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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

beaf51  No.5513453

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 03.04.2019

>>5509984 ————————————–——– @SaraCarterDC ( Caps: >>5510040, >>5510079 )

>>5509783 ————————————–——– Those awake can see clearly ( Cap: >>5510013 , >>5510524 )

>>5508407 ————————————–——– Public comms prevent. FS on incoming.

>>5508361 ————————————–——– Battery A_roof 1A. Battery F_ground 9G.

>>5508261 ————————————–——– Dark pattern active. [-48] LMT_NO_NONS.

>>5508223 rt >>5508196 ————————— CLEAR ALL NONS. [-48]

>>5508196 rt >>5508181 ————————— MGL_change_route_under, Assist P_193

>>5508181 ————————————–——– D Fire_Good. Location assist_Good

>>5505190 rt >>5505069 ————————— 'War-like' Posture Activated?

>>5504953 ————————————–——– Promises made. Promises kept ( Cap: >>5505096 )

>>5504293 ————————————–——– Hussein gave the order to start the spy campaign

>>5503631 rt >>5503585 ————————— Define 'backchannel'

>>5503493 rt >>5503398 ————————— Public will become aware > doc dump

>>5503275 rt >>5503240 ————————— Departure from the DOJ doesn't mean he's not on the team

>>5503231 rt >>5502835 ————————— You have a short memory, Anon

Sunday 03.03.2019

Compiled here: >>5510343

Saturday 03.02.2019

Compiled here: >>5492143

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

beaf51  No.5513467


are not endorsements


>>5389728, >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

#7049 Baker Chnage

>>5512813, >>5513109 HRC not [running] for president in 2020

>>5512843 Spreadsheet anon update

>>5512826 Qanon book tops charts

>>5513058, >>5512799, >>5512834 Mad Maxine tweet stormin 8 total, hasnt posted since 2/17

>>5512905 New DJT >>5513016, >>5512932 McCarthyism sp McCathyism

>>5513098 New DJT corrected spelling

>>5512956 POTUS plans to end Indias preferential trade treatment

>>5512783 Notice the Shield. Rex Deus pedo sym.

>>5512900 Shannon Bream blue checkmark says RBG alive and kickin

>>5513262 anon on Game Theory and Scaramucci model and counting the moves

>>5513423 #7049


>>5512367 POTUS: I've told FEMA to give Alabama the A Plus treatment

>>5512371 Get WH press pool reports live at @WHPublicPool on twitter

>>5512371 POTUS terminates Turkey as benificiary developing country

>>5512345 The change in narrative

>>5512336 File showing AOC's PAC transfered $41K + to Justice Democrats

>>5512281 New Sarah Sanders statement re new investigation

>>5512242 But does Killary still have the encryption keys?

>>5511976 Twitter saying 10 tweets per min for #QAnon ? Melt em

>>5512782 #7048


>>5512000 Former Allen County Sheriff pleads guilty to extortion & soliciting bribes

>>5511325 Masonic Symbolism in citizen paper of German Government

>>5511537 National Press Sec releases statement on 'witch hunt'

>>5511529 , >>5511571 John Freeman - Suppressed and Incredible Inventions

>>5511378 Canada working on Dragonfly/Social Database

>>5511398 Planefag reports

>>5511396 Blackstone LP : Files Annual Report on Form 10-K

>>5511244 AG Bill Barr Will Not Recuse Himself From Mueller Witch Hunt

>>5511238 , >>5511343 New POTUS tweet re the media

>>5511890 7047


>>5510895 , >>5510944 Pain = HRC China-AU-HP connection?

>>5510885 HRC rules out 2020 bid for first time

>>5510806 Q's past posts including 'nazi'

>>5510751 MGL SAT = Satellite communications?

>>5510749 Grasley blazes his twitter gun on HRC

>>5510675 Trudeau in big trouble as leftist mag scathes

>>5510574 , >>5510646, >>5510651, >>5510812 Planefag updates

>>5510561 Newsweak reports on Notch's Q tweet

>>5510469 , >>5510551, >>5510651, >>5510812 Symbolism

>>5510469 POTUS EO transitioning Troops into Marchant Marines

>>5510444 Prosecutor Tony Golik dig

>>5512173 #7046

Previously Collected Notables

>>5510331 #7045,

>>5508086 #7042, >>5508875 #7043, >>5509618 #7044

>>5505713 #7039, >>5506556 #7040, >>5507333 #7041

>>5503445 #7036, >>5504226 #7037, >>5504954 #7038

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

beaf51  No.5513470

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>5505865

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

beaf51  No.5513476

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

*How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966

Meme Ammo

42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654

beaf51  No.5513485

File: c87e7e9ec9c694e⋯.png (142.39 KB, 308x432, 77:108, ClipboardImage.png)



ac2446  No.5513489

Q- AllSocial.com? Treasure Valley (ID) vs. Silicon Valley (CA)

ffe891  No.5513493


We are going to have Mueller Conclusion in 48 hours?!

d4ddb7  No.5513496

File: 6aa3651a0c13def⋯.jpeg (552.45 KB, 1296x1944, 2:3, 4678384B-560D-42F8-9792-1….jpeg)

File: 9f98fc18312a8f6⋯.png (35.76 KB, 817x563, 817:563, CD9C44F1-133F-49A6-A18E-0A….png)

d4ddb7  No.5513498

File: ac56e19c68b5d12⋯.png (373.64 KB, 478x479, 478:479, 2DC33550-4A7B-4DD8-B509-2F….png)

43c937  No.5513499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who’s gunna win?

We are!

d4ddb7  No.5513500

File: d9e40eaa743fe2a⋯.jpeg (77.43 KB, 658x485, 658:485, B59D7B00-4D51-4D5E-B0AB-B….jpeg)

File: 2d5400a38626a8a⋯.jpeg (124.75 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 16762E7A-A92A-4C9B-BDCB-D….jpeg)

e5bb43  No.5513502

File: 0c60f9f61b5e3a1⋯.png (143.42 KB, 748x1274, 374:637, ClipboardImage.png)



In-Town Pool

Wires: AP, Reuters, Bloomberg

Wire Photos: AP, Reuters, AFP, NYT

TV Corr & Crew: ABC

Print: NY Post

Radio: WW1


9:00AM In-Town Pool Call Time

1:45PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a signing ceremony for an Executive Order on a “National Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End Veteran Suicide”

Roosevelt Room

In-House Pool



Public Pool is an automated feed of White House press pool reports. For live updates, follow @WHPublicPool on Twitter.

278c9c  No.5513503

File: 1977100f7fc06e6⋯.png (21 KB, 480x162, 80:27, Screenshot 2019-03-04_23-1….png)

File: b7f14ca60f7e986⋯.png (64.39 KB, 575x295, 115:59, Screenshot 2019-03-04_23-1….png)

File: 8149b753dc1e745⋯.png (64.69 KB, 944x368, 59:23, 8149b753dc1e745390983b5be5….png)

56d81f  No.5513504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

yes, this is a spoof but it's funny as fuck

Dr. Phil Tries to Help Alex Jones

b4c68b  No.5513505


forget where you are? learn to troll and rustle jimmies newfag

3f170b  No.5513506

File: 97fd548b07fca5c⋯.jpg (615.05 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-221500….jpg)

File: 6482cf579d019b5⋯.jpg (616.69 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-221506….jpg)

File: 17b824228bba4bd⋯.jpg (626.95 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-221512….jpg)

File: 6e92c282cf7537c⋯.jpg (686.67 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-221519….jpg)


0c835b  No.5513507

File: 333e99bdca07efd⋯.jpeg (310.75 KB, 799x885, 799:885, Screenshot_2019-03-04-23-….jpeg)

File: 7ae9d75d98ec0f4⋯.jpeg (190.27 KB, 798x774, 133:129, Screenshot_2019-03-04-23-….jpeg)


74671f  No.5513509

File: 2da17b527afdc3f⋯.png (682.15 KB, 726x854, 363:427, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you, Baker.

0a588b  No.5513510

File: 19b3cee1ff0cdf9⋯.png (635.8 KB, 640x804, 160:201, ClipboardImage.png)

FLOTUS at Microsoft.

Thank you #Microsoft @MSFTIssues for showing us your innovative tools & platforms to help children. What an informative visit! #BeBest @Microsoft

687c15  No.5513511

File: cddaa7f1147dfd3⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1310x882, 655:441, 7ezx.png)

File: ca5c3e0ddc0f839⋯.png (869.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7eo5.png)

c9ae2f  No.5513512

File: 92557fdb20e17e4⋯.png (38 KB, 982x263, 982:263, be1ded300b35f870f12780399d….png)



7c995c  No.5513513

File: 4f140d27e77f306⋯.png (563.6 KB, 1427x1327, 1427:1327, night shift.png)





b7b2bd  No.5513514

>>5513437 (lb)

Thank you. I took my screen shot off Qpub. Not always the best reference

497afd  No.5513515

File: 6e40ffb9dcbb443⋯.jpg (664.95 KB, 916x732, 229:183, Night shift tracker.jpg)

File: 77dbe266ef4e1b5⋯.jpg (169.01 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Going smooth.jpg)

File: 7efd0b3361a550f⋯.jpg (326.74 KB, 800x966, 400:483, Sewing the Flag.jpg)

File: a9e7b1ffef8bb1d⋯.jpg (212.46 KB, 800x550, 16:11, meth bust border.jpg)

File: 63b9d333a7b1d13⋯.jpg (325.03 KB, 845x911, 845:911, Dan Coats.jpg)

acca38  No.5513516

Clintonian parsing. HRC not [running] for president in 2020. Yet.

fbe51f  No.5513517

File: 3d49d9553efe6ba⋯.png (1.24 MB, 708x1024, 177:256, 6XSdXz.png)


Danke, bakerfag.

cbc88b  No.5513518

Hillary: ‘I’m Not Running’

During an interview with News 12 on Monday, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton stated she isn’t going to run for president in 2020.

Hillary said, “I’m not running, but I’m going to keep working and speaking and standing up for what I believe.”

She also stated, “I want to be sure that people understand, I’m going to keep speaking out. I’m not going anywhere. What’s at stake in our country, the kinds of things that are happening right now are deeply troubling to me. … We’ve gotten into really opposing camps, unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my adult life.”

Hillary also said she doesn’t see any scenario where she runs for elected office again.


b4c68b  No.5513519



74671f  No.5513520


ffe891  No.5513522

File: 873dd39f861a4bc⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 1120x928, 35:29, IMG_20190303_212602.jpg)

File: a477838dc315858⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 1125x777, 375:259, IMG_20190303_212600.jpg)

File: 50964628bce6951⋯.jpg (167.79 KB, 1440x1982, 720:991, IMG_20190303_212536.jpg)

File: 965381c78672d36⋯.jpg (44.91 KB, 880x440, 2:1, IMG_20190303_201803.jpg)

Great awakening is here.

adbf43  No.5513523

File: 63b9ff4fa780ac1⋯.png (742.59 KB, 717x756, 239:252, kekandjesusdo2.png)

73dfe5  No.5513524

File: 77be474d4712337⋯.png (171.88 KB, 1570x885, 314:177, Tweet_FoRRestout.png)

File: d9d038ca7e8c63a⋯.png (95.55 KB, 800x540, 40:27, Tweet_RRout.png)

2f40ce  No.5513525

File: aec2de22ce0c362⋯.jpg (96.16 KB, 563x500, 563:500, mad maxine.jpg)

cc0e73  No.5513526

File: 0a1905a9d8a1413⋯.png (2.47 KB, 663x49, 663:49, ClipboardImage.png)

a94652  No.5513527

>>5513480 (prev)

I thought the recent video showed it wasn’t RBG. They had a stand in. Her head was straight up, not looking down like before. It’s a double.

497afd  No.5513528

File: 65790a64fbd3cbc⋯.jpg (129.01 KB, 800x471, 800:471, Thank you Vets.jpg)

File: 7f64e35e526abbf⋯.jpg (163.16 KB, 900x677, 900:677, Night Shift Faith.jpg)

File: 0bf546c49156088⋯.jpg (479.13 KB, 658x1564, 329:782, comey werid story.jpg)

File: 4122d35e39a8067⋯.jpg (383.85 KB, 858x990, 13:15, clinton comey investigatio….jpg)

File: 8d3661d82eda790⋯.jpg (134.42 KB, 837x654, 279:218, Goodbye comey_2.jpg)


Rest well, thank you.

6d9c74  No.5513529

File: cd444c6da1a0c61⋯.jpg (164.45 KB, 594x435, 198:145, 45mp.jpg)

no really SHE is the sane one….

can't you tell…

652cce  No.5513530

Good night frens…you seriously entertain me!

a8c9fb  No.5513531

File: 23354dabc5fcc1f⋯.jpeg (330.23 KB, 1242x935, 1242:935, D58BB72A-D2C8-4C20-B954-1….jpeg)

Nice 😎 notch activated

4db5ae  No.5513532

File: f6db54c1ea44311⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 300x355, 60:71, 2059892262-kennedy-quote1.jpg)

File: 6065236efa2b6e9⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 512x393, 512:393, cefcf3eed0c493823f1777c68e….jpg)

File: 7d3c395848fee29⋯.jpg (21.04 KB, 564x564, 1:1, Quote-John-F.-Kennedy-.jpg)

File: 5174b9ccdb97dd5⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 600x600, 1:1, b022d82011dd4928b884cc195f….jpg)

File: 370d1973bdf9766⋯.jpg (51.69 KB, 500x738, 250:369, bb22d60630503bd23fc5a16ab9….jpg)

b0d3f3  No.5513533

File: bd008e2a8431f67⋯.jpg (758.64 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Screenshot_20190304-231553.jpg)

Posting this book since we're seeing paytriots make money from awakening. It's very interesting if you're open minded, it's night shift so I reckon ya are

a53642  No.5513534

File: 24d7d6eea1b7a41⋯.png (418.39 KB, 503x689, 503:689, Qstan.png)


TY excellent Baker

a7e721  No.5513535

File: 16d4e7bd504e6ef⋯.png (478.62 KB, 728x538, 364:269, Capture.PNG)


Kid goes viral for picking up trash that EFF members keep throwing on the ground.


73c65c  No.5513536

>>5513180 PB

I noticed no apostrophe as well, to denote possession.

Hint about possessing something?

edb1b6  No.5513537

File: 62dfcf3351e2856⋯.jpg (60.49 KB, 500x569, 500:569, 62dfcf3351e28561642bc9aa2b….jpg)


War-like Posture! THankQ Baker

bdfe91  No.5513538

New Q article:

QAnon book climbs Amazon chart


cbc88b  No.5513539

File: 2dfabcde8c12bcb⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Girl-Scouts-Planned-Parent….jpg)

Girl Scouts Partner with Abortion Industry, ‘Anal Sex Tutorial’ Promoter Teen Vogue

Two former participants in Girl Scouts say the organization enjoys a “cozy relationship” with the abortion industry, including Planned Parenthood, and now Teen Vogue, a magazine that promotes “reproductive justice” and has offered a tutorial on anal sex.

Ann Saladin, creator of MyGirlScoutCouncil.com, and co-editor Christy Volanski, have spent nearly a decade documenting Girl Scouts USA’s relationships with the abortion industry, Planned Parenthood, and political leaders who support abortion and a left-wing agenda in general.

“At the very least, it’s a cozy relationship,” Volanski told Breitbart News as she described the ties between the Girl Scouts, the abortion industry and, specifically, Planned Parenthood.


b9c98c  No.5513540




f3e270  No.5513541

File: b4beca28a685019⋯.jpeg (17.88 KB, 241x209, 241:209, 4940D07F-CE3A-4EDD-89D4-0….jpeg)

217457  No.5513542

File: c25910d8a1a7a6b⋯.jpeg (312.09 KB, 1280x824, 160:103, 87FE5EE6-C42B-4E6D-94CE-C….jpeg)

79a5ca  No.5513544



How many times has that pic been posted as "Muh HUSSEIN"???

0409b7  No.5513545


maybe she's planning to be "asked' later on

get Ocasio to move the party so far left that people start missing her so called centrism

283e2f  No.5513546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5512763 lb


ac5cd1  No.5513547

File: 986159009568728⋯.jpg (96.7 KB, 495x676, 495:676, young1.jpg)


TY Baker!!!

181a4a  No.5513548

File: 940d2c7566b0cb3⋯.jpg (42.88 KB, 300x308, 75:77, arc2pt.jpg)

From the base Unified Field Wave Pattern a 4D wave pattern was formed as a small part of the unified field by dimensional warping to create a 'external' time based universe. From with the set of that 4D pattern the wave pattern of a biological being (all actually) was formed to create a species. From that set the wave pattern formed to shape the DNA and RNA to be the being that is you. From you the perception of that 4D pattern is fed back into the Unified Field to create a feedback loop of experience. Each waveform is lines of force of many different varieties to be able to hold a form that is 'physical' and yet part of the unified field (and even allowed to deny being part of that unified field)

e5bb43  No.5513549

File: 9ae7178ee593d94⋯.png (239.13 KB, 450x415, 90:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59d8d2290875d69⋯.png (55 KB, 520x332, 130:83, 59d8d2290875d694722d0798fb….png)

324bbe  No.5513550

File: fdaae9a3b64cf6a⋯.png (47.43 KB, 388x682, 194:341, Screenshot_2019-03-04 Qmap….png)

File: b7bf3499d3291fa⋯.png (36.14 KB, 592x486, 296:243, Screenshot_2019-03-04 Nove….png)

Okay, so can't explain my thought process on how POTUS' latest tweet led me to drop #50 but it did. Something to do with the timestamp of him correcting it. Was a 10 minute delta from 10:40 to 10:50. I dropped the 10 and that's where the #50 came from, I suppose.

Anyway, Q goes on to ask where is BO TODAY with today all caps.

Well, I looked up the day of the drop and sure enough, it's on Monday, today.

That's that, maybe one of you fine autists could connect/explain moar.

7f8a7f  No.5513551

>>5511212 (pb)

Wisconsin is my home state and this pisses me off so much. I need to calm the fuck down but can't.

I know this is suppose to be fixed this year with voter ID laws but how much damage will be done beforehand?

cb694c  No.5513552


If they want us to believe she's alive so bad, they should give proof of life. It just looks like a massive cover up.

2b1850  No.5513553

File: 57028fa578944f1⋯.jpg (112.26 KB, 646x720, 323:360, ## (6).jpg)


Nice work, baker

ce1f6c  No.5513554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c9ae2f  No.5513555





ce3b05  No.5513556

File: 8ffe39f1effa199⋯.png (11.74 KB, 826x97, 826:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia Confirms Kim Jong-Un to Visit Moscow

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has confirmed North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will visit Moscow to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the near future.


8a1132  No.5513557

File: 9d6775e28830530⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, bonus6.jpg)


Grazie, fornaio.

6309e8  No.5513558

File: 587a80533d12eca⋯.png (1010.96 KB, 1250x621, 1250:621, ClipboardImage.png)

This shit shows free speech isn't allowed when Jews are involved

So fuck off you dirty white Christians

b0d3f3  No.5513559

>>5513533 (me…dammit)

It's free if you have kindle unlimited, not trying to shill it's muh vice…I love reading

a53642  No.5513560

File: 0ed49091274ce68⋯.png (268.34 KB, 453x649, 453:649, KnightShift.png)

ce1f6c  No.5513561

We're watching a movie!

0409b7  No.5513562

wartime consigliere

497afd  No.5513563

File: 7aecce83d008745⋯.jpg (282.87 KB, 1060x918, 530:459, Vietnam.jpg)

File: b68d7c5b5eb8ff6⋯.jpg (305.36 KB, 785x771, 785:771, Connected in some way.jpg)

File: 65790a64fbd3cbc⋯.jpg (129.01 KB, 800x471, 800:471, Thank you Vets.jpg)

File: 681dcd8c3526a19⋯.jpg (122.35 KB, 800x536, 100:67, Remember this day.jpg)

File: 9c71625bf31647d⋯.jpg (162.46 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Night Shift font.jpg)


Rest well, thank you..

a94652  No.5513564


It IS a massive cover up.

d03257  No.5513565

File: bf2b727c7cf20bd⋯.gif (155.46 KB, 500x340, 25:17, butter.gif)

adbf43  No.5513566

File: 55c0ccdd2ebbbb5⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 400x250, 8:5, zeroapproval.gif)


What the hell is it with these people and assfucking??

FFS already..

134dfc  No.5513567

File: d50c753810bcc8b⋯.png (155.11 KB, 656x375, 656:375, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)

File: 54cc4be3b6d0636⋯.png (62.45 KB, 629x279, 629:279, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)

Still wonder if the McCathy McCarthy thing is related to the Times of Israel misspelling.

Clue that House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy is or isn't our guy? Kind of confusing.


Two screengrabs related.

b9c98c  No.5513568

Meanwhile…republican FAGGOTS IN THE SENATE blocking the Natl Emergency.


3337ff  No.5513569


is that my mom?

f3e270  No.5513570

File: 6bc8812c1176b7e⋯.jpeg (42.36 KB, 480x686, 240:343, A368D315-3A83-4D21-8C6B-F….jpeg)

ce1f6c  No.5513571

Go TEAM Alice ==<Q==

74dba4  No.5513572

File: 749dd92c65ec22b⋯.png (15.87 KB, 247x247, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Come little one tell me now who am I!

Cause very soon I come to you like a mouse and with a prying eye!

I'll see you soon if you don't flee.

Things going bump in the night?

Well it might just be ME!

Sleep sound

Let the fun abound.

82b0e6  No.5513573

File: c1360ee2ecbef47⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1104x954, 184:159, wake up 1.png)

File: 9cec498d83649a8⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1227x631, 1227:631, wake up 2.png)

File: 3b9d1422dc5d2c2⋯.jpg (136.44 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1475482765bexhq0w7z7vsmb3b….jpg)

File: d145dfc5150e6ac⋯.png (214.7 KB, 572x701, 572:701, NightshiftEngaged.PNG)

interesting Q drops tonight

d60086  No.5513574


He claims proceeds are being donated

71814d  No.5513575


With all respect to FLOTUS, as I seriously admire her, but(t) FUCK Microsoft!

3f170b  No.5513576

File: 0d80bb3f254f6b8⋯.jpg (582.14 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-222132….jpg)

File: 77e597a3c6828aa⋯.jpg (625.9 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-222140….jpg)

File: fd466b194933332⋯.jpg (601.71 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-222150….jpg)

File: 324d9387ff1494d⋯.jpg (577.02 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-222156….jpg)

File: 7fae6230375470f⋯.jpg (435.66 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-222203….jpg)


b0d3f3  No.5513577


Sex obsessed

06c8a8  No.5513578

Much love and thanks to praying anons,

Two nights ago, I asked for prayers of comfort for my father-in-law who had decided to discontinue medical care and enter in-home hospice. Today, in his sleep, The Lord gently carried this old Marine hero home to be with his loving wife and the family that went before him. Spouse anon and I are so grateful for all the love, prayers and well wishes that were offered, we were moved beyond words. Thank you, fam. May God richly bless you for your kindness. Love always!

d66ed3  No.5513580

File: cda4176de9e7039⋯.png (211.03 KB, 478x240, 239:120, 2019-03-04_23-22-43.png)

0c835b  No.5513581

File: ea578c38f4d79e5⋯.jpeg (342.53 KB, 799x1020, 47:60, Screenshot_2019-03-04-23-….jpeg)

File: fddd517ef890e7a⋯.jpeg (155.12 KB, 796x907, 796:907, Screenshot_2019-03-04-23-….jpeg)

File: 1052feb19798190⋯.jpeg (329.15 KB, 796x1010, 398:505, Screenshot_2019-03-04-23-….jpeg)


Farming families

0af41e  No.5513582


Seriously, what is it with people in the upper mid-west?

8f5bec  No.5513583

R P Regis p?


324bbe  No.5513584


Fukken hell, nvm.

Shit, all shit.

b7b2bd  No.5513585


I remember this. I worked up a whole graphic on this tweet on my laptop. Didnt get eyes on. I gave up.

5fddc9  No.5513586


Read last bread.

R missing

Delta 10

b0d3f3  No.5513587

File: 4f1679334e389be⋯.jpg (86.58 KB, 529x593, 529:593, 4f1679334e389bececfbd5549d….jpg)


I was like

14f0bb  No.5513589


Has been notabled twice already. But she IS running: from Johnny Law

43062e  No.5513590

>>5513145 (lb)

>>5513098 (lb)



adbf43  No.5513591


NO. I've dated chicks with that.

They want it in the VAGINA.

Not the ASS.

134dfc  No.5513592



"DONATED." Pfft.

I could see it all going very wrong, indeed.

d60086  No.5513593


I cant recall, i dont remember, i cant be certain…

5b91cb  No.5513594

>>5513173 lb

Ask reggie love and delicious about it. Ask the entire choir at trinity united church that was down low club partying on the daily. It got so bad they had to fire majority of the choir.

cb694c  No.5513595


I know, and Bream, Posobiec and the entire roster of surviving justices are completely full of shit. Why won't they just admit she's dead.

ed139a  No.5513596

File: 025807240b8729e⋯.jpg (161.25 KB, 1000x673, 1000:673, Keep Up Together.jpg)

d60086  No.5513598

08e1d7  No.5513599

Mogul is safe and sound. This struck me from his speech at CPAC…Maybe a warning?

I had cabin fever in the White House. (Laughter.) But if you’ve got to have cabin fever, that’s the place to do it, okay? (Laughter.) But I was there, I don’t know, for a number of months, through Christmas. I spent my New Year’s all by myself. (Laughter.)


THE PRESIDENT: Don’t cry. All — it was me and about 500 men and women outside with machine guns. (Laughter.) I never saw so many beautiful-looking machine guns. I’d look at that equipment and I’d say, “Man…” They sit in the trees. They sit on the lawn.

c9ae2f  No.5513600



Im going to bed now goodnight

c6849d  No.5513601

>>5513408 lb

Oh shocking. Paytriot YouTube retards are shekel grabbing on Amazon.


ba7c17  No.5513602


God bless you all.

b0d3f3  No.5513603


You have a normal lady though, they're not normal, at all.

f23663  No.5513604

File: b2aeada59e0a0cb⋯.png (563.8 KB, 657x415, 657:415, LowIQMaxine.png)

ty baker

a510c1  No.5513605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3e111c  No.5513606

File: adea30b532ce522⋯.png (595.2 KB, 953x645, 953:645, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5513432 lb

Naw, man- Astral traveling is dangerous when your target is hiding behind a VPN. Just imagine what sort of "Pee Hole Country" you might land in!

>>5513319 lb

>>5513430 lb

>>5513403 lb

4a31a3  No.5513607

File: f3c4644abd80c6c⋯.jpeg (15.96 KB, 292x319, 292:319, ce2b12f08d07f1db2718ce51b….jpeg)


this one and your one (both pix related) get me banned in less that a minute more then a few times


bdfe91  No.5513608


My condolences anon. He's in a better place.

Blessings and peace to you and your family at this difficult time.

adbf43  No.5513609


Fine, I'll concede that point.

d64b55  No.5513610

File: 2dc1831a262f296⋯.png (608.08 KB, 510x616, 255:308, chickencaeser.png)

>>5513475 (LB)

So it's like pic related

60461d  No.5513612

File: 386b11a819f55db⋯.png (210.03 KB, 911x809, 911:809, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)

File: 64cb0a49387ae0c⋯.png (259.42 KB, 975x810, 65:54, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)

File: 1856cb261c94da3⋯.png (204.79 KB, 932x685, 932:685, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)

Tech Companies cut jobs


d60086  No.5513613


Posobiec fag claims to have seen Ruthie?

1a9d89  No.5513614

File: b680967447bcc6f⋯.jpg (109.13 KB, 774x809, 774:809, psyops.jpg)


Reminder for the newfag Normies, if you are still sipping lattes and have emotional issues, you do not belong here.

82b0e6  No.5513615

File: c9fec3f88bb7121⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1557x1111, 1557:1111, r u redy.png)

File: c7185fa5e6cbf04⋯.png (675.77 KB, 887x1024, 887:1024, snoo-with-human-teeth.png)

File: 2078bfd98183c17⋯.jpg (103.79 KB, 800x600, 4:3, snoocharactersheet.jpg)

File: 0ff34b430f3329e⋯.png (29.27 KB, 265x281, 265:281, SOHw1Yy.png)

fuck back off to leddit

cb694c  No.5513616


Not always.

f3e270  No.5513617


Q said coms are guud, anon. Do you want to hear what Zach has to say?

d597da  No.5513618

File: a4d54f047709a99⋯.jpeg (4.09 MB, 5833x8132, 307:428, lion-winking.jpeg)


One only throws a stick at a lion once.

Weaving spiders come not here.

Beware the Ides of March.

134dfc  No.5513619


Go ahead. Explain "farming."

cb694c  No.5513620


Twice, with no proof. I can't believe they even bought Clarence Thomas's silence. How?!

0af41e  No.5513621


You should put that on a goat. Kek.

d70379  No.5513622

File: bda114ce9d6d534⋯.jpg (1.96 KB, 125x70, 25:14, 1495758540206s.jpg)

5d8a6a  No.5513623

File: dab5caad55443f6⋯.jpg (97.53 KB, 800x516, 200:129, IMG_1498.JPG)

74dba4  No.5513624

ce3708  No.5513625

File: f470c89567eda01⋯.jpg (16.13 KB, 255x176, 255:176, islamjoke.jpg)

0a588b  No.5513626

File: e6b04618a04efb7⋯.png (393.83 KB, 661x857, 661:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c865d9d325d96b8⋯.png (60.88 KB, 663x494, 51:38, ClipboardImage.png)


Ben Carson leaving after first term.

2f40ce  No.5513627


eccellente esempio di bewbs

cbc88b  No.5513628


I think this is already required viewing, on the jew-hating-board though.

Have fun there, shill.

adbf43  No.5513629


We can't split the cunt hairs now, a generalization has already been made!!1

d60086  No.5513630


Roberts for sure is (((comped))) so not surprising

7f8a7f  No.5513631


What do you mean?

ce1f6c  No.5513632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's not a shit hole, it's THE Realm. the playing grounds my young Padawans. LEARN, do unto others the wish upon the self.

f9ed7c  No.5513633

File: ba0774bee3d98ff⋯.jpg (388.33 KB, 1610x724, 805:362, trumpstar.jpg)

5d98b4  No.5513634

File: 260068dcc827b1e⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 613x613, 1:1, madMax4a.jpg)

bf0f27  No.5513635

File: 0fda9cd39da8a59⋯.png (291.64 KB, 1810x821, 1810:821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad4c4b0ac3796ee⋯.png (108.9 KB, 1118x778, 559:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e1b3184817c4c1⋯.png (170 KB, 1156x903, 1156:903, ClipboardImage.png)


What airport is 150 mi from home?

Court date Jan 8-postponed.


c6849d  No.5513636


Of course. I'm also very interested in stock tips from Q affiliated expert traders.

278c9c  No.5513637

That's not a 10 min delta

It's a 9:57 delta

d66ed3  No.5513638

File: f13a7fdaf45c9a6⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1046x1758, 523:879, 2019-03-04_19-56-09.png)


C_A clowns

a510c1  No.5513639

File: 610cc62b763874d⋯.png (53.33 KB, 752x488, 94:61, F984EE02-3DED-43F8-9212-84….png)


Hi Nadler!!

e5bb43  No.5513640

File: 222586e9fcecab0⋯.png (190.41 KB, 776x733, 776:733, ClipboardImage.png)

R is MIA

GOP 2009 "Give us the house & we will repeal O'Care"

2010 - "We are only 1/3 of government, we need the Senate"

2012 - "We can't put up a bill the President won't sign"

2016 - "If we win the Presidency, we will secure the border"

2019 - "We can thwart our own President"Steph added,

The Hill

Verified account


McConnell: Senate will pass resolution blocking Trump's emergency declaration


6:48 PM - 4 Mar 2019



687c15  No.5513641


The state of western civilization summarized in a 30 second video.

c0f43c  No.5513642

File: 1ab62891d3a9f56⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_5334.JPG)

File: 59d376dbea12aa5⋯.png (86.82 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_5336.PNG)

File: 427a8ed4e3c61ae⋯.png (107.66 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_5338.PNG)



FOrgone sauce

dbdca3  No.5513643

File: 5031011d4e74e9d⋯.jpg (162.49 KB, 697x770, 697:770, ZomboMeme 04032019231350.jpg)

48d820  No.5513644

File: 2a972aa73780601⋯.png (61.31 KB, 296x170, 148:85, master.png)

beaf51  No.5513645


>>5513502 White House press pool report, POTUS sched for 3/5

>>5513507 London man reportedly cured of HIV virus

>>5513510 FLOTUS at Microsoft

>>5513531 Minecraftanons loving the Notch

>>5513538 Hill.com blog on QAnon book climbs Amazon chart

ill take some screen caps

>>5513550 Anon rolls a 50 talkin about Q post 50

82b0e6  No.5513646

File: f346e2a5b694349⋯.jpeg (51.23 KB, 750x530, 75:53, alien7b1dc9b0f479ecae5e32….jpeg)

File: be25ff51cc5d66d⋯.jpeg (60.31 KB, 750x548, 375:274, aliena530f37ea8c02cdc1c9b….jpeg)

File: cd405eebb30354b⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1214x1162, 607:581, 400 - Ronan_O'Rahilly_1987….png)

File: 5dfee8ac50d433a⋯.png (231.59 KB, 897x1254, 299:418, white rabbit.png)

File: 940eca48f9768af⋯.png (125.23 KB, 910x1257, 910:1257, baby maker 2.png)

the tech has been around huh

d60086  No.5513647



14f0bb  No.5513648


'full-throated support' and a picture of Carville should never EVER be in the same piece.


7d7784  No.5513649

File: 88818b15ae246f6⋯.png (431.87 KB, 454x448, 227:224, USMC5056-8398-0944-3275.png)


Semper Fi and now with Jesus. God bless anon. Much love.

beaf51  No.5513650

File: c8e2181dadd2ee5⋯.jpg (15.49 KB, 229x255, 229:255, armor sm.jpg)

7c4075  No.5513651

File: 101fcae24e444f5⋯.png (134.48 KB, 286x413, 286:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Per Q #2958

Found the Back Chanel

0c835b  No.5513652



Some towns I'm aware of are not getting any better when it comes to the illegals. They're getting worse. So many deportations? But it has only gotten worse. They brag about the free health they get here and bring their entire families here for it.

They even bring parasites from the Dominican Republic and still allowed to be here. It's disgusting.

324bbe  No.5513653

I fucked the date up anyway.

Wasn't Mon. but Thurs.


messed it up as far as dating the drop.

adbf43  No.5513654


those are called harelquin babies.

cbc88b  No.5513655



dc635c  No.5513656

File: a21dcf5e2b4ecc5⋯.jpg (482.42 KB, 1200x826, 600:413, akids.jpg)

c19ec1  No.5513658

File: 5c2e993448720d2⋯.jpeg (37.32 KB, 399x385, 57:55, pepe.jpeg)

adbf43  No.5513659



0af41e  No.5513660


I mean it seems that for the most part, people in MN, WI, and MI are suckers for all kinds of socialist BS. Not so?

8bdd9c  No.5513661

File: 1fded9ce6c0636b⋯.jpg (85.03 KB, 650x975, 2:3, Paul.jpg)


This will shock you they killed this great artist as well then replaced

him with an illuminati Deep Cover Agent

Yes I am Serious, been digging for years!


e44adb  No.5513662


You're welcome anon. We need to be there for one another, as we can't count on the normies.

7f0ee3  No.5513663

>>5513620 when they whacked Scalia when he was "going to tell" it puts a big damper on other "good guys".

2f40ce  No.5513664

File: 0623c4fe2845392⋯.jpg (81.91 KB, 630x425, 126:85, iphrone.jpg)

>>5513612 Chinese Tech Companies cut jobs


0c7add  No.5513665

So is "QAnon: An Invitation to the Great Awakening" the real deal or is Amazon trying to sell us a poison pill so they know who to refuse to sell anything to?

acca38  No.5513666


9 years ago Hillary said she would never run for president again.


cb694c  No.5513667


Nuclear Option is a recurring column on Breitbart.

b9c98c  No.5513668

Why are we not blowing up phonelines in congress over their bullshit rejection of the Natl Emergency???

Border Patrol, ICE and DHS ALL say it's a motherfucking CRISIS. Because congress WON'T DO THEIR DAMN JOB, POTUS has been FORCED to declare a Natl Emergency.

Meanwhile, CRICKETS about Barry robbing banks to payoff IRAN the #1 sponsor of TERRORISM in the middle of the damn night. NO BIGGIE!

a2116f  No.5513669


QAnonNews, your attacks on Q-SPAN are nothing,compared to what QNN is hiding under the table…

0a3efb  No.5513673


There won't be any voter ID laws coming from a Democrat House.

Will have to be an executive order if that is possible.

43062e  No.5513674


Uh yeah I imagine a dining set for a cabinet member would be pretty expensive. Thats common sense.

Dont blame him. After his testimony to Congress and interactions with black members he looked pissed off. He's actually smarten they them and they HATE it.

b0d3f3  No.5513675

File: 0fc986c404547f3⋯.jpg (419.05 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, Screenshot_20190303-160522.jpg)

File: b0ae0d37d32f771⋯.jpg (377.33 KB, 800x593, 800:593, Screenshot_20190303-160828.jpg)

Posted this in day shift, figure y'all might get a kick out of the coincidence, or not

I'm reading Tom Clancy, the sum of all fears noticed this about Israel on page 17

It explains the beast that is the middle East conflict

833eb2  No.5513676

I just caught up on the timeline discussion earlier. I didn’t catch “anchor points” tho. Cutting old debt makes sense. I cant, it’s literally impossible. Do I still get to go?

ce1f6c  No.5513677


I know, only after the death of Chris..

f79cce  No.5513678


Because Q has it all.

14f0bb  No.5513679


Nooooooooooooo. Was just telling spouseanon last night we need moar Ben.

d5324e  No.5513680

File: 448fd4bc50b7874⋯.png (173.11 KB, 1485x767, 1485:767, Screenshot from 2019-03-04….png)

File: eebcead7d0f9429⋯.png (96.69 KB, 1414x404, 7:2, Screenshot from 2019-03-04….png)


Spooked as hell.


89b1df  No.5513681

File: b3846c279d4d006⋯.png (115.77 KB, 765x523, 765:523, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)

File: 8d14a8068c79e84⋯.png (91.85 KB, 358x411, 358:411, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)

Interesting War going on the left with #IStandWithIlhan


b50055  No.5513682

File: e0f9427345a7f40⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1828x1009, 1828:1009, ClipboardImage.png)



Good shit

a2116f  No.5513683

File: 7a1b83448eb2d51⋯.png (707.96 KB, 949x627, 949:627, ClipboardImage.png)

c4e740  No.5513684


The whole thing is probably comped as fuck but they're tasked with the very important role of maintaining the illusion of freedom.

0409b7  No.5513685



why believe hillary now more than 9 years ago

acca38  No.5513686


Clinton, who lost the Democratic presidential nomination to Barack Obama, said "No" three different times when asked by NBC's Ann Curry "Will you ever run for president again? Yes or No?"

3b1851  No.5513687

Looks like Notch is on our side!

2b1850  No.5513688

5fddc9  No.5513689


God bless anon,


217457  No.5513690

File: 5d00e18d3ca01c6⋯.jpeg (225.71 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, D008E94D-7E7C-4545-B82E-D….jpeg)

>>5513417 (pb) (mccarthyism by molyneux video)


thank you, brilliant anon

"mccarthyism is americanism with its sleeves rolled" -mccarthy

we need some mccarthyism and we gettin it

the commies are going to be outed publically and we know it

the streets will not be safe for them

167bd0  No.5513691


Read for self


If good, recommend to normies as an intro to Q

If not good, dont.

59c785  No.5513692

File: 29334bf0a7ced65⋯.jpeg (102.4 KB, 567x850, 567:850, 8D6BB21B-5FA7-4B24-B47C-A….jpeg)


Don’t buy shit on amazon.


f23663  No.5513693


her health

907ab4  No.5513694

File: 23f3594706206a9⋯.jpg (36.02 KB, 600x600, 1:1, alexjones.jpg)

2f40ce  No.5513695

File: af572c4218882b2⋯.jpg (16.64 KB, 428x285, 428:285, Marine Paratrooper.jpg)

43062e  No.5513696

File: 6c0ae816be7d337⋯.jpg (22.1 KB, 255x219, 85:73, IMG_2300.JPG)




5e7517  No.5513697

What is FS on incoming??

79a5ca  No.5513698


POTUS will veto.

While twats in Congress diddle about, the Wall is already being built.

f9ed7c  No.5513699

File: 36a7a163159479e⋯.jpg (339.61 KB, 953x876, 953:876, qnewsnowp.jpg)

4e5def  No.5513700

What's up with masons in Portland ?

3ba904  No.5513701

File: 5aecc2305dbfa2b⋯.jpg (80.36 KB, 312x436, 78:109, usumbish.jpg)

cbc88b  No.5513702


didn´t know, thanks!

167bd0  No.5513703


Oh also this

c19ec1  No.5513704


Semper Fidelis to your Father in law, anon.

May his soul rest in eternity.

ce1f6c  No.5513705


His beard failed in Paytriot misdirection.

7X NIodine4Xonsale!

6309e8  No.5513706

Israel set up and run by the Rothschild/cabal

So why does everyone in Gov support Israel?????????????

ce0c1d  No.5513707


Full Sexual intercourse, of course

0409b7  No.5513708


final stage?

f3e270  No.5513710

File: 26917dbbb59e29d⋯.jpeg (93.42 KB, 993x1200, 331:400, 81CFD2A2-73EC-4692-8839-D….jpeg)

8bdd9c  No.5513711


Sept. 11, 1966 RIP James Paul

74671f  No.5513712


More prayers up for you all!!

a85120  No.5513713


keep going

74dba4  No.5513714


Just tell me

Who/What I am.

I'll even give you partial credit for being close.

ce1f6c  No.5513715


Because they run shit,..

134dfc  No.5513717

File: 1ed67accd26dcfd⋯.jpg (136.54 KB, 938x599, 938:599, frens blank.jpg)


Much love anons.

d597da  No.5513718


Balfour Declaration

Rothschilds and


a5ce78  No.5513719

>>5513469 (lb)

Talk to locals who hike and know the area. It is worth the talk.

a53642  No.5513720


Faul, very compelling story. Ringo has come out and pretty much confirmed what happened

3ba904  No.5513722

File: ecacaec9ad0e1d7⋯.jpg (281.42 KB, 1036x1132, 259:283, dual_loyal.jpg)


>So why does everyone in Gov support Israel?????????????

a12cbd  No.5513723

>>5513102 lb/pb

3 sets of 4 ellipses

missing apostrophe in (president's) life


brainstorming for fun here, I'm probably way way way off:

W+M - as above so below

S - snake (possibly)

cC - 33 - (possibly related to today's Masonic references)

Fishing net - Christ was a fisher of men. "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

McCarthysim - blind loyalty, group think

"every aspect of the presidents life" - all seeing eye, owl reference

all in order - fall in line

"all in order to get power back so they can institute Socialism." - power = absolute control, tavistock reality

I obviously don't have a clue what I'm doing here. Just spitballing.

727bd7  No.5513724


Those women are trash and racist,

They're the same ones wishing for the white

farmers to be murdered, only regretting it

after they find out that the black south Africans

know shit about farming. Those fat bitches

need some starvation.

907ab4  No.5513725


*and Papal Nobility

25377b  No.5513726



6d7d44  No.5513727

File: deaf808014faef9⋯.jpg (132.74 KB, 1011x438, 337:146, downfall.jpg)

File: 306a739bcbb8071⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2598x1638, 433:273, Destruction of the Old Gua….jpg)

4a31a3  No.5513728

File: b39170a7e17286e⋯.jpeg (62.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, b39170a7e17286e2d18734fd8….jpeg)


anons love you all (nohom) im in tears laughing (or crying sometime these people are sick/evil)

meme anons diggers bakers Q Q+ 5 of the best things ever to happen in 2000 years. they will write and speak of what we do here for 10,000 years

99836a  No.5513729

>>5513010 lb #7049

not saying it is but could be notable especially for folk of my generation…… I'm mean we did drugs listening to those bands singing about getting high.

Good potential to wake moar of those still asleep, another part of their lives they reminisce about…. was all a big mother flucking lie AND how far back it goes (and beyond)

ANOTHER MIND FUK of the millennia


FLOTUS = Melania

A new Millennia

FITS IF POTUS is a TIME TRAVELER for names that represent something to do with time….. long expanses of time

7f8a7f  No.5513730


I'm ready for a civil war at this point. I have family members complaining about illegals but won't do a damn thing about it. I.e.: my aunt says ICE came into the plant she works at and the owner told illegals to stay home (must have known ahead of time). Once ICE was gone the illegals came back to work. She could have called ICE to have them come back and given names.

I didn't press her but somehow it couldn't have been ICE because how could the owner know ahead of time?

5d3cf7  No.5513731

File: f1766699fa94661⋯.gif (394.08 KB, 1755x1914, 585:638, EF415153-85EE-4D70-AC07-12….gif)

Written 2,000 years ago by Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, the Zohar explains all of the secrets of the Bible, the Universe and every aspect of life. The Zohar class is a weekly journey to understand the energy and challenges that will confront us during the week and how we can elevate our consciousness to prevent chaos from occurring in our lives.


b97818  No.5513734

File: 3c99f7ae08898d9⋯.jpeg (36.94 KB, 800x800, 1:1, F38C9B67-A54F-4212-815C-1….jpeg)


Prepare yer anus

0af41e  No.5513736


Why was he killed?

ddb59b  No.5513737


Where do you think they dumped all the refugees for the last two decades.

cbc88b  No.5513738

File: fa956d56489d1fd⋯.png (4.53 MB, 2400x1500, 8:5, Barr-and-Whitaker.png)

Attorney General William Barr Won’t Recuse Himself in Mueller Probe

Attorney General William Barr will not recuse himself from overseeing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election, according to a Justice Department official.

“Following General Barr’s confirmation, senior career ethics officials advised that General Barr should not recuse himself from the special counsel’s investigation. Consistent with that advice, General Barr has decided not to recuse,” DOJ spokesperson Kerri Kupec said in a statement Monday.

The attorney general’s authority over the special counsel is wide-ranging and includes the ability to dictate what details inside the Mueller report are revealed to members of Congress and the public.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the probe due to his contacts with Russia officials during the transition.

Whitaker, who was appointed acting Attorney General following Sessions’ firing, did not rescue himself from the two-year-plus investigation after he was advised there lacked a precedent for the move, Bloomberg reported.

Barr pledged at his January confirmation hearing to protect the probe and release its findings to the public at an appropriate time. “I believe it is vitally important that the special counsel be allowed to complete his investigation,” Barr testified in his prepared remarks. “I believe it is in the best interest of everyone — the president, Congress, and, most importantly, the American people — that this matter be resolved by allowing the special counsel to complete his work.”

However, Barr would not confirm whether he would recuse himself from overseeing Mueller, telling lawmakers he would seek counsel from Justice Department officials regarding the matter.

The announcement comes as rumors regarding the report’s release date continue to swirl. Last month, the Justice Department told NBC News Barr will not receive the final report in the immediate future, despite various media reports indicating otherwise.

Meanwhile, a legal fight over what details in the report will be released has begun brewing. House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told ABC’s This Week recently that he will subpoena the report to make both it and the “underlying evidence” public.

“If you take the position that the president cannot be indicted and the only remedy for improper, illegal, or other conduct is impeachment, then you cannot withhold that information from Congress,” Schiff told anchor George Stephanopoulos. “That cannot be allowed to be the case. Bill Barr has committed in his testimony to making as much of the report public as he can, and the regulations will make it all. And we insist on it becoming public.”

The Justice Department’s announcement also comes as the Senate Intelligence Committee moves to wrap up its investigation into possible collusion. NBC News, citing Democrats and Republicans, reported the panel’s two-year probe has yet to uncover “direct evidence” of “conspiracy” between Trump campaign officials and the Kremlin. However, the report claims lawmakers are at odds “along party lines when it comes to the implications of a pattern of contacts” members of the two parties had before and after the Democrat National Committee’s emails were hacked.

“If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don’t have anything that would suggest there was collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia,” Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) told CBS News.



a3f5d0  No.5513739

File: 1e1bdc90d4146a9⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 589x315, 589:315, 1a.JPG)


3ba904  No.5513740

File: e8ff10bddfeabc2⋯.jpg (171.24 KB, 612x459, 4:3, damn_it_pay_attention.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, 0001Q_goy_warning.jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, 001Q_goy_warning.jpg)

49268c  No.5513741


^^^^^^^^ classic mossad shill

He will post articles to seem anon but then attax anything posted about his (((handlers))). Mossad shills have used this same recipe for awhile now and it’s getting stale. This faggot was posting gay porn and gore 6 months ago… and posting toots 2 months ago. Now here he is, trying hard to seem anon while obviously glowing as (((anon))).

8bdd9c  No.5513743


Tears well Anon "God Bless"

4f121c  No.5513745

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Antartica and 8th floor NSA

6e401c  No.5513746

Time to archive Anons.

I think things are going dark on 3/6/19.

b14884  No.5513747

File: 171fd56d4df6bea⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 600x323, 600:323, 600px-RC2-M16-2.jpg)

File: 63e98df794d91ad⋯.jpg (185.81 KB, 1030x714, 515:357, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: ecf18f68a102c7b⋯.jpg (90.58 KB, 800x534, 400:267, Blog_SelfDefenseWeapon_Web….jpg)

File: b02c4a877da2f3e⋯.jpg (234.83 KB, 960x858, 160:143, wqfwylzbanh01.jpg)

File: 8155b4b85e0bc1e⋯.jpg (138.69 KB, 800x430, 80:43, gun-family-2.jpg)

6eeb9d  No.5513749

>>5513052 (pb)

Okay, I did some digging on CASA after seeing this for the Athens, Tennessee branch:


Pedo red shoe gala in a poor part of Tn. That couldn't end badly….

So, CASA, aside from having a very heart-to-heart logo, is a advocacy group for abused children. Volunteers go through a lot of training to become Guardian Ad Leitems, which is a court appointed person to advocate in a child's best interest.


They represent these kids in court and are the ones who broker the deals of where they go after they're removed from an abusive home.

So the pedos get people in the casa group to find kids already broken enough to have premade alters, funnel them into homes where they can be prepped for satanic ritual abuse, and since it's all done via the courts, it's legal. Since they are the GAL, they are also a legal wall between the kids and the authorities, and then they let everyone know by holding a red shoe gala so they can wear their victims on their feet while smiling and continuing the cycle.

Q was right, these people are SICK.

f9ed7c  No.5513750

File: 8039df22ac5260d⋯.gif (165.08 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, hollywood people.gif)

d597da  No.5513751


Certain "Jews".

They've called them "Esoteric 'Jews'".

5e7517  No.5513752


Could be anon!!

Public comms prevent.

Switch private_reg_C.

FS on incoming.


Prevent public communications

Switch to private from regular class or vice versa (on a plane flight)

Felix Sater on incoming flight??

Didn't somebody mention a GITMO flight during the time?

5ce207  No.5513753

File: b1ac1db79904eba⋯.png (56.92 KB, 561x280, 561:280, Donald J. Trump on Twitter….png)

New POTUS Tweet


3ba904  No.5513754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I think this is already required viewing, on the jew-hating-board though.

>Have fun there, shill.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

5e5ddb  No.5513755

File: f70da7317f94d77⋯.jpg (862.27 KB, 1920x1122, 320:187, F35-actionable.jpg)

b7b2bd  No.5513756

File: fe5ce1b3e820d5a⋯.jpg (425.33 KB, 1440x1189, 1440:1189, Screenshot_20190304-233307….jpg)



a731c3  No.5513757

>>5513415 (lb)

If Michael Steinbach was telling the truth (unlikely) the FBI was negligent and grossly incompetent.

b0d3f3  No.5513758


He read my Clancy post ,kek

7d7784  No.5513760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reminder for all reminder anons.

7f8a7f  No.5513761


Q said the evidence will be overwhelming and the Democrats will have no choice.

FYI: Don't feel like digging up the post.

d66ed3  No.5513763

File: a190bfe95d4fd40⋯.png (147.9 KB, 364x466, 182:233, 2019-02-18_22-14-13.png)

d6942d  No.5513765

New DJT tweet ends with, "A DARK DAY FOR ISRAEL" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3ba904  No.5513766

File: 9d01eeba417332e⋯.jpg (236.81 KB, 610x457, 610:457, stupid_fucking_goy.jpg)

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)


>Certain "Jews".

>They've called them "Esoteric 'Jews'".

b0d3f3  No.5513767


Tesla numbers 369

dc635c  No.5513768

File: 8dcfe2722e6664c⋯.jpg (124.39 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wtrothbb.jpg)

35e66a  No.5513769


Maxine of the mad variety.

cbc88b  No.5513770

File: 916952b93885f32⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1200x944, 75:59, ObergruppenFuhrer.png)

e44adb  No.5513771


Haven't since I learned about the corruption of all these big businesses.

25377b  No.5513772


Why you so sad? Tell us what's bothering you. We can help.

a53642  No.5513773


Car accident, weather it happened or made to happen??? There's some pretty good U-tubes about it easy to find…

75120a  No.5513774


You don't go to them

They come to you


497afd  No.5513775

Black coffee, eyes open.

More facts, less hoping.

The comms were broken.

Lies were spoken.

Now msm is over, Anons #2.

Anons PRAY 4 POTUS & Q.

Hussein / LIGHT = PAIN.

twt like crazy, make it rain.

Who has the power?

When will be the hour?

Wake up America, help the Anons.

Together = win.

89b1df  No.5513776


Do mochas count?

c4e740  No.5513777


They'll have 50 back up plans to ensure that there's enough voter fraud to cross the finish line. Guaranteed.

00f928  No.5513778

File: 4368b1893f9afc9⋯.jpeg (93.24 KB, 300x539, 300:539, Divine Mercy.jpeg)

cbc88b  No.5513779

File: c7131fa87c29d1c⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 722x500, 361:250, MuhJewShills2.jpg)

File: 5414e900ce91431⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 1200x536, 150:67, Unity_notDivision.jpg)

File: eb133e59f6baa30⋯.jpg (127.99 KB, 960x720, 4:3, MuhJewShills4.jpg)

0af41e  No.5513780


Yea, but citizens still outnumber them, right?

a7887d  No.5513781

File: 4369ee6fdc79475⋯.jpg (45.64 KB, 250x313, 250:313, IMG_1330.JPG)


Indictment for Big Jim?

a39f7a  No.5513782

File: a05caae3dcdbaf7⋯.png (2.28 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 79B8095D-8280-40DA-A3C8-A1….png)

Her next job

ed394c  No.5513783

File: 66f196e18c59a32⋯.png (203.52 KB, 472x388, 118:97, Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)

fa2402  No.5513784

File: 00911211aebafb3⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 261x254, 261:254, 1548482914830.jpg)

>>5512813 (pb)

Not running for President. But will she be a running mate?

Then, Arkancide?

9b7822  No.5513785

File: 00ae5a3dc417a22⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 209x209, 1:1, hug.jpg)


Condolences anon.

48d820  No.5513786

File: ea0eb6391e406cc⋯.png (514.61 KB, 741x568, 741:568, 15000054840850.png)


under fire

71814d  No.5513787


Apart from it's always time to archive, what makes you think march 6th?

acca38  No.5513789

File: 1cfc2a896596568⋯.jpg (132.67 KB, 640x360, 16:9, mad-maxine.jpg)

3ba904  No.5513790


Die in a fire, baby killer.

ba3259  No.5513791

File: f3913028df42577⋯.png (1.42 MB, 2138x2164, 1069:1082, cnnpc.png)

File: 650c985aa6da217⋯.jpg (70.46 KB, 928x523, 928:523, cnnsucks.jpg)

Memetastic Billboard in Enemy Territory - Hollywood

We need more of this Anons. Jeff Zucker, CEO, CNNPC "because OrangeManBad". Fucking master trolling.


A group of conservative street artists reportedly erected an anti-CNN billboard Friday directly across the street from the network’s office building in Hollywood.

The billboard, which is no longer up, read “Keep Korea divided” and featured a photo of CNN President Jeff Zucker with the title “CEO, CNNPC.” CNN was also dubbed the “Communist News Network”on the billboard.

According to The Hollywood Reporter (THR), the billboard was created by conservative street art group “The Faction” in response to CNN’s coverage of President Donald Trump’s second nuclear summit with North Korea.

“When Trump speaks glowingly of Kim Jong Un it’s a tactic,” a member of The Faction told THR. “Zucker and his journo-activists know this, but are more than willing to try to torpedo the summit — the future of the long-suffering North and South Korean people be damned.”

The president met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Hanoi, Vietnam last week to discuss a potential denuclearization deal. During a press conference at the conclusion of the summit, Trump told reporters that Kim assured him he had no prior knowledge of the torture of American college student Otto Warmbier, who was imprisoned by the regime in 2016. (RELATED: Otto Warmbier’s Parents Blame Kim’s ‘Evil Regime’ For Son’s Death After Trump Denies Direct Responsibility)

“He felt badly about it,” Trump said about Kim. “I did speak to him. He felt very badly. He knew the case very well but he knew it later, and you know, you’ve got a lot of people, a big country, a lot of people and in those prisons … But he tells me, he tells me that he didn’t know about it and I will take him at his word.”

CNN slammed Trump for his comments. They seemed to strike a softer tone on North Korea during the 2018 Winter Olympics, during which they fawned over Kim’s sister.

CNN did not comment on the billboard.


6d7d44  No.5513792



2f40ce  No.5513793


a few months ago commented that I did not know what the older generation would be moar upset about. faul or all of this shit.

still think that is going to rock world's

beaf51  No.5513794


>>5513502 White House press pool report, POTUS sched for 3/5

>>5513507 London man reportedly cured of HIV virus

>>5513510 FLOTUS at Microsoft

>>5513531 Minecraftanons loving the Notch

>>5513640 GOP is MIA

>>5513550 Anon rolls a 50 talkin about Q post 50

>>5513538 Hill.com blog on QAnon book climbs Amazon chart

>>5513756 New DJT - dark day for Israel

>>5513567 Anon wondered if the McCathy/McCarthy was related to Times of Israel misspelling.

27fe34  No.5513795

File: 8bc7de6cd8eaa93⋯.png (2.94 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 16CCA2F6-D23F-4814-943D-E1….png)

File: f04ce629fbbcd2c⋯.png (931.82 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 330740E3-4F4A-496B-8322-AA….png)

Google admits they are underpaying men, let the raises begin.


b9c98c  No.5513796


I understand that, it's just so infuriating. I'd like to save the freedom caucus and destroy the rest. Completely worthless twats.

6309e8  No.5513797


God's has my back so fuck you and your death threats.

79a5ca  No.5513798

File: 2fd05bdb77e2d94⋯.jpg (100.25 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, mints.jpg)

0af41e  No.5513799


ty, anon.

4f121c  No.5513800

File: bc75bd680730f8c⋯.jpg (134.15 KB, 960x774, 160:129, trust meme.jpg)

804ab9  No.5513801

File: 44789ab07d31989⋯.jpg (50.37 KB, 1436x1185, 1436:1185, 2019-03-04_23-33-17_img.jpg)

File: 1385326d14125fa⋯.jpg (139.99 KB, 880x968, 10:11, 2019-01-16_23-13-10_img.jpg)

Night shift is upon us and the sky brews with tension. …

ef19d0  No.5513802

File: 578e162c96ac5a2⋯.jpg (29.53 KB, 480x483, 160:161, facefraud.jpg)

75120a  No.5513803

File: 5e767d5ae56f70b⋯.jpg (225.28 KB, 900x493, 900:493, 187cc34069ebb72a9720d60c54….jpg)


Shes a beaut

134dfc  No.5513804

File: 9b0076e03ab29ee⋯.png (45.28 KB, 496x197, 496:197, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)

File: 54cc4be3b6d0636⋯.png (62.45 KB, 629x279, 629:279, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)

File: d50c753810bcc8b⋯.png (155.11 KB, 656x375, 656:375, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)


Gives even greater credence to the McCathy spelling error earlier.


Now what is POTUS trying to tell us?

ac5cd1  No.5513805

File: 74464555f01fb51⋯.jpg (290.54 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Joe-McCarthy.jpg)

bf0f27  No.5513806

File: 4c1b19971dcf6fa⋯.png (492.3 KB, 1914x929, 1914:929, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f73481fa3195d9⋯.png (12.89 KB, 687x198, 229:66, ClipboardImage.png)



POTUS:"I like my ACTINGS!"

POTUS revokes Hussein EO 13762 (Hussein put in place Jan 13, 2017, before leaving office)

POTUS signs EO 13775, (same day Sessions is confirmed, Feb 9, 2017)

Changes order of succession


(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of this order, the President retains discretion, to the extent permitted by law, to depart from this order in designating an acting Attorney General.



49268c  No.5513807

File: bb0f37c682b3a57⋯.jpeg (585.52 KB, 1242x1297, 1242:1297, B128EC6F-2F84-4D64-822D-7….jpeg)

File: ae0abd40afedede⋯.png (4.27 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 43E7E409-2830-4408-8E0A-91….png)

File: 3507405ad9d3905⋯.jpeg (1012.8 KB, 966x2208, 7:16, D6D273DC-B8C3-4BBF-8C0D-9….jpeg)

File: 7aec6c8c630e76d⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1016x2208, 127:276, DD3D6A73-3520-416C-80FF-0….jpeg)

File: 95900e49dfb89fa⋯.jpeg (624.36 KB, 1242x1560, 207:260, 21C2317C-9B3D-4642-A42B-3….jpeg)


Yep. Thx for confirming with posting your gay mossad meme. Try harder faggot.

How much does it bother you that Q has named mossad and Jizzrael as the main enemies?

a3235f  No.5513808


>Ben Carson leaving after first term.

That's disappointing!

7f8a7f  No.5513809


People in WI come from a long line of union workers. They think some government benefits are OK to help those truly in need because they think everyone works hard like them. They don't realize that NOT everyone works like them.

Yeah, in influx of refugees and the fact that UW-Madison is over populated with Leftists pulls the state to the Left.

Mostly, they're uninformed. My dad votes D but when I tell him shit about how Dems want to take guns away and let illegals in he gets pissed…then votes D again.

6d3a5d  No.5513810

I'm going to show you how to make a deal. One word. One addict's life. Nothing to hide. SMS. Wait for it. Trust.

2f40ce  No.5513811

File: 7e29bda880c5647⋯.jpg (26.63 KB, 288x234, 16:13, mad maxine 1.jpg)

0af41e  No.5513812


Anon, that motherfucker has been threatening people for days. If it were up to me I would ban his sick ass.

334e23  No.5513813



Who do you think props up these psychopaths?

The capstone

063cee  No.5513814

File: 6436e797c307170⋯.jpg (246.34 KB, 960x654, 160:109, FUCKYOUOPRAH.jpg)

FFS I can't stand Oprah! I am working on an info meme on Oprah's spirit channeling, pedo supplier to weinstein / Geffen / Speilberg. Her sex abuse and dead baby at her school. Pictures with Michael Jackson etc. Promoting John of God an enslaver and baby breeder of girls. How she has the balls to give us MeToo speech and now she is interviewing the victims of Michael Jackson! THIS BITCH HAS GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!

a731c3  No.5513815


Nashville is a hot bed of satanists according to digs months ago.

cbc88b  No.5513816



please add:


0c7add  No.5513817

File: 5a92f125a050e69⋯.jpg (76.02 KB, 423x287, 423:287, 5a9.jpg)


I think you misunderstand my question, anon.

What I'm asking is, is the book even fucking real and will it be available elsewhere OR is it a dirty Bezos trick to find out which Amazon shoppers support Q so they can ban us from Amazon?

a53642  No.5513818


Prayers said yesterday and more to come tonight. God Bless and to him… o7

d03257  No.5513819

File: 5628c42171321cc⋯.png (39.32 KB, 440x850, 44:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2ad9257825767a⋯.png (33.37 KB, 442x838, 221:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 004bb4c31f90343⋯.png (26.61 KB, 441x352, 441:352, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 123a968798285a9⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1177x603, 1177:603, ClipboardImage.png)



Tucker closing alluding to the symbolism in your face but remaining unseen.

Hannity guest:

"Politics ends at the waters edge."

7821c3  No.5513820


>A dark day for Israel


>Dark pattern active.


>[-48] Dark.

2fc482  No.5513821


Wouldn’t it be a dark day for the Democrats? What’s he saying?

2f40ce  No.5513822

File: 88ae8ee7ea2b861⋯.jpg (15.2 KB, 474x248, 237:124, zuckerdouche.jpg)

c106ba  No.5513823

File: d25419dfc42cbcc⋯.jpg (97.04 KB, 960x540, 16:9, wartimeconsigliere.jpg)


>wartime consigliere

At least he was.

063cee  No.5513824


Any help Anons with any other info I can add to info against this satanic witch? No pics with her and abromovich

6309e8  No.5513825

So if the Rothschild own Israel and the US Gov are loyal to Israel first do they own the US to??????

5ce207  No.5513826


The creator of your consciousness and answer to all of those weekly challenges was also written about 2,000 years ago. Yeshua/Jesus

fdb5cc  No.5513827




4a31a3  No.5513828

File: 97e64208e0adea5⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 480x546, 80:91, 97e64208e0adea5d1b43bdbf4d….jpg)


lulz snagging that one

0af41e  No.5513829


That is sort of the idea I had. Thanks for clarifying.

1e4d09  No.5513830


New Hashtag for Patriots

Make it trend, make it go viral… Time to fight back!!!

f23663  No.5513831


1978 Camp David Accords. Kushner will make it obsolete.

cbc88b  No.5513832

d443c8  No.5513833


Key on the pic. I had the camper. I can still smell the plastic/vinyl.

43062e  No.5513834

File: 145e44c9288718e⋯.png (32.47 KB, 245x140, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

334e23  No.5513835


He's a dumbass. He thinks the great pyramids were built to store grain!

5d3cf7  No.5513836



Who is eitan yardeni?

You will love this

a39f7a  No.5513837


It took me days of listening to her to figure out she was NOT saying impeach Barney Fife

efbfa8  No.5513838


Wrong as usual copypasta faggot. Go let some steam off, your goat is lonely.

5d98b4  No.5513839

File: 5e2c778d5dc7060⋯.jpg (105.28 KB, 1132x1153, 1132:1153, Whit001.jpg)

833eb2  No.5513840


Alex Jones doesn’t even look like Alex Jones anymore. Time for a replacement nobody will notice.

d03257  No.5513841


Tie to this Q's posts about the Trump card and the symbolism.

6d3a5d  No.5513842

Not one single letter more than needed.

bbbaaf  No.5513843

File: b74ca7950ec01af⋯.jpg (26.13 KB, 587x130, 587:130, DJT Dark.JPG)

File: 493301ad3cd7046⋯.jpg (16.09 KB, 451x142, 451:142, Q2965 Dark pattern active.JPG)

3b2227  No.5513844

File: ba09e3677b70694⋯.png (7.82 KB, 255x189, 85:63, fdb1c986440d8380efca551965….png)


for new bread at

Q Research Canada #1 (#2): Lets make The True North Strong and Free Again


6d7d44  No.5513845

File: 0f481ae72e5c3d2⋯.png (466.89 KB, 1024x438, 512:219, downfall2.png)

File: 7a98da98062a3b5⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 3872x2200, 44:25, Sword of the Spirit.jpg)

8bdd9c  No.5513846


He was considered the most powerful man on earth the younger generation they needed someone to promote LSD he wouldn't

comply that's why all the anger between the rest THEY Knew

a7887d  No.5513847

File: a14e983be18126f⋯.jpg (73.65 KB, 450x450, 1:1, IMG_1499.JPG)

167bd0  No.5513848


Ahhh i see….is available in print so i would think it probably is available outside amazon but who knows.

d443c8  No.5513849


Um….maybe because there will be no department to oversee after 2020?

43062e  No.5513850

File: a76e387d815650f⋯.png (102.77 KB, 600x533, 600:533, interdasting.png)



cbc88b  No.5513851

a731c3  No.5513852


The book is real.

833eb2  No.5513853


Prevent chaos, yet we are basically worshipping the god of chaos here?

49268c  No.5513854


IP hop much mossad?

ddb59b  No.5513855


Depends on the city. Minnesotastan, Michiganistan, soak up resources and call you racist for asking where your tax dollars go.

7821c3  No.5513856


Baker, consider adding link to @DJT notable:

It's a self-nom, but anons might like to see the way Q referenced "dark" earlier today in relation to this twat. TY!


>>5513756 New DJT - dark day for Israel

>>5513756, >>5513820 New DJT - dark day for Israel

8a1132  No.5513857



Q! Now in book form!

It's as ridiculous as it sounds.

Question is, who is paying whom for this venture?

d57a2b  No.5513858

File: 718fdcd03c91f4d⋯.png (62.65 KB, 378x357, 18:17, DD3DC0DC-F66A-4428-AE30-8C….png)



3ba904  No.5513859

File: 7da98b7b4b59036⋯.png (7.52 KB, 144x151, 144:151, listen_goy.png)


>So if the Rothschild own Israel and the US Gov are loyal to Israel first do they own the US to??????

6e401c  No.5513860


Always, true.

Seems obvious to me.

>>5508361 (Qpb)

>[-48] Dark.


I was thinking that too. o7

5d3cf7  No.5513861


No disagreement there anon.

This Zohar and Kabbalah stuff is important to understand in order to gauge our current situation.

Houston, we have a problem…

7d7784  No.5513862

File: 5e1754acf41f5a8⋯.jpg (100.38 KB, 620x350, 62:35, unhinged.jpg)



d66ed3  No.5513863

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

f55990  No.5513864

File: 330900667d453b2⋯.jpg (58.76 KB, 857x533, 857:533, 0c4963873ef4e74f8a0d475870….jpg)

a7887d  No.5513865

File: add13d89e74d59b⋯.jpg (84.37 KB, 800x450, 16:9, IMG_1467.JPG)

03e75e  No.5513866


I do not know why people the world over insist on supporting their enemies…

Then they wonder Where is God, when it's their own choices that bring about their doom.

dc635c  No.5513867

File: fda4a63420ce8e8⋯.jpg (121.09 KB, 500x557, 500:557, wtrothl.jpg)

75120a  No.5513868


Thats amazing!

Also, shit! I know what mutation that is…..

Going into hiding now

Stay away from Molly, kids

89e229  No.5513869

File: 16f348d752dadf2⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1059x669, 353:223, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)

And we wonder why earth looks like hell when these are our "headliners" and "talent."

adbf43  No.5513870

File: de0009c9452d408⋯.png (330.56 KB, 797x429, 797:429, ajmossad.png)


The persona "Alex Jones" is figuratively dead.

I'm not suggesting AJ is Hicks, or anyone else, but he sure as shit is giving Mudd a run for the shekel.

cbc88b  No.5513871

File: 47004384f4119ec⋯.jpg (8.07 KB, 236x179, 236:179, Mason01.jpg)

File: fb54d7df3ad935c⋯.jpg (48.07 KB, 644x415, 644:415, mason06.jpg)

File: d49dd3131ff2514⋯.jpg (38.19 KB, 629x346, 629:346, mason08.jpg)

File: 75e0ee3e9971d9c⋯.jpg (116.95 KB, 600x350, 12:7, MASONS1.jpg)

File: 506e1e7236e5de2⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 460x307, 460:307, order3.jpg)

7f29a7  No.5513872

Does anyone else get the sense that the left is trying to rile up their base to be willing to fight for them when it all comes out?

It just seems more and more that when the mass arrests happen that the left and the msm is trying to get their NPC base to rise up and start a civil war against the trump admin.

Wife thought I was crazy when I tried to go through contingency plans to prepare for this last night. She doesn’t get Q and prefers the blue pill.

Any anons thinking that we should be preparing for an attack from the left when the truth is revealed? How many people will try to start a fight alongside the cabal? I don’t see these people going down without a fight and they have brainwashed people to join them.

Am I overthinking this all and paranoid like the wife thinks I am? Or are other anons preparing for the worst as well?

204f06  No.5513873


indeed! what's left of me is with you guys. Much love and prayers. For what it's worth.

833eb2  No.5513874


It’s ok to question “reality”. It’s very subjective and technically projected.

48709b  No.5513875

File: d401a27b074803e⋯.jpg (22.92 KB, 440x300, 22:15, ChuckLovesRobert02.jpg)

File: 7f89260d6438d71⋯.png (689.7 KB, 694x473, 694:473, Question1.png)

File: 209a62303cac66c⋯.png (710.08 KB, 694x473, 694:473, Question2.png)

2fc482  No.5513876


Second notable

38e59a  No.5513877

File: 5467db25f93a13f⋯.png (741.06 KB, 1193x782, 1193:782, ClipboardImage.png)

weird stuff on POTUS twitter acount…

is that russian?

what are they trying now?

a731c3  No.5513878


It's above my pay grade anon.

6d9c74  No.5513879


POTUS says she is terrible.

He is trolling.

Bet she is the divisive force needed to split the zionists from the herd.

c106ba  No.5513880

File: f0718953e34d0d9⋯.jpg (110.93 KB, 665x540, 133:108, hiiqracist.jpg)

8a1132  No.5513881


>How many times has that pic been posted as "Muh HUSSEIN"???

You mean it's not this time? Usually just scroll on by. Is it part of the "R" thang now?

27fe34  No.5513882

File: b71b292695bf318⋯.png (2.76 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 5D5E4ADB-56FB-4CA1-9E1B-4F….png)

File: 715f08cf9e7187f⋯.png (1.93 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E4186337-7472-45C2-A3E4-BD….png)

Did we catch this?

22 year old Google software engineer found dead at his desk.


d60086  No.5513883

File: 54b7031613d686a⋯.jpg (46.85 KB, 921x358, 921:358, D0ce_HxUYAA4LYX.jpg)

beaf51  No.5513884



well checkemms anon


>>5513502 White House press pool report, POTUS sched for 3/5

>>5513507 London man reportedly cured of HIV virus

>>5513510 FLOTUS at Microsoft

>>5513531 Minecraftanons loving the Notch

>>5513640 GOP is MIA

>>5513538 Hill.com blog on QAnon book climbs Amazon chart

>>5513756 New DJT - dark day for Israel

>>5513567 Anon wondered if the McCathy/McCarthy was related to Times of Israel misspelling.

>>5513791 keks, Dank Billboard in Hollywood

>>5513738 Barr Won’t Recuse, legal fight over what details to release brewing

>>5513666 digits confirm HRC prob lyin

0af41e  No.5513885


If all this is true, I wonder where they found such a closely matched look-alike.

b343cc  No.5513886

File: 7922c9b97436089⋯.jpg (137.31 KB, 1401x788, 1401:788, loretta-lynch-amnesia-unde….jpg)

I can't recall.

b50055  No.5513887


Go Bless you, and yours Anon.

Freedom is not free, but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

Ned Dolan

3ba904  No.5513888

File: b7abe2d78d15761⋯.jpg (216.77 KB, 935x710, 187:142, Satanic-Sabbatean-Frankist….jpg)

2dfbeb  No.5513889

File: 26a7f5bf7ac4ce6⋯.png (80.93 KB, 810x482, 405:241, DJT 03-04-19.png)

File: 7d71b3144da9e61⋯.png (29.99 KB, 957x292, 957:292, Q2965.png)

Looking pretty Dark, anons.

d57a2b  No.5513890


Noteable cause its so kek worthy!!

374cd9  No.5513891

File: deb0df0bcfaebe6⋯.jpg (51.34 KB, 610x500, 61:50, 2v8gc7.jpg)

File: 999c88016ffb82e⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 633x500, 633:500, 2v8gmz.jpg)

Get your popcorn… It's almost time for the FISA movie…

e78feb  No.5513892


New moon.

e5bb43  No.5513894

File: 2d030ea092a7859⋯.png (441.96 KB, 729x1199, 729:1199, ClipboardImage.png)





USAF B-52H TOXIN01 departed Andersen AFB, Guam. Currently conducting a mission in the East China Sea and Sea of Japan.

USAF KC-135R 58-0123 BAKED21 provided tanker support from Kadena AB, Okinawa.

11:24 PM - 4 Mar 2019

Replying to @AircraftSpots

That long stretch where the icon is lines up with Nampo and most of the Pyongyang area. Possibly Rifling off practice JASM-ERs, CHAMPS, or ALCMs?

11:41 PM - 4 Mar 2019

7c7df3  No.5513895


This is an interesting tweet. No reason for it to be a dark day for Israel.

So what else would cause darkness for Israel?

f23663  No.5513896

File: 9a6792310297703⋯.gif (502.27 KB, 500x225, 20:9, BlondieNods.gif)

833eb2  No.5513897


Love love love this. It’s like a beautiful symphony.

75120a  No.5513898

File: d14087a329073c2⋯.jpg (21.62 KB, 255x241, 255:241, cd3732b78ccc283f04923d08d6….jpg)


That tactic has no power here

48d820  No.5513899

File: f6289583814c73f⋯.jpg (96.04 KB, 900x900, 1:1, f6289583814c73f983c5810cf8….jpg)

5d3cf7  No.5513900


Page 188 in Trumps book

The way to the top

Look it up, if you can find it

d60086  No.5513901


When is this from?

fa81b8  No.5513902


Your dad sounds just like my father in law in Iowa. A younger version of him would never vote Dem, but it's like some kind of irrational home team loyalty with him.

73ee5a  No.5513903

The tarmak meeting.

the little black box records everything

for how long?

were those recordings taken?

do we have everything?

will we know?

just curious.

ce3708  No.5513904


somewhere in between anon

bad shit will habben

but it wont be total chaos

if the plan is as good as we believe the evidence will persuade most they have been lied to

8a1132  No.5513905


>9 years ago Hillary said she would never run for president again.

Pointing this out makes you part of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

79a5ca  No.5513906

File: e44e2e3407da3a0⋯.jpeg (13.08 KB, 255x252, 85:84, pepegrin.jpeg)


If I hadn't lived in Atlanta 15yrs, I would NEVER have figured it out.

5ce207  No.5513907




Ominous. Interdasting how these extreme Dems are taking the heat for bringing to light things that need to be said. Trump brings all kinds of added attention to it under the guise of "criticizing" the "terrible comments" (that are largely accurate). Perhaps "dark" because the light is about to shine on some of Israel's largely-concealed evil acts against us. "under fire" ominous for various potential reasons.

c6849d  No.5513908


Trump and Q are finally getting to the darkie problem.

ea397d  No.5513909


He didn't get to his coffee in time.

1e4d09  No.5513910


>ex-Microsoft anon here

While all tech companies are evil in some way, Microsoft has led the free speech push in tech companies. They realize they need conservatives. They hire everyone if they're skilled.

I never was forced to keep my beliefs hidden working there.

f23663  No.5513911


there's a video conference recording

beaf51  No.5513912




>>5513502 White House press pool report, POTUS sched for 3/5

>>5513507 London man reportedly cured of HIV virus

>>5513510 FLOTUS at Microsoft

>>5513531 Minecraftanons loving the Notch

>>5513640 GOP is MIA

>>5513538 Hill.com blog on QAnon book climbs Amazon chart

>>5513756, >>5513820 New DJT - dark day for Israel

>>5513567 Anon wondered if the McCathy/McCarthy was related to Times of Israel misspelling.

>>5513791 keks, Dank Billboard in Hollywood

>>5513738 Barr Won’t Recuse, legal fight over what details to release brewing

>>5513666 digits confirm HRC prob lyin

cbc88b  No.5513913

File: 34361e0ff89bdbc⋯.jpg (52.28 KB, 438x225, 146:75, 33mason_albert_pike_lucife….jpg)

edb1b6  No.5513914

File: 246615b2eb4b5bb⋯.jpg (34.43 KB, 657x527, 657:527, pepe-surprise.jpg)


dark day for Israel =?= dark pattern active

b9c98c  No.5513915


What on the actual fuck?

d60086  No.5513916


Oh shit, ISREAL is last!!!

c106ba  No.5513917


>Pointing this out makes you part of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

Charter member.

0c779a  No.5513918


“Shadow to Sessions”?

Does that mean he was watching to see if Sessions was a RINO Trojan horse?

Sessions could have predicted that Rosenstein would set up a Special Counsel against the Prez or at least Rosenstein would continue the collusion charade, if Sessions recused himself from Russia matters.

So Sessions set the Prez up intentionally by a default recusal?

0788e9  No.5513919

Maxine sounds drunk. And scared.

8bdd9c  No.5513920


They had a contest across the UK, this guy was primed and stepped right in the role but people noticed and the Fab Three did

everything they could to reveal the hidden veil

03e75e  No.5513921


You know, if the bad guys had the support to which they believe they are entitled, their "base" rising up to anything, like work, might be a problem. Might.

Their base is smart enough to leave them. Which makes them The Biggest Useful Idiots in the History of Man.

6e401c  No.5513922

File: a023ed75780ff36⋯.png (2.43 KB, 94x139, 94:139, ClipboardImage.png)

f9ed7c  No.5513923

File: 0c1a3654d1facf1⋯.jpg (207.86 KB, 866x666, 433:333, DINER.jpg)

dc635c  No.5513924

d93abd  No.5513925

File: 859d707cf0b6324⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 50% failure rate in opioid….JPG)

File: a50a60ca2670dbd⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Suicide drug testing 50% f….JPG)

File: f6e6a55dddcddea⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 576x384, 3:2, End the war on chronic pai….JPG)

File: 648dc11d355d072⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Only you can help us Pres.….JPG)

File: 1d2315b26ce1ab7⋯.jpg (148.35 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Are You Angry Yet obama la….JPG)

The CDC Lied and Chronic Pain Patients are still committing Suicide.

CDC Researchers State Overdose Death Rates From Prescription …

https://www.cato.org/…/cdc-researchers-state-overdose-death-rates-prescription-opioid…by over half.

Perhaps nothing illustrates the folly of government policies better than the rising number of pain sufferers who turn to street heroin because they can no longer get legal medication or commit suicide, to end the pain & political insanity.

End The War on Chronic Pain Patients & Their Physicians. Government restriction of pain treatment (opioids) is driving doctors out of practice & people in agony to the streets for illegal opioids, including suicide. We thought the Obama induced-nightmare would have ended by now

#OpioidCrisis Pain Related SUICIDES associated with forced taper


May 11, 2018 - Ryan Trunzo of Massachusetts committed suicide at the age of 26. … treat his chronic pain after losing access to his pain control doctor and finding …. His widow feels long term pain patients like Doug are examples of horrible …

CDC Report Ignores Suicides of Pain Patients — Pain News Network


Jun 7, 2018 - Substance abuse, physical health problems, and financial, legal or … “Many chronic pain patients left without a doctor or opiate painkillers will …

As doctors taper or end opioid prescriptions, many patients driven to …


Dec 10, 2018 - CDC officials added they are also aware chronic pain sufferers have committed suicide in their struggle to get by with fewer or no opioids.

People in Pain Petition the FDA: Cease, Halt, and Refocus! – National …


Among many other developments in this war on pain patients, the US Food and Drug Administration … Chronic Pain is Not A Competition! ….. I think there definitely needs to be a class action lawsuit against the FDA and all who are involved in …

Dear CDC, Why Are You Torturing Pain Patients? | American Council …


Jun 22, 2017 - I've read many stories about legitimate pain patients being denied … People are suffering in a way that you would never allow for your pet. … The abomination that your agency wrote will be picked to pieces by advocacy groups and lawsuits. … milligram equivalents, to expand exemptions to chronic pain .

Urine Drug Test Often Gives False Results 50% Failure Rate-2015

A urine drug test widely used by pain management and addiction treatment doctors to screen patients for illicit drug use is wrong about half the time – frequently giving false positive or false negative results for drugs like marijuana, oxycodone and methadone.

The “point-of-care” or POC tests come with immunoassay testing strips that use antibodies to detect signs of recent drug use. Physicians like the urine tests because they can be performed in their offices, are inexpensive, and give immediate results. But experts say the tests are wrong so often that no doctor should base a treatment decision solely on the results of one test.

“Immunoassay testing has an extraordinarily high rate of false positives and false negatives as compared to laboratory testing,” said Steve Passik, PhD, Vice President of Research and Advocacy for Millennium Health, which analyzed urine samples from nearly 4,300 POC tests obtained at addiction treatment clinics.The Millennium study was published in The Journal of Opioid Management.

“We always knew it wasn’t as sensitive and we always knew that it didn’t look for specific drugs within a class. But this was revealing in regard to how much it misses, with false negative and false positives rates in 40 to 50 percent in some instances,” said Passik.

“If we were in another area of medicine, let’s say oncology, and you had a tumor marker or a test that you were going to base important treatment decisions on, and it was as inaccurate as immunoassay is, the oncologists would never stand for it.”

Passik says “the word is starting to get out” how inaccurate the immunoassay tests are. But few patients are aware of it and some doctors are still dropping patients from pain management programs after POC tests found illicit or unprescribed drugs in their urine.


cb694c  No.5513926


However, no one spoke up about simply not including superfetch for some reason. Why? I've never once seen it help, only thrash the hard drive.

73ee5a  No.5513927


how do we know?

can you point me there?

43062e  No.5513928

File: 78ee8f9a9c71195⋯.jpg (35.37 KB, 380x261, 380:261, fc4eb7cafd087d0f54c7ac9721….jpg)

38e59a  No.5513929


just now.

74dba4  No.5513930

File: 53aa3f2e5c2f835⋯.gif (284.73 KB, 844x633, 4:3, whitebrotherhood06_02.gif)


An interloper.

Keep your head and watch your LARPS

Some games are dangerous and will lead you to hear HARPS

This is not a game.

LARP elsewhere.

c0f43c  No.5513931

>>5513413 lb

Does'nt matter there all by McOrmic anyway probly, tums tingling!

ac5cd1  No.5513932

File: 259680b79acaf76⋯.jpg (450.21 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, download (1).jpg)

d66ed3  No.5513933

File: 70c0f1ea64b2595⋯.png (61.16 KB, 253x163, 253:163, 2019-01-11_12-30-20 2.png)

0c835b  No.5513934


Why exactly are they telling people before hand? So they don't have to do it? Then report that they didn't find anyone illegal working there. Maybe the military needs to take over they ICE jobs.

a3235f  No.5513935


>He's a dumbass

Ben Carson is a fucking brain surgeon, dumbass!

e78feb  No.5513936




cbc88b  No.5513937



<mason floor

mason symbolism much, shill?


fbe9cf  No.5513938


Agreed, it is a Dark day for Israel because FREEDOM OF SPEECH YO

I no care for Ilhan Omar but she has the FREEDOM to speak her mind. you don't have to agree but Isreal is starting to act like a bunch of Nazi's

14b9f3  No.5513939


Full Moon 3-20

adbf43  No.5513940

File: 2780781afc35287⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 460x460, 1:1, 2780781afc35287dd558bc0f04….gif)


I'll take shoop Alex, for $500

f2fb08  No.5513941


Who buys a book in the middle of the story?

0af41e  No.5513942


During the depression, my grandfather was out of work with no prospects. Because of the FDR's WPA he worked on all kinds of major projects and was able to feed his family.

My grandmother remained loyal to the Dems until her death. I don't think she would be so happy with what is going on now.

4a31a3  No.5513943

File: d8e0090045ef289⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1022x951, 1022:951, d8e0090045ef289452ac9548a8….png)

b9c98c  No.5513944

Did you guys know that Eric Bolings son who died of fentanyl was not a drug addict, but he bought a Valium on the street that was laced with fentanyl?

Really sad.

a53642  No.5513945


Your settings on the twat page are probably set to Russian..happened to me once. Should be able to reset to English

e74f18  No.5513946

File: 1b28d6dff3fd037⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 236x233, 236:233, 1a1186d01e7a41a8cc3d7e19c2….jpg)

File: 4f2af84eec42479⋯.jpg (15.7 KB, 236x362, 118:181, 92afe1a8da9785baa942cb410c….jpg)

File: 73f957e24b4d74d⋯.png (228.11 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, HCC_Marine_Q_Alpha.png)

File: dd1d314eadb9525⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Lord is My Shepherd Q.jpg)


I was praying anon. I hope he didn't suffer tremendously. God Bless You. If you need a friend please reach out. We love you anon.

d57a2b  No.5513947


Some bigg tiddies and a big bottom

8a1132  No.5513948


Grandma jr. now…BEDTIME

48d820  No.5513949


harry potter fans

b7b2bd  No.5513950


Baker notable

79a5ca  No.5513951

File: d811dc6a395c1d4⋯.jpg (23.7 KB, 440x300, 22:15, cucktodd.jpg)

b0d3f3  No.5513952


Showing normal on droid whatcha on?

25377b  No.5513953


Congress has nothing to do with it. Enforcing law is rested with the Executive.

4b4d18  No.5513954

File: c8b09805d286037⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


It's fine now.

d03257  No.5513955




Morning sun brings the heat?

There's a New Moon on the 6th.

Think mirror?

74671f  No.5513956

a731c3  No.5513957


Looks like a male

d93abd  No.5513958

File: b54912d545c0a31⋯.jpg (156.37 KB, 576x384, 3:2, cdc certified bull shit fu….JPG)

File: d77071da3c9f76b⋯.jpg (190.93 KB, 576x384, 3:2, DEFUND THE CDC & FDA Just ….JPG)

File: 215efc9d7d5a042⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 576x384, 3:2, We're just as fake as cnn ….JPG)

File: 859d707cf0b6324⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 50% failure rate in opioid….JPG)

File: 1d2315b26ce1ab7⋯.jpg (148.35 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Are You Angry Yet obama la….JPG)


The CDC Lied and Chronic Pain Patients are still committing Suicide.

CDC Researchers State Overdose Death Rates From Prescription …

https://www.cato.org/…/cdc-researchers-state-overdose-death-rates-prescription-opioid…by over half

Mar 22, 2018 - CDC Researchers State Overdose Death Rates From Prescription … They called the prescription opioid overdose rate “significantly inflated.”.

Heart disease: 635,260

Cancer: 598,038

lung cancer in NEVER SMOKERS would rank among the most common causes of cancer mortality in the U.S.

Accidents (unintentional injuries): 161,374

Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 154,596

Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 142,142

Alzheimer’s disease: 116,103

Diabetes: 80,058

Influenza and Pneumonia: 51,537

Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,046

Intentional self-harm (suicide): 44,965

Chronic Liver Disease/Cirrhosis: 40,545

Motor vehicle Deaths 40,100

Unintentional fall deaths: 34,673

Antibiotic Resistant Infections: 23,000

Alcoholic liver disease deaths: 21,815

Physician Prescribed Opioids: 17,029 (could even be lower)

Per CDC…

A US survey, combining data from 2002 to 2006, found that an annual average of 593,000 teens aged 12 to 17 had used inhalants for the first time in the year before they took the survey.

More than 22.9 million Americans have experimented with inhalants at some point in their lives.

One state in the US averaged more than 3,800 emergency room visits and 450 hospitalizations a year due to inhalant poisonings, according to statistics released in 2008.


This could end tomorrow with an executive order to exclude chronic pain suffers or Chronic Pain Patients receiving any FEDERAL Aid… from any CDC (no evidence to support this nonsense by PROP) guidelines that were taken into account by Medical Inst., States, etc.

All FEDERAL Subsidized Medical programs will exclude chronic pain patients and their physicians from the absurd insane barbaric rules, drug testing, PROP insane controlled substances limits and replace levels/scheduling back to 2000 levels.

We thought the Obama induced nightmare would have ended by now!

End the Insanity!

b14884  No.5513959

File: 5fc8214b4eddcfa⋯.jpg (342.9 KB, 1325x814, 1325:814, bye-crooked-hillary.jpg)

At what stage in the game do you play the TRUMP card?


87d19a  No.5513960

File: 4c57428fb56b5f2⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1086x965, 1086:965, shutitdown.PNG)



6fd79f  No.5513961


it's a slide

ea397d  No.5513962


looks like a bowling pin.

30f2f7  No.5513963

File: b8b1c9df0cfe6b2⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 487x235, 487:235, 65 YRS OF repeating histor….jpg)

File: 472fa87d35587af⋯.jpg (29.55 KB, 534x347, 534:347, HANNITY.jpg)

Sean Hannity nailed this meme tonight on his show.

b0d3f3  No.5513964


Dat timestamp

cb694c  No.5513965


A foreign nation stealing our money to wage wars of aggression is a major problem. "Nazis" is a gross understatement. They're so obsessed with ending the world they made a breeding program to make the red calf they need to do it. Omar's a fucking idiot though.

cbc88b  No.5513966


Prayed for you and yours, fren.

God bless your family.

Be strong.

fe518c  No.5513967

File: b40114b936f6f9f⋯.jpg (3.52 MB, 3313x7508, 3313:7508, Alex_Jones_Modus_Operandi_….jpg)

27fe34  No.5513968

File: 806801ddc6cf537⋯.png (1.02 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F0C7F814-0453-4BA6-91A4-61….png)

File: 8a094e6dda3835b⋯.png (926.7 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8F7B457A-CA73-401C-84B1-65….png)

File: 039af73ef3897a7⋯.png (3.15 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 51AE891C-4C74-410B-B39B-A8….png)

Ben Carson leaving when first term is over.


c572b8  No.5513969

File: 2039c936e691bda⋯.png (390.48 KB, 570x512, 285:256, ClipboardImage.png)


LMT is a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Q was gettin' the hour long package but only got 48 minutes..

0196f4  No.5513970


>Hey Frens, this is off topic but anon needs some help. Was just diagnosed with gall bladder disease. Cursory reading online suggests very few to no natural or homeopathic remedies. Naturally I'd like to avoid surgery if possible.

>Just wondering if there are any anons that have info to help in this regard? My apologies for shitting up the bread. Thanks!



7f29a7  No.5513971


Good point anon.

Now I have a little 7 month old daughter my world has changed. I worry probably more than I should.

318b80  No.5513972


Trump is fanning the flames.

8a5515  No.5513973

This might be related to cures incoming


Anons should watch it

I hope Q is monitoring us (glad I gave up porn, lol), so they would pay attention to this too.

The standard of care practice of medicine requires doctors to give the dictated method of care, even if they know it will cause harm to the patient.

25377b  No.5513974


It 32 degrees in the Heart of Dixie.

a53642  No.5513975


Ahhh..right you are

a7887d  No.5513976

File: 1b621f0cb4d05c8⋯.jpg (57.69 KB, 663x373, 663:373, IMG_1422.JPG)


"Don't make me angry…"

6d7d44  No.5513977

File: 01db7a17bbbd071⋯.jpg (177.61 KB, 1019x637, 1019:637, China2.jpg)

7c7df3  No.5513978


I think you are taking it too literally.

adbf43  No.5513979


Was he found with them shoved up his ass for absolutely no valid reason?

8bdd9c  No.5513980


The Fallen One - NO Shit - Serious Habbenings we cant imagine Anon

59c785  No.5513981


Yes there is. Someone in the US congress they don’t own who is telling the truth.

a731c3  No.5513982


FDR was a commie/globalist who set up Pearl Harbour and gave nuclear weapons to Russia to usher in the Cold War.

c106ba  No.5513983


In other words, no happy ending.

0af41e  No.5513984


What are you talking about? Congress enacts laws.

03e75e  No.5513985


Mannequin came to mind.

Dime store variety.

d03257  No.5513986

File: 3aff2db8f3e1161⋯.png (37.09 KB, 500x502, 250:251, howtoembed101.png)


So embed it.

We no likey rick-rolls.

ce3708  No.5513987


actually she is very lucky

she will grow up in a much better world than we did

carry on fren

73c65c  No.5513988


What about it?

76d8d3  No.5513989

File: 3b03eada9bed1d4⋯.jpg (124.53 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream2.jpg)


what can it mean

what can it mean


810c75  No.5513990

File: f620c2549781ebf⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1024x803, 1024:803, f620c2549781ebf5c9f505287f….png)

(our guy) Ben Garrison drawing Pepe!

b9c98c  No.5513991


Nope. Just one pill. Didn't wake up.

a731c3  No.5513992

b0d3f3  No.5513993


It's chemical warfare imo

48d820  No.5513994

File: bd9ae25ec5f9ed1⋯.png (71.2 KB, 300x494, 150:247, socrates.png)


>no valid reason?

is there a valid reason?

0c835b  No.5513995


-48 dark

48 days relate to Israel?

25e9c2  No.5513996

File: e4050332b700d8b⋯.jpg (78.55 KB, 450x343, 450:343, D.jpg)


>Morning sun brings the heat?

Thought the same when Q posted D Fire_Good

d03257  No.5513997



3b2227  No.5513998

File: 5422e2be945cc50⋯.jpeg (478.7 KB, 1064x884, 266:221, newfag.jpeg)

dc635c  No.5513999

beaf51  No.5514000


>>5513502 White House press pool report, POTUS sched for 3/5

>>5513507 London man reportedly cured of HIV virus

>>5513510 FLOTUS at Microsoft

>>5513531 Minecraftanons loving the Notch

>>5513640 GOP is MIA

>>5513538 Hill.com blog on QAnon book climbs Amazon chart

>>5513756, >>5513820, >>5513843 New DJT - dark day for Israel

>>5513567 Anon wondered if the McCathy/McCarthy was related to Times of Israel misspelling.

>>5513791 keks, Dank Billboard in Hollywood

>>5513738 Barr Won’t Recuse, legal fight over what details to release brewing

>>5513666 digits confirm HRC prob lyin

>>5513504 keks, Dr. Phil Tries to Help Alex Jones

318b80  No.5514001

File: 7c2090e2b0d86f1⋯.png (214.3 KB, 1063x851, 1063:851, 1551761423952.png)


Holy shit, (((Rothschild))) calling Trump out on pretending to care.

d93abd  No.5514002

File: 859d707cf0b6324⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 50% failure rate in opioid….JPG)

File: a50a60ca2670dbd⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Suicide drug testing 50% f….JPG)

File: 1ce7b624582e838⋯.jpg (115.34 KB, 576x384, 3:2, finni.JPG)

File: 648dc11d355d072⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Only you can help us Pres.….JPG)


Urine Drug Test Often Gives False Results 50% Failure Rate-2015

A urine drug test widely used by pain management and addiction treatment doctors to screen patients for illicit drug use is wrong about half the time – frequently giving false positive or false negative results for drugs like marijuana, oxycodone and methadone. 

The “point-of-care” or POC tests come with immunoassay testing strips that use antibodies to detect signs of recent drug use. Physicians like the urine tests because they can be performed in their offices, are inexpensive, and give immediate results. But experts say the tests are wrong so often that no doctor should base a treatment decision solely on the results of one test. 

“Immunoassay testing has an extraordinarily high rate of false positives and false negatives as compared to laboratory testing,” said Steve Passik, PhD, Vice President of Research and Advocacy for Millennium Health, which analyzed urine samples from nearly 4,300 POC tests obtained at addiction treatment clinics.The Millennium study was published in The Journal of Opioid Management.

“We always knew it wasn’t as sensitive and we always knew that it didn’t look for specific drugs within a class. But this was revealing in regard to how much it misses, with false negative and false positives rates in 40 to 50 percent in some instances,” said Passik.

“If we were in another area of medicine, let’s say oncology, and you had a tumor marker or a test that you were going to base important treatment decisions on, and it was as inaccurate as immunoassay is, the oncologists would never stand for it.”

Passik says “the word is starting to get out” how inaccurate the immunoassay tests are. But few patients are aware of it and some doctors are still dropping patients from pain management programs after POC tests found illicit or unprescribed drugs in their urine. 


CDC FDA Big Pharma & Now Medical Facilities Are Out for profit, so much for cures or your health!

f2fb08  No.5514003

File: 5c43d1fafe765db⋯.png (108.66 KB, 1104x624, 23:13, ClipboardImage.png)

So this is a series?

Gotta love all the reviews.

7c7df3  No.5514004


being a patent means worrying about everything.

Best of luck. Kids are the best.

fec644  No.5514005


Nowhere is immune from voter fraud. There were news stories about “found votes” up here too. The margins are close but they do what they have to to get and keep power.

beaf51  No.5514006


ill check it out

5fe367  No.5514007

ok, in 1 or 2 sentences I need a christian anon to explain to me how Israel is the enemy. The bible constantly states that Israel is the apple of God's eye and anyone against Israel is truly coming against God. I just need some clarity from someone who knows the Word to explain to me how this fits in revelation.

Not trying to slide or cause an uproar. I've been a Q follower for a while. Just confused when it comes to Israel.

4a31a3  No.5514008

File: 9e5def154a97ec7⋯.jpeg (59.34 KB, 627x680, 627:680, 9e5def154a97ec714834f63ad….jpeg)

0af41e  No.5514009


I know that. I am just sharing what I personally know about how Jo/e citizen saw it at the time.

d904d2  No.5514010

File: a1c207bcd74ed3f⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 625x402, 625:402, kegger.jpg)

38e59a  No.5514011


I never log in chrome,if i use the "private" tab everything looks normal in english…

may be a new trick from google…to make us look like russian bots, I guess.

d66ed3  No.5514012

File: 996a8883cc02436⋯.png (464.96 KB, 475x597, 475:597, 2019-03-04_23-52-13.png)


Washington DC swamp shouldn't be a career.

He'll have served 4 years honorably.

We should be thanking him for his service to the country when it's over.

ed394c  No.5514013



14bcea  No.5514014

>>5512783 (pb)

Contrary to one suggestion in the comments, I see no sign that that site is affiliated with "Imperator Rex" who now posts as "Rex" at https://quodverum.com/

That is one great site. I don't know if Thomas Wictor is on the Q team yet, but he will be one day.

adbf43  No.5514015


Well, i would think not… But we have had dead people check in with drugs stuffed up their asses so I figured I'd see if it fit the pattern.

79a5ca  No.5514016


He probably can't deal with DC's mountains of bullshit.

14b9f3  No.5514017





0af41e  No.5514018


Tell this CA anon about it……….

ef19d0  No.5514019

File: 31026a188862189⋯.jpg (43.74 KB, 599x399, 599:399, safespace.jpg)

48d820  No.5514020

File: 168e0a8a9d3a603⋯.jpg (64.04 KB, 820x492, 5:3, prince-charles-george-char….jpg)


our loyalty to US….kek!

71814d  No.5514021


I'm not opposing what you're stating, as I would not know much about this inside angle.

But from their products, and judging by the "privacy" & "security" they "allow" their customers to have, by their strategies (e.g. embrace, extend, exterminate) and the quality/price of their products, I despise them wholeheartedly.

It is a mystery to me, how "saving the world" (online!) should not include Microsoft and their virus of an OS (incl. fuckhead B. Gates), when it sure does incl. Google, Facebook & Twitter.

To me Microsoft should be right in that very same boat to Alcatraz….

73c65c  No.5514022


p for paysaur?

2f40ce  No.5514023

File: 1aefc502d3062c1⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, keggers.jpg)

cb694c  No.5514024


Rothschild is the real anti-semite. If he wanted to help the image of jews he'd act like less of a cocksucking berder.

5ce207  No.5514025


I was thinking less than 48 HOURS until something is revealed. Not sure what. Will it expose their involvement in…?

edb1b6  No.5514026

File: 83d55c016c1fd29⋯.jpg (19.49 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 83d55c016c1fd29b072d188560….jpg)

night fam, been at it too long now and its showing. Response time gone to shit; other anons lapping by 5m in some cases. Standing down.

God bless and Godspeed.

79a5ca  No.5514027



b343cc  No.5514028

File: fe834de2528bb4e⋯.png (422.07 KB, 600x648, 25:27, The-CIAs-Heart-Attack-Gun.png)


The CIA's Secret Heart Attack Gun

A CIA secret weapon used for assassination shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in Congressional testimony in the video. The dart from this secret CIA weapon can penetrate clothing and leave nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration of the deadly dart, the individual targeted for assassination may feel as if bitten by a mosquito, or they may not feel anything at all. The poisonous dart completely disintegrates upon entering the target. The lethal poison then rapidly enters the bloodstream causing a heart attack. Once the damage is done, the poison denatures quickly, so that an autopsy is very unlikely to detect that the heart attack resulted from anything other than natural causes.


In 1975, during the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack. This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark. Once in the body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the blood and cause a heart attack! The poison was developed to be undetectable by modern autopsy procedures.


324bbe  No.5514029


I think what that article was conveying is that MS was the driving force behind JC.

He was JC's boss, as well as those 80+ agents who agreed with the front man.

No doubt they're mostly all dirty.


No problem, glad you saw.

Didn't want ya catching any flak.

Currently looking for timestamp on AJ JR pod where AJ goes off on POTUS.

fbe9cf  No.5514030


no because whether you agree with her or not she has freedom to say it under our Constitution and Isreal has NO right to tell US what to do.

4e5def  No.5514031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c106ba  No.5514032


You really think you're going to get a straight, unbiased answer here?

ef19d0  No.5514033


P for Planet

8fd556  No.5514034


Israel's Independence was declared in 1948

d03257  No.5514035

File: 7eb3a4ee49042c1⋯.png (35.28 KB, 1152x211, 1152:211, ClipboardImage.png)

f55990  No.5514036

File: 654e7479cc59a2e⋯.jpeg (13.92 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 1b0e0b92766e64cfe7cb70b05….jpeg)


God Bless your dear family anon

cbc88b  No.5514037

File: 38bebe6a0601e7c⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 550x313, 550:313, 38bebe6a0601e7ce4755d4a23e….jpg)

DECLAS will destroy their last stand [SCHUMER, PELOSI].

FISA will be the start and prepare public for ]HUBER[.

984e65  No.5514038

File: d90f837b495f744⋯.gif (815.46 KB, 528x555, 176:185, pjpepe.gif)


Goodnight anon.

fa81b8  No.5514039


This sounds like a particularly irrational tweet response.

217457  No.5514040

File: da11b2af930782e⋯.png (14.36 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, CB8DD3BC-C8C5-4F5C-8D22-7E….png)


us navy seal spartan 1's classified 2003 mission to antarctica

and fluffy the cat


some audio cuts out, hmmm

went to an octagonal structure under the ice

a2116f  No.5514041


Oh boy…

That's some serious reverse Jedi, wormhole physics you're talkin', Zeke…

0af41e  No.5514042


That's funny. I was thinking about the concept of safe spaces today. What an absolute bunch of pussies.

d60086  No.5514043



25377b  No.5514045



????? Global warming perhaps.

a53642  No.5514046


↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

79a5ca  No.5514047


Illuminati glasses?

6d9c74  No.5514048


So this KikeJackoff is saying if you dont accept dual loyalty without question that you are antiseptic…

What a load of shit. Dual loyalty is not loyalty to America. Period.

Jew or otherwise.

ce3708  No.5514049


>how Israel is the enemy

they are not

its a cabal narrative to blame jews and by extension Israel

they do have MOS and DS elements and like all things jewish - they are very efficient and so in this case dangerous

and jews run many businesses cuz again they are good - what the shills do not say is that jews do NOT own all these businesses

many times they own a piece but mostly manage

its a very important narrative to cover the real evil doers

b582a4  No.5514050

File: c1398f2bda224e9⋯.jpg (10.36 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 66010bc6030b52778e1463a535….jpg)

25e9c2  No.5514051


Saw a [4] Delta earlier- has Anon done all the drop deltas from today?

5e7517  No.5514052


Ben, you will be missed! Let's make the best of the time we have left!

3f170b  No.5514053

File: e34824d742bfa32⋯.jpg (727.87 KB, 1080x1334, 540:667, Screenshot_20190304-225550….jpg)

File: f39b1d83cec1ec4⋯.jpg (714.24 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-225204….jpg)

File: c47f9a62c3bd672⋯.jpg (726.79 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-225216….jpg)

File: f3c5b7ff437807c⋯.jpg (688.07 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-225332….jpg)



75bdcb  No.5514054




Good thing they had fake paul in there all those years doing …… what anon?

3b2227  No.5514055

File: 7962b865787b0ba⋯.jpg (84.33 KB, 948x532, 237:133, thumbnail_ZomboMeme 201220….jpg)

File: d23196c10128116⋯.png (302.61 KB, 659x348, 659:348, thumbnail_cacb9fb6bb06aec9….png)

8e2a55  No.5514056



The water?

Also looks like pepe giving the rude finger

d904d2  No.5514057

File: f955bda13df8bf8⋯.jpg (870.17 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Q45WWG1WGA 1.jpg)

c9ae2f  No.5514058

File: 8647a31fc74fd28⋯.png (694.97 KB, 1084x939, 1084:939, (gold)water.png)


Just wondering wtf the goldwater was

810c75  No.5514059

File: 8a8fde3c5b3dd40⋯.png (243.62 KB, 364x364, 1:1, unknown-8.png)

File: cb8cead62d51294⋯.png (157.27 KB, 333x353, 333:353, unknown-7.png)

File: ccaeb5b3ad6a0f7⋯.jpg (19.08 KB, 189x162, 7:6, SmartSelect_20190304-20243….jpg)

14b9f3  No.5514060




ce0c1d  No.5514061

Q, on the day you force the question, could you have like 10-15 0 delta's just to fuck them all up, I would kek the fuck out

8aae92  No.5514062

Maxine misquoted Shakespeare?


Hold, Tybalt! Good Mercutio!

[Tybalt under Romeo's arm thrusts Mercutio in. Away Tybalt]


I am hurt.

A plague a' both your houses! I am sped.

Is he gone and hath nothing?

Romeo And Juliet Act 3, scene 1, 90–92

OR did she mean to type pox instead of plague?

A pox was any disease whose major symptom was "pocks", i.e. eruptive pustules on the skin, such as small-pox, chicken-pox, or cow-pox (all of which can leave pockmarks). If the kind of pox was not otherwise specified, the "great pox" (syphilis) was what was meant. So "Pox on you!" means "I hope you get syphilis!"Oct 27, 2006

d443c8  No.5514063


The format in Q’s drop about it suggests a FaceTime or Skype livestream. Lurk. There were others on the plane too with phones.

fec644  No.5514064


Man….they are making hay while the sun shines with their ill gotten gains…..yeah giving illegals IDs will make the roads and communities safer…..burns me up and I know I’m not the only one.

43062e  No.5514065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


like this

btw how is this not being blasted?


7821c3  No.5514066


Forgive me a little numberfagging, but…

Delta between twat and >>5508261 (/pb):

4:36 → (3+6) → 4, 9

Delta between twat and >>5508361 (/pb):

4:34 → (3+4) → 4, 7

49, [-48], 47

Countdown suggested?

d57a2b  No.5514067


Dimebag was a faggot

beaf51  No.5514068


>Q Research Canada #2: Lets make The True North Strong and Free Again


do you want the other stuff or do you guys wanna take it from there

ea397d  No.5514069


Maybe Q is saving them for last so they can see the rest go before them.

8ef7b7  No.5514070


There are not so many good men that we can afford to be sanguine about losing one of them, he will be missed.

6d9c74  No.5514071


If they were INDEPENDENT then they would not need so much billions from us.

So they actually claimed DEPENDENCE in 48!

d60086  No.5514072

File: 54cf6ecf0591b2d⋯.png (887.4 KB, 750x536, 375:268, MBSApBnDrpbhftjfDKcLYaKZ-h….png)

f79cce  No.5514073

I need Ivanka wrapped around my face

27fe34  No.5514074

File: 63fc40fec7b39d4⋯.png (903.21 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F16E27BF-B970-47EC-A03C-29….png)

File: 6d49b6efd63da65⋯.png (568.05 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 7838434E-69D6-4EAF-B072-29….png)

File: 1c048bb6038d52c⋯.png (1.9 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, BF428D2F-4082-4A3C-8A91-6C….png)

Apple CEO, Tim Cook instrumental in Trumps China trade negotiations.


f37d94  No.5514075


It is a biological weapon threat

38e59a  No.5514076


just deleted all cookies from twitter and It's fine…

but…were al that came from?

5ce207  No.5514077


Kinda think this is NOTABLE if for nothing else than the head-fuck it's sure to do on most readers. Should make people think and expand their understanding (maybe) which can't be a bad thing.

a731c3  No.5514078


Perjuring herself by saying she cannot recall.

217457  No.5514079

File: 8d224ee80f0d2db⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1088x1181, 1088:1181, 4036EE04-4544-40AE-8283-1B….png)


saw it too fren, was gonna post that exact same comment

43c937  No.5514080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

79018f  No.5514081

File: c2e05d722dded85⋯.jpg (512.56 KB, 3576x2492, 894:623, 74002780.jpg)



Your Anti-Semitism is


0af41e  No.5514082

5d3cf7  No.5514083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons need some of this Kabbalah

cbc88b  No.5514084

File: e6e8618538c33e9⋯.jpg (183.3 KB, 1200x1172, 300:293, QNewsNetwork.jpg)


Important to Remember:

POTUS already ordered the DECLAS (per Q-proof Sep 17).

He's awaiting the DOJ IG (now Barr + OIG) to proceed w/ the order.

Optics are important.

Delay by design post order to DECLAS?






Full-scale attack.

March Madness.



48709b  No.5514085

File: c75b745eb09de49⋯.png (899.15 KB, 830x566, 415:283, cucktoddhere3.png)

File: 3fe705c856f7826⋯.jpg (35.23 KB, 440x300, 22:15, CuckToddHere.jpg)

File: 6621555cd33e857⋯.png (931.18 KB, 830x566, 415:283, CuckToddHere2.png)


14b9f3  No.5514086

File: 7883aa49ed3e8d0⋯.png (531.84 KB, 536x564, 134:141, code2.PNG)


Theirs MOAR..

79a5ca  No.5514087

File: 0b132610ce10f3a⋯.png (801.11 KB, 1280x1176, 160:147, Screen Shot 2019-03-04 at ….png)


THIS. I want to shove this shit up the ass of every single shithead who ever said that the "slippery slope" argument is invalid.


6095d2  No.5514088

File: 98aa1f34a0556d0⋯.png (450.31 KB, 600x1024, 75:128, Screenshot_2019-03-04-22-3….png)

Vaccines are the subject most people need the truth about.

984e65  No.5514089

File: bc131813da042ca⋯.jpg (226.74 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, mildog.jpg)


God bless the Marine hero. o7

Love to you and your family anon.

4a31a3  No.5514090

File: a6685f28f86e9cc⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 255x158, 255:158, 8f87348a4a03277245490cc1c0….jpg)


pain incoming [rotschild]

324bbe  No.5514091


Now you see why they're being saved for last.

Why Q barely mentions them.

Biggest enemy.

And they are here.

7cd8b7  No.5514092



There are non with out excuse because the truth has been written on your heart and is clear in God's creation. Salvation is not of works but is based on Him who calls. God only calls only the elect. Jesus says that all that God has given him He will raise up and loose not even one. Searching with in to find truth is not where the Truth is found it is found in the word of God that is sharper than any two edged sword and will cut though the blindness to God's elect. To those are granted the right to know and understand their scales are removed. All this Love everyone is unbalanced because it is totally clear that Sin will be paid for. Jesus is the propitiation that takes the away the sins of the world. You need to ask God for salvation not meditate on your heart.

e5bc10  No.5514093

Be me

Be trump

Fuck i have to sign this funding bill or israel will whip me

Sign bill

Do national emergency i know will be blocked

>Oh it was congress not me

Goyim believe i tried

c572b8  No.5514094

File: 09efb40c21a583a⋯.png (18.76 KB, 370x248, 185:124, ClipboardImage.png)



Indeed. someone that they haven't had under their control..

Speaking of which, >>5513753

POTUS did you run this by the Antischematism Envoy that was forced upon you before posting this, or are you gonna get an earful in the morning?

d29bed  No.5514095

File: 6b110ded94e8717⋯.jpg (124.98 KB, 1080x982, 540:491, 20190304_205941.jpg)

"Biggest intel drop in our known history"

fa2402  No.5514096


Not a Biblefag but I think there are at least three things going on. There's Israel the state set up by the evil cabal, populated primarily by Jewish people, then there's the Israelites, the rightful occupiers of the land that Israel is on (again who are Jewish). So there's intersecting sets, and not all deserve accusations of blame, but some definitely do do.

So a bit like the United States vs United States of America thing. The world is fundamentally comped, divided by design to prevent us uniting as a force against evil.

f3bc61  No.5514097



if you include the word "notables" after the bread number in these bundles it can be helpful to some anons using scripts.

497afd  No.5514098

File: 3c6105ef906e5cc⋯.jpg (125.65 KB, 800x468, 200:117, Night Shift Jet.jpg)

a7887d  No.5514099

File: 778c864c8e5cfa4⋯.jpg (244.97 KB, 800x802, 400:401, IMG_1491.JPG)

File: 26247d2242bde70⋯.jpg (111.22 KB, 890x789, 890:789, IMG_1487.JPG)

3f170b  No.5514100

File: c463e34f9d6b74d⋯.jpg (490.93 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-230038….jpg)

File: 583d1fa517b321a⋯.jpg (543.68 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-225928….jpg)

File: a3cf45890a01b68⋯.jpg (364.01 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-230046….jpg)

File: 20196522907ab2e⋯.jpg (465.58 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190304-230052….jpg)


a3f5d0  No.5514101

File: bf5f5151cce2bfb⋯.jpg (145.46 KB, 592x857, 592:857, 1a.JPG)

Dutch counterterrorism report sees rise in Islamist recruitment in the West


5e7517  No.5514102

Goodnight Mr. President! See you bright and early!! :)

d904d2  No.5514103

File: 9eae28e174371f6⋯.jpg (665.67 KB, 1934x1094, 967:547, TruthsComing2Light.jpg)

File: b608a404501a51d⋯.jpg (260.86 KB, 1200x568, 150:71, martinlutherkingjr1-2x.jpg)

File: 4c5793a190c169c⋯.jpg (523.25 KB, 1934x1094, 967:547, BraveNewWorld.jpg)

3b2227  No.5514104


If you have the time for it, we would appreciate it! Losta newbies coming around.

5da29f  No.5514105


Israel is the HQ of the cabal.

Rothschild founded it.

It has never acted as a non-enemy of the US.

The good news is that it will be purged too because not all people living there are collaborators of the cabal.

They will have to learn how to live with the world in a non-parasitical way, which means, no more aid, no more privilege, and no more lies about the fraudulent official version of the holohoax.

And regarding the Jewish Question, Jews around the world will have to adjust their attitude too, most of them act nepotisticaly and in a in-group way while attacking other groups for trying to do the same. If they keep it up, they will face massive hostility, for all the right reasons.

e5bc10  No.5514106


Ivanka needs to go back to reddit

e54a50  No.5514107

File: 0041c7c75e6058e⋯.png (371.81 KB, 589x602, 589:602, jesse-jackson-selma.png)

File: f8cc4917d5cdf64⋯.png (501.57 KB, 745x649, 745:649, selma-jesse-jackson1.png)

Selma will never be the same.

They brought their hate to Selma

and used the history of Selma to denigrate a good man

and a President that has done more for their community

than Obama ever bothered to dream


and then Alabama was hit by their most historical tornado

just sayin

just sayin

f9ed7c  No.5514108


Did David just outJew himself?

79018f  No.5514109

File: 939574a45e0cc91⋯.jpg (53.24 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, andrew-breitbart-death-rea….jpg)


Tell Me About It!

a2ed28  No.5514110

File: 207e222922bd766⋯.png (591.15 KB, 955x470, 191:94, Nick.png)

3337ff  No.5514111



014e07  No.5514112


I’ve had an uncle by marriage who was addicted to pills since the 70s. I ‘ve always avoided pills as a result. Opioids were never intended to solve chronic pain.

a731c3  No.5514113


Illogical reasoning.

beaf51  No.5514114

73ee5a  No.5514116


I lurk fellow faggot.

There is just so much info that I figured hive mind would lead me to the answer.

I hope that one day we get to hear

"we have cleared a seat for you"

I'll nut.

wet works isn't a pool party at the Vinyard

984e65  No.5514117

File: 6e136c92981f673⋯.png (528.72 KB, 694x514, 347:257, [-14].png)

[-14] Time's running out.

89b1df  No.5514118

File: 8955fbcca38a95f⋯.gif (924.98 KB, 676x369, 676:369, Leaves.gif)


We wish you peace and comfort in this time of mourning.


5da29f  No.5514119

File: ab2cfa795787b5f⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 1480x5372, 370:1343, Theodor_Herlz_meme_zionist….jpg)


Zionists are always traitors.

25e9c2  No.5514120

File: dd391ab3f4686e8⋯.jpg (89.43 KB, 634x498, 317:249, Trudoh alt.jpg)


Dude looks like a Chinese TruDOH!

190c5b  No.5514121

File: 3ed811ce5bc0bb9⋯.png (447.36 KB, 887x486, 887:486, dn15.PNG)

2f40ce  No.5514122

File: 15b91f7e5c1a185⋯.png (695.74 KB, 890x536, 445:268, 030419 arpanet-map-1973.png)

File: 7b4e93b7b9f7591⋯.jpg (29.65 KB, 474x266, 237:133, excelsior.jpg)

This Paper Map Shows The Extent Of The Entire Internet In 1973

(not news to anyone here)

Before the modern internet, there was ARPANET.

As Visual Capitalist's Frank Cardona explains, ARPANET was the first internet-like network, and it was developed to allow multiple computers to share data across vast geographical distances. Interestingly, the researchers that worked on ARPANET are credited with developing many of the communication protocols that the internet still uses today.

Today’s map comes from David Newbury, who shared a keepsake from his father’s time as a computer science business manager at Carnegie Mellon University in the 1970s. We added a legend to help explain the symbols on the map.


ARPANET was funded in the late 1960s by a branch of the U.S. Military called The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), with the original purpose being to allow researchers at different universities to use their limited computing resources more efficiently.

Before ARPANET, if a researcher at Harvard wanted to access a database at Stanford, they had to travel there and use it in person. ARPANET was used to test out a new communication technology known as packet-switching, which broke up data into smaller “packets” and allowed various computers on the network to access the data.

With ARPANET researchers could:

Login to another computer miles away

Transfer and save files across the network

Send emails from one person to several others

On the map below, you can see the network only had computers in the United States, but later that same year, a satellite link connected the ARPANET to the United Kingdom, creating the beginnings of a global network.


In 1983, ARPANET adopted the TCP/IP protocol standards which paved the way for a “network of networks”, and the internet was born. Several years later, ARPANET would be decommissioned and the new internet would begin to flourish.

rest at link


d27b41  No.5514123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Truth About the Justin Trudeau Scandal


Extensive background on Canadian electoral politics, on SNC-Lavalin, and on Justin Trudeau.

Good overview of the political and the legal principles at stake in the current Liberal Government scandal – teetering on collapse from within as Liberal MPs considering prospect of heading into a federal election with Trudeau still leading the party. Two members of the Cabinet have already quite and moar may follow.

This commenters overview is a bit cyncial, but earnest, and takes on the philosophical aspect whereby the Attorney General is both a politician and the top law enforcement officer in the country.

d904d2  No.5514124

File: b4c9ac686037fc6⋯.jpeg (72.03 KB, 610x394, 305:197, LLDontRecall.jpeg)

3e1cd0  No.5514125



Hints on the old breads is Biblical is the reason why Israel saved to last.

27fe34  No.5514126

File: 6f2e47ab4a95dab⋯.png (1.8 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8520A831-F300-4346-ADA3-7E….png)


Talented young man. Bad ass SAT score, Kek.

b9c98c  No.5514127


I'm so sick of these lying criminal demonic faggots.


5d3cf7  No.5514129

File: 475d05d7ee02093⋯.jpeg (162.41 KB, 560x315, 16:9, 34689407-E8B8-4370-AD3E-8….jpeg)

To protect the secret wisdom that was revealed, Rav Shimon called upon one student—Rav Abba—to commit this wisdom to written word. Abba had an extraordinary gift for writing in the abstract language of metaphor and parable. Thus, the secrets would be safe, deftly concealed inside abstruse stories, making it difficult for the wicked to grasp and misuse this ancient power.

Thereafter, the spiritual leaders who followed the generation of Rav Shimon drew their wisdom and energy from the Zohar and formed the wisdom of Kabbalah from its revelations. To this day, the Zohar is acknowledged as the definitive and authoritative work on kabbalistic wisdom.

However, to the laypeople of that generation, the Zohar was considered a work of mysticism and magic. In hindsight, the reason is obvious. The Zohar expounded upon ideas and concepts that were centuries ahead of their time. In an age where science determined the world was flat, the Zohar depicted our planet as spherical, with people experiencing day and night at the same time, in different time zones.

The Zohar describes the moment of creation as a Big Bang-like explosion. It speaks of a universe that exists in ten dimensions. It explores the notion of parallel universes. These speculations were considered heretical and frightening.


beaf51  No.5514130


my bad

im referring to you guys gather notables if you wanna do that from your bread #1

ill post 2 other things and then ill do a dough and you then post notables after the dough

497afd  No.5514131

Hi obvious shill, easy filter.

Goodbye shill.

shills are stupid.

a731c3  No.5514132


Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord.

edb1b6  No.5514133

File: aa1516ee132f3bc⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 255x170, 3:2, aa1516ee132f3bc6ea4fd13b8a….jpg)

Ok one last post before rest…

ThankQ Baker. Holy smokes, pulling double duty tonight… Baking this bread AND baking Q Research Canada. o7

2fdb10  No.5514136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I watched the entire 4h 40m, here are the talking minutes :

0-15m = Talking about AJ's censorship and Sandy Hook

15m = Talking about brain worms

30m(ish) = Humanoids

35-40 mins = breakdown of humanoids and 5G and "their plan"

45 mins = talks about psychadellics and having communications with intergalactic beings NASA = WTAF!!!!!

50 mins = still about Aoeashcua and the C_A (deep state) groups of people having the same identical trips

55-60 = talking C_A programs and AJ's father's involvement

62mins = Talking about post abortions and they play a short video

1h 10m = talking about black ops programs ,cartels, and a mix of organ harvesting

1h 15m = talking genetics and different groups being seceptical to more or less "brainwashing"

1h 20m = Hitler and Nazism

1h 28min = Talking censorchip again

1h 35mins = George Soros

1h 45mins = eddie bravo arrives

1h 53 mins = vaccines and disease warfare (USA Government infects people with gohnorra and syphiliis in Gutamalea 60yrs ago)

2h 2mins = talking flat earth and how their gonna prove it's fake (GOLD)

2h 5 mins AJ snaps about post abortions (EVEN GOLDER)

2h 6m = AJ brings up old uncle num num's point that we dont need to argue over flat earth

2h 10m = warfare and drugs

2h 15m = Nazi WW2 stuff (op Paperclip)

2h 20 = Nazi's tied into NASA and the breakaway civillization (NASAhigher than the CIA)

2h 23m = breakdown of the US- UK merger and CFR

2h 28m = Nazi's and ties to intergallactic "aliens"

2h 28m = youtube unmonetizing videos with truth or liberty in channell names

2h 40m = talking about phones, aliens and the "big game"

2h 50m = Adrenochrome

2h 58m = back on Aochosea and "brain washing" and intergallactic beings

3h 5m = Aliens and bible related possible alien visits

3h 10m = talking conscienceness

3h 15m = talking lucid dreams and preminitions

3h 20 mins = past experiences/ lucid dreaming

3h 25m = AJ "I'm a retard" :rofl:

3h 35m = planes and radiation

3h 45m = talking about humanities struggle atm

3h 52m = 9-11 talks

4h 2m = AJ is a Zionist shill

4h 4m = AJ "I'm super gay" :rofl:

4h 8m = leftism Ideology of erradicating free speech is actually coming from right wing fascists

4h 9m = Joe Rogan to go on infowars in March, time TBA

4h 16m = Have you ever had a severe head injury?

4h 23m = reincarnation and lucid dreaming experiences again

4h 25m = our species is very old

4h 28m = silencing and censorship

4h 33m = what is the real "end game"

217457  No.5514137

File: 98cedaa0c65447c⋯.jpeg (290.43 KB, 1787x982, 1787:982, 61F9871D-B015-49FB-BE02-A….jpeg)


very nice

f9ed7c  No.5514138

File: ea4be8ff2600f06⋯.jpg (40.38 KB, 261x366, 87:122, bookerstage.jpg)

d57a2b  No.5514140

File: 120ea5d6cfa42ad⋯.jpeg (16.91 KB, 240x309, 80:103, 6F4AB8EB-855B-4E84-B0C2-2….jpeg)

c648dc  No.5514141

File: da8c11600401798⋯.jpg (24 KB, 480x480, 1:1, nice-uncle.jpg)


Supports Muslim who hates jews. Muslims will call out jews. The left fights. The right wins. Jews and Muslims can't co-exist, they are too extreme.

d03257  No.5514142


>shills are stupid.

So are faggots that feel the need to let us know about their filtering activities.

a3f5d0  No.5514143

File: 4a681a29dfd0c0c⋯.jpg (130.82 KB, 1070x783, 1070:783, 1a.JPG)

File: 3d91db75948f182⋯.jpg (112.5 KB, 770x644, 55:46, 3.JPG)

File: 490afff13d21972⋯.jpg (87.08 KB, 766x569, 766:569, 4.JPG)

UN atomic watchdog chief updates governing body on key North Korean reactor


44b595  No.5514144

File: 25dcdf48f13515a⋯.png (546.77 KB, 983x611, 983:611, ClipboardImage.png)




>That's some serious reverse Jedi, wormhole physics you're talkin', Zeke…

b50055  No.5514145


Have you read the book?

Have it on order to make a determination based on facts, research, and knowledge v. assumption.

354bc3  No.5514146


Barr speaks Chinese and plays the bagpipe, pretty well. He could annoy the hell out of the Clintons!

a7887d  No.5514147

File: f8cfd0cd264f1a7⋯.jpg (62.35 KB, 640x479, 640:479, IMG_1465.JPG)

27fe34  No.5514148


Seems awful fishy for him to die of natural causes. Looks like he was active in sports most of his life.

e42fac  No.5514149

All anons are WEAVING SPIDERS, you just don't know it yet. You are about to find out in the next bread.

06c8a8  No.5514151



















Again, thank you so much. He was one of the most honorable men I have ever met. He fought and saw things (both as a warrior and a federal law enforcement officer) that I could never fathom. Plus he raised his daughter (my spouse anon) to be the woman she is. For that, I will ever be grateful. o7

3e4bb7  No.5514152

File: b115b11f3c0ed13⋯.jpg (91.96 KB, 961x318, 961:318, mos_shell_game.jpg)

2f40ce  No.5514153

File: 175e0a613f1a2ab⋯.jpg (126.79 KB, 800x1057, 800:1057, Balfour Steaming POS.jpg)

ea397d  No.5514154


On a white horse?

6d7d44  No.5514155

File: 8f0dc47fd5a541a⋯.jpg (338.94 KB, 990x646, 495:323, china&google15.jpg)

4a31a3  No.5514156

File: 9d4ed98157f5bc6⋯.jpg (110.41 KB, 800x799, 800:799, wedemandtruth.jpg)


i saw them both good stuff imo. . i like linda and her fluffy kitties.. cant wait for the rest. 6 parts she said hopefuly all by june or july. the tapes are from last july i think she said

wish the guys would dox tho would make it much more normie frenly

b7b2bd  No.5514157

File: 0b6d5e88a46799f⋯.jpg (705.46 KB, 1387x2172, 1387:2172, SmartSelect_20190305-00045….jpg)



833eb2  No.5514158

File: 50cefc315abfc79⋯.gif (472.62 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 764EA733-E775-452D-BF80-D3….gif)

File: 91963c62188c062⋯.gif (3.1 MB, 640x278, 320:139, 42F5481C-2A82-4377-973B-41….gif)

File: 5abdc534c3245a1⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 480x207, 160:69, 2B8DE58E-744A-4239-AFBA-DF….gif)

Someone was talking about the movie “the island” earlier. The island is NOT “the beach”. Ah, shall we shame Leo yet?

beaf51  No.5514159


like this fam?

7050 notables

>>5513502 White House press pool report, POTUS sched for 3/5

>>5513507 London man reportedly cured of HIV virus

>>5513510 FLOTUS at Microsoft

>>5513531 Minecraftanons loving the Notch

>>5513640 GOP is MIA

>>5513538 Hill.com blog on QAnon book climbs Amazon chart

>>5513756, >>5513820, >>5513843 New DJT - dark day for Israel

>>5514001 David Rothschild chiming in

>>5513567 Anon wondered if the McCathy/McCarthy was related to Times of Israel misspelling.

>>5513791 keks, Dank Billboard in Hollywood

>>5513738 Barr Won’t Recuse, legal fight over what details to release brewing

>>5513666 digits confirm HRC prob lyin

>>5513504 keks, Dr. Phil Tries to Help Alex Jones

5ce207  No.5514160


Are those eyes human?

6b5dc6  No.5514161


Be sure you post it in bold red text so we will really, really super believe it

f9ed7c  No.5514162

File: 421a5a7dc95e14a⋯.jpg (79.38 KB, 488x392, 61:49, clocks.jpg)

3eaa58  No.5514163

File: d6f896c7df224dd⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Puppy.jpg)


Oh anon. So very sorry for your family's loss.

I hope and pray that you and your spouse have plenty of love and friendship from those around you during your time of grief.

God bless you. Wish I could bring you a hot meal or a cake. <3

3f170b  No.5514164


Could he have been working on dragonfly? Read top project

f3bc61  No.5514165


beauty in action baker

a2ed28  No.5514166

File: ad22d1f8997ad2e⋯.png (107.75 KB, 237x275, 237:275, TrumpCard.png)

251c81  No.5514167

What about them stringers, Q?

Something you want to tell me?

It's no coincidence that DJT is pinned a tweet about something.

Then you got a bunch of glitches across the web?

NR said YT was 500 in a fit of paranoia, is that for real?

What's going on?

5f40f5  No.5514168

File: 2fb40312100cf12⋯.jpg (109.55 KB, 1200x507, 400:169, DzvUK0KW0AAUBux.jpg)

f8b0db  No.5514169

File: 58e59e79205312d⋯.jpg (14.04 KB, 318x390, 53:65, trumpcard.jpg)

fe35ea  No.5514170

File: c80a5029b697c2b⋯.jpeg (543.36 KB, 1180x1541, 1180:1541, 100A956B-206A-44CE-AFDF-8….jpeg)

e42fac  No.5514171

>>5514161 Fuck off. What I am about to post is not to be missed.

efbfa8  No.5514173


Shill reading comprehension is a 1st grade level.

25e9c2  No.5514174


The lazy eye- again.

5da29f  No.5514175

File: d8713bea7eb0b06⋯.png (569.82 KB, 1173x1162, 1173:1162, Hypocrisy.png)

File: 7e3d5d8cf1e08fe⋯.jpg (673.39 KB, 648x1352, 81:169, Israel_Advocates_For_Soros.jpg)

File: f02593607fb5d51⋯.png (663.39 KB, 909x923, 909:923, Jews_and_Muslims_against_N….png)

File: 5cb9e439bacc341⋯.jpg (812.5 KB, 608x1326, 304:663, jews_Migrants_2.jpg)

File: 0564a346a72aa99⋯.png (211.08 KB, 581x664, 7:8, UN_Israel_jewish_interest_….PNG)


ZOG/Zionism and Jewish collective power uses Islam to:

-Get more privileges for minorities in the West (under the banner of more “minority rights”), which benefits the Jews and gives them more GROUP power. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb_4U2UJucE

-Increase Western hostility towards Muslims, thus getting more support from the Western people for Israel (they claim that Israel helps fighting the Muslim invasion of the West, but the opposite is true, the West had no problems with the Middle East until the creation of Israel, and Israel supports ISIS and uses it to enact False Flag attacks against the West). Islam is incompatible with the West and the flooding of the West with Muslims always increases hostility towards Muslims. This also increases chaos in the Western world which is useful for the Jewish subversive agents because the more chaos the more distracted people are and thus the less likely they are to able to connect the dots and realize that Israel is in fact an enemy of the West, which it has always been.

-Get their Israel controlled ISIS cells into the West so they can operate here for the benefit of Israel.

-Increase the levels of anti-Semitism in the West in order to motivate more Jews to leave the West for Israel, which improves the Jewish demographics in Israel.

People need to realize that Islam is a threat first, and then they can understand why subversive Jews (which as a GROUP are our enemy too (meaning, Jewish COLLECTIVE POWER is an enemy of the West)) flood the West with Muslims.

Criticizing both Islam and Jewish GROUP power and ZOG/Zionism is crucially important.

ddb59b  No.5514176

File: e4f88a6bc4bb607⋯.png (14.44 KB, 255x159, 85:53, a79b409c1258218c4124014137….png)

Just watched the WH vid with the ND State Bizon. ND senator at 17 minutes.

"Never get tired of winning".

QArmy is Strong in ND

f9ed7c  No.5514177

File: eed1fc11a5054cd⋯.jpg (64.37 KB, 506x677, 506:677, trumpcard.jpg)

f296ad  No.5514178

f55990  No.5514180

File: 67dc755d900e5b4⋯.png (646.73 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 67dc755d900e5b48d5da0068da….png)

6b5dc6  No.5514181


I'll bet it is really really kewl

2d084b  No.5514182


We are always "prepared for the worst" in this house. Long before recent habbenings.

If you are prepped, have supplies, a plan, etc you don't stress as much.

14b9f3  No.5514183

File: b980ddf7fbe5100⋯.png (265.82 KB, 487x410, 487:410, toots6.PNG)



03e75e  No.5514184


Thought Jesus said you can't serve two masters

4b4d18  No.5514185


Do you have anyone near your device with a sense of humor?

833eb2  No.5514186


What’s the story, that he offed himself? LIES.

e42fac  No.5514187

JFK was a WEAVING SPIDER. Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell were WEAVING SPIDERS. ALL anons who post SAUCE and MEMES are WEAVING SPIDERS. TRUTH BOMB INCOMING.

3b2227  No.5514188

File: 2fd885f4efe5438⋯.png (4.78 KB, 466x87, 466:87, Capture1.PNG)

File: b95613d91f4de07⋯.png (198.72 KB, 1245x303, 415:101, Capture2.PNG)


This is No coincidence RE: Numerology!


thank you!

f9ed7c  No.5514189


It's a diner. Chill out dude.

5d3cf7  No.5514190



f9ed7c  No.5514192



7f8a7f  No.5514193


My dad voted for Evers because "muh unions". Not making that shit up, he only votes pro union at the detriment of everything else…even though he is a hunter and likes his guns.

cd839d  No.5514194

File: bde79c80a378fdb⋯.jpg (12.27 KB, 220x315, 44:63, Luke Perry.jpg)


Thinking about how in the past, there was a saying about Hollywood celebrity deaths happened in 3's. Many of the anons on here who have gone very far down the rabbit hole, recognize the significance of the number 3, as a component of 33. 33rd Degree Masons are supposedly the first level privy to the true tenets of Free Masonry as Satanic worship. Also, 33 degree ley lines on the Earth tend to be the coordinate where spoopy stuff happens. I recall something about the connection to Tesla, and his theories on energy, related to 3.

In the last 7 days the following HW actors and actresses died:

Lisa Sheridan, at age 44, 12/05/74-02/25/19, and whose credits included "Halt and Catch Fire," and "Invasion."

Nathaniel Taylor, at age 80, 03/31/38-02/27/19, and was known for his role as Rollo, in "Sanford & Son."

Luke Perry, at age 52, 10/11/66-03/04/19, and was known for his role as Dylan McKay in "Beverly Hills 90210," and recently in the TV series "Riverdale."

I decided to check and see if any other spoopy numbers came out of any of their life numbers (from-to), or anything else that may be connected.

So far, I've checked the numbers corresponding to the letters for Luke Perry's TV series, since he was the most prominent of those noted. I came up with the number 161, which adding the digits equals 8, for Beverly Hills 90210, and for Riverdale, I got 94, which adds up to 13. Adding 8+13=21. 2+1=3. If you add that 3 to the number of actors/actresses dead-3, you could argue that you get 33, although maybe it's 6. Either way, that number 3 keeps showing up. I'll do the rest later, but my thought is Luke Perry was a ritual sacrifice, for Satanic Hollywood. With all of his success, it would seem more likely than not that Perry was involved in Satan worship, or it could all just be a coincidence.

497afd  No.5514195


Very nice, unite, how can we lose with Uniting Anons like (you).

Go kick some ds ass.

Newbies, if you need support, come SEE the Anons and ask.

Anons are kind / mean like the Universe.

If you want to be the News Anons, work hard, work together.

Easier if we work together, move as one, help each other.

Serve now and win, historical helper Anon, never forget.

The World thankful for Anons.


3f170b  No.5514196


Arithmia…. aka heart attack

fa74d8  No.5514197


We have been open source from the beginning. I'm not buying the fucking book. I've spent my own money supporting this effort and never asked for a dime back. Paytriot on Amazon. Disinfo if you ask me.

2f40ce  No.5514198

File: eae1e4849e3cb7d⋯.png (12.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, savage.png)


I check in on aus and ger every once and awhile.

aus sources much from here and gives credit to the crumb.

b50055  No.5514199

File: 3a6b95b8ba308fd⋯.png (344.94 KB, 377x533, 29:41, ClipboardImage.png)

99fa2b  No.5514201


They say you were in a car crash and you lost your hair

I listen for your footsteps but they just aren't there

He blew his mind out in a car

he hadn't noticed that the lights had change

a crowd of people stood and starred

they'd seen his face before

nobody was sure if he was from the House of Lords

'and here's another clue for you all the Walrus//''

b1aec1  No.5514202


Israels influence in congress being brought to light. Muzzies may yet have a role to play in exposing the Khazarian mafia to the US

d03257  No.5514203


Looks like one to me.

998bb0  No.5514204


Tel Megiddo. a/k/a Har Megiddo, a/k/a Armageddon.

Alleged to be the location for the final battle between good and evil as described in Revelation.

Not sure if it's related, but interesting.



d60086  No.5514205

File: c75b745eb09de49⋯.png (899.15 KB, 830x566, 415:283, c75b745eb09de49e06e0185758….png)

497afd  No.5514206


ok you got me, kek.

833eb2  No.5514207


Calm. All frens this shift. Even shills have purpose.

e42fac  No.5514208


No. I am a WEAVING SPIDER. Watch for TLDR in next bread. wwg1wga

beaf51  No.5514209

#7050 notables

>>5513502 White House press pool report, POTUS sched for 3/5

>>5513507 London man reportedly cured of HIV virus

>>5513510 FLOTUS at Microsoft

>>5513531 Minecraftanons loving the Notch

>>5513640 GOP is MIA

>>5513538 Hill.com blog on QAnon book climbs Amazon chart

>>5513756, >>5513820, >>5513843 New DJT - dark day for Israel

>>5514001 David Rothschild chiming in

>>5513567 Anon wondered if the McCathy/McCarthy was related to Times of Israel misspelling.

>>5513791 keks, Dank Billboard in Hollywood

>>5513738 Barr Won’t Recuse, legal fight over what details to release brewing

>>5513666 digits confirm HRC prob lyin

>>5513504 keks, Dr. Phil Tries to Help Alex Jones

5d3cf7  No.5514210



25e9c2  No.5514211

File: 98cf83127dfaacf⋯.jpg (16.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, BallsT.jpg)

File: d8842835fbc87d7⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 474x632, 3:4, cardIT.jpg)

156ced  No.5514212

Thank you Q for what you do. Let me know if I can help in any way. I have nothing going on

8bdd9c  No.5514214


I wish it was a hoax, set out to disprove, Motive Paul was talking against Viet Nam, Paul was not buying the JFK murder narrative.

Tavistock needed another experiment (impossible - Dig)

b9c98c  No.5514215


Been busy today. Missed that he died. That's sad.

3337ff  No.5514216

File: 24ea416d108438a⋯.png (198.21 KB, 500x376, 125:94, Wait till they see this.png)

aa936f  No.5514218

File: 9c04cb79be24a4d⋯.jpg (28.22 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 47384055_2286735204723078_….jpg)

217457  No.5514219

File: 17ef19ee662d242⋯.jpeg (202.5 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 6974B9D4-444F-4DF3-B8DC-3….jpeg)


so it seems like they have been keeping antarctica frozen on purpose

the roths with the nuke plant

some metal structures

generating the freeze

some aerosols to help out

dat cold ass moon

irrational freaking out about global warming

they tryna keep us penned in

americans dont play that shit

we goin

morning sun brings heat

expand your thinking

when the ice wall comes down, we better have our wall up eh?

whats on the otherside?

5e5ddb  No.5514220



5514049 Anon explained it perfectly. Jews have been, and always will be, the scorn of other nations. As Christians we focus on God's love for the Jews, as you observed. I just re-read Joel this morning, where God is warning everyone not to come between him and Israel.

You may remember 6 months ago, all the same shill anons were hammering on Flat Earth. It's the same group, just a distraction.

59c785  No.5514221

File: bd19a20a918047d⋯.png (64.88 KB, 500x421, 500:421, C2712C74-F9F0-4473-98C1-E9….png)

cb694c  No.5514222


Look, all Omar is going to do is bitch about Israel like some braindead Sunni jihadist. I'll eat my hat if she ever does anything of value.

6b5dc6  No.5514223


Very spoopy, much mystery woooo

b582a4  No.5514224

File: 1b7a8ed6c258ce8⋯.jpg (6.22 KB, 255x192, 85:64, c684b67a2173d981e4ca7288ab….jpg)


you can leave name, email and subject empty next time fren

7cd8b7  No.5514225


All of history is saved the exact same way by belief is what God has said and done. Christ came to fulfill the Law and they knew Him not and stumbled over the corner stone. The Gospel will never change every single age the same old worn out arguments are recycled before new eyes. Believe what God has said and ask him to save you.

Disciples and the World

13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how [e]can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.

14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a [f]hill cannot be hidden; 15 nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a [g]basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not [h]the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches [i]others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever [j]keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

20 “For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

833eb2  No.5514226


Still bullshit. I’m heading more towards believing people are being scooped up by white hats, than people being offed by black hats. At this stage of the game anyway.

cbc88b  No.5514227

File: 9b1d8aba06de40a⋯.jpg (12.22 KB, 404x332, 101:83, 9b1d8aba06de40aa85c6215dec….jpg)

e42fac  No.5514228

Only a WEAVING SPIDER could/would reveal Q's "P" and what the KEYSTONE is.

497afd  No.5514229



1 time i had QQs.

I went all in with 100.

Opponent had AAs.


3 cards flop w a Q.

BOOM, kek.

f79cce  No.5514230


I'm going to dine on your anus meat faggot

efbfa8  No.5514231


His comment has nothing to do with the POTUS tweet. Communist spewing shite.

beaf51  No.5514232


an 88 ta boot!!

bakin soon

anything missed

blame canada

27fe34  No.5514233


You may be right.

“Coordinated migration between international client teams with millions of users.”

Very interdastin.

6f77db  No.5514234

File: ce71db732730c17⋯.png (75.21 KB, 1298x208, 649:104, ClipboardImage.png)


Education Consultants in DC Metro area.

d60086  No.5514235


No just his handlers were…

df889d  No.5514239

DJTs tweat McCathyism vs McCarthyism ~ the R is added in the second tweat ~ is order of the letter missing significant to the interpretation of coded msg?


no coincidences!

d93abd  No.5514240

File: d7ca75124cb45e4⋯.jpg (176.38 KB, 820x512, 205:128, 5a19a2b5150000863e859cc2.jpg)

File: b54912d545c0a31⋯.jpg (156.37 KB, 576x384, 3:2, cdc certified bull shit fu….JPG)

File: d77071da3c9f76b⋯.jpg (190.93 KB, 576x384, 3:2, DEFUND THE CDC & FDA Just ….JPG)

File: 215efc9d7d5a042⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 576x384, 3:2, We're just as fake as cnn ….JPG)

File: f6e6a55dddcddea⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 576x384, 3:2, End the war on chronic pai….JPG)

Huge profits for rehab drugs, rehab facilities, Pain Specialists, Pain Clinics, drug testing, etc. profit driven epidemic that they want to cash in on before the scams become public. We're talking Billions in profit over $35 Billion just in rehab drugs and rehab facilities.

Profit Driven Scam!

A $17,850 urine test: Industry boom amid opioid epidemic

charged $4,675 to check her urine for a slew of different types of opioids: $2,975 for benzodiazepines, a class of drugs for treating anxiety, and $1,700 more for amphetamines. Tests to detect cocaine, marijuana and phencyclidine, an illegal hallucinogenic drug also known as PCP or angel dust, added $1,275 more.

The lab also billed $850 to test for buprenorphine, a drug used to treat opioid addiction, and tacked on an $850 fee for two tests to verify that nobody had tampered with her urine specimen.

Total bill: $17,850 for lab tests that her insurer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, refused to cover, apparently because the lab was not in her insurance network.



dc635c  No.5514241



Q will just hit the "like" button.

ea397d  No.5514242


But does God's promise promise to the jews transfer through conversion?

a224c6  No.5514243


poop or get off the kettle.

b9c98c  No.5514244


People born elsewhere to citizens of other countries, should never be allowed in public office. It's insanity.

2f40ce  No.5514247

File: 5317b1ae18bf2d3⋯.jpg (99.51 KB, 700x421, 700:421, Vive la Merde.jpg)

efbfa8  No.5514248


13 posts of caps, glow moar.

db77aa  No.5514249


but they have bacon and maple syrup!

cbc88b  No.5514250


it´s shills, anon.

anons know it is not that simple.

anons don´t blame a whole group of people.

>they want you divided.

200f2c  No.5514251

About to upgrade my phone. Is there any company I can buy from that isn't part of the cabal?

6f77db  No.5514252

File: df6552dc4aab615⋯.png (226.21 KB, 1030x1388, 515:694, Screenshot 2019-03-05 at 0….png)


Interesting partnerships…

6e401c  No.5514254

File: 7a05948ab8c3884⋯.png (8 MB, 4360x1098, 2180:549, ClipboardImage.png)

+India & Pakistan happenings.

Trump plans to scrap preferential trade treatment for India

March 4, 2019 / 7:04 PM / Updated 26 minutes ago

WASHINGTON/NEW DELHI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump looked set to open a new front in his trade wars on Monday with a plan to end preferential trade treatment for India that allows duty-free entry for $5.6 billion worth of the country’s exports to the United States.

Trump, who has vowed to cut U.S. trade deficits, has repeatedly called out India for its high tariffs, and U.S. trade officials said scrapping the concessions would take at least 60 days after notifications to Congress and the Indian government.

“I am taking this step because, after intensive engagement between the United States and the government of India, I have determined that India has not assured the United States that it will provide equitable and reasonable access to the markets of India,” Trump said in a letter to congressional leaders.

India is the world’s largest beneficiary of the GSP program and ending its participation would be the strongest punitive action for the South Asian nation since Trump took office in 2017.

The U.S. Trade Representative’s Office said removing India from the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program would not take effect for at least 60 days after the notifications, and would be done through a presidential proclamation.

The preferential trade treatment brings “actual benefit” of just $250 million a year to India, however, a government source said in the capital, New Delhi, adding that it hoped the planned withdrawal would not lead to trade hurdles.

“GSP is more symbolic of the strategic relationship, not in value terms,” added the source, who declined to be identified ahead of a news briefing by the Indian trade ministry.

It was not immediately clear what retaliatory action authorities in India, which is due to hold general elections this year, would take.

Trade ties with the United States were hurt after India unveiled new rules on e-commerce limiting the way internet retail giants Amazon.com Inc and Walmart Inc-backed Flipkart do business.

The e-commerce rules followed a drive by New Delhi to force global card payments companies such as Mastercard Inc and Visa Inc to move their data to India and higher tariffs on electronic products and smartphones.

“India has implemented a wide array of trade barriers that create serious negative effects on United States commerce,” the USTR said.

“Despite intensive engagement, India has failed to take the necessary steps to meet the GSP criterion.”

India’s top GSP exports to the United States in 2017 included motor vehicle parts, ferro alloys, precious metal jewelry, building stone, insulated cables and wires, said business grouping the Confederation of Indian Industry, which had lobbied against the withdrawal of preferential treatment.

Most of the exports were intermediate goods not produced in the United States because they are low in the manufacturing value chain, it added.

The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with India was $27.3 billion in 2017, the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office said.


7821c3  No.5514255


Baker, anons: consider adding this one too?

Also a self-nom, and a bit of a strectch, but awfully coincidental…


>>5513756, >>5513820 (You), >>5513843 New DJT - dark day for Israel

>>5513756, >>5513843, >>5513820, >>5514066 New DJT - dark day for Israel

79a5ca  No.5514256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone with teenagers/tweens, this is a good intro to semi-red pilling.

Letting kids know "conspiracies" aren't universally fake.

Some of what he covers.

Timestamps! xx

5:22-Deep fakes

15:59-iPhone Conspiracies Part One

19:50-Wildfire Conspiracies/Visiting Houses

31:29-iPhone Conspiracies Part Two

35:27-Brainwashing Children/Subliminal Messaging

49:32- iPhone Conspiracies Part Three

55:33- Disney's Frozen Conspiracy

58:44-Subliminal Messages in Stories/Stores Etc.

1:19:38-iPhone Conspiracies Part Four

1:22:47-Final California Wildfires Conspiracy/Deep Dive

1:42:42 Shane and Friends Experience A Conspiracy Theory Themselves! (Same scenario from the intro)

My 13yo watches this guy and told me all about how the Titanic didn't sink, it was a different ship, etc.


cb694c  No.5514257


Agreed. Why else would they be here but to loot us?

833eb2  No.5514258


Join the club buddy. I have told the heavens to beam me up today. It’s too cold and too bullshit. But once you’re done and don’t care anymore, then you’re ready. Otherwise, WHAT IS THE POINT.

e42fac  No.5514260


You don't want the TRUTH revealed. "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here". A WEAVING SPIDER has COME. A WEAVING SPIDER who KNOWS YOUR SECRETS.

d60086  No.5514261


Fuck yourself shlomo

b9c98c  No.5514262


Who the fuck knows. I'm sick of the games and ready for ACTION. PUBLIC. ACTION.

656f44  No.5514263


I don't know about Perry actually being involved in evil, but he was certainly in a position to be aware of what goes on.

5fe367  No.5514264

Thank you for this and to the other anons who answered as well. Major confirmation to what I was learning toward.


b9c98c  No.5514266

4b4d18  No.5514267


His handler was VJ, a muslim …. Muslim Brotherhood and Sisterhood….let me guess… Fake Jews?

5da29f  No.5514269

File: 435d38c3af09009⋯.png (4.39 MB, 3040x3560, 76:89, Evangelicals_meme_VERSION_….png)

File: 322af162b5b06ae⋯.png (3.89 MB, 3104x2848, 97:89, Evangelicals_meme_VERSION_….png)

File: 05bb42321672f1c⋯.png (310.52 KB, 696x688, 87:86, z05bb42321672f1ca12f4ba020….png)


They broke the covenant.

Jews killed God's son in arrogance.

And Israel the country is not Israel's bible.

You fell for the Rothschild psyop.

Read this:

When we redpill all Evangelicals in the World (and its coming, we WILL make it happen), Israel’s corrupt administration will collapse under the weight of its own lying, crime and terrorism.

Spread this everywhere:

Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about Israel being anti-Christ. Enjoy:

http://archive.is/UF27x - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1"

http://archive.is/8xnkU - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2"


The True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, not in the earthly country we call Israel today.


Shills will try to say that this is not according to scripture, but just read the pictures, and go verify the passages in the Bible yourself, its all there. Remember, they count on our ignorance and our conformity, read and verify.

497afd  No.5514270

File: aee052e2c961f31⋯.jpg (169.06 KB, 565x765, 113:153, joe pientka RR wont allow ….jpg)

File: ca85fafce8f0f10⋯.jpg (130.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, eric gun runner.jpg)

File: 5bbec66e394f548⋯.jpg (276.17 KB, 1202x1236, 601:618, kamala mayor.jpg)

File: c39c1431c70de6b⋯.jpg (293.3 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, Let us PRAY.jpg)

File: bcd6771ef2fb661⋯.jpg (145.97 KB, 800x800, 1:1, History.jpg)

ce0c1d  No.5514271


God bless and save every children on this planet

efbfa8  No.5514272

>>5514119 Define zionist

a731c3  No.5514273


Albert Pike planned that WWIII would be between zionists and muslims. The globalists need two antagonists that wear out the rest of the world with their conflict.

The Middle East and North Africa were the heart of Christianity before lucifer created Islam to destroy Christianity. Lucifer has set the stage through his loserfarian/globalist puppets for the ultimate showdown.

Biblically when the Israelites disobey God and turn to other gods (lucifer etc.) his wrath results in Israel being overtaken by enemies – until they repent and return to God. Right now Israel is surrounded by enemies, likely because many have turned to foreign gods or atheism.

8bdd9c  No.5514274

The full unabridged version of the unique book that set world records: The Memoirs of Billy Shears. Letting the world in on secrets concealed since the Sixties, The Memoirs of Billy Shears reveals infallible proofs and other overwhelming evidence to finally prove, all these decades later, that Paul McCartney really died in 1966. From verifiable facts in this book, you will be sure of it, and will know how to easily prove to others that Paul was replaced by William Shepherd “Billy Shears.” William has been playing the part of Paul, recording and performing, since Paul’s fatal automobile accident all those years ago. Just as Beatles albums contained hundreds of clues about Paul’s death and replacement (with hints in their lyrics, cover art, and video performances), in keeping with that same secret creative expression of sympathy for the loss of Paul, friends in other bands also made “Paul is Dead” songs. Among others, The Rolling Stones, The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band (“The Bonzos”), The Who, Donavon, and Elton John all sing about Paul’s death. This book discusses some of their songs, as well as some by “Paul,” John, George, and Ringo that were made beyond their Beatles Years. The Memoirs of Billy Shears uses over two hundred songs to explain the Paul switch (including the torment it caused before and after Paul’s death), to establish the historical context, and to add support, richness, and texture to the book’s concepts. Those musical enhancements add warmth and a depth of feeling to the cold hard facts, giving you insider empathy for all involved. Fittingly for a book of Paul-clue decoding, The Memoirs of Billy Shears is itself fully encoded. Providing a new reading experience, readers will not only be able to decode Paul songs, but can also break the acrostical code within this book! The first letter in every other line combines to spell secret messages–adding up to be the world’s longest acrostic–that the reader will love to decode. Learn more about The Memoirs of Billy Shears, and related books, at: www.BillyShears.com/5.htm.

833eb2  No.5514275


The perfect spy.

beaf51  No.5514276

d03257  No.5514277



2f40ce  No.5514278

File: 61fc98e854fef73⋯.jpg (40.71 KB, 500x401, 500:401, Rex Kramer.jpg)

687c15  No.5514281

File: 20ddcd0636c37ea⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1612x608, 403:152, 7f0j.png)


Every month a newfag confuses the two.

27fe34  No.5514282

73c65c  No.5514283


Regis Philbin?

6b5dc6  No.5514285


You're going to tell everyone we masturbate?

ac5cd1  No.5514286



>Channeling his inner McCarthy


d60086  No.5514287


She bragged about her Jewish heritage in the past just saying, Emmanuel also

0e7e35  No.5514288


TY for your service Doc.

1 or 2 terms and your out, this should extend to ALL politicians never to return!

Also, would like to add NO more prosecutorial immunity, open up prosecutors to be sued for over zealous fuckery!

67f978  No.5514289

public health ie optics won't support it, she's not commie enough, lmao


200f2c  No.5514290


Darn. The new galaxy S10 was looking real nice until remembering android = google = evil

98759d  No.5514291

File: 1d4f559896e277f⋯.jpg (106.89 KB, 600x401, 600:401, KH Busiest Beaver In Polit….jpg)

b582a4  No.5514293

File: 6b04e5714af6fca⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 210b6e86a73a9f5ae1b1e62435….jpg)


Q has an awesome like button faggot

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