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File: 287f24712f58e22⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, de36960c04495bd843cd005a70….jpg)

b0c5f7  No.6932786

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and don't need the use of force in our work.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 06.27.2019

>>>/patriotsfight/471 ——————————— FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. (Cap >>6857127)

>>>/patriotsfight/470 ——————————— [OnReady] (Cap >>6857111)

>>>/patriotsfight/469 ——————————— Be ready. (Cap >>6856997)

Sunday 05.26.2019

>>6593544 ————————————–——– YOU ATTACK THOSE WHO THREATEN YOU THE MOST (Cap >>6889292)

>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (Cap >>6889269)

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b0c5f7  No.6932795

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6799992 Index has been reduced to 15 pages from 25.

>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup

>>6925557 Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6932643 Breaking:Westminster Bridge closed

d/t ship crashing into pillar

>>6932591 BREAKING: Ex-police officer Dionne Miller - SHOCKING revelations today outside The Old Bailey, during Tommy Robinson retrial. "The British Government wilfully allowed British children to become prey to Pakistani rape gangs. They issued a blanket ban on investigations."

>>6932527, >>6932561 caesar sayoc and PLANTATION FLORIDA

>>6932468 JUST IN: ICE has deported 37 Cambodian nationals, of which 35 were convicted criminals, back to their country. They were charged with 3 counts of murder, 2 counts of rape, 3 counts of child abuse & lewd acts with a minor

>>6932460 Wolf of Wall Street producer arrested on money-laundering charges

>>6932451 Gardisil dig

>>6932392, >>6932417, >>6932431, >>6932438, >>6932448, >>6932471, >>6932472, >>6932517 Plantation Fla explosion Breaking, vid

>>6932334 POTUS offers Kim ‘appropriate measures

>>6932299, >>6932318, Stanislav Lunev On Russian Earthquake Weapon

>>6932246 Trump says favored nations clause on drug prices is on its way

>>6932167, >>6932193, >>6932213, >>6932231, >>6932314, >>6932499 Adam Schiff/Monte Verde Pic, Sunland

>>6932131, >>6932139, >>6932178 EQ basics

>>6932112, >>6932323, Q post 1550 Amanda Renteria.Bridge between LL / HRC. Q CALL TO DIG!!

>>6932774 #8868


>>6931926 Reluctant witnesses in FISA abuse probe agree to talk to DOJ inspector general (Kathleen Kavalec?)

>>6931889 Anon on NSA leak & Q 2006 & 2184 (Snowden II)

>>6931356, >>6931358, >>6931383, >>6931420, >>6931433, >>6931463, >>6931540, >>6931630, >>6931713, >>6931778, >>6931910 Planefag reports

>>6931801 NK says freed Austrailian student had been spying

>>6931606 Emergency Declaration following 7.1 magnitude earthquake

>>6931776 USASOC tweet: #34eSFG having some fun in the fun. I hope no one lost a Nike.

>>6931751 CrowdStrikeOut: Mueller’s Own Report Undercuts Its Core Russia-Meddling Claims

>>6931606, >>6931610, >>6931703, >>6931361, >>6931938 California Gov. Newsom says in statement that he has requested a Presidential

>>6931583 Turkish police seize $72mil in californium (used in nukes)

>>6931559 Planned Parenthood Activist Refuted (10 min vid)

ghost bake > new baker

>>6931546 Turkish police find radioactive substance used in production of nuclear weapons in a car

>>6931535, >>6931529, >>6931370 could have been an attempt to avoid being caught in the Suez Canal, where security is greater.

>>6931527 Strange that POTUS called him 'wonderful'

>>6931515 more than 14,000 "grotesque" indecent images of children on his computer.

>>6931501 New DJT: "Joe Biden is a reclamation project"

>>6931388 Lifetime to release film on NXIVM sex cult this fall

>>6931357, >>6931372 Another "D5" reference

>>6931370 anon asks: What else could the seized Tanker Grace 1 have been secretly carrying? Are you 'Watching The Water?'

>>6931435 Alaska Court Rules State Must Pay for Abortions, So Governor Took the Money From Court’s Budget

>>6931368, >>6931373, >>6931400, >>6931408, >>6931417, >>6931442, >>6931452, >>6931454 New PDJT Tweets

>>6931364 Dutchsinse talking about the 7.1 latest EQ

>>6931351 Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to write off bad loans held by a sixth of population and end costly state bailouts of private banks.

>>6932054 #8867

Previously Collected Notables

>>6931280 #8866

>>6928995 #8863, >>6929751 #8864, >>6930323 #8865

>>6926656 #8860, >>6927423 #8861, >>6928200 #8862

>>6924765 #8857, >>6925167 #8858, >>6925900 #8859

>>6922101 #8854, >>6924707 #8855, >>6924745 #8856

>>6919812 #8851, >>6920542 #8852, >>6921348 #8853

>>6917505 #8848, >>6918285 #8849, >>6919024 #8850

>>6915272 #8845, >>6916073 #8846, >>6916787 #8847

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

b0c5f7  No.6932800

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

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Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>6867253 – Clockwork Qrange #10

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

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Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

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Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6860560

Q Graphics all in EST


b0c5f7  No.6932806

QPosts Archives

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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693

Q Research Graphics Library recent folders by date

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA

2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg

Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>xxx Side by Side Archive (Update needed)

Bread Archives (sites)


Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6895764, >>6895766

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

6302e7  No.6932810

File: 550a177d6e8bdd3⋯.png (575.4 KB, 804x871, 12:13, coach.PNG)

CBP officials accuse Texas Democrat of ‘coaching’ migrants on how to exploit ‘return to Mexico’ loophole

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials have accused the Texas Democrat elected to fill former Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke’s El Paso district seat of sending representatives into Mexico to coach migrants on how to exploit a loophole in the Trump administration’s “return to Mexico” policy.

As reported by the Washington Examiner, staffers for Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar have been reviewing thousands of migrant asylum seekers who have been sent to Mexico under the White House’s new policy, which was agreed to by our southern neighbor, to wait for their cases to be adjudicated in the U.S.

Some officials say Escobar’s representatives have been fraudulently tampering with the procedure.

“What we’re hearing from management is that they’re attempting to return people, and the story was changed in Mexico, where a person who understood Spanish before now doesn’t understand — where a person who didn’t have any health issues before now has health issues,” a representative for the National Border Patrol Council told the news site.

One of the stipulations of the administration’s “remain in Mexico” policy for those seeking asylum is that they can’t be forced to remain in Mexico unless they’re fluent in Spanish because it could be years before their cases are heard.

Some CBP officials say that Escobar’s representatives are bringing some people back from Mexico with them who claim they cannot speak fluent Spanish, though they could before her reps got to them.

The fear among Border Patrol officials, the Washington Examiner notes, is that Escobar and her staff will attempt to use these fabricated cases as a way to accuse the U.S Border Patrol — and, by default, the Trump administration — of improperly sending many immigrants back to Mexico.

“We had finally found a happy medium ’cause we always get crapped on when it comes to immigration laws, and then they’re finding loopholes to bring them back,” a Border Patrol official told the Examiner.

If true, it would mean that Escobar is actively undermining the terms of an international agreement as well as the Executive Branch, which could be a violation of the law.

Notes Frederic L. Kirgis, Law School Alumni Professor at Washington and Lee University School of Law, in Lexington, Va.:

Treaties, in the U. S. sense, are not the only type of binding international agreement. Congressional-Executive agreements and Sole Executive agreements may also be binding. It is generally understood that treaties and Congressional-Executive agreements are interchangeable; Sole Executive agreements occupy a more limited space constitutionally and are linked primarily if not exclusively to the President’s powers as commander in chief and head diplomat.


b0c5f7  No.6932824

File: d64f4d6860d0763⋯.jpg (21.91 KB, 255x149, 255:149, d64f4d6860d0763a3bd65e2ef2….jpg)



Baker good for one more

f70761  No.6932855

File: 97131188c96a961⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 190410-N-UK306-1510C.JPG)


Thank you baker!

ef4e8f  No.6932864

File: 6a31647fc1904c2⋯.png (374.45 KB, 1012x720, 253:180, DINOSAUR BRAIN.png)

Thank you baker… Diggers… and anon's.

27a892  No.6932865

File: d1f8589ae9dc643⋯.png (534.3 KB, 1080x992, 135:124, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at ….png)


TY BakerAnon!

8bcaa3  No.6932866

File: 3c8f119e130c3ae⋯.png (676.02 KB, 562x671, 562:671, foundation first_KEKFORCE.png)





27a892  No.6932867

File: d97ec74080d6c6a⋯.png (342.94 KB, 784x821, 784:821, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

#BREAKING "Multiple" injuries in gas explosion at US mall, according to authorities


12:04 PM - 6 Jul 2019


2c7894  No.6932868

>>6932190 (lb)

You need a paid account.

I don't have the link but I'm due another anon CSN share it.

You also need to "apply" to ensure you aren't a bot.

To apply, simply post your name, [desired username], email address and phone number as well as a photo for ID.

Admin will contact you via phone within 24 hours.

Don't worry about your IP address; all your ips are belong to us.

ad8fba  No.6932869

File: 40054f9fa7551f2⋯.gif (189.19 KB, 220x124, 55:31, roller coaster fun.gif)

17f85d  No.6932870

Anyone streaming in DC today?

d8fdaf  No.6932871


So then you see how Q coordinates with the media to increase Trump’s credibility? Or do you only apply that sound logic when it suits your purposes?

8bb7f7  No.6932872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE DC Antifa protests

f1f764  No.6932873

>>6932844 lb

He said most likely in the San Joaquin Valley area. Have an earthquake plan.

ca498d  No.6932874

File: ac092d823401189⋯.png (52.25 KB, 314x410, 157:205, No Hoes WH w83209580980980….png)


f48342  No.6932875


Not Blaze Pizza, that's south of the 595 in Davie.

Google streetview here:


853236  No.6932876

File: 2492ed6f9abe277⋯.png (570.62 KB, 1083x738, 361:246, ClipboardImage.png)

657f7c  No.6932877

>>6932843 (LB)

Like I said the other day, Booker broke his oath, he should be removed from office.

d60a3f  No.6932878

>>6932846 lb

so do your own research.

regardless of the use of the word ancient, and what ever you believe it to be, you do see in both maps....a separate california, which is the purpose of my post

b2937b  No.6932879

File: a78c98c94d2f7c9⋯.jpeg (260.77 KB, 1125x802, 1125:802, F353126C-F36C-4D56-9103-0….jpeg)

BREAKING NEW: Explosions at Florida Mall

dda4f9  No.6932880

File: a71358aee8c11f9⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 1562426045.mp4)

Earthquakes have become boring to me.

6efae6  No.6932881

File: 858193b583a44d8⋯.png (11.24 KB, 869x108, 869:108, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef3ec6a2af8e754⋯.jpeg (9.98 KB, 255x177, 85:59, curious_pepe.jpeg)


Bringing Aliens to the United States – Subsection 1324(a)(2) makes it an offense for any person who – knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has not received prior authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, to bring to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever, such alien, regardless of any official action which may later be taken with respect to such alien.

**not a lawfag just common sense based off what we saw



2dc5c4  No.6932882

File: 515ca7c19dd9b95⋯.png (709.19 KB, 841x523, 841:523, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

File: 1eee2df09b55920⋯.png (791.69 KB, 827x548, 827:548, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)




Broward Anon here - This is the incinerated building in the video

f1f764  No.6932883

a new 7.0

e30edf  No.6932884

>>6930896 PB

>>6930932 PB

>You're probably getting premonitions

Or memories

ca498d  No.6932885

File: 04db6b0ad328b9b⋯.png (70.59 KB, 310x342, 155:171, No Hoes WH -02934-5-8-098-….png)


6efae6  No.6932886

File: 0ee6505bebf5664⋯.png (223.68 KB, 262x375, 262:375, ClipboardImage.png)

62e952  No.6932887

File: d163ed59e3daae8⋯.png (149.41 KB, 345x403, 345:403, 2019-07-06_13-11-04.png)

>>6932826 lb

21ac74  No.6932888

File: 810c870bf594cf5⋯.png (140.86 KB, 888x499, 888:499, toxic.png)


Law is irrelevant. He broke senate rules during the Kavanaugh trial anon. Remember?

Need better memes.

I am definitely not a meme fag, but something like this maybe?

17f85d  No.6932889

File: d1da6a20d104f8d⋯.png (2.25 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


657f7c  No.6932890

28a065  No.6932891

File: d0d3b664ea37df3⋯.jpg (13.54 KB, 650x509, 650:509, melania-trump.jpg)

27a892  No.6932892

File: c742c8340fb4b06⋯.png (991.09 KB, 1089x1081, 1089:1081, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

Did we log this:

Carnival crew member overboard 30 miles northwest of Cuba; Coast Guard search underway


Published: July 6, 2019

MIAMI (Tribune News Service) — The search continued Friday morning for a 37-year-old man who fell overboard from the cruise ship Carnival Victory.

Crew members aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Charles Sexton searched throughout the night, according to Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Murray. A Coast Guard Air Station Miami HC-144 Ocean Sentry airplane rejoined the search at daylight Friday.

Coast Guard 7th District watchstanders received a report Thursday from the Carnival Victory that a crew member had fallen overboard about 30 miles northwest of Cuba.

Both the HC-144 and the cutter Charles Sexton searched the area Thursday.

According to Carnival's website, the Victory is based out of Miami.

Other incidents aboard cruise ships

In December, an autistic man disappeared from a Carnival cruise ship after climbing a railing along the side of the vessel and went overboard, according to Carnival.

The incident took place on the 2,052-passenger Carnival Fantasy, which was on a five-night cruise out of Mobile, Alabama. The vessel was in the Gulf of Mexico at the time.

The reason the man – identified by his family as 22-year-old Luke Renner of Johns Creek, Georgia – jumped from the ship is unknown. But in a short statement, Carnival said his family believed he thought he was going swimming.

In June, a woman went aboard a Norwegian Cruise Line ship during a voyage in the Mediterranean Sea.

No trace of the woman was ever found.


29e22b  No.6932893


Interesting post about events related to baseball player Tyler Scaggs death.

251356  No.6932894


>>6932747 (You)

>Now THAT is a worthy rabbit hole. They’ve been trying very hard to shut him up.


>>6932813 (You)

>That’s Trump’s USGS trying very hard to shut him up …



Ahhh... he is the Prez.. therefore all are under him. DOESNT MEAN THEY LISTEN. Swamp has not been drained. Ppl r still out there. Idk where this is going. Gov are all controlled by someone, even T. As long as T aligns w/ God's law, then i'll continue to support him. If he ever diverges, than so shall i.

I follow God not People

de3543  No.6932895

File: 3fbabeff1646c14⋯.jpg (57.96 KB, 898x578, 449:289, 2045ba6fb79f35754cec872b12….jpg)

File: d0bf623757b2871⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2880x1913, 2880:1913, 2880px-Blue_Morpho.jpg)

Hello Legacy Media

Welcome to Q research.

We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies.

Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit.

It's the end of an epoch.

Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposed.

Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming.

Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.

We know, and will prove, legacy media acted wittingly to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children for decade and much more.

Not one will escape justice.

Not 1.

a4fcb1  No.6932896

File: 58f20b0dd125fa2⋯.jpg (256.94 KB, 1200x661, 1200:661, jpg.jpg)

>>6932819 lb

what are those white things? For a natural gas line?

Google street view June 2017



b15d62  No.6932897


Yo shill. New bread. Get your shit straight - delete the link to the last bread under the picture. The fuck is wrong with you? Tighten up your shill game. We expect better.

dda4f9  No.6932898

File: eac540e52d0202a⋯.jpg (136.49 KB, 618x463, 618:463, downloadfile-1.jpg)



Matt Drudge is manipulating the polls on his website again.

9bbbcd  No.6932899

File: 7e95f0d995bf9ee⋯.jpeg (570.42 KB, 1800x1316, 450:329, 4ACBF88F-8A31-45D5-BDCD-9….jpeg)

556461  No.6932900


..think the dentists nitrous 'tanks' were accidentally opened last night, flooded the ceiling, an electronic (a/c? vape?) ignition lit the nitrous up, and there you are…

0b0cc3  No.6932901

1c1933  No.6932902

File: c36b680f370fbec⋯.png (159.22 KB, 465x376, 465:376, .png)



Blaze Pizza : 2135 S University Dr, Davie, FL 33324

LA Fitness: 1041 S University Dr, Plantation, FL 33324

1 mile by car. Not the same place.

27a892  No.6932903

File: ba532deccff1a9e⋯.png (58.52 KB, 780x327, 260:109, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

BREAKING: 4 people have been stabbed in northern London, U.K. including three children under the age of 12. No word on their condition

12:18 PM - 6 Jul 2019



260b1f  No.6932904

File: e80ecaa0ac34a5a⋯.jpg (387.29 KB, 550x730, 55:73, TYB8.jpg)

ca498d  No.6932905

File: 8ef759c13ae1ad0⋯.png (57.76 KB, 313x329, 313:329, Sodom aka America -234i509….png)


6efae6  No.6932906


remember vividly

simply adding this to the list

need better memes? not your best anon

657f7c  No.6932908


How is removing him because he willing broke his oath shutting him up? What makes you think he would? I'm sure MSM will still give him all the air time he wants. If someone on the Right broke their oath the Left would be all over them, along with MSM.

d8fdaf  No.6932909


Either 1) “Patriots are in control” 2) Q is lying, or 3) they’re in control, but they’re not really Patriots.

There is no way around that logic.

Can’t say “stable genius/5D chess” every day, and then dismiss the awful things almost every governmental agency is doing with impunity as “the swamp,” particularly when he’s hired some of the swampiest members of the Bush admins.

9bbbcd  No.6932910

File: 93d7a18d9016732⋯.jpeg (386.51 KB, 1054x1568, 527:784, C075F9F3-F154-47A0-8266-A….jpeg)


we are only peaceful cause we must be

still trusting the plan

04cca4  No.6932911

File: e497866280ee03f⋯.png (546.37 KB, 597x653, 597:653, DoD 7-6-19 9 am PDT.PNG)

File: c3cc5140a96ede3⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1306x867, 1306:867, DoD 7-6-19 9 am PDT pic.PNG)

Train how you fight!


8bb7f7  No.6932912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



29e22b  No.6932913


Interesting post about events related to baseball player Tyler Scaggs death.Strange Coincidences - Death of .Baseball Player Tyler Skaggs

Last Sunday Night, LA Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs dies in hotel room near Dallas TX. Skaggs was 27 and suicide has been ruled out.

Hours before Skaggs death, James Comey tweeted about the death of a former US Attorney. This attorney, a Yale Law graduate was from a prominent NY family with ties to politics and the Council on Foreign Relations. The attorney was a member of an elite NYC social club founded by Edwin Booth, brother of John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's assassin.

Skaggs was in town to play against the Texas Rangers, a team once owned by President George W. Bush,a Yale grad and member of Skull and Bones.

The county where Skaggs died is Tarrant county. The last name of the Christchurch mosque killer is Tarrant (Brenton Tarrant).

The number worn by Skaggs is "45". The color of his baseball cap is red. After Skaggs death, the phrase "RIP45" was trending on twitter. Fans left memorials for Skaggs at Angels stadium with "RIP 45" written on red baseball caps.

Skaggs died at the Southlake Hilton. The majority owner of Hilton hotels is Blackrock Group. The founders of Blackrock are prominent members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Also interesting is that Blackrock acquired the mortgage for World Trade Center Bldg 7, a year before the 9/11 attacks. The government payout for building 7? $5 Billion.

So are these events related? Just prior to the Independence Day festivities? Is it a mere coincidence that Skaggs wore number "45" and a red baseball cap?

Let's hope the good guys at the FBI are looking into Skaggs untimely death

f70761  No.6932914

File: 2d8e3c28fbeb107⋯.png (445 KB, 984x921, 328:307, real 2.png)

File: 6ce91772eee0797⋯.png (611.29 KB, 984x921, 328:307, real 3.png)

File: 0d0ad6f3570dd81⋯.png (468.63 KB, 984x921, 328:307, real 4.png)

File: bf9482af7b8d9ec⋯.png (798.8 KB, 983x921, 983:921, real 5.png)

File: 6179bb0052f52cf⋯.png (382.48 KB, 984x921, 328:307, real.png)


And in 3,2,1…"Are you also a …………

d8fdaf  No.6932915


Gotta ban the cutlery.

21ac74  No.6932916



28a617  No.6932917

>>6932831 lb

>That we realize it is Q and team is less important than us realizing it is the truth and following / digging then sharing.

Q. Why do anons repeatedly assume that they already know and understand Q Team's mission and strategy when Q has repeatedly stated that the Truth is beyond humanity's imagination?

You assume far too much, which is why you have failed to unlock the QMAP. Far past schedule.

Stop making assumptions.

Start REALLY playing The Game:

Expand your thinking.

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

Unite to Win.

Not rocket science.

Emergency surgery.

75ac5d  No.6932918



>#BREAKING "Multiple" injuries in gas explosion at US mall, according to authorities


been watching it since happened

and heard no sirens

saw no injured

vedddy starangeness habbening

fd324e  No.6932919

File: 372c64c41e117ad⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 44e.jpg)

>>ca489d - Here's another resident shill: the Serial Adulterer shill.

What skeletons are in your closet, meat puppet? Swearing an oath to Asmodeus?

1d1351  No.6932920



That and knowing about crimes and having it all (i assume evidence) and doing nothing (muh courts, muh judges)

784320  No.6932921


I don't stream pro wrestling either.

I know, it's not completly fake, but most of it is staged.

that's like the antifa. They do it as a bit, for the cameras.

30631e  No.6932922

File: 5b92e848f7a1ee0⋯.webm (2.66 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1562432614661.webm)

403c46  No.6932923


Allow me to assist. Fuck FLOTUS.

18b33a  No.6932924

File: ac237b5bdee2334⋯.png (63.01 KB, 660x647, 660:647, ClipboardImage.png)


It sounds like it is a gym.


04cca4  No.6932925

File: 6c12e4e02d14cc2⋯.png (216.34 KB, 604x464, 151:116, POTUS RT Bolling 7-6-19.PNG)

File: 3500a7fbe45236d⋯.png (299.39 KB, 600x672, 25:28, Shepp to Bolling re Eric C….PNG)

File: 4c3f1a5a670eb37⋯.png (281.4 KB, 863x1046, 863:1046, Archive Shepp to Bolling r….PNG)

POTUS retweets long time family friend Eric Bolling this morning

This is the response from a deranged TDS

Show photos of the body of your son who killed himself out of embarrassment.

Why, because of his dick pic sending Dad.



28a065  No.6932926

File: f194be1d12d1bfe⋯.png (353.06 KB, 618x540, 103:90, dailycaller.png)

File: 28d763b89b2c18a⋯.jpg (259.63 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, D-zsXaYXoAApmJd.jpg)

Current scene on 14th street in DC.


c6cce8  No.6932927

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)


As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many DS assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT (especially prayingmedic, in the matrix) and on TV (Hannity and other).

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and make the recent FalseFlags work ('Q is a nazi movement', 'orange man nazi').

Shills spread disinfo (RR and mueller not our guys for example).

Shills spread stupid info to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …)

Shills post disinfo and cryptic posts to slide.

Shills glow if you regard all posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

(Shilling also happens in other forms…NEWFAGS, captcha is not case sensitive.)

The end for shills is near and JUSTICE will be served soon.




de3543  No.6932928

File: 231b8220f505fa0⋯.png (56.88 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, sedition1.png)

File: 0c9f86ffd76c0dd⋯.png (85.12 KB, 1123x794, 1123:794, sedition2.png)

File: e904746d527dc25⋯.jpg (385.19 KB, 863x1390, 863:1390, shilloid.jpg)



251356  No.6932929


Tag me by mistake? Not sure what u r referencing. My dialogue is about eq forecasting not Prez. OT anon was trying to say T is held responsible. My rebuttal is that idk. There r still dicks in power trying to oppose him.

a650b6  No.6932930


>And in 3,2,1…"Are you also a …………


Daniel's just sore because the football team ass-banged his mom.

28a617  No.6932931

The statistically impossible anon is the QMAP.

Your minds, collaborating, are the Key that unlocks the MAP.

You have been prepared.

Happy Hunting.

0a7304  No.6932932

File: 02493047e335be0⋯.jpeg (223.94 KB, 828x1395, 92:155, 5B555EDF-0E0D-42FE-B3B3-4….jpeg)

File: cc70c433b8e5ecc⋯.jpeg (136.3 KB, 828x965, 828:965, B60E1BFB-DC8E-4F19-8D3E-D….jpeg)

File: 2517fd6d58062cb⋯.jpeg (168.41 KB, 828x665, 828:665, 5BD1DE46-1CF2-46FA-B785-6….jpeg)

File: 11470e016ca0452⋯.jpeg (171.2 KB, 828x613, 828:613, 5E27FB71-2DF9-4A48-916C-E….jpeg)

File: 05feca60efb90b8⋯.jpeg (168.08 KB, 828x556, 207:139, B7C5F1E9-7573-47BD-9F30-6….jpeg)

The Pedostate in this country is to be exposed. All members are to face public shame and loss of freedoms FOREVER

46d1e7  No.6932933


I’ve had that before while deadlifting.

09a68e  No.6932934

Q has yet to have a single victory. There is no way in hell Trump would be associated with something that loses 100% of the time. That's just not his style. Not a single god damn arrest of a traitor. They are all still completely free. Trump doesn't do shit when Antifa attacks his supporters.

9a2a71  No.6932935


11 supervisors and 2 workers.

And your memes are absolute shit.

8ab9af  No.6932936

File: 3d431c7b46c88d1⋯.png (96.31 KB, 1280x651, 1280:651, Screenshot_2019-07-05 Late….png)

>>6932733 lb

Just reminded me 7.1 @ 17 kilometers

ef4e8f  No.6932937


Fuck me…. That shill pic is so old it has cobwebs hanging from it….. Used to love that one.. Very easy to filter…..lol.

75ac5d  No.6932938


>Not Blaze Pizza, that's south of the 595 in Davie.

it was in the video description of person

taking it

ask them

ad8fba  No.6932939

File: c2bd843afa6383d⋯.jpg (802.45 KB, 3508x2480, 877:620, pepe chinese stasi.jpg)

Is This The Huawei & Chinese Intelligence Smoking Gun?

Some reports are already calling it the 'smoking gun' in the ongoing conflict between Washington and Beijing centered on Chinese telecom giant Huawei, and accusations that it's tied closely to Chinese military and intelligence, as a way for Beijing to infiltrate and spy on western governments and US companies.

Now, a "massive trove" of newly leaked records of Huawei employees appear to show "far closer links" between the private company and military-backed cyber agencies than previously known, according to The Telegraph. This follows on the heels of the discovery of academic research documents also confirming close cooperation between Huawei employees and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) uncovered by Bloomberg last month, as we previously reported. The new trove of employee CVs contains some 25,000 records analyzed by Fulbright University's Christopher Balding and UK-based Henry Jackson Society researchers (which, it should be noted, is a hugely controversial neocon think tank).

Yet in spite of the growing mountain of documented evidence, the company line has remained, "Huawei does not have any R&D collaboration or partnerships with the PLA-affiliated institutions," as stated by Huawei spokesman Glenn Schloss less than two weeks ago. "Huawei only develops and produces communications products that conform to civil standards worldwide, and does not customize R&D products for the military," he added, as cited in Bloomberg.

Huawei's defense following that prior report was to say the joint research publications were "not authorized" — but the newest revelation places cooperation with the PLA even closer, per a new bombshell report:

According to the study, the employment files suggest that some Huawei staff have also worked as agents within China’s Ministry of State Security; worked on joint projects with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA); were educated at China’s leading military academy; and had been employed with a military unit linked to a cyber attack on US corporations."

One example given is for a current employee whose previous posting was with the National Information Security Engineering Centre, which Reuters has linked to the PLA's Unit 61398—"the unit has been accused of being at the heart of China’s alleged cyber-war against Western commercial targets."

Some employees have links to the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS), which the report points out "is the primary entity responsible for espionage and counter-intelligence. It should raise immediate concern that MSS assets are working on networking equipment as representative agents for Huawei."

And further examples from the trove of documents are as follows:

Analysis of the CVs found 11 Huawei staff graduated from the PLA’s Information Engineering University, a military academy reputed to be China’s centre for “information warfare research”.

CVs are full of references to military backgrounds among Huawei employees:

Prof. Balding, in conjunction with the Henry Jackson Society, a London-based think-tank, concluded that about 100 Huawei staff had connections with the Chinese military or intelligence agencies and their “backgrounds indicated experience in matters of national security”.

The study claims that one Huawei project team leader refers on his CV to work on joint projects between the telecoms company and the Chinese Army’s National University of Defence Technology, one of China’s leading military academies and was put on a U.S. list, banning American firms from selling it technology in 2015, under Barack Obama’s presidency.

Another Huawei employee’s CV says she works both at the telecoms giant as a software engineer and also at the Radar Academy of the Chinese Army. The academy, says Prof. Balding, “matches closely her work for Huawei”.

The study links another Huawei engineer, who has worked in Europe, to being a “representative” of the Ministry of State Security, China’s intelligence agency.

A HJS investigation has revealed, contrary to Huawei’s claims, its employees claim on their own CVs to be working on “MSS” projects and cooperating with the PLA. https://t.co/XjpBwRh6ql

— Henry Jackson Society (@HJS_Org) July 5, 2019

And crucially, at least one telecoms engineer involved in Huawei's controversial next generation 5G broadband roll out has a CV which heavily restricts information "due to the involvement of military secrets":

One more CV shows a Huawei telecoms engineer involved in development of 5G “base stations” who says on his CV that he cannot comment on his previous employment “due to the involvement of military secrets”.

Is this indeed the Huawei-PLA intelligence smoking gun, or just business as usual for a major tech giant in an industrialized, militarily powerful nation?

1f6ee0  No.6932940

File: de0eadd12092d0c⋯.jpg (92.17 KB, 715x522, 715:522, bluebirdofhappiness.jpg)

File: 817fc3fed266758⋯.png (879.69 KB, 640x641, 640:641, Christ_holdsouthand.png)

File: df573f82ea0459d⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 480x358, 240:179, cristo.jpg)

File: c0eead118fb2177⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 1125x1494, 125:166, Donald_and_Melania_001.jpg)

File: 1d563a3d20d38d6⋯.png (81.09 KB, 425x405, 85:81, unfuck_yourself.png)

Tune out the demoralizing, distracting shills!

Cut through the fog of war!

The Dreamers MUST awaken!

While the minute details mixed with disinfo and deception keep circulating and percolating, our intellects are still dominant. Our minds have far more capacity than to simply run programs, even if we deliberately programmed them, while most run OTHER people's programs.

Our powerful imaginations have been HOBBLED and CRIPPLED by the media Matrix mind control, INCLUDING THIS BOARD UNDER CONSTANT ATTACK!

We may pity the fools who are captured but have we RESTORED OUR OWN POWER YET?

Chasing our tails in the details will not get us there without a VISION, which Q and POTUS have been trying to cheerlead us into!

A vision BIGGER THAN THE PROBLEMS is what is lacking.

The Keystone, of which we the people are the largest part, MUST DREAM BIG AND CONTINUE TO HOLD IT IN FAITH!

It takes COURAGE to dream BIG and believe in the dream NO MATTER WHAT the senses and the media bring to contradict that vision!

Where GA is stalled is in the metaphysical or psychological arena:

Our power to consciously dream big has been hijacked!

We must reignite our belief in the POWER of human thought and imagination, period!

The corporate Matrix has stifled the power of positive manifestation in favor of the negative.

We must take our power BACK and USE IT NOW, to envision the wide open possibility of human cooperation POST AWAKENING!

When enough of us are actively praying, imagining and speaking positive visions into being, THEN the change will come!

THIS is the Great Awakening!


d8fdaf  No.6932941


The most hilarious one is when Anons try to claim that arresting someone like Tony Podesta can’t happen because society will fall apart or something.

The man is the most obvious satanic pedo, and Trump’s DOJ does nothing.

Hell, HRC would probably gladly sacrifice him just to placate Patriots.

Yet Trump’s DOJ does nothing.

I wonder how many kids he’s raped, tortured, and murdered since Q promised justice so long as we do nothing but meme.

1bf1ab  No.6932942



ad8fba  No.6932943

File: b9e262227489a8b⋯.jpg (63.02 KB, 378x189, 2:1, pepe sauce good.jpg)



cabecf  No.6932944

>>6932591 (pb)

Masonic fraternal privilege, anon. Royal Arch Masonry too allows for murder and treason.

556461  No.6932945


…the gym would have the highest ceiling for the gas to collect in, but the gas didn't come from there…..

7c90e8  No.6932946

File: 804be828f1fdc1d⋯.png (265.19 KB, 694x625, 694:625, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6932445 lb

aa737e  No.6932947

You want the Big One?

My wish is your command..

You want the Chaos of Disorder?

Your request has been granted..

Past tense of shake is shook

A dog shakin off fleas

More like ridding herself of dis ease

Grab a paddle and dig in..

$17 was a pledge

made just yesterday

to the Trump Campaign

Enjoy the Show!

Time to go…

Bye Bye…

b26b6d  No.6932948


looked it up on the map there is something called code ninja next door to the explosion center. the gym looks intact its the neighbor building. also a dentist


955d56  No.6932949

File: 8cb8f4813bddfa4⋯.png (104.45 KB, 961x678, 961:678, 1562412309660.png)

So God Emperor tells the whole fucking world

that the Federal Reserve is OUR MOST DIFFICULT PROBLEM and I haven't seen

one of you miserable boomer Qfags even

mention it

This board has become absolute dog shit

dc6a6d  No.6932950

Can there be any neutrality with respect to God?

We are either for Him or against Him.

The battle for our souls is increasingly fierce.

Pay more attention to your spiritual self, which is eternal, than to your mortal self, which is temporary.

Your conscience will help you resist the temptations of satan.

The future of this world has long been declared.

The final outcome between good and evil is already known.


cabecf  No.6932951


Stolen Canadian technology.

b0c5f7  No.6932952


need screen shot of write up plz

84d288  No.6932953

File: 2636ba830b5b78a⋯.png (666.48 KB, 1382x632, 691:316, ClipboardImage.png)

4a3498  No.6932954


if we were to really follow that road to its logical conclusion, we would use Q as a template to create thousands of Qs, overwhelm the ai structure with chaos (that we do so well), and essentially shut down all the things

is that what youre saying? cuz thats what happens when i trust myself

which is why i try not to trust myself often, cuz world breaker

ca498d  No.6932955

File: f68af23bb7b97d8⋯.jpg (38.3 KB, 650x189, 650:189, Child Killing Serial Adult….JPG)


Are you also a child-killing, serial adulterer? Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

221349  No.6932956


Damn. Big Boom.

27a892  No.6932957

File: 6df34d23aec9821⋯.png (1.09 MB, 988x1101, 988:1101, Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at ….png)


from the vid:

>love is international

b85d4c  No.6932958

File: e781c9b27c66d80⋯.png (916.88 KB, 1440x795, 96:53, Follow the bloodlin….png)

File: b2fad0554c00bee⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1440x794, 720:397, Podesta's 'creamy' ri….png)

File: 00448fd74751876⋯.png (1 MB, 1440x795, 96:53, 1843 Bill Maher.png)

File: a4b1244bc5ad291⋯.png (33.22 KB, 496x260, 124:65, 856 11-11-18 A parade….png)

File: 0044ea88784dbbd⋯.png (625.72 KB, 1440x795, 96:53, Q Proof World Wide! ….png)

09a68e  No.6932959

Trump just got btfo at the DC free speech rally for not doing jack shit to stop tech censorship. Trump doesn't give a shit about his supporters. All of the traitors are still free, antifa attacks us, and Trump says absolutely nothing.

c6cce8  No.6932960

File: 7e1b340933574e7⋯.png (15.03 KB, 386x331, 386:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f28392832aaf6b⋯.png (17.63 KB, 588x425, 588:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57faef576b3d5a5⋯.png (264.31 KB, 588x325, 588:325, ClipboardImage.png)

Two USMC tweets both pointing to Q500 "DEFCON 1 Stringer/Marker".



done at 5:00

prior tweet


done at 17:00 (=5:00)

b15d62  No.6932961


Discernment is developed anon. For that to be developed we need those who have access to the truth to guide us, like Biblefagging with a mentor (pastor/teacher/etc). That is the role of Q IMO.

Not only do we have to understand how to dig and how to sort through the noise we have the abstraction layer of comms.

I agree with your statement and I stand by mine as well. I would rather be able to discern truth from noise than spend time and energy trying to figure who is behind what post. Of course, do you fren if you feel like analyzing posts and looking for consistencies / inconsistencies between anon posts and Q+ posts.

62e952  No.6932962

File: 26b18f329d2ba03⋯.png (630.8 KB, 831x516, 277:172, 2019-07-06_13-26-51.png)

File: d3a163b58791aa9⋯.png (498.31 KB, 646x1042, 323:521, 2019-07-06_13-28-29.png)


Church of Satan?

5c715f  No.6932963


36c8d1  No.6932964


Pretty sure this is a bug with the USGS database.

Dutchsinse just mentioned this.

FYI, he got swatted last night.

7723ee  No.6932965

File: ec0795bd97e7a26⋯.jpg (14.08 KB, 600x338, 300:169, dianne_feinstein.jpg)


what's the Fed?

896ea2  No.6932966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gina wants to know if you're a commie.

Boring vid but who cares.

ca498d  No.6932967

File: 916a8464cf2a9bb⋯.jpg (109.96 KB, 800x606, 400:303, Better Class of Criminal 2….jpg)


Are you also a child-killing, serial adulterer? Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

904d54  No.6932968


Check out their website.. "Your kids will have a blast…"

28a065  No.6932969

File: 04fec559a0d8e3f⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 480x270, 16:9, RBbMNVR4QJr30hmS.mp4)

this is the future?

Fucking insanity

they are allowed to yell at cops like this and nothing is done?

a2cb33  No.6932970

File: 4ba22a4e23e266b⋯.jpeg (107.52 KB, 722x960, 361:480, C1F1BCC1-A757-48D5-8F4F-C….jpeg)

Call to dig

Muh wife has been flushing feminine products and blocked up the inlet to the septic tank again.

Should I just KMS, and let her handle it?

a650b6  No.6932971


Go fuck yourself, supercilious assmunch.

You are the shitstain stinking up the place.

cabecf  No.6932972


>Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.

Those that speak the loudest / try to intimidate / shill have the most to hide.

Bikers like loud pipes because it drowns the screams of child rape.

1c1933  No.6932973

That's a bad one. Hope everyone has got good insurance. Sucks for all those businesses. Owners, workers, and clients alike.

6efae6  No.6932974


How the hell would you know? Have you seen him? have you heard from him? Where is he? What's your security clearance? What's POTUS' security clearance? Above yours? Above all of ours?

Save me the doubtfagging.

You don't fuck an ENTIRE investigation to undue decades of corruption for some pizza eating faggot who's probably dead/captured/flipped anyways. I'll wait for you to confirm otherwise, because I've tried.


b26b6d  No.6932975

empty suite that blew up its not the gym


75ac5d  No.6932976


no people around

no emergency vehicles

isn't that odd

d8fdaf  No.6932977


But the lifelong partial birth abortion advocate, Democrat, Manhattan billionaire with mob connections, serial adulterer, literal actor, Cabbalist, and businessman who the Rothschild’s bailed out of bankruptcy because they “liked the future potential of his celebrity” suddenly had a conversion to Christianity even though he doesn’t know a single bible verse.

Come on man! Have faith! TRUST!!!

dda4f9  No.6932978

File: da584cd1cc411c3⋯.jpg (38.94 KB, 485x317, 485:317, Ozarks.jpg)

File: 76f68c8b673e92e⋯.jpg (69.82 KB, 500x565, 100:113, Slick Willie.jpg)

File: 3749bd07de80d67⋯.jpg (390.73 KB, 600x870, 20:29, monica-lewinski-posing-sem….jpg)

File: 79128fbf7648148⋯.jpg (57.21 KB, 533x800, 533:800, downloadfile-13.jpg)

84d288  No.6932979

File: df6d167568e8bfa⋯.png (998.4 KB, 887x606, 887:606, ClipboardImage.png)

ef4e8f  No.6932980

File: 5db02531520c55f⋯.png (902.25 KB, 840x539, 120:77, Holding the line.png)

Nice to see anon's waking up.

Shills got bugger all left in the tank… Rinse and repeat.

Their job is to screw board and bait anon's into responding.

When you recognize the patterns….look to see what other posts the posted….. It doesn't take long to see them all..

Filter fast and filter ruthlessly.

e79a2a  No.6932981

File: 8b92222867d0c74⋯.png (841.02 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5147781D-1430-490F-AE56-CE….png)

File: a9ac7bde839c0aa⋯.png (959.33 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5AA2F205-5767-4B79-BF87-27….png)

Super early Q drops to remind us what key part of plan hasn’t happened yet and why Antifa matters so much right now

c17087  No.6932982


I was doing family shit yesterday so didnt catch this tweet but yeH, this is good shit!

It was prolly in notables tho so save ur tears fggot

f34886  No.6932983

File: 5ae4786c77fa323⋯.png (175.83 KB, 398x522, 199:261, ClipboardImage.png)

Thousands of Bees fall out of the sky following Southern California earthquakes.

Scalar Weaponry?


41877b  No.6932984

Question for EarthquakeAnons:

Why 6.5 was longer duration (5min)? … it was at depth 10,7km(6,6miles)

7.1 was at depth 17km(10,5miles)

After shocks mostly create sphere arround main earthquake.. and that means most of them are not registered ..those that happen deeper ..in 40 km depth in same time when those aftershocks are registered on the ground ..waves mix and those shocks closer to ground cover those that happen in bigger depths.

ca498d  No.6932985

File: cb625f2f73a3ccd⋯.png (31.53 KB, 252x247, 252:247, No Hoes WH 234850909809809….png)

b26b6d  No.6932986


https://www.google.com/maps/@26.1079076,-80.2517526,3a,60y,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8PpfxHtS4t4VKNVB9UGaFw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 this blew up an empty store

2c1659  No.6932987

baker notable

>>6932881 Booker violated 8 USC 1324(A) by bringing unauthorized aliens to US

657f7c  No.6932988

File: c205f6098f83133⋯.jpg (50.05 KB, 678x582, 113:97, c205f6098f8313361f3fb8caa1….jpg)

8ab9af  No.6932989


awww wtf???


955d56  No.6932990


Don't have some "17s" to look for or

a random letter Q in the clouds or something?

Fucking retard

a6bd80  No.6932991


Do you have the name of the resturaunt that exploded? Here's some near the LA Fitness.


cabecf  No.6932992

>>6932594 (pb)

Royal Canadian can also mean Rose Cross.

Mountie can mean mountain.

911820  No.6932993

File: a207057d323a27b⋯.jpg (116.06 KB, 850x567, 850:567, fuckery afoot.jpg)

7d7115  No.6932994


Imagine if Trump actually did something aside from shit posting on Twitter. He’s just there to placate retards.

d8fdaf  No.6932995


“For that to be developed we need those who have access to the truth to guide us, like Biblefagging with a mentor (pastor/teacher/etc). That is the role of Q IMO.”

Textbook definition of discipleship.

You’re a Q disciple.

You should repent.

09a68e  No.6932996


Trump ran on being a law and order president. Instead we get the wild west. Wide open borders, leftist mayors violating federal law, sanctuary cities, antifa attacking conservatives, all traitors completely free, tech censorship, police not equally enforcing the law, etc. Trump is a fucking joke. All talk no action. Zero arrests. Complete lawlessness.

260b1f  No.6932997

File: 6a095dd7a79678b⋯.jpg (57.98 KB, 650x521, 650:521, Ron-Paul-Quote-Facebook-46….jpg)

221349  No.6932998


>this is the future?

No. This is the past.

Antifa seige of ICE offices in Portland last year.

b8b218  No.6932999


I bet the oxygen or other gases in the Kids Dental office is to blame for the huge explosion….but p, what set them off or who turned them on?

5c715f  No.6933000

File: acfb99945b8043c⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, rothschilddavidwjcyfranc.jpg)

An Anon put another picture with this woman if i remember

c36afc  No.6933001


Thank you, anon. Time to fight fire with fire.

9501b1  No.6933003

File: b7d185ba3948136⋯.jpeg (197.29 KB, 1195x705, 239:141, 8BF4FD36-3EBA-4D9E-BA37-9….jpeg)

File: 847936d636d0414⋯.jpeg (691.46 KB, 1102x1897, 1102:1897, 675F2AC8-80E6-449D-896F-4….jpeg)

File: b781ca99a90638e⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1668x2224, 3:4, 921393FC-EB19-4B90-AF95-5….jpeg)

File: a8130364ce01aa6⋯.jpeg (391.15 KB, 1575x1241, 1575:1241, 67B60A42-2AEB-41BB-9995-C….jpeg)



ca498d  No.6933004

File: e4257d39033953c⋯.jpg (121.07 KB, 931x249, 931:249, WTimes-pA3-crtl-trump-ad-2….jpg)


Are you also a child-killing, serial adulterer? Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

1d1351  No.6933005


Just cuz Q mentioned Antifa

And Antifa is in the news

Doesnt mean shit at this point

If POTUS team would do anything preemptively

This scumbags wouldnt wonder on the streets

d8fdaf  No.6933006


Cool. Now Qtifa is using silence to develop literal fan fiction.

There is something actually wrong with you.

784320  No.6933007


I tend to imagine all the corruption as a 'story', realizing that it is, in one sense. And I like to say 'well we describe 'worst case', with the idea that no such worse case person actually exists.

then I see stuff like this.

Clearly Mr. Shepp has a mean and horribly non nurturing personality.

It boggles how someone could so cruelly and non-reflexively crap all over themselves, as if they are 'making an insult' when in fact it's just a stab at someone who is already hurting; a needless and pointless attack. do these people even know each other? is there a story there? They've been rivals for a long time?

deranged does well describe Shepp.

mean, oh how mean.

One hopes that theoretical worst-case meanness of plays, stories, and narratives would never be an actual description of real behavior. Sadly, social media gives people a license to take flight off towards wasteland landscapes of burning hurt.

But it really is just them pouring it all on their own heads. The ones who do those displays of meanness pour it mostly upon themselves.

Sadness for Eric in the reveal of your post.

poster, thank you for this information.

oh, how fucking mean.

738294  No.6933008


People have been posting on the fed forever. lurk more newfag

135f08  No.6933010


Glad to see this reposted.


07a696  No.6933011

File: 04159a4cfe11423⋯.png (310.14 KB, 511x472, 511:472, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 210758cbfdf9daa⋯.png (376.75 KB, 511x671, 511:671, ClipboardImage.png)

Explosion rocks Florida shopping center

A Florida shopping center and gym were badly damaged in a gas explosion early afternoon on Saturday. Videos shared to social media shortly after the blast show piles of smoldering debris and an L.A. Fitness with windows completely blown out of its collapsing facade. The explosion occurred at The Fountains shopping center in the south Florida city of Plantation, about 30 miles north of Miami. Plantation fire and rescue confirmed that the explosion was caused by natural gas and that they are treating multiple patients. They have also encouraged local traffic to avoid the area that is now congested with emergency vehicles. Fire and rescue crews from five different local districts responded to the scene. One local resident described the sound of the explosion as "a bomb just went off."

Authorities have not yet commented on the severity of injuries caused by the blast or whether there were any fatalities.




Both of these accounts have video..

657f7c  No.6933012


Hi Hillary

f033c5  No.6933013

File: f1192a118f4ff6d⋯.png (230.27 KB, 499x383, 499:383, B397169A-FF44-40DD-B711-39….png)

b26b6d  No.6933014

Interdesting that BLAZE pizza just so happens to alos be right down the street …hmm

27a892  No.6933015

File: b263b03e4002a03⋯.png (325.93 KB, 834x980, 417:490, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)


there was no sauce further than the pic & text, but here's a live periscope:


significant debris

several units badly destroyed

15 - 20 atients at this poutn - cannot confirm

one was taken as a level one trauma

intitial response involved every city in the area

state fire marshall on scene conducting investigation

hazards secured

building inspected, everyone accounted for

no trapped people

46d1e7  No.6933016

File: 3e5dfc7e5a632a5⋯.jpeg (54.25 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, EE11EA73-8B1C-44A3-8287-F….jpeg)



“Pull it”

9bbbcd  No.6933017

File: 64c63c86b1e15c8⋯.jpeg (423.63 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, E0BB233B-3776-432E-B29F-9….jpeg)

f48342  No.6933018


Not really necessary, it's pretty easy to search that for yourself. Don't take my word for it, do your own research. Here, I'll give you simple fruitful instructions:

Look up the address for LA Fitness in Plantation, Florida. Then look up the address for Blaze Pizza. It's not actually in Plantation, it's in Davie, about a mile south of where the explosion happened. But don't stop at a simple address check, use a satellite view and compare with the video feeds showing the shopping center that blew up. Does it look more like the place in Davie, or the place in Plantation?

cabecf  No.6933019


Antifa are Soros-funded greebos and trust fund kids.

Military intelligence does not necessarily mean connected with the Pentagon. Think militia.

09a68e  No.6933020


It's obvious Trump isn't planning to do shit. Not a single fucking traitor has been arrested. Either Hussein isn't really a criminal or Trump is a weak president who doesn't have the balls to arrest traitors. Zero arrests. Antifa and sanctuary city mayors target us and Trump says nothing.

d8fdaf  No.6933021


Typos. There has to be a typo around here somewhere that’ll solve the gnostic riddle of the universe.

2c1659  No.6933023

File: 925535f918ab176⋯.jpg (71.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, GoodOrEvil.jpg)

File: 5c69c7ae30d364f⋯.jpg (549.18 KB, 3492x1964, 873:491, QCrumbsGoodEvilWe_are_at_W….jpg)

File: b9dbf87eb620e66⋯.png (364.17 KB, 401x560, 401:560, GoodVsEvil.png)


Best not to namefag, fren. Empty name field when posting.

28a065  No.6933024

File: b03f63a760627c5⋯.gif (3.68 MB, 217x272, 217:272, b03f63a760627c535a6c23bab6….gif)

0b0cc3  No.6933025


They should have been dealt with ages ago. It's a joke they're allowed to terrorize Americans on American streets with ZERO repercussions. It would take 5 mins to track these cunts back to the professors/whoever are supporting them.

ca498d  No.6933026

File: d68a1378f539560⋯.png (108.82 KB, 229x323, 229:323, Sodom aka America -0235098….png)

1315e8  No.6933027


What's wrong shill? Do I detect jealousy? Hilldog is that you?

02064f  No.6933028

6932850 (pb) Club 27

Anon, keep up the good work. I switched VPNs so you may not recognize my ID from earlier board.

With all the shilling, wasn't sure what you intended. Should have give you the benifit of the doubt and lurked more before responding.

God Bless and keep Anoning

c6cce8  No.6933029

File: 612cff2fe09448b⋯.png (15.04 KB, 386x333, 386:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4e2788d7891996⋯.png (47.88 KB, 386x549, 386:549, ClipboardImage.png)


Just noticed that ALL the last USMC tweets were either done at 5:00 or 17:00.












… stopt checking here, dunno how far back tweets are done at either 5:00 or 17:00, but way back this was not the case, see:



Q1700 = Declaration of Independence (1776)

I T I S O N ! ! !

Maybe a talented memefag can put this together in a better form.

NOTABLE anyway!

9e2868  No.6933030

File: c351256bc43c9d0⋯.png (381.58 KB, 1222x679, 1222:679, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

I have been digging on the subject of vaccines for about 3 years, though I had questions about them for far longer. I believe the Gardasil vaccine is more of a "bioweapon" than a preventive measure. I hope that some day there will be a class action lawsuit to compensate every young person who got the shot.

Here's a link to a book (I've got a copy) that describes the Gardasil horrors. I think that there is a scientist who worked on the development of the vaccine that believes Gardasil will be the greatest vaccine scandal of them all.

The fraud that I'm aware of is simply massive. A true placebo was only used on a small fraction of the study participants whose data was used for approval of the vaccine. Participants were lied to (sometimes in print) and evidence of many adverse events were glossed over in a variety of ways. Merck used a patented aluminum adjuvant in the vaccine and does not allow outside researchers access, despite the fact that the shot is "recommended" for all US children and has been heavily advertised with shameless fear based emotional appeals.


No child or young adult who got this vaccine should remain uncompensated. My understanding of what this shot actually does suggests that victims of it should have access to the remedies of their choice FOR LIFE, as damage can potentially show up years later and many people rendered infertile by the shot may not know it.

Here's a link to the CDC vaccine schedule showing that the CDC 'recommends' HPV vaccination. I believe Gardasil (and now Gardasil 9) as well as Cervarix are the HPV vaccines used most often. I think Gardasil is worse than Cervarix, but I don't think either should be injected into people.


84d288  No.6933031

File: 90f3b7e4be5ebec⋯.png (1.12 MB, 805x576, 805:576, ClipboardImage.png)

13d701  No.6933032

File: a2bf30212bd53ad⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1009x701, 1009:701, codeblue.PNG)

>>6932499 LB

What is Code Blue.

Not a coincidence.


d711a2  No.6933033


>There is no way around that logic.

This is not logic anon

its a proposition

all three can be true

nothing Q posted can be confirmed or refuted


think for yourself

or at least start with thinking

27a892  No.6933034

File: 80d3e9f0a8e23fe⋯.png (759.27 KB, 906x767, 906:767, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)



there is a pizza place next door

city bldg official on scene

mall closed off

gas shut off

cannot confirm where the blast came from

will not speculate

nobody was killed

thank goodness for that

it could have been tremendously worse

96c76f  No.6933035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dear discord tranny shills,

please dont do your makeup during an earthquake.

5c715f  No.6933036

Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.

d8fdaf  No.6933037


Think executive order of December of 2017 wherein Trump authorized freezing Soros’ assets to make Qtifa happy, but then never did it and had Q thank Soros instead.

c6cce8  No.6933038

File: 9a5db44696a4c81⋯.jpg (15.2 KB, 207x254, 207:254, 9a5db44696a4c812acaab36a91….jpg)





ca498d  No.6933039

File: 48748f596e4a865⋯.png (839.75 KB, 1597x481, 1597:481, Sodom aka America 2-385098….png)

02064f  No.6933040


USMC tweet times. Nice catch Anon


b86ed7  No.6933041

File: 854eaf7df1af336⋯.png (184.18 KB, 495x447, 165:149, ClipboardImage.png)


New Board

New ID Anon

You should know this by now

Unless you're New here

896ea2  No.6933042


Shit's going down back-n-forth now.

They just killed a Red Hat 45 per their devil worshipping voodoo shit but it didn't work.

So, now some of their shit's about to get fucked-up.

Pay attention nigger.

904d54  No.6933043

File: fcdcfa222f6aecd⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1305x813, 435:271, Screenshot from 2019-07-06….png)

File: b9fda87c2ebc92a⋯.png (653.15 KB, 1909x912, 1909:912, Screenshot from 2019-07-06….png)


It was empty at the time that the Google Street View car cam around. But GM's listing of business in the area (updated more frequently) show a Code Ninjas franchise. And that franchise's website currently lists that address.


1c1933  No.6933044


Don't know enough about scalar weaponry, bees, and earth quakes to even begin to understand what is going on here, but strange indeed. Is this what happened to all the bees?

9385e9  No.6933045

File: 29bf60449a16eba⋯.png (558.77 KB, 744x770, 372:385, a3427db996e2f5cac3df63e29b….png)

Some of the DC police are connected to antifa. Probably how they are able to track people down from their license plates, and get addresses of people like Tucker Carlson.

"An Antifa-related activist group called “All Out DC” has been putting up posters with the personal information of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, as well as other free speech figures, in an effort to “Block the Alt-Right.”


9bbbcd  No.6933046

File: 8a962df77bca4df⋯.jpeg (562.48 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, D2147F2B-FD93-4F43-B0C6-9….jpeg)


eff off

b15d62  No.6933047


Anon do you think I need to repent for all of my on the job training and schooling as well? I relied on others to guide me and teach me in certain subjects. Is that discipleship?

The Bible - Pastor relationship was to illustrate the nature of truth - person to guide. You don’t know me and we are not in relationship, save your advice for those who ask for guidance.

I treat every Q post as I do every anon post, with a healthy degree of skepticism. The source of truth is God, and I pray for ears to hear and eyes to see. I’ll work out my own repentance and salvation with my maker.

75ac5d  No.6933048


>significant debris

>several units badly destroyed

>15 - 20 atients at this poutn - cannot confirm

>one was taken as a level one trauma

>intitial response involved every city in the area


>significant debris

>several units badly destroyed

>15 - 20 atients at this poutn - cannot confirm

>one was taken as a level one trauma

>intitial response involved every city in the area

when does the edited movie come out

with peoples added

sorta like the state of emerg lastnites EQ


7d7115  No.6933049


Trump only had one goal when he became president. He wanted to consolidate the child trafficking industry for the Gambino crime family who have owned him for 40 years. The Gambino’s didn’t like Mexican cartels getting in on the action. Now Trump locks the kids up at the border and the Gambino’s take them and sell them.

Trump is accomplishing the only thing he ever cared about.

6efae6  No.6933050

>using silence

I asked you eight questions faggot, zero of which you volunteered to answer.

ce40d7  No.6933051


"Poor Dumb Bastards!"

Death Blossom

36c8d1  No.6933052



He Didn't state why, just that it happened. Post on his fb

46d1e7  No.6933053

File: bd19a20a918047d⋯.png (64.88 KB, 500x421, 500:421, FA9F1747-0CFC-4C10-AFB3-2C….png)


Cardiopulmonary arrest in American hospitals.

1d1351  No.6933054



You are implying smth very strong

You need sauce and proof

b85d4c  No.6933055

File: d17492789055338⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1440x797, 1440:797, Q Proof!!! Be ready. ….png)

File: 42a6e1c88a987d9⋯.png (783.58 KB, 1440x795, 96:53, Q Proof! Eric Trump b….png)

File: dd187ca55cf6959⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1436x788, 359:197, MAGA:USMC:AMEN.png)

File: 78e67e07bd0599e⋯.png (78.88 KB, 1156x425, 68:25, USMC:FatherO'Brien.png)

File: 8ad32e5b9778119⋯.png (37.27 KB, 463x191, 463:191, 458 Thank you all for your….png)

75ac5d  No.6933056



>“Pull it”



put out the vicsims posters stat!

d8fdaf  No.6933057


You’re out of your league. All three can be true? 1) Patriots in control. 2) Q is lying and Patriots are not in control. 3) Q et all are in control and not Patriots.

You say all three can be true? You’re actually retarded.

c6cce8  No.6933058


this should not be the name of the notable bc "USMC tweet times" does not nearly catch the meaning of SEVERAL SUCCESIVE USMC TWEETS DONE AT 5:00 / 17:00 - Qdrops: GO TIME.

Notables should be named in a way that the full meaning can be catched quickly.

30631e  No.6933059

File: efe1c885c6b93b9⋯.jpg (38.36 KB, 630x354, 105:59, 1562431657449.jpg)

04cca4  No.6933060

File: 4bbaa9521528f3f⋯.png (56.71 KB, 604x299, 604:299, Fitton re Squashed ANTIFA ….PNG)

File: c8461a97ee9bd05⋯.png (62.11 KB, 607x368, 607:368, Bongino re Squashed ANTIFA….PNG)

File: ee4342587bd7541⋯.png (59.47 KB, 610x331, 610:331, Gainor re Squashed ANTIFA ….PNG)

File: a8a0bc82e7b9c66⋯.png (380.9 KB, 605x520, 121:104, Alvarez re Squashed ANTIFA….PNG)

File: 57a9188175e2463⋯.mp4 (583.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Video Alvarez re Squashed ….mp4)







6efae6  No.6933061



b0c5f7  No.6933062


ty anon

well documented lb

making sure not a new one

5c715f  No.6933063


There is another post with 4-10-20, refers a, b, c and another post

e79a2a  No.6933065

File: d1040da1ce66b1e⋯.jpeg (683.24 KB, 2436x1125, 812:375, DEA5237A-3CB0-462D-B295-2….jpeg)




My point was with antifas current actions combined with Qs super early drops, kinda gives you an idea of where we are on the timeline.

The USA is the first domino and it’s getting closer to being knocked over

955d56  No.6933066


Has Trump ever called them our most difficult problem before? Don't you think this would be

being discussed if your Fed posters were still here? Who is the real newfag, dumb fuck?

Go back to staring into your soy latte to see if

you can find something shaped like a Q and post about it, faggot

679944  No.6933067


It also depends on the length of the break in the earth whether it's deep or not.

I would encourage you to listen to Dr Lucy Jones if you can. She provides really good explanations of how earthquakes actually work.

9385e9  No.6933068


There is no sauce or proof for that ridiculous claim. It was obviously posted by a dirtbag minion.

7b16ab  No.6933069

File: e9aeb8f763f1dab⋯.png (74.77 KB, 590x340, 59:34, IMG_4442.PNG)

1c1933  No.6933070

File: f60014156485a8e⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1503x1162, 1503:1162, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)


It's a physical therapy place. Next door is a kid's dentist place.

ca498d  No.6933071

File: ee88cbd207b404e⋯.png (48.34 KB, 310x296, 155:148, Sodom aka America 29305090….png)

e4a157  No.6933072

File: ad23c7a1acdb386⋯.png (1.04 MB, 667x960, 667:960, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95c48a03bebb7cf⋯.png (9.33 MB, 3600x2400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1232fa7db3d002a⋯.png (841.88 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d95761e104c5b82⋯.png (579.22 KB, 650x488, 325:244, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7958a6530949dc8⋯.png (622.27 KB, 700x394, 350:197, ClipboardImage.png)

]Their[ plan looks like it's a little more effective than [ours].

6efae6  No.6933073


Do they ever deviate? I remember noticing this pattern in the past, like a long time ago.

28a617  No.6933074



Patriots, thank you for all you do.

Anons have missed the message.

March 23 2019. Go back.

All crumbs were dropped, trails have NOT been followed.

The end is not for everyone but it MUST be for some. Far too few have answered the call in time for the mission to proceed. Time is short. Critical mass necessary to launch Phase II and we are are not even close.

The choice, to know, will be yours.

Choose wisely.


>The statistically impossible anon is the QMAP.

>Your minds, collaborating, are the Key that unlocks the MAP.

>You have been prepared.

>Happy Hunting.


>The source of truth is God, and I pray for ears to hear and eyes to see.

The Great Awakening


96c76f  No.6933075

File: 14cef63d241afbf⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 750x698, 375:349, trump_20-20.jpg)


fucking hell you guys are pathetic

e79a2a  No.6933076


Also Portland mayor doing exactly as “predicted” by q

(Fuck this captcha)

0a3e24  No.6933077

File: c70dacbf9c0644f⋯.png (4.96 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

09a68e  No.6933078


Not a single traitor has been arrested. They are all still free. We aren't close to shit happening.

a70829  No.6933079

File: a8e67b583a7c47c⋯.png (946.02 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 5B18CEBB-EB1C-4640-AD19-3F….png)

File: 9c10b3d3051a03c⋯.png (939.23 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, ACFA0F6C-AF4A-4304-B7D5-10….png)

File: b89b76c95944767⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, FCB40372-3CCE-4532-8660-A0….png)

File: 5d3add794f84606⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, DFA70A41-12D3-4881-8331-52….png)

Listing if EQs last 24 to 48 hours, not all. Nifty site


e0812f  No.6933080

File: ccef2dcefefb87e⋯.jpeg (35.86 KB, 575x400, 23:16, 86AC6743-A996-4252-A9AC-4….jpeg)


I am positive our guys have already explored the internals of their hardware and software and also have a “looking glass” into what the chinese are seeing. We see all, we hear all.

1315e8  No.6933081


Proof, links, etc.

You need to back up your story, or that's all it is, just a story.

caaada  No.6933082


Not impressed. A slight shove isn’t enough pain for these fuckers.

f34886  No.6933083


Its long been speculated that ELF,ULF waves are associated with strange behavior in animals such hive collapse, mass beachings by sea life, flocks of birds dying, etc. Tesla technology at work.

7b16ab  No.6933084

File: ebf5cbcf2692131⋯.jpg (32.72 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, IMG_1806.JPG)

still true

ed9d69  No.6933085


Spoopy,…… a sacrifice or what, or just a coincidence….

473eee  No.6933086

File: 1e2ccb6dd036918⋯.jpg (28.04 KB, 409x250, 409:250, vs1.jpg)



also known as Viktor E. Schoff

Springmeier grew up with his father,[citation needed] James E. Schoof

now you know why some say Schoof and not Schoff


"On January 31, 2002, Springmeier was indicted in the United States District Court in Portland, Oregon[7] in connection with an armed robbery. On February 12, 2003, he was found guilty of one count of armed bank robbery in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2113(a) and (d) and one count of aiding and abetting in the use of a semi-automatic rifle during the commission of a felony in violation of 18 U.S.C § 924(c)(1).[8][9] In November 2003, he was sentenced to 51 months in prison on the armed robbery charge and 60 months on the aiding and abetting charge, fined $7,500, ordered to pay $6,488 in restitution, and assessed an additional $200.[10] Springmeier's conviction was affirmed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.[11] He was imprisoned, and was released from federal prison on March 25, 2011"






Or perhaps you enjoy the words of another "Victor'? kek


How many times was Fritz on the Alex Jones show


Alex Jones interviews Fritz Springmeier May 28th 2015


Alex Jones Fritz Springmeier Revelation of The Method 11 4 2011


Entire show devoted to Fritz


Alex Selling Fritz book 10 31 2011 WHOLE SHOW TO FRITZ


Fritz Springmeier -Author of Bloodlines of the Illuminati- Alex Jones Show (1-27-12)

and many more…

Anons who post this shit are one of the following

1. Naive, Unlearned, Uneducated and should GO BACK and LURK MOAR

2: Educated yet unwilling to see beyond their own preconceived notions of reality so they adapt whatever they think is good about the work/author et al and conveniently avoid the bad, the evil which is usually glaringly obvious.

3: Are paid Agents OR at the very least active participants in spreading disinformation working for the cabal for free… i.e. the exact opposite of an ANON.

Even some Stooges that I have PERSONALLY outted are now turning on "Fritz" in an effort to save what little FALSE credibility that they have remaining in the minds of the unsuspecting…

and this is but a wee bitty primer…



Q told you to be careful who you follow…

Muh Guru's…

Muh preconceived notions of reality…

ca498d  No.6933087

File: e4257d39033953c⋯.jpg (121.07 KB, 931x249, 931:249, WTimes-pA3-crtl-trump-ad-2….jpg)


Are you also a child-killing, serial adulterer? Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

742a20  No.6933088


Q 1700 ‘train’


Declaration of Independence (1776)



25 Jul 2018 - 1:08:27 PM

— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —


e4a157  No.6933089

File: 9aac4e1c7e1110c⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1236x820, 309:205, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2aa6b5b8634366⋯.png (713.07 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d9fab6fcae22d5⋯.png (780.14 KB, 760x507, 760:507, ClipboardImage.png)


Right. any day now the republic will be saved.

1d1351  No.6933090


Are patriots in control?


Y (true statement) why the hell its at the current stage?

Cuz they dont have the same goals as we assumed

N (Q didnt tell the truth) that indeed meant he lied

All logical

896ea2  No.6933091

File: bdc5d0a65471cbc⋯.jpg (61.48 KB, 487x488, 487:488, AlexMTokes.JPG)


> Dr Lucy Jones

And she does it all on camera while high AF which is even moar impressive.

7b16ab  No.6933092

File: e82eae82cd5f64d⋯.jpg (106.63 KB, 670x707, 670:707, IMG_7821.JPG)

File: 9da98af6c34ae9a⋯.jpg (561.63 KB, 1197x1197, 1:1, IMG_7824.JPG)

File: 7c97c64473475e3⋯.jpg (134.18 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_7825.JPG)

File: 98a29a6098b2a8c⋯.jpg (33.89 KB, 204x284, 51:71, IMG_7827.JPG)

2c1659  No.6933093


Everyone gets a new ID every thread.

04cca4  No.6933094


>Not impressed. A slight shove isn’t enough pain for these fuckers.

Why don't you get on over to 12th Street then

Send videos of your badass self backing down ANTIFA


d8fdaf  No.6933095


Trust the plan!

Make memes!

Don’t do anything else though. Not like Hong Kong, France, the founding fathers, etc.

If we actually exercise in responsible citizenship, Q will have failed.

7b16ab  No.6933096


i is catabolic

e4a157  No.6933098

File: 0c87b536611d117⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1484x989, 1484:989, ClipboardImage.png)



28a065  No.6933099

File: dce15eca54320fd⋯.png (344.62 KB, 627x868, 627:868, antifarules.png)

File: cd061848a49844a⋯.jpg (150.11 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, D-zZDc-XsAAHgJV.jpg)

These are the rules for members of the press in order to go inside the #AllOutDC rally, which is the antifa side.

One that suck out: "Please avoid publishing any potentially incriminating photos or video footage…"


231da1  No.6933100

File: 7f0a7be5494441b⋯.png (393.79 KB, 900x540, 5:3, logicMFer.png)



whew lads…advanced shillery class 2.0 version

62e952  No.6933101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Still my fav!

b86ed7  No.6933102




Muh Springmeier

7d7115  No.6933103

File: b2c4e0d86ea1626⋯.jpeg (83.96 KB, 763x1095, 763:1095, CFD06918-3A91-45BE-94E5-D….jpeg)


He looks a lot different without photoshop

5c715f  No.6933104


Donald J Trump


2 Nov 2017 - 7:18:35 AM



b85d4c  No.6933105

File: 862079fff75f5b6⋯.jpg (67.46 KB, 640x320, 2:1, ThankYouForKeepingUsFree.jpg)

c6cce8  No.6933106


yes, shill, read my post, it´s like USMC always tweeting at any random time and NOW 15 TWEETS IN A ROW WITH TIMESTAMP 5:00 / 17:00.

I can see that this triggers you shills. kek.

7b16ab  No.6933107


a70829  No.6933108

Ok working theory here, all the events of the last week would be epic, on their own, but we get epic event after epic event. I’m taking a lot of info from many posts and trying to string them together to figure out the pattern:

Pence called back to WH, going to NH. Dichotomy here though, it’s was reported they were two minutes from landing in NH, his press secretary said the never took off

Reporting also said possible active shooter at Pease NG base were Pence would be landing. (That sounds to conveniently timed to not deduce it was a cover story, maybe released by WH)

Is it possible Pence left earlier from DC then what the schedule was? In other words was he getting out of town fast and early? Why? We know he can’t be trusted, some kind of unforeseen event to occur in DC?

Then we get this news

“Russian Submarine fire many killed, including high level officers and commanders”

First why were so many top officers and civilians on that sub?

Anon reported last night that her wife’s friend was on a commercial jet out of AK, I think, and swears she saw a missile coming at the plane, but disappeared at last minute. No sauce though

More news

“Putin cancels meeting and holds emergency meeting with generals”

Could that sub have been a rogue sub, corrupt military working with the Cabal, to start WWWIII? It’s also interesting it happened now since Trump and Putin are working together, and they reportedly spoke about denuclearization at G20.

Drones, unidentified flyer object, or something spotted over DC, other very odd happenings. Lots of plane and helicopter deaths Cline, the Russian lawyer Velanyskya. wasn’t an upper level military general (?) knew lawyer, that was in on the Russia hoax, killed in a plane crash a few months ago?

My guess on Cline: cabal cleaning up

Russian lawyer, same cabal clean up, the Russian Military, Putin’s punishment to coup plotters

EQs, swarms and high intensity in CA

So many more happenings reported and normally any of these event taken separately or together would provoke a national emergency, but none forthcoming, that must mean Trump, Qteam, military knew about all “their” plans and they planned accordingly to not interrupt Salute to America, but more importantly it’s all under control, as POTUS stated.

251356  No.6933109


>>>6932894 (You)

>Either 1) “Patriots are in control”

^^ u r taking that out of context. Obv. This isnt true at every level otwise we wudnt have DS roaming the streets. I think thats related more to upper gov agencies & Mil & intel sec.. but theres still a shit ton to do.

2) Q is lying,

^^ ur interpretation of the drops doesnt validate/discredit Ops in place. WE DONT KNOW wats going on bhind scenes. Some drops r shit posts to confuse opposition, some r for counter moves, others for strategies & still ots to setup future events. THE DROPS R FOR THEM, not US. We r just pieces they e using as a vessel

or 3) they’re in control, but they’re not really Patriots.

^^ i believe there r ppl who verbally say they support the Prez but r really torn inside. In their minds, bcuz They don't have God, they only think of the affects of This world & their pride, ego, & arrogance.They care more about wat ppl think of them if xyz is revealed but If they knew God, they wouldnt be wandering in agony. I believe, these ppl r the most dangerous becuz they can do the most harm. Depending on who they think (or r deceived into thinking) is winning they can/do/will flip sides. These r the ones u give fake intel to, and never the same intel as another that way, if it is leaked.. u know who did it.

>There is no way around that logic.

^^ View above

>Can’t say “stable genius/5D chess” every day, and then dismiss the awful things almost every governmental agency is doing with impunity as “the swamp,” particularly when he’s hired some of the swampiest members of the Bush admins.


^^ we dont know why ppl were involved, how much they were involved, or closed their eyes to all this crap. At some Level, EVERYONE was complacent. It's easy to point & judge out of ignorance.

I wud rather have a traitor/participant come clean of his/her sins, through humility & meekness and complete & utter repenting & help us take down these SOBs than to have these guys think they have No Redeeming qualities and fall by the Sword. They Are more profitable on our side. Let us not forget, we are ALL Sinners.

679944  No.6933110


WTF are you talking about?

093406  No.6933111


Night shift was all over it. POTUS tweeted this at almost midnight. Maybe hang around a bit more.

48f9df  No.6933112

File: f82e3183367bc45⋯.png (2.69 MB, 2400x2586, 400:431, GardenPortal.png)


The Garden of the Missing is next to Bayeux France (Garden by the Bay. Double meaning from Kim's visit to Singapore)

I haven't located any correlating dates in the news. Future proves past?

09a68e  No.6933113


Wide open borders, antifa attacking conservatives, banks targeting conservatives, tech censorship, sanctuary cities, voter fraud, 100% of traitors still completely free.

Not a fucking thing is happening. Trump has failed and 2020 will be stolen just like the midterms. Trump, how about do your fucking job and protect the Republic.

ed9d69  No.6933114


Same dude? Seems weird the guy would become a criminal after some notoriety and success with a bloodlines book…are you suggesting controlled opposition or disinformation agent?

1d0482  No.6933115

File: 0a560dd21964965⋯.png (763.87 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190706-123249.png)

File: 5d471cac8a4856e⋯.png (205.19 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190706-123451.png)

File: 4da7b5568951975⋯.jpg (43.27 KB, 570x569, 570:569, o-BILL-COSBY-FATHERS-DAY-5….jpg)

File: db129151a55a17b⋯.png (413.79 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190706-134642.png)

>>6932264 (pb)

Bill Cosby's son Ennis is a member of the 27 Club.

There's way more to the Cosby thing than meets the eye...spoopy af.

Much controversy about this, official details don't add up, and much speculation such as this:


The investigation was handled by this totally spoopy former criminal, Dan Hanks (!), who just happened to know the killer (what a coinkydink) and collaborates with the media and entertainment industry:



Any ideas on meanings and messaging in all this? Was he punished and set up for trying to gain power?


In this Huffington Post article from 2013, he talks of breaking the programming of kids, being responsible parents and "taking back the house:"


Shortly after, in 2014, the accusations began:


Was Cosby again punished for not playing ball and trying to gain power? Was he caught in the Honeypot and trying to break free?



And then just recently, his daughter who was very vocal about his innocence, the mishandling of his case, and the racism and corruption that was prevalent, was declared dead:



Trying to put the pieces together here. Any feedback from Anons would be appreciated.

And if someone could please check out the ring and artwork in the above pic for possible symbolism, that would be great (crappy phone here sucks at enlarging).

Let me know what you think, Anons...

2c1659  No.6933116


Does any of that invalidate his book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"? Or is it possible that the illuminati out to get him by framing him?

I don't know, just posing questions.

41b596  No.6933117

File: 92befb84de8218e⋯.png (1.01 MB, 769x888, 769:888, 2019-07-06 13.47.00 tweetd….png)


279551  No.6933118


This is not actually true.

Manafort, Wolfe, and Craig come to mind.

4bb5cf  No.6933119


>high AF

Drinking tea?

9385e9  No.6933120

Only an idiot or shill uses wiki as a source for anything controversial.

27a892  No.6933121

File: bfe20314dcc28ed⋯.png (107.58 KB, 671x700, 671:700, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

already on Yelp:


pizza so fire it blew up the block. wowzers. that mustve been some spicey pepperonis. hold the sauce. these guys are gone!


Today the space once occupied by this business exploded causing severe damage to adjacent businesses including The LA Fitness and a total loss to the end cap of the shopping center.


e4a157  No.6933122


It's time for patriots to be patriots.

I've recently joined a local militia. There is chatter - we are fed up. Time to organize

7b16ab  No.6933123

File: 6b3f328c54b4de5⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 550x550, 1:1, IMG_0135.JPG)

it's not about 'Nam walter

068e85  No.6933124

File: acc966c94ecdb4d⋯.jpeg (801.63 KB, 2376x1836, 22:17, BC1790AB-BD9D-417D-ACC0-2….jpeg)



This is from last night. Initial reports by the White Man state the depth was shallow on some of these earth quakes. Shallow earthquakes at 4.5 to 7 Richter are consistent with Project Gnome numbers. Archive this shit fellow Anons!

1c1933  No.6933125


Why these chicks got to hate on the President so much? Makes it hard to root for them. One part of me wants USA to win in everything, another part of me doesn't want them to win so they don't have a platform to use for hating on the President. "I won the world cup to show Donald Trump I have a vagina, and fuck him."

833f96  No.6933126

File: 79d25fd9a497a0a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1428x808, 357:202, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72a815bdc25daef⋯.png (329.58 KB, 623x314, 623:314, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69e4c6e9d38c1d5⋯.png (260.98 KB, 341x504, 341:504, ClipboardImage.png)


I've been reading in the alternative field for ~15 years. Think POTUS has been dropping hints that we're meant to put together regarding Secret Space Program (SSP) and its parasitic “breakaway civilization” (that used the missing $21T, etc.).

- SOTU 2019: POTUS says, “This is the time to re-ignite the American imagination. This is the time to search for the TALLEST SUMMIT, and set our sights on the BRIGHTEST STAR.”

- TALLEST SUMMIT in Solar System is Olympus Mons on Mars. There are credibly alleged ancient archeological ruins there from an advanced civilization (book = Monuments of Mars, www.enterprisemission.com ). One Star Wars Ph.D. physicist argues that this ancient Martian civilization was destroyed in a massive nuclear holocaust (https://secretspaceprogram.org/media/dr-john-brandenburg/)

- BRIGHTEST STAR [in the sky] = Sirius. Dogon Tribe in Africa has sacred knowledge traditions about Sirius that jives with most modern astronomy re: Sirius being a triple system. Could only have come from some ancient group with modern scientific knowledge, or alien visit sort of scenario, supposedly.

- 4th of July POTUS statement that we're going to Mars. Former Lockheed Skunk Works head man Ben Rich let it slip (1993'ish?) that there already was warp drive type tech, that we could now “take ET home.” (https://www.altereddimensions.net/2013/skunk-works-director-technology-et-alien-esp-star-travel)

- Recent Earthquakes around San Bernardino, CA. Ex FBI / ex Mason investigator Walter Bosley looked into Hectate-based occult murders in San Bernardino in early 1900's. Investigation led to early (1800's) AIRSHIP MYSTERY regarding mysterious German industrial group and field propulsion (non-aerodynamic) flight pre-1900. Literally gets into US Treasury investigation and Butch Cassidy (really).

- 4th of July POTUS 'gaffe' about Revolutionary Army taking over the airports. There's an outside chance this might be true (considering Walter Bosley's research), but more likely is that POTUS is forcing the press to raise the issue of when human (or non-human) flight actually began, raising public awareness of the issue. (Sun Tzu master) He's telling us that flight goes back well before history tells us it started. (Could be Vedic texts–mercury vortex engines, Nazi bell, etc.)

Don't know, but almonds activated, throwing this out for anons to ponder. Highly speculative. Could be both White and Black Hats have the tech.


41877b  No.6933127


Bridge Crest

21ac74  No.6933128



someone said that it wasn't the pizza place. Do we have confirmation from official source not faggots on yelp?

7b16ab  No.6933129

File: cd36763b20ced1a⋯.jpg (425.29 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, IMG_5870.JPG)

File: 5824899cac01ef6⋯.jpg (134.53 KB, 1114x800, 557:400, IMG_5879.JPG)

File: 241647115b413ca⋯.jpg (322.76 KB, 975x892, 975:892, IMG_5883.JPG)

File: 0bb7cd17d9bd471⋯.jpg (310.04 KB, 973x913, 973:913, IMG_5884.JPG)

7d7115  No.6933130


POTUS is just jerking you around. The only thing he cares about is trafficking children

900e83  No.6933131

America is Under Attack by 187 Groups Funded by George Soros

Notorious globalist billionaire George Soros has gone on the record threatening to “take down President Trump” and promising an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos that the New World Order are making the necessary preparations to completely and utterly obliterate every single Republican plan.

Soros is doing this the only way he knows how – by throwing his dirty money around, sponsoring hate groups, protestors, and NGOs, attempting to subvert the course of democracy and eradicate the silent majority.

Some of the names on this list will shock you… Abortion groups, open borders advocates, immigrant activists, groups to change the way we vote, socialist health care, climate change, “Catholics”, Socialists and Communists.


793966  No.6933132

0b0cc3  No.6933133


For the feds by the feds…enjoy the van

f0ccf1  No.6933134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






ca498d  No.6933135

File: b225daa47db4d42⋯.jpg (9.38 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 14edc15fd1a3ace9860c2b1f01….jpg)


Are you also a child-killing, serial adulterer? Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

7b16ab  No.6933136

File: 2081deb8197641c⋯.jpg (426.13 KB, 1024x630, 512:315, IMG_5882.JPG)

File: 9cdb677c7bc2fb5⋯.jpg (85.8 KB, 636x382, 318:191, IMG_5885.JPG)

File: d6ebea5e4c28de2⋯.jpg (243.16 KB, 1040x1300, 4:5, IMG_5888.JPG)

File: fbc2dcac6188c32⋯.jpg (175.07 KB, 1201x800, 1201:800, IMG_5890.JPG)

896ea2  No.6933137


Watch her do Q&A again and tell me she aint high with a straight face

1d1351  No.6933138




I will ask you every time

6cd864  No.6933139

File: 2d0d1db62cc2e47⋯.jpg (814.56 KB, 925x1346, 925:1346, LC.jpg)

I find it interdasting that Comey tweeted "Happy Pride Month' - But chose to say NOTHING about our INDEPENDENCE DAY.

733a0b  No.6933140


comms understood baker

casper at the dough

handoff notifications this dough and notables buns


ed9d69  No.6933141

File: 24ae8e0054fa126⋯.jpeg (25.51 KB, 255x230, 51:46, B271AEEA-DAFA-47FA-B2D3-6….jpeg)

9e2868  No.6933142


45% of Americans are questioning the vaccine program and you say we don't have critical mass to proceed?! I disagree. And I think we ARE proceeding.

c6cce8  No.6933143



Please repost if it does not get baked, many shills in the kitchen lately. This is nice info and needs eyes on.

b0c5f7  No.6933144


Did you look at mars, ca?

2c1659  No.6933145


Consider POTUS's phrase in a quick press interview before departing on the chopper yesterday when asked about Pence returning to DC abruptly: it was a Very Interesting Problem (VIP, or VP) and you'll find out what it was about in a couple of week or so.

f0ccf1  No.6933146

File: ab961b2df16c943⋯.png (930.16 KB, 1379x732, 1379:732, CODE BLUE VID.PNG)



d8fdaf  No.6933147


Sigh … so your response is that it’s too big and too hard to control and people have mixed motivations … therefore it’s logical and true to say “Patriots are in control,” and “Patriots are not in control” in the same sentence.

That’s really liberal dissembling, and followed to its logical conclusion makes Q a liar at any level. It also suggests that this cannot be fixed, and your religious trust is profoundly misplaced.

And that doesn’t even begin to broach the truth about Trump’s behavior, or the fact that he hires some of the swampiest of the Bush admins.

Sorry man. Good try though.

e4a157  No.6933148


Oh no…I just confessed that I joined a local, legal militia who is getting organized for preparation to enact our civil liberties.

My God you have won. ;)

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Get help

caaada  No.6933149

Oldfag here

First time since I have been here that I’m having some doubts. We know habbenings are habbening behind the scenes but all this BLATANT anti-America rhetoric and literal domestic commie terrorists attacking us has me reeling a little bit. Normies are still norming and that’s getting harder for me.

Fuck the shills, don’t let them hijack this post for confirmation bias. Anons need to pep each other up. Also, Q if you’re watching please help us. What do we do? Have we fucked this board up? The country needs some solid ACTION that normies can see too. Battle fatigue is setting in for most of us oldfags who haven’t abandoned this place yet.

Don’t leave us hanging

7b16ab  No.6933150

File: 0693ead70101630⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1280x1233, 1280:1233, IMG_5881.PNG)

File: 1b4b0f943f3a07c⋯.jpg (130.6 KB, 800x888, 100:111, IMG_5886.JPG)

File: ad1a330d9b0f9fe⋯.jpg (124.38 KB, 800x888, 100:111, IMG_5906.JPG)

File: e624b592213d4a4⋯.jpg (214.24 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, IMG_5912.JPG)

b86ed7  No.6933151


Was Pence tryin to get the Hell out of DC before (THEY) tried to blow it up? Sub maybe? Very Strange Habbenings indeed

84d288  No.6933152

File: 9fded566fb7726a⋯.png (131.32 KB, 230x255, 46:51, ClipboardImage.png)

c6cce8  No.6933153



rather newshill.

try harder.

98b628  No.6933154

File: 40673741afff7f4⋯.png (164.86 KB, 585x464, 585:464, ClipboardImage.png)

CA Earthquake "coincidences"

6.4 at China Lake on 7/4/19

using standard English cypher (a=1, b=2...z=26) that Q hinted to with (4,10,20 = DJT):

China Lake = 64

Epicenter was at China Lake Military facility (where we're pretty sure they're MKing kids):

Military = 107

Earthquake = 107

Ring of Fire = 107

Then last night 7/5/19, we get a 7.1 (think mirror from 107 above) EQ?

And of course, Q = 17

I think there's a chance Q team is using those earthquake weapons pb anon found to destroy their bases.

>>6932299 (pb)

7d7115  No.6933155


Latest site was taken down. Everything regarding Trump Shoah’d.


Some not so Trump related stuff survives


896ea2  No.6933156


Not all and not Alex.

She's huge with the Suburban Teen Girl market.

Alex don't make waves with the lefties but

She puts her hand over her heart while mouthing the words.

Alex will be at the WH.

21ac74  No.6933157

>>6932960 , >>6933055 Anon links USMC tweets to QPOST #500



7b16ab  No.6933158

File: f45d3625d3ed8e5⋯.jpg (86.99 KB, 640x623, 640:623, IMG_0132.JPG)


b0c5f7  No.6933159

File: fea3e7d8ee97f89⋯.jpg (10.73 KB, 250x255, 50:51, wink.jpg)

04cca4  No.6933160

File: 418a895cebd3e29⋯.png (69.86 KB, 616x424, 77:53, Bongino darks side with Po….PNG)

File: 029142021270907⋯.png (61.88 KB, 590x377, 590:377, 2 Bongino darks side with ….PNG)

Bongino has gone to the dark side



ed9d69  No.6933161


Lurk moar faggot.

0b0cc3  No.6933162


You joined bait

16e3f2  No.6933163

>>6932743 (pb)

yep, that's a real horses ass alright

28a065  No.6933164

File: 20d8214b65d952a⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 400x400, 1:1, AZDTUbKx_400x400.jpg)

File: 1e54e24f450e3af⋯.jpg (59.46 KB, 594x396, 3:2, FWTZQyuuKWAl.jpg)

784320  No.6933165


what elevation is the baseline for the zero?

if they use the point 'above' the earth quake then the 'depths' would all be skewed based upon the above topography.

so do they use sealevel as the 'baseline' for the zero.

that would mean that if an earthquake happened above sea level it would be listed as a negative number because it isn't below the baseline of sealevel.

but, I never really persued what the real data uses. So that's the answer to the question. what is the baseline of zero.

if a mountain were two miles above sea level, and the earth quake happens inside of that . . . would that not make sense that it would be given a negative value on this scale?

we we say 'depth' of an earthquake, what do we use as the baseline?

I don't have an answer, I'd need to do some research. anyone have a quick link to an answer?

833f96  No.6933166

File: afb14d46b083f45⋯.png (174.06 KB, 398x275, 398:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0702323081c4836⋯.png (42.37 KB, 322x310, 161:155, ClipboardImage.png)


Taking flak = over the target

Define 'projection'

904d54  No.6933167

File: 46deb18af029068⋯.png (112.09 KB, 1283x780, 1283:780, Screenshot from 2019-07-06….png)


News unlocks the map.

I don't mean to be cynical, but what are we supposed to unlock that the public would believe without seeing the culprits being frogmarched on television? I've largely given up on digging (not that I did much in the first place) because I've grown convinced that nothing we do matters until the criminal justice system catches up.

e4a157  No.6933168


sit the fuck down, child. fuck

955d56  No.6933169

File: 19e789cbd33b1c4⋯.png (39.81 KB, 830x213, 830:213, Screenshot 2019-07-06 at 1….png)

The (((Fed))) is still trying to crash the economy


62e952  No.6933170

File: d8ccf2b295856b4⋯.png (250.67 KB, 484x274, 242:137, 2019-07-06_13-53-44.png)


Politicians, judges, police, etc.

What makes the world go round?

2c1659  No.6933171


It has also been alleged that the US & Russia, collaborating, allowed the fake news to think there was a US-Russia submarine confrontation (but only the Mossad outlet Debkafile reported that), whereas what really happened was a planned Russian shoot-down of an Israeli DEW satellite that was holding the world hostage.

I don't have the sauce handy. It's been posted here numerous times over past 2 days.

Anybody have it handy?

Obviously I don't have any prooof. These are interesting speculations.

d8fdaf  No.6933172


This is EXACTLY what we should be doing.

And it’s exactly what Q and Trump hope never happens.

d711a2  No.6933173

File: bc32be05712a8bf⋯.jpg (14.74 KB, 255x247, 255:247, pepechaircigar.jpg)


sad and beeutiful meme

7b16ab  No.6933174

File: 67e982862cdedb5⋯.jpg (141.03 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_5941.JPG)

File: 6860c4e4e9ce95c⋯.jpg (312.25 KB, 1594x800, 797:400, IMG_5942.JPG)

File: e1b37dfc0b94d25⋯.jpg (625.71 KB, 1500x2250, 2:3, IMG_5943.JPG)

File: c6b5e4d30524e17⋯.jpg (195.05 KB, 1349x800, 1349:800, IMG_5949.JPG)

File: d0c83c94fc6ac3b⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_5951.JPG)

d774d0  No.6933175


Does anyone think that "We" will ever be told the truth about what is physically wrong with that bitch?

e4a157  No.6933176

If you still think memes are going to save the country, you're still a fucking moran

"memes at the ready!" ~ f'n Q

657ad9  No.6933177

Isn't that ex police officer outside the Tommy trial doing the same thing he was arrested for? Tampering/interferring with … etc?

b0c5f7  No.6933178


>>6933124 Shallow earthquakes at 4.5 to 7 Richter are consistent with Project Gnome numbers.

>>6933099 These are the rules for members of the press in order to go inside the #AllOutDC rally, which is the antifa side

>>6932939 Is This The Huawei & Chinese Intelligence Smoking Gun?

>>6932892 Carnival crew member overboard 30 miles northwest of Cuba; Coast Guard search underway

>>6932882, >>6933043 before pic Plantation Fla


Baker needs hand off nb, will go GHOST'

556461  No.6933179


Q told us to dig on an Arab-sounding Capital group, started with an R? is this aziz guy producer connected?

6efae6  No.6933180


it was an honest question anon - calm down

they may have a bot set up to auto-generate them because I never see them other than that.

the drop refs make sense. I honestly can't remember seeing them tweet other than those times.

833f96  No.6933181


Saw that, plausible alternative explanation. Both could also be true, multiple meanings.

068e85  No.6933182

File: 58886e6a69b1927⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 3962x3173, 3962:3173, 88D125E6-B674-4DF9-8815-0….jpeg)

File: 47e439df9b226df⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 3988x3160, 997:790, 05E6DC92-5169-4358-8679-7….jpeg)

File: fe06300697fbffc⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB, 3981x3160, 3981:3160, 8BF4CC32-7449-47F6-BA9A-3….jpeg)

402f65  No.6933183

Two different questions

"Is JFK Jr alive?". (No)

"Is JFK Jr dead?" (Was not asked)


We all know people do in fact fake their deaths.

So why is the discussion of the possibility JFK Jr faking his death one that causes so much heated anger?

b15d62  No.6933184


For someone who recommends repentance your posts are toxic as fuck. All I see from you is hate and discontent.

Am I wrong anon?

d711a2  No.6933185


expand your thinking you have not

or perhaps just low IQ in that case please dont post above your pay grade

16e3f2  No.6933186


not in this lifetime

e4a157  No.6933187


If you still think "digging" is going to save the Republic, you're still a fucking moran.

"Ray chandler…DIG ANONS!"

f55e4f  No.6933188


Oldfag, me too. I spend most of my time with senior citizens. They will NEVER not believe everything they hear on MSM. And that is their only source of new and analysis.

That's all they've relied on for decades. Is POTUS waiting for us older folks to just die off? That would be crazy. Some of us are still the best hope for carrying forward the traditions and wisdom of the past. Kiddies don't know enough.

Where's the storm - the new news - a reason to really believe this is happening. I don't get it either.

7b16ab  No.6933189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21ac74  No.6933190



Bongino is doing what anons should be doing. Making fun of the left. We should have better memes for him but we're failing. So his boomer ass has to do it for you.

b86ed7  No.6933191


Take that Tommy Shit to the UK Bread

No one here gives 2 shits

279551  No.6933192



Chatter away

Billy Joe and Jim Bob are going to save the Republic.

4bb5cf  No.6933193


Yup. Every time something BIG is supposed to happen it gets postponed by DS false flag. It's getting old…

09a68e  No.6933194

Trump has let the Deep State and Democrat traitors remain free. Because of this, they are tearing our country apart. None of their crimes are being exposed. Voter fraud hasn't been stopped. Millions of illegals flood our borders. Demographics are turning red states blue.

Trump ran on being for law and order. He is all talk. Not a fucking thing is happening. Traitors will be right back in power soon all because he wouldn't give us justice. He should just go ahead and resign. Americans are sick of all the fucking lies.

8c0e29  No.6933195


aaaand the feed's down.

9385e9  No.6933196

If you think your pathetic shilling will somehow keep you out of federal prison, you are a total idiot.

6c6b9d  No.6933197

File: 30f5e02f09a43b2⋯.mp4 (141.65 KB, 320x568, 40:71, 9iSyCA1cGG0fCrQC.mp4)

Breaking: Video shows the moments after the gas explosion occurred in Plantation, Florida.


2c1659  No.6933198

File: fd317113b0bfdbb⋯.png (13.24 KB, 330x177, 110:59, 2019-07-06-13:57:44-edt.png)


Also consider the spoopy tanker ship that sailed all the way around the Cape of Africa from Iran, supposedly taking Iraqi oil to Syria, went 10,000 miles out of its way to avoid passing through the closely monitored Suez Canal, was apprehended by the British trying to enter the Mediterranean at Gibraltar on an US tip.

What was it carrying?


Was notable earlier today.

556461  No.6933199


Riza Aziz, producer of Wolf of Wall Street

679944  No.6933200


You trippin'.

But, I will say this; she still knows her stuff even if she is high.

But, I'll watch just to show I have an open mind.

833f96  No.6933201


Can't wait for the truth to come out. Not in the 5%.

78f018  No.6933202


Huge !

All vaccines are contaminated with heavy metals under micro and nanoparticules form.


462755  No.6933203

File: 036aade63476dc2⋯.jpg (111.5 KB, 597x400, 597:400, concernstory.jpg)

e4a157  No.6933204


Correct because Donnie Boy and Bill Barr are not

You're catching on, anon

738294  No.6933205


Communism rose to it's highest power with the use of memes. The pen remains mightier than the sword


4a3498  No.6933206


definitely 5:5 on that one part but i fear your trust is misplaced, i just dont see what else i can be doing

ill have interwebs soon again, ill re read crumbs until inspiration strikes

im too old for this shit

04cca4  No.6933207


>We should have better memes for him but we're failing.

Post your memes

We''l all judge if they are worthy or not

9e2868  No.6933208


Nothing wrong with joining a militia, but Q told us to organize if you're implying that Q and Trump have failed us. I don't get the chatter on this board today. I think Trump is doing his best, I think the Q drops were encouraging, but I don't want to participate in something that sounds too much like getting violent with no useful/legal purpose. I am seeing meaningful change without violence, but involves hard work of a different kind than going off like a bunch of hot heads.

d8fdaf  No.6933209


You know that you’re wrong, which is why you use liberal talkdown points instead of reasoning. I don’t hate anybody. I want everybody to be saved.

But I love this country far more than your feelings or theirs.

Kill your sacred cow and wake the hell up.

b15d62  No.6933210


Sup DoubtFag. How is your SaTURDay going. Or is it Sunday in your part of the world?

4bb5cf  No.6933211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21ac74  No.6933212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



for those who want to understand the methodology this guy uses to predict earthquakes, here it is:

16ffe2  No.6933213

File: 67a81c1520c0f8f⋯.png (286.66 KB, 514x473, 514:473, dew2.png)


Helper anon

Bread8849 &8850

I don't have sauce either, 'bout where you're at.

f55e4f  No.6933214


you'll feel differently, sonny boy, when you're older.

d711a2  No.6933215


still glows

so mebbe not so advanced…


30631e  No.6933216


We got any gas fags in here?

b86ed7  No.6933217

File: 0b580705aaa0954⋯.png (103.79 KB, 620x362, 310:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce96752c530ae23⋯.png (53.19 KB, 394x363, 394:363, ClipboardImage.png)


Bottom line, him being alive isn't gonna change a Damn Thing. Him Being Dead doesn't either.

Whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen

This is a Horse that's been beaten into mushy pulp. Just Stop!

caaada  No.6933218


Rivzi traverse management

9e2868  No.6933219


Yes, they are! Corvelva from Italy investigated this.

7b16ab  No.6933220



784320  No.6933221


I have no sauce for that but when it came up the other day the shill baker at the time was all pissy about including it in Notables and finally was convinced of it. But then he threatened me when I mentioned that he'd failed to include the DEW info in the notable. He said 'he would take it out all the way if I said anything else about it'.

Of course that got me going. He ended up leaving it in.

I don't know if it's true. If so it paints a sad picture about Global politics and the real nature of nations. So I don't want to believe it.

but if he was including the post, I felt, he should use a good synopsis in notables.

618acf  No.6933222

File: c4dfa9c05d9d664⋯.png (356.67 KB, 499x578, 499:578, D69F95E1-3504-42CC-9A20-1D….png)

>be anon

>be in car during heavy rain midnight

>smoke tobacco dmt rollie

>feel whole body vibrate almost too hard to bare

>notice white street lights turn red shift, blue and violet.

>see ayylmao glyph symbols in straight horizontal line appear on windscreen, rain running down still

>body freaking the fuk out but mind saying it’s ok

>wonder if any1 can explain this shit

>feels interdimensional man

34774d  No.6933223

File: eecebdcc51b432d⋯.jpg (130.87 KB, 882x815, 882:815, love.jpg)

1c1933  No.6933224

File: 5d8ebd5cf7218de⋯.png (439.5 KB, 846x590, 423:295, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)


Oh my god, that is too good to be real.

I'm going to believe it's real.


9501b1  No.6933225

File: acb336d38b129c2⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1668x2224, 3:4, 5A3E771A-9C3F-4166-A535-E9….png)

File: 9baa4a1d8295f62⋯.jpeg (393.55 KB, 1255x1415, 251:283, 81DB5387-2A0C-4B55-B9C1-B….jpeg)

File: 0a366573310e377⋯.jpeg (432.37 KB, 984x1854, 164:309, 2CE2EF88-1BAF-44E1-91DB-6….jpeg)



2ea66b  No.6933226

File: 245d3cd7a02f1a9⋯.jpeg (65.34 KB, 630x499, 630:499, 901FC694-7924-40F8-AF36-3….jpeg)

File: f2ee568eae3c3e5⋯.jpeg (205.17 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, F0365094-FBB0-414D-AB1E-7….jpeg)



UK Anons

if you have sauce on Dionne Miller and UK sex grooming cover up revelations, PLEASE SHARE.

28a065  No.6933227

File: e614d1732eecec9⋯.jpg (258.55 KB, 1200x1164, 100:97, Da32DyhU0AA8Xuu.jpg)


Right, because he is an Anti-American FAGGOT1

896ea2  No.6933228


>she still knows her stuff even if she is high

That's what I said,

She's at zen level with it.

Good for her!

093406  No.6933230


It's designed to discredit and anons are tired of it probably. It's like the flat earth of Qresearch… causes fights, slides, and general shillery to occur. Probably why they use it every day.

b0c5f7  No.6933231



ty anon

7b16ab  No.6933232

File: 4d8d5b9f70d27fe⋯.jpg (88.24 KB, 810x500, 81:50, IMG_6180.JPG)

16ffe2  No.6933233

File: e53c05140f1ed79⋯.png (216.86 KB, 600x363, 200:121, rizv.png)

edca7b  No.6933234


I did this morning, which was probably last bread, considering how many people have moved on from the Q-clingers.

f0ef4f  No.6933235

File: 691b95fb4eb1193⋯.jpeg (33.64 KB, 535x392, 535:392, AECCE55D-E0AB-4B35-9C06-1….jpeg)


Pretty sure the stuff about taking over airports is a play on the new American revolution.

Haha john legind and his wife got pulled back from their trip to japan.

Flights going to hawaii pulled back because the shitter’s full….

Im sure you cannot count on just jumping on a plane to escape in the new revolution….

Much moar to come

e4a157  No.6933236


What kind of change?

Are migrants still pouring into the country?

Have we lost the house to seditious communists and socialists?

Are Democrats about to send the country into a socialist downspin?

Has Trump deported anyone?

Are states giving up their electoral votes to the popular vote?

Are schools removing white history from their curriculum?

Have colleges indoctrinated millions into socialism?

Have pockets of the country turned completely Islamic?

What precisely has happened that is evidence that our republic is safe? A good economy? A few pedophiles arrested?

78f018  No.6933237

File: 6e6bbb95b8bffa1⋯.pdf (896.15 KB, IJVV-04-00072.pdf)


PDF Version of the study

9385e9  No.6933238

Fire Department giving update on shopping center explosion. ABC Live showing it now.

798649  No.6933239

File: 6038d9957f2615c⋯.png (128.06 KB, 1002x640, 501:320, Screenshot_2019-07-06 My S….png)

File: 965f7d694558b1e⋯.png (100.84 KB, 985x640, 197:128, Screenshot_2019-07-06 Mari….png)

I still think this is a little on the strange side: Tanker ANDREA VICTORY, one of the first ships damaged, is underway and is expected to make port in Iran tomorrow, 7 July. Umm, a ship that was supposed to have been damaged by Iran is heading for Iran?

d60a3f  No.6933240


old fag here. seriously, you'r embarrassing the rest of us. are you new/ if not then you should know there is a plan and we were told this will get crazy, etc, etc. just watch the freaking movie or go out and tell other old fags to get off the tv and go to the library and get some computer skills.

556461  No.6933241


tx anon

they all sound alike to me

f0ccf1  No.6933242

File: 8888f737b6273de⋯.png (135.81 KB, 929x679, 929:679, code blue cafe fb.PNG)

File: d3a5a4c8da6c04d⋯.png (213.48 KB, 1033x799, 1033:799, CODE BLUE MANAGER.PNG)

File: fbf0451800c4b7a⋯.png (287.11 KB, 1019x788, 1019:788, AGBU LINKEDIN.PNG)



Hrant S. Vartzbedian




b85d4c  No.6933243

File: 17295976156d188⋯.png (436.87 KB, 1440x793, 1440:793, VJ phone call w: AS. Trea….png)

File: dcb1f75e639de1b⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1440x795, 96:53, Liddle Adam Schitt The Le….png)

File: af30a04aa0e6f91⋯.jpg (132.49 KB, 1029x845, 1029:845, Liddle Adam Schitt meets J….jpg)

File: 52b66818fa97a4f⋯.png (892.63 KB, 1440x789, 480:263, 1MAGA:ADAM:$7.8MM.png)

File: fa26b65b2cf1f5f⋯.png (997.33 KB, 1440x796, 360:199, Q Proof! Adam Schiff 7.….png)

c36afc  No.6933244


If Pence had actually left DC earlier than scheduled, perhaps he was making an additional stop somewhere and got caught in the act.

f70761  No.6933245

File: 2cbc14d2004afc6⋯.jpg (65.62 KB, 1029x772, 1029:772, Mercenary Garage Dublin Ir….jpg)

4bb5cf  No.6933246


Shouldn't right hand be over the heart?

74ade7  No.6933247

File: 8cccd336c36ded3⋯.png (58.16 KB, 248x199, 248:199, 228B603A-DB5C-423D-9F3C-0A….png)

Was digging last night, listened to X22and heard Dave talk about the 14th amendment and the constitutional surroundings of it. Says census is key to the counting of states and representatives from each state (# of which each state gets) is based on total population. So it is IMPERATIVE to get a count. This WILL go to Supreme Court, and RBG death WILL come into play to try to stretch a hearing on census matter past 2020 elections.

So it will be that we have tochallenge her health now! Cause it could fuck shit up if not done by end of yr. Know Q has it under control despite LARPQ saying otherwise.

Just a thought i had yesterday, shared it during EQ shizz and didnt get any other eyes on this.

679944  No.6933248


I share your frustration, anon. Because of this I get really impatient with his need to address every single fucking asshole who opposes him. Especially celebs. Who the fuck cares what some dumb asshole has to say.

I wish he would just STFU and do it!

b26b6d  No.6933249



The END suite appears to be blown up Code Ninja is the second suite and the thrid a dentist for kids then the therapy place.

2ea66b  No.6933250

File: cbed84811e83eb2⋯.jpeg (942.45 KB, 1125x1314, 125:146, 21E45380-66BF-4962-865F-5….jpeg)

Vacant pizza restaurant in Florida just happened.

d711a2  No.6933251



cuz its so epic and fantastic we dont want to believe it

ps - this anon does believe it is not only possible but likely

833f96  No.6933252


An excellent interpretation, anon. Could also have multiple 'entendres,' 5d chess sort of.


b86ed7  No.6933253

File: 7fde41e86a2b1eb⋯.png (266.23 KB, 481x311, 481:311, ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck Tommy Robinson

He's Controlled Op

If you haven't figure that shit out by now

you never will

FOH - No one gives a shit

e6d04f  No.6933254

File: 914918faa5db51c⋯.jpeg (744.26 KB, 1125x1179, 125:131, 36A5048E-020C-4E33-8C1B-9….jpeg)

Anons have eyes on? Cause?

Explosion at Florida shopping plaza injures 20


bd8408  No.6933256


Lol orange man bad much faggot?

62e952  No.6933257

File: 68285b9e8679e3d⋯.png (245.15 KB, 466x366, 233:183, 2019-06-07_20-19-45.png)

b8e099  No.6933258

File: b546f4a2297c661⋯.png (21.97 KB, 463x191, 463:191, ClipboardImage.png)


Love this! Thanks for posting! Makes me want to go back, and review old drops! There are so many good ones!

2c1659  No.6933259

File: 643c314ab77dd0f⋯.png (590.79 KB, 1672x867, 1672:867, 2019-07-06-14:01:04-edt.png)

Planefag reports:

2 US Navy Beech T-44A Pegasus (trainer) planes, one callsign STGRY16, flying together E bound off the TX coast near Houston. We have seen Stingray activity along the Texas-Mexico border in recent days. Stingray is the name of a cellphone eavesdropping system used by law enforcement.

May be a training activity. More likely it is training combined with surveillance.

f48342  No.6933260


For clarity, what exploded was definitely not Blaze Pizza. According to Yelp there may have been a pizza place there in the past named Pizza Fire, but that business isn't there anymore.

It may currently have been a kids computer learning center called Code Ninja, although pics from their website seem to show a storefront on the other end of the building. It might just have been a vacant storefront at the time of the explosion.

b26b6d  No.6933261


Code ninja looks like the second or 3rd suite as per looking at the roof mounted AC units I see 3rd suite over for the pin drop code ninja

8c155e  No.6933262

File: 349b15e0d44ea3f⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1878x945, 626:315, china-lake.png)

>>6930892 (pb)

I'm sure others have posted maps of the earthquake locations, but I found this so striking that I had to share this particular map.

This is a chart from USGS of earthquakes of greater than magnitude 4.5 in the past seven days (this screens out the very small ones that might not be felt, and just focuses on the quakes big enough to have some effects.)

What stands out to me is that the quakes are directly under the China Lake facility itself (shown in a gray shade on this map.) I knew China Lake was near the quake storm near Ridgecrest, but only in the sense of "this is what's in this remote part of California".

This map made it very clear that the big quakes are AT the China Lake facility, with both large ones inside the facility property. The biggest one is marked in blue.

With the fact China Lake is reported to be a significant cabal facility by Springmeier, this seems important to me. The plate-scale pattern of large quakes that dutchsinse describes coming down from Alaska through Canada over this past week could be natural ... but coincidences are striking here ...

09a68e  No.6933263


>implying Q and Trump have failed us.

Conservatives are attacked in the streets, borders are wide open, massive voter fraud, rapid demographic changes, sanctuary cities, mayors weaponizing police against conservatives, etc.

Nothing has happened. We continue to get our asses kicked every single day. Trump hasn't arrested a single traitor. Not only are they still completely free, they are still organizing their base. All of the known traitors that we've been told were going to prison will be right back in power after they rig the 2020 election.

Not a single fucking arrest has happened. There has been no great awakening. Yes anon, Trump has failed. He is losing support every day that he sits on his ass allowing these traitors to attack us.

caaada  No.6933264


You’re probably right. I actually needed a little bitch slap. Thanks fren


Let’s go get em

8c0e29  No.6933265


golly… what a coincidence…

65230b  No.6933266

Any live streams of the LIVE: D.C Free Speech Protest

b15d62  No.6933267


So that is a yes on the hate and discontent or a no? You managed to write a lot of words without saying much.

Anon. You could be right in all of your posts but if you come across as a fucking dickhead so much so that nobody listens to you are you being effective?

Something to ponder. Do you of course.

eef647  No.6933268

File: b76f031b7576640⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 411x512, 411:512, Cat Shit.jpg)


>We got any gas fags in here?

Two burritos and I'm a gas fag.

2ea66b  No.6933269


Anons see right thru your bullshit, shit breath. Your meme isn’t something an anon would make.

94e720  No.6933270

File: 5dd5cdba6a804a3⋯.jpg (78.86 KB, 500x888, 125:222, 352hef.jpg)

bette midler really doesn't like being called a sea hag anons. I must have struck a nerve.

e30edf  No.6933271


first the alarm isn't heard

then you call, repeatedly

then you shake, ever strongly

until it comes the time for a cold water bucket

f0ccf1  No.6933272

File: 01ebde0bcc6ece6⋯.png (186.15 KB, 1413x760, 1413:760, q armenia.PNG)




738294  No.6933273


What kind of pizza place is vacant at 2pm on a saturday

e4a157  No.6933274


Is there an anon here who can provide some insight and/or evidence to prove that we are "safe"?

2d4ab1  No.6933275


Auto posts. Set it for any time and let it go.

b86ed7  No.6933276



I don't know

Maybe a "Cnt. F" search of the current bread and you'd know the answers you seek

8c0e29  No.6933277


one that's not supposed to be open

d8fdaf  No.6933278

File: 77ef97e493b37bd⋯.png (471.38 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 08C0F9F6-9176-4423-B4D2-02….png)


How about this one? It’s a gem …

9e2868  No.6933279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think we all have to build our alternative sources of information. I don't think 8 chan alone is enough. I like listening to Mark Taylor (official) on YT. He talks about getting off "satan's frequency" and that has been very helpful for me. I also watch another YT channel called The HighWire with Del Bigtree. If this video doesn't encourage you I don't know what will. God wins!

80e1ad  No.6933280



It look's like a meteor. No, no, wasn't a meteor.

7b16ab  No.6933281

File: 2e156fe21f7818f⋯.jpg (158.59 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, IMG_5477.JPG)

bd8408  No.6933282


It's about the pedos, dipshit.

slide harder faggot

9501b1  No.6933283

File: 1f213f653771ed4⋯.jpeg (331.03 KB, 1626x1414, 813:707, D2AA850C-8DF6-40A3-BF35-4….jpeg)

File: 5a97fc6c9ebf65a⋯.jpeg (526.37 KB, 1547x1402, 1547:1402, 784D73BA-4803-4D27-84D3-9….jpeg)

50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing

July 20, 2019


e4a157  No.6933284


You can review every single drop and come to the same conclusion.

465190  No.6933285

File: 50b00852df385b9⋯.png (12.15 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 600CC9A7-8801-4FB6-AA76-1A….png)

The video exists!



21ac74  No.6933286

File: be2a373332e0ea2⋯.png (241.67 KB, 500x649, 500:649, pepe - surrounded.png)


total newfag at memes. They're all shit. this anon is trying to learn, but is way behind the curve.


ty anon. Sauce needs to bake more.


np anon. I'm almost done (watch at 2x speed), and it looks reasonable-if-not-legit. Worth looking into me thinks.

7b16ab  No.6933287



74ade7  No.6933288


Ezzactly…… there was a report also same time about satellite that fell from orbit, seen over FL.. thought to be Israeli DEW (at time what was said, looked last noght could not find any info)

2ea66b  No.6933289

File: 2a39fee1b7ee2d3⋯.jpeg (196.63 KB, 1125x1647, 125:183, 390BC54B-CF3E-4DB5-9DA1-6….jpeg)

784320  No.6933290


this has been discussed at great length through out very many breads since the original Earthquake.

this earthquake swarm is happening along known fault lines. It's also near active volcanoe fields. In fact the earthquake swarm seems to be rumbling towards the volcanic field to the north west along the known fault line. maybe we'll have a lava extrusion, a flow or a blast.

896ea2  No.6933291


>What kind of pizza place is vacant at 2pm on a saturday

Lot of 4/5PM starting places in local areas.

Some places are geared toward big eve crowds.

But can be dead during the day so they don't bother.

7b16ab  No.6933292

File: c4891fa2cb2cec7⋯.jpg (104.04 KB, 750x1159, 750:1159, IMG_0245.JPG)

f0ccf1  No.6933293

File: efb9a9ec310e980⋯.png (861.79 KB, 1169x758, 1169:758, hrant youtube.PNG)



Hrant's youtube

16ffe2  No.6933294


Looks like a crowd waiting to get into a Trump rally.

On a slow day.

068e85  No.6933295

File: b25bb9e04ece9b7⋯.jpeg (150.58 KB, 686x525, 98:75, 2BF8F6CB-FBA7-4EA6-8678-E….jpeg)


Word. I am also trying to find Project Gnome numbers on how far down , and what type of, for lack of a better word, BOOMs (kilotons) of blast.

But for (some) reason the internet just won't show me the richter readings or too many other details.

Kek On!

d8fdaf  No.6933296


You only think it sounds like hate because it upsets your paradigm.

Similar to transgenders faced with someone telling them it’s fake.

6efae6  No.6933297

File: 626626e5bc5aa56⋯.png (388.64 KB, 595x446, 595:446, ClipboardImage.png)

Sick protest turnout


b86ed7  No.6933298

File: 5bd9f1ffbfa4b0a⋯.png (388.28 KB, 616x324, 154:81, ClipboardImage.png)


alright fine

"You're Safe"

9e2868  No.6933299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just watch this, ok? After that, I don't know what to tell you. I'm in the midst of reclaiming my future!

Women and children are taking the DS DOWN!

62e952  No.6933300

File: 71435a9f2eedef8⋯.png (287.49 KB, 596x313, 596:313, 2019-07-06_14-08-07.png)

File: cfec0a76bb97cc5⋯.png (1.31 MB, 661x939, 661:939, 2019-07-06_14-07-18.png)


Sea hags are off-limits.


09a68e  No.6933301


Because Trump is all talk. I don't regret voting for him though. There were no other choices. I believe he is a decent person and isn't against America. But he did lie and continues to lie. He promised to drain the swamp and be a law and order president. Democrat sanctuary cities are violating the law right in his face. They taunt him and laugh at him. He does nothing. Conservatives are attacked and harassed in public. He does nothing. He isn't going to arrest anyone.

798649  No.6933302

File: 53be4bf74e84ce3⋯.png (181.55 KB, 985x640, 197:128, Screenshot_2019-07-06 Mari….png)


Lots of marine traffic out there, hard to single out any single vessel

24762c  No.6933303

File: 26cbb753725691c⋯.jpg (176.83 KB, 1630x1144, 815:572, podestaHung.jpg)

File: 56011765f1afae0⋯.jpg (35.59 KB, 530x298, 265:149, JustArt.jpg)

File: f3bbf8035e88262⋯.jpg (61.73 KB, 637x360, 637:360, JustDoIt.jpg)


>Don’t leave us hanging

14f740  No.6933304

>>6932460 lb

reza invested in scorcese flik

I gotta hunch mel brooks was letting us in on a std practice when he wrote the producers.

1. get money to make money

2. Spring time 4 Hitler?! where's an atm?!

3. find someone to underwrite that shit

4. better than a put option (betting with other peoples money on stock you dont have)

any HW fags able to confirm/ elaborate?

1c1933  No.6933305

File: 919eba43446884b⋯.jpg (29.12 KB, 540x395, 108:79, obama hand on heart.jpg)


>Shouldn't right hand be over the heart?

However you want it. However you need it.

Not to say Obama wasn't Anti-American, but the left handed one is fake.

7b16ab  No.6933306

File: 93f741958ebe90c⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 236x275, 236:275, IMG_0004.JPG)


2c1659  No.6933307

File: 6ba9f91108cbbef⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1870x970, 187:97, 2019-07-06-14:05:56-edt.png)


One more interesting.

The Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker is a military aerial refueling aircraft.

So it's not unusual to see it flying

racetrack loops for refuelling other planes.

What IS unusual is to see these loops

directly over NY City.

It's been circling for 4 hours

at 24,000 feet.

Anybody have insight into why here

& not somewhere else?

edca7b  No.6933308


That's the only way it will ever get done.

b0c5f7  No.6933309


didn't Q come on and say Armenia on line now?

Damn, he's prolly got some good tobac too

f48342  No.6933310


One that is no longer in business.

04cca4  No.6933311


>total newfag at memes. They're all shit. this anon is trying to learn, but is way behind the curve.

But you were bitching about anons not making memes


28a065  No.6933312

File: 6e0301cdee497b3⋯.gif (2.22 MB, 250x250, 1:1, 961bfd0d3eefe24b9a0010213b….gif)




2ea66b  No.6933313

4190c9  No.6933314

File: f48ba296d9af635⋯.png (531.74 KB, 621x473, 621:473, PeckerJizzPointer.png)


>lava extrusion, a flow or a blast.

258c83  No.6933315

File: 4777aad5bec02ba⋯.png (10.19 MB, 3275x3041, 3275:3041, Independence Day 2019 D.C..png)

put this together from pics anon posted from >>6925755 (pb)

when doing so, found a reference to the original "ID4" website. Here are some links

that might provide for some fun digging. In each, there are many links to interesting

websites from that time. A lot of them seemed scrubbed even from archive.org, which

is weird. Happy Saturday.




556461  No.6933316


…that would kinda make Israel last, after Iran capitulated, wouldn't it? movie's over already?

7b16ab  No.6933317

File: 4522ae9ebb5a514⋯.jpg (253 KB, 960x637, 960:637, IMG_0107.JPG)

File: 6997e71fcd505d6⋯.jpg (129.94 KB, 599x430, 599:430, IMG_0110.JPG)

File: e33097ec347566b⋯.jpg (74.32 KB, 665x665, 1:1, IMG_0112.JPG)

File: 6491c48173cdc1e⋯.jpg (208.73 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0114.JPG)

738294  No.6933318


So I'm trying to find the operating hours for this pizza place. First thing I dig

Plantation is a city in Broward County, Florida, United States.

b15d62  No.6933319


Tapping out of this one anon. Be well.

068e85  No.6933320

251356  No.6933321


>>>6933109 (You)

>Sigh … so your response is that it’s too big and too hard to control and people have mixed motivations …

God has given EVERYONE FREE WILL. WHEN in all of World History have u seen everyone believe in 1 doctrine/thought/ideology/etc??? When have YOU Ever seen all the people Controlled???

>therefore it’s logical and true to say “Patriots are in control,” and “Patriots are not in control” in the same sentence.

WTF is wrong w/ ur logic? You are taking this as a broad stroke of a brush. What YOU think of “Patriots are in control" and What someone Else thinks of that same phrase is due to ur individual thought processes. What Q knows of it may also be different than how we take it. Pessimistics will say, how can this be true will HRC,H, etc r still free? How is this true if the Media & SM can censor.. etc. Optimistics will say, look at the arrests, Watch the Congress Hearings, LOOK at the EO's.. etc. We cant Help ur skewed viewpt.

>That’s really liberal dissembling, and followed to its logical conclusion makes Q a liar at any level. It also suggests that this cannot be fixed, and your religious trust is profoundly misplaced.

You had no logic to begin with. Smh.

Ahahhaha "Liberal Dissembling" You just said, "i reject ur idea and i'll substitute my own.." thats exactly dnc's motto lmfao.

>And that doesn’t even begin to broach the truth about Trump’s behavior, or the fact that he hires some of the swampiest of the Bush admins.

>Sorry man. Good try though.

🤣😂😂 🍿 and here i thought u were an anon but i c that u r not lol. Nice shill bait.

cdd4fe  No.6933322


appear to be white plastic vent pipes

not gas lines

1d1351  No.6933323


He failed to assemble a team

Used all swamp dwellers to fill in his adm positions

bd8408  No.6933324


Even the left knows, you need overwhelming eviden to convince the public. Thinking is authorized anon.

d8fdaf  No.6933325



833f96  No.6933326

File: 7e655bc7960d4b1⋯.png (87.03 KB, 267x263, 267:263, hmmmm pepe.png)


Noice find. Hmmmm….

b86ed7  No.6933327


Did you ever wonder WHY Nothing is being done about it??? Because you depend on Controlled OP to do the Research/fighting (cough, cough,cough) Gate Keeping, for you. Muh Tommy Robinson is


21ac74  No.6933328


which is why i'm learning.

are you retarded anon? I'm not asknig you to do anything that I'm not. The meme I posted is mine, for reference.

7b16ab  No.6933329

File: 9bcf1583048dc1d⋯.jpg (211.37 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_7939.JPG)

ca498d  No.6933330

File: d68a1378f539560⋯.png (108.82 KB, 229x323, 229:323, Sodom aka America -0235098….png)

84d288  No.6933331

File: b13e5b3c702fc55⋯.png (434.62 KB, 346x428, 173:214, ClipboardImage.png)

ad1830  No.6933332

File: c3bee35a6705cfc⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1428x718, 714:359, Capture.PNG)


Possible businesses involved as the source/involved:

>Code Ninjas

>British Swim School

>Donner Physical Therapyy

>Kids Dental

>Chirocare Chiropractic

>Total Nutrition

>Presto Cleaners

>Great Clips

>Tropical Smoothie

>Jenny Craig


Pic Source:


41877b  No.6933333

35°43'19.4"N 117°29'18.9"W

What the fuck is this?

Everything around Ridgecrest and China Lake is strange.

7b16ab  No.6933334

File: a2c42e2bacf7c98⋯.jpg (27.02 KB, 355x355, 1:1, IMG_0005.JPG)

8c155e  No.6933335


Yes, I've been following the discussions over some (not all) breads. I just somehow missed seeing a map that explicitly showed the boundaries of the China Lake facility. (Or if it was on a map, I might not have read the fine print to see what the gray meant.)

473eee  No.6933336


TY… Is this a NOTABLE anon?





The entire Illuminati "thing" was a Trap initially.

The Jesuit Adam Weishaupt supposedly set up the Illuminati as a Brotherhood of do gooders and even Thomas Jefferson had some good things to say about what the order initially seemed to represent.

It was a trap.

and it is a slide like most here cannot fathom WAY BIGGER than the MUH PAYSEUR slide…

If someone is an agent, does evil… does that invalidate that person in your mind?

The greatest lies require a kernel of truth it seems and thus the initial appeal to most anons…

It is not always what they are saying… sometimes it is what they are NOT saying…

bd8408  No.6933337


Crack is a helluva drug.

74ade7  No.6933338


Why is everything blowing up?

House that blew up earlier this week w a noflyzone implemented.. there have been other explosions that have occurred that also had NFZ enforced, can think of which ones though. Industrial explosions, one in PA early last week or late week before wont be opned.. LOT of fuckery w explosions.

84d288  No.6933339

File: 5865281513fea51⋯.png (122.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

b15d62  No.6933340


KEK. I shouldn’t be laughing this hard but I am.

258c83  No.6933341

File: 2f396151341df69⋯.jpeg (179.57 KB, 678x1000, 339:500, 2982D793-3D94-4069-9672-9….jpeg)

7b16ab  No.6933342

File: 077b4d829cb2c87⋯.jpg (152.61 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_5461.JPG)

4190c9  No.6933343

File: 39b235140decfa3⋯.gif (3.31 MB, 480x270, 16:9, I_SCREAM.gif)


timestampy and quint 3's.


9e2868  No.6933344


Anon, its just getting good. If I was afraid of any of it, I wouldn't be here right now. I lost my mind, my family, my hope, my home, my reputation but now, thanks to the power of God, I am taking back my future. Cry if you want to.

e79a2a  No.6933345


Holy digits Batman

11:11:11 ANd 5 3s!

24762c  No.6933346

File: b8fa1c6ed114628⋯.jpg (18.12 KB, 260x194, 130:97, AGdigits.jpg)


Wasted digits.

ed9d69  No.6933347


Right, either slider shill, or not paying attention. Royal fam, the knighted dude who ran the orphanage of death, bro of prince Charles…these UK monsters run deep…either way..it just goes to show some light

7b16ab  No.6933348

File: a81a2a838490b37⋯.jpg (143.12 KB, 712x591, 712:591, IMG_0323.JPG)

402f65  No.6933349

We're sitting here talking demons and angels, high technology, portals and metaphysical boundaries.

But JFK Jr faking his death is out of the question?? Get the fuck out of here, kick rocks, get bent.

1d0482  No.6933350



(Yes, some things must be habbening… it's certainly been pretty Shilly this summer!)

But on the Anniversary of our Day of Independence, the Commander led the troops with a rallying cry:


Remember the True American Spirit and Those Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice for Freedom!

Thank You POTUS, Thank You Q, Thank You Patriots!!

#WWG1WGA! o7

f55e4f  No.6933351


This is ingenuous. DJT is doing a ton. So is Q and the miliitary.

I've learned, personally, that all I try to do generally runs up against a brick wall because the entire system of govt and business, health, you name it, is owned and operated by scoundrels. The whole damned system is just no longer built to allow for honesty or anything but commie, lazy-ass people to survive in.

That's our frustration. Not that Q+ are not doing anything. Not that we aren't trying.

Qanon is. But we could use some more dynamic involvement by what few forces for good there are.

I didn't think military ops were supposed to function this way. We have no commander. And anons that spout about "we all think and do for ourselves" are morans. Leadership is necessary. So are goals and end games. We don't have that, not sufficiently, anyways.

679944  No.6933352


Imo he needs to focus on the things he can change ; the border, etc.

He cannot arrest anyone. That's the job of others he put into place. Their job is to be loyal to the Constitution and the laws of the land.

247aea  No.6933353

Owlshead mountains in death valley. The train used to run from Trona to Owlshead.


04cca4  No.6933354


>are you retarded anon? I'm not asknig you to do anything that I'm not. The meme I posted is mine, for reference.

Crawl back under your stupid rock

e59ce3  No.6933355

File: 413619ddbff243e⋯.jpg (43.27 KB, 570x569, 570:569, 4da7b5568951975b0693c8a6bb….jpg)


Why the no fingers, a fist ?

7b16ab  No.6933356

File: a1a22e4373e0560⋯.jpg (160.02 KB, 900x1115, 180:223, IMG_0235.JPG)

b86ed7  No.6933357

File: 519d376b690da88⋯.png (211.69 KB, 316x416, 79:104, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cdc2d53a1d0ba6⋯.png (229.36 KB, 403x428, 403:428, ClipboardImage.png)

ed9d69  No.6933358


Timelines are adding up

1d0482  No.6933359

File: cd09b2afadf62d9⋯.png (934.1 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190706-141234.png)

221349  No.6933360

File: a7f924217ccd6c0⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1154x818, 577:409, Selection_0149.png)



e4a157  No.6933361


Do those look like tears, or facts to you?

21ac74  No.6933362


kys shill.

7d50cf  No.6933363


Notice Paul says nothing here about divorce which was legal in ancient Israel under certain circumstances. This passage is not addressing marriage, Paul is discussing on the nature of the relationship between believers in Christ and the OT (Mosaic Law).

C'mon now. Context folks!!

d8fdaf  No.6933364


Ok - Trust Wray bro, while you dissemble to make it look like I was talking about the millions of lower levels.

You keep trusting Wray, and Kansas, and Sessions, and assume they’re acting in your best interests, because you know POTUS has them under his control.

Or, ignore Q, and demand that your President do what he promised to do well before you vote for him again.

But, you’ll just trust and not provide any critical response because somehow magically well intentioned people now have control over the government, and they’re going to do everything they promised … because they said so.

09a68e  No.6933366


He has no evidence. Otherwise the traitors would be behind bars. Tell me, what kind of plan allows known mass murders to remain free killing thousands of innocent people for over two years? It's all a giant lie. A sick joke on good people who thought there was for once a chance to make the world a better place. Nothing has changed. Just more lies. Our country is lost. When we can no longer win elections thanks to mass immigration, maybe all of you will finally wake up.

e30edf  No.6933367



7b16ab  No.6933368

File: 828bd5bd85019d4⋯.jpg (52.74 KB, 399x314, 399:314, IMG_0528.JPG)

2edd5c  No.6933369

File: e79980e0258c442⋯.jpg (101.53 KB, 721x1108, 721:1108, cave.jpg)

595c8a  No.6933370


VT-35, the flying training squadron for the T-44 Pegasus out of NAS Corpus are known as the Stingrays. Their call sign is always Stingray + whatever flight number they are for that day. So STGRY16 is the 16th sortie of the day for VT-35.


Do some research before posting.

784320  No.6933371



really not having any problem with getting the datasets if I want them.

there are very many different and customized USGS portal type pages.

on one, in fact, I found that if I wanted the data sets in very many formats I could get them. Let me get you a url for that.

following last night's earth quake the sites were not updating for the california region.

I use this one:


and 'mouse over' to California where the swarm is.

let me find a page that will give you the data sets.

try this page:


If you nose around there you'll find links to maps and data sets.

b86ed7  No.6933372

File: 2cdc2d53a1d0ba6⋯.png (229.36 KB, 403x428, 403:428, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6abe34c0a642b9⋯.png (213.53 KB, 317x421, 317:421, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2894b2e4d49828d⋯.png (286.79 KB, 579x499, 579:499, ClipboardImage.png)



well I didn't make that one

7b5674  No.6933373



Can't seem to find info about what business occupied that section of the mall. Google street view shows # 1023

e4a157  No.6933374

File: f70ea9cd83cbd25⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



I'm sure they'll save the Republic any day now

7b16ab  No.6933375

File: 6a1693cf065f8d7⋯.jpg (355.27 KB, 1152x1152, 1:1, IMG_0083.JPG)



46d1e7  No.6933376

File: feacdabd5f5fa7e⋯.jpeg (50.74 KB, 572x363, 52:33, 881762A6-7113-43C0-BCB8-3….jpeg)

24762c  No.6933378

File: f4612e358a6ca72⋯.png (1.05 MB, 720x669, 240:223, 3543194n11729189w.PNG)


>35°43'19.4"N 117°29'18.9"W

7b8daf  No.6933379


I'm not the same person I was five years ago. People grow. I grew as a new graft onto God's tree.

f0ccf1  No.6933380


Dr Lucy Jones is giddy when talking EQ.

I don't get it. I can't take her seriously, so who and what is she?

28a617  No.6933381


>News unlocks the map.

>I don't mean to be cynical, but what are we supposed to unlock that the public would believe

>without seeing the culprits being frogmarched on television?

Why do you make assumptions about the end game of The Plan?

Q has stated repeatedly that the truth is too vast and the truth would put most in the hospital.

What do you think this means?

f1a011  No.6933382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Most celebrities have a tragic death. It’s a blood sacrifice they have to make to reach a certain level. Jay Myers has some great videos on Hollywood and Satanic rituals. Look at any Hollywood/musician biography- lots of deaths.

09a68e  No.6933383


Name one accomplishment, victory, or positive result that Q has had. Just one. One positive outcome that has lessened the threat from communist traitors.

e67040  No.6933384

File: 83e2a4f601176f9⋯.png (834.26 KB, 1014x759, 338:253, Mission_Control_ .png)



It was to erase the JFK legacy, and demean whiteman history that the Moon-hoax conspiracy theory was invented.

But it is denied by the presence of carefully placed (by Apollo missions) lunar retroreflectors scientists use to this day to calibrate lunar movements.


Guys, (((they))) have been at this a lot longer than we have.

9501b1  No.6933385

Looks like a HUGE clock


ebfde0  No.6933387



Interesting Code in address of "Code Blue Cafe"

7937 ~

93 = The Book Of The Law ~ Aleister Crowley ~

It’s often asked; “what does 93 mean?”

As it is written in The Book of the Law, the Law of Thelema is stated as

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”


Framed by Two number Sevens ~ 7…7

From the "Emerald Tablets" is:

"The Seven (7) Lords of Cycles…

Deep in the Dark Halls sit the Seven units of consciousness from cycles above…"

38bf2c  No.6933388

File: f7983ffcc9969b2⋯.png (327.96 KB, 532x599, 532:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dec5a74dd9531d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1000x560, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

There's a life-size wooden statue of Melania Trump near her hometown in Slovenia. It's received mixed reviews, with some saying it looks as if someone had taken a chain saw to some of the details.

Turns out, that is literally true. https://nyti.ms/2NBAfbz


10:00 AM - 6 Jul 2019

b0c5f7  No.6933389


>>6933239, >>6933302 Boatfag update

>>6933259, >>6933307 Planefag update

>>6933333, >>6933360 Everything around Ridgecrest and China Lake is strange

>>6933262 chart from USGS of earthquakes of greater than magnitude 4.5 in the past seven days

>>6933242, >>6933272 CODE BLUE CAFE MANAGED BY ARMENIAN/Schiff pic/Q

>>6933124, >>6933212 Shallow earthquakes at 4.5 to 7 Richter are consistent with Project Gnome numbers.

>>6933099 These are the rules for members of the press in order to go inside the #AllOutDC rally, which is the antifa side

>>6932939 Is This The Huawei & Chinese Intelligence Smoking Gun?

>>6932892 Carnival crew member overboard 30 miles northwest of Cuba; Coast Guard search underway

>>6932882, >>6933043 before pic Plantation Fla


Bakers step up! Will Ghost nb dough!

74ade7  No.6933390


No, just means a back and forth went down.

The [DS] in Iran and China, & Iz are VERY much still an issue, maybe Turkey is getting their shit together w help of Putin.. but there is very much still war raging, just spilling out into normie world

e4a157  No.6933391


Shame on you for asking difficult questions, anon.

04cca4  No.6933392

File: 6902ddea5fbb5f5⋯.png (498.12 KB, 652x640, 163:160, Piggy Bank.PNG)


>kys shill.

068e85  No.6933393

File: 14f60cbf12c659d⋯.jpeg (156.18 KB, 1398x968, 699:484, C8462273-F34D-4302-B389-3….jpeg)


Keep pushing and fighting and expanding your thoughts and actions for helping others and the Hippie Aliens will have to answer our call and give us our replicators and flying bikes and shit (as long as we don't replicate porn stars and tweek)!



2edd5c  No.6933394


looks stumpy

1c1933  No.6933395

File: 361dfa6411129f7⋯.png (595.56 KB, 1997x1011, 1997:1011, La fitness parking lot.png)


You are correct that the end suite is what blew. But your order of the business placement is off I think.

It goes from empty suite (end suite), to code ninja, to physical therapy, then kid's dentist.

7b16ab  No.6933396

File: 9b1d7b86c8ef516⋯.jpg (116.07 KB, 868x960, 217:240, IMG_0148.JPG)

File: d44f9529c541840⋯.jpg (43.77 KB, 500x495, 100:99, IMG_0149.JPG)

File: 9e6cf6d5d867fd9⋯.jpg (350.04 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, IMG_7164.JPG)

File: 0006f57d4acb78d⋯.jpg (139.23 KB, 1140x620, 57:31, IMG_7176.JPG)


74ade7  No.6933397


Misquoted my post somehow instead of yours


556461  No.6933398


ty, anon

28a065  No.6933399



b5a5eb  No.6933400

File: 380f21223ee5001⋯.png (252.08 KB, 462x594, 7:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a93f826396ec26a⋯.png (171.55 KB, 790x747, 790:747, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d86dc5a1fee535⋯.png (82.07 KB, 391x205, 391:205, ClipboardImage.png)

The 2000 US Census Asked Citizenship Question — Obama Deleted it in 2010 — Trump Wants It Back in 2020

On June 27th the United States Supreme Court ruled on the census citizenship question. SCOTUS sent it back to a lower court.

The decision essentially blocked the citizen question from the 2020 census.

Back in April the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on whether the Trump administration can include a citizenship question on the high-stakes 2020 Census questionnaire. This was a regularly asked question in historical census forms from 1820-1950.

As Michelle Malkin reported at the time, open borders groups linked to George Soros are leading the movement to exclude the citizenship question from the US Census.

SCOTUS Justice John Roberts sides with open-borders Left. Supreme Court greenlights Soros-sponsored hijacking on US Census. #throwbackthursday ==> https://t.co/QjRB3qumf0 https://t.co/J2SdxK5yS5

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) June 27, 2019

Mexican cartels, human smugglers, open borders Democrats and other anti-American groups also support the measure.

But it wasn’t that long ago that the US Census asked about citizenship.

This is page 4 from the 2000 US Census.


f55e4f  No.6933401


>Name one accomplishment, victory, or positive result that Q has had.

us on this board

Enough for now?

8c0e29  No.6933402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well… antifa was a let down.

Guess they only get froggy when the cops actively ignore them.

679944  No.6933403


She said is Chief Seismologist at CalTech

It's her life's work, so yes it excited her.

d8fdaf  No.6933404


Hey guys - I’m gonna arrest some people in a few years, right before my re-election. You have three years to destroy evidence, murder witnesses, poison JA, and plan a war in the Middle East so that if we’re forced to have a trial, it’s just bread and circuses.

Tick tock!

PS: Gonna expose your evil a bit to gain trust. No worries. It’s just talk.

74ade7  No.6933405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is your country communist? Epoch Times

d711a2  No.6933406

File: 1f62eab7f67d4f7⋯.jpeg (22.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepebusdriver.jpeg)


Top 10 Logical Fallacies = Arguments Fake and Gay, We See Here Every Day

Ad Hominem

Instead of advancing good sound reasoning, ad hominems replace logical argumentation with attack-language unrelated to the truth of the matter

Straw Man

In the straw man fallacy, someone attacks a position the opponent doesn’t really hold. Instead of contending with the actual argument

Appeal to Ignorance/Unknown/Unproven

Ignorance isn’t proof of anything except that one doesn’t know something.

False Dilemma

This line of reasoning fails by limiting the options to two when there are in fact more options to choose from.

Slippery Slope

The slippery slope fallacy suggests that unlikely or ridiculous outcomes are likely based on a series of events

Circular Argument

When a person’s argument is just repeating what they already assumed beforehand

Hasty Generalization

General claims that commit some sort of illicit assumption, stereotyping, unwarranted conclusion, overstatement, or exaggeration

Red Herring

A distraction from the argument typically with some sentiment that seems to be relevant but isn’t really on-topic

Tu Quoque

Latin for “you too,” is also called the “appeal to hypocrisy” because it distracts from the argument by pointing out hypocrisy in the opponent

Causal Fallacy

Conclusions that are not logically supported by the premise

Fallacy of Sunk Costs

The idea that we should continue with a task or project because of all that we’ve put into it, without considering the future costs we’re likely to incur by doing so

Appeal to Authority

We can cite only authorities — steering conveniently away from other testable and concrete evidence


When a word, phrase, or sentence is used deliberately to confuse, deceive, or mislead by sounding like it’s saying one thing but actually saying something else

Bandwagon Fallacy

Assumes something is true (or right, or good) because other people agree with it

Stolen/edited from:


See this like for extended discussion and examples

d8fdaf  No.6933407


Boom week ahead!

28a617  No.6933408


>45% of Americans are questioning the vaccine program and you say we don't have critical mass to proceed?! I disagree. And I think we ARE proceeding.



>Why do you make assumptions about the end game of The Plan?

>Q has stated repeatedly that the truth is too vast and would put most in the hospital.

>What do you think this means?

7b16ab  No.6933409

File: 242d659351b10fa⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 598x803, 598:803, IMG_0007.JPG)

File: 6f59f05b583e749⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_0260.JPG)

File: 16155266ad90540⋯.jpg (87.05 KB, 475x329, 475:329, IMG_0349.JPG)

File: ddd69d7b7be7b46⋯.jpg (11.52 KB, 277x280, 277:280, IMG_0351.JPG)



aeaf20  No.6933410

Just thought I should say Thank YOu! to President Trump for the entertainment of late.

If is so enjoyable to watch demonrat heads explode! The wackos in the socialist party seem to be so easy for President Trump to play with. It's like he knows in advance how the insanity of demonrats will manifest when he triggers them so that they do exactly what he knows they will do.

On a day with deep meaning to America the socialists came out in full force to denounce…America! WTAF!!!??!!




"Never interfere with an enemy while they are destroying themselves!"

2c1659  No.6933411


Thank you. that is very interesting and informative.

How come there's a STGRY57 up now?

57 sorties?

I could give up planefagging, or I could do my best. I opt for the latter. If not up to your standard, then ignore or supplement, as you very kindly did. Are Q's patriot anons here to help one another or to tear one another down.

24762c  No.6933412


>I'm not the same person I was five years ago. People grow. I grew as a new graft onto God's tree.


Many people won't forgive or forget. By doing so they seek to keep you as you were and prevent you from improving as a person.

Such evil is not from God and should be dismissed.

May you thrive in good soil.

81e157  No.6933413


Is this any help?


74ade7  No.6933414


IGNore the shills, feeding them makes them grow

24c218  No.6933415

>>6932327 (lb)

Just curious...IF he died, what kind of media spectacle would that be? I am sure it would overtake all the news cycles in Britain...US? possibly. Worldwide? still possible IMHO.. Holding off on the announcement so that it can serve as a convenient distraction from...

related question: Did the entire Trump family travel to Britain to "pay their respects"? And WHY did FLOTUS channel Princess Di on this visit? Sending a message? to who? The cabal? Anons? Hmmm

04cca4  No.6933416

File: 7d39629ca269ffa⋯.png (780.16 KB, 604x744, 151:186, Bongino re Cortez Poorly A….PNG)

File: c42143c324c0492⋯.png (269.24 KB, 838x1046, 419:523, Archive Cortez re POTUS an….PNG)

File: 6826938dbff5945⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1379x783, 1379:783, 2 Graphic Cortez re POTUS ….PNG)

AOC’s definition of “poorly attended.” #LiberalLogic


Bread 8866 [pb]


1d0482  No.6933417

File: 972d9f130d183b6⋯.jpg (95.48 KB, 720x793, 720:793, PhotoEditor_20190524_13404….jpg)

e4a157  No.6933418

fast forward 2 years

950,000 sealed indictments!!

ca498d  No.6933419

File: a1ca5a1d3b0c869⋯.png (157.38 KB, 408x360, 17:15, No Hoes WH -w4385080923485….png)

b0c5f7  No.6933420

09a68e  No.6933421


Us on a board is the only accomplishment? In what way are we an accomplishment? Nobody has been arrested. All traitors are completely free. We have no chance of red pilling anyone who thinks rationally because there are no fucking proofs. People mock Q. Anyone who thinks rationally asks what kind of fucking plan would allow known traitors to remain free killing people for over two years. It's all a giant lie. All bullshit. Zero arrests. Not even one!

46d1e7  No.6933422

File: 10d8ff2a2486635⋯.jpeg (98.06 KB, 620x370, 62:37, 8D5CB4B2-DF1E-432E-A380-2….jpeg)


Important detail placed near flowers.


b5a5eb  No.6933423

File: 6c00613d5a6bebc⋯.png (447.56 KB, 496x301, 496:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e47716556933efb⋯.png (467.75 KB, 889x848, 889:848, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 737b59e63d1752e⋯.png (12.09 KB, 489x168, 163:56, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 590e02b1b371895⋯.png (351.65 KB, 941x754, 941:754, ClipboardImage.png)

Is This The Huawei & Chinese Intelligence Smoking Gun?

Some reports are already calling it the 'smoking gun' in the ongoing conflict between Washington and Beijing centered on Chinese telecom giant Huawei, and accusations that it's tied closely to Chinese military and intelligence, as a way for Beijing to infiltrate and spy on western governments and US companies.

Now, a "massive trove" of newly leaked records of Huawei employees appear to show "far closer links" between the private company and military-backed cyber agencies than previously known, according to The Telegraph. This follows on the heels of the discovery of academic research documents also confirming close cooperation between Huawei employees and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) uncovered by Bloomberg last month, as we previously reported. The new trove of employee CVs contains some 25,000 records analyzed by Fulbright University's Christopher Balding and UK-based Henry Jackson Society researchers (which, it should be noted, is a hugely controversial neocon think tank).

Yet in spite of the growing mountain of documented evidence, the company line has remained, "Huawei does not have any R&D collaboration or partnerships with the PLA-affiliated institutions," as stated by Huawei spokesman Glenn Schloss less than two weeks ago. "Huawei only develops and produces communications products that conform to civil standards worldwide, and does not customize R&D products for the military," he added, as cited in Bloomberg.

Huawei's defense following that prior report was to say the joint research publications were "not authorized" — but the newest revelation places cooperation with the PLA even closer, per a new bombshell report:

According to the study, the employment files suggest that some Huawei staff have also worked as agents within China’s Ministry of State Security; worked on joint projects with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA); were educated at China’s leading military academy; and had been employed with a military unit linked to a cyber attack on US corporations."

Analysts are calling it confirmation of a "systemized, structural relationship" between the PLA, Chinese intelligence, and Huawei.

The company has responded by pointing out it's common to have an employee revolving door of sorts between the private and public sectors (as does Washington), and that personnel CVs will reflect this reality.


d8fdaf  No.6933424


That IS an accomplishment … for the cabal.

Because we’re not out demonstrating and demanding that our constitutional rights be protected.

YUGE accomplishment … for evil.

258c83  No.6933425

File: af7d80003113487⋯.jpeg (20.79 KB, 300x539, 300:539, Divine_Mercy_Meme.jpeg)


reminds me more of someone's mom

28a617  No.6933426




Find the Statistically Impossible anon.

Unlock the QMAP.


16ffe2  No.6933427

File: 50a524e8d30d26c⋯.gif (514.01 KB, 245x155, 49:31, laughminionpop.gif)

5903df  No.6933428


Weird… one happened the other day in PA… Local media tried to call it a vehicle fire. NOT TRUE!

100% gas - This confirms. [DS] trying to fuck with malls and gas.

07bf8c  No.6933430

shepp's a jew.

0b0cc3  No.6933431


NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!

a70829  No.6933432


Yes, I bet we can the whole story together on Pence, because he was asked on plane by reporter, what’s going on, I don’t know we’ll probably know in 2-1/2 weeks. Trump says two pence 2-1/2??

784320  No.6933433

File: 0078204511f90da⋯.jpg (145.45 KB, 1040x546, 40:21, CA_earth_quakes_07_05_2019….jpg)

File: af5254d32410d4b⋯.jpg (517.81 KB, 1693x816, 1693:816, CA_earth_quakes_07_05_2019….jpg)

File: f2d28eeea1b75b6⋯.jpg (300.99 KB, 1514x900, 757:450, China_lake_earth_quake_swa….jpg)

File: f73d2ea2e7cb731⋯.jpg (458.68 KB, 1170x787, 1170:787, China_lake_earth_quake_swa….jpg)

File: 93ed9026042ec37⋯.jpg (76.67 KB, 1136x688, 71:43, China_lake_earth_quake_swa….jpg)


Using the kilauea monitoring map I had gone to that location, my mousing over, and I used a map (they let you choose) that was labeled 'inhanced visual' , basically a labelled sat image.

that showed me that, oh, ya, that's a facility of some kind.

Here are the originals I posted some many many breads ago:

If you look at it now you notice that there has been a constant and ongoing swarm of earthquakes.

94e720  No.6933434


The best memes have no words, or very few words, and convey truth. They contain information that is instantly recognized without having to be read.

38bf2c  No.6933435

File: aa87702106459a8⋯.png (366.75 KB, 532x620, 133:155, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44735f967d074a2⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1500x1179, 500:393, ClipboardImage.png)

#OTD in 1944, an estimated 168 people died in a fire that broke out during a performance in the main tent of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in Hartford, Connecticut.


5:30 AM - 6 Jul 2019

>>6932922 Just a coincidence…

e4a157  No.6933436


Q was a psyop, but those with an investment find it difficult to admit - no different than those brainwashed by the liberal media; they've made to many arguments to turn around and look foolish - admit defeat

1c1933  No.6933437

File: dd73baed7c8a763⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1402x942, 701:471, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

File: dd73baed7c8a763⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1402x942, 701:471, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)


Looks like the end suite was a vacant pizza place, see: >>6933250

Pics of the empty suite from google maps 2017

251356  No.6933438



I dont trust the whims of Men. I TRUST God. He creates & Destroys, builds ppl u & takes them down. Like i said, i dont follow men. I look to God.

I never said T was our savior nor Q. 🍿

Why jump the gun? Are u not having fun watching the meltdown? 🤩 what's better than a slow, deliberate, agonizing meltdown of tyrants? I'm in no rush & will demand no such thing.

It's all on God's time. 🥂🇺🇸

1d1351  No.6933439

Glad the board is waking up

Better later than nevar

Carry on frens

07a696  No.6933440

File: 54600c1b603c1fa⋯.png (870.32 KB, 770x444, 385:222, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09ff84aa843ced0⋯.png (126.13 KB, 824x760, 103:95, ClipboardImage.png)

Parents of Otto Warmbier file court claim for seized North Korean vessel (1 of 3)

The parents of Otto Warmbier, the American student who suffered a lethal brain injury while held hostage by the North Korean government, have filed a claim in court on a North Korean vessel seized by the U.S. government. The legal action is part of their ongoing effort to collect on the $501 million in damages that were awarded to them by a U.S. federal court in a judgment last December holding the North Korean government responsible for Otto’s death within days of being returned to the United States in June 2017. Fred and Cindy Warmbier, Otto’s parents, said in a statement: “We are committed to holding North Korea accountable for the death of our son Otto, and will work tirelessly to seize North Korean assets wherever they may be found.”

Benjamin Hatch, one of the Warmbier family’s attorneys, said in their claim that “despite receiving all required notices and service, North Korea never entered an appearance in, defended against, or engaged in any settlement discussions related to the civil action against it” and therefore “the Warmbiers are left to chase down the assets of North Korea to recover what they can for the torture and death of their son at the hands of North Korea’s dictator, who with ‘his cronies, show[s] no regard for human life’.”

Warmbier, then 21, was a University of Virginia student arrested in North Korea in January 2016 after allegedly trying to take a propaganda poster. He made what experts and family members testified was likely a forced confession and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. While in North Korean custody, he was allegedly tortured and suffered what would prove to a be a fatal traumatic brain injury. He was returned to the United States in June 2017 in a comatose state, never regained consciousness, and died at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center later that month. In her ruling on the case on Christmas Eve 2018, Chief Judge Beryl Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia said the Warmbiers “have established North Korea’s liability to them” and, in awarding punitive damages of $501,134,683.80, concluded that “North Korea is liable for the torture, hostage taking, and extrajudicial killing of Otto Warmbier, and the injuries to his mother and father, Fred and Cindy Warmbier.”

In their court claim, the attorney for the Warmbier family noted this week that Judge Howell had ruled that the Warmbiers “experienced North Korea’s brutality first-hand when North Korea seized their son to use as a pawn in that totalitarian state’s global shenanigans and face-off with the United States.” The attorney pointed out that the Judge Howell had “authorized the Warmbiers to enforce their judgment against North Korea, through attachment or execution, pursuant to Sections 1610(a)-(b) of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.”


e4a157  No.6933441


*too many

7b16ab  No.6933442

File: b20696e8a8be6a2⋯.jpg (90.35 KB, 630x630, 1:1, IMG_0816.JPG)

File: f1d2a480d344279⋯.png (345.02 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, IMG_0817.PNG)

File: 7de663e4fa7775b⋯.jpg (87.01 KB, 751x1063, 751:1063, IMG_0819.JPG)

File: 86cb08311b419d0⋯.jpg (73.32 KB, 746x376, 373:188, IMG_0820.JPG)

File: 37113c16c7e9bef⋯.jpg (84.03 KB, 610x960, 61:96, IMG_0821.JPG)

d711a2  No.6933443

File: 2feaa20ecebe67f⋯.png (15.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepeandfeelz.png)

b5a5eb  No.6933444

File: 26de035da8c3618⋯.png (381.94 KB, 520x449, 520:449, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump: Immigration Raids Coming 'Fairly Soon'

President Trump on Friday said that his administration would begin rounding up illegal immigrants for mass deportation "fairly soon," after the operation was postponed last month due to someone leaking the date.

"I don’t call them raids. I say they came in illegally and we’re bringing them out legally. They’ll be starting fairly soon. We’re removing people that have come in, all of these people over the years that have come in illegally, we are removing them and bringing them back to their country," Trump told reporters at the White House.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) last month said operations would target recently-arrived undocumented migrants in a bid to discourage a surge of Central American families at the southwest border.

ICE said in a statement its focus was arresting people with criminal histories but any immigrant found in violation of U.S. laws was subject to arrest. -Reuters

The new sweep comes after migrant apprehensions on the southwest border hit a 13-year high in May, only to dramatically drop in June after Mexico deployed their National Guard stem the flow of mostly Central American migrants into the United States.

According to documents published this week by migrant rights groups, ICE has previously made more so-called "collateral" arrests of non-criminal migrants (aside from residency) than the criminals they were targeting. The rights groups say that the US government's 'generalized threat' against illegals is harmful to the US economy, as it forces adults to miss work and children to skip school if they feel they may be at risk of arrest.

"We have to be ready, not just when Trump announces it, because there are arrests every day," said New Mexico migrant rights organizer Elsa Lopez, who works for Somos Un Pueblo Unido. The organization helps migrants enter the United States; advising them on their civil rights, and connecting them to a phone network that will send alerts if ICE agents are in their neighborhood.

A rising number of migrants are coming from outside Central America, including India, Cuba and African countries. The Del Rio, Texas, Border Patrol sector on Friday reported the arrest of over 1,000 Haitians since June 10. -Reuters

Between the Mexican national guard and the looming threat of being tossed in a detention facility while awaiting deportation, we wonder how many migrants have recently decided against the already-dangerous trek into the United States?


2c1659  No.6933445



Probably an antenna installation.

17f85d  No.6933446

File: 335149b4ef74998⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

What do anons think?

e4a157  No.6933447


oh ok cool. finally

d8fdaf  No.6933448


Did you seriously just compare a contraception serial adulteress he calls herself Catholic but never goes to mass to Our Lady?

The hell is wrong with you?

28a617  No.6933449


>first the alarm isn't heard

>then you call, repeatedly

>then you shake, ever strongly

>until it comes the time for a cold water bucket


All out of ticks & tocks.

Water bucket time.

84d288  No.6933450

File: af56f88ede8a55d⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1269x846, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

9fba3a  No.6933451


I read from bottom up.

non shill anon that are dumb can get filtered too.

Once you get to the top, reverse and enjoy good bread.

8c0e29  No.6933452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Found a live antifa stream

093406  No.6933453

New White House tweet on regulations.

The White House

Verified account


2m2 minutes ago


Excessive regulations have made it tougher and more costly to find a home than it needs to be.

How President @realDonaldTrump is working to spur construction of affordable housing:

2 replies 39 retweets 88 likes

Reply 2 Retweet 39 Like 88

ed9d69  No.6933454


Sink it? Jk

07bf8c  No.6933455




don't expect anything other than self-loathing degeneracy from him.

416d6e  No.6933456

File: 8d4f80392e8ea46⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1584x1164, 132:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Black Site Removed Q ?

2b17bf  No.6933457

File: 89244c671453df3⋯.jpg (116.75 KB, 560x264, 70:33, 20190706_124536.jpg)

#1 JFK memorial

09a68e  No.6933458



Millions of faggots participated in the NYC gay pride parade. This is nothing for them to organize that many people.

We can't even get a thousand conservatives organized to demand the arrest of traitors. We just sit on our asses for two years trusting a non existent plan. Zero arrests. What a fucking joke.

e3b477  No.6933459

File: 2685a8efdbac87d⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 986x555, 986:555, ee46291e-b359-4920-ad2c-3e….jpg)

File: 1986127e433ff76⋯.jpg (210.15 KB, 1662x1075, 1662:1075, Phonetic-Alphabet.jpg)

7b16ab  No.6933460

File: 80d87613644feb1⋯.jpg (89 KB, 700x933, 700:933, IMG_0152.JPG)





7b8daf  No.6933461


Thank you, Anon. I have no room for those who can't accept the growth. My new life is His, and I am so honored by this! God bless you, too!

b86ed7  No.6933462

File: aee8358fb718d88⋯.png (616.84 KB, 773x624, 773:624, ClipboardImage.png)

904d54  No.6933463


>What do you think this means?

That so much of our lives (and our parents and grand parents lives) have been controlled for so long that if we all looked back at it with full understanding then the extreme psychological strain would have dire physiological effects.

I understand the endgame to be Freedom to control our own destinies, both individually and collectively. The way to achieve that is with Justice and Truth, not necessarily in that order. At least a partial Truth must come even if it does put some people in the hospital.

b5a5eb  No.6933464

File: 82a5710f50413ba⋯.png (421.09 KB, 508x374, 254:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8488d015642d5ad⋯.png (879.69 KB, 897x802, 897:802, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f07517a9303e02c⋯.png (767.23 KB, 908x853, 908:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82d271ffd3c4fb5⋯.png (475.17 KB, 920x625, 184:125, ClipboardImage.png)

Details Emerge In Death Of "Meth-Fueled Orgy Partying" Arab Prince In London

he 39-year old son of the ruler of Sharjah — part of the United Arab Emirates — was found dead in London this week following what multiple reports described as a "drug-fueled orgy" in an £8-million Knightsbridge penthouse.

Sheikh Khalid bin Sultan Al Qasimi, 'crown prince' of the UAE's Sharjah emirate, was laid to rest at a funeral service Wednesday attended by UAE dignitaries and his father, Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, but soon after staff at the London-based fashion house that Khalid founded began revealing more details of the prince's extreme playboy lifestyle which reportedly led to his tragic death.

The Sun was the first to report earlier this week that Sheikh Khalid "may have died suddenly as a result of taking drugs" after police found an as yet unknown amount of Class A drugs at his apartment after medics were called. 'Class A' drugs include anything from crack cocaine to ecstasy to heroin, LSD, to crystal meth and others.

The Sheikh was well known in wealthy London social circles as frequently hosting meth-fueled orgies filled with high-class prostitutes, according to UK media, and was known for partying "days on end".

A staff member at the Qasimi Homme menswear brand the prince had founded told The Daily Mail:

"He enjoyed meth because it allows you to have sex for longer. It was the worst-kept secret in the office, he had a real soft spot for that drug. We always knew that he'd been taking it because he'd come into work in a particularly bad mood. His behaviour would be really erratic."


d711a2  No.6933465


guess you should go join that team then

or maybe already did

kek faggot you are

62e952  No.6933466

File: fbca04047206514⋯.png (618.74 KB, 919x693, 919:693, 2019-07-06_14-10-44.png)

5c715f  No.6933467

Does we have the key to Alice and Wonderland?

d8fdaf  No.6933468


Because the Great Deception is here, Anon. The AntiChrist’s goal is to seduce Christians, not the lost. He already has them.

7b16ab  No.6933469

File: 0780bf1569855c2⋯.jpg (317.1 KB, 1440x864, 5:3, IMG_3297.JPG)




ebfde0  No.6933470


obviously created by a worshiper of Baal with that

"As Above, So Below" shit habbening…

I do Not Consent ~ I do Not Accept this Fake art as My FLOTUS ~ My FLOTUS is Pure Love & Joy

07a696  No.6933471

File: c3c1e2b986bea61⋯.png (95.11 KB, 573x741, 191:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f844c29668ea63⋯.png (87.57 KB, 573x741, 191:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf1b15ff89ddffd⋯.png (15.79 KB, 573x741, 191:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29d769028d33767⋯.png (29.8 KB, 573x741, 191:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0186b1a7d84f6f⋯.png (20.9 KB, 573x741, 191:247, ClipboardImage.png)


Warmbier Family - Claim - 7.3.2019


2d4ab1  No.6933472


Code Ninja was Q's HQ

9501b1  No.6933473

File: a9c98eb44aedff5⋯.jpeg (2.21 MB, 1455x1319, 1455:1319, 4694EFF9-A6CC-4B95-AED9-6….jpeg)

File: 5aad1f4348281bf⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1065x2002, 1065:2002, 661EC0B2-3313-48DE-9D8C-4….jpeg)

It’s close to Ridgecrest & China Lake


d774d0  No.6933474


they test RF and vehicles there

Test range - no live fire

0a7304  No.6933475

File: eaa7a7007eb4d53⋯.jpeg (72.02 KB, 828x620, 207:155, 4BD07D66-426C-4AE9-86ED-5….jpeg)



Typical MI DS stooge,

Go fuck yourself trying to obfuscate the facts of the abomination s Carried our by the US NaVy for 50 years.


Take the rest of the day off and tell your CO I’m gonna eat his fucking soul.

09a68e  No.6933476


Nice comeback idiot. I'm glad it's all funny to you that mass murdering psychopaths are still free after two years. A great big lie. No arrests. Not even one. Keep sucking Q dick when there isn't a single god damn accomplishment.

21ac74  No.6933477

File: 28a4a2c0760ddfd⋯.png (681.83 KB, 640x640, 1:1, drop in.png)


I guess I know that, but I'm a total word fag not a visual one. So I'm much better at digging/research than memes. I am trying to learn because there doesn't seem to be anything breaking through from here, unless you disagree anon?

Thanks for the tips. I really appreciate it. I'll try again.


46fbd0  No.6933478

File: fd6f6c227429ef9⋯.png (264.77 KB, 1142x601, 1142:601, eq 1988.PNG)

File: 3085d1fb035efb5⋯.png (194.75 KB, 1181x502, 1181:502, eq 1988 crashes.PNG)

>>6932299 (lb not ables)

>Stanislav Lunev On Russian Earthquake Weapon

I've just been looking at the wiki page (I know, I know) on the 1988 EQ and it is spoopy as fuck.

Just have a look at this name that leapt out of the page:

American businessman and philanthropist Armand Hammer, well known to the Soviet Union for his financial pursuits and humanitarian ties, left Los Angeles for Armenia on board a Boeing 727 loaded with 2,300 pounds of medical supplies that were provided by the American Red Cross. Hammer, known for his decades of work with the Occidental Petroleum Corporation, had spoken with Gorbachev prior to leaving and was carrying with him $1 million in relief funds. Half of those funds were from World Vision International, a California-based relief and development umbrella organization, and the other half were his own personal donation. The flight also carried Robert Seiple (president of World Vision) and a UCLA doctor who had worked in the aftermath of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake.

And no, the two air crashes in the aftermath were not even a little bit spoopy.

And is it just coincidence that the epicentre was just 100 miles from Mt. Ararat?


28a065  No.6933479

File: 45fe3a6f099c439⋯.jpg (82.55 KB, 777x1155, 37:55, 45fe3a6f099c43953fb0dd3501….jpg)

04cca4  No.6933480

File: 0feb15f41940323⋯.png (738.49 KB, 821x589, 821:589, 1 KOMO Cali 'fugitive' kil….PNG)

File: 26bda8a5463d203⋯.png (89.56 KB, 415x659, 415:659, 2 KOMO Cali 'fugitive' kil….PNG)

Fugitive shot, killed during police standoff after barricading himself inside a residence


6c434e  No.6933481


f09bea  No.6933482

can someone sharea newfag meme please

b86ed7  No.6933483


well, yeah

most Conservatives have Jobs and have to workfag and if they Miss work to Protest, there's no Conservative SOROS to pay them.

2c1659  No.6933484



If one thing is X, then this other similar thing is X too.

07a696  No.6933485

>>6933440 >>6933471

Warmbier Family - Judgment - 12.24.18


ba60d3  No.6933486


Totally not a terrorist attack

068e85  No.6933487

File: f29356ac096e339⋯.jpeg (443.55 KB, 1836x2376, 17:22, 65F1AF49-E80B-4875-81EA-9….jpeg)


Fixed the typos.

d8fdaf  No.6933488


The fact is that they never could have pulled this off with HRC as president. They needed someone we trust to do it, or we would have revolted long ago.

38bf2c  No.6933489

File: 7021120ed90368b⋯.png (355.95 KB, 532x575, 532:575, ClipboardImage.png)

Three years after a high-profile raid that

seemed linked to the devastating leak of U.S.

government hacking tools, the case is nearly

resolved, but whoever was behind the leak

remains a mystery.

1 of 2

FILE - In this June 6, 2013 file photo, the sign outside the National Security Administration (NSA) campus in Fort Meade, Md. A high-profile raid at the home of an NSA contractor seemed to be linked to the devastating leak of U.S. government hacking tools. Three years later, the case is being resolved but whoever was behind the leak of the hacking tools remains a mystery with significant national security implications. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal agents descended on the suburban Maryland house with the flash and bang of a stun grenade, blocked off the street and spent hours questioning the homeowner about a theft of government documents that prosecutors would later describe as “breathtaking” in its scale.

The suspect, Harold Martin, was a contractor for the National Security Agency. His arrest followed news of a devastating disclosure of government hacking tools by a mysterious internet group calling itself the Shadow Brokers . It seemed to some that the United States might have found another Edward Snowden, who also had been a contractor for the agency.

The agents who searched his house that August 2016 afternoon found a trove of documents in his car, home and a dusty, unlocked shed. The 50 terabytes of information from 1996 to 2016 included personal details of government employees and “Top Secret” email chains, handwritten notes describing the NSA’s classified computer infrastructure, and descriptions of classified technical operations.

The December 2018 ruling from U.S. District Judge Richard Bennett notes that the FBI was investigating the online disclosure of stolen government property. It cites a Twitter message from an account allegedly belonging to Martin — @HAL_999999999 — that requested a meeting with someone whose name is blacked out and stated “shelf life, three weeks.”


6:33 AM - 6 Jul 2019


4190c9  No.6933490

File: 7ea76bacbb2889e⋯.png (224.64 KB, 403x407, 403:407, zs2.png)


Apply liberally to meat, and roast it Low and Slow…

cf0c0b  No.6933491

File: 283c22644a07d35⋯.png (14.28 KB, 619x424, 619:424, Hate-Speech[1].png)

48f9df  No.6933492

File: 103f97be9d6319c⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1231x1967, 1231:1967, 1454Proof.png)

I think this is my first successful attempt at a Q Proof. Would an Anon be so kind as to check my work and render some helpful feedback or confirmation? Thank you in advance.



Iran Deal About Cash Flow for EU Leaders



11 Jun 2018 - 11:56:26 AM

EU sanctions (IRAN).

Leaders of EU only care about protecting flow of MONEY - NOT the safety and security of their people/world.

IRAN deal orchestrated for the sole purpose of lifting sanctions (blockade) to allow access of foreign businesses for individual & co-wide enrichment. SCAM!!!

Nothing to do w/ NUKES (cover_)

Hussein pallets of cash.

Hussein secret auth to convert USD.

More coming.

No MSM coverage.

Got Popcorn?



World News

July 6, 2019 / 12:54 PM / Updated 11 minutes ago

Iran to lift uranium enrichment to 5%, above level in 2015 deal: official


7b16ab  No.6933493

File: ad89fe066baf491⋯.png (133.8 KB, 521x467, 521:467, IMG_0673.PNG)

21ac74  No.6933494

>>6933444 Nothing's happening as Trump Readies Deportations


ce40d7  No.6933495



Why does my gut tell me this is a modern version of ancient tech?

5903df  No.6933496



Now I KNOW what (((they))) were doing and who was being targeted. Game on if anything happens.

e27db1  No.6933497


Hmm..stranded how so? It's time for the news to quit labeling them as "Migrants" …they're "Invaders"

d774d0  No.6933498


>they test RF and vehicles there


>Test range - no live fire

have to have some place to test without a bunch of background scatter

f0ccf1  No.6933499

File: ebac476416a7a80⋯.png (934.48 KB, 1097x721, 1097:721, adam schiff armenia pic.PNG)




Adam Schiff (D-CA), Vice-Chair of the Congressional Armenian Caucus

e4a157  No.6933500


Macron: installed

Merkel: installed

Trudeau: installed

Kahn: installed

Sanchez (Spain): installed

Globalists have installed their army…we are next. Who will it be?






Trump will not win in 2020 and not because he didn't have the votes. This is a certainty.

04cca4  No.6933501

File: 1bb1a259e29a3f9⋯.png (53.17 KB, 659x415, 659:415, 2 KOMO Cali 'fugitive' kil….PNG)


>Fugitive shot, killed during police standoff after barricading himself inside a residence

416d6e  No.6933502

File: 35f1b0a25a81399⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1848x1180, 462:295, ClipboardImage.png)

one hundred mile evac zone hmm nothing to see here Q?>>6933456

21a3a6  No.6933503


"the truth would put"

What if this curious phrase doesn't mean

x in the future would cause y in the future

but means

x = y now

f919dc  No.6933504

File: 6cdaf57253343f8⋯.jpeg (80.19 KB, 604x604, 1:1, F967BD02-DF99-441F-8E50-3….jpeg)

026c38  No.6933505

File: 6460d4d0e182712⋯.jpeg (958.11 KB, 2128x1124, 532:281, 74DB2939-5F46-4638-8835-B….jpeg)

File: 09d9eb78024fc94⋯.jpeg (385.33 KB, 1125x632, 1125:632, 1E427BAD-F3DA-444D-AE6F-A….jpeg)

File: 2242a311359a413⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1125x1977, 375:659, F6E86A78-C1BE-469E-B697-2….jpeg)

File: f0ea3cb8efa7352⋯.jpeg (917.5 KB, 1125x2082, 375:694, CEBC57E1-931B-4E1D-8E75-A….jpeg)

Is it just a coincidence that the last time something big seemed to be possibly about to happen/some threat towards Potus was heard about, there was a massive earthquake (Alaska - Nov. 30, 2018) then immediately after It was announced “Poppy” (G.H.W. Bush) had died, and the earthquake was quickly & immediately buried after? Felt the same the other day - [they] were petrified of Potus and his July 4th celebration and out of nowhere hrs before there’s a 6.4 earthquake in CA. Then the same today. Is this the [DS] making threats to try to stop Potus from doing what they think will unveil their lies? The Alaska one was when Potus was in South America and right before it there was this bizarre video that started circulating on twatter that had fallen angels falling from the sky (the one with Potus as the big robot(or whatever it was) on the Southern Border playing to Kid Rock if anyone remembers. Have a few screenshots of it, but can’t find the vid.

Might be nothing, just a thought that came to anons mine..

e3b477  No.6933506


I thought everyone knew this.

9385e9  No.6933507

One accomplishment has been to expose people like you who are working against America, guaranteed to spend many years in prison.

2c1659  No.6933508

File: ea5a68f9f2e9d32⋯.jpg (98.44 KB, 612x612, 1:1, PEPE-anon-N-newfag.jpg)

File: 2a16e91ed7a2fe3⋯.jpg (75.76 KB, 512x512, 1:1, NewfagHottub.jpg)

File: 1a1b8ede4ed11df⋯.jpg (142.83 KB, 1440x1091, 1440:1091, WelcomeNewfags.jpg)

File: 44cc0b81852671e⋯.jpg (30.51 KB, 353x352, 353:352, pepe-anon-newfag-fork.jpg)

File: 933e19d44a971aa⋯.jpg (432.46 KB, 1440x1857, 480:619, NewfagsRollerCoaster.jpg)


Here's a few

9abdcc  No.6933509


no great loss…..

good job LEOs

Notable for excellent law enforcement work.

f14525  No.6933510

That Russian spy always rings in my head

Bridges and all that. Small world.

09a68e  No.6933511


If mass murdering psychopaths who traffic children isn't enough to make you leave work and demand justice then you aren't a patriot. Fuck off with your cult bullshit. Q hasn't done shit. Trump lied. He didn't drain the swamp. Zero arrests. Not even one. Keep that number in mind.

456c93  No.6933512

File: 8b85c7685025fc2⋯.png (488.15 KB, 645x714, 215:238, Screenshot_2019-07-06 Rod ….png)


Does the Rod of God beat DEW?

7b16ab  No.6933513

File: 2369131a234b3c8⋯.jpg (102.76 KB, 421x393, 421:393, IMG_0886.JPG)




d711a2  No.6933514


take a break

come bak tomorrow

d774d0  No.6933515

they test RF and vehicles there

Test range - no live fire


f70761  No.6933516

File: b708731a46bb6d6⋯.jpg (655.14 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening58.jpg)

07a696  No.6933517

File: cc9b57130d706bb⋯.png (104.37 KB, 574x742, 41:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57889394fd5571d⋯.png (182.92 KB, 574x742, 41:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58ccf777b1b996b⋯.png (92.87 KB, 574x742, 41:53, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6933440 >>6933471

Warmbier Family - Judgment - 12.24.18


cf0c0b  No.6933518

File: c85beda09b51834⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 800x800, 1:1, RxyjS1f[1].jpg)

63effc  No.6933519

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, 56FDDF12-51EE-4D11-8992-4F….gif)



Checked treses Quints

798649  No.6933520

File: 29a77edd7bf5d55⋯.png (48.39 KB, 353x352, 353:352, d3536afb4443ace1e3a7f3a50d….png)

File: 54703b0afe397fd⋯.png (206.81 KB, 648x382, 324:191, c5f67cd9af657fa6fc939eccdd….png)

e27db1  No.6933521

File: 4e3258c33d1dee6⋯.png (22.33 KB, 333x186, 111:62, newfag.png)

28a065  No.6933522


watching….MAGA guy being attacked now by screaming lunatics.

28a617  No.6933523


>What do you think this means?

>That so much of our lives (and our parents and grand parents lives) have been controlled for so long that if we all looked back at it with full understanding then the extreme psychological strain would have dire physiological effects.



So, there will be those who are better capable of handling the strain, correct? Those who can learn and absorb the impact faster can pave the way to Truth for the more resistant masses, correct?

If so, what role would Q Team want - NEED - those anons to play during the phase where the truth starts hitting the mainstream?

You have been prepared.

Q. For what?

068e85  No.6933524


4 miles deep. That looks normal.

Do you think that there is Spoopiness going on with ((some)) of the earthqukes?

b2a1aa  No.6933525

File: 8d2267f464b68e0⋯.jpeg (35.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Turd Polish.jpeg)


I roared when I saw this! Sent it to a pile of frens.

Used to live in SoCal for almost 30 years. Escaped in 2016.

Glad I did!

Can't polish that turd of a state.

38bf2c  No.6933526

File: 1ed79cfd08997f9⋯.png (450.34 KB, 532x534, 266:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f2c58336ca8c8b⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1024x722, 512:361, ClipboardImage.png)

North Korea says freed Australian student had been spying: KCNA



10:16 AM - 6 Jul 2019


e7023d  No.6933527



Anon breaks down shill/argument fuckery seen daily on 8

1d1351  No.6933528


And police does nothing, amirite?

da23ee  No.6933529



cf0c0b  No.6933530

File: 23179a619444ea7⋯.jpg (44.19 KB, 500x471, 500:471, 23179a619444ea723c11d2ee87….jpg)

7b16ab  No.6933531

File: f0fa1b4f199d6cf⋯.jpg (200.22 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_3365.JPG)




5c715f  No.6933532


That's Democrat try to recover the black and hispanic vote?

63effc  No.6933533

File: 01ce71bc6ebb781⋯.jpg (985.21 KB, 2048x1440, 64:45, gettyimages-174354800-2048….jpg)



8c0e29  No.6933534


they're standing in the middle of it already.

"attacked" is a bit misleading.

shouted at and grouped around.

e9395b  No.6933535


>Scalar Weaponry?

Scalar doesn't mean shit. It is nonsense. Study physics.

38bf2c  No.6933536

File: 7c9eaea981b48da⋯.png (227.15 KB, 532x558, 266:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a121079659fa5a⋯.png (863.86 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Archie, baby son of UK's Prince Harry and Meghan, christened at Windsor http://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-royals-christening-idUSKCN1U10HX


10:06 AM - 6 Jul 2019

"christened at Windsor"…

b86ed7  No.6933537


If you're so Hard Up to Fight

Come out of your Basement and Join the Military

Get a CC to protect yourself, your surroundings, Family Friends

Unplug the GD Video Games and snap out of! FOH

068e85  No.6933538

File: 590e993359f7163⋯.jpeg (65.63 KB, 500x511, 500:511, 2DAA77FC-4D48-4FF9-9CE2-5….jpeg)

949f99  No.6933539

File: 82746c57e76ee6d⋯.jpg (60.54 KB, 838x313, 838:313, qenergy - Copy.jpg)


The "hospital" part is far deeper than you're thinking.

Satanists etc. running the world would fuck some people's shit up, but the further truth could destroy them.

77436b  No.6933540

File: c8d31e4a0d1900d⋯.png (115.94 KB, 815x584, 815:584, DavidGrahamLinkedIn.png)

File: dd3a9644fa07d07⋯.png (35.74 KB, 809x693, 809:693, DavidGrahamLinkedIn2.png)

Code Ninjas CEO

Very spoopy CV on LinkedIn.

Rand Corporation


What's that smell?

9abdcc  No.6933541


maybe "faggotfa" should just not commit crimes and thus not be concerned about photography done in public areas. LOL

aeaf20  No.6933542

So today marks the end of the two weeks President Trump gave to the demonrats to solve the border crises of he begins deportations.

Since the demonrats have done nothing with their two weeks except to send demonrats to the illegal aliens to coach them on how to lie to border agents.

Will the deportations begin tonight or will President Trump wait until Monday?

04cca4  No.6933543

File: 833cee2950dd8d1⋯.png (224.28 KB, 470x390, 47:39, Newfag Pepe.PNG)

File: 46873bc022720a2⋯.png (195.02 KB, 472x391, 472:391, Newfag Pepe Muh Reddit.PNG)

File: 61a0cec4b1c2af0⋯.png (207.69 KB, 470x396, 235:198, Pepe Daddy Q with anons.PNG)

File: 94495cf45743df9⋯.png (679.49 KB, 961x684, 961:684, Q Pepe Daddy.PNG)


>can someone sharea newfag meme please

5ee237  No.6933544

Alot to look into right now.

The highly diversified holdings and the strange route taken by the Iranian oil tanker seized by UK Marines.

What happened at the Pease AFB prior to Pence's arrival if anything?

Why was Pence ordered to return to WH?

How was Russian sub damaged and why were so many highly decorated Russian military on board the "experimental" craft?

-what was it doing?

-where was it at when it was damaged?

-Too little cobalt in the subs nuke battery as some have suspected?

-Was it tapping lines where it shouldn't be and trigger a proximity mine or shot by a US sub?

-Did Putin just kill high level cult moles in an arranged incident to send a msg?

Are earthquakes being triggered in some way?

Putin and Bergoglio's meeting had to be interesting.

Jeb's Comments

An Angel mysteriously died wearing red hat and the number 45 in a hotel owned by Blackrock group. In Dallas no less.

The reluctant FISA surveillance witnesses spilling it.

IG report declared complete and then states it is following up on more new information.

Planefag happenings increasing heavily, spoopy callsigns being decoded.

Strange Chris Cline crash.

NXIVM Bronfman arrest and info will continue to snowball.

Epstein Docs released, still very little digging for some reason. Maybe bc so much to dig rn ^.

I feel like IG report and investigations will be released very soon, and high possibility of Insurance File password showing itself in a spooky way likely soon as well.

High level/high profile arrests happening daily now.

Alot to do. Alot to be happy about.

7b16ab  No.6933545

File: c70df82df677fb9⋯.png (557.67 KB, 1491x889, 213:127, IMG_7207.PNG)


29e22b  No.6933546

fd8e05  No.6933547

They are not aliens, they are coming again. Visiting us, last time they came they created marvels and introduced man to civilizations. Their signature monument is the Pyramid. All across the world, there are Pyramids that are built with such precision that even in modern times we can't recreate.

They are from Antarctica, you will see them first in Argentina as they are heading north. After Argentina they will go to Brazil until they arrive to the north pole.

They are superhuman, taller than what we can imagine. Smarter in every shape and form. They've been surviving in the harsh weather of the cold in Antarctica and its high altitude.

There is no such thing as Aliens, the earth is a dome and much bigger than our current map. They reproduced with some humans and created Nephilims which are not perfect.

I can not go beyond this but look into Roald Amundsen and you will discover a small part of the puzzle. The Nazis escaping to Argentina was not a mere coincidence. It was all already planned from the very beginning.

247aea  No.6933548

>>6933376 I miss watching celebrities blow up.

b0c5f7  No.6933549


>>6933239, >>6933302 Boatfag update

>>6933259, >>6933307 Planefag update

>>6933471 Warmbier Family - Claim - 7.3.2019

>>6933453 WH twit

>>6933444 Trump: Immigration Raids Coming 'Fairly Soon'

>>6933400 The 2000 US Census Asked Citizenship Question — Obama Deleted it in 2010 — Trump Wants It Back in 2020

>>6933333, >>6933360 Everything around Ridgecrest and China Lake is strange

>>6933262, >>6933433 chart from USGS of earthquakes of greater than magnitude 4.5 in the past seven days

>>6933242, >>6933272, >>6933499 CODE BLUE CAFE MANAGED BY ARMENIAN/Schiff pic/Q

>>6933124, >>6933212 Shallow earthquakes at 4.5 to 7 Richter are consistent with Project Gnome numbers.

>>6933099 These are the rules for members of the press in order to go inside the #AllOutDC rally, which is the antifa side

>>6932939 Is This The Huawei & Chinese Intelligence Smoking Gun?

>>6932892 Carnival crew member overboard 30 miles northwest of Cuba; Coast Guard search underway

>>6932882, >>6933043 before pic Plantation Fla


1d1351  No.6933550


He will cave

Screenshot dat

21a3a6  No.6933551




a3ec3d  No.6933552

File: 3202b52bbdfb254⋯.png (244.89 KB, 1465x1209, 1465:1209, 3202b52bbdfb254b047704a736….png)

File: e6cc829043611d0⋯.png (133.14 KB, 297x743, 297:743, e6cc829043611d0b597009c31f….png)

21ac74  No.6933553

File: 3be6b7e9534d5cf⋯.png (69.33 KB, 259x420, 37:60, newfag.png)


in progress here.

e67040  No.6933554


You seem to miss the fact that just a few thousand of us on this board have the most influence anywhere in propogating social media truths and checking the national news cycle.

7723ee  No.6933555

File: b8e60905cf340e2⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 650x399, 650:399, bunk-thewire1.jpg)

29e22b  No.6933556




28a617  No.6933557


Great Question.

Q. If you woke up as a sleeper agent after a lifetime undercover, who would you tell?

Q. If you woke up and realized your alters had created a worldwide movement while you were asleep, who would believe you?

Q. Who is asleep?

d8fdaf  No.6933558


Gen 6


2edd5c  No.6933559

File: 5cef4243884a3ee⋯.png (446.25 KB, 714x1000, 357:500, anonswearethenews.png)

6c6b9d  No.6933560

File: 89a86aeb63c4cec⋯.jpg (174.21 KB, 643x712, 643:712, Screenshot 2019-07-06_14-3….jpg)


e27db1  No.6933562

File: 1f2351cbf768028⋯.jpg (167.17 KB, 517x393, 517:393, joepoint.jpg)




a263a4  No.6933563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



e79a2a  No.6933564


I think it’s more than just “we’ve been fooled for how long?!”

It’s about what we think is real vs classified as fantasy or fairy tales.

Superman = not considered a possible reality.

However we still wait with baited breath for ayylmaos …

The collective consciousness/ groupthink hasn’t evolved enough for much disclosure.

People don’t like to think about child molestation or sacrifice. We can’t even talk about it without the civility of conversation remaining in tact.

Those of us who have been on QR this whole time…. we’ve had our mental breakdown and we got through it, but so many more people don’t even have a clue how bad it really is.

b651ab  No.6933565



>Antifa – getting closer to the tipping point.

DCanon here. Totally agree, anon. They're being given all the rope they need to hang themselves. It's going to be a fast and hard drop, with no advance warning.

026c38  No.6933566

File: 4c69d9e0e6e1136⋯.png (4.49 MB, 2436x1125, 812:375, 5EE49112-2ECB-4506-BCED-EF….png)

File: 8631eb0fbadc2cf⋯.jpeg (844.95 KB, 2436x1124, 609:281, 69B3DB81-D55E-47C9-B6C7-3….jpeg)

File: d13e666e9fb3646⋯.png (3.81 MB, 2436x1125, 812:375, 4DE800DD-75A4-4E02-89B2-C0….png)

File: 1be42827b3beddc⋯.jpeg (683.02 KB, 1125x1411, 1125:1411, 63342319-6195-4805-B615-3….jpeg)

File: e8dacdca38fe2ed⋯.jpeg (668.64 KB, 1125x621, 125:69, EAD0604D-71CC-4C30-A676-4….jpeg)



More screenshots from immediately after the Alaska earthquake

d8fdaf  No.6933567


Yeah …. we were chosen because we were most likely to call bullshit.

So Q shit in the punch bowl to make sure we didn’t.

5c715f  No.6933568


HRC, coming soon?

4190c9  No.6933569

File: 1cc3940b6ce8457⋯.png (760.01 KB, 511x641, 511:641, Screenshot_58.png)

File: eac9c76a002de0d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 686x675, 686:675, Screenshot_53.png)

File: 75944a48991a8fd⋯.png (1.55 MB, 982x692, 491:346, Screenshot_59.png)


about 70 or 80 miles away is Mars, CA.

Alot of NASA stuff goin' on there.



7b16ab  No.6933570

File: caa06ff9ca05525⋯.png (164.17 KB, 363x348, 121:116, IMG_5443.PNG)

File: 9c633df10272788⋯.jpg (190.44 KB, 1197x800, 1197:800, IMG_5704.JPG)

File: 558d7876fed6467⋯.jpg (673.16 KB, 1508x1624, 13:14, IMG_5708.JPG)

File: 50db36ac0de1841⋯.jpg (215.64 KB, 1223x800, 1223:800, IMG_5736.JPG)


38bf2c  No.6933571

Q show Us, the DS/Cabal´s screenplay (16 years plan)


think mirror:

- Pain was for Us

- At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.

63effc  No.6933572

File: 0c5e046e5ae2b39⋯.jpg (25.03 KB, 474x316, 3:2, 0c5e046e5ae2b393c0c472ee13….jpg)

2c1659  No.6933573

File: 6d7e366564d5459⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1734x1271, 1734:1271, Point4.png)

>>6933544 ← Dubs verify.

21a3a6  No.6933574

File: dc22040e32e5a23⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 483x826, 69:118, clay.jpg)


I thank u mean senator clay davis yo

28a617  No.6933575



Q. Who needs protection?

Q. What is PAIN?

Q. What is PANIC?


Double meanings exist.

84d288  No.6933576

File: 0c1a943ab99268e⋯.png (429 KB, 543x320, 543:320, ClipboardImage.png)

01e238  No.6933577

File: c1ccdd47fd20420⋯.png (96.63 KB, 726x486, 121:81, Screen Shot 2019-07-06 at ….png)

904d54  No.6933578


>Those who can learn and absorb the impact faster can pave the way to Truth for the more resistant masses, correct?

>If so, what role would Q Team want - NEED - those anons to play during the phase where the truth starts hitting the mainstream?

I know how to use memes and infographics to wake people up. Basically, we try to shock them awake. What you're asking for us to do is soften an external shock. I don't know how to do that.

251356  No.6933579


This, i have heard. But that time has not yet come. It will pass where one will deceive the vast majority but if any have read the bible there are other things that need to happen first which have not. Therefore, T is not the AC. Also, things to come cannot be prevented by Man. GOD has a timeline that is not of our own. We cannot prevent what is to occur only know of such things and Bring ppl to Jesus. That is what we r here to do. Whatever befalls us, we need Humanity to Prevail such that we r the Light in the falling darkness. We r to beam when others are fading away. We r to bring everlasting hope to those in despair. Love is the Key. Ur heart is the Door. To unlock it, u must Believe in something extraordinary to u lease the power of the Holy Spirit & then u will see things… u have never seen. Maybe things u have felt but have never seen…

Life IS Stranger than Fiction

556461  No.6933580


>-Did Putin just kill high level cult moles in an arranged incident to send a msg?

He did make quite a show of consoling their family members, considering their names ought to be TS….

cff694  No.6933581


Excellent work, Anon.

86764c  No.6933583

File: 82d85f9343d49e1⋯.jpg (80.71 KB, 620x413, 620:413, jimmy savile - fixed it - ….jpg)


About time these scumbags get exposed.

Think Jimmy Savile.

c6cce8  No.6933584



how could you possible miss?


>several succesive USMC tweets done at 5:00 / 17:00 - pointing to Qdrops for GO TIME

The USMC did not always tweet at this time, as my posts shows, several tweets ALL done at this time is not a coinkidink.

You not baking it looks shilly af.

5d0dc2  No.6933585

File: 8987f8ab3fa1030⋯.png (22.8 KB, 389x433, 389:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72d7442f88f4bf6⋯.png (549 KB, 600x635, 120:127, ClipboardImage.png)


Mar 23, 2019


Why do I feel like Richard Dreyfus in CE-3?

What are we missing?

38bf2c  No.6933586

File: b82fe3a9901cf15⋯.png (5.66 KB, 282x127, 282:127, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6933560 Enjoy the show?

7b16ab  No.6933588

File: 208ae0ba55bb2cb⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_3422.PNG)


798649  No.6933589

File: fc254196813290d⋯.png (289.6 KB, 985x640, 197:128, Screenshot_2019-07-06 Vess….png)

Hospital Ship USNS COMFORT departed Manta, Ecuador and is headed for Lima, Peru, ETA 8 July

7723ee  No.6933590

File: e9c4363affce2f3⋯.gif (6.83 MB, 854x480, 427:240, claydavis.gif)


i meant what i meant….

and if you're giving it away…

28a617  No.6933592


Expand your thinking.

By many, many orders of magnitude.

The game anons think they are playing is a very long way from The Game being offered.

456c93  No.6933593


Pobably because they bathed it in the blood of another baby, who died for ITS sins

2c1659  No.6933594


That's why /ourguys/ scripted it as a movie.

So events can unfold, telling the story gradually in a compelling way that normies can grasp, which will even make its way to normieland through fake news.

d8fdaf  No.6933595


I don’t think Trump is the AC. Never said that.

And the things that need to happen first have already begun. Many of them can happen in a short period of time, and the AC is orchestrating it, though not publicly yet.

57b7c9  No.6933596



"We're going to Mars"

Is there a " MOON" there too?

Was on the way to Mars, according to PDJT

927c6a  No.6933597


Son has a red pocket scarf..Cosby Sr always said his son would always greet people with a "Hello friend" The whole death was weird..flat tire, never found the person responsible..so easy for parents seemly to let his death pass.

77436b  No.6933598


The Rand Group = unrelated, however, to big MIC Rand Corporation, as far as I can tell.

7b16ab  No.6933599

File: 7b62127b6e04e06⋯.gif (4.77 MB, 699x420, 233:140, IMG_3657.GIF)


29e22b  No.6933600



Sunland is a sh*thole. No way that was anything but a message to the Cabal

8b153e  No.6933602

File: f51fc0c92114ca4⋯.png (21.74 KB, 427x523, 427:523, ClipboardImage.png)


pg 160 HR-5597


e30edf  No.6933603


does the truth contains triggers to alters installed for self harm?

904d54  No.6933604


I'll have to ponder that.

c0644f  No.6933605

File: dd2a882aabeb1bb⋯.jpg (70.74 KB, 540x720, 3:4, trumposiris.jpg)

File: 69ad42a88688134⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1656x2400, 69:100, Img-1562437972153.png)

File: feeec16ed5cc466⋯.png (405.92 KB, 720x952, 90:119, Img-1562437823884.png)

File: d4dc4644e810d44⋯.png (360.74 KB, 720x1221, 240:407, Img-1562437910099.png)

File: 4311400091a23e3⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2015-1026-NBCU-The-Wiz-Abo….jpg)

Off to see the Wizzer.

The wizard of OS.




28a617  No.6933606


>What are we missing?


The Q. of the Day.

What does a MAYday signal mean.

For once, the simplest answer will suffice.

5c715f  No.6933607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's like the Yellow vest they're always here.

People want to be hear

9fb1c7  No.6933608

File: 51678fbb9a19596⋯.jpg (384.69 KB, 1915x945, 383:189, EC85712 6 Jul 19 1940.jpg)

I just noticed where this C-130 took off from in Kansas.

Police Prison Farm Airport

That's a spoopy unusual take off point - most planes we've been tracking have used Dwight D. Eisenhower Airport.

Possible notable?

068e85  No.6933609


Thanks Anon.

Project Gnome is particular difficult to find though.

That was when we planted nukes in the 1950's about 1/2 to 1 miles deep and lit it and it gave a 5 to 6.5 ish ritcher reading (I think, need to find).

Other interesting thing was that the remaining hole in the ground kept giving off steam when they opened it up. Just like 911 when we undug the buildings. Hmmm

8b153e  No.6933610

File: 04388f02a5e53b9⋯.png (60.35 KB, 642x255, 214:85, ClipboardImage.png)


shouldve been included

875eb4  No.6933611


I think Rand Corp ties to Howard Hughes.

Rescuing Prometheus

Rescuing Prometheus. By Thomas P. Hughes. New York: Pantheon, 1998. Pp. 372; illustrations, figures, notes/references, index. $28.50.

On the last page of this excellent book, Thomas P. Hughes provides a list of twenty-two pairs of evocative words and phrases, set down in parallel columns. The terms in his first column denote aspects of "modern" (pre-World War II) methods of technology, engineering, and management; those in the second stand for approaches characteristic of the "postmodern" (postwar) period. Hughes uses these shorthand "polarities," as he calls them, to compare the two eras. For example, he contrasts Taylorism in the first period with systems engineering in the second; mass production in the first versus batch production in the second; programmed control in the first as opposed to feedback control in the second; bureaucratic structures in the first versus collegial communities in the second; micromanagement in the first as against black-boxing in the second; integration in the first versus coordination in the second; hierarchical/vertical management styles in the first as opposed to flat/layered/horizontal ones in the second. [End Page 616]

The mere act of setting down this long pair of lists constitutes a series of bold generalizations on the part of the author. As they stand, they could form the basis for a course syllabus on the recent history of technology, engineering, and management. Here they appear as modest suggestions supported by the rich material that precedes them in the book. Fully developed, they would require a book at least three times as long as this one.

Certainly no historian is better qualified to posit such generalizations than is this great master. Over the last four decades, Hughes has given us a series of pathbreaking books and articles, including penetrating biographical studies of Elmer Sperry and Lewis Mumford, a strikingly well-conceptualized and deeply researched analysis of electrification in three countries, and a remarkably wise synthesis elucidating the broad enthusiasm for technology in American history from 1870 to 1970. Building on that formidable body of work, Hughes for more than ten years now has turned his historian's eye toward the daunting subject of large technological systems and has encouraged like-minded scholars in other disciplines to do the same.

In Rescuing Prometheus, Hughes analyzes the evolution of four such systems in post-World War II America. The first is the SAGE (Semiautomatic Ground Environment) effort during the 1950s to develop an air-defense system based on interconnected radar and computer installations. SAGE, says Hughes, "can be compared to the early-nineteenth-century Erie Canal project as one of the major learning experiences in technological history" (p. 15). In SAGE the learning came primarily from the use of digital computers in controlling continuous flows of information–and, hardly less important, from the ways in which the project itself evolved. In its key phases, SAGE was organized and carried out primarily by scientists and engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, along with a similar cadre from IBM. In this chapter, and throughout the book, Hughes emphasizes the modern necessity for teamwork and interdisciplinary project management in contrast to the lone inventor of romantic folklore.

The second case study is of the Atlas ICBM system, which began in 1954, was successfully tested in 1958, and then was deployed on a limited basis until replaced by the Titan and the Minuteman. Some seventy thousand people worked on Atlas, most of them for two hundred contractors and several thousand subcontractors. Here the key institutional players were the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, the RAND Corporation, Hughes Aircraft, and Caltech scientists and engineers. The innovative management team was headed on the public side by General Bernard Schriever of the U.S. Air Force and on the private side by Simon Ramo of Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation (the RW in what later became TRW). Both Schriever and Ramo were talented administrators in addition to being first-rate engineers. They managed to create an administrative structure that overcame bureaucratic hurdles, thereby facilitating the cooperative approach essential…

28a617  No.6933612


Please do.


We take this Journey Together.

4a3498  No.6933613


oh no…

7b16ab  No.6933614

File: 356e0d16fa2f33f⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 570x553, 570:553, IMG_4412.JPG)




e79a2a  No.6933615

File: b0ecdbae446b3c8⋯.png (558.99 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 1DACF17A-AF8D-4D8C-BCA7-65….png)


I keep wondering who outed the Hwood pedo ring.

Crosby ?

fa85a0  No.6933616



f0ccf1  No.6933617


> the therapy place.

what therapy place?

2c1659  No.6933618

baker add to planefag bun

>>6933608 C-130 took off from Police Prison Farm Airport in KS

5c715f  No.6933619


it's not their baby?

d774d0  No.6933620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oh boy!

5794d2  No.6933621

File: 242d659351b10fa⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 598x803, 598:803, 1552099248.jpg)



Get Some!!!











& donuts

Get some!!!

556461  No.6933622


…told you, French pilots in distress were heard by our pilots screaming Merde! Merde! (Shit! Shit!) which sounds very much like MayDay, which is our distress call.

b0c5f7  No.6933623

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB, 714x602, 51:43, bread6.png)

5ee237  No.6933624


well known. Thinthread more than anything though. No need for a person to willingly.

f0ccf1  No.6933625


weinstein— he is not a pedo

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