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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

09297b  No.6893785

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 06.27.2019

>>>/patriotsfight/471 ——————————— FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. (Cap >>6857127)

>>>/patriotsfight/470 ——————————— [OnReady] (Cap >>6857111)

>>>/patriotsfight/469 ——————————— Be ready. (Cap >>6856997)

Sunday 05.26.2019

>>6593544 ————————————–——– YOU ATTACK THOSE WHO THREATEN YOU THE MOST (Cap >>6889292)

>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (Cap >>6889269)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr? (Cap >>6837254)

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show (Cap >>6837251)

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster (Cap >>6837249)

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves. (Cap >>6837248)

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745 (Cap >>6837246)

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up (Cap >>6837245)

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'. (Cap >>6837243)

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA. (Cap >>6837240)

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ. (Cap >>6837239)

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch (Cap >>6837238)

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember (Cap >>6837236)

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap >>6837235)

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

09297b  No.6893798

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6799992 Index has been reduced to 15 pages from 25.

>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements

#8817 baker change

>>6893117 NXIVM Cult: A Mother’s Nightmare - coming soon to Lifetime Network

>>6893099 Anons thoughts to POTUS's reference to "new Sherman tanks" at the white house on July 4th gets a nom

>>6893283 Anon digs on Ellard family (plane crash in Dallas)

>>6893582, >>6893597 @Snowden on the tbale? re pb notable >>6892464 Russian Prisoner Exchange

>>6893378 updated June indictment count.

>>6893654 Bronfman, Salzman & Russell Sentencing Postponed Indefinitely

>>6893769 #8817


>>6892971 Fayetteville man charged with murder of Fort Bragg soldier.

>>6892959 James Clapper doubting POTUS.

>>6892916, >>6892942 The #FortBragg All American Access Control Point closed due to security threat.

>>6892749 Surge of 35,000 more African migrants moving through Panama en route to US.

>>6892857 EU-Swiss share trading row.

>>6892848 ThinkProgress website goes up for sale amid "severe financial strains"

>>6892791 U.S. Army making synthetic biology a priority.

>>6892781 Arizona pair caught with enough fentanyl ‘to kill thousands’.

>>6892741 Army Tweet: Operation in Niger.

>>6892654 POTUS Comments from Tucker C's Interview at the G20 Summit in Osaka.

>>6892468 US breaks record for longest period of economic expansion.

>>6892571 NASA Glenn Research Center employee killed in Elyria plane crash.

>>6892467 Trump signs law making it harder for IRS to seize money from Americans.

>>6892464 Russia requests prisoner swap deal.

>>6892459, >>6892531, >>6892643 Hunter Biden admits to entering into investment deals with China while on trips with Joe. Very important marker.

>>6892457 Zillow Grp.Chairman & President sold $10.47m in shares.

>>6892442 New York City government seeks ebola program manager.

>>6892414 Israel calls for ‘automatic’ European sanctions on Iran over uranium breach.

>>6892409 Nike pulls shoe with Betsy Ross American flag thanks to Colin Kaepernick

>>6892398 New Chicago mayor wants state taxpayer bailout of Chicago pension debts.

>>6893037 #8816


>>6892244 Ransomware hits Georgia courts.

>>6892122 July 4th math.

>>6892097 WH Tweet on POTUS and Kim meeting.

>>6891788 Hunter Biden the philandering crack head.

>>6892027 JFK - Last Speech - Keystone MEME

>>6891980 POTUS on Tucker 8pm ET.

>>6891960 McDonalds and their 'red shoe' charities.

>>6891940 RMR group sold $317m in shares(Senior Living Facility's) through 3 Trusts it owns

>>6891884 Rhode Island diocese names dozens of priests, deacons who have been ‘credibly accused’ of sexual abuse.

>>6891883 Update on the Facebook sarin situation.

>>6891740 We are still the keystone in the arch of freedom. -JFK

>>6891777 Portland PD looking for this guy.

>>6891766 Sara Carter Tweets on foreign aid fraud.

>>6891765 Vox features a pro-gun article written by an anarchist.

>>6891763 Texas plane crash victim's details.

>>6891734 Scott Israel intends to run for his old job.

>>6891695 Bob Dorian has died.

>>6891676 Hong Kong's defiant chief executive condemns protesters.

>>6891659 Warren Buffett donates $3.6 billion to Gates' and family charities.

>>6891648 Luis Alvarez has died. o7

>>6891588 Guadalajara hit by freak hail storm.

>>6891566 Bodies falling from the sky in London.

>>6891556 DJT Tweet: "I will be interviewed by @TuckerCarlson tonight at 8:00pm on @FoxNews!"

>>6891541 DJT Tweet: "It was great being with Chairman Kim Jong Un of North Korea this weekend..."

>>6891535 DJT Tweet: "I am excited to announce that @MercedesSchlapp will soon be joining our Campaign..."

>>6892264 #8815

Previously Collected Notables

>>6889934 #8812, >>6890569 #8813, >>6891461 #8814

>>6887606 #8809, >>6888389 #8810, >>6889129 #8811

>>6885264 #8806, >>6886006 #8807, >>6886810 #8808

>>6882889 #8803, >>6883720 #8804, >>6884499 #8805

>>6880612 #8800, >>6881459 #8801, >>6882174 #8802

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

09297b  No.6893802

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

International Q Research Threads:


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6860560

Q Graphics all in EST


4864f3  No.6893803

File: 7c25c317e9990a6⋯.jpeg (560.22 KB, 1242x1233, 138:137, F7770CCC-DD00-456E-95A1-C….jpeg)

09297b  No.6893807

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 45,000+ memes & infographs - 13 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames

A few direct-linked folders in the Mega library

--> Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

--> QNN blanks https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

--> Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery 1300+ safe-for-work memes for the curious + newly redpilled https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA

NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6692040 , >>6744237

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

4864f3  No.6893809



789c61  No.6893834

Hey anons! PortlandAnon back (yet again). Thought I'd give you guys an update. We think we have a case against the city of Portland now, we're actively raising funds for a class action lawsuit to pound these assholes into oblivion. Not asking anyone to donate, but if you can help spread the word it would be a lot to us here (Portland Patriot Prayer).


d7f447  No.6893839

File: f9955dbdc66a76b⋯.jpg (180.1 KB, 1400x787, 1400:787, 997575719d9ca80da7a29b2f78….jpg)

2 q sherman related posts

FAKE NEWS consolidation [propaganda arm of the D party].

Define Antitrust Law(s).


The Sherman Act outlaws "every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade," and any "monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize."


"The FTC's competition mission is to enforce the rules of the competitive marketplace — the antitrust laws. These laws promote vigorous competition and protect consumers from anticompetitive mergers and business practices."







Billionaire(s) 187.


Safety House Build.

U1 Funnel >> Canada >> X


>Barry Sherman Justin Trudeau: Sherman Deaths, Five Eyes Spying, Clinton Safe House, Uranium One

56064c  No.6893843

File: b4c85f3a68c2955⋯.png (51.22 KB, 519x435, 173:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eaa0ee772076b1⋯.png (372.7 KB, 919x711, 919:711, ClipboardImage.png)

Georgia Court System Hit By Ransomware Attack

Headlines started hitting the wires after 11 am Monday about a ransomware attack that has brought down Georgia Courts' digital information operations. Officials confirmed to WXIA Atlanta that the website for Georgia's Administrative Office of the Courts and Judicial Council of Georgia had been down all morning.

Georgia Courts spokesman Bruce Shaw said all systems hadn't been affected, but the network as a whole was taken down to quarantine the infection. Shaw said the IT department would be meeting with "external agencies" (FBI Atlanta) on Monday afternoon to asses the severity of the attack.

Shaw didn't disclose how much the hackers demanded to unlock an unknown amount of computers from the crippling ransomware. There was no mention of what type of payment they required if it was cryptocurrency or US dollars.

Government officials said private data isn't stored on the systems that were affected, and that no social security or other personal information was compromised.

A ransomware attack is often software code that holds a user's computer hostage until a "ransom" fee is paid. Ransomware often infiltrates computers as a self-replicating malware that duplicates itself to spread to uninfected computers.


09297b  No.6893849

File: e263069fb4e68ba⋯.png (574.59 KB, 535x713, 535:713, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83f6b5a4b82188a⋯.png (410.09 KB, 825x550, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06c72e3f2795e15⋯.png (673.63 KB, 530x640, 53:64, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 180591b8dbef4ff⋯.png (211.57 KB, 519x519, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



dough post

can bake 1 more but next bread at the dough i gtg

handoff now if you want to bake

80a80e  No.6893850


“Pounding assholes into oblivion”, is a precarious statement.

Be careful!

6a83e0  No.6893851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'



6a83e0  No.6893854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


92bf68  No.6893855

File: 60e39e5780568dc⋯.jpg (39 KB, 480x480, 1:1, LOOTING MEME_n.jpg)

>>6892749 (pb)

Because we need more dumb yambos here. Great.

56064c  No.6893856

Bus Crash in Argentina Kills at Least 13, 30 Injured – Reports

At least 13 people were killed and 30 more injured in a bus crash in the Argentine province of Tucuman, local media reported.

The incident involved a bus carrying pensioners heading from the city of Mendoza for the resort city of Termas de Rio Hondo on Monday, the Nacion media outlet reported.

#URGENTE Volcó un micro que trasladaba a un grupo de jubilados en Tucumán: al menos 13 muertos y 20 heridos. pic.twitter.com/oGUrR7AZeG

— Juan Amorín (@juan_amorin) 1 июля 2019 г.

The bus reportedly overturned after the driver lost control of the vehicle. Dense fog and poor visibility are believed to have contributed to the crash.

Tragedia en Tucuman. Volcó un micro que trasladaba un contingente de jubilados. Hay al menos 13 fallecidos y 35 heridos. pic.twitter.com/WqSUSTomr0

— Diario La Unión (@LaUnionDiario) 1 июля 2019 г.

Local authorities have reportedly launched an investigation into the tragedy.


40+ killed in an India bus crash yesterday also!


8448d5  No.6893857

99dec8  No.6893858


Notables anon.

8eb435  No.6893859

File: c90c6d3f48bed51⋯.jpeg (84.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, B7B51C99-39A6-443F-A4F7-0….jpeg)

Milkshakes are racist.

c409b7  No.6893860

Do we have any updates on Sealed Indictments yet?

6a83e0  No.6893861

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)

File: cfc1d1921e5ad16⋯.jpg (179.84 KB, 393x912, 131:304, (((they))).jpg)

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, ((.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, (.jpg)

021e5b  No.6893862

File: 539cbac64865def⋯.jpeg (172.7 KB, 828x820, 207:205, A8C285E0-84AC-4595-9D96-8….jpeg)

6a83e0  No.6893863

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

File: 6d299b6b5a198a3⋯.gif (188.74 KB, 817x818, 817:818, JIDF.gif)

File: bdfdd44855b6ec7⋯.jpeg (145.78 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_aggots.jpeg)

File: adedf5ad903086d⋯.jpeg (147.64 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_faggots.jpeg)

ec3178  No.6893864

File: 303cee1a12dde48⋯.jpg (5.64 KB, 194x259, 194:259, download.jpg)


Uh, ok. Whatever rows your boat, anon.

d88b4a  No.6893865

>>6893786 lb


d7f447  No.6893866


Toronto homicide detectives have confirmed Barry and Honey Sherman were targeted and killed six weeks ago, strangled, then held upright by leather belts looped around the smooth stainless steel railing of their home’s indoor pool.

From first-day reports in December that it was a murder-suicide to Friday’s stunning announcement of double homicide by the lead Toronto police investigator, Det.-Sgt. Susan Gomes, the case has captured international headlines.

reminds me of the scarves and door knobs

753667  No.6893867

File: 225aff5ed3b201a⋯.jpg (89.09 KB, 640x845, 128:169, guttermind11.jpg)


6a83e0  No.6893868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



McDonalds caught using human baby meat in their burgers

6a83e0  No.6893869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Is Anything in McDonald's Kosher? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

3c9c15  No.6893870

File: 69becaa19038388⋯.jpg (190.16 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 96ef26a7b43e3dfd35d4158d0c….jpg)


>Georgia Court System Hit By Ransomware Attack

Cover for nuking evidence?

70bfe7  No.6893871

File: 88960f255e7527a⋯.png (224.28 KB, 558x447, 186:149, foundedbyjews.png)

d61197  No.6893872

this board this room this post…..

all it says/proves/demonstrates > is we are divided

Q= they want you divided = you are divided = Q is no retreat from the divided world you are living in = mention assembly of the patriots = no you faggot shill = so don't do anything to save you or your family = wait for your government/your keeper/ your oppressor because they care…….

If patriots peacefully assemble, does not = violence, if attacked demonstrating your first amendment right, you have your 2nd amendment right to self defense. shills reply here….

wait what wait for those who enslaved you and allowed you to be in this situation, cause they are working on it.

isn't passivity and waiting for someone else to act how we got here?

Oh wait, everything will change in 3 days….. can you be any easier to mislead? you just don't want to risk what you have to effect change, and Q bakers and annons helped you stay there.

(for effect, I truly hope that I have just become to jaded and let down to hope, not even for 3 more days)

On Independence day when nothing happens to benefit patriots may you recognize that your inaction and inability to think for yourself has led WWG1WGA led you to further enslavement of the 99%

Then look around and see if you were placated just long enough to get all the controlling pieces in place….

At least you can feel good about yourself that you tried… ha ha you did nothing, now you and your family are fucked, because you were here and went on the list

I will se you in the grave or reeducation camp… YEAH we dug 1 more story of corruption, and waited for the corrupt to do something about it. Oh that didn't work out so well. ah shucks

Good Luck

Happy enslavement day

789c61  No.6893873



I guess I should clarify for the media. By that I mean: "We're going to sue the ever living shit out of them".

6a83e0  No.6893874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

f5e951  No.6893875

>>6893750 (lb)

childrens blood = "The Fountain of Youth" (immortality) for them

because of course they want to be immortal

they all know the very real hell that awaits them after death

d75ae0  No.6893876

File: 84f28af04bab422⋯.png (637.73 KB, 1238x700, 619:350, b_B.png)

Ding, dong!

Joe Biden is dead. Long live Joe Bidan!

6a83e0  No.6893877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Rabbi Admits that White Genocide is the Goal

65fb4d  No.6893878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c09886  No.6893879

Italy arrests 18 for allegedly brainwashing and selling children

Italian police have arrested 18 people including a mayor, doctors and social workers for allegedly brainwashing vulnerable children into thinking their parents had abused them so they could then be sold to foster parents.


11e054  No.6893880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


f6af4c  No.6893881

I am sure these illegals have drank worst then Toilet water.

But hey!!! don't come you will be forced to drink Toilet water!!!

Stay Home

e58a04  No.6893882


We find these muhj00z to be self evident…

3c9c15  No.6893883

File: 2382e3a582aa71a⋯.jpeg (127.39 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, 2382e3a582aa71afa887e44cb….jpeg)



e7b538  No.6893884

File: 423103baba05368⋯.png (704.3 KB, 1423x1357, 1423:1357, Capture _2019-07-01-20-35-….png)

7 people identified from Texas plane crash that killed 10


a53b65  No.6893885

AOC saying Border Patrol made people drink out of toilets. Now we know that's not true. Where did this woman come from. Who is she? Why did she pop up out of nowhere. think about it. uh oh Captcha now.

41db21  No.6893886

File: c572b3968405c69⋯.jpg (19.41 KB, 255x245, 51:49, heart pepe.jpg)

Catching up. Thanks bakers for notables.

>>6892749 (pb) African migrants in Panama. Congolese migrants in San Antonio with $100 bills. Someone needs to figure this out. It's trafficking.

>>6891740 (pb) Keystone speech JFK.

This one makes anon feel amazing. It's a big confirmation. That it's notable without a single response leads one to believe it's THING.

We are the ones we've been waiting for.

And to think anon was considering a few days off.


80a80e  No.6893887



Much lower potential to excite the gays.

6a83e0  No.6893888

File: bf0771e07b61921⋯.jpg (216.32 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, hen.jpg)

File: 69f467379e886ea⋯.jpg (75.1 KB, 474x474, 1:1, henn.jpg)

File: bbc4b9ae059e17b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 730x481, 730:481, henny.jpg)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny.png)

File: 79b413019752540⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1463x1023, 133:93, henny_.png)

a8a5c9  No.6893889


Good god you are dumb

8448d5  No.6893890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons ready for the gas, gas, gas?

Feelz me bar

70bfe7  No.6893891

File: 31ebbf803b2ced1⋯.png (242.2 KB, 583x428, 583:428, jidfshilljew.png)

a830e5  No.6893892

File: 9692a360a716a4e⋯.jpg (53.22 KB, 510x382, 255:191, 0a9b716542913b595a20a56dc0….jpg)


6a83e0  No.6893893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda

d7f447  No.6893894


not sure but OIG Horriwitz is done with his investigation, just needs to put it in writing but lots of it will be classified, seems as if things are going to continue to move very slowly.

594558  No.6893895

File: 7c3371a37121488⋯.png (663.83 KB, 795x687, 265:229, 2019-07-01 Thousand Oaks m….png)

WTF? They arrested him for what? Read the article. Makes no sense.


a7d79f  No.6893896

File: 407b7225e41a16b⋯.jpg (113.47 KB, 900x675, 4:3, AOCIsAPlant.jpg)

e58a04  No.6893897

File: f6f4e3d48759f13⋯.jpg (141 KB, 500x592, 125:148, NiceTryDefamers.jpg)


Try harder.

6e2044  No.6893898


3d59a6  No.6893899

File: 774c100ee6aca5a⋯.png (21.43 KB, 532x267, 532:267, swalwell and guns.PNG)

Swalwell did a twitter poll on gun control at 5:39 PM - 1 Jul 2019

Results with 21 hours left as of 8:30 PM PST (11:30 EST) July 1 2019… (image related)


6a83e0  No.6893900

File: a73f1726913830e⋯.png (757.46 KB, 800x522, 400:261, T_chim.png)

File: a4a6ec44f66b8c9⋯.png (357.71 KB, 714x750, 119:125, T_door.png)

File: 820f7b0aff72e19⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 704x696, 88:87, T_doors.jpg)

File: 2eabc03fc74bbe1⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1200x816, 25:17, T_gas_laws.png)

File: dae2263e6749fd8⋯.png (443.74 KB, 720x883, 720:883, T_holocoaster.png)



https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

ec3178  No.6893901


"In the event of a water landing, there is a flotation device…. uhh, nevermind."

99dec8  No.6893902


or an attempt to stop the indictments from being executed.

344db2  No.6893903

File: 5db06ad3ffc74b4⋯.jpg (21.19 KB, 480x377, 480:377, b4e03efbae29662a29ceeda290….jpg)

6a83e0  No.6893904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Old Newspaper Read's Six million Jews Died in 1915 1938 Before Hitler was in power.

70bfe7  No.6893905

File: 7d2213c0595137c⋯.png (245.91 KB, 583x428, 583:428, jewneedsphyschi.png)

753667  No.6893906


Sisters maybe

70bfe7  No.6893907

File: 68788413365b395⋯.png (251.47 KB, 583x428, 583:428, shittyjidfmeme001.png)

f5e951  No.6893908


wrong link dam it lol

got too much rust

gotta shake all the twitter out of my system

d7f447  No.6893909


swallowswell defeated again

2nd choice kind of reads we love guns and kids

e58a04  No.6893910

File: bfcd063e16ed6c0⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1321x1080, 1321:1080, TheBoomersKnow.png)



that's a little more interesting, at least.

77e371  No.6893911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"So we shot down an unmanned drone. . . "


6a83e0  No.6893912

File: 34aff72a70e3dc0⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x419, 600:419, 34aff72a70e3dc0.jpg)

File: 41a8728b81c8680⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 34919513_11220.jpg)

File: 1dbcddc8f833b24⋯.png (638.1 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, lovekids.png)

File: 850d9847a1d4b65⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 500x237, 500:237, pedo_rabbi.jpg)

File: c4bf028343a9ac3⋯.jpg (162.78 KB, 555x637, 555:637, mason_8.jpg)

097017  No.6893913

Bill Cooper worked for the Jew government…blamed white people for it's problems…said some weird things about aliens and UFOs…married an Asian…

…and was replaced by Alex Jones…

That's his legacy.

Now fuck off if you want to infuse more anti white bullshit into the story.

I'm glad that useful idiot is dead.

He wasn't on my team.

Enjoy the book sales…

We moved on to what is actually happening…

Not spooky bullshit….

c409b7  No.6893914


Painfully slow optics wise. May be moving fast behind the scenes, but most would never know it!

538be9  No.6893915

File: f47f1f3b6661674⋯.png (312.98 KB, 677x441, 677:441, google-nest-commercial.png)

"Google Nest" did not post the commercial that is showing on cable channels - at least on the YouTube channel of the same name.

This commercial shows a little girl putting makeup on an older man, when the doorbell rings. Since the man is busy (w little girl on his lap) he opens up the system to see who is at the door.


This video only shows a short piece of that commercial.

The other commercials also reflect an agenda of some kind.

There's a dirty boy coming home, crying babies, lots of crying going on, people kissing – and how handy Google Nest is.

the video likely won't post on the chan

Introducing Google Nest


at 00:00:24 google nest hub commercial with little girl and grown man

just one of the weird visuals about the control box to your home

especially when you don't want to stop what you are doing

the song? "no you're not alone, I'm gonna make this place your home"

d75ae0  No.6893916

File: 2fa6a954dfbe2ff⋯.jpg (104.43 KB, 742x556, 371:278, Triggered.jpg)

6a83e0  No.6893917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

b99c55  No.6893918

File: bfd80a9e0a72b4d⋯.png (219.96 KB, 399x507, 133:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c50fcd731b490e⋯.png (3.29 MB, 1600x1155, 320:231, ClipboardImage.png)

Prime Minister Netanyahu met with US Senators @LindseyGrahamSC and @ChrisVanHollen.

They discussed regional issues, including Iran and Syria. The PM noted the importance of increasing the pressure on Iran. The senators stressed the continuation of bipartisan support for Israel.


1:12 PM - 1 Jul 2019

ec3178  No.6893919


This affected the state system, not fed.

31f32d  No.6893920

File: e097832cba941b3⋯.png (6.99 KB, 220x94, 110:47, ClipboardImage.png)


brother and sister, or just brothers.

611d95  No.6893921

File: 1ab0b00cb3fb7ba⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1225x1938, 1225:1938, kenya plane body london ga….png)

File: e3669758be90c43⋯.png (909.31 KB, 1767x1251, 589:417, garden qdrops.png)


I could interpret this news 4 different ways (already notable).

6a83e0  No.6893922

File: d1db08416013162⋯.jpg (431.04 KB, 724x467, 724:467, 911m.jpg)

File: 2244aff239c5bf2⋯.jpg (108.4 KB, 743x754, 743:754, 911n.jpg)

File: 6f817acf7b17407⋯.jpg (67.65 KB, 474x492, 79:82, 911o.jpg)

File: 0c6fbcccf46d64b⋯.jpg (92.99 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 911p.jpg)

File: 72e4fc13206571b⋯.jpg (63.4 KB, 474x408, 79:68, 911q.jpg)

344db2  No.6893923

File: 5cb79b82945efcd⋯.gif (379.91 KB, 500x317, 500:317, 59f2c2a7621a2d4c8370561f41….gif)

ebea99  No.6893924


Wouldn't want the MSM to think that you are a faggot.

a8a5c9  No.6893925


yeah, idiots trigger me. Thought thats why were all here.

11e054  No.6893926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6a83e0  No.6893927

File: 4eb7dfe7e272877⋯.jpg (354.9 KB, 1180x1180, 1:1, 911a.jpg)

File: 7e54986d81bd9e4⋯.jpg (55.86 KB, 500x330, 50:33, 911b.jpg)

File: 173ebd86e5f0bc0⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 520x400, 13:10, 911c.jpg)

File: ee0f0a9b83ae921⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 3464x3245, 3464:3245, 911d.jpg)

File: 7ef56ee0abf53e3⋯.jpg (82.23 KB, 474x627, 158:209, 911e.jpg)

534cf4  No.6893928


The leopard print is a nice touch. Tells me she is from Jersey.

d75ae0  No.6893929

File: 4fb43aaf57f282a⋯.jpg (102.38 KB, 742x556, 371:278, Projection.jpg)

6a83e0  No.6893930

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: ac2ffcdd91e02fa⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 720x984, 30:41, blood.jpg)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)

a0f782  No.6893931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here… wanna SEE I Daniel"



P.S. THIS IS Daniel.

P.S. AS WRITTEN… Daniel is biased.

8eb435  No.6893932

File: 61451b75ea1ac5f⋯.jpeg (633.65 KB, 1531x1752, 1531:1752, 806AA3D8-4460-41BB-A45B-1….jpeg)


c2fe09  No.6893933

>>6893680 (LB)

Pffft, Hussein's refugees get unlimited housing, food stamps, phones, cars, medical assistance, free education and more. The NYC homeless should have held out for Hussein's Refugee Deal. They got screwed.

753667  No.6893934

File: 12396dde41fc78d⋯.jpg (80.4 KB, 620x827, 620:827, 12396dde41fc78d8ef9ca4fa15….jpg)

41db21  No.6893935


Good evening. Really enjoying the new graphics.

655b1e  No.6893936

File: 51894c742e9bb1e⋯.png (933.79 KB, 819x546, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Dunkin' dumps store owners for hiring undocumented workers

The world famous doughnut maker Dunkin', outraged that some franchises are not using the required E-Verify system to make sure its workers are documented, has moved to oust the owners and take over the restaurants. According to several reports, the Massachusetts-based breakfast and lunch restaurant, which recently changed its name from Dunkin' Donuts, has sued to stop those franchise owners from operating.

The most recent suits were filed in Delaware and Pennsylvania, “amid what appears to be a crackdown on franchisees employment verification practices,” according to Restaurant Business. A post from Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, said, “Each of the lawsuits is similar. They each said that Dunkin’ reviewed employment verification documents and practices, found violations at the subject franchisee companies, terminated the operators’ franchise agreements and then swiftly moved to remove the franchisees from the restaurants.” And the Center for Immigration Studies, citing a Law360 report, said, “the corporation filed a suit against multiple former franchisees ‘with locations in Pennsylvania and Delaware’ stating that they were ‘sullying the coffee chain's reputation … [when they] engaged in illegal hiring practices in breach of their contracts.’"' It added, “The franchisees had failed to use the E-Verify program as their contracts required, according to DD's lawyers. E-Verify is a government-provided system that informs employers whether or not a worker is in legal status. There is no charge for its usage.”'''

The doughnut, sandwich, and coffee firm has said it won’t comment on pending legislation. The administration has put on a big push for corporate America to use the E-Verify system that checks on the legal working status of potential workers.


f038e8  No.6893937

Trump announces delayed immigration raids will happen after July 4


44c7d3  No.6893938

File: 97ca31ccdb30931⋯.jpg (531.83 KB, 1967x1475, 1967:1475, image.jpg)

File: 528e65275b1d331⋯.jpg (403.03 KB, 1951x1463, 1951:1463, image.jpg)

File: 6ed095cc6ba27e5⋯.jpg (499.66 KB, 1910x1432, 955:716, image.jpg)

File: 1e3e069686e439e⋯.jpg (447.3 KB, 1959x1470, 653:490, image.jpg)

File: 88e69c2790a0e3d⋯.jpg (512.68 KB, 1940x1455, 4:3, image.jpg)

It's all a big game. All fake. All a paper tiger. But suddenly, they have nuclear tech after POTUS was elected…


a8a5c9  No.6893939


and now i never see you again. Thanks for being a dumbshit who cant accept an actual explanation on something because "muh pictures"

711b4e  No.6893940


Sounds like Kim knows it is not Biden. Also, trump clearly says Biden is in trouble. He could have used @biden but chose bidan.

I wonder if IQ means something else.

b5eee7  No.6893941



d97f28  No.6893942

File: 14bf223d8ae69ca⋯.png (832.5 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: caccb00ba90b818⋯.png (829.07 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)



e898fc  No.6893943


Good. Blessings patriots, prayers to you to land a fair judge.

ea4ead  No.6893944

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: d76b18baf04cb63⋯.png (140.3 KB, 540x582, 90:97, 337ea5137718aa (2).png)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: 076ad568b012b3f⋯.png (508.89 KB, 640x594, 320:297, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

c3ebaa  No.6893945

I don't know how liong I can watch it. I have spent 5 minutes so far.

State of Hate

The Rise of White Nationalism

They had a little tidbit of how Hitler studied out nations laws.

ea4ead  No.6893946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

a53b65  No.6893947


that's exactly what's she's doing. cause NOBODY can be this stupid. Great actress if you ask me. Where does she live? who are her parents? She just pops up and brings in Green New Deal which is a complete joke if you read it. PLANT!!

11e054  No.6893948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> http://hill.cm/rncudIi

c09886  No.6893949

File: cc276531867451a⋯.png (13.3 KB, 605x197, 605:197, twatwaffle.png)


If you vote might as well vote on this one too.



594558  No.6893950


I really like their CEO. She called out Starbucks for their political BS.

She rocks.

f3a56f  No.6893951


Congrats breadshitter…

ea4ead  No.6893952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

097017  No.6893953


Name his accomplishments…

He worked FOR…

Waco. Ruby Ridge.

He was a fucking traitor.

Yeah I said it.

Asian wife.


ebea99  No.6893954


Woodland camo, not seen that on a tank in awhile.

534cf4  No.6893955


Please explain combat ready sunglasses. Like. Not as ready for combat as Wiley X or Oakley? What am I missing? We talking mil spec like ANSI whatever # will not frag your eye if the lens cracks?

ea4ead  No.6893956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





d75ae0  No.6893957

File: 8287e405845a154⋯.jpg (67.77 KB, 742x556, 371:278, boring.jpg)


It doesn't have to be that way. Sauce makes everything exciting! Bring some next time!

ea4ead  No.6893958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



f5e951  No.6893959


well not single handedly but

it is a solid theory i must admit

98eefd  No.6893960

File: d23df268fd61751⋯.png (96.83 KB, 561x204, 11:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Check out this faggy lib calling "hernandez" a white supremacist. It doesn't even know what world its in.

99dec8  No.6893961


Yeah, but they ARE stupid.

41db21  No.6893962

File: 84577092fbfa283⋯.png (223.45 KB, 483x392, 69:56, Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at ….png)


This explains the Dunk In military post this morning.


1830c4  No.6893963

File: d39201893e4e3e0⋯.jpg (83.29 KB, 820x626, 410:313, T1.JPG)

File: 4408821f8051b61⋯.jpg (94.56 KB, 845x728, 65:56, T2.JPG)


ea4ead  No.6893964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



8ffa2d  No.6893965

>>6893664 lb

The elite are Rh negative so they'd be looking for the O negative children since that type can only receive blood transfusions from other O negatives.

But it's also about the melanin. Look into how melanin is connected to adrenaline. It's basically a precursor to adrenaline. So the more melanin, the more adrenochrome that's readily available in the blood. So sad.

Nice research and even more if you include some sauce. ;-)

ea4ead  No.6893966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Canaanites, why God destroyed them ?

f6af4c  No.6893967


Tanks protecting Potus July 4

844897  No.6893968

File: 178cda29261e0ec⋯.jpg (136.12 KB, 800x578, 400:289, Top Zog.jpg)

6fb490  No.6893969

File: 89a6e0122b6eed0⋯.jpg (141.72 KB, 967x635, 967:635, k5.jpg)

File: 8ea4a009ac455f0⋯.jpg (162.14 KB, 600x800, 3:4, k8.jpg)

File: 36678f1f9471eec⋯.png (304.7 KB, 706x529, 706:529, k3.png)

File: a37b796b77016b0⋯.png (825.58 KB, 1175x738, 1175:738, k2.png)

File: 8485e3343a456bd⋯.jpg (468.14 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, k1.jpg)

Katherine Belyea Katherine is a Toronto-based stage manager and arts administrator. She/he/it now goes by Corbyn Belyea. Responsible for preparing concrete milkshakes and throwing them at journalist Andy Ngo in Portland




https://www.flickr.com/photos/posy07/ flickr account


https://www.flickr.com/photos/plspls/7702438564/ another flickr account

https://archive.fo/v46eW Denise Belyea Mager mother

https://vimeo.com/216866096 video of Katherine Belyea




d97f28  No.6893970

File: 198c87fe7e23dbc⋯.png (499.78 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Border Patrol head condemns agents’ offensive Facebook posts

The head of the U.S. Border Patrol on Monday slammed as “completely inappropriate” sexually explicit posts about U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and comments questioning the authenticity of a photo of a drowned man and his young daughter in a secret Facebook group for agents.

The existence of the group was reported by ProPublica as roughly a dozen members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Democrats Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Veronica Escobar of Texas, toured border facilities where attorneys said they had found migrant children living in fetid, filthy conditions.

Some of the posts were graphic, doctored images of Ocasio-Cortez, including one that shows a smiling President Donald Trump forcing her head toward his crotch. Other comments refer to Ocasio-Cortez and Escobar as “hoes,” and one member encouraged agents to throw a “burrito at these bitches.”

Ocasio-Cortez said she wasn’t surprised by the posts, especially after the treatment of migrants she said she witnessed at the facility.

“It’s just indicative of the violent culture that we saw,” she said.

d1e2b6  No.6893971

Time to feed. What's on the menu for late dinner anons?

f5e951  No.6893972


he worded the second to show that people love guns more than kids

people voted without really seeing what he was doing


he will use it

ea4ead  No.6893973

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: 4876f795f3689f4⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 2709x2709, 1:1, canaaitesexgods.jpg)

File: c8b68d4af638b59⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 474x244, 237:122, donkey_cult.jpg)

File: 149fc09366a1918⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 474x389, 474:389, gay.jpg)

File: 4ad7dd1eb2a704f⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, their_god.jpg)

437524  No.6893975

File: dd0a75177d78066⋯.png (280.47 KB, 400x297, 400:297, ClipboardImage.png)


Lots of these bus crashes lately

ea4ead  No.6893976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

097017  No.6893977


One is monkeys one is not.

Let me guess…

Your a fucking monkey.


5e1fa5  No.6893978


Sounds like he was arrested for being under the influence of something, and that the initial 'investigation' was based on absolutely nothing.

56064c  No.6893979

File: 0edddc5cbf7c5bb⋯.png (1.19 MB, 904x853, 904:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07ec29871d8dc62⋯.png (894.73 KB, 906x817, 906:817, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e6070d14ebcfae⋯.png (996.31 KB, 905x861, 905:861, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a5892f12a17283⋯.png (1.13 MB, 879x854, 879:854, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 469de524bd4af80⋯.png (58.32 KB, 874x347, 874:347, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Mossad’s Playground’: France is Israel’s ‘Center of International Activity’

‘Mossad’s Playground’: France is Israel’s ‘Center of International Activity’


The French capital has become the key “center of international activity” for Israel’s infamous Mossad, according to an article published this week in leading national newspaper Le Monde, which cites senior French intelligence officials.

An unnamed intelligence source quoted throughout the article concisely and strikingly sums up the extent of Mossad’s Parisian penetration — “the city is Mossad’s playground”, in which they are “conducting themselves with great aggression”.

“Our ability to react to their actions is limited. They are rushing to play the diplomatic card and filing a complaint to the office of the Prime Minister and the French president. The French are not able to prevent certain Jews in France from providing help in planning and logistics. France’s hands are tied…[we have] many issues in common with Israel,” the anonymous source despaired.

One key Mossad operation apparently planned and launched from “an improvised operations room equipped with computers and encoded phones” in Bercy, Paris was the controversial 2010 assassination of Hamas chief Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh in January 2010, according to Le Monde — it was previously thought Austria had been used as the group’s informal headquarters.


711b4e  No.6893980


Lots of Italy connections lately.

PapaD tweets

Hussein visits twice

NY help crash owned by Malta diplomat from Italy with daughter who visits there often

Texas plane crash….one wife from Italy. The husband opens restaurant with ex bil, an Italian chef.(ellard?)

Other dead couple visits their daughter in Italy(theron?)

2b59a0  No.6893981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.

a53b65  No.6893982

In speaking with Tucker, POTUS called Biden, OBiden. did anyone catch that? funny shit. OBiden

/. yon//ker

44c7d3  No.6893983


Exactly!! Don't like cages and toilet water?? DON'T FUCKIN COME HERE!!! This ain't the MFing Hilton assholes!!

How can Dems be THIS fuckin stupid? The VAST majority in this country are NOT sympathetic to ILLEGAL ALIENS bc they are fed the fuck up with this bullshit INVASION.

2020 is going to be EPIC.

2b59a0  No.6893984

File: 05bb42321672f1c⋯.png (310.52 KB, 696x688, 87:86, scofield.png)

5d7737  No.6893985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6893099 (lb)


e58a04  No.6893986



I've been saying Obiden in the last few days…

b5eee7  No.6893987


Go back to grade school and learn punctuation and grammar, Shill.

Rebbit rocks for you.

6fc58f  No.6893988

File: 806ff6f96347cc3⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 4b6bca5c00d321022b2717eeef….gif)



Need you ask?

fdc530  No.6893989


Gonna need moar sauce to convince this anon that person in pic 1 is the same as person in the rest.

Gots it?

d97f28  No.6893990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

594558  No.6893991


What I was thinking. Fuckery.

Wonder where he posts.

8ffa2d  No.6893992

File: 4fccecfdf7f1989⋯.jpg (100.96 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, casper_the_friendly_ghost_….jpg)


Nope bitch.

c8cd5f  No.6893993

China has been conducting a series of anti-ship ballistic missile tests in the hotly contested waters of the South China Sea, according to two U.S. officials with knowledge of the matter.

The Chinese carried out the first test over the weekend, firing off at least one missile into the sea, one official said. The window for testing remains open until July 3, and the official expects the Chinese military to test again before it closes.


f5e951  No.6893994


"No. We love Guns (greater than) Kids"

is how he put it

effectively given people who support gun rights no good choice in his poll

ea9a8a  No.6893995

d982c2  No.6893996


How is this not illegal? Having a leader of another country circumvent the President and approach lawmakers for favor.

I hope this is enough evidence to show senators colluding tpwith enemies. Perhaps it will be enough once 911 attackers are revealed.

f038e8  No.6893997

File: 49a85fc3c308f1c⋯.png (366.2 KB, 508x425, 508:425, ClipboardImage.png)

The Hill Slaps Obama-Era Photo Of Kids In Cages On Story About Trump Detention Centers

The Hill, a national political news outlet, erroneously tied a 2014 photo of migrant children sleeping in cages to a story about the current conditions of detention facilities at the border under the Trump administration.

The article in question was about a visit Democratic lawmakers paid to a Clint, Texas, Border Patrol station to investigate allegedly poor conditions in the detention center.

A photo featured with the article on social media, however, showed conditions at a separate camp in Arizona in 2014 under the Obama administration, which was dealing with a flood of unaccompanied minors at the time.

In fact, the photo has been used so many times to dishonestly attack the Trump administration’s immigration policies, that the Associated Press wrote a fact check about the issue in May 2018.

“2014 photo wrongly used to hit Trump policies,” AP said, noting that the photos were taken by one of its photographers at the Customs and Border Protection Agency in Nogales, Arizona.

The Daily Caller previously reported on the overlooked conditions in Obama-era detention centers last year and pointed out that children were often left sleeping in cages and on the floor with nothing but foil blankets.


ea9a8a  No.6893998

Cant wait for sex

d1e2b6  No.6893999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

753667  No.6894000


The amount of people both of them have red pilled even makes Q look like a armature. Now lets list your accomplishments

d7f447  No.6894001

is that a sherman?


3c9c15  No.6894002

File: b468fefaa4f7150⋯.jpeg (199.86 KB, 950x1425, 2:3, 1163b6a8_tumblr_mgu5htAKc….jpeg)

75d8ae  No.6894003

–What the sam hell are we waiting for?–

d97f28  No.6894004

File: 6dc156d85720d5c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 647x934, 647:934, ClipboardImage.png)

655b1e  No.6894005

File: 62404626f8a8d59⋯.png (605.75 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump signs bipartisan IRS reform bill

President Trump on Monday signed into law a bipartisan bill to make improvements to the IRS that does not include a controversial provision that would have codified the Free File program for low- and middle-income taxpayers. Trump told reporters in the Oval Office that he signed the bill, known as the Taxpayer First Act, calling it a "tremendous thing for our citizens." The bill’s signing comes after the House and the Senate passed the bill by voice vote. “This signing is the culmination of a lengthy, bipartisan process undertaken by the Ways and Means Committee to implement pro-taxpayer reforms at the IRS for the first time in more than 20 years,” House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) said in a statement. “New protections for low-income taxpayers, practical enforcement reforms and upgraded assistance for taxpayers and small businesses will all now go into place.”

The top Republican on the committee, Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas), also praised the measure’s enactment. “Thank you to President Trump for signing this historic legislation, which is the biggest and boldest step in over 20 years to redesign and restructure the IRS into an agency with a singular mission — quality taxpayer service,” he said. Brady and Rep. Mike Kelly (Pa.), the top Republican on the Ways and Means Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight, were in the Oval Office when Trump spoke.

The law makes a host of targeted improvements to the IRS, aimed at bolstering its customer service, modernizing its information technology, helping victims of tax-related identity theft and strengthening taxpayers’ rights during the IRS enforcement process. Among the provisions in the new law are establishing an independent appeals office, preventing low-income taxpayers from having their cases referred to the IRS’s private-debt collection program and creating a single point of contact at the IRS for identity theft victims. It also includes a provision to increase the penalty for failing to file a tax return, so that the bill does not add to the deficit.

The law came about after lawmakers held numerous hearings and roundtables about overhauling the IRS. Prior to its June vote on the final version, the House had passed iterations of the bill multiple times last year, as well as one in April. But the legislation suffered a setback earlier this year over a provision in the previous versions of the bill that would have codified the IRS’s Free File program, in which the IRS partners with tax-prep companies to have those companies offer free tax-filing software to many taxpayers.

Some Democratic lawmakers — who want the IRS to create its own free, online filing system and are worried about corporate influence in politics — raised concerns about the Free File provision on the day the House passed the April version of the bill, after ProPublica wrote an article highlighting tax-prep companies’ lobbying on the issue. In the weeks following the April vote, ProPublica wrote additional articles about the Free File program, reporting that tax-prep companies have taken steps to hide their options under the program. Those articles prompted the IRS to launch a review of the program, and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have urged the agency to take any necessary steps to address issues with the program.

Lawmakers introduced a new version of the Taxpayer First Act that did not include the Free File provision in early June, which the House and Senate both quickly passed, and which has now been signed into law.


11e054  No.6894006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6bb477  No.6894007


Rh negative factor you claim is bullshit…My father (100% Irish) O Neg..my mother Russian/POlish descent B+, I am B+(bio child of above parents), my children are AB- and A+…it has more to do with genetic variation and how that works out in the expression of the dominant allele for blood type…..sheesh….

d982c2  No.6894008


In order to protect our children from pedophiles.

e782e8  No.6894009

b6aeef  No.6894010

>>6893086 (LB, namefaggot)


Thanks, Jewish Jerkoff. Glad you signed your post so I know who I'm speaking with.

c2fe09  No.6894011


A good start would be using the Trump Baby balloon for target practice. Boom. Pssssst.

538be9  No.6894012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'll have to dig out my notes on the Kinsey Report.

There are videos out there of people who are exposing the famous "sex study" because it does quite an extensive study on sex on children of all ages. The comments by the "doctor" who observed the sexual actions of even INFANTS who are brought to coitus – and crying is a constant reaction of those infants.

When I wrote "lots of crying in the video" it reminded me of that old video exposing the Kinsey Institute (which still exists, just FYI)

dr. judith reisman exposes kinsey


097017  No.6894013


You are a monkey nigger.



Show me the monkey kingdom.

Fuck you nigger.

c3a8cd  No.6894014


The President of the United States. He is the director.

fdc530  No.6894015

File: 92d3646669efda2⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 600x400, 3:2, magrock.jpg)



Get to work, son.

Dig, meme, pray.

44c7d3  No.6894016


Protection from ballistic damage is a key component.

291cdb  No.6894017

File: d237b1f157331d0⋯.png (994.75 KB, 1024x912, 64:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fc4c731406a22a⋯.png (430.84 KB, 745x429, 745:429, ClipboardImage.png)

11e054  No.6894018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d97f28  No.6894019

File: 84cc12e44f7f1ee⋯.png (275.19 KB, 361x648, 361:648, checked.png)

d1e2b6  No.6894020



Whipped cream and alcohol it is kek.

70bfe7  No.6894021


It would have been more TREMENDOUS had he


the (((Federal Reserve)))

097017  No.6894022


It's a long list. I've devoted a lot.

Not going to have Q faggot fuck it up.

He's a faggot. Hasn't done shit.

cee44d  No.6894023

File: bdb14b959a5b71d⋯.jpeg (304.69 KB, 681x1004, 681:1004, 2972CF03-B32B-4639-A596-9….jpeg)

6fb490  No.6894024

File: e6849064444ddb5⋯.png (68.51 KB, 1382x148, 691:74, rep.png)

File: 842510c056a4855⋯.png (607.65 KB, 1270x707, 1270:707, k4.png)

File: 22bc8c115b639a4⋯.png (277.96 KB, 977x668, 977:668, db.png)



80a80e  No.6894025

File: dda21223308c472⋯.jpeg (136.25 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 70ECF9AF-BAD8-4342-8076-0….jpeg)

b6aeef  No.6894026


Hi, Freddy. Good evening! How is Toots doing these days? Do you ever get bored of shouting at us? Does anyone ever reply to you saying "Shit, you're right! Thanks for posting here!"?

dcfe63  No.6894027


You seem kind of beta

655b1e  No.6894028


It's nice to see someone at the helm in a corporation such as this, who doesn't display apathy toward the country. Moar should follow her lead on this. E-verify could solve a lot of problems.


Nice catch anon, I didn't think of that when posting, although I do remember that military tweet this morning.

f1c8e8  No.6894029

File: e45cb1ea908d11c⋯.png (46.11 KB, 747x355, 747:355, trump strike.png)


When you learn and understand the ART of WAR. Only then you will learn what we are waiting for.

f53615  No.6894030


hm, this is a good point. Also gotta consider that the elite covet their 'genetic variation' so much they commit to incest and keeping it all in the family so that each generation passes down what the one before it had.

11e054  No.6894031

File: 6364d253b9b37fa⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1440x721, 1440:721, Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at ….png)



e58a04  No.6894032

The fuck is this nonsense?



The offshoots of the QAnon conspiracy theory have gone to even darker places.

"TThe followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which hypothesized based on anonymous forum posts that the Mueller investigation was actually a cover for Trump investigating Democratic treason, have had to shift gears a few times now. The official release of the Mueller report, which contained no revelations about Obama’s connection to the Rothschilds, eliminated a crucial chunk of the Q mythos. The repeatedly promised catharsis of Trump arresting all the Deep State sickos in a Night of the Long Knives has still not come to pass after two long years."

75d8ae  No.6894033

Sheeple is how we got into this mess in the first place. There has to be more we can do? We being America.

bc812a  No.6894034

File: 1559b2573254e01⋯.jpg (214.25 KB, 1200x1368, 50:57, jamesangleton.jpg)


Hi C-A

See, it's a C-A plot to pretend to be a "Muh Jew"

So obvious.

It's their inimitable arrogant style.

So hard to cover-up.

Here they are a little confused.

Must be upset at being revealed; after so many years of fooling people?

They are supposedly making fun of the idea

"C-A founded by Nazi"

Yet put the statement next to their icon; their brand - which is totally discredited.

Doesn't Magoo / MuhJew resemble Angleton?

98eefd  No.6894035


Any day now.

437524  No.6894036

File: 8c3397ddaa11d7d⋯.jpg (612.84 KB, 2168x1445, 2168:1445, Untitled.jpg)


Grilled shills and baked noodles of course!

Welcome to the jungle

e58a04  No.6894037


should be Slender Man for Boomers*

3d8dae  No.6894038

File: d6f9a2f82704e46⋯.png (58.86 KB, 1280x363, 1280:363, alabamajihadist.PNG)

Ilhan Omar connected to jihadi training camps in Alabama???

This is who Ilhan Omar is associated with and this is who she is actively working with as a US Congresswoman. Via her position as a member of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee, Omar has access to US classified information. While having access to classified information, Omar is directly tied to Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, who has been charged with terror related crimes, operated a jihadi training camp in New Mexico, and has now been found to be the owner of another terror camp in Alabama. She is also actively and frequently participating in events with CAIR, which was found to be supporting HAMAS during the Holy Land Foundation terrorism trial.

Omar knowingly campaigned with a woman who proclaimed that a known Jihadi who tried to blow up the World Trade Center is her favorite person, and even while knowing that Wahhaj is a co-conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing, and while knowing that his son was training children to be jihadi school shooters, Omar has not yet condemned Wahhaj, she continues to speak at CAIR events where Wahhaj’s father is present, and she has made zero effort to separate herself from Wahhaj and his jihadi associates.


d7f447  No.6894039


the plot twist where q is just someone with White Squall royalties

f038e8  No.6894040

Swallowell has a poll going…can't see the poll results but the comments are NOT going his way! kek


Assault weapons have become the firearm of choice in too many mass shootings. We don’t have to live this way — those guns only belong on battlefields. Do you support a ban AND buy-back of every weapon of war in America?

Yes!Australia already has

No. We love Guns > Kids


Can a twatfag post his poll results?

021e5b  No.6894041

File: bd71b28803fd083⋯.jpeg (95.9 KB, 828x540, 23:15, 7FF7F874-8493-4565-B32A-F….jpeg)

a8a5c9  No.6894042


and you seem like a judgmental twat with nothing other to base that off of than the one post here. its been going on for a few breads. You can go fuck yourself now. Thanks

655b1e  No.6894044


Too soon, to do that, with that will come pain..for all. On varying levels but pain nonetheless, lets get through the election first. When the economy sings he wins.

f05223  No.6894045

File: 7c56bd52234eb7a⋯.png (488.09 KB, 720x720, 1:1, catppening.png)


The cat looks a bit like happening cat.

3c9c15  No.6894046

File: 7089f903c95e7ed⋯.jpg (104.36 KB, 971x1199, 971:1199, 7089f903c95e7ed036139e5048….jpg)


Cake is good, too.

753667  No.6894047

File: 8431f126a3dc380⋯.jpeg (372.29 KB, 2195x1668, 2195:1668, blkeye.jpeg)

d7f447  No.6894048

anything from joe digenova lately?

858d2c  No.6894049

File: 029e2f761a5feac⋯.png (465.94 KB, 586x612, 293:306, FastCatsatLeisure.png)

File: 5d2c1040c2a850c⋯.mp4 (897.09 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 46752744_489297648227030_5….mp4)

File: 7610f569e2acb33⋯.png (24.39 KB, 607x145, 607:145, BigandBeautiful.png)


Now THAT'S what I'm talkin about!

8ffa2d  No.6894050


Holy fuckballs anon. Where are the legit anons tonight? If you can't read, don't reply. I didn't claim that children inherit the same blood as their parents. But what you're too fucking retarded to know is that the elite breed with only O negatives for thousands of years (inbreeding) so most of them are O negative. O negative bloodtypes cannot receive blood from anyone other than an O negative.

611d95  No.6894051

File: 4848de7a8d54b32⋯.png (2.38 MB, 2318x1276, 1159:638, hrc sky event graphic.png)


And there was of course this HRC tweet sitting in front of a "garden" in LONDON and using the word "sky" twice. Between these 2 events, we can hardly say there have been no SKY EVENTS. Kenya story has timestamp with a :38 (could be for CH). Could be a signal for something that hasn't yet happened.

b6aeef  No.6894052


>Where does she live?

She's from Queens where President Trump is from, her parents (at least her mom) are wealthy and connected. She is a living example of Poe's Law–the shit she says is so batshit crazy it's impossible to tell if it's satire\irony or not. I fully subscribe to the theory that she and Omar were put in place to torpedo the living fuck out of the Democrats. Their performances are just too excellent to be real. Cow farts! Some ppl did sumting!

34525a  No.6894053

File: 81ff395c643c5c2⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 651x431, 651:431, podest.jpg)

Memefag, here.

Things are getting harder and harder at home. My son loves me, but he thinks I am a mindless fool, who has been brainwashed by a cult of personality. That I go through contortions to defend what I so desperately need to belong to.

Truth told, I do not like POTUS. I think he is a crass, arrogant asshole. I only support him because he is ACTUALLY addressing many the issues I have been complaining about for years.

I was telling people in the early nineties that China was going to get out of hand if we allowed trade imbalance, corruption and devaluing of currency to happen. I was telling everyone that ISIS was a Mossad/CIA bogeyman. I have been talking about human trafficking and SRA.

Only NOW have we seen a president address such items and I have to admit that this crass, arrogant asshole is the best president I have seen in my lifetime. He keeps his word…even if I do not agree with his policies.

Watching all of this happen is awesome, but I am being persecuted by son for having information he does not. There has been no way to get my son to take nearly any right wing or non-MSM source seriously at all.

I have faith that things are getting better. I see the evidence before my eyes. I just wonder how much more of this I can fucking take before I can take no more! I hate this fucking place, anyway. Cruel place filled with so many rotten mother fuckers, who harm innocents and keep the rest in bondage. There are so many of us…WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!


b99c55  No.6894054

3d8dae  No.6894055

File: 2148e5bcebb7d6b⋯.png (124.43 KB, 1205x712, 1205:712, sansour1.PNG)

File: a0f5168fb325b67⋯.png (609.28 KB, 930x692, 465:346, sansour2.PNG)

On July 1, 2017, Linda Sarsour gave a speech at the 54th Annual Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Convention in Chicago. During that speech, Sarsour not only infamously called for Muslims to carry out Jihad against President Trump, but she also called Wahhaj her “mentor,” motivator,” and “encourager.” She described him as her “favorite person in this room.”

a9ad93  No.6894056


Didn't Obama mention Gumbo in a tweet recently? Refering to Spicy Gumbo LLC in this notable.

8ffa2d  No.6894057


Good point. Are the anon from lb that brought the Dom Rep to our attn.?

70bfe7  No.6894058

File: bcff3497692e98c⋯.png (243.27 KB, 583x428, 583:428, jewfoolsnoone.png)


HI JIDF, "it's always the Nazi's" shill.

Did you just start your shift?

8eec43  No.6894060

File: 70bb10f1812a87e⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1200x1976, 150:247, 70bb10f1812a87ea4c3b99ae21….png)


e53be4  No.6894061

File: e2d7ce2916d6884⋯.png (50.04 KB, 195x259, 195:259, 1sd5i5pye5yprepoy50yjrtphi….png)

Shills out in force here all day

Shills in their echo chambers talking about illegal immigration being Genocide and that Trump sold us out to China/NK

Ready for July 4th?

8eb435  No.6894062


From the article:

“M1A1 Abrams tanks are with four other military vehicles on a freight train in a railyard at the southeastern edge of Washington.”

a0f782  No.6894063




I Daniel am not :DUPID.




Daniel :)


dcfe63  No.6894064


Beta defensiveness confirmed

bc812a  No.6894065


She supposedly grew up in Westchester.

Lied about being from the Bronx.

is a Rep for Queens.

But no one can find where she really lives.

b6aeef  No.6894066

File: 4eb65a44370a4c6⋯.jpg (72.63 KB, 508x720, 127:180, pepe_redpill_artillery.jpg)

File: 1183250b49596db⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 1133x1766, 1133:1766, pol_redpills.jpg)

File: f0ee1d2a017751b⋯.png (510.2 KB, 800x450, 16:9, redpillenwerfer_1515711289….png)


You let your power level show to people with severe cognitive dissonance. That's always going to cause you problems. There are soft skills involved in redpilling people–a frontal assault never works. Their programming is too strong. Because you tried the policy of truth, your life is going to be uncomfortable. If you set off their cognitive dissonance, you effectively become incapable of influencing them. They have to think you're one of them and you have to make them think any realizations are their own idea, or they'll just reject the information as racist propaganda like they've been programmed to.

Best of luck, I am saying a prayer for you and your family. I don't know how you can fix your present situation.

758934  No.6894067

File: 112882f76e51718⋯.png (643.57 KB, 767x447, 767:447, merchshillfood.PNG)


Ahhh, noooooo it's



7fc77d  No.6894068

That is a Display of equipment. Not in and of its self a self contained force for action.


bd78d3  No.6894069

File: 232ee12e3ee5eb8⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 4868x2957, 4868:2957, 070119__T_6587.jpg)

DECODE 07/01/2019 — POTUS T-6587

Holy crap!!! Q, you're killing me! Took a sleeping pill a couple hours ago and now I'm guzzling coffee to fight it.

God bless you for this amazing work that you are doing.

Nobody is sleeping tonight.

Let that sink in.

f6af4c  No.6894070


My Family Thinks I Nuts… They are Trump supports

f53615  No.6894071


Nope, not that Anon. Just an Anon that found it to be interesting.

I meant to post to fuckballs anon, but kek, fucked up that one.

2b59a0  No.6894072

File: cb86288a5081a20⋯.png (227.72 KB, 600x439, 600:439, (jewidff).png)


>Muh Jew

And the lame ass memes.

80a80e  No.6894073


Your poetry is simply awful.

3afd5e  No.6894074


Don't bother with rope…just use the firing squad

a1c64c  No.6894075

File: acc28be5467dd6d⋯.jpg (148.52 KB, 900x639, 100:71, feels_bar_open_peace.jpg)




mommy milkshakes on special

Welcome back faggots. It's been a while…

>>checks inventory for Feelz Beerz

<mondays, amirite?

Sorry this place has been closed, I learned to code from the hacker known as 4chan because things were getting too NEET… so there's not been much time to shitpost… feelz me?

>>checks ice

>>calls ICE

So is peace the prize anons?

How will any other president live up to the standard of stable genius

twitter diplomacy?

>inb4 master negiotiator

Horowitz updates soon?

Did baced racer bacer ever get the dough to rise?

How bad has Antifa been infil'd by MI?

So many feelz anons….

>re-reads crumbs

So what can I get ya?

75d8ae  No.6894076

File: c95b7bf5b8acba1⋯.gif (6.02 MB, 300x169, 300:169, CheetahRunningFast.gif)



Wait too long and the gazelle gets away.

34045d  No.6894077


No she's just really that stupid, like many before her. MSM is just unable to cover for her like they normally do with stupid people on the left

d7f447  No.6894078



5e1cd5  No.6894079

File: a18412aee6a2615⋯.jpeg (161.52 KB, 1862x1052, 931:526, a18412aee6a261599aea8ad57….jpeg)

13c964  No.6894080


You are the authority on lame ass memes

b6aeef  No.6894081


>But no one can find where she really lives.

I've read some stupid theory that she's actually Heba Abedin (Huma's sister?) but they don't look alike to me. Not even enough for surgery to account for the differences. All I know is she's doing more to hurt the Democrats than any Republican really could.

77e371  No.6894082

File: 1293650b033db90⋯.png (3.53 MB, 2048x1151, 2048:1151, ClipboardImage.png)

All over southeast Asia the media reports are optimistic, positive and upbeat with the possibility of a generational crisis finally coming to an end. President Trump is being called a hero bringing peace to Korea.

63c298  No.6894083

File: 4db6960b29e1f6a⋯.jpeg (30.9 KB, 326x386, 163:193, A5AB07C7-302E-4989-8D1F-3….jpeg)


Nothing is going to happen

Grab the rope bro!

We need your help

The government will not help you!!!

Prof is recent past history

Are you awake?

Have you noticed?

Our military is filled w/ Cabal, sickening.,,

Send all neocons to Mongolia;

Ghengis Khan approves!!!

edacb7  No.6894084

File: 844923aae07755f⋯.jpg (801.01 KB, 1440x2368, 45:74, Screenshot_20190702-000516….jpg)



"I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.

I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life."

For more on #ArmyValues, visit: https://t.co/CZZ44fvoTA https://t.co/49AAyWP7vp

fdc530  No.6894085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Any day now.

Love that song…

3d8dae  No.6894086

File: 3367fde2f0db073⋯.png (1.11 MB, 821x877, 821:877, sansour3.PNG)


Have be done any digging on this jihadist bitch? I know we are all over Omar and Rashida…but this freak seems to remain in the shadows….Please let me know.

abd286  No.6894087

File: fc6d954a0b9afdd⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 612x408, 3:2, shake shack dump 7.jpg)

File: aaabf9b7f896efa⋯.png (598.72 KB, 524x518, 262:259, shake shack not halal.PNG)

CEO Union Square Hosp. LLC sold Shake Shack, $7.23m-June 27-July 1

Shake Shack Inc. operates roadside burger stands. The Company serves an American menu of burgers, hot dogs, crispy chicken, frozen custard, crinkle cut fries, shakes,

beer and wine, among others. The Company's signature items are its all-natural, hormone and antibiotic-free burgers, hot dogs, crispy chicken, crinkle cut fries, shakes and frozen custard.

Its menu focuses on food and beverages, crafted from a range of classic American foods. The Company's domestic menu includes a range of signature items, such as the ShackBurger, SmokeShack, Shack-cago Dog,

'Shroom Burger, seasonal frozen custard, hand-spun shakes, concretes, ShackMeister Ale, and Shack Red and Shack White wines. As of December 28, 2016, it had 114 Shacks in 13 countries and 16 states, as well as the District of Columbia.

Its burgers are made with a whole-muscle blend of all-natural, hormone and antibiotic-free Angus beef, ground fresh daily, cooked to order and served on a non-genetically modified organism potato bun.

Number of employees : 4 440 people.


In 1985, at age 27, Meyer opened his first restaurant, In order to make it successful, Meyer focused on customer satisfaction. Meyer’s other restaurants and businesses

include Gramercy Tavern, Blue Smoke and Jazz Standard, Shake Shack, The Modern, Cafe 2 and Terrace 5 at MoMA, Maialino at the Gramercy Park Hotel,

Untitled at the North End Grill, Marta, Porchlight, GreenRiver, Union Square Events, and Hospitality Quotient.[5] Union Square Events,

USHG's catering division, operates several concessions at major sports facilities (Shake Shack, Blue Smoke, El Verano Taqueria, Box Frites, and Papa Rosso) including the

Mets Citi Field, Saratoga Race Course, and Nationals Park, Washington, D.C. In 2010, Meyer participated in a documentary called "The Restaurateur".

In late 2011, Union Square Hospitality group sold Eleven Madison Park to its chef Daniel Humm and front-of-house director Will Guidara.



2b59a0  No.6894088


>You are the authority on lame ass memes

Nope, thats the kikes. My memes are straight fire.

a8a5c9  No.6894089


im sorry ive had a rough day. im glad youve already decided who i am based off a post or two in a bread. You do realize how fucking dumb that is, right? Thats kinda like trying to diagnose someone with a mental disorder with no actual context. Once again, go fuck yourself. Thanks.

b6aeef  No.6894090


>Don't bother with rope…just use the firing squad

I think the way you like!

0e6b43  No.6894091

a0f782  No.6894092


Bar none.

WE have IT.


P.S. Good is a GIVEN.

6bb477  No.6894093


You are the fucktard, Most of the world is Type O or O- from all over the world including cultures late to the developing world….here is a link as a courtesy for your convenience:


-Rh factors are more common in 17% of Caucasians with Native Americans second…

you really need to understand it has nothing to do with blood type but more to do with "who" they believe themselves to be…..hence the inbreeding…and problems with that….

e68118  No.6894094


good there evil motherfuckers. NEVER get in trouble in GA for anything even jaywalking they will fuck you over bad. I drive right thru that place and will never spend a dollar there again.

47c26b  No.6894095


Glad people are catching up lol. I've been saying this on here for the last 6 to 8 months.

a53b65  No.6894096

Kiim's a hostage in NK

655b1e  No.6894097

File: abfa2968df3be39⋯.png (1.13 MB, 864x546, 144:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Schumer: Trump's meeting with North Korean leader 'one of the worst days' in American diplomacy

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) criticized President Trump's weekend meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, describing it as "reality show foreign policy." "This was one of the worst few days in American foreign policy and American diplomatic history in a long time," Schumer said Monday in an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper.

Trump made history Sunday as the first sitting U.S. president to cross into North Korea. But Schumer called out the president for calling Kim "a friend" without the country making any concessions on nuclear power. "They have more nuclear bombs than they’ve had in the past. They are a danger to the United States and he pats the guy on the back and gets nothing in return," Schumer said. Schumer said Trump used to criticize past presidents for being unable to denuclearize North Korea, but said Trump's "erratic" policies are even more detrimental to the U.S.

"It's reality show foreign policy. He wants that photo op, he wants that little hit," Schumer said. "He had no strategic, long range sense of where to go or what to do, and if anyone thinks this doesn’t hurt America in the short term and the long run They're sadly mistaken." Schumer's remarks echo comments Democrats seeking the 2020 nomination made Sunday, panning the president's North Korea visit.


13c964  No.6894098


Your memes are straight shite

c9d5fe  No.6894099

File: 456367118ee49b4⋯.png (287.92 KB, 568x489, 568:489, Soldiers creed.PNG)

c09886  No.6894100

File: a14a1dc5407335b⋯.png (278.69 KB, 768x277, 768:277, KSS-members-shot-768x277.png)

This is what skinhead shills look like.

Keystone United members. From l to r: Steve Smith, Unknown, Bob Gaus, Joe Garvey, Bryan Vanagaitis, Cody Haulman, Ryan Wojtowicz, Scott Costa, Ian McCorts, Travis Cornell (rip lol), Chris Croumbley, Josh Martin and Shane Dilling.

31f1b5  No.6894101

File: fd21dcd3c70f2a5⋯.jpeg (13.85 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 3555.jpeg)


>Ready for July 4th?

comfy and waiting !

1c10ca  No.6894102

File: 47a51e6e8368262⋯.png (105.32 KB, 281x320, 281:320, ClipboardImage.png)

d7f447  No.6894103

File: 2bb71a65c62b08f⋯.gif (90.83 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, a84417ac426ee720caa47f1d81….gif)


lordy that's intense

b6aeef  No.6894104


He baited you and you swallowed it hard. Mistake imho! Your post made several mistakes, the worst of which is assuming anyone cares about your feelings or your bad day. Remember that Anonymous can be a horrible, uncaring, senseless monster. If you show him a chink in your armor, he will strike.

bc812a  No.6894105

File: 694d5397089dfa3⋯.jpg (16.04 KB, 289x409, 289:409, michael-jackson-thriller-z….jpg)


I was surprised when I finally realized how many there were here.

Kinda like waking up to the Zombie Apocalypse on Streroids 2016-17 - 18 -1 9 from it's minor subjective beginnings 2006

They are legion!

Please God, give us victory; though we are small.

Straight out of Bhagavad Gita

The hero chose god and truth over all the armies of the world without that.

2b59a0  No.6894106

File: 85c0edbdc8a52cb⋯.jpg (195.27 KB, 600x541, 600:541, kick-a-kike.jpg)


>Your memes are straight shite

That's why they always trigger you cucks.

c2fe09  No.6894107

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpeg (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, Eyes On.jpeg)


That timestamp.(Seconds matter.)

Sunrise or sunset?

ab170b  No.6894108


glad you're back and covfefe, pls

4653c8  No.6894109



1c10ca  No.6894110

File: 52cb1b8fb006567⋯.png (44.59 KB, 320x320, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

a8a5c9  No.6894111


or idgaf and want to vent a bit? Like you said, we are anonymous here (mostly).

7ece72  No.6894112

File: abc08337fb56f4c⋯.png (408.5 KB, 876x285, 292:95, Screenshot 2019-07-01 at 1….png)

Doesn't this seem a little "end timey"?


437524  No.6894113

File: 43e2ed8b19905fc⋯.png (111.26 KB, 327x458, 327:458, Previews_Over.png)

bc812a  No.6894114


dougies back

Hey Doug we saw the porn pictures of you, earlier in the evening. Scroll back

Don't worry. It wasn't that bad for gay porn.

d7f447  No.6894115



avalanche coming?

1c10ca  No.6894116

File: 44d64a68105fcdf⋯.png (135.06 KB, 320x230, 32:23, ClipboardImage.png)

what in the hell are they thinking?

655b1e  No.6894117


GO Time?

900369  No.6894118



>Biden / Bidan

We need to see some teefs.

2b59a0  No.6894119

File: f9a3bc8ec88dfc4⋯.jpg (193.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, dougs_always_slidin.jpg)


>dougies back

LMFAO! Yep, you are still just as retarded as ever.

858d2c  No.6894120


Totally agree… but the genius is that a portion of what she says is really on the mark, and she gets agreement from people like Tucker and Ted Cruz. Even her thing with Bernie about capping interest rates seems on the mark. It screws the cabal. I see no reason for 27% interest, apart from screwing people and enslaving them. She is identifying the good ideas within "the left" while exposing the absurdity of contemporary leftism as a movement.

d61197  No.6894121


Trump good >white hats good> just not yet

Democrats evil> currently employing evil, visible and present now

so evil can operate in the light but goodness cannot operate in the dark, not yet?

How is good stronger than evil, when evil acts at will for it's cause, yet good must wait for some far off date when the timing is right, and rules allow?

Good sits by waiting, evil is active and present, is good not complicit in evil?

Good has rules, those rules restrain you from action, permission for evil to occur in its stead.

Trump and the white hats can wait for the right time to maintain power and control (politics), all the while evil takes more souls and causes more harm winning more souls to evil…. where is the free will, the good, the time to act??

Are you certain you are not being placated till the damage is done and you no longer are a threat. (not a warrior for good)

One poster struggles with the non woke spouse (influenced by evil) but won't confront the evil in his own home, cowers and hides in here to find comfort placating himself, while allowing evil to occur in his own home (sounds so good). Good, fearing evil might depart from him? What did you lose, except Evil?

If we aren't ready to give up our life as we know it, in order to fight for what you say you believe in (good) then you are part of the problem (evil). Does this not make you complicit in evil and condoning the evil happenings of your spouse (fellow human)?

I so desperately want to be and do good, the visible solutions appear to be evil, where do the good guys go from here? Of course I mean other than MEMES and internet hiding.

What good are all the rabbit holes, if mountains of truth sit here, with no action, by the very people who claim good while aiding and abetting evil through complacency.

Hong Kong can get 2 million in the streets for rights, not Americans, they don't want to give up what they have, we let a few politically motivated fight for us? Just all sounds so evil!

d7f447  No.6894122



dark to light


80a80e  No.6894123



Trump controls Schumer. He has since January of 2018 when he schumered his pants after a White House meeting. What is gained by having him say stupid lies?

bc812a  No.6894124

File: 3903132128ea338⋯.png (786.73 KB, 1475x625, 59:25, dougshill.png)


Dougies so cute. With the kindergarten memes

31f1b5  No.6894125

File: 11fdd6e18869dd6⋯.jpg (98.61 KB, 496x420, 124:105, 124455.jpg)


shills take note:

GOD wins !

591af2  No.6894126

File: d6b244a3cd0395a⋯.png (185.07 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190701-223446.png)

98dfc8  No.6894127


Prob choc full of hormones too

d05dac  No.6894128


Thank God for our military.

1c10ca  No.6894129

File: f9125e4ce4eb9b8⋯.png (33.1 KB, 256x320, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

919d23  No.6894130

File: 067e4c7d6127a1f⋯.png (5.2 KB, 444x123, 148:41, ClipboardImage.png)

09297b  No.6894131



c3a8cd  No.6894132



6be53d  No.6894133

Big Mike is a tranny. Obama is a gay man. With the liberals pushing their bullshit to their followers and on the rest of us, why don't they just make this announcement and come clean?

bab35c  No.6894134

File: 72d82073f5660e8⋯.png (45.62 KB, 567x200, 567:200, ClipboardImage.png)

From "Empire of the City".

Americans were pissed about British involvement in the Civil War.

Imagine how pissed they will be about British involvement in Spygate.

d7f447  No.6894135

File: 312cd68ba5c63ce⋯.png (1.44 MB, 2494x658, 1247:329, jsfksdklf.png)


flynn twatter banner


2b59a0  No.6894136

File: f7f25061dea570f⋯.png (608.87 KB, 500x610, 50:61, finger-paint.png)


Wasn't doug then, ain't doug now you stupid mutt.

bc812a  No.6894137


that's a great photo.


1c10ca  No.6894138

File: 24431e3539dd800⋯.png (33.17 KB, 274x320, 137:160, ClipboardImage.png)

G’night All

538be9  No.6894139


I only donate to OFFICIAL sources.

(wouldn't want to be donating to a defense of antifa who just SAY they are who they are)

this whole thing is fked

a federal case will put them in jail, and not likely any money left to win a lawsuit about

consider also that one of the goals of these globalists is to BANKRUPT the system


they could care less if the state gets sued

the lawyers are paid for by the state

put these suckers in jail

09297b  No.6894140


2 ounces of Jamo please, toss 2 cubes in there please, comfy

a1c64c  No.6894141

File: 93af2b603be4ef9⋯.png (134.83 KB, 680x598, 340:299, feelz_brain.png)


i make a good bulletproof cofefe, extra grease for firing neurons. i'll mix one up…

3d290f  No.6894142

File: 025c8ca74e9d2e1⋯.png (7.79 MB, 1800x7280, 45:182, RED proof.png)



ANTIFA Coconuts?

Coconut Juice Blood Transfusions in World War II

As World War II raged through the Pacific, blood products were in short supply. In emergency situations, Japanese and British medics would resort to coconut water. Coconut water (the juice inside a young coconut, not "milk" which is made from grinding up the meat of the fruit) has fewer electrolytes than blood plasma, but it is sterile and works in a similar manner to a saline IV drip. In a pinch, coconut water is tolerated fairly well by humans. In fact, coconut water preserves teeth better than milk - something to keep in mind the next time a tooth gets accidentally knocked out!

So the COCONUT additive was about BLOOD. Got it.

11e054  No.6894143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


f53615  No.6894144

File: d61a068ed68f6fb⋯.jpeg (89.86 KB, 903x948, 301:316, pepe-karate-kid-kick.jpeg)


Prayers for Sleepless Warrior Patriots, whose debt of gratitude owed by mankind

should be known

for the honor

which garnered such freedom

to make capable

the recognition & acknowledgment.

Goosebumps and shit.

a50757  No.6894145


The guards that were tell said the women had no idea how to use running water, so they drank from the toilet

f05223  No.6894146


No one, I say no one, is going to want to be seen with that in their shopping cart.

698f80  No.6894147


and in his speech to the troops in Korea, POTUS gave a nice shout-out to the Abrams family…

e898fc  No.6894148


Typical drivel from MSM and friends. Lots moar where that comes from…..

d7f447  No.6894149

File: e6a38a4655954a3⋯.png (498.29 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 3238b40a8adf619fa0f36234b0….png)

could the sherman tank have anything to do with Trump time traveling?

bc812a  No.6894150


unfortunately you're nuts.

Thanks for the photo though.

Yes, please leave.

9e2162  No.6894151


God bless….


34525a  No.6894152



I selected the wrong one from the folder.

Sorry, Anons

3afd5e  No.6894153

e9acbd  No.6894154



>"So we shot down an unmanned drone. . . "

1c10ca  No.6894155

File: d91574d72a6971d⋯.png (32.23 KB, 240x320, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

f038e8  No.6894156


Thanks Anon!!!

31f1b5  No.6894157

File: 06a96e49755e88f⋯.jpg (4.41 KB, 218x231, 218:231, 47558.jpg)


mr magoo shill, kek

you shills are pathetic

shills can't meme


779127  No.6894158

Hey, great news! Only another 5-6 weeks until Horowitz recommends no indictments of any FBI/DOJ criminals.

So much winning!!!!

34525a  No.6894159

File: 6ce4d0c90238fe9⋯.jpg (85.09 KB, 651x431, 651:431, pedobama.jpg)

4302c5  No.6894160

Sherman can also stand for complex mass production

1c10ca  No.6894161

File: eb67d00bf8b7acb⋯.png (25.73 KB, 256x320, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

ab170b  No.6894162


any advice…words o wisdom?

6fb490  No.6894163

File: 805ccfe320566af⋯.jpg (391.31 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, b.jpg)

File: 2fc999d34de4424⋯.jpg (241.88 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, b2.jpg)

File: 27a824600b7e2f2⋯.jpg (384.78 KB, 2048x1534, 1024:767, b1.jpg)

118770  No.6894164

File: 17ac89076557698⋯.png (906.75 KB, 1008x768, 21:16, TimeTravel-Barr-Pepe.png)

24b784  No.6894165


He is also eating a baby in his profile picture,

a7d79f  No.6894166


True. I exaggerated with the single-handedly part.

d7f447  No.6894167

File: 7e7cdc2149a284d⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 399x232, 399:232, 85317118bd4aaebb2183dc4900….gif)



7019ff  No.6894168


Actually the poll is humorous. I read it as we love guns more than kids. > is the greater than symbol in math. What idiot in his campaign - although he is probably the idiot, wrote that? Kek

a53b65  No.6894169


But it makes him sound Irish - O'Biden which is disgusting. Maybe why it's not catching on.

7914b2  No.6894170


There are other DS players in the dem party who are about the socialism takedown of America. So how do you get them to put it all on the table themselves so no one can deny except other communists who want to see it happen. You get a Schumer and Pelosi egging them on like yeah, just come out and say it, the whole country will get behind you. Only to find after they do … that have to back tract on everything they said because … as it turns out … the whole country isn't behind the idelogy after all. See Dem Debates and news cycle debacles of candidates trying to find cover and back tract.

The set up is pretty layered and remarkable.

09297b  No.6894171



>>6893932, >>6893942 Tanks arrive in DC ahead of July 4 celebration

>>6893937 Trump announces delayed immigration raids will happen after July 4

>>6894084, >>6894099 US Army -I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the USA in close combat

>>6894097 Schumer: Trump's meeting with North Korean leader 'one of the worst days' in American diplomacy

f3a56f  No.6894172


That's by far the best use of the clock ever…

bc812a  No.6894173

File: 8bdfd4aa44b5c17⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 1954x3000, 977:1500, backup2.jpg)


Muh Jews are losers.

They don't believe in a wide criminal conspiracy.

For them, there's a jew behind every Bush.

It's a distraction from the real perps.

That's why they have to spam the bread every single day, every single hour.

All they have is repitition, because their ideas are weak. The premise doesn't hole. And the fact their obsession is weak discredits all the important things they might share.

Which of course is the point.

And proves they are the perps; and in with the perps.

d1e2b6  No.6894174


I'm not baking a fucking cake at this time of night. I have research to do.

c1e907  No.6894175

File: 3edaf6c4305047a⋯.png (379.54 KB, 597x797, 597:797, Army 7-1-19 9 05 pm PDT.PNG)

File: aaaa9dd702a041a⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1373x910, 1373:910, Army 7-1-19 9 05 pm PDT pi….PNG)

File: 8fe64e8c35e71e1⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1023x882, 341:294, Army Values.PNG)

"I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.

I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life."



f038e8  No.6894176

File: cf3a958db8589cc⋯.png (608.83 KB, 498x500, 249:250, 1776.png)

7fc77d  No.6894177


I'm a total retard who parachute landed on my head one too many times and cannot get this to expand to read it.

Could the OP please post again in a better format? TY Anon.

d7f447  No.6894178

File: be16c6a51c90795⋯.png (2.96 MB, 2520x628, 630:157, hhjbnnbnbn.png)

File: 5c2f914d3ae2e50⋯.png (1.25 MB, 996x752, 249:188, bnnbnmbm.png)

based ben with that hot fire

ebcde2  No.6894179

File: 11be3d4aa4d293c⋯.jpg (139.15 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Too many Anons.jpg)

98dfc8  No.6894180


Does it need to be a fucking cake? Why not just a regular cake, prob be quicker to bake.

7a490f  No.6894181

File: 0c1aae07a82c92e⋯.png (132.92 KB, 423x567, 47:63, ClipboardImage.png)



118770  No.6894182

File: e64620aed1f03e5⋯.png (256.57 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Gold_NoBkg.png)

a0f782  No.6894183


LISTEN Close :)

THIS IS I Daniel :)


31f1b5  No.6894184

File: 2d4a9bafc44696b⋯.jpg (108.88 KB, 736x629, 736:629, 657585.jpg)


that meme brings back memories, kek

2b59a0  No.6894185

File: cb86288a5081a20⋯.png (227.72 KB, 600x439, 600:439, (jewidff).png)


>Muh Jews

ec0a48  No.6894186

You are watching a movie. DS pain is real.

591af2  No.6894187

File: ae316e0d67cd683⋯.png (181.81 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190701-231411.png)

868910  No.6894188

File: e3cd1c0a3272fb4⋯.jpg (803.36 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190701-232203….jpg)


even my accusers are now coming to depend on me’."


3c9c15  No.6894189


Try this, anon.

0d3bcf  No.6894190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



AOC is a puppet of the Justice Democrats and Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks


1) The Justice Democrats had a casting call and AOC was one of them. She did not run for Congress. She was run by the Justice Democrats.

2) She repeats everything her handlers say and bumbles when off script. She is like an actress who can only say her lines.

3) Cenk Uygur has expressed his intentions of running people like AOC to take over the democrat party on camera on the Young Turks show and bragged about it on Twitter. He is no longer officially affiliated with the Justice Democrats but may still have influence. The Young Turks have the Justice Democrats and AOC on all the time and they talk about AOC incessantly.

4) This is just the beginning…BTW, there are no term limits for her handlers.

5) See the first 3 minutes of the video to wet your whistle. The whole thing is fascinating.

Justice Democrats video on AOC (embedded):


More links at the bodybuilding.com link above.

e898fc  No.6894191

File: c19f47c90cfc6d4⋯.mp4 (389.6 KB, 1050x982, 525:491, kekistant kitchen night ba….mp4)

a1c64c  No.6894192

File: 2378ee1ff6bc103⋯.png (595.59 KB, 819x594, 91:66, ClipboardImage.png)


well anon, a good piece of advice grampa pepe told me is winners aren't losers.

even if you lose, you still win.

you know why?

because you learned something.

>never lose

eadd4e  No.6894193


Witnesses said the plane lifted into the air before it veered to the left and rolled over, the left wing hitting the hanger and bursting into flames. The flight was headed to St. Petersburg, Florida


Sounds like the left engine went kaput with the right all out and the safeties didn't work out. Low airspeed high spa, engine cut, bad news

3c9c15  No.6894194


forgot link


437524  No.6894195

File: cebb626af6722b8⋯.png (468.48 KB, 770x433, 770:433, Feel_The_Buzz.png)


I'll take a Feelz, barkeep. Frosted glass if you got it.

Calm before the storm out here as always, fren.

Waiting for Durham & co. to water his damn grass.

The boys' been talking about how nice his yard is gonna look.

Some exotic grass seed from Europe or somethin'.

All I see is seed and dirt.

Takes a while to grow, but the neighbors are sure

to let him know when it gets too long, amirite?


Make that a beer and a shot.

9bafc7  No.6894196


click where it has the jpg numbers and a big one comes up, click it again and it zooms it

11e054  No.6894197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

591af2  No.6894198


No change in an hour, Twitter is fucking w it

5e0800  No.6894199

File: 7d136a359e2f1f6⋯.png (104.08 KB, 1297x411, 1297:411, psg 2JUL19.PNG)

File: dbce85df175ae5e⋯.png (56.34 KB, 803x843, 803:843, PS 2JUL19.PNG)

No public events scheduled per POTUS Schedule for Tuesday July 2, 2019


bc812a  No.6894200

File: a886f68ec914db4⋯.jpg (719.77 KB, 1905x1122, 635:374, dougi4cash.jpg)

75d8ae  No.6894201

We can't wait on Q and the President to do everything

All of the "digging" you do is controlled by Google and we can't even do anything about that. There are many congress members with obvious ethical and legal violations and we can't do anything. The media is controlled by six corporations whose board of directors all attend the same clubs and conspire against America and we can do nothing. We have massive election fraud and illegal immigrants voting and we can do nothing. Aspartame and the massive EMF from CERN combine to confuse a great number of people and we can't do anything about it. The people who have been charged with carrying out justice in America have been infiltrated at the highest level by communists and socialists and until the people of those agencies stand up and fight their superiors in a very public way, America will be lost. Just following orders is responsible for the worst atrocities in history. When Portland police are told to stand down, they should refuse and be very public about it. That goes for any officer or soldier who is issued an unlawful order. I am fed up with inaction.

70bfe7  No.6894202

File: ccfdabd42aa647c⋯.png (248.6 KB, 583x428, 583:428, jewdesperation.png)

594558  No.6894203

File: 254944f0a2b8b44⋯.jpg (137.23 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, tdas67t5.jpg)

a53b65  No.6894204


aw shit. beautiful. reminds me of Irish song about Belfast- "Armoured cars and tanks and guns came to away our sons, but every man must stand behind the man behind the wire".

2b59a0  No.6894205

File: 63556ce93789de8⋯.jpg (190.12 KB, 782x730, 391:365, cry.jpg)

>>6894200 (you)

ab170b  No.6894206


sounds Trump-ian, thanx for the covfefe- is that butter?

93622f  No.6894207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happy 4th

8808cc  No.6894208

File: 071973ddce894c7⋯.png (264.82 KB, 510x363, 170:121, judges.png)

try this x3

Our great POTUS is a history maker.

While working tirelessly negotiating for high stakes at G20, DMZ and now back in the swamp

WHAT are liberal judges planning to dictate

national policy via the bench?

Is this just a Soros MoveOn.org deal? I think not- he is just small peanuts in this global game.

Judges dictate national policy because they are getting away with it like Anti-fa thugs assaulting conservative journalists with quick-dry cementshakes,

while the bought and paid for police of Portland stand by ans watch..

People wonder why and how?


Think [P]

I suspect these three things influence the judiciary to impact policy ->

1. [P]

2. Inns of Court [in short- a 'Foundation' front for private societies involving judges]

3. The Syndicate - from sworn testimony of Former FBI Senior Special Agent-In-Charge Ted Gunderson

for example:

" The Bureau of Authority (“The Moneybags”). They don’t actually control the syndicate, but they have all the right jobs and connections. So, a judge might have control over the judicial process, but he will answer to a superior in the syndicate. Psychiatrists belong here too. The Moneybags are so-called because they raise a lot of the money. It would be suspicious if big corporations funded groups like this, but they can invest money into front-groups. And the majority of the syndicate’s work is done through completely legitimate fronts. We can tap phone lines and access people’s records from behind government agencies. Usually, these are the guys that go after Enemy Targets. Normally, harassment is organized under several “action policies”. If a target isn’t an enemy, a standard policy is enforced. Low level organizers (the aforementioned “playwrights”) play around with the target for a while and rotate crews

When a target is an “enemy”, the policy doesn’t immediately change, but orders filter down from high-level organizers (usually the Supreme Council) which direct ‘Thespians’ to provoke the target or a similar action, and Moneybags to crack down on them once they get in the way of the system. This is called Mincing, because the thespians lure the “meat” (by making it complain or fight back) into the “mincer”.

p.s. thankfully, there are conservative judges finally pushing back on the leftist ones- we need more of them!








2b59a0  No.6894209

File: e165de2487ad2dd⋯.jpg (45.6 KB, 415x520, 83:104, 13450259_10207.jpg)

File: b8977f9ce358ee2⋯.jpg (566.39 KB, 1047x945, 349:315, 13450259_102077.jpg)

File: 0693661d15304fe⋯.jpg (89.04 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 34699451_19681.jpg)

655b1e  No.6894210

File: 29ca7ae2428cc61⋯.png (385.87 KB, 724x311, 724:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79881a02bbad0d8⋯.png (211.11 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be6e79cbe8eb312⋯.png (569.21 KB, 564x620, 141:155, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87350f49266e48b⋯.png (274.29 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Plans Patriotic ‘Salute To America’ Parade For The 4th Of July

The White House is gearing up for a major patriotic rally, dubbed the “Salute to America,” to celebrate the Fourth of July with a demonstration of military might and a speech from President Donald Trump. Trump first got the idea for a military parade celebrating America after viewing the Bastille Day parade in France in 2017, telling reporters, “It was one of the greatest parades I’ve ever seen.” The White House started prepping for a similar parade in early 2018, according to reports, but the president put the brakes on the idea when he discovered it could cost upwards of $100 million. “The local politicians who run Washington, D.C. (poorly) know a windfall when they see it,” Trump said, “When asked to give us a price for holding a great celebratory military parade, they wanted a number so ridiculously high that I cancelled it. Never let someone hold you up!”

Now, it looks like Trump may get his wish. In early June, reports surfaced that this year’s Fourth of July celebration in Washington, DC would feature an Air Force One flyover over the National Mall. The event will also feature a 35-minute long fireworks display, an address from the president, military bands and drill teams, and, potentially, armored military tanks speckled across the Mall.

The event is open to the public, but some lucky guests will receive VIP tickets to catch Trump’s speech at the Lincoln Memorial in a special close-up and roped-off area. The famous Blue Angels are expected to make an appearance, and Trump, who has used a heavy hand in planning the parade, even reportedly floated the idea of a surprise F-35 flyover.

It is unclear how much the entire event will cost taxpayers, but firework companies have donated nearly $1 million in pyrotechnics for the display, making it twice as long as previous shows. “This is going to be a fantastic Fourth of July with increased access across the National Mall for the public to enjoy music, flyovers, a spectacular fireworks display, and an address by our Commander-in-Chief,” United States Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt said about the event.


491506  No.6894211

File: 96b131b36ef8b72⋯.jpg (137.85 KB, 570x331, 570:331, finkelhobo.jpg)

993298  No.6894212


This is very welcome news. One of their shops opened near me recently, I will be even more glad to shop there knowing they follow the law.

70bfe7  No.6894213

File: 48b3dd5fc1c36eb⋯.png (243.39 KB, 583x428, 583:428, anotherpatheticpost.png)

594558  No.6894214

File: b901bb01dd52005⋯.jpg (26.06 KB, 474x428, 237:214, G603d16234780e7916aca463e8….jpg)

e8999b  No.6894216





3d59a6  No.6894217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

holy!!! Not good if true

Border Security Officers had a secret Facebook page where there were over 10K members posting derogatory comments about immigrants in their custody and about certain members of congress

70bfe7  No.6894218

File: 806492a5e7d0354⋯.png (575.63 KB, 691x710, 691:710, 1c5c7edf096405abc46d4fd070….png)


Adding another to your ranks, eh?

594558  No.6894219

File: 5268378484cde91⋯.jpg (13.68 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 14c45320b8106a84de6acf4b71….jpg)

d982c2  No.6894220


Setting up tanks to help him. Good thing the demon rats are so stupid.

a1c64c  No.6894221

File: 0f361fe89196150⋯.png (100.49 KB, 256x193, 256:193, ClipboardImage.png)


cold and frosty coming right up….

>Be ready.

a7d79f  No.6894222


If I wasn't on chemo (July 5th) I would be there. VIP would be unforgettable.

594558  No.6894223

File: d5517d1a536acab⋯.jpg (34.99 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 2dyjla.jpg)

753667  No.6894224


i knew someone had a pic of Beanz out there

d7f447  No.6894225


the tanks are rolling in for the parade and staying for the fallout?

c09886  No.6894226

File: 409c93d6721c34f⋯.png (575.52 KB, 768x347, 768:347, Skinhead-KU-KSS-MEMBERS.png)


I hate Fucking Skinheads as much as Antifa.

They all need to be in prison or dead.

Do It Q

70bfe7  No.6894227

File: 01ee8c9a07c736d⋯.png (251.97 KB, 583x428, 583:428, crytorabbipepe.png)

ebcde2  No.6894228

File: 939ab73189591bb⋯.png (86.93 KB, 715x704, 65:64, Moves and Countermoves kim….png)

File: 0c39883c924f745⋯.png (774.35 KB, 612x642, 102:107, some lady who.png)

File: dcc339f50e902b7⋯.png (893.13 KB, 680x646, 20:19, Jr and Judge.png)

File: 4feb9a0d3d7c94f⋯.png (474.2 KB, 799x515, 799:515, anifa history_2.png)

File: cc14ba3b7bef959⋯.png (215.72 KB, 1458x738, 81:41, anifa history.png)

124b4e  No.6894229

File: eba8d489fb60fdc⋯.jpg (67.73 KB, 640x426, 320:213, eba8d489fb60fdc88f27fbc7eb….jpg)

e898fc  No.6894230

File: 86cc305de69548b⋯.png (167.46 KB, 693x334, 693:334, feelz bar first post.png)


Good ta see da ol' Feelz Bar again. Funny just looked up the first post lb, was thinkin about it…..

b6e623  No.6894231


Just wait, pretty soon Border Patrol will be accused of making human skin lampshades.

75d8ae  No.6894232


Trump can't do everything himself.

He is doing a great job on the big issues that face the nation. He can't be the congressional police as well. Nobody is as willing as Trump to stick their neck out. That is probably why there has been such a turnover rate in his cabinet.

70bfe7  No.6894233

File: ef67242e67f03ad⋯.png (253.38 KB, 583x428, 583:428, hatesjewexposure.png)

a53b65  No.6894234

So POTUS and Tucker have a sit down. Tucker showing close-ups of faces of N Korean guards. Seemed strange to me. So now we have close-ups of those guarding Kim. I have no idea how to find out who these people are. but you guys do.

9e2162  No.6894235


It was on idiot box earlier so it must be true… they were discussing that the photo of the drowned dad and child looked like a fake and was a possible staging by the Democrats so it could be a means to exposing them or it could be fake or it could be bad. Who really knows at this point.

e144fc  No.6894236

File: ebdc86dd5707f15⋯.png (683.23 KB, 1048x869, 1048:869, 203.png)


You need to lurk more!

We are not your psychologist mkultra.

Stop trying to bate shills, and trigger violence.

You are fed up because you're not thinking right.


Be careful who you follow!

Be careful what news you watch!

Be best!

Take a step back Archimedes.

63c298  No.6894237


Wow, no responses from either side?…lol

a1c64c  No.6894238

File: 2e33eeb65e7496d⋯.png (72.47 KB, 595x447, 595:447, nevermiss.png)


Butter, MCT oil and Beta-hydroxybutyrate (ketone) supps.

it another level of autist.

>level up

d1e2b6  No.6894239


OK Satan.

ce89d8  No.6894240

File: 5b9bd82be606a52⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2178x2560, 1089:1280, Whiskey Neat Q.jpg)


Thanx tender. Welcome back. Slips a $20 across the bar with a nod to the tip jar..

0b1b0c  No.6894241


You are saying shills share important information in a way so terrible as to purposefully discredit that information.

But why single out the Muh Jews losers? Surely this brilliant reasoning must apply to all the shilling that goes on here.

Aren't you just trying to distract from and discredit the other important information shared by the other shills?

Which of course is the point.

And proves that you are in with the perps.

c2fe09  No.6894242


Okay, we know Soros is behind the fundraising for judges with his "Justice" PAC's.

Is P for PAC?

Soros is simply the distributor? Who are the contributor's?

d7f447  No.6894243

File: 0a274d080bf45f4⋯.png (514.81 KB, 1144x794, 572:397, 4563456456.png)

holy shit is this going to backfire

0d6b4a  No.6894244

File: d32dab3849540af⋯.png (121.63 KB, 615x350, 123:70, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone have a link to this Qanon aggregator site? I can't seem to find it, I have .pub, .news, but don't know the link for this one.

0d3bcf  No.6894245


slammed as “completely inappropriate”

The only actual quote by the supervisor in the article was two words long.

Slammed, says AP news.

b99c55  No.6894246

File: a6a5f728833235c⋯.png (182.85 KB, 397x400, 397:400, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6894084 Hooah!

1d0804  No.6894247

File: df65ee2894cad36⋯.jpeg (51.12 KB, 474x366, 79:61, F4F31A4B-3665-4421-BCCD-8….jpeg)

e8999b  No.6894248








d75ae0  No.6894249


Interesting question, Anon. You inspired me to do a quick dig through several hundred "IQ" acronyms noted around the Internet.

"Import Quota" seemed possible given his shady China deals. But nothing stuck out like a sore thumb to me.

a1c64c  No.6894250

File: f349df6ffce9e96⋯.jpg (146.34 KB, 900x639, 100:71, feels_bar_open.jpg)


ah yea… back in the day when we had fresh MALK

>feelz good man

437524  No.6894251


Whatever happened to ol' Millhouse anyways?

6bb477  No.6894252


Dude, Q alerted us to the fact that they eat human flesh and drink human blood in rituals and such, but these sick bastards don't give a shit about blood type…unless it s for one of the new treatments of "Young" blood transfusions….O- is popular "because" it is the universal donor blood, and the historic view of the elite monarchies believed that their blood was somehow sacred, more sacred than ours so they married within their own families and caused all sorts of fucked up genetic weaknesses and illness that dominated during the time of the Pharoahs, Queen Elizabeth the 1st and during the 14th to 16th centuries with the Hapsburg Jaw and birth defects from inbreeding, in all honesty if you think of the science that has been discovered, they were idiots to believe such fairytales, and still are if they still believe such nonsense….evil as it is…

cee44d  No.6894253

File: 64852af0b042973⋯.jpeg (138.72 KB, 1332x878, 666:439, A6B3AED4-85C2-48EE-895E-2….jpeg)

File: d862f120c97b521⋯.jpeg (131.74 KB, 1153x754, 1153:754, 2C2AF65B-5439-4A6E-9BC9-9….jpeg)

File: 7ac5b2fa4ef6284⋯.jpeg (180.6 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 229F112A-3367-4A30-97FC-0….jpeg)

File: cc7928330963477⋯.jpeg (49.91 KB, 700x461, 700:461, 742EC2AF-8B9F-497A-BC52-1….jpeg)

File: c2caab1d14a2270⋯.jpeg (188.83 KB, 1236x818, 618:409, DC2B6780-9C43-460D-AB8C-9….jpeg)

98dfc8  No.6894254


Weren't their pics somewhere showing they are integrated units? Like toilet with a sink on top/water fountain.

Sounds fair enough to me that if that were the case it would be real.

What do they expect? Guards to bring them glasses of ice water everytime they whinge they are thirsty?

11e054  No.6894255


staying for the free beer, obviously

993298  No.6894256


Yes, very "end timey" indeed. I am reminded of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow".

75d8ae  No.6894257

To fight the Deep State you not only have to be willing to die but you may have to be willing to let your family die. These sick people play for keeps. It's not just politics anymore.

655b1e  No.6894258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. John Ratcliffe Says FISA Abuse Investigation Is Complete

Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe said Monday that the Justice Department inspector general has finished his investigation into whether the FBI abused the surveillance court system during its investigation of the Trump campaign. In an interview on Fox News, Ratcliffe said that he met in June with the inspector general, Michael Horowitz, to discuss the timing, but not the content, of the release of the report.

“He related that his team’s investigative work is complete,” said Ratcliffe, a Republican member of the House Intelligence and House Judiciary Committees. “They are now in the process of drafting the report. I would expect that it will be a draft that will be completed in short order.” Ratcliffe said that he does not expect that the report will be made public “any time real soon,” though he is hopeful it will be released before Congress breaks for its August recess.

“He did relate to that as much as 20 percent of his report is probably going to include classified information, so that draft report will have to undergo a classification review at the FBI and at the Department of Justice,” he said. “So, while I am hopeful that we might see it before members of Congress recess for the August recess, I’m not too certain about that.”

Horowitz has been investigating whether the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its applications for spy warrants against Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser. The FBI relied heavily on the infamous and unverified Steele dossier in the applications for the warrants. Republicans have alleged that the bureau not only failed to verify the dossier’s allegations about Page, but that FBI officials failed to disclose to surveillance court judges that the Clinton campaign and DNC paid for the dossier, which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Horowitz is also reportedly looking into the FBI’s relationship with Steele. The dossier author reportedly agreed last month to meet with Horowitz, but it is unclear whether that meeting took place. Ratcliffe will be on hand on July 17, when former special counsel Robert Mueller will testify before both the House Intelligence and House Judiciary Committees. Mueller’s report of the investigation poured cold water on the Steele dossier, which alleged a “well-developed conspiracy of co-ordination” between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Ratcliffe is one of only a few lawmakers who has reviewed the four applications for Carter Page FISA warrants. The FBI obtained the first warrant on Oct. 21, 2016. Page has disputed the allegations against him in the dossier. He appeared before Mueller’s grand jury on Nov. 17, 2017, and was not accused of any crimes in the special counsel’s report.


f98020  No.6894259

File: bfe85bf069bb655⋯.jpg (112.68 KB, 744x450, 124:75, HusseinHomeless.jpg)


d982c2  No.6894260


no worries Nike. Patriots will not buy any of your shoes. Good luck with your business.

b99c55  No.6894261

File: 616efbec1de9464⋯.png (554.92 KB, 661x360, 661:360, ClipboardImage.png)

cafd43  No.6894262

File: 73d9134b60f3cd5⋯.jpg (307 KB, 642x856, 3:4, Onready.jpg)

Anon's analysis of the word 'OnReady' From Q Post # 3351

Q 3350 gave the instruction to "Be Ready" so it's easy to conclude that OnReady means something different…. and the run together words looks codefaggish.

Incoming Moab Confirmed… D-5 Avalanche!

Be Ready!

cee44d  No.6894263

File: 3b5c25dc23e137a⋯.jpeg (275.27 KB, 1226x1346, 613:673, 4FB4C598-DF37-47DE-B806-A….jpeg)

66ae38  No.6894264

File: 809586c883ebe6e⋯.png (12.29 KB, 234x160, 117:80, Img-1562028963275.png)

File: 364f9d7bdd9821a⋯.png (258.12 KB, 720x1013, 720:1013, Img-1562042088206.png)

File: b9c7ae489263863⋯.png (180.56 KB, 720x1072, 45:67, Img-1562042058929.png)

75d8ae  No.6894265


The end comes when we loose and it is required, no sooner. Not in our hands.

124b4e  No.6894266

File: 3db955f5f73b424⋯.gif (475.59 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Cat-on-Military-Strategy.gif)


I think those "guard" pics were meant for someone specific who would recognize them right away.

38629b  No.6894267

>>6893422 (lb)

To the best of my recollection, there has never been data out of North Georgia region. This-Anon has commented on it several times.

e8999b  No.6894268










c857cd  No.6894269

File: 3f1aff148a9e4cf⋯.jpg (261.75 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, QFireWork.jpg)


God bless America. Land that I love.

And God bless POTUS and all those working with him to help us take this great nation back.


a7600b  No.6894270


It won't be Gowdy 1 year Delta…. It's jhonny rad

6bb477  No.6894271


I really wish he would just disappear, like just into oblivion…he is inconsequential and grating, especially his assymetrical face and cruel mouth and his beady little eyes….

11e054  No.6894272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


WWG1WGA! Patriots Win!

c07986  No.6894273


This looks like every high school drama club that ever existed.

Living somewhere on the spectrum, with a chromosome array that just didn't quite make it.

Nerds and weirdos need to go back into their dark corners and stay there.

09297b  No.6894274



>>6893932, >>6893942 Tanks arrive in DC ahead of July 4 celebration

>>6893937 Trump announces delayed immigration raids will happen after July 4

>>6894084, >>6894099 US Army -I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the USA in close combat

>>6894097 Schumer: Trump's meeting with North Korean leader 'one of the worst days' in American diplomacy

>>6894210 Trump Plans Patriotic ‘Salute To America’ Parade For The 4th Of July

>>6894262 Anon's analysis of the word 'OnReady' From Q Post # 3351 - Overflow Dump ?

a53b65  No.6894275


Point is AOC says their drinking out of toilet bowls.

655b1e  No.6894276


Sorry anon, if it's any comfort, I would love to be there as well, but I won't be able to make it either. So I'll grab some popcorn and watch from here:)

f98020  No.6894277

File: cd8c87d89f61302⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 1920x2560, 3:4, DumbDumber.jpg)

e8999b  No.6894278






47c26b  No.6894279


Someone mentioned a few months ago that you're a test. What test are you? I'm curious.

75d8ae  No.6894280


==Sorry but I am fed up with waiting for someone else to solve our problems.== BTW you have no idea who you are talking to.

9e1a87  No.6894281



You guys are probably both right. Genetic variation and dominant/recessive genes determine the blood type, Nephilim/Alien/Whatever has nothing to do with it, but that doesn't mean the elite might not use that unique feature (among others) to further explain why they think they deserve to lead everyone without merit and try to concentrate the blood type in further generations.

I'm RH- and don't live any better than any other average person so there are no inherent perks there.

655b1e  No.6894282


Indeed, not much longer now, I believe..

f53615  No.6894283

File: 030c5f121c1089d⋯.jpg (3.16 MB, 2705x3386, 2705:3386, pepe-boating-n-storm.jpg)


Patriots from the Purple Mountain Majesties will be singing alongside from afar.

And now, this Anon hears the frogs REEEEEing outside.

>>6894222 best wishes & healing prayers to you Anon. SpouseAnon partner to me been battling that one for long while like a warrior.

May you have longer days & greater wellbeing.

cd142b  No.6894284


Best bet is to track the Dhillon Law Group, handling Ngo's case.

98dfc8  No.6894285


Yeah it's sad how it can be interpreted to shape an image in your head with no context. Sick of seeing all of the shit they dribble constantly tbh.

d7f447  No.6894286


i wish i could be there but work beckons

i wonder what the best way to experience it

white house live stream perhaps? RightSide maybe?

c857cd  No.6894287

File: b29100fcf8af1f8⋯.jpg (281.17 KB, 744x486, 124:81, convicted-but-the.jpg)


Not even one?

Don't you have a dick to suck somewhere?

a7d79f  No.6894288

File: 7f6d7b20e0eba90⋯.jpg (521.04 KB, 1440x1338, 240:223, SmartSelect_20190701-23414….jpg)

File: befdac8416e0179⋯.jpg (492.76 KB, 1422x1338, 237:223, SmartSelect_20190701-23415….jpg)


Guy is a fucking retard.

7ece72  No.6894289


I'm really getting tired of trying to decipher Retard

b5fc9c  No.6894290


Not even one arrest?

Are you BLIND?

Are you a SHEEP?

Have you not spotted the START?

Hollywood prominent actors being taken down > SHOWING THERE ARE NO LONGER TWO CLASS JUSTICE SYSTEMS

Elites being charged?


The Start. Drip… Drip… Drip…

Sheep need their eyes open, we are large but we need countrymen wide awake first for the big hammer.

Have some faith you slut.

70bfe7  No.6894291


Red text

needs its own line.

Just sayin'

a1c64c  No.6894292

File: 3d4a48472bcdf36⋯.jpg (143.09 KB, 900x639, 100:71, feels_bar_open_baker_girls.jpg)


he got the gay aids and was eaten by a pack of hungry trannies


oh shit, looks like the baker girls are finally showing up…

bc812a  No.6894293

File: 0e812cae602cce7⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1350x1574, 675:787, clownworld.png)


no, not really.

Good try at mirroring though

We caught Doug red-handed.

And then we found out who he associated with, what he looked like;

Then I found out this place is swarming with you guys.

Certain things will bring you guys all to the surface, like fish that swarm for food. And then we see how many of you there are.

$$$ talks.

Good try with the mirroring, but it didn't work.

None of your shit works.

6bb477  No.6894294


lots of fakebook groups like this … thinking this is there new place to look and try to frame us or those who belong to such pages to expose their new cry of "right wing" and "white sumpremacy" bullshit….

Man it just never ends…the group needs to sue, I wonder if it was marked as private….could mean that they cannot use it in court….

993298  No.6894295


Honestly, isn't this good enough reason to make sure anything you want to discuss ISN'T on Facebook?!

957470  No.6894296

One rumor was the young turks groomed her for this


e8999b  No.6894297






a6cb42  No.6894298


Yup. These fools don't realize they are standing on the shoulders of giants.

d91425  No.6894299


Dude you forgot about 5G. It’s totes gonna fry us

b057a6  No.6894300


>Hollywood prominent actors being taken down

slaps on the wrist for undermining our democracy really doesn't seem like:


But then again I'm just a concern fag. Don't worry about the veracity of your claim, just say it and people will believe it and attack me for pointing out the fact that you haven't demonstrated your claim.

302d76  No.6894301


imagine my shock at those poll results

437524  No.6894302


Any moron with half a brain could simply note that there are murderers on death row that get tap water.

To think kids are drinking out of toilets at the border labels your brain as 'out of service'.

38629b  No.6894303


+ Indoor pool, hmmm?

d1e2b6  No.6894304

File: b7535ff00d8a023⋯.jpg (3.39 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190701_224308.jpg)


Georgia cornbread cake

ce89d8  No.6894305

File: 3c7102d270e1278⋯.jpg (173.55 KB, 840x777, 40:37, antifa attacks.jpg)

Nolte: CNN’s Antifa Pals Have Assaulted 15 Journalists

Even though there have been at least 15 documented incidents of Antifa assaulting members of the media, CNN has steadily remained the left-wing terrorist group’s public relations arm.

Over the weekend, Antifa added another notch to its gun with a brutal assault on Quillette journalist Andy Ngo, an attack that landed him in the hospital, an assault that CNN’s media reporter Brian Stelter deliberately downplayed on his basement-rated weekend show.

Sadly, Saturday’s Ngo assault is just the most recent attack on a journalist (and on Ngo himself, who has been physically accosted by Antifa in the past).

Nevertheless, not counting Stelter using selectively-edited video this weekend to make it look as though Ngo was merely the victim of a milkshake/silly string hazing that went too far, here is a short list of CNN’s encouragement and defense of Antifa’s violence:

Antifa fights for a “good cause.”

Antifa’s fight “is right.”

Antifa’s punches are more “equal morally” than others.

Antifa is “on the side of right.”

Antifa is right because “sometimes you can’t fight by praising them or being nice to them. You gotta fight fire with fire…”

Antifa is as heroic as the America soldiers who stormed the beaches on D-Day.

Antifa harassing Ted Cruz and his wife out of a restaurant is “what he signed up for.”

…criticism Antifa is “racist” (even though Antifa is predominantly white).

What’s more, much of this defense and championing of Antifa happened after the group committed countless acts of violence and vandalism.

Moar: https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2019/07/01/nolte-cnns-antifa-pals-have-assaulted-15-journalists/

11e054  No.6894306

File: dfa3c624006d24c⋯.png (72.93 KB, 373x549, 373:549, Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at ….png)

File: 842e24f5e36850f⋯.png (129.48 KB, 731x785, 731:785, Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at ….png)

File: d021ceb57d3a9fa⋯.png (81.49 KB, 369x623, 369:623, Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at ….png)

File: 39127e8594d7899⋯.png (105 KB, 426x852, 1:2, Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at ….png)

File: 6fddb0c987fdbb5⋯.png (53.91 KB, 474x386, 237:193, Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at ….png)

70bfe7  No.6894307

File: 126560a9adfb927⋯.png (242.62 KB, 583x428, 583:428, defeatedjew.png)

11e054  No.6894308

File: ceac3fdac4a6e9c⋯.jpg (166.75 KB, 623x400, 623:400, 1_McKellen_laugh_623x400.jpg)

698f80  No.6894309


I'm trying to pull up video of the Hanoi summit to see how many of Kim's bodyguards in Hanoi can be matched to his bodyguards at the DMZ.

a7d79f  No.6894310


Thank you! Prayers going up for your spouse.

d7fc43  No.6894311

File: ee964dd9ca2ebf9⋯.png (300.24 KB, 540x282, 90:47, safe_image.png)


Sheeeit kneegrow

e9acbd  No.6894312


>All over southeast Asia the media reports are optimistic, positive and upbeat with the possibility of a generational crisis finally coming to an end. President Trump is being called a hero bringing peace to Korea.

Respect is something media needs a lesson in.

May they find that lesson soon at their front door.

858d2c  No.6894313

File: 0aa3b0176919f98⋯.mp4 (10.58 MB, 640x270, 64:27, TerminatorExit.mp4)

File: 425ad8c5d1da589⋯.jpg (164.31 KB, 1200x788, 300:197, DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ.jpg)


Illegally terminated … kek… can't help thinkin of vid….

e8999b  No.6894314










d61197  No.6894315

this board this room this post…..

all it says/proves/demonstrates > is we are divided

Q= they want you divided = you are divided = Q is no retreat from the divided world you are living in = mention assembly of the patriots = no you faggot shill = so don't do anything to save you or your family = wait for your government/your keeper/ your oppressor because they care…….

If patriots peacefully assemble, does not = violence, if attacked demonstrating your first amendment right, you have your 2nd amendment right to self defense. shills reply here….

wait what wait for those who enslaved you and allowed you to be in this situation, cause they are working on it.

isn't passivity and waiting for someone else to act how we got here?

Oh wait, everything will change in 3 days….. can you be any easier to mislead? you just don't want to risk what you have to effect change, and Q bakers and annons helped you stay there.

(for effect, I truly hope that I have just become to jaded and let down to hope, not even for 3 more days)

On Independence day when nothing happens to benefit patriots may you recognize that your inaction and inability to think for yourself has led WWG1WGA led you to further enslavement of the 99%

Then look around and see if you were placated just long enough to get all the controlling pieces in place….

At least you can feel good about yourself that you tried… ha ha you did nothing, now you and your family are fucked, because you were here and went on the list

I will se you in the grave or reeducation camp… YEAH we dug 1 more story of corruption, and waited for the corrupt to do something about it. Oh that didn't work out so well. ah shucks

Good Luck

Happy enslavement day

6aaf95  No.6894316

File: 8ef6a3e217b1509⋯.jpg (93.87 KB, 500x748, 125:187, magarita 2.jpg)


Pour a round for all patriots in the house on me… and sorry about the mess on the floor by the payphone.

897ff1  No.6894317

>>6892409 /lb

Nike...new name for pussy.

c1e907  No.6894318

File: ca7212b14315b18⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1654x863, 1654:863, DoD FB 7-1-19 3 am PDT.PNG)

Up and ready for any Monday hurdle like…


>military working dog

d7f447  No.6894319


no cornmeal?

a7d79f  No.6894320


That is a good question. I think they said major networks are giving him an hour of prime time for the speech, but I want to watch all of the festivities.

ebcbd0  No.6894321

Morning fags, so who wants to bet that the "Facebook group of bad CBP Officers" is fake and gay? Made up to switch AOC from faking a photo op to outraged and wronged by anonymous CBP Agents on Fakebook maybe?

The timing on this, to coincide with her visit and theatrics, just smells off to me. Any other anons agree, or just black humor and bants?

38629b  No.6894322


Been happening for decades. Do a search on "bus plunge". Seems to be the preferred term of art.

bc812a  No.6894323

File: 5ca8f26d49a8f3d⋯.jpeg (214.93 KB, 1055x754, 1055:754, 16years.jpeg)


Courts don't even have room for the real criminals; let alone for "thought crime"

"Seditious Libel" is something different though.

It seemed DJT POTUS confirmed, in a backhanded way by being unable to answer, that there are already cases in progress regarding the obstruction of Justice and interfering with an election of the C-A, FBI , the major news networks [owned by criminal network] and the social media platforms.

It's all one clique.

POTUS spoke tonight around the social media platform issue - but the others are all implicated.

He said he couldn't talk about if there was anything ongoing to try and correct the situation.

d982c2  No.6894324


I disagree, stupid liberals like to promote their sodomite friends and family, as if it is an honor to have them.

Oreos are not good anymore. Too much geneticly altered flavors and crap. Although they have a ton of flavors. Oreos are not oreos if they taste like birthday cake. Get me?

cd142b  No.6894325


What's armature? A place to rest your arm?

75d8ae  No.6894326

I'm sorry but I have lost faith in the plan.

You people are just losers living in moms basement. Thank God my pastor is not as cowardly as the people here.

d1e2b6  No.6894327

File: 43052e09be3d8f8⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190701_224834.jpg)


Double batch, no pecans b/c nut allergies and kids.

6bb477  No.6894328


Anon, that looks so good, so hot here these days…

e898fc  No.6894329

>>6894305 CNN’s Antifa Pals Have Assaulted 15 Journalists


not in QResear.ch

f05223  No.6894330


Yeah, I had a pack a few years ago and it tasted like lightly flavored chalk. Disgusting. Never bought a pack since.

bc812a  No.6894331

File: 5b516ea81a95c13⋯.jpeg (148.82 KB, 910x1260, 13:18, doug.jpeg)


Of course you are Doug.

We caught you so don't lie.

3d8dae  No.6894332

File: a0f5168fb325b67⋯.png (609.28 KB, 930x692, 465:346, sansour2.PNG)

File: 3367fde2f0db073⋯.png (1.11 MB, 821x877, 821:877, sansour3.PNG)

File: 9aae09903ed4a68⋯.png (18.34 KB, 538x255, 538:255, sansour4.PNG)

File: 9f98c488e591a31⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1109x717, 1109:717, sansour5.PNG)

FBI WARRANT: Ilhan Omar Linked Terrorist Owns Jihadi Training Ground Discovered in Alabama


cfe00c  No.6894333

Since we're basically at war with China, we should probably get all the chinks out of America.

fdc530  No.6894334


Infantile logic.

Heads I win, Tails you lose.

c1e907  No.6894335


You sound just like Cernovich when he is having a bi polar meltdown on twitter

Do you also periscope you rage and rantings like he does?

I think there's money in that

Maybe try there

To anons you are just white noise

blah blah blah

78bc80  No.6894336

File: 9237205dfa1be88⋯.png (37.17 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, 1460623005667.png)

Anons, how sad is it that I am afraid to use the FBI tips line for fear of DS cucks?

38629b  No.6894337



>> 6893378 (lb)

d7f447  No.6894338


holy shit just dug into this, there is not corn involved

why the name?

1d0804  No.6894339

File: 52dff3a5210a0df⋯.jpeg (41.8 KB, 474x243, 158:81, 70C62FA7-EF37-4FD8-9CD4-8….jpeg)

File: 21ee716ae223bb9⋯.jpeg (127.64 KB, 474x749, 474:749, 6FCC19B9-6EDE-4214-BD33-2….jpeg)

God Bless, Mr. President & Patriots…

For The Republic……

d91425  No.6894340


>BTW you have no idea who you are talking to.

You finally took the time to look up the word Anonymous in the dictionary!

3c9c15  No.6894341

File: 1b5032b8419086b⋯.jpg (28.17 KB, 570x428, 285:214, 1b5032b8419086b60798f6d629….jpg)


Tits or GTFO

38629b  No.6894342


Gah! Format.



>>6893378 (lb)

98dfc8  No.6894343



8808cc  No.6894344


yessir- the Young Turks are running this show with help of her on staff puppeteer. Saikat Chakrabarti a wealthy tech entrepreneur, is the AOC’s chief of staff regaling the benefits of [his] Green New Deal

on MSNBC that most likely he and others wrote in one night- LET HIM GO OUT AND PLANT SOME TREES to save the earth

instead of living in cities, using private jets, SUV's and mind-numbing the growing progressive radicalists.

So they are the directors and producers of her every TV production.

She is a F—in' ACTRESS!

its all visuals and out-takes- Potus was in TV for years and knows the game. he sees her for what she is.

75d8ae  No.6894345


Oh God you people are stupid.

cee44d  No.6894346

File: 7e645cb96b4f094⋯.jpeg (127.28 KB, 620x863, 620:863, B3687A13-73BD-4B00-B87D-A….jpeg)

File: 7824055fd1718db⋯.jpeg (111.6 KB, 656x652, 164:163, B5E717EF-158A-46E3-932F-B….jpeg)

File: 891dcbf56930472⋯.jpeg (101.41 KB, 775x577, 775:577, EC9C0139-996B-412E-9F47-C….jpeg)

File: c90c3af5a9d43fa⋯.jpeg (75.97 KB, 875x573, 875:573, B336C1EA-8B62-4128-9959-9….jpeg)

e8999b  No.6894347











3c9c15  No.6894348

File: b6d158b6660cc7d⋯.jpg (58.78 KB, 865x960, 173:192, j9smit.jpg)


>Anons, how sad is it that I am afraid to use the FBI tips line for fear of DS cucks?

Take backup when you go.

858d2c  No.6894349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a1c64c  No.6894350

File: 5da4dd9fa550852⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, own-that-slide.mp4)


o7 patriot

don't worry about the mess

>we all shit ourselves from time to time

3afd5e  No.6894351



98dfc8  No.6894352


Toilet roll going over, not under.

Good to see it done right.

cafd43  No.6894353


That Barney Rubble is quite an actor Kek!

ec0a48  No.6894354


Let me clarify since you like to post DS bullshit videos, you’re fucked. Take your videos and shove them. You are the cancer. Did I mention, you’re fucked? Interesting you’d reply to my post with this video, are you afraid of something? You are a low rent shill.

f53615  No.6894355


ty, Anon.


6bb477  No.6894356


You have no idea who "YOU" are talking to here either…..

e8999b  No.6894357







c1e907  No.6894358


>Anons, how sad is it that I am afraid to use the FBI tips line for fear of DS cucks?

'Operators on standby'

That was me

I called the FBI re Chandler

No problems at all

April 6, 2018

Long time ago

I'm still here and just fine

If you have something of importance to report then do so

11e054  No.6894359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f98020  No.6894360

File: 57f795f129fc413⋯.jpg (123.34 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, Undone.JPG)

Isn't this meme becoming more and more true every day?

491506  No.6894361

File: 0140ca710593e50⋯.jpg (127.96 KB, 421x506, 421:506, bode.jpg)

3889c3  No.6894362

File: e2b51015379a012⋯.jpeg (449.65 KB, 1125x1876, 1125:1876, 519CDED6-F63B-4C19-8B87-D….jpeg)

File: 9abfe9f5d2905a6⋯.jpeg (566.63 KB, 1125x2259, 125:251, CCE28F45-EECF-4D1E-AF2C-D….jpeg)

File: 7d8ab4597f3983b⋯.jpeg (532.29 KB, 1124x1936, 281:484, 2C1F4672-8A9F-42B2-B38E-D….jpeg)

Saw the blood type discussion earlier and it made me wonder why it even matters isince WWG1WGA and we know who our creator is. And I found this. So why is she worried about blood types?? Comms? https://www.newsweek.com/nancy-pelosi-warning-white-house-staffers-know-your-blood-type-trump-621933

b088ba  No.6894363

File: eff44c0c9e5a554⋯.jpg (13.35 KB, 255x232, 255:232, TitsOrGTFOSlapABitch.jpg)

655b1e  No.6894364

File: 9ba5f94812b9f26⋯.png (226.35 KB, 818x546, 409:273, ClipboardImage.png)


Hmm, hear much whining and nothing of problem solving.. GOT Solutions?

78bc80  No.6894365


I do this research and find these shady profiles or questionable content online but don't feel confident in reporting it. I am a novice digger but I am starting to wonder if reporting this stuff puts you on a list of sorts.

"Why were you on a website with this content?" type thing.

They didn't ask you why you were accessing a profile/hastags that you think leads you to child trafficking?

a7d79f  No.6894366


I like Eric Trump.

c07986  No.6894367



Check the archives. I definitely recall fairly extensive digs on Siraj Ibn Wahhaj.

He lived in Georgia for a while, then that camp in Alabama, and was finally connected to a small, primitive "camp" out west (NM or NV, can't recall which)

AJC.com and AL.com both had coverage on the guy.

d1e2b6  No.6894368

File: 7dd6756324b4bcb⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190701_225810.jpg)

bc812a  No.6894369



CNN coaches prospective ANTIFA by excusing and encouraging violence.

Big surprise since they also covered for unjustified wars overseas where many died and were maimed. And many cities and homes were destroyed.

Think about that in comparision to how hate is fomented against "Legacy" citizens for their alleged crime of being a descendant of slave owners, or pioneer settlers who displaced Native Americans.

One set of crimes was from 150 years ago or more. The other set from 50 years ago [VietNam] to almost 3 years ago. O B omb T hem' s term of office, And Clinton And Bush And Bush sr. on an on .

e8999b  No.6894370










cd142b  No.6894371


If you don't agree with the crass arrogant asshole's policies, then you are the crass, arrogant asshole. GTFO with your lame contradictions.

c857cd  No.6894372

File: b5a16719c7facec⋯.jpg (103.93 KB, 400x400, 1:1, redtextidiots.jpg)


The joke is in your hands.

b1c718  No.6894373


Unless you have small children, or a cat . . .

70bfe7  No.6894374


R U making enough for everyone?

Asking for a friend.

89cb49  No.6894375











Great tips on how to post like a retard in case you guys were wondering! This guy has truly nailed it. Everytime he goes up the stairs from his mama's basement she gives him a big hug for his hard work.

f038e8  No.6894376


>Infantile logic.

THAT is why Swallowell is getting his ass handed to him on twatter!

a1c64c  No.6894377

File: 9eaadf807711853⋯.png (942.48 KB, 920x551, 920:551, ClipboardImage.png)


>cheers anon


4f5bcf  No.6894378

File: 24be86396e51c73⋯.png (325.34 KB, 558x549, 62:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea716ba464704c4⋯.png (30.21 KB, 769x433, 769:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f08552a1864ed2⋯.png (381.5 KB, 853x556, 853:556, ClipboardImage.png)

HE LIED! Portland Police Release Statement – Claim Mayor Wheeler Gave Police Stand Down Order During Violent Protests

On Saturday afternoon Quillette gay Asian journalist Andy Ngo was beaten and robbed by several Antifa attackers at a Portland protest march.

HE LIED! Portland Police Release Statement – Claim Mayor Wheeler Gave Police Stand Down Order During Violent Protests

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft July 1, 2019 7 Comments

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On Saturday afternoon Quillette gay Asian journalist Andy Ngo was beaten and robbed by several Antifa attackers at a Portland protest march.

Ngo was later hospitalized Saturday night with a brain bleed following the brutal Antifa attack as he covered dueling left-right demonstrations in Portland, Oregon, Ngo’s attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon said.

Harmeet Dhillon later accused Mayor Ted Wheeler of calling on police to stand down.


e8999b  No.6894379











fdc530  No.6894380

File: ce36b2825b12d48⋯.jpg (74.48 KB, 856x634, 428:317, smokeclown.jpg)



d75ae0  No.6894381


At your service, Anon. o7

09297b  No.6894382



>>6893932, >>6893942 Tanks arrive in DC ahead of July 4 celebration

>>6893937 Trump announces delayed immigration raids will happen after July 4

>>6894084, >>6894099, >>6894175 US Army -I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the USA in close combat

>>6894097 Schumer: Trump's meeting with North Korean leader 'one of the worst days' in American diplomacy

>>6894210 Trump Plans Patriotic ‘Salute To America’ Parade For The 4th Of July

>>6894262 Anon's analysis of the word 'OnReady' From Q Post # 3351 - Overflow Dump ?

>>6894305 CNN’s Antifa Pals Have Assaulted 15 Journalists

>>6894178 based Ben Garrison with that hot fire

say hi to Bartender yet?


next bread is Graveyard bake

this baker gonna handoff top of bread, to the hallows

c9d5fe  No.6894383

File: 19aabaf017a85ce⋯.png (21.78 KB, 579x203, 579:203, tweet.PNG)

c1e907  No.6894384


>They didn't ask you why you were accessing a profile/hastags that you think leads you to child trafficking?

They asked me many things

None of which I am going to divulge specifically

They have my name and info

I have nothing to hide and am not worried at all

I did not mention QAnon at the time, but gave them Chandlers twitter and instagram and directed them to what was being posted about it on twitter

It was no big deal

They were very nice and professional and I was happy after the fact for having reported Chandler

e8999b  No.6894385



4f5bcf  No.6894386

File: dcd7e6b04191ca5⋯.png (53.77 KB, 748x758, 374:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ecc9ff11cacc18⋯.png (604.79 KB, 763x894, 763:894, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia-India-China share a room with a view

by Pepe Escobar : Posted with permission

The most important trilateral at the G20 in Osaka was confined to a shoddy environment unworthy of Japan’s unrivaled aesthetic minimalism.

Japan excels in perfect planning and execution. So it’s hard to take this setup as an unfortunate “accident.” At least the – unofficial – Russia-India-China summit at the sidelines of the G20 transcended the fate of an interior decorator deserving to commit seppuku.

Leaders of these three countries met in virtual secrecy. The very few media representatives present in the shabby room were soon invited to leave. Presidents Putin, Xi and Modi were flanked by streamlined teams who barely found enough space to sit down. There were no leaks. Cynics would rather joke that the room may have been bugged anyway. After all, Xi is able to call Putin and Modi to Beijing anytime he wants to discuss serious business.

New Delhi is spinning that Modi took the initiative to meet in Osaka. That’s not exactly the case. Osaka is a culmination of a long process led by Xi and Putin to seduce Modi into a serious Eurasia integration triangular road map, consolidated at their previous meeting last month at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Bishkek.

Now Russia-India-China (RIC) is fully back in business; the next meeting is set for the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok in September.

In their introductory remarks, Putin, Xi and Modi made it clear that RIC is all about configuring, in Putin’s words, an “indivisible security architecture” for Eurasia.

Modi – very much in a Macron vein – stressed the multilateral effort to fight climate change, and complained that the global economy is being ruled by a “one-sided” dictate, emphasizing the necessity of a reform of the World Trade Organization.

Putin went a step ahead, insisting, “our countries are in favor of preserving the system of international relations, whose core is the UN Charter and the rule of law. We uphold such important principles of interstate relations as respect for sovereignty and non-interference in domestic affairs.”

Putin clearly underlined the geopolitical interconnection of the UN, BRICS, SCO and G20, plus “strengthening the authority of the WTO” and the International Monetary Fund as the “paragon of a modern and just multipolar world that denies sanctions as legitimate actions.”

The Russia-India-China contrast with the Trump administration could not be starker.


3d8dae  No.6894387


No…have we dug on Linda Sarsour??? She seems to be lurking in the shadows…Do we know anything on her because she says Wahhaj is her "favorite person"! Is he her husband, certainly a handler at the very least…I think she may be an important actor that may tie some things together.

4f5bcf  No.6894388


Good fuck off your bakes are shit

11e054  No.6894389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


d555ab  No.6894390

File: 237cfecc1770492⋯.jpg (92.6 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Ramsay protec.jpg)

fe8e0e  No.6894391

File: 0e652ea343f1efd⋯.png (268.53 KB, 858x836, 39:38, 9084306891209863498.png)

d61197  No.6894392

sure would be nice if you anonymous cucks would tell your keepers that you got these Q followers all cucked out and ready to stay home to watch the (real patriots) uhm maybe some day take their country back, no hurry, lets kill, maim, harass and more mental fuckery for the already stupid enough to think inaction leads to action

some special kind of stupid in here

(test) testing tested

your movie title is

Q, dumb or dumber 3

bc812a  No.6894393


if you read it per mirroring she's saying:

Get ready to be hospitalized, know your blood type, because we are having a "Night of the long Knives" and will be killing a lot of you.

Also we might ask you what is your blood type so we could decide if we want it or not, for our own purposes.

Didn't Lou Dobbs just come out and name her as a person making money off running drugs, human trafficking and running arms through the border, and that's why she won't close it?

She's on high alert in all white?

09297b  No.6894394


handoff confirmed

all yours

d1e2b6  No.6894395

File: 2871298811ef548⋯.jpg (3.49 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190701_230522.jpg)


Don't have self rising flour so adding baking soda and baking powder and compensating for high altitute.

e898fc  No.6894396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

reposting, this time with a video

Andy Ngo on Tucker C


Monday, July 1 2019

Ngo was visibly shocked after attack. When attacked, he was right next to many gov't buildings–Court Houses, Central Police Precinct, Sheriff's Office. Antifa was chanting, "No hate, no fear."

Then he was attacked. Didn't realize what was happening. They beat him with their fists and threw objects, could have been 15-20 people. When he thought it was over, he was wrong.

Tried to "surrender," but that signalled to them to be more aggressive–they threw eggs and milkshakes at his face, which blinded him. Then he was kicked and punched some more:

"All this time, I kept thinking, "Where are the police?…But no police ever arrived." He sat down finally, where a medic SWAT team helped him. But they couldn't even get an ambulance to his location–was told he'd have to walk back to the police precinct. At the hospital, Ngo was diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage.


This guy looks so sad, disillusioned. Really not in good shape.

8808cc  No.6894398


needs more digs.

This is a good start.

e8999b  No.6894399










1c5886  No.6894400

File: e4c2341b5bb1096⋯.jpeg (154.95 KB, 527x851, 527:851, A8C881CC-7639-49C9-86C1-E….jpeg)


Nero Day-liking term

Day Nero-Buick film


c1e907  No.6894401


>Chandlers twitter and instagram

Correction the instagram and what was trending on twitter

Gotta be precise

ea6833  No.6894402


keith ranireie sloppy salad

09297b  No.6894403


looks like someone is crying because not one single person acknowledged any of your posts

1c5886  No.6894404



89cb49  No.6894405


You have no purpose here. Please go play in the street with your eyes closed.

f038e8  No.6894406


>HE LIED! Portland Police Release Statement – Claim Mayor Wheeler Gave Police Stand Down Order During Violent Protests

rut rooooo, someone is in troubleeeeee!!!

a6cb42  No.6894407


Your memes are simplistic (to a point of retardation), artistically void, and could be made by a child, a drunk, or an.AI.

Buy some nuance, study "focal point" and "guiding the eye"… your work has the artistic depth of a road sign.

d555ab  No.6894408

File: d1bec10dfb73cc7⋯.png (141.26 KB, 850x638, 425:319, A-gunshot-wound-of-the-lef….png)


Fuck off with the cooking show, tits or gtfo those are your options

e898fc  No.6894409


Hope your baking skills are better than your shitty comments to baker

4f5bcf  No.6894410


Laura Joomer FFS

Low IQs everywhere

09297b  No.6894411



>>6893932, >>6893942 Tanks arrive in DC ahead of July 4 celebration

>>6893937 Trump announces delayed immigration raids will happen after July 4

>>6894084, >>6894099, >>6894175 US Army -I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the USA in close combat

>>6894097 Schumer: Trump's meeting with North Korean leader 'one of the worst days' in American diplomacy

>>6894210 Trump Plans Patriotic ‘Salute To America’ Parade For The 4th Of July

>>6894262 Anon's analysis of the word 'OnReady' From Q Post # 3351 - Overflow Dump ?

>>6894305 CNN’s Antifa Pals Have Assaulted 15 Journalists

>>6894178 based Ben Garrison with that hot fire

>>6894386 Pepe Escobar - Russia-India-China share a room with a view

3d8dae  No.6894412

File: c1118f4188756f4⋯.png (452.54 KB, 799x550, 799:550, kamala.PNG)

70bfe7  No.6894413



All Felony Assault Charges Dropped Against Bike Lock Prof. He’ll Serve Three Years Of Probation

Even if they arrested them, the charges will get dropped, just like Clanton.

Nothing Trump or anyone else could do about it. State government is filled with JEWS.

3889c3  No.6894414


Date of that article was 6/617. She was looking much healthier then in that white outfit.

c07986  No.6894415


Charles Ortel was just talking about Honey & Barry Sherman yesterday.

Ortel called Barry a "patent troll", who'd probably made a ton of enemies over the years.

I was like, wtf is a patent troll:


"Rather than call these groups patent trolls, I would much rather call them what they really are — innovation vampires. These innovation vampires grab hold of as many patents as they sink their teeth into a company and begin to suck the life right out by holding the company, and often times the entire industry, hostage. No tax policy could ever do as much damage to an economy. This massive redistribution of wealth without an iota of benefit to society must stop! Having an enormous treasure chest that can fund litigation ought not entitle you to reap the rewards carved out of the public domain to incentivize the creation of new technologies."

The icing on the evil cake is that Barry Sherman was a PHARMACEUTICAL patent troll.

He was distributing gorillions in fake/garbage "prescription drugs" to Asia, India and Africa.

He could do it because "Secretary Clinton" looked the other way, thanks to the millions he was funnelling to her "charity".


Barry Sherman: Nothing of value was lost

b99c55  No.6894416

File: 105bf1db291ddb4⋯.png (491.71 KB, 640x800, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


d1e2b6  No.6894417

File: 9d0d2e105667047⋯.jpg (3.4 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190701_230801.jpg)


Dough is thick af, double checking recipe.

e144fc  No.6894418


Geese you have a lot of porn on your PC.

cd142b  No.6894419


Yes, it's shillanon.you. Great site.

a6cb42  No.6894420

>>6894407 Oops. You know who I meant.

3b352c  No.6894421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You're not my Buddy, friend.

Trudeau left hanging by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro at G20 Osaka Summit

d555ab  No.6894422

File: 33208fdb610220a⋯.jpg (66.36 KB, 505x673, 505:673, Maxillofacial-trauma-due-t….jpg)

3d8dae  No.6894423


We still have to pay attention to the connections…I am particularly interested in Linda Sarsaur…seems she is not elected in office but is often seen wandering the halls of Capital Hill…..

b057a6  No.6894424


love ya anon

38629b  No.6894425


The tide has turned, but the high tide of public opinion on our side hasn't arrived yet.

e8999b  No.6894426










d1e2b6  No.6894427

File: ba6e3c59372c9cf⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190701_231027.jpg)


Oh god, just licked the beaters. Anons missing out on this shit.

a6cb42  No.6894428


>Your memes are simplistic (to a point of retardation), artistically void, and could be made by a child, a drunk, or an.AI.


>Buy some nuance, study "focal point" and "guiding the eye"… your work has the artistic depth of a road sign.

You couldn't trigger anything, and you know it.

d555ab  No.6894429

File: 31cf5f702e6574a⋯.png (504.5 KB, 666x524, 333:262, 2-Figure2-1.png)



f038e8  No.6894430

File: dcda169a0828bfa⋯.png (626 KB, 656x461, 656:461, Kamala porcupine.png)

f3a56f  No.6894431

File: ea4202a3d94baae⋯.gif (2.58 MB, 416x307, 416:307, ea4202a3d94baae4f4ea3a8ec5….gif)

43d7ba  No.6894432


FYI, Portland Police Association is a masonic group that calls and asks for donations. Doesn't actually give the money to the police for riot gear and such.

491506  No.6894433

something triggered the shills

e2d713  No.6894434


SHERMAN TANKS, anyone? He is taunting Hilary again….

f05223  No.6894435


You using a trash grinder as beaters? That doesn't look healthy.

bc812a  No.6894436


no wonder the ANTIFA leftist types want to take away guns. How far would they get against a gun when they are gangs with rocks and sticks [fighing like bands of chimps in the woods]?

They wouldn't be able to gang up on one person?

97c714  No.6894437


I anticipate those being piled up on the discount cart of the grocery store.

Sex sells, in advertising, but hopefully, Madison Avenue will discover that perverted sex does not sell.

I've seen homo commercials and magazines ads that are short lived.

They keep cramming this shit down our throats even though it makes us want to barf!

70bfe7  No.6894438


All police are corrupt as fuck.

e8999b  No.6894439







bc812a  No.6894440


good one!

3d8dae  No.6894441

c1e907  No.6894442



Is it Sessions dick or Israels dick

I'm confused now

Or are you just projecting cause you want a big one to suck on?

The red text shill wants him some cock in his mouth

afb8bf  No.6894443

Yummy, gore with Georgia cornbread, anons so creative and unique


cfe00c  No.6894444

Then, of course, you got the secret/not secret shadow war through information with Israel because they fight by way of deception and subversion so it would be ideal to get the jews out of America as well.

e782e8  No.6894445


Am I the only anon who wants the briefest of trials for female traitors?

JUDGE: Tits, or GITMO.

Oh - never fear - I don't wanna see any of those cunts' tits. I want them in GITMO and pray they won't show 'em. Cuz then we all dead.

c07986  No.6894446

File: 4c2aa833492a710⋯.jpg (144.2 KB, 1320x817, 1320:817, PepeEyeballs.jpg)


"have we dug on LInda Sarsour"

Um. You must be new.


ea9a8a  No.6894447


lol where the fucks that from?

Fucking drug users

8808cc  No.6894448




you'll find them.

Top of the pyramid.

ea9a8a  No.6894449


Quad 4 gets of truth

e8999b  No.6894450












70bfe7  No.6894451



993298  No.6894452

File: 5710383b88121ee⋯.png (376.91 KB, 845x645, 169:129, Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at ….png)

File: cf8b2aa2e9f460e⋯.png (88.99 KB, 1079x632, 1079:632, Screen Shot 2019-07-02 at ….png)

File: f2862fecbac548e⋯.png (15.76 KB, 405x90, 9:2, Screen Shot 2019-07-02 at ….png)

I took Spanish in high school and made a couple of trips to Spain. I saw an anon post something about the Hapsburg Jaw and that further reminded me of the portraits done by Goya of the Spanish monarchs. Here's a bit of info about the Hapsburg Jaw.


When discussing inbreeding in families, it is important to realize that some traits are recessive, some dominant and even "co-dominant". Hapsburg Jaw is dominant autosomal (gene not located on sex chromosomes).

O- blood is universal donor and the gene for Rh factor is recessive. If a woman gets pregnant and has O- blood she can become sensitized during delivery to her baby's blood if the child is rhesus factor +. During subsequent pregnancies her body may produce harmful antibodies towards the baby if the baby is rhesus factor +. Rhogam is a blood product used to prevent the mother from getting sensitized to the O+ blood of a baby she is carrying if she is Rh-.


I hope women getting Rhogam are made aware that they are getting a human blood product with all the attendant risks .

Captcha appropriate.

f038e8  No.6894453

==De Blasio Says Medicare For All Should Cover Gender Reassignment Surgery== https://dailycaller.com/2019/07/01/de-blasio-gender-reassignment-surgery-medicare/

097017  No.6894454


Antifas only goal of s to beat up white people.

Enjoy more Jew brainwashing from American Heroes Channel

Faggot retard.

f3a56f  No.6894455

File: 5da078f20a6a380⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 2uewzw.gif)

ab0e77  No.6894456


Things that make you go hmm


e8999b  No.6894457




e898fc  No.6894458


Right. Bullies to a man (or woe-man). Video shows a guy completely in disbelief that the police could just stand by and watch a journalist get viciously attacked by a violent mob. Maybe this is what it takes to finally arouse the outrage of Oregonians. This was bad, but could be worse. Pray it's enough to get these bastards off the street.

a1c64c  No.6894459

File: 6ccfd20dfb2221f⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1450x805, 290:161, ClipboardImage.png)


i was about to make some chicken tendies… who wants some?

4f5bcf  No.6894460

File: f9dfcae6c0b96e5⋯.png (159.33 KB, 601x334, 601:334, ClipboardImage.png)

Gab Community,

Online censorship is getting worse by the day, which is why we are working so hard at Gab to build open source software that preserves online freedom, sovereignty, and privacy for all people.

Here are just some of the many censorship stories you may have missed last month alone.

Apple Bans Gab's Developer Account After Company Makes Antitrust Case To The DOJ

YouTube censors video exposing Google's anti-conservative censorship


Elizabeth Warren Calls for More Tech Censorship

Twitter Will Quarantine Trump's Tweets

Reddit Quarantine's The_Donald subreddit

Pinterest Caught Censoring Christians and Pro-Life Content

New Gab and Big Tech Social Media Strike on July 4th

On July 4th Gab will be launching a total overhaul of Gab Social. It will be open source, decentralized, and most importantly redesigned from the ground up to be more user friendly and have access to existing apps on both app stores. We hope you will join us for New Gab on July 4th and also consider participating in the Big Tech social media strike happening on July 4th-5th.

Our New Lightning Fast Web Browser

Be sure to get Dissenter, Gab's new free speech web browser that blocks Big Tech trackers and ads by default. It's free. It's awesome. It stops Big Tech from tracking you and making money on your attention and data. .

3d8dae  No.6894461


Actually I am not…but have bee away a lot with work and due to the shills 10 pagesbreads can fill up and pass before I get back…sooooo, things get missed. I have seen digging on the other's involved here but no Sarsaur…I will go look again.

bc812a  No.6894462

File: 1151ba71b3e5d80⋯.png (16.84 KB, 222x255, 74:85, alertnotice.png)


Shills stuff is always gross, because they are demonic.

They think putrid memes are cool and attractive.

They are attracted to decay; like flies to a wound.

Weird. That's why they like to eat gross stuff. If something is pure, it turns them off. They don't understand it nor agree with it.


858d2c  No.6894463

File: a04da2b4d301f75⋯.mp4 (13.61 MB, 540x360, 3:2, WAY!.mp4)

File: cc89886ea058be6⋯.jpg (624.58 KB, 990x730, 99:73, GodWins.jpg)

4:16 3:16 Pairofdox onthemove

097017  No.6894464

Nick Fuentes is…

A weapon of mass destruction.,..

It's true.

e782e8  No.6894465

File: 5bd08169cc826b0⋯.png (193.7 KB, 1266x804, 211:134, Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at ….png)

b71ff0  No.6894466

File: 1783681ec0a67aa⋯.jpeg (368.6 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, EB3AF695-28C1-41E5-B510-D….jpeg)

File: 92a293ee2a87f89⋯.jpeg (875.54 KB, 1226x4096, 613:2048, EDE6C889-214B-4A29-9878-1….jpeg)

File: 0a1ddfa52c9313b⋯.jpeg (393.7 KB, 901x992, 901:992, BE1E6ABE-80B0-49D8-BB5E-B….jpeg)




Staggering BOOMS ahead

b99c55  No.6894467

File: 0c8b86177eb5417⋯.png (4.18 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb3f1a4d0cd9b70⋯.png (1.56 MB, 679x960, 679:960, ClipboardImage.png)

d1e2b6  No.6894468

File: 772db5517bc91de⋯.jpg (4.21 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190701_231330.jpg)

File: 902efccf8453cd7⋯.jpg (4.23 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190701_231429.jpg)


Greased with vegetable shortening, used agave instead of honey because despite my family owning a honey farm I don't keep that much on me to spare.

b088ba  No.6894469

File: ea1865667d51e52⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1024x733, 1024:733, ClipboardImage.png)


bot fly maggots good sub for corn

ea9a8a  No.6894470



and nah i dont get it

3d290f  No.6894471

File: 549aaea17179626⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Sour.jpg)

File: ec7679f71d3cfd1⋯.png (261.62 KB, 533x654, 533:654, LL S.png)

File: 95ba84a61e28fe3⋯.jpg (21.38 KB, 205x255, 41:51, LLmaga.jpg)

e898fc  No.6894472


Sounds about right. Have a friend who says some things are like turning the Queen Mary around–slow, arduous process. But once it happens, big paradigm shift. POTUS knows what he's doing, great example of grace under pressure, kek.

8808cc  No.6894473


they also roughed up Stephie Grisham trying to get her press folks over to photo shoot the historic meeting. Only NK press were getting the front row so Stephanie stepped in to let her press thru.

that when she got roughed up. No telling who it was but Tucker got good shots.

ea9a8a  No.6894474


Great get

too bad everyone here is fucking asleep

afb8bf  No.6894475

best way to clean a wound


4f5bcf  No.6894476

Gorefag is back?

Always a good sign something big is about to drop!

073299  No.6894477

people who survive the sword will find favor in the desert.

I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt.

f3a56f  No.6894478

File: f0661d490c9f749⋯.gif (2.53 MB, 360x202, 180:101, dousallasolid.gif)

b99c55  No.6894479

File: 03c08c6b29b40b1⋯.png (89.63 KB, 669x488, 669:488, ClipboardImage.png)

ea9a8a  No.6894480


still dont

e898fc  No.6894481


Don't remember him, here since August. When was he last on the scene?

d555ab  No.6894482

File: bbdd56f9c4c874f⋯.jpg (13.23 KB, 300x400, 3:4, 19320132.jpg)

0f6950  No.6894483

File: a73650ac3c89841⋯.jpg (6.05 KB, 276x183, 92:61, Double Get.jpg)

File: 9b0416e771ae124⋯.png (7.12 KB, 291x83, 291:83, Q.PNG)


Lovin' the Symobolic Numbers coming up

Nice Getz

09297b  No.6894484



>>6893932, >>6893942 Tanks arrive in DC ahead of July 4 celebration

>>6893937 Trump announces delayed immigration raids will happen after July 4

>>6894084, >>6894099, >>6894175 US Army -I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the USA in close combat

>>6894097 Schumer: Trump's meeting with North Korean leader 'one of the worst days' in American diplomacy

>>6894210 Trump Plans Patriotic ‘Salute To America’ Parade For The 4th Of July

>>6894262 Anon's analysis of the word 'OnReady' From Q Post # 3351 - Overflow Dump ?

>>6894305 CNN’s Antifa Pals Have Assaulted 15 Journalists

>>6894178 based Ben Garrison with that hot fire

why the fuck is Corn Bread triggering Gore Fag

124b4e  No.6894485

File: b1d3f246e1c00de⋯.jpg (13.08 KB, 369x269, 369:269, SSCS_Flag.jpg)

File: be752390183c9af⋯.png (945.47 KB, 2304x2354, 1152:1177, 6.png)



Sea Shepherd Conservation Society?

a1c64c  No.6894486

File: b1632d8a80b24be⋯.png (168.89 KB, 637x394, 637:394, ClipboardImage.png)





keep your friends close and enemies….




thats your goal isn't it?


at least we understand a good plot line. under sessions human trafficking arrests went to an all-time high and trafficking networks were shut down, he did his job perfectly faggot.


more projection from sharia blew trannies


human traffickers aren't laughing


enjoy the ride faggot, it never ends.


hahahahah … thats ALL you got? the hammer of justice will fall.


better to trust the plan than listen to your weak, defeatist positions. good luck!

4f5bcf  No.6894487

File: fd4a85adcc4c0db⋯.png (14.1 KB, 503x184, 503:184, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 320fcb4e6601166⋯.png (410.25 KB, 846x728, 423:364, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Playing with fire’: US ramps up tough talk on Iran after it exceeds nuclear deal cap

Washington has unleashed a fresh barrage of threats against Tehran, with US President Donald Trump warning it against “playing with fire” and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo branding it a “top sponsor of terrorism.”

Fresh from rekindling his strange bromance with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, Trump has returned to his war-mongering ways, leveling a vague new warning at Iran. Asked whether he had a message for Iran after its stockpiles of enriched uranium exceeded the 300kg cap set out in the 2015 nuclear deal, Trump told reporters at the White House on Monday that he had “no message whatsoever” but added that Iran knew it was “playing with fire.”

Trump also warned Iran that he still hadn't forgiven it for taking out a US drone that was shot down over the Strait of Hormuz last month. Framing his last-minute decision not to strike Iranian targets in retaliation for the downing of the unmanned surveillance craft as “a great presidential moment” in an interview with Fox News, he claimed the change of heart had earned him “great capital” and given him license to “do far worse, if something should happen” in the future. “But hopefully we don’t have to do anything,” he added, claiming that while both countries “want to have peace,” the US “can’t let Iran have a nuclear weapon.”

Earlier the same day, Pompeo responded to the news of Iran going beyond the stockpile limit set by the deal that the US effectively dismantled, accusing Tehran of “using its nuclear program to extort the international community and threaten regional security.” Continuing his tirade, the top US diplomat said Iran “can never be allowed to enrich uranium at any level,” calling the Islamic Republic “the world’s top sponsor of terrorism.”


How do you breach a deal with US/Israhell when they pulled out of it already??? FFS this is getting retarded af

d1e2b6  No.6894488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I have 30 min while it's in the oven.

Music on, bourbon on the rocks.

<3 Satan

b088ba  No.6894489


extra crispy on the edges

afb8bf  No.6894490

thinking the same thing


11e9ce  No.6894491

File: 2c3ddb94f68ed81⋯.jpg (164.16 KB, 591x938, 591:938, 0e3dffa3d5679f32ebc86f3aab….jpg)

Mossad chief sees historic shift of alliances as Arab states side with Israel against Iran


d555ab  No.6894492

File: e175aebb3f1e9ac⋯.jpg (52.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, preview.mp4 (2).jpg)


This is a research board not instagram


4f5bcf  No.6894493


March to May 2018 he was really prolific

2ab9f4  No.6894494



b088ba  No.6894495

File: c62973d0a7c7868⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1080x608, 135:76, ClipboardImage.png)

a86572  No.6894496

Have we all misread or misinterpreted the huge amount of sealed indictments & mass arrest drops all along?

Is it possible those 2 subjects are in fact referring to illegal aliens - and post mass-arrest of those illegally packing the rolls and fucking over our system elections become 'secured' again - at least for now - and those that have been benefiting from them for decades now get ousted, paving the way for principled - or at least more honest - politicians who will pass strong laws to prevent us from going back down that corrupt path again?

How do the sealed indictment count totals match up to the % of estimated illegals in each state? Close, proportionally? Or am I way off

bc812a  No.6894497

File: b6bb4381c86cb16⋯.jpg (221.65 KB, 1200x1838, 600:919, shilltactics.jpg)


ur a liar.

Dude they beat up is not a white guy.


Muh Jew is a loser.

You liar. They attack black people. They just attacked the black journalist who reports for FOX news.

That shows you how disgusting the muh jews [C-A] are. they have no problem lying to make the person who they target look bad and get tainted with the exact thing which they do.

It's called:


cfe00c  No.6894498




Trips (3's unchekked) and quads (4's) confirm the unspoken truth that is.

11e054  No.6894499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

stay frosty anons

0d3bcf  No.6894500

File: 5248a7a497555e3⋯.png (107.06 KB, 400x400, 1:1, AnimuThinku.png)


>BTW you have no idea who you are talking to.


3b352c  No.6894501

File: cb663ee1dab3081⋯.png (429.47 KB, 665x375, 133:75, ClipboardImage.png)

4f5bcf  No.6894502


So many Jew lovers here Fren all oldfags know they are of the devil!

Blind fools

abd286  No.6894503

File: 47eea8a6d8b5405⋯.jpg (135.44 KB, 888x499, 888:499, nightshift blue angel.jpg)

bc812a  No.6894504


no, because the illegal aliens have no paperwork.


There is no man power to remove or arrest the MILLIONS who are here already, for decades, for lifetimes.

2ab9f4  No.6894505

fuckery is afoot


993298  No.6894506


Can we come up with something else to call people who don't appreciate Islamic infiltration and undermining of representative government? Islam is a political ideology as well as "religion" isn't it? Is it or is it not acceptable in this ideology to deceive people of other faiths in order to subjugate them? When I am unwilling to see professing Muslims in office or immigrating to America I am not "islamophobic" I am PATRIOTIC. The implementation of sharia law seems fundamental to Islam. Sharia law is not compatible with the US Constitution. Hence, practicing Muslims simply cannot be tolerated in large numbers in the US due to the threat of harm to our Republic. This is not "religious discrimination" it is defense of our constitution and way of life. Btw, you cannot take the oath of office using a book that undermines the oath you are taking!

d555ab  No.6894507

File: b5bd5a2c6644580⋯.jpeg (106.4 KB, 1920x1139, 1920:1139, image-asset.jpeg)

d61197  No.6894509

I'm only trying to save you the grief of realizing how stupid you are to think anything major is going to happen in the next 3 days

just how fucking stupid are you?

The only thing you will witness is the fucked up lefty's starting Portland like riots to disrupt celebration.

another shit stain on USA

prepare for major Q let down as always

pacified and stupid

inaction never leads to action

you have more than you know

which apparently is not how to care enough to act

good luck with your enslavement

b45338  No.6894510

File: 039ae12af463740⋯.jpg (88.09 KB, 300x205, 60:41, text.jpg)

bc812a  No.6894511


all oldfags know they are of the devil!


another fucking lie.

That 's why the migration from 4ch.

You guys are so stupid.

And then you project that on us.

Aren't you sick of yourself , yet?

ea9a8a  No.6894512


divide shill

no you for you

3889c3  No.6894513


God bless you. o7.

d555ab  No.6894514

File: 88fa191059a19dd⋯.gif (776.26 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 1561810294703.gif)


><3 satan

Kikery detected

09297b  No.6894515



>>6893932, >>6893942 Tanks arrive in DC ahead of July 4 celebration

>>6893937 Trump announces delayed immigration raids will happen after July 4

>>6894084, >>6894099, >>6894175 US Army -I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the USA in close combat

>>6894097 Schumer: Trump's meeting with North Korean leader 'one of the worst days' in American diplomacy

>>6894210 Trump Plans Patriotic ‘Salute To America’ Parade For The 4th Of July

>>6894262 Anon's analysis of the word 'OnReady' From Q Post # 3351 - Overflow Dump ?

>>6894305 CNN’s Antifa Pals Have Assaulted 15 Journalists

>>6894178 based Ben Garrison with that hot fire

b45338  No.6894516

File: 091b1893b8caa4f⋯.png (783.21 KB, 1134x775, 1134:775, 84940146.png)



she hugs him after a long and hard days work

291cdb  No.6894517


Looting: It's Not Just For Banksters

No detention. Load them all up and deliver them all back where they came from.

It's for their own good.

a86572  No.6894518


true - but a better target may be those housing, aiding and abetting, & employing those illegals anyway.

Also bear in mind, sealed indictments aren't 1:1 indictment:individual either - or at least are unlikely to be.

f05223  No.6894519

File: 944170afe2cf217⋯.webm (2.05 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Corn! Parts 1 and 2.webm)

a7d79f  No.6894520


It's the most likely place for President Trump to see a personal message.

fdc530  No.6894521

File: 6b840dd7647157a⋯.jpg (12.43 KB, 255x191, 255:191, u awesome.jpg)



"False Dilema"


>another fucking lie.


'Cum Hoc fallacy', methinks

6de2fa  No.6894522


come on -think for yourself

a1c64c  No.6894523

File: 893b94cad866382⋯.png (124.52 KB, 464x470, 232:235, ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm only trying to save you the grief of realizing…


>save me anon

holy shit you might be the dumbest person in feelz bar tonight.

why the fuck would you try to 'save' anyone here?

go back to reddit and utilize your shit-tier IQ there


ef7eaf  No.6894524


Q has referred a number of times to the sealed indictments as being significant. See, for example 2427 and 3028.

d555ab  No.6894525

File: 9fde52dfb982c0f⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 466x480, 233:240, 1561751947215.gif)


Theres a thread for that, retard.

69fc05  No.6894526


>Also bear in mind, sealed indictments aren't 1:1 indictment:individual either - or at least are unlikely to be.

They're filings, which covers just about everything. If the case is being protected,

every filing for that case will be sealed.

09297b  No.6894527

Baking Early

slowww bred

shitpost here

drop dank info there

e782e8  No.6894528


I not only doubt that it is mostly illegals, I pray and I hope that it isn't. There are more than enough corrupt people in state/federal government that deserve to be imprisoned or hanged that I frankly don't care about illegals being indicted. They don't NEED to be indicted. They need to be deported. The rest want hanging.

b45338  No.6894529

File: 002f75399cf95a8⋯.jpg (395.21 KB, 540x720, 3:4, in control.jpg)

File: 5731459f01dc192⋯.jpg (97.71 KB, 500x314, 250:157, flags.jpg)


post it here

cfe00c  No.6894532


Halfchan/pol/ has been naming the jew for years before Q came along. The reason for the migration is because the mods there were trying to push Q for their personal agendas and had you followed the drops, you'd know that instead of telling your lies to cover for the JQ. The very fact Q came to /pol/ is because they called out the JQ and Eric Trump has mentioned "shekels" moar than once. Kvetch some moar though.

124b4e  No.6894533

File: e5bed6ede9f37c7⋯.jpg (122.72 KB, 800x533, 800:533, NIght Shift Ops.jpg)

d61197  No.6894534


this is the biggest cover up, bigger than 9/11

they even told us how they were going to use our laws and freedoms against us to accomplish this

but no, let Americans' believe we live in a democracy when we live in an constitutional republic

when you here elected officials or government workers refer to us as a democracy you have all the proof you need that they are not working for USA

138d1a  No.6894536

File: 497d62051d0ea1a⋯.jpg (67.45 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_4976.JPG)

e782e8  No.6894538


I love logic. I love you, anon. Gramercy.

993298  No.6894541


I strongly disagree anon. All that it will take is for people to realize that the situation has shifted. E-verify is now being used (look what happened at Dunkin Donuts). I feel that change in my own attitude- I'm seeing the opportunity to have my voice count again and I refuse to shut up. I want real opportunities for my family and I will use every legal and appropriate means to obtain relief from undue competition with people illegally in the US. Emphasis on ILLEGALLY. With even basic strengthening of our immigration laws and reasonable enforcement the tide will turn so that those who have been here cheating the system for decades will realize its time to move on. We were silenced when illegal immigrants stole from us because we knew the power structure at the top was against us and would use force against American citizens BEFORE doing anything against illegals and their useful gangs. Now the situation is different.

e898fc  No.6894542

File: 617945e0b3fd28a⋯.png (129.52 KB, 360x439, 360:439, night-shift-niagara.png)


happy to help baker

a1c64c  No.6894543

File: 602fc763d3fa613⋯.jpg (817.9 KB, 3054x2758, 1527:1379, virgin_map.jpg)


>drop dank info there

74dd1b  No.6894544

File: a4082037dd26a29⋯.png (884.14 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)

b45338  No.6894545

File: b9efbef592ec2b1⋯.jpg (194.15 KB, 800x600, 4:3, shit post.jpg)

fdc530  No.6894546

File: 322b5cffe93ce9e⋯.jpg (124.13 KB, 736x1050, 368:525, jimi_molon.jpg)


We can manage that…

afb8bf  No.6894547

File: b5b09ccfedf79d0⋯.png (592.27 KB, 799x534, 799:534, nspowerforce.png)

really noice

I imagined the same kind of thing for this one

what do you think?


124b4e  No.6894548

File: c8c2ccec1cc08a7⋯.png (917.79 KB, 1061x746, 1061:746, b35ce08fcfbfc334072dae9c34….png)

a7d79f  No.6894549


Okay. I'm a retard.

Probably less than 5% of what is on this board is research.

138d1a  No.6894550

File: 1d9014000e97d4a⋯.jpg (108.89 KB, 845x468, 65:36, IMG_3867.JPG)

a86572  No.6894552


but that approach - at least as things are currently - absolutely will spark a civil war.

653ccc  No.6894553

Shippity toast

b45338  No.6894554

File: 864753d56144d15⋯.pdf (86.93 KB, Common_Sense.pdf)

File: 933333444cfb825⋯.jpg (117.49 KB, 548x590, 274:295, SPACEMAN.0.jpg)

dank info

ce89d8  No.6894555

File: 70d5be93ad95317⋯.jpg (193.57 KB, 955x846, 955:846, RourkMexico.jpg)

Beto crosses Rio Grande to campaign in Mexico, courts asylum seekers

Robert Francis O’Rourke, a.k.a. Beto, took his campaign for president into Ciudad Juarez Sunday. He met with asylum-seekers and bashed the current American president and his immigration policies. Like ya do. He’s chosen his side in the political debate and it’s not with legal immigrants.

Beto is trying desperately to get his presidential campaign back on track if it ever really was on track. Fellow Texan and real Latino candidate, Julian Castro, made some inroads into attention shown to him during the Democrat debate last week. While Beto was once the favored Texas candidate in the race for the nomination, the tide has turned. Beto one-upped other Democrats and crossed the border into Mexico to show what a compassionate guy he is, or something.

Moar: https://hotair.com/archives/2019/07/01/beto-crosses-rio-grande-campaign-mexico-courts-asylum-seekers/

fdc530  No.6894556

File: 79c3954108c1e99⋯.png (320.06 KB, 500x500, 1:1, teska5_n.png)


Big loves at you, and my logic knowledge has much growing to do.

d1e2b6  No.6894558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stainless steel cookware, my kitchen is HOT. The girl I'm with currently curses in Russian. Q can take as much time as needed.

d61197  No.6894559


I only have to wait 3 days to know how stupid you are and how right I was


you have to live with yourself and your failures you fucking idiot.

7fc77d  No.6894560

File: f6bfd61e01b8f64⋯.png (422.06 KB, 638x660, 29:30, ClipboardImage.png)

SLAVE REGISTERS FROM LONDON Name The Slaves Kamala Harris’ Ancestor Owned


138d1a  No.6894561

File: 2607cfe95b8385c⋯.jpg (43.91 KB, 288x264, 12:11, IMG_4047.JPG)



1170af  No.6894562

Why is Antifa allowed to continue? Why are the crazy left allowed to be radicalized?

When did this start? Who has been funding this? Why isn’t POTUS doing something!?

The only conclusion to this fostered and escalated extremism is a civil war.

Why is this being allowed to continue?

Could Q be a counter psyop to foster right-wing extremism similar to the ANTIFA extremism which will only lead to more Civil unrest and societal division?!


Are you trying to start a Civil War? You sure as shit aren't doing anything to stop one.


124b4e  No.6894563

File: c5303d50e98f37c⋯.jpg (153.89 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, Trump in Chruchills Chair.jpg)


yeah! would look good

09297b  No.6894564

Fresh Bread






early bake

drop dank info there

shitpost full here

f3a56f  No.6894565

File: ae9f24f9915cec5⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 255x169, 255:169, e2cb0e88b875c6404350f8f6af….jpg)

d555ab  No.6894566

File: c3782a6e34e46ee⋯.jpg (83.62 KB, 860x500, 43:25, Knowing.jpg)

124b4e  No.6894567

File: f8ebe84c52734d5⋯.jpg (142.61 KB, 549x788, 549:788, Jimi4.jpg)

afb8bf  No.6894568

can you do it

I can't

no artsy here at all


124b4e  No.6894570

File: 3bea48bed54090e⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 500x391, 500:391, jimi copy.jpg)

e782e8  No.6894571


I'm anon. I don't support or promote civil war. But I can see no other way. We are too far gone, morally, to live together. A second Reformation and a Great Awakening of the Gospel would be VASTLY preferable, but the only OTHER solutions to our cultural degeneracy are Civil War or invasion by a morally superior culture. Mexico is morally inferior. Russia is morally inferior. China is morally inferior. Canada is morally inferior. Who else is left? Alien invasion force? My worldview tells me there is no morally superior extra-human race. Occam's Razor: Civil War.

138d1a  No.6894572

File: 944cb8a8502bf38⋯.jpg (14.59 KB, 257x196, 257:196, IMG_3843.JPG)

a7d79f  No.6894573


Got a little issue with arrogance, eh? Careful with that.

993298  No.6894574


Q has posted about the Muslim Brotherhood and we have the evidence of BO wanting to place Muslims deliberately in positions of power to undermine the government. How many patriotic military and others were removed during Hussein's "reign"? (He was NEVER a President-not legally.)

That our Republic is getting restored is a miracle. Thanks be to God.

e898fc  No.6894575

File: 66e572096ef5b42⋯.jpg (6.8 KB, 300x168, 25:14, patriotic first amendment.jpg)

fdc530  No.6894577

File: 5b8cd12cf2b2db2⋯.jpg (39.32 KB, 300x427, 300:427, 0ad9d7e405.jpg)


Jimi pretty much kept me going for awhile as a kid.

e898fc  No.6894578

File: 9a92d3ba00481ab⋯.jpg (7.68 KB, 276x182, 138:91, patriotic we the people 2.jpg)

124b4e  No.6894579

File: e13bb27d8f6efab⋯.jpg (143.85 KB, 1200x817, 1200:817, crying chuck.jpg)


sure - can't tonight but I'll post it tomorrow around this same time

6de2fa  No.6894580


if that photo is yours –it has the name showing that it was sent to

138d1a  No.6894582

File: 39b31cac794e3f4⋯.jpg (23.19 KB, 255x244, 255:244, IMG_4278.JPG)

e782e8  No.6894584


Sorry, one other possibility I can see: Armageddon. End of the Age.

fdc530  No.6894585

File: 9bdc914e36e8374⋯.jpg (57.49 KB, 388x430, 194:215, dontnneedreligion.jpg)

b45338  No.6894586

File: 472632ff38ba550⋯.pdf (2.19 MB, ice age cia declass CIA-RD….pdf)

11e054  No.6894587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d1e2b6  No.6894588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck yes.

f3a56f  No.6894589

Don't shit the bread faggots! Wait for baker's dough!

fdc530  No.6894590

File: c12539ee9befdab⋯.jpg (65.3 KB, 483x483, 1:1, majoritytwain1-483x483.jpg)

e898fc  No.6894591

File: 67a1e1fad7b005c⋯.jpg (36.39 KB, 520x415, 104:83, patriotic scene 5.jpg)

afb8bf  No.6894592

very cool

and thank u very much

I hate that I have pics in my head

and no way to bring them forth


b45338  No.6894593

File: 18ee53b9b234934⋯.pdf (1.19 MB, Total Mind Control Slave.pdf)

21d68f  No.6894594

File: 442c945415326f1⋯.jpeg (37.42 KB, 250x357, 250:357, C7BA43BC-894F-4892-AC52-A….jpeg)


AOC is dat u?

The fact that you think border patrol agents are making migrants or children drink out of toilet bowls shows that your brain is out of service.

Try not to touch anything and wear a helmet if you are going to handle scissors please.

Here’s your toilet bowl they are drinking out of.

7fc77d  No.6894595

File: 1c8cd3cde50e9cc⋯.png (106.73 KB, 442x510, 13:15, ClipboardImage.png)

124b4e  No.6894596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We all made it through the night time baby

Now let's greet the rays of reality.

With the power of soul

anything is possible.

With the power of soul

anything is possible.


bc812a  No.6894599

File: aa9c872ac093b0b⋯.png (442.96 KB, 794x913, 794:913, Demon.png)


nice digits.

Maybe it's good once cooked.

Looked like you were a team with the other guy



Trump haters are demonic.


It's Halloween every day for those C-A / Fbi / psychos.

Interesing psychos / demons never feel remorse. The cultural conditioning has been toward "All is permitted" so they are raising a generation of psychos; people who have no remorse. That's why they will do anything since they will never feel guilty.

They will always project their guilt onto a scape goat.

Could that explain the massive insanity around the hatred of DJT POTUS?

"The shadow" of people who never needed to act with thoughtfulness, nor to care about nor act against the real evil being done in their name by the politicians they elected?

Think; once they are caught, some may feel the remorse. There will be great sorrow when authentic people, who recover their humanity, feel the pain of their past actions / inactions?

a9db70  No.6894600

File: f03859a025c5cd2⋯.png (9.89 KB, 254x255, 254:255, b9d68e92e97b2243dc7f3527ad….png)



Great now find me

the other 180 pages

of the original..KEK

e898fc  No.6894602

File: 2940d7ff3e18784⋯.jpg (12.13 KB, 275x183, 275:183, patriotic scene 3.jpg)

138d1a  No.6894603

File: ebbdf251d6ea3f0⋯.jpg (747.73 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, IMG_4038.JPG)

fdc530  No.6894604

File: 65c8a6ece9f31ef⋯.jpg (154.87 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2481fe9e9a.jpg)

7fc77d  No.6894605

File: 8a44fd9ffe19700⋯.png (1.39 MB, 893x597, 893:597, ClipboardImage.png)

b6aeef  No.6894607


>come on -think for yourself

Friend, I've been saying Firing Squads are the best method of execution since LiveLeak in 2014! The idea has so much fucking merit compared to any other.

97c714  No.6894608


And boob jobs and hair plugs too?

b45338  No.6894611

File: dacb26828ddb8c0⋯.jpg (59.3 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 932083e54a079a98c235ecb645….jpg)

138d1a  No.6894612

File: 26dc059a4ba5b63⋯.jpg (60.2 KB, 727x485, 727:485, IMG_4386.JPG)

993298  No.6894614


What is wrong with that guy?! Compare to POTUS. Trump crosses the DMZ into North Korea in an incredible and historic moment of progress.

Beto bashes US leadership and demonstrates that illegal border crossers are literally his constituency.

Honestly, is the swamp being drained or is a toilet getting flushed? Beto can STAY in Mexico where his constituency LIVES. If he comes back here he should be prosecuted.

77e371  No.6894615

File: 6d9d7e5d60020ad⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 5568x3712, 3:2, 1561912850927.jpg)

File: 4d58aeb00f2f9b2⋯.jpg (951.58 KB, 5405x3603, 5405:3603, 1561907933669.jpg)

File: 439645b0b673dc1⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 5568x3712, 3:2, 1561907591969.jpg)

a1c64c  No.6894616

File: 069269177625c4b⋯.webm (2.82 MB, 960x552, 40:23, boomerang_suicide.webm)


>I only have to wait 3 days to know how stupid you are and how right I was

right about what, retard?

do you still think Q makes 'predictions' that come true on specific dates?

>learn the comms

was there a 'prediction' for the 4th?

fuck off

enjoy your graveyard shift with American Bridge, or whatever money laundering operation brock is running nowadays

b45338  No.6894618

File: 5cc910866b1a061⋯.jpg (176.96 KB, 895x1200, 179:240, f3aa384114e8e6dcb530bea7c7….jpg)

fdc530  No.6894619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah buddy!


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