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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

988bbf  No.5016219

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 2.1.19

>>4989823 ————————————–——– Sys_conf_spec_y. (image)

>>4989820 ————————————–——– Anons understand.

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4965770 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH. (Cap)

>>4965765 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator? (Cap)

Friday 1.11.19

>>4956136 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee (Cap)

>>4956094 ————————————–——– Public access to intel? (Cap)

>>4956076 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China? (Cap)

>>4956045 ————————————–——– BOOM! (Cap)

Monday 1.7.19

Compiled here: >>4834899

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

988bbf  No.5016223


are not endorsements


>>5007229 Attn newfags, this is a free speech board

>>5001807, >>5014751, >>5004327 Planned Parenthood: Call reps, Meme it up on SocMed!

>>5001844 Let's spread this movement worldwide! (Q, Yellow Vest, FREEDOM)

>>4887360 , >>4887417 , >>4887496 Update from MemeFarmer

>>5013936 DO NOT LET THEM CHANGE THE NARRATIVE: Northam Baby Murder Memes.

>>5015737, >>5015808 President's Day, February 18, 2019 - #MAGApride Day.


>>5015599, >>5015659, >>5016119, >>5016143, >>5016155, >>5016163 Sandusky and his ties to the Deep State.

>>5016151 Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority.

>>5015672, >>5015706, >>5015715, >>5015740, >>5015997 Fed Reserve and DTCC dig.

>>5016073 Air Canada plane turned back midway through a Christmas Eve flight to Maui for "maintenance reasons."

>>5015866 Millions in Japan affected as flu outbreak grips country.

>>5015811 Anti-aging stem cell usages: PP making a killing.

>>5015728 Univar dig. Someone consolidate posts?

>>5015593 2 HOURS internet cut-off for kids in the works?

>>5015585 Federal BRIDGE – Entrust Enhanced Internet Security PKI monopoly and timeline.

>>5015555, >>5015962 Kamala Harris anti-lynching bill and Smollett's "hate crime" timing. Smollett = activist.

>>5015547 US DoD Tweet: Superbowl LIII highlighting South Korean Soldiers.

>>5015524 VA Democrat Kathy Tran postpones town hall amid backlash over childbirth abortion bill.

>>5015515 Summary of 1957 interview with Margaret Sanger for anons. Interview is about birth control and not abortion.

>>5015498 Netanyahu says Iran controls Lebanese government through Hezbollah.

>>5016214 #6404


>>5015553, >>5016191 CIA Democrats conducts overt operation in halls of Congress.

>>5015354 More Military 'boom' Tweets.

>>5015263, >>5015339 Anon with possible decodes of POTUS tweets.

>>5015293 DoD tweet at precisely 12:00: Things that go BOOM!

>>5015272 Two U.S. Citizens Shot in Mexican Narco-Laboratory — One Dead.

>>5015219 Roadside bomb targets pilgrim bus in Iraqi city of Balad.

>>5015212 Chaos at Orlando airport as TSA agent leaps to death in alleged ‘statement suicide’.

>>5015190 Leaked Audio Reveals Italian PM Telling Merkel ‘Salvini is Against Everyone’.

>>5014880 Transcripts and CCTV for unclas mil comm sessions, comparisons to civil court rules of evidence.

>>5015142 Did PP buy Gillespie to fail?

>>5015016 Macron blames social media & Russia for Yellow Vests.

>>5014773, >>5014792, >>5014802 Anon has a great idea for a MAGA hat operation.

>>5014975 Chinese accelerate their exodus from US Real Estate.

>>5014949 FBI hid proof that Hillary’s emails were attacked multiple times as far back as 2011 — but used a 2016 DNC incident as their case for Mueller probe.

>>5014923 SAS wearing punisher skulls.

>>5014919 Former Florida Elections Chief apologizes for blackface.

>>5014857, >>5014872 Evil Democrats: Where have I seen six flags before?

>>5014840 Q Proof: Remarks delivered at the World Economic Forum by George Soros.

>>5014776, >>5014832 PP Black Community tweet stating that it's safer for black women to abort than to take pregnancy to term.

>>5014761, >>5014728, >>5014757 Keep the narrative on the Planned Murder-Hoods.

>>5015391 #6403


>>5014522 #AUDITPLANNEDPARENTHOOD Hashtag push on Twitter during SuperBowl.

>>5014316 Anon: Was Q talking about the whole Northam scandal 1 year ago?

>>5014368 EU 'Trying to start a Civil War in Ireland', France's Marine Le Pen claims.

>>5014345 Q's image: 2017 article regarding F-15s scrambled to intercept unresponsive plane.

>>5014081 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>5013920 Maroon 5 frontman hints Superbowl show will be hip-hop kneeling fest. Fox News offers alternative for halftime.

>>5013989 Robert Kraft dances with Cardi B at Pats rally.

>>5013934 Donald Trump: ‘We’ve got to get out of these endless wars’.

>>5014389, >>5014563 Geneticsfag explains fetal tissue research.

>>5014626 #6402

Previously Collected Notables

>>5013857 #6401,

>>5011518 #6398, >>5012272 #6399, >>5013019 #6400

>>5009105 #6395, >>5009890 #6396, >>5010727 #6397

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

988bbf  No.5016226

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce ---- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 -- New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4862903 - MSM, Mexican Cartels, and Democrat Politician Connections

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

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Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>5006726

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

988bbf  No.5016227

QPosts Archives

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New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

39 >>4907653 38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955

988bbf  No.5016243

File: d35daac7142ef6e⋯.jpg (103.25 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, artillery.jpg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

447bd5  No.5016256

File: 7a75157707d17de⋯.png (87.5 KB, 393x550, 393:550, A50FA14E-424D-4D89-BB07-85….png)

File: b075173539b0528⋯.jpeg (244.74 KB, 1269x1323, 47:49, 5541B9AF-30D3-4F86-B43C-D….jpeg)

529db9  No.5016271

So… Virginia considering late term abortions…

Q gets Governor to go on radio program, somehow gets the host to ask what they do with a baby born alive.

Then the narrative shift is this lost photo.

But Q knows now everyone is talking about Northam and it ain't hard now to get everyone noticing his comments on late terms!

6b10ad  No.5016272

File: 98db34a8503f399⋯.jpeg (210.24 KB, 615x750, 41:50, 302C1706-ADCC-4CB6-A4F0-F….jpeg)

File: 1749c952dd8ce71⋯.jpeg (122.77 KB, 588x750, 98:125, 7F64FDE7-BFC5-4030-A7C6-E….jpeg)

File: c7ec881ace7dcb7⋯.jpeg (1005.01 KB, 1242x1925, 1242:1925, 3B673E35-B301-4888-8889-1….jpeg)

File: 9067a1b8827a39d⋯.jpeg (409.5 KB, 868x1339, 868:1339, 3AE80194-B49F-49B8-8B69-2….jpeg)

File: d2d3efee8346cf0⋯.jpeg (416.75 KB, 873x1716, 291:572, 215FF419-D655-4AD1-A2CF-0….jpeg)


It’s Sunday, so biblefagging in the general is expected…. altho I like to make all the days the sabbath.

As Q acknowledged by referencing John 3:16 in his drops, Jesus is our savior.

Jesus was based af about the Jews and in fact, him speaking out against them is what got Jesus killed.

The Pharisees of Jesus’ time is who gave modern day jews their rabbinical authoritative texts, the Babylonian Talmud.. not to mention the satanic black magic book cabbalah (cabal) was just an added bonus.

Enjoy your Sundays… and remember Jesus criticized the Jews without hating them… and we can do the same.Mossad shills hate the truth and will attempt to call aby criticism of judaism as hate… thats just not the case. I dont hate anyone.

f22536  No.5016273

File: 659031d993f4e7c⋯.png (17.13 KB, 1234x340, 617:170, QMirrorAnsweryesA.png)

Q answered yes to the JFK Jr. question. It is a MIRROR.



SEE the IDs, then fill in the blanks…

1. Odds of cc occupying spaces 5 and 6 on both randomly-generated IDs:_______

2. Odds of interrogator's randomly-generated id adding up to 23 (PAIN/JFK Jr.):_____

3. Odds of Q's randomly-generated id adding up to 17: _____

4. Odds of a flipped question/answer matching Q's THINK MIRROR:_____

5. Odds of 2 of the above happening together:_____

6. Odds of 3 of the above happening together:_____

7. Odds of 4 of the above happening together:______

How many coincidences before mathematically impossible? -Q

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263683 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:51:59 (EST)

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 07b0b9 No.2263659 📁

Jul 24 2018 11:50:26 (EST)




Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?

Logical thinking.



91862a  No.5016274

File: 52297c615e4222f⋯.png (752.11 KB, 799x500, 799:500, NeverKnow.png)


Baker on that 751 tho.

f22536  No.5016275

File: 474d9ce89b6daf6⋯.png (13.98 KB, 451x299, 451:299, Qmirrorsanddisinfo.png)

0ec805  No.5016276

File: 0d3ad1f38c60fb0⋯.png (40.58 KB, 644x301, 92:43, POTUS Schedule 2-3-19 12 0….PNG)


f22536  No.5016277

File: 21816379a61059f⋯.png (14.34 KB, 546x289, 546:289, WaitUntilYouLearn.png)

07136b  No.5016278


Yup, patriots in total control alright!

988bbf  No.5016279


Pew Pew homie!

f22536  No.5016280

File: 10beda4ed0e9b31⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 640x480, 4:3, AmbulanceFront.jpg)

4a49c3  No.5016281

File: 3cd6148f894f2a1⋯.gif (8.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, THE_STORM_IS_UPON_IS.gif)

0cd20c  No.5016282



can't bake until later tonight baker, thanks for the bakes

I'll be back later tonight

a3ef53  No.5016283

File: b221aed2af96625⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 2600x2600, 1:1, 801A877E-A89A-4BAF-86A6-F….jpeg)

Nice job Baker!

Right on the money!!!

ebbd12  No.5016284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

70f154  No.5016285


wtf is Allah Pundit


a21a0c  No.5016286

File: 172a54899a1f68a⋯.jpg (243.97 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, flat-earth.jpg)

Flat Earth or GTFO

>not bait

02d6f6  No.5016287

File: 6bec644815bafd8⋯.png (16.15 KB, 255x254, 255:254, a6d7af2354dff8b385b9d906ab….png)

Great job baker! Nailed 751!!

Thank you

d23fbb  No.5016288

File: ba22adae37769f2⋯.png (1.08 MB, 736x981, 736:981, ClipboardImage.png)

nice 751 snipe baker

f0b2b4  No.5016289

CABAL, how the fuck can patriots defeat such atrocity?

Today five US banks according to data in the just-released Federal Office of Comptroller of the Currency’s Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activity, hold 96% of all US bank derivatives positions in terms of nominal values, and an eye-popping 81% of the total net credit risk exposure in event of default.

The five are, in declining order of importance: JPMorgan Chase which holds a staggering $88 trillion in derivatives (€66 trillion!). Morgan Chase is followed by Bank of America with $38 trillion in derivatives, and Citibank with $32 trillion. Number four in the derivatives sweepstakes is Goldman Sachs with a ‘mere’ $30 trillion in derivatives. Number five, the merged Wells Fargo -Wachovia Bank, drops dramatically in size to $5 trillion. Number six, Britain’s HSBC Bank USA has $3.7 trillion.

After that the size of US bank exposure to these explosive off-balance-sheet unregulated derivative obligations falls off dramatically. Just to underscore the magnitude, trillion is written 1,000,000,000,000. Continuing to pour taxpayer money into these five banks without changing their operating system, is tantamount to treating an alcoholic with unlimited free booze.


Here's the referenced Federal Office of Comptroller of the Currency’s Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activity:


0d2208  No.5016290

>>5016156 (pb)

You're right, anon. I went back and re-read the article. HEK 293 being used for research and not for human consumption.

My apologies.

This quote form the article is still very relevant.

But I can see how people who think fetal tissue should never be used in any medicine would see a problem here.

c95601  No.5016291

File: dab7903c981889a⋯.jpg (54.17 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Warheads on foreheads.jpg)

0ec805  No.5016292

File: 7b4191797dc1a77⋯.png (657.78 KB, 655x726, 655:726, Sec Pompeo 2-3-19 12 02 pm….PNG)

The United States applauds @Pontifex arrival in UAE as an historic moment for religious freedom.

The first Holy Mass by a pope in the Arabian Peninsula promotes peace and understanding between two of the world’s great religions. #PopeFrancisInUAE


91862a  No.5016293

File: b75a3648af52369⋯.jpg (203.46 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, 7e49c96a6b40309b867599e14c….jpg)


User ID's are randomly generated, faggot.

Your entire theory falls apart from there.

Move on.



ebbd12  No.5016294


we lost a good cartridge in the early video game wars of the eighties

4a49c3  No.5016295

File: 05f4e21cfa3f1a4⋯.jpg (106.58 KB, 600x700, 6:7, Meanwhile.jpg)

545a46  No.5016296

>>5016218 (lb)

This yearbook research is reinforcing the wisdom of my decision to opt out of my senior year, release myself from the public education system on my own recognizance and join the military.

ebbd12  No.5016297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

99aa4c  No.5016298


Good thing those are just water vapor, huh? Kek!

d23fbb  No.5016299


well McConnell is not a patriot so there is that…

199064  No.5016300


February 3, 1865

In a personal meeting with Confederate representatives, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln offered liberal pardons in exchange for the South quitting the Civil War, with reunion as a precondition of peace—an offer that was rejected.

The Latest: Germany: Brexit divorce deal is a compromise

Germany’s foreign minister is calling for “clear proposals” from Britain as it seeks to avoid a chaotic withdrawal from the European Union and underlining the EU’s insistence that the Brexit divorce deal rejected by British lawmakers is “already a compromise,” particularly in regards to Northern Ireland.

Britain is due to leave the EU on March 29, with or without a Brexit deal. U.K. lawmakers voted last week to seek changes to the agreement but the EU is adamant that it cannot be renegotiated. How to handle the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland is one of the Brexit dilemmas.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas tells the Funke newspaper group published Sunday that “we need clear proposals from London” and rejected a suggestion that the EU’s position is increasing the risk of a no-deal Brexit. He says “if the British want to avoid an unregulated Brexit, our offer is on the table. We negotiated a fair Brexit agreement.”


988bbf  No.5016301


Sounds good anon; I was just going to step away for a bread anyway.

See you later today.

90a0bc  No.5016302

File: 8d218e97d4cdf8c⋯.jpg (44.42 KB, 550x365, 110:73, ns7613.jpg)


thankQ Baker

1b853d  No.5016303

File: cc82e7ac762c22f⋯.jpg (89.24 KB, 812x839, 812:839, Capture.JPG)

A North Texas court sentenced an illegal alien to 60 years in prison without the possibility of parole following his conviction for continuous sexual abuse of a child under the age of 14. The man impregnated an 11-year-old girl.

The victim of the crimes faced her abuser in a Collin County, Texas, court during the trial, officials stated. The case began when hospital officials treated the 11-year-old girl as she was 19-weeks pregnant, Star Local Media reported.

“This innocent child showed remarkable courage by naming the monster who assaulted her; he will never harm another child again,” Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis told the local news outlet.


09a9ae  No.5016304

File: 4b09d75b7595f4c⋯.jpg (106.38 KB, 790x1024, 395:512, 14sandusky-jumbo.jpg)

Jerry Sandusky’s Son Charged With Sexually Assaulting Children

A son of Jerry Sandusky, the former Penn State assistant football coach convicted of sexually assaulting young boys, was arrested on Monday on child sexual abuse charges.

The son, Jeffrey S. Sandusky, 41, faces 14 criminal counts in Centre County, Pa., including solicitation, sexual abuse, child pornography and corruption of minors for alleged crimes in 2013 and 2016, court records show. Prosecutors said that at least one of his victims — reportedly two teenage girls — was under 16 at the time of the abuse.

https ://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/13/sports/ncaafootball/jerry-sandusky-son-jeffrey-sexual-offenses-children.html?_r=0

1bc179  No.5016305

File: 9e71886af947d04⋯.png (12.46 KB, 255x255, 1:1, baker.png)


1) trips

2) KEK, MKU Mowgli


6b10ad  No.5016306

File: 3070af0e9d819bc⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1114x1653, 1114:1653, C11F56F7-F82A-4AAD-AE3A-7….jpeg)

File: d68744f6ecca267⋯.jpeg (535.48 KB, 1050x1621, 1050:1621, 67DF83A0-B8E6-4DFB-B9B6-B….jpeg)

File: 2c6ff5559b24c02⋯.jpeg (352.68 KB, 1008x957, 336:319, A9686885-0644-4435-85CE-5….jpeg)

File: d67fd5d19b666f2⋯.jpeg (747.2 KB, 1242x1870, 621:935, D01A17BF-E9B5-49DA-8B37-9….jpeg)

File: 7945775986cf984⋯.jpeg (613.66 KB, 1242x1803, 414:601, 92B38F03-CB2E-4CD3-979C-A….jpeg)


The reason half the country are Christians but not part of the catholic church is because of Dr. Martin Luther - he had very rich words for the Jews - just as Jesus did.

Shills wont take the time to debunk the statements, they will just post lame memes and say muhjoo 20x.

So I’ll carry on until a reasonable argument can be made to stop me.

9e9401  No.5016307

File: 9b80dd8d07c7e60⋯.jpg (71.17 KB, 782x437, 34:19, bongino.JPG)


Bongino twatted this. Interesting why it wasn't used pre-election. Someone was holding on to that pic for future use….

af5c1d  No.5016308

File: a5e0ed53bcd7430⋯.png (175.97 KB, 500x698, 250:349, a5e0ed53bcd74308f879608f4d….png)

Nice work, baker.

be4ea4  No.5016309

File: 3e4faca9387a600⋯.png (361.57 KB, 900x900, 1:1, bestflotusbeinbest.png)

tyvm baker! noice 751 :)

c04498  No.5016310

File: cf5bb2033c61658⋯.jpeg (325.63 KB, 1125x1510, 225:302, 6ACE6E86-E012-46F2-BD7D-2….jpeg)


60917b  No.5016311

Birthday boobs please

4f7dd3  No.5016313


the Pope looks nervous

2af9bd  No.5016314

Why do 80% of the aborted baby memes depict White babies?

Is it because those "other" babies won't illicit the same pissed-off response?


4a49c3  No.5016315

File: c572e64b43aead7⋯.jpg (67.99 KB, 488x686, 244:343, NORTHAM_PLANNED_PARENTHOOD.jpg)

File: 94ef97e4444ed86⋯.jpg (50.67 KB, 640x411, 640:411, NORTHAM_SUPER_LATE_TERM_AB….jpg)

a3ef53  No.5016316

File: 26d8635fb6e22cf⋯.gif (402.34 KB, 480x480, 1:1, A330A6AE-F2D7-4BBA-B235-68….gif)

>>5016259 LB

Trade ya, Kek

cd028c  No.5016317


The "EU army" was always about keeping nations in by force. Always.

b5e267  No.5016318

File: 4137f1a9c3ddcc0⋯.jpeg (136.44 KB, 600x900, 2:3, THESE_PEOPLE_ARE_SICK.jpeg)

Anyone know where this picture was taken?

98c2cc  No.5016319

File: 7d3ed7322a62d10⋯.png (34.99 KB, 1107x390, 369:130, Capture1.PNG)

File: 93460194a803a2d⋯.png (11.39 KB, 465x217, 15:7, Capture.PNG)


last bread …sorry

380076  No.5016320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1167c2  No.5016321

File: a01f17ee111074e⋯.png (122.41 KB, 354x138, 59:23, northam neck.PNG)

File: 632ccfb8476e8d3⋯.png (333.48 KB, 638x334, 319:167, blackface neck.PNG)

Is not NORTHAM'S NECK much longer than blackface neck?

plaidpants neck is more like blackface's short neck.


4bb942  No.5016322

>>5016167 (LB)

>Funny how we were supposed to get tax cuts when my income tax said otherwise. Got back the same amount as when Obama was in office.

Only about 80%. I got a cut, but not a lot. Maybe you should have

been paying attention to what they said rather than whine about

what you don't know? It's not like the plan wasn't plastered all

over a gorillion websites before it passed.

6b10ad  No.5016323

File: d9c991c671676f8⋯.jpeg (563.96 KB, 983x1497, 983:1497, C16DC8B2-91F1-441A-9F01-8….jpeg)

File: 026c85494fe6c5e⋯.jpeg (505.84 KB, 980x1547, 140:221, FC42A93D-8E51-47BE-A8E0-7….jpeg)

File: 67bf96e0db3141b⋯.jpeg (495.33 KB, 949x1465, 949:1465, 7983412E-9CF7-419D-93D5-A….jpeg)

File: db6e39c4629048d⋯.jpeg (524.59 KB, 986x1502, 493:751, 9D203656-B2F5-479B-9954-7….jpeg)

File: 901935272f8fe4c⋯.jpeg (548.06 KB, 969x1459, 969:1459, 50B66BAA-0226-472F-8CFC-D….jpeg)


moar from Martin Luther.

ebbd12  No.5016324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


how did fake jew wonderland vanish dorothy

545a46  No.5016325


When he looks as nervous as an alter boy you'll know.

380076  No.5016326

File: 1f0e80f7d362af1⋯.png (68.64 KB, 1288x1290, 644:645, Screenshot 2019-02-03 at 1….png)

4a49c3  No.5016327

File: e5de09543ec3629⋯.jpg (64.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, HRC-all-look-the-smae.jpg)

09a9ae  No.5016328

Pizzagate Arrests Coming? Police Nab VIP Pedophile Connected to Clintons

Jerry Sandusky's adopted son has been arrested for sexually assaulting children. Links between Sandusky and the Clintons are already well-established.

An adopted son of Jerry Sandusky — the infamous Penn state football coach who "groomed" children for sex using his "charity organization", The Second Mile — has been charged with sexually assaulting children.

This could be the start of something big. There are already established connections between Sandusky and the Clintons, as well as other Washington elites:

Interestingly, the Sanduskys and their charities have connections to high-level politicians and their families, both republicans and democrats, as well as some wealthy elite figures.

Mark Madden, who is familiar with the case involving Sandusky, said that his sources were investigating Sandusky for prostituting children to “rich donors.”

He said, “hold on to your stomachs, boys, this is gross, I will use the only language I can — that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That was being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak.”

Second Mile is a charity organization that Sandusky worked with.

U.S. President George H. W. Bush praised the group as a “shining example” of charity work in a 1990 letter, one of that president’s much-promoted “Thousand points of light” encouragements to volunteer community organizations. Citing Sandusky’s work with The Second Mile charity to provide care for foster children, then U.S. Senator Rick Santorum honored Sandusky with an Angels in Adoption award in 2002.

Hillary Clinton’s Brother Hugh E Rodham played for Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno, according to reports., and Penn State hired former counsel to Bill Clinton

https: //russia-insider.com/en/pizzagate-arrests-coming-police-nab-vip-pedophile-connected-clinton/ri18932

ebbd12  No.5016329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

71b459  No.5016331


On Q post of fighter jets…

"Mach Diamonds" or Shock diamonds are a formation of standing wave patterns that appear in the supersonic exhaust plume of an aerospace propulsion system, such as a supersonic jet engine, rocket, ramjet, or scramjet, when it is operated in an atmosphere.

Mach Diamonds coming off of a F-15.

F-15 = February 15th (?)

Charles Lewis Tiffany (Tiffany & Co) was born on Feb 15th. He was one who was duped in the Diamond Hoax of 1872, along with Baron Von Rothschild.

Mach Diamonds… Mach Diamonds

6b10ad  No.5016332

File: 48351ea845efa0a⋯.jpeg (391.42 KB, 1015x1322, 1015:1322, 6409963D-7B3A-404E-8175-8….jpeg)

File: a3f8ecd17a586ec⋯.jpeg (511.09 KB, 962x1437, 962:1437, 819A8E34-B553-4CD0-B904-8….jpeg)

File: c5ab9980bea7ae4⋯.jpeg (341.81 KB, 975x1533, 325:511, 6347170E-3B94-4B59-92AD-2….jpeg)

File: fd9c903b8a5c28c⋯.jpeg (647.18 KB, 1242x1877, 1242:1877, 00C51EC0-AAE5-4681-8A5E-F….jpeg)

File: 3f360e849152508⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1192x1622, 596:811, 0E3AFFD9-ECEF-4164-AA7E-4….jpeg)


and a few moar important excerpts from the father of modern day christianity.

4a49c3  No.5016333

File: a83a0f865057d08⋯.jpg (99.16 KB, 1124x735, 1124:735, THEN_VS_NOW.jpg)

ecfad9  No.5016334

File: e8736b37ee0f2eb⋯.png (80.37 KB, 479x320, 479:320, ClipboardImage.png)

Occult much?

33843b  No.5016335


02d6f6  No.5016336

File: 9b075899d1e42ca⋯.png (68.89 KB, 626x392, 313:196, __45645665665.png)


db6fc3  No.5016337

0ec805  No.5016338

File: 4aef75e39693542⋯.png (489.67 KB, 655x655, 1:1, USMC 2-3-19 5 am PST.PNG)

File: 215595b778aa00e⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1485x745, 297:149, USMC 2-3-19 5 am PST pic.PNG)

Evil Eyes


ebbd12  No.5016339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it was meant to happen though

in the land of the lost

b9d479  No.5016340


Its because the truth is that more black babies are aborted than born every year. For some reason this does not bother black people because they keep doing it.

0cd20c  No.5016341


Democrat control happened

66ee87  No.5016342

File: 4554797d612e817⋯.jpeg (252.23 KB, 1200x938, 600:469, DD6C3E6D-27B1-4FDD-B445-6….jpeg)

Hahahaha, Ralph is protecting white Terry in blackface and either black Keith or black Duane in klan garb. He fucked. They fucked.

b6ad85  No.5016344

File: 774f0426070a0e4⋯.png (241.51 KB, 539x648, 539:648, brd1.png)

ca3393  No.5016345

File: c5e1ad9f6e9c245⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1193x671, 1193:671, miltonfreshbread.png)

9e9401  No.5016346

File: 6d36f14273e9bfc⋯.jpg (168.15 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 9I7U883.jpg)


Hard to tell but it could be the same location as Soros kid

71b459  No.5016347


Mach Diamonds… Mock Diamonds (is more like it)

d558d3  No.5016348

File: 7cfda113f4cf0d7⋯.jpg (16.27 KB, 540x281, 540:281, 1474099.jpg)

c65cc0  No.5016349


I know

56a843  No.5016350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Top 15 Leaked Superbowl Commercials 2019

4531c6  No.5016351

File: 3fccdd8bd594593⋯.jpg (66.64 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, trump civil rights award.jpg)

File: db4561daaf4275f⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 525x295, 105:59, trump hbcu.jpg)

File: 7f3c68446433706⋯.jpg (36.99 KB, 634x440, 317:220, trump and officer mom.jpg)

Hello! Newfag here. I have an idea.

When you see a leftist post something either about black history month or if they are calling our President a ‘racist,’ my idea is for you to just post a photo of our President doing something positive for race relations. That’s it. No additional commentary in your reply tweet. No meme language on the photo.

The beauty of the “It’s ok to be white” campaign was the simplicity and truthfulness of the message. It is controversial only to those with an agenda to divide. It unmasks them.

I did a test of this concept. The first response was that the person deleted his entire tweet. The second time, the person responded “ooh look a photo!” so I responded with an even better photo. So far, no new response and it lives on his timeline. I think I gave him a small red pill dose he had to take. Tasty red pill!

Don’t ever use any words in your replies. Positive and beautiful photos of Trump working hard to improve race relations, ONLY. No words. Just photos. Let them try to win!

How should the leftist you targeted react to it? Well if they really are open, wouldn’t they ‘favorite’ the photo as it clearly shows progress and a President willing to try?

Let them learn their partisanship on their own. Or let someone in their circles comment on the post. Get them talking. But never reply with words. Just another picture.

Benefits of this campaign:

it’s not harassment

it’s not personal

it’s true

it’s a great message of #wwg1wga and supports our brothers and sisters based on character.

I’ve added three example photos. #BlackHistoryMonth #MAGA #WWG1WGA


f22536  No.5016352


kek. TY for the Streisand Effect.

492ae0  No.5016353

File: 05eb14707b49b29⋯.jpg (98.98 KB, 500x682, 250:341, flotus right.jpg)

>>5015986 -prev-

a10e2b  No.5016354


I worked with this guy. This story broke years ago. He’s been in jail for a while now.

4a49c3  No.5016355

File: 2eab2cac9a4984e⋯.jpeg (84.91 KB, 960x720, 4:3, SAY NO TO FAKE NEWS.jpeg)

ebbd12  No.5016357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


trillionaire cocaine tranny psychosis hung up on megolomania and amyl nitrates literally coveted a 8 bit cartridge which broke atari at the time

119eb3  No.5016358

Vaccine ingredients.

This is just one that you'll find.

MRC-5 human diploid cells.

This is all open-source public information.

CDC. gov


1bc179  No.5016359


oh, shit!

>>>5016111 LB

MKU Mowgli

c95601  No.5016360

File: 31ee2bebd21e681⋯.png (280.1 KB, 756x487, 756:487, 020419 UK Min Warns of no-….PNG)

File: cb3dc1149fe5e55⋯.jpg (70.5 KB, 976x549, 16:9, Theresa May.jpg)

U.K. minister warns over no-deal Brexit

LONDON (Reuters) — Britain would permanently regret leaving the European Union without a deal, and Parliament needs to reach a decision to stop this in the next two weeks, business minister Greg Clark said in a newspaper interview on Saturday.

Clark’s comments in The Times come as the paper reported government documents warning Britain’s transport system could get overwhelmed after a no-deal Brexit, while The Guardian said officials feared mountains of rotting waste and animal slurry.

Britain is due to leave the EU on March 29, but lawmakers last month comprehensively rejected the exit deal British Prime Minister Theresa May reached with Brussels, and Brussels this week turned down May’s request for renegotiation.

Without a deal Britain risked major disruption to trade with the EU, cutting British business out of pan-European supply chains, Clark warned.

“If we make what I think would be a mistake that we would regret forever, it would be in the history books just like the achievements of the first industrial revolution,” Clark said.

Parliament needed to approve a deal by the middle of this month, he added, citing businesses that said they would be reluctant to ship goods to Japan or South Korea if it was unclear whether they would face tariffs when they arrived.

“People say ‘Things are always decided at the 59th minute of the 11th hour.’ But it’s important to understand where ‘the wire’ is. The wire is not the 29th of March,” Clark said.

May has promised another Brexit vote by Feb. 14.

Britain’s transport ministry is preparing for the knock-on impact of a no-deal Brexit overwhelming the transport system, according to a leaked document in The Times.

There have been widespread predictions of traffic gridlock on key roads in southeast England due to customs checks on trucks trying to cross the English Channel at Dover, Europe’s busiest ferry port.

The impacts “could fall across every transport mode … and could grow exponentially as … the capabilities of responders at all levels decrease or become overwhelmed,” the document offering guidance to officials working in a planned emergency response center said.

The Department for Transport did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Separately, the Guardian said environment officials were worried that Britain would struggle to export waste as well as livestock, leading to growing mounds of rubbish and slurry.

“Odours will obviously be an issue as the stockpiled waste putrefies,” an internal email cited by the Guardian said.

Farmers unable to export sheep and cattle “may have problems with slurry storage capacity and insufficient land spreading capability,” the email also warned.

An Environment Agency spokesman said a process was in place to ensure waste could still be exported after a no-deal Brexit


55448e  No.5016361


Looks like that baby-eater is being forced to dance…. I cant wait for all the assets to be seized. Every last gold trinket. Terrible May 2019 or 2020 or longer?

2c40ec  No.5016362


Whatever you say, Northam.

545a46  No.5016363

File: 0d2974e76431da7⋯.jpg (10.26 KB, 186x255, 62:85, 27955138c070441bc03c7d3d57….jpg)


<<https: //russia-insider.com/en/pizzagate-arrests-coming-police-nab-vip-pedophile-connected-clinton/ri18932

Pizza Gate is a slide to get us off PP.

199064  No.5016364


11:50 a.m.

Nissan has cancelled plans to make its X-Trail SUV in the UK — a sharp blow to Brexit supporters, who had fought to have the model built in northern England.

The move, first reported on Saturday by Sky News, was confirmed by the company in a letter to workers Sunday. The next generation X-Trail will instead be made in in Japan.

Nissan employs about 7,000 workers in the English city of Sunderland.

Nissan had previously announced plans to build the model at its plant in Sunderland after the British government sent a letter of undisclosed reassurances in 2016 after the Brexit vote about the company’s ability to compete in the future.

Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union on March 29, but U.K. politicians are divided over Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit plan.

6e5403  No.5016365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interesting Serial Brain Vid on the 'Mind War'…

f22536  No.5016366


kek. Yeah, you are the wizard who assigns IDs by certain secret criteria.

ebbd12  No.5016367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

proof that E.T. exists and that it was buried in alamogordo

wink wink

2c1001  No.5016368

File: 28f2c1a028c6c75⋯.jpg (3.14 MB, 3091x2664, 3091:2664, 1512859706656.jpg)



It's probably funny or tear-jerkingly emotional!

They paid big bucks to be able to instill their crap in your mind, don't let them down.

41434c  No.5016369


11.3 11.4 FEB 3&4 2019 1ND 2020? 1 YEAR WINDOW BLOCKS?

d558d3  No.5016370


How is the Superbowl fever in this year (ratings, Fans, Partys)? Different or the same as always?

119eb3  No.5016371


One cannot be BOTH Pro-Life and Pro-Vaccine.

For the hippies - One cannot be both VEGAN and Pro-Vaccine.

00296f  No.5016372

File: 87e2972948ccfa0⋯.png (140.94 KB, 1483x989, 1483:989, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e74b7ca1c9ab83⋯.png (91.93 KB, 1386x629, 1386:629, ClipboardImage.png)



ref: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Adrenochrome#section=Chemical-Vendors

51a646  No.5016373

File: 0d80dad1abcaef0⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1167x1232, 1167:1232, Screenshot_2019-02-03 ABOU….png)

Need Help on MICHAEL MOORE dig. according to LOOK TO THE STARS website (Celebs and charity work) Mike is involved in 1 charity. Its called RAISING MALAWI and they specialize in Adoption, Fostering, Orphans, AIDS & HIV, Children, Health, Poverty. It's a Volunteer organisation which helps orphans in one of the poorest countries in the world (Malawi) by providing water, food, medical care and schooling. Like every other charity of this kind they are affiliated with shady characters such as Ashton Kutcher, Madonna and….. the CLINTONS. Bet you didnt see that coming.

6e5403  No.5016374

File: 4f25501feb283cc⋯.png (564.14 KB, 985x668, 985:668, ClipboardImage.png)

ec5978  No.5016375


Is it though

4a49c3  No.5016377

File: 3603c31af320b4d⋯.png (155.31 KB, 587x635, 587:635, (MS)NBC_PROPAGANDISTS.png)


ca3393  No.5016378


Because the memes are not picking on black people they are picking on abortionists.

Using black babies will just get you accused of being a racist, and the message is lost.

0541f3  No.5016379

>>5016292 Yep! Scriptural prophecy unfolding right before our very eyes!

ebbd12  No.5016380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c04498  No.5016381


They’re trying to get “pizzagate” pushed out there again using us anons but it won’t work. The term is toxic and anons know.

1665ce  No.5016382



Praise God that justice is served

Personally would like to see much more severe penalties per victim

It averages out to under 5 years per assault.

14 is far too many victims to get this 60 year sentence

119eb3  No.5016383


What kind of person would actually be alright with having this shit injected into their children's bodies?? Fucking demented stupid dumbfucks.

f4fab1  No.5016384

File: bacf92369104819⋯.png (85.79 KB, 1042x600, 521:300, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5447fe39f16504⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1200x1500, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b016544a034955e⋯.png (553.97 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d705bdcd5473eb⋯.png (869.98 KB, 561x800, 561:800, ClipboardImage.png)

6e5403  No.5016385

File: 3b6aab8cdedf860⋯.png (730.49 KB, 953x551, 953:551, ClipboardImage.png)

c5029c  No.5016386


All interwoven. Anons are capable of multitasking and multi-meme campaigns.

09a9ae  No.5016387

Jerry Sandusky’s Immaculate Deception… Sex, Lies and Locker Room Horseplay

As for Joe Paterno, his ties to the Republican party are so strong that in March 2008, when Bill Clinton visited Penn State as part of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign the coach refused to meet the former president. ESPN reported that in his speech Bill Clinton mentioned that Hillary’s brother, Hugh, and her father both played on the Nittany Lion football team.

Hugh Rodham was a backup quarterback for Paterno in 1971 and 1972, which makes him part of the Jerry Sandusky locker room tree.

Now, as lawyers and public relations experts mount damage control operations designed to minimize the liability of the accused the Sandusky affair is another reminder that a new protected class has emerged at the intersection of politics and competitive athletics on a global scale and that the fallout from sexual abuse is sometimes a consequence of it.

https ://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-ehrmann/immaculate-deception-sex-_b_1094607.html

4224e2  No.5016388


we can only dig on one thing now?

c95601  No.5016389

File: 7ad205c165c71ee⋯.jpg (90.75 KB, 757x500, 757:500, Where's my sticker.jpg)

450d16  No.5016390

File: 7b9bef63fd3e631⋯.png (815.56 KB, 1016x656, 127:82, spirit-cooking-2.png)

File: 23475b1677a6129⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gaga-spirit-cooking.jpg)


Looks a lot like these.

4a49c3  No.5016391

File: 126c084844cb362⋯.jpg (59.72 KB, 634x382, 317:191, Make-America-Great-Again.jpg)

4bb942  No.5016392


Browse through alicecatherines' posts. No comments, no RT, just a bunch of nonsense. Another attempt to defame real work.

ebbd12  No.5016393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the video game crash of the eighties warped future markets foreva

ca3393  No.5016394


A cut to the government means an 30% increase, then a 5% cut.

See how that works.

a79e89  No.5016395

declas is close?


02d6f6  No.5016396

File: 9119dc9eb0245f1⋯.jpg (49.25 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 67-300x300.jpg)

380076  No.5016397


Kek! Looks more like the guy in the middle.

79c2aa  No.5016398

File: be63beb9d0b0cf3⋯.png (47.99 KB, 184x134, 92:67, promo-face-gallery.png)

While digging on possible uses for fetal tissue I was studying what plastic surgery organizations offer their clients, and came across something called INJECTABLE FILLERS.

These are injections, usually of animal derived collagen, that fill in space and raise skin to remove wrinkles. They typically need to be done every 6 months or so.

Now, this is about as far as I've gotten in this dig but though it might help other anons.




119eb3  No.5016399

33843b  No.5016400

SITREP: Gatekeeper: C4ISR_:[0]:


All_Sys_Go_ Phase 3 Release


_:[0]: _

2 week operational window Conf_

Press conferences.

Detailing crimes.

Emails, Docs, videos, audio, pics, etc.

Little St. James/Haiti etc.

5 tarmac videos of WJC, HRC and LL.

Very treasonous.


Warrants issued.

ATW > War Criminal Watch.

Suspects allowed to flee. [Temporary]


4aca14  No.5016401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Creating my own customized celebrities with AI

f22536  No.5016402

File: 4838b3cccd9c0e3⋯.jpg (76.26 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, DjiNH2SV4AABYZy.jpg)

a10e2b  No.5016403


My spidy senses say this isn’t true

4a49c3  No.5016404

File: 30b88821ab7095a⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 508x300, 127:75, hilarydidn'tItellyou.jpg)

ca3393  No.5016405

File: 5fcbf37a639a131⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1775x998, 1775:998, hrc2.png)

60917b  No.5016406



I'd hit that

ebbd12  No.5016407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

never forget

545a46  No.5016408


Kek! Make some with Mexican babies. There's plenty of them and they work cheaper. We only need them for a few days.

6b10ad  No.5016409

File: 5bcc2d69adcc5fc⋯.jpeg (191.61 KB, 648x742, 324:371, 3667070F-4632-47B1-A45B-2….jpeg)


fuck…. and even the ones without israeli flags, are mostly jewish names.

wow. Think that has something to do with the attached graphic?

2cfcfe  No.5016410

File: 55969bf23d75dd0⋯.png (651.27 KB, 549x699, 183:233, 2019-02-03_15-08-26.png)

File: 56ad3b8758de447⋯.png (1.39 MB, 759x1144, 69:104, 2019-02-03_15-13-19.png)

File: c9ce56ac06e1072⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1124x1054, 562:527, 2019-02-03_15-14-43.png)

ee6978  No.5016411


Muh aliens, fuck off nigga. Ain’t nobody got time for that, right now.

f4fab1  No.5016412

File: 10a73c8d1565eef⋯.png (15.72 KB, 256x231, 256:231, ClipboardImage.png)

feb3c6  No.5016413

>>5016167 (lb)

I agree with you on every point.

Especially as to the big picture reasons.

We are where we are.

I live in a state now where I’ve run into couples where the woman doesnt collect child support from the man if she doesnt need it or keep the father from seeing their children by using the children as a tool to continue hurting the father.

It’s rare but it does happen.

Then there are the ones doing exactly the types of things we complain about.

On the other hand I’ve seen extremelely wealthy fathers that dont do more than they have to to ensure the children have an equal lifestyle at moms.

The stories are coming out now about women strung out on dope who drop their kids of to 12 hour day care paid for by the state and hopping on thug dick all day long and collect child support from 3 dads while not working.

change if it comes will happen slowly I’m afraid.

a3ef53  No.5016414

File: 374666e297019e1⋯.gif (475.53 KB, 500x278, 250:139, D59EF751-B284-40FC-AEC7-14….gif)


Wut they gonna do roast that chick laying down behind Soros and Scank


f22536  No.5016415

File: 8a537410c3d4fb8⋯.png (11.56 KB, 697x206, 697:206, DentalfagReCarolyn.png)

ca3393  No.5016416


1965 and the Democrats.

ebbd12  No.5016417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

our backyards are full of psychotic homo rage quits from rothschilds

db6fc3  No.5016418

File: a4f5ce1edb6b098⋯.png (3.19 KB, 297x276, 99:92, over my.PNG)

be4ea4  No.5016419

File: b9fd22d2b83ccba⋯.jpg (515.01 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, softwareupgrade.jpg)


KEK one of my faves from before midterms, pic related, fuken love anons

988bbf  No.5016420

File: 89cc2ebe3d29d23⋯.jpeg (337.07 KB, 1200x1432, 150:179, pepepatriots.jpeg)

09a9ae  No.5016421

Republican Paterno decides against greeting Clinton at campus visit

TATE COLLEGE, Pa. – Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, a noted Republican, says he thought long and hard before deciding against greeting Bill Clinton when the former president visited campus on behalf of his wife's presidential campaign.

Clinton pitched the Penn State ties of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday during a stop in State College, reminding the mostly youthful audience that her father and brother both played football at Penn State. In fact, brother Hugh Rodham, a 1972 graduate, was a backup quarterback under Paterno.

"I had a little bit of soul search I had to do when President Clinton was here the other day," Paterno said Saturday. He said he felt that perhaps he should welcome Clinton out of respect for his status as a former president.

But in the end, Paterno said, "I didn't want to get into that because of my situation, because I couldn't vote for either one of them because I'm a Republican." He later declined to say whether he was supporting Sen. John McCain, the presumptive GOP nominee.

Hilary Clinton's father grew up in Scranton and is buried there, and the former first lady still has relatives in Pennsylvania. During his visit, Bill Clinton also fondly recalled the "Peachy Paterno" ice cream at the school's creamery during an earlier visit to Happy Valley.

Paterno's son and quarterbacks coach, Jay Paterno, supports Clinton's rival, Sen. Barack Obama, who is scheduled to make a campaign stop at Penn State on Sunday. The younger Paterno said at the opening of Obama's campaign office in State College that his choice was rooted in what's best for his five children.

"The only thing I have for Jay is admiration for him because he's willing to do what he thinks is right," Paterno said. "He's sticking

http: //www.espn.com/college-football/news/story?id=3319922

6d3c1c  No.5016422

File: c697a4d8a883e1a⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, batcountry.png)

Most of the people here (/qresearch) have been seeing 17's, Q's, 11:11's, 23's etc. etc. EVERYWHERE now right? That's just a small list. I was cruising on KODI looking for movies, and there is a movie called Q, one called Anon, and some other ones.

Watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas this morning, probably for the first time not on drugs. Second half of movie, they take some Adrenochrome. Never noticed that before. Lawyer says he got it from a satanist, in lieu of cash. Then said how they extract it. He then said he'd rather have an adrenaline gland to chew on. Plus some other shit.

Probably would never think twice about that until now. Shit, probably have said I wanted to try some.

So for all the dumb shits that say this is a psy op. So what. More eyes have been now opened about SO many subjects, they'll never be closed.

All because of this place.

We win.

119eb3  No.5016423


THE NUREMBERG CODE 1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

Make the human subject (you) believe that they should voluntarily consent by any means necessary. ANY means. Coercion. Soft fluffy sugar-coated coercion. That way they aren't responsible for horrific outcomes. Filthy NAZIs. And the willfully STUPID dumbfucks who choose to participate in it. Assisting evil. Ignorance really isn't bliss.

b6ad85  No.5016424

File: ca1bf153c6743ef⋯.jpg (73.86 KB, 900x754, 450:377, shokked.jpg)



shit is starting to be splerged because people cannot hold in their anger….???

ebbd12  No.5016425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the tomb of the unknown extraterrestrial discovered

6e5403  No.5016426


expand your thinking anon

2c40ec  No.5016427


Relief efforts, to relieve them of anything of value that they possess, including children.

1bc179  No.5016428


Geebus. Hold on, anon brb

ebbd12  No.5016429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

en espana

6cfaba  No.5016430


The FBI allowed Sabu to store the emails on an FBI server before they were transferred to WikiLeaks

c95601  No.5016432

File: 4b272a2d4c8c7b1⋯.jpg (91.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Human Brain.jpg)


spouse been going through that recently.

119eb3  No.5016433


But, but, but …. I thought I was supposed to believe whatever the doctors say. They are so smart. And they care. And they wouldn't hurt me and my child for money. Learn about the kickbacks, dipshyts. Doctors are pharma pimps. Nothing more. Filthy Nazis.

2063ad  No.5016434

>>4988255 (PB)

A) Iran wasn't living up to it. B) see A

>>4987893 (PB)

Dude …. Q has REPEATEDLY told us to archive offline. Is it remotely possible that he knew what he was talking about?

>>4987912 (PB)

Then make them yourself. This isn't a socialist country where you get to suggest expenses to be carried by others. Make one and let us copy it.

>>4987928 (PB)

The only way to start one day clean and sober and smoke free is to end the previous day that way. Suggest you bookend your day with prayer. Pray from the heart with confidence that your prayer is favorably heard.

>>4988039 (PB)

Agreed. Spell shit anyway you want if you only intend to post it on your own wall. But if someone wants public acceptance, they need to master at least one language and use it in their meme. Otherwise, their inspired insight is totally lost because they wiped it with the shit of illiteracy.

>>4987693 (PB)

If we are wrong, it's easy enough to prove. That we haven't been shown to be silly ninnies yet is telling.


We thread our way through the chaos and (slowly, gradually) learn to navigate within it. What strikes me as odd is that the "Q Team" are able to maintain anonymity. Are they meeting here? Have they ever all been in the same place at one time? Do they have some means of communication (alien technology?) that is so foreign to us that even the TLA agencies can't tap into it?

>>4988130 (PB)

Prove it or STFU.

>>4988175 (PB)

All that says is that the students would have to get good value for their money. AT LEAST 75% should be able to do this IF they got a good education in exchange for their tuition and fees.

>>4988177 (PB)

Nah … shitcan that meme. It's crap.

>>4988315 (PB)

You're so full of shit … the fat and uglies aren't going to be able to catch them. ;-)

79c2aa  No.5016435

File: 8f88b6f3f1c1d55⋯.png (12.28 KB, 255x167, 255:167, 8567d71e1988978bb974493488….png)


Would love if any doctor anons could give feedback on this. Would human collagen be better suited for an injection into a human? Would non human derived collagen cause rejection? I honestly don't know but LET THE HIVE MIND DIG.


e0def0  No.5016436


Here baker

I can bake some. You got any notes for me so far? Or we can wait to nb, your choice.

4a49c3  No.5016437

File: 1402fdad2e0d2e1⋯.jpg (24.39 KB, 409x399, 409:399, HRC3.jpg)

450d16  No.5016438

File: 948cf518e0a2405⋯.jpg (77.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)



Well, imagine..

>adoption process - Q

a8ca56  No.5016439



It's NOT prophecy when you're the ones that wrote it down in the first place in order to control a bunch of superstitious sheep.

They saw the end of organized religion and gave the sheep a new "god".

You call it money.

Now, that "god" is on its way out.

0ec805  No.5016440

File: 4b3e28b1c5c4980⋯.png (376.11 KB, 652x906, 326:453, DoD 2-3-19 7 20 am PST.PNG)

File: ec6c7b35219bda5⋯.mp4 (555.35 KB, 320x400, 4:5, Video DoD 2-3-19 7 20 am P….mp4)

'Don’t miss the #AirForce Flyover!



4bb942  No.5016441


FFS, only about 80% of taxpayers got a cut dumbass. The very top didn't get one because they're at the very top, and the bottom didn't either because they don't pay much to begin with.

Don't be that kind of stupid.

f22536  No.5016442

File: 9b16cd73575e493⋯.png (6.65 KB, 456x185, 456:185, The Start.png)

6b10ad  No.5016443

File: 6f1bc35ab9ff62f⋯.jpeg (98.4 KB, 461x749, 461:749, 7391955B-2CD1-4748-9653-0….jpeg)

File: cb38f91079c083f⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1234, 621:617, D93F684B-651C-4E36-8074-C….jpeg)

File: 5bd47f4c511d189⋯.jpeg (430.47 KB, 1242x1234, 621:617, 9CDCB846-42B9-4085-AD4B-9….jpeg)

File: bf7347f55362ed3⋯.jpeg (682.77 KB, 1242x1254, 207:209, 875B2B41-B6AF-4041-A1E9-1….jpeg)

05ae10  No.5016444

>>5014857 (pb)

>evil democrats

Its the (((jews)))

FFS read your bible

They laugh when you shy away from naming them

1167c2  No.5016445


I read you loud and clear, PP shill,

why don't you have your friends in fakenews go find KKK and ask him who blackface is?

Not happening is it?


6f1bf3  No.5016446

File: b3afe3fa0232361⋯.jpg (115.75 KB, 1591x1195, 1591:1195, Sliders.jpg)

They're here….

bd4c63  No.5016447

I think Northam is black face & plaid pants is the KKK costume wearer. Look how short the KKK person is compared to black face.


c5029c  No.5016448


Depends on the filler. Some last years. You can look up the different types of fillers, there are many, and see what they're makeup of. Most stimulate the production of collagen as well.

4a49c3  No.5016449

File: b72a3562e5838bc⋯.jpg (147.74 KB, 960x814, 480:407, b72a3562e5838bca5a2b6b2ae1….jpg)

f22536  No.5016450

File: 573fdd9834a5c86⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 502x628, 251:314, carolynbksplit30s50s.jpg)

File: 8a03e787c38d554⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 511x583, 511:583, carolynbksplit62pctopac.jpg)

File: 43c72290b617751⋯.jpg (48.48 KB, 499x616, 499:616, Carolynbksplitnoopacity.jpg)

File: 5ab63c1a05247d1⋯.png (490.56 KB, 1055x418, 1055:418, Carolynbksplitsvariableopa….png)

a79e89  No.5016451

confabulation is a sign that a mind has to have a complete story without the facts


c95601  No.5016452

File: 05dcf8c19f18b5d⋯.jpg (297.07 KB, 1133x1700, 1133:1700, Me likey.jpg)


HB anon

c04498  No.5016453

File: f3582ca2f400075⋯.jpeg (105.88 KB, 605x765, 121:153, EBC7B9C9-C1F4-415E-B69A-7….jpeg)

4224e2  No.5016454

File: ecebe2c5002189b⋯.jpg (55.29 KB, 778x455, 778:455, 5by5.jpg)

ebbd12  No.5016455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6fd93c  No.5016456



outlaw/severely restrict derivatives and futures and all the rigged shit

there goes half the fuckery in one swoop

1167c2  No.5016457


it sure does. kek

was it black on black face?

70f154  No.5016458


blame the aliens

we all know who they are

been kicked out of 109 countries


442ce3  No.5016459


They can't. It's a "power" that Congress already GAVE to the President!

11f872  No.5016460

File: 3457e0b8de2f437⋯.png (125.42 KB, 299x373, 299:373, rtard.png)

File: 58e80f8f166e605⋯.jpg (68.6 KB, 1012x485, 1012:485, Rtard_is_(((Liz))).jpg)

<Crokin explained her theory that JFK Jr. has been running the QAnon account all along, insisting that any mockery she receives, or attacks she endures, for promoting her absurd ideas is proof that she is right. …Crokin asserted that when she first heard the theory of JFK Jr. being behind the QAnon account, “it immediately resonated with me, I got goosebumps everywhere. I’m a very intuitive person and usually when that happens, that’s confirmation that there is truth to it.” ….Crokin went on to assert that, as a writer, she has an amazing ability to understand handwriting and uncover the truth simply by examining the things that people write, which leads her to believe that JFK Jr. is, in fact, the main force behind QAnon.


ebbd12  No.5016463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2be921  No.5016464


The sky is falling!!!

…Britain has fallen so far in the last 30 years. Even government propaganda and tabloid spin are shit.

1bc179  No.5016465

File: 1de5169b92e0eaf⋯.png (26.41 KB, 510x378, 85:63, mowgli.png)


from LB, an anon gave me this blank

using trips

and baker hit 751

6b10ad  No.5016466

File: 2df2f82041fd9bd⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB, 900x6234, 150:1039, 5D4E7B5D-33BE-4910-A402-4….jpeg)

File: 0f26b223ead1713⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1242x1892, 621:946, 658B03B5-D12A-439D-BD6D-3….jpeg)

File: 36c1b83ff3341b9⋯.jpeg (117.49 KB, 778x732, 389:366, A179A3CD-7944-4F5A-B25B-5….jpeg)

File: 94f2c21cbadbc4d⋯.jpeg (470.01 KB, 1242x991, 1242:991, 959FA735-7ED1-4C56-8983-E….jpeg)

File: 4c27a2b81ea0564⋯.jpeg (31.63 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 5FFDB4C4-1859-40E8-86F4-9….jpeg)

4a49c3  No.5016467

File: a0fd9837cfeb399⋯.jpg (277.97 KB, 890x547, 890:547, MK_BETA_PROGRAMMING.jpg)

d252a2  No.5016468

>>5015763 (lb)


That’s a nice handful of Rhino Swamp associates.

b0bbcb  No.5016469


Harry Reid is still alive, isn't he?

bcc9f5  No.5016471

File: aa902b7a87fc2cc⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 515x393, 515:393, LYvogue1.jpg)

28f862  No.5016472

File: 2c6009ff3afeb93⋯.png (350.68 KB, 708x629, 708:629, JenkumCrack.PNG)


Fuck off kike

a3ef53  No.5016473


Pic a crack any crack. Girls need to f’n stop eating already, DAMN

ebbd12  No.5016474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

225f49  No.5016475

File: 0d9eb89ceb97ebe⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1183x2088, 1183:2088, AB504D84-DF49-405B-9762-7….jpeg)

b6ad85  No.5016476

File: 7883e05b786d27d⋯.png (343.78 KB, 563x405, 563:405, trap2.png)

ca3393  No.5016477


How can any woman allow herself to get like that. And then have her picture taken.

The end approaches.

545a46  No.5016478


Thompson was into some freaky shit. He knew people who were into even freakier shit than he was. It's what got him killed. He was starting to talk about snuff-films in public and he was a 9/11 skeptic by noon that day.

6e5403  No.5016479


word…time scale differences can create an illusion of fantasy if not known.

c11b49  No.5016480

>>5015574 (pb)

Shoulder pads were big back in the day.

This kid in the pants is wearing a jacket with shoulder pads in the black face pic.

0ec805  No.5016481

File: df6d9f7096db316⋯.png (555.94 KB, 658x670, 329:335, DoD 2-3-19 9 am PST.PNG)

File: e5a8c4d0544eff2⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1388x783, 1388:783, DoD 2-3-19 9 am PST pic.PNG)

Things that go BOOM! 💥💥


5bafd1  No.5016482

File: 48c91553fbf3f76⋯.jpeg (593.11 KB, 1127x2048, 1127:2048, BAC6FF79-AA42-4B1F-9C3A-8….jpeg)

60917b  No.5016483


Thanks anon

9e9401  No.5016484

File: 7c3db55ed268c23⋯.jpg (14.43 KB, 352x352, 1:1, tumblr_no9cosSxFz1uvuwdlo1….jpg)


What about the guy in the left corner with no arms?

b6ad85  No.5016485

File: a6a097ec6416f20⋯.png (203.03 KB, 1146x480, 191:80, gatekpr.png)

450d16  No.5016486

File: 57d55747a7c0bf9⋯.jpg (167.05 KB, 720x551, 720:551, 20190120_172321.jpg)


Trips of truth.

Jew be like..

>kek, they'll never find out it's us because all we have to do is call them racist bigots and they'll shut up..kek.

Fucking kikes.

4a49c3  No.5016488

File: 331eb42221c7e69⋯.jpg (53.28 KB, 540x720, 3:4, REPUBLICANS_FREED_SLAVES_N….jpg)

51a646  No.5016489


What is it about the clintons and their need for not just black kids but the blackest of black kids? Melanin and blood type shit probably idk.

c5029c  No.5016490


So both Bidens dad and HRC's dad were from Scranton? How did I not know that?

444b33  No.5016491

>>5015593 (pb)


Block web sites in more than 70 categories, including pornography, gambling, drugs, violence/hate/racism, malware/spyware, phishing

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6b10ad  No.5016492

File: f8b76698f5d4292⋯.jpeg (203.07 KB, 1242x1409, 1242:1409, 33780009-5F6F-4E35-B4E7-4….jpeg)

File: 5790755dc4ac4ee⋯.jpeg (559.45 KB, 1242x1983, 414:661, BB6B99F3-66B6-454F-8E67-2….jpeg)

File: 0d31472493c21ce⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1691, 1242:1691, 21C3C9C8-7E31-4728-A89E-D….jpeg)

File: 774bb2e71b475cd⋯.jpeg (486.15 KB, 1242x1082, 621:541, A1C980AA-642F-497A-A3FD-8….jpeg)

File: e0eac93ca3810d4⋯.jpeg (979.89 KB, 1116x1489, 1116:1489, C453994E-2955-406C-990A-1….jpeg)

4f186f  No.5016493

File: c865f170ca8c876⋯.png (54.66 KB, 807x501, 269:167, PSAQuiz.png)

b0bbcb  No.5016494

File: db920434eebcb68⋯.jpg (130.74 KB, 600x938, 300:469, 12-queen-of-hearts-costume….jpg)


Queen of Hearts.

Alice in Wonderland

a8ca56  No.5016495



It's because those "other" babies are just plain fugly.

Unless you're talking about asian babies.

They're just downright adorable.

Sorry, get over it.

b3100b  No.5016496


No cake either

199064  No.5016497


May says she is 'armed with fresh' Brexit mandate and new ideas

Queen Elizabeth II was even drawn into the fray, with the Sunday Times reporting that the civil service had drawn up plans to whisk away the royal family to a secret location if riots should break out due to no deal, with Buckingham Palace declining to comment on the report.

The Brexit saga has driven a wedge in the heart of both major parties, pitting centrists against their more ideologically driven MPs.

Several rebellious centrist Labour MPs, who want a soft Brexit or to stay in the EU, are mulling forming a new party, according to Sunday’s Observer.


f22536  No.5016498

File: 4bbea56ddb37a1c⋯.png (947.43 KB, 750x612, 125:102, JFKjrRFKjrwithunknownkidsf….png)

File: 799b8de222bd789⋯.png (423.78 KB, 599x446, 599:446, JFKjrRFKTweet7_16_18.png)

File: 9142cfad1cd7b6b⋯.png (571.44 KB, 486x674, 243:337, JFKjrsfbayparade.png)

Let's see the Clown shills explain this. On July 16 of all days. kek

28f862  No.5016499


She's big boned

c95601  No.5016500

File: b686537850b508e⋯.jpg (25.2 KB, 500x400, 5:4, Alien Abduction.jpg)


muh aliens

db6fc3  No.5016501

File: 22e5d558fe0c7ae⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1196x628, 299:157, 8chan2.PNG)


OK? Back to the dig for me. Sorry for any confusion.

84c566  No.5016502

File: 958e82d59e9821b⋯.jpg (37.54 KB, 468x376, 117:94, selena.jpg)

4a49c3  No.5016503

File: b4dd0db549f4aa8⋯.jpg (59.38 KB, 500x354, 250:177, WHAT_THE_HRC.jpg)

6fd93c  No.5016505


this is getting like Q and POTUS

she must know this shit is out there and could debunk it with one short appearance

but no

why not?

0b0569  No.5016507


so much butthurt over a failed psyop…

b3bd46  No.5016508

File: 0c464a70d7a9388⋯.png (536.42 KB, 499x604, 499:604, qtroll.PNG)


When removing the spam-style messages that included multiple hashtags, the second-most tweeted topic for the Russian troll accounts was #Qanon, a baseless conspiracy theory that claims Mueller and Trump are secretly working together to take down a global pedophile ring run by celebrities and Democratic politicians.

#GreatAwakening and #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, which are catchphrases for #Qanon followers, also featured prominently in the Russian trolls’ tweets.

af5c1d  No.5016509


For single income households to come back, several changes need to be made. Wage increases alone would drive inflation, making things like houses even more expensive.

Artificially high prices need to come down. Houses costing 10 years income is crazy when the norm used to be 3-5 years. Those prices have been driven up by programming first time buyers to want granite and all kinds of other unnecessary crap in a 3000 square foot mcmansion. Regulation has driven prices up. Easy money has driven them up. Increased demand from 25 million illegals has driven prices up.

The cabal needed houses to keep up with inflation, so they programmed everyone to see them as a piggy bank instead of a depreciating asset.

A good old fashioned housing crash and switch to gold standard would fix a lot of problems.

09a9ae  No.5016510

File: 1269e2a4e9abe27⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 330x412, 165:206, 09_lannyavismtp.w330.h412.jpg)

Penn State Hires Lanny Davis, Erases All Doubt

The Jerry Sandusky scandal has left outsiders wondering just how culpable the Penn State administration is. Now that Penn State has hired Lanny Davis, we have our answer: extremely culpable.

http ://nymag.com/intelligencer/2011/12/penn-state-hires-lanny-davis-erases-all-doubt.html?gtm=bottom

Isn;t that cohen attorney in the sandusky child sex ring ?

02d6f6  No.5016511

File: 50289ccfbafd8ec⋯.png (58.32 KB, 628x444, 157:111, kabamur165465.png)

File: 08af0ac86dc2b43⋯.png (128.97 KB, 1712x779, 1712:779, loosh1.png)

Interesting, if you believe in this guy or not…

6b10ad  No.5016512

File: d41f2b2196e69f0⋯.jpeg (164.75 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, 456484D8-BEEB-4DAC-B047-5….jpeg)

File: 78c6bb05ef091c9⋯.jpeg (97.68 KB, 613x750, 613:750, 100C24FC-811B-4EC1-8272-B….jpeg)

File: 945a7573ac5ef43⋯.jpeg (179.46 KB, 680x1000, 17:25, 4A0E2605-DBC0-4625-9873-F….jpeg)

File: 87efc463e21e57d⋯.png (19.82 KB, 579x401, 579:401, 2ABA8B18-FD97-4595-BC66-BB….png)

File: f3d8c3e7846bc40⋯.png (606.13 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, 3046AA60-CB2D-4DF5-837D-94….png)

0cba4c  No.5016513


The OCC link went to 2009. Do have a better link to this referenced report?

6fd93c  No.5016514


fake and gay

slide continues

c95601  No.5016515




in already

bd4c63  No.5016516



4a49c3  No.5016517

File: 02f977c3f3ff2ee⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 255x240, 17:16, TO_HEEL.jpg)

77880c  No.5016518

File: 2a83d3234ca13aa⋯.jpg (99.39 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_20190203_212255_967.jpg)

a3ef53  No.5016519

File: 0b3a03d20596ccd⋯.gif (209.15 KB, 468x437, 468:437, 838DF3BD-0D21-40CA-B6A3-68….gif)


I’m really sick of these mf’s, need something to get started soon.

6e5403  No.5016520


Space Aliens or Illegal Aliens both unknown controversials.

3533c9  No.5016521

Does someone please have a stream they can share for Trump’s speech? I cancelled my cable in protest of fake news but still have the internet.

f22536  No.5016522


Your psy-op has not yet failed but will soon.

1665ce  No.5016523


Do you realize there's a triggering racism response for every thing? Be circumspect, be wise, but be aware the bomb gets triggered even with no apparent cause.

Pray for God's blessing, which will take care of it according to his will.

ca3393  No.5016524


It was a joke dude. Chill out.

That is how the government works though.

b3100b  No.5016525


I think the EU succeeded

Where Hitler failed

Unify Europe

If vinegar doesn't work, try honey

199064  No.5016526

4f186f  No.5016527

File: 2786955a4dd2bd4⋯.png (934.91 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

E4 Doomsday up and looks to be headed for homebase in NB

c95601  No.5016528


people want out of that shit-show. They have to leave or be dragged down with the financial crap that Douche bank spread into the world.

4224e2  No.5016529


>i still have internet

yes… we can tell…

6b10ad  No.5016530

File: 288926124927075⋯.jpeg (117.9 KB, 956x670, 478:335, A4632423-FA95-463E-A8C0-1….jpeg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpeg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, ACCF4B3E-0C60-45EA-93C0-1….jpeg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpeg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, CCFC0CCC-E724-4145-AEDC-E….jpeg)

File: 21ea80b6b03651f⋯.jpeg (132.31 KB, 530x383, 530:383, 56AEFF5A-3BC5-42FA-93D5-5….jpeg)

File: b71793de59a106b⋯.jpeg (610.63 KB, 1000x2891, 1000:2891, 926175D7-613A-4B5B-A5E3-4….jpeg)










Silly me… I forgot to mention some other things too. See attached.

6e5403  No.5016531



4a49c3  No.5016532

File: 878a45b41452692⋯.png (250.24 KB, 598x431, 598:431, sjlpfh.png)

d2f7ec  No.5016533

File: 83aa12405137452⋯.png (452.24 KB, 490x327, 490:327, EDCD378B-5F4E-4844-A0B4-F0….png)

556862  No.5016534


disability checks. men do it, too

22b299  No.5016535


WTF is a “human diploid cell”?

Diploid is what every cell is.

23+23= 46.


380076  No.5016536


self-hating negro

8ec1f0  No.5016538

File: abf0ea86d3f805d⋯.png (308.98 KB, 838x738, 419:369, oig.PNG)

Lawfags, whats the process from here? will the FBI start taking action immediately i.e sending out indictments?

ee6978  No.5016539


Fuck him and you

09a9ae  No.5016540

File: 234be2d76c6d3be⋯.jpg (45.72 KB, 885x516, 295:172, 85635bd101d423217d0f6a7067….jpg)


Favor-seeking foreign agent gushed in email to Hillary: 'What a great friend you are'

https: //www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/3/lanny-davis-sent-hillary-clinton-fawning-cringe-wo/

lenny davis the protector of the pedos ?

the sandusky lawyer for Penn state ?

380076  No.5016541

File: 8fa05ba0bc8a1c4⋯.png (349.61 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)

more threats?

e9d138  No.5016542


Yes, David is a career Clinton stooge

545a46  No.5016543

File: 105e93d4509e4d0⋯.jpg (73.39 KB, 620x413, 620:413, 18n90m.jpg)

66ee87  No.5016544

Hahahaha, Sabu… LMAO

c95601  No.5016545

File: a1ce5f2dcc074d4⋯.jpg (15.05 KB, 255x181, 255:181, E4 Shoots frickin' Laser b….jpg)

c30626  No.5016546

>>5016175 pb

>From Neon Revolt

Neon is a PAYtriot.

Steals our work, mashes it into a blathering hot mess, then pimps over-priced swag to Anons and later brags about it.




988bbf  No.5016547


If you don't mind let's hand off this bread? Here's a few notes:


>>5016377 Glenn Greenwald: One of the few journalists with integrity.

>>5016372 List of adrenochrome vendors.

>>5016304 Jerry Sandusky’s son charged with sexually assaulting children.

>>5016289 Top five US banks and their derivative holdings.

>>5016276 POTUS Schedule update: Arrival - Mar-a-Lago.

I'll be back in a bread or so if you would like a handoff.

e9d138  No.5016548


Typo, Davis is a career Clinton stooge

ac88a1  No.5016549


Q has quoted Ephesians 6:10-18 multiple times. It is very true.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

51a646  No.5016550

File: 3308e08c5450e25⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 240x160, 3:2, betterufoundation.jpg)

File: 13cda0c71c5b3e6⋯.jpg (151.18 KB, 1160x871, 1160:871, Evil.jpg)


When a celeb starts bashing trump you can go ahead and assume that they have a charity affiliated with the Clinton's…

b0bbcb  No.5016551


Monsters, Inc.

2cfcfe  No.5016552

File: 4af9577c30b0cf4⋯.png (195.67 KB, 408x274, 204:137, 2019-02-03_15-25-58.png)


Would be satisfying if the Jesuit head of the pedophile priest church got the St. Peter/Al-Waleed bin Talal treatment?


a8ca56  No.5016554

File: 38a0ac77a40100a⋯.png (621.95 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, prettymuchyeah.png)

38b47c  No.5016555


>Bongino twatted this. Interesting why it wasn't used pre-election. Someone was holding on to that pic for future use….



Bingo! In fact multiple sides had it. My guess is that a white hat released it. The propagandist thought they had a handle on crushing the abortion shit with the SuperBowl and all. Then this comes out and keeps his name and stories front and center.

4f186f  No.5016556


Seen it. Same shit as usual.

Really, if you can't be bothered to put the effort in, I don't know why you'd expect anyone else to bother either.

190668  No.5016557

File: a746d69d775389d⋯.png (167.42 KB, 1436x684, 359:171, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)

>>5016143 (lb) (pb)

Spanier Gets National Security Gig


79c2aa  No.5016558

File: e8649889e517b32⋯.png (158.72 KB, 449x575, 449:575, e8649889e517b32a16887b2624….png)



First type: fucking HUMAN BONES.


"Calcium hydroxylapatite is found naturally in human bones and is a mineral-like compound."

The follow up immidiately with:

"Calcium hydroxylapatite is biosynthetically produced, which means that no animals or animal products are used."

Technically this isn't proof of anything, but game theory would dictate that companies usually choose to save money rather than waste money, and planned parenthood creates this exact tissue as a "waste byproduct." The most likely economic-based explanation is that plastic surgery is benefiting directly from these fetal tissues. Isn't it interesting that they so quickly state on that website that "its synthetic!! Don't worry!! NOTHING TO SEE HERE!!"

I feel sick. God guide me to not give up. I will not quit.

e0def0  No.5016559


Yeah I got it, np baker. Ty for the bakin', and the notes here.

Handoff confirmed

02d6f6  No.5016560

File: 473e934949186d7⋯.png (357.33 KB, 630x687, 210:229, pompeo2319.png)

The United States applauds @Pontifex arrival in UAE as an historic moment for religious freedom. The first Holy Mass by a pope in the Arabian Peninsula promotes peace and understanding between two of the world’s great religions. #PopeFrancisInUAE


b6ad85  No.5016561

File: aa2e3695ebf7ba2⋯.jpg (101.54 KB, 900x250, 18:5, bubyeblue.jpg)


ja Anon - ja….

4a49c3  No.5016563

File: 0ea43ebf4ca9d7a⋯.jpeg (53.01 KB, 480x360, 4:3, HILLARY_RACIST.jpeg)

File: 6d01c8ff0c49092⋯.jpg (64.49 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, KEEP THEM STARVED BLIND ST….jpg)

199064  No.5016564


I took it to mean Libs rejected our offer, and threatened the Queen cause they are out of excuses

447bd5  No.5016565

File: bc0af876ea200e4⋯.jpeg (79.94 KB, 614x497, 614:497, 4597A6A9-9AFF-44EA-A278-A….jpeg)

ee6978  No.5016566

File: e938e36bf6d93f0⋯.jpeg (161.61 KB, 888x481, 24:13, 736AFFFF-72A1-4B18-A30A-B….jpeg)


I said “right now”. We saving The Republic n shit, nigga

c95601  No.5016567

File: 8e649ad4915dae8⋯.jpg (225.71 KB, 997x1500, 997:1500, Kitchen help.jpg)


always room for cake

aaa064  No.5016568

File: fdeb3085aa77573⋯.jpg (196.16 KB, 2021x1021, 2021:1021, IMG_20190203_142507.jpg)


daddy taught him well

60069a  No.5016569

>>5016267 LB

Either someone paid them not to find the picture.


The picture was manufactured by the democrats to shift the narrative.

3533c9  No.5016570


That was certainly…unhelpful.

ca3393  No.5016571


Guy down the road from me has his house listed for $350,000.00.

He paid $62,000 3 years ago. Has not improved it one bit.

If he gets that for it, mine goes on the market the next day for $1.7 million.

6fd93c  No.5016572


change will NEVER occur in the rigged system

and thsat is why i say that i am 100% convinced that a massive load of MOABS are coming our way - ones that will fulfill every promise Q made and i will explain why

all this fuckery - if ever it is called out - gets buried in congress investigations and inquiries and maybe a lawsuit or prosecution - THAT COLLECTIVELY CHANGE NOTHING. and can ANY anon say that this process is exactly what is going on right now with all the other issues we know of?

this is the way ALL govt shit works - the corruption and evil is so deep and so wide it will NEVER be drained by its own processes - NEVER. the processes themselve gurantee that result - if we are waiting to "normal" events to achieve the GA we are delusional

so now back to the point - the system will NEVER NEVER NEVER change without the massive wave of MOABS Q promised - and since i love and trust POTUS and i know that he has signalled that this is truly habbening AND i am positive that is the ONLY way change will ever occur - the MOABS are indeed coming - and it will be both GLORIOUS AND EPIC

d558d3  No.5016573

File: 65b7109bbf6bff4⋯.png (229.14 KB, 583x438, 583:438, russianbots.png)


Be proud to be a bot!

83c92d  No.5016574

POTUS interview coming on?

a8ca56  No.5016575

File: da7beece781e9a3⋯.png (238.14 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, liarscake.png)

f4525a  No.5016576

File: de8896b30afdc7e⋯.jpg (99.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Canuck_Q_research.jpg)

Justin Trudeau’s 2015 Majority Government Win Looks Increasingly Illegitimate Due To Role Of Foreign Interference

Considering how narrow the margin of victory was in many seats, and considering how groups funded by U.S. billionaires sought to interfere in the election and destroy Canada’s energy industry, there are growing doubts about whether Trudeau actually won in a legitimate way.

For over 2 years, the United States has been gripped by the ‘collusion’ issue.

The question of whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia has been obsessively covered by the establishment media – even here in Canada.

The issue is still ongoing, though no clear evidence of collusion has yet been found.

Yet, here at home, there is widespread evidence of interference in the 2015 Canadian Federal Election, from groups linked to U.S. billionaires.

In fact, those groups have explicitly said that their goal was to defeat the Conservatives and get a government in place that would do what the U.S. billionaires want – cripple and ultimately destroy Canada’s energy industry.

Groups like CorpEthics and Tides were actively involved in the campaign, with Tides in Canada campaigning explicitly for the defeat of the Conservatives.

That is textbook, undeniable foreign interference in our election, a clear violation of our sovereignty and our democracy.

Yet, it’s received almost no coverage, as I pointed out on Twitter:

“It’s absurd that – while the U.S. has been consumed with ‘collusion’ for 2 years – here in Canada there’s clear evidence of foreign interference in our elections & against Canada’s oil industry, & the establishment media barely covers it. It’s the biggest scandal of the decade.”

The potential implications of this foreign interference is immense and disturbing.

For example, the difference between a majority government and a minority government is massive in the Canadian system. It is literally the difference between an elected dictatorship, and parties being forced to compromise and listen to others.

In a majority government, the Opposition is almost entirely powerless. In a minority government, the opposition gets much of what they want put into legislation.

Consider these facts:

170 seats are needed for a majority government.

The Liberals won 184 seats.

Out of those 184 seats won by the Liberals, the Conservatives finished second in 111 of them.

In the country, 70 ridings were won by a margin of 5 percentage points or less.

The Liberals won 34 of those.

If 15 had gone a different way, the Liberals would have had a minority government, instead of a majority.

With a margin of 5% or less, then a swing of 2.5% from the Liberals to the second place party (the Conservatives in most cases), would be all that is necessary for a different winner.

Tides gave $1.5 MILLION USD to groups in Canada trying to defeat the Conservatives.

In 2015, following the election, Leadnow (part of the same anti-Conservative effort as Tides), said this:

“The Conservatives were defeated in 25 out of 29 ridings, and . . . in the seats the Conservatives lost, our recommended candidate was the winner 96 per cent of the time.””

And consider this: “NDP candidates and even CUPE complained about Leadnow’s activities being anti-democratic.”

As I reported earlier, Researcher Vivian Krause uncovered that the U.S. based CorpEthics – which has Tides among their clients – openly admitted to participating in defeating the Conservatives:

So, what we now have before us is clear, undeniable evidence that 1) foreign money interfered in our election, 2) that interference was directed towards defeating the Conservatives, and 3) considering that both the NDP and Conservatives were worried about it while the Liberals weren’t, the Liberals – who barely won a majority – were the main beneficiaries.

This raises the serious question, not only of the legitimacy of the election results, but of every piece of legislation passed by the Liberals.

After all, if a government was elected under fraudulent means, doesn’t that also mean that everything they do as a government is fraudulent and illegitimate?

Perhaps that’s why the Liberals so-called election ‘safeguard,’ is focused on cracking down on free speech online, while leaving the same loopholes wide-open for foreign money to enter Canada and sway our upcoming election.

This is a perilous moment for Canadian democracy, and we need to do everything we can to make all Canadians aware of it.


9e9401  No.5016577

File: 1a9d73d696f5863⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 292x367, 292:367, smartbrother.jpg)

e41efd  No.5016578

File: 26342cb2e355d01⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1040x3344, 65:209, Screenshot_67.png)

6e5403  No.5016579


People would not be able to sleep if they really understood this stuffs.

b5e267  No.5016580

File: 8b36dd2a686fbd6⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 539x250, 539:250, OpulentWeightyBoaconstrict….gif)

b6ad85  No.5016581

File: 912d1ea077d5ff5⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 403x586, 403:586, beldrkek.jpg)


gotta love those helper anons…

84fa65  No.5016582


Trusted 2nd only to CNN. KEK

53f7e5  No.5016583

So, as far as I can see:

The cabal used all the information gathered about us thru location,texts,talks,habits,…. to construct a computer personality model for each of us.

Classified us into groups based on personality,politics,ease of manipulation,…

Then they carried out specific targeted manipulation tactits for different groups, and this done in real-time, for everyone.

These physical computer models exist somewhere.

What now?

White Hats has taken over these models.

Instead of destroying them, they are used to do good, to increase ones enjoyment of life, tailored to every being.

f0b2b4  No.5016584


How 9 Banks Are Exposed To $200 Trillion Worth Of Derivatives [Infographic]


b3100b  No.5016585


Blah blah blah

Rich people like to stay rich

Most will do whatever it takes to stay there

We need to keep ahold of the middle class

Otherwise they get their way

10% rich 90% dirt poor. 0% middle clas

f24bca  No.5016586


2 of the world's great religions?

Trust Pompeo?

190668  No.5016587

File: 89cd53b0b9cb395⋯.png (364.98 KB, 1241x1186, 1241:1186, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)


Victor Thorn Penn State Summation Was Brilliant


4224e2  No.5016588


just bantz, if i knew the answer i would have posted it too

90a0bc  No.5016589

File: 48d052372860d6b⋯.png (60.13 KB, 351x72, 39:8, abortion_EOE.png)



Make the every skin tone versions for memeage.

4a49c3  No.5016590

File: 3dfb73ff71474fe⋯.jpg (538.67 KB, 949x1135, 949:1135, 3dfb73ff71474fe15566266eba….jpg)

066ea1  No.5016591

File: cf983657f472cbd⋯.png (201.36 KB, 993x737, 993:737, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)


MSU is the only school that donates to Raising Malawi.

MSU> Larry Nasser> USA Gymnastics

MSU > Magic Johnson > Magic Johnson Enterprises > Loop Capital

d5aae3  No.5016592

Q 752

Response to Q was that RBG shared nuke tech with North Korea.


2be921  No.5016593

File: 2117988c93a7590⋯.png (362.77 KB, 477x597, 159:199, Screenshot_2019-02-03 Q Re….png)

6fd93c  No.5016594


fake and gay

talumd fiction made up by so called JQ posters

one screenshot would prove it

never habbened

84c566  No.5016595

File: 4f2b8f4f01cdf32⋯.jpg (156.98 KB, 736x657, 736:657, wakeup.jpg)

e464f3  No.5016596

POTUS on CBS right now.

c65cc0  No.5016597


SITREP post means Q will be posting later today

b8f24b  No.5016598



0cd20c  No.5016599

File: c366fba7aebea26⋯.png (108.33 KB, 400x381, 400:381, c366fba7aebea26a39af4ae618….png)

4a49c3  No.5016600

File: 754820a863599d5⋯.jpeg (69.76 KB, 632x796, 158:199, NPC.jpeg)

d0f7ee  No.5016601

"To Kill a Mockingbird" play commercial just before on CBS…

db6fc3  No.5016602

File: a2c228876238217⋯.png (156.3 KB, 461x316, 461:316, 2 3 19 6.PNG)

c4bcbe  No.5016603


Well said, anon.

c82821  No.5016604


I just got through watching that video and was reminded of when Q posted the answer to "Are we alone."

When Q answered I knew automatically that he didn't mean "little green men," being a Christian I knew that it meant demons.

91862a  No.5016605


Kek…I get like an extra $20 on my check. Only $2k into the next tax bracket, which only fukks me even moar. But yea, somehow it's my fault for paying to learn a skilled wage over 13 years ago to get a good job, only to be fukked in the long run. Price I pay for actually getting my hands dirty and helping build American products I guess.

Reading some stupid website was supposed to change that though? Wew.

What about that 10% tax cut on the mid class POTUS talked about probably a month ago now?

974e2e  No.5016606


http://usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/ I just got on not sure what broadcasting network is going to have the show but if you look to your right there are several network stations.

3faaa7  No.5016607

Planned Parenthood Exposed

30sec video - made for sharing


More at the PP Ops thread >>5006160

Ammo drop off and collect

d09bf4  No.5016608


It is a good sign that they write about me and hate me.

Because that shows they see me as a threat

ca3393  No.5016609


>>>5016304 Jerry Sandusky’s son charged with sexually assaulting children.

was in 2017.

9e9401  No.5016610

Which speech?

ee6978  No.5016611


Why not both slime?

2cfcfe  No.5016612

File: d76493fd64cf8a1⋯.png (510.54 KB, 671x1237, 671:1237, 2019-02-03_15-31-53.png)


Could it be that the reason she hates commoners so much is because of her ancestry?


e5bbc8  No.5016613

File: b7aeaad8f93a743⋯.jpg (595.02 KB, 2000x1111, 2000:1111, No Sauce.jpg)

c95601  No.5016614

File: e0a08b66a80b4e3⋯.jpg (117.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fail4.jpg)


get over yourself and pick another business to work in. it died years ago.

b9d479  No.5016615


Fake n Gay.

eec578  No.5016616

File: 5ef12ec4f12b802⋯.jpg (278.76 KB, 1440x770, 144:77, IMG_20180506_202525.jpg)

09a9ae  No.5016617

File: 1ab70481b8ef50c⋯.jpg (42.64 KB, 636x356, 159:89, 18j4rubx6vsvkjpg.jpg)


Sandusky Made Nearly $500K At The Second Mile After Admitting He Showered With A Boy, According To Tax Records

We've obtained tax returns for The Second Mile charity from 1998 to present. Some disturbing tidbits in there. Easily the most disturbing is the amount of money Jerry Sandusky earned through his nonprofit organization after 1998, when at least one person affiliated with The Second Mile learned that Sandusky was under investigation for sexual misconduct.

https ://deadspin.com/sandusky-made-nearly-500k-at-the-second-mile-after-adm-5858533

Sandusky making millions in foundation ?

clinton foundation

33f344  No.5016618

>>5015574 (pb)

I don't think they're the same pants. One has a small dark line through the light band. The other has two darker lines.

3faaa7  No.5016619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Planned Parenthood Exposed

30sec video - made for sharing


More at the PP Ops thread >>5006160

Ammo drop off and collect

1167c2  No.5016620

File: 656aa0f270310ac⋯.png (29.97 KB, 629x357, 37:21, tip on northam.PNG)



the tip on Northam's pic came from a 'concerned citizen' after the abortion talk.

He said it only took 'a few hours' to confirm it as authentic.

Why couldn't Bongino confirm it back in October when it was making the rounds?

Who was passing it around?

two hours to confirm?

534479  No.5016621

File: 697efadda16c89e⋯.png (45.23 KB, 604x192, 151:48, Selection_831.png)


"MRC-5 is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 14 week old aborted caucasian male fetus. The cell line was isolated by J.P.More at Wikipedia"

444b33  No.5016622


9526e9  No.5016623

File: 498bd8eb0e0e1e0⋯.jpg (329.67 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 11232116-BarronTrumpCover.jpg)

File: 7e5fbe88176d706⋯.jpg (843.51 KB, 5472x3648, 3:2, TrumpBarronSmilingWaving.jpg)

File: f93f229943e079e⋯.jpg (537.17 KB, 3000x2270, 300:227, TrumpBarronInteracting.jpg)

File: b5e4455cbe4fbdb⋯.jpg (526.48 KB, 2048x1568, 64:49, BarronSmilingWithDadTrump.jpg)

File: fdaa4cd8e1b757d⋯.png (689.32 KB, 640x745, 128:149, TrumpBarronTie.png)


#Barron trending cuz dad said he'd steer him from "dangerous" #football–of course evoking a gazillapocalypsian tweets feigning shock that POTUS cares or even knows who Barron is.

Photos clearly reveal the interaction of a child with his unliked, untrusted, unknown dad. 🙄

a8ca56  No.5016624


No link?

Not even a summary?

988bbf  No.5016625


Good catch anon, current baker may want to remove.

I thought it was relevant to the Sandusky/Deep State dig.

4a49c3  No.5016626

File: 8a6b069d8664cdc⋯.png (477 KB, 519x541, 519:541, NPC_NFL_SOROS.png)

d8e5dc  No.5016627


The South Philly Boys Club was just as corrupt as Sandusky's Second Mile.

World class pedophile Eddie Savitz was heavily involved in the SPBC and introduced Greg Bucceroni to Sandusky.

At Penn State football games, the SPBC kids would start fights with the Second Mile boys.

Bucceroni has interviews online describing a wide range of underage trafficking as seen from the perspective of a young prostitute.

He even mentions Larry King (known as black Larry) as a pimp in these matters.

51a646  No.5016628

File: 166dfc51334d617⋯.png (55.82 KB, 881x892, 881:892, Screenshot_2019-02-03 Bill….png)



97bc0b  No.5016629

File: fa85ab414f24b1a⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1242x1660, 621:830, A97FDBFE-7E9F-4790-883C-6….jpeg)

0cba4c  No.5016630

File: 164c118b6649d22⋯.jpeg (51.59 KB, 640x352, 20:11, 7E1DA4AB-FE0A-440B-9488-3….jpeg)

066ea1  No.5016631

File: b8489f3e99e66d3⋯.png (146.95 KB, 462x666, 77:111, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)

File: 25f4f6d9ef6cbcb⋯.png (316.31 KB, 507x637, 39:49, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)

9e9401  No.5016632





I wasn't the one asking but that's a great find, thanks. How's it with sports?

988bbf  No.5016633



You may want to consider removing this notable:


66ee87  No.5016634

File: e692b2c793ec0e4⋯.jpeg (191.78 KB, 900x500, 9:5, 7E41FA8C-7B73-471A-9BFE-D….jpeg)

02d6f6  No.5016635

File: 6b973613eb743a6⋯.jpg (33.99 KB, 480x477, 160:159, b210c01f26f7d659f2012284c7….jpg)

3faaa7  No.5016636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr Levatino Explains Planned Parenthood Abortion Procedures

5:26 vid - made for sharing


c11b49  No.5016637

File: be0489c57807966⋯.png (38.52 KB, 626x240, 313:120, ClipboardImage.png)


Getting ready for it now.

9b0aba  No.5016638

http://usnewslive.tv/watch-cbs-live-stream/ >>5016521

c65cc0  No.5016639



Always track the SITREP

e9b37e  No.5016640

File: 758b6ffb53a8736⋯.png (469.63 KB, 599x330, 599:330, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53ceef28b2246da⋯.png (346.84 KB, 534x414, 89:69, ClipboardImage.png)

Pope Francis Arrives in Abu Dhabi – First Pontiff to Visit Birthplace of Islam

Pope Francis arrived in Abu Dhabi on Sunday to begin a three-day visit to the Arabian Peninsula.

The Pope’s trip to the Arabian Peninsula is historic; he is the first Pontiff to visit the birthplace of Islam.

The Associated Press reported that Pope Francis is seeking to turn the page in Christian-Muslim relations.

Pope Francis will also hold a giant Mass on Tuesday which is expected to draw 135,000 people in what many are calling the largest show of Christian worship on the Arabian Peninsula ever.

More from the AP:

Francis traveled to Abu Dhabi to participate in a conference on interreligious dialogue sponsored the Emirates-based Muslim Council of Elders, an initiative that seeks to counter religious fanaticism by promoting a moderate brand of Islam. It’s the brainchild of Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb, the grand imam of Egypt’s Al-Azhar, the revered 1,000-year-old seat of Sunni Islam that trains clerics and scholars from around the world.

In a video message to the Emirates on the eve of his trip, Francis paid homage to his “friend and dear brother” el-Tayeb and praised his courage in calling the meeting to assert that “God unites and doesn’t divide.”

“I am pleased with this meeting offered by the Lord to write, on your dear land, a new page in the history of relations among religions and confirm that we are brothers despite our differences,” Francis said.


190668  No.5016641

File: 056bc05ce82757f⋯.png (777.27 KB, 937x1189, 937:1189, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)

File: 48bb0705fd358b8⋯.png (440.68 KB, 943x1223, 943:1223, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)

File: 4cbdb68aab3a0ff⋯.png (274.82 KB, 895x1109, 895:1109, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)

File: fdb53131da43d78⋯.png (384.46 KB, 967x1199, 967:1199, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)



PSU Cover-up: Connecting the Dots


b9d479  No.5016642


Aww,great pics.

84c566  No.5016643

File: 6037ee485991ac2⋯.jpg (75.95 KB, 634x479, 634:479, thisisfine.jpg)

4a49c3  No.5016644

File: 31cfa6a91d9fcb9⋯.jpg (83.58 KB, 670x960, 67:96, NY_ABORTION_LAW.jpg)

be4ea4  No.5016645

File: a897bea255f68f3⋯.jpg (8.34 KB, 255x166, 255:166, habbeningintensitgy.jpg)

0cd20c  No.5016647



kek, lurk moar faggot

190668  No.5016648

File: 430e2087ce5a5db⋯.png (277.72 KB, 712x1077, 712:1077, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)

File: ead53a522b71a11⋯.png (302.48 KB, 838x1226, 419:613, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)

File: c3bc043a30dc70f⋯.png (324.98 KB, 897x1207, 897:1207, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)


PSU Cover-up: Connecting the Dots


ca3393  No.5016650


I can't do it anon. I am so sick of seeing that shit everywhere, it just pisses me off anymore.

0cba4c  No.5016651


Would love to have memes - with the event/award captioned in the photo (don’t meme)

ee6978  No.5016652

File: 7934d5c7e32327f⋯.jpeg (24.11 KB, 620x310, 2:1, 0CF64550-3E4C-477A-A358-A….jpeg)


It’s always love but my previous comment stands

e9b37e  No.5016653

Pentagon to Deploy 3, 750 Additional US Forces to Border With Mexico

According to a US Department of Defense statement, additional forces will be deployed to the nation’s southwest border with Mexico for three months as a means of providing support to customs and border agents.

The move will lead to a rise in the number of active US forces providing support for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents, to approximately 4,350, Reuters reported.

In late January 2019, Secretary of Defence Patrick Shanahan announced that the Pentagon has been preparing to send "several thousand" additional troops to the Mexico-US border, answering a US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) call for assistance in monitoring and "laying down more concertina wire".

Earlier, the undersecretary of defense for policy, John Rood, told Congress that US officials are tracking three migrant caravans from Central America allegedly making their way toward the US-Mexican border, the largest of which is said to have over 12,000 would-be immigrants.

Initially the deployment of active-duty US forces was approved by the Pentagon in October 2018 and the decision was embraced by Trump supporters in Congress, according to Reuters.


d32673  No.5016654


In English, for the layman, what does all that mean, exactly?

db6fc3  No.5016655



b6ad85  No.5016656

File: 9acca205e234e40⋯.jpg (487.75 KB, 729x1050, 243:350, cofbewbs.jpg)


the right hand and the left hand of pedophilia and trafficking…..

be4ea4  No.5016657

File: 41574a8acb0023c⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 236x251, 236:251, pepeglam.jpg)

02d6f6  No.5016658

File: 5fe93ce855dbe49⋯.jpg (62.28 KB, 699x485, 699:485, 5fe93ce855dbe49f6f4fd76b57….jpg)


So true, anon. This stuff does go so deep…

I wish I could figure out what Q meant by "99% would be in the hospital"

It must be really bad…

1b853d  No.5016659

File: 60182eef7916df9⋯.jpg (96.51 KB, 649x712, 649:712, Capture.JPG)

Protesters in Venezuela flooded the streets in huge numbers Saturday to demand that socialist President Nicolas Maduro step down from power.

The Washington Post reported that the day saw some of the largest anti-Maduro demonstrations since he succeeded Hugo Chavez in 2013.

Demonstrations across the country attracted huge throngs of people — possily in the hundreds of thousands, according to the Washington Post.

Here is the scene of one demonstration, posted to Twitter by a Caracas-based user.


a79e89  No.5016660

Hard to imagine anyone here believing in any pol party, ever.


4a49c3  No.5016661

File: 3e89ac50ee667ec⋯.jpeg (23.24 KB, 364x317, 364:317, PLANNED_PARENTHOOD_FOUNDE….jpeg)

a8ca56  No.5016662

File: 49c66487501b818⋯.png (90.47 KB, 951x840, 317:280, pepe_what.png)


WTF are you talking about, homo?

444b33  No.5016663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chief Deputy Whip Democrat Kildee breaks with Pelosi - admits border wall makes sense

eec578  No.5016664

File: 5514b0d1c993d2b⋯.jpeg (138.67 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1528904166.jpeg)

34103d  No.5016665


{52.123324° N, 1.978253° W}

{51.505628° N, 0.125183° W}

{51.517530° N, 0.110227° W}

{51.418476° N, 2.222978° W}

{52.367253° N, 0.229828° W}

{51.250165° N, 0.304362° W}

Down The Pike > *Complete*

[Thaumaturge8484] > -Leverage-

6fd93c  No.5016666


i will take the honor to apologize on behalf of POTUS as this was indeed a defective tax bill

POTUS could not get what he wanted and had to settle for this - it had lots of good changes and some really bad shit tho

he will fix it asap

corrupt congress still blocking POTUS and WE THE PEOPLE

MOABS coming

09a9ae  No.5016667


They keystone state !!!!

at the center of it all


f0b2b4  No.5016668


They are too big to fail.

If they fail, everything fail.

They own whole world 3x

91862a  No.5016670

File: 99c8eb8bfc63dd0⋯.jpg (301.79 KB, 1170x1080, 13:12, 005728059526cb168763ab763f….jpg)


>Intelligent evil dust, it's in everything, on everything.


e9b37e  No.5016671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Jim Jordan: Bruce Ohr Met with Chris Steele and Glenn Simpson 13 Times and Immediately Went to Debrief Comey FBI

Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking Republican member of the House Oversight Committee joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Jim Jordan told Maria Bartiromo that former Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr met with Fusion GPS and

Rep. Jim Jordan: When we desposed Bruce Ohr he shared three key facts with the FBI that I think disprove Schiff’s memo:

— He said first of all Fusion was connected to the Clinton Campaign, Fusion GPS that put together the dossier.

— He said my wife Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS.

— And the person Fusion hired, Christopher Steele has deep bias against the president.

Jim Jordan continued:

Bruce Ohr met and talked with Chris Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, multiple times. and after each and every encounter he had with Christopher Steele he went directly to the FBI and briefed them on what that conversation was about. At least 13 times he did that.

Comey and his cabal are crooks.

The fact that they hid this from the FISA court and Congress is criminal conduct.


1bc179  No.5016673

File: 6b037683fe5b86b⋯.jpg (5.92 KB, 259x194, 259:194, you.jpg)


confusion? here? I think not, MF


61789b  No.5016674

Most patriot fans are HUGE trump supporters.

So, as much as it pains me to say this…

The Patriots and their fans are our guys!

d8f712  No.5016675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6fd93c  No.5016676


pro life shillfaggot

acting for the circus congress is

556862  No.5016678


Dan needing moar views?

e9b37e  No.5016679


Figured he went for kiddies as he's been cut off in Italy

b6ad85  No.5016680

File: 5c2d74dba74ee98⋯.jpg (114.08 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cold.jpg)


yes - with money they print…

6b10ad  No.5016681

File: fb881f80c1a80f6⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB, 1096x1611, 1096:1611, D6A13817-887E-4F56-A25B-C….jpeg)

File: ac25594eb97bf0d⋯.jpeg (1014.3 KB, 1081x1555, 1081:1555, 36CC0EEF-7875-4560-915D-D….jpeg)

File: c6388b640a36d6a⋯.jpeg (953.64 KB, 1043x1515, 1043:1515, 2C4CACC8-7B3F-41E9-8E5C-0….jpeg)

File: 4d89add337ab3d2⋯.jpeg (958.86 KB, 1086x1567, 1086:1567, 0B3B618E-088F-4F2A-81D7-4….jpeg)

File: 254ccd98671fd3b⋯.jpeg (986.85 KB, 1087x1536, 1087:1536, CF3A747D-D8E3-437D-89A4-B….jpeg)


Have you read this stuff yet?? maybe u should prolly filter me then.

c95601  No.5016682

File: 686c3a3fade87c7⋯.png (12.94 MB, 3600x2384, 225:149, NUKE the FED NOW.png)

57c674  No.5016683

Think logically while expanding your thinking.

4a49c3  No.5016684

File: 8a858cd0b1e753a⋯.png (214.43 KB, 425x282, 425:282, PLANNED_PARENTHOOD.png)

e9d138  No.5016685


Paterno knew what was going. JoePa was a god there and still is to some.

f0b2b4  No.5016686


Yes, thanks to us all.

91862a  No.5016687

File: 4e28f4744c8e7cb⋯.jpg (66.6 KB, 450x500, 9:10, 88c227469f7273fbeeaaf120d9….jpg)


Nice quads and I get it, black hats still in play.

I shall always rep the Republic though and stick to Taxation is Theft.

e2ed75  No.5016688


they don't seem to vote that way

4f86d3  No.5016689

File: 6d549c3e6bae9ce⋯.png (89.94 KB, 668x656, 167:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Dig on Virginia swamp

RBG imminent death means they are rushing with the abortion laws.


6e5403  No.5016690

File: e1d0c13028fff2f⋯.png (55.51 KB, 895x768, 895:768, ClipboardImage.png)

6fd93c  No.5016691


>I wish I could figure out what Q meant

i could tell you but then i would have to kill you

if you didnt die before i had a chance

09a9ae  No.5016692



aaa064  No.5016693

File: ff1bd5aa567ba94⋯.jpg (253.86 KB, 1807x1270, 1807:1270, _20190203_151509.JPG)

6b10ad  No.5016694

File: bce6bcd68e77827⋯.jpeg (99.36 KB, 747x374, 747:374, 10DD37A5-3581-4DA6-B02F-B….jpeg)

File: 6091cf1688fd6a7⋯.jpeg (82.97 KB, 385x499, 385:499, 541CE3E3-80E9-4279-A2E8-A….jpeg)

File: b30f0a5853ce4f9⋯.jpeg (89.8 KB, 490x563, 490:563, 6817B60B-1EB5-4B83-9E23-3….jpeg)

File: 545e19d346668c1⋯.jpeg (223.31 KB, 1321x640, 1321:640, 55B4FC06-A7BA-4196-A8EF-0….jpeg)

File: 105f913563c1f5f⋯.jpeg (77.65 KB, 1294x205, 1294:205, BA44B96E-CC86-446B-A59E-8….jpeg)


did i say something that triggered ur shill meme? maybe this will help - see attached.

0ec805  No.5016695



ca3393  No.5016696


Leave it in i guess. A lot of people may have never heard about it. It does fit in with the current Sandusky dig.

56a843  No.5016697


Missing the point … looking for the elite symbolism. Checking to see who is still under their control.

e9b37e  No.5016698

Iraq to Adopt Bill Ending US, Foreign Adviser Presence in Country - Statement

The Iraqi lawmakers mull designing legislation that would terminate the security agreement with the United States, according to the deputy speaker of the Iraqi parliament.

The statement comes amid US President Donald Trump's recent comment on the situation in the country. In particular, the US president said that Washington wants to keep its forces in Iraq so that the US could keep a close eye on Iran "because Iran is a real problem," according to an excerpt from CBS interview with Trump that will be aired later on Sunday.

"One of the reasons I want to keep it is because I want to be looking a little bit at Iran because Iran is a real problem", Trump said in the CBS interview.

On Wednesday, Trump slammed the US intelligence as "extremely passive and naive", claiming that Tehran is destabilizing the Middle East and continuing to test banned missiles. In particular, Trump mentioned an Iran missile test last week and made an oblique reference to Tehran "coming very close to the edge".

The United States reinstated sanctions against Iran following the country's withdrawal from JCPOA in May. The first round of sanctions came into force in August, followed by a second round on 5 November 2018. All other parties to the nuclear deal have disagreed with the US decision.

A December announcement by Trump that all US troops deployed in Syria would be coming home — and reports of plans to cut the US Afghan deployment in half — has prompted effort by Trump's inner circle and Republicans in Congress to delay any withdrawal.

Members of Congress and Trump's White House advisers have attempted to walk back a presidential announcement that some 2,000 US troops in Syria would come home within a month, claiming the Daesh is not yet defeated.

According to CBS interview, Some of the forces moving out of Syria will go to Iraq, where they can monitor any resurgence of Daesh or other militant group and "ultimately some will be coming home", Trump said

The US-led international coalition conducts strikes in Syria against Daesh without the authorization from Damascus or the UN Security Council, while Baghdad has given its consent for operations on Iraqi territory.


b6ad85  No.5016699

File: 63a09775c9bab97⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 304x600, 38:75, dayzy.jpg)


between Catholicism and Islam, they pretty much cover all the bases for bad shit with kids….

4a49c3  No.5016700

File: f6adbf44bc0ddae⋯.png (277.12 KB, 587x353, 587:353, fb5d8b6692c8b7673dfef88139….png)

ca3393  No.5016701

File: c7b67d6caf2c077⋯.png (547.47 KB, 677x635, 677:635, ClipboardImage.png)

84c566  No.5016702

File: ac66f2265c36d9e⋯.jpg (357.75 KB, 1308x988, 327:247, Super Bowl LIII.jpg)

1167c2  No.5016703


maybe this northam fiasco has something to do with white dems getting ahead of the flood of exposure coming out soon.

What better way that to throw some whites under the bus for racism and promote black to powerful positions?

I wonder who the cabal endorsed for Lt gov virginia primary in 2013 when Northam and Fairfax faced each other?

e41efd  No.5016704

File: 618f659e4f1d6ec⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1913x1002, 1913:1002, Screenshot_588.png)


look how concerned!


a8ca56  No.5016705


And that ties in with my pic related how, exactly?


6b10ad  No.5016706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ive shown u plenty of screen shots. theres a hunch in this video - keep ignoring it tho and acting like i havent debunked ur faggoty ass 100x

84c566  No.5016707

File: 4a877e2ed6845b6⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1198x1228, 599:614, buttheysaid.png)

56a843  No.5016708


Missing the point … looking for the elite symbolism. Checking to see who is still under their control.

e6ed22  No.5016709

e9b37e  No.5016711


Huge amount of Rabbi's fucking kids too Fren

2cfcfe  No.5016712

File: d1af4f636291afd⋯.png (237.42 KB, 482x255, 482:255, 2019-02-03_15-35-45.png)


Can anyone fathom the amount of people these two scumbags, 'Slick Willy' and 'Crooked Hillary' will be taking down with them?

They will go down in the history books as the worse of the worst.

4a49c3  No.5016713

File: cbd75882787f3c4⋯.png (481.03 KB, 914x466, 457:233, d83325bbef6b94e366d21fb124….png)

4224e2  No.5016714


powerful meme

9e9401  No.5016715


I agree but once in a while I like to watch a game or two. I hadn't watched one online in a few years and it was damn impossible to find the last two conference games streaming.

b5e267  No.5016716

File: 0c4ecebae7f9882⋯.jpg (62.5 KB, 693x663, 231:221, 1540013829237.jpg)

4a49c3  No.5016717

File: 6946c7aaf040977⋯.png (91.8 KB, 205x245, 41:49, (MS)NBC.png)

6fd93c  No.5016718


lying POS

never a one

this is a video not a screenshot

keep lying anons know

5335bd  No.5016719

File: ef48ff22bdcca5d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 2851x2407, 2851:2407, US Gives China Eminent .png)

This might explain ff and gun control

The infancide

the bush and obama banker bail out

the assholes sold us out

4f186f  No.5016720


Don't be such a cock.

e9b37e  No.5016722

File: 5ba53f22b7cb2e1⋯.png (50.82 KB, 711x771, 237:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e25197ab5105c3⋯.png (184.88 KB, 718x866, 359:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f08798ad29f417⋯.png (32.03 KB, 724x483, 724:483, ClipboardImage.png)

GM to Lay Off 4,250 Salaried Workers in North America Starting Monday

General Motors will begin laying off 4,250 North American salaried workers Monday morning as part of a sweeping restructuring announced in November that includes the closure of five plants and the elimination of 15,000 jobs. The plan includes the destruction of 15 percent of the company’s 54,000 North American salaried jobs.

According to one press report, the jobs massacre will take the form of “rolling layoffs” that will continue until the end of the month. Three assembly plants—Lordstown, Ohio; Detroit-Hamtramck; and Oshawa, Ontario—along with Warren Transmission in Michigan and a propulsion plant in Maryland—are slated to close by the end of the year, devastating entire towns and cities.

One report said that GM management was determined to begin the layoffs before the company releases its fourth quarter 2018 and full year 2018 earnings reports on Wednesday, which are expected to show a drop in profits. This underscores the fact that Wall Street is cracking the whip on GM and the rest of the auto giants to press ahead with cost-cutting and stepped up attacks on the workers in order to drive up stock prices and the speculative profits of the banks, hedge funds and big investors. GM has said the job cuts and plant closings will free up $6 billion in cash, but the automaker has spent $10.6 billion since 2015 buying back its own shares in order to fatten the portfolios of the financial oligarchs.

The cuts have generated enormous anger and opposition among autoworkers in the US and Canada, who have never recovered from job cuts and concessions imposed with the collaboration of the auto unions as part of the Obama administration’s 2009 forced bankruptcy and restructuring of GM. The cuts will further impoverish regions in both the US and Canada that have been ravaged by decades of deindustrialization.

Last month, workers at the Oshawa assembly plant staged a five-hour sit down protest after GM CEO Mary Barra announced that she would not reconsider the decision to close the factory. Workers took the action independently of Unifor, terrifying the union officials and sending them scrambling to quash the rebellion.


b6ad85  No.5016723

File: a0d8ebb02c4bfad⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 275x201, 275:201, taarnamad.jpg)


o7 - but no Rabbi in this meeting.

common factor is religious leaders and clergy…

those we are taught to trust the most…..

a8ca56  No.5016724

File: 05d07cfe99ea7f8⋯.png (19.38 KB, 234x216, 13:12, classicblunder.png)


>derp, derp, derp

And ALL sportsball fans are YUGE HOMOS.

7b1e24  No.5016725

No sauced theoretical quandary:

What if the Super Bowl feed, generally the largest world wide audience of the year, was hijacked by whitehats to drop a moab of a video?

84c566  No.5016726

File: a4fcdaad9951355⋯.jpg (57.32 KB, 736x368, 2:1, bookerrussians.jpg)

a10e2b  No.5016727


We’ve got to play the religious game. It’s most likely part of the plan. These religious institutions must be taken down too.

31bcb3  No.5016729

I wonder sometimes if we miss the big picture, major union bosses taken out in PA. Is PA in play?


3:47 PM 02/01/2019 | US

Tim Pearce | Energy Reporter

Pennsylvania Democrats are worried about the short-term future of their political machine after authorities charged a Philadelphia labor leader with numerous counts of embezzlement, bribery and theft, Politico reports.

John Dougherty, the business manager of Philadelphia’s branch of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), and six other labor officials were indicted on 116 charges related to lavish misuse of union funds and buying influence with corrupt politicians, Philadelphia’s The Inquirer and CBS Philly report. (RELATED: Union Power: Police Clerk Literally Had To Go To Court To Leave Her Union)

The 159-page indictment was released by the federal court in Pennsylvania Friday. It details more than two years of FBI and IRS operations and raids launched against IBEW Local 98 offices, union officials and their homes.

Dougherty used union funds as his “personal bank account and as a means to obtain employment for himself, his family, and his friends,” the indictment says, according to The Inquirer.

“I got a different world than most people ever exist in,” Dougherty says according to the transcript of a 2015 FBI wiretap put in the indictment.

Dougherty has wielded significant influence across the battleground state, throwing the union’s power and purse behind politicians, largely democrats, running for local, state and national offices.

“I would argue they’re the single-most effective political organization in the state,” former Republican Rep. Ryan Costello told Politico. “They’re thinking five, six, seven steps ahead.”

For the One Great Idea project, John Dougherty, business manager of the IBEW Local 98, discusses a plan to feed the hungry in Philadelphia.

Costello lost his seat after Pennsylvania’s electoral map was redrawn by the state’s Supreme Court. Dougherty’s union was instrumental in placing three justices, including Dougherty’s own brother, on the court, Politico reports.

If Dougherty is convicted and taken out of the state’s political machine, the impact may ripple from Philadelphia’s local elections all the way up to the 2020 presidential race. Pennsylvania Democrats are worried that losing Dougherty will seriously cripple their ability to mobilize voters and funds against the GOP and President Donald Trump in the short-term, according to Politico.

“When people run for president, John’s on the list of people they call in Pennsylvania,” longtime political observer Larry Ceisler told Politico.

fd2ae6  No.5016730


For who?

4a49c3  No.5016731

File: dafd5a987ac0547⋯.png (252.72 KB, 403x538, 403:538, CabalBabyKillers.png)

5335bd  No.5016732


Sauce https://rense.com/general85/give.htm

e6ed22  No.5016734


My guess is selling ground-up fetus’ for adding into processed food but let’s hope I’m wrong.

ca3393  No.5016735


Sportsballers and actors. What don't they know.

6fd93c  No.5016736


then the broadcast would be worth watching

otherwise not

90f012  No.5016737

File: 251960391b166ac⋯.png (425.45 KB, 2740x1359, 2740:1359, Chad 4chan.png)

File: 728765829585ac4⋯.png (411.86 KB, 2740x1359, 2740:1359, Chad 4chan Obama.png)

File: fca9b6cd1c11095⋯.png (435.22 KB, 2740x1359, 2740:1359, Chad 4chan merchant.png)

File: f3096a5e7424d12⋯.jpg (120.61 KB, 1176x500, 294:125, Hunter Thompson Adrenochro….jpg)

File: 496515564c13b27⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 600x449, 600:449, Hunter Thompson knows too ….jpg)


HST was into snuff films even made some for the elite. He was at Bohemian Grove. There is a conspiracy theory that he was killed because he was going to talk about the Bushes, the Franklin coverup and 9/11.


p.s. Fresh virgin-chad memes tangentially related. Text is all the same. It fits.

Hat tip to anon from this morning who posted the 4chad half.

c95601  No.5016738


sure you don't know. stay on your side

db6fc3  No.5016739

File: 710cbfafa92e5e5⋯.png (441.74 KB, 644x372, 161:93, heart186.PNG)

e9b37e  No.5016740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch Judge Jeanine tonight talking about selling baby parts and legs and arms

Start at15 mins for Baby parts

b3100b  No.5016741


Not so

Good and corrupt exist in lots of different areas

The bad see the good and infiltrate and try to corrupt

Some resist the temptations to become corrupted

4a49c3  No.5016742

File: f76214d5e818f7e⋯.jpg (81.93 KB, 600x848, 75:106, SICK.jpg)

66ee87  No.5016743


At the take a knee halftime show…

22b299  No.5016744

NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry - Research Using These Lines is Eligible for NIH Funding

NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry - Research Using These Lines is Eligible for NIH Funding

396 individual clones exist for research.

f52ffc  No.5016745



1c52cc  No.5016746



They would attend the Super Bowl Watch Party at the Golf Club…

Schedule changed?


1bc179  No.5016748


Oh, anon, I got that bass riff goin' on now

DUH duh duh, duh duh, duh duh duh duh

heavy metal

38b47c  No.5016749

File: cf7371a26602d9a⋯.jpg (43.29 KB, 497x744, 497:744, vn213.jpg)

02d6f6  No.5016750

File: 1511930bc25ef60⋯.mp4 (13.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, KCKahVx7Sh48vsSt.mp4)

Video: Madonna and Superbowl Occult Symbolism

a8ca56  No.5016751


WTF are you talking about?

4a49c3  No.5016752

File: a479407d2697498⋯.jpg (173.84 KB, 817x828, 817:828, SYMBOLISM_WILL_BE_THEIR_DO….jpg)

6fd93c  No.5016753


wtf cares?

its legal in all 50 states

take it up with your legislature

they wont listen

they want the money too

aaa064  No.5016754


wow. that's an attention getting meme

6b10ad  No.5016755


u want me to go into a synagogue and ask the rabbi if i can look around??

Do they let gentiles do that?

U know how silly it is to say these verses dont exist. Its been known and proven to gentiles for generations. Keep lying and projecting tho- i like it.

For any shills (like >>5016718 and >>5016594

claiming that these verses do not exist - They are blatantly lying. In fact, there have been many countries that put the Talmud on trial, exposing the atrocious verses and demonic perverse thoughts of the rabbis. Often ultimately ended in a full on banning of the book.

Please research the Disputation of Paris in 1240, also known as the trial of the Talmud. The church was represented by a highly respected former rabbi, Nicholas Donin, who had converted to Chrisitanity and knew the contents of the Talmud.

Most of the trial focused on allegations regarding Talmudic teachings on Jesus and Mary (although other topics were discussed). When Donin asked the rabbis present if the Talmud, in fact, taught Jesus Christ was burning in a cauldron of excrement in Gehenna, one rabbi responded, "there were many men named Jesus who claimed to be the messiah. Is every Louis in France king?" I believe they call that, "Chutzpah."

The rabbis eventually went silent and refused to answer Donins allegations. The Talmud was deemed heretical and thousands of copies were burned. In the years following the trial, tens of thousands of jews converted to Christianity.

This was not the only time the Talmud was put on trial, but it is the most easily researched.

4a49c3  No.5016756

File: 1f9d5280c12f800⋯.jpg (205.15 KB, 576x384, 3:2, stripers_now_on_the_house_….JPG)

821549  No.5016757



What do you expect? He walks in a country where Christians are hated and just wait for any opportunity to kill him.

1665ce  No.5016758

File: 9d9bc6146f12654⋯.png (58.38 KB, 257x145, 257:145, 8f56a4446925b6f617b9f76b10….png)


What an amazing kid! So fantastic to see him be himself, not behaving like a trained model to be shown off at events like celebrity children tend to be these days.

They both look happy

Good for the soul. ThanQ!

4a49c3  No.5016759

File: 821da1fd4e8a907⋯.jpg (59.04 KB, 500x461, 500:461, NP.jpg)

4531c6  No.5016760


I thought about that, but then it opens the conversation to interpretation, and other folks muddying the theme with their own font choices, colors, etc. Instead just name the file something close… Trump Rosa Parks.jpg Let them look it up, or let others comment and say what it is. Let them only react to the photo, not the poster.

6fd93c  No.5016761


pathetic excuse

talmud is online in english

here is one link

already looked

your quotes are FAKE


1c52cc  No.5016762



Sorry, I see now they will return to the golf club around 6pm.

b0fffe  No.5016763

File: a729ecc8c391539⋯.jpeg (77.17 KB, 600x373, 600:373, CFA47DF8-B5A0-4788-94C6-1….jpeg)

22b299  No.5016764


Forgot sauce.


1167c2  No.5016765


the picture made the rounds last October, so Gillespie had to have known about it, but did nothing.

Which means, he wanted Northam to win.

which means he is complicit in the abortion law.

c95601  No.5016766

File: 80acb68c8cd6543⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 625x382, 625:382, GM recalled.jpg)

456c28  No.5016767

File: 2cb86183dda91f0⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 808x404, 2:1, jussiegrindr.jpg)

>>5015555 LB




Desperate faggots do despicable deeds.

fd2ae6  No.5016768

File: a8ddcbf0f502dce⋯.jpeg (119.47 KB, 800x1068, 200:267, plus_sized_nude.jpeg)

a10e2b  No.5016769


God I pray it’s true. In pennsyltucky it’s been hard watching time and time again of the Democratic Party pushing their agenda. Because of 3 areas in PA . Pittsburg,Philadelphia, and State College

6b10ad  No.5016770

File: 059913a45204e5e⋯.jpeg (164.96 KB, 657x1000, 657:1000, C2830401-5243-4CC3-942E-7….jpeg)

File: 3e3d834ee4ebaf1⋯.jpeg (90.2 KB, 487x750, 487:750, 3CCDA53B-5890-4F51-A8F7-9….jpeg)

File: cc94dab98a7130b⋯.jpeg (509.62 KB, 1242x582, 207:97, 89BC7D2B-A8B2-4E6F-B8A6-A….jpeg)

File: bce1dea139a5900⋯.jpeg (111.64 KB, 519x750, 173:250, 1823695D-7B9B-4FEF-AE20-1….jpeg)

File: feca01176a8bfda⋯.jpeg (174.18 KB, 881x703, 881:703, 759F2FE2-C7BB-4D9E-B84F-3….jpeg)


dont be such a cuck

6fd93c  No.5016772


>They are blatantly lying

yup you are

one screenshot debunks

KEK you are stoopid

bb1fdb  No.5016773


This makes me sick. Where did you find that image and what country is this from?

e0def0  No.5016774


Will remove. Ty.



This is already known info here, anon. How directly does it relate to our political work related to Q's drops?

4a49c3  No.5016775

File: 82b430afd51748f⋯.png (403.84 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NASA.png)

ca3393  No.5016776

File: 9a7aba40b405317⋯.png (640.3 KB, 927x970, 927:970, whatplantscrave.png)

e9b37e  No.5016777

File: b7863d084c6dab5⋯.png (186.04 KB, 714x768, 119:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f2c6e97d34b936⋯.png (57.55 KB, 716x824, 179:206, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19f3da041ad0014⋯.png (47.36 KB, 709x650, 709:650, ClipboardImage.png)

Does the US Provide Covert Support to the Islamic State in Afghanistan?

Last year, Russia’s seasoned Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused Washington of providing material support [1] to the Islamic State Khorasan militants based in Afghanistan in order to divide and weaken the Taliban resistance against American occupation of Afghanistan. The accusations were also echoed by Iran.

Referring to news reports [2] that unmarked military helicopters had touched down in known Islamic State Khorasan strongholds in Afghanistan, Lavrov alleged:

“Unidentified helicopters, most likely helicopters to which NATO in one way or another is related, fly to the areas where the [Islamic State] insurgents are based, and no one has been able to explain the reasons for these flights yet.”

Moreover, a news report leaked [3] in March last year, during the trial of the widow of Orlando nightclub shooter, Omar Mateen (image below right), who had killed 49 people and wounded 53 others in a mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on June 12, 2016, that his father, Seddique Mateen, was an FBI informant for eleven years.


54d4af  No.5016778


Pretty sure Billy and The Mouse "helped" her along her path.

4a49c3  No.5016780

File: c176e54d045b4fc⋯.png (470.95 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, LifeLog_Hart.png)

cd23ae  No.5016781

File: 6b3060a55dcb794⋯.jpg (23 KB, 480x319, 480:319, 40100557_10214408181611022….jpg)

File: e8ca0e7d17db7e2⋯.jpg (64.49 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 2016-10-07-a0e8536d_large.jpg)

File: 26d57576405fba7⋯.jpg (162.27 KB, 1024x1016, 128:127, DHov-GoV0AA7xXn.jpg)

File: 7990ca72a595465⋯.jpg (132.43 KB, 736x552, 4:3, trump427_zps09mynsfl.jpg)

File: 9ce0447217f03e2⋯.jpg (74.99 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DqW3RGJWkAAjoxF.jpg)

e2ed75  No.5016782


Or he is deep state and was told to stand down. Full control.

4f7dd3  No.5016783


As a huge former fan of Joe Paterno, I regretfully feel it is time for the university to stop serving an ice cream flavor with his name. This may sound petty, but it no longer is appropriate, or respectful to the victims of Sandusky.

Peachy Paterno must go!


4f186f  No.5016784

File: e59c3e93f71ff66⋯.png (147.89 KB, 799x554, 799:554, copypasta.png)

02d6f6  No.5016785

File: 429ed314fafe11b⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, sa9gDqVk82fZsgvd.mp4)

b0fffe  No.5016786


Truly good to see interaction.

0526e1  No.5016787

Must Read for PP origins

Book: Fleshing out Skull and Bones

Chapter: Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances (pg 281)


excerpts from chapter above…whole book is interesting, but since we are on a PP narrative that will be the focus.

Bush-Farish/Draper/Gray (devoted sections in chapter for each family)

*So many players connected through Eugenics-Hitler, Queen, Rockefeller, Vatican, Walker, Harriman, Thyssen, Dulles etc

BUSH AND FARISH _____________ WHEN GEORGE BUSH WAS ELECTED VICE PRESIDENT IN 1980, Texas mystery man William ("Will") Stamps Farish III took over management of all of George Bush's personal wealth in a "blind trust." Known as one of the richest men in Texas, Will Farish keeps his business affairs under the most intense secrecy. Only the source of his immense wealth is known, not its employment.3 Will Farish has long been Bush's closest friend and confidante. He is also the unique private host to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II: Farish owns and boards the studs which mate with the Queen's mares. That is her public rationale when she comes to America and stays in Farish's house. It is a vital link in the mind of our Anglophile President. President Bush can count on Will Farish not to betray the violent secrets surrounding the Bush family money. For Farish's own family fortune was made in the same Hitler project, in a nightmarish partnership with George Bush's father.

On March 25, 1942, U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold announced that William Stamps Farish (grandfather of the President's money manager) had pled "no contest" to charges of criminal conspiracy with the Nazis. Farish was the principal manager of a worldwide cartel between Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey and the I.G. Farben concern. The merged enterprise had opened the Auschwitz slave labor camp on June 14, 1940, to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal. The Hitler govern- ment supplied political opponents and Jews as the slaves, who were worked to near death and then murdered.


fd2ae6  No.5016788


Plz in much back hole…

2be921  No.5016789

File: a8d981b80720dee⋯.png (43.44 KB, 201x247, 201:247, Screenshot_2019-02-03 Q Re….png)

be4ea4  No.5016790

File: 1bee9272fb13b3d⋯.jpg (18.01 KB, 255x254, 255:254, showtime.jpg)


I'm watching it only for this reason, though the odds are surely against it.

Ya just never know with /ourguys/


25be0d  No.5016791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4f86d3  No.5016792


Is that Amy Schumer?

b6ad85  No.5016794

File: 7f89e24cdd0f666⋯.jpg (5.28 KB, 300x168, 25:14, hanover fist.jpg)


here is a Cabal egg Anon…

1167c2  No.5016795



It not only confirms Gillespie knew about the pic and did nothing to stop northam from winning because the establishment want abortion to remain law……

but more importantly, this confirms that RBG was near death before the election.

0ec805  No.5016796

File: 1fa56cc81b8d362⋯.png (336.14 KB, 667x842, 667:842, POTUS Schedule 2-1-19 7 06….PNG)



>They would attend the Super Bowl Watch Party at the Golf Club…

>Schedule changed?

Nothing has changed

e25c6b  No.5016797

File: 428c1fe7525e2b2⋯.png (30.22 KB, 1350x654, 225:109, Screenshot_2019-02-03 Wiki….png)

File: 6bf98cb6d4e9395⋯.png (23.05 KB, 1350x654, 225:109, Screenshot_2019-02-03 Wiki….png)

File: 9dcf252db6349ca⋯.png (58.87 KB, 1350x654, 225:109, Screenshot_2019-02-03 Huma….png)

File: 7b2dda0d323fee6⋯.png (49.49 KB, 1350x654, 225:109, Screenshot_2019-02-03 Inte….png)

File: 58e26b59dd475c2⋯.png (44.91 KB, 1350x654, 225:109, Screenshot_2019-02-03 In-C….png)

A couple of days ago a notable was the US FAST program for trusted travelers & the arrest of truck driver in Fentanyl bust

I think there is so much more to this VISA/TrustedTraveler/SAFE/FAST/NEXUS etc programs that allow cargo via land/sea/air to receive quick pass-thru w minimal inspection.

When looking over the CBP/DHS gov websites, something stands out

A majority of these programs were altered/changed after Trump sworn in & some programs such as Humanitarian Parole (Parole meaning access to U.S., I'll attach screenshot for this) eliminated completely after Trump

Also, I came across this email in Wikileaks about Haiti/HRC/Janet Napolitano/Dept of State/Orphans regarding Humanitarian Parole fast access & the orphans

Of course we are all aware of them illegally & desperately getting their hands on these children, but this email specifically mentions Humanitarian Parole.

Also, I'd forgotten Ted Turner personally offered to fly children out.

Reminder this email is ONLY 5 days AFTER the earthquake

They weren't even waiting to see if these children's parents could be found alive!

Sick Bastards!

25be0d  No.5016798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0526e1  No.5016799


BUSH AND DRAPER ___________ TWENTY YEARS BEFORE HE WAS U.S. PRESIDENT, George Bush brought two "race-sci- ence" professors in front of the Republican Task Force on Earth Resources and Popula- tion. As chairman of the Task Force, then-Congressman Bush invited Professors William Shockley and Arthur Jensen to explain to the committee how allegedly runaway birth-rates for African-Americans were "down-breeding" the American population. Afterwards Bush personally summed up for the Congress the testimony his black- inferiority advocates had given to the Task Force.22 George Bush held his hearings on the threat posed by black babies on August 5, 1969, while much of the world was in a better frame of mind — celebrating mankind's progress from the first moon landing 16 days earlier. Bush's obsessive thinking on this subject was guided by his family's friend, Gen. William H. Draper, Jr., the founder and chairman of the Population Crisis Com- mittee, and vice chairman of the Planned Parenthood Federation. Draper had long been steering U.S. public discussion about the so-called "population bomb" in the non-white areas of the world. If Congressman Bush had explained to his colleagues how his family had come to know General Draper, they would perhaps have felt some alarm, or even panic, and paid more healthy attention to Bush's presentation. Unfortunately, the Draper-Bush population doctrine is now official U.S. foreign policy.


455fe1  No.5016800

File: 2401de38a86b080⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, qclock_q_djt44wsdoitQwAnon….png)

File: 55e0a2543ab3744⋯.png (3.45 MB, 2991x2441, 2991:2441, qclock_q_djt(7)3x3blnkHFRO….png)

File: 6c5b5880d4366be⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1664x1664, 1:1, carpetbombsupdatedplusQ.png)

Thoughts on :44

1344 Penal code Bank Fraud.

:44 is the bombs away marker.

Minute time stamp from first Q post.

Minute marker for Post 55 The storm is upon us.

Red carpet event.

44 sub deaths at marker :44

There are a couple more that escape my recall at this time. I definitely an interesting marker (as is the mirror on :14).

KEKs with Feb 14/15 habbenings.

ca3393  No.5016801


Maybe after a hunger strike.

2997b7  No.5016802

File: e2f9e15f85087b0⋯.jpg (128.32 KB, 736x736, 1:1, ZFE Motion Speed Distances….jpg)

File: 6116ffb76d7d2ae⋯.jpg (115.5 KB, 1334x523, 1334:523, ZFE Behold The FE Pic.jpg)

fd2ae6  No.5016803


Goodness anon!

4a49c3  No.5016804

File: 4c56bd52a05d5ab⋯.gif (52.48 KB, 504x432, 7:6, SUPERB OWL.gif)

File: 104f28e12bbb906⋯.gif (155.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, illuminati-free-your-mind.gif)

074802  No.5016806

An activist who committed suicide received a death threat

February 3, 2019 5:16 PM Uncategorized

247 – Activist Sabrina Bittencourt, who reported sexual assaults committed by John of God and Prem Baba, and whose death was announced on Sunday 3, received death threats.

"I am being persecuted by this man named Paulo Pavesi," said Sabrina Bittencourt in a WhatsApp message to journalist Gilberto Dimenstein.

A few hours later, the journalist committed suicide in Barcelona, ​​Spain. His son, Gabriel Baum, wrote a message on social networks and confirmed the news.

But according to Dimenstein, Sabrina stated that a guide who works at Casa Dom Inácio de Loyola "scored several of João de Deus' professional assassins."

"I have received daily information from Sabrina, with whom I spoke on the phone, about her investigations, "said Dimenstein on the Ratraca Livre website.

The group Victims United published a note deploring the death. scored by Sabrina Bittencourt.

The group Victims United announces with regret the death of Sabrina de Campos Bittencourt which took place around 9 pm on Saturday, February 2, in the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain, where he was living now.

We ask everyone not to try to contact a family member and prevent them from asking painful moments questions at this difficult time. Two of Sabrina's three children still do not know what happened and her father, Rafael Velasco, tries to protect them.

We still have no information on the wake location, not even where it will be buried. Sabrina will never be forgotten and we will continue, with the same stamp, to defend minorities, especially women who are victims of machismo every day.

Thank you for your support.

Maria do Carmo Santos


6b10ad  No.5016807

File: 4d8d27c3310492b⋯.jpeg (219.96 KB, 640x1162, 320:581, 4B9AC9EE-4351-4BE3-9C15-5….jpeg)

File: a94bf34046c9820⋯.jpeg (974.8 KB, 1242x1638, 69:91, 28033BFA-8E89-4F31-8A3D-1….jpeg)

File: db379c417ae05ad⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1847, 1242:1847, 456E1332-64D7-480E-9F2D-F….jpeg)

File: 234ff895a145db9⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1865, 1242:1865, 9B28DEA4-AE37-42B4-A2FA-B….jpeg)

File: eef0065c758ee8d⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1242x1830, 207:305, 2E52F624-56A5-4824-BA29-F….jpeg)



Keep lying faggots - u mossad homos hate the truth because it exposes you. I learned most this stuff from listening to the words spoken by Jesus… and much facts support him.

its been proven they have changed and released goyim versions of the talmud - heavily censored ans changed.

I only trust gentiles who have translated it from hebrew themselves… like Michael Hoffman

0526e1  No.5016808


BUSH AND GRAY ____________ The U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT says that surgical sterilization is the Bush administration's "first choice" method of population reduction in the Third World.34 The United Nations Population Fund claims that 37 percent of contraception users in Ibero-America and the Caribbean have already been surgically sterilized. In a 1991 report, William H. Draper Ill's agency asserts that 254 million couples will be surgically sterilized over the course of the 1990s; and that if present trends continue, 80 percent of the women in Puerto Rico and Panama will be surgically sterilized.35 The U.S. government pays directly for these sterilizations. Mexico is first among targeted nations, on a list which was drawn up in July 1991, at a USAID strategy session. India and Brazil are second and third priorities, respectively. On contract with the Bush administration, U.S. personnel are working from bases in Mexico to perform surgery on millions of Mexican men and women. The acknowledged strategy in this program is to sterilize those young adults who have not already completed their families.

Quite aside from moral considerations, legal questions would naturally arise, which could be summed up: How does George Bush think he can get away with this? In this matter the President has expert advice. Mr. (Clayland) Boyden Gray has been counsel to George Bush since the 1980 election. As chief legal officer in the White House, Boyden Gray can walk the President through the dangers and complexities of waging such unusual warfare against Third World populations. Gray knows how these things are done. When Boyden Gray was four and five years old, his father organized the pilot project for the present worldwide sterilization program, from the Gray family household in North Carolina. It started in 1946. The eugenics movement was looking for a way to begin again in America. Nazi death camps such as Auschwitz had just then seared the conscience of the world. The Sterilization League of America, which had changed its name during the war to "Birthright, Inc.," wanted to start up again. First they had to overcome public nervousness about crackpots proposing to eliminate "inferior" and "defective" people. The League tried to surface in Iowa, but had to back off because of negative publicity: A little boy had recently been sterilized there and had died from the operation. They decided on North Carolina, where the Gray family could play the perfect host. Through British imperial contacts, Boyden Gray's grandfather, Bowman Gray, had be- come principal owner of the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Boyden's father, Gordon Gray, had recently founded the Bowman Gray (memorial) Medical School in Winston-Salem, using his inherited cigarette stock shares. The medical school was already a eugenics center. As the experiment began, Gordon Gray's great aunt, Alice Shelton Gray, who had raised him from childhood, was living in his household. Aunt Alice had founded the "Human Betterment League," the North Carolina branch of the national eugenical sterilization movement. Aunt Alice was the official supervisor of the 1946-47 experiment. Working under Miss Gray was Dr. Claude Nash Herndon, whom Gordon Gray had made assistant professor of "medical genetics" at Bowman Gray Medical School. Dr. Clarence Gamble, heir to the Proctor and Gamble soap fortune, was the sterilizers' national field operations chief.


b6ad85  No.5016809

File: ae5c567c8cd29cc⋯.jpg (103.37 KB, 800x337, 800:337, wtf3.jpg)

c95601  No.5016810

File: ea058ad849a975a⋯.jpg (51.1 KB, 775x452, 775:452, MASA.jpg)

25be0d  No.5016811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4a49c3  No.5016812

File: 1daaa60d608876c⋯.jpg (18.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, OBAMA_TRUMP_TOWER.jpg)

8ad84b  No.5016813

File: 6a893af10ea1fc3⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1182x892, 591:446, 6a893af10ea1fc3235c91a1515….png)

File: 4dc0d6ac4db61f3⋯.png (230.5 KB, 588x465, 196:155, Screenshot_2018-07-21 Medi….png)

aaa064  No.5016814

File: 5d1455e1b6f5f18⋯.jpg (273.16 KB, 1859x1127, 1859:1127, _20190203_151525.JPG)

1665ce  No.5016815

File: 06ea8b0b1d4bf9f⋯.jpeg (8.62 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 06ea8b0b1d4bf9fdecb558027….jpeg)


Godspeed patriots

e0def0  No.5016816

>>5016576, >>5016745

A few days old, noted before? Don't remember seeing it.

e9b37e  No.5016817

File: 38556c61803e118⋯.png (340.63 KB, 603x372, 201:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bb679500deb48b⋯.png (83.99 KB, 696x850, 348:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0335091a70746d⋯.png (32.71 KB, 719x742, 719:742, ClipboardImage.png)

South Dakota Passes Constitutional Carry, New Governor Noem Signs Bill

On January 31, 2019, Governor Kristi Noem signed her first bill into law. The bill was SB47, South Dakota Constitutional Carry. From sd.gov:

Governor Kristi Noem today signed her first bill into law. SB47, which Noem signed today, will further protect the Second Amendment rights of South Dakotans by allowing constitutional carry. The bill will go into effect July 1, 2019.

“More than 230 years ago, the Founding Fathers of our country penned the Constitution that has since laid the framework for centuries of policies. They so firmly believed in the importance of the freedom to bear arms that they enshrined it into the Constitution’s Second Amendment,” said Noem. “This constitutional carry legislation will further protect the Second Amendment rights of South Dakotans.”

The bill passed extremely rapidly. I was impressed. The South Dakota legislature kept their word. Governor Noem kept her word. Bill SB 47 passed on 22 January, 2019, in the Senate. From argusleader.com:

PIERRE — A bill allowing people to carry concealed handguns without a permit has passed the South Dakota Senate.

Senate Bill 47 will now go to the South Dakota House for consideration after the Senate passed the measure, sometimes called “constitutional carry,” in a 23-11 vote after an hour of debate on Tuesday afternoon.



0cba4c  No.5016818


That’s not a good link for anon’s claim. Needs proper link/sauce

4531c6  No.5016819


These are amazing, but also combative. They instantly know you disagree with them. The beauty in not captioning it is the time it takes them to understand what is happening.

4a49c3  No.5016820

File: 4ffbfe5355779e8⋯.png (414.53 KB, 800x400, 2:1, SOROS_NFL.png)

File: 6bb33097f6ca9ea⋯.jpeg (44.07 KB, 768x384, 2:1, SOROS_NFL2.jpeg)

4f186f  No.5016821


Poor Johnny Non-Mates.

be3989  No.5016822

File: b4d9599e4a74617⋯.jpg (83.25 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Kushner666Cool.jpg)

File: cfea4ab960b3448⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 693x500, 693:500, KushnerBCLawyer.jpg)

File: 60d6df5c2646f01⋯.jpg (44.11 KB, 437x445, 437:445, KushnerEndIsNear.JPG)

File: af74f0cb386c4b5⋯.jpg (50.5 KB, 402x344, 201:172, KushnerLBlack.jpg)

File: 9a3e5a6acde6d7c⋯.jpg (32.72 KB, 597x213, 199:71, KushnerLBlackTalmud.JPG)


Break out your talmud kike, and prove him wrong.

af5c1d  No.5016823

File: 07b89b391cd4d56⋯.jpg (7.93 KB, 201x251, 201:251, images.jpg)



Damn good question, anon…

556862  No.5016824


>Why couldn't Bongino confirm it back in October when it was making the rounds?

Excellent question

f0ad97  No.5016825


the one thing I still don't get about declas is this 'dark knight' esque silence for the good of humanity crap.

Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)

Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

like wtf that is whole the idea^

especially as long as that's what they hold then they -should- all then be challenged public or not regardless.

really even more so for perpetuating the cycle.

c95601  No.5016826


anon asked for birthday bewbs

request granted

f4525a  No.5016827


Guess I missed it…. Just popped up on my newsfeed

b3bd46  No.5016828


Ms. Denise Fairbanks is one of those victims. From the age of 13 she was being forcibly raped by her father, she was than impregnated at age 16 and forced to get an abortion. She told the staff at Planned Parenthood that her father was forcing her to have sex and they did not even bat an eye! They did not comply with the mandatory reporting procedures. After the forced abortion, they sent her home with the vile and disgusting rapist father. She was abused for another year and a half after that. The only reason she was able to get out of the abuse was from a report filed by Ms. Fairbanks basketball coach, which in turn put that animal behind bars.

Denise Fairbanks did end up suing Planned Parenthood in May of 2007. Denise Fairbanks v. Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region was the case. What Ms. Fairbanks had the courage to do in Ohio made everything better for minors and rape/incest victims in these situations. Here are some outcomes from this case.

In another case, a 12-year-old girl was brought into a Planned Parenthood by her foster brother, who was also her rapist. The staff never contacted the authorities nor did they contact this young girls foster parents either, as a result of this negligence, that poor girl went home with her rapist yet again and endured abuse again. Nothing has come up about this case, so not sure if this victim is still in this abuse.

And yet another case, George Savannah brought his daughter in three different times. Three times this monster brought this girl in because he had impregnated her. He brought her into the same clinic all those times to destroy the evidence of his heinous crimes. They kept seeing this man bring his daughter in and they didn't even stop to think that this could be a problem in the slightest. None of these incidents were ever recorded so of course the abuse continued.

91862a  No.5016830

File: 0ec817234a6a167⋯.jpg (59.16 KB, 640x400, 8:5, AP19034031861350-640x400.jpg)

Israeli web company Wix.com betting big with Super Bowl spot

Website platform firm pays millions for 30-second ad that will be seen by over 100 million Sunday night


So this is what we're allowing now?

Who's next?

People don't even realize what they're doing, kek.

1167c2  No.5016831


somebody is talking to satan or how could you make a deal with him unless you talk to him?

b6ad85  No.5016832

File: 84c37dd7f23fde2⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 568x304, 71:38, abynrml.jpg)


ice cream?



84c566  No.5016833

File: a2573a531caf23f⋯.jpg (169.61 KB, 798x1292, 21:34, i'lltellyou.jpg)

4a49c3  No.5016834

File: c42ec305c1206ba⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1375x1073, 1375:1073, WHAT_IS_BLOOD_LIBEL.png)

008574  No.5016835

File: 26ac12a75c7a110⋯.jpg (28 KB, 414x242, 207:121, 3173.0.JPG)

File: f6dfed3c0c49e2d⋯.jpg (209.08 KB, 1211x762, 1211:762, 3173.1.JPG)

File: 071f0efe78b9627⋯.jpg (266.88 KB, 1205x764, 1205:764, 3173.2.JPG)

File: 31239c78ef85426⋯.jpg (279.22 KB, 1206x764, 603:382, 3173.3.JPG)

File: ace121c2da485f8⋯.jpg (215.66 KB, 1207x766, 1207:766, 3173.4.JPG)

Here we go again!!!

General Locations — London…what is going on here?

2 pages – total 8 pics.

Page 1 of 2….

e25c6b  No.5016836

File: fab097809d43432⋯.png (454.67 KB, 1350x654, 225:109, Screenshot_2019-02-03 Man ….png)

Oh, and did you see this about man who died in Mexico, visitor from South Korea, was murdered & sent home missing his brain stomach & heart?

Can you say organ trafficking?

https: //www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/missing-organs-dead-man-mexico-brain-stomach-heart-south-korea-a8756816.html

f6f4ab  No.5016837


I think this is a marker on the map. This mean that MI6/SIS as been clean……

But this is just pure speculation on my part.

008574  No.5016838

File: 7cf765662c21b66⋯.jpg (159.47 KB, 1205x757, 1205:757, 3173.5.JPG)

File: f8741a7eb689693⋯.jpg (176.38 KB, 1207x762, 1207:762, 3173.6.JPG)

File: f9177cb70439120⋯.jpg (191.47 KB, 1203x762, 401:254, 3173.general area.JPG)

Here we go again!!!

General Locations — London…what is going on here?

2 pages – total 8 pics.

Page 2 of 2

291a6d  No.5016839

File: 6fcc70429e74b4f⋯.jpg (297.8 KB, 869x496, 869:496, f2f.jpg)

part of a longer decode if you want to see it here https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1092158357245313024 - but note from Alex Podesta's Facebook post of Face to Face - which predates Q's mention of Face To Face - These are the comms they use to hide instructions in plain site.

a10e2b  No.5016840

File: 1701e22d3a9e644⋯.jpeg (17.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, EA367482-4067-4D69-8496-4….jpeg)

3a4350  No.5016841

File: 04f395abb134f8f⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 3193x720, 3193:720, back to the futures.jpg)

5335bd  No.5016842

File: e244e7902286f8b⋯.jpg (277.09 KB, 1431x1086, 477:362, ea448eb54560396b2c6c28c1f7….jpg)

1c52cc  No.5016843


Already corrected.

See: >>5016762

f0b2b4  No.5016844



What makes a movie GOOD?

GREAT actors?


8ad84b  No.5016845

File: e5af5c2f158e771⋯.jpg (84.52 KB, 766x948, 383:474, e5af5c2f158e771782d6350a14….jpg)

Sabbati Zevi was excommunicated.

His disciples of inversion are everywhere.

We're going to get them all.

b9d479  No.5016846


>General Locations — London…what is going on here?

They are sliding us, that's what.

09a9ae  No.5016847


all tied together

sandusky foundation

clinton foundation

lanny davis the guardian of the pedo in the keystone state

sandusky amde money from foundation

waht about nonames operation smile ?

all tied together … PP drinking young blood

sprit cooking molech and was 2 miles at penn state to enemimes 8th mile to the island

lenny davis now cohens attorney ?

davis more interested in ptotecting clinton or cohen ?

6b10ad  No.5016848

File: 93062519f0a5b9b⋯.jpeg (107.34 KB, 570x463, 570:463, C45BAE9F-65D6-4985-8BEF-4….jpeg)

File: f441e37bc06bc7a⋯.jpeg (582.41 KB, 1066x1528, 533:764, B00B53BC-CE19-4DE9-A658-4….jpeg)

File: b81cdb635166c54⋯.jpeg (1.94 MB, 3104x2848, 97:89, F6A6347B-98A1-427D-AA18-0….jpeg)

File: 92cb51805282128⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1242x1596, 207:266, F1B0770A-3773-4071-AA5D-6….jpeg)

File: eff5c078d4ba8f0⋯.jpeg (2.13 MB, 3040x3560, 76:89, 9CCE6ED6-3E85-4A59-87A2-B….jpeg)


Top notch projection - u use the same meme every bread that tries to ridicule me for posting the same memes…

except mine have much moar info than yours.

4f186f  No.5016849


Well I realize the only way to counter this bollocks is to ridicule Johnny no-mates and his bad ideas. Like Mel Brooks, we must realize that when people laugh at them they become impotent and ridiculous, as they deserve.

1bc179  No.5016850


Saw that in theatre when I was 14

and baked

2cfcfe  No.5016851

File: f5f87e8f714e8cb⋯.png (477.78 KB, 453x517, 453:517, 2019-02-03_15-51-08.png)

File: abf18878e6101e0⋯.png (312.69 KB, 432x519, 144:173, 2019-02-03_15-54-17.png)


The people we elect to manage our hard earned tax dollars.

They don't even try to hide it anymore!

fb153d  No.5016852

File: 663b4603ec9f0b7⋯.png (393.53 KB, 471x570, 157:190, ClipboardImage.png)

Even this young child protects her infant sister.

Powerful…where did the adults go astray?

The answer is simple — follow the $$. It ALWAYS leads back to Planned Parenthood or the Clinton Foundation.


821549  No.5016853


Stop sliding the bread pls. These coords do not mean anything. The same shit also happened two weeks ago. Don't fall for it.

84c566  No.5016854

File: 971d675dba9b120⋯.jpg (654.71 KB, 2000x1396, 500:349, relleaders.jpg)

5335bd  No.5016855


Sorry guiz forgot to put spoiler

02d6f6  No.5016856

File: a6fb184216960de⋯.png (78.33 KB, 252x203, 36:29, a6fb184216960de1a00ef78690….png)


I saw the articles this morning about him not wanting Barron to play football, and my first thought was "here come the TDS rotten liberals with attacks on POTUS and son".

They are so vile and sickening and dumb.

btw, saw a short video clip of Barron the other day….he has grown so fast! He is almost, if not as, tall as his dad!

1c52cc  No.5016857

File: ca5f5f1494309da⋯.png (787.88 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, xTPscvn.png)

2997b7  No.5016858

File: 829bdb4d88e7fa9⋯.jpeg (83.84 KB, 450x452, 225:226, YJ Jews Behind Open Immig….jpeg)

File: 5d6c7bcefd01805⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1022x1024, 511:512, YJ I Mongrelizing The Race….png)

25be0d  No.5016859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe9fdf  No.5016860

File: a42c67a301ed282⋯.jpg (214.8 KB, 594x473, 54:43, seth_rich.jpg)

Doctor who treated Seth Rich tied to the Podesta's.


c95601  No.5016861

File: 760fe6b2527103a⋯.jpg (37.9 KB, 236x354, 2:3, Van Halen Belts.jpg)

07bdbf  No.5016862


Costa Rica 3pm > Germany 11pm

afternoon, sunny > night, dark

explain this on a flat earth!!!! Ball or GTFO!!

b2f999  No.5016864


Bongino couldn't confirm the individuals in the photo were Northam. It's impossible with the face paint and hood, so Northam can deny it and say the yearbook staff made a mixup when posting that the photo included Northam.

Plausible deniability. But the court of public opinion will dictate the outcome for Northam.

733abf  No.5016865

technocracy rising

Oh, boy

b9d479  No.5016866


Barron plays soccer and is 13. Its not likely he would change sports at that age anyway.

eec578  No.5016867

File: 135ad7574a0eb65⋯.jpeg (260.08 KB, 1440x1450, 144:145, 1527873666.jpeg)

9f4641  No.5016868


What aborted 3rd trimester babies look like. About 20 of them times 100K each. About 1M in profits. Truly sickening

4a49c3  No.5016869

File: bd0f629f72f976c⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 584x600, 73:75, be5a25a2a0f1e0169cd247c165….jpg)

a10e2b  No.5016870


Heavy Metal an all time favorite. Especially Taarna the Tarakian defender

6e4c3d  No.5016871

POTUS Executive schedule leaked


2c40ec  No.5016872

>>5015524 (pb)

Tran just has that “Cunt look” about her.

e0def0  No.5016873

Notes so far

Baking came in mid-bread, plz call 'notable' for any I missed. ty!


>>5016722 GM to lay-off 4,000+ North American workers

>>5016671 TGP/FoxNews: Jordan on Bruce Ohr, 13 mtg's w/Steele→FBI

>>5016620 SFgate claims tip re: Northam pic came from "concerned citizen"

>>5016576 Hope for leafcucks: 2015 election illegitimate bc "interference?"

>>5016560 @Pompeo: United States applauds @Pontifex arrival in UAE

>>5016303 TX: Migrant child-rapist given 60-yr. sentence

^^Baker change^^

>>5016377 Glenn Greenwald: One of the few journalists with integrity.

>>5016372 List of adrenochrome vendors.

>>5016289 Top five US banks and their derivative holdings.

>>5016276 POTUS Schedule update: Arrival - Mar-a-Lago.

b6ad85  No.5016874

File: 5ad28ce44347b97⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 242x418, 11:19, dayzee.jpg)


funny how it fits things today, ain't it?

0cba4c  No.5016875


TY. And that’s in 2012.

25be0d  No.5016876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

db00ac  No.5016877

File: 684bd6102273bc0⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1785x1131, 595:377, ClipboardImage.png)

84c566  No.5016878

File: 81d970fbc21dc07⋯.jpg (86.6 KB, 655x393, 5:3, 170620-real-life-robinson-….jpg)

bb1fdb  No.5016879


Except the blackface dudes pants look exactly the same as the ones he's wearing were you can see his face.

988bbf  No.5016880




Baker it looks like the derivative pdf is a broken link.

25be0d  No.5016881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aaa064  No.5016882



i just threw up in my mouth a little bit

these people are sick

b6ad85  No.5016883

File: 40b6624a2bf9bd1⋯.png (363.38 KB, 635x347, 635:347, frog machine.png)

b9d479  No.5016884


The fact that they are publishing leaks late on a Sunday means Monday will be crazy. They are preempting something.

7259e3  No.5016885


That's a MSM slide to distract us.

f4fab1  No.5016886


{52.123324° N, 1.978253° W} BBC Academy A44 Evesham

{51.505628° N, 0.125183° W} Whitehall palace, London

{51.517530° N, 0.110227° W} 2 Dyer's Buildings, London, London, EC1N 2

{51.418476° N, 2.222978° W} Corsham, Wilts

{52.367253° N, 0.229828° W} 91 Ermine Street, Little Stukeley, Cambridgeshire, PE28 4

{51.250165° N, 0.304362° W} Zig Zag Road, Mickleham, Surrey, KT20 7

6b10ad  No.5016887

File: 0f5204f16424e50⋯.jpeg (39.36 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 33959921-5CD7-4437-8351-0….jpeg)


You should read the global notables or the welcome page if you’re triggered by the JQ.

Don’t forget to make a couple post to make you seem anon - while u ignore the fact that anons have always discussed JQ. Then use the rest of your posting to shame anons for posting JQ.

84c566  No.5016888

File: b1f7a7cc413afc5⋯.jpg (120.97 KB, 656x532, 164:133, iu.jpg)

e0def0  No.5016889

>>5016818, >>5016880

Link for what, anon? Which notable?

2997b7  No.5016890

File: d6b8a33f72426c8⋯.jpg (68.87 KB, 580x587, 580:587, AAM Pol Immigration Facts.jpg)

File: 6b4549f3a0f3721⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 493x616, 493:616, AAM Pol Immigration Info.jpg)

f0b2b4  No.5016891

cd4835  No.5016892


jDate profile pic

2bdbef  No.5016893

File: bd50049f46e491a⋯.png (370.4 KB, 627x690, 209:230, Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at ….png)

These morons are being fed lines to make them look as stupid as possible. I swear.

37bfe2  No.5016894

File: 178e1054fbf574c⋯.jpg (219.65 KB, 1072x749, 1072:749, SmartSelectImage_2019-02-0….jpg)


25be0d  No.5016896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6d3c1c  No.5016898

File: 73c169db89cbe03⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, WeCan'tStopHereKillary.png)


Updated with Killary head and text.

2cfcfe  No.5016899

File: 891eb5bfe4a2188⋯.png (558.21 KB, 910x1146, 455:573, 2019-02-03_15-58-55.png)


Blame it on the evil 'skippy'?

95a05b  No.5016900



C.F.R. membership lists are very … Illuminating

d8e5dc  No.5016901


I don't know who the 'they' is that you are referring to, but if you are completely ignorant of this entire story line including the Franklin Cover-up, DeCamp's investigation, all the work over on the Voat site, this could be a chance to learn.

Start by looking closely at the picture from Alefantis' IG account of the little girl taped to the red table top.

Look closely.

See the 14 pieces of painter's masking tape pinnioning the child's arms to the table?

Her torso pressed tightly against the table immobilizing her?

See the hand position, shirt sleeves different from right arm to left?

Including the VERY different appearance of the left and right arm tapings?

You will see, Anon, that clearly 2 or 3 people were involved.

Now, POS Alefantis told Megyn Kelly on national TV that a young sibling did it all by herself.


Find me one single parent, anywhere, who believes a toddler would remain stationary while a sibling ripped off 14 pieces of tape - one by one - and then placed them on her arms.

One parent anywhere.

Now, Anon, go back and look into the eyes of that little girl taped to the table.

'They' will be thrilled when you simply turn away.

988bbf  No.5016902

25be0d  No.5016903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1bc179  No.5016904

Well, RandyQuaidAnon, if you're here, we spent hours digging on your Great Guacamole Machine/Texas SuperConductingSuperCollidor/Hadron Collider/Tesla Tower, and came up with some pretty good shit

be4ea4  No.5016905

File: 6c53c1733c83886⋯.png (25.28 KB, 201x241, 201:241, suicidewatch.png)


tanks anon, savd

e67291  No.5016906

File: 1b6cca606d2990b⋯.png (174.14 KB, 419x444, 419:444, mcmaga.png)


almost time for the game!

c95601  No.5016907





posted twice

aaa064  No.5016908



25be0d  No.5016909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4f186f  No.5016910


Poor Johnny No-Mates, master of the copy-pasta

What is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. - Hitchen's Razor.

2997b7  No.5016911

File: 22def8a62c3df5b⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 1024x820, 256:205, Pedo PedoBowling.jpg)

61789b  No.5016912



They literally follow and worship Satan.

The things they do to children and adults is worse than any horror movie. Texas chainsaw massacre is a reality sport for them.

The movie saw is a glimpse of how they spend their time. The movie surviving the game is how they spend their holidays.

Also see a Serbian film and a movie called Salo

They are so fuckin demented and evil you can’t even comprehend that a human could behave in such a fashion.

f955a0  No.5016913


plenty of ballast

5e35c1  No.5016914


Hopefully, one of the MOABS will address healthcare? Not only did the tax cuts hurt the middle class but health insurance rate hikes are out of control. This anon just received a 20% increase in health insurance, a 25% increase in homeowners insurance and a 17% increase in auto insurance. Unfortunately, wages did not increase anywhere near those percentages. POTUS needs to get the insurance business under control. Congress is worthless in that regard, as most are bought and paid for by the insurance companies.

4a49c3  No.5016915

File: d7967200599243c⋯.png (295.93 KB, 497x339, 497:339, Q17.png)

25be0d  No.5016917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6b10ad  No.5016918

File: cb38e87a80377fa⋯.jpeg (204.64 KB, 1242x472, 621:236, 2757DC40-D2EC-44F0-BBBB-4….jpeg)

File: bcf88d8bf13c6b4⋯.jpeg (926.17 KB, 1242x1675, 1242:1675, 4D2F5AEE-875F-48BF-A4CD-D….jpeg)

File: 1bb76eb6ed2e9ef⋯.jpeg (965.02 KB, 1242x1630, 621:815, 3180CF30-0975-458B-92A2-E….jpeg)


Blood drinking rituals is a Jewish thing, btw.

aaedb7  No.5016919

File: d98a9b844202c50⋯.png (496.71 KB, 540x685, 108:137, ClipboardImage.png)

38b47c  No.5016920


>It's impossible with the face paint and hood, so Northam can deny it

He already confirmed it. His handlers told him how to react should the pictures get released. All the Dims were told how to react. It was an insurance policy. Snag is, his handlers did not release it. A white hat did.Thus the confusion and backtracking.

6d33e9  No.5016921


Heiko Maas is a dirty lying coward fascist traitor dwarf. And that was the nice part of the description.

407bad  No.5016922

I’m outta here until the dead baby spam is over. I thought I could handle everything. I’d rather watch a guy get his head cut off with a chainsaw.

4264ef  No.5016923

Liquefaction is gonna be a big problem in CA within the week. Take precautions Anon's if you understand.

be4ea4  No.5016924


I completely agree, but lots of PG shit being spread around today. spoopin me out a bit, honey pot?

1c52cc  No.5016925

File: 78f1907a6b9492c⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1645x1019, 1645:1019, planned_parenthood_sacrifi….png)

25be0d  No.5016926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aaedb7  No.5016927

File: 83b99fcbad28960⋯.png (509.02 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

e0def0  No.5016928


Disgusting, I know. Shills gonna shill.

b3100b  No.5016929


Leaders like followers

Hence the expression

Lead follow r get out of the way

Leaders generally don't like people who think for themselves

In basic training, if a recruit says "I think. . .

He will be met with a drill sergeant an inch from his face tellin him that the army doesn't pay him to think

In communism, the first to be murdered are the thinkers

1167c2  No.5016930





eec578  No.5016932

File: 8818d4ba94ceeb3⋯.jpeg (102.88 KB, 1440x743, 1440:743, 1528896913.jpeg)

f7c74a  No.5016933

You are rich.

Your kid is sick.

Your kid needs a transplant.

You clone your kid into an embryo.

You implant that embryo in a surrogate.

The surrogate aborts late term.

You have a perfect match organ that will grow perfectly in your kid.

09a9ae  No.5016934


Super [B] OWL

66ee87  No.5016935


Sabu? Dat U? ;))))

d5924d  No.5016936

File: 97c0d2e5c134758⋯.jpg (47.02 KB, 640x376, 80:47, Devil s heaven.jpg)


moar pics on site

Devil’s Heaven – Watermill Center Summer Benefit


1167c2  No.5016937


02d6f6  No.5016938

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 3579a3323b4d752003c5b6166e….jpg)


lit's becoming comical at this point. Truly.

I even see it on Fox; all actors. Not 'journalists' or even 'reporters'' anymore.

Just actors.

And look at the purple….

5eca9b  No.5016939


Dammit sis! That cake was for the kids! You always do this!

25be0d  No.5016940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2997b7  No.5016941

File: 9a85aed80d5cece⋯.png (618.53 KB, 1239x682, 1239:682, AAM Pol Dems And Their Bel….png)

File: cede67d68a35134⋯.jpg (88.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, AAM Pol Dems Then And Now.jpg)

ad4cfa  No.5016942

Border Patrol Agent Dies in Line of Duty

Release Date: February 3, 2019

DEL RIO, Texas - On February 2, 2019, Border Patrol Agent Donna Doss died in the line of duty in Tye, Texas.

At 8:50 p.m. Saturday, Agent Doss, a 49-year-old Resident Agent, with the United States Border Patrol, in Abilene, TX responded to a call for assistance from Texas Department of Public Safety (TXDPS) trooper on the Interstate 20 frontage road. While on scene, she was struck and killed by a passing vehicle. Emergency Medical Services responded, but Agent Doss succumbed to her injuries at the scene. The incident remains under investigation by TXDPS.

Agent Doss served in the Border Patrol for more than 15 years and is survived by her husband, father, mother, two step-children, sister and two brothers.

Del Rio Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Matthew Hudak expressed his condolences to family, classmates, friends, and co-workers of Agent Doss.

“Agent Doss died while performing her duty, protecting the community and the United States. Our heart, prayers, and support go out to Agent Doss’ family in this time of need,” said Chief Hudak.

Agent Doss entered on duty November 3, 2003 as part of the 569th Session of the Border Patrol Academy and later graduated with Class 584 on June 6, 2005. U.S. Customs and Border Protection will continue to provide updates as appropriate.


91862a  No.5016943




Get the names of the buildings/owners and street view if possible. These show no specifics.

If you're gonna jump on a slide, at least go all the way.

Come back when you've completed mission.

4093a0  No.5016944

File: 736af4c1f562425⋯.png (237.37 KB, 1921x694, 1921:694, npc.PNG)

I hope the left over plays their hand during the super bowl and goes all out Anti-Trump/American in front of the whole world.

If I were on the Q team, I would launch false flags like this that are so outrageous it would make the sheep go Baaah when they see it.

Baaaah you knelled during my super bowl.. Baaaaah

8ad84b  No.5016945

File: ee72efffcf52aa3⋯.jpg (223.99 KB, 790x365, 158:73, May17_05.jpg)


I'm opposed to filters

0cba4c  No.5016946

File: 4150fbed24d9311⋯.jpeg (285.55 KB, 624x907, 624:907, EEAAE9BE-15CB-45CB-A38D-D….jpeg)


Also this OCC report Q3, 2018


222c90  No.5016947


I know what it is .. explain why CA and why within the next week, with sauce, please.

4a49c3  No.5016948

File: 8ac2813423af447⋯.jpg (159.6 KB, 670x381, 670:381, SYMBOLISM.jpg)

aaedb7  No.5016949

File: dde7afdf9daed85⋯.png (180.34 KB, 540x721, 540:721, ClipboardImage.png)

25be0d  No.5016950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6b10ad  No.5016951

File: dc95e102cdc979e⋯.jpeg (3.23 MB, 2700x2762, 1350:1381, B59A5D5D-BF48-4DD5-9091-1….jpeg)


occam’s razor

who does potus call the enemy of the people?

2997b7  No.5016952

File: 64a491e10de186f⋯.jpg (113.32 KB, 904x1280, 113:160, _B Double Perfection.jpg)

4531c6  No.5016953


Also amazing, but my first reaction was "what site did this come from!" "who are this person's sources?!" Instead of "I wonder why he is wearing that award?" and then searching on their own for their own answer. Don't interpret for them. Let them learn at their own speed. (thanks for listening!)

066ea1  No.5016954

File: 1719e6953530663⋯.jpg (49.07 KB, 504x346, 252:173, DvrooliUYAAmE6a.jpg-large.jpg)

0cd20c  No.5016955

File: 0cebc898d750303⋯.png (1.58 MB, 2619x1878, 873:626, ClipboardImage.png)

Side by side on the House/Senate's Planned Parenthood investigations

they BOTH referred PP to the FBI, and it seems like the FBI investigation is STILL on going

this is just about the ILLEGAL trafficking of fetal and baby parts, want to make one of the money and donations too

4a49c3  No.5016956

File: 774ee947e487cab⋯.gif (4.05 MB, 500x280, 25:14, POTUSzapsatroll.gif)

b0743b  No.5016957

File: 0ca3abd36c39737⋯.png (631.49 KB, 1018x549, 1018:549, magasnm.png)

be4ea4  No.5016958

File: 7abc03908b14f11⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 255x144, 85:48, whitehatinaction SMALL SIZ….jpg)


Cabin in the Woods also a good red pill for normies

b9d479  No.5016959


There are now twice as many troops at our border than stationed in Syria.

7ce6f5  No.5016961


Adding to the tax cut, about the local tax structure. In our city when the 10% tax cut was given by the Federal government, our city raised property taxes 10%. What a bunch of bull

db00ac  No.5016963

File: a240fb7b2385ab5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.31 MB, 1157x800, 1157:800, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16a19e46159402c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.41 MB, 1157x800, 1157:800, ClipboardImage.png)

25be0d  No.5016964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a8ca56  No.5016965


So, head back in the sand?

It's OK, anon.

Go watch your sportsball to take your mind off of it.

63f23e  No.5016966


silly faggot wutang is for the children. inbreeding is for the stumps.

eec578  No.5016967

File: ef4a74cca9ee900⋯.gif (27.51 KB, 650x804, 325:402, the_nose_knows.gif)

008574  No.5016968


I got you doing that, i can't do everything, this is Qresearch…If i did everything you wouldn't have anything to do…get to it and do some research!!!!

chop chop!!!!

1167c2  No.5016969


IF it is him, where are the witnesses.

appears to me that fakenews does not want to find any witnesses or we would be hearing about their investigative reporting by now.

It wouldn't take much to go ask some other kids at his school and find out.

I haven't seen anything on that front yet.

cnn is stuck on trump and border wall.

e6ed22  No.5016970


I wear mine daily..don’t care who it upsets. Kek just don’t care. I’m done being scared.

6d33e9  No.5016971


Johnjohn may be dead, but Carolyn definitely is not.

731d2d  No.5016972

File: 447172fcb115bd2⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 606x533, 606:533, 447172fcb115bd2b9bae8d7f16….jpg)

Any seconds?

Posible Godfather referring to AI?

Bengio, a professor at the University of Montreal, is considered one of the three "godfathers" of deep learning, along with Yann LeCun and Geoff Hinton.

Godfather 1 2 & 3


25be0d  No.5016973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2997b7  No.5016975

File: af62420a2eea142⋯.jpg (182.76 KB, 756x839, 756:839, AAM Pol Dems Slavery Then ….jpg)

File: f45b28c48ba622e⋯.jpg (151.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, AAM Pol Dems And The Klan.jpg)

8ad84b  No.5016976


you mean the sabbatean rothschilds and their masonic fronts don't you?


4264ef  No.5016977


Can't provide sauce. I believe message from God. Much Rain = Lubrication for faults. How long does it take water to get down to faults?

Just passing the word to believers.

25be0d  No.5016978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e0def0  No.5016979


>>5016663 Fox/Maria: Chief Deputy Whip Dem Kildee: "wall makes sense"

>>5016894 @Breaking911: 3,750 more troops to US border

>>5016722 GM to lay-off 4,000+ North American workers

>>5016671 TGP/FoxNews: Jordan on Bruce Ohr, 13 mtg's w/Steele→FBI

>>5016620 SFgate claims tip re: Northam pic came from "concerned citizen"

>>5016576 Hope for leafcucks: 2015 election illegitimate bc "interference?"

>>5016560 @Pompeo: United States applauds @Pontifex arrival in UAE

>>5016303 TX: Migrant child-rapist given 60-yr. sentence

^^Baker change^^

>>5016377 Glenn Greenwald: One of the few journalists with integrity.

>>5016372 List of adrenochrome vendors.

>>5016289, >>5016584 Top five US banks and their derivative holdings.

>>5016276 POTUS Schedule update: Arrival - Mar-a-Lago.

Ty for the assists, anons

baking soon

25be0d  No.5016980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

02d6f6  No.5016981

File: ff466fbe276bfcf⋯.png (448.41 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1424793470857.png)

1b853d  No.5016982

File: 9187467af6b2f95⋯.jpg (129.74 KB, 1128x635, 1128:635, Capture.JPG)

Watching those running 2020


eec578  No.5016983

File: 52d740dea9d82af⋯.jpeg (178.53 KB, 1440x1002, 240:167, 1531186643.jpeg)

f22536  No.5016984


… in pursuance thereof.

ad4cfa  No.5016985

I actually hate everything about the Superbowl. The hype, the fake, the commercialization. (((They've))) ruined it.

91862a  No.5016986


kek, I'm good..was all over those wine digs and as usual led to the tippy top.

wouldn't be surprised if this did the same, royals, bronfmans, roths, etc.

25be0d  No.5016987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4531c6  No.5016988


One other result I forgot to mention was how many 'profile clicks' I earned to my profile, yet no comments! They saw additional ideas by me. They YEARN to conclude I'm some racist, but instead they see lots of other ideas.

b5e267  No.5016989


Thanks. Website access seems to be blocked in Australia

4a49c3  No.5016990

File: 51a1030981d08ec⋯.png (676.32 KB, 1766x840, 883:420, SYMBOLISM__CRAFT_BEER.png)

8ad84b  No.5016991


no wonder blacks hates whites (((anon)))

c95601  No.5016992

File: 3bacc21c803c006⋯.jpg (30.59 KB, 600x400, 3:2, POTUS salute.jpg)

1665ce  No.5016993


Abortion will be returned into " seeding" or "harvesting" tissue unless definitive language is established about protecting everything to do with unborn children, including fetuses, because yeah, that's the ONLY THING IN THE WORLD that becomes a baby human. Recognize sovreighnty of life at conception.

1167c2  No.5016994


but it is not a crisis….

25be0d  No.5016995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

733abf  No.5016996


I know C

db6fc3  No.5016997

File: 21d24b686474a1d⋯.png (929.53 KB, 674x527, 674:527, cia48.PNG)

File: 1f3490281b09ec3⋯.png (636.32 KB, 574x567, 82:81, v6.PNG)

File: 3012e35774fbd20⋯.png (825.38 KB, 980x523, 980:523, cia300.PNG)

File: 2517fa8d07e7ab2⋯.png (122.42 KB, 469x473, 469:473, cia.PNG)

See something say something

25be0d  No.5016998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

960c27  No.5016999


Arrest right there?

e0def0  No.5017000


>>5016955 Side by side on the House/Senate's Planned Parenthood investigations

>>5016663 Fox/Maria: Chief Deputy Whip Dem Kildee: "wall makes sense"

>>5016894 @Breaking911: 3,750 more troops to US border

>>5016722 GM to lay-off 4,000+ North American workers

>>5016671 TGP/FoxNews: Jordan on Bruce Ohr, 13 mtg's w/Steele→FBI

>>5016620 SFgate claims tip re: Northam pic came from "concerned citizen"

>>5016576 Hope for leafcucks: 2015 election illegitimate bc "interference?"

>>5016560 @Pompeo: United States applauds @Pontifex arrival in UAE

>>5016303 TX: Migrant child-rapist given 60-yr. sentence

^^Baker change^^

>>5016377 Glenn Greenwald: One of the few journalists with integrity.

>>5016372 List of adrenochrome vendors.

>>5016289, >>5016584 Top five US banks and their derivative holdings.

>>5016276 POTUS Schedule update: Arrival - Mar-a-Lago.

6fd93c  No.5017001


deep fake talmud


"is that your final answer?"




25be0d  No.5017002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

55b24f  No.5017003


i like this idea

2997b7  No.5017004

File: 245536317027528⋯.jpg (902.51 KB, 1999x1821, 1999:1821, AAM Blacks Had It Better I….jpg)

File: 4552c26d92c2305⋯.png (214.28 KB, 684x535, 684:535, AAM Blacks Used To be bett….png)

5b734c  No.5017005


Recall GREENWAL SNOWDEN connection.

Was he duped by Snowden? Useful idiot to push Assange -> Snowden? Or is he white hat.


bb1fdb  No.5017006


Probably the most fucked up shit I've ever seen. Hate that I've seem it, but also glad that I did as it it just strengthens my resolve.

25be0d  No.5017007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b3100b  No.5017008


Devil's Heaven?

Wouldn't that be Hell?

9d4413  No.5017009

Patriots vs the Y Head Rams. Interesting to see what the cabal wants to happen. With the hate towards the Patriots going round, I'm guessing the Y-Heads win. Thoughts on the predictive programming they are selling today?

51a646  No.5017010

File: f6408b856605c59⋯.jpeg (13.88 KB, 255x221, 15:13, f6408b856605c593bb49ae90c….jpeg)

File: ffbf9a0c33a5744⋯.png (946.93 KB, 696x652, 174:163, ffbf9a0c33a5744d8adcd584ba….png)


I wear mine wishing a motherfucker would…

25be0d  No.5017011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

25be0d  No.5017012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61789b  No.5017014



Faggots, sports are fun as hell, unless you are an uncoordinated pussy.

Enjoying sports and engaging in sport by no means diminishes the mental capacity of a human being.

On the contrary, the more active and athletic a person is, can only enhance and stimulate the brain. By increasing oxygen and serotonin in the body, you naturally enhance the intellectual aspect of ones consciousness.

Sounds like you’re fat lazy pieces of shit, who is miserable in their life and tries to bring everyone down to their pathetic level.

Not habbening faggots

4f186f  No.5017015


You may be 100% correct. However you miss the plain fact that your shilling and repetitive spamming of a board that has nothing to do with your preferred subject matter is undermining whatever message you have.

One can only therefore assume your purpose here is something other than to stimulate dialog and inform.

There is a JQ board out there. Go to it. Find friends Johnny.

487e26  No.5017016

File: 24f454ce4eac6a9⋯.png (17.59 KB, 828x600, 69:50, 97d153e8a04ddec4529144162c….png)

25be0d  No.5017017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

25be0d  No.5017018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fdc7a7  No.5017019


She asks him "Are you saying you…(laundry list)…physical barrier…?" and he takes a huge breath, exhales while nodding then sorta shakes his head, says "Sure." That doesn't appear or sound very enthusiastic Mr. Kildee. Then again I'm no expert on body language.

c9735e  No.5017021

Proud to be among Patriots

Hold the line

Hopefully shit will hit the fan soon

0d2208  No.5017022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NASA scientists admits they're still trying to figure out how to send people through the Van Allen belt.

25be0d  No.5017023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

60917b  No.5017024


Bread and circus.

I don't believe the cabalmcares. Superbowl is sex trafficking paradise

db00ac  No.5017026

File: 057dbea61f49ab0⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1691x1818, 1691:1818, ClipboardImage.png)

4f186f  No.5017028


Luvvit, even the shill is using my memes.

I hope you notice they are spreading fast. All thanks to you. I appreciate your continued support.

25be0d  No.5017030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eec578  No.5017031

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

291a6d  No.5017032


np, pleasant view soon for many

4a49c3  No.5017033

File: f02133741dd432a⋯.jpg (76.52 KB, 599x337, 599:337, THE_WALL_JUST_GOT_HIGHER.jpg)

a10e2b  No.5017034


I believe it in flight toward the blades

55448e  No.5017035


Whats the consensus? Start harvesting owls? I want to go smash the old ceramic owls in my family's house. Fuck these owls.

25be0d  No.5017036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e464f3  No.5017037


Had the same thought. if the Rams win, i think it boils down to "Patriots Lose", a message to us and all patriots.

51a646  No.5017038

File: 44d2e218dc95ff6⋯.jpg (14.27 KB, 300x194, 150:97, s-l300.jpg)

File: ffde3490c3c9721⋯.jpg (102.37 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote-in-chicago-having-cr….jpg)

ab6af5  No.5017039


NASA = Need Another Seven Astronauts

7259e3  No.5017040

File: 190bdd0ef717384⋯.jpg (160.49 KB, 875x500, 7:4, van halen belts.jpg)

b3100b  No.5017041


So as it turns out,

They are the actual bullies!

1665ce  No.5017042


Abortion should only be used to define the natural failure of a pregnancy. Any outside operation that is performed to terminate it artificially is murder.

9d4413  No.5017043


True, but there is a reason the Saints weren't allowed to win, thus making the Y-Head Rams the opponent to the Patriots

25be0d  No.5017044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4f186f  No.5017045

File: 190cde44b744680⋯.png (519.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, MFWTrolling.png)

556862  No.5017047


That's a miscarriage. Nature's way

25be0d  No.5017048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9d4413  No.5017049


Exactly what I'm thinking

4a49c3  No.5017050

File: 26da95af7fa4e98⋯.jpg (208.24 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 16_YEAR_PLAN.jpg)

File: fc5ca22a395d5b7⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB, 720x720, 1:1, ROE.mp4)

db00ac  No.5017052


They are evil

b3bd46  No.5017053

File: a52b1a7831477f4⋯.png (48.25 KB, 622x680, 311:340, nycal.PNG)



6b10ad  No.5017054


U should cry moar.

So all the gentiles that translated straight from Hebrew and discovered these attrocious verses were lying?? sure thing pal.

U think anyone will trust the jew version of the story - when their talmud commands them to lie about it’s contents?? How stupid do u think goyim are? U (((faggots))) greatly under estimated our ability to discern… and now u will be exposed as the sons of satan because of it.

SHILL’s mew technique - boldly lie and say these verses don’t exist.


1. Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”

2. Abodah Zara 26b: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.”

3. Sanhedrin 59a: “A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death.”

4. Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

5. Libbre David 37: “If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false

explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death.”

6. Yebhamoth 11b: “Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age.”

7. Schabouth Hag. 6d: “Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.”

8. Hilkkoth Akum X1: “Do not save Goyim in danger of death.”

9. Hilkkoth Akum X1: “Show no mercy to the Goyim.”

10. Choschen Hamm 388, 15: “If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be

found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth.”

11. Choschen Hamm 266,1: “A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost

property (to Gentiles) sins against the Law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law. It is praiseworthy,

however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely, if by so doing, Christians will praise the

Jews and look upon them as honorable people.”

12. Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: “A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books

contain anything against them.”

13. Baba Necia 114, 6: “The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts.”

14. Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: “When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.”

15. Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by

beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.”

16. Aboda Sarah 37a: “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”

17. Gad. Shas. 2:2: “A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.”

18. Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT


19. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: “It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to

kill him even before he denounces.”

20. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: “All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which,

consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples.”

21. Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5: “How to interpret the word ‘robbery.’ A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women

slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy.”

22. Seph. Jp., 92, 1: “God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations.”

23. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: “When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same

Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile,

according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.”

24. Nedarim 23b: “He who desires that none of his vows made during the year be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the

year and declare, ‘Every vow which I may make in the future shall be null’. His vows are then invalid.”

0d2208  No.5017055


kek. I was off the board during the whole Van Halen belt discussion. Wondered wtf anons were talking about. Glad that dime finally dropped for me.

e2ed75  No.5017057


Nothing wrong with owls, take their symbolism back. Owls are a part of Gods creation.

c95601  No.5017058


knew that was coming

25be0d  No.5017059

but muh catalog is broke

e0def0  No.5017060

bb1fdb  No.5017061


Isn't the rams head a satanic symbol?

4a49c3  No.5017062

File: befadd04d990793⋯.jpg (59.43 KB, 975x600, 13:8, STUPID_DAYS_ARE_OVER.jpg)

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