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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

e3d4a9  No.6493627

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6484441 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Thursday 05.02.2019

>>6392995 ————————————–——– May, 2019 – 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense' (Vid: >>6393054 )

Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].

Thursday 04.25.2019

Compiled here: >>6490077

Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

e3d4a9  No.6493630

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6477078 BO removed a BV

>>6446595 BO on baker checks

>>6385109 Do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode

>>6261140 Please no JPEGs

>>6364968 Captchas for every post now


are not endorsements


>>6492925, >>6492984, >>6493024 Reports of active shooter at Yokota base fussa Tokyo, Japan

>>6492926, >>6492938 POTUS, Mueller, Sessions, and RR were all in the same room ONE DAY before Mueller’s appointment as SC

>>6492959 Breakdown of graphic on Marker [2] and the National Day of Prayer tweet

>>6493006 Anon: almost all of the US Attorneys that were under Sessions are still there

>>6493178 Trey Gowdy: Comey-Brennan emails key to FISA abuse investigation

>>6493206 Claim by MP: Justin Trudeau Has ‘Secret Plan’ To Ban Guns in June

>>6493256 PG&E proposes court order for CEO, board to tour town destroyed by wildfire

>>6493272 How NXIVM Allegedly Tried to “Curry Favor” With the Clintons

>>6493315 John Yoo on Barr’s Announcement: Democrats should be Quite Worried; Barr Must Think Something Criminal Happened

>>6493316 Trump seeks extra $1.6 billion in NASA spending under goal of returning to moon

>>6493335 US Accuses Iran Of Attack On Saudi Tankers

>>6493364 Facebook facing 20-year consent agreement after privacy lapses

>>6493388 Don't 'Iraq' Iran

>>6493400 Full clip of Nigel Farage on BBC Sunday, "You are all in for a bigger surprise than you can even imagine

>>6493411, >>6493421 HAPPENING NOW: First responders on scene of explosion, fire at Georgia-Pacific plant in Muskogee, Oklahoma

>>6493492 4-H Event Cancelled after Migrants given Expo Facilities

>>6493507 Islamic State announces new overseas province in India for the first time

>>6493498 ICE Breaks up Massive Marriage Fraud Scheme, Charges Nearly 100 People

>>6493552 Greek Coca Cola heir Alki David is arrested with fellow billionaire business partner for having $1.3 million worth of cannabis on board

>>6493590 NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation

>>6493616 #8303

#8302 Baker Change

>>6492113 BREAKING: Barr appoints US attorney to examine Russia probe origins, determine if intelligence collection was lawful

>>6492119 How POTUS tweet CAPS ("BIG WAY") connect to 3 Q Drops

>>6492121, >>6492160, >>6492165, >>6492208, >>6492138, >>6492239, >>6492334, >>6492348, >>6492351 Moar on US Attorney John Durham

>>6492192 Lawsuit Alleges California Attorney General Xavier Becerra is Not Eligible to Hold Office

>>6492228 Graphic on Five Eyes Connections

>>6492262 Pentagon Seeks AI that Can Track Someone Across a City

>>6492244, >>6492275, >>6492347, >>6492538 Daily Beast hit piece on 8chan

>>6492328 Blue Origin upgrading NASA test stand

>>6492337 Secretive Israeli Company Uses WhatsApp Voice Calls To Install Spyware On Phones

>>6492431 Asian shares extend losses as US-China trade war heats up

>>6492446 Happenings in Space Policy May 12-18, 2019

>>6492474 “Culture War” is Occult Subversion, Not a Civil War

>>6492479, >>6492597, >>6492601, >>6492612, >>6492661, >>6492671, >>6492697, >>6492703 Even moar on US Attorney John Durham

>>6492487, >>6492520, >>6492534 Moar on an Ohio school closed after detection of enriched uranium

>>6492551 B-52s conduct first mission of counter-Iran deployment

>>6492565 Papadropoulos Tweet on "the four horsemen": Barr, Horowitz, Huber, and Durham

>>6492566, >>6492691, >>6492717 Anons on the Daily Beast

>>6492586, >>6492834 "The last [BOOM] will be magical" graphic

>>6492608 US China Trade War: ’Trump is Not Going to Back Down | Epoch Times

>>6492609 ICE agents using fingerprints from drunken driving arrests have swept up 141 illegal immigrants

>>6492651 NASA tweet: name for #Moon2024 mission to return Astronauts to the surface of the Moon by 2024 is Artemis

>>6492731 Mark Meadows tweet on John Durham

>>6492802 CIA Recruiting Comes Out Into The Open

>>6492851 #8302

'''Previously Collected Notables

>>6490527 #8299, >>6491398 #8300, >>6492084 #8301

>>6488131 #8296, >>6488970 #8297, >>6489752 #8298

>>6485771 #8293, >>6486593 #8294, >>6487361 #8295

>>6483484 #8290, >>6484347 #8291, >>6484990 #8292

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

e3d4a9  No.6493631

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6391912 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6486549

Q Graphics all in EST


e3d4a9  No.6493636

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

 • 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

e3d4a9  No.6493639



Requesting Handoff

Ghost Handoff™ soon if needed

1bc99f  No.6493641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate. Facts are not hate.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


1bc99f  No.6493645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


38a097  No.6493647

File: 5056afd8f4ab8af⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1097x590, 1097:590, 4Hmaga.png)


1bc99f  No.6493648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY corresponds with world events.

4de212  No.6493650

File: 3b9024d86e1a6b2⋯.jpeg (93.24 KB, 578x432, 289:216, 940939B5-F56F-4253-B8DE-A….jpeg)

Friendly Reminder Shill in a nutshell.

38a097  No.6493653

de969c  No.6493654

File: c1a97c48ac6838c⋯.png (20.66 KB, 474x459, 158:153, OATHBREAKER.png)

Oath breaker

When you see this meme, all your oaths are voided.

You can use it to protect yourself against some religious tards who believe they can make secret oaths etc..

This meme works because it's "current year"

1bc99f  No.6493655

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg)

File: 97cf90d8e4baff6⋯.jpg (389.17 KB, 640x501, 640:501, cant_quit_you.jpg)

File: df64c75e6af9072⋯.jpg (100.27 KB, 737x480, 737:480, fiction.jpg)

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)




https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

6e5d4b  No.6493656

File: cd557b3e6f7afe0⋯.png (95.82 KB, 758x911, 758:911, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03e8010e6782098⋯.png (1.71 MB, 683x920, 683:920, ClipboardImage.png)


Moscow, Beijing call for preserving Syria’s territorial integrity and sovereignty

“Our countries, China and Russia, agree to the need for keeping Syria’s territorial integrity and independence according to UNSC resolution No.2254 and going on in the war against terrorism to restore stability to all areas and pave the way for reconstruction process,” Lavrov said at a press conference with Wang Yi in Sochi.


Face to Face with the Truth. The War against Syria and its People

Everybody who has been paying attention knows that the war on Syria is not a civil war, that it was and is externally-orchestrated, perpetrated, and sustained, and that the on-going catastrophe was avoidable.

NOTE: Video in link, from US woman who has been to Syria 6 times during the war, speaks truth about what is actually going on and the history of regime change in Syria dating back to the first attempt by the C_A in 1949. Very Interesting!


Syrian Army Enters 3 More Settlements In Northwestern Hama Amid Intense Fighting With Militants (Map Update)

The northwestern part of Syria’s Hama province remains to be the main area of clashes between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and radical militant groups.

After a series of previous advances, which allowed the SAA to get control of Kafr Nabuda and nearby points, the SAA pushed further to the north entering the settlements of Tell Huwash, Tobeh and Jabriya. Clashes are now ongoing there.

At the same time, SAA attempts to advance in northeastern Lattakia faced a fierce resistance from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham-led forces. No gains were made by the SAA. According to pro-militant sources, up to 16 pro-government fighters were killed in the area.


Syrian War Report – May 13, 2019: Militants’ Defense Is Slowly Collapsing In Hama Province

Image. Video in link.


Citizens of occupied Golan reject Israeli decision to build a new settlement on their territory

Citizens of the occupied Syrian Golan reiterated their rejection of the Israeli occupation repressive practices and the unjust measures, the last of which was the proclamation of occupation’s Prime Minister to establish a new settlement in Golan named “Trump.”

A number of the Syrian families in Majdal Shams, Baka’ata, Ayn Qinyah and Masa’ada villages said in telephone calls with SANA office in Quneitra that the proclamation of Netanyahu to set up a settlement in the occupied Golan is an aggressive and illegal procedure which contradicts with the UN charter and resolutions.


Growing tensions in Idlib pose threat to forming Syrian constitutional committee — Erdogan

"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation in the evening. The leaders discussed bilateral relations, as well as latest developments in Idlib," Erdogan's press service said. "President Erdogan stressed that growing tensions in Idlib present a threat to forming a constitutional commission and harm political settlements in Syria," the press service added. The Turkish leader also said that "ceasefire violations in the Idlib de-escalation zone have reached frightening proportions over the last two weeks." Erdogan noted that "the aim of the [Syrian President Bashar Assad's] regime is to sabotage Turkish-Russian cooperation in Idlib and to harm the spirit of Astana talks on Syria."


0c85f5  No.6493658

File: 29da9efef113971⋯.jpg (62.48 KB, 720x360, 2:1, fbihge.jpg)

File: 0ee4c78e973ecc3⋯.jpg (60.18 KB, 720x360, 2:1, add CV it e.jpg)

7eb519  No.6493660


Gotcha baker.

Handoff confirmed?

1bc99f  No.6493663

File: 9f13adb32ed372e⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 474x418, 237:209, eaac167de1dc699.jpg)

File: a9a4137402b8eb4⋯.jpg (390.57 KB, 713x636, 713:636, edb4a8bd3941a.jpg)

File: edb4a8bd3941b18⋯.jpg (224.82 KB, 720x666, 40:37, edb4a8bd3941b.jpg)

File: e2b5906a4c60a89⋯.jpg (391.18 KB, 742x529, 742:529, edb4a8bd3941bb.jpg)

File: 0843991bfff0759⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1464x1464, 1:1, edb4a8bd3941bbb.jpg)

e3d4a9  No.6493666

File: ae0c6c762e8ea79⋯.png (408.71 KB, 478x559, 478:559, 5235c06775bc6865313c263879….png)


Handoff Confirmed

Thank you baker, will post the fresh bread post then head out.

Have a good shift o7

1bc99f  No.6493667

File: c284fe7235d9861⋯.png (34.45 KB, 925x248, 925:248, you.png)

1bc99f  No.6493674

File: d5d994d77e07712⋯.jpg (139.62 KB, 716x796, 179:199, edb4a8bd3941bbbb.jpg)

File: b1c8acd7a111d2e⋯.jpg (146.9 KB, 737x664, 737:664, edb4a8bd39411b.jpg)

File: 8a9c72d045a4530⋯.jpg (46.82 KB, 474x373, 474:373, edb4a8bd39411bb.jpg)

File: 4d2a5cd56e45db6⋯.jpg (75.16 KB, 474x554, 237:277, equal.jpg)

File: 35b0dc5eb30981c⋯.jpg (451.21 KB, 771x512, 771:512, christ_blood.jpg)

7eb519  No.6493675


G'night, great job on the bakes. Early graveyard is good for me, o7.

6e5d4b  No.6493677

File: 57548abbb826382⋯.png (659.45 KB, 635x840, 127:168, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bd881d95619119⋯.png (578.47 KB, 633x844, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cb2818e1f6e785⋯.png (20.67 KB, 612x360, 17:10, ClipboardImage.png)

Quick shoot to kill we are having a song contest?!!!??!!

IDF said to issue troops near Gaza strict open fire orders ahead of Eurovision

Move comes as Israel seeks calm to host international singing event; Iron Dome deployed across the country

The IDF has tightened the rules of engagement for troops based near the Gaza Strip as Israel seeks to maintain calm as it hosts the Eurovision song contest this week in Tel Aviv, the Haaretz daily reported Monday.

According to the report, commanders were instructed to act judiciously and told that any live fire, except in the case of an immediate danger to life, needs the authorization of the senior officer in the command. The decision is no longer left up to the forces in the field.

Israel has taken a series of steps in recent days to ensure quiet after a major round of violence with the terror groups in the Gaza Strip threatened to derail the international singing extravaganza in Tel Aviv.


60012c  No.6493678

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)

Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.


697717  No.6493679

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

421e55  No.6493680

File: fd8040ff49b2c65⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)


NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation

At the direction of national security adviser John Bolton, acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan last week presented top White House national security officials with a plan to send up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East in the event that Iran "attack American forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons," the New York Times reports.


Its time to get off this mortherfuckin' train!

60012c  No.6493681

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




60012c  No.6493683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vid related.

697717  No.6493684


When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


15cdd2  No.6493687

I guess Crossfire Hurricane will be investigated for 2 years to determine nothing wrong was done. Horowitz will outline why some Govt employees got terminated. Yawn. Huber will prosecute 4 leakers for 6 months in jail.

Are you tired of winning yet?

c2ea89  No.6493689

File: 5a8af6caff20617⋯.jpeg (10.36 KB, 200x252, 50:63, images (36).jpeg)

421e55  No.6493691

File: 0756b33e57a5a8a⋯.png (322.54 KB, 500x400, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)




b36a58  No.6493692

File: 7795ab6134ae5c4⋯.jpg (47.5 KB, 474x392, 237:196, mcstain.jpg)

421e55  No.6493694

e3d4a9  No.6493695


Thanks again baker. see you later.


Thanks anon, nice tits.

47857d  No.6493696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


thanks bak0r

8250f4  No.6493698


So >>6492541


"We are not alone" and "JFK Jr. is not alive" means

We are alone


Jfk Jr. is alive

4de212  No.6493700


Prove your innocence.

If you are not doing what I am accusing you of, defend your methods.

Your content is irrelevant. Only your methods are being questioned. If you don’t defend your methods, then my accusations of you being a false flag plotting shill are correct.

BTW, “Everyone who disagrees with me is a jew” is an invalid argument. Only shills use such retarded logic.

1. If you are not trying to false flag this community, why do you post the exact same copy pasta at the top of every single thread 12 hours a day, 7 days a week?

2. Why do you IP hop all the time? Legit anons have ZERO need to IP hop. Only shills IP hop, namely to evade filters.

6e5d4b  No.6493702


but muh greater Israel project? And Iran has not attacked another country in hundreds of years and they may have nukes and may have done some other shit we made up!

Surely the above makes it worth it!

Benjamin kikensteinberg

38a097  No.6493703

File: 1a5df68716d59d7⋯.png (42.08 KB, 569x510, 569:510, BallBreaker.png)

ce1b98  No.6493704

File: 3f014892948c840⋯.png (176.69 KB, 600x337, 600:337, 3f014892948c8406c44213de92….png)



With what evidence do you substantiate your claims?

15cdd2  No.6493705

File: f91bfd080d23859⋯.jpeg (284.38 KB, 624x685, 624:685, 5D8E1E5F-A67F-4508-A8E6-E….jpeg)

Judge Smails is unimpressed with Trumps lack of progress on the people’s demands.

69e3e8  No.6493706

File: a3f0a5f831fb6ee⋯.png (384.19 KB, 732x439, 732:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1687578896c59e⋯.png (224.82 KB, 738x1704, 123:284, ClipboardImage.png)

Lawsuit Alleges Calif. Attorney General Not Eligible to Hold Office

Democratic California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, a leading legal antagonist of President Donald Trump, isn’t legally eligible to serve as his state’s top law enforcement officer, according to a lawsuit working its way through the state’s courts. After 24 years in the U.S. House of Representatives, Becerra was appointed California attorney general on Jan. 24, 2017, replacing Democrat Kamala Harris, who was elected to the U.S. Senate. He won election to the position in his own right on Nov. 6, 2018.

Eric Early, a Los Angeles lawyer who sought the Republican nomination in 2018 in the attorney general race, argues in his lawsuit that Becerra is ineligible for the post because he wasn’t practicing law for close to five years prior to his appointment or election to the office. Early lost his case in the initial phase and filed an appeal last week. “The state’s top legal officer should have at least a modicum of experience as a practicing lawyer,” Early told The Epoch Times in an interview. “Instead, we have one who has no clue what it’s like to be a practicing lawyer,” he said. “We have ended up with a pure, wall-to-wall politician as our state top legal officer, so it has not been a surprise that since he became attorney general, his agenda has been entirely political.” “We might as well have Nancy Pelosi in our attorney general’s office,” Early said, adding that Becerra “has turned into a vessel for the resistance.” The “resistance” is often used to describe the Democratic opposition to President Donald Trump.''

As of February, the California attorney general’s office had filed a record 46 lawsuits against the Trump administration, according to a tally by The Hill newspaper. This is reportedly more than any other state attorney general during the current administration or any other presidency in the nation’s history. Republican attorneys general across the nation sued the previous administration a total of 46 times during Barack Obama’s entire presidency. Becerra has repeatedly angered conservatives and supporters of the rule of law. In January 2018, a few days after three state laws took effect that turned California into a so-called sanctuary state, Becerra threatened to prosecute employers if they assisted U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials in their efforts to uphold federal immigration laws. California Assemblyman Travis Allen responded by saying Trump and then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions should “come to California [and] literally arrest [and] indict Xavier Becerra for breaking federal law.” “The [state] attorney general is literally, criminally trying to obstruct justice,” said Allen, a Republican. He “has crossed the line.”

On April 18, a three-judge panel of the often-reversed 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld almost all parts of the three laws that interfere with ICE enforcement in California, which is home to more than 2 million illegal aliens. The Trump administration seems certain to appeal the ruling.


b36a58  No.6493707

File: 22a76ff65c88092⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 501x233, 501:233, you_are_worthless.jpg)


>Prove your innocence.

0cac11  No.6493708

File: 4f65941d06da1a7⋯.jpg (103.11 KB, 1024x648, 128:81, 1547528528956m.jpg)



TY Bakers!!!


Charlie Kirk

‏Verified account @charliekirk11

11h11 hours ago

Did you know:

Since 2009, 92% of mass shootings in America have occurred in Gun Free Zones

Why do we have gun free zones?

Because in 1990, Joe Biden introduced the Gun Free School zones act

Biden has done more to allow school shootings than the NRA or any Republican ever has

Reminds me of:


Q replies to anon post:

Q, Anons, I've been following these drops since day one, but this is the first I'm hearing of this "Behold a Pale Horse" book from 1991, by Bill Cooper. It actually describes clowns planning to use school shootings as a way to disarm the citizenry.

This looks legit to me, astonishing as the quotes are. What say you all?

Behold a Pale Horse — Milton William (Bill) Cooper, 1991

http:// a.co/0IZY9ra

“Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.”

60012c  No.6493709


>With what evidence do you substantiate your claims?

Will just have to take my word for it. :)

c2ea89  No.6493710

File: 35f46dff2f677f8⋯.jpg (2.9 KB, 142x80, 71:40, images(2).jpg)

17a33e  No.6493711

File: 79bebdf5f5e5c19⋯.jpg (122.53 KB, 1024x585, 1024:585, durham010513.jpg)

Give em hell John.

5ea796  No.6493712

File: eb9a23fa72edd4c⋯.png (301.16 KB, 369x453, 123:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 097ada1ed8b828a⋯.png (352.07 KB, 694x677, 694:677, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29cc42d4d574799⋯.png (361.1 KB, 748x476, 11:7, ClipboardImage.png)

4de212  No.6493713


Thought so.

Refuse to explain your suspect actions and methods.

Shill confirmed.

Not like anyone here actually trusts you.

6e5d4b  No.6493714

File: 791672f6b45f4ea⋯.png (443.5 KB, 380x549, 380:549, ClipboardImage.png)

421e55  No.6493715


NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation

>At the direction of national security adviser John Bolton, acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan last week presented top White House national security officials with a plan to send up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East in the event that Iran "attack American forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons," the New York Times reports.


Its time to get off this mortherfuckin' train!

6f924a  No.6493716

File: 6ec48f4640ba03d⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1440x1522, 720:761, Screenshot_20190514-000714….png)

81acd0  No.6493717

File: 87c384bb6716afa⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 612x437, 612:437, dillergeffen.jpg)

File: c579e2e271562ef⋯.png (152.22 KB, 611x631, 611:631, Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at ….png)

>>6493670 (lb)

Abramovic connects to Daily Beast via Von Furstenburg/Diller

'Gay Mafia' is worth digging as well

6813f4  No.6493718

File: 550802cd841fb3b⋯.png (95.23 KB, 918x601, 918:601, -17.png)

File: cd418cf72346e06⋯.jpg (114.83 KB, 978x617, 978:617, Q 17.jpg)

Stock Market is down -617 - likely the same kind of message that Q highlighted w -666 which was a threat/signal "We control the market" - doing it with


17=Highest classification

could be a Symbolism signal/threat regarding DECLAS (6)

6fd122  No.6493719

Holy shit boys, havent seen it this slow in a good year.

21 UID

6e5d4b  No.6493720


>'Gay Mafia' is worth digging a hole for then pushing them in!

cff8e8  No.6493721

File: 69e41c7e7477ad1⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x2042, 621:1021, F3776A4A-3425-468E-9D68-A….jpeg)

File: 5faf6b9f18763d7⋯.jpeg (467.3 KB, 1242x1436, 621:718, 19CD2BD1-D44C-4C64-9D24-0….jpeg)

The look on their faces when they discover [RR] = [RutRow]…

a2534d  No.6493722


we're not slow, we're special.

0cac11  No.6493723

File: a94b82a0619acbf⋯.png (343.6 KB, 612x415, 612:415, behold a pale horse.png)


Here's the related excerpt:

b36a58  No.6493724

File: a5841fa61f59e73⋯.jpg (18.47 KB, 385x480, 77:96, that_moment.jpg)

81acd0  No.6493725

File: 65dc8e3bc003bfa⋯.jpg (80.38 KB, 634x572, 317:286, barry-diller-quincy-jones-….jpg)

File: 9cdb93d13281702⋯.png (92.58 KB, 291x341, 291:341, Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at ….png)

6fd122  No.6493726


Noteable as fuck! Totally missed this one.

60012c  No.6493727


Remote controlled by (((JEWS))) no doubt… >>6493681

Some of them are probably secretly (((JEWS)))

83109c  No.6493728

More Ng Lap Seng, Macau billionaire who may or may not be serving a 4 year sentence he received last year:

#2524872 at 2018-08-09 18:35:46 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3185: Another Busy Day Edition

>>2524421 (last bread)

These photos again. Since Saturday. What do you want to say, just say it. 1mdb. Singapore. Malaysia. Bannon. Wang. Guo. Ng Lap Seng. Gadio. EJSF. Pacific atrocities group/SF. Patrick Ho. Hypothesis? You are lumping them together? ChiFi related?

#1168273 at 2018-04-24 15:32:34 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #1461: Victorious Light, Shine The Truth Far And Wide

Thanks be to God the words we hear now are "decisive action" versus "long term schtrategy"

Also: If you have not checked out that AWAN timeline posted by anon last bread, you would benefit greatly by doing so.

Interesting tidbits: the murdered by a dumbbell UN/Antigua representative that was to testify against Clinton ties to Ng Lap Seng goes ALL THE WAY BACK to Chinagate i.e. Port of Long Beach deal.

Also, the Seth Rich timeline is expanded with his being yanked out of Hastings, NE July 5 from an office that the Clintons were PAYING MILLIONS run by a guy with the familiar template of being born in foreign country (Turkey) with a military family and ultimately married up….


38a097  No.6493729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

13fc6e  No.6493730


Look closely at Q's text in Post 1556.

"Trusted by Clinton's."

Possessive. Not plural. Possibly not all Clintons. Possibly trust misplaced? Trusted not necessarily by a Clinton (nor all Clintons) but by Clinton's _____?

Who is funding, asked Q. Who is campaign manager, asked Q. Read obliquely, what, if anything, manages the campaign?

LL said that BC talked about golf and said that you can manage the heat. He told her that. Now, to tell someone to manage does not mean the manager is the boss. But it can mean that and moar. Suppose the heat puts someone off – no golf today, too hot – have they been managed by an entity or by a circumstance?

If one is prone to blame circumstances as managing their options or actions, then, what would it mean to manage the heat? If it is too hot to golf (political putting, teeing off, and so forth), can you make it cooler? Is it cooler crossing a bridge over troubled waters or is it cooler on the other side?

Suppose LL could see no way across. BC offers a Billigan. Or maybe they'd jump off the bridge together?


Anons All.

f6e004  No.6493731


no. he is right. you are a copypasta shill. you link to some of the worst bullshit on the internet. if you have a message, maybe (you) could present it in a manner that anons may actually find engaging and interesting, but you can't, because your job is not to educate, it is to smear. there are bad jews in the world? wow, what a revelation. fuck off shill.

15cdd2  No.6493732


Iran was always our real enemy in the Middle East, which is why Bushbama never touched them.

564f42  No.6493733


If you are going to shill gay porn, at least make it visible beyond a thumbnail you fucking rookie

4fe4a2  No.6493734

File: e76ce8df435d356⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB, 320x390, 32:39, e76ce8df435d3567c51cc9c203….mp4)

6813f4  No.6493735

File: 2237ba146c95815⋯.jpg (94.64 KB, 800x1152, 25:36, D6e9CnvU8AAg1KL.jpg)

File: 3fdf4a9f31c678d⋯.png (91.49 KB, 638x366, 319:183, D6e9sn6UEAAxn89.png)

File: 98518705b0f282c⋯.png (24.61 KB, 572x579, 572:579, D6e9uJeUwAETYVZ.png)

File: ee2b59a696d823f⋯.jpg (86.43 KB, 1048x504, 131:63, D6e-L7sUcAASKKU.jpg)

File: 23659dda4f86eb3⋯.png (18.15 KB, 630x246, 105:41, DJT Carter.png)

Jimmy Carter + "hip surgery" = Operation involving the Panama Canal. - Carter gave away the Panama Canal, & currently China owns it- Look at the map and you can see why it's "the hips"

I believe the deal with China over tariffs had a lot more meaning to it underneath - and that part of that dealt with the Panama Canal - which means the people there need to be reassured everything is fine.

ce1b98  No.6493736

File: 89adc6872278984⋯.jpg (101.19 KB, 640x775, 128:155, 0df7907cb74508f175adac1299….jpg)


I see, are you admitting to having no grounds to stand on? If so, how exactly did you come to your conclusion without any information to support the notion?

a15659  No.6493737

File: bba0d68a2ef1821⋯.jpg (226.09 KB, 1867x1060, 1867:1060, compare.JPG)

If this ever breaks it's gonna be big

The Parkers released what - maybe 10 pics of these girls? I have over 1000 of these Jones girls pics.


Look at my pic and find it anywhere on the web.

it's gonna be big

02e71f  No.6493738


or it could be F Q



b36a58  No.6493739

File: 4fb63bb2ad2784b⋯.png (821.36 KB, 670x500, 67:50, 4fb63bb2ad2784.png)


>no. he is right. you are a copypasta shill.

I'm sure he is rabbi.

5ea796  No.6493740

File: a55852e0bb5b212⋯.png (443.89 KB, 710x494, 355:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43be3424ffc2062⋯.png (341.33 KB, 535x424, 535:424, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c25526f80883970⋯.png (457.35 KB, 741x461, 741:461, ClipboardImage.png)

9d6424  No.6493741


Could be a coincidence. This tactic was used on certain videos to cut back trolls. 🤔

c2ea89  No.6493742



Its called shitposting, newfag. It's not my fault baker is a degenerate.

4fe4a2  No.6493743

File: afed233e0c73a4f⋯.gif (90.89 KB, 197x200, 197:200, bootay.gif)

File: f4e682708ea82ed⋯.gif (310.35 KB, 200x178, 100:89, 1464648531031.gif)

02e71f  No.6493744


or FAG




15cdd2  No.6493745


Case is a loser. I despise Becerra and he should hang because of Awan, but he was admitted to practice, he just wasn’t active.

f07586  No.6493746

File: a289946bf076375⋯.png (802.81 KB, 1133x574, 1133:574, Comey 3 Acts Meme.png)

Comey in 3 Acts

17e5e2  No.6493747

File: f28a03e961e8007⋯.jpg (800.29 KB, 672x912, 14:19, 200sx ad.jpg)

>>6493690 (pb)

At least back then, they weren't sticking them on things with "eco" in the name.

60012c  No.6493748


>I see, are you admitting to having no grounds to stand on? If so, how exactly did you come to your conclusion without any information to support the notion?

I don't know. What do you wanna do?

83109c  No.6493749


>These photos again. Since Saturday. What do you want to say, just say it. 1mdb. Singapore. Malaysia. Bannon. Wang. Guo. Ng Lap Seng. Gadio. EJSF. Pacific atrocities group/SF. Patrick Ho. Hypothesis? You are lumping them together? ChiFi related?



Difficult to parse this post out of context. Hm, wonder how to find post #2524421.

38a097  No.6493750

File: 45184c19028d493⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 428x207, 428:207, dsUPqA.JPG)


Maybe (actual captcha), but it sure seems slow.

bb60cc  No.6493751

Is Iran the enemy or is it Russia? I can go with Iran, no problem but not without considering our stance with Russia. Russia is busy with Ukraine and Syria. Where is Putin on Iran?


15cdd2  No.6493752


I have zero doubt that Biden is a very bad apple of the Klinton Kerry ilk. Crook.

6813f4  No.6493753

File: 7bc276cb4658121⋯.png (63.51 KB, 432x595, 432:595, Facebook.fw_.png)

File: 8b160517fab9559⋯.jpg (83.21 KB, 650x664, 325:332, six media monopoly.jpg)

File: 21c14fc416ebaeb⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 375x500, 3:4, six nipples.jpg)

File: 4f699838487502d⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1364x1580, 341:395, six flagws.png)

File: 3041fffeaa4af73⋯.png (110.98 KB, 311x342, 311:342, Here come the fake videos ….png)


Cult identifies with "f" - hiding sixes is an art for them https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1091568318618562560

a2534d  No.6493754


The enemy are the criminals that run all of the corruption across all countries.

f92bcc  No.6493755

File: c40610a36603d93⋯.png (142.93 KB, 500x561, 500:561, SamWaltonArmyIntel.png)

File: 14351403cf1b296⋯.jpg (106.24 KB, 796x954, 398:477, arkansas.jpg)

HOW does the C_A drug cartel launder its money?

Only governments and mega-corps can launder that much money.

WHERE can the necessary public and private assets be subverted?

WHO will be the front men for this operation?




Anons already accept that tech mega-corps like Google and Amazon were founded or co-opted by the CIA. Ask yourself, then, who were their front men before the rise of the tech titans?

Ask yourself, how is it that two men who supposedly both started from nothing, launched from Northwest Arkansas in the 1970's, the most dazzling metoric expansions of wealth and power in modern history?

Clinton, from "Boy Governor" to 2-term POTUS.

(Accused of laundering $100 Million per month C_A money through Arkansas government.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp1aWflBuAs Arkansas Development Finance Authority

Walton, from successful small retail chain BAM! to Richest Man in the World.

(former Army Intelligence officer, WWII)

Did Sam Walton's old army intelligence buddies make him an offer he couldn't refuse? Around 1970? Did they tell him, at first, that it was an act of patriotism? WAL-mart = LAW-mart ?


1962 - 1 store

1970 - 38 stores

1980 - 276 stores

by 1985 Wal-Mart was opening over 100 new stores per year

Hillary Clinton was on the BOD 1986-1992. "Mrs. Clinton’s six-year tenure as a director of Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest company, remains a little known chapter in her closely scrutinized career. And it is little known for a reason. Mrs. Clinton rarely, if ever, discusses it, leaving her board membership out of her speeches and off her campaign Web site." Hmmm.


Not much sauce, but I got a timeline, a hypothesis, and a C_A modus operandi that fit together quite well. The geographical and political situations fit. The US District attorney during Clinton's alleged involvement at Mena was none other than Asa Hutchinson, accused of looking the other way on Mena cocaine operation.

Asa went on to become a U.S. Congressman. More importantly, he later became Administrator of the DEA, and DHS Undersecretary for Border and Transportation Security. Perfect positions from which to profit from the same illicit activities, perhaps? Asa is currently the governor of Arkan$a$.

Think OZARK (Netflix), then scale it up by a factor of x10,000. Or just keep believing that these figures became Masters of the Universe by hard work and force of personality. It could happen, right?

564f42  No.6493756


Man, you got me there. Newfag. Now i'm gonna lurk moar

fc2fcc  No.6493757

Hold a picture in the minds eye for seven seconds.

Its a great and usually quite difficult achievement on the way to psychic ability.

With eyes closed and relaxed, focus on breathing until breathing is the only thing in the mind.

Then focus the mind on a simple shape or image. A cross, a circle, or etc.

Work toward making the shape as visual as a dream image, actually seen with the eyes closed but originating in the mind.

The object will try to shrink and grow, rearrange itself, retreat from vision and reappear. The goal of the exercise is to prevent this and hold the image steady.

Strange sensations may occur as the simple image maintains solidity, such as a perception of locking or absorption of the mind with the image.

Seven seconds, steady unchanging image is the goal, this could take months or years.

6f924a  No.6493758

What do Huma Abedin, John Brennan, Barack Obama and Louis Farrakhan have in common?


ce1b98  No.6493759

File: 2b5201b678db54c⋯.jpg (13.35 KB, 236x352, 59:88, 2b5201b678db54c9b6ea659648….jpg)


You don't know? What do you mean? Certainly, you have some reasoning or justification?

32199a  No.6493760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now Showing:

>Donald Trump, 1998 - BBC HARDtalk

Donald Trump, 1998 - BBC HARDtalk

>Donald Trump, 1998 - BBC HARDtalk

Donald Trump, 1998 - BBC HARDtalk

>Donald Trump, 1998 - BBC HARDtalk

Donald Trump, 1998 - BBC HARDtalk

>Donald Trump, 1998 - BBC HARDtalk

Donald Trump, 1998 - BBC HARDtalk

1dd30c  No.6493761

Clint Eastwood just followed me on Twatter — Oh my!

Went Ahead & Made My Day!

1863f1  No.6493762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5G Was created in Israel and is Part of Sterilizing the Goyim - 5G Not Allowed in Israel

Smart meters and mandatory vaccinations/pesticides are the “Final Solution” to the cattle goyim…especially the white anglo saxon protestants! 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 to 5 gigahertz frequency. 5G uses between 24 to 90 gigahertz frequency. Within the RF Radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency the more dangerous it is to living organisms. 5G, developed in Israel, is exported — it is FORBIDDEN in Israel.

March 2019

Sauce : https://phibetaiota.net/?s=5G

^^^1:31 minute Video: 5G being born in Israel.

15cdd2  No.6493763


Does he know who P is? How about Bald Dude Crossing the Street?

32199a  No.6493764

File: 1e8c69e2a4c37d2⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1014x881, 1014:881, ClipboardImage.png)

e18162  No.6493765

File: f72fb179dd60603⋯.jpeg (68.71 KB, 400x465, 80:93, D18411D8-46C5-4EE7-8F45-4….jpeg)

Been doing IRL stuffs the last couple days…

Great to see Nightshift is still still comfy with captchas.

8250f4  No.6493766


"person of interest"

What a great show…

Why not pick this show up NETFLIX?

Q boards have unlimited plots to chose from..

20aff1  No.6493767


More details please. A little context helps a lot because not everyone is on the same level of awareness. Anons forget this and when we post digs the tendency to explain the train of thought leading up to something is forgotten.

4d6ed0  No.6493768

File: 28981026ac1a5d3⋯.jpg (691.97 KB, 1080x1324, 270:331, jw3k9hjo61y21.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

564f42  No.6493769


I got a like from Sara Carter earlier. We ain't special

7eb519  No.6493770


Know anything about ORION??

Anons, want to DIGG??

83109c  No.6493771

File: 793a79bc3bcb372⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 429x648, 143:216, SecretEmpires.jpg)


Peter Schweizer had them all nailed down several years ago.

6e5d4b  No.6493772


Did you know they only have 3G????

Use the research tool there have already been digs on it!

2caa66  No.6493773

File: 55a5108f09d1be8⋯.png (593.98 KB, 1190x893, 1190:893, 657957C1-71DD-4DC2-9706-F7….png)

421e55  No.6493774


>NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation


>At the direction of national security adviser John Bolton, acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan last week presented top White House national security officials with a plan to send up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East in the event that Iran "attack American forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons," the New York Times reports.



Are any of you faggots paying attention or is this whole board filled with mossadniggers?

a0486b  No.6493775


Was this the meeting at the pentagon, they could not have at the White House? What is DS planning now, another war for our boys.

There is a new Sheriff in town, lizards.

Prepare to die, bastards.

26bf7c  No.6493776

File: d455bd7960e168b⋯.jpg (155.91 KB, 810x618, 135:103, TerrorismThenNow.jpg)

7906b8  No.6493777


Sandy hook? Do better on context pls.

333022  No.6493778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6f924a  No.6493779



Five companies sell 5G radio hardware and 5G systems for carriers: Huawei, ZTE, Nokia, Samsung, and Ericsson.[6][7][8][9][10][11]

a901c9  No.6493780


Pretty good tactic

Invent a religion that hates Christians

Get someone else to do your dirty work for you

Say, see my hands are clean

e18162  No.6493781

File: 7c5468620b093cb⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 2048x1447, 2048:1447, 2783F1BB-B51E-4DAC-8A15-B….jpeg)


Confirmed real bewbs

dd39b7  No.6493782


mena the root of all evil…


13fc6e  No.6493783

Q: How do you repair a bridge without closing it down?

It depends. What is in disrepair? How did it come to that state of disrepair? How much time and money is available to make repairs? When can that time and money be made available.

The answer is reflected in the building of the wall which, in parts, is a project that entails a series of repairs. Overall it repairs the border.

Basic but inescapable questions arise from that seemingly simple question. For example, must it be repaired – what purpose doe the damaged bridge serve - past, present, future? When is a repair a patch-job and when is it an overhaul? Why must it not be closed down during repairs? Alternatives not available? Not desirable?

Allspeed Anons.

60012c  No.6493784


It's on Prime Video. Have watched it already though. Gonna watch new season of Sneaky Pete maybe. :)

1863f1  No.6493785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



014873  No.6493786

File: 6c79e6ff9fc1691⋯.png (315.32 KB, 495x537, 165:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 685d6e05a7df339⋯.png (373.17 KB, 719x389, 719:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 724f295b5bbb1fa⋯.png (292.53 KB, 685x355, 137:71, ClipboardImage.png)

7eb519  No.6493787


8chan QResearch Posts (2)

#2524872 at 2018-08-09 18:35:46 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3185: Another Busy Day Edition

>>2524421 (last bread)

These photos again. Since Saturday. What do you want to say, just say it. 1mdb. Singapore. Malaysia. Bannon. Wang. Guo. Ng lap seng. Gadio. EJSF. Pacific atrocities group/SF. Patrick Ho. Hypothesis? You are lumping them together? ChiFi related?

#2524497 at 2018-08-09 17:56:05 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #3184: Seatbacks Up Approaching Gitmo Edition


Kwok! All his internet content is banned in China

7d5f36  No.6493788

File: e7c9bf87928aa06⋯.gif (55.97 KB, 220x179, 220:179, pepe12.gif)

60012c  No.6493789


REMINDER: Most posting here are part of (((Q))) team and (((they))) also control 8chan

The MOAR you know. ;)

15cdd2  No.6493790


The Iran Revolution is our enemy. Old Iran was cool.

4584f8  No.6493791


nipples or GTFO

69e3e8  No.6493792


Eric Early, kind of states that as well with the "up hill battle" comment. Then there is this thought, perhaps there is undisclosed information that he has that will change the direction. I don't discount any thing at this point..there are always more tricks around the corner..

7eb519  No.6493793

a901c9  No.6493794


Only if they float

Fake boobs don't float

Proven by Myth Busters

13fc6e  No.6493795


Revenge. NO deals.

408cc6  No.6493796


Mueller was in Boston and NYC and is friends with Barr. So Mueller can't bullshit Durham (BOS), Rudy (NYC) or Barr. Mueller's dealing with guys who know the turf.

Rudy looks to be the linch pin in this op. I don't think they will dare attacking him like they did Barr. Have to wait on Durham to see what they do, but I'll be looking for Rudy's take on this development. Rudy, with Kerik and Christie as sidekicks, must know the deal with the Wiener laptop and know how to navigate the bullshit coming out of SDNY.

Rudy took out Biden's attempt at a union grab with his Ukraine threat. I think there's more than the Ukraine problem for Joe. Rudy was just using Ukraine as an attention getter.

60012c  No.6493797



38a097  No.6493798



Was starting to think I was all alone in here.

d9474b  No.6493799

File: fecc1d576c5effd⋯.jpg (137.95 KB, 820x837, 820:837, durham 1pain.jpg)

433bd8  No.6493800



6f924a  No.6493801


So you admit Mohammed was a Jew?

Out of curiosity do you know the name of Jesus' mother?

13fc6e  No.6493802


Gud job, Anon.

60012c  No.6493803


I don't know. What do you wanna do? >>6493789

4584f8  No.6493804



ce1b98  No.6493805

File: ced6c91efbd1e3a⋯.png (276.43 KB, 520x632, 65:79, 56ef99d14318e358fea8386ecc….png)


So without reason, without evidence, and without purpose. This is why you will always be an insufferable faggot, anon.

15cdd2  No.6493806


Freaking amazing.

547240  No.6493807

File: 701aadc2ca433a5⋯.jpeg (692.32 KB, 1539x1200, 513:400, 325E0906-EC85-4EE5-9714-5….jpeg)

File: a3987702e6c433f⋯.jpeg (154.48 KB, 1200x899, 1200:899, 6C52F0E5-B9F2-4EB1-B72C-D….jpeg)

File: a36164961a600a9⋯.jpeg (86.01 KB, 462x707, 66:101, 2E5824C9-717D-49CC-A401-A….jpeg)

File: 499e550f53a19ab⋯.jpeg (83.19 KB, 960x539, 960:539, 1EF30E39-5EC2-41E5-9FE8-0….jpeg)

File: dff70bfcfdac35a⋯.jpeg (106.5 KB, 800x493, 800:493, E94F76E3-04DE-45AC-A6DF-9….jpeg)

17e5e2  No.6493808


If the US wants to take out the leaders it probably installed in the first place, fine. But no one wants the US stuck in another 20 year war. There's maybe less than 100 people on earth who actually want that.

60012c  No.6493809


Jew like anime or something? :)

7d5f36  No.6493810

>>6493798 Sometimes… #metoo… kek

333022  No.6493811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

60012c  No.6493812

File: 3bb562717a80576⋯.png (506.99 KB, 343x604, 343:604, ClipboardImage.png)

Down the well = hell

6f924a  No.6493813


America first but not alone


bb60cc  No.6493814

Right, so why is Putin not dealing with the crooks in Iran?



60012c  No.6493815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Imagine terminators armed with miniguns being dropped in Israel. Just imagine. It's a pretty good "thought" if you ask me. :)

13fc6e  No.6493816


TY Anon, for the regular updates.

7eb519  No.6493817



17a33e  No.6493818

File: b2508973b098ebb⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ocallaghan2026.jpg)


You know who else worked in the SDNY and knows the ins and outs of the metropolitan swamp?

Ed motherfuckin O'callaghan.

66f885  No.6493819

Slow night.

69e3e8  No.6493820

File: c83f6393ad68d49⋯.png (833.2 KB, 996x381, 332:127, ClipboardImage.png)

Judge Rejects Leniency Plea From Former De Blasio Fundraiser, Sentences Him To 4 Years For Bribery Scheme

A judge rejected a plea for leniency from Jeremy Reichberg minutes before sentencing the former fundraiser for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to four years in prison for his role in a police bribery scheme. Reichberg was arrested in 2016 after participating in a scheme that showered New York Police Department officers with gifts including trips to Las Vegas and Israel, reported The Wall Street Journal. De Blasio has maintained his administration gave no special favors to Reichberg. The news comes as the Democratic mayor teases plans of a 2020 presidential run.

Reichberg was convicted of four counts including conspiracy to commit honest services fraud and bribery in January, reported. “I acted as an adolescent, wanting special attention, feeling that I was entitled to get special attention for my friends who were police officers,” Reichberg said to District Judge Gregory Woods, according to The New York Post. His lawyer Susan Necheles claimed he just wanted to hang out with NYPD big shots and look like a “big shot” too. However, prosecutors argue Reichberg and former friend Jona Rechnitz received help with arrests and hard-to-get gun licenses, according to The New York Post. Rechnitz pleaded guilty to wire fraud conspiracy in 2016 after cutting a deal in exchange for testimony that secured Reichberg’s prosecution, reported The New York Post.

The two-month trial had many twists and turns, including a former prostitute who called herself “Gabi Grecko” and testified that she had sex with former NYPD commander James Grant on a private flight to Las Vegas during the 2013 Super Bowl. Gabriella Curtis’s, her real name, testimony wasn’t found believable by jurors, and Grant was acquitted, reported The New York Post. De Blasio’s political fundraising, which Reichberg took part in, was under investigation by the FBI and Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, reported WSJ. But the feds declined to bring charges against the mayor in 2017. De Blasio appears to be mulling a 2020 presidential run. He visited the early-voting state of New Hampshire in March, but one of his events drew only six supporters.


754fcc  No.6493821


i fucking told you so

monarch labeling equipment.


kansas kek rib it qadam.

i could do so much moar for you fags.

monet oils the wheels of just ice.

77abae  No.6493822

File: dd48ad613ba8759⋯.png (73.91 KB, 590x340, 59:34, 9A0997D0-85B1-42D1-98F6-F7….png)

Passion of the Jew bacon

17a33e  No.6493823


He was the original Toots memelord.

a901c9  No.6493824


If Jews are descendants of Abraham, then yes, only by a different mother named Hagar, who was an Egyptian slave of Sarah.

Brothas with different mothas.

Sarah had Isaac

Hagar had Ishmael; they were banished when Ishmael made fun of Isaac at his weening celebration.

0aebe7  No.6493825

Resignations in the news today - part 1

Bed Bath & Beyond CEO Steven Temares steps down ‘immediately’ and resigns from board


Sweet Briar schoolteacher retiring after long career in rural North Dakota schools


Olmsted Falls Council-at-Large representative Jim Haviland resigns


'Mr. Spencerport Ranger' John Pelin retiring after 30 years as athletic director


Porter-Gaud head football coach resigns after 10 years at the school


Wake deputy fired after pleading guilty to unleashing K-9 on unarmed man


Cuyahoga County internal auditor to resign, pending approval of new job


Reinsurance veteran to retire this year after JLT takeover


Madeira city manager resigns


President McCoy to Resign 2019-2020 Academic Year


Sandwich Mayor to resign in wake of prostitution sting


IRS CIO Garza to retire


CCU's provost and executive vice president resigns


Apopka police deputy chief retired amid abuse of power investigation, documents show


Ethereum Reddit Moderators Resign Channel Despite ETH Community Drama


Hagood Mill director fired, concerns rise over what’s next


Whikehart announces resignation from Kokomo city council


Columbus Technical College president Lorette Hoover is retiring


Highland Middle School employee resigns following district investigation


The President of Culver Stockton College has announced her retirement.


60012c  No.6493826


Got triggered by the video? :) >>6493815

0aebe7  No.6493827


Resignations in the news today - part 2

Music Business Association Chairman Resigns Following Annual Conference


Danilo Hondo fired from coaching role after confessing to blood doping


URI pharmacy professor resigns following conviction


Avista CEO Scott Morris to retire early next year


Chair of Maine PUC resigns; Governor Mills to select replacement


U. of Oklahoma’s Chief Will Retire, Putting a Sudden End to a Rocky Tenure


Wilson High School principal resigns with weeks to go before summer


Purdue’s Dr. Gary Bennett to Retire in June


Ryser resigning from Girard council effective May 22


Graham retires after 44 years


Mount Holly Springs mayor resigns; replacement sought


Tony Cooper retiring from Jimmie Hale Mission


Wilson High School’s Acting Principal Resigns Amid an Investigation Into Her Actions Inside an Evidence Room


Award-winning journalist Lori Matsukawa has announced her retirement.


Mart Police Officers Resign


Schoolteacher retiring after long career in rural North Dakota schools


Nine faculty retire from OWU


Longtime staunch Mt. Lebanon advocate Morgans retires


Succession race opens to replace retiring top court president, prosecutor


Controversial Cook County Judge Nicholas Ford retired from bench last month


Director of North Dakota State Radio retiring at end of June


GASD buildings, grounds director resigns


754fcc  No.6493828

sierra club


kansas state university


bb60cc  No.6493829

Yeah and part of the problem with the Ayatollah Khomeini, the original leader, was their friendship with Russia


8250f4  No.6493830

Whats up with Ben Fulford?

Is he fill of $%#$#? or does he make sense?

bb8cab  No.6493831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6493579 (lb)

>The cabal just doesn't have a clue.

It is very clear (((they))) don't know FISA brings down the house.

Hers's the best 2 minutes of Nigel Farage on BBC


38a097  No.6493832



I recon.

Too slow if ya ask meme.

Somethin's up.

754fcc  No.6493833

File: 23e90bdcfcab71f⋯.jpg (89.22 KB, 960x720, 4:3, cap_Twin.Peaks.S02E09.Arbi….jpg)

File: ae7fbe955bb7c54⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, feh_026761_000001_cap_The ….jpg)

d8661f  No.6493834



547240  No.6493835

File: b366be3ed7f62d7⋯.jpeg (109.88 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 6243374C-DA8E-40FD-9D66-D….jpeg)

File: ce29e57e85447b1⋯.jpeg (826.4 KB, 1681x2700, 1681:2700, E3102FEA-AA58-4A63-B303-A….jpeg)

File: 5d030148510aa37⋯.jpeg (32.95 KB, 280x280, 1:1, 625BBBCF-5023-4C9D-A1C6-2….jpeg)

File: 1ee4aeafd130400⋯.jpeg (25.56 KB, 277x350, 277:350, B198FED0-DB71-4016-9525-7….jpeg)

File: 2cda6401fd05593⋯.jpeg (362.46 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 32AAEBFD-F692-4880-AE07-9….jpeg)

6fd122  No.6493836

File: 4f614ee7cd40261⋯.jpeg (933.85 KB, 1241x2208, 1241:2208, 4B6179BF-7668-4C28-B269-5….jpeg)

File: 289d13cb5192047⋯.jpeg (1015.15 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 4905F193-BC1E-4DA7-A993-B….jpeg)

File: e2925aea291434f⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x2205, 138:245, AD1A5F80-3704-49C8-BA4C-C….jpeg)

Weird. I plug china and iran in and get so far jan-march. Here is a worthwhile nugget of tasty bread crumb from many months ago…

China, Adam Schitt, Brennan, Hillary, @snowden, C_A, fvey its all there.

So we are going to get to a point where fvey surv comes into play more. More going to be made about how elected officials of the DS can spy on anyone they want whenever they want (cause blackhat w deals behind closed doors made).

014873  No.6493837

File: 3e682eeaeadd4f0⋯.png (456.59 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 203ee4c52d4451a⋯.png (645.49 KB, 953x643, 953:643, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d956f524667bd2⋯.png (566.25 KB, 958x479, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


No real Anon likes the captcha. They just go along with it because of the bullying captcha cheer team, (BVs.)

77abae  No.6493838

File: d2822c6695fdaad⋯.jpg (433.59 KB, 864x1426, 432:713, IMG_6897.JPG)


Passion of the Jew bacon

By L Ron Hubbard

60012c  No.6493839


If terminators are dropped in Israel, (((JEWS))) will be in front of them going "oy vey-oy vey" or "mazel tov-mazel tov" or even "krav maga-krav-maga"…

6dc04a  No.6493840

File: deaab1dbb951b90⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, QAnon Hydewars 37.png)

File: 6debc128a25fc1a⋯.png (34.64 KB, 693x144, 77:16, PG is Real.png)

QAnon on Hydewars 37 (released May 13, 2019)

Sam and Nick talk conspiracies, including QAnon. They discuss Q for a few minutes, making fun of some of the cryptic, impenetrable drops. Nick says the drops making him feel dumb and he's off it. Sam says he still buys it.

754fcc  No.6493841

File: 65c1f13dd14c906⋯.jpg (95.77 KB, 1280x692, 320:173, cap_[ www.UsaBit.com ] - T….jpg)


czeck em

6f924a  No.6493842


Nice wordplay. Why not just say yes Mohammed was a Jew and will burn in hell for all eternity? What was Jesus' mothers name again?

15cdd2  No.6493843


Putin will soon be able to obtain a better ally than Iran in the US. I’m hopeful Pompeo will get a Russia-US alliance get going.

950707  No.6493844

File: a9780702372fa63⋯.png (14.33 KB, 275x307, 275:307, 0386e2f72e0857e22cf9ff3078….png)

433bd8  No.6493845

File: 1cb504a8ee3cac6⋯.png (347.79 KB, 620x422, 310:211, HAHAHAHA.png)


would you like a tissue?

-t. actual anon.

e5a1e5  No.6493846

this right here, for all the huff and puff what does it amount to?

controlled opposition. even IF someone went to jail, even IF they were fined billions and trillions what difference would it make? they pay a fine with one hand and steal from us with the other give me a break ffs

right now the law is batting zero you faggots

its all talk


77abae  No.6493847

File: ca397e038299a45⋯.png (46.66 KB, 590x236, 5:2, 3151CF15-BD52-4C78-9A95-DD….png)


But does your Jew bacon spam it's incestuous homo

a901c9  No.6493848




But they had an episode where they did an experiment

77abae  No.6493849

Needs more cow bell

a44245  No.6493850



Bill DeBlasio is fucking nutcase and that is not even his real name….he is …. there are no words….

e5a1e5  No.6493851

File: 13db2e28eb68ae6⋯.png (109.36 KB, 755x513, 755:513, Screenshot_2019-05-14 Pers….png)

File: 7e7df27115a8c1c⋯.png (55.1 KB, 785x463, 785:463, Screenshot_2019-05-14 Pers….png)

File: 31f64948e2c2158⋯.png (46.82 KB, 722x211, 722:211, Screenshot_2019-05-14 Pers….png)

File: 116d9147adb3394⋯.png (95.03 KB, 701x405, 701:405, Screenshot_2019-05-14 Pers….png)

File: 6652e89c64908a4⋯.png (115.42 KB, 756x525, 36:25, Screenshot_2019-05-14 Pers….png)


crimes against children yet there she is

no prosecution

60012c  No.6493852


Do jew know krav maga, Marie? Jew look like someone who does know krav maga. If you see a terminator I bet you will be like "KRAV MAGA!"

421e55  No.6493853












Netanyahu Says He Plans To Annex Settlements In West Bank

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he plans to formally annex Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.

We must control our destiny,” the premier said.

‘’’After boasting that he was responsible for U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, Netanyahu told the program “Meet the Press”: “Will we move ahead to the next stage? Yes.’’’


Israel and the U.S. are simultaneously stepping up repression in the form of travel restrictions against critics of the apartheid state.

‘’’Last week, the U.S. banned a founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, one Omar Barghouti, from entering its soil.’’’


On April 15, the administration of President Donald Trump designated Iran’s military wing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a “terrorist” organization.

Instagram has banned several top Iranian officials, including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, from its photo-sharing platform.

Instagram: “We work with the appropriate government authorities”

‘’’The Israeli government gloated after Instagram’s ban of the top Iranian officials.’’’


Rand Paul to Mike Pompeo: You don't have Congress' "permission" to go to war with Iran

Amid escalating tensions between the United States and Iran, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, pressed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on whether the administration's recent decision to designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization was a way to justify possible future military action in Iran.

In light of the resolution, Pompeo later testified that the connection between Iran and Al Qaeda was undeniable.

‘’’There is no question there is a connection between the Islamic republic of Iran and AL Qaeda. Full stop," said Pompeo, noting that the IRGC has "killed 600 Americans."'


<So, Trump pulls out of Syria, recognizes Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, moves the embassy to Jerusalem and now Israel gets Syria's oil and is moving Jewish settlements into the West Bank.

<At the same time, Israel and the US are banning BDS members.

<Meanwhile Trump declares Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization, Pompeo is making connections between Al Qaeda and Iran, and social media is censoring the issue on behalf of the US gov't.

<At the same time, Qresearch constantly posts photos at top of board demonstrating support for overthrow of Iran.

Meanwhile, Mexican cartels aren't declared a terrorist organization, conservatives are also banned from social media, murder and human trafficking aren't used as pretext for war against Mexico, US citizens lose 1st amendment right to protest Israel, Congress is filled with dual-citizens, hearings on 'white nationalist' fabricated hate crimes.

e69742  No.6493854


KEKING AWESOME! Brexit! Fuck the EU and their BBC shills. Nigel not taking any shit. #MEGA WWG1WA!

faf469  No.6493855

File: 668ab25168bc243⋯.jpg (125.86 KB, 500x1130, 50:113, 0202460989b2d1790cbe85d016….jpg)

File: 11e630455f2dbb3⋯.jpg (104.98 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 20081002.jpg)

421e55  No.6493856



Leaked Netanyahu Tape: We Made Trump Cancel The Iran Deal

Netanyahu brags he is the one who convinced Trump to end the Iran Deal


Trump sends a carrier battle group to Iran

Obvious signs that a false flag is being setup:

"Saudi Arabia says 2 oil tankers damaged by sabotage attacks"


US And Israel Form "Working Group" To Overthrow Iran Government

We knew in advanced that this was planned


<Meanwhile back at home

Official Reveals 168,000 Illegal Immigrants Have Been Released into US Communities This Year


Trump's 'deal of the century' will give Israel control over West Bank settlements – report

The US peace deal for the Middle East includes establishing Israeli law over the Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, an Israeli TV channel has reported. The condition has been a no-go for Palestine.

More than two years in the making and bogged down by delays, the Trump administration's "peace deal" for Israel and Palestine is finally expected to be unveiled next month. With that day approaching, parts of the draft, shrouded in a thick veil of secrecy, have been leaked to media, confirming the general expectations of it being heavily skewed in Israel's favor.


NYT: Pentagon presented plan to deploy 120,000 troops in case of Iran escalation

At the direction of national security adviser John Bolton, acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan last week presented top White House national security officials with a plan to send up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East in the event that Iran "attack American forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons," the New York Times reports.


77abae  No.6493857

File: ac0095c39c556b6⋯.png (80.48 KB, 590x366, 295:183, FCD40ABD-A270-44C4-B661-81….png)


1863f1  No.6493858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


REMINDER: These anti-Q posts are by Foreign Zionist Anti-American Israeli Paid Shills

754fcc  No.6493859


holodeck mapping of the world zoomable to dna level.

15cdd2  No.6493861


Amusing read. He’s worse than Q for overpromising and undelivering though. He’s been saying “arrests are imminent” for about 10 years, Q not even 2 years.

77abae  No.6493862


It's not even rhetoric

754fcc  No.6493863


czecked 55

dig on my sierra club post.

8250f4  No.6493864

File: 4fb80c15384fc18⋯.png (184.55 KB, 757x1607, 757:1607, Benjamin Fulford Weekly G….png)

Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war


60012c  No.6493865


Like that girl from that Simpsons' episode. Bart was like "Karate!" and she was like "KRAV MAGA". Probably not a good idea to say anything but run if you see a terminator though. Terminator is not gonna say anything before it starts shooting it's minigun. :)

014873  No.6493866

File: d39d8e665fa49cd⋯.png (408.66 KB, 499x819, 499:819, ClipboardImage.png)


Tell the truth, then. You couldn't take being called a shill for questioning the holy captcha, even though it never did what they said it would.

a901c9  No.6493867


Everybody knows that


Jesus' mother was Mary

77abae  No.6493868


Pedo Jew noodles demand more cocaine

433bd8  No.6493869

File: f210e6c2e5c5ee3⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 480x360, 4:3, f210e6c2e5c5ee33c532b2053c….mp4)


it's vid related.

4fe4a2  No.6493870



ש לך מקור לזה?

333022  No.6493871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

433bd8  No.6493872

File: f210e6c2e5c5ee3⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 480x360, 4:3, f210e6c2e5c5ee33c532b2053c….mp4)


you're trololo too.

754fcc  No.6493873

File: a0a89e30302cf40⋯.jpg (38.28 KB, 720x360, 2:1, cap_Altered.Carbon.S01E01.….jpg)

File: ea9c2e1398f0482⋯.png (156.99 KB, 664x684, 166:171, dalegribblebeastmode.png)


60012c  No.6493874


Du bist ein Jude, das wurde bestimmt

77abae  No.6493875

File: 6e50f9ff6d42be9⋯.png (267.04 KB, 500x1007, 500:1007, IMG_8018.PNG)

Proof of New York Jew porks

6f924a  No.6493876


If everyone knows then why don't you type it in the comment box?

38a097  No.6493877

May 13th, 2019

8chan entry: How slow is it?

So slow that I took Ebot off filter so I could have some laughs.

60012c  No.6493878



Maybe that's what a terminator can say before shooting…

83a577  No.6493879


Baphomet shill.

77abae  No.6493880


Danielfaggot demands more game of feltcher thrones for Canadian pedos cocaine

6dc04a  No.6493881


That's edited, Q discussion missing (entire video is ~50 min)

dc170a  No.6493882


sam you fuckin dick

thought i was about to get some long clit clues

85f9a3  No.6493883

File: 0ce484b9af0530d⋯.png (190.61 KB, 1440x800, 9:5, GreatNews.png)


60012c  No.6493884


Actually it can scan your mind and determine what language you prefer and then use Google translate to say it in your favorite language. :)

15cdd2  No.6493885


Captcha hell has reduced my overall use of the board about 70% . Q is a proven failure, but the anons are cool. Captcha hell is just too much, nobody will put up with that.

60012c  No.6493886


REMINDER: (((Q))) team now controls Twitter including Trump's twitter account

Probably since November 2, 2017 when Trump's twitter account went down. First (((Q))) post that mentioned "Twitter" was also posted on November 2.


That's why the repeated threats to @Jack. The jewesses in (((Q))) team probably made him grow that stupid beard too. ;)


754fcc  No.6493887


4fe4a2  No.6493888


How's Toronto goyim?

c2ea89  No.6493889


Sleepless christfag boomer doesnt understand jokes

fc2fcc  No.6493890


I agree.

False flags, war for Israel, all that.

The Iran situation has been properly hated on all afternoon.

77abae  No.6493891

File: 20ada54a2c1fccc⋯.jpg (215.25 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_8068.JPG)

Some of their cheese is sought after in Japan too

bb8cab  No.6493892

File: 2945a98bac07904⋯.png (294.21 KB, 853x933, 853:933, Neon Revolt 13May19.PNG)

File: 1d74cdd6ebef7b8⋯.pdf (8.82 MB, Leave the #QULT, @InTheMat….pdf)

Neon Revolt Calls out [X-O] Paytriots for Clear-Cultist Actions and Appropriation of Anon’s Payseur Research

(some highlights posted moar at link below.)

"two prominent members of the Qcommunity who should have known better than to get involved with this organization….

Both have agreed to travel to “The Farm” and speak at a for-profit event there, which is, as of this writing, a little under a month-and-a-half away…

For whatever reason, ‘’’ InTheMatrixxx and ShadyGroove ‘’’ have decided that it would be a good idea for them to hook up with what some have called a “cult” and spread Q-related messages there, on stage, for exorbitant fees.

But really, Matrixxx, Shady, you should absolutely not under any circumstance be affiliating with that school, or with Knight herself.

‘’’ (And just a sidenote for Matrixxx and Shady here: I realize the Payseur stuff was something of a “home-run” in terms of research, but be honest: you guys weren’t the only ones [or even the original ones] to dig that info up, and it’s been almost a year old at this point. The rest of the researchers moved on to other digs long ago. You can’t keep reliving your “glory days).” ‘’’

But beyond that, you guys just have to know how this looks. You have to know how often Qresearchers get maligned as joining a #Qult.



>incredible story

YES. And a very good read; so re-posting for moar eyes to see.

e5a1e5  No.6493893

File: cb08f10ce4f80f0⋯.png (2.22 MB, 884x1219, 884:1219, Screenshot_2019-05-13 soek….png)

60012c  No.6493894

What a surprise, even Krav Mage is "stolen".

>derived from a combination of techniques sourced from boxing, wrestling, aikido, judo and karate, along with realistic fight training.[

66f885  No.6493895


Yup. And Trump is actually a woman, probably even a Jewess in disguise. Fuck you are boring.

0340db  No.6493896


proof captcha is working as planned

a44245  No.6493897


You post 21 times, proclaim the failure of Q, whine like a liberal about Captcha..

but anons are cool.

Fuck off you douchebag shill…go away like off to twatter or fakebook…more your speed.

4fe4a2  No.6493898


ₐᵣₑ ᵧₒᵤ ₛᵤᵣₑ ₐᵦₒᵤₜ ₜₕₐₜ?

60012c  No.6493899




Must be the tech. >>6493681

a901c9  No.6493900


What the heck are you talking about?

You must be a shill.


308dc5  No.6493901


Good evening, anon

83a577  No.6493902


The jokes on you faggot.

85f9a3  No.6493903

File: 25353cea0c290ac⋯.png (295.65 KB, 634x322, 317:161, 25353cea0c290acc25ff5e4601….png)



e3d4a9  No.6493904


>literally has pics trannys saved

KEK, kys faggot

4584f8  No.6493905

File: cbe026a49e466c1⋯.png (208.85 KB, 512x384, 4:3, vlcsnap-2019-05-13-22h43m0….png)

File: 897c8f1ae714954⋯.png (216.17 KB, 512x384, 4:3, vlcsnap-2019-05-13-22h43m3….png)

File: 9b01cab83b71598⋯.png (265.09 KB, 512x384, 4:3, vlcsnap-2019-05-13-22h44m0….png)

File: 388c950f089c42f⋯.png (256.92 KB, 512x384, 4:3, vlcsnap-2019-05-13-22h45m3….png)

File: f89f33e0a94636a⋯.png (213.27 KB, 512x384, 4:3, vlcsnap-2019-05-13-22h42m4….png)

Some meme fodder.

207e96  No.6493906

File: bb1834b0d78f17b⋯.jpg (115.1 KB, 900x625, 36:25, sinai.jpg)

Soldiers from Guam National Guard leave for deployment In Sinai Peninsula


68d02c  No.6493907


neon has a history here. A traitorous history well documented.


dc170a  No.6493908

File: f41e42b3dde9a60⋯.png (228.33 KB, 2088x1112, 261:139, Screen Shot 2019-05-14 at ….png)


77abae  No.6493909

File: ef2b98b35c67fae⋯.jpg (273.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_8041.JPG)

Delivers us bacon

This tainted bread

For elves and Elon holes

His holly homo was sacrificed

To save us from fake Jew news cocaine

And danielfaggot circle jerks

e671b4  No.6493910

File: 67a1df8a468fc37⋯.jpeg (103.6 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 4FE2B5C3-A964-48C6-AB8B-5….jpeg)

File: 279cdb54fa45749⋯.jpeg (240.06 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, E5A26753-31B9-47B8-B8F4-1….jpeg)

File: e01277a47494481⋯.jpeg (275.96 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 3D009F8E-70E1-4FBF-8D46-0….jpeg)

File: 7954612c3425250⋯.jpeg (194.68 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, BFF77CBB-C75A-4EF5-A0AA-9….jpeg)

File: 9253c5cbc4b5399⋯.jpeg (291.18 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 3F143753-6419-4AE1-AEB2-9….jpeg)

Is this connected! It’s from the Navy Times Regarding Eddie Gallagher’s Case. Looking for [P] is it Pentagon? Maybe you all have more information to share. Eddie’s trial is set for May 28, 2019 in San Diego. Postponed due to 1000s of pages of evidence that came flooding in and has expanded to SEAL Team 6.

0340db  No.6493911


and what has this done for you?

6dc04a  No.6493912


F*ck Neon



d04de7  No.6493913

File: dcd5679d399b7c2⋯.jpeg (1.89 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6F165DC4-7E64-48D0-B879-8….jpeg)

421e55  No.6493914



Soldiers from Guam National Guard leave for deployment In Sinai Peninsula

Soldiers from the Guam Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 294th Infantry Regiment departed early Monday morning from Andersen Air Force Base enroute to Ft. Bliss, Texas, for training and a deployment in support of a peacekeeping mission in the Sinai Peninsula, a release from the Guard states.

The Guam soldiers will be part of a Multinational Force and Observers team, consisting of about 12 countries, who supervise the implementation of the security provisions of the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli Treaty of Peace and employ best efforts to prevent any violation of its terms, the release states.


6f924a  No.6493915


So I guess your handler is still looking over your shoulder? That's ok. I know Mohammed wasn't a Jew. Just testing you. As-salāmu ʿalaykum my brother

a583a4  No.6493916

File: 13c8da3dc4f6a46⋯.png (415.32 KB, 629x708, 629:708, ClipboardImage.png)


>You couldn't take being called a shill for questioning the holy captcha, even though it

>never did what they said it would.


A weak anon


An honest anon

faf469  No.6493918


wonder if double Captcha is possible, would be willing to type 12 letters just to hear clowns scream louder

d8661f  No.6493919

Rosenstein Routs "Partisan Pundit" Comey - Says Former FBI Director 'Crossed The Line'

"Those actions were not within the range of reasonable decisions," said Rosenstein. "They were inconsistent with our goal of communicating to all FBI employees that they should respect the attorney general’s role, refrain from disclosing information about criminal investigations, avoid disparaging uncharged persons, and above all, not take unnecessary steps that could influence an election."


60012c  No.6493920

File: f1a8e32a0ffb302⋯.png (196.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

2705c7  No.6493921


Epstein has a pretty convenient island location for smuggling…

77abae  No.6493922

File: 7f696b007b6241f⋯.jpg (84.78 KB, 500x333, 500:333, bafd889325111c80a3181cfc6f….jpg)

File: b11c50bf5f6ba99⋯.jpg (53.04 KB, 640x853, 640:853, f6847746328320e6e2fae34d8d….jpg)

File: 5f95caae05bb477⋯.jpg (200.3 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, IMG_7869.JPG)

421e55  No.6493923


Bolton has been a busy boy

bb60cc  No.6493924

Shills are working hard to kill the clarity of the problem. Iran is the problem. Russia is an ally of Iran. Shills are so fucking off the hook today. You guys are a fucking headache but not mind changers. Treasonous bastards are worse than tax evaders and ww gov'ts who work against the US are worse than those who use the US, for now. We all have one vote so make yours count and fuck off trying to change mine, as if.


5a033c  No.6493925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


12 years ago.

Questions by Schumer.

Constitutional defense.

4584f8  No.6493926

I loves me some filter! (you)

ID +

68d02c  No.6493927


>Sleepless christfag boomer

divisionfag right out the gate. you make it so ez to be comfy

421e55  No.6493928


> Iran is the problem.

Not our fucking problem.

Fix the goddamn border and lock up the fucking traitors in our government.

60012c  No.6493929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes, I am thinking terminators is the only way. Iron dome will be no match for terminators. :)

Need LOTs of them though…

83a577  No.6493930

God bless this bread and all Anons who serve POTUS in good faith - and to our enemies that they would be blessed with drawing closer to God in true repentance.

In the name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


77abae  No.6493931

>>6493919 himler wants new ass ferret , asks pedo gold for new one .

0340db  No.6493932


when they hook our brains to the AI they'll make us do a captcha to have our own thought

77abae  No.6493933


Where was Comey during wtc collapse

426a5f  No.6493934

File: e3c449ef8fa9c81⋯.jpg (76.47 KB, 633x1325, 633:1325, SmartSelect_20190514-01560….jpg)

Theres a movie out called Brightburn. That symbol that we researched a while back is in it several times.

e671b4  No.6493935

File: f5e5e1f1347062f⋯.png (1.23 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F882DBA4-49DE-4D8D-BB00-D8….png)



83a577  No.6493936

A prayer for all Anons:

Prayer for a Spiritual Canopy

Dear Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all the times I have not submitted to your will in my life. Please forgive me for all my sinful actions, making agreements with the enemy, and for believing the devil’s lies. I now submit to you as my Lord, dear Jesus. Now I break every agreement that I have made with the enemy.

Lord Jesus, please have your warring angels remove and bind to the abyss all demons and their devices that had access to me because I believed their lies. I now ask you to establish a hedge of protection around, over me and under me, and seal it with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ.

I now choose to put on the full armor of God and ask that you cleanse me and seal me, body, mind, soul, and spirit, with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ. Please have your warring angels bind up and remove all demons, their devices, and all their power from within this protective hedge and have them sent to the abyss.

Please have your warriors destroy all demonic occult or witchcraft assignments directed against me including all backups and replacements. Please have your warriors remove all trafficking people and send them back to their own bodies and seal them there with your blood, Lord Jesus Christ. Please have your angels stand guard over me and protect me from all the attacks of the enemy.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


4584f8  No.6493937


I heard it suggested the Epstein gave up his blackmail videos and guest lists to the gov to achieve his light sentence. No way to prove this one that I can figure.

fc2fcc  No.6493938


Not if it means bombing them like was done to Syria.

If we stand beside the people of Iran we do not kill them.

Or invade them, or send US/Israeli paid gangs to destroy them.

I have a hard time believing reports of Iranians ready to overthrow their government.

Like Iraqis who were going to throw flowers at US troops.

a1e1e6  No.6493939

File: c4d3a5ae14b2938⋯.jpeg (97.09 KB, 828x539, 828:539, 68C3ECB3-D02E-4C2A-9B47-E….jpeg)

6f924a  No.6493940

File: 97168e43f8c40e3⋯.png (785.62 KB, 1426x799, 1426:799, Screenshot_20190514-005641….png)

77abae  No.6493941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a2534d  No.6493942


I suspect the reason he got a light sentence was the threat of releasing the blackmail videos. The good guys are going to redo that and use the blackmail videos against all the bad guys.

a583a4  No.6493943

File: c29af37a46c1b79⋯.png (513.56 KB, 743x495, 743:495, ClipboardImage.png)


Not liking the annoying captcha doesn't dim my patriotism, diminish my faith in Q, or undermine my confidence in President Trump.

My dislike of a useless captcha can't turn me into a shill or a troll..

Your responses only cause me to doubt the intelligence of an anonymous sycophant jerk with the ID:faf469

207e96  No.6493944

File: 548b4f41a9ff870⋯.jpg (156.11 KB, 802x499, 802:499, SpiritualFag night owls ba….jpg)

60012c  No.6493945

File: 5ef4cb7c40f7ed2⋯.png (951.26 KB, 750x561, 250:187, ClipboardImage.png)


Pretty coincidental video IMO. Has walls and towers…

0340db  No.6493946


think mirror

we have met the enemy and Iran is clown

7eb519  No.6493947

Project Orion, 1958, U.S.A.F:

Drugs, hypnosis, and ESB

Targeting: Short range, in person

Frequencies: ELF Modulation Transmission and Reception: Radar, microwaves, modulated at ELF frequencies

Purpose: Top security personnel debreifing, programming, insure security and loyalty

Pseudonym: "Dreamland"



>>>6493910 Eddie Gallagher’s Case


0e0917  No.6493948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



'I hope the people of Newton don't have it crash on their head later'

7eb519  No.6493949

Project Orion, 1958, U.S.A.F:


Drugs, hypnosis, and ESB

Targeting: Short range, in person

Frequencies: ELF Modulation Transmission and Reception: Radar, microwaves, modulated at ELF frequencies

Purpose: Top security personnel debreifing, programming, insure security and loyalty

Pseudonym: "Dreamland"


60012c  No.6493950

File: 658b18316880677⋯.png (336.64 KB, 483x322, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



But I doubt Israel's border wall towers can shoot lasers. And even if they could they would be ineffective against LOTS of terminators. :)

4584f8  No.6493951


It also means they know exactly who is compromised as well.

faf469  No.6493952


If typing 6 letters is too difficult, how do you even manage to tie your own shoes ?

b2916a  No.6493953


Notable title for Baker:

Ukraine played key role in creating Trump–Russia collusion narrative at behest of Obama officials


What Did Biden and Obama Officials Stand to Gain From Ukraine Influence?

Newly released evidence suggests Ukraine played key role in creating Trump–Russia collusion narrative at behest of Obama officials. As Ukraine underwent dramatic changes in 2014, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden played a critical role in the Obama administration’s involvement in the revolution that ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Following the revolution, Biden would use his influence to help force the creation of the troubled National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU). Notably, during the 2016 election campaign, information leaked from NABU about Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort that helped to create the false narrative that Trump colluded with Russia to win the election. Correction: At 12:05 we misstate the year in which top Ukrainian corruption prosecutors and officials from Obama’s National Security Council (NSC), FBI, State Department and Department of Justice (DOJ) met in Washington, according to an April 26 article by The Hill. The year was 2018. Declassified regrets the error.

Gina Shakespeare breaks is all down.

be53fa  No.6493954

File: 3e8a98f53c1c112⋯.png (42.93 KB, 455x533, 35:41, Qresearch captcha 4.PNG)


>wow, I replied to your post last night and just got on the board just now, and here's your reply to me….

>have you searched around QResearch to see what you could find? I used a couple search terms to pull up the vid I talked about last night but you could try others. Kind of challenging wo/a link but you might find something.

Dw, I'll post it as soon as I find it. But if anyone else has seen this ad please link it. My mom got it on youtube. It was an Epoch Times ad which was very long 12+ minutes but it was only the first part of 2. It featured a millennial looking dude with short beard and wide glasses explaining spygate. He had in his hand either a newspaper or a Qmap that looked like a newspaper. May have been this pamphlet. https://www.theepochtimes.com/spygate-the-true-story-of-collusion_2684629.html

15cdd2  No.6493955


Q failed not because of what any anon says, but from consistently overpromising and underdelivering. If you’d ever accomplished anything in life, you would know the difference between internet posts and actual habbenings.

f4c154  No.6493956

File: de8004342786f14⋯.png (1.27 MB, 900x896, 225:224, expresso.png)

e5a1e5  No.6493957

File: b42162eb3e8aa43⋯.png (626.24 KB, 408x495, 136:165, Screenshot_2019-05-13 Baco….png)


iran isn't the problem

you jews and your mason fuck toys are the problem

4584f8  No.6493958


It also means they know exactly who is compromised as well.

7d7466  No.6493959

File: b78804231839e05⋯.png (813.67 KB, 808x343, 808:343, [Red Andy].png)


Red Andy

BBC interviewer.

48af8e  No.6493960

File: ddfb689cdf57391⋯.jpeg (300.72 KB, 799x1158, 799:1158, Screenshot_2019-05-14-01-….jpeg)

File: 5894a2673e5b199⋯.jpeg (254.91 KB, 799x675, 799:675, Screenshot_2019-05-14-01-….jpeg)

f97896  No.6493961

What happened to cause the censors to finally decide they have lost containment on soph?

5ea796  No.6493962

File: 3dabbafe510fefb⋯.png (363.22 KB, 497x609, 71:87, ClipboardImage.png)


Exactly! I feel exactly the same way.


(pic related)


f4c154  No.6493963

File: ecf4b55405f90e6⋯.png (164.8 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Trump vs china.png)

60012c  No.6493964


(((Q))) team probably gave me the idea themselves by posting all those "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt" posts…

Pretty good idea IMO. Miniguns are present in Unreal Tournament too so they never get outdated. ;)

421e55  No.6493965


>Where was Comey during wtc collapse

Mueller took over FBI immediately after, I believe.

77abae  No.6493966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hans gruber rented 120 dump trucks from the vanderbilts

b2916a  No.6493967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Notable title for Baker:

==Ukraine played key role in creating Trump–Russia collusion narrative at behest of Obama officials


What Did Biden and Obama Officials Stand to Gain From Ukraine Influence?

Newly released evidence suggests Ukraine played key role in creating Trump–Russia collusion narrative at behest of Obama officials. As Ukraine underwent dramatic changes in 2014, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden played a critical role in the Obama administration’s involvement in the revolution that ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Following the revolution, Biden would use his influence to help force the creation of the troubled National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU). Notably, during the 2016 election campaign, information leaked from NABU about Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort that helped to create the false narrative that Trump colluded with Russia to win the election. Correction: At 12:05 we misstate the year in which top Ukrainian corruption prosecutors and officials from Obama’s National Security Council (NSC), FBI, State Department and Department of Justice (DOJ) met in Washington, according to an April 26 article by The Hill. The year was 2018. Declassified regrets the error.

Gina Shakespeare breaks is all down.

>forgot to embed video

6f924a  No.6493968


The Italian mob is still around despite all efforts to destroy it. So pease someone explain how they think Q should've already taken out the cabal which is much more powerful?

15cdd2  No.6493969


Q hasn’t posted much more than cnn and foxnews links for at least 6 months. The board has been ahead of Q on the last few rounds of posting. Seems like Q gets info from muh tv now.

f4c154  No.6493970

File: 890e22274dba7e5⋯.png (605.96 KB, 800x420, 40:21, rashida tlaib wrong addres….png)

77abae  No.6493971



60012c  No.6493972

File: 8e3826df3819f13⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1162x850, 581:425, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't work with (((JEW))), China.


f4c154  No.6493973


fake and filtered

60012c  No.6493974




421e55  No.6493975



Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey testifies that Alberto Gonzales, as White House counsel, tried to get AG John Ashcroft, critically ill on his hospital sickbed, to approve an NSA program the Justice Department had serious legal doubts about

426a5f  No.6493976

File: 1a475f5b254801f⋯.png (381.23 KB, 597x611, 597:611, 1a475f5b254801fef8f7d12a67….png)

60012c  No.6493977


Red text fail. Should practice more, Marie.

d439e3  No.6493978

File: 7176a9374299877⋯.jpg (108.17 KB, 1039x693, 1039:693, Money-Plane-NY-Magazine.jpg)

File: d94fc0f4915c802⋯.png (198.51 KB, 1084x186, 542:93, cargh99png.png)

File: 8c96f2562e75802⋯.png (255.79 KB, 1033x286, 1033:286, car99ch.png)

Cargo Plane after plane of CASH

I've been fairly convinved HUsseins nuke deal is an updated version of IRAN/COntra. Same regions of the world, but since the end of cold war boundaries are even more blured. I have yet to hear a coherent breakdown of Iran/COntra. look closely or from 40K and same patterns emerge even some of the same people

Plane loads of Cash - because thats not weird

"Since January 1992, federal authorities estimate more than $80 billion—all in uncircu­lated $100 bills, hundreds of tons of cash—was shipped to Russia. That amount far exceeds the total value of all the Russian rubles in circulation."



Migrant caravans, Illegals, antifa, are just our generations twist on the SAndinistas. Ortega is the president of Nicaragua now. He was head of Sandinistas in the 80s.

Elliot Abramson back in the game

"Guided by the new provisions of the modified Boland Amendment, Abrams flew to London in August 1986 and met secretly with Bruneian defense minister General Ibnu to solicit a $10-million contribution from the Sultan of Brunei.[29][30] Ultimately, the Contras never received this money because a clerical error in Oliver North's office (a mistyped account number) sent the Bruneian money to the wrong Swiss bank account.[29]"


without Q clearance its hard for an anon to make sense of the few puzzle pieces he has. but then sometimes you get lucky with anouther CARGO CASH plane story from 1996 , and something pops out.

if I am reading this right, the treasury department or some entity pockets $99.96 for every $100 they sell that stays outside the USA. major fuckery! especially if a few of those plane loads fail to be delivered. Because the 100 dollar bills they printed are sold to Banks in Russia, and for every 100 that stays out of the USA, they get to pocket 99.96$? this is like some reverse osmosis shell game credit default swap time share con.

other things that mirror

inslaw/promis software

Bill Barr was attorney general for a few months of that case, but 99.96% (kek) was overseen by Atorney General Janet Reno.

Libyan Leader Gaddafi bought a similar kind of sercurity case management software from Presidnent Sarkozy of France, which is how they knew exactly where Gaddafi was hiding and already knew where The gold, silver, cash, weapons bunkers were prior to going in.

Its a lot like Macgruber

"the game has changed, but the players are the same….just tell me what you want me to fuuuuiuuuck!"

got to s;ee[p will dig more tomorrow.


4de212  No.6493979

File: 95308a874748935⋯.jpeg (90 KB, 575x434, 575:434, C21D4B44-5753-4A3F-91CB-A….jpeg)


Also him in a nutshell. For keks at his expense.

ef63ba  No.6493980

Hello, [D5].

Fifth Director.

Fifth Column.

DC_ [regression].

Pennywise and Poundfoolish.

We hear the ending of the next clown flick is going to be something special.

Don’t forget to check expiration dates.

When things go bad, they need to be disposed of.


The C stands for recursion.

Newton’s 3rd [observation].

Your surname will live in infamy.

e5a1e5  No.6493981

File: fb1bb71831edcbc⋯.jpg (120.12 KB, 600x408, 25:17, 42862.JPG)

File: 1b889e77113e531⋯.png (967.29 KB, 1324x3477, 1324:3477, Screenshot_2019-05-13 Rex ….png)

File: 3d0f0e348f9dfd9⋯.png (840.35 KB, 575x671, 575:671, index.png)


they should put those medals in crackerjack boxes

014873  No.6493982


This is not even a relevant response to what you're replying to.

Anons- realize that shills walk among us, and allegiance to the captcha is NOT proof of not being a shill.

7eb519  No.6493983



sauce for both video & article

Ukraine played key role in creating Trump–Russia collusion narrative at behest of Obama officials



0e0917  No.6493984


Comey, Mueller and Wray all threatened to quit over that.

b36a58  No.6493985


>at his expense.

They literally don't give a fuck about your opinion.

bb60cc  No.6493986

File: f4c900a359eecd5⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 442x645, 442:645, f4c900a359eecd574e51459477….jpg)

Really, how about Iran is a hub for money laundering, body parts and human trafficking, still not our problem? Wall is being built, military at the border, long term it seems, have to wait for 2020 elections to get a congress to fix immigration that has been broken for how many decades? Instead of screaming at politicians who've made our lives hell you bug the shit out of anons. Pricks get panicked and go limp where it counts. Impotent fucks. Now I can laugh.


4584f8  No.6493987


In which crumb did Q say the whole cabal would be taken out?

Even the three sided triangle isn't all that well defined.

15cdd2  No.6493988


Fucking retard. Newfaggot I presume.

77abae  No.6493989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This pedo was laundering cocaine money when the bush family explosives were detonated for larry Silverstein

e671b4  No.6493990

File: 58febcabcc9627e⋯.png (687.57 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 13868321-44DC-4F2C-B9FB-51….png)

File: b87d485189bd908⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 2048x1442, 1024:721, 9424876A-2E7B-43C0-BCFA-9….jpeg)



421e55  No.6493991


>Not if it means bombing them like was done to Syria.

>If we stand beside the people of Iran we do not kill them.

>Or invade them, or send US/Israeli paid gangs to destroy them.

>I have a hard time believing reports of Iranians ready to overthrow their government.

>Like Iraqis who were going to throw flowers at US troops.

With the track record of how this has played out literally Every. Single. Time. Before. you've got to be the biggest dumb ass on the face of the planet to support another war in the Middle East.

ce14fb  No.6493992

File: 3840ffff3b7943d⋯.jpeg (27.67 KB, 453x254, 453:254, 21C4A94F-64DC-4F64-925E-A….jpeg)

77abae  No.6493993


walrus josh wants to lick my butthole

e5a1e5  No.6493994


can't you educate yourself?

have you read the Talmud yet?

why not?

15cdd2  No.6493995


I note than captcha has def reduced the number of stupid anons who just attack other anons for expressing reasonable opinions and contribute nothing.

6f924a  No.6493996


Game theory. Do you play to win each hand? Or do you play to win the whole game?

Hydra: cut off 1 head, 3 grow in it's place

0340db  No.6493997


Q has succeded in waking millions ww. yet you still sleep.

you should cut a long sliver of bamboo, soak it until it's flexible. roll it up tightly. let it dry. then swallow it.

pleasant dreams

207e96  No.6493998

File: c929aa52c4924f6⋯.jpg (213.09 KB, 600x1660, 30:83, Patrona.jpg)


Top woman in El Chapo's cartel changing plea in Chicago

CHICAGO (WLS) – A 58-year-old Mexican national known as "La Patrona" is about to plead guilty in Chicago to being the CFO for drug cartel strongman El Chapo.

Guadalupe Fernandez Valencia, "The Patron," or special guardian of Chapo's billion-plus fortune, was allegedly among the highest-ranked female drug executives for the notorious Sinaloa Cartel and in charge of Chapo's drug-induced billions.

Federal drug investigators said Valencia was one of El Chapo's most trusted top aides. She has a change of plea hearing set for May 29th in front of Chief Judge Ruben Castillo in Chicago district court.

68d02c  No.6493999

File: c8d2a44d166e555⋯.jpg (4.39 KB, 193x135, 193:135, brand.jpg)

60012c  No.6494000


Were you trying bold text or?

4fe4a2  No.6494001



No. I am talking about being Watcher on the wall in the Nights Watch.

Pack up. Your carriage is coming to pick you up tonight. Yoran will help you from there.

a2534d  No.6494002


>It also means they know exactly who is compromised as well.

Well, they do have the NSA. The moment Trump signed the appropriate EO, the NSA was free to share all data and use whatever analysis necessary regarding enemies of the state. This includes Americans who were participating in a RICO attack on the US. The implications of this strategy cannot be understated. US military intelligence is the most formidable weapon against corruption ever created if used properly.

It appears to be in use at this time.

7eb519  No.6494003


article notabled but vid has not been (at least I don't think so)

b2916a  No.6494004

File: 559080d072a1ae6⋯.png (733.38 KB, 1047x782, 1047:782, ClipboardImage.png)


The 'article' posted here is copy/pasta from the description area under the video on Youtube


014873  No.6494005


I liked you better when I thought you were a stupid bot. Now that I know you are just a disgusting person, I can't stand you.

4584f8  No.6494006


fuck the Talmud. Christianity is based on the Torah, idiot. Talmud is for the fallen Jews. The satanists.

6fd122  No.6494007

File: d309821c6d96879⋯.png (691.1 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 6BF34936-136E-4406-AF87-85….png)

File: f6bc20ed3a44f97⋯.png (4.2 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, BB1748BE-F13A-416D-938B-96….png)

File: adf219a9d362417⋯.png (491.61 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 6B4FE43E-DDAF-4860-889E-C6….png)

File: 6b19c5622f4bea8⋯.png (487.65 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, D4F0330B-01F3-4406-B7C0-E4….png)

File: 1a30a7f211c1f9d⋯.png (490.57 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 8CF727FE-90FA-460C-9D00-E4….png)

“Asteroid Defense: Game Changer in Global Politics”

NASA, Roscosmos Leadership Unite In Call For Asteroid Defense: A Game Changer In Global Politics


dd39b7  No.6494008

File: f74fd0b5c3fb1b4⋯.png (200.13 KB, 500x533, 500:533, f74fd0b5c3fb1b466dde1544fa….png)


Then stab hydra in de heart instead.

15cdd2  No.6494009


I was woke before you or Q were born you dumb little fuck. Get a job, loser. FUcking cretin.

426a5f  No.6494010


Trips of truth and yep. That's the symbol

60012c  No.6494011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I prefer headshots. :)

4fe4a2  No.6494012



<FYI You're baking.

6813f4  No.6494013



"Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta’s role in negotiating a non-prosecution agreement for hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein" - Acosta wasn't Trump's first choice, Andy Puzder was.

Marco Rubio said Acosta would be confirmed 100-0 and you know what that means - as Q said about corrupt people the super high conf people is not a certain indicator tho but there is a correlation -

anyway, thankfully that deal is going byebye https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/article225624945.html

Prosecutors finally want to hear from Jeffrey Epstein’s victims

Today: Lawsuit to undo the plea bargain ramps up

https://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article230275434.html …

the actual deal he had tho was Obama 2008: Federal prosecutors gave a secret plea deal to a suspected child sex trafficker

e5a1e5  No.6494014

File: df2b034d0e47c44⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1324x3874, 662:1937, Screenshot_2019-05-13 Publ….png)

File: fa3f251d02bc89f⋯.jpg (125.79 KB, 1050x549, 350:183, 00sandyhook3-facebookJumbo….jpg)

credibility of the US Government in war?


7eb519  No.6494015


thanks, trying to sort it out to see what's actually new

6f924a  No.6494016


Kek. Unfortunately this Hydra has no heart

b36a58  No.6494017

File: 207ee12954e8668⋯.png (456.38 KB, 500x345, 100:69, zzoinks1.png)

File: 5c11521a01e26b2⋯.png (319.37 KB, 437x279, 437:279, zzoinks2.png)

File: 656c94adbbb2f2f⋯.png (340.33 KB, 446x313, 446:313, zzoinks3.png)

File: ccca2fbf5af2961⋯.jpg (50.39 KB, 495x283, 495:283, zzoinks4.jpg)

File: 9f0a6101179eeda⋯.jpg (26.87 KB, 348x203, 12:7, zzoinks5.jpg)


>Talmud is for the fallen Jews. The satanists.

6813f4  No.6494018

68d02c  No.6494019


>That's the symbol

It's a brand. Like Nxivm, different cult

4584f8  No.6494020


Q is the longest game plan I am aware of. They have lost a hand or two. We know they are in it for the long game. So, the whole game. Hydra is Hollywood. We are dealing with humans.

7f7485  No.6494021


Should get a Barr Durham meme going

7eb519  No.6494022

#8304 baker change

Notes @350

>>6493919 Rosenstein Routs "Partisan Pundit" Comey - Says Former FBI Director 'Crossed The Line' (Zerohedge)

>>6493906, >>6493914 Soldiers from Guam Nat'l Guard leave for deployment

>>6493864, >>6493893 Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war

>>6493825, >>6493827 Resignations in the news today

>>6493820 Judge rejects leniency plea from De Blasio fundraiser

>>6493735 Did Jimmy Carter give away the Panama Canal to China?

>>6493718 Dow -617 (6=cult, 17=highest classification); DECLAS coming??

>>6493708 92% of mass shootings are in Gun Free Zones; Biden introduced Gun Free School Zones Act in 1990; >>6493723, >>6493949 C_A, school shootings & Orion process

>>6493717 Hollywood Gay Mafia worth a DIGG

>>6493656 Syria update

6813f4  No.6494023


ah, that's an angle worth considering. Thank you for the tip.

f36a58  No.6494024



421e55  No.6494025


God fucking damn it


Fucking pedos like this are stilll making the films your children watch

as you all cheer on another war in the middle east

and the border is gaping wide open

7906b8  No.6494026

File: dad8a84d69c874b⋯.jpeg (605.64 KB, 1327x1602, 1327:1602, 5408200E-1588-4EE3-9936-2….jpeg)

7eb519  No.6494027


Yeah, also verifying

333022  No.6494028

File: 55bc80aaa4db2e9⋯.png (230.28 KB, 324x409, 324:409, Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at ….png)

Poor, Pitiful, Persecuted Papadopoulos-the-Pure and the Four Femmes Fatale

Sam “The Ham” Clovis (pic related)


0340db  No.6494029


woke to licking tranny shill paymasters butts

fc2fcc  No.6494030


Nothing practically.

Ive only been able to do it for maybe three seconds tops ever.

Then I get something like an adrenaline surge that ends my focus.

Sometimes scenes will appear and replace the image, detailed with people and buildings, like a very concrete dream but Im totally awake.

I couldn't do that before, its interesting but some people do that normally.

65a07e  No.6494031

File: 1890f247b16e93f⋯.jpg (47.06 KB, 545x458, 545:458, 30wk8t.jpg)


pic related

e5a1e5  No.6494032

File: 671023eb124827d⋯.png (352.2 KB, 616x439, 616:439, Screenshot_2019-03-12 Shod….png)

File: 425d6bf494734b6⋯.jpg (111.79 KB, 629x281, 629:281, 425d6bf494734b62f83f69cc5a….jpg)

File: 6680e19b6c7b4a9⋯.jpg (888.44 KB, 1080x2365, 216:473, 0cc144910dafc3a4e747203162….jpg)

File: 809f34720fefddc⋯.jpg (965.78 KB, 1424x2109, 1424:2109, cf662abc0fb53396a0c89fd8f0….jpg)

db23e0  No.6494033

File: 60b2c3ed9c95f2d⋯.png (1.02 MB, 840x657, 280:219, captcha.png)

2705c7  No.6494034


It all happened anyway… on a grand scale

421e55  No.6494035


>This pedo was laundering cocaine money when the bush family explosives were detonated for larry Silverstein

Funny how Rudy Giuliani works with Trump.

Almost forgot, who was mayor of NY during 9/11 again?

7eb519  No.6494036


Tried to pin this down, but what I need is the date of this video and its title from Epoch Times, then can decide whether to list in Notes.

214639  No.6494037

Q used to talk about saving humanity. Now he only talks about saving the presidency.

Our food. Our water. Our airwaves. Our freedoms.

If the only thing we can do is wait for obstruction to clear…. for an entire presidency. What got done? Ask yourselves why only the unemployment rate, and not the labor participation rate is spoken of.

I'm glad a coup is being thwarted. But for what?

4fe4a2  No.6494038

File: ec0d4ce5a853d23⋯.jpeg (20.78 KB, 318x326, 159:163, b97f9ffd0e0d0a58d89f78390….jpeg)


Thats unironically hilarious.

Tahnks for the free lolz baker

c0a95b  No.6494039

File: 7adc3d9e8e66e04⋯.png (254.21 KB, 490x364, 35:26, Screenshot_27.png)

bb60cc  No.6494040

Media is just not taking this whole we the people thing very well. Farage handles him like a pro.


6f924a  No.6494041


In a war sometimes you lose a battle. Sometimes you have to fold just to find your opponents tells and therefore be able to predict what they will do. And once you figure out their weaknesses…..

0340db  No.6494042


ever try it with psychedelics?

014873  No.6494043

File: 42e81e5d3a9079f⋯.png (306.45 KB, 575x421, 575:421, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95ba72e7a9f842f⋯.png (646.25 KB, 749x523, 749:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f618cea25ff090⋯.png (360.06 KB, 497x697, 497:697, ClipboardImage.png)


…except anyone expressing a reasonable disagreement about the captcha. In that case, the scum of the earth unload all their crap on anybody doesn't bow low to the captcha!

(at least we have principles.)


(Pic Related)

4584f8  No.6494044


filter bait

9f52c5  No.6494045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vladimir Cauchemar predicted clown world in 2017

f27209  No.6494046


give the french (yellow vests) credit… they are actually going beyond their keyboards and protesting.

6fd122  No.6494047

File: b776c04c25fb6ce⋯.png (30.85 KB, 255x239, 255:239, 28D5061A-4F93-4E48-AD70-25….png)


Yep total

faf469  No.6494048

File: be590459d2e1db1⋯.jpg (71.11 KB, 474x591, 158:197, 91fa6e3d1554b65e17a7fc8dde….jpg)

Wonder how the masons are coping with the knowledge that soon every person that they have ever known will find out the truth about them.

4584f8  No.6494049


so even your losses can be gains

426a5f  No.6494050


I remember seeing it as a tattoo on the back of someone's neck

b2916a  No.6494051

File: 559080d072a1ae6⋯.png (733.38 KB, 1047x782, 1047:782, ClipboardImage.png)

Thanks baker, know you are busy herding cats,

As per this screen grab, the video was posted today, May 13 and the title is

"What DId Biden and Obama Officials Stand to Gain From Ukraine Influence?"

421e55  No.6494052



White House Reviews Military Plans Against Iran, in Echoes of Iraq War


With the track record of how this has played out literally Every. Single. Time. Before. you've got to be the biggest dumb ass on the face of the planet to support another war in the Middle East.

7eb519  No.6494053


Got the info from >>6494004

308dc5  No.6494054

File: 39438ea12a23a98⋯.jpg (156.01 KB, 700x581, 100:83, 547634.jpg)

e49f12  No.6494055


It's about damn time,….

7eb519  No.6494056


Got it, thx

f27209  No.6494057


old iran was the shah… and how much he granted Carter.

4584f8  No.6494058


Sumerians loved that fucking pine cone. Fertility related?

7d7466  No.6494059

File: eadab92542852e7⋯.png (761.42 KB, 1063x244, 1063:244, capture_081_13052019_22440….png)

File: 7320b1d5e74b854⋯.png (793.37 KB, 1064x254, 532:127, capture_082_13052019_22450….png)

File: eaf13db98b036c0⋯.png (767.05 KB, 1041x251, 1041:251, capture_084_13052019_22473….png)

File: a368889fed94901⋯.png (848.74 KB, 1040x278, 520:139, capture_085_13052019_22482….png)

File: ef30aa5c8eae897⋯.png (847.32 KB, 1042x277, 1042:277, capture_086_13052019_22491….png)

Civilian DJT China/Tweets | 2011

Mike Huckebee, a great guy, said the President should appoint me Treasury Secretary. China and OPEC would not be happy.


China is a threat to America. They are not our friend.


@BarackObama’s new job plan will certainly do the following – 1. Not create any jobs. 2. Borrow more money from China.


@BarackObama is sure a master delegator. He has sent @Joe_Biden to China. The Chinese are laughing at us. We MUST do better.


Just as I predicted, @Joe_Biden was a complete disaster in China. He condoned the Chinese one-child policy an… (cont) deck.ly/~sjayl


e5a1e5  No.6494060

File: 690d1c0325ff55e⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 917x1350, 917:1350, 1.HO42.180.-226-Philanthro….jpg)

File: fa1af3743a1b5b6⋯.png (58.95 KB, 750x482, 375:241, 1818.png)

which one is the problem

fc2fcc  No.6494062


Russia is not a problem either.

This is not shilling, its why we voted for POTUS.

End these stupid Middle East wars.

Stop slaughtering hundreds of thousands of civilians.

If we don't care about the lives of the enemy as well as our own we really shouldn't be in the business of world leadership.

What are we supposed to do in Iran, then?

cb69dc  No.6494063

File: 1928f04efec845f⋯.png (310.68 KB, 578x412, 289:206, ClipboardImage.png)



o7 actual Patriots on deck!

f27209  No.6494064


scum is scum

dd39b7  No.6494065

File: dd7d3857ccc5b5a⋯.jpg (8.77 KB, 400x282, 200:141, GoodSalt.com-pcmas0006.jpg)

2262ff  No.6494066

So Barr is going to appoint someone who will investigate blah blah blah.

All this time,and Q assured us Huber and Horowitz were already doing this.

But trust them.

Comfy now anons?

Potomac 2 step.

Indictments will come,but the swamp will remain.

6777a3  No.6494067


Symbolize the 3rd eye/pineal gland.

396a44  No.6494068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4584f8  No.6494069


is that where the adrenochrome comes from?

0340db  No.6494070


the Pineal gland

cb69dc  No.6494071

File: 0d5680f375dbd51⋯.png (410.26 KB, 503x731, 503:731, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce9d87f058d8fb5⋯.png (487.39 KB, 751x485, 751:485, ClipboardImage.png)


My sentiments exactly.

Down with the pro-captcha shills.

bb60cc  No.6494072

File: 85150ebdfd5befa⋯.png (84.81 KB, 1008x453, 336:151, ClipboardImage.png)

He was a prosecutor in Manhattan, joined SDNY Jan 02


77abae  No.6494073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember when captcha destroyed the silk road

b9a792  No.6494074

File: 973edad912f0481⋯.jpeg (167.53 KB, 625x1284, 625:1284, 2F3C3FF3-2687-41C7-BC60-4….jpeg)

File: d0445de259c49c9⋯.jpeg (91.08 KB, 750x610, 75:61, 5B2DC088-C35A-480F-9787-9….jpeg)

File: 67a60b26a3b72f1⋯.png (629.95 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 017A5216-D0E0-4233-ABD7-37….png)

IAC’s Barry Diller listed in Podesta Wikileaks as individuals who are warm or very warm prospects to support the work we are doing for Hillary and most likely to

support Media Matters.

Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief -Noah Shachtman, was campaign staffer on Bill Clintons 1st presidential campaign.



421e55  No.6494075




U.S. Sends More Firepower to Counter Iran

National security experts warn the two countries may be headed toward a military confrontation.

Firepower. The United States and Iran continued to trade warnings last week, with the Pentagon on Friday announcing its intent to move additional firepower into the Middle East in response to “credible” threats on U.S troops in the region. The USS Arlington, an amphibious ship that carries U.S. Marines, along with a Patriot missile battery, will join the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group and a bomber task force in U.S


faf469  No.6494076

File: 97b13e49b12ed84⋯.jpg (73.13 KB, 476x635, 476:635, Ra buttplug.jpg)

e5a1e5  No.6494077


find as many Catholics as you can and kill them

Catholics are their number one target. They get more 4th heaven purple cock sucker points for offing Catholics than anyone else.

it's a sliding scale. if they have to kill a million Muslims to get at 10,000 of us they will

the nukes dropped on Japan were to kill Catholics. fire sacrifice. especially if you an kill them during Mass.

421e55  No.6494078


>This is not shilling, its why we voted for POTUS.

>End these stupid Middle East wars.

This is not shilling, its why we voted for POTUS.

39876e  No.6494079



396a44  No.6494080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For China

77abae  No.6494081


Even pedo said his inspector found Yuge bombs

f97896  No.6494082


Note the watch.

6777a3  No.6494083


What about his negrita wifey ThriveNYC missing $850 million. Disgusting criminals.

fc2fcc  No.6494084


Money laundering and human trafficking means we slaughter them?

Because thats what invariably happens when we get involved militarily.

This is not the United States defending itself.

There is no righteousness to this at all.

77abae  No.6494085

File: 39ad7518b2ce498⋯.jpg (32.63 KB, 340x270, 34:27, IMG_8091.JPG)

Have a pity marmot meme

6f924a  No.6494086


Too bad they won't see much coverage by the legacy media. Especially when Macrons gov is using heavy handed tactics against them. Might wake up more if they saw. Vive le France!

faf469  No.6494087


remote control for vibrator

0340db  No.6494088


some pretend to never learn that Q drops more disinfo than not, he is a psyop against the cabal and ds criminals.


77abae  No.6494089

File: 01585583eda59ad⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 720x709, 720:709, IMG_8092.JPG)

Maybe a Venn diagram of ass coveting for cocaine will solve the riddle

421e55  No.6494090


>Money laundering and human trafficking means we slaughter them?

How about clean up our own backyard WHICH IS FILLED WITH A SWAMP OF THE EXACT SAME SHIT

4584f8  No.6494091

File: 023aaa065244247⋯.jpg (107.93 KB, 350x533, 350:533, annunaki_pine-cone002bommp….jpg)

File: e95cd9c14268628⋯.jpg (239.45 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Anunnaki astronaut pine co….jpg)

e5a1e5  No.6494092

File: c2a0090f1e70416⋯.png (109.84 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-12 Char….png)

File: 68abe11fa2e0637⋯.jpg (23.14 KB, 237x438, 79:146, Northborneo.jpg)

File: 841e20bc502a8b5⋯.jpg (412.01 KB, 1600x758, 800:379, original.jpg)

File: 373db61459f6296⋯.png (217.32 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-12 Micr….png)

File: 5fbc1f584d04127⋯.png (264.77 KB, 1004x443, 1004:443, Screenshot_2019-05-12 The ….png)


muh kate spade handbag

muh multiple macleods from all over

a9b93f  No.6494093

File: 1d5723430670173⋯.png (649.8 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83d4fe3a8d559a3⋯.png (2.22 MB, 2141x1194, 2141:1194, ClipboardImage.png)






Adrenochrome comes from the tortured souls of anons suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome due to excessive captchas.

faf469  No.6494094



0340db  No.6494095


note the manbag


6777a3  No.6494096



A lot of past digs anons have done on the subject. I encourage you to go look at the research. If you can stomach it. It is not for everybody.

2262ff  No.6494097


Bring up the Q post about appointing a special prosecutor who will take 2 moar fucking years to get to the bottom of anything.

Learn to play the game

This really is a game

207e96  No.6494098

File: f109fc5afe3b7b7⋯.jpg (108.99 KB, 600x1182, 100:197, blue diamond.jpg)

More than 100 firefighters battling a four-alarm fire at the Blue Diamond factory


Firefighters are battling a four-alarm fire Monday night on the second floor of the Blue Diamond almond factory in downtown Sacramento, according to the Sacramento Fire Department.

As of 10:45 p.m., about 115 firefighters were on scene of the blaze in the 1800 block of C Street battling the blaze, according to fire spokesman Capt. Keith Wade, who said the fire was “under control.” What started the blaze was unknown, said Wade, who said smoke had spread to the third story of the five-story facility.

Video posted by fire crews just after 10 p.m. showed flames shooting from the middle of the factory near the intersection of 18th and C streets, a block east of the company’s gift shop.

f75494  No.6494099

File: bc75c0ce634ee7c⋯.png (195.62 KB, 1349x637, 1349:637, who owns the army times ….png)

File: ee1ff984cb71de0⋯.png (68.78 KB, 441x507, 147:169, Qgannett.png)

File: f8da43c43a5fc1f⋯.png (533.25 KB, 1349x637, 1349:637, Military Times MilitaryT….png)

File: 594b2666395a580⋯.png (102.69 KB, 1349x637, 1349:637, Trump wants to charge alli….png)


Why do you trust any of the military times?

4584f8  No.6494100


I don't follow.

77abae  No.6494101

File: e153af5d743f28b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 133.12 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_8042.GIF)

File: efa3dd0dee4da7a⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 183.86 KB, 300x300, 1:1, IMG_8043.GIF)

File: dca51a49cbe3be9⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 207.92 KB, 300x300, 1:1, IMG_8044.GIF)

File: 9c988c80bd91ac8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 165.44 KB, 750x766, 375:383, IMG_8046.JPG)

dd39b7  No.6494102

File: f46ee3a4b447baf⋯.gif (5.42 MB, 800x792, 100:99, 5d4b4c70c6dc2190655a693fee….gif)


almonds activated?

f97896  No.6494103


Are you saying they disguised their anal probes as pinecones or their pinecones as anal probes?

333022  No.6494104


adrenal gland?

77abae  No.6494105

File: 3fa6f4b2d03a98e⋯.png (82.02 KB, 590x366, 295:183, BB0B479C-7BD6-43DD-8E41-77….png)

60012c  No.6494106


Saved. :)

fc2fcc  No.6494107


I have a whole other theory on Iran.

POTUS could use some support in fending off the warmongers which surround him.

Some expressions of condemnation of Middle East fuckery.

Thats my job.

bb60cc  No.6494108

Ah…… Got it, the drugs, the money laundering, the trafficking. TY for your patience.


4584f8  No.6494109


My mind is being blown by how far back this goes. Or really, reborn, since probably archeology came on the scene.

How many Christian archeologists out there? Raise your hand.

5ba480  No.6494110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


0340db  No.6494111


he's not a special prosecutor. he's an investigator.

the work has already been done for him, he just has to present the evidence coherently.

faf469  No.6494112


rumors are the soulstone can retain consciousness to be implanted in another body.

ce55cd  No.6494113


I guess they don't have to 'smoke' this next batch of almonds.

e18162  No.6494114

File: 7c58c1ddf39676a⋯.jpeg (80.33 KB, 500x449, 500:449, 776DFD77-450C-4143-81C9-4….jpeg)

Is ebot Q’s alter ego?

421e55  No.6494115


> Iran is the problem.

Hilary herself wanted a war with Iran too, if anything she'd agree with Trump on this but chastize him for not invading Syria first.

b9a792  No.6494116

File: c63bca1a31f850e⋯.jpeg (82.56 KB, 742x799, 742:799, C9ED93F3-9BB0-4874-9F15-3….jpeg)

File: cdacc9aae953b9f⋯.png (150.1 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 6DFB9305-A1C4-4FE1-AEBC-16….png)

Barry Diller and Dianne Von Furstenberg

“Giving Pledge" At-A-Glance Launched by Warren Buffett


60012c  No.6494117

Yup, definitely not gonna work against a horde of terminators.


4584f8  No.6494119


Read something like that concerning alien abduction. Used a box that sat on the chest the stored the soul which they put into a clone and sent back.

e5a1e5  No.6494120

File: dc1cb067532eb5c⋯.png (244.58 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-12 Micr….png)

File: 4491e4f65d96330⋯.pdf (663.86 KB, BILATERAL.pdf)

File: 4c7aa511fb86e99⋯.png (899.61 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: 0637a2735a6367a⋯.png (888.42 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: a07ccbffdb46037⋯.png (901.44 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

60012c  No.6494121

File: b212e2d00b707e6⋯.jpg (67.14 KB, 640x640, 1:1, marieclaudebourbonnais - 1….jpg)


Ebot's real name is Marie. This is Marie.

ce55cd  No.6494122

File: 6f799287963347b⋯.jpeg (109.24 KB, 1125x1110, 75:74, D6P4AYBXsAIgWV9.jpg-large.jpeg)

60012c  No.6494123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


French Canadian…

2262ff  No.6494124


You are not that naive are you?

The information has already been made public, now a narrative has been setup to make Barr the head witch hunter.

Calls of coup will be blaring from the MSM

Democrats now are victims

Sheeple will rally to Democrats

Investigation will stop

Swamp will become moar powerful

4584f8  No.6494125


love it, but should have sunglasses on and a shotgun

e18162  No.6494126


I’d put muh dick in ebot…

4584f8  No.6494127


BS wait until Comey rolls over. And there will be more.

Nothing can stop this.

fc2fcc  No.6494128


No I haven't tried that with psychedelics.

But the vivid scenes I described are a lot like what I think was mescaline.

e5a1e5  No.6494129

File: fff199d5348a1f0⋯.png (747.32 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: 1ce909af465a8a7⋯.png (629.24 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: 80967833032ab15⋯.png (808.19 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: 53c6834d516a34b⋯.png (752.13 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: 2811973b75bd3d3⋯.png (760.04 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

60012c  No.6494130


Better hurry up, she is already 39 apparently.

6f924a  No.6494131


She was pandering. Trying to pretend she was concerned. Still loved that nuclear deal though didn't she?

ce55cd  No.6494132

File: 9a98ea76292da37⋯.jpeg (119.43 KB, 1260x1242, 70:69, D6TJjyUXoAQ_PrM.jpg-large.jpeg)


207e96  No.6494133

File: 58ba6312bcd9c44⋯.jpg (58.16 KB, 1485x1101, 495:367, Psleeeep.jpg)

sweet dreams, anons

6fd122  No.6494134

File: 5863fbd9e043d09⋯.png (545.22 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C47A426F-75CD-40B7-9067-E8….png)

File: b18deca46ac9645⋯.jpeg (886.64 KB, 1242x2119, 1242:2119, 556F01C3-AD08-4681-BD12-3….jpeg)

This is where I am totally sideways. I swear t o you the both of them are snakes. Were they working to save their asses? Were/are they still deep state? There as many things that point equally in both directions.

Unless the investigation was used to keep a NECESSARY blockade /ourblockade/(kek) so that the investigations would be ongoing behind the scenes. Without this period all hell would break loose. If that is the case those 2 dirtbags were “working to save their asses”.

But here they are in w the rest of criminals. Optics?

4584f8  No.6494135


needs the hashtag on the pic

b9a792  No.6494136

File: 00a457ee2073fc7⋯.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 8C88C4A9-9B7F-4C1C-9FDC-DF….png)


e5a1e5  No.6494137

File: 229b2dfd9e204c5⋯.png (844.02 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: 9417eb9277c121c⋯.png (724.24 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: 437b9487b39976a⋯.png (755.89 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: 7b17d8b7aa2a763⋯.png (789.42 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: 4141b5269911940⋯.png (733.05 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

e18162  No.6494138

File: 9841cad0c4acd49⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 73.27 KB, 618x410, 309:205, AA706D89-C4B3-435B-ACD1-2….jpeg)


Sweet dreams, anon.

4584f8  No.6494139


May the Lord bless you and keep you.

faf469  No.6494140


heard story that just consciousness is stored, like a bad copy (90%). No actual soul anymore like normal human. Think they can "live" forever like that. (aka chiphead)

6777a3  No.6494141


I am sure their are plenty of Christian archeologists but who teaches them, funds them, allows information/antiquities they find to get out to the masses? It is a very controlled profession.

dd39b7  No.6494142

File: 5f08c766a062318⋯.jpg (756.73 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 5f08c766a0623180160df15b77….jpg)

Goodnight frens

e5a1e5  No.6494143

File: 211546e93f68f04⋯.png (594.75 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: 1c132940257d680⋯.png (725.73 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: ad06fde255efdcf⋯.png (735.12 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

File: aa782d2492cd434⋯.png (599.25 KB, 1338x588, 223:98, Screenshot_2019-05-11 BILA….png)

dc170a  No.6494144

File: 0ec1dbc29ea4459⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 3049x3182, 3049:3182, punishedtrump.jpg)

never forget the punished trump theory

2262ff  No.6494145


The media is in all out defense mode

They have not been destroyed,not even close

The show will continue, and nothing will end this

Q knows this,its why he barely posts anymore

Turns out Q is horrible at offense

Need results, and that is definitely not up Qs ally.

0340db  No.6494146


doubt shill be gone, your shtick is ineffective here.

this time there is an actual witch to catch, and her flying monkey minions.

It's gonna be epic.

still time for you to get on the winning team.

unless your a pedo.

6813f4  No.6494147

File: f80162ba7baf87b⋯.png (192.71 KB, 600x394, 300:197, epstein island.png)

File: 0b3c0114dafec69⋯.jpg (74.93 KB, 794x514, 397:257, D5gFenxUwAA69tV.jpg)

File: bac44a7d728a312⋯.png (24.94 KB, 279x317, 279:317, D5gFTGgUYAA8HO7.png)


Consider the Canal was given to Panama under Clinton's watch - and has now become Chinese Property. - Consider the timing of China's CentralBank it's logo and Q post

6fd122  No.6494148


Night anon


Any other phonefags have to hit the # multiple times before you can quote? Irritating sometimes.

fdc988  No.6494149


The Church of Latter Day saints does archeology on early USA..


No. Reality is: Soul / Self is not a computational machine. They fucked-up the metaphor.

e5a1e5  No.6494150

File: d28da7f0e788454⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 9c13a50c56f0314⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: e76d37c4fe8eb9a⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: ff06a47a86b1d25⋯.png (850.34 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 0a66a26dabc9c99⋯.png (909.04 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

60012c  No.6494151

File: 999a166bcf7309f⋯.png (331.91 KB, 512x534, 256:267, ClipboardImage.png)


Update your pepe memes, (((Q))) team…

b9a792  No.6494152

File: 70a515cce7fa4f4⋯.jpeg (226.47 KB, 750x1049, 750:1049, 4FC21C0D-0538-4F90-B72E-C….jpeg)

Barry Diller & Huma Abedin

4584f8  No.6494153


There is a line in Revelation that has always fascinated me. It is after the pit is opened and the bugs come out and sting people. It says something about men getting a wound and it hurts so bad they pray for death BUT DEATH ESCAPES THEM. I've always interpreted it as they have some kind of man made everlasting life. I have always supposed it would be on a genetic level. But in this story, they will regret the day they took that shit because they get eternal misery on earth; not what they signed up for.

fdc988  No.6494154


Did you ever out, why you were being paid for this. What are the motives of those who pay you?

e5a1e5  No.6494155

File: 739fc5cdba15562⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 0a485f68f5b820c⋯.png (910.43 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 1cb3e2c59509ca1⋯.png (2.59 MB, 884x1219, 884:1219, Untitled.png)

File: 32b539caf6a96d6⋯.png (561.56 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 3bf92725398138a⋯.png (661.58 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

bb60cc  No.6494156

Iran just another NK.


4d6ed0  No.6494157

File: 7db1b9af67df304⋯.png (788.93 KB, 750x702, 125:117, ClipboardImage.png)

308dc5  No.6494158

File: 701245ec46b65c9⋯.jpg (130.76 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 12063844_10102665120179591….jpg)


>they signed up

4584f8  No.6494159


Is that AI?

e5a1e5  No.6494160

File: 3bf92725398138a⋯.png (661.58 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: f07900819e6d6f2⋯.png (365.76 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 94c4b391878a44d⋯.png (723.79 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 822ee0c1c9ca380⋯.png (431.07 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: b67587c2508ab7c⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

faf469  No.6494161


yes bad metaphor, basically meat puppet with memory mostly intact

e5a1e5  No.6494162

File: 5d866c1fa64596c⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 543da631da1ed78⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 9edaefb65b15d5e⋯.png (979.15 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: b9ad19d4ff5d8d3⋯.png (1000.3 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: ca7af0a5e5b1ac2⋯.png (726.5 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

7eb519  No.6494163

#8304 baker change

Notes @500

>>6494116 "The Giving Pledge" by Warren Buffet: held 2010 in Beijing to generate interest among wealthy Chinese (Wikileaks)

>>6494098 100+ firefighters battling a four-alarm fire at Blue Diamond factory in Sacramento

>>6494075 U.S. sends more firepower to counter Iran

>>6494074 Daily Beast's Noah Shachtman was campaign staffer on Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign

>>6493998 Top woman in El Chapo's cartel changing plea in Chicago

>>6493967, >>6494004 What did Biden & Obama officials gain from Ukraine influence? (vid: 24min, Epoch T)

>>6493919 Rosenstein Routs "Partisan Pundit" Comey - Says Former FBI Director 'Crossed The Line' (Zerohedge)

>>6493906, >>6493914 Soldiers from Guam Nat'l Guard leave for deployment

>>6493864, >>6493893, >>6494155, >>6494160 Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war

>>6493825, >>6493827 Resignations in the news today

>>6493820 Judge rejects leniency plea from De Blasio fundraiser

>>6493735, >>6494147 Panama Canal given away to China?

>>6493718 Dow -617 (6=cult, 17=highest classification); DECLAS coming??

>>6493708 92% of mass shootings are in Gun Free Zones; Biden introduced Gun Free School Zones Act in 1990; >>6493723, >>6493949 C_A, school shootings & Orion process

>>6493717, >>6494136, >>6493725, >>6494074 Barry Diller, Furstenberg, Hollywood Gay Mafia

>>6493656 Syria update

48af8e  No.6494164

File: bda0c9cf637545d⋯.jpeg (135.52 KB, 791x588, 113:84, Screenshot_2019-05-14-02-….jpeg)

File: 7b43829db8b0102⋯.jpeg (368.3 KB, 793x1094, 793:1094, Screenshot_2019-05-14-02-….jpeg)

File: ce06b70c1eb6eac⋯.jpeg (268.2 KB, 799x996, 799:996, Screenshot_2019-05-14-02-….jpeg)

File: 2dc920012d9b529⋯.jpeg (249.34 KB, 799x707, 799:707, Screenshot_2019-05-14-02-….jpeg)

File: d123ddc5e0ab87a⋯.jpeg (329.92 KB, 799x1152, 799:1152, Screenshot_2019-05-14-02-….jpeg)

2262ff  No.6494165


No,you are the pedophile

Been aboard the Q train before Q was even around

Have known this game for decades

But tell me something

Has anything Q said come to pass?

Anything at all?

Keep counting sealed indictments

Keep pretending resignations mean anything

The ending is going to disappoint alright

This is how Washington works

It's all political games and leverage

If i am wrong,it'll be epic and a first

The idiots on here pretend Washington will clean up Washington

What a joke

Military Tribunals?

You gotta be fucking kidding me

Hows gitmo doing? Full yet?

Sure sure.

I hope i am wrong

Q knows i am not

f27209  No.6494166


and who owns blue diamond almonds?

and controls their worldwide distribution?

98a32a  No.6494167

File: 90c979532a4c0e7⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1845x5746, 1845:5746, 181B5B82-DBDA-42FB-9E83-C….jpeg)

File: 9381d3d85557b38⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1687x5668, 1687:5668, 205CD198-DC82-443D-92B8-C….jpeg)


Two tweets with Wikileaks hrc emails

e5a1e5  No.6494168

File: 69dc9b31d7142f9⋯.png (654.99 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 79216eba51ad55a⋯.png (647.24 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 3c9070bf1edae73⋯.png (728.83 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 317d2854f85e492⋯.png (676.05 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 4ce613e046275a0⋯.png (693.17 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

2d5a48  No.6494169


your incantation in the form of a post is a powerless and impotent scratch effort.

4584f8  No.6494170


I would never do VR or social media. But, they have most everything anyway.

fdc988  No.6494171


I have no idea of the motive for the "mueller and rr are white hats" brigande.

But it's popular with sites and informants who diss "Q" - that should tell you something?

Also, even if RR and Sessions were also in the meeting with POTUS the day before the installation of Mueller as SC

Think: What the fuck difference does it make?

Who is pushing the "new evidence"

Is there any verification of the "evidence" or it it all "say-so"?

The Baker who made it notable also thinks that anything not Christian is of Satan,


Think: POTUS already recently told us what went on at that meeting. Mueller wanted to be FBI chief and was turned down.

Who are you going to believe Q-haters or POTUS?

4584f8  No.6494172


Before it's news?

move along

e5a1e5  No.6494173

File: 051085eaf4d2941⋯.png (684.6 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 073419eee53bd22⋯.png (732.47 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: a97e4a4626d72e7⋯.png (670.91 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 9c93cebe1b894fd⋯.png (763.72 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: aa4a6f7ee770c22⋯.png (693.14 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

421e55  No.6494174

File: 44ae9b791a81a84⋯.png (561.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Still loved that nuclear deal though didn't she?

TBH, all that money you wine and bitch about Obama giving (back) to Iran was initially their money which the US froze in its accounts when they initiated sanctions back in the day.

If you make an agreement to normalize relations, giving back that money is something you would have to do.

The reason Iran deal was under the table is b/c Israel lobby in Congress wouldn't let them formally approve it.

de969c  No.6494175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Has this been posted yet?

Iran/US Navy mexican standoff

"Blow dem up" - Burger niggers

6fd122  No.6494176

What was Comey’s motivation for reopening the investigation to then again close it? I cant find the angle.

Also, if plants, who’s plants? Were they /our plants/? Were they installed to really watch what was going on w the spygate habbenings? When did RR first flip or start to help patriots? Was it before we officially know? Were any of these people let in on the plan to get into place early on is what i am asking.

Keep thinking about it and there is more to it and it has to be when they started working to save their asses (Admiral Rodgers time period prior to potus winning)

I dont know just throwing it all out there for discussion. Seems there are pieces not yet connected that would help out alot.

fdc988  No.6494177


Who do you work for?

Please tell us. I 'm so curious to know the motives.

Are you working for an anti-depressant firm? What's the deal?

ee147a  No.6494178


So many early USA settler reports of interesting finds that go against officially accepted history. 100’s of sites with skeletons 7 to 12 feet tall. Evidence of ancient writings. Smithsonian confiscated and later lost it all.

0340db  No.6494179


Trump is not from Washington.

I'll continue to trust him unless he starts a war, and I totally believe he won't.

2262ff  No.6494180


Where are the anons?

All gone

They know

I don't get paid to be a patriot

Do some research

Soon right?

Been hearing that a lot lately

Time is relative

e5a1e5  No.6494181

File: 0f3416c48938b01⋯.png (721.28 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: cc75e66fb75212b⋯.png (702.33 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 05c0ec68390f138⋯.png (710.62 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 20cf0985ec4bce4⋯.png (729.03 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

File: 961d2aa9db5835b⋯.png (709.38 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 soek….png)

421e55  No.6494182


tldr; plz summarize?

fdc988  No.6494183


Comey was forced to; because of the NYPD and what they found on Clinton server.

They threatened public exposure.

That's why the Clinton investigation, back stage, has been going on for a long time.

4584f8  No.6494184


No results? You're here. We have you to spit on.

6777a3  No.6494185

File: 162defe3f743ed8⋯.jpg (170.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, FU Pepe.jpg)


Pojewbic is that you?

2262ff  No.6494186


You attack people who you don't agree with

Thats fine

You are part of the problem

No different that @Jack or msm

ce55cd  No.6494187


NYPD found Hillary emails on Weiners Laptop and told FBI if they didn't do something about it,

then they would go public and expose it. So, Comey had no choice but to reopen it the second time.

f97896  No.6494188


Dogs wasn't trained, dog wasn't being trained, dog was off leash, dog not the problem.

fdc988  No.6494189


I thought you were an anon

Why are you here, then?

Shill admits it's a shill


We knew you all were dumb.

Are you paid or are you an actual perp?

6f924a  No.6494190


And why were sanctions installed? I actually don't care too much about the money. I care about a clown state having nukes. Dolt

d3bed3  No.6494191

File: 4bab20d9a7e0cb0⋯.png (160.03 KB, 721x709, 721:709, Screenshot from 2019-05-14….png)

File: 8354e5a66fe5c55⋯.png (105.46 KB, 742x699, 742:699, Screenshot from 2019-05-14….png)

This guy gunning for 8chan has a few supporters chiming in…..

Judd Legum

‏Verified account @JuddLegum

19h19 hours ago

1. How does 8chan, a racist message board linked to the gun massacres in New Zealand and Pittsburgh, generate enough cash to operate?

Let's follow the money.

https://popular.info/p/exclusive-how-money-flows-from-amazon …

421e55  No.6494192

File: f852f0f0d0901ca⋯.png (185.42 KB, 800x494, 400:247, ClipboardImage.png)


>The media is in all out defense mode

>They have not been destroyed,not even close

Q was successful in distracting us long enough to get his war for Zion

7eb519  No.6494193

BUN: Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war









0340db  No.6494194


>I don't get paid to be a patriot

since your not one, that implies your'e paid to be a traitor

4584f8  No.6494195


You have no hope. Godless. That's your problem.


421e55  No.6494196

File: 73cdb6cf9cac17e⋯.jpg (786.42 KB, 1071x995, 1071:995, assange.jpg)



"1. I referred to #QAnon today as a 'Pied Piper' operation. What I meant by this, is that the operation exists to round up people that are otherwise dangerous to the Deep State (because they are genuinely opposed to it) usurp time & attention, & trick them into serving its aims."

Think about it for 1 fucking second.

Trust the man who delivered you HARD PROOF of deep state crimes in Iraq War and PedoGate, etc. aka JULIAN ASSANGE

Or the faggot who posts on here claiming to be giving you secrets who has NEVER LEAKED A SINGLE FUCKING THING AND IS WRONG WITH HALF THE THINGS HE SAYS

2262ff  No.6494197


The why are you here shill attack

How utterly vacuous of you

Can't do better?

No need to explain myself to you

Just confirming Q as head shill disinformation psyop

Mission accomplished Q,Trump survived Mueller

Now what?

Muh,moar investigations

What a joke

How'd that las one do?

396a44  No.6494198

File: 11c7d1000e623a6⋯.png (703.32 KB, 511x510, 511:510, trumphorse.png)


Wow, that's glorious. Better than my take for sure!

6fd122  No.6494199


Very true. Hmm. I was saying they are still black hats working w deepstate against potus, and all that was asked of them was to do the right thing. There was the diss by Comey to Washington Post IIRC during investigation.

fdc988  No.6494200


More info from Q-haters on alleged saint Rosenstein. Get outta here.

Didn't we know about Comey before Rosenstein let us know his opinion?

The libs now dislike RR. So the Republicans now think he's good?


e5a1e5  No.6494201

File: 9f1bdc83c6cddb2⋯.pdf (13.06 MB, soekardno2.pdf)


whoa no no thats not why I am posting this

7d7466  No.6494202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[Navarro] [Cuomo] [Sheilds] | CNN

>Witness the salty river flowing between Gotham & DC!

>Wench on the left is NASTY.

>Dude on the right is havin' a good time…

421e55  No.6494204


>Has anything Q said come to pass?

>Anything at all?

See here >>6494192 and here >>6494196

faf469  No.6494205


what if they could connect VR computer directly to brain without goggles ? Virtual Human ?

7d7466  No.6494206

File: 4c6149b072fb3c0⋯.png (892.96 KB, 770x395, 154:79, capture_097_13052019_23562….png)

File: f30b4737dba1a5d⋯.png (889.55 KB, 769x394, 769:394, capture_095_13052019_23505….png)

File: 93e6bc4383e253f⋯.png (899.82 KB, 772x397, 772:397, capture_096_13052019_23561….png)

File: 15ff786b4a3e058⋯.png (895.15 KB, 768x397, 768:397, capture_101_13052019_23591….png)



4584f8  No.6494207


Lincoln spoke of the giants found here.

48af8e  No.6494208

File: 65de1ab578c6c92⋯.jpeg (360.16 KB, 792x1054, 396:527, Screenshot_2019-05-14-03-….jpeg)

File: 875e523ef4a7405⋯.jpeg (225.99 KB, 799x856, 799:856, Screenshot_2019-05-14-03-….jpeg)

File: 446ec3623e2db03⋯.jpeg (163.97 KB, 799x910, 799:910, Screenshot_2019-05-14-03-….jpeg)

File: 0dbe6c398bb3c8e⋯.jpeg (261.17 KB, 799x775, 799:775, Screenshot_2019-05-14-03-….jpeg)

Weird. 9 year old Saudi SnapChat star dies of Heart attack.


2262ff  No.6494209


For someone who posted 24 times,you sure dont seem worried about a roundup of anons listening to a disinformation anon like Q.

Q is no pied piper

He is a disinformation campaign meant to get rats running and counter msm disinformation

Nothing moar

Hope porn

That is all

7eb519  No.6494210

BUN Update: Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war














421e55  No.6494211


>I care about a clown state having nukes. Dolt




6fd122  No.6494212



Yes you are right. I totally forgot about that. Thanks anons. Im tired eyes are shutting on me.

May the booms be glorious frens, night.

4584f8  No.6494213


And your purpose here is? Piss on somebody else's birthday cake?


2262ff  No.6494214


I pray to God every night

Nice try

e6fbcc  No.6494215

File: 409c0ab7c5ca5bc⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1070x1902, 535:951, 05B91E64-1282-4797-96DB-B5….png)


“IT’S OVER… you lost”

“Some of you will wind up in handcuffs, notably, Jim Comey, Jim Baker, Andy McCabe and John Brennan. Some of you will suffer a worse fate…

“When the clear eyes of history look back on this, you will be on the wrong side of liberty, freedom and the bill of rights.

And to the media goons, lunatic hacks in the media, who tried to gas light us into believing that collusion was real and spying was fake,

know this:

“In the one moment you had to shine and save the REPUBLIC and do the right thing… you failed.

Your kids will be embarrassed by you, your grandkids will be embarrassed by you. History will use you as an example of exactly not to do when entering into the field of journalism.

You will become a STAIN on our country from this point on…

You people in the media will be remembered as accomplices in the biggest scandal in American history. You’re a disgrace, a disgrace to everything this country stands for.”

“I’m embarrassed for you, you disgust me.”

-Dan Bongino


“Finally, a DOCUMENTED admission of guilt. Summed up in an official Obama-era State Department document. And you wonder how Mueller’s investigative team missed it.

As reported by The Hill,

If ever there were an admission that taints the FBI’s secret warrant to surveil Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written account of her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele shows the Hillary Clinton campaign-funded British intelligence operative admitted that his research was political and facing an Election Day deadline.

And that confession occurred 10 days before the FBI used Steele’s now-discredited dossier to justify securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to surveil former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and the campaign’s ties to Russia.

Be still my heart. The Hill actually used the term “discredited” to describe the Steele dossier.”


6777a3  No.6494216


And then NYPD found out coomey boy was actually covering up the crimes and they got really angry. Then they gave some info to Wikileaks. We know what happened after that. RIP and God Bless their families.

445abb  No.6494217


Was Durham ever in a Q drop?

2d5a48  No.6494218


how is mentioning that your ineffectual curses are nothing 'attacking' you?

If anything you placing them here is an attack on us.

I'm not attacking you. I'm commenting on your impotance.

I am mentioning how ineffective you are.

I am pointing out that your efforts are fruitless.

some would say I'm trying to help you by pointing out that what you are doing is pointless and merely displays your cluelessness.

2262ff  No.6494219


My purpose here is the same as anyone else's

To research

Been doing it for a long time

Your purpose is to follow,that is obvious

You may as well watch msm lackey

17e5e2  No.6494220

File: f9d6ea8a70abbdc⋯.png (170.06 KB, 924x520, 231:130, graham.png)

File: b14731294490f2b⋯.png (5.23 KB, 249x90, 83:30, acidHs.png)


Nice work, Lindsey. That's some prime butthurt there.

e5a1e5  No.6494221

File: 2ef8dd1164bde49⋯.png (7.03 MB, 1852x6587, 1852:6587, Screenshot_2019-05-13 fdod….png)


look at the signatures anon

read all the text on every image.

does the world make sense?

read it all. I have a lot more to post after a cup of tea and a smoke.

exhausted. 22 1/2 hours kip in 5 days.

6f924a  No.6494222


You're glowing faggot

f27209  No.6494223

was it clinton?

or was it carter?

0e0917  No.6494224


Stealth Bomber?

He's been investigating since last year…

7eb519  No.6494225


Anon, just checking: all of these posts relate to the Chinese treasury transactions?

2d5a48  No.6494226

2262ff  No.6494227


I hope they end up executed

I know they wont

You know they wont

Q knows they wont

The end is jot for everyone remember?

Kumbaya and hold hands now

421e55  No.6494228

File: ec321867cde5637⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 248x255, 248:255, ec321867cde5637c0eb2378183….jpg)


>You're glowing faggot

b2916a  No.6494229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


KEK! Trump 2020 Supporters CRASH NY Mayor De Blasio's Green New Deal rally held at Trump Tower!

De Blasio is expected to soon announce he is running for President in 2020!

421e55  No.6494230


>Trump 2020

There will be no Trump 2020 if shit goes down in Iran. That's guaranteed.

d3bed3  No.6494231

File: 4bab20d9a7e0cb0⋯.png (160.03 KB, 721x709, 721:709, Screenshot from 2019-05-14….png)

File: 8354e5a66fe5c55⋯.png (105.46 KB, 742x699, 742:699, Screenshot from 2019-05-14….png)

This guy gunning for 8chan has a few supporters chiming in…..

Judd Legum

‏Verified account @JuddLegum

19h19 hours ago

1. How does 8chan, a racist message board linked to the gun massacres in New Zealand and Pittsburgh, generate enough cash to operate?

Let's follow the money.

https://popular.info/p/exclusive-how-money-flows-from-amazon …


6777a3  No.6494232


Yes I have seen photos of alleged talls in America and I believe a few finds in Iraq? I believe another reason why we invaded Iraq to keep new antiquities found a secret. Lost? Nah cover ups.

e6fbcc  No.6494233

File: 3448c3e08cfa8fe⋯.jpeg (128.95 KB, 639x857, 639:857, 1DB5857D-E0A1-480C-B25D-A….jpeg)


Truth and momentum fren…

4584f8  No.6494234


You didn't say which god. And, if you have faith, you have hope. You are without hope. Better pray some more. There is a disconnect. Or you're lying.

5eaa11  No.6494235

File: 42c67253a37c351⋯.png (1.76 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b08cd5ee8f6e0f⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 700x625, 28:25, 2e961adc676dda.jpg)

Bad news for MJK fans.

48af8e  No.6494236

File: df927a19fabba59⋯.jpeg (319.63 KB, 799x966, 799:966, Screenshot_2019-05-14-03-….jpeg)


308dc5  No.6494237


But should we?

c99207  No.6494238

File: bcba2eb7fb7c638⋯.jpg (228.49 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 2.16.Xerces.Apache.MKU.jpg)


Is that a pollination bag hes holding?

Monarchs are pollinators, no?

b2916a  No.6494239


Iran is already out bitch.

Done Deal.

Already too late for you.

f27209  No.6494240



sorry… forgot to link

7eb519  No.6494241


Yes, that's why I asked in a later post about the tie–there was a link between the first two posts. I should probably drop this bun unless you can give me a better idea of which posts are linked and for what purpose.

4584f8  No.6494242


VR allows a willful path to demonic invasion.

I'll never do it.

b9a792  No.6494243

File: eab659063cd5e72⋯.jpeg (148.91 KB, 687x880, 687:880, FC79D82B-F0CD-40D5-BF50-B….jpeg)

File: 04ad5580e297298⋯.jpeg (236.79 KB, 750x919, 750:919, C7BE6E43-ECFE-4AC7-935D-3….jpeg)

File: 0caaace810d7d25⋯.jpeg (369.07 KB, 749x1162, 107:166, 463A5BDD-B769-4A66-9840-E….jpeg)

Barry Diller & DVF have an Island…#DillerIsland


How many billionaires own islands?

How many billionaires live on islands?




faf469  No.6494244


hell no , rumors are they have been .

7eb519  No.6494245


posted earlier, anon

4584f8  No.6494246

fdc988  No.6494247


That's perfectly logical.

they had no choice but to return the Mueller Report as it was.

They wanted to add indictments of POTUS Children and have this go on forever; but they were blocked / stopped.

So you might stretch it and say they were white hats based upon not continuing indefinitely the harassment of POTUS? But really they had no choice, they were forced to stop.

It really quite far-fetched to think the whole Mueller Investigation was plotted for two years to give time to some other on-going investigations; that were totally secret anyway?

98a32a  No.6494248


Iran = DS is first thought whenever considering cesa pieces moving in ME.

6f924a  No.6494249

File: ac371e4b7acea5e⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1105x1661, 1105:1661, Screenshot_20190514-022308….png)


Y so mad?

bb60cc  No.6494250

China corp formed like any other with Mao as signatory, gold and dollars deposited to cover econ, lord, I had to look up names as they all died or fell out of power, Franco of Spain, Zho Enlai, Mao, Chiang Kai Shek, Eisenhower, amazing piece of paper


98a32a  No.6494251

aa6011  No.6494252


Magical Jesuit physicists survived. Twice.

eee3a2  No.6494253


A nine year old girl had a heart attack?

AKA she got Cosby'd.

f27209  No.6494254








i don't know the truth about ferdinand marcos… we only had the media of the day to guide/sell us.

but knowing what we know about our C_A, and political leadership, along with the mockingbird exposure.

who know's if he was decent… when the most prevailing info we received was "she has thousands of shoes!"

he certainly had the gold.

076dda  No.6494255

File: 3c1b330e6c76e0a⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 640x455, 128:91, D6f8E8WXoAAP-nW.jpg)

File: 2900ab78504c9c5⋯.jpg (22.34 KB, 620x434, 10:7, D6f8E8VWwAAgNBp.jpg)

File: e269351a70c8226⋯.png (149.36 KB, 619x483, 619:483, D6e5VwwWwAIyS98.png)

File: 4d21c83af9a732e⋯.png (79.37 KB, 240x240, 1:1, w_iwgWdZ_400x400.png)




6h6 hours ago


uuhhhh, Susan,,,,,


8h8 hours ago


they said it wasn't okay, then they said it was okay again, and now it's back to being cyberbullying and harassment

fucking homosexual RETARDS, how many years does it take to learn how to run a fucking company

RE: Soph

they are catching on….3…….2………1………until banned by Youtube and Twitter.

Just try linking/watching to her video "The Jewish Question" …..last live stream May 11, 2019 good luck..won't load or come up in searches.

She may have already been stopped?

article by an concerned lefty "adult".



Buzzfeed Harassing Children (Soph/LtCorbis Attacked)

National Libertarian

Last streamed live 4 hours ago

Elite Jewish Privilege:





YouTube: Parental Discretion Advised [RE-UPLOAD]

Published on Apr 5, 2019

the intro sequence was so absolutely haram and damaging to Susan that it got struck down for "harassment" and "cyber-bullying", (for the second time) so here is a re-upload of the video without it.



soph Retweeted

Nicholas J. Fuentes‏

Verified account


5h5 hours ago


Leftists will feign moral outrage about a 14 year old girl making polemical youtube videos meanwhile they totally support and defend parents who pimp out their elementary school aged kids as “child drag queens,” like Desmond is Amazing. The media is evil and your enemy.

soph Retweeted

Mark Dice‏

Verified account


6h6 hours ago


BuzzFeed is trying to get this 14-year-old girl banned from YouTube because her humor hurts their feelings.

soph Retweeted

Ali Alexander


5h5 hours ago


YouTube is deplatforming a 14-year-old girl for exploring her own viewpoints. Not cool.

Amplifying. @sewernugget

soph Retweeted

Nick Monroe


8h8 hours ago


BuzzFeed attacks children now. @sewernugget I'm sorry that the vultures have come to attack you https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/josephbernstein/youtubes-newest-far-right-foul-mouthed-red-pilling-star-is …



6h6 hours ago



soph Retweeted

Mike Cernovich‏

Verified account


6h6 hours ago


Far left wing reporters who roll with antifa are harassing a 14 year old girl @sewernugget for cursing in this video.

b2916a  No.6494256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


De Blasio Trolled HARD by Trump Supporters! KEK!

De Blasio wants to fine Trump Tower for being made out of Steel and Glass, Held a rally outside Trump Tower 5th Avenue but moved it inside the Tower due to rain, and because it is a 'public place'

De Blasio was Out-Trolled, BIG LEAGUE!

bb60cc  No.6494257

File: c06701f7d1096d4⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1281x861, 61:41, nyc2.png)

6fd122  No.6494258

File: b342eb8db818187⋯.jpeg (42.74 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 116AEA4E-A8D7-4C17-B63B-8….jpeg)

This summers fashion must have color is Gitmo Orange.

ce14fb  No.6494259


Happens all the time.

4584f8  No.6494260


I've heard it is a seed bag for sowing crops. I've never heard a great, firm definition of that bag.

One would ask, is there a connection between the mkutra techniques and the pineal?

2705c7  No.6494261


Yea, I watched that show last night, probably had something to with Duerte singing to a Trump…Kek

7eb519  No.6494262


earlier notable

>>6489119 Commie NY Mayor Bill de Blasio Holds 'Green New Deal' Presser at trump tower - Gets Trolled by Trump Supporters

e0610d  No.6494264

If I were a clown and I was in Iran then I would be getting mighty nervous about now

Last time Trump put ships over there and had a dinner party with Xi things went pretty bad for the clowns in Syria

The clowns know Trump will push the button

If I were a clown my ass would find a way out of Iran….. and QUICK

d3bed3  No.6494265

File: 8354e5a66fe5c55⋯.png (105.46 KB, 742x699, 742:699, Screenshot from 2019-05-14….png)

File: 4bab20d9a7e0cb0⋯.png (160.03 KB, 721x709, 721:709, Screenshot from 2019-05-14….png)

This guy gunning for 8chan has a few supporters chiming in…..

Judd Legum

‏Verified account @JuddLegum

19h19 hours ago

1. How does 8chan, a racist message board linked to the gun massacres in New Zealand and Pittsburgh, generate enough cash to operate?

Let's follow the money.

https://popular.info/p/exclusive-how-money-flows-from-amazon …


64bb6e  No.6494266


Dude what did I tell you about showing that big ass schnoz in public like that? You're scaring the children all the children you guys kidnap away.

7eb519  No.6494267

#8304 baker change

Notes @595

>>6494236 Bed, Bath & Beyond CEO Steven Tomares steps down "immediately" and resigns from board

>>6494208 Saudi 9-yr-old "Snap star" Dana Al Qahtani passes away

>>6494116 "The Giving Pledge" by Warren Buffet: held 2010 in Beijing to generate interest among wealthy Chinese (Wikileaks)

>>6494098 100+ firefighters battling a four-alarm fire at Blue Diamond factory in Sacramento

>>6494075 U.S. sends more firepower to counter Iran

>>6494074 Daily Beast's Noah Shachtman was campaign staffer on Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign

>>6493998 Top woman in El Chapo's cartel changing plea in Chicago

>>6493967, >>6494004 What did Biden & Obama officials gain from Ukraine influence? (vid: 24min, Epoch T)

>>6493919 Rosenstein Routs "Partisan Pundit" Comey - Says Former FBI Director 'Crossed The Line' (Zerohedge)

>>6493906, >>6493914 Soldiers from Guam Nat'l Guard leave for deployment

>>6493825, >>6493827 Resignations in the news today

>>6493820 Judge rejects leniency plea from De Blasio fundraiser

>>6493735, >>6494147 Panama Canal given away to China?

>>6493718 Dow -617 (6=cult, 17=highest classification); DECLAS coming??

>>6493708 92% of mass shootings are in Gun Free Zones; Biden introduced Gun Free School Zones Act in 1990; >>6493723, >>6493949 C_A, school shootings & Orion process

>>6493717, >>6494136, >>6493725, >>6494074, >>6494152, >>6494243

Barry Diller, Furstenberg, Hollywood Gay Mafia

>>6493893 Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war

>>6493656 Syria update

308dc5  No.6494268

File: 8628ac4cc4a415c⋯.jpg (236.92 KB, 814x1192, 407:596, 87654310953457843.jpg)

Has Trump reversed the Carter Doctrine?

396a44  No.6494269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5eaa11  No.6494270

File: 6f0ec964b80537f⋯.png (763.27 KB, 692x711, 692:711, ClipboardImage.png)

7d7466  No.6494271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trey Gowdy Offers Advice to Spygate Investigator

"Check Comey-Brennan Emails in December 2016"


aa6011  No.6494272


>Bed Bath & Beyond

Activists? That's one way to get rid of the competition.

faf469  No.6494273


no clue about the "handbag" . It shows up often in stone carvings in different areas, so probably represents something very significant.

f27209  No.6494274


we can hope.

7d7466  No.6494275

File: a049e942e9c772b⋯.webm (6.72 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Check Comey-Brennan Email….webm)

bb60cc  No.6494276

wow, Bezos gets beat out over infinite chan


f27209  No.6494277


2017 is last night?

6fd122  No.6494278

File: 3e79af98754881c⋯.png (339.92 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 585F73BB-EC6F-4729-8EBB-FF….png)

File: 89ff3789ac43e5d⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 2F271636-1968-4FF8-9C5C-3….jpeg)


2 words: Hillary Clinton.

4584f8  No.6494279


Was the Glomar the ship the CIA used to pull up the Russian sub?

bb60cc  No.6494280

9178aa  No.6494281

Durham's appointment means


fdc988  No.6494282


Why do they let that woman go on so long;

Ouch. She can't stop talking.

Why does she get this platform.

Republicans can't go against Trump


It's about "me" - What a dipship Anna

421e55  No.6494283

File: d4a48e0f9bc9fea⋯.png (686.03 KB, 700x625, 28:25, ClipboardImage.png)


Wow. This.

f27209  No.6494284


cheers anon.

e0610d  No.6494285

If the Deep State is so powerful

Then why can't their shills shut down 8chan

Watch how quickly the Anons appear when Q posts

7eb519  No.6494286


Taibbi's another anti-Q writer

433f3f  No.6494288

File: 1b56da434f21acc⋯.png (398.27 KB, 1076x673, 1076:673, ClipboardImage.png)

NZ currently doing a thing on white supremacy

look who they are picking on


3 or 4 parts in total

all BS

6777a3  No.6494289

File: 4b3795dc95ba58a⋯.jpg (16.96 KB, 227x222, 227:222, illegala2.jpg)


Hey gringo I have my anchor future low iq criminals all on welfare. Now what putos …

f27209  No.6494290


shut up.

fdc988  No.6494291

File: 40ef96816f60e64⋯.jpeg (255 KB, 1242x822, 207:137, avalancehe9.jpeg)

218b46  No.6494292

omfg, anons

this is one of the best msm panic clips i've seen in a while

they are so fucked, listen to sadcow rattle off the pending investigations


d3bed3  No.6494293


You r correct sir! Is this known in the 8ch world? momentum just started on twitter for this

ac75f3  No.6494294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump’s America: The Truth About Our Nation’s Great Comeback 43 min.

Newt speaking at the Heritage Foundation on his second book "Trumps America" said, after researching and writing the book "Understanding Trump", he realized that there are two parts to the great American comeback. He discusses the American patriots who back Trump helping to re-energize the country. He talks about the true test and heated fight between the old failed socialist/communist ideas, and the ideas of freedom enshrined in our Constitution.

He states that the battle will probably get to a point where there will be a backlash at the nations colleges who are teaching outright lies to the students, and that at one point he can see Americans demanding to remove these professors who insist on lying to our young people.

His most interesting idea is that he could see patriots establishing a special "legal fund" for college students to sue their professors for their lying propaganda, outright historical lies, attempts to shut down free speech on campus, and I would add, sue college administrations for hiring all progressive (socialist communist) staff, while refusing to hire republicans/conservatives… etc.

I have been mulling this college professor problem for a while.

Judging from the audience applause, I was not alone thinking this is a great idea.

I think that American people can make the argument that a professor (especially one paid at a public university) owes the public a lesson plan that does not lie about history or the failing results of various government structures that have been tried in history, and they owe our students and parents behavior that supports academic freedom.

I think we should also require hiring of conservative professors so there is a balance of viewpoints expressed, when the issues are not fact based.

We had this problem in science research not long ago.

The public universities use to take our government medical research funds (grants), do science research. Then they would publish it, and charge outrageous fees to see anything more than the one paragraph abstract at the national medical database (pub med). In short they tried to take the public work and profit off of it as if it was private property, while they denied the public the right to see the research results they funded.

This had to be fought and we did win the right to see full research articles if the public funded the medical research.

The legal argument for Americans and the college students would probably go along the same lines. The public should get college professors that adhere to the Constitution, speak, teach, and hire accordingly, supporting academic freedom.

We pay for this with our tax dollars.

Teaching outright lies, attempts to shut out viewpoints when hiring should be prosecuted.


e5a1e5  No.6494295

File: e51a0cb12d7847c⋯.pdf (5.53 MB, Treaty of Versailles Gold ….pdf)

File: c5fddcd420bc73c⋯.png (165.48 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: f231150e6725b9a⋯.png (113.49 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: c04c44b040bb6fb⋯.png (132.32 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: 27d56be8280d2e2⋯.png (131.1 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)



I have ones with EIIR's name all over it anon…

did you know 1. Manila Bay was a hoax. 2. The Brits actually conquered by force Manila, taking it from the Spanish and affirming that the entire country was in fact the personal property of a single family which the Spanish have agreed to and so has everyone else and that family somehow has the name MacLeod in it from as far as I can tell before 1700. Then another MacLeod appears out of nowhere associated with the north Borneo company in the 18th century and that whole area also belongs to this family…Brunei is also their property.

Poor Malay-type peeps. Ripped off. wouldn't you know it…the SPRATLYS are recognized by all the signatories as being the property of the Philippines. That place is not what we have been led to believe.

They are only disputed because NON of the great powers want the issue settled upon the rightful owners. Just like the gold they all deprive the people off by hiding it with one hand whilst offering loans at interest with the other. Its as if YOU inherited property and I choose not to tell you so I could keep lending you money at interest…

308dc5  No.6494296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

218b46  No.6494297


rofl, they end it by talking about fucking canoes!!

9054ed  No.6494298


Not one single tear on any of those “parents”

421e55  No.6494299


>The clowns know Trump will push the button

The literal clown, i.e., Bolton. The one who is prepping the button for Trump to push

433f3f  No.6494300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We only Know 30% of the Truth. John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First

8250f4  No.6494301

We need to find a realtime Q game where we can all play online when we are bored of qresearch

any idea?

6777a3  No.6494302


Click on show post options & limits

Then paste the link in the Embed box.


7eb519  No.6494303

#8304 baker change

Notes @630, last call

>>6494288 NZ series on "white supremacy" & 8chan (just like Daily Beast & MSNBC)

>>6494265, >>6494278 Judd Legum & his supporters (Daily Beast writer who trashed 8chan)

>>6494271, >>6494275 Trey Gowdy Offers Advice to Spygate Investigator: "Check Comey-Brennan Emails in December 2016" (vid)

>>6494236 Bed, Bath & Beyond CEO Steven Tomares steps down "immediately" & resigns from board

>>6494208 Saudi 9-yr-old "Snap star" Dana Al Qahtani passes away

>>6494116 "The Giving Pledge" by Warren Buffet: held 2010 in Beijing to generate interest among wealthy Chinese (Wikileaks)

>>6494098 100+ firefighters battling a four-alarm fire at Blue Diamond factory in Sacramento

>>6494075 U.S. sends more firepower to counter Iran

>>6494074 Daily Beast's Noah Shachtman was campaign staffer on Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign

>>6493998 Top woman in El Chapo's cartel changing plea in Chicago

>>6493967, >>6494004 What did Biden & Obama officials gain from Ukraine influence? (vid: 24min, Epoch T)

>>6493919 Rosenstein Routs "Partisan Pundit" Comey - Says Former FBI Director 'Crossed The Line' (Zerohedge)

>>6493906, >>6493914 Soldiers from Guam Nat'l Guard leave for deployment

>>6493825, >>6493827 Resignations in the news today

>>6493820 Judge rejects leniency plea from De Blasio fundraiser

>>6493735, >>6494147 Panama Canal given away to China?

>>6493718 Dow -617 (6=cult, 17=highest classification); DECLAS coming??

>>6493708 92% of mass shootings are in Gun Free Zones; Biden introduced Gun Free School Zones Act in 1990; >>6493723, >>6493949 C_A, school shootings & Orion process

>>6493717, >>6494136, >>6493725, >>6494074, >>6494152, >>6494243 Barry Diller, Furstenberg, Hollywood Gay Mafia

>>6493864 Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war

>>6493656 Syria update

fdc988  No.6494304

File: b1f6d1b164748b6⋯.jpg (31.2 KB, 463x300, 463:300, liesarethick.jpg)


Because truth is stronger than lies


Because ^^^ their only recourse is to shut down people's voices "shut up" or to try to drown out the truth with their BS.

On an even playing field, they lose. That's one reason why they always cheat.

They win by cheating, fakery and lies, for hundreds of years already.

They think that because they cheat and betray that they deserve to win.

They sold out and that's their payment, to win.

So they feel cheated when good people win, since not only did they sell their soul, but didn't get paid properly ["Devil" will do that]

They hate good people, since they never thought they could win by being one.

And sold out.

Chose the wrong side.

e5a1e5  No.6494305

File: 7f32c82c372ed80⋯.png (292.88 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: 06432b2fff93cfb⋯.png (257.3 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: ed3dcdb7a8a0b26⋯.png (215.66 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: fb526c8ab893c3c⋯.png (234.16 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: 5c5f30bf8937494⋯.png (213.7 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

83b359  No.6494306

File: 662901cf39dcf92⋯.png (742.34 KB, 1439x2134, 1439:2134, Carter Page FISA pg1.png)

File: 74e06e02c123af6⋯.png (633.78 KB, 1439x2135, 1439:2135, Carter Page FISA pg2.png)

File: 3ffb1f9f95ab082⋯.png (530.15 KB, 1435x2128, 205:304, Carter Page FISA pg4.png)

Is this Carter Page FISA real?

>pics related


4584f8  No.6494307


Trump wants to do some real time missile testing to look for defects. kek

I heard 33% of the missiles you cited malfunctioned due to elements that really weren't at mil spec. They gain all kinds of data each time they use these weapons (and so do our enemy).

e5a1e5  No.6494308

File: 363b4f5729f0a27⋯.png (279.16 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: b93517a5fb0ffed⋯.png (320.96 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: ae4b4809bdc856b⋯.png (278.17 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: 7b02caa91647c04⋯.png (794.79 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: a1fe276f05c3d3e⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

e0610d  No.6494309

Once Q took down Snow White network

the Deep State has no Intel to find out what is happening

They got to keep their ass planted here to try and figure out what Trump will do next

This is the only source of info for shills just as Trump planned

And some here are feeding the shills false info

Best Game in town this

e5a1e5  No.6494310

File: aa9a3ac24347c78⋯.png (1019.5 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: 9e4b05f515ceae0⋯.png (619.25 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: 6090041c78c8497⋯.png (821.89 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: 7a01fac04021a36⋯.png (799.5 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: 4c47a327a3bc06d⋯.png (867.63 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

4584f8  No.6494311


Psssst! Don't tell the clowns, but Trump just called me and said the missiles will be traveling from south to north.

e5a1e5  No.6494312

File: 55a349fb338d681⋯.png (658.47 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: eda258c1ab121bd⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: adb7420d2ff4089⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: 36c1c764878319a⋯.png (747.61 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Trea….png)

File: a994581d593ff5d⋯.png (202.26 KB, 1324x2031, 1324:2031, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Kipl….png)


there's more believe me… LOTS

I have read every single thing. I have never posted anything I have not read. I don't do headline and shoot.

0340db  No.6494313

EXCLUSIVE: How money flows from Amazon to 8chan

Follow the money from the world's most valuable company to a racist troll haven

21 hr Public post 26

You may or may not know about the 8chan website—but you are familiar with its work. The rudimentary message board is a wellspring of racism, violence, and criminal activity online and in the physical world.

Most famously, 8chan hosted a manifesto from the Christchurch shooter who killed 50 people at mosques in New Zealand. After the massacre, 8chan users flooded the website with posts praising the mass murder. Before killing 11 people at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, the shooter posted threatening messages on 8chan.

8chan differs from other hate sites in that it has a relatively stable presence online. The white supremacist site The Daily Stormer, by contrast, struggles to find domain hosts and raise funds to pay for bandwidth.

What's 8chan's secret? It can all be traced back to its owner, Jim Watkins and his company, NT Technologies. Watkins has created a mostly self-contained system where he hosts the 8chan domain without the help of third parties. And it’s allowed 8chan to remain on solid footing while its contemporaries struggle. While Watkins couldn't stop Google from delisting 8chan from its search results, people who wanted to find it still knew where to go.

But Watkins still needs an outside source of cash to pay for the servers, bandwidth, and staff that keep 8chan running. A significant source of the site's funding is Amazon.

The origins of 8chan

8chan was founded by Fredrick Brennan, a software developer from New York, who came up with the idea while high on mushrooms.

Brennan, who goes by the moniker "Hotwheels" online, initially tried to finance the site through the crowdfunding site Patreon. But he was quickly booted from the platform. After that, 8chan frequently went offline for exceeding its allotted bandwidth or violating the rules of Internet Service Providers, which typically ban hate speech.

That's when Jim Watkins, an Army veteran in his 50s who runs a pig farm in the Philippines, reached out. Brennan moved to the Philippines afterwards, and 8chan became the property of Watkins' company, NT Technologies.

Brennan, according to the Wall Street Journal, "cut ties with the site in December" and said, "8chan’s administrators were too slow to remove the post" from the New Zealand shooter.

How Watkins runs 8chan

Watkins circumvents the difficulty of hosting a toxic site like 8chan by handling it himself through a company he owns: NT Technologies.

Watkins also hosts dozens of related sites through NTTEC.com, which can be traced through a search on the website "Security Trails."

Perhaps the most important of these sites is "books.audio," a site owned by TGW Enterprise Inc, which is Watkins' company. Among the sites in the Watkins empire, books.audio is one of the few sells anything, providing him with a source of cash.

Books.audio sells audiobooks, including books narrated by Watkins. And Watkins uses 8chan and other sites that he hosts to run ads promoting audiobooks from the books.audio website. This is clearest on The Goldwater, a news site established by Watkins and hosted by NTTEC.com.

The Goldwater is a news site that caters to the 8chan audience, as BuzzFeed explained.

The site’s videos star attractive Filipina women who deliver pro-Trump news in heavily accented English. And at a time when most news sites obsess over generating traffic from Facebook, The Goldwater largely ignores that platform. Instead, everything it does is catered to the trolls, alt-righters, Trump sh*tposters, and other anonymous members of the internet’s most deplorable message board, 8chan.

Yes, The Goldwater wants to be the pre-eminent news source for internet trolls.

more at https://popular.info

4584f8  No.6494314


So the responsible party isn't the bank? It's the gov and the fed res governors? WTF? Can I see the tax returns of these governors? They can float tens of trillions of dollars personally?

e0610d  No.6494315


Told me he was gonna use the B-52's

Think Trump is using me to spread disinfo

Crafty the Trump

e5a1e5  No.6494316

File: d001999d2d2af41⋯.png (713.55 KB, 1324x1795, 1324:1795, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Secr….png)

File: 519b13363877e58⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1324x588, 331:147, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Secr….png)

File: 7109302f2513d56⋯.pdf (217.52 KB, Monetary Agreement1.pdf)

File: 026af400fc647ac⋯.png (180.04 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Mone….png)

File: fcfc054c6ec39e4⋯.png (318.07 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Mone….png)


you will see an interesting characterization of the Japanese Imperial forces at the end of the last image

ac75f3  No.6494317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6492608 PB US China Trade War: ’Trump is Not Going to Back Down | Epoch Times

82 minutes ago.

>Epoch is knockin' 'em outta the park!

I agree.

I watched the whole thing, and it was the first time I ever heard someone explain the issues so clearly. Wow.

China doing all that?

This is bigger than a trade war, unfortunately.

The Chinese are lucky Americans are not responding with an outright attack, especially over the obvious realities of the fenatanyl situation, and the states it just so happens to target.

I do not think the Chinese Communists understand what the American people will be figuring out shortly, and what the reaction will be.

But it's pretty critical that we not let this info fly under the radar.

OP, this is worthy of a repost tomorrow for morning and afternoon shift IMHO.


421e55  No.6494318

File: e27bf055275bbe8⋯.jpg (129.47 KB, 807x742, 807:742, war.JPG)

5eaa11  No.6494319

File: 26cdc7fe9d44572⋯.png (457.33 KB, 850x479, 850:479, ClipboardImage.png)

'Haram': Islam forbids cursing Israel, warns Israeli government

"The Israeli government has warned Muslims that "insulting Israel" is forbidden by Islamic law because the country shares its name with a prophet."


7eb519  No.6494320


notable several breads back

421e55  No.6494321

File: ab678b7f5b5188e⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 500x631, 500:631, IMG-20180110-WA0001.jpg)

fdc988  No.6494322

File: 0950eb6537385d3⋯.jpg (83.92 KB, 530x545, 106:109, taibbilmickingbird2.jpg)


Taibbi is a total thug.

Daddy was a news anchor.

Dumb Legume, Why do they name their assets after Beans / Legumes?

Cause they make people fart?

I don't get it.

Judd = Dumb as a rock.

fdc988  No.6494323


I love this. Do you have the clip of it.

Too funny.

Psycho made me laugh.

7eb519  No.6494324


One among many, I collect the hit pieces on q and recognized the name.

421e55  No.6494325

File: 1a0a6c0ad85482a⋯.png (222.9 KB, 460x259, 460:259, ClipboardImage.png)

4584f8  No.6494326

File: d0c107919a03aee⋯.jpg (500.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, the-b-52s-4f400e561ab12.jpg)


Were there four of them?

421e55  No.6494327

File: bbb2d4dc14700c1⋯.jpg (154.71 KB, 700x700, 1:1, IMG-20180509-WA0006.jpg)

ce14fb  No.6494328

File: fb9833d749ad154⋯.png (293.68 KB, 480x368, 30:23, 6CC43C01-0160-409A-8626-57….png)

59335a  No.6494329

File: 65cef506b31d46d⋯.jpeg (510.71 KB, 750x1239, 250:413, 3E07957A-248C-4DFD-A3D9-5….jpeg)

File: b80f0af8cfe3aa5⋯.jpeg (196.57 KB, 659x628, 659:628, 09783DAC-2B19-4672-BEA0-A….jpeg)

File: 93a4b1ce175c2b3⋯.jpeg (174.37 KB, 750x818, 375:409, EBA10C9B-CB22-4389-AAC3-9….jpeg)

Gibs us all of yo monies peasants

Rising inequality in Britain risks putting the country on the same path as the US to become one of the most unequal nations on earth, according to a Nobel-prize winning economist.

Sir Angus Deaton is leading a landmark review of inequality in the UK amid fears that the country is at a tipping point due to a decade of stagnant pay growth for British workers. The Institute for Fiscal Studies thinktank, which is working with Deaton on the study, said the British-born economist would “point to the risk of the UK following the US” which has extreme inequality levels in pay, wealth and health.

Speaking to the Guardian at the launch of the study, he said: “There’s a real question about whether democratic capitalism is working, when it’s only working for part of the population.

“There are things where Britain is still doing a lot better [than the US]. What we have to do is to make sure the UK is inoculated from some of the horrors that have happened in the US.”

e5a1e5  No.6494330

File: d2dbddae9655c18⋯.png (229.51 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Mone….png)

File: 6d491b38d7bb435⋯.png (201.7 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Mone….png)

File: 462f07fc6c52911⋯.png (225.64 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Mone….png)

File: 135b8a293471adc⋯.png (170.22 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Mone….png)

File: 2c802fe14ba370c⋯.png (172.05 KB, 1341x588, 447:196, Screenshot_2019-05-11 Mone….png)


just wait until I find the folder with

stealing 3500 tonnes of gold from the mint in Manilla where they have hidden a lot of the gold from the people (they are now selling the mint but no mention of the gold of course), using that to back 3 trillion US dollars they had printed abroad and in some way they used a chemical company from Thailand. I haven't dug on this company yet but I already see two possibilities that are not mutually exclusive

1. Obama and his Thai hide-out

2. Something to do with Thaksin "Cold Noodles" Shinawatra and the UAE

meh I have no idea

e0610d  No.6494331


Actually one was transgender so you must count IT as two

fdc988  No.6494332

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



He total skill was to be the natural fool he was, and distract from his murderousness.

Creepy as all hell.

second 50 get the "fool me" quote.

7d7466  No.6494333



b13b5f  No.6494334


ist and isms are fake words

9178aa  No.6494335

File: 5008b7d689f57d8⋯.gif (2.24 MB, 695x392, 695:392, 1538186270520.gif)


Place your bets on that last, "magical" BOOM:






421e55  No.6494336

File: 870c131e7fa71b1⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 600x446, 300:223, IMG-20180513-WA0024.jpg)

3699ed  No.6494337


Anti-Q or not, he has a pretty decent history of critiquing everyone's fuckery.

7eb519  No.6494338



e0610d  No.6494339


Hence the spelling of pist and pissed

333022  No.6494340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fdc988  No.6494341


Doesn't appear to be a real document.

adf177  No.6494342

File: 8cf64e1d62b852d⋯.png (104.25 KB, 2880x1920, 3:2, 2880px-Flag_of_Hong_Kong.s….png)

421e55  No.6494343

File: 93538899a311327⋯.png (206.36 KB, 420x291, 140:97, 5aea58e79298d.png)

b13b5f  No.6494344


It's funny if you re-educate all the ist and isms in that article it shows it was written by some brainwashed college student who is payed by a foreign lobby.

59335a  No.6494345

File: a3127cbdb3e2d53⋯.jpeg (64.91 KB, 750x584, 375:292, A3060F43-4115-4376-9DD4-0….jpeg)


Sank you fren.

Phonefaggin has become the ninth circle of hell.

9178aa  No.6494346

So…have we seized or destroyed the last of the U1 material yet? If it's in Syria then clowns are absolutely fucked. POTUS is willing to do it.

421e55  No.6494347

File: 45bcc170c697a9e⋯.jpeg (103.02 KB, 1242x821, 1242:821, 5b9da8a6386f5.jpeg)

6fd122  No.6494348

File: 4f64ee56d92b524⋯.jpeg (465.67 KB, 1242x1506, 207:251, 6EB8A89B-EC50-41EC-B1CB-9….jpeg)

Xi in the “Right Corner”?

It is important to remember that the Fed will be but a memory one day very soon. China getting rid of treasury confirms dollar replacement.

6f924a  No.6494349

File: 89cb4b51329614d⋯.png (3.47 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot_20190514-030952.png)


Which one of these clowns is you? Dense mfer

7eb519  No.6494350


no problem, anon, thx for info

fdc988  No.6494351


He's a total fuck head and a prick

He deserves criticisms.

I doubt he writes his own material.

Total and complete asset hang out artist.

Those types are the most slimey

Get cred for being "truth tellers" when total assholes on the pay role. [pun intended]

Like "Alex Jones" disgusting

9178aa  No.6494352

File: 2928d68056ce4d6⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 600x600, 1:1, 1536735214028.gif)


421e55  No.6494353

File: 32f8d9c139b7815⋯.jpeg (80.63 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 5ad1593b4a8a8.jpeg)

7d7466  No.6494354

>Archived all posts on the mega-drop…fuck…

fdc988  No.6494355

File: 80c0ec2929e499a⋯.jpg (769.18 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Taibbimonster.jpg)


Every single thing he writes? You don't need him to tell you. You could easily find it on your own.

e0610d  No.6494356


That very fact should tell you that the elites are no longer involved in the heavy lifting

but rather than doing tasks that could destroy them they are now assigning those tasks to idiots

They are scared of what is coming

421e55  No.6494357


So where do you put your savings in the meantime?

They'll definitely find a way to make sure you don't get out of this by buying gold or btc.

7eb519  No.6494358

#8304 baker change

>>6494329, >>6494338 Britain risks heading to US levels of inequality (UK focusing on the wrong metric, kek)

>>6492608 PB US China Trade War: ’Trump is Not Going to Back Down | Epoch T vid (38min)

>>6494288 NZ series on "white supremacy" & 8chan (just like Daily Beast & MSNBC)

>>6494265, >>6494278 Judd Legum & his supporters (Daily Beast writer who trashed 8chan)

>>6494271, >>6494275 Trey Gowdy Offers Advice to Spygate Investigator: "Check Comey-Brennan Emails in December 2016" (vid)

>>6494236 Bed, Bath & Beyond CEO Steven Tomares steps down "immediately" & resigns from board

>>6494208 Saudi 9-yr-old "Snap star" Dana Al Qahtani passes away

>>6494116 "The Giving Pledge" by Buffet/Diller/Furstenberg: held 2010 in Beijing to generate interest among wealthy Chinese (Wikileaks)

>>6494098 100+ firefighters battling a four-alarm fire at Blue Diamond factory in Sacramento

>>6494075 U.S. sends more firepower to counter Iran

>>6494074 Daily Beast's Noah Shachtman was campaign staffer on Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign

>>6493998 Top woman in El Chapo's cartel changing plea in Chicago

>>6493967, >>6494004 What did Biden & Obama officials gain from Ukraine influence? (vid: 24min, Epoch T)

>>6493919 Rosenstein Routs "Partisan Pundit" Comey - Says Former FBI Director 'Crossed The Line' (Zerohedge)

>>6493906, >>6493914 Soldiers from Guam Nat'l Guard leave for deployment

>>6493825, >>6493827 Resignations in the news today

>>6493820 Judge rejects leniency plea from De Blasio fundraiser

>>6493735, >>6494147 Panama Canal given away to China?

>>6493718 Dow -617 (6=cult, 17=highest classification); DECLAS coming??

>>6493708 92% of mass shootings are in Gun Free Zones; Biden introduced Gun Free School Zones Act in 1990; >>6493723, >>6493949 C_A, school shootings & Orion process

>>6493717, >>6494136, >>6493725, >>6494074, >>6494152, >>6494243 Barry Diller, Furstenberg, Hollywood Gay Mafia

>>6493864 Chinese threat to dump U.S. treasuries is elephant in room of U.S./China trade war

>>6493656 Syria update

e5a1e5  No.6494359

File: 98a7312148c1fd9⋯.png (488.72 KB, 1321x3749, 1321:3749, Screenshot_2019-05-11 US A….png)

File: efc338cba15fea2⋯.png (40.53 KB, 656x422, 328:211, Screenshot_2019-05-11 US A….png)

File: 237eace9e29a3bd⋯.png (96.35 KB, 591x1491, 197:497, Screenshot_2019-05-11 SDR'….png)

File: e5d94beb5498358⋯.png (327.95 KB, 570x6023, 30:317, Screenshot_2019-05-11 SDR'….png)

File: e5bfe652f16bbd9⋯.png (497.91 KB, 793x5318, 793:5318, Screenshot_2019-05-11 The ….png)


the officer is the patriot person of interest

I was at Bretton Woods aamof on January 31st. Posted pics. I picked up a copy of Newsweek from a thrift store in Lincoln then headed up there. The copy was JFK assassination special, right after the deed. They talk in code throughout that issue anon. I posted the whole magazine in February.It was on the bottom shelf of the magazine section. Quite a find. Came as a pair along with the TIME right after Jackies death (that's the copy where they threaten JFK Jnr on the inside cover btw). Posted picks.

No coincidences. Top kek.

ce14fb  No.6494360

File: 1c6094a461b5bfd⋯.jpeg (87.32 KB, 500x369, 500:369, 526BDEA9-92C9-4C86-8118-7….jpeg)


He seems nice, at least based on your description.

6fd122  No.6494361


Yep. I used to buy into some of their shit. Was down on what was going on in US, but we literally had no way to stop it. And about the time things seemed they couldnt get any more retarded, fucking something like Target comes out for unisex bathrooms..

Man it was looking rough during Hussein rein of terror, discrimination, & indecency

bb60cc  No.6494362

Trump must be the McLoed that holds all the gold, yes, he's going to kill the Fed, it back into the treasury


4cad77  No.6494363


EXCLUSIVE: Greek Coca Cola heir Alki David is arrested with fellow billionaire business partner after landing in St Kitts on a private jet with actor pal Jonathan Rhys Meyers and '$1.3 million worth of cannabis' on board

David, 50, and Chase Ergen, heir to a satellite fortune, are said to have transported an estimated 5,000 cannabis plants as part of their new business

They had traveled with Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers and his family

But they were pulled aside by customs officials after landing and searched

David's family business owns the Coca-Cola Hellenic bottling plants

St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force confirmed David had been charged

David was released after paying bail of $30,000 and is due in court Tuesday

Ergen was then arrested for drug possession days later after being found with 'medicinal ketamine for bi polar', David claims

Cannabis Bill, 2019, is set to be passed in St Kitts and Nevis that will allow the use of cannabis for medicinal, religious and recreational purposes

b13b5f  No.6494364


The fact they don't even know proper English is why their media is failing them. They don't even know the definitions of the words they use.

3699ed  No.6494365


I said "pretty decent history of critiquing everyone's fuckery".

How does your comment make sense?

>Every single thing he writes? You don't need him to tell you. You could easily find it on your own.

bb60cc  No.6494366

Trump is the MacLoed?


9178aa  No.6494367


>POTUS has been buying gold EVERYTHING for decades

e5a1e5  No.6494368

File: 2ef8dd1164bde49⋯.png (7.03 MB, 1852x6587, 1852:6587, Screenshot_2019-05-13 fdod….png)


this goes with the first image

just digging

59335a  No.6494369

File: 5dc567647768597⋯.png (79.08 KB, 264x224, 33:28, ED4982E5-C2B8-4829-84CF-87….png)

File: 6035352fc1fb161⋯.jpeg (312.75 KB, 750x1069, 750:1069, ABB3766C-4088-4431-A9E7-A….jpeg)

Umm thats like approximately 130 millions of peeples…. Just sayin

40 percent of U.S. families, including middle-class households, sometimes struggle to afford housing, utilities, food or health care, according to the Urban Institute.

Nearly 1 in 5 families said they had experienced difficulty paying for food or medical care.

About 60 percent of low-income people surveyed by the nonpartisan think tank said they couldn't pay their bills at times.

Four in 10 Americans sometimes face what economists call "material hardship," struggling to pay for basic needs such as food and housing, according to a new study from the Urban Institute. Even middle-class families routinely struggle financially and are occasionally unable to pay their bills.

6fd122  No.6494370


Fucking kek.. i see your comment and think.. wtf is this homo shit then see who you were responding to and instantly died laughing.. kek that was the best, thanks for the laugh anon

8c5452  No.6494371

New Zealand is disarming it's citizens, only has an army of around 20,000 and is a key access point to the south pole region.

If the US doesn't defend them, seems like easy pickings for China or Russia or anyone else looking for a weak & resource rich country.

7eb519  No.6494372


fdc988  No.6494373

File: 30d6e2391fb48bc⋯.jpeg (39.62 KB, 679x368, 679:368, comey.jpeg)


They are leading us to believe it's Comey

Didn't Gowdy prep the public for that last night?


First indictment will be Comey, I bet .

But I know I could easily be wrong.

Ever body, even perps in the FBI , want him to shut the fuck up.

He's making it worse with all his yakking?

Is he out of his mind?

Maybe they will let him continue?


22529d  No.6494375



421e55  No.6494376


In 2014, Black House Publishing issued Goodson’s A History of Central Banking & the Enslavement of Mankind.[3] Goodson’s book traces the development of usury from ancient times to the present, and includes examples of those states that resisted international finance using alternative banking and credit systems. While these examples included the state banks of Australia and Czarist Russia, the Guernsey experiment, the theories of C. H. Douglas and Professor Irving Fisher, and others, that Goodson also had the intellectual honesty to include the banking systems of Axis Germany, Italy, and Japan was more than sufficient to bring opprobrium upon him.

e671b4  No.6494377

File: f690e99a231777e⋯.png (1.89 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D82F5DB8-391E-4805-BF9B-FF….png)

Thank You!

4584f8  No.6494378


same image

6fd122  No.6494379


Cant come soon enough.

37aeed  No.6494381



You do it by reinforcing it's infrastructure and from below. Think judges, senate, intel agencies. Needed to reestablish and rebuild the infrastructure first from the bottom up. Once in place and reinforced the next steps can be taken.

You have more than you know.

7d7466  No.6494382



Copy. Archived all. I haz some reading ahead!

421e55  No.6494383



‘Gold belongs to the people, not bankers’: Italian govt moves to seize reserves from central bank


22529d  No.6494386


That may be true, but leave matzo out of this. It's just bread. It didn't do anything wrong!

fdc988  No.6494387

File: 8542beedcf1ca3c⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 674x500, 337:250, clintonbodybads.jpg)


I like it because he was likely blocked from bringing out the truth about Mueller and Bulgur. But now he's in charge and gets his chance to do right!

Go Mr. Durable.

For as long as the conspirators don't know what's coming.

The better.

Rather have them keep their hit squads at home?

ce14fb  No.6494388


Can’t wait until this same rain of fire comes down on big pharma for it’s vaccine scam.

421e55  No.6494391

File: 64f210bb02010e8⋯.jpg (47.44 KB, 400x522, 200:261, 6f0e8718f2d4c243b8bb9266fe….jpg)

fdc988  No.6494396


You can just scroll by.

It's not a DECENT history.

Nothing is decent connected with that THUG.

To be more clear, since you missed it,.

1 No need to read the Thug

2. Anything he writes you could easily know for yourself, by doing your own google search and reading.

7eb519  No.6494397

Time to accelerate the dough a bit, anons, if you would be so kind

7d7466  No.6494401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Comes a Time


421e55  No.6494403


Ya I mean we all know the "recovery" wasn't on main street.

Just how we all know that "bubble" Trump mentioned while running for office magically no longer exists… despite being 2.5 times larger or w/e

59335a  No.6494404

File: a59ecda3ecbe55f⋯.jpeg (325.12 KB, 750x745, 150:149, 831D389C-8828-46E0-9C27-C….jpeg)

File: 6ff96f3b1690ad4⋯.jpeg (472.94 KB, 638x680, 319:340, B9865789-257D-4CB4-A0F9-0….jpeg)

4584f8  No.6494406

I say we do away with the CIA

6fd122  No.6494407

File: ac81d6f6ab83976⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A98948FE-0FDB-4659-B4A2-98….png)

File: 4927e4760379a99⋯.png (577.85 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, D917F4A7-E5EC-4009-9B19-CC….png)

File: bde32e3e3ff0550⋯.png (799.69 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 91E9B64E-18EF-4D24-B8EE-58….png)

File: 0dd6d5bd7eb68d4⋯.png (867.98 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, E13C3ADF-E9AA-4903-8543-57….png)

Holy shit anons. You guys fucking see this? Anons from way back on right?

Shia is staring in a movie w Mel Gibson called “Rothchild”. He was here for a bit or at times he would be called out.. kek.

Anyway.. now staring in a film about them.. trying to soften public perception of them? It interest him from being here?


b98b15  No.6494408



7d7466  No.6494410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gotta Serve Somebody - David Allan Coe & Lacy J. Dalton


7d7466  No.6494411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John Lee Hooker & Van Morrison - Dont Look Back (Lyrics)


59335a  No.6494412

File: 42d5a8c69918d2a⋯.jpeg (138.32 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1744CAFB-C728-4056-97F4-4….jpeg)

File: 934b7e7d3115c3d⋯.jpeg (77.84 KB, 839x344, 839:344, 49033AB7-E0C6-47D8-A408-5….jpeg)

7d7466  No.6494413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Paradise And Lunch (Ry Cooder)


3699ed  No.6494414


Thank you for the guidance, Hi IQ Anon. Probably not a good idea to expose myself to thoughts or perspectives I don't agree with 100% of the time.

>1 No need to read the Thug

>2. Anything he writes you could easily know for yourself, by doing your own google search and reading.

4584f8  No.6494415

File: f5f7a4de8863c12⋯.jpeg (286.93 KB, 1242x573, 414:191, 4668DBAB-6AE3-45B4-8C51-0….jpeg)

File: f5f7a4de8863c12⋯.jpeg (286.93 KB, 1242x573, 414:191, 4668DBAB-6AE3-45B4-8C51-0….jpeg)


22529d  No.6494416

File: aeeb9495c57f689⋯.jpg (609.04 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, img_57a.jpg)

File: 999324163913856⋯.jpg (432.67 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_070.jpg)

File: 00c652301a52512⋯.jpg (418.46 KB, 1080x1074, 180:179, IMG_090.jpg)

File: 3e590497f228592⋯.jpg (169.54 KB, 640x617, 640:617, IMG_094.jpg)

File: d89716266fd711f⋯.jpg (562.64 KB, 1274x1732, 637:866, IMG_100.jpg)

Good night, Baker and friends!

6f924a  No.6494417

File: 93a8224be1a00ae⋯.jpg (102.28 KB, 1080x1269, 40:47, skvohy3nkqb21.jpg)

7d7466  No.6494418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



7d7466  No.6494420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thanks For The Pepperoni


59335a  No.6494421

File: 1aa9b5e1a63d56a⋯.jpeg (284.71 KB, 750x630, 25:21, 7688176F-80BB-4BBA-B047-B….jpeg)

46f85c  No.6494422

File: c4923d4cedaa051⋯.png (177.31 KB, 542x709, 542:709, pepefrenzy.png)

File: 74d4ce0aadafae1⋯.png (97.08 KB, 537x538, 537:538, pepefrenz.png)

File: 9468acc148cf5e8⋯.png (66.26 KB, 537x538, 537:538, fdsssssssssssssssssssss.png)

File: 5a810b69d7cd5d2⋯.png (61.41 KB, 537x538, 537:538, asdasddsadsa.png)

File: 6fa4353654b4c43⋯.png (68.37 KB, 537x538, 537:538, adsdsasda.png)

3699ed  No.6494424

4584f8  No.6494425

File: d8e8734596853f2⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 524x594, 262:297, 091109.Oswald.jpg)

7eb519  No.6494427

File: f27e29d3200d173⋯.jpg (10.12 KB, 279x181, 279:181, bread lotsa.jpg)

bread is ready!





thanks anons for your contributions

6f924a  No.6494429

File: f008a5e062814f6⋯.jpg (58.73 KB, 410x477, 410:477, the-rebirth-of-crusader-me….jpg)

7d7466  No.6494430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Shine" | Ry Cooder


59335a  No.6494431

File: 12ba01eb1b93147⋯.jpeg (236.02 KB, 750x597, 250:199, DA845ACC-A255-4E44-81B2-3….jpeg)

File: bd2d63828a9478a⋯.jpeg (155.06 KB, 750x575, 30:23, 862719D8-C62F-4C26-AF82-6….jpeg)

>Patriots remember

fdc988  No.6494432



Can you summarize?

8262a2  No.6494433

File: a48b8ad91716b51⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 564x1039, 564:1039, 7180gvoq931wwu-23rzi8naydt….jpg)

7d7466  No.6494435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thunderstorms and Neon Signs


59335a  No.6494438

File: e8cdab61c313563⋯.jpeg (30.22 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 358552BA-38D3-423C-812E-0….jpeg)

71ef1b  No.6494439

File: e833ffd513a9824⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1084x1076, 271:269, e833ffd513a982496314851a16….png)

9fb20d  No.6494441

File: 79b8a933627c48f⋯.jpg (106.61 KB, 1080x1067, 1080:1067, Screenshot_20190513-193917.jpg)

File: 76a5ace755d523a⋯.jpg (246.71 KB, 1080x1913, 1080:1913, Screenshot_20190513-192933.jpg)

I don't think we are fully grasping this drop.

Increasing the population of a dense area increases the states apportionment of house representatives.



WWI migrants from Europe came to the US and helped increase the number of seats in the house of representatives.

If you control the population with the help of the Catholic Church you can manipulate the elected officials.

Church gets members and money by allowing families to live with them and also gain control and power.

The same is true for WWii but they also made them poorer and crashed the economy.

BUT it was the great migration of blacks to the north that has altered the minds of the masses.

The party of racism has and always will be the democrats.

The democrats create a problem by enforcing Jim Crowe laws and force the black population north.

The Democratic party then offers the solution to the 6 million black voters now in the north experiencing racial tension in cities like Chicago.

But don't worry your democrat friends can hell solve the problem they created.

They solve the problem by pushing the passing of the Civil Rights Act which many republicans also agreed with anyway.

But the credit was given to the fake party putting on an act that leaves it's voters homeless, jobless, and searching for answers.

They own their voters minds and continuously feed them media garbage that tells them it will get better and the republicans are to blame!

They do not care about the black voter!

7d7466  No.6494442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Knopfler - I Used To Could


fdc988  No.6494443


But the "Q" came first.

If they were getting their coms from here why would they be trying to shut us down; or even calling attention to the site, as they are?

e0610d  No.6494444


Nice ass shots

Swear I've seen the black lace one live before

6f924a  No.6494446

59335a  No.6494447

8262a2  No.6494448


thats why dems want to get rid of the electoral college

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