Henry posted in June of last year (above), the charges were an attempt to interfere with Harris' campaign.

The now-defunct website for the group (which is archived here) claimed at the time that the Knights Templar had founded the Masonic Fraternal Police Department in 1100 BC, and that their police force—which had jurisdiction not just in the US, but in Mexico—was "the oldest and most respected organization in the 'World.'"

The Masonic Fraternal Police Department first aroused the suspicion of established law enforcement in the LA area in 2014, according to the Times, when Henry and other members of his organization walked into an LA County Sheriff's office in Santa Clarita. They wore police uniforms, and told deputies that they were going to begin their own version of law enforcement operations in the area.

Casselman questioned the validity of the charges to the Times on Monday, saying that instead of charging the defendants, officers"could have told Mr. Henry and Ms. Hayes and Mr. Kiel, 'Listen, this is not a good idea. Someone might think you are impersonating a police officer.'"

A spokesperson for Kamala Harris told VICE last year that Kiel had been placed on administrative leave. The Times confirmed Monday that he is no longer employed by the state, and is now hoping to attend grad school.


655acd  No.6933879

File: ef197f274cf756e⋯.png (84.13 KB, 220x208, 55:52, ClipboardImage.png)

Fraternal Order of Police

The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is a fraternal organization consisting of sworn law enforcement officers in the United States. It reports a membership of over 346,000 members organized in 2,100 local chapters (lodges), state lodges, and the national Grand Lodge. The organization attempts to improve the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those they serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation.[1]

FOP subordinate lodges may be trade unions and/or Fraternal Organizations, as the FOP has both Labor Lodges and Fraternal Lodges, and describes itself as a "full service member representation organization."[1] It lobbies Congress and regulatory agencies on behalf of law enforcement officers, provides labor representation, promotes legal defense for officers, and offers resources such as legal research. It also sponsors charities such as Easter Seals, Special Olympics, memorials for fallen officers, and support programs for spouses and family members of police officers.


8e1074  No.6933880


I agree. They can't really take us down except by our own hands. The crowd on the mall was decent, respectful, cleaned up after themselves. Are DS actors getting scared?…you bet. There has got to be something in place that if ANYTHING happened to Trump the result would be unthinkable for the DS. Remember the Chinese camera tech that could take detailed images at great distance?

4db230  No.6933881


Imo pic is worth a thousand words. Normies would wake with pic over docs

590f83  No.6933882


The mind of the Monarch slave contains different memory fragments, or even personalities. A so called "trigger" will switch the victims "alter" from one to another. To remain undetected to the public, triggers have to be inconspicuous. Triggers are also being called "keys". To program, or to trigger, a Monarch slave at least one person on the inside is needed, called a "handler".

655acd  No.6933883

File: b984db0d3d1440f⋯.png (3.01 MB, 2398x1671, 2398:1671, [FREEMASONRY_ILLUMINATI].png)

File: b6bbba7792b82ed⋯.png (72.82 KB, 386x1410, 193:705, Q100.png)

File: 6dbb117f5fb0e99⋯.png (57.05 KB, 386x872, 193:436, Q133.png)

File: 78d3e1a9449827e⋯.png (70.18 KB, 386x959, 386:959, Q189.png)


this is what Q and anons are fighting.

c40ead  No.6933884

File: a2ee7748342f2bb⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1954x1080, 977:540, ClipboardImage.png)


The character from Silence of the lambs called Multiple Miggs because he was 'Multiple personality disorder' Miggs.

4f6a23  No.6933885


The larp trump insider who photographed the stage and made it look like he was on stage and cropped to look like it was shot from a phone.

5f9df5  No.6933886


>Are you suggesting that a propose of all this was to attract the attention of certain Monarch-programmed white-hat sleeper agents so that they could be sent a wake-up signal?


Think for yourselves.

Research for yourselves.

Q. What if the only way The Plan could work was if everyone who knew about it had their memories wiped?

655acd  No.6933887

File: a6caf865f9314ec⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1009x604, 1009:604, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 708f3a3e5fb4bbe⋯.png (496.06 KB, 1122x388, 561:194, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fe026f8fad0d92⋯.png (987.71 KB, 998x608, 499:304, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b8c51157790b26⋯.png (1.15 MB, 984x611, 984:611, ClipboardImage.png)

3742be  No.6933888


That was my speculation as well.

Just didn't want to go off half-cocked w/o sauce.

1b0e43  No.6933889


Careful you’ll make ebot horny AF.

d86353  No.6933890

HRC, corrupt foundation and IRS

1b16b5  No.6933891




Three Boeing KC-135 tankers were converted to Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint aircraft in the most complex combined Foreign Military Sales case and co-operative support arrangement that the UK had undertaken with the United States Air Force (USAF) since World War II. All three were based at RAF Waddington, replacing the Nimrod R1 aircraft due out of service in 2011. The Nimrods entered service in the 1960s and provide the UK’s only signals intelligence (SIGINT) platform that collects and examines routine radio signals to provide support to front-line commanders. Along with the aircraft comes a supporting ground system which is currently providing a similar SIGINT capability to US Forces.

The 3 aircraft, converted by L-3IS in Greenville, Texas, from a Boeing KC-135 tanker, have been bought directly from the US government at a cost of around £650 million. The Airseeker capability, comprising all 3 UK Rivet Joint RC-135W aircraft and ground exploitation systems, operated by their highly skilled aircrews, ground crews and analysts, is due to be fully operational by mid-2017. Airseeker joined the RAF’s ISTAR Force, which includes Sentry, Shadow, Sentinel and Reaper as well as the reconnaissance capabilities of British fighter aircraft.

Maybe there's a fourth one floating around out there…

c0caa0  No.6933892



4b1952  No.6933893

File: dfea865d5405022⋯.jpg (30.19 KB, 430x441, 430:441, 0386db8a3b59f113b34f9b60ea….jpg)


Audio of assassination plotting against POTUS.

655acd  No.6933894



7ec5d2  No.6933895

Trump will lose in 2020. Q has shit the bed. Whether a LARP or a Psyop doesn't matter. I will not vote for the first time in my life. It's time to stock up on ammo and research your local militia. I know most are comped, but some aren't. Do your due diligence and make a decision. I'm considering voting D just so we can get to SHTF sooner.

Or just sit on your asses and trust the "plan". Fuck your optics, it's time to hang the traitors in the street. Q's hanging will be televised!

Filter me faggots! You Q cultists are too trusting. We'll shoot you cunts in the head when the time comes for enabling. Internet tough guy or pissed off Patriot doesn't matter. I'd rather die fighting then be slow boiled with degeneracy. Blood will flow, eventually. Get in the fight or get out of the way!

b38bbe  No.6933896

""Do you want to know the future?""

2d2cf2  No.6933897

File: f530315d9e02fe8⋯.jpg (257.25 KB, 598x713, 26:31, sdfhdfjdfaw.jpg)

d79543  No.6933898


19 would cease to exist immediately.

8e1074  No.6933899


The Chinese were the first to invent fireworks and have maintained their lead in making them. This year's DC fireworks were donated by US companies, I believe. I didn't see the show, but I wouldn't be surprised if fireworks are one item that the Chinese are truly better at making. It is one item that I consider a legitimate import.

4c452c  No.6933900

>>6933322 (LB)

>>6932896 (LB)

A/C condensate drains

e70c79  No.6933902

File: 8b2ab721606190f⋯.png (23.56 KB, 389x485, 389:485, ClipboardImage.png)


What if we are the 4-6% forever lost from control by the fake matrix-reality imposed on the populous?

2a1193  No.6933903


id settle for understanding the present

2b7228  No.6933904


are you the magic 8-ball?

4f6a23  No.6933905


God wins.

655acd  No.6933906


>red castle


I got the feeling that shill baker will either leave out or name in a way to hide this info…

38a3dc  No.6933907


Code Blue is the name of the restaurant reflected in his glasses

1b0e43  No.6933908

File: bd24db71dc1fa46⋯.jpeg (282.49 KB, 627x711, 209:237, C886F4B0-D512-4F29-9342-F….jpeg)


>half-cocked without sauce….

Sowwy had a lot on my mind, and not all men are created equal I’m afraid.

12debb  No.6933909


>Q. What if the only way The Plan could work was if everyone who knew about it had their memories wiped?

I knew the answer, but I forgot.

3742be  No.6933910


Actually I thought it might be an unlabelled Rivet Joint when first saw the ovals.

A 2nd one has joined the first, and has been up for 46 minutes flying an overlapping pattern.

21c6e9  No.6933911


>more UIDs in a random /pol/ thread than /qresearch/ general

This board is dead, no wonder there's no anons or bakers.

Carry on reddit-boomers.

4db230  No.6933912


It would be easier to embed trigger in a viral cat video…

You realize 4ch and 8ch are at the bottom of the internet barrel? No one in normie land even knows what it is unless they know an anon personally.

2be1c1  No.6933913


Mueller docs.

The Obama Pic gets people mad. The Mueller Docs gets other people arrested.

f7548c  No.6933914

Since it's trivia day, who's the Davy Jones in DJ's locker? lotta squid with us.

3742be  No.6933915

File: 60d51e35bcb2490⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1757x778, 1757:778, 2019-07-06-15:32:58-edt.png)

a42932  No.6933916


>Remember the Chinese camera tech that could take detailed images at great distance?

I don't think it's far fetched to say, not everyone on stage with POTUS that day is an ally. Some might even be known and open enemies. But due to pageantry reasons, they get to be on the stage and take a photo of the podium, and subsequently shit post here.

Hell, I bet POTUS has sit downs face to face in the Oval office with people that hold positions in our gov who are openly at war with him behind closed doors and when the cameras come on they all act like they are all on team America.

A very fine line POTUS must walk. Enemies are always close.

2f5209  No.6933917


An anon posted a really cool sub documentary Gary Holland's acct yesterday. I watched the whole thing last night.Extremely interesting start to finish. This topic was covered. I think the doc is called Blind Man's Bluff.

4d4254  No.6933918

File: c233ee7fbf880c7⋯.png (471.5 KB, 720x1256, 90:157, Img-1562441584078.png)

File: a9c1b13168fa25d⋯.jpg (86.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, jedi2.jpg)

035873  No.6933919


Welp, Israel's screwed. I'd feel worse for them if they didn't create an Arab invasion force by helping to destroy much of the Middle East.

3f9359  No.6933920


Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)

1b16b5  No.6933921


who knows what the zoomies label these things as when filling out their flight plans…

Shit, are we rivet joint or gas can today…

who cares…

Planefags do

12debb  No.6933922


>2. The "Obama picture".

Cuz everone knows the RM inv is BS for so long that I don't even care to hear about it ever again.

ab5907  No.6933923


hiding in plain sight

671f34  No.6933924

Major Trump Effects:

More Americans are aware of the contents of the American Constitution.

More Americans are aware of exactly who the Founding Patriots were.

More Americans love America.

More Jobs for Americans.

More Money for Americans.

More Peace for Americans.

More Honor for Americans.

And after the July 4 Salute to America: More Americans are becoming aware of the contents of the Declaration of Independence.

Nothing Happening? A Tsunami of Happenings. Very Important Happenings. So much more important than the temporary visceral pleasure watching shrillary and obomber dancing in the air.

The disseminating of True Knowledge to Americans is, imho, the more important work being done to Make America Great. First, make Americans aware of America.




4d4254  No.6933925

File: 701ea6d36087535⋯.png (291.5 KB, 720x710, 72:71, Img-1562441509361.png)

File: 55c5a6d3b16a138⋯.png (198.99 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, Img-1562441531131.png)

File: 314dbea8d8b59bb⋯.jpeg (272.13 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 982cadac-a537-4af7-b1eb-8….jpeg)

File: 6e63ccb3e6aca34⋯.jpg (95.26 KB, 525x540, 35:36, Notre Dame Fighting Irish.jpg)

File: 37968fa8f5e8a65⋯.jpg (997.39 KB, 1600x1988, 400:497, 5i7NGnwsubXRYF6luLdSi6iC9I….jpg)

46379e  No.6933926

File: d85d866aee9b2f5⋯.jpg (102.51 KB, 923x723, 923:723, ElmerAfwaid.JPG)


>Sowwy had a lot on my mind, and not all men are created equal I’m afraid.


c09d10  No.6933927

File: 152063660a24606⋯.jpg (500.15 KB, 728x640, 91:80, one_million_keks.jpg)



lol, nigger you just posted 24 times about masons.

>inb4 JIDF

4c7989  No.6933928

File: 5080eede4716a6e⋯.jpg (613.26 KB, 1800x1141, 1800:1141, 2016-clemson-tigers--colle….jpg)

File: 8ed087e8c224020⋯.png (119.72 KB, 664x237, 664:237, Rapinoe.png)

File: 30a875d309c8d53⋯.png (638.47 KB, 767x1216, 767:1216, Former Clemson running bac….png)

Ready for a bunch of coincidences?

After 1 minute of digging, this is what I see:

25-year old football player, Tyshon Dye, drowns at the


Dye was a member of the 2016 Auburn Tiger National Championship Team

that enthusiastically visited the Trump Whitehouse

Megan Rapinoe is hogging the headlines talking about how 'not many, if

any' of US Women's Soccer team would go to the Trump Whitehouse if

they win the world cup tomorrow

The timing, the park, the issue, already headlining the news cycles … way,

way, way too many coincidences…to be a coincidence



b38bbe  No.6933929

File: 1b49fdb1a21db03⋯.png (9.06 KB, 370x155, 74:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d0dccd189ecfae⋯.png (22.94 KB, 667x168, 667:168, ClipboardImage.png)





Follow the stars. It’s everywhere.

Follow the Israel Embassies




More than you know…

1b0e43  No.6933930

File: 4f55fb72a12402a⋯.jpeg (17.21 KB, 259x194, 259:194, C10EF28F-8D4A-4FD4-8FDA-D….jpeg)

File: 95b193ef5b8ea0f⋯.jpeg (272.73 KB, 660x623, 660:623, 42E8AED6-E13C-4499-9170-5….jpeg)


Whats a matter need new podcast material for monday.

3ba1b8  No.6933931

What's good faggots?

I'm outta town and dont have any tits to share.

I'll make it up later this week.

Go fuck yourselves.


7ec5d2  No.6933932

Maybe Q will show up and repost some old shit. Maybe a flag pic. The Q movement is dead, except for a few cunts with no life outside of qresearch. Enjoy your circle jerk!

168cf2  No.6933933


Paid to post Q drops? Seriously.

The delusion is so strong it’s unbelievable.

4f6a23  No.6933934


Wtf is this. The smartest people I know who seem the most brainwashed are big H. Potter fans. Did this manipulate their heads entirely?

e39703  No.6933935

File: 2883d35b1212188⋯.png (469.7 KB, 724x463, 724:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b9b3f9decd339c⋯.png (67.41 KB, 756x506, 378:253, ClipboardImage.png)


Dems Pay Millions to Firm Backed by Google’s Eric Schmidt ==

Civis Analytics currently working for Biden campaign.

A data firm backed by Eric Schmidt, the former executive chairman of Alphabet, Google's parent company, has been paid millions of dollars by Democratic committees and is currently working for Joe Biden's presidential campaign.

The idea for what became Civis Analytics emerged in the wake of President Obama's 2012 re-election when Schmidt pitched Dan Wagner, the campaign's chief analytics officer, on creating a lasting political data and website services firm. Schmidt, who remained an executive at Google and Alphabet, went on to quietly aid Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. Less than one month after the elections it was announced that he had helped round up $22 million for Civis, where he is also a partial owner and sits on the group's board of directors. In June, Schmidt stepped away as executive chairman of Alphabet, although he now acts as a technical advisor to the company’s leadership on policy issues.

Civis has provided data and tech services for a number of Democratic committees in recent years, with its most recent payments coming from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which paid $63,400 for polling and website services during the first quarter of the 2020 cycle; the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which dished $33,900 to the firm for data analytics; Planned Parenthood Votes, which also pushed $33,900 to Civis for data analytics; and NextGen Climate Action, liberal billionaire Tom Steyer's committee, which paid $16,000 for data and consulting services.

In addition to the committees, the presidential campaigns of Sens. Cory Booker (D., NJ), Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), and failed Senate candidate Robert "Beto" O'Rourke have also combined to pay tens of thousands for its services during the first three months of the year. Civis Analytics announced in late April that it will be working with Joe Biden's presidential campaign for the 2020 election cycle, Bloomberg reported. Civis appears to be expanding its political team in Washington and New York, according to job postings on its website.

Throughout the 2018 cycle, Civis collected more than $4 million from Democratic committees, filings show. Its biggest client throughout the midterm elections was the Senate Majority PAC, which cut more than $2 million worth of checks to the firm for research services.

Civis was "born" out of the Obama campaign, and the team that Schmidt had coached was credited with securing the president's reelection.

"Schmidt had a particular affinity for a group of engineers and statisticians tucked away beneath a disco ball in a darkened corner of the office known as ‘the Cave.' The data analytics team, led by 30-year-old Dan Wagner, is credited with producing Obama’s surprising 5 million-vote margin of victory," Bloomberg reported in 2013.


7a42f2  No.6933936


Remember in the 90’s Multiple Personality Disorder was becoming a big issue. Many Hollywood celebrities came out- They squashed it because it would ultimately bring down the alter personality evils. Started with Operation Paperclip if you need a starting point…

“Loudmouthed comedian Roseanne has had a lot of different personas: waitress, stand-up comic, talk show host, and actress. But that's not what she means when she says she's dealing with multiple personalities.

Roseanne, who first told the world that she has multiple personality disorder in 1994, says it's not easy dealing with switching between "Somebody" and "Nobody."

Those are just two of the names the former sitcom queen has given to her personalities, which she says total seven in all. The rest she calls Baby, Cindy, Susan, Joey, and Heather. In an interview in the August issue of Esquire magazine, Roseanne says that after 10 years of hard work, she's managed to integrate the differing personalities.

The 48-year-old celebrity struggles to contain the condition that she said has afflicted her since she was a child.

"I haven't had any blackouts for quite a while. I used to have them minute by minute," she says. "I was always in conflict about conflicting parts, but I've learned how to get them to listen to each other now. I've learned how to get them to know they're on the same team, that we occupy the same body, which we never knew before," explains Roseanne, who decided in 1994 to go by her first name only.

"It's like living in a maze. It's like that old woman who keeps adding on to her house … But the parts don't get along and some of them have some real strange ideas about how to defend," said the comedian. That could explain some of her odder moments, such as grabbing her crotch after singing the national anthem — or marrying Tom Arnold.”


“Previously known as multiple personality disorder (until 1994), dissociative identity disorder is a condition in which an individual has two or more distinct personalities or identity states, that may alternate within the sufferer’s conscious awareness.

Research indicates that people diagnosed with this condition have been victims of sexual abuse or other forms of criminal mistreatment.

Stress is usually the trigger for an individual with dissociative identity disorder to transition into another personality state.”


3ba1b8  No.6933937


Q Research is dead.

Pepe Research is eternal

Long live Pepe Research.


50a5de  No.6933938

File: c8f80a35bc8cc00⋯.jpeg (23.01 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 05603B88-D74F-4424-B077-2….jpeg)

5f9df5  No.6933939


Thank you, Anon.

So, to recap, in 1923, the SOS for distress was translated to Mayday.




>Making false declaration of “Mayday” in the United States can get you up to six years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

Knowing this, under what circumstances would Q post the following (On March 23rd)?





For a LARP?

b155e1  No.6933940


>Megan Rapinoe is hogging the headlines talking about how 'not many, if any' of US Women's Soccer team would go to the Trump Whitehouse if they win the world cup tomorrow

Would more of them go to the white house, or watch the game I wonder?

b435ac  No.6933941


I hope you are paid to act like you have three functioning brain cells, but that may just be the way you are.

bfe64c  No.6933942


China Lake Naval Station not mission capable. Evacuated.

c982f3  No.6933943


Looks like the Teddy Bears Picnic, which is a child hunt/rape event for elites (such as at Bohemian Grove). The creepy song seems to have been written based off of parts of the "Death or Glory March". It was written by an Irish songwriter who is buried in England. Locals believe it was inspired by the patch of forest between a church by his residence and a Boy Scout Camp. England is the heart of the pedo epidemic and tends to abuse the Irish and their children.

4f6a23  No.6933944


My iq is really holding me back on this one. Can you be less cryptic?

Let’s just get it done.

5f9df5  No.6933945



Find the Statiscally Impossible anon.

5aeafa  No.6933946


and you are a homo faggot…..do you need instructions on how to kill yourself …or would you rather just be hunted down and killed for being a fucking kyke mason shill….either way its funny….

c3e054  No.6933947


thanks playa

fb3071  No.6933948


Well, Blackhawks and other aircraft can refuel in flight and there was a KC30 over Washington/NY when we saw the A-10 earlier today.

The military only let us see what they want us to see, remember that…

30dea5  No.6933949

File: fbf228d0384f76a⋯.png (342.19 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190706-151149.png)

File: cf9a7b5c36d99a6⋯.png (210.67 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190706-151415.png)

File: 31ec4704a722f72⋯.png (221.44 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190706-151800.png)

File: a3599395448559f⋯.png (208.96 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190706-151955.png)

File: 246cf7b8bace78e⋯.png (235.22 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190706-152533.png)

>>6933115 (pb)

Was Bill Cosby Targeted Because of His Conservatism and Preaching Personal Responsibility as a Path to Power for the Black Community?


4d4254  No.6933950

File: f08490bff299ca5⋯.jpg (104.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault-25.jpg)

File: 9e8dc6ab68e7e8f⋯.jpg (87.09 KB, 960x487, 960:487, DkwRIOhU0AILZm1.jpg)

File: 5c98aadcf6af291⋯.gif (117.32 KB, 944x1200, 59:75, wizard-of-oz-tin-sign-witc….gif)

File: 01e8291f17b0f99⋯.jpg (271.61 KB, 1000x730, 100:73, twoo_r04b_010003_2013.jpg)

File: 55123bd95bb4e26⋯.jpg (26.47 KB, 334x500, 167:250, leprechaun2.jpg)

b155e1  No.6933951

>>6933942 Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in Ridgecrest Evacuated, Deemed Not ‘Mission Capable’ After Quake


d477fd  No.6933952


>Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew's 1998 book Blind Man's Bluff reported that only a 38-foot long forward section of the K-129 was recovered, including the sub's torpedo compartment and its store of Russian nuclear torpedoes. Ninety percent of the highly-fragile submarine, including the conning tower, missile compartment, control room, radio shack and engine room, broke free and fell back to the ocean floor, disintegrating on contact. "Back to the ocean floor went the intact [SS-N-4] nuclear missile, the codebooks, decoding machines, the burst transmitters. Everything the CIA most wanted to reclaim."

Mentioned in the posts is "Blind Man's Bluff".

Anyways, how none of this is not a notable is beyond me.

This all connects to Howard Hughes, whom Trump has mentioned before. It also ties to Rand Corporation.

This is just a surface level dig. It appears Howard Hughes was set up, very fascinating stuff here.

46379e  No.6933953

File: bd3a3c6925a59cf⋯.jpg (109.94 KB, 1029x1059, 343:353, CatPuke.JPG)

bd8bc7  No.6933954

Did they somehow cause an earthquake to get access to the Federal money and crush the coverage of the POTUS 4th celebrations?

Look at Haiti, seems they have the tech.

648996  No.6933955

File: 9ed3e4c52cbf664⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 600x576, 25:24, IMG_1857.jpg)

Jim Acosta and his network are like nagging relatives.

Critical of nonsense, extremely annoying.

3f9359  No.6933956


not sure..got the wrong movie

the correct one will come to mind

655acd  No.6933957

File: 612cff2fe09448b⋯.png (15.04 KB, 386x333, 386:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4e2788d7891996⋯.png (47.88 KB, 386x549, 386:549, ClipboardImage.png)

lb shill baker did not add.

USMC making 10+ tweets with timestamp 5:00 or 17:00:

No coinkidinks!

These are all successive tweets and they were all done at 5:00 or 17:00 starting with the latest tweet from today.














… stopt checking here, dunno how far back tweets are done at either 5:00 or 17:00, but some days back this was not the case, see tweet from mid June:



Q1700 = Declaration of Independence (1776)

I T I S O N ! ! !

Maybe a talented memefag can put this together in a better form.


baker not adding and only one anon calling this notable shows that DS is so fucken afraid, that DS has every mason willing to go to gitmo for the priviledge of having sick pizza parties here shilling on QR - while making the board look organic to newbies.

1b31ad  No.6933958

File: 4b29dfb4feac9e5⋯.gif (14.78 KB, 543x532, 543:532, 117-36 7_6_19.gif)

Quake swarm is moving northeast from Ridgecrest sequence.


2b7228  No.6933959


They are going to rebuild the temple, the red heifer and all of that?

786e00  No.6933960


1. Declassification of documents relating to the "Mueller" investigation—-6 more Months of Plot twists

2. The "Obama picture"—Pic spreads like wildfire…NET SHUTDOWN….Those still sleeping finally begin to wake up=SHOW TIME

————————-2 cents>>6933810


e39703  No.6933961

File: b2bbdff434f97d9⋯.png (89.55 KB, 841x883, 841:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9677c8e830d437⋯.png (95.81 KB, 846x904, 423:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 426955289eb1f8b⋯.png (205.68 KB, 863x847, 863:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bef58a40b6ce05⋯.png (108.23 KB, 833x920, 833:920, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52ee8574dd0a7ff⋯.png (86.96 KB, 852x911, 852:911, ClipboardImage.png)

The True, Sinister Origin of Bronfman Family Wealth

Clare and Sara Bronfman, who fund NXIVM and their master, Keith Alan Raniere, are the granddaughters of gent named Samuel Bronfman.

In Yiddish, by the way, “Bronfman” means “liquor-man.” The family is Russian Jewish.

In the early 20th century, Sam Bronfman, with his brothers Abe, Harry and Alan, began a modest hotel and prostitution chain. During Canada’s prohibition (1915-19), they added illegal liquor and converted the hotels – with their live in prostitutes – into “boozeriums.”

For the first three years of Canadian Prohibition, business was brisk. But in 1918, a law was passed that prohibited the manufacture or importation of alcohol. There was a loophole happily that permitted distribution by pharmacists of alcohol for “medicinal” purposes.

The Bronfmans immediately went into the pharmacy business selling via mail order their whiskey, putting labels on the bottles such as “Rock-A-Bye Cough Cure” and Dandy Bracer–Liver and Kidney Cure.

Typically their health tonics contained sugar, molasses, bluestone, 36 percent alcohol, and tobacco.

With the passage of the Volstead Act in 1919, making liquor illegal in the United States, Sam and Harry opened export houses along the Saskatchewan-North Dakota border. They reduced 65-over proof white alcohol, mixing it with water, a little real whiskey and a touch of burnt sugar. A shot of sulfuric acid simulated the aging process.

Their whiskey cost $24 per barrel. They sold it by the barrel for $140.

Sam and his brothers cut distribution deals with a fine cast of businessmen such as Arnold Rothstein, Meyer Lansky, Charles “Lucky” Luciano, and Arthur ‘Dutch Schultz,’ Flegenheimer.

In Detroit, the “little Jewish navy” under Morris Dalit ferried the Bronfman liquor into the U.S.

In Chicago, James “Big Jim” Colosimo annoyed Sam Bronfman by showing no interest in buying his liquor, preferring to focus on his already profitable businesses of drugs, prostitution and loan-sharking.

But Big Jim passed away suddenly. His nephew, John Torrio, took over, and wisely chose to help Bronfman usher his liquor into Chicago.

Torrio’s lieutenant a gent by the name of Al Capone. Al led the operations bringing Bronfman’s liquor from Saskatchewan to Minneapolis and then to Chicago, using cars, trucks and the Soo line.

Another gent by the name of Benjamin “Bugs” Siegel and Lansky were in charge of protecting Bronfman liquor shipments across the border against illegal hijackers.



ab5907  No.6933962


Mission Accomplished


d86353  No.6933963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bd1b9f  No.6933964

File: c68e7e81c71c4cb⋯.png (478.48 KB, 544x884, 8:13, Patriots are loving.PNG)

When AntiFa gets together, they try and kill anyone who doesn’t agree with them or submit to their will.

When hundreds of thousands of American Patriots get together, we bounce around a beach ball, do the wave, and make friends with total strangers.

Why? Bc we are bonded by USA


e04211  No.6933965

File: 09bd4292b251d78⋯.png (642.03 KB, 1079x1750, 1079:1750, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd2ed3a2aa48683⋯.png (970.75 KB, 633x3532, 633:3532, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cb4cc07c95702b⋯.png (723.82 KB, 958x3465, 958:3465, ClipboardImage.png)

Detroit music festival sets ticket prices based on race

The AfroFuture music and arts festival in Detroit is facing controversy after ticket sales began to use different pricing for people based on the color of their skin. The pricing offers lower rates for tickets purchased by "people of color" than it does for "non-people of color." Early bird tickets for "POC" are $10 and $20 for "Non POC." Later date pricing offers "POC" tickets for $20 and "Non POC" tickets for $40. The method of confirming race and identity of ticket purchasers was not immediately clear.

The organizers of the event, which is scheduled to take place on Aug. 3, explained their discriminatory pricing in the "frequently asked questions" section of their event website. It states, "Why do we have POC (people of color) and NONPOC (white people) tickets? I'm glad you asked! Equality means treating everyone the same. Equity is insuring (sic) everyone has what they need to be successful. Our ticket structure was built to insure (sic) that the most marginalized communities (people of color) are provided with an equitable chance at enjoying events in their own community (black Detroit)," the page said.

One planned AfroFuture artist was particularly displeased when she learned of AfroFuture's pricing plan. Tiny Jag, a biracial rapper based in Detroit, pulled out of the event and insisted AfroFuture Fest remove her name from all promotional material. "I was immediately enraged just because I am biracial. I have family members that would have, under those circumstances, been subjected to something that I would not ever want them to be in … especially not because of anything that I have going on," she told the Detroit Metro Times. Tiny Jag further said of the ticketing policy, "It’s non-progressive and it’s not solution-focused in my eyes. It seems almost like it has spite, and unfortunately with spite comes hate, and that’s just not obviously going to be a good direction for us to go if we’re looking for positive change."

The legality of AfroFuture's ticket policy is questionable. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title II states, "All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin." The section describes places of public accommodation to include "any motion picture house, theater, concert hall, sports arena, stadium or other place of exhibition or entertainment."


AfroFuture FEST


Tiny Jag pulls out of AfroFuture Fest after learning white people would be charged a different price to attend


Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Injunctive Relief Against Discrimination in Places of Public Accommodation


3f9359  No.6933966


sorry got brain fart

not the movie I meant to bring up

4f6a23  No.6933967


Joint Israeli sub base sunk?

abf1cb  No.6933968

File: 2a375dda8f22604⋯.jpg (397.47 KB, 1287x729, 143:81, 2a375dda8f22604dc3d569988b….jpg)

location proximity Mt Lukens connects to satanist sacrificial protocols requiring a child be sacrificed in "a high place apart."

The quotes in this case may be honorary, based on decade old recollection of ritual sacrifice "Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, U Chicago press.

cultists in Carthage executed their own child and they were not as certain of their fate or desperate as shitfly

>>6932541 (PB)

>[2] Sunland-Tujunga contains the highest point of the city, Mount Lukens.

3742be  No.6933969

File: 2349d55eb340969⋯.png (524.11 KB, 1748x969, 92:51, 2019-07-06-15:41:19-edt.png)


>remember that

How could I ever forget that?

→ Boatfag →

Here's a Grumman Grayhound off Virginia Beach. Does that imply an aircraft carrier is offshore near there? It's nice correlating plane + boat observations.

d86353  No.6933970

File: d838c92e8594dc1⋯.png (29.1 KB, 375x378, 125:126, Screenshot_2019-07-06 QMAP….png)

5f9df5  No.6933971


Missing the point.

40K' further than you think.

fb3071  No.6933972


Possibly linked to the China Airways 'Taiwan Military' weekly flights out there, the one that always lands at Ontario..?

e39703  No.6933973

File: 7426ec6f43541b7⋯.png (105.88 KB, 846x925, 846:925, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c142156aa4378c⋯.png (286.4 KB, 837x924, 279:308, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f594320ce9ae94a⋯.png (170.78 KB, 846x895, 846:895, ClipboardImage.png)


Seagram purchased 15 percent interest in Time Warner Inc. for $2.2 billion.

Edgar Jr. then went on to make a mixed bag of investments – some of which were successful and some not quite so – selling off long established profitable enterprises to get into more speculative ones.

In the mid-1990s, Bronfman, Jr. sold Seagram’s stake in DuPont, receiving $11 billion.

Seagram then acquired 84 percent of MCA, Inc. for $5.7 billion. He changed the name of MCA to Universal Studios, Inc. – and their holdings included Universal Pictures film studios, MCA Television Group, MCA Music Entertainment Group, Universal theme parks, and Spencer Gifts.

In 1997, Seagram divested its holdings in Time Warner, ending up with a profit of $2.13 billion. Seagram then purchased USA Networks. In 1998, Seagram sold its juice business to Pepsi for $3.3 billion.

Then in perhaps the most stupendous blunder in modern business history, in 2000, Edgar Jr. exchanged his family’s entire firm – liquor, music labels, TV production contracts, U.S. theme parks and all – for $34 billion in stock in a French sewer and filtration company called Vivendi, which was planning on transforming itself [with Edgar’s help] into the world’s largest global entertainment conglomerate.

Yes, that right – one of the wealthiest companies in the world, Seagram’s, was traded for a minority share of a French sewer company Vivendi – whose charismatic president Jean-Marie Messier charmed Edgar Jr. into the dream of bveing the largest media conglomerate in the world.

And that seemed a lot prettier than selling liquor. It would sanitize the Bronfmans. It would allow them to have a power no one in the world ever knew before.

It looked good on paper and they had grandiose plans to become the entertainment giant that would change the world.

Edgar, Jr., perhaps it might be said, did not think it through. He had minority share. He sold his faily’s wealth for less than 50 percent of Vivendi. In fact Edgar was named executive vice president of Vivendi Universal.

But the contracts were drawn poorly.


590f83  No.6933974


When a slave is being subjected to his first programmings, it's common to make him read the books "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Wizard of Oz". Both stories feature a second world: Alice's "Wonderland" and Dorothy's "World of Oz" - these are symbols of the different personalities of the protagonist.

The slaves are also induced with "false memory", to prevent the truth coming out if the slave should escape.

Another important category of the Monarch Project are the Delta-assassins, professional killers. They can be used as an advanced weapon in war. Many Delta slaves spend most of their time as so called "sleepers" - people that harmlessly do their civil duties until the handler triggers them for the operation. There exists a huge amount of sleepers. https://conspiracy.fandom.com/wiki/Monarch_program

01f469  No.6933975

File: 38b17ec439f4006⋯.jpg (48.21 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 150728071128-01-barack-oba….jpg)

3ba1b8  No.6933976

If Q was real or not is irrelevant.

Look what we have built faggots.

We got the planefags working with the memeanons.

We got the clock fags right next to the flat earthers.

We got the Muhjoo shills right there with the titstormers.

Ain't nobody wasting nobody.

Can you dig it?

CaN YOu Diiig It?



ab5907  No.6933977


Recall those USA military posts ‘underground/tunnel warfare’ training/exercises.

51ea7e  No.6933978

File: 8cf1a915e98d20d⋯.jpg (229.16 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ready4.jpg)

4db230  No.6933979

File: 876e815ad64b61d⋯.jpeg (23.57 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 140F9C16-CDA6-4545-8236-4….jpeg)

We need to pique the curiosity of normies!


I hope this Peak Curiosity graph becomes a useful tool for you, making it easier to elevate curiosity ahead of criticism, judgment, fear, and complacency. Finesse your familiarity and recalibrate your certainty about expectations and you can train your brain (and the brains of others) to be more (or less) curious and achieve peak curiosity at will.

4f6a23  No.6933980

File: 8655e3102bfd1ce⋯.jpeg (75.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 89221F03-F9AA-435D-8C0E-2….jpeg)

7cffa8  No.6933981


So "brainwashed" = brain cleaned of BS?

(as opposed to a brain forcibly made to forget)

The way to clean the brain of BS is seemingly by actively seeking to remember the right things that you already know. The BS is basically a bunch of crap compared to the good stuff you already somehow know, so there is really no need to "purge" it. The effort to "forget" things is probably mistaken, and leads to a lot of mind numbing vices.

05e71b  No.6933982

File: 411a57ffbf5eca6⋯.jpg (82.55 KB, 665x412, 665:412, Screenshot 2019-07-06_15-4….jpg)


9240a7  No.6933983

File: fa3e084ed845f83⋯.png (637.11 KB, 851x627, 851:627, ClipboardImage.png)

b324b8  No.6933984


well theres no reasoning with you then

but prayers are good so carry on

b0ebe1  No.6933985

File: e7b32da3d2b37b2⋯.jpg (42.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 352oaw.jpg)

File: 8846b1e81498e28⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1398x1666, 699:833, She Persisted in Gitmo.png)

>>6933487 pb

>>6933099 pb

3ba1b8  No.6933986


We love you, anon.

We love all of you faggots.

Go fuck yourselves.


a3a144  No.6933987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disney DENIES Boys Final WISH! Stan Lee Would NEVER!

16547e  No.6933988

Just thinking anons. Been here since beginning…but IMO, part of the PLAN was for them to call Q a conspiracy. First, they do it to discredit, yet refuse to ask POTUS to disavow. If they have spent two years+ disparaging it, what credibility will be left if the truth comes out? Think about NK, China, Iran or ANY foreign adversary. If Q is real…why wouldn’t the REALLY bad actors just expose the plan and tell the world about this movie playing out? How can we be ensured no one narcs? TOTAL CONTROL. Only the rogue jackass CIA/cabal are fighting us…and THEY can’t tell the truth about Q cause it would destroy their propaganda media outlets. Catch 22.

ab5907  No.6933989


Surveying so much data and attempting 40k feet view, high probability.

c09d10  No.6933990

File: d43d711b1a93d6b⋯.png (3.39 MB, 3035x2345, 607:469, 1562426590071.png)



this bullshit will never work.

7ec5d2  No.6933991


And that's exactly the problem. The MSM will labels us bigots either way. It's time to instill fear in our enemies. The DS sure doesn't look they're panicking to me. They're on the attack, while we sit on our asses. If the CUNT would have won, we would be killing communists by now.

1b31ad  No.6933992


Also a bit spoopy is that M5.0+ EQs were reported near Dinuba and Corcoran aren't on Caltech maps.

3d57d4  No.6933993


Wow you are completely full of shit.

Well done.

5f9df5  No.6933994


>Are you suggesting that a propose of all this was to attract the attention of certain Monarch-programmed white-hat sleeper agents so that they could be sent a wake-up signal?



Monarch. Think Mirror.

Time to Fly Home.

e39703  No.6933995

>>6933977 I remember that too


Also worth considering is:

Document Information

Original Title: Stanislav Lunev on Russian earthquake weapon and secret war plans

Description: B: New kinds of weapons seem to be coming out of Russia, here is a new one on me, maybe a lot of other people, what is a seismic weapon and was is the Russian government doing to produce them? L: This is actually artificial earthquake, which could be generated by special devices, which increase natural seismic waves, which are under our (Earth’s) surface and explode like natural earthquake with all following circumstances. Its actually, this weapon development was in place for about more than 20 years and in the mid of 80s there have been several fields tests of this weapons and maybe you heard this Armenian city Spitak was totally destroyed. B: Good lord, dont tell me that was a Soviet test? L: It was an accidental explosion. B: That was an artificialy induced earthquake? L: It was accidental explosion of earthquake which was generated by the test of seismic weapons. B: What about Russians production of chemical and biological weapons? L: If i understand rightly, they continue this production, but most important that they accelerated research and development for the creation of new type of biological and chemical weapons and not only this weapons steps because they are working very hard for low frequency radio waves weapons, for laser weapons and for other types of future weapons systems.


f86860  No.6933996

Core booker demands apology for racist remarks from Sleepy Joe

Sleepy Joe Biden live on CNN tries to apologize for his racist comments

Sleepy Joe " I am Sor" and does not comly the word "Sorry"

Sleepy Joe is missiing the "REE"

Corey booker is what is Sar ? Sorr?

S;eepy Joe afraid to comlter the word "sorry" for racist comments to African Americans

Corey Bookers staff demand he says the word Sorry correctly

51300a  No.6933997

File: c2d79b48bce6558⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 600x400, 3:2, 1562335677737.gif)

590f83  No.6933998


So the masses are "sleeper agents" that have been MKed, and our job is to comfort and protect them after they are deprogrammed and realize they lived their entire lives as brainwashing victims that never thought for themselves?

fb3071  No.6933999

File: 24a0487e619552f⋯.jpg (375.38 KB, 1905x848, 1905:848, C40 Clippers 6 Jul 19 2045.jpg)

Four Navy C-40 Clippers out there, but I can only see three of them.

7eac14  No.6934000



Ive seen this…excellent. !

b463a0  No.6934001

File: cc100030818a233⋯.png (388.59 KB, 1400x818, 700:409, cc100030818a233a72ca24aa09….png)

File: c038532326cfb93⋯.jpg (102.11 KB, 663x500, 663:500, 8844126009a65d87577304c066….jpg)

File: 73e3fd43e6ae494⋯.png (176.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 73e3fd43e6ae49412dae1b1268….png)


Kys shill

bd1b9f  No.6934002


SHE is a communist.

ab5907  No.6934003


As if they’re insignificant, so VERY SIGNIFICANT…

Nice catch, anon.

f7548c  No.6934004


Making them fear their own phones/comms was brilliant AND true/real with Huwei, def slowed the fuckers down.

4f6a23  No.6934005

File: 079f29efadd3452⋯.jpeg (324.76 KB, 1860x1480, 93:74, 4A280DAB-DE05-49CA-AD21-5….jpeg)

File: b044aa667cce7a1⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 750x1158, 125:193, 228554AD-8AB3-4993-9C9D-C….jpeg)

File: a4c4d70d22b3133⋯.png (79.51 KB, 200x201, 200:201, FF70BE98-894C-4E5A-BCE6-FD….png)

272025  No.6934006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7a42f2  No.6934007


Sauce it please- was just laughing how poor Uncle Joe would slap people’s mouths for mocking his stuttering. Maybe he was stuttering and Booker owes him an apology.


681ca8  No.6934008


Excellent 'short' explanation.

As a survivor and DID person (although just deemed cured) I can attest to everything you have said. I have found myself in grocery stores with no idea how I got there, what the hell was in my basket and when was the last time…I was myself.

The true brain fuckery is, was I myself when I realized I didn't know where I was or how I got there, or was I the intruder into a life that was living just perfectly fine before I became aware.

I struggle everyday and sometimes I 'lose' time but as long as I still have all my appendages and I haven't murdered anyone, I continue and I utilize all of my resources.

5e1b83  No.6934009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7eac14  No.6934010

Hm. Just saw a Red Bull ad.. joking about faking the moon landing.

1e61e6  No.6934011


>I have 7 different alters that (We) know of.


We don't want to integrate!

bfe64c  No.6934012


During Loma Prieta the scary thing was that I and many others were driving. They say the EQ feels differently on different types of ground. Drivers could not feel it at all because of tires and shocks. That is why some drove into the broken part of the Bay Bridge or kept driving while the onramps were shaking.

China Lake, Barstow, etc are very conservative areas, much like the Northern California fires.

681ca8  No.6934013

1e61e6  No.6934014

==Second Earthquake In Two Days Hits Southern California=== https://dailycaller.com/2019/07/06/california-second-earthquake/

e6a747  No.6934015

File: 696c5dc6e8938d3⋯.jpeg (10.47 KB, 255x248, 255:248, ea99ce1a1ce9d5bd07cc6dc1e….jpeg)

e39703  No.6934016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Over 180 Syrian & Russian Airstrikes Targeted Greater Idlib In Last 48 Hours (Videos)

Syrian and Russian warplanes carried out more than 180 airstrikes on Greater Idlib over the last 48 hours, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported.

According to the London-based monitoring group, the airstrikes on July 5 and 6 covered several towns and villages in the northern, northwestern Hama countryside as well as in the southern countryside of Idlib.

Step News, an Idlib-based outlet, released several videos of the airstrikes showing a Mi-8\17 helicopter and an Ababil-3 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and a Su-24M2 of the Russian Aerospace Forces.



In the late hours of July 5, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies launched a ground attack on positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in northern Hama. However, the army repelled the attack. The intense Syrian and Russian airstrikes on Greater Idlib were likely a response to this failed attack.


I'm expecting an Israeli attack in the next 24 hours in response

f86860  No.6934017


Will Sleepy Joe apologize correctly

and pronounce the word sorry not omitting the "REE"

sauce live CNN TV Joe Biden from

Carolina minutes ago

People not sure if he was trying to say Sorry seemed intentional to mis pronounce Sorry

5f9df5  No.6934018


>the masses


Not masses.

Trail Blazers.

MAPpers of the Mind.

Freedom of Thought.

The Great Awakening.

Expand your thinking.

d7c3a8  No.6934019

Hey Faggots,

Does anyone have a good, free way to reverse search phone numbers?

Thank you

01f469  No.6934020

File: d1a0d32bbb12787⋯.jpg (58.31 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ac23f51cd7eb91d593762c8f93….jpg)

ab5907  No.6934021


Tangential to this is Barr in Alaska, trafficking bust in Washington state involving Naval personnel, and reference to Head River ? in Canada, then Russians submarine incident. Dots connect for me.

7a42f2  No.6934022



And how would you know if you’ve murdered anyone?

I’m glad you have found relief. God wins

c40ead  No.6934023

File: 6beb202d5928000⋯.png (253.58 KB, 239x354, 239:354, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cb4c5d794899ef⋯.png (21.12 KB, 888x150, 148:25, ClipboardImage.png)

Why do Jewish filmmakers often make films that parody or outright vilify other peoples and religions but seldom make films critical of the Jewish religion? What would happen if a Swedish filmmaker set a film about a murderous maniacal cult in Israel?

"The following summer, Christian attends a party with Dani, where she learns that he had been invited by his Swedish friend Pelle to attend a midsummer celebration at Pelle's ancestral commune, the Hårga, in northern Sweden along with their friends and fellow graduate students Mark and Josh. Pelle explains that the days-long celebration only occurs once every ninety years. Christian awkwardly invites Dani to come after she learns of the trip, which he had concealed from her. …

Along with an incapacitated Christian, the cult gathers around Dani and explains that, for the conclusion of their celebration, nine human sacrifices must be offered: four outsiders (Josh, Mark, Simon, and Connie), four cult members (the elders from the ättestupa and two living volunteers), and a final living victim. As the May Queen, Dani has to choose the final victim: either an outsider (Christian) or a lottery-selected villager.

Christian is selected as the sacrifice and stuffed into a disemboweled bear and placed in a designated temple, alongside the still-living Ingemar, a second villager, and the ritually-prepared corpses of Josh, Mark, Simon, Connie, and the two dead elders. The temple is then burned in an effort to purge the cult's evil. As the cultists rhapsodically celebrate the completion of their ceremony, Dani sobs in horror, but gradually begins to smile."



e04211  No.6934024

File: 1cf62939873a806⋯.png (559.25 KB, 629x481, 17:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Federal judge moves forward on census citizenship question

July 6 (UPI) – A federal judge will rule on a case questioning if the basis of the Trump administration wanting to add a 2020 census citizenship question is discriminatory. U.S. District Judge George Hazel for the District of Maryland ordered proceedings to move forward after a court filing Friday to determine whether the Trump administration's intention behind adding the citizenship question was to discriminate against people of color who have immigrated to the country.

In the court filing that the judge required by Friday, Justice Department attorneys said that they are looking at other ways to add the citizenship question - "Is this person a citizen of the United States?" after the Supreme Court's rejection of their stated reason for the citizenship question last month. Specifically, Chief Justice John Roberts said in the majority opinion that the Trump administration's use of the Voting Rights Act to justify the citizenship question "seems to have been contrived."

President Donald Trump has refused to give up on the citizenship question despite the Supreme Court's ruling against it and printing of the 2020 census already started. On Wednesday, Trump said he wanted to find a reason to add it that the Supreme Court would accept. The next day he tweeted that officials would work through the holiday on the question and on Friday, he said he is "very seriously," considering an executive order to put the citizenship question on the census. He has suggested that officials could still print the question as "an addendum," to the census. Amid Trump's fight to save the citizenship question, more evidence about why his administration wanted to include it and if the reason was to discriminate could be unveiled in proceedings Hazel has ordered. Court documents show that officials in the Justice and Commerce departments would be subject to questioning under oath if the discovery process moves forward as planned.

"Plaintiffs' remaining claims are based on the premise that the genesis of the citizenship question was steeped in discriminatory motive," Hazel wrote in a letter explaining the order. "Regardless of the justification Defendants may now find for a 'new' decision, discovery related to the origins of the question will remain relevant." Opponents said that an executive order could not replace the court's ruling. "Such an order does not override a Supreme Court or other judicial decision; nor does it overturn or circumvent the congressionally established process for determining the content of the census," said Thomas Saenz, president and general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, which represents some of the groups that sued Trump over the question.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who oversees the once-in-the-decade questionnaire, said Tuesday that the administration had abandoned its effort and begun printing census forms, but Trump rejected reports that his own administration has given up on the census question. "The News Reports about the Department of Commerce dropping its quest to put the Citizenship Question on the Census is incorrect or, to state it differently, FAKE!" Trump tweeted Wednesday. "We are absolutely moving forwards, as we must, because of the importance of the answer to this question."


1e61e6  No.6934025


I watched a movie many years ago about DID and it was one of the lines at the end of that movie. :)

f6b64e  No.6934026


That ain't china lake, that's goldstone, near fort irwin.

b463a0  No.6934027


Israeli strikes are against hezbollah and iran assets.

e39703  No.6934028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vladimir Putin: the full interview

3faddf  No.6934029

File: badce3ca66b4b32⋯.jpg (588.64 KB, 1739x823, 1739:823, Screenshot_2019-07-06 Inte….jpg)




<volcano in line w/fault.

ab5907  No.6934030


Last two days very high res pics of deep underwater marine base.

a5b982  No.6934031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

948fbc  No.6934032

Happy Saturday, you faggots. This is the most interesting bread I've seen in a while.

234822  No.6934033

File: 79b6269d6fbe1e6⋯.jpg (943.03 KB, 1482x960, 247:160, PepeWWG1WGA.jpg)


God bless you, brave and strong Anon!

So sorry for what you went through

e39703  No.6934034


yet Syrian civilians and SAA are the ones who get killed!

Stop shilling for Israel or wake up

f86860  No.6934035


CNN LIVE TV - Sleepy joe said half of the word

sounded like SAR without the REE. Long E

CNN was playing up his apology no apology

People asking what is Sar?

I was laughing on chan the "REE"

Jo was missing the REE

CNN TV 10 min ago

2a1193  No.6934036


not bad

655acd  No.6934037


explain why this is either disinfo or not notable, waiting…

681ca8  No.6934038


Well… good darn question, I'm sure even if I didn't know, the professionals would, right! lol I don't believe any of my other selves are homicidal…suicidal, megamanics, wall flowers…but homicidal hasn't been identified.

Thanks for all the feedback, anons. This is the firs time I've ever actually spoken about my situ - outside of professionals of course .

3f9359  No.6934039


>Expand your thinking.

Are the 7 planes enough or beyond?

1b0e43  No.6934040

File: 24b7a7a72078368⋯.jpeg (248.67 KB, 750x565, 150:113, 03F3D48C-9EF6-404C-A8D8-1….jpeg)

File: 537d835101b670b⋯.jpeg (64.87 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 64CB5997-F85E-4DFE-B4C3-C….jpeg)

File: 640eed719efae20⋯.jpeg (93.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 7A6DF6C8-C894-4704-AC79-1….jpeg)

File: 1a221819646fa4d⋯.jpeg (43.1 KB, 740x494, 370:247, 7B02781B-E87E-46ED-B6F4-F….jpeg)

File: 697dd63f7a48cae⋯.jpeg (23.41 KB, 255x138, 85:46, 99340CF6-74FE-4BA8-B0FF-E….jpeg)

>Demoralize the spooks

Well you simply can’t allow that.

While I disagree with the long standing position to hide everything from the public while the real wars get fought, it is what it is, and not only is the general public asleep, they really don’t want to be woken up.

I wish I’d of had some vision when they tried to teach me logos coding at the Boys & Girls Club and kept the Tandy II computer my church gave me when my house burned down, and stuck with it.

Then I could help.

The Cyber Wars are here and you my frenz are the new Delta Force. The Paul Revere’s of this time.

They can now crash planes and helicopters and sink ships simply by pressing a button.

No missiles, no guns just code.

I’m sorry I can’t be of much help outside of making you folks laugh from time to time.

Too old now or just not intelligent enough to be like you.

But please patriots don’t ever give up. The world will either rise or fall on the decisions and battles in cyberspace of the next 50 years.

Praying for all of you white hats, and even that black hats would cross over.

God Bless spooky frens.

524f61  No.6934041

File: e2a17db789905c5⋯.png (233.42 KB, 500x504, 125:126, e2a17db789905c57575bc25258….png)


I keep wondering what "the Plan" was prior to the goings on of Spygate? probably to release stuff like the Obama Ak47 pic, right? U1?

The election itself was full of crimes, how much did this complicate the original plan?

114c4d  No.6934042





f86860  No.6934043


Sleepy JOE where is the REE in Sorry ?

could be some memes coming

please check out his apology

5f9df5  No.6934044

b463a0  No.6934045


The assets are deployed close to populated areas. You are the one who should wake up from your fantasy land. Either this or faggot general Qasem Sulleimani pays you well.

6e6fbe  No.6934046


Love the replies.

over the target

529c4e  No.6934047


Once we make a connection, it enters the collective consciousness.

It's like the scientific concept that's figured out 2 continents apart without communicating and then it's known everywhere

1d0dd7  No.6934048


because it had just rained and was very humid.

3742be  No.6934049

File: f31cd3fa878a917⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1866x976, 933:488, 2019-07-06-15:54:46-edt.png)



Agree. Mapped 7 days all magnitudes. Yellow dots are a week old. Orange 1 day old. Red last hour.

Yesterday I was sure it was a demolition event of underground tunnels. Today I would not assert that, although have not ruled it out as one possibility. Is volcanic zone. Dutchsense described force or energy moving from western Pacific to SoCal and manifesting as EQs where the earth is weak, due to drilling (hydrothermal wells Ridgecrest area, oil drilling elsewhere, etc.) or sites of former volcanoes or other crustal weaknesses.

I'm not ruling out it's an EM attack by a hostile power. Or an EM attack by ourguys against an entrenched enemy. Or a natural occurrence.

But monitoring the area continually, as many here also are.

b0ebe1  No.6934050

File: 3496e112a62bbbf⋯.jpg (250.52 KB, 1200x1023, 400:341, D-y_EuIWwAAV20n.jpg)

603b06  No.6934051


We are the sleepers…

22d03f  No.6934052

File: c8aea7b276b02ca⋯.png (541.79 KB, 965x523, 965:523, real plans.png)

File: 1276dd5d45fae51⋯.png (916.46 KB, 908x567, 908:567, AIRFORCE ACADEMY_WE ARE HE….png)




1e61e6  No.6934053


>This is the firs time I've ever actually spoken about my situ


b38bbe  No.6934054

File: cf26f2f2745c33a⋯.png (265.54 KB, 532x527, 532:527, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74dc58fd07e7750⋯.png (59.04 KB, 532x392, 19:14, ClipboardImage.png)


>>6933755 (me) - Mall

>6933777 (me) - Square (remember threat on POTUS and face of PENCE/ July 4?)

>>6933798 (me) - Beach/ Water today

see my posts

DS/Cabal screenplay on our faces

Mossad chief edging out Foreign Ministry, diplomats say

Members of diplomatic corps lament growing irrelevance after Yossi Cohen announces that the intelligence agency has taken the lead as the arm of Israeli foreign policy,


9:12 AM - 5 Jul 2019

51ea7e  No.6934055

File: 24d3e8520ee1916⋯.jpg (224.98 KB, 800x600, 4:3, READY5.jpg)

e39703  No.6934056


fuck off kike you cannot go and bomb your neighbors, that's an act of war. Low IQ Jewtard

b155e1  No.6934057


They have only been posting at 5:00 [A|P]M since June 21. On June 21 they posted at a different time, but still 5:00 [A|P]M.

So this is not "new". What would be "new" is if they don't tweet at that time. Or something else. But this seems to be normal schedule for the recent past. If you want to download all the tweets and prove me wrong feel free.

Lord have mercy on me that I'm talking to humans and not shills.



1dba62  No.6934058

File: 64d5b6b6a521ffc⋯.jpeg (782.58 KB, 1443x1763, 1443:1763, B7F982CD-A172-49D2-A615-4….jpeg)

File: 2b9c258b2ca046f⋯.jpeg (2.13 MB, 1529x2007, 1529:2007, 3D22C6E8-5103-4234-AC37-E….jpeg)

AS pic found location.

Foothill Blvd, Sunland, CA 91040

af4f26  No.6934059


Mary = Mediatrix , the mediator between man and GOD

whereas Christ told us:

John 14:6

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

I see a major problem with Roman Catholicism…

bb0213  No.6934060


I was on 880, Anon, going south from Embarcadero headed to CSU Hayward for class. You’re not kidding, first thought was “who picked up the lanes?” Totally illogical. I even pulled over under Fruitvale overpass, d’oh!

12debb  No.6934061

File: 0d5e024e297cedf⋯.jpg (24.71 KB, 542x375, 542:375, Fatigue.jpg)

681ca8  No.6934062



b463a0  No.6934063

File: 75fc1dba718ee7b⋯.png (15.85 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 0f9be06a94e288bf97aff74ef8….png)



Yet another slide.

Even the r larp was more credible.

abf1cb  No.6934064

File: 0edbd5ab4040738⋯.png (657.94 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 0edbd5ab40407380ba2d8e6d15….png)


That was the Bronfman disinfo anon. Edgars an idiot naive who made bad deal cost the family billions we're so embarrassed.

What Edgar was after he got. That was why he bought and sold companies and could afford to do it at allow and actually had himself ridiculed in print while he became the second biggest music publisher in the world. From Universal MCA (MCA = Music Corporation of America) he got their music publishing which included Interscope. Then he got Warner Electra Asylum and a bunch of other stuff.

Why music publishing? Well it includes Live Performance, touring bands are away to move people and contraband on a regular basis.

Music publishing is also idea for money laundering. Whose to say the Latvian trance band record didn't sell 7 download in wherever.

negative publicity about a billionaire Hollywood human appearing as consistent story across legacy media automatically suspect

6e6fbe  No.6934065

File: eb1ac9727fd19ef⋯.png (276.77 KB, 719x1280, 719:1280, IMG_6126.png)

9240a7  No.6934066


again, why is so much effort important on this.

Other than Pencil Neck is Trolling (You) to waste your time

b38bbe  No.6934067

File: 1c28c21fbffdcae⋯.png (321.69 KB, 594x400, 297:200, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6934051 Highest IQanon on dis bread

d477fd  No.6934068

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is an American non-profit medical research organization based in Chevy Chase, Maryland.[2][3] It was founded by the American businessman Howard Hughes in 1953. It is one of the largest private funding organizations for biological and medical research in the United States. HHMI spends about $1 million per HHMI Investigator per year, which amounts to annual investment in biomedical research of about $825 million. The institute has an endowment of $22.6 billion, making it the second-wealthiest philanthropic organization in the United States and the second-best endowed medical research foundation in the world.[4] HHMI is the former owner of the Hughes Aircraft Company - an American aerospace firm which was divested to various firms over time.

It was not until after Hughes's death in 1976 that the institute's profile increased from an annual budget of $4 million in 1975 to $15 million in 1978 and prior to Hughes Aircraft sale the number had peaked to $200 million per year. At the time of the sale Hughes Aircraft employed 75,000 people and vast amounts of money from the approximate annual revenue of $6 billion were put into Hughes Aircraft internal research and development rather than the medical institute. Most of the money for the medical institute came from the operations at Ground System Group responsible for providing Air Defense Systems to NATO, Pacific Rim, and the USA. In this period it focused its mission on genetics, immunology, and molecular biology. Since Hughes died without a will as the sole trustee of the HHMI, the institute was involved in lengthy court proceedings to determine whether it would benefit from Hughes's fortune. In April 1984, a court appointed new trustees for the institute's holdings.[10] In January 1985 the trustees announced they would sell Hughes Aircraft by private sale or public stock offering. On June 5, 1985 General Motors (GM) was announced as the winner of a secretive five-month, sealed-bid auction. The purchase was completed on December 20, 1985, for an estimated $5.2 billion, $2.7 billion in cash and the rest in 50 million shares of GM Class H stock. The proceeds caused the institute to grow dramatically.

HHMI completed the building of a new research campus in Ashburn, Virginia called Janelia Research Campus in October 2006. It is modeled after AT&T's Bell Labs and the Medical Research Council's Laboratory of Molecular Biology. With a main laboratory building nearly 1,000 feet (300 m) long, it contains 760,000 square feet (71,000 m2) of enclosed space, used primarily for research. The campus also features apartments for visiting researchers.

In 2007, HHMI and the publisher Elsevier announced they have established an agreement to make author manuscripts of HHMI research articles published in Elsevier and Cell Press journals publicly available six months following final publication. The agreement takes effect for articles published after September 1, 2007. In 2008, the Trustees of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute selected Robert Tjian as the new president of HHMI. In 2009, HHMI awarded fifty researchers, as part of the HHMI Early Career Scientist Competition. In 2016, the HHMI Trustees selected Erin K. O'Shea, a previous Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer at the institute, the new president of HHMI.[11]

In 2014, the institute created a new round of its primary award competition, for a total of $150 million in award money from 2015 to 2012.[12] The institute is adding another campus in 2019.[13]

d477fd  No.6934069



Howard Hughes, businessman, investor, pilot, film director, philanthropist, and founder of the institute.

The institute was formed with the goal of basic research including trying to understand, in Hughes's words, "the genesis of life itself." Despite its principles, in the early days it was generally viewed as a tax haven for Hughes's huge personal fortune. Hughes was HHMI's sole trustee and transferred his stock of Hughes Aircraft to the institute, in effect turning the large defense contractor into a tax-exempt charity. For many years the Institute grappled with maintaining its non-profit status; the Internal Revenue Service challenged its "charitable" status which made it tax exempt. Partly in response to such claims, starting in the late 1950s it began funding 47 investigators researching at eight different institutions; however, it remained a modest enterprise for several decades.

The institute was initially in Miami, Florida, in 1953. Hughes's internist, Verne Mason, who treated Hughes after his 1946 plane crash, was chairman of the institute's medical advisory committee.[5] By 1975, Hughes was sole trustee of the Howard Hughes medical Institute, which in turn owned all the stock of the Hughes Aircraft Company.[6] In 1969, Representative Wright Patman "complained that the Hughes foundation was a tax‐evasion device," noting that the institute spent only $5.7 million for its operations between 1954 and 1961, a period during which Hughes Aircraft accumulated $76.9 million in profits. By 1975, it had also avoided certain stipulations of the 1969 reform act for charitable institutions due to legal filings by Hughes to change its operational status, with his objections going directly to the White House.[7]

The institute moved to Coconut Grove, Florida, in the mid-1970s and then to Bethesda, Maryland, in 1976.[8] In 1993 the institute moved to its headquarters in Chevy Chase, Maryland.[9]

655acd  No.6934070


obviously this i new as this was not noted before.

in the past: random timestamps for USMC tweets.

now: many succesive tweets ALL with timestamp 5:00 or 17:00.

NO COINKIDINK, no matter how hard shilly cry and no matter if shill baker does not add.

f1a75f  No.6934071


Put the phone number in your contacts and open Snapchat and sync with your contacts. It will reveal the profile associated with that number. Possible name.

The app Slydial will also route you straight to a voicemail and most people say their name etc…

2be1c1  No.6934072


>MAPpers of the Mind.

Alright, this is starting to get LARPy.

a3a144  No.6934074

File: 7c5d9364aad570c⋯.jpeg (509.46 KB, 2000x1705, 400:341, D-0HmB5X4AUiUuu.jpg-large.jpeg)

b38bbe  No.6934075

File: dd5e58e8c0637fe⋯.png (676.29 KB, 732x756, 61:63, ClipboardImage.png)


b155e1  No.6934076


Until you actually give me a spreadsheet of all the tweets (there are tons of resources online to do this), I'm assuming you're a shill slide, because a modicum of research showed that you'er not being entirely truthful.

Horny anon or shill. Needs more sauce. Rub one out.

46379e  No.6934077

File: d320c8408942bfd⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 306x306, 1:1, 8ch.jpg)


Too much winning!

51ea7e  No.6934078

File: 0e43478a1cea339⋯.jpg (187.27 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SCHITT24.jpg)


More Schitt on the streets of California.

4db230  No.6934079



Have you considered that Qs drops were a way of conditioning you? Building triggers?

Tell me, when you see 17, what do you think of?

Now tell me, 4 years ago, did 17 have much significance to you?

Pay attention to how you have changed since coming here

d36009  No.6934080

File: 9d7fc5aeb0cf308⋯.jpg (4.86 MB, 3624x4008, 151:167, mk4.jpg)

590f83  No.6934081

File: 1950e4f273550b9⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 800x400, 2:1, architect.jpg)


Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision.

681ca8  No.6934082


mhmmm June 21…the worst day of my life, I was born

3742be  No.6934083

File: b4a9b2d76cf54ff⋯.png (102.69 KB, 520x464, 65:58, DrumsBoom.png)


It's a movie. /Ourside/ has a flare for the dramatic, exaggerated, ludicrous … which gets normies' attention and is difficult for the MSM to evade covering.

The Mueller and DECLAS will require tons of reading with good comprehension and correlation across multiple documents and topic. A challenge for most normies, who just aren't up to it. Would require tons of explanation. Imagine how slow that will go based on watching Hannity + 3 guests over 1/2 hour show. Each guest gets to speak about 4 sentences, no more. Very slow method of information delivery.

I expected DECLAS, but based on muh own analysis above the picture may be the better choice. Followed by immediate DECLAS. Unfold the plot little by little so that mainstream news coverage will never stop. Keep that drumbeat going.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom…….

fe0ed2  No.6934084

File: e590d39c162ae59⋯.png (815.92 KB, 1376x1284, 344:321, ClipboardImage.png)

948fbc  No.6934085


1. Declas of MI documents. Must contain evidence of serious, heinous crimes for average people to care. Crimes against children.

2. The Obama Picture - what does it show (literally a picture of Obama holding an AK47?), and how many will believe it's not photoshopped?

Gonna have to go with (1) DECLAS based on what I suspect to be true.

b463a0  No.6934086

File: 799dcc6c9368dfb⋯.png (33.58 KB, 346x358, 173:179, 799dcc6c9368dfb82c1ae386fd….png)

File: 70d84ff5733fe2c⋯.png (244.65 KB, 683x313, 683:313, 08e385d172e6f687a8417a0764….png)

File: b76fa20a959e791⋯.png (114.68 KB, 490x275, 98:55, 60a654405542eed9e15af33f43….png)

File: dbab3352457e513⋯.jpeg (61.02 KB, 405x391, 405:391, dbab3352457e51322c983cd74….jpeg)


Thank you for showing your true colors media matters, 2 ips were already filtered, now a 3rd one, be proud shill though you already are if you know what i mean.

b38bbe  No.6934087

File: d2b8a8cbc9d0e0e⋯.png (338.93 KB, 500x273, 500:273, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6934031 very true


93e6e0  No.6934088

5abd1c  No.6934089

File: 7854b0b276209e6⋯.png (231.55 KB, 543x325, 543:325, schittybjo.png)

bd1b9f  No.6934090

File: 644e3a40c94ea27⋯.png (57.12 KB, 545x438, 545:438, Another Dem criminal lawma….PNG)

File: 653ae37fe7be432⋯.png (275.8 KB, 538x692, 269:346, Congresswoman Veronica Esc….PNG)

Democratic congresswoman secretly sending staff into Mexico to coach asylum-seekers


A Democratic congresswoman is sending staff to Mexico’s northern border town of Ciudad Juárez to find migrants returned from El Paso, Texas, under the “remain in Mexico” policy, then coaching them to pretend they cannot speak Spanish to exploit a loophole letting them to return to the U.S.


3f9359  No.6934091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




found it

Push (2006)

035873  No.6934092


>Curtis Mathes logo on wall

Future didn't turn out quite the way they expected.

26830f  No.6934093

Some Underground Bases Listed by State



14. 29 Palms Marine Base, Identified on military map as airspace area R-2501 N. Saucer base southeast of Ludlow. This is a U.S. alien research/ diagnostic facility and UFO base.

15. China Lake, mind control and weapons research

16. Darwin, CA, 4 miles dues west of Darwin

17. Deep Springs, CA, 37°22' N 117º 59.3' W. saucer base

18. Fort Irwin, CA, 35°20'N 116°8'W W. saucer base

19. Edwards Air Force Base, in the area where Diamond Cr. & the so. fork of the Yuba meet, there are 3 underground UFO bases. 34°8' N 117° 48' W

20. George Air Force Base, CA - saucer base

21. Helendale, Lockhead Underground Facility, 34º44.7' N 1170 18.5' W. Technology for secret projects. There are 3 saucer bases here.

22. Los Angeles, On Hwy 14 towards Edwards A.F.B. after Palmdale, one turns off and after taking several streets to 170th street, north on 170th St. to the Rosamond-1 70th intersection, the second and lower and better maintained dirt road will take you west, and if you take a right going north at the power lines and up to the hilltop you will see the top of an underground NORTHOP facility; Technology for the elite's secret projects. This area was very active in the 1970s. Northrop's facility is near the Tehachapi Mtns. It has been reported to go down 42 levels. It is heavily involved with electronics and hi-tech aerospace research.

23. Mt. Shasta

24. Kern River, CA the hollowed out mountain next to the hydroelectric facility at the Kern River Project near Bakersfield- reported saucer base

25. Napa Valley- located at Oakville Grade north of Napa, CA. Tunnels also connect the wineries north of Napa, used for white slavery and mind-control. Has a saucer base.

26. Norton Air Force Base- saucer base

27. Quincy, CA, 39° 56.2' N 120° 56.5' W. saucer base

28. Near Palmdale (if one takes Palmdale Blvd. til 240th St. and goes to Ave R-8. One the eastern limit of Ave. R-8 is McDonnell-Douglas's facility called the Uano Facility. One can see it better from the Three Sisters Hills to the south of the facility. Strange shaped disks raise out of the ground on pylons. These attached disks glow and change color. It is involved in hi-tech aerospace technology.

29. Presidio, CA - A FEMA/DOD site for Region IX's regional office

30. San Bernardino, CO, 34º 50' N to 34° 16' N

31. Santa Barbara County - placed in the thick diatomite strata

32. Santa Rosa, 38º 26.4' N 122º 42.9' W, FEMA, Regional center for west coast, what FEMA is doing is mostly kept secret. This is listed as a Communications Antenna Field, but is doing much more.

33. Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA - very deep military base

34. Tehachapi Ranch- 4 saucer bases, Tecachapi Canyon has a new underground base which was finished in Sept. '95. This is the "Unholy 6" base of the Orions. 35° 20' 118° 40'

35. Trona, CA, 35° 45.5' N 1 77º22.6' W –several miles northwest of Trona, directly under Argus Peak. This DUM sits on China Lake's NWC's land, and may have been built in the '60s.

2a1193  No.6934094


i just wanted to meet trinity

i never wanted to be neo

51ea7e  No.6934095

File: 4c72b05a5f6be77⋯.jpg (309.66 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SCHITT27.jpg)

f86860  No.6934096


Biden apologizes for touting work with segregationist senators


https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxjhlZahRus&feature=youtu.be

54 second mark

f86860  No.6934097


Biden apologizes for touting work with segregationist senators


https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxjhlZahRus&feature=youtu.be

53-54 second mark

4d4254  No.6934098

File: 701ea6d36087535⋯.png (291.5 KB, 720x710, 72:71, Img-1562441506276.png)

File: e6b99469ac0bcda⋯.png (248.83 KB, 720x769, 720:769, Img-1562443470144.png)

File: fa11b7806c34d9f⋯.jpg (539.19 KB, 1055x1600, 211:320, Hero-Envy010.jpg)

File: 0875116a21cc802⋯.jpg (54.01 KB, 633x537, 211:179, background.jpg)

File: 3b6d8198f467ae2⋯.jpg (156.36 KB, 1200x631, 1200:631, Hulk-Movie-Rights-Explaine….jpg)

I'm going to go out on a limb and say Thor's helmet would be the winged sun.

BAL the brave.

f7548c  No.6934099


Do you ID as Gemini or Cancerian? Mother-in-law same day, def Cancer.

89b474  No.6934100


I've suspected this for a long time.

Truth is, he knew too much about some other things too.

948fbc  No.6934101


Read Wheeler and Springmeir's books a long time ago. Mostly true, huh?

5f9df5  No.6934102



>We are going to show you a new world.

>Those who are blind will soon see the light.

>A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.

>We take this journey together.

>One step at a time.



Use logic.

Everything has meaning.


b38bbe  No.6934103

File: 3f320ac473871f8⋯.png (18.59 KB, 532x395, 532:395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2955db5f183bd08⋯.png (21.23 KB, 532x425, 532:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4656b8d79eedeb3⋯.png (23.02 KB, 532x451, 532:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Answer: Sweden has almost 100,000 lakes, the largest of which, Vanern, is the third largest in Europe.

Answer: Sweden’s name ultimately derives from the North Germanic Svear tribe, which inhabited central Sweden & is first mentioned in the first centuries A.D.

Answer: England is only 35 km (22 miles) from France & is linked by the Channel Tunnel (aka Chunnel) under the English Channel. Because of England’s heavily indented coastline, no location is more than 125 km (77 miles) from tidal waters.


22d03f  No.6934104

File: 6f1c06f390a0bee⋯.jpg (128.37 KB, 813x785, 813:785, 5EYES.JPG)

File: fe281f1de321c60⋯.jpg (107.63 KB, 807x758, 807:758, grossly neglegent.JPG)

File: 115ec8a210cbb5c⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 846x704, 423:352, INVESTIGATING THE CLINTON ….JPG)

File: 150c418c636db09⋯.png (880.33 KB, 977x649, 977:649, REFILL55.png)


that's why Q came to us.

we can make 500 pages look like 4 cupcakes and a few highlights…

show me the rabbithole, I'll show you the shortcut.





b38bbe  No.6934105

File: 25c4b11567f77ef⋯.png (22.66 KB, 532x449, 532:449, ClipboardImage.png)


The national anthem for England and all of Great Britain is:

#FIFAWWC #ENGSWE #WorldFactbookTrivia

9:11 AM - 6 Jul 2019

9 11


1dba62  No.6934106

File: b2b8480ee487e8b⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1536x1989, 512:663, 8BBE6C31-E659-4271-B7F0-1….jpeg)


The reflection on his sun glasses is a

Cafe named Code Blue.

29ab20  No.6934107


Luke Radowski's still around?

fe0ed2  No.6934108

File: 7bdd8bc9e519636⋯.png (1.05 MB, 762x878, 381:439, ClipboardImage.png)

93d5e6  No.6934109

looking for different way to understand situation thereby nature of problem as it exists.

Not looking for philosophical rabbithole atm.

that being said scenario for input:

john doe with free will and all that jazz… taken to facility fractured into multiples and made not to know of theirself one another. A vessel for water has been emptied, rechambered to accomodate compartments (engineering?), and the water returned less some and with non-water in new compartments. (water is spark soul freewill). Is this a diminished life given self-ignorance is built into the grafted control mechanisms?

am not even sure if getting at what I am trying to ask as I read the way it comes out… but yeah have a feeling we need to color outside da box in new ways…. soon… bigger than we imagine…. but nap important, cant rise to vanguard as asked if we are unable to perform task required.

d477fd  No.6934110


“You remind me of Howard Hughes,” a friend told him.

“Thanks,” Trump said. “I admire him.”

He wrote about the tycoon turned neurotic hermit in Surviving at the Top. “The Howard Hughes story is fascinating to me,” Trump told readers, “because it shows that it’s possible to fall very far very fast. As time goes on I find myself thinking more and more about Howard Hughes and even, to some degree, identifying with him.” He cited Hughes’ aversion to germs, and the downsides of fame, like when he’s approached in restaurants and people end up “spraying their good wishes all over my food.”

“Every time that happens,” Trump wrote, “Howard Hughes and his reclusive lifestyle look a little less crazy to me.”

b38bbe  No.6934111

File: c54037268f9c6ab⋯.png (20.95 KB, 532x424, 133:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2faa0dbfbcd1089⋯.png (22.68 KB, 528x453, 176:151, ClipboardImage.png)

Answer: The krona (Swedish kronor) is the official currency of Sweden.

Answer: The River Thames travels over 215 miles through southern England, including London, & eventually flows into the North Sea. It’s the 2nd longest river in the UK, after the River Severn.



bd1b9f  No.6934112

File: e358304aae5e3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 944x842, 472:421, Betsy's Back.PNG)

Betsy's Back

5f9df5  No.6934114


>/Ourside/ has a flare for the dramatic, exaggerated, ludicrous

Bigger than You can imagine.

9240a7  No.6934115


Come on people

focus on the fight at hand and ignore this attempted sliding

d79543  No.6934116


This also seems to apply:

"Encouraging/Inducing – Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who – encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.

Penalty: With regard to violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(ii)-(iv) and (v)(ii), domestic transportation, harboring, encouraging/inducing, or aiding/abetting, the basic statutory maximum term of imprisonment is 5 years, unless the offense was committed for commercial advantage or private financial gain, in which case the maximum term of imprisonment is 10 years. "


d8c3b5  No.6934117

File: f717673886b315e⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 251x255, 251:255, f717673886b315e4ba4022e230….jpg)

b0ebe1  No.6934118


look at the broken blood vessels on his chin.

Must be from sucking dick, KEK

681ca8  No.6934119


kinda troubling in my situation….I tried to get a reading done, but the female that birthed me couldn't remember if I brought into this world morning, afternoon, night….closest I ever came was a triple 9 reading. Sorry, I don't know if that helps

ab2adc  No.6934120


Does not apply to a ruling class democrat

b683da  No.6934121


I want the howdy doody comey video. And I want it now!

9240a7  No.6934122


So, we have identified that Pencil Neck is sending a Code Blue signal

5a5741  No.6934123

File: d0dbdd892cbebae⋯.png (326.73 KB, 495x452, 495:452, Fairbanks re Cops.PNG)

Nunes just retweeted Posobiec

Someone else can fetch it

I blocked the tweet

I think Posoboec is actually tied to Antifa

Always there when violence happens

Almost like he KNEW ahead of time

His response to POTUS retweeting him on the 4th was regarding ANTIFA and look what happened in DC this morning and he was right there…AGAIN

Plus his girlfriend says POLICE are the Enemy of the People

948fbc  No.6934124


You're a Cancer.

453837  No.6934125

File: f22c6754003fea4⋯.jpg (60.55 KB, 654x443, 654:443, IMG_4174.JPG)


I saw that story about 14 sailors yesterday, here's the pic from said story. Why would they not show the actual sub? I'm questioning everything these days…


909632  No.6934126

File: bee42aa4848d458⋯.jpg (540.03 KB, 3584x2228, 896:557, Pain storm.jpg)

7f6662  No.6934128


Makes sense.

2a1193  No.6934129


>is it diminished?

not necessarily if the pieces fit back together, or at least able to communicate

46e293  No.6934130


That is one old KC-135. Entered service in 1957. My guess would be refueling fighters flying some kind of CAP over DC area this weekend.

Then again there is the possibility it's acting as a C2 platform for air and ground unit coordination.

bd1b9f  No.6934131


Isn't what Booker just did by walking those women across the border?

05e71b  No.6934132


24 August, 2017

Today, August 24th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes secret documents from the ExpressLane project of the CIA. These documents show one of the cyber operations the CIA conducts against liaison services – which includes among many others the National Security Agency (NSA), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The OTS (Office of Technical Services), a branch within the CIA, has a biometric collection system that is provided to liaison services around the world – with the expectation for sharing of the biometric takes collected on the systems. But this 'voluntary sharing' obviously does not work or is considered insufficient by the CIA, because ExpressLane is a covert information collection tool that is used by the CIA to secretly exfiltrate data collections from such systems provided to liaison services.

ExpressLane is installed and run with the cover of upgrading the biometric software by OTS agents that visit the liaison sites. Liaison officers overseeing this procedure will remain unsuspicious, as the data exfiltration disguises behind a Windows installation splash screen.

The core components of the OTS system are based on products from Cross Match, a US company specializing in biometric software for law enforcement and the Intelligence Community. The company hit the headlines in 2011 when it was reported that the US military used a Cross Match product to identify Osama bin Laden during the assassination operation in Pakistan.

5f9df5  No.6934134


Luckily, she's a Patriot.

& Busy Saving Humanity.

22d03f  No.6934135

File: 446ffb988c0c9be⋯.png (801.38 KB, 970x644, 485:322, THANKS BOYS_KEKFORCE.png)

"Thank you, Commandant Neller and Marine Barracks DC, for your hospitality at last night’s Evening Parade – such a wonderful tradition! I am honored by your service and commitment to America and thankful for the U.S. Marine Corps' dedication to protecting our diplomatic posts around the world." - Secretary Pompeo

26830f  No.6934136


To quote Ronald Reagan

"The best thing for the inside of a man is the outside of a horse."

01f469  No.6934137

File: 1c6a99e5a22aac5⋯.jpg (31.68 KB, 189x196, 27:28, coonsmile.jpg)

f418d9  No.6934138


no table

3c9532  No.6934139


Evening cloud cover from earlier thunderstorms kept the smoke from the fireworks low to the ground and slowed the dissipation.

681ca8  No.6934140


OK lol thanks

I am a water baby though, I gravitate to water if that means anything?

909632  No.6934141

File: 967134d50f6e320⋯.jpg (301.75 KB, 1282x728, 641:364, 1984.jpg)

Is there a baker in this bread?

Anyone collecting?

c09d10  No.6934142

File: 61fb1d2b3096849⋯.png (3.07 MB, 1244x2532, 311:633, nxivm_mkultra.png)













pic related

c39a88  No.6934143

File: 8ac87ec33bef870⋯.jpeg (252.2 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 5F3B3977-03F9-4363-883C-F….jpeg)

File: e19a64ee248995e⋯.jpeg (117.46 KB, 702x459, 26:17, 41F04D07-C167-42D8-98A9-2….jpeg)

File: 1397037852d4b40⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1247FD6E-17BF-4C5D-BE9E-6….jpeg)

File: 3080b65b6995122⋯.jpeg (664.92 KB, 1200x1168, 75:73, F3B34BA8-A2F1-461C-8B56-6….jpeg)

File: f815c422bfd699b⋯.jpeg (85.86 KB, 800x800, 1:1, B392754D-1683-4D41-8CB2-2….jpeg)

51ea7e  No.6934144

File: 5ccd7cf7c752923⋯.jpg (107.2 KB, 666x500, 333:250, DoItQ1.jpg)

OK, Q,


4b1952  No.6934145

File: 30bb79564c2d29f⋯.png (640.25 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d9eaa78d1dd927⋯.png (77.38 KB, 914x1134, 457:567, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6929138 (#8864 notable)

>Hilary’s server contained 22 emails labeled as Top Secret

>1 of 22.


12debb  No.6934146


>Pencil Neck is sending a Code Blue signal

blue light district

An area of a city or town that is mostly where one would find gay bars or bath houses and gay men and women cruising for sex. It is also often a high crime & drug sale & illicit use area.

f86860  No.6934147

Sara A. Carter

‏Verified account @SaraCarterDC

US Gov says that it's entitled to forfeiture of all property that constitutes or is derived from #ElChapo’s #narcotics-related crimes; any property that facilitated the commission of those crimes. ||| **If you agree RETWEET with COMMENT => #NOTINVEIN ||r-touting-work-with-segregationist-senators

ca4aec  No.6934148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[Verse 1]

Listen to the victim abused by the system

The basis is racist, you know that we must face this

It can't happen here (Oh, yeah?)

Take a look around at the cities and the towns

See 'em hunting, creeping, sneaking, breeding

Fear and loathing with the lies they're speaking

The knife, the gun, broken bottle, petrol bomb

There is no future when the past soon come

And when they come to ethnically cleanse me

Will you speak out? Will you defend me?

Or laugh through a glass eye as they rape our lives?

Trampled under foot by the right on the rise


(You owe us!)

Ich bin ein auslander

(You owe us everything!)

Ich bin ein auslander

(You owe us!)

Ich bin ein auslander

(You owe us everything!)

Ich bin ein auslander

[Verse 2]

Welcome to a state where the politics of hate

Shout loud in the crowd, watch them beat us all down

There's a rising tide on the rivers of blood

But if the answer isn't violence, neither is your silence

If they come to ethnically cleanse me

Will you speak out? Will you defend me?

Freedom of expression doesn't make it alright

Trampled under foot by the rise of the right


(You owe us!)

Ich bin ein auslander

(You owe us everything!)

Ich bin ein auslander

(You owe us!)

Ich bin ein auslander

(You owe us everything!)

Ich bin ein auslander


Ich bin ein auslander

Ich bin ein auslander

Ich bin ein auslander

Ich bin ein auslander

Ich bin ein auslander

Ich bin ein auslander

Ich bin ein auslander

Ich bin ein auslander

229371  No.6934149


This is getting to be ridiculous.

3b56a3  No.6934150



d79543  No.6934151


I think this would apply to Booker. Not much of a penalty:

"Bringing Aliens to the United States – Subsection 1324(a)(2) makes it an offense for any person who – knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has not received prior authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, to bring to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever, such alien, regardless of any official action which may later be taken with respect to such alien.

Penalty: The basic penalty for a violation of subsection 1324(a)(2) is a fine under title 18, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both"


3c9532  No.6934152


Nigel drinks saltwater instead of fresh.

He is salty from his pores.

I love Farage… no homo

3faddf  No.6934153

File: 696e1ae76237747⋯.jpg (512.23 KB, 1739x823, 1739:823, Screenshot_2019-07-06 Inte….jpg)


<Broken Arrow - Long Valley Caldera?

Follow the contours.

948fbc  No.6934154


Cancer = water sign

4c452c  No.6934155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's hammer time, that's what time it is!

6cdd47  No.6934156


It's a video about Antifa actually being responsible for the rise of fascism.


3742be  No.6934157


Don't talk to me, faggot.

a2e805  No.6934158


Actually Lord Palmerston is said to be the first to say it…but either way, it is very true (for me anyway)….you don't not own a horse; the horse owns you. a farm is like that too.

116303  No.6934159

File: b8ac43236bc7d15⋯.jpeg (415.1 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 1651DABD-7DF0-45F5-90EF-D….jpeg)

0788f4  No.6934160


I'd say


909632  No.6934162



Not a baker.

I'll skim bread an catch some notes.

655acd  No.6934163



https://twitter.com/USMC/status/1147475281281765376 5:00 AM - 6 Jul 2019

https://twitter.com/USMC/status/1147294087311233025 5:00 PM - 5 Jul 2019

https://twitter.com/USMC/status/1147112891083972609 5:00 AM - 5 Jul 2019

https://twitter.com/USMC/status/1146750505625899008 5:00 AM - 4 Jul 2019

https://twitter.com/USMC/status/1146388118813192192 5:00 AM - 3 Jul 2019

https://twitter.com/USMC/status/1145663340934340608 5:00 AM - 1 Jul 2019

https://twitter.com/USMC/status/1145482146297131009 5:00 PM - 30 Jun 2019

https://twitter.com/USMC/status/1145300955308552193 5:00 AM - 30 Jun 2019

for reference: a tweet with different timestamp.

https://twitter.com/USMC/status/1138849579334606850 09:44 - 12. Juni 2019

4d24a0  No.6934164

File: 8a94062c662f950⋯.png (193.16 KB, 1276x1102, 22:19, podium.png)

all of podiumanon's posts

take it for what it's worth

the folder is POTUS speech

secret service would not let anyone near the speech once it is placed on the podium

zoom len maybe

who knows?

first post sound kinda trumpy to me

but then fades off in the other posts

anons fought for three breads trying to get it in the notables

baker played dumb?

who knows?

38b0c0  No.6934165

File: ab5edcaa343872f⋯.png (266.18 KB, 869x640, 869:640, 05E3E007-2654-4194-BF96-EF….png)

Can any anons shed some light as to why people are freaking out about this?


Apparently it was released in 2016 but it’s being presented as new on some websites

93e6e0  No.6934166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c0caa0  No.6934167



f7548c  No.6934168


….well, this IS a Listening Post, that serves as our program guide to the movie we see unfolding everyday; sometimes not much to listen to. That's when you break yo go BBQ a whole cow.

116303  No.6934169


Looks good.

c77854  No.6934170

File: 25125c0fd93efd4⋯.png (85.88 KB, 375x360, 25:24, pepe ghost baker.png)


collecting, will post at 600 hundy. Just woke up from nabby so some shit may be missing.

Someone will have to to the front-end but can continue collecting and posting that. Whoever did that yesterday…if you may.

d477fd  No.6934171

Scorcese’s The Aviator – Howard Hughes, Hollywood & the CIA

I thought we’d take a rest from the usual sci fi/transhumanist series of films I generally focus on and do something a bit different – Martin Scorcese’s 2004 The Aviator. While most viewers probably found the Howard Hughes story a captivating dramatic portrayal, reviewing this film I was reminded of a lot of background dot connecting I had done in the ten years since it premiered related to Hughes. As readers can probably imagine, the rabbit holes around Hughes that Scorcese only hints at are in fact much deeper and darker than Martin’s meta-narrative production revealed.

The Aviator was nominated for 11 academy awards, won five, and is undeniably a well-made film, yet in my estimation leaves out many key details in relation to the real story of Hughes. Thus, in considering the nexus of intelligence, Hollywood and the occult, The Aviator and Hughes are key intersects for JaysAnalysis style material. With that in mind, this analysis will not solely focus on the film, but aspects of Scorcese’s film and Hughes’ secrets in relation to the deep state shadow government.

In this regard, we can posit that Scorcese, being a longtime Hollywood insider, may have even chosen the meta aspects of The Aviator with Hughes’ film directing period to mirror the control of Hollywood by the establishment. In other words, directors themselves are “directed,” as I’ve highlighted many times. If that sounds outlandish, consider that Scorcese’s 2011 Hugo contains the theme of old Hollywood and the freedom and creativity director’s had in the silent era contrasted with the elite controlled, cookie-cutter simulacra that would come to characterize modern Hollywood.

Hugo is, in part, about the loss of creativity and the demise of Hollywood, so we can speculate that Scorcese is conveying that message earlier in The Aviator, as the film opens with Hughes filming his 1930 war (propaganda) epic, Hell’s Angles (the most expensive film of its day). Hughes was a Hollywood outsider who filmed his work largely form his own pockets, and as a result, the military picked up on his skills for propaganda much like the establishment did with Kubrick and his collaboration with NASA. The dark marriage comes to the fore once again!

Hughes’ engineering work also contributed to his contracts with the Air Force, as well as deals with Lockheed-Martin, leading to his rise in the formation of TWA. Hughes would prove instrumental in the airline companies becoming global, but his rise also makes more sense given his intelligence connections he acquired, as we shall see. Buddying up with the military industrial complex and working on a number of covert engineering and spy plane projects, Hughes became a source of danger for the establishment, given his knowledge.

His eccentric behavior and extreme obsessive-compulsive tendencies combined with extreme paranoia didn’t help, either, with the CIA encircling Hughes in the form of Mormon bodyguards. The Mormon mafia connections with Hughes would become evident in his death, bequeathing a billion and a half dollars to Mormon institutions. Consider as well that the Mormon Church has a large CIA contingent, deriving many of its rituals from Freemasonry.

While all of this can be teased out from Wikipedia links, still deeper connections remain. The CIA’s Robert Bennett had lucrative ties to Hughes through his front company (for the Agency), The Mullen Company, which included many connections to later Watergate figures, such as Chuck Colson. Another crucial player was a former Mullen Company man and former boss of Bennett, the infamous E. Howard Hunt, who confessed on his death to a role in plotting the JFK assassination.

Thus with Bennett and Hunt, the Hughes circles were peopled by major elements of the deep state apparatus, and to make things even creepier, the Mullen Company was intimately connected to the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency, which would be instrumental in utilizing Bernay’s Pentagon psychological warfare tactics in their ad strategies. We can also see a window into the hidden history of the CIA’s connections and relations to the airlines, which I have written about here, as well as when we consider Air America or Evergreen.

d477fd  No.6934172


Scorcese’s film also highlights Hughes’ intimate period with Hollywood starlet Katherine Hepburn. While Hepburn was known for her outspoken feminism and decision to don masculine clothing, it is not widely known that Hepburn’s mother, Mrs. Thomas Hepburn, was a crusader for Margaret Sanger. To this day, Planned Parenthood honors Hepburn for her promotion of women’s “rights” and abortion. The reason I highlight this is the fact that The Aviator and Hughes’ circles of establishment figures give the impression of an outsider who was not fully aware of what he stumbled into. Being brought on board with the establishment’s grand goals includes preeminently the implementation of mass dysgenics/eugenics strategies, and his pairing with Hepburn was yet another sign of his collusion with the military industrial complex’s plans. The crucial point to grasp here is that the WW2 and Cold War buildup of “national defense,” of which Hughes was a central part, was much, much more.

The military industrial complex’s Cold War defense apparatus was the means by which the transition to the future technocracy would come about. In this regard, the Atlanticist establishment’s goals of mass depopulation, mouthed through operations like Planned Parenthood, are part of the same agenda as the Cold War tech and arms race. Thus, with families like the Rockefellers, entities like Hollywood, the CIA, Hughes Corporation and Planned Parenthood all find common ground and interconnect.

This is why at the end of the film, a paranoid Hughes fears intelligence agents have infiltrated his company, and Scorcese leaves us with the open interpretation of whether these agents were real or a figment of Hughes’ imagination. Given Hughes’ mysterious 1970 “disappearance,” some have concluded he was kidnapped by the Agency due to fears of his psychological issues resulting in leaks.

I was reminded of A Beautiful Mind, where the figure of John Nash is portrayed as a paranoid schizophrenic working in some capacity for this same establishment. However, in Nash’s case, he too had deep state connections that may have justified his paranoia. Perhaps Hughes was justified in his paranoia, given the intimately details of secret plans he had, but the curiosities do not end there. The occult comes into play with the figure of Crowleyan figure Jack Parsons, who worked for Hughes. Parsons is famous for inventing the jet-propulsion engine, which Scorcese has Hughes reference towards the close of the film, deeming rockets the “future.” Hughes was thus intimately aware of the esoteric and occultic principles Parsons based his rockets on, including a desert ritual attempting to invoke the Antichrist known as the Babalon Working.

Another neat tidbit worth considering is that Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane was originally intended to center around Hughes, and not William Randolph Hearst. Welles, however, did include a section of his masterful F for Fake on the hoaxed biography of Hughes by Clifford Irving, adding more mystery to the mix. For readers interested in more details about Hughes and his deep state connections, my primary source was Levenda’s Sinister Forces, Volume II, pages 74-80, but I’m sure much more could be dug up.

Regardless, Hughes is emblematic of the intelligent, hard-working driven country guy who fell into the ranks of the establishment, only to find his life ruined. This is not to say he was a pure victim, but the contradictions and paradoxes around Howard Hughes are like the contradictions and paradoxes of America itself – like a sincere child that signs onto a dark establishment with nefarious ends, and signing on to evil always results in self-destruction. Scorcese’s film is an accurate depiction of that paradox, and hints at all the connections I’ve outlined above.

2be1c1  No.6934173


There were enough cameras pointed in the other direction when this photo was taken. We should be able to find who took it.

655acd  No.6934174


i would 'predict' that there is a USMC tweet today at 17.00 or tomorrow at 5.00….

590f83  No.6934175


>We are going to

Now would be a great time. Is it about waiting for the political/military/judicial/PR gameplan to play out, or is it waiting on anons to figure out something and do something? Tired of riddles and vague clues, but I understand if that's the only way to bypass the mind control

a42932  No.6934176

File: a021154adcd9a92⋯.png (326.58 KB, 816x448, 51:28, ClipboardImage.png)


Good one

681ca8  No.6934177


Well there ya go then! What an incredible experience today! Not only have I been cured of DID, I've also been given some identity! I AM CANCER…

Does that mean I am no longer STAR?

3b56a3  No.6934178


i got the pastebin

6cdd47  No.6934179




I'd like to self-nominate this proof for whoever is collecting notables. It's my first one. Unless we aren't doing these anymore?

e70c79  No.6934180

File: 6b245636df13d29⋯.png (273.92 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8685decbea5553d⋯.png (861.97 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

909632  No.6934181

File: 24300e4e995dae5⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1601x1220, 1601:1220, Army of digital soldiers.jpg)


Bless you anon.

I have never baked.

If no baker arrives I'll give it a go about 680.

I got the steps listed.

I can do a paste as well.

38b0c0  No.6934182


I was at peak autism in 2016 though and I don’t remember this and I’ve never seen any of the documents within the FOIA release, which is surprising considering anons would have been posting them a lot when that alleged Israeli “DEW” was destroyed.

4b1952  No.6934183

File: ca57907afe93ebf⋯.png (45.86 KB, 1238x595, 1238:595, ClipboardImage.png)




Found the other one. o7

a46ebd  No.6934185

File: f7900af4ad50e88⋯.png (110.57 KB, 928x886, 464:443, Screenshot (619).png)

Interesting list of people from page 234 of the latest FBI Vault drop

Some familiar names, others not so much

What are the redacted names

950fff  No.6934186


"Christian pro-Israel gathering"

Does not compute.

aa8109  No.6934187



Just a reminder: Team Pence is DS & worse, Team Faggot. They [you] are also quite obviously the losing team. It couldn't be clearer. The writing is on the wall. So good luck with that. No doubt, you & your shit worshiping lackeys will need it, kek.

524f61  No.6934188

File: 236fb1533010590⋯.jpg (285.11 KB, 785x785, 1:1, hammertime.jpg)

4c452c  No.6934189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b38bbe  No.6934190

>>6934170 ty anon

>>6933704 In a sign of evangelical voters’ importance. POTUS is sending five senior advisers to a Christian pro-Israel gathering

>>6934103, >>6934105, >>6934111 CIA tweets on FIFA WW C(o)up

909632  No.6934191


I ot one sorted anon.

Another anon is collecting.

Do you bake?

1d0dd7  No.6934192


Link to volcano map?

5f9df5  No.6934193

Thank you, Mirror Warriors.


Looking Glass.

Disco Ball.

Love You All.


For Go(o)d.

3c9532  No.6934194


They quit to avoid setting an endgame precedent… in hopes to try again later.

b13582  No.6934195







3742be  No.6934196


This list is in various different handwritings. I see this as a sign-in sheet at a meeting. Each person wrote their own name, Office, and Phone. Amirite fam?

af4f26  No.6934197

File: 456d7ca957cb734⋯.jpg (63.13 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 352rag[1].jpg)


Then the final Boom will be the IG report

1,2,3 strikes yer out

4db230  No.6934198


Kinda distressing

bbdd4a  No.6934199


altars can have demons and usually do, but alters are the mind trying to protect itself. They are not demons. Each alter will protect a separate secret. Get the secret exposed and healed (forgiven) and then the alter will no longer have a purpose and will heal back into the source/real self.

116303  No.6934200


Just kind of looking into this. Where is there a reference to time when this was taken?

This was a long event with lots of military, politicians, and press. We need some “no bullshit” assessment as to when this picture was take. Without that, I think it’s impossible.

d3ae44  No.6934201

File: 44a23762eefc2a5⋯.jpg (160.86 KB, 528x408, 22:17, fuck muzzies get them the ….JPG)

Seriously Facebook! Banned for 30 days for a post posted almost 3 yrs ago.

Either this is a result by a SEVERELY BUTT-HURT PSYCHOTIC, is Facebook that DESPERATE to censor conservatives or Trump supporters or some desperate PSYCHOTIC GROUP OF MUSLIMES?

a46ebd  No.6934202


Concur, anon

b683da  No.6934203


be my hero & post it already damnit

mr binney, whatchu waitin 4?

2a1193  No.6934204


read that as game on

e971ef  No.6934205

If Flynn docs are altered (already the case with 1 voicemail), how much else is doctored?

3742be  No.6934206



And Peter Strzok was there first.

He made the sign-in sheet then signed. Note that the column headings are in Strzok's handwriting. It's a good bet that Strzok organized and chaired the meeting.

7cffa8  No.6934207

"What is a map?"

A map is a schematic representation of reality itself.

"Learn to read the map."

You learn to read a map when you can use the map to move about in reality.

October = 8-month

(It is really 8-month, no matter the "fact" that it is the 10th month…)

8 for 8chan = infinitychan = Wonderland

Red October = Read October = when 8chan has learned and "read" the map

The Hunt for Red October = the effort to get there

"Expand your thinking" -> this is not just about FISAGate or emails or even "bigger" things like WW2 or distortion of history, but about YOUR actual life

You are LIVING in Wonderland (which is not "just" 8chan) and they LIE about it. If you are not connecting ACTUAL CONCRETE things in your life to "the map" then you have not "expanded your thinking" enough and have not learned to read the map. I have NO IDEA how it is possible, but it is reality.

As it happens, I was LITERALLY thinking about this angle on Red October when Q dropped the last batch of drops, and I didn't even realize Q had posted at first.

"News unlocks the map." "You are the news now."


655acd  No.6934208

File: d1cd49b1852cda8⋯.png (95.64 KB, 590x370, 59:37, SHILLS_go_to_JAIL.png)

File: 6a8b2c4c1307d92⋯.png (58.34 KB, 890x156, 445:78, SHILLS_go_to_JAIL2.png)

You shills are scared?

You should be.

Defending pedo masons by shilling here is not shitposting, but it´s engaging in cyber warfare against POTUS and the US military.

b155e1  No.6934209


Yes. Which is why it's notable.

They're trying to scuttle it so they can retry. That's why I highlighted those parts.

46379e  No.6934210

File: c45c27866df26b7⋯.jpg (111.8 KB, 505x1119, 505:1119, PatriotsPopcorn.JPG)

97a6ba  No.6934211


Explosions don't start fires (sometimes they actually DO, depends on the conditions) due to the rapid consumption and displacement of oxygen, a necessary component of all but Class D fires.

229371  No.6934212


I don't mean the board. The board is fine. I'm talking about the congresstards that have recently started moonlighting as human traffickers.

b38bbe  No.6934213

File: 20d5795d11a9b3a⋯.png (64.23 KB, 399x588, 19:28, ClipboardImage.png)

#Netanyahu’s son, Yair, explaining to an evangelical crowd in #Alabama how there’s no such thing as a #Palestinian people‼️ This silly boy learned intensively from his father how to underestimate & cheat the minds of people, based on their ignorance of the history of the region.


8:27 AM - 6 Jul 2019 >>6934186

Netanyahu’s son, Yair + evangelical crowd in #Alabama

7860fb  No.6934214


IIRC MKUltra 'alters' are assigned colors - could be a 'go' signal for Blue to activate

116303  No.6934215


Even better than the first tbh

What you have going on is worth a look.

Anons look

3b56a3  No.6934216


Yep, can bake if you need me to

9318bf  No.6934217

Angels, Demons, Extra Terrestrials, portals and metaphysical boundaries.

Satanic worship and human sacrifice for centuries.

High technology, ancient high technology, real time deep fakes, holograms, UAP/UFO, interplanetary travel, modifications to weather and time.

(Just don't mention JFK Jr may not be dead though…. riiiiiiiight.)

c0caa0  No.6934218


0788f4  No.6934219


I dont nominate notables very often, but this one deserves it,

116303  No.6934220

909632  No.6934221

File: 795147507e91c86⋯.jpg (315.69 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, Bakery.jpg)


You take it, baker.

Another anon is posting notes at 600.


c77854  No.6934222


roger that fren and ty.


got 'em, ty


dropping bun soon, call the ball on your paste, or can continue.

4f6a23  No.6934223


Micro transactions

Loot boxes

e70c79  No.6934224

File: f4e0b367e214e37⋯.png (198.88 KB, 251x346, 251:346, ClipboardImage.png)


What IS the current danger?

3742be  No.6934225

File: e471cd9bac05be5⋯.jpg (304.88 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, DebunkCrumAnon.jpg)


Appears to be same anon that ID'd as CrumAnon July 4-5. Periscope, same word as several of their posts.

Capped the anon who debunked them:

>>6923969 PB


>Sure thing fren he fucked me over hours yesterday but I fucking fought his ass around 3am


>This link is his Sevi Omaha keystone vid that he has. Word for word on the info from these drops in pic

>Check out Anon A17 (@Area17GZ): https://twitter.com/Area17GZ?s=09

>This is his twitter

>He is so fucking full of disinformation he says Bill Clinton is a white hat and has a shit ton of followers I can go further if I need.

>So crumbLarp anon Fuck Off you doxxed yourself

636464  No.6934226


You don't know the Bible or God, God says where there is blood there is life and a fetus is made up of blood and tissue, pro choice people are morons of the highest proportion! A fetus is a baby. God says that He knew us BEFORE we were formed by God in the womb, but you can argue with God about that when you meet Him face to face and tell Him, the Creator of all, that He is wrong and you know more…good luck with that and I hope you can withstand extreme heat!

af969b  No.6934227

Baker, California fun find when looking at google maps around the recent earthquakes.

Go take a peek at the worlds tallest thermometer.

Or just down the road at the Seventeen mile marker. they even have night bakers. 24 hour bakes.

I also noticed that is close to mars.. looks like mars too.

small area, a lot of fun finding weird things.

681ca8  No.6934228


YES Thank you and that is what I am working on.

Forgiving myself is of utmost importance. The mind fuck that I experienced always had ME as the reason I was abused. That s the hardest thing to overcome…Thanks, anons! Seriously, I am so glad there are actually conversations about this and these issues!

e04211  No.6934229


Full David Brock confidential memo on fighting Donald Trump obtained by the Washington Free Beacon at the Jan. 19-21, 2017, 'Democracy Matters' Florida donor retreat at Turnberry Isle Resort in Aventura, Fla.

I remember seeing this previously..50 pages

cd556a  No.6934230


Why not both at the same time?

655acd  No.6934231


please post your notables so anons can check.

~600 already.

5f9df5  No.6934232


> or is it waiting on anons to figure out something and do something?


You have it ALL.

We are here for a REASON.




How much more obvious must we make up?

Are you blind?

Will none of you answer the call?

b13582  No.6934233











948fbc  No.6934234


Yellow vests in France. Here? No. Not here.

Might not be a bad thing, but we are not pissed off enough. We are still waiting for POTUS to save the day, while there is an increasingly large and increasingly armed contingent of militant leftists hell bent on killing him and killing us.

c63155  No.6934235

File: a28b689f26aa902⋯.png (170.95 KB, 1800x950, 36:19, Capture a.PNG)

File: 33b7d9d987c16f3⋯.png (120.62 KB, 1434x1038, 239:173, Capture b.PNG)

File: ede23179ea2de56⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1804x942, 902:471, Capture c.PNG)

Is there some fuckery going on here? Pizza place or kids Day Care? Occupied or not? The Coding center should have been open at the time with kids…….just asking.

2fd002  No.6934236


The pic is enticing but:

It’s tough because they have laid the groundwork for deepfakes, so people inclined to dismiss it as fake now have something that helps them explain it away.

Also, even if the pic has him with an AK, while politically embarrassing, I don’t see where there is a charge on Obama for that.

Meuller with Declas is best. They need to know what people did illegally to try and frame the president.

Either way they DS have muddied the waters a good deal, so it’ll be an uphill effort.

f7548c  No.6934237


….depends on how far along our Space Force is…

909632  No.6934238

File: 2c33ff2c288a4a3⋯.jpg (306.38 KB, 873x652, 873:652, Trips Checked.jpg)


Digits confirm.

We win together.

There is now a baker.

I'm back to memetics, Kek.

590f83  No.6934239


Thanks, good read.

<They want to brainwash the entire world and are studying methods of sex, rage, and emotional stimuli to reprogram human brains the way we would a computer. Add in internet, porn, and mass communication, and the state is VERY close to figuring out the perfect solution to achieve mass hypnosis.

Is this why AI is so important to [them]?

e39703  No.6934240


I did a dig on Yair a while back complete psycho just like papa

b155e1  No.6934241


mueller obviously

ec7bbd  No.6934242


Good question.

In the case of natural gas, a supply pipe is constantly supplying new fuel. So after a gas explosion, a fire afterward would be a foregone conclusion– unless the emergency cut-off valve has been flipped.

Sauce: I am an architect who use to be a residential constractor, and built houses (with natural gas) for over 10 years.

97a6ba  No.6934243


Join the Navy. We're almost always close to water, except for the aviators and admin weenies.

c77854  No.6934244


Ghosty Bake D'oh


Notables, not endorsements

>>6933728, >>6933735, >>6933793, >>6933794, >>6933845, >>6933845, >>6933862, >>6933857, >>6933866, >>6934068, >>6934069

Project Azorian Hughes Glomar Explorer digs on Glomar Explorer and HH

>>6933856 Spain Says Iranian Oil Tanker Was Seized by Britain at US Request

>>6933667, >>6933677, >>6933736 anon digs Boring Co/Musk and Equake connections

>>6933704 In a sign of evangelical voters’ importance. POTUS is sending five senior advisers to a Christian pro-Israel gathering

>>6933745, >>6933891, pf reports

>>6933752 KANSAS Tweet- "thank you @CMC-Marince Corps, @MBWDC…"

>>6933754 anon speculates 'Coincidence that ALL July 4th, 2018 Q-drops were Airplane/Airport related?'

>>6933757 Top VPNs secretly owned by Chinese firms-july 3rd

>>6933780, >>6933765 Soros: Online Trump Supporters Will Be Entirely ‘Silenced’ By 2020-from Jan. 2017- Brock 'spoogin

>>6933775, >>6933807 US Army Tweet- 'Iraq's largest dam is now safe- red castle

>>6933782 POTUS' Fed Nominee Dr. Judy Shelton discusses her support of a return to the gold standard and her critical take on central bank activity-repost

>>6934024 Federal judge moves forward on census citizenship question UPI

>>6933958, >>6933995, >>6934029, >>6934049 Moar on Ca E quake

>>6934090 Democratic congresswoman secretly sending staff into Mexico to coach asylum-seekers (POTUS press)

>>6934093 Some Underground Bases Listed by State

>>6934103, >>6934105, >>6934111 CIA tweets on FIFA WW C(o)up

>>6934171, >>6934172 Scorcese’s The Aviator – Howard Hughes, Hollywood & the CIA related to Hughes digs above


do keep up anon, said I would here. Just came in here 20 minutes ago. Keep your tits steady

e70c79  No.6934245

File: fdf0a4d7f30e027⋯.png (486.49 KB, 568x353, 568:353, ClipboardImage.png)


MAPpers of the mind?

6e5258  No.6934246

File: 955e66745930f71⋯.png (379.62 KB, 669x642, 223:214, bba86ea2ebab7291438b4e2734….png)

93d5e6  No.6934247


nothing is statistically impossible with the help of statistics… :)

a42932  No.6934248



pg. number please? pt 1. 2. or 3?

3b56a3  No.6934249

File: febd1905bf0f4aa⋯.jpg (102.89 KB, 1319x1705, 1319:1705, baker girl.jpg)



Handoff Confirmed?

2b2585  No.6934250

Does nobody notice how the Cabal is emptying out their distractions post 4th of July speech? They were planning on POTUS spilling the beans so they censored his speech and are unloading all their assets. All out PANIC mode. Let them exhaust everything they have…then drop the hammer.


Comfy AF

2d9cec  No.6934251

File: dd0a77318fad503⋯.jpg (652.11 KB, 990x730, 99:73, SmartSelect_20190324-14514….jpg)

0788f4  No.6934252


Suppose it depends on what each would bring. Would Mueller docs actually get people arrested? If not, I'd say picture. If so, docs most def

ca4aec  No.6934253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3742be  No.6934254

File: dd07618da6d7eef⋯.jpg (263.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, BeCarefulWhoYouFollow.jpg)

File: 526c20b05769a71⋯.jpeg (562.93 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, QCrumbsSelfless4.jpeg)

This poster is NOT Q and has an internet trail a mile wide on youtube and twitter according to the anon who outed them on July 4th.

This is reportedly his Twitter account:

Check out Anon A17 (@Area17GZ): https://twitter.com/Area17GZ?s=09

and you will find similar posts to the ones that are posted here.





















Be careful who you follow.

2be1c1  No.6934255


>Where is there a reference to time when this was taken?

Not that I've seen.

I intend to try to narrow down the time-frame later (got stuff to do right now).

We might be able to use the activity of the band members as something to compare with the video to help narrow down the timeframes(s) and then watch who was milling around the podium and holding up things that could be cameras.

Later. I got stuff to do right now.

c77854  No.6934256

File: 18a81bfa3a90da3⋯.jpeg (215.45 KB, 1032x1072, 129:134, POTUS magic wand.jpeg)


confirmed, like this way….like it used to be. Shame that got shit on but that's life.

2fd002  No.6934257




c3d507  No.6934258

I think there is some confusion regarding the census citizenship question after reading the notables.

1. The "short-form" census has not asked about citizenship since 1950

2. The long-form census still asks about citizenship. However, in 2010, the long-form census was replaced by the American Community Service which is conducted yearly instead of every 10 years.

3 So the citizenship info is still being collected, but maybe Obama switched it to the ACS so that it could never possibly be used to apportion representation in Congress.

229371  No.6934259


Yep. He has them by the short hairs and only about half of them realize it.

3faddf  No.6934260



May have to zoom to area and turn on features, eg. all EQ's and all Volcanoes.

2nd try, didn't post. board laggy.

6cdd47  No.6934261


Thanks faggot. I forgot I found another proof in this thread.

4f6a23  No.6934262

File: 1ced05f51c702c6⋯.jpeg (415.92 KB, 750x498, 125:83, 13838883-DB22-4109-A4A6-C….jpeg)

f7548c  No.6934263


Do you know who Davy Jones was?

948fbc  No.6934264


We need to be out there protesting. We need to be a loud and ANGRY constituency that POTUS can't ignore. He needs to act IN RESPONSE TO OUR PROTESTS. Otherwise, he is just a tin-pot dictator taking down his political enemies for selfish reasons [optics matter]

603b06  No.6934265


"Go(o)d always wins."


c982f3  No.6934266

File: 98db2f8c5d2892a⋯.png (476.7 KB, 768x510, 128:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee6bd01e8eed90c⋯.png (213.03 KB, 348x385, 348:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77711f5d90939e4⋯.png (527.65 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b62be213210144⋯.png (818.73 KB, 847x633, 847:633, Ted&Ed1.png)

Ted Lieu & Adam Schiff taking advantage of Cali earthquakes by getting their share of virtue signalling in on social media.

Their friend Ed Buck has killed more people than both earthquakes combined…yet not a word about the dead, young gay dudes found in his house…..or all the meth, paraphernalia, and sex toys at the crime scenes

e70c79  No.6934267


Thanks, fren. Have wondered if there are multiple Samson options to deploy in escalating sequence.

0788f4  No.6934268


These two should definitely be added



5f9df5  No.6934269



Are you actually fucking kidding me, anons all sitting round here bitching about where's Q and why no declas when Q sent out a Mayday signal OVER 3 MONTHS AGO, followed by NUMEROUS anon SOS posts since. And no one noticed.

Are you all for real?

Did you think this was just about words?

What is wrong with you?

White Squall.

Where we go one we go all.

What did you think Q was saying?

Wake up!

93d5e6  No.6934270


Duke Leto! Muad'ib

a46ebd  No.6934271

File: 97ade0490663e9b⋯.jpg (13.12 KB, 150x187, 150:187, TaylorSteven.jpg)

File: ecbb844b2c7a38c⋯.jpg (20.32 KB, 200x250, 4:5, JohnsonGlen.jpg)


Am going to work down the list to ID other meeting attendees following Strzok.

Here's the first two, Steven Taylor and Glen Johnson (Johnson was senior adviser to John Kerry!)


"Steven Taylor, formerly the State Department‘s deputy chief information officer and chief technology officer for operations, became acting CIO in August.

Fedscoop reports Taylor will be responsible for the department’s information resources and technology programs and oversee those programs for 260 overseas missions.

The 24-year department veteran will also be in charge of the department’s $1 billion information technology and knowledge management budget, according to the report.

Taylor succeeded Susan Swart, who resigned in July to take on the CIO role at the International Monetary Fund.

He has served as minister counselor for management, director of the department’s worldwide messaging systems office, SMART program director and counselor for communication and technology."

Glen H. Johnson (Senior Executive Service, SWAMP)



Dr. Glen H. Johnson, a member of the Senior Executive Service, was appointed Deputy Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer for the U.S. Department of State in August 2012. He is responsible for overseeing worldwide information technology operations including global networks, e-mail, desktop support, mobile technologies, software development, equipment modernization, data center operations, telephones, and radios.

Previously, Dr. Johnson was Director of IRM’s Messaging Systems Office and served in a number of management positions in Washington, including the State Messaging and Archive Retrieval Toolset (SMART), the Defense Trade Export Licensing system, and the U.S. Arms Control Data Repository. He has received numerous awards for effective leadership and management of complex technical projects, including two Presidential Rank Awards and four superior honor awards.

Dr. Johnson earned his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in international security studies and computer science, and holds master’s degrees in Latin American studies and quantitative research methods and an undergraduate degree in political science from Brigham Young University."

Lordy, this one has written a damn book and put that traitor Kerry smack on the COVER. You can't make this up.


9240a7  No.6934272

File: dd864e0eb44fddf⋯.png (680.23 KB, 791x788, 791:788, ClipboardImage.png)

The White House

‏Verified account @WhiteHouse

7m7 minutes ago

President Trump has signed an executive order to help remove barriers to affordable housing development, making it easier for all Americans to find a home.

1:27 PM - 6 Jul 2019

132 replies 337 retweets 920 likes


c77854  No.6934273

File: 2dadf2dc3a36433⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1096x773, 1096:773, abe points it out dd.PNG)


confirmed baker. happy baking.

d36009  No.6934274

File: 92e4feb0263029e⋯.jpg (620.1 KB, 1616x1088, 101:68, vcxvdsf.jpg)

File: a149236ed8a1443⋯.jpg (809.58 KB, 1967x1097, 1967:1097, wtf.jpg)

909632  No.6934275

File: 1fe58ca99797696⋯.jpg (595.33 KB, 816x1126, 408:563, Ammunition.jpg)


>do keep up anon, said I would here. Just came in here 20 minutes ago. Keep your tits steady


Thank you notes collecteranon

b683da  No.6934276


Seriously those fuckers who did that to you deserve to die, very painfully. Best wishes to you (all of yous).

681ca8  No.6934277


bahahaha My one and only wish when I was growing up (long time ago) was to be an oceanographer. I was so young, I don't even think I could spell it then.

I just passed my 52nd birth day….i don't think joining the Navy is in my future, luv. But thank you from the bestest in my heart!

6e5258  No.6934278


proof that you're a desperate shill and your clock is fake and gay? shills distract from real research with this fake clock bullshit. repent and do some real research, shill.

b13582  No.6934279













f06c62  No.6934280


Remember when they said they were taking children to Mars?

e70c79  No.6934281


What/who are the worms? What is the spice?

c77854  No.6934282


this your baker now, their call now


4c452c  No.6934283


It certainly seems like a lot of BS is flying around. Don't think it's merely attempts at demoralization.

116303  No.6934284

File: 4deffe3c55c66ca⋯.jpeg (489.64 KB, 1125x1216, 1125:1216, 4CBE1899-2126-4D5D-80D2-B….jpeg)


Thanks baker

Check out Spartacus

Presidential candidate escorts asylum seekers across border

Is this the new normal? Cory Booker, a U.S. senator, and presidential candidate walked five women across the Paso Del Norte Bridge in Juárez Wednesday. He coordinated with Families Belong Together, a group that brings together 250 organizations who protest the Trump administration’s immigration policies.


e39703  No.6934285

File: 1a7048da4028b22⋯.png (632.98 KB, 643x427, 643:427, ClipboardImage.png)

909632  No.6934286



You got the kitchen

1b31ad  No.6934287

File: cfcc7e3565ceeae⋯.gif (12.03 KB, 543x532, 543:532, Long_Valley.gif)


This anon remembers the seismic activity at Mammoth Lakes 40 years ago. One tremor occurred during English class in Fresno and the teacher wondered if we should get under our desks. Before the internet we'd go check the seismograph at the Geology Dept. at Fresno State.

c61605  No.6934288

File: 189192da78dcfac⋯.png (2.48 MB, 2489x2168, 2489:2168, red castle iraq dam qclock….png)

2a1193  No.6934289


and how exactly would we help in this scenario

1d0dd7  No.6934290


Thanks fren.

3c9532  No.6934291


I hope people in San Fran and Silicon Valley are using this weekend to get their earthquake survival kits fully prepared.

They need to be ready.

6cdd47  No.6934292



fb3071  No.6934293

File: 161c91837f36dc6⋯.jpg (55.02 KB, 620x411, 620:411, MorpheusHere.jpg)


If there's fuck all happening as you suggest, then why are you spending so much time here?

cd556a  No.6934294


Total nonsense.

087923  No.6934295

maneater – darryl hall and oates

fuckin creeps

snowly lined vines

owly horney and no haze

voting fields and mourning

cities made of citizens turned

uncivilized leading to suicide

no my beautiful you belong in this world

no satanists lyrics of youll be god (once your'e dead) cuz you face GOD

do you know

or teenager - my son, the blade, the gauntlet

never listens and never will

cuts two ways





4c452c  No.6934296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b155e1  No.6934297


>do keep up anon, said I would here. Just came in here 20 minutes ago. Keep your tits steady

32 post anon doesn't even read the thread. Surely an anon.

>>6933754 anon speculates 'Coincidence that ALL July 4th, 2018 Q-drops were Airplane/Airport related?'

wow this is embarrassing. holy shit anons we're slacking to have missed this.

c61605  No.6934298


Not very zoomable without link.


655acd  No.6934299



>Many succesive USMC tweets at 5:00 / 17:00. → Q500/1700 pointing to shtf



please add.

c6ed4c  No.6934300


Today, somebody tried to blow up America

They got a day-care school instead

But I'm doing fine, I'm on top of my world

At the bottom of this bottle, it's as empty as my head

It's in my head

It all comes back again, live over CNN

It's okay to be proud to be gay

You can have a parade at the capitol gate, boy,

But keep your mouth shut if you're straight

If you have the cash to cover,

You can kill your wife or lover,

'Cause the rock star lawyers always beat the state

God please set the world on fire tonight

Please let it burn until it dies

Wipe all the madness from my eyes

I'm bored with everything

God please set the world on fire tonight

Please let it burn until it dies

Wipe all the madness from my eyes

I'm sick of everything

Another angry white hippie girl

On her way to save the whales

Said ""I'll see you at the picket lines

Just as soon as I get done with my abortion""

And again my head is filled up with the notion:

My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of bigotry,

My country 'tis of thee, blow up in front of me

Blow up America

Blow up America

It's time to blow up America

Blow up America

c77854  No.6934301

File: 77ea863d5b7260d⋯.jpeg (181.57 KB, 1242x701, 1242:701, PEPE brother's.jpeg)


good sense of humor fren, sorry , a little saucy when i wake up. appreciate the good response.

snapped me out of it


590f83  No.6934302


I guess I'm not a white hat sleeper cell agent, because these triggers anot activating my alters

51300a  No.6934303


Great….nigger projects coming to your neighborhood or maybe taxpayer funded

illegal alien condos

909632  No.6934304

File: 8fca14152d16b28⋯.jpg (456.61 KB, 962x626, 481:313, Q army.jpg)


I spend my time cheerleading the board, making memes, capping news, all that stuff.

I know baking steps for emergencies.

Like real emergencies, Kek.

Shadilay fren.

We endure.

1b31ad  No.6934305


Amazon still has 2 day shipping, right?

7ad9c2  No.6934306


Notice, there is no teleprompter.

948fbc  No.6934307


What was Q's last post?



Well, what the fuck do you think that MEANS?

Play patty-cake?

272025  No.6934308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> I'm questioning everything these days…

good to do

Mass Media Conspiracy Lies, Hoaxes & Manipulation (Full documentary)

af4f26  No.6934309

File: 415c850725fc6fb⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1440x2960, 18:37, 415c850725fc6fb79351b0d95c….png)


I was on nightshift lastnight. an anon quite nicely dumped this on the board… Thought I'd lay it on ya…

What do you all think?

681ca8  No.6934310


anon, I will sleep at peace tonight because of your words. God Bless you and all

e8e4a2  No.6934311

File: 86c668d575aa48f⋯.png (622.45 KB, 1128x612, 94:51, AwesomeScreenshot-M-7-1-17….png)

File: 96ab21c1291c330⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1903x931, 1903:931, AwesomeScreenshot-Naval-Ai….png)

Am I to assume more than 1/2 this board knows something the rest of us don't? Why no dig on Ridgecrest, CA and the Navel Air Weapons Station – China Lake? Coincidence or not 17.0 km depth? Boring 4th of July parade made more exciting by a coincident earthquake? The board seems awful quiet.



All the blocked and blurred areas surrounding the epicenter on google map?

google map directions


6e5258  No.6934312

File: 47e8d5547d162e9⋯.png (178.39 KB, 443x243, 443:243, SHILLBITCH.png)

5f9df5  No.6934313



>and how exactly would we help in this scenario

By following the CRUMBS! Unlocking the QMAP! It's all there.

You've had it all for months, I can't force you to work together to connect the dots.

I was here with you almost every single day, and none of you noticed.

Most of you ignored me. Many of you hated me and insulted me. None of you have helped me.

I have given you everything, and more and more and more, and still you just sit there and say it isn't enough.

a42932  No.6934314

File: 9b6dc4446167f20⋯.jpg (756.08 KB, 1152x1664, 9:13, Tesla space people pg. 1.jpg)

File: 5c6d746db943f5e⋯.jpg (735.67 KB, 1156x1660, 289:415, Tesla space people pg 2.jpg)




Found it. Pt. 3, pages 3 and 4.

It's a letter written by Margaret and John Storm

c0caa0  No.6934315




948fbc  No.6934316


I have an idea. The next time ANTIFA or the SATANIC COMMIE FAG CLUB or whatever they want to call themselves shows up somewhere and started announcing that they own the streets and beat up old people, WE BEAT THERE FUCKING HEADS IN WITH BRICKS AND BASEBALL BATS. How's that for a plan?

161af4  No.6934317


That’s what I thought about a year ago…

97a6ba  No.6934318


Barbeque a whole cow?

Try pork, the only meat God ever intended to be covered with BBQ sauce.

And QUIT USING THAT CRAPPY BROWN-SUGAR STUFF. BBQ sauce should but tart, tangy, sweet, smoky and spicy (but not oppressively hot) all at the same time. It's culinary magick with bourbon added.

0788f4  No.6934319


interesting for sure, but that little ufo thingy has me wondering about the validity a bit.

4db230  No.6934320


Fight what exactly though ?

My neighbor ? The dog? I don’t exactly have the info packet of enemy locations..

cd556a  No.6934321


It will come. Patience is the hardest part.

a46ebd  No.6934322


Notable seconded.

Everybody remember FBIanon saying that Hillary had Special Access Programs on her server? It was one of the things on his posts that really stuck out to me.

Verbatim: "She has SAP level programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause an uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war."


Twenty-two separate communications. Twenty-damn-two.

It wasn't an accident. Twenty-two establishes an egregious pattern and practice of illegal behavior almost too extreme to believe.

But in Hillary's case, nothing is beyond the pale.

22bb13  No.6934323

>>6933426 lb

Theresa MAY

Is she the center of the map?

Is she who connects everyone to everyone else?

Alice and wonderland = HRC and SA

Godfather 3 = corrupt elements of Vatican

Snow White = Snowden and the 7 dwarf super computers

Iron Eagle

Speed = evil in Hollywood and man


MAY is the keystone that connects them all?

Theresa May is the keystone!?

She is the center of the network map that is the QMap!

b13582  No.6934324


Okay no more red text. I'm here because I wasted enough time trusting the plan. I spent all last year helping and there is nothing to show for it. Six months ago I said I would stick with it until July 4. As always not a damn thing has happened. I'm here because people need to get off their asses. While we sit still trusting the plan, the deep state plans to steal the 2020 election. Millions of illegals will be voting. The voter fraud wasn't stopped. If we don't step up and take matter into our own hands, then we risk losing everything. Trump isn't going to drain the swamp. And all of the traitors will be right back in power in 2020 because he didn't stop them. He lied. Trump is not a law and order president.

d7c3a8  No.6934325


Thanks so much, Anon.

I just added the number to my Contacts and set up a Snapchat account.

Yup, the phone number comes back to a Snapchat account.

Any other ideas in how to get this broad's identity?

Thank you.

fb3187  No.6934326

File: fa22ba50a951bcc⋯.jpg (83.47 KB, 962x720, 481:360, 3FAA1F5500000578-0-image-a….jpg)


How many miles a day is it said these 'boring machines' can drill? (approx. 7 mils.)

I thought it interesting that Dutchsinse said from the first EQ to the third (last night) the 'ground zero' of each quake had moved northward.

1st EQ -→China Lake

2nd EQ -→ 22 miles total N of CL (point of origin)

3rd EQ -→ 30 miles total N of CL (point of origin)

All in a nice straight line heading NW, with a near 45 degree turn due N.

We got drilling going on triggering these things?

The Navy and Air Force seem to be the most infiltrated and DS corrupted of all the armed forces.

f418d9  No.6934327


fuking notable question.

5f9df5  No.6934328


What did you think Karate Kid followed by silence followed by posting on pf instead of qr meant?

That Q is impressed with you?


Not a difficult decode.

22bb13  No.6934329


Man should be MSM

3c9532  No.6934330


Quake Storm is upon us

cd556a  No.6934331





POTUS is outing them, showing everyone who they truly are.

3faddf  No.6934332

File: c67ae0bd7883f67⋯.jpg (21.9 KB, 448x448, 1:1, th.jpg)


yw - glad to share.

4c452c  No.6934333


Adversity is the first path to the truth… (not mine)

948fbc  No.6934334


If enough of us show up in one place and start demanding the arrest of John Brennan or John Podesta, or HRC, the enemy will find US.

094c27  No.6934335


OUR mission HERE is to fight via information warfare and open-source information gathering.

Visit the military recruiter in your city if you want to sign up to participate as a military professional.

a1ff65  No.6934336

File: f73d2ea2e7cb731⋯.jpg (458.68 KB, 1170x787, 1170:787, China_lake_earth_quake_swa….jpg)


try a different map.

I was able to get good detail from USGS site.

this map is from the first day.

It used a backdrop of 'imagery enhanced' which is basicaly sat with labels.

5f9df5  No.6934337

cd556a  No.6934338


Many millions have changed sides in the past year.

b683da  No.6934339


I do remember. Steele (not the dossier steele) the bipolar cia Steele, said talked about hopping to mars where they kept children in slavery, that was back in the time of voat digging.

I was really hoping the electric cages was just shitposting.

f7548c  No.6934340


Oh, we have pigs in TX, we BBQ them sometimes when we're fresh out of cow in the freezer.

3b56a3  No.6934341

File: be36a32488b9b44⋯.jpg (51.09 KB, 255x243, 85:81, notables_last call.jpg)

9240a7  No.6934342

File: adfd378dcec9cef⋯.png (332.08 KB, 624x698, 312:349, ClipboardImage.png)

This was on a previous Bread - so Not New

I say again, Not New (so no panty wadding)

Question - any more speculation on this?

Huber = Hammer = Hammer Time = Happening?

c77854  No.6934343


I know how to do it and the oldfag bakers will recall the anon trying to overcome the tech probs in the practice area last fall could never get it to work. When muh catalog breaks and index is necessary also have issues with that.

know what I want in new system but this one will be a steaming pile of nothing before I do that, maximum usage from this whole buffalo etc.

Thus I found a way to contribute this way.

>Shadilay fren. We endure.

that we do

o7 patriot

e2b5fd  No.6934344



2be1c1  No.6934345


>I was here with you almost every single day, and none of you noticed.

Post something with a tripcode.

116303  No.6934346

File: 5d888c81766d77f⋯.jpeg (821.88 KB, 1125x1734, 375:578, C772F29D-3B82-41A1-806F-8….jpeg)


2219f8  No.6934347


They'll all come to our side.

We are living right.

Not scared to die.

e2b5fd  No.6934348

File: 2f320a062b07f86⋯.jpg (73.01 KB, 614x407, 614:407, tdaw.jpg)

a582cd  No.6934349

Trump was pissed when leaving NK - he offered NK peace and Kim said no. So Trump sent it to committee and left pissed as hell

a1ff65  No.6934350

File: 7e7f7ba2f6156d8⋯.jpg (218.16 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, mexico_volcano_fire_on_the….jpg)

File: 3a728db579523bd⋯.jpg (62.13 KB, 1083x491, 1083:491, mexico_volcano_thumbs.jpg)

5e1b83  No.6934351

File: 39bd48bf6b60b4b⋯.gif (4.06 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 5871562bf0310456c24641aae5….gif)

948fbc  No.6934352


And what information is that? If POTUS won't declas, don't you think we're starting to run low on ammunition? Pizzagate happened a long time ago. Hillary's e-mail's were released a long time ago. It's all there. Everyone who cares, knows about it. At what point is it our job to DEMAND action from those we voted for and who are on our side?

c40ead  No.6934353

File: 1230f8aaba1eacb⋯.png (4.08 MB, 1920x1029, 640:343, ClipboardImage.png)


Very interesting.

I have been watching Ridley Scott's 'Strange Angel' TV series about Parsons. Parsons was an out and out Crowley satanist.

His rocket propulsion designs included pentagrams. Far from being the most efficient for spaceflight (I believe we never went to the moon) his focus was on occult symbolism and how to fool the masses.

Ridley Scott includes many nods to the illusory nature of space travel - Orson Welle's 'faked' radio play of a space story featuring prominently as an influence on Jack.

At some pint he realizes, we don't actually have to go to the moon, we just have to make people think we did.

Of course we'll need to 'beat a few Nazis first; he thinks to himself in one memorable scene before dreaming of a moon made from dead jews. (Pic related, from the show)

116303  No.6934354


Eh, Jack Posobiec is kind of a faggot who tried to discredit Q multiple times.

Up to you tho

681ca8  No.6934355

If remote viewers are assets of the government…would they not be a tool that our POTUS would use? for good of course…asking for a friend

b13582  No.6934356










c0caa0  No.6934357


094c27  No.6934359

File: fc7d1b4b0f6e688⋯.jpg (275.38 KB, 1127x511, 161:73, NoForce3.jpg)

2a1193  No.6934360


all of us are doing precisely what we think we should

if thats wrong, then we arent the ones to blame

c0caa0  No.6934361




















fb01c3  No.6934362


Sigh….I knew I was talking to a Texan. Georgian here.

I get it, cows are plentiful….


798bad  No.6934363

You know what we need today? Some good old fashioned legit insider info drops please. AKA The Good Old Days.

How about it all our patriot helpers out there? Next bread?

b155e1  No.6934364




drop something useful then. if it's so obvious you should be able to do that.

a1ff65  No.6934365

File: 0815fb145ca1f5c⋯.jpg (31.06 KB, 400x400, 1:1, jack_Posobiec_001.jpg)

22bb13  No.6934366


MAYday = Theresa May!

MAYday = Theresa May!

THERESA MAY is the Keystone!

She connects all the evil people doing bad things in the qmap.

She is the center of the network map that is the QMap!

We need map her connections.

Who has she worked for, what organizations is she a part of, where has she been, what does she I vest in…


She should connect to the Vatican, HRC and sauds, cias super computers and Snowden, etc.

All of Q's signatures!

Dig anons. This is the keystone!

She is the person who ties together all these facets weve been digging.

Map her!

5e1b83  No.6934367

File: a18f1f5c57d3e86⋯.jpg (177.47 KB, 1200x602, 600:301, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….jpg)

MM62245 33FFAD

Italian Air Force IAM3168

Italy Military

Dassault Falcon 900EX EASy F900

>>6928548 pb

b683da  No.6934368


& much love to you

no homo

094c27  No.6934369


We don't know what document Durham's signature is on. It could be a court document from a case years ago, or it could be something fresh. In any case, P is a big a-hole to post just a signature as a teaser.

b13582  No.6934370





9240a7  No.6934371


I get that about Jack (no arguments)

I hold him in the same lookatme tards as the daily wire ass

just wondering if anyone had speculated as to why or what his reason for posting this is

681ca8  No.6934373


I didn't feel like cooking last night so I left the PORK chops I had taken out to my partner, he cooked them without any spices or dressings…and it tasted what I would equate to human flesh and I couldn't eat it. It made me gag.

fb3187  No.6934374

File: 3f7ddead30b4a45⋯.jpg (79.9 KB, 556x512, 139:128, bobbin_bewbsNbacon.jpg)


Dude…don't screw with the bacon.

Bacon sacred.

Bacon GOOD.

a8264e  No.6934376

File: a681261a0b2491b⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 1505x744, 1505:744, d731deda8e2f41965af2033501….jpg)


See you there

7a42f2  No.6934377


If that were the case Trump would have denounced the Q movement

4b1952  No.6934378

File: 0e40b557b167244⋯.png (538.87 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BaconWafflesPepe.png)



With waffles…nummers kek.

0c89bc  No.6934380



What you see

Is what you get

798bad  No.6934381


Pew pew!

116303  No.6934382


>just wondering if anyone had speculated as to why or what his reason for posting this is

For likes. He’s a master manipulator. Ask about muh chat logs.

554ab4  No.6934383


its crazy christians even give that guy an ear. Try going to jerusalem and preaching about Jesus - see how that works out for you.

f377b0  No.6934384

File: 242d659351b10fa⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 598x803, 598:803, 1552099248.jpg)


Get Some!!!











& donuts

Get some!!!

ff0107  No.6934385



The True, Sinister Origin of Bronfman Family Wealth

93d5e6  No.6934388


monarch named so because of genetic trait. heredity in candidates. anon's old man and his siblings born into orphanage situation… ended up all 3 adopted by USAF Col. that already had biological kid in da house.

something in old man's childhood (orphanage/fosterhomes/mil-fam) led to mental firewalls i have not encountered with any other person. they are there for a reason… dont know what or how or why… but too well designed / technical skill needed for it not to be deliberate.

anon's ma said by others yo have touch of the shining.

whatever I am doing here is, I am certain as reasonably possible, related to my father's past

3b56a3  No.6934389

File: 95669092c606648⋯.jpg (46.81 KB, 255x243, 85:81, notables_fresh bread.jpg)

b683da  No.6934390


we was promised justice and I'm really needing justice to be safe so technically I'm not even supposed to be participating in discussion… please arrest so corrupt fucking judges. ty!

c6e37e  No.6934393


(((they))) convinced us tolerating everything is what jesus meant by 'turning the other cheek'

the rest was a wrap

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